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¦¦¦ ¦ ¦ - ¦ ¦' - - '¦*¦ r ~ '. • ' ,' • ' ,- , i. - - " ¦ f ; ' " .- ?, <? f ,- . ¦>" / ' A ' 4 4 ¦ s : - - ' — * ¦ A ' ' ¦ ¦ > ¦& MR O'CONNOR ' , . 'h ?-&*&-s^f ' S'^* • S* ^-& ^-- " --.- .. mm «o /» ft 1ft •? ^mmM. * I Dr\n *%«TM>ebs*k— . -ifciB*?Vtn bratehViHM«.Af. ae#t»At& onmtm. SundayQ*«kJlnk - evenin» n. ^ f g araii11 We have received "a long letter from Mt voted £bvto>the fund for the purpose of enabling AAV O'Connor to-defend his seat. (TComiov, but the lateness of the hour and Shoredittb-—At a meeting of this branch oftltll National Charter Association, held at tbe Gre<e« orC;:s of matter prevent its insertion this Gate, Dflcknoyroad, the following resolution vrnm adopted :—' That. it is fhe doty of every Jabourerep : nfck. whether Land mcinber or Chartist, to ass st A'A'i' in Parliamfor ent O'Connor- Jri^efi-ffldiDg his j&eat into that, a»m entered t^j ;;a sn^^plK^a^bs pttUf THE CHARTIST CAMPAIGN. \ W^^^&yxmt-Ssissday,January 29th, thin AN]) j^aw- 1 „__ ^c their own meetinni. NATIQIAL of 'ibbis - branch met in TRADED e thb; - i Jfdom ceJebrai IMPORTANT PUBLIC MEETING. 1- N? JmmM . , Crbss-street, Spring-street, to ^ ' Krih of Thomas Paiae, when an excellent tinneie- at 5 • public soiree was held the National Hall, I^k j 37- LONDON , , m^mm —" was provided. Air James Greenwood was called tetco , ¦ SATURDAY FEBR0A¦ ¦ v m!^ •, ^ T ' - — — — - #' RFO4" 8' Five SfiiHiug* and Sixpence per onarier ( the chair. After a nuasber of toasts had been giyenny, , on Wednesday evening, February the ii-5U Holborn Julian IIarset, who was received the remainder of the evening spent in sinsj ingg,;, plause with great ap- Metternich, en the wa*> a well-merited compliment to those , said : It is now snmetbiBg brink of the grave, is foaming self tof btain from the largest andience dancing, &c. On Monday a subscriptions '' nn to pay like ten years with rage, seeing, as he does work had , a that« could be The Chancellor of the ExcnKQUBR , in hia reply evening, Since that feV mhol of our political , his accursed handy unanimousresolution , as follows :— Resolved was entered into to thQ£E champions of the people's political and g faith, the Charter, already crumbling tO'tbe argumentsof the noble lord stated, that while defend Mr O'Connor's seat in faithful wa launched upon the into ruins- The Avante Garde oi that tky . are all fools.' (Loud laughter House ot Commons, The 2j . 4d. waasi stream of time. "*ln the the students « and the government was willing to grant the sum of£l. rii-hts, T. S. Duncombe, T. Wakley, and F. course of those years of Park proclaims the coming revolution great cheenng.) Now, as the Thief catch collected. spcial events have occurred which in France. eV'thet pa- committee, it was not its ihtention . to alter members of Parliament. unmistakably announce The British government, unable to meet per_ which engaged men of the most Boihh. ' O'Connor, At six o'clock the coming of that tiete its home difficulties profligate habits tho princi ple laid down by the act oL 1846, or —A public meeting of the members of thisff"' when our Charter shall be law-, , sees at the same time Canada as ita -contributors, in order to pander to the branoh met at tbe (Ti-ndlv number of Democrats of both sexes graced (Cheers ) Those preparing for another taking pamioi.8 ofthe worst to sanction the imposition of a tax Spon thO Methoefiat school-room, on Sa*ur-r« &a 2 ** who remember the awuggle, and Chartism people, had the insolence to ask what day evening, January , zeal and enthusiasm of nine or root in Ireland. community at large for the benefit of a particular 29ch for tbe purpose of hexr-- • hall with their presence. On Mr O'Connor en- ten years aeo, and (Cheers ) Democrats of London, me of ,he est of the Land ing a lecture from the the san guine hopes then cherished now is the time for /M, n "Mer money, he class. The concessions proposed to be mads to the Mr fl illiarn Thomas, of IvecOalJ,, by multitudes of action. You have the svmpatliies uvir^u Connor) having silenced that Subject : tering, he was greeted with the most enthusiastic young men, and still younger po- of the people of all pigmy battery colonies were, the admission of molasses-ib*use in 'The Land—man's inherent rwht.' Abb litician*, and contrasting those hopes with nations on your side. Your cause *Tm Me intere9ted with the the close, a vote of thanks Unfortunately, the long-standing the pre- is just, and your enemies rJf tlJZu & solution distilleries, but not in breweries ; also, of cane juice, was passed to Air Thomas's*• cheers. illness of sent position of the are in confusion. At such for his valuable lecture. popular movement may Iib in- ii moment the word must when the question ot the duty thereon should be ss- ' Duncombe prevented his attendance ; and clined at the first be—' TJf-Gihbds I—Up asb d 1T-leTe8t 1» had made upon tte Blackbdkw.—At our weeftJy meeting- on Sundayr yiX a glance to ask, what have we gained ? at them !' (Enthusiastic £npence2 ftot K ° ^ tislactonly adjusted,—the extension of the period ' Is the reward and prolonged cheering.) the peo p le. He made a profit of £1 night, onr ohairman, Mr Arm&tead similar cause, illness—though we trust only teinpo- achieved proportionate to the toil ex- The Chairman .350 for the repayment of tbe ' Hurricane' Loan,- to , read the a ppeal! pended ? Could I Speak then read the following senti- f 139 acre3 ; they had mtde a from the directors to the Land now, as I would havespoken ment : ° P'$t make a grant by way of loan to the Island of Tobago, members, to defctnt t rarT_preveuted the attendance of Mr "Waklev. ten nCrAnnT00 b theu 8a,e oi' their 1 years at-o, I should most likely greatly underrate a™«L profit ofrf ? 'ule3 J he had made in consequence of tbe losses occasioned by the earth- onr noble champion's (Feargtas O'Connor), seat ia 1 our r. S. nearly £i,O0O in the- Land Purchase De- Parliament. After a few The tables having been cleared, Mr Ernest Jones progress. But the man who has lived ten years, Duncombe, M.P., and Thomas "Wakley, partment quake of last year,—to provide means,., also by way brief remark", the meet-- and ia the M.P., may they ; he had made a profit ot nearly £4.000 of the of ine, to show an earnest of what spirit is in Blade- » called ta the chair, amidst enthusiastic cheers course of that tins learned nothing, has live long in the enjoyment of that ru bbisjh of loan , fot^ transport free negroes front the Tfas , been unrivalled and materials not valued ; and to come burn, immediately raised the sum of £12., which unworthy of his very breath. I have learned popularity whioh they have earned by directly coast of Africa to the colonies, and that a large portion 1 gr.d said : * As that great law-shop in St Stephen's, to e&timite the " their great to the question of the • Thief-catcher * was ordered to be posted on Monday to tho directars j j hamely proverb that ' Rome was exertions in the cause of justice, and ou!d of the expense contingent upon the transport o£ counters of which the people are sole not built in • may tuey continue to struggle on in the same noble tkat , da^ realise a Profi t of captured' and each and all agreed to try their several lie ditic-* across the , Is a day • and that a people uubjeeted to a *l*i ,0l)0n™, over and , negroes should be bom& by tho. mother > , thousand career Until their exertions ab>ve tho £i. Ha. 3d. country. and Chartist frierjda, to raise, if possible, a goodly'r" cpento-morrow,ffe are met to-night to cheer those years' misgovernment, cannot bo regene- , aided by those ol the interest paid npon to rated worldi g classrs, have that stock. Now that was some- The Bum mora. Let other branches of ths National Laca I in the space ofa single year ; and, thoughtfully given freedom to an oppressed thing—that was debate was adjourned. few honest advocates whom we possess onward in reviewing the and injured people.' tbe sum of £8, 000 realised oritol Fitnur Company do likewise. past, I come to the conclusion that our nothing, and over , Febrca ut 4th. (Cheers. It is said, when gam has been Immense, and our and abovo the interest in rent paid Tho adjourne d debate on Lord 's mo- Shkvfieij).— At the usual weekly meeting, Mr (J, , the StrU3S*le. matters reward equal to Mr William Dixon, ia responding to the senti- upon the land purchased, G. Bentinck our and £i lis. 3d. interest tion for a committee of inquiry into the condition of Goddard in the chair, the following resolution was ( they mend ; but if they are to be toil. If that reward is not greater, it is became ment, said : He waa sorry that gentlemen upon Exchequer Bills. There was a unanimously ¦ are at the worst, we have not those £100,000 capi- the sugar and coffee growing colonies was resumed by agreed to :— ' That a public subscript deserved it. Time has taught raetlie value were prevented by tal paid np, and the £8 mended, you must mend them ! (Hear, hear.) of patience severe indisposition from being ,000 made oror interest wa* Mr J.