Congressional Record—House H7375
October 9, 2002 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7375 CONFERENCE TOTAL—WITH they did not have the long lens of his- Ironically, a number of family mem- COMPARISONS tory to guide them. These bold men bers who lost loved ones last Sep- The total new budget (obligational) au- adopted the radical idea of independ- tember have come to Capitol Hill and thority for the fiscal year 2003 recommended ence based upon deeply-held convic- have questioned the inability of our in- by the Committee of Conference, with com- tions and beliefs that bloodshed, telligence agencies to foresee those at- parisons to the fiscal year 2002 amount, the though unwanted, was a probable tacks prior to September 11. Why did 2003 budget estimates, and the House and Senate bills for 2003 follows: course. Indeed, when the document de- we not act upon those threads of infor- claring independence was executed in mation, they ask plaintively? Why did [In thousands of dollars] August of that year, 30,000 British and we not prevent the horrific attacks of New budget (obligational) authority, fiscal year Hessian troops were assembled at Stat- that crisp, clear morning? 2002 ................................. $10,604,400 en Island, New York, a 3 days’ journey Mr. Speaker, let us not allow that Budget estimates of new from Philadelphia. tragic history to be repeated. We have (obligational) authority, At first blush, those of you reminded a moral responsibility to defend our fiscal year 2003 ................ 9,664,04 of this narrative would quickly make Nation from harm. This conflict has House bill, fiscal year 2003 10,083,000 the distinction that those Philadelphia been brought to us, and we have pro- Senate bill, fiscal year 2003 10,622,000 delegates and the colonists they rep- voked it only by being free.
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