The Writings of Patrick, the Apostle of Ireland
CHRISTIAN CLASSICS SERIES VI ********** THE WRITINGS OF PATRICK of 3|celan&, CHRISTIAN CLASSICS SERIES. Each volume cloth uncut , boards, gilt top, edges. I. Cur Deus Homo ? by ANSELM, Archbishop of Can- terbury. Translated, with Introduction, Analysis, and Notes, by E. S. PROUT, M.A. 25. II. The Enchiridion of Augustine. 25. III. De Incarnatione Verbi Dei, by ATHANASIUS, Arch- bishop of Alexandria. Translated, with an Intro- duction, Analysis, and Notes, by T. HERBERT BINDLEY, M.A. 25. Basil IV. the Great on the Holy Spirit. Translated, with an Analysis and Notes, by the Rev. GEORGE LEWIS, M.A. 2s. V. The Obedience of a Christian Man, by WILLIAM TYNDALE, Translator and Martyr. Edited, with Introduction, Analysis, and Notes, by R. LOVETT, M.A. 25. 6d. CLASSICS SERIES VI THE WRITINGS OF PATRICK of A REVISED TRANSLATION WITH NOTES CRITICAL AND HISTORICAL BY THE Rev. CHARLES H. H. WRIGHT, D.D. Of Trinity College, Dublin, M.A. of Exeter College, Oxford, Ph.D. of the University ofLeipzig, Banip- ton Lecturer for- 1878 in the University of Ox- ford, Donncllcin Lecturer (i 880-81) in the University ofDublin, Examiner in He- brew, N. T. Greek, and Scrip. Hist., University ofLondon. RELIGIOUS TRACT SOCIETY 56, PATERNOSTER Row, AND 164, PICCADILLY. EDITORIAL NOTE. THE Committee of the Religious Tract Society have undertaken the issue of the famous theological treatises included in this Series in the hope that they will be widely read and studied, not only by professed students, but also by the thoughtful general readers of the present day. Each treatise is complete in itself, and, as far as possible, gives the full text exactly as it came from the pen of the author, even when adherence to this principle involves variation in bulk and price, and the occasional retention of a few passages not fully in accord with the general teaching of the Society.
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