Handout #1 Dig Down to the Root: How Tara Greenway ThetaHealing Transforms Belief Systems Mia Mor, LCSW

Benefits of entering theta brainwave: Decreases anxiety, boosts mood, lowers cortisol and adrenaline levels, sharpens focusing skills, enhances creativity

Carlson, L., & Speca, M., & Patel, K., & Goodey, E. (2003). Mindfulness-based stress reduction in relation to quality of life, mood, symptoms of stress, and immune parameters in breast and prostate cancer outpatients. Psychosomatic , 65 (4), 571-581.

Balakrishnan, V., & Vaidyanathan, K., & Saraswathy, L.A., & Sundaram, K.R., & Kumar, H. (2011). Impact of integrated Amrita technique on adrenaline and cortisol levels in healthy volunteers. Evidence-Based Complementary and 2011 (Article ID 379645), 6 pp.

Chiesa, A., & Calati, R., & Serretti, A. (2011). Does mindfulness training improve cognitive abilities? A systematic review of neuropsychological findings. Clinical Psychology Review, 31 (3), 449-464.

Utilizing ThetaHealing puts you in quick, easy, innate, joyful alignment with the Universe and your client

Healing is our birthright

Stibal, V. (2011) ThetaHealing: Introducing an Extraordinary -Healing Modality. New York, NY: Hay House. Stibal, V. ( 2011) Advanced ThetaHealing: Harnessing the Power of All That Is. New York, NY: Hay House.

Our beliefs create the quality of our relationships, health, and abundance (or lack thereof).

Lipton, B. (2005). The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter and Miracles

We are changing the vibrations of the receptors throughout our nervous systems. This changes the pattern of neuropeptides and creates new neural pathways, which changes the way we feel, which changes the way we act, which changes our lives.

Pert, C.B. (1997). Molecules of Emotion: The Science Behind Mind-Body Medicine. New York, NY: Scribner. Handout #2 Dig Down to the Root: How Tara Greenway ThetaHealing Transforms Belief Systems Mia Mor, LCSW

4 Levels of Belief:

Core: beliefs acquired in childhood

Genetic: beliefs passed down through DNA from ancestors*

History: beliefs from past lives and group consciousness

Soul: the deepest level, beliefs that are lessons we came to earth to learn

Examples: “Whenever someone loves me, they abandon me” “I have to fight to get what I want” “No matter how hard I work, there will never be enough” “When I offer hope to the world, it is always rejected”

* Now proven in a study where mice inherited a fear of the scent of cherry blossoms: Dias, B.G., & Ressler, K.J. (2014). Parental olfactory experience influences behavior and neural structure in subsequent generations. Nature, 17 (1), 89-96.


Instilling a feeling (such as love, joy, tranquility), which a person has never previously experienced or has forgotten how to experience, from the Universe to the person — in the same way you would download a program from the internet to your computer

Examples: “I know what confidence feels like” “I know what it feels like to be happy” “I know what it feels like to live without anxiety”

ThetaHealing download command: a) Connect to All That Is by dropping into theta brainwave b) “All That Is, Source, Universe, it is commanded that [client] be downloaded with [feeling] in every cell of their body in the highest and best way. Thank you. It is done, it is done, it is done.” c) Observe the change Handout #3 Dig Down to the Root: How Tara Greenway ThetaHealing Transforms Belief Systems Mia Mor, LCSW

7 Planes of Existence:

1st Plane: mineral: crystals, soil, minerals — pre-carbon molecules

2nd Plane: plants: vitamins, plants, trees, elementals — post-carbon molecules

3rd Plane: animals (including humans): often used to refer to the dimension we call reality here on earth

4th Plane: spirit: those who have died, ancestor and other spirit guides, totem animals

5th Plane: celestial: and ascended masters (like Christ, Buddha, Abraham, and others), spirit soul families, council of 12

6th Plane: the Laws that govern our universe: e.g., Law of Gravity, Law of Time, Law of Magnetism

7th Plane: All That Is, Source, the Oneness, Universe: the Creator energy of unconditional love that runs through and connects all things. 7th Plane energy is not only “up there” on the highest plane but is in every atom on every plane of existence

All the planes are connected, and the Energy of All That Is exists in every atom of every plane.

There is healing in every plane.

We are children of the 5th Plane masters who came to the 3rd Plane to learn even more lessons and to help others …. but not necessarily to suffer and sacrifice ourselves in the process.

Stibal, V. (2016). Seven Planes of Existence: The Philosophy of the ThetaHealing Technique. New York, NY: Hay House. Handout #4 Dig Down to the Root: How Tara Greenway ThetaHealing Transforms Belief Systems Mia Mor, LCSW

ThetaHealing command to transform a belief: * Identify old negative belief with active listening and muscle response testing. * Connect with All That Is via dropping into the theta brainwave. * Ask All That Is for new belief or say “replaced with the highest and best belief”:

All That Is, Source, Universe, it is commanded that [client’s] belief ______[old belief, e.g., I must sacrifice myself for others]______be pulled at the core level, canceled, and sent to the Light, and replaced with _____[new belief, e.g., I know how to accomplish my life’s purpose without sacrificing myself]______in the highest and best way, in every cell of their body. Thank you. It is done, it is done, it is done, and so it is.

All That Is, Source, Universe, it is commanded that [client’s] belief ______[old belief, e.g., I must sacrifice myself for others]______be pulled at the genetic level, canceled, and sent to the Light, and replaced with _____[new belief, e.g., I know how to accomplish my life’s purpose without sacrificing myself]______in the highest and best way, in every cell of their body. Thank you. It is done, it is done, it is done, and so it is.

All That Is, Source, Universe, it is commanded that [client’s] belief ______[old belief, e.g., I must sacrifice myself for others]______be pulled at the history level, resolved, and sent to the Light, and replaced with _____[new belief, e.g., I know how to accomplish my life’s purpose without sacrificing myself]______in the highest and best way, in every cell of their body. Thank you. It is done, it is done, it is done, and so it is.

All That Is, Source, Universe, it is commanded that [client’s] belief ______[old belief, e.g., I must sacrifice myself for others]______be pulled at the soul level, canceled, and sent to the Light, and replaced with _____[new belief, e.g., I know how to accomplish my life’s purpose without sacrificing myself]______in the highest and best way, in every cell of their body. Thank you. It is done, it is done, it is done, and so it is.

Observe transformation of belief.

Stibal, V. (2010) ThetaHealing: Introducing an Extraordinary Energy-Healing Modality. New York, NY: Hay House. Handout #5 Dig Down to the Root: How Tara Greenway ThetaHealing Transforms Belief Systems Mia Mor, LCSW

Hints and tools for Digging Down to the Root:

* As early as possible in the session, connect with All That Is/Source/ Universe by dropping into the theta brainwave and ask Source what the client needs; this is where you will dig from. * You may receive an image, a word, a phrase, or a feeling. * Connecting with Source will speed up and deepen the entire process.

* To find the deepest root belief, ask: * What is the worst part about that? * Example: “My boyfriend broke up with me.” I’m sorry to hear it. What’s the worst part about that? “My boyfriends always break up with me just when we get serious.” Ah. What’s the worst part about that? “I guess there’s something about me that people just reject.” What’s the worst part about that? “It’s awful! I’ll end up all alone.” You would connect with All That Is and ask what to do, but would likely muscle test for and transform the beliefs “I deserve to be rejected,” “I deserve to be all alone,” “I need to be rejected because it keeps me safe,” and “When someone loves me, they reject me.” Also make sure they have the belief “I deserve love,” and download “I know what it feels like and how to receive love.”

* When is the first time you felt this way? * Example: “My mother died last year at 82, and I just can’t get through it.” I’m so sorry. How does your mom’s death make you feel? “I feel so alone, almost abandoned. And I should have paid more attention to her health.” So you feel alone, almost abandoned, and kind of guilty? When was the first time you felt this way? “I don’t know.” What was going on when you were a kid? “Nothing. My mom was very loving.” What about your dad? “My dad left us when I was 9.” And you felt alone, abandoned, and guilty? “Actually, yeah.” You would connect with All That Is and ask what to do, but would likely muscle test for then transform the beliefs “When someone loves me, they abandon me,” “I deserve to be abandoned,” “It’s my fault my mother died,” and “It’s my fault my father left.” Also make sure they have the belief “I deserve love,” and download “I know what it feels like and how to receive love.” Handout #6 Dig Down to the Root: How Tara Greenway ThetaHealing Transforms Belief Systems Mia Mor, LCSW

* Many people need and will greatly benefit from these life-changing downloads. I usually include them in a client’s first session: * I am always connected to the Universe no matter what. * I know what it feels like and how to give and receive unconditional love from the Universe, myself, and others. * I know what it feels like and how to give and receive unconditional acceptance from the Universe, myself, and others. * I know what it feels like and how to give and receive unconditional approval from the Universe, myself, and others. * I know what it feels like and how to give and receive forgiveness from the Universe, myself, and others. * I know what joy feels like. * I know what complete health feels like. * I know how to receive instantaneous healing.

* Some common beliefs to check: * I unconditionally love myself. (should be a yes) * I unconditionally accept myself. (should be a yes) * I unconditionally approve of myself. (should be a yes) * I deserve love. (should be a yes) * I deserve abundance. (should be a yes) * I know how to receive abundance. (should be a yes) * I have to suffer to learn. (should be a no) * I have to suffer to be close to God. (should be a no) * I have to sacrifice myself to accomplish my soul’s purpose. (should be a no) * I’m all alone in this world. (should be a no) * I’ve come to the wrong planet. (should be a no)

* To thoroughly resolve a negative behavior pattern, ask: * What have you learned from all this? [soul-level lessons] * What is actually good about this? [secondary gains] * Then give them downloads that they know the lessons or have the secondary gains without the negative situation * Examples: they know how to stand up for themselves without being bullied or oppressed, or they know how to receive love and attention without being ill Handout #7 Dig Down to the Root: How Tara Greenway ThetaHealing Transforms Belief Systems Mia Mor, LCSW

* Remember situations and relationships clients are experiencing now are echoes of core experiences that they are recreating in order to resolve the issue (repetition compulsion) and indications of deeply-seated beliefs they need to change. * Go back to the original situation or relationship and resolve beliefs there. Then the present situation or relationship will change. Avoid working from the present situation as it will take longer. Go straight to the root.

* Don’t rely on your own wisdom. Avoid letting the client talk more than necessary. You only need to know enough details to detect the beliefs underlying the behavior patterns. ThetaHealing is not therapy. ThetaHealing is making a quick connection with Source and channeling. ThetaHealing is a way of reminding others of their already-existing and immutable connection to the love, wisdom, and joy of All That Is.

* Whenever you don’t know what to do — perfect! Ask Source, ask Source, ask Source.

All information on the ThetaHealing technique in Handouts 1-4 is sourced from Vianna Stibal’s books, manuals, and workshops (more info at ThetaHealing.com). Helpful hints and tools in Handouts 5-7 are gleaned from the same, as well as my own 12 years experience as a ThetaHealing practitioner and instructor (more info at ThetaHealingNYC.com or TaraGreenway.com).