Theta Healing®: Healing the Body with the Mind Has a Beautiful Six Year Old Son, Landon
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FREE Volume 14, Number 1 Winter 2013 What’s Inside: Theta Healing®: Healing the Body With The Mind has a beautiful six year old son, Landon. Stress Busters This experience had such a dramatic impact on her life, that with the blessing Page 3 of her ThetaHealer®, Kim decided to de- vote her life to becoming a ThetaHealer® herself. She is now a skilled certified The- Health Resource taHealing® practioner and instructor. For Guide the last twelve years, Kim has been pass- Page 4 ing this instantaneous healings forward on to others who are also receiving and benefiting from this unique technique. Versatile Vinegar What is ThetaHealing®? ThetaHeal- ing® as described by its designer Vianna Page 9 Stibal (a Naturopath, Massage Therapist, and Intuitive Reader) is a technique that focuses on thought and prayer. ThetaHeal- Natural Dog Cures ing® teaches how to put to use our natu- Page 10 ral intuition, relying upon unconditional love of the Creator Of All That Is to do the actual “work”. We believe by chang- Anorexia & Bulimia ing your brain wave cycle to include the “Theta” state, you can actually watch the Different Emotions Creator Of All That Is create instantaneous Page 11 physical and emotional healing. Theta- Healing® is best described as an attain- able miracle for your life. Vianna devel- East West Mosaic oped this healing technique in response Page 12 to her successful battle with bone cancer. Theta Healing® is an energy tech- nique that allows us to identify and unlock Events And Classes limiting subconscious beliefs that may Page 13 contribute and block your path to well- ness. Scientific evidence shows that toxic emotions can contribute to disease. This Improving Your Odds Kim Hanson-Romo knowledge has shown us that there is a For Getting Pregnant Kim Hanson-Romo was 30 years learned about an alternative holistic ap- definite mind-body connection. Emotion, old and had a successful career in law en- proach to disease and healing called The- feeling and the power of thought have di- Page 14 forcement when she was diagnosed with taHealing® and decided to try it. Kim ex- rect bearing upon our physical health and cervical cancer. Her physician tried sev- perienced an instantaneous life changing there is increasing interest in changing how Feng Shui - eral conventional Western Medicine treat- physical and emotional healing. After this the mind influences the body to create op- ments to cure her but was unsuccessful. healing, she returned to her medical phy- timum health. Kim says, “These beliefs are Art orScience As a last resort her doctor had scheduled sician, tests were taken and her diagnosis held in the body on four levels: the Core Page 15 her for a total hysterectomy. Kim wanted was changed from “cancer” to “cancer (beliefs instilled through your experiences children and felt this option was not one free.” Her hysterectomy was canceled and she wanted to take. It was then that she ten years later she is still cancer free and See Theta page 2 Page 2, CENTRAL SIERRA HEALTH, Winter 2013 Theta vitality and usually zero stress. Stress and subconscious, we are not aware of them. is a technique to change your beliefs ac- From Page 1 too much anxiety can do harm to the im- If you have a belief (program) that cording to the dictates of your own con- mune system by releasing harmful chemi- is negative, and no longer serving you, science. ThetaHealing® transcends dogma in life), Genetics (family genes and illness- cals such as adrenalin and too much of or blocking you from achieving your de- and goes beyond all religions yet is ac- es passed down for generations}, History the hormone: cortisol, which is associated sires, (example: LIFE IS HARD,) we de- cepting of them all. Just as Christ said, (family issues and/ or past lives influences) with that adrenaline release. According to lete it (like you would delete the software “All these things you can do and more.” and the Soul (the essence of who you are). some, the theta brainwave range provides program from the computer) and replace “In ThetaHealing® you will learn that Once these limiting beliefs and emotions enhanced spiritual awareness and pro- (install and download) it with a new be- nothing is impossible if you dare to be- are removed and replaced with positive, found insight, creating a bridge between lief (example: I LIVE LIFE WITH EASE lieve,” says Nini Guerard, Acupunctur- beneficial ones, your body begins to heal.” the physical body and spiritual body. There AND GRACE.) This allows you to access ist, Former Staff of Kaiser Permanente. Through elevating the brain wave pattern is some evidence to believe that by target- the positive belief and move forward in life Kim has personally been part of and into the “Theta” cycle one can tap into and ing the lower brainwave patterns and us- with ease and grace (as if you had installed witnessed over two thousand healings. She receive clear answers. It helps to identify ing affirmations or positive self talk, you a new more efficient computer program.) can be found at Thetahealing With Kimber- where the dis-ease is coming from, and the can change some of your deepest uncon- ThetaHealing® will change your life ly, 803 Coffee Rd. Ste. 10, Modesto, CA, beliefs surrounding it. This allows you to scious beliefs or emotional blockages. In forever. The technique is so simple it is (209) 596-9693. In this wellness center they experience instantaneous healing on all lev- the theta brainwave range, the brain is ex- perfect. It does not demand anything from also have massage, and bodywork, hypno- els, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. tremely open to suggestion and new ideas. you, or that you give up any other teach- therapy, skin care, airbrush tanning, ionic Theta brainwaves are considered an It is the openness of the brain in the theta ings. ThetaHealing® is not a religion; it detox, infared sauna, Yoga and meditation. extremely relaxing brainwave activity. frequency range that constitutes the ability It creates a carefree state of mind. The to re-program the brain. The theta brain- theta brainwave range is associated with wave rhythm is well-known to rejuvenate, Central Sierra Health strong, powerful emotions which many replenish, and heal the body and mind. Printed on recycled newsprint illnesses have as their basis. The theta Kim describes this way, “Think of Central Sierra Health is published 4 times a year and distributed free through- brainwave allows us to deeply connect our bodies as computers. When you want out the central valley and central Sierra foothills. Listings and advertisements in with our subconscious mind. It also al- to access a program on your computer, the the resource guide are available to qualified practitioners, schools, stores, prod- lows for advanced problem solving skills software or program must be installed and ucts, etc. by calling 209-602-6381. Central Sierra Health is distributed free to and lowers levels of stress and anxiety. In- downloaded in order to access it for use. The anyone who wishes to make them available to their clients or customers. Copies creasing your theta brainwaves can lead to body is the same way. We are programmed are also made available in stores, restaurants, shops, etc. For ad rates call 209- a boosted immune system due to the fact with belief systems, just like the computer 602-6381 or email: [email protected] or [email protected] that theta brainwaves are associated with software program. Most of our beliefs are Mailing address: 410 N. 1st.Ave. Oakdale, CA 95361. Fax: 209-847-6739 Editor/Publisher Diane Siegfried ©2008 Central Sierra Health Experience the transformative power that fi rewalking can bring Disclaimer All information provided in Central concerns seek help from your health UPCOMING FIREWALKS 2013 Sierra Health is for informational and care professional. educational purposes only and is not Information listed in this publication Be a part of an ancient ritual that allows you to challenge your intended to be a substitute for a doctor’s does not necessarily represent the position assumptions and fi nd your strengths care or to diagnose, prescribe, or of the publisher and should not be taken recommend in any manner a treatment for as an endorsement or recommendation. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY16 - WOMEN’S WALK at 3:30 $50 a health condition or ailment. For medical (alternate day in case of snow Feb. 23) SATURDAY, MARCH 23 - SILENT WALK Done in to- tal silence.Only for those who have fi rewalked before. Some say we tend not to use the silence because it be- comes to intimate. Registration at 5p.m. $50 SATURDAY, APRIL 6 - TREASURE MAP WORK- SHOP includes DeWitt Jones “Celebrate What Right With the World,” workshop, creation of a Treasure Map to your future sucess, dinner and a fi rewalk. Space limited. The fun starts 2p.m. $75 fee. Bring a friend - 2nd person’s fee is $35 WEDNESDAY, MAY 1 - BELTANE WALK at 6:00pm $50 fee Luceo Non Uro fi rewalks are led by Elena Linehan, who has over a decade of experience as a fi rewalker and is a Certifi ed Sundoor Firewalker Instructor. Call 209 532 7241 to reserve your space and get directions to East Sonora Location A portion of the income will be given to Aaron Stanley Special Needs Trust Certifi ed Firewalker Instructors always welcome as our guest email: [email protected] Winter 2013, CENTRAL SIERRA HEALTH, Page 3 environments to live and work in, and so brain deal with stress more effectively. Stress Busters on. What you focus on tends to manifest.