Handout #1 Dig Down to the Root: How Tara Greenway Thetahealing Transforms Belief Systems Mia Mor, LCSW
Handout #1! Dig Down to the Root: How Tara Greenway ThetaHealing Transforms Belief Systems Mia Mor, LCSW Benefits of entering theta brainwave: Decreases anxiety, boosts mood, lowers cortisol and adrenaline levels, sharpens focusing skills, enhances creativity Carlson, L., & Speca, M., & Patel, K., & Goodey, E. (2003). Mindfulness-based stress reduction in relation to quality of life, mood, symptoms of stress, and immune parameters in breast and prostate cancer outpatients. Psychosomatic Medicine, 65 (4), 571-581. Balakrishnan, V., & Vaidyanathan, K., & Saraswathy, L.A., & Sundaram, K.R., & Kumar, H. (2011). Impact of integrated Amrita meditation technique on adrenaline and cortisol levels in healthy volunteers. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2011 (Article ID 379645), 6 pp. Chiesa, A., & Calati, R., & Serretti, A. (2011). Does mindfulness training improve cognitive abilities? A systematic review of neuropsychological findings. Clinical Psychology Review, 31 (3), 449-464. Utilizing ThetaHealing puts you in quick, easy, innate, joyful alignment with the Universe and your client Healing is our birthright Stibal, V. (2011) ThetaHealing: Introducing an Extraordinary Energy-Healing Modality. New York, NY: Hay House. Stibal, V. ( 2011) Advanced ThetaHealing: Harnessing the Power of All That Is. New York, NY: Hay House. Our beliefs create the quality of our relationships, health, and abundance (or lack thereof). Lipton, B. (2005). The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter and Miracles We are changing the vibrations of the receptors throughout our nervous systems. This changes the pattern of neuropeptides and creates new neural pathways, which changes the way we feel, which changes the way we act, which changes our lives. Pert, C.B.