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Dr. M. Thoyibi, M.S.

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Accepted by the Board of Examiners School of Teacher Training and Education Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta On 05 July 2021

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Herewith, the writer testifies that this publicaticon article there is no plagiarism of the research which has been made before to complete the bachelor degree in the university and as long as the witer knows that there is no work or opinion which ever been published or composed by the other writer or researcher, except those whic the writing referred in the manuscript and mentioned in the bibliography. However, if it proves that there are some untrue statements here, the writer will be fully responsible. Surakarta, 05 Juli 2021 The Writer


iii STRUGGLE FOR GENDER EQUALITY REFLECTED IN NIKI CARO’S MULAN (2020): A FEMINIST PERSPECTIVE Abstrak Kesetaraan gender adalah pandangan bahwa perempuan dan laki-laki harus mendapat kedudukan, partisipasi atau peran yang sama, baik publik maupun domestik dan kesetaraan dalam hak. Mulan (2020) karya Niki Caro adalah salah satu film yang mengangkat tema kesetaraan gender. Teknik dalam penelitian ini menggunakan studi kepustakaan. Penelitian ini menganalisis perjuangan untuk kesetaraan gender dalam Mulan (2020). Penelitian ini menggunakan teori feminisme liberal. Sumber data yang digunakan meliputi data primer dari film Mulan (2020) dan data sekunder dari penelitian sebelumnya, seperti tesis, dan jurnal yang terkait. Ada tiga hasil yang ditemukan. Ada empat indikator perjuangan kesetaraan gender yang tertuang dalam Mulan (2020). Kedua penggambaran perjuangan kesetaraan gender dan terakhir adalah alasan Niki Caro dalam mengangkat perjuangan kesetaraan gender. Kata Kunci: Perjuangan, Kesetaraan Gender, Mulan, Niki Caro, Teori Feminisme Abstract Gender equality is the view that women and men must have the same position, participation or role, both public and domestic and equality in rights. The film Mulan (2020) by Niki Caro is one of the with the theme of gender equality. The technique in this research uses literature study. This study analyzes the struggle for gender equality in Mulan (2020). This research uses liberal feminism theory. The data sources used include primary data from the film Mulan (2020) and secondary data from previous studies, such as theses, and related journals. There were three results found. There are four indicators of the struggle for gender equality contained in Mulan (2020). Both depictions of the struggle for gender equality and the last is Niki Caro's reason for raising the struggle for gender equality. Keywords: Stuggle, Gender Equality, Mulan, Niki Caro, Feminism Theory 1. INTRODUCTION Gender equality is a view that women and men should receive the same recognition and behavior, both in terms of position, participation or roles, both public and domestic and equality in rights. Gender equality protects women and girls from exploitation. It is necessary for economic development. In a safer and healthier culture, men and women are valued equally. Equality of rights between men and women is a basic human right. Gender equality is currently a concern for many parties. Many people today are very concerned about gender equality. One person who cares about gender equality issues is a director named Niki Caro. One of Niki Caro's works which tells about the struggle for gender equality is the film Mulan. The struggle to fight for gender equality delivered by as Mulan, who live at a time of gender equality are not taken care of. Mulan also described how woman can do something a man can do, with even better results. Mulan (2020) and struggle for gender equality itself has been the object and subject of several previous studies. There are comprises of Xu Qingli and Shi Ying (2020),

1 Rahmadani Lailawati, Qory Islami and Mutia Sari Nursafira (2020), Jingzhen Wang (2020) Siti Norma Nasution, I Nyoman Kutha Ratna, I Nyoman Weda Kusuma, and I Nyoman Suarka (2013), Y. Puspita (2018), Moh Muzzaka and Suyanto (2020) and Mytha Candria (2018) There are three researchers using Mulan (2020) as the object. There are Xu Qingli and Shi Ying (2020), Rahmadani Lailawati, Qory Islami and Mutia Sari Nursafira (2020), Jingzhen Wang (2020). Xu Qingli and Shi Ying. analysed from a perspective of female gender identity. Rahmadani Lailawati, Qory Islami, and Mutia Sari Nursafira (2020) used critical discourse analysis. Jingzhen Wang (2020) discussed about the cultural differences and dislocation reflected in the Mulan 2020 and Chinese film Mulan. There are four researchers who researched struggle for gender equality and fight for gender equality. The researchers were Siti Norma Nasution, I Nyoman Kutha Ratna, I Nyoman Weda Kusuma, and I Nyoman Suarka (2013), Y. Puspita (2018), Moh Muzzaka and Suyanto (2020), and the last is Mytha Candria (2018). The difference between the four studies is in the object under study. Siti Norma Nasution, I Nyoman Kutha Ratna, I Nyoman Weda Kusuma, and I Nyoman Suarka examined five novels by Nh. Dini namely La Barka (1975), Jalan Bandungan (1989), Dari parangakik ke Kampuchea (2003), Dari Fontenay ke Magallianes (2005), La Grande Borne (2007). Moh Muzzaka together with Suyanto and Y. Puspita together researched the novel Perempuan Berkalung Sorban by Abidah El Khalieqy. However, Moh Muzzaka and Suyanto also researched the novel Gadis Pantai by Pramoedya Ananta Toer, while Y. Puspita also researched the novel entitled Geni Jora by Abidah El Khalieqy.

2. METHOD Data collection is very important for this research. Because Mulan (2020) film is the object under study, the researchers took information and screenshots of the Mulan (2020) film scene. To get the information needed, the researchers watched the film Mulan (2020) repeatedly, understood the film's storyline well, the researchers also observed the story from scene by scene. And for less data the researcher took from the internet. This research used a qualitative method the researcher also used a descriptive analysis. The issue discussed in this research was how the struggle for gender equality by using liberal feminism theory. The primary data of this research was taken from Niki Caro’s film Mulan (2020). Mulan is a film produced by Niki Caro in 2020. The duration of Mulan (2020) is 120 minutes. The dates of publication are on September 4th, 2020 in the

2 United States through Disney+ and December 4th, 2020 in Indonesia through Disney+ Hotstar. The secondary data of this research used some related references from previous studies, thesis and journals. To obtain the information, the researcher watched Mulan (2020) several times, captured scenes in related films, took dialogues in scenes, and recorded primary and secondary component data, compiling the data collected. After that, the data were analyzed using liberal feminism theory.

3. FINDING AND DISCUSSION 3.1. Finding 3.1.1 The Indicators of Struggle for Gender Equality 1) Going to the war In fact, going to war in the past is something that is commonly done by men. Especially during the dynasty, women were considered to bring honor to the family when they were married and men were considered to bring honor to the family if they could serve the emperor. The Indicators on going to the war can be found in the minute 0.25.46-0.27.30. When Mulan decided to go to war to replace her father because she believed that even women could do the same with men. 2) Becoming a leader Being a leader is a mandate that is mostly carried out by men. Men are considered born to have a good leadership spirit. But basically women also have the same ability to lead. The Indicators on becoming a leader can be found in the minute 1.19.02-1.19.27. When Mulan led the imperial troops to return to the imperial city because the Rouran troops had diverted their attacks directly on the emperor. 3) Becoming an emperor’s guard In ancient or imperial times it was very common for an emperor’s guard to always consist of men. This is because men are considered more capable than women and have better physical endurance. The Indicators on bcoming an emperor’s guard can be found in the minute 1.43.40-1.43.30. When Mulan was appointed as the emperor's bodyguard. The Indicators on becoming an emperor’s guard also can be found in the minute 1.44.10-1.44.35. 4) Attending war training In the past war training was only attended by men because men were considered to have a stronger physique to undergo war training. The Indicators on attend war training can be found in the minute 0.34.19-0.36.22 and 0.48.58-0.50.19

3 3.1.2 The Depiction of Struggle for Fighting in Gender Equality Struggle for gender equality is an effort made by humans both in individuals and groups to achieve gender equality. This equality includes equality in domestic and public roles which are usually differentiated according to gender. This effort is made to achieve equality in many fields such as education, employment, the right to do something and also the right to voice an opinion without the need to think that he is a man or a woman. Likewise, Mulan's struggle as a woman to achieve gender equality. Equality in doing what had been considered taboo for women during the imperial era. Struggle for gender equality in the film Mulan (2020) is depicted through the plot, characters, settings, symbols and style. 1) Through Plot/Event There are six plots that describe the struggle for gender equality in the film Mulan (2020). The first was Mulan caught a chicken, the second was Mulan replaced her father and went to war, the third was Mulan attending war training, the fourth was Mulan beat Chen Honghui, the fifth was Mulan attending the war, and the last was Mulan becoming a leader. a) Caughting a chicken The depiction of struggle for gender equality reflected in Mulan (2020) first started when Mulan caught a chicken. She was trying to prove that her chi was strong. She also wanted to prove that a girl also has rights and is able to use her chi well as boys do. This case can be found in minute 0.01.59-0.03.12. b) Replacing her father and went to war The depiction of struggle for gender equality reflected in Mulan (2020) continued when Mulan replaced her father and went to war. Mulan did that to prove that she could be relied on by her family even though she was a daughter. She also struggled to prove that girls can give honor to the family not only through marriage. This case can be found in minute 0.24.58-0.27.30. c) Attending war training The depiction of struggle for gender equality reflected in Mulan (2020) also continued when Mulan struggled to be as strong as her friends at the war training camp. Mulan always tries to be strong, even Mulan manages to be stronger than her friends who are male, even though Mulan does all these things wrapped in lies. This case can be found in minute 0.34.19-0.36.22 and 0.48.58-0.50.19

4 d) Beating Chen Honghui The depiction of struggle for gender equality reflected in Mulan (2020) is also found in the scene when Mulan struggles to beat Chen Honghui and strives that women also have equal strength with men and can be even better. Commander Tung also acknowledged that Mulan had good abilities. Even though Mulan did this again covered in lies. This case can be found in minute 0.39.26-0.41.01 and 0.46.12-0.47.20. e) Attending the war The depiction of struggle for gender equality reflected in Mulan (2020) is also seen in the scene when Mulan joined the battle and succeeded in deceiving the enemy. After she met Xian Lang that he should be honest without forgetting his efforts to fight for equality between women and men. She wanted to prove that even though she was a woman she was capable and had good war tactics. This case can be found in minute 1.05.40-1.10.31 f) Becoming a leader The depiction of struggle for gender equality reflected in Mulan (2020) continues when Mulan tries to become the leader when the imperial army returns to the imperial city. She tried and struggled to remain an equal woman with men. Mulan's efforts were not in vain as she defeated Bori Khan and saved the Emperor. This case can be found in minute 1.19.02-1.19.31 and 1.30.20-1.33.55 2) Trough Characters The depiction of struggle for gender equality is also presented in the characters. The characters in the film Mulan (2020) describe the struggle for gender equality. Some characters support the struggle for gender equality and some are against the struggle for gender equality. The depiction of these characters can make the visualization of stories with the theme of struggle for gender equality in the film Mulan (2020) look more real. a) Supporting Characters The first supporting character is Mulan, who is the main character in this film, is described as a brave and unyielding girl. She always strives for gender equality which she has never had. Mulan's character also always struggles to defend the truth. The next character who supports the struggle for gender equality is Xian Lang. Even though Xian Lang is categorized as an antagonist or evil character, she is actually the same person as Mulan. Xian Lang is described as having the

5 same strong Chi as Mulan but Xian Lang is exiled and considered a witch. In the film Mulan (2020) Xian Lang is described as always wanting to get recognition that he is as strong as men and wants to be called a warrior, therefore he joins the Rouran army as an enemy. The next character who indirectly supports the struggle for gender equality is Chen Honghui. Chen Honghui was the first to defend Mulan when Commander Tung didn't believe what Mulan said that Rouran's army had moved to the imperial city. He believes that even though Mulan is a woman, Mulan is just as great as a man. b) Opposing Characters The character who opposes the struggle for gender equality is Mulan’s father. Hua Zhou always told Mulan that Mulan had to learn her place because she was a girl. Hua Zhou always thought that only boys should use his chi. The next character who opposes the struggle for gender equality is Hua Li, Mulan's mother. Hua Li always told Mulan that women bring honor to the family through marriage. She was also always worried that Mulan couldn't be a good girl just because she always acted like a boy. The next character who opposes the struggle for gender equality is Commander Tung. Commander Tung couldn't believe that Mulan was telling the truth that Rouran's troops had already moved to the imperial city. Commander Tung also doubts Mulan's abilities after he finds out that Mulan is a woman. 3) Through Setting In addition to the plot and characters, the depiction of the struggle for gender equality in the film Mulan (2020) is also found in the setting. The setting in the film Mulan (2020) is divided into two parts, namely the setting of the place and the setting of time. The setting of the place for the film Mulan is imperial city and the village of Mulan. While the time setting is during the Tang dynasty. a) Imperial City The film Mulan (2020) takes place in in the imperial city where the emperor lives. In an era where there were still imperial cities, gender equality was still something that had to be greatly fought for. b) Mulan’s Village Mulan (2020) also take place in Mulan’s Village also known as Tulou. Toluo is a large round building that can accommodate many families. Tuluo in China only

6 existed during the imperial period. So that the place setting in the film Mulan (2020) can describe a time when gender equality really needs to be fought for. c) Battlefield The film Mulan (2020) also takes place on the battlefield. It was in this atmosphere of the battlefield that Mulan showed her struggle for gender equality. d) War Training Camp The next setting is the war training camp. There, Mulan really tries to be like her comrades in arms who incidentally are male. e) Tang Dynasty Era The film Mulan (2020) takes place in the Tang Dynasty era (7th and 9th centuries). In the era of the Tang Dynasty which incidentally is an ancient era, the difference between the domestic and public roles of women and men is very clear. Men were thought to bring honor through devotion to the emperor. While women are considered to bring honor to the family through marriage. 4) Through Symbolism The symbolism in the film Mulan (2020) is in the sword belonging to Mulan's father which Mulan eventually uses on the battlefield. The sword itself exists as a symbol of courage, honesty, and loyalty. It is this courage, loyalty and honesty that Mulan holds firmly to carry out the struggle for gender equality. 5) Through Style The style in the film Mulan (2020) also has an influence on the depiction of the struggle for gender equality which incidentally requires courage and confidence. Style in the film Mulan is described in the tone and sound effects. Tone in the film Mulan (2020) itself is also divided into several colors. Likewise, the sound effects in the film Mulan also consist of several parts. a) Tone Tone in the film Mulan is divided into 4 parts, namely Red which describes energy, speed, strength, power, and war. Another tone color is orange which represents energy, balance, and enthusiasm. Another color tone is blue which represents loyalty, peace, tranquility, stability, harmony, unity, trust, truth, and confidence. The last one is the white tone that depicts calm, humility, precision, innocence, youth, and snow.

7 b) Sound effects The sound effect used in the film Mulan (2020) is the sound effect of a sword when Mulan is at war which depicts courage. Other sound effects used are the sound of horses or the sound of animals when Mulan is fighting, which also illustrates courage. 3.1.3 Reasons of Raising the Theme of Struggle for Gender Equality Niki Caro's reason to raise the theme of the Struggle for Gender Equality in Mulan (2020) of course has more than one reason. After the researcher conducted research on Niki Caro's personal life, the researcher concluded that the following is Niki Caro's reason in raising a theme of struggle for gender equality in Mulan (2020). 1) A Female Director and Women's Rights Activist Niki Caro, whose full name is Nikola Jean Caro, is a New Zealand female director. Niki Caro is the second female director from New Zealand to be appointed by Disney to direct the project with funding of more than $ 1000 million. As a female director, of course Niki Caro wants to speak out about the struggle for gender equality in the films she directs. 2) Mainstreaming Gender Equality in Films Niki Caro's reason in raising the theme struggle for gender equality in Mulan (2020) is also influenced by the background of the film she has directed. She has directed several films with the same theme, such as , and North Country. 3) Voicing Gender Imbalance in Film Industry In 2017, Niki Caro and took to the streets in Poland to voice the gender imbalance in the film industry. This campaign was held to coincide with the 2017 Women's Parade in Warsawa.

3.2. Discussion After watch and analyzed Mulan (2020) the researcher used a feminist perspective. There were three major principles of this theory, positions, rights, and roles. The first one is positions. Feminism theory has the principle that women can also have the same position as men in various ways. The equality of positions depicted when Mulan tries to have the same position as her fellow imperial soldiers. Next is the Rights that divided into three, to access, to participate and to control. Feminism theory argues that women and men have the same rights in any case. The equality of rights in Mulan (2020) is described when Mulan tries to have the same rights to represent her family on the

8 battlefield and also the same rights as the people to participate in protecting the emperor and his kingdom. The last is roles also known as participations. Feminism theory has the principle that women and men can have the same role in all fields. The equality of roles or participations can be found in the film when Mulan ultimately has the same role or participation in becoming the imperial army and has the same role as her other friends in saving the emperor and his kingdom. There are some study that similar to this research because they were both researching the film Mulan (2020). There are comprises of Xu Qingli and Shi Ying (2020), Rahmadani Lailawati, Qory Islami, and Mutia Sari Nursafira (2020) and Jingzhen Wang (2020). The differences between this three research is on the topic. Xu Qingli and Shi Ying (2020) analysed from a perspective of female gender identity. Rahmadani Lailawati, Qory Islami, and Mutia Sari Nursafira (2020) analysed used critical discourse analysis and this research is classified into linguistics studies. And Jingzhen Wang (2020) discussed about the cultural differences and dislocation reflected in the Mulan 2020 and Chinese film Mulan. There are also four researchers who researched struggle for gender equality and fight for gender equality. The researchers were Siti Norma Nasution, I Nyoman Kutha Ratna, I Nyoman Weda Kusuma, and I Nyoman Suarka (2013), Y. Puspita (2018), next is Moh Muzzaka and Suyanto with the title (2020), Mytha Candria with the title (2018). The difference between the 4 studies is in the object under study. Siti Norma Nasution, I Nyoman Kutha Ratna, I Nyoman Weda Kusuma, and I Nyoman Suarka examined five novels by Nh. Dini namely La Barka (1975), Jalan Bandungan (1989), Dari parangakik ke Kampuchea (2003), Dari Fontenay ke Magallianes (2005), La Grande Borne (2007). Moh Muzzaka together with Suyanto and Y. Puspita together researched the novel Perempuan Berkalung Sorban by Abidah El Khalieqy. However, Moh Muzzaka and Suyanto also researched the novel Gadis Pantai by Pramoedya Ananta Toer, while Y. Puspita also researched the novel entitled Geni Jora by Abidah El Khalieqy.

4. CLOSING Three conclusions can be drawn from the study, based on the results of data analysis in this chapter. First, there are four indicators of struggle for gender equality found in the movie, which are the going to the war, becoming a leader and becoming an emperor’s guard and attending war training. In fact, going to war in the past is something that is commonly done by men but by gender equality woman can also going to the war. Being a

9 leader is a mandate that is mostly carried out by men. But basically women also have the same ability to lead. In ancient or imperial times it was very common for an emperor’s guard to always consist of men but in woman can also be the emperor’s guard. Second, depiction of struggle for fighting in gender equality reflected in Mulan (2020). The depiction of the struggle for gender equality in Mulan (2020) is depicted through several things, namely through plots or events, through characters, settings, symbols and through style. The plot or event depictions include Mulan caught a chicken, Mulan replaced her father and went to war, Mulan attending war training, Mulan beat Chen Honghui, Mulan attending the war, and the last was Mulan becoming a leader. Depictions through characters are divided into two, namely supporting characters and opposing characters. Supporting characters include Mulan, Xian Lang and Chen Honghui, while opposing characters include Hua Zhou, Hua Li and Commander Tung. The depiction through the setting is divided into two, namely the setting of the place and the setting of time. The place setting includes the imperial city and the village of Mulan also known as Taluo, while the time setting is during the Tang dynasty. The depiction through symbols is in the sword symbol used by Mulan. The last is the depiction through style which is divided into two, namely tone and sound effects. The tone in the film Mulan (2020) is divided into four parts, namely red, orange, blue and white. As for the sound effect, the film Mulan (2020) uses the sound effect of a sword and the sound of a horse which illustrates the courage to fight for gender equality. Third, there are three reasons why Niki Caro as the director raise the theme struggle for gender equality in Mulan (2020) which are a female director and woman rights activist, mainstreaming gender equality in films and voicing gender imbalance in film industry. Mulan is a film that tells the story of the struggle that will never betray the results as long as what is being fought for is the right thing. This movie contains a moral value that can be the readers. This movie also can be a reference to the other researchers, especially in literary work. The other researchers can find the other issue in the movie using other approaches such as feminist perspective or other approaches that related to the movie. This study takes one type of literary work, namely film. This research can be used as teaching material for students in fiction courses in semester 7. This research can also be used as teaching material in other courses related to literary works.

10 This film contains a struggle for gender equality, which is currently very often carried out by people from various backgrounds. Struggle for gender equality will really help someone to get equality in terms of politics, right to life, work and others.

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