September 1972 the President Writes
PRICE 35 cents FHERON NEWSLETTER SEPTEMBER, 1972 VOLUME 10 NO 2 REGISTERED IN AUSTRALIA FOR TRANSMISSION BY POST AS A PERIODICAL HERON NEWSLETTER published by Y.W. Heron Sailing Association of Australia 1 Ethel St., Balgowlah. NSW. 2093 OFFICERS OF THE ASSOCIATION PRESIDENT GEN. SECRETARY ASST. SEC/REGISTRAR TREASURER C. Lloyd-Owen, A .W. Imlay, Mrs. M. Clarke, Mr. R. Thomson, 97 Llewellyn St., 11 Macarthur St. , 1 Ethel Street, P.O. Box 40, RHODES. N. S. W . ST. IVES. N. S.W. BALGOWLAH . N. S . W . GYMEA. N,S,W, 2138 (73-1894) 2075 (449-1188) 2093 (948-8142) (524-5331) 2227 IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT J. E. Shipton VICE PRESIDENTS John Coen, Alec Barrett, Geoff Withrington EDITOR HERON NEWSLETTER MEASUREMENT COMMITTEE C. Hutchings, Chairman 9 Murchison St., Secretary Mr. Keith Ross, ST. IVES N. S W. 4 Graham Avenue, 2075 (449-3733 Home) MIRANDA.N. S. W . 2228 (20-515 Business) (522-8029) AUDITOR Mr. R. Ellis STATE HERON ASSOCIATION SECRETARIES Papua, New Guinea: P. Hermann, C/- D.A.S.F. Konedobu, T .P . N. G. Queensland: J. Porter, 2/45 Rialto Street, Coorparoo. 4151 New South Wales: R. Thomson, P.O. Box 40, Gymea. 2227 Victoria: Mrs. J. Moule, 22 Bunnett St., Knoxfield. 3180 Tasmania: P. Moore, 9 Riawena Rd., Rosny. 7018 South Australia: D. Cox, 22 Laffers Road, Glenalta. S.A. 5052 A ,C T. M. McNamarra, 59 Blackburn St., MacQuarie.. Western Australia: R. Lehman, 14 Wilberforce St. , North Beach. 6020 NEXT ISSUE It is hoped to get the next issue - the December one - into your homes before Xmas.
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