Australian Hartley TS 16, CARRIED Motions from past AGM’s in date order.

Motion 1 29th August 2019 Moved Geoff Potts Member Number: 4701 Seconded Alan Scott Member Number 4077 Motion Vote 17 to 1 Current wording of item (6) INSTRUMENTS - No instrument aid to except stopwatch, compass and wind direction indicators will be allowed Delete current wording of item (6) and replace with (6) INSTRUMENTS - (a) Electronic Devices. No electronic device which could be used to increase boat speed or gain a tactical advantage shall be attached to a boat or carried by a crew member, other than timing devices andcompass as allowed by rule 6 (b). (b) Compass, Electronic Equipment and Timing Devices (i) timing devices are permitted. (ii) a timing device and electronic compass may be integrated in the same device. (iii) a compass or timing device must not be capable of displaying, delivering, transmitting, receiving, calculating, correlating and/or storing information about wind speed, wind direction, boat speed or boat position for use while racing..

Motion 1 29th August 2019 Moved Paul Pritchard Member Number: 5127 Seconded Andrew Penfold Member Number 4952 Motion Vote 13 to 5 Amend current wording - page 1 commencing paragraph 4 - to read (Note: amendments/additions are written here in red for ease of reading) motion begins... Material to be used for construction of sails must comply with the following Single ply woven film cloth or polyester reinforced polyester laminate. Body of sail shall be flexible and be capable of being folded flat in any direction without damaging the film. Any finishing material or coating applied to the cloth shall not prevent the sail from being folded flat.  For a material to be considered as woven, when it is torn it should be possible to separate the fibres without leaving evidence of a film. Minutes of the AGM of the Hartley Trailer-Sailer 16 Association of Australia inc 2020 Page 6 of 7  Polyester reinforced polyester laminate only, no kevlar, carbon fibre or "exotic' reinforcing materials allowed.  Combination of materials not allowed.  Windows may be made of any materials to the maximum areas as currently specified.

Motion 1 15th June 2019 Moved Andrew Penfold Member Number: 4952 Seconded Alan Scott Member Number 4077

Unsuccessful motions are not recorded here. Page 1

Motion Vote 29 to 0 - To change By-Law Section One - 2 - Special Sailing Rules (5)

Current wording of item (5) RIGGING - The tension and position of mast, forestay, side stay and diamond stays must be fixed before and not altered during any race.

Delete current wording of item (5) and replace with RIGGING - Mast position, spreader angle and diamond stay tension shall not be adjusted when racing.

Motion 1 of 3 17th June 2017 Moved Gillian Horvath Member Number: 2908 Seconded Peter Behr Member Number 2040 Motion Vote 43 to 0 To revoke the existing Constitution of “The Hartley 16 Association of Australia Inc.” and to adopt the new Constitution as tabled

Motion 2 17th June 2017 Moved Gillian Horvath Member Number: 2908 Seconded Peter Behr Member Number 2040 Motion Vote 43 to 0 To adopt the By-Laws of “The Hartley Trailer Sailer 16 Association of Australia Inc.” as tabled.

Motion 3 17th June 2017 Moved Gillian Horvath Member Number: 2908 Seconded Peter Behr M Member Number 2040 Motion 3 Vote 43 to 0 That for the current rotation a one-off subsidy of $1,500.00 per state be made by the National Association for the express purpose of assisting in the hosting of the Australian Championships.

Unsuccessful motions are not recorded here. Page 2

Motion 1 18th June 2016 Moved Charlie Horvath Member Number: 2908 Seconded Michael Horvath Member Number: 4173 Motion Vote 44 to 3 (Rule 1 (b) reads - All equipment installed and present at the time of official weighing of the TS 16 shall be carried in all races. Hatch covers shall be installed or safely stowed in the TS 16 in all races) Hatch covers may be removed when racing. Class minimum weight must be maintained Delete Hatch covers shall be installed or safely stowed in the TS16 in all races Replace with Hatch covers may be removed when racing. Class minimum weight must be maintained

Motion 2 18th June 2016 Moved Charlie Horvath Member Number: 2908 Seconded Michael Horvath Member Number: 4173 Motion Vote 39 to 6 (Rule 5 (a) reads - A suitable anchor and line shall be carried when racing) Delete A suitable anchor and line shall be carried when racing

Motion 1 13th June 2015 Moved Peter Behr Member Number: 2040 Seconded Alan Scott Member Number: 4077 Motion That Clause 39 of the Constitution of the Hartley Trailer Sailer 16 Association of Australia Inc. relating to the election of an Auditor be deleted from the Constitution. Vote 30 to 5 Clause “39. Auditor. 39 (1) One Auditor shall be elected at each Annual General Meeting. 39 (2) The Auditor shall perform an audit of the affairs of the Association and report to the members at the next Annual General Meeting. 39 (3) any vacancy occurring in the office of Auditor shall be filled by direction of the Management Committee.”

Motion 1 14th June 2014 Moved Bob Young Member Number: 4194 Seconded Gillian Horvath Member Number: 4896 Motion “That the number of committee members in Section14 (1) (b) of the Constitution be increased from 3 to 4 and that Sections 14(2) (g) and17 (7) of the Constitution Vote 42 to 0 Vote 47 to 0

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Motion 2 14th June 2014 Moved R Young Seconded A Scott.

Motion: That Sections 14(5)(a) and 14(5)(b) of the Constitution be deleted and that Section 14(5)(c) be renamed Section 14(5). That the words “State Delegates” in Section 14(1)(b) be replaced by the words “Committee Members”. Vote 42 to 0

Motion 2 3th August 2013 Moved Peter Yeates Seconded Malcolm Green

Motion 2: Life Membership for Peter Ellett

Vote 42 to 0

Motion 3 3th August 2013 Moved Gillian Horvath Seconded Barrie Heath

Motion: (A) That in Section 23 (1) (i) the words ”shall be in August” be replaced by the words “shall be in June” (B) That the words “up to the 30th day of June” in Section 17 (3) (d) be replaced by the words “up to the 30th day of April”

The Constitution will now read:- 23. Annual General Meetings - holding of. 23 (1) With the exception of the first Annual General Meeting of the Association following incorporation, the Association; (i) shall be in June of each calendar year, and 17 (3) Treasurer (d) the accounts of the Association, made up to the 30th day of April are presented to the Auditor within a reasonable period prior to the AGM.

Vote 43 to 0

Motion 1 4th August 2012 Moved Bryan Langworthy Unsuccessful motions are not recorded here. Page 4

Seconded John Constable.

Motion for Life Membership for Gillian & Charlie Horvath

Vote 40 to 1

NO Motions 6th August 2011

Motion 1 7th August 2010 Moved Peter Jackson Seconded Terry McLeod

“That Barrie Heath be given Life Membership for services rendered to the Association”

Vote78 to 0

Motion 2 7th August 2010 Moved Lyn Bradford- Seconded Bruce Milne

“That Alan Scott be given Life Membership for services rendered to the Association”

Vote 80 to 0

Motion 3 7th August 2010 Moved Neil Billsborough Seconded Norm Thompson

“replace the section on windows in sails with the following: “One or two panel of transparent material may be used in the headsail. This panel shall not exceed 0.6 sq. metres in area. One or two panels of transparent material may be used in mainsails to a maximum total of 0.6 sq. metres in area. Transparent panels shall not be placed closer than 150 mm from any edge of the sail”

The possibility of a larger window panel distorting the set of the sail has been noted; however, as windows are optional, this could be the price paid for the benefit of a clearer view to leeward. It would be unfortunate if the class restrictions were seen to contribute to collisions involving TS16’s. Therefore this amendment to the Sail Measurement rule is proposed, strictly in the interest of safety Vote 24 to10

Unsuccessful motions are not recorded here. Page 5

Motion 4 7th August 2010 Moved Neil Billsborough Seconded Norm Thompson

“That for the current rotation a one-off subsidy of $1500.00 per state be made by the National Association for the express purpose of assisting in the hosting of the Australian Championships.”

As fundraising is becoming increasingly difficult in the current economic climate, this is an opportune time to assist states hosting the Australian Championships for the current rotation of states. Vote 68 to4

Motion 1 1st August 2009 Moved Bob Young Seconded Barrie Heath That Section 48(3)(c) of the Constitution be amended to read - “All current members’ certificates shall be renewed annually as membership is renewed. In the event of the sale of a boat, the certificate shall be returned to the Registrar for transfer to the new owner.”

As the Constitution is currently worded it requires our Registrar to reissue all “A” class certificates annually on 1st July. It does not say this only applies to members of the Association. This is clearly impracticable for all “A” class certificates as some were issued many years ago and we have no idea where the boat is or who owns it. Also, we really should not require our Registrar to provide this service to non-members, and in fact he has not done so. This motion is supported by the National Executive and requires a 75% majority Vote 59 to 0

Motion 2 1st August 2009 Moved Bob Young Seconded Barrie Heath

“That in Special Sailing Rule 1(a) the words ‘a current’ replace the word ‘an’ before the words ‘A’ Class certificate”

This motion requires a boat entering a Championship to have been registered by the owner with the Association Registrar for the current season. It prevents boats not on our register suddenly appearing and being entered in Championships. . This motion is supported by the National Executive and requires a 75% majority Vote 58 to 0

Unsuccessful motions are not recorded here. Page 6

Motion 3 1st August 2009 Moved Bob Young Seconded Barrie Heath

“That in Special Sailing Rule 2 the words ‘helmsman’ and ‘skipper’ be replaced by the word ‘helmsperson’”

The current wording of Special Sailing Rule 2 requires the ‘skipper’ to have sailed at least three races under the Special Sailing Rules. While many people may think ‘skipper’ and ‘helmsman’ mean the same thing, this is not necessarily the case. On large boats they are often different people. This rule was originally introduced to prevent people from other classes being imported to sail a boat just for a particular championship series. This motion removes the possibility that the forward hand might claim he is the ‘skipper’ and import a helmsperson just for an Australian championship series. This motion is supported by the National Executive AND only boat owners can vote. Vote 58 to 0

Motion 4 1st August 2009 Moved Bob Young Seconded Barrie Heath

“That Bob Young be given life memberships in return for extraordinary service to the NSW State and Australian Associations” Vote 61to 0

Motion 5 1st August 2009 Moved Jarrod Chaplin Seconded Geoff Potts

“That Colin OSBORN be given life memberships in return for extraordinary service to the SA State Association”. Vote 52 to 0

Motion 1 2th August 2008 Moved Barrie Heath, Seconded Alan Scott 1) “That the membership classification “Part owners” be removed.

" …Of some 4500 members, there is only one record of a “Part owner,” which was active about 12/15 years ago, so this category is not being used. A “Part owner,” having paid a membership fee, has a voting right on constitutional matters, but no vote in all matters involving alteration to Rule 47 or Rule 48, with the exception of the “Primary [Part] Member..".' Vote 50 to 0

Unsuccessful motions are not recorded here. Page 7

Motion 1 2th August 2008 Moved Barrie Heath, Seconded Alan Scott 2) “That the membership classification “Part owners” be removed.

" …Of some 4500 members, there is only one record of a “Part owner,” which was active about 12/15 years ago, so this category is not being used. A “Part owner,” having paid a membership fee, has a voting right on constitutional matters, but no vote in all matters involving alteration to Rule 47 or Rule 48, with the exception of the “Primary [Part] Member..".' Vote 50 to 0

Motion 2 2th August 2008 Moved Barrie Heath, Seconded Alan Scott 1) “That the membership classification “Joint TS.16 owners,” be removed .

" “Joint TS.16 owner(s)” that they are not receiving the State newsletter… right of the “Joint TS.16 owners” to skipper a boat in a National event, where the rules require that the… Joint TS.16 owner” became the Primary Member with the original “Primary Member” listed a “Joint TS.16 owner”, but no boats listed. … All this would be straightened out and kept clear if the “Joint TS.16 owners” membership was removed, and the “Primary Member” pays a fee and becomes a “Member” and the “Joint TS 16 Owner” pays a fee and becomes a “Non Owner”, (if they wish to do so)r..".' Vote 48 to 2

Motion 4 2th August 2008 Moved Norm Thompson Seconded Charlie Horvath “That Special Measurement Rule 3(c) of Constitution and Rules of the Hartley TS16 Association of Australia be amended to read “Deck fittings for securing forestay and shrouds are optional as to type but must comply with the Official Plans referred to in Rule 16(1)(a) of the Constitution …… That Special Measurement Rule 4(i) of Constitution and Rules of the Hartley TS16 Association of Australia be amended to read “Sheeting arrangements for sails are left to the owner’s discretion””

" “It is considered that the strength and suitability of these items are matters for the boat builder, not the measurer, and that requiring the measurer to pass judgement on these matters, as the current Special Measurement Rules do, puts an extra and unnecessary responsibility upon him or her. There are many other parts of the boat where the boat builder must make decisions about strength and suitability which are not subject to check by the measurer and it does not seem reasonable to single out these particular items for that attention.

Vote 50 to 0

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Motion 1 Special Resolution 4th August 2007 Moved Robert Young, Seconded Alan Scott “That Special Sailing Rule 3 in the Constitution and Rules of the Hartley Trailer Sailer 16 Association of Australia be deleted.” " …However it does not seem logical to prohibit the wearing of a PFD which is approved by YA and meets stricter regulations than a PFD2… This would achieve the objective of allowing PFD1s to be worn, ..".' Vote 57 to 1

Motion 3 4th August 2007 Moved Barrie Heath, Seconded Alan Scott “I would like to nominate Norm Thompson for Life Membership of the Association at the next AGM. " …. He has been State President for some 17 years, and before that was President for about 3 years of the Drummoyne Sailing Club TS16 division. He has also been on the National committee since it came to NSW in 2000 taking up the position of National Measurer in June 2002 when Bob Knights died, now being there for 5 years., ..".' Vote 62 to 0

Motion 1 Special Resolution 5th August 2006 Moved Robert Young, Seconded Alan Scott That the current words in Section 31.1(a) of the Constitution be replaced by "it is passed by a majority which comprises at least three-quarters of such members of the association as, being entitled under these rules so to do, vote in person or by proxy at a general meeting of which at least 21 days’ written notice specifying the intention to propose the resolution as a special resolution was given in accordance with these rules, or".' Vote 89 to 1

Motion 2 5th August 2006 Moved Neil Johnson, Seconded Bruce Milne "That Life Membership be granted to Barrie Hormann for services to the Association and promotion of the Hartley TS16" Vote 89 to 0

Motion 3 5th August 2006 Moved Neil Johnson, Seconded Bruce Milne I move that Don Jelfs be appointed Life Member of the Australian Hartley Association in recognition for many years of dedicated service to the association. " Vote 72 to 12

Unsuccessful motions are not recorded here. Page 9

Motion 1 Special Resolution 6th August 2005 Moved Barrie Heath, Seconded Alan Scott That Clause 46 (4) of the Constitution be amended to read –

“46 (4) Funds shall be allocated to the various State Associations in accordance with a formula to be determined from time to time by the Committee of Management and shall be no less than two- thirds of Annual Subscriptions received from that State less an insurance adjustment of up to a maximum of 50% of the cost of the Association insurance policy for each financial year. The amount paid by each state to be determined by a formula derived by dividing 50% of the policy premium by the number of members financial at the 30th of June of the preceding financial year. The subscription reimbursement paid to each state in January and May/June of the current financial year to be reduced by the total members being refunded multiplied by the value of the above formula. Allocations to States shall be made on 1st January and will be based on subscriptions paid to that date. Allocations for subscriptions received between 1st January and 31st May shall be made at the end of the financial year. Vote 84 to 1

Motion 2 Special Resolution 6th August 2005 Moved Barrie Heath, Seconded Alan Scott that the following be added to 9, Fees, Subscriptions, etc. as 9.2.c

st “That all 'first time' members, joining after the l February each year, upon payment of the annual subscription fee, be a financial member for the remaining portion of that season plus the next season”. Vote 84 to 2

Motion 3 Special Resolution 6th August 2005 Moved Barrie Heath, Seconded Moved –Seconded Alan Scott to delete the word ‘Honorary’, from Auditor, 39 (1) One Honorary Auditor shall be elected at each Annual General Meeting. Vote 81 to 2

Motion 4 Measurement Change 6th August 2005 Moved R Young, Seconded N Thompson PROPO That Special Sailing Rule 4 be replaced by the following - "4. PADDLES Each boat shall carry two suitable paddles each with an overall length of at least 1.2 metres and a blade area of at least 0.04 square metres." Vote 75 to 1

Unsuccessful motions are not recorded here. Page 10

Motion 1 7th August 2004 Sydney Moved Bob Young Seconded Barrie Hormann That the following section be added to the Special Sailing Rules of the Association – 11. “Boats shall have a positive non friction device which will prevent the from moving in the event of a knockdown or capsize. This device may be constructed to hold the centreboard in any position.” ------Vote 64 to 2

Motion 1 9th August 2003 Moved Barrie Heath Seconded Norm Thompson “That a special rebate be made to the State Associations, based on their actual paid membership at the end of June 2003, of up to $15 per member.” ------Vote 69 to 21 ,

Motion 2 9th August 2003 Moved Norm Thompson Seconded Bob Young That Hartley TS 16’s built using the foam sandwich method on a male jig, be eligible for A class Certification, providing that they comply with the specifications set out below and the official measurement form, where relevant as well as specific supplement measurements ---Vote 64 to 24

Motion 3 9th August 2003 Moved Norm Thompson Seconded Bob Young 14 Specification Points as tabled at the meeting that will be included in the Motion when mailed to members. Based on Australian Standards AS 1799.4 – 1985------Vote 63 to 24

Motion 1 3rd August 2002 Moved Bruce Anson, Seconded John Gilliard The Victorian Hartley TS16 Association Committee would very much like to nominate our current Vice President Mr. Llew Williams as a Life Member of the Hartley TS16 National Association. ------Vote 78 to 0

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Motion 1 4th August 2001 Moved Bruce Anson Seconded John Gilliard I have much pleasure in nominating Mr Robert Knights for Life Membership of the Hartley Ts16 Association of Australia Inc ------Vote 73 to 2

Motion 1 6th August 2000 Moved Neil Bilsborough Seconded Lynton Bradford “That forward hand’s name be engraved on trophies alongside that of the skipper’s name with respect to the TS16 Australian Championships.” ------Vote 47 to 2

Motion 2 6th August 2000 Moved Alan Scott Seconded Barrie Heath “That the new National Committee and State Committees work together more effectively changing certain key roles, using the common tools and services that are currently available on the SportNet internet community, so that the key workloads can be shared amongst the National and State Committees.” ------Vote 37 to 12

Motion 1 1st August 1998 Moved Barrie Horman Seconded Lyn Bradford “That the minimum length of the sailing course in all National Championship races should be no less than 12.5 kilometres (6.75 nautical miles or 7.75 statute miles), unless the strength of the wind requires the course to be shortened.” ------Vote 69 to 22

Motion 2 1st August 1998 Moved Neil Bilsborough Seconded Lyn Bradford “That the Association approve the 89mm x 59mm mast section as a boom.” ------Vote 74 to 13

Unsuccessful motions are not recorded here. Page 12

Motion 3 1st August 1998 Moved Lyn Bradford Seconded Bob Young “That the Association adopt the Manual of Safety as attached, and that it form part of the Special Sailing Rules by insertion of a new Part 10, “Safety”, such part to read as follows: (a) When racing, all boats shall comply with the requirements of the Manual of Safety as published by the Association. (b) The compulsory clauses of the Manual of Safety shall not be modified other than in accordance with rule 47(2) of the Constitution and Rules of the Hartley Trailer Sailer 16 Association of Australia Inc. The existing Part 10 “Interpretation” shall become Part 11.” Amendment “That the Motion be amended by the replacement of the word “shall” in part (a) with the word “should” and that all States review the safety manual with a view to obtaining consensus on mandatory aspects of the manual and resubmit the manual for adoption at a later date.” -Vote 26 to 16

Motion 4 1st August 1998 Moved Lynton Bradford Seconded Neil Bilsborough “The length of the tang of the centre board may be extended beyond that shown on the official plan sufficient to allow the centre board to be perpendicular to the water line when fully down.” ------Vote 71 to 17

Motion 1 (This motion is a Special Resolution) 2nd August 1997 Moved Peter Crosby Seconded Alan Hall Special Sailing Rules paragraph 6 to have a new section 6(b) added which reads as follows:- 6(b) There shall be no filling or bridging in the area formed by the top of the coaming, the top of the gunwale and the deck ply, or the area formed by the top of the coaming, the inner edge of the cockpit seat and the deck ply. ------Vote 55 to 24

Motion 3 2nd August 1997 Moved Michael Simpson Seconded Julie Keating Application for dispensation from a variation of the AYF Special Regulations as set out in Addendum A to the Racing Rules of Sailing 1997 to 2000 ------Vote 79 to 1

Motion 4 2nd August 1997 Moved Michael Simpson Seconded Julie Keating That because such changes alter the one design nature of the Class and devalue older boats, no changes be made to the Class measurement rules at this meeting. ------Vote 39 to 35

Unsuccessful motions are not recorded here. Page 13

Motion 1 3rd August 1996 Moved T. Hoskins Seconded F. S anders In recognition of the long term contribution to the National and State Committees of the Hartley Trailer Sailer 16 Association of Australia Inc. Alan Hall be granted Life membership of the Association. ------Vote 99 to 1

Motion 2 3rd August 1996 Moved D. Boult Seconded P. Quaglia for Life Membership - Phil York. ------Vote 98 to 2

Motion 3 3rd August 1996 Moved A S Hall Seconded T. Hoskins The tradition of cash subsidies being paid to State Association for conducting National Championships shall cease. The National Association shall only be responsible for the provision of the 12 medallions presented to the first three boats outright and handicap. ------Vote 80 to 15

Motion 4 3rd August 1996 Moved A S Hall Seconded T. Hoskins Rule 1 of the Special Sailing Rules be altered to read, "Eligibility to race - (a) A boat with an "A' Class Certificate shall be eligible to compete in all events organised by or on behalf of or under the Rules of the Association. Winners of Association events may be required to submit their boat for re-measurement. (b) All equipment installed and present at the time of official weighing of the TS. 16 shall be carried in all races. Hatch covers shall be installed or safely stowed in the TS. 16 'm all races. (c) Unclassified boats may be eligible to take put in races decided on Handicap, at the discretion of the organising body. ------Vote 75 to 16

Motion 5 3rd August 1996 Moved N. Bilsborough Seconded P. York Change to measurement rule 46; should be adjusted to state the maximum boom untapered section be 90mm X 60mm to allow the existing mast section of 89mm to be used as a boom. The minimum should remain at 64min X 45mm and all booms must have the sail track incorporated 'm the section. Rule 46 and this motion will be re-evaluated after a two year period at which time a recommended boom section will be declared. ------Vote 80 to 16

Unsuccessful motions are not recorded here. Page 14

Motion 6 3rd August 1996 Moved N. Thompson Seconded A Scott That all 'first time' members, joining after the l` February each year, upon payment of the annual subscription fee, be a financial member for the remaining portion of that season plus the next season ------ote 55 to 47

Motion 1 5th August 1995 Moved Trevor Hoskins Seconded Steve Torok The State Associations shall be responsible for the payment of up to a maximum of 50% of the cost of the Association insurance policy for each financial year. The amount paid by each state to be determined by a formula derived by dividing 50% of the policy premium by the number of members financial at the 30th of June of the preceding financial year. The subscription reimbursement paid to each state in January and May/June of the current financial year to be reduced by the total members being refunded multiplied by the value of the above formula. This motion to remain effective until rescinded at a future AGM." ---Vote numbers not recorded but said to have “passed”

Motion 2 5th August 1995 Moved J. Keating Seconded R. Fyffe 'That each State Sub-committee be given the authority to receive Membership Applications direct from new members in their State, and be responsible for on forwarding those applications, along with Membership fees to the National Registrar." ------ote 45 to 23

Motion 1 6th August 1994 Moved Trevor Hoskins Seconded Steve Torok. "The State Associations shall be responsible for the payment of up to a maximum of 50% of the cost of the Association insurance policy for the coming financial year. The amount paid by each state to be determined by a formula derived by dividing 50% of the policy premium by the number of members financial at 30.6.94. The subscription reimbursement paid to each state in January 1995and May/June 1995 to be reduced by the total members being refunded multiplied by the value of the above formula ----- ote 77 to 0

Unsuccessful motions are not recorded here. Page 15

Motion 2 6th August 1994 Moved Gerry Brown Seconded Geoff Mundy. That Western Australia apply to hold another National Championship Series in Western Australia. ------Vote 67 to 4

Motion 3 6th August 1994 Moved Bruce Bousfield Seconded Gerry Brown That the National Association consider the use of Aluminium as alternative building material for 'A" class registered TS. 1 6's ------ote 56 to 19

Motion 4 6th August 1994 Moved Doug Dalwood Seconded John Johnson That Life Membership be awarded to Trevor Hoskins------Vote 80 to 0

Motion 1 31st July 1993 Moved J. Hoskins Seconded A. Hall Rule 20 (1) of the Constitution and Rules of The Hartley Trailer Sailer 16 Association of Australia Inc. be altered to read: 20(1) The committee shall meet at least six times, at intervals less than three months apart, in each period of 12 months at such place and time as the committee may determine. ------Vote 81 to 0

Motion 2 31st July 1993 Moved J. Hoskins Seconded A. Hall ule 46(4) of the Constitution and Rules of The Hartley Trailer Sailer 16 Association of Australia altered to read: (4) Funds shall be allocated to the various State Associations in accordance with a formula to be determined from time to time by the Committee of Management and shall be no less than two~thirds of the Annual Subscriptions received from that State. Allocations to States shall be made on 1st of January and will be based on the subscriptions paid to that date. Allocations for subscriptions received between 1st January and 31st May shall be made at the end of the financial year. This amendment to come into effect from the date of acceptance by the Director, Department of Consumer Affairs, N.S.W. ------Vote 81 to 0

Unsuccessful motions are not recorded here. Page 16

Motion 3 31st July 1993 Moved B. Crawly Seconded Illegible signature That the special measurement rules 2(a) be altered to read: 2. Spars- (a) Aluminium. spars shall be used and shall conform strictly to the Measurements and Specifications detailed on the official Plans and Measurement Form referred to in Rule 16 of the Constitution.------Vote 65 to 1

Motion 4 31st July 1993 Moved J. Hoskins Seconded S Torok Moratorium be placed on the payments of National Titles Subsidies for a total of three series and that each of the following States will forgo their next allocation, South Australia, Victoria and New South Wales. .------Vote 79 to 1

Motion 5 31st July 1993 Moved S Torok Seconded T. Hoskins Rule 34(2)(a) of the Constitution and Rules of The Hartley Trailer Sailer 16 Association of Australia Inc. be altered to read:

(2) In addition to the insurance required under clause (1), (a) the association shall effect and maintain insurance for Association organised activities, land and water based, covering the Australian Association and all affiliated State Associations and State Divisions. .------Vote 81 to 0

Motion 6 31st July 1993 Moved S Torok Seconded T. Hoskins Rule 10(2) of the Constitution and Rules of The Hartley Trailer Sailer 16 Association of Australia Inc. be altered to read:

(2) No member of any club, sub-association or associate body directly or indirectly affiliated with the Association shall have any right of action at law against any office bearer or official of the Association for any matter or thing done by such office bearer or official in the bona fide performance of a duty, or the bona fide exercise of a power imposed or vested in such office bearer or official under this constitution or rule or any By-law made in pursuance thereof. . ------Vote 81 to 0

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Motion 1 25th July 1992 Moved P. York, Seconded L. Bradford Part 1. That the Australian Constitution be replaced with a new document to include membership rules as thought suitable at this time to the N.S.W. Department of Business and Consumer Affairs, as approved by all member states as suitable to the Association needs and having been circularised to the membership with notification of this A.G.M. the date of effect of this document to coincide with the receipt of official notification of granting of incorporation. Part 2. Should amendment be necessary to the membership rules document to satisfy the N.S.W. Department, after approval at the 1992 A.G.M., then the details of the amendments, after agreement by the member states shall be advised to the members, with postal voting form for resolution at a Special General Meeting, arranged in accordance with rules 5(c) and 6(b) & (c). Rule "X' 40 (a) & (b) is excluded from part 2 of this motion. The motion was taken as read. Brian Crawley asked could part 2 to be interpreted more broadly before presentation to the NSW Corporate Affairs. Trevor Hoskins said no alteration could be made at this stage as this was the way it was put to the members, and if the Constitution is accepted by the NSW Corporate Affairs this could be fine tuned at a later date. ------Vote 91 to 7

Motion 2 25th July 1992 Moved T. Hoskins, Seconded A.S. Hall The document titled "Constitution and Rules of The Hartley Trailer Sailer 16 Association of Australia Inc. revised 25/06/92% referred to in the notice of motion by P. York at this A.G.M. and distributed to all State Associations and the membership, be accepted as the document to be presented to the N.S.W. Department of Business and Consumer Affairs for Incorporation of the Association. ------Vote 60 to 1

Motion 3 25th July 1992 Moved T. Hoskins, Seconded A.S. Hall Upon Incorporation of the Association the documents currently held by each State Association executive and titled: The Hartley Trailer Sailer 16 Association of Australia Inc. Special Sailing Rules Revised 25/06/92; and The Hartley Trailer Sailer 16 Association of Australia Inc. Special Measurements Rules Revised 25/06192; ------Vote 83 to 3

Motion 4 25th July 1992 Moved A.S. Hall Seconded J. Hoskins In accordance with the requirements of the N.S.W. Department of Business and Consumer Affairs and rule 17(8)(b) of the new Constitution and Rules of The Hartley Trailer Sailer 16 Association of Australia Inc., Lynton Bradford be elected as the Public Officer of the Association. Vote 98 to 0 This motion was moved during general business and was not posted with Notice of AGM and so non attending members did not get to vote on this motion

Unsuccessful motions are not recorded here. Page 18

Motion 5 25th July 1992 Moved Trevor Hoskins Seconded Brian Crawley "The Honoraria for the coming year be set at a value of $1.50 per member with 25c of that going to the Treasurer and $1.25 going to the Registrar" ------ote 45 to 1

Motion 2 27th July 1991 Moved No shown in minutes Seconded No shown in minutes We seek the permission of the members to modify the Constitution to the extent to adding the MODEL RULES, as required by the CORPORATE AFFAIRS COMMISSION OF N.S.W. and that MODEL RULES may be ratified at a SPECIAL MEETING and TELEPHONE HOOK-UP with 21 days notice to STATE SUB ASSOCIATIONS." ------ote 68-26

Motion 3 30th July 1988 Moved Alan Hall Seconded Trevor Hoskins, Greg Jennings Nomination for Life Membership for Lynton Bradford ----Vote “Unanimous”

Motion 1 25th July 1987 Moved A. Hall Seconded T. Hoskins Section G Rule 23(a) of The Hartley Trailer Sailer 16 Association of Australia be altered to read:

"(a) "A" Class Certificates shall be granted by the Management Committee to all boats built to conform to the TS.16 Official Plans (subject to any modification agreed to by the Association) which pass measurement within tolerances laid down in the Measurement Form of the Association, and which in the opinion of the Chief Measurer are built fairly to plan and in accordance with general standards for amateur built craft. Note: Conformity to the Measurement Form alone is not necessarily grounds for issue of an "A" Class Certificate. Boats must conform to the requirements of the Official Plans. Any modifications, repairs or replacements must conform to the measurement form current at the time such alterations are carried out. Vote 165 to 6

Unsuccessful motions are not recorded here. Page 19

Motion 2 25th July 1987 Moved A. Hall Seconded T. Hoskins The following sections of The Hartley Trailer Sailer 16 Association of Australia Constitution be removed from the Constitution and placed into the official measurement form. "Section G Rule 25 in total Rule 26 in total Rule 27 in total Rule 28 in total Rule 29 in total." --Vote 167 to 8

Motion 3 25th July 1987 Moved A. Hall Seconded T. Hoskins Section H, Rule 37 of the Hartley Trailer Sailer 16 Association of Australia Constitution be altered to read: "No instrument aid to sailing except stop watch, compass and wind direction indicators will be allowed." ------ote 160 to 14


Motion 1 26th July1986 Moved A. Hall Seconded Trevor Hoskins, That part 2 F of measurement form be altered to read: "Reefing points including slab and jiffy systems are permitted. –Vote 91 to 7

Motion 2 26th July1986 Moved A. Hall Seconded Trevor Hoskins, To amend section H Rule 35 Sailing Rules - Trapezes etc. To read as follows : "Trapezes, sliding seats” or similar contrivances are not allowed. Hiking Is permitted provided that no part of the body between the middle of the thigh and the feet shall be located outboard of the gunwhale when hiking." ---Vote 103 to 13

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Motion 1 28th July 1984 Moved Not specified Seconded Not specified Seeks to add to Rule 25 "Hulls" (c) after "Association fibreglass specification". Add two new paragraphs to read: "Composite construction using bare fibreglass hull, to Association specification, for completion using timber and plywood construction of cockpit, deck and cabin to plan and composite specification will also be allowed. Timber hulls with fibreglass cockpit. deck and cabin moulding will not be allowed". -Vote 71 to 4

Motion 2 28th July 1984 Moved L. BRADFORD Seconded P. YORK Seeks to vary Rule 25 "Hulls" (i) delete "Hulls' and substitute Timber and plywood boats" Add a new paragraph after "would be involved" to read:"Fibreglass and composite fibreglass, timber, plywood boats must carry at least 0.425 cubic metres = 15 cubic feet of approved buoyancy"!-Vote 72 to 3

Motion 3 28th July 1984 Moved T. HOSKINS Seconded M. SUTTON Rule 25(a) of the Constitution and Rules of the Hartley Trailer Sailer 16 Association of Australia be changed to read:

"Hulls shall conform to the lines, dimensions, timber sizes and specifications detailed on the Official Plans and Measurement Form referred to In Rules 21 and 22.The weight of the hull with decking, cabin and fixed fittings, Including flooring, built in bunks in cabin, centreboard and rudder, but stripped of all other loose gear Including sails and spare, shall be not less than 360kg (7941b.). If any weight addition is necessary to meet this figure h It shall be distributed as follows:- (1) Additional weight up to a maximum total of 25kg shall be distributed evenly fore and aft on either side of the centre case logs, about a point 690mm (2'3") aft of frame 3. (2) Additional weight in excess of the 25kg shall be distributed evenly between an area at the stern and an area at the bow. The stern weight shall be entirely above and fixed to the top surface of the cockpit floor within an area 76mm (3") either side of the centre line, the transom and a point 203mm (8") forward of the aft face of the transom. at cockpit floor height. The bow weight shall be entirely above the top surface of the cabin bunk line within an area 76mm (3") either side of the centre line. the stem and a point 2.463 metres (8'1") forward of the aft face of the cabin. -Vote 73 to 3

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Motion 23rd July 1983 None carried

Motion 24th July 1982 NONE

Motion 1 25th July 1981 Moved A. Hall Seconded Trevor Hoskins, "The tubular design rudder stock, plus the modified rudder to fit this stock, be approved as an alternative to the existing wooden stock and be included on the official measurement form." ---- Vote 86 to 6

Motion 2 25th July 1981 Moved Trevor Hoskins, Seconded B. Wilson "If any arguments against a motion to the Annual General Meeting are to be included with the Notice of Motion sent to all members, the mover of that motion shall be notified of the details of these arguments. The mover shall be given seven days from the receipt of the Notice of Arguments against the motion, to reply to them. This reply will be included with the Notice of Motion sent to all members prior to the Annual General Meeting.", ------ote 66 to 30

Motion 3 25th July 1981 Moved W. Culverwell Seconded L. Bradford "That Rule G 25(i) be amended, deleting "0.14 cubic meters (5 cubic feet)'I and inserting "0.3 cubic meters (10 cubic feet)". ------ote 92 to 1 -

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Motion 1 26th July 1980 Moved N. Brasch Seconded J. Fairbairn Rule 4 (b)(iv). Delete words 'land who shall number not more than 5 at any one time" and in insert "such members to have completed no less than 10 years membership with a minimum of 5 in office, and who have given outstanding service in promoting the class" --Vote “Carried Unanimously”

Motion 2 26th July 1980 Moved N. Brasch Seconded J. Fairbairn Subject to acceptance of Motion 1, that Life Membership status be conferred on SIR. BRIAN CRAWLEY (VIC.) --Vote 77 to 1

Motion 3 26th July 1980 Moved W. Gamble Seconded B. Gorringe Subject to acceptance of Motion 1, that Life Membership status be conferred on MR. SID WOOD (N.S.W.) -- Vote “Carried Unanimously”

Motion 4 26th July 1980 Moved Not specified Seconded Not specified That Rule 15 of the Constitution be changed by deleting the words "of $4.00" and adding the words after the word "Association" ...”such amount to be determined from time to time by the Management Committee" Vote “Carried Unanimously”

Motions 21st July 1979 NONE

Motion 1 28th July 1978 Moved T. Britton Seconded S.,Wood That Rule 4 (b) (1v) be invoked so that Life Membership status be conferred on Mr. W, (Bill) GAMBLE, NSW ------ote 133 to 7

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Motion 3 28th July 1978 Moved H.C. Turner Seconded J.B. Keen 1. That Rule 25 be altered by the Inclusion of a new section ”J” That aluminium be an acceptable alternate material for construction of the rudder stock." 2. Conditional on the above being passed That item 40 of the Tolerance and Measurement form be altered to read: "Thickness of Cheeks Plan Max Min Timber 18 mm + 3 mm - 0 5/8” + 1/8” - 0 Aluminium 3 mm 0 1/8” 0 -----Vote 116 to 11

Motion 4 28th July 1978 Moved R.L. King Seconded C. Osborn That Rule 25 (c) be altered by deleting the words: 11No hull will be accepted Into the Association which is entirely of fibreglass or material other than that specified in the Official Plans."

INSERT: 0Hulls constructed of fibreglass will be accepted into the Association and will be eligible for an A" class certificate provided that the hull conforms to the Association fibreglass specification. " ------ote 91 to 41

Motion 1 23rd July 1977 Moved Seconded No 1 Dealing with acceptance of and distribution of the measurement form revised July 1977 and errater and omission sheet as attached. ---- Vote 98 to 2

Motion 2 23rd July 1977 Moved Not specified Seconded Not specified Amending the constitution section 25(a). (b),(e) Section 28(a)p(d) Section 29(a) Section 32---- Vote 95 to 5

Unsuccessful motions are not recorded here. Page 24