LIBERAL INTERNATIONAL THE BARCELONA PROCESS 175th EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 5-6 NOVEMBER MALLORCA, SPAIN Sponsored by With the support of the European Parliament With the support of the Dutch Foreign Office Table of Contents Background - Barcelona Process 2 - Economic and Financial Chapter 3 - Foreign Policy and Security Chapter 4 - Israel and Palestine 5 - Human Rights 6 Programme 7-9 Professional Profiles 10-14 Participants 14-16 The Barcelona Process The poor democratic record of Maghreb and Mashrek countries, com- bined with the demographic trends and the economic imbalances be- tween the southern and the northern shores of the Mediterranean, led to the launch of a new initiative in 1995, the Euro-Mediterranean Partner- ship (EMP), which became known as the Barcelona Process. It was launched to foster cooperation on political reform, economic liberalisation, and social issues between the European Union (EU) and the countries on the southern and eastern rim of the Mediterranean (Algeria, Cyprus, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Malta, Morocco, the Palestinian Authority, Syria, Tunisia, and Turkey). Members are commit- ted to implementing reforms and continuing dialogue. The agreement calls for reform in three areas, known as the political, economic, and social chapters. The first objective is the creation of a common area of peace and stability through the reinforcement of political and security dialogues based on fundamental principles such as respect for human rights and democracy (Political and Security Chapter). The second objective calls for the construction of a zone of shared pros- perity through an economic and financial partnership that includes the gradual establishment of a free zone by 2010.
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