Unit #1 Short and Unit #2 Short and land crop plan clock stand drop act plot last block band flock grand test stamp spent sand left stick sled trip spend thing west lift tent swim desk list nest

Unit #3 Short sound Spelling Unit #4 /oi/ and /ou/ lunch boil until join buzz voice stuff oil dull point study soil uncle proud cuff loud under house cover cloud become sound nothing round month south love found none ground Unit #5 ew and oo Unit #7 Vowel-Consonant-e crew state news face drew pave knew flame threw skate chew plane loose slide school size smooth prize pool smile shoot close roof globe fool smoke balloon broke choose stone

Unit #8 Long a: ai, ay Unit #9 Long e: ee, ea aid sheep chain street mail wheels paint cheese plain sweet main dream pail east laid treat paid mean pay peace tray real maybe leave lay stream always teacher away heat Unit #10 Long i: i, igh Unit #11 Long o: ow, oa, o night snow bright load find almost light row wild soak high window blind foam fight most sight flow kind goat sign throw knight float mild blow right below sigh soap

Unit #13 sh,ch,tch,wr,ck Unit #14 Consonants /j/,/s/ shape change church age watch large father page wrap fence check space finish center sharp since mother price write ice catch dance chase pencil shall slice thick place wrote city Unit #15 Digraphs, Clusters Unit #16 Sound shook afraid flash around fresh upon splash never speech open stitch animal scratch ever switch about stretch again strong another string couple spring awake think over cloth asleep brook above

Unit #17 Words Writers Use Unit #19 Vowel /o/ friend draw very cost people dawn your across after belong busy cross other soft were crawl should song once boss would straw sure lawn little raw every lost could law Unit #20 r-Controlled Vowel: /or/ Unit #21 r-Controlled Vowel: /ur/ story word wore fur north early board circus form turn corner skirt warm earth score work morning curl forget learn before hurt storm dirt tore earn order shirt war heard

Unit #22 r-Controlled Vowel: /ar/ Unit #23 Homophones bear way air its fare owe pear sell care great their sail hair cell bare scent fair oh there cent pair it's wear grate chair weigh where sale hare sent Unit #25 Double Consonants Unit #26 Double Consonants + Y supper carry happen bunny pepper happy kitten muddy sudden berry letter furry dinner puppy cotton sorry lesson merry mitten jelly bottom hurry summer pretty better cherry ladder worry ribbon funny

Unit #27 Adding - ing Unit #28 Adding ed and ing coming stopped skating digging taking rubbed giving sitting choosing planned smiling wrapping baking sledding sliding dropped changing scrubbing waving hopped leaving putting making tripped hoping swimming trading spotted having running Unit #29 Contractions Unit #31 Plurals: s, he's flags what's inches don't dresses I'm pies that's bushes doesn't classes there's apples she's colors isn't drums I'll branches won't things here's buses didn't benches who's tracks can't brushes

Unit #32 Irregular Plurals Unit #33 Suffixes: , est goose larger woman sadder calf widest fish sharper mouse closest leaf hotter children saddest geese redder calves reddest leaves wider half 1later child largest women closer mice hottest halves latest Unit #34 Suffix: ly Unit #35 Compound Words slowly herself mainly nobody badly airplane hourly grandfather suddenly someone lately rainbow partly anything closely grandmother really everything lastly afternoon plainly sunshine loudly himself shortly anybody monthly something softly without