Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the Navy of The
ADDITIONALLISTOFOFFICERS WHO JOIN ED SOUTHERN NAVY THE following Is an additional list Goode, Julien M. Spencer, Thomas R. of resignations from the United Brooks, Walter S. Johns. William J. Craig. States navy from January 1, 1881, to Carp< December 31, 1S62, In order to enter the oter- William Knight Saiimakers—Samuel V. Turner and Wil- confederate navy. This completes the liam Bennett. record so far as is definitely known. Hi Assistant Engineers—George D , The names of the officers and their rank Lining and Loudon Campbell. follows: First Assistant Engineer- William Frick, Midshipmen—John Grlmball, Wllburn R. Jr. TTall and Diaries W. Read. Third Assistant Engineer—George W. Actinp Midshipmen—Jojin T. Walker, Tennent. William F. Robinson. Raphael J. M From the United States Marine Corps: Thomas M. Rerrien. John H. Comstock, First Leutenanis Jacob Read, George Dabney N. Scales. Oeorpo P. Bryan, Ed- Holmes and Andrew J. Hays. ward 8. Ruggles, James E. Fiske, George Second Lieutenants Calvin I/. Sayre, A. TToward. Daniel Trips:, Willi Beckett K. Howell and Henry L. lngra- Hutter, William C. Jackson, Augustus ham. O. Wright, Algernon S. Worth, Henry Augusta, Ga., October 3, 1901. (* £ f) C. McDanlel. Orris A. Brownfl) Richard H. Bacot, Robert Flonrnoy, John R. Price. James A. Meriwether. Barron Car- ter, William W. Carnes, Thomas (?. Gar- OFFICERS rett, William A. Hicks. William R. Hal- SOUTHERN ton, David A. Telfair, Casstus Meyer, WHO LEFT U. S. NAVY\ Thomas L. Moore, Francis M. Robey, Isaac C. Holcombe. William B. Pinckney, JONES. Richard F. Armstrong. Matthew P. Good- By CHAS. EDGEWORTH of wyn, John F.
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