It STITUTI 7N Harvard Univ.,Cambridge.,,Mass: Program Cr Aciencei
MD160 4311 51 025. 069 AUTHOR' Shelanski, Vivien.E.,. Ed. TITLE: Newsletter on Science,. Technolegy - Human Values, Number 2.117-J,une 1978. - ; It STITUTI 7N Harvard Univ.,Cambridge.,,Mass: Program cr aciencei. Technology. and Publicjc110. sppms- AGENCY National Endowment for the Humanities (NFIH) , Washington, D.C. PUE.DATE Jun 78 NOTE 75p.; Not available in hard copy due tc copyright restrictions AVAILABLE FROM Newsletter on Science, Technology & Buman Values, Aiken Computation Lab. 232, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, NA/ 02138 (Subscription individual $10.00) E _4ipRICE NF- $0.8.3 Plus Pos hge. EC Not Availatle fret EDES. RIPTORS *Activism;-Ethical_yalues*HUmanisp; *Newsletters; Nuclear Warfare; -*POlitical Attitudes; Politics; Science Education; acience History; Sciences; *Scientists; *Technology; Values ABSTRACT- Two papers ale presented in this mew4 titter: one on thepolitical activity 'Of scientists following, world ar II as a result of the Manhattan Project, and cne cr the politicalactivity of scientists today. These papers are followed by two cestenta:ries which coat:Care the two rrapers. Also included in this iEsuefiare net's items, a calendar of events, a report on a conference on ethical guidelines for research and clinical perspectives en human sexuality,arff annotated bibliography, and an index.ft the previous eight issues or this newsletter. (BE) _** * * * * * * * *x * * * * ** ********* Re produ ionssupplied by EDRS are the best at car Le made ) from the original doctimert. ** * ** * ** ************* SIB DEPARTm OF HEALTH, ,IDUCAtII WElFARE NATION* NSTITOTE OF EDUCATION . THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRO- CIUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM TOE PdFISON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGIN- ' ATING IT POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRE- SENT OFFICIAL NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY PERMISSION To REPRODUCE THIS,.
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