Nr. 3/2016 • 1/5777 Kultūros paveldo departamentas DISCOVER – GET TO KNOW – ACCEPT 7 Faina Kukliansky: Memorial for Lithuanian Jews Rescuers 9 Interview: Miša Jakobas 10 LJC Olameinu International Children's Camp 13 Remembrance: Sulamita Lermanaitė-Gelpernienė 14 Wooden Synagogues 16 Gefilte Fish: Stuffed Fish, or Fish Ball? ISSN 2424-4759 Editor’s Corner Fall has come again, bringing not only its indescribable colors, but also a new issue of the Bagel Shop. In this issue we have an interview with principal of the Sholem Aleichem ORT Gymnasium in Vilnius Miša Jakobas, we remember Sulamita Lermanaitė-Gelpernienė and we share impressions from the LJC Olameinu children's summer camp. Besides the usual columns, we also paid considerable attention to the European Day of Jewish Culture, so read on to learn about gefilte fish, wooden synagogues, the interwar Jewish press and the poet Abraham Sutzkever. Stay warm, and stop by the Bagel Shop Café at Pylimo street no. 4 in Vilnius for a cup of tea, and check out the new menu when you’re there! We always welcome your thoughts, suggestions and criticisms! Write me at
[email protected] Radvilė NEWS AT A GLANCE May 27 Lithuanian deputy foreign minister Mantvydas Technical University. The exhibit included traditional Jewish Bekešius met with a large delegation of journalists from Is- religious mizrah designs and cut-paper works depicting Jew- rael. The journalists were interested in Lithuania’s progress ish holidays. Considered a master in his field, Navickas has successfully expanding relations between Lithuania and Is- exhibited in Japan, Poland, the USA and other countries.