University of South Carolina Scholar Commons Archaeology and Anthropology, South Carolina Faculty & Staff ubP lications Institute of 1989 From Archaeology to Interpretation at Charles Towne Stanley South University of South Carolina - Columbia,
[email protected] Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Anthropology Commons Publication Info Published in Anthropological Studies, Volume 9, 1989, pages 157-168. © 1989 by The outhS Carolina Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology This Article is brought to you by the Archaeology and Anthropology, South Carolina Institute of at Scholar Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Faculty & Staff ubP lications by an authorized administrator of Scholar Commons. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. Chapter 8 FROM ARCHAEOLOGY TO INTERPRETATION AT CHARLES TOWNE Stanley South IN1RODUCTION primarily a visual documentation of the process we In a volume dedicated to Bob Stephenson, it is went through at Charles Towne in translating the 1670- appropriate that my chapter focus on the work at 1680 period ruchaeological features into the interpre Charles Towne Landing since it was at that site in 1968 tive defensive ditches, embankments, embrasures, and that I began my relationship with him. It is also appro palisades that visitors to the site have been seeing and priate that a statement on Charles Towne be presented wondering about for the past 15 years. This process of here because that site has had a seminal influence on all historic site development continues to be carried out on my work to follow, with 13 articles, monographs, and historic sites from archaeology to interpretive exhibit books resulting from the nine months of fieldwork I as more such sites are explored and interpreted to the carried out on the site in 1969 (South 1969a, 1969b, public.