A. REPORTING PARTY Contracting Party Republic of Macedonia N A T I O N A L F O C A L P O I N T Full name of the institution Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning Name and title of contact Menka Spirovska, State Counselor officer Mailing address Drezdenska 52, 1000, Skopje, R. Macedonia Telephone +389 2 3066930/ext.110 Fax +389 2 3066931 E-mail
[email protected] CONTACT OFFICER FOR NATIONAL REPORT (IF DIFFERENT FROM ABOVE) Full name of the institution Name and title of contact officer Mailing address Telephone Fax E-mail S U B M I S S I O N Signature of officer responsible for submitting national report [original signed] Date of submission 3.11.2005 Informatiion on the preparatiion of the report Box I. Please provide information on the preparation of this report, including information on stakeholders involved and material used as a basis for the report. 1 B. PRIORITY SETTING, TARGETS AND OBSTACLES Box II. Please provide an overview of the status and trends of various components of biological diversity in your country based on the information and data available. Current Status of the Biodiversity in the Republic of Macedonia Short summary of the current status of the biological diversity in the country is presented bellow. For more details, see the First National Biodiversity Report (July, 2003). Geographic features The Republic of Macedonia is located in the centre of the Balkan Peninsula, occupying an area of 25,713 km2 and supporting a population of about two million inhabitants. The country is mountainous, with many river valleys and significant water resources (both rivers and three major natural lakes).