VOL. XXXV NO. 6107. HONOLULU, TERRITORY. TUESDAY, MARCH 4, 1902. PRICE FIVE CENTS. WELCOMING HIGH BLOOD IS WHEN TRADE WINDS ARE ! X THEPR1NCE lf . .i ... x THE SENATE it Henry of Prussia!! South Garolinans """ 1 il IT l uuest or tne Come to Nation. Blows.


Is Received by the' President and Both Held in Contempt by the Dines at the White House. Senate The President's Dis- Many Incidents. pleasure is Shown.

WASIIINGTON, February 22. Wash- NKW YORK, February 23. Prince ington's birthday was signalized in the Henry reached New York today, and United States Senate by a fist fight. ' wai cordially welcomed as a truest of 1 The two Senators from South Carolina tbe Nation. were the active participants In the af- "When the suns of Fort Wads w orth fray. Tillman in the course of a speech sounded tbeir first salute Prince Henry upon the Philippine tariff bill made saluted by his cap and his band serious reflections upon the honor of raisins his colleague, McLaurin. In brief, he played "The Star Spangled Itanner." charged that his vote in support of th The salutes of the forts across the Nar ratification of the treaty of Paris had row boomed and w hen these had been been cast through the exercise of Im- Admiral Evans went on board T-n-e proper influences. finished McLaurin was not in the chamber Kronprlnx and formally welcomed X at the time, being engaged In commit- trrt Prince. - tee work, but he was sent for, and ap- n the way up the bay the Herman peared Just as Tillman concluded his rose was hoisted by the Kron- - speech. Pale as ashes, McLaurin to address the Senate, speaking to a rrlrsz and the naval vessels saluted. question of personal privilege. He re- j th San Francisco, the Olympla. the e: - viewed Tillman's charges briefly, and ttincinnatl and the Illinois lying in or- TH wind. then denounced the statement made to be by his colleageu as a "willful, mali- der. The Prince seemed familiar lie." acquain- cious and deliberate with the city and showed his v J Scarcely had the words fallen from tance Ly calling attention to land his lips when Tillman, sitting a few i him, with Teller of Colora- mark I r seats from After be landed he was escorted to . I do between them, sprang at him. Mc- HOLOCAUST C, GEO. CARTER Laurin, who had half turned toward the Imperial yacht llohenzollern. which DEATH OF E MACFARLANE Tillman met him half, way, and in an will be his home In New York. There IN A HOTEL " IS RETICENT instant these two Senators having , .received the representatives of th swept Teller aside, were engaged in a he WHILE HIS TOUR re- WEDDING rough-and-tumb- ON le JLvny Navy and the German ofll fight. McLaurin and (Special to The Advertiser.) heavy blow on the forehead, special representatives of the NEW TOriK, February 22. While ceived a rials, 25.-- while got a punch on the nose ! FRANCISCO. February Tillman President and the city officials. the truests of the Park Avenue hotel, a SAN which brought blood. here from Hono- - At luncheon the Prince entertained building supposed to tx fireproof, were George Carter arrived Assistant Sergeant at Arms Layton February 18, and left here on to and Bepar- - those of his callers who were of the watching the spectacular burning or lulu on Pprang over desks reach or reoruary zv. was me Navy, and later in the day returned his the Seventy-tlrs- t Regiment armory op- the morning lie aie rumuaioms au " any reporters, al- - "everal blows, ire got between them ofTleial calls and made an Inspection of In hotel. Ue-f-- re not Interviewed by posite, fire broke out the - finai,y and by main strength wrenched the Illinois. He entertained a number be given the though all the papers sent representa- flpart senatdrs Wrarren of Wy of American officials at dinner and the alarm could them up shafts, prac- - tives, w ho made frantic endeavors to omingr and Scott of West Virginia, two spent the evening at a reception at the Jlames ran the elevator Sen-see- n, Carter. Carter was not to be of the most powerful men In the peutscher Verein Club house, Fror.i tically cutting off The scenes catch - rat- - any qdes- ate, leaped to his assistance and. point he on his w:ay t- and refused to answer that started were sickening. Rome people jumped or to reply to any written inquir- - ioning the arms of the belligerent den- AVahln2ton. ions In-b- y from high windows and were killed; ies sent him. He was probably warned ators, forced them into their seats. ireutvf'TflV ruhrtn rv Prlnf Sen-w- as t death in their rooms, the example of Sam Parker, who tense excitement prevailed in th Henry's visit to the Capital today was others burned galleries, which were thronged He was met at who had narrow escapes quoted or misquoted all over the ate and one full of Interest. ,moflg those having Roosevelt with people, who had been attracted the depot by Secretary of State Hay, N. country as said that was were Hpar Adm,raj jseph Miller. had promised to make him Governor of by the spirited debate. Everybody on-hi- word, however, was Hawaii, and to oust Sanford B. Dole, s feet. Not a up about the cham-m- y President and the injured seventeen. Among the I didn't see Carter, although I sent spoken. Senators stood changed greetings with tbe as representative of The Ad- - ber for the moment quite helpless and . IT. S. A., card re-ta- lk ami ivn M.'nr'cil to lh German .i.ij are Cul. Alexander Piper, he would pale to lips. Finally order was he received the Pres vertiser. I thought perhaps the or rmi!iv where formerly in command of the Presidio; me. if anyone, as I know him stored partially, and in the midst upon to In-wo- rd ident's return call. He left cards mine-ow- n I for-tip- Acton, a millionaire supposed he would want intense excitement the Senatewent the various representatives of the n Norman well, and L.. - j his friends to secret session. Colorado Springs; Col. C. Ilur- -7 of himself sent bac kto er of . -"- powers and received their calls. !V' 4 Mr , , i two hours it discussed the vent thf Li- Conn., who command-- j in Hawaii. For Later in the day he visited det of Hartford. had the frosty hand and behind closed doors! When the dor Senate and war; Kx-- j Rut Carter brary tf C.ngr.'ss and the ed a regiment in the Spanish mm?--' glasyeye for all curious people. He ,vore opened it was made known that House. In the former he arrived while GaMon A. Ilobblns of' hotel,' was of South Carolina Senators by over Congressman stayed at the Occidental but both the to l:ailry of Texas was in a debate phi- very little of his time unanimous vote had been declared voting on the Phil- Alabama; Mrs. Salome Foster, a in that hostelry or They the xc!ufn fr.m wMle here contempt the Senate. MM the Prince lanthropist known in New York as the or Senate ippine of Tillman, and 'were. permitted by a vote the CHARY e beside Mr. and seemed t en Angel." CARTER .Ais ,,. ,r. tho -Of.n-.t- Their- sat Fr? "Tombs in- lo make aimsir.i joy the scene very mu. f. H en The Call reporter who sought to statements were listenea to uj now. applauded. Carter, evidently had a hard people in the ith tnu.jast:ca!ly nn Tr M AfC terview story the Senators and the The ceremonies of the day conclude JQf J llrtVL time of It, for the Call published a breathless interest. Senator with the second royal stale oinner about Carter which was headed "His Tillman left the Capitol when adjourn- has ver leen held in the White Haughtiness George Carter." was for recess and did not that which RECIPROCITY mis- ment taken House. The first was that at The fact is that Carter made a return for the night session. Senator Allien Kdward. now King of Great t in his treatment of the newspapers was chamber about gu-- st The take McLaurin in the PriMin. was the f honor. at least seen re- rtn-ate- r IIous. February 22. The here. He should have o'clock, but left early. Neither gr.at .:ut ro.m at the White WASIIlXGTtN, been courteous to them. home l hail, and porters and when seen at his wuld wa convertt-.- Into a dining Republican members of the Ways and Associated Press and other of pub- V As it Is the make any statement. prominent men, in all branches Committee, who been con- - Z, sr32 claimed to have been dis- ana lic were invit l exching Means have reporters who The status of Senators Tillman fervice by George, have eon-ttm- pt greetings with lh- - skesinan f th courteously treated McLaurin is that they are still In r will not Kmin-ro- and the t statements East, which th-- and only by a G.rman tarer - sent in of Senate this country of hi own a:;d h I aid the cause of good government vote of the Senate can either b pi. s ft ip and goi Hawaii. Knowing Carter to be the either to speak or to toU n soul of courtesy usually. I lay his mood tion whatever. e and Vrty fright. Prsi-de- nt AN..it midnight th Pr:n to a sort of stage j occurrence N-- w victory f'T who have favored while here On account of the M.tit-- d return trip t. rK tl''e Sen- in the .h friend see t urn, h . f tli- - l.:nj' r.r t oncesMt.ns to that island. The Roosevelt had a t. witness the inff E. MACFARLANE. request that he M.-te.-- THE WiDOWED BRIDE OF C Hawaiian Hbnes. ator Tillman and .i' r?t HI. a. t! n tak.-- w:s th" adoption uf a res. invitation STANFORD UNIVERSITY, Feb draw his acceptance of the .dJiion auth-rizin- the IVesM- nt t j to dine at the Whit.? House, on tne oc- Kisa Stnn I Freo. a re. ;pro i:y treaty with the -- Dr. Charles H. Gilbert, neaa w iuc to Henry. - February 16. Kdward George, he was tne proprietor OI in ,a i(aVe San casion of the banquet Prince F.N. v Miss repul-Iu- - v. ! n csrablished. t:n- CHICAGO. ueparin.enL i tn so the Pres- fi;5an wed- Hawaiian HoUl and had an extensive .iT. Tillman refused to do and . miss:..n-,.r- v concessions. the Macfarlar.e died on his of week or in- r:;i-- r ST. Stor..-- the l.r.i e.Hli .xl.nt Cremur he Francisco at the end this ident sent a note withdrawing the .rn.ri.in r' Ci; to cut con- - as . vj :i.Mir.d in the district tTr;ff n ::iv. prodiifts ding tour at 2 o'clock this afternoon, had been known as one of Hawaii's the beginning of next on hla long vitation. Tillman had been invited v 2 ; i Cuba t enact our 11 . I., r C"th hns .' ti and at th- - Aulitoriam hotel, leaving a wealthiest bachelors. His partner and templates trip to ''"1" the ranking minority member of th I:tt. l.i s. of the ImW ,Vish in his t- . of Bank te char Committee and - :i r I as.-d- She arnveti m young wife "f a we'-- a widow at 22 brother is also a director the Naval Affairs ' g unan-an- .l resolution, the pres- ..VI.M-- uM-rnln- i:y t. ..f f F. ; in, of Va., was T..I .,t 2 this tie e of Hawaii, while another brother. jordan and Dr. stead Senator Start . I ! K'pu'J-iltte- age. body 1 : . , pf,Lt - ru.s. t i n by .1" years of Th? will It taken ... . . t - . 7 . I i - , II. iI. will pr....-,- to S.il. pri .i rr ha ent. I. ? con:; will O. P. Jenkins. His companions win .. - .iMe o trav. It I:, r. the tomorrow, and thence j ft .is n .f... tn to San Francisco Union Feed Company. C. C. Nutting, head of the zoo , pnie l.t rc trom ,( . .,;:t. , p. a Republican caucus Prof. fXpected She will su sent tf the Hawaiian Islands to be Only ten days ago Rev. Father Lyons logy department at tne Lmvers.iy oi Botha May 8urreudr. , : :ina. sea to ... held next Tiles. lay. united Mr. Macfarlane anl Miss F.or Snva.-r- . instructor ui ! 23. 'was burie.l. t . TC - - - vnT?k' February It ti .ill n rfln Ir. . 4n zoology at Mar.ii'ru,fnrA anil WAlter vvw' Is j lobby of the Hous Tjr - Mr. Macfarlane inconsolable. the freely stated in the Ilocievelt Stnd Sinp"n. Cbl- ?oui was a quiet a Stanford graduate with - a mxrm T .O H - To Tk dirci 1 Francisco. The affair Fner. - ft Pre-- . had been a bachelor an couple once of 1W1. me of Commons .Monday msm. j - WASHINGTON. Ft b. ! -- The U To take M.efarlane ,hln. weddinsf. and the at class risn tl. that Gen- . 1 . .. NEW Y'i:K. Ftb. is to be placed at dispatch to the Herald, - ';.f years old. They were on their , Chicago on their bridal steamer Albatross don i!-- in was departed for com- i.t U4U I stat- tM Til - ii chief Boer a .;i:,! in l'aclJ'.c Ocean from i.irv-..- i rl,! pod- - the disposal of the party. eral Louis Botha, the any :u It !i te .. .v..:men nvi.r.-- - - was a gel' h.-- Is.-.- t Isd- - l.nr"I'f V managed to r...fi d.tlirie.l r. f.ie r. to the Hawaiian il ! ular'younp .ij mander, had . t S h'ey Ir.is: la-- - of the Mission and up. i .,f Ailmir:il n- -o.' Thoy reaped Chicago t Hon- resident Comirg. with Lord iiie :s . .i . ti. to the and from Mrs. Robert Watson Bibcp N'cb'Js communication ll'n"'f rr.. the f.r .tK-- ..r ir.- - ..un ,3.1V. was taken sick.1.. the daughter on t-'- and .Macfarlme to surrender U- - l'-- i - both had offered Tfo presM.r:t tl.r - l!.o.. i.rt did J r to the I'hilii 't I'r'Ject- pleuro-- I and a sister of Frank J. Palhnger. Right Rev. William Ford Nichols, ,n - that afternoon. He died of here. Miss conditions, the chief and says th.it .i;i r ai.ful C.lt to the Titus, a F. W. Ma f.ir'.ane. a broth- - of whom are well known Bishop of the diocese of California, banished J?",!p' a?e o-t- .I...... ho . I l It S.il::f-- '" w neunonl.i. Eall'.nger's, home was with her mother. shall not be 'r0" must " l government tug ill nv-n- t - negotiations -- Is expected Monday from an . Ha- .1 - I' t r. here Twentv-thir- .l March- 20th for the the ,.f tl f-- "IT. street. &ne mei :Miiii N w York within a .:ya. ir.iis.-- . t take h:irge of the body ,lt - Fr during an exten-Je- stay in j waiian Islands on an important mis- eroding. th- - v. home. Macfarlane M.--:f Killed. ard rt transfer of the Episcopal Handled cf ?.l c bai k to a heme Honolulu. slonthe fiterta Tfct.. Mrs. icf.irlane fr,-T- i Cut in SuKr. E'-- ' Greit inrnotj thor the iurisdiction Another -- ' t w-M- Iht F l. " - ,?..-.!..- l presents, which ! AilCEI.oNA. 17.-N- with - 20. Yi b. ew ..rk of Ensrl-.n- d to the Cali FHANCTPCO, Feb. Another ill fi-r- . ::v." ;.e. I, cv-.-- Ve-- acknowledged. news cf Macfarlane's ill o? the Church r-I-- iy fought a littl-- n t The 'Ned' - pr.ee . C-- hive Epis- one-eigh- th f a In th . i 1...- -' t :V.e r. ' st be-- pa-- j Ifornia diocese of the Protestant cuVof ccent c - i i ii b: i:: f ness had kpt out of the local ri. . b r. :t... The t.rs tiriu- vtr;-- :v . 17. Ed-,- , at - r.irg i this t:o:i SAN FRANCISCO. Febru iry ers ow ing t the bad health of Mother coPal ,f mad; y at th" I'Tizi : r 1 I :: .,:7.T..ir n Isl- ChAj ' though r "' '' k; ti at , V.i'f.nviri-- ' was born the Macfarlane. The news of his death .r u yet in sitrht. t ,..r(. d th.it w sugar war rct 1 : v - of the r,-c- !: - ' !n:.!r.i;ht. 5 re- prefect d. Tl"- - ri- ii.:it;roi r and f .:hu. years ago. and hd Cardinal Ledoohowski. .v, t:n' 1 y u:-ti- l by have tr-- l i! r.; :! """is . . Is said to C.r. Spain. nr.l Is are b . ' "i! '" 'f . nr.T.a?ar.,:a at Kor.i.. la rears. . I .t ;; J.jir'tlv. v it.s. Ms brother (Continued on Page a.) r.i ' " ( tl "' ?' THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, HONOLULUMARCH 4, 1902. ' THREE MEN I CLEVELAND BICYCLES I NEW SPRING IP U ULU Ut GOODS Willi DRESS v Committee I ' W 1 (( ) , I As t ( X Settle to a --

! I i FOURTH DISTRICT Our firfct Shipment of HIGH CLASS DRESS GOODS The bicycle is a necessity. Its qualities to the pleasure ACHI seeker and the business man are unlimited. Tne Cleveland REPUBLICANS for the SPRING of 1902 is heie. There are many perfection in bicycle building. represents choice fabrics and new conceits, but we wish to par- After a Long Discussion the Ques- tion of Naming a Man ticularly mention about one-hundre- d patterns of Comld not be better invested than in a 1S02 model 5 ibis heel. Goes Over. swell novelties, at $10.00 to $2500 a pattern. There is one of kind : We will not attempt to . but a 4 discussion which covered E. O. Hall & Son, Ltd. AFTER range of the local situ- describe them but the styles are superb and ex- Ehlers' Block, Fort Street. ation, the Fourth District iteDub- - lican convention yesterday afternoon clusive. You should see them. Modistes especially - ! decided that the matter of a nomina- invited . tion and the choice of a candidate In WALDRON CO., Ltd. case one Is to be named, should be left VOLTERS, In the hands of a committee of three. Sole Agents for Armour Packing Co. It Is to be given to this body to con- -. tinue its canvassing: the sentiment of haa just received a shipment of the Republicans of the city, and finally when time has developed what shall be Armour's Hams and Bacon the action, call the convention together as well as a fall line of CANNED GOODS, again and report for endorsement. The meeting of the convention, ad and offer the same for sale. journed irom Friday last, was one which resulted in very much oratory. There was a good attendance of mem- QUEEN 8THEET, HONOLULU, 11; 1 bers, the quorum being present within a half hour of the time of the meet Whitney & 'Marsh,. Ltd. ing. When the convention got down to work the following members were present: Chairman Gear, Messrs. Wolf, McVeigh, Johnson, Wilcox, Wilson, 1045 FORT STREET. Kehokii, Fisher, Brown, Boyd, An- Well Dressed Men drews, Crabbe, Burgess and Secretary For Coney. Messrs. Ney and Wright were complete etock of Tuxedo and In the gallery. We have received a When the minutes had been read the be. 'opinion that there would be no liffi- petty feeling should be put aside. He act with him Messrs. McVeigh An- DreSS Suits and offer them at prices that cannot unfinished business of the meeting was ' and taken up; the filling of vacancies in ! culty In winning the regular election in said the question would be to carry the drews. by any tailor in town. These suits are cut i I duplicated the list of committeemen. The Fourth the fall. election in November if a section of the J. H. Boyd suggested that there be way to look party antagonized now. "na- - some upon 5 on the very latest patterns and the materials are the best. District was the first to be called, but Senator Crabbe said the was The more work the platform, Committeeman Crabbe said he had in- at the matter was that no one could tlve and mechanic voters might say owing to the fact that there was no terviewed the president of the Federa- - foretell what might happen. The gov- - then what the business men are saying mention made last week as to the m . . I M T 1 ... . . eminent might be turned over and now. He said the point to be standing party to i uuu ut juur, nu me ifsuu was mai i watched of the In regard the a rnu had hwn marta that thorp: men mere migni De a necessity ior a was me enect or a iauure to nominate franchise, and there seemed to be a be no filling of this place until after ! meeting of the legislature. He did not upon the party. feeling that there was a wing of the Friday of this week, owing to the fact?thin,c tnere would be any special ses- - Wilson said that he believed there, party which wanted to disfranchise the 1902 Spring Styles of Men's Shirts that there is to be a meeting of the f ion out it was not entirely certain mat coum De enectea an agreement between natives. McVeigh said the same thing. Federation at that time The conven- - : there would not be. If the Republicans all parties to not make any nomination and the platform, which was endorsed' ' diJ no act tnere would be a Home all, might cause on tion left theplace vacant until the next at but that this the at the last meeting, was read. It was Our advance stocfc of the new Shirts is now open anl meeting to give the opportunity to the Ruler In the seat. This would give to Governor to call another election. decided that the plank In the original exhibition at our store. Federation to act. When the Seventh the majority party a two-thir- ds vote in Upon a suggestion from Boyd, L. A. platform, that the party declare itself District wa3 read Col. J. H. Fisher was tne legislature, wnicn wouia enaDie Andrews made a motion mat a com- - opposed to any limitation of the fran- Nearly all the new designs are in stripes and all are elected unanimously. Col. Fisher had them to override a veto. mittee of. three be named with power chise as adopted in the Organic Act, sat with the committeJast week, but J. H. Fisher said that he had talked, to act, to make a nomination or 'not, should be reaffirmed. This was carried very beautiful. owing was mis- with Representative A. G. M. Robert-- as they saw fit, in the event of nomin- - by a unanimous vote, after which the to tne tact tnajJt a ' understanding, and he' was not In real- son, who had made this same argument ations by other parties. This, he said. meeting adjourned to meet at the call ' Call and see them. ity a member of the committee, he had and that L. I. McCandless, who had would give a chance to name the man of the chair. to be chosen. He protested saying he Dn opposed to tne making ot any best fitted for the race. was onDosedto centralization, as for nomination, had been won over by the Crabbe objected that this would be REPUBLICANS DISCUSS WORK.. this reason he was for city and county argument.' There seemed to be a sen- - centralization of power and he was op-time- nt government, and wanted the Idea car that there should be no chance posed to such action. He thought it Give Up Their Meeting to Talking ried Into politics and a larger number i left that the Home Rulers might have might be wise to adjourn for a week or of Republicans Interested In committee a sufficiency of votes to override a veto, ten days. Over Machinery. KASH CO., Ltd. work. A. Andrews said the hard thing Andrews insisted that there was only The meeting of the Republican Ter- THE special was the setting out of the vote. If a suggestion in his motion, as every As chairman of the committee ' ritorial committee last evening was which canvassed the city for opinions there Is to be apathy, he said, it might , one realized that the race would be a Re-- given up to discussions of the machin- TWO STORKS as to the advisability of selecting a J be the very worst thing for the ! thankless job for any one. as it would candidate for the special election, Col. 1 publicans to make a nomination, for. take time and effort, and the result ery of the committee. Reports were Corner Hotel and Fort Sts., and Hotel St. and Bethel. Fisher reported at length. He' said i then there would be a prospect of a j would be nothing. The man who would read which show that the work of the that during his rounds of the business defeat, which would have the worst ef-- j make the race, he said, would do it party throughout the Islands is going of city, he found an I feet upon the fall campaign. The Home for the good of the party alone. Fisher section the had ' jon very satisfactorily. The executive j Rulers could not say the Republicans said there was nearly a year yet in the almost unanimous sentiment against committee held a short meeting the putting up of a candidate for the were aTrlad if they allowed the elec-hf- e of the seat for which the contest Is later go by now, which was confined practically to a Republican party. aMny business men tion to default as there; to be made, and the point was that and-t- j discussion of the state of affairs any okj 11 io.ii j reasons for such action. might many things place in had said that they would not take uric there take of men fcr As to the mechanics and natives, he did . time. the nomination several part In the campaign, and their clerks that vacancies in There said the same thing. Among the me- not think they would desert the party! Boyd seconded the motion of An- the committee. The Best as much if there was no nomination drews, feeling it would be wise to was discussed also a plan for making chanics there was a sentiment that that secretary sal- there should be a nomination made. now, as in the event of a defeat. What place tv matter in the hands of men the office of assistant a The natives were of the same opinion. was wanted was a victory in the fall, whom c"''ittee could trust, and aried one, the stipend being small. Lives and they usually "said that they wanted when that meant the Legislature. upon v.:ose jo pigment they could de Photographer that to have a chance to vote, no matter Money, he said, must be had for a pend. He thought it was too early to This Is the season when death stalks Republican campaign, while Home man, might be spe-Rule- rs through in of pneu- who might be put up for the party's the ' name a as there a the land the form Can not do the best work if his methods and candidate. could get along without any. for cial person needed to meet the condi- - monia. The surest defense against this Brown and J. D. McVeigh iney naa a loyally wnicn maae tnem tions presented by the candidates of Rem- o Andrew is Cough facilities are not up-t- date. The day of the give disease Chamberlain's . made. similar reports from the native all their effort for their party. the other parties. edy. always cures cures quick- " Prairie Schooner " and horse car has passed, Burgess Commissioner Boyd said the mere- It and population, but had a business that Wilson wanted the committee ly. whole- likewise old fashioned methods in photography. men's side to present. He said that he Home Rulers only awaited the action ly to canvass the situation freely and Benson, Smith & Co., Ltd., agents, . The Btudio of today, to be in the front rank, had seen forty business men, of whom of the Republicans, as he was in- report as to its advice, and the man sale sell it. with the latest and most im- two only favored a nomination, and formed that there was a nomination to who should be chosen. This met with must be equipped they had a qualification with their ap- be made within a week-- He said the! the partial approval of Andrews and proved instruments and handled by artfcts. All proval. J. H. Boyd asked if the men business men were not showing the the motion was amended so that there this we promise and a visit to our studio will seen had said anything about contri- real party feeling. In saying they would 'should be a committee of three to con-tak- e o part In ! convince you of the up-t- nowness of our entire butions, and was answered that the an election in a certain sider the nomination of a candidate . Fancy and Staple Crocsrles. upon! establishment. : : ; : : men would not contribute largely nor event while under other conditions they and men for the place, to report Beretanla and Emma Sts. would they see employes would not do so. took from previous j plan running candidate, that their He the of a and; Telephone Blue 2312. were at the polls. The business men remarks that a fellow member had J reasons for not doiTig so in the event said that there was no reason for the said business men would keep their of such a decision. The chairman was! fight at this time: there would be no clerks away from the polls, and de-!t- o be of the committee and a special legislature and the seat would not en- nounced such action. He said the busi- - j meeting was to be called whenever any Just Received Ex Alameds. able the party to control legislation ness people should not feel that they communication was t be made. The Snow Flake Asparagus. Melrose anyway, so the whole thing struck were the only popular side of the com-- j motion passed seven to two; Fisher and Olives. Shredded Wheat them as useless. However. Bur- munity, but that there were others and Crabbe, who favor a nomination at Biscuit, Corn beef hash. Fancy crackert Photographers. gess said, the business people were of who had influence. He urged that all all hazards. The chair appointed to and candy of all kinds. ENTRACK ON XJNIOX ST., OKI GOX BLOCK. You Push the Button-- It Does the Rest" V ' k THE IDEAL AUTOMATIC TELEPHONE SYSTEM. ARE S L 1. Only the subscriber wanted is called. hear you, which alone is a great advantage over the YOU A 2. You connect yourself with the telephone desired, old systems. 3. While you are talking, positively no rme can in- - .p terfere or listen to your conversation. : $ KODAK ENTHUSIAST? 4. It is entirety automatic. You press the button i 3 DRECTOMS. and it does the rest. Any number of telephones up to To call, remove receiver from th hnnU and mess "We i r f offer an unparalleled opportunity of winning cah 35 can be connected on one 1 the button located directly and Kcdak prizts to the ext-- nt of $4000 00. line and operate successfully. 1 f& IT under the dial. Every pr essor of a "Kodak" or "Brownie Camera" has 5. It restores itself to. nor- Y 1F We . Thisstarts indicator pointer the opportunity of competing for the-- e irize. Hono- mal condition by simply at the Electrical GnciiKssr, to moving about the face of lulu Photo Supply Co., and the fiVld for up remarkable pictures hanging the receiver. icintyre Buiiiincr. Honolulu. H T. the dial one number at a which the cosmopolitan population It is a central energy ami the beautiful scenery 6. phone main sea. time, starting with number offers, i- - a great advantage No to Honolulu contestant. You system. batteries in the one. 1 I'iri.rsirE AfiR.VT TOR THE H If.j.a arc all invite to participate in this picture taking conte.-t-. telephones to get out of KrAll a When indicator reaches the It's chance seldom ottered. Will you take it? Call or A order. number desired write for further information. ". It costs less to t .: ; 7. ir.tall tnan any othe; system, and ring the desired party. All others are cut out. 5 Only two xvirt-snvcesiar- Immediately upon hanging up the receiver the indi- - I our telephone 3. r:s only ence when you ate cator and telephone is restored to normal condition, Honolulu Photo Supply Go - wanted, and tl'.en only, it is not ringing day and ready for the next call. suites- night while others are being called, and while you are - FORT NTKT.KT. I talking you know that no one else on the line can pfices Furnished on Anolication.



David Lawrence & (Ho. I REPTILES LIMITED y Fresh Havana Cigars, FROM J mrm- Mir M!)a ENGLISH TOBACCOS Live One in Saloon NG'S. AWAKENING nil Is Anglo-Egyptia- n Cigarott Cause of Trouble. With the coming of Spring we have received our stock of beautiful materials. Many of goods thee were selected by u3 and others sent out at the responsibility of the manufac- who turers, were certain of our approval, because the designs and patterns are so MAN SAID IT elegant. We have our Dew fabrics all handsomely displayed with the expectation of receiving SOME FURNITURE WAS numerous COMFORTS IAPORTED callers this week, and a mere cursory glance will convince you of their great beauty while a cioeer inspection will show the extra quality of the goods. Some of which are necessary about the house and others Collector Stackable Starts an In- that add to the beauty and ease of the furnishing. vestigation E!s and Snakes Are Not Wanted. EXA ME LED IRON BEDS Among the new importations we mention : should be used in this climate. The luxury of - sleep is never thoroughly appreciated until you have used one. Chinese water snakes being im Panama ques- - Suitings, Chain Organdies, Large a?sortmeni at various prices now oa hand. A' ported Into Hawaii? The . of Customs Col- 1 tlon was asked lector Stackable yesterday, and the Silk Meteor Crepes, Mercerized Zephyrs, machinery of his department was at LEATHER COUCHES once put to work .to answer it. The Mercerized You will be pleased with the stock of upholsteied leather presence of a live snake in a jar gen- Chambrays, Mercerized Silk Shirtings, couches now on hand. They are handsome and luxurious. erally used for holding goldfish, at the Mint saloon on Nuuanu street, was the Tissue Dimity Brodee, cause of the investigation, and this Gingham ShirtingSi was pursued closely by members of the customs department force. LADIES DESKS AND The snake, or, as it is called by its present owner, a "Hawaiian Hila," is DRESS BUIIEAUS about eighteen inches long, twice the In beautiful finished woods. All our prices are right. We diameter of an ordinary lead pencil, with the body tapering slightly toward Full Line of tell lower than any other hcuso and hacdle only the finest the head, where are to be seen two Batistes in Plain and Fancy Colorings grade of goods. bead-lik- e eyes that glare at the ob- servers, and a mouth which snaps vi- ciously at those who thrust at him. The snake is active and lives much of the time below the surface of the wa- &l ter, occasionally protruding its head Children's Ties and Scarfs in Plain arid Fancy Colors. J. HOPP above for air. The belly, which In- Leading Furniture Dealers. cludes half the circumference, is of a 25c, C'OKXEIl BtTTIIKI yellowish hue. the upyer part being of 35c and 45c. KING AXI 6TS. the color of dark gray cigar ashes. The tall tapers to a fine point. Mr. Cunningham, the present owner. says the snake was given to him last week. He was not aware that it was Rooms a snake, but was tola tnat it was a 508. 509, 510 species of eel. and the name given him New Colored Fauntleroy Boys' Blouses, I ill EllfjIEilG Stangenwatt Bulldlngr was "Hawaiian Hila. a big worm said to be found here in mud flats. As A-f- c All classes of Engineering Work solic- far as could be ascertained an "Ha ited. Examinations, Surveys and Re- waiian Hila" Is only five or six inches 3S Cents Each Hi COHSTRUGTION GO. ports Waterworks, aad in length, while the reptile in ques- made for Steam tion is three times that, and may not Klectrical Construction: Plans and be full grown. Fpecifications and Estimates prepared, and construction superintended. In all The stranger was given to Mr. Cun- branches of engineering work. Contracts solicited for railroads, electric and ningham by Mr. Gomes, of Gomes & :etm. tunnel, bridges, buildings, highways, foundations, piers, wharves, etc. McTighe. Mr. Gomes was asked where attention given t- - examinations, valuations and reports of properties he got it and what he. supposed it to be. ecial He answered that he had obtained it PACIFIC CO. for Investment purposes. IMPORT from a Chinese employe, and believed Frederick J. Amwjco, M. Am. Soc. 0. E.t it to be a species of eel. He said he PROGRESS BLOCK. FORT STREET I W. R. Sec'y Engineer Manager. had the reptile in a bucket of water CASTLE. JR.. and Treas. and In the store, and that it was so strong and active that it had jumped out to the floor, over which it scurried to the yard. PHOTOGRAPHIC BEAVER LUNCH ROOMS The Chinese who had given the snake 'Phone Blue 291. to Mr. Gomes was called and said he Has Just Received H. J. NOLTE, Proprlttor. TDEAUTIFY could get more if they were wanted, PORTRAITS P. O. Box 767. from a Chinese who had imported them New Lines of Fort Street, Opposite Wilder Jb Q. LAWXS. from home. When asked what spe- FIRST-CLAS- S LUNCHES SIBVB, YOUR cies the thing was, he said it was a Fine Assortment of ISLAND With Tea, Coffee, Soda Water. i We have prepared a Special Fertilizer for Flowers, Ferns sort of Frencli eel. and that they were Ginger Ale or Milk. Men's and Boys' VIEWS. Send for list. Open 7 10 is clean objectionable good for soup, "when dead." from a. m. to p. m. and Lawns. This Fertilizer and without Collector Stackable was surprised to Smokers' Requisites a Specialty. odor, and a trial "will convince you that it will make your plants learn that live reptiles, even though Furnishing Goods and grass green and vigorous. Profit by the experience of the they might be eels, were being im- fertilizer with ported from China. He wondered Honolulu Iron Works Co. sugar plantation". They use large quantities rf more from the fact that all merchan First Class Work Guaranteed greatly increased yields of sugar. Order a sample bag nd we dise from the Orient was subjected up- Hats, Ties. Underwear STEAM ENGINES V will door: 25-l- b for $1, 50-l- b for $1.75 and on arrival at Honolulu to a close and BOILERS, deliver i$ at your penetrating fumigation with sulphur, and Clothing. SUGAR MILLS, COOL 100-l- b for 13. any ERS, BRASS AND LEAD CASTINGS and it was a mystery to him how and machinery every thing could go through it and live. Fort Street, near King. of description Furthermore, the inspectors went in- made to order. Particular attention Hawaiian rtilizor to all merchandise from the Orient , ... paid to ship's blacksmlthlnr-- Job work with care, and they had never come executed on shortest notice. across a consignment or live snaKes or eels. The same precaution was tak- noroaAPHic co.. en with the personal luggage of incom- TEW IlltAXCll STOItK L1MIT&D IS ing Chinese passengers MOTT-SMIT- MILK. MILK. MILK from the Pa Hotel St. near Union. H BLOCK, SEATTLE BEER islands. cific liners. The Collector despatched Milk, Cutter and Cream; the BEST sold in the men to take a look at the glass-e- n Corner Fort and Hotel Street. -- AT THE- - closed reptile and to interview the Chinese employe. CHILDREN'S CLASS Honolulu Dairymen's Assn. It Is understood that pressure is be -I- X- Hawaii Shinpo Sha CRITERION SALOON. - Office. Sheridan ing brought at Washington to prohibit Thona Whiie 241. ' Ftrrt. the importation of any kind of reptiles Drosssmca Icing; or eels from foreign countries, or even BEGINS MARCH 7th, AT THE PIONEER JAPANESE PRINT-ln- g 629 Klo f Street, the Mainland, into Hawaii. This will office. The publisher of Hawaii HONOLULU FEED PHXX.P & BRO., W. W. Wi8ht BulUirg. include also the Philippines and all the MISS K.LLE-XN'- S Shlnpo, the only daily Japanese paper HOTEL Pacfiic Islands. A request has also published in the Territory of Hawaii. been made from here that the War UNIOX STREET. RESTAURANT, 0'Kanes Polo Boots, Department notify transport com- C. SHIOZAWA. Proprietor. TOY KUON.i Manager. manders to prevent reptiles from being uy Formerly manager New Orvkeura McKerron's Horse Boots, carried in the vessels from which they nuvcuisa, ucutcicu vainer I Telephone Main 97. Restaurant. Best Board In the City. to any part city 7 Mau-mont- might escape while lying in port to of the for cents a. Kditorial and Printing Office h. Meals, 25 cents. Nuuanu, near Vieyard Uss. terra firma and become the progenitors nakea St., above King. P. O. Box 607. street. Tel. Blue 2651. Box 133. of thousands of others. SBDBBQCBBBnEBQBitiBDBBDSDQDBSQBBDEIBIIQSIIBflOQDSHBOBBBBI NEW MEMBERS NEW BOOKS v tonrCD 05 rv FOR Y. W. C. A. rv 1 -- AT THE i i At a meeting of the directors of the COLLEGE Young Women's Christian Association, Golden Rule Bazaar held yesterday morning in the Boston j g LOTS SALE. block, the following ladies were voted j FOR 130 IIOTKL, ST. in to full membership: In Mrs. J. N. Bell. Miss Elizabeth ! m Brown. Mi?3 Katharine M. Cooke, Missi The Trustees of the Oahu College offer for sale at very low Every inch one pushes off Anna B. Danielson, Miss Annie J. Gard- - j prices, and on beyond normal distance of nor. Miss Mary S. Guild, Miss A. Fran- - "The Orzeszko. the . w . Argonauts." by Kliza . r v . f i n fOloff and Ills Wife." by Maxim Gor- twelve inches, after eye failure ces joanson, .urs. r. jonnsioutr, ky. begins, means an inch of dan- Miss Maude I. Johnstone, Mrs. Emma B VERY . FAVORABLE TERMS Prnch Religious Ke-- ger. Judkins, Miss Mabel E. Madeira, Dr. fl Involution and j j B by Sioane. Ninety-nin- e persons out of a Catherine J. McKay, Mrs. J. I,. M-i- g T"n:a CordyeefT." by Maxim Gorky. hundred may do it safely; you Lean. Miss Eva McLean, Miss Grace !p (One-thir- d cash; one-thir- d one year; one-thir- d two years' time, a ch'y and Santiago." by Graham. may be the one who can't. : li linen, anus .tieiJKa i'eicrsin, iviisn with interest at 6 per cent per annum) some very a Scho-BjnV'- choice lots "Stethen Calivari." by Julian Sturgis. Those having the best eye ftt'Mary B. Sandf rn, Mrs. Mary D. d. a TaMf-- s for the Fair," by Josephine when old apr comes will be Mr. Mary C. WiddifieUI. at College Hills. The Daskam. ht-- J of Buys' Brigade r Thl1ze by Lyman those who the first call John WiMrin. the a liiirhtu of Man," Ir. for help. Training hop, wi'.l give a 5 o'clock D B Abbott. S twenty-minut- af-- Kyta Examined; Glasses fitted. , e talk on Thursday t ;a RAPID TRANSIT u j Itir-hnr- ternoon at the association rooms on "y--- Calmady," by Malet. a B ariiijan." by, Chambers. 9 ; "John Brown." Mr. Waldron has made a Company performs a twenty minute service through the property; "Uiiare," by Catherwood. !a study of the great abolitionist and B he Cavalier." by Cable. has an interesting collection of books the College has provided a sp'eudid and abundant supply of artesian a N. . A. - i Th Strenuous Life." by Theodore Sanford, his lift- and tinn-s- soup of water reaching over the entire tract, and charges o Kooseveit. 'which are now quite diflicult to obtain.)" the are reasonable. a Manufac-wlf- g Optician. 11 Thfe are a few of the many Popular At the lecture he will exhibit a number O Tnis is to be found on our shelves. Boston fouildJnK. Fort Street. of photographs cf John Brown and of R scene connected with his life. 136 HOTKL ST. a A MOST HEALTHY LOCATION a iDVulted Women Paesecgera. and is entirely free from objectiouable surroundings. No saloons SL W. McGfiesney & ram car out at Waikiki wash houses, ivery stables, poi shops B ion were subjected to and other nuisances of like B an abuse which needs correction, if n character are allowed, and by all means is the most attractive B nces.-ar- y. by the police. A crowd of a euburban district near Honolulu. a ynuns fellows. who were termed a GROCEKS passenger, a WHOLESALE 'roughs" by an Indignant D B monopolize d the car by their loud t ilk B AND DEALKRS IN reflections cr-s-t upon ladies who a Person desiring lots i 1 :irl this locality will be able to spenro full particulars in regard B Ko. GIG. i entered or the car. Whenever a a toth-selo- ts pply-n- j I roughs hy to Mr. P. 0. JOtfKS Mr. SHAW at the office 616. B. I Is. lady alighted from the car the a or JONATHAN a No. FINDINGS I H.ixolulu LODGK LEATHER SHOE tn'.kd in an indecent manner of her of the Trustees, No. 404 Judd Building. ! made insinuations- - a a Millar and Beretania streets, every nppetranoe. and ri.jay which disgusted the other passengers. a P. C. JONES. Treasurer. evening, A HonoiuJa Soap Worki J car driver Ij s.op "y of the E. Tl. sent Ca Tht mid" n c try. th- or language. If. D COtlZENS, ptnr, Honolulu, and Tannery. -' tne s s


I The Earl of Kimberley Is critically 111 THE PACIFIC WORLD'S NEWS In Indon. Old as Pyramid Reflistered Trademark i Maruuis Ito arrived at Ilonsrkonsr on the j ' . 9. ;'ofj.:u'rei:;! Advertiser ft ' I fV V r-- 1 1 F bruary 19. And as little changed by the ages, KVJtf L11 William il. La.Tan controls the New York Sun. is Scrofula, than which no diseas?, Commicliau's Gen. Osman Pasha is being tried at Consumption, responsible 5TAUEE O. SMITH - - DITOa Hortary Long will retire. Constantinople for high treason. save is ! coiusa-Parro- tt - SmaliiMix Is epidemic l.i Des Mclnes, The mine, at Butte. for a larcrer mortality, and Con- - EX-II- O MAKCJI 4 ' Iowa. has been sold to the Anaconda Com- - ! ,. . , UJ SIERY TITKSDAY I i (ifrmany may station a regiment at pany. Eumpuuu is us uuigruvi ui. ; ;Sh.nghii. , "Hilly". Emerson, the famous black It afreets the glands, the mucous The Sev!'pni"nt "t this Territory j x.-- South Wales Is to have a biff face comedian, died in Boston, of con- pr.- - : xt-- 1 plant. sumption. membranes, tissues and bones; atone Ani-rf-- an lin. for the industry Mrs. ue.vey is eunrrr.g irom nervous Thomas P. Fowler has been elected ca- Hygienic lotion of the ..nV- Krini; ' pr st rat Ion. president of the New York street rail- causes bunches in the neck, Ther is a marked increase hng-- way trust. Tickets, inflamed . ii tarrhal troubles, KNEIPP-L1NE- N Kvery business man knows that a jjh paunr-rism- Th-- present United States quarantine ! eyelids, sore ears, cutaneous erup- vne-ru- l bnoh Is th- - Acuncion E.s.juivel has been elected buildings at San Diego are to be great mahcloua an.i I'r-Fdr- .t of Rica. ly enlarged. MESH - Costa Underclothing ti-H- ) pr etc. ftil--f !mpeI.mDt i in m (;vntra, Chaffee has asked for morel The great Battle Creek Sanitariun tions, of this Territory. tr.ops for the Philippines. was destroyed by fire February 15. I suffered from scrofula, the disease af-- Senator Wellington made a speech Loss. J5iK),000. feetlng the glands of my neck. I did every- snake and the ele- aKaint the Philippine bill. - I A suit brought In a Topeka court will thing I was told to do to eradicate it, but Speaking of the joints San Francisco bearing on use Bible without success. I then began taking tlis Body & sugar Industry of Hawaii U The Presidio at have a the of the Hood's Sarsaparilla, and the swelling In my ; Hardens phant, the close. public schools. ' have been ordered to 'in the neck entirely disappeared my re-- prove much too big for the Car-- J con- - and skin likely to The cornerstone for San Jose's Students and Cossacks meet In Fumed a smooth, healthy appearance. The Strengtncns th Kcrv n gie library been laid. . snake, or even the snake's relatives. has flict at Kieff. and the former scatter cure was complete." Miss Actta Mitchell, j Dr. 1 C. Lane, a prominent San upon an order to fire. 915 Scott St., Covington, Ky. Islands are Francisco physician. Is dead. j Nine oflicers and ninety-eig- ht Fill- -' The Danish West India Pomona. Cal.. gets $15,000 for a II- - pino soldiers surrendered to Lieuten-brar- y. not ours merely because the Senate from Andrew Carnegie. ' ant Ithodes. Sixth Cavalry. Hood's Sarsaparilla has ratified the treaty of cession. The It. Kose-Inn- es has been appointed Fire In Portland. Ore., caused $70,000 tep will be a vote of the Danish chief Justice for the Transvaal. loss, the principal damage being to the and Pills & nest A large gathering of Mystic Shrlners Albers & Schneider flour mills, fl. flflCKFELD 60.. Ltd may overturn the b-e- elctora. which has n held at VIsaMa. Cal. ; Judge Joseph II. Budd, father of for- - Thoroughly eradicate scrofula and hot9 matter. Cltrveland has been duck hunting m-- r Governor J. E. Budd, of Stockton, ma 1- build up system suf- S018 Agents icr - r.rar Norfolk. His bag was 230. Cal., died at eighty years of age. the tha. has If there Is danger of a revolt of labor Martial law has been proclaimed in f Jack Morgan, a nephew of J. Pier-Tries- te fered from it. will not be nec- because of strikers' riots. pont Morgan, committed suicide at El None on Kona plantation It The Senate has passed the bill es- - Pao, Tex., after spending $10,000 in ng essary to ruin the shareholders of the a permanent census bureau, sipation. i Unless - It. Safeguards The program Is to i of precious- stones in property so as toiuell Irish national Seven the the RBREBBSnaHBBRB. " Bearing our Trede-Mar- k. peace will always be provided forte owners to sell farms to tenants, altar of Tiffany Chapel of the Cathe- - "of the Governor Taft explained that the dral of St. John the Divine, New by the government. Philippine treason law is a war mea York, have been stolen. sure. Attorney General Knox has reeom- - 5 Yesterday Judge Clear Intimated that j Gen. Frederick Funston has recover- - mended the removal of Arthur H. ed been discharged from hos- - Noyes, judge of courts, it was time t compel the press to and the ' the Alaskan pital. ground of incompetence. ie on the . i Its attacks on public men. We K.ino Golinda, a notorious bandit of Acting President Schalkburger and thought somebody "would squeal soon, the Hio Grande, is behind the bars at other members of the Boer government ilut for the press this Territory would EI Paso. were in a laager which was captured --"' - afford more plunder to the square mile The insurrection In the province of by British scouts, but managed to es- - n did in the day Batanzas has been crushed out by Gen cape. Electricity for than South Carolina eral Bell. Colonel Park lately captured 164 3 of other carpetbaggers. The business of Young Theodore Roosevelt, who Is Boers in the Transvaal, Including Fied squandering the court appropriation convalescent, has been removed to Cornets Joubert and Dejater and Lieu going on beautifully until the Ad- tenant Viljoen, with many munitions w& A. T. Goshorn, director general of the of war. Machine Driving exposed It now the sweet-scente- d vertiser and Philadelphia Centennial Exposition of j Eighty thousand workmen are on a brother-in-la- w Job is taking Its 1ST6. Is dead. 'strike at Barcelona, Spain, and there turn. No wonder the political bench The Venezuelan rebels defeated the : Is much rioting and many persons to bluster at the freedom of government troops In several bloodless have been killed in collisions with the The advantages of electrical power are numerous. There beeins engagements. j the press. soldiers. is no machinery propelled by steam that cannot be run - United States Collector of Customs Former Fiscal Agent Colme, of the f- : D economy, Ivey, at Sitka. Alaska, has been super- - Panama Company, testified at Wash-Be- d I with greater reliability, convenience and THE CASE OF KONA. ed in office. i ington, that over $1,000,000 was expend- - cleanliness with the use of electricity. may purposes un- - Two new forts be established, ed in this country for The use of electrical power In Honolulu Is of so sat- every means in Pa- ; eo-p- We have exhausted one in Texas and the other in the known to him. There are only a few j le Honolulu for obtaining financial aid cific northwest. j Col. Oscar F. Long, general superin- isfactory a nature as to be a great recommendation. (for Kona Sugar Company) and it is Edward S. Isham, one of the leading tendent of the transport service at San who keep ttraight you use Wun-denber- g. If are about to machinery, or want to make an utter impossibility. Receiver lawyers of Chicago, died in New York, ; Francisco, has been relieved and order- - of heart failure. ed to Washington for service in the Thope who do not ought a change, a talk with us will cost you nothing, and will Hugh Duffey, of Sacramento, Cal., Quartermaster General's office. In all probability save you many dollars and trouble. Of course It Is: we could have told while endeavoring to capture burglars, David Mills, formerly a Canadian to procure a pair of you that some time ago. And yet If was fatally shot. minister, bitterly assails the Monroe the wishes of every party at Interest, Field Marshal Sir Neville Bowles doctrine, and argues that it would be creditors and shareholders alike, had Chamberlain, of England, is dead, aged ; to the State of Maine's advantage to aa eighty-tw- o years. ; enter the Canadian Federation. i been heeded by the court, ample funds Workmen at Rome contemplate a! The Senate foreign relations commit Knickerbocker Co. now be In is i Hawaiian Electric would hand. If Kona general strike, and the city is on the , tee has reported favorably on a bill pi ruined, the responsibility will rest up- verge of a panic. J to reform the consular service. The LIMITED. on the Judicial person who, in a New Schwab is back from . He re- - ' bill requires a civil service examina-port- s friendly feeling everywhere for Hon of applicants for consular places, Shoufder Telephone Main 390. Orleans Interview, printed last sum- the United States. Mrs. Herman Oelrichs, daughter of mer, declared war on the planting in- Owing to the industrial crisis In Ger- - ; the late Senator Fair, will -- build a terests of Hawaii, and who. in his as- manv lottery transactions have reach- - . mammoth family hotel on the block B i Braces McBryde, ed 200.000.000 marks. bounded by California. Sacramento, saults on Kona and other Miss Alice Morton, daughter of the Powell and Mason streets, on Nob Hill, 8 properties, has shown willing ex-Vi- ce himself President, was married to S be-CJiU- San Francisco. which beet: ?e to misuse the powers of the court tc Wlnthrop Rutherford. j The destruction of rats throughout 15 are tie I Chicago leading Inau- - ! so prac tlca-- such ends. citizens have China, far as this is a physicians recom-rmr.- d gurated a crusade for uniform mar- - bl. is under consideration by the im- - j riage and divorce laws. f perial health department. The object j them. They are A rcgro minstrel who fired a phot hi- - of the health department is to mitigate j TO Mo., ' KI101T0S GOVERNMENT to an audience at New Madrid, the danger of contagious diseases. easily adjusted and are was lynched by a mob. i An order In council of the govern- - i A mob of held of Canada, glv-Pon- ce BUILD A CABLE Porto Rican strikers ment of the Dominion JB worn with comf rt. They for several hours, shouting ing all vacant ground, and all to be-dea- th to I Klondike, one S beccm-ir- g the Americans. ' come vacant in the to! prevent children The State Department is negotiating corporation, general eko-wi- th LATEST PATTERNS WASHINGTON. February 18. The has caused a a Russia to appoint more United dus, and Dawson may be deserted 2 b looped or round report by- - to filed tomorrow the States consuls In Siberia. Special dispatches received from E House Committee on Interstate and Attorney General Knox declares the Brussels declare Germany to be will-railro- ad All sizes ' I fr scheme of J. J. Hill illegal. Ing to abolish bounties on sugar, and ES Silk, Half Foreign : Coiton Commerce recommending the and w ill fight the combine. state that the International sugar con- - 13 children and grown and Silk passage of the bill Introduced by Rep- Charles L. Tiffany, head of the fa-- will adopt the British propos- - mous Jewelry house of New York, is als concerning the import duties on resentative Corliss providing for Gov- dead. He was over ninety. sucar. ernment ownership of a Pacific cable, J. P. Morgan, on February 10, dls- - J A detachment of Scots Greys has - JUST RECEIVED says that the United States, by the an- tr'.buted a dividend of $10,000,000 to the been cut up by the Boers- at Klipdam. fee nexation of Hawaii and the acquisi- members of the steel trust Two men were killed. 6 wounded, and 11 Twenty-fiv- e, of ex- 4G ; 2 Isl-an.- L a party of French captured. On the Klip river, a few M tion f the Philippines and other to fey :o:-- plorers, were by can- in- - j through of killed and eaten days before, 150 British were lured the ratification the nibals at Sllcraka. New Guinea. to an ambush. Two oflicers and 10 i Paris treaty, assumed the responsibil- - ' The I'nlfd States Serate has rati- men were killed, and several officers SB ity of maintaining peace in the Pacific fied the treaty for the purchase of the nnd 49 men wounded. cean. This obligation, the report, Danish West Indies, for $"..OO0.0'0. C which was prepared by Representative Th House of Representatives pass- - j 'a Corliss, the author of the bill, says w.n e.l the biil repealing the war taxes. i i ' ... . .j it-- . i f.iJS 9 'a deliberately undertaken by this coun- without dvbate or a dissenting vote. - EC try, approved by Russian journals construe Paunce-- ; !f-f- . ft j mm- and the united voice fot-"- s of th- - peip!. attitude as unfriendly to the j it add: United States during the Spanish war. : . . IMPORTER AND DEALER IN . . p-a- ce t "The future and prosperity of Rock .' Islands will largely depend upon Thf Island Railroad has made the a cit In second class fares from Mis- - Dry V, Liquors and lh facilities extended by our Govern- souri river to California points to a Ko I n Spirits, Groceries of Japanese ment for the advancement and enlight- Mrs. Mary Ryle, of Paterson. N. J.. j liste r and American .Manufacture. enment of the people there. If we are has given $100,000 to rebuild the public t continue In islands, library, recently destroyed in the great control of these t J a the people mutt be made to understand fire. I'. i P. O. Box 917. Waverley Block Ex-Chi- ef j a Co. the character and purpose of our Gov- of Police Dvery. of New rug Honolulu, II. I. Hotel Street. York, recently invested in real . a to feel en- ! ernment and the benefits of estate. salary was $6,000 per an- - lightened civilization and American lib- His a num. j B SOLE AGENTS. erty. This can be accomplished through Santa Catalina island, off the South- - the medium of cable communications. ern California coast, is slowly sinking Hcalth and Disease a Th advancement of our people Into Is a and the sea. while San Clemente as illustrated In the Scalp. Fi$. I the bent-fi- t of rapid communication rls:ng. I r t n n n b n a n through the telephone, teleraph and Harvard may ha-- e its medical col- - .' shows a section of a healthy hair ddbobb This is Eo Fish Yarn railway lines illustrates the aJvan ! get through the gifts of Rockefeller $1,- - magnified. Fig. 2 shows the deadly tages and progress that may I 'and Morgan, which will amount to ; through effect of the DANDRUFF GERMS Ext achieved cable messages." Yang Yu. Chinese minister to Rus- In conclusion the report says: "Ev- sia, formerly minister at Washington, that are destroying the hair root. flrt ery enlight-et.e- d d part of the world ha been db-- at St. Petersburg, after a short Destroy the cause you remove by cable lines except the Pacific illness. j SSZ ocean. This vast body of water, under Mis Alice Cn',l. a society woman of the effect T the control of our Government sterns Buffalo, N. Y., has disappeared. Sh No Dandruff, no Falling Hair, no AT TUB t t the on- - dark spot on the face of is supported to have been swept over Caldnc;, if you kill the germ with th earth, and for th want of a cable j Niagara. th- - gm of the Pacific, the Hawaiian ) The President has made the follow-- i NEWBRO'S HERP1C1DE. KOIVA Inland", ing promotions: Capt. Philip Cooper, ORPHANAGE a part of our own country, are - In inar admiral: Capt. George Wadl- lgh, . left darkness .?ven days behind the ! rear admiral. For Sale by all Druggists. I COFFEE STOKE. of the world." Pr'-sidn- t - Roosevelt has recommend- Price $1.00. si rttne oie authorizing a ravorable re-- : ed the retirement of Naval Construc tor port on the bill stood eight for and ' It. P. Hobson, on account of trouble rhone Blue 1621. - lGo K'mg St. seven acairst. Two members. Mann! with his eyes. JiULJ-lBTE- U DBUti CU., LTD., and Dav!. favorable to the bill, were! Fire did much damage to the famous absent, and since then two of the mem- - i Treadwell gold mines, near Seattle, es- - bers. I.overing and Wagner, who voted ! hundred miners had a narrow inf BERGSTR0M MUSIC CO. - rom ! Z isalnst the bill in the committee, ,:- !,;ah- havei'r- J- - is 1 reported critically cairiearJSSthe largest and best stock in Honolulu. ,a f th' FOR RENT It V fay.r pJr venty-fou- r years old. anl releplione Orders i wge tf bill, soegesting an am..-n,i-- J ,imv hIs roturn from Alaska, has been i ment author;zir.g the purchase of the broken in health. S RIGH - RING US UP. able contracted for boiween Califor- Governor Taft proposes a qualified ) $35 a Month iiLi and Hawaii. The minority of j suffrage for Filipinos, with growth the i Mrs. A. Rasa's House on oppose - i leg-- hi Tour "call" will be answered committee Government ow ner- through English education, and a King street, opposite and. fiver the proposals of the assembly. by an experienced young clerk. J Waikiki turn. 1 Secretary I.yman may suc-- a ! Parlor. Commercial Pacific Company, y J. Cage to whom you give your or- - m, FRESH GROCERIES to will Dining-roo- I cee. - Three private cable John A. Stewart, retiring presi- i o j d-- r.t dcr. and from whom will be Bedrooms, etc. . of tl-- United States Trust Com- - it i pany. received by "Alameda." , of New York, efficient salesmen. Per i l; - ; T Mocha and Java Coffee, 30c, 4tc Hamburg Hoilel Hfd S"rat,'rs nn'1 IS'pres.ta- The So, it ty of Arizona Pioneers has Our Telephone Order Depart- - ( Steak, IT'-Chi- nes - $35 a Month: 50c reso- p. tit :..r.ed su.s-l- ut and lb. Spanish. Jt l.J,r? tht President Roosevelt to mer.t grown j i of ; has wonderfully PrarrNco Chan.ber tain the appo:nt:i:er.t & Fort street, Roast Mutton. Hog and Hominy something e of Daniels below of tomm-rc- : Fort anl MerchantV Kx- - United Stat-- s Marshal du in all probability to the Street House; Six Beef a la Mode. new. Th. ciipr.' r war Is said to bo near accuracy and dispatch In which liooms, Klectric Lights, Irish Stew. Beets, Carrots, tJ.N.rire C. - -.n Sweet Potatoes. HildroM. a Chicaco st- - !.-- nd. :;i;d I'. August Hv.'rzt- r..- -r orders comin? through de- etc. Corned Beef Hasi, Cauliflowers, Parsnips, etcx arirer.-- tvat hi.n rt--- 1 this as F'.at. f r ir.:ir.a.i; r f Boiled Tripe. f.T i!"wry were r. fus. d. ki'.I.-- hu partment have ben handled. J i in tins. r Cnr p:iny. ; sweetl.ertrt's fath.-- - Kiast Deef, Park Sausage. and then hims If N : ;!r.- ! t Tour orders receive the same 40 a ftlonth Ur.it-- Stat-- s - indue Itily The 1 Phi:!ppir- j 1 -- t in tl.e At Jap.in.-s-' :'.V;aroo. prorr.pt giv- ; mt!t!.n tirnr.imously fiv.-r- s attention as those Just off Thurston i a u.-.w- Ave fo Ita!y. hwv. r. i.- r. to eat!o:. ,.f '. en over our counters. very nice; two the order iT.hibiti:g rh:ns. ; ;s Fra-.- c : n;:.s;a. frorr, . nt.-rire- r . the Phi! :prin.-s- . tn-d- t I!eirooms. etc.. etc. A 1. ,n 1 f-- r SALTER'S j. ic'.io an The fore'.vn r.-.- his : GReeRY t'Mese ha 1 '"- '- v. hi h will FORT STREET, ft 'h:ca;'., I t r; r;- - m m - i- - i six: st. Wjh. and an ":im.i!i i Diversity. N. Y ' h.it - on f.-- r. V .n:r- v. '::n--j- . ah Irnri! H nrhnnnn Pt : r t rts up t hri:a-- y &. J' T" , i ;; - I'. f CO I. .fj,." n..- ,,f tv.. rry- - ! 02, v - -- I, Miss St"n. nrr- ab i l;it iClll iii'lGlilUOO'j fl uU. L ( 9 S C 5 1 1 1 ii 5 1 1 mmenrinsr March If ,..v n. s rr:xr,..r,. i i "V . .f I i t . ! i i I l IT I i V 1 U T'i .;it f. u'-.- l .i!ih-'.ii:,- i 1,- V :i. -r UMITKP. J s'ock ;c .;..,t...i j,,., ;i,ntari'v...... j ..w.. willl fell all vi the rt.n , c-r.r- l'"" Fl'T.T ?T. AM) T.v rrnntlr c f a ssi.ti t,")'tho ITItT MRIICHANT PT5. in my store Regirdlef-- of Con. of a 1 ' Thi. is 1 i- - the opportunity s Tr' !T.r-an- k-- . '- Ly th - in I :T!, ('.ith-- -i! , Canadian V y i Tel. Main 313. ' ' rr:r.. t has raus.-- xolt-- : 1 f. ll - '2'" O J lifetime to obtain great bargains in every irt.i an unguar.l-- d -.t roat Jlir.S line. le m i'ar.aa.i th- - Yuk-- a::d .n J so imm 116Nuuanutt. o JL


shouters and hoe-downe- rs were trans- DEATH OFE.C, MACFARLANE ported to the Paradise of the Pacific BS and met wfth a frost. ' Slim audiences chilled the hot blood of the colored visitors, and a diet of 'Continued page 1.) pi and fish sent their thoughts back from to the Rialto. where egg sandwiches ARRIVAL F THE "ORONAD" grow in wagons and free lunches bloom as she was maing- - her dock, produced daily. Finally, when the nightly at- profound regret tendance waned to the members of the throughout the city. police A large number of de- force and the dramatic critics. friends of the Hogan callett a halt, and the Prince A FRESH SUPPLY OF ceased were on the Pacific Mail wharf was to gooJ. last nisr'r.t awaiting- - asked make the news. Purser After much haggling all the mem- Goodrich furnished" the information bers of the company were settled with that "Ned" had died on February IS. except Hogan and Ringgold, the twin Gasoline and without a word those who had stars. Hogin thought that he had "Diamond Head" Brand been eager to hear of him. hoping about $.( coming to him, but he against hope that his illness had not only received $.".73. resulted fatally, turned away and went When Hogan Went to the Prince's DISTILLATE IX DRUMS up town, where the office to bo paid he dealt with Keoho-kalol- e. sad information p. Keo-hokalo- soon spread. the Prince's le Manager Lake of the and the "I'nbleached Ameri- Hawaiian hotel, carried the news to can" mixed it for a few minutes, and Col. George W. Macfarlane. who is were separated by the police. Hogan gr1;" Our Ho?e is of the Lett stopping at the hotel. The latter broke returned for more and got it. Then Special Sale guaranteed to down completely, n J. O. Carter. Jd.. Prince Cupid took a hand in the, game. quality anl drove rapidly to Waikiki. carrying a "I tele him to git away, or I'd make frontCLULU- - for two weeks of TTO mm m give satisf act ion. paper containing an account of the him look like a busted cokynut." said death, and told the anxious relatives Hogan last night. "They'd shoh been ? " W'viioi there. trouble pi wet-din- ef free or oh cop-pa- hs hadn't dropped in and tole me to (Special to the Advertiser.) g'way back and sit down in the coolah. AGENTS SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 23. Edward When I got to my Indgm's an consid- rOR C. Macfarlane is dead. His bride of a ered de mattah I know'd I'd bni in- Mew Goods Received few weeks is a widow, and is now sulted, and I sent Prince . Cupid an OF REAL ESTATE and Staple Just mourning beside the corpse of the man epis'sl demandin' monev, 'pologv or SALE blood. to whom she pledged her faith only a ( "1 mmmmmtmmWmmmmmmmWmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmWm few days ago. didn't know ef he mightn't want Mr. Macfarlane died in Chicago of to throw spears w id me." said Hogan. pleuro-pneumoni- a, after a week's ill- "I know they's a lot o' dem big spears ness, on February 16. He was on his in de museum at Honolulu, and ef F. J. LOWREY, President. honeymoon tour. ac- Cupid had trotted dem out I shoh been Vice-Preside- Fred Macfarlane up A. B. WOOD, companied the widow on the sorrowful ng'in it good ami strong. Hut he J. A. OILMAN. Secretary and Treas- Co., iuiet-Iik- e. Pacific Hardware Ltd. journey back to San Francisco, and acted and sent word dey urer. both she and he are now at the Cali- wuzn't no use niakin' a fuss, and so I fornia Hotel, where he is endeavoring come away wid de "pology." F. J. AMWEG. Auditor. Fort, Bethel and Merchant Sts, Honolulu. to assuage her poignant sorrow. The -- v. CHAS. II. GILMAN, Manager. body, embalmed and in a sealed casket, BORN. MR. WILLIAM M. MINTON, LATfi lies In an undertaker's establishment AEA At the Maternity Home, March here, grief-strick- en WITH GEAR. LANSING & CO., IS and is often visited by the 3, 1902. to the wife of John Aea, a girl who wedded only to be son. NOW ASSOCIATED WITH US . Have you. seen our Rat Traps? parted. SELLING AGENT. All that is mortal of Edward Mac- farlane will be taken to Honolulu on EXCELSIOR LODGE NO. 1. March 8, on the steamship Alameda. Fred Macfarlane and the widow I. X). F. will accompany the remains, which 0 will be buried in the family plot in Honolulu. Fred Macfarlane told me HOUSE LOTS' OCOOOOOOOOOOOCXXXXXXXXXXXX3! XKXX0XCOCX this morning that they hoped to go on the Sonoma, which leaves the day after tomorrow, but had found it im- There will be a regular meeting of AT . v - 4' I A. possible to make arrangements. In- j Excelsior Lodge No. 1, I. O. O. F., at A tense grief is manifested by the many Its hall on Fort street, this Tuesday WET friends of the dead man and his bride evening, March 4. Pj02. at the , terrible news of the passing SECOND DEGREE. MANOA away. Members of Harmony Lodge all PUUPUEO, Fine Commenting on news, Ex- and ft? &4$ the the visiting brethren are cordialy Invited $ WEATHER aminer says: to attend. A. F. CLARK, N. G. $f SHOCKED SAN FRANCISCANS. L. L. LAPIERE, Secretary. Assortment prof's v A SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 17. The '17$ news of the demise of E. C. Macfarlane GOODS. came as a great shock to those who PJCiflO LOCCE 822, OF had seen him leave the city about ten A. F. & A. M. A BARGAIN. days ago for an Eastern trip with hi GREAT charming bride. Scarcely had the Door Cocoanut fibre. 6 wedding ceremony been performed 3Iats A when Mr. Macfarlnne complained of 6r S5.5CO 1 w. "i V haing a cold. Rut he was cheerful KID GLOVES mrwwrniii mrfrtnin r TinimTi A iiiur i;n, Miif. 0 and paid little attention to the ailment, Tl-- I ERiC WILL RE A SPECIAL Font Scrapers. 0 saying to a group of friends who had meeting of Pacific Lodge. A. F. & A. gathered to bid him godspeed on his M.. at Masonic Temple, this Tuesday 0 evening. 4, 7::i0 p. IN Laim 3Iowers. wedding trip: "I will be well as soon March at m. Something Unique 0 as I see the-- WORK IN THE FIRST DEGREE. snow." Members of Hawaiian Lodge, Lodge Lot 75x140. Flower I'ots . . Mrs. Macfarlane's wish had been to S a trip to Chicago New le Progres, and all sojourning brethren TTTTTTT take and York - Houee of ten rooms, viz.: four WHITE, BLACK, tianlcn Tools. that she might see something of an arc- fraternally Invited to attend. Eastern winter. was the desire to By order of the R. W. M. bedrooms and sewing room on sec- We have a line of pajcr for Nursery It C. F .MURRAY, ALL COLORS in please his bride that made Mr. Mac- ond floor; large reception hall, par- Rooms that both artistic ami instruc- You can get tbem all at to Secretary. Some designs re re-e- n t farlane determined run chances of lor, dining room, kitchen, two tive. of the falling a victim to the rigor of the cold Cats, rabbits, frogs, etc.; sure to make spell in the Middle West, and he had St. Patrick's Day Celebration. bedrooms and bath on first floor; the children room pleasing ami VV. o perfect confidence in his wiry consti- stable and servants quarters. Elec- Just Received Our whole stock of W. Dimond tution. tric car line willjpass within three $ The intention of the couple was to ALL IRISHMEN ARE REQUESTED & Co's. proceed to Chicago, then go to New to be present, at the meeting to be minutes of this property. Call at 1902 Wall Papers York, possibly to return home via the held at the Honolulu Athletic Club once on AT rooms, in Pettus building, on Afa-ke- a very Southern States and Southern Califor- the I the beM and our prices the lowest. The best assortment at the nia. Mr. Macfarlane had not got fur- street, next to the Sailors' Home, lowest price. ther than Omaha when his cold grew this evening, to complete arrange- Pat- V jvorse, and by the time he reached the ments for the celebration of St. 'Auditorium Hotel at Chicago he was ricks Day. E. W. March 4. Ift02. Island Realty Co. Jordan's ' prostrated a high fever Dated Beretanfa St; Dealers In Pottery, Glass- almost from c. j. McCarthy, "and severe pains in the left pleuro LIMITED ware, cavity. 6107 Temporary Chairman. a BEALS Near Emma. Art Goods, Household Three days ago it became apparent Utensils, Lamps, Cutlery, Plat- that the patient was growing weaker. P. H. BROOKS DIVISION, NO. 204 Building: Two of Chicago's best physicians were h Jndd HO. 10 STORE ed Ware, Hotel Supplies, etc., summoned and it was found that the UNIFORM RANK, K. OF P. g left lung had filled "with pus and that Reduction ont amps etc. an operation would he necessary, as the right lung was being ' rapidly af- ALL .MEMBERS OF THE ABOVE ar- - requested to FORT STREET Sole agents Gurney Clean-abl- e fected. An incision was made and a rank assemble at for silver tube Inserted to drain the lung, Harmony Hall. King street, this ("Tue- " Refrigerators, Detroit and for a while the patient rallied. sday) eveninsr. March 4. at 7:"0 o'clock. Lincrusta oooooooooooooooocxxxxxxxxx? WAS A LOVE MATCH. ELEf'TION OF OFFICERS. Read Carefully Jewel Stoves, Puritan Blue Per Order. 0 Friday the patient was so weak that J. H. McKEAGUE, own viz. Flame Stoves, Reed & Barton's 0 a message was sent to airs, naiiinger. First Lieutenant. The Our Lamp, the mother of the bride, and to F. W. Mac- Walton Silverware, genuine double-coate- d 0 farlane. brother of the sick man, who "Oceanic" has made its had just arrived in this city from New Election of Ofiicers. Granite Ironware, Ho- 0 Yoik. The latter started for Chicago reputation here as the best 0 morning. wainscoting of Saturday W A I ALT T A G R A For the the England mer Laughlin Potteries,- - THE A ICl LTCR L New lamp in this market. We United 0 The marriage of Edward Macfarlane CO., LTD. heme, the office and lodge 0 and Miss Rallinger was purely a love rooms, there is- no decoration have been selling them States Cream Separators, Chal- match. Gossips spoke of the "good that will quite equal Lincrusta at 0 AT THE ANNl'AL MEETING OF ' lenge and Dandy Windmills. catch" the young woman had made. Walton. Bakery $2 75 per dozen. 0 lut it was well known among intimate the shpreholders of the Waialua Agri- There is not another place In 0 friends of the family that the couple cultural Co.. Ltd.. held in Honolulu on Honolulu where you have a loaded up with 0 were devoted to each other and that Thursday. February 27. 1902. the fol- more artistic stock to choose la lowing were elected to serve Refrigerators and Stoves sold 0 thfir mutual affection had often been directors from, and we find great, pleas- Reduced Price 0 the subject of much favorable com- for the ensuing year: ure in showing the patterns to on the Installment plan. ment. Edward Macfarlane worshiped J. H. Atherton. our customers. o his bride, and she. on the other hand, W. F. Allen, Ours are the finest German GOOD THINGS 20 Cents Each or 0 was seldom seen In any other company F. J. Lowrey. Lincrustas, and you should during the months of their engage- H. Waterhouse, come to see them. JILL THE TI3IE. $2 40 Per Dozen. Goods delivered to all parts ment. They both looked forward with W. A. Rowen; great pleasure to their wedding trip and. at a meeting of the Hoard of Di- of the city and suburbs free of 0 and made elaborate preparations for rectors of the Waialua Agricultural tbe journey. Mrs. Macfarlane said that Co.. Ltd.. held on the same date, the charge. $ when she returned from the tour of following oftu-er- s were elected to serve If you have not yet tried 0 the United States she wanted to live for the ensuing year: Cakes, all in Honolulu the balance of her life on J. R. Atherton. President. Lewers & Gooke Scotch Short Bread; tbem now is the time. s her husband's estate, and this boon F. J. Lowrey. Vice President. size, prices nd styles; Tie just had been promised her. H. Waterhouse. Secretary. LIMITED. like your mother used to make. 0 Mr. Macfarlane and Miss IJal'.inger W. A. Itowen, Treasurer. Fing- W.W.Dhnond&Go. were married on the 6th of the present T. Richard Robinson. Auditor. Cookie?, Macaroons, Lady month residence of the bride. H. WATERHOUSE. one dozen and - at the Agricultur- ers. Cream Puffs. Orders of P.21.- Twenty-thir- d street. The cere- Secretarv the Waialua cheap LIMITED, mony was performed by Father Yorke. al Co.. Ltd. 6106 Tons of Pure Candy from upward delivered. of King1 s and only a few intimate friends the grade for children up to better Street, Honolulu. two families were Invited. That night Election of Oflicers. grades. For 50c we csn furnish the couple took the train for the East. P box of Delicious Candies-wo- rth Ivlward Macfarlane was born on the you a . XX 0OOOXXOOOX Island of Oahu. Hawaiian group, and EWA PLANTATION COMPANY. a dollar elsewhere. OCEANIC was forty-nin- e years of age. His tsilT 'tf home and business headquarters have AT THE ANNUAL MEETING OF alwavs been in Honolulu. He had been the shareholders of the Ewa Planta- GAS & ELECTRIC GO. 0 very su cessf ul in financial affairs, and tion Company, held on Thursday. Feb- is t have left a large fortune. ruary 27. l't2. the following directors Forget were elected to serve for the ensuing Don't LIMITED. year: III It. England Bakery MAGOON BLOCK. HOGAN AND J. Atherton. New W. F. Allen. Tel. 350. P. O. Bex 763 Contain aeries of twelve neatly THE PRINCE C. H. Cooke. ound views of Hawaiian scenery and F. J. Low rev. yiy Cooke W. A. Roweii: Castle & NEW QRPHEUM ubjeets. All mounted on gray paper, and. at a meeting of the Roard of Di- tcyU-Blia- gem Feb. 19. Accord- Com- LIMITED- - RESTAURANT itd In boo"k form. Each book a SAN FIlAXt'ISi'O. rectors of the Ewa Plantation fust ta thins; to send East. ing to Ernest Hogan, only an apology pany, held on the same date, the fol- M'A Fort Street. lowing officers were appointed to serve savc--d a prince from meeting him on DO NOT STARVE rnd FJKE for the ensuing year: LIFE iir-l.-l in Hawaii. Hogan. TOUR HAIR. the of honor .T. P. Atherton. President. PACHECO'S DANDRUFF BEST MEALS. CLEANEST TABLES whose claim to fame lies in his having F. J. Lowrey. Vice President. QUICKEST SERVING Also publish and have for sale, th "All Coons Look Alike to Me" KILLER IS A NATURAL I Hi AND written c. H. Cooke, Secretary. HAIR FOOD. Insurance Agents, HONOLULU. a a wallas Paael Calendars for IMS. ar.d "Go Way Rack and Sit Down." W. A. Bo wen. IN - Treasurer. Sold by all Druggists at the Union Price car.il- back from Honolulu yesterday, T. Richard RobinscTn. Auditor. ad Reanabl. two months in the Islands with Barker Sh. after company. Two C. H. COOKE, his i.egro vaudeville fil'ifi Secretary Ewa Plantation Co. AOENT9 FOR Y. YUKN days e he left he challenged TAL of Clothes No. 1272 Fort Street, near Kukul. Prince Cupid Kalanianaole. brother Will Make Your SKW ENGLAND MUTUAL Prince David, and a descendant of the Election of Ofiicers. WILLIAMS Ho- INSURANCE CO J. J. royal Kaniehamehas. to fight him. UFK Drrumikrr, IjmJ !- -' gan sent his second with a written Look Like New l'ndfifir, Fort Street. Photographer. He said last AT THE ANNUAL MEETING F Chtnli", Kte. challenge to the Prince. So- or hosto.v Skirt. he hail received ample sat-Nt- a the trustees of the United Chinese A large line of ready-mad- e Mosquito nislit that on 31. 1!12. the CO. DIRECT FROM NEW YJRK. tion. and that the code duello was ciety, htld January .4CTNA Fin-- INSURANCE Net always on hand. fully carried out in all but the shed- following officers were elect'd to serve OF HARTFORD. - ding of blood. for the ensuh'.g year: AND who calls himself "The Un-blt-acl- Wong Kwai. President. A FINE LINE OF PLAIN lb Kan. Hing. e Wo Co. Dress Waist Aroericjin." went to Hawaii Choncr Mee Yb President. LfcE & CO., Sing fancy ?ilk. and Patterns: Or-phvi- CHEONC Fook company to play im Li Cheung. Secretary. TO THE ! some very pretty things in Wash- with bis at the IF YOU TAKE THEM i FO0K TAL Manager. also, there. "Ikey" Cohen, who man-as-- s Chong I'ak Shan. Asst. Secretary. Importers and Exporters able Waist Patterns. and Siik Dimities. the theater, promised big things, Y::u Quon, Treasurer. Works. Dressmaking. Ladies' and Chil Ir n's Tong. Asst. Treasurer. Eagle Cleaning and. ryelng' lea.W-- r Jewiry. Fancy Good, -, and was backel by Princ. Cupid and Lau la . Nets, all size- CHEUNG. At4 Black-srood- fniWruvar. Mos.U!.to W. L. FLETCHER a d.z-- n Hoiiolulans with a love I.I Cutlery. t- - !- half Sec-eta- rv rurnltnr. Curio. from SO -) Inches male of and Hotel Sts. coon A score U. C. S. Opposite Star block. Gla Etc. Gedc Cottage. Richards for aaiime and duties. 61" Fort St., l)ctro PUted nJ Ware. best material. pigeon-winger- s, Honolulu. T. II., Feb. 21, W2. TToV-TV- . 521 cake f'-T- - P. O. P.ox rW. Tel. Blue. of v.aik.rs. I Qrn' T.o(i. Central. Honjlcon. N'X'inTl T.oVf

I) THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, HONOLULU, MARCH 4, 1902. JftS. F. MORGAN, ! NEW JURY The Sanitarium is Pau B. KERR & CO- Anctioneer ai Broir L. - IS SECURED 65 QUEEN STREET, But those desiring the health foods. ,n handled P. 0, Box 594. Telephone 72 by the Honolulu Sanitarium, can obtain th-- m .IMITED. at our store. Our fto'k is complete in this , j Trial line, as in other.-- and we note the following For Second San:tarium Foods on hand at this time: QUEEN STREET. Pearl Harbor Granose Flakes, Granose Biscuits, Granut, Case. Caramel Certal, Brornose, Maltal, Xut Butter, Almond Butter, Xuttolene, Nuttolt, Whole THE DAY IN Wheat Sticks, Oatreal Sticks, WhoU Wheat CIRCUIT COURT Wafers, Graham Sticks, Granola, Sweibach Interestin and Protosc. Wong Shui King Found Guilty of Libtl Humphreys Hears a THIS DAY. Cattle Case. Announcement Hons Fiirmtare The Jury for the second trial of the ell THE POPULAR GROCERY. Honolulu Plantation case was sworn

S 2JS--Tofephones- yesterday afternoon at o'clock. The --24 ease with which the jury was obtain- At Auction. ed was surprising to both court and For this Week. counsel, and the knowledge of Judge ON TUESDAY, MARCH 4, Estee's intention to try the case, jury or no jury, probably had something to AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M., making counsel pirticu- - At my salesroom, 63 Queen street, H4444444 4 44 do with less I will sell at publie auction a fine line lar. The panel of twelve .was exhaust- of Household Furniture, comprising ed at noon, and eleven talesmen were Oak Bedstead and Bureaus. drawn, as follows: "Q". B. Kincaid, "Walnut Bedsteads and Bureau?, Marble Top Bureaus, 444-4Mf- 4 E. C. Itowe, George E. Morgan, A. Iron and Brass Bedsteads, ! Arendt, H. E. Murray. W. T. Paty, J. Wardrobes, Chairs. oivod C. Axtell, J. P. Freudenberg, L.. A. Mattresses, Pictures, etc., etc. Bartlett. V. J. Coombs and C. J. Rob erts. JAS. F. MORGAN 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Of the twenty men examined, James AUCTIONEER. T Armstrong and E. C. Rowe were ex cused for cause, the former because he t PER GERMAN SHIP MARIE HACKFELD Jiisl owned land at the Peninsula, and thought It might affect his judgment ir. regard to Pearl Harbor real estate. r r Is C loves r I e c and the latter because he had formed t ma and an opinion from reading the newspa Depaeked. pers. Judge Silliman excused II. 7.. Aus tin. J. R. Gasper and "V. T. Paty on THl peremptory challenge, and Assistant United States Attorney Dunne exercis- ed his privilege in excusing C. S. ALSO Crane, S. G. Wilder and A. Arendt. The jury as finally sworn to hear the uctioe A Nice Range of i case Is omposed as follows: Wiliiam OF J Nallima Jr., W. D. Adams, F. J. Wil- - helm, F. C. Uetters. Charles Furneaux. iron Material for Railroad Cars Albert Barnes. W. K. Andrews. A. W. oid Richardson, W. 13. Kincaid. G. E. Mor te if Linen Table Damask gan. II. E. Murray and J. C. Axtell. begin In i 30 Inoh Traok The trial will earnest this morning. It is not known whether or ON TUESDAF, MARCH 4," not the Jury is to Inspect the site of For sale in quantities to suit at lowest market prices by the land to be condemned. AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M.. In White and Cream, BANKRUPTCY RULES. At my salesroom. 63 Queen street. I will sell at public auction. Judge Estee promulgated a new set Ladies' and Children's Underwear, of rules of procedure in bankruptcy Dress Goods, Holokus, cases yesterday, which Clerk Maling Mosquito Nets. Bedspreads, Hackfeld & Co., inches wide. was ordered to have printed. Remnants, Sewing Machines, 68 and 72 COURT CUL.L.INGS. Counters, Shelving, etc.. etc. irvii The derision Invalidating divorces fur less thaii two years residence, is al ready naving its effect. An amended JAS. F. MORGAN. Bought Direct from libel was filed yesterday in the case AUCTIONEER. of Beke Ah Sing vs. Akai Sing, in which the fact of two years' residence was atld-nl- . Judge Humphreys granted a separa tion without counsel fees or alimony the Makers. In the case of E. Froboese vs. G. F. H. Froboese, but later set the order aside. and continued the case for the term. Metropolitan Meat Co., Ltd. An amended bill to set aside and Notwithstanding the high tariff on these good3 cancel a deed, has been filed in the case of Puhipaka Malama Guerero, a THIS DAY. the prices we have succeeded in buying them minor, vs. Frank Pahla et al. A divorce has been granted John de at enables us to get a sitisfactory profit and Greaves from Caroline de Greaves. FRESH ft! EATS AND FISH Objection has been made to defend offer our customers value better than ever. ant's bill of exceptions In the case of Auction Sale By Every Steamer from the T. M. Harrison vs. J. A. Ma anon et al. OF Table Damask in 18 different patterns, 50c, 75c, The Supreme Court issued an execu Coast that has Cold Storage. tion yesterday against defendant in $1 $1 50 per yard. the case of J. M. Monsarrat vs. A. H. and Ahakuelo. for J154.S7. The judgment Horses and Blules given in the District Court could not be satisfied by property within that Jurisdiction. Choice Beef, Veal, Mutton, Lamb II. M. von Holt was yesterdav ap ON TUESDAY, MAR. 4, :o:- - pointed and Pork always on hand, also administrator of the estate of AT 12 NOON, Frank Brown, deceased, with a bond O'CLOCK of $3,000. At my salesroom, 63 Queen street, I The accounts of J. S. Azevedo. ad will sell at public auction. Poultry, Salmon and Halibut. ministrator of the estate of G. J. Rocio One pair large Dray or Express were approved, and administrator or- Horses. I- dered discharged upon paying the re- One pair large Mules. - I l mainder of the estate intb court. All broken to double harness. FOll SALE AT Cecil Brown was appointed adminis a special snow trator of the estate of Archibald F. The Metropolitan Meat Co., King Street; Telephoge 65, aiso Gilfillan yesterday upon filing approv- JAS. F. MORGAN, i Tbe Booth, Fishmarket; Telephone 379. ed bond in the sum of $S,000. AUCTIONEER. The petition for appointment of rentrsl Market, Nnuutin Street; Telephone 104. Laura K. Halualani as administrator thi$ week of her husband's estate, was denied. TX CIRCUIT COURT. Judgs Humphreys took up the cae of J. D. Pari3 vs. J. A. Maroon, iriiar- - Black Alpaca, Mohair aud Sicilicens in finest dian, yesterday afternoon. This suit is for breach of contract to supplv cat- qualitiei that the trade turns out; 5S inches tle to plaintiff, and about $10,000 is the amount involved. A jury was impanel- $1, $1.50, $1.75 and $2 a yard. This Hue is led and the case proceeded to trial. Japanese Goods Following the cattle case. Judge For Rent. specially suitable for Gentlemen's Summer Humphreys heard the motion for a new TWO-3TOR- trial in the Kahilina divogce case. T HOUSE In the He- - American Coats or Ladies' Skirts. and took the matter under advisement. Carthy tract. Beretania street, between Goods Intimating that he might make some Piikoi and Keaumoku streets. .and CURIOS in ine amount or aitmonv Son- - :o:-- ator Kahilina is required to pay FOON WINS OTTT. JAS. F. MORGAN. 5 Queen The Jury in the cas- - of Wong Shui Street. Klrg returned a wrdict of guilty of criminal libel in the second degree, af- ter b'-In- out twenty minutes. Ju.lge Corner of Nuuanu and Hotel Streets. CItar will pronounce sentence this morning. nd intimated that it wnnU be sever", as he did not believe in at- - ! Millinery department tacks on public men in the press The maximum punishment for the crime li yEW c;ooI)S rcccircd by $"r:). three m.mths" imprisonrnf-nt- . ... every ste.imer from . i: it This Depirtment is corisT's march ses- under the control of Mrs. sion. - C. L. Dickersou, who was for over seven years Tl-.- e March session of the Supreme Court was opened yesterday in the big in chargo of the millinery department of S. 13. courtroom, with a large attendance of attorneys. Altogether four casos were The Best Medical and ar-ru- Table Water Sachs & Co. The ladies of Honolulu are well d and submitted, and disposition n aO-- of several others. The cases ar-tu-d acquainted wita tier work, and wo ran and submitted yesterday were: In The World trim No-brec- a. Libana de Nobrega vp. Sylvana de a: hat iu any style, at the lowest possibld Kau Ting Kee vs. Yin You; J. price. M. Vivas vs. Mele Akoni. and Terri- tory of Hawaii vs. Ah Quong. This Famoss FROM IAXS CO. latter is one of the famous transition Battlett Spring Water prri.d cases which was before Judge GALIfOBHiA. Little. It was argud yesterday up.m oivl'-i-tior.- s t.i a bill of exceptions. - The caee of Sam Moe vs. rimn? Cures hy th th- u-ar- fa have been tjuon. was j effected by this water. discontinued. Call Notice of intention to f:!e a motion and get illustrate 1 pamphlet telling you all about it. to ijua-- h was given in the arp,-.a- l of! ? H p - ictfel on the premises. Irn- li Holloway vs. A. I'.rown. t iL. B K T:u ras. s of li. Hackfold "C: Co. vs. ! P:I' Kallroad Company, and of Sing X LIMITED, : On - Co. vs. L n Hop W.ii Com- - - sale ; f- - f at tho Drug Stores. v. - i f rt r f.,r the t.vm. Tln- . t r : - .. ! t : n tn i'!Qt. ir t t - i. - . QUEEN STREET. for t.ioay. ; LOVE Ji:.--;'r- .- & l JOY I'hi f Kri'ar arr.'-iro.'i- that CO. I I.i U'i !n:.. :t would probably bo taken ' Me Distributors for w-v- the Territory of l'vxt to M..nday. April 27th. 'Hawaii. 1 4 II



An ofTr in th K".i- l- building ; Th- - barkentine Archer sailed from a nr. xoxF.Tnmrrr.n 1 4 .r?.-r-- l rent. (San iseo for Honolulu on Feb- therf. fr Frn' jl rr.nr o ha a. tmk f w.t'l ap. rs for ruary I'.: i cH Why Throw $40 Away li!i!r-- a rw;ns is (J-or- K" Weir, who Is in a tLk that well worth t the yusE si aooit t j;jcjl ... ; Ine. lui; up-to-da- te ' r anil m'.Uina business at Seattle. By paying $100 for a Typewriter when you can get an Th- - hildrn' Ji dr.M making i- - aboard thv Nipjon. AS THE etrictly high . grade machine ifins March 7th. at Mian Kill.-an- ' Th Huh School concert takes place n Prion MrH. j t'iis Ycun.tr Men's vnirnr at the ton-- B rown in-ft- s - -- Hamil Kxrclcr I tM- vninc "hriiian Association hall. The Wellington Visible Writer for $60 t :3' o'clock. There will b work II J. Iiurnlciin. formerly a book- - Shoeco's In th? wconil J"?)rv?. r vith Irwin & Co.. Iavf today This machine is a reTolution in Typewriters. One of A ottaRf In I'alama near the Kapil on the N;pin Maru. for Shanghai. ofTt-re- Alba-troy- is as Traneit ear Hn I 'I for rent. Th Fih Commission fteamer s many endorsement given the Wellington Typewriter al fur particular. has gone on Mare Island dry dock follows : IMblIr: itenoKraphy an.l tyix-writin-g to make ready for her cruise to Hono natty ami accurately at Hawaii lulu. "We make the statement positively that they are absolutely the I SHOES excelling simplicity, accuracy. We an Mot-- I by Miits Nobl. 11. J. Heinz and II. Heinz, mern- - best, all ethers In durability and are using seventy-fiv- e of them la our Philadelphia and New Tork & arrhlf-rt- . Wrs of a big pickle concern of Pitts-- ! Where ease, wear and price iarltley Pa, the passengers on Nippon stores. They have eur unqualified endorsement. have removel from the Arlington An-n- x burg, are the you Maru. are considerations, cannot (Signed): "JNO. WAN A MAKER. to the Klite building. verlook this shoe. There will ttt a, Mrwrial m--tln- of Ixuis Kpplnger. proprietor of the I'ariflc IdKe tonight In Masonic Tem- Grand Hotel, of San Francisco. Is a pi". Work will be In the firm degree. passenger on the Nippon, bound for Yokohama. We have just received a shipment of these Typewriters and At 10 o'clock today Will K. Fisher meeting, will be pleased to give full particulars regarding eame. ill !! at public auction, at his nab-n-roo- The Waianae to have been Manufacturers1 Shoe j held postponed, owing an assortment of hous-ho- ld yesterday, was furniture. to the non-arriv- al of George N. v ox from Kauai. Company. P. II. Urooks Division. I'nlform et Mrs. George Miss Grace Kank. K. of P.. will m-- tonight at Carter and their hall, at 7:20 o'clock, for the elat- Carroll will leave on the Ventura for J0Z7 Fort Street. THEO. H. DAVIES & CO., Limited ofTlcer. th- - Coast. Mr. Carter will J 'ln Mr. ion of Carter n the Fast. Ioor mat, of fibre and wire; ulo. com- HARDWARE DEPT. foot wraper, are much In demand The Fourth District Democratic ve Is to meet Wednesday evening Just now. W. W. Dimond & h-- mittee a fine assortment. '. to flee Id uhether or not to place a ooococococoooooco candidate in the field. '" III l. ! Household! furniture, clothing and II goods', Major Wodehous. formerly Uriti IfM and a number of horsos minister resident here, is a cousin THE -- BEST - - .1 I Hf Ttmw and mules are to be mM tday at liliilii mikm fltt mdti lihil ilia Morgan's the Karl of Kimberley. whose critical Mna ilh ifcr f sale room. illn.'hs is reported from London. Family Cough Remedy A larg; Invoice of "Diamond Head" brand of gasoline has Just arrived by The annual meeting of the Hawaiian your Jockey Club, which was to have been the Coronado. Send orders to held last night, was postponed until Pacific Hardware Company. next Monday evening on account of the Inter-Inlan- Every day we by custom- All creditors of the d Tel- lack of a quorum. .H are asked egraph Co.. Ltd.. are requested to file ers what Cough Remedy is best to AboutThis Season's1 Naturalist It. C. U Perkins has r statements of account at once with turned from Moiokal. and report tha take. Now, we want to sell you Just the treasurer. Mr. Clinton J. Hutehlns. by the fencing of forests much 1m what you want to buy. We also want You can buy mosquito nets, all sizes, provement is shown, as the cattle can to sell you what you will bo satisfied from 90 to 129 inches long, at Fook no longer get at them. with, so that you will buy it of us Sing Wo Company's. 1123 Nuuanu A meeting of Irishmen has been again. avenue; short-sighte- also, ladies and children's called for this evening In Pettus' It would be d and foolish Mew Dress Goods underwear, dressmaking, etc. block hall. Alakea street, near the for us to advise you to take one cough The German Verein Arlon will hold Sailors' Home, to compU-t- e arrange remedy in preference to others if that their regular meeting tomorrow even- ments for the banquet on St. Patrick's 1 one had not proven itself to be trust- ing In Klks' Hall. All members are day. meeting, worthy and satisfactory. Therefore, We have just opened out a new ship- urged to be present at this as . W. of the railway mail ser- we you we business of Importance Is to be trans Carr. carry when tell that consider acted, and officers are to be elected for vice, has let all contracts for ment of all the LATEST NOVELTIES ing mail in th Territory but five CougChheCoymfort the ensuing; year. routes, which are to b readvertised. PUTNAM'S direct from the manufacturers Five new star routes are also to be Primrose Club Town. t OF the best family cough remedy, we do la added. so advisedly. We know that it will The Primrose Club, an aggregation All Irishmen are requested to be stand the test. present at the meeting tonight at the MARIGOLD LACE of prominent gentlemen from various Honolulu Athletic Club rooms on Ala- LEN0 which was or- Infants' and parts of the Alalnland. kea street. The committee will reinrt A very pretty figuered Lawn with lace effects ganized on the Nippon Maru since its an 1 further arrangements are to be made as to the celebration of St. Pat- departure from San Francisco, regis- rick's day. Children's tered last night at the Hawaiian hotel. The transport Kgbrt sailed from Sorethroat 25c per yard The club membership in as follows: Manila February ISth for San Fran- Dresses is a thing that easily runs into Bron- of going i S. Atterbury. Pittsburg. Pa.; George cisco, via Honolulu. Instead chitis and Tonsillitis, If it is not taken J. to Seattle, for which he had of. Is to of LAWNS How- iort you care It due inflammation PINEAPPLE Weir. Seattle; C. Moody, Seattle. originally been scheduled. She brings And in fact anything J) the mucous lining of the throat and ard C. Williams. Klizabeth. N. J.; II. one battalion of the Twenty-eight- h In- " larynx. this Inflammation is not great of handsome patterns men, who may neeu I If In a variety striped Kobbins. Pittsburg, Pa.; Fr. Maurer, fantry and 32i short term tot me checked, it can do three things. It can Lahe Baden, Germany. Mr. Atterbury are to be mustered out. call- an little ones. attack the tonsils, whereupon H is 1.4 a member of the Atterbury Glass The Kxecutlve Council considered ed "Tonsillitis." It can attack the 25 and 30c per yard Company Pittsburg. Mr. Ilobblns Is application fntm the Honolulu lirewery of X bronchial tubes, whereupon it is called In connection with one of the for a dealer's license yesterday, and known the matter was referred to Attorney "Bronchitis" if lnsfde the tubes and big coal companies of Pennsylvania: or Asthma" If of the General Dole. The license under which "Asthma" "Catarrhal PONGEE ORIENTAL Mr. Maurer Is the proprietor the brewery is conducted has expired. Hisses' and outside the tubes. Or it can work down Grand hotel. Yokohama, which was No was taken upon the appli- lungs give you a con- action Into the and A nierrerizet1. in figured patterns, , recently destroyed by Are. cation of A. Nawahl for a light wine sumption "scare" (which may turn out silk stylish license at Pahoa. Hawaii, the High Children's Underwear to be real consumption). locks exactly like Foulard Silk Nature 8tudy Meeting. Sheriff reporting in favor of it, and a petition being received opposed to Its Cherry There will be a meeting of the Natur- issuance. The application of T. Wada At PUTNAM'S Cough. Comfort 35c per yard Kauai, was e-Study Club at the High School for a license at Anahola. Sore-throa- t, referred to the sheriff. draws out the inflammation in building at 7:30 this evening. Mr. U. REDUCED PRICES Hoarseness and early stages of ThomDSon of Kamehameha Hoys' Through to Kamla. - Tonsillitis and Bronchitis. It Is quick. DOTTED MERCERIZED TISSUE k M. of Ka- - gentle, thorough and entirely natural. e,rw.i ami Mlu llarnarJ SAN FHANCISCO, Feb. 19. Under handsome floral designs School will conduct Thin and sheer, very . jmehameha Girls the Joint schedule of the Pacific Mail. some Interesting experiments which Oriental, and Toyo success In this Occidental and Shirt Waists Made to Order yard Vythey have used with Kisen Kalsha Steamship Companies, t 50c per worn. i nr once a month Two Sizes, 25 and 50 Cents schools for the past term will be re- providing for a steamer X ii mem- Manila, it has been decided to send ported by different members. Ail to --X Interested In this line the vessel to that port on the outward bers and others trip from San Francisco, or before M. BRflSCI! & CO., Ladies' Wash Skirts of work are urged to be present. Hongkong. Nagasaki will be the last port of call before touching at Telephone 1S7 Something new; different from Cold on Moiokal. Manila, th steamer sailing thence for Hobron Drug Hongkong. On return trip to this 1 any ever shown before. re- the STUEST If, C. I Perkins, the naturalist, port Shanghai will b visited. The HOTEL turned Saturday from a tour of Molo-ka- l. Peru is scheduled to leave Manila on Company. bringing with him a collection of April 3 for Hongkong: the Gaelic on JH on Insects which will be added to his May 7. and the Nippon Maru June Agents. Ohirf cabinet. The entire lot Is to be taken 7th. mBllm Linen Pique Lawn by him to Kngland. Mr. Perkins re- ports that the weather on Moiokal has OHM Miule from the newest pat- cold during the past trimmed, been excessively or terns, i.lain and two weeks, and that at an elevation LATEST walking1 and dross lengths. 3 000 was not an uncommon feet frost - art; than any s'ii?ht. He did not find any specimens SPRING- GOODS Tiny handsomer that were unusual, although he Is In ever imported. Superior skirts Insects 4elieved to b prices. quest of certain' an- oooo at reasonable on MolokaJ. He will shortly make r. other trip. The "Alameda" brought u.s a full 75c to $7.00. Block of new wash fau- - irin; I -l Ll Snow. n " Kt1 Comtructcr rics, now niK-- and of unusu.il HAND-MAD- E 31 11' Naval Constructor. elf gance. i LVDIES EX AN reauccu iroin Elliott Snow. : - on . ,tr it". l 1'nlted States Navy. Is a passenger SILK MIXED TISSUE $2 00 to 100. the Nippon Maru. bound for the Ori- Kxqubdte coloring., newest de-t!g- con- In blue, pink, sea-foa- m ent. Mr. Snow Is one of two naval light tan. Aca- and enfcered the Naval J structors who STRir-E- MULL ts ' : demy Utah, the other one being STIN : from famous Thf prettiest yet. In Kreat vari- Gilbert Wilkes, grandson of the ety of colors and dainty designs. i Admiral Wilkes. Mr. Snow has been 'WWmtt B. F. EHLERS & CO. assigned to the Asiatic division of the FirE CPGAPDIES He goes to In new and novel Persian effect, navy's construction work. coloring. FORT STREET. Hongkong, whence he will depart for daintiest Manila. CRASS LIKEN TISSUE very hecr. limn color, will make up prettily. Hioister AHn Here. T States Min- SWISS MUSLINS Dr. H. N. Allen. United Arpllque effects, latest designs, evie: by Mrs. hl.-ick-. O accompanied pink. wl:h RTS ister to Korea, light blue with Nippon grey received fresh Al'.en. is a passenger on the black, with black. We have Seoul. Maru. en route to hi? Pst at SILK MIXED TISSUE of the linen and Batistes, in linen Mr. Allen has been a resident Grns AlVIIVIUNITtON capital for twenty-tw- o year effects. Korean ted and just lately went to the Ln D!m'.!f. La wrs. Muslins, Etc. Both loaded shot gun fhellF, and metallic cartridge. received his appoint- Dozens of others, all the very States, where he many on display m Rifles. Guns to Rent. ment. latest, and New stock of Shot Guns and " display In window. Advertised Letters. TVhit goods in most complete FOR TMr uncalled for at Honolulu assortment in every line. Postofflce up to March Pearson & Potter Co., Ltd. Mrs S rub J Kellog. Helen applique trimmings, new Andrew. Kenned y. r Ji.s New MAIN" a COH. UNION AM) HOTEL STS. A German, Anton C A waved lace, Arabian TEL.. 17. !brea'!. Mrs Lslng. Mr' black AMen, W C I syce A Co . lace, etc. Btiley, rs II B Lawfton. Thomas (.. Bailey. Cliff Ieolie. Henry Mrs M P Lewis. II l ynch. V M Francis H, arty. O w H. SACHS' DRY GOODS CO. Brewer. Arthur 2 S. raE Hrien W c;rtfgr. Marion 28 HOTEL, STREET. MilK A (4 1 LIMITED. Brown, G A Mitchell Ker L M B irlinon, Cbas Joreph STREET. mi Clifford. A E FORT Clark. Ernest C Jir.Neubaner, I.'irt Mrs Ell Norman. T L Comb. Orr, T fine line of P. O- - Box 883. r.llin, A B W R Have just opened a new and Phone White 3271. V. wn, J A l ark. t'lishirieham. Mi irron. W II ltrlin, Kraneis Prtz, Wm 1 C Kaj p. Wri Kane wf, Fred Win Madame m, I.llori. Tony P Ki.jr, YorV m Mrs ljitc of New City, m 'or l iwnev. W i Itosi'r. ILK G00DS I M I. Al'eil 1120 M'UAXUis AVEXUK John 'ow. . Mit mn. I.on!. J unn. Haiti Kctlisu-m- r H Millinery Designer K twin. rVI.-- hTfr, Expert LINEN . Si-o- r A J HANDKERCHIEFS, INDIA V. V t. Consisting of EMBROIDERED SILK iwnr.l. Ja (- i ! - y. T II -') Sizes. Y'.tnvfv. Jw-- .v Is making a specialty of EMBROID- -j Bamboo Screens All B Str.ai.vy. H li for Men' Suite; C K VICTORIA LAWNS, HEAVY TONGEE SILK ii;,rn, .Mr II l Smith. I.oui" H II Smith. Henry S5.O0 HATS Harrr. - COVEIIS- - Hirri-o- n. IIor- ERED SILK PIANO ' stnrk. .'" J W ; Hawaiian , W K : STORK: II ir.e. MrsIfW W M.l.-e- With Mrs. Hanna. JJRA"CH C Tavlt.r. Ht ury streets. : Thornhtll. Clarke L'MOM AND HOTEL STS. : Corner King and Lihha Ilenrv . 'arl II Wt-ix- Mr Harry have just been opened and are of Ho'lowar. Wofi.l, W J The above goods i HucM. I'aTid Cell K STY EES. Ire. Alit'e WOiHlS EXCLUSIVE patterns. ; J k.n. Caj-- t i E t Yccng, I'anc the Latest Jremia, Mrs I ! AH' il 3 M THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, HONOLULU, MARCH 4, 1902.

H EXCHANGE. THE PACIFIC NEW STEAMERS HONOLULU STOCK ? Canadian-- n - Eova! Commercial Advertiser Honolulu, March 3, 1902. Albert Haas 4 ISLAND TRADE Entered at tfc Tostofflce at Honolulu, FOR Second-claa- a FINANCIAL I H. T., Matter. MAMi 0 8TO03C. Bid. A8X. to Adrertiser.) Com ft am? Issued Every Morning Except Sunday (Special The AGENT by the SAX FRANCISCO, February 25. HAWAIIAN GAZETTE COMrANT, Th, mtr-Man-d trad is t a fine I kve ) Von Holt Block No. 65 South King St. ' running la ecnserilen fr:th ti CANADIAN steamship. The Albion has been bought; Brerer dfcjLw ... . 1.00G.GX ICO 400 ana cyui-cy- , A. W. rKARSuX Bus'ness Manacer. stock and bond broker bet wen Vartouvfr. t. by Rudolph Spreckels 524,000. Co.. W.003 3!V- - - -- for about Ltd...... ij 1 11 . . u -- - .i.i T'ianB ir SUBSCRIPTION KATES: L, Ken & Co.. Ltl K. . W, ni "t . . . and will be dispatched t Honolulu. i. mi j-- Ar,nH , i,,.hv.? that mi-- ins i ,.v, or the United States (Including Hawaii arn 1 ,r steamsnip Albion is with a complete f-- for tne ai The fitted Vrr-uvf-T on the Uth r.stant. and lower. Territory). Memoer of Honolulu Stock Exchange for cold-stora- ge tt.e ' Pas,sae S months J2 00 and large plant. She is "'".1 -ur and Dy the latter not ! 5,coc.c :r 21 V lrboat not than tne 11.. 4 00 orniflallv suitable for traffic between Stra . by the former & C0.. LTD.. montta Haw. A ricol 2-- th j,., 1 year 8 00 the Hawaiian Islands on account of her j than Agnts Canadian-Australia- n It. M. S. S. Lin. 40 Orders for the purchase or sale Advertising rates on application. miaaie size ana excellent accommoaa- - Hawaiian ecgfcrxfCo... tions. - Hocoma 1J0 STOCKS AND BONDS carefully an 4 tlODOKAA 20 promptly executed. r t.r about the dats bslo-- tte3, Tli: Halka too.ooc 1C0 B. Our E.Jinxa.. 600,000 20 Loans negotiated. Sydney and Brisbane, for Vic From Victoria an O. After Trade. KihciFlan.Cc.Lt 2,6(,0oK 50 Trom - 1 1 . .. Vancouver. 1 r v. . 1 it 1 1 im u K 14 v m mjj- j LAND CO. SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. If The de- Hipaaoln.... 160.UUU 100 1UJ torla and i. RAILWAYS oloe 800,000 lOfi 155 12 MICTXERA MAR. 15 steamship Meteor ,5jc,o:-- tf? JkORANGI ....MAR. parture of the last McEryieS. Co.l--v 5 OFFICE: . APRIL 12 TIME TABLE. otuiia sugar Vo.. 100 90, ..APRIL ACRANGI night for Honolulu and other Hawaiian l.cwa.occ 23 Stangenwald Building, Room No-- 441 MOiN MAT 10 ports Tia Seattle and Puget Sound Oaoiziea. 23, ....MAY 7 MOAN A . . Ooaala 600,000 30 Floor. MIOWEP.A points, marks the beginning of a new (.'; Bns?r uo. LtAi 812,500 Al Fourth From and after Jan. 1, 1901. ocean freight service between San tip t 2,60C,0Ci) X 13 " iald O. Box 390. HONOLULU. . . . nlnnirff flailv BETWEEN VANCOUVER AND Francisco and the Islands. Olo train 150,000 10J IS P. tthout rhine. The finest raIIwT .erlce In OUTWARD. tichsiBvg.Hm. ft 6,000,000 60 XONTHt-A-T"ierr.LJ;.w",,';H k"7 " The Meteor is owned by the Globe f 5OC.0OC 100 ma" Daily Dally Dally Daily Dally Navigation Company, one f.ei5c...... 210 i Stations. ex. ex. and is of a 750,'JOO 100 185 UThroub Issued from Honolulu to Canada, Unit! State an Ea trio of fast freighters which will here- - teDaekBO.!!!!!!'.!!!!! 700,000 100 170 THE ONLY DIRECT LIRE tickets Sun. Sun. i,0O0.0OJ 100 60 - leave this port every twenty days , 65 p.m. p.m. after rioneor 125.CO0 IOC a.m. a.m. a.m. ' Co. AS.. . - general atlon. aaply ta ami rnmnetc Snreokels Pioneer Mill ot- freight and passage and all infor: . . 7:19 9:15 11:05 3:15 5:10 with the line ' 100 Honolulu American-Hawaiia- n Steamship S Ae' Co"" 61' City .. 8.03 9:4S 11:40 3:45 and the w.ooa wo Pearl '".Company' sugar carrying- and KafmftnVto.V.'.V.'.tw' S52,03 100 Mill ... 8:32 10:08 12:08 4:05 6:10 for the 157 Ewa merchandise traae. me otner lii con 100 & Go., Ltd., Oen'i Agts. Walanae 10:50 4:45 .... jjgenerai Thofl. B. ! vessels are the Tampfeo and the Eure- - Mm Waialua 11:55 5:4t .... i None of them Kahuku 12:32 6:15 ! will carry passengers. P. W. Rochester, the local represen- - INWARD. the company said last night: l'.Vo. 1U0 100 Daily Dally .t"ive - Tnlha 10U 7 iiip Dally Dally three ships constitute practical- j Co. Station. ex. ex. ly a new line of vessels to the Islands. Steams ' ifieailc Sun. Sun. p.m. p.m. although up to date we have made four Kahuku . . . 5:35 2:08 j trips to Hawaii from Seattle. The a5a,ooo Waialua . . . 6:10 . 2:50 creat importance of San Francisco as Hawaiian Elecuic 100 105 Tobloi Waianae . . 7:10 S:B5 renter, however, caused us ffon. Kp. Tr. ALd.Oj if.0,000 100 9 Hi Tlmo arrive ana leave this port a shinninc M.000 10 The fine papssenger teamer of thla line will 6:50 7:45 1:05 9. Ewa Mill ... a.ooo.coc 100 90 m hireundr: Pearl City .. 6:15 8:03 1:30 4:K? nur hnm nnrt than SAfitH rail- - ' ' FROM SAN FRANCISCO. rather FOR SAN FRANCIS CO. Honolulu . . C:50 S:35 2:05 5:26 ing there, however, on the trip to the Bnwr TO 4 -- MAR. 5 G. P. DEN I SON. F. C. SMITH, j Islands. It requires sixty days for , VXNTURA MAR. SONOMA j MAR. 15 Superintendent Q. P. & T. A. each vessel to make th round trip, DENVER, ILAXEDA MAR. U ALAMEDA calling ports on Isl- - STLrRA MAR. 25 VENTUR. MAR. 26 at four of the ' f." r, per et 100 9 5 TIDES. SUN AND MOON ands Oahu. Maui, Hawaii and Kauai. jo-- i H.T.'&L. Co6pe 100 KANSAS CITY, fLAMEDA APRIL ALAMEDA APRIL ; 15 16 "Until we began operating his lire, o "rinDUtlonC v.c. 100 APRIL SIERRA APRIL ! n- aoNOMA two competing steamship compa- - - R- - ! Co 104'.. ST. LOUIS, 2 ALAMEDA APRIL 26 the ALAMEDA AK?Ib a 5 nies clung to the exorbitant freight j Cfiif PilaCt' P" "" MAT I -- - VXNTURA I 3 $5. primage S per cent, j OMAHA, ! rates of with of waialaaAg. Co e'p.'c though primage has been obsolete and ; forgotten by all other civilized com- - ' ST. PAUL, , - ! munities. Our line has forced down ip m.'rt. a.nvn m. a.m. riso rates to 33.50 on the part of the other nrvmrvrx! ' CHICAGO, I Hon. 3 11 1.6 11 07, 4 40 6 28 6 19 6 0'; 1 i , i 1 a roasinn.ihlo Brewer & CO., 1; Ewa, 1: KahUkU, I ! I rnmn.ims nhlrh raU AND ALU T-- ! 1 2; rar 4 12 15 5 7 14 (V, Wp to pn?a Vinviiv in th Oahu, i; Waimanalo, Hawaiian .". 42 IS 6 xnt Company, Tel- - "ltd.. 5 6.4' 1.6 I iO, 6 ii 7 45 6 17 6 t6 2 di i sugar carrying business as well as in K'fctric and Mutual (rents pre-- I f i .nnn.i!nn with the salllnK of the above steamers, tse A are I h m ii iii ' t general freightingr." ephone Company, 2Vfe per cent. Principal Eastern Points . a imu. to Intending DassenKer a. Coupon Through Ticket by any hr--r 6 1 76 1 7 1 51 6 14 7.27 6 16 6.00 3 40 7; 2 Oi 1.7 2 32 6 41 8 It 6 16 6 1(7, 4 23 I I I I Three Trains Daily from t-- any steamamp une to aai European pons. l Tork by 2 41 1. 3 IT 9 10 f0 6 15 6.07 5 Cfi Classified Advertisements. FCX FCTiTIIER PARTICULARS. APPLY TO Sat.. U 3 18 16 3 t0 9 41 9 4i6 14 6.13 5. 0 SAN FRANCISCO. i I I VIon.. 10 4 1 4 1 12 13 C8 Two Trains Daily from 0 II5 2 10.31 6 FOR RENT. Times of the tide are taken from the x-a- en ! cottage, 2 rooms. Apply PORTLAND. United States Coast and Geodetic Sur- m a FURNISHED 5 1541 Fort street. 6105 THE QUICKEST TIME BY MANY rey tables. . t m n a .LIMITED occur j HOURS. The tides at Kahulul and Hllo THREE-BEDROO- M cottage on Young General Agents Oceanic S. S. Co. about one hour earlier than at Honolulu. street; modern Improvements. Apply Hawaiian standard time is 10 hours 30 1317 Beretanla, or at J. Hartmann & UNION PACIFIC TRAINS minutes slower than Greenwich time, be Co. Rent, $35 per month. 6093 ing that of the meridian of 157 degrees 30 ARE PALACES ON WHEEL! minutes. The time whistle blows at 1:30 p. COTTAGE in Palama, near Rapid New and Modern Equipment. m., which Is the same as Greenwich, 0 Bleed- 0 Transit Line. Apply to C. F. Peter- Double Drawing Room Palace hours minutes. Sun and moon are for son, 15 Kaahumanu street. 6107 ers. mm ummw lis local time for the whole group. Sp Buffet Smoking and Library Cars. T Free Reclining Chair Cars. C OFFICES FOR ' C RENT. Ordinary Sleeping Cars. w K If' SHIPHIHU l?TELLISEKCL Dining Cars, Meals a la carte. Occidental & Oriental S.& - AN elegant office in the Elite building. Particulars of Jas. Steiner, 116 Hotel D. W. HITCHCOCK, O. JL. WEATHER BUREAU. For sore, aching, itching, street. . 6102 1 Montgomery Bt, and Toyo Kisen Kaisha. swollen, tired, bad San Francisco. CaL HONOLULU. Alexander St.. March smeUin, IN building, Queen companies port S. BREWER street, ffteainera of the above will call at Honolulu and leave tni 1902: chilb.'a in feet bath in hot on reasonable terms. Apply to C. sm vt about the dates below mentioned: Mean Temperature 70.7. Hal-prune- Brewer & Ce., Ltd. TOR CHINA AND JAPAN. FOR SAN FRANCISCO. Minimum Temperature 65. water, r.r.d then rub r,s Maximum Temperature 74. -- T i o n d e r fu 1 Pain krFPON MARU MARCH 4 AMERICA MARU MARCH Barometer at 9 p. m. 30.10; steady, FOR SALE. For SaleCheap PIRC MARCH 12 PEKING MARCH It but Irregular. Tj Remover in vigorously and & 22 Rainfall, 24 up 9 a, FOLMER SCHWING 8x10 long MARCH 26 MARCH hours to m. .24. . 36-in- COPTIC OAELIC thorough-- focus Graphic camera; ch leath- MARU MARCH 28 HONGKONG MARU MARCH 29 Mean Dew Point for the Day 5S.5. Keep up this AMERICA er bellows: reversible, double-swin- g New two-stor- y House and PEKINO APRIL 5 CHINA APRIL 8 Mean Relative Humidity 67. treatment conscientiously for back; rising, falling ;APRIL 15 DORIC 15 Winds Northeast, 6 to 7; and sliding GAELIC APRIL weather a few d.ivs front; top and side made to open for Stable on Lunalilo street; HONGKONG MARU APRIL 22 NIPPON MARU APRIL 25 thick and squally; wind at sea, 60 and .you will be use as a camera; CHINA APRIL 30 PEKINO MAT miles an hour. short focus level Forecast Today well and satisfied 50c and Si finder, one plate-hold- er and tripod; electric lighting throughout; DORIC MAT t for No sisrns of also, a Bausch & teloscoplc change; gale will probably continue. - at all druggists but get the Lamb CURTIS J. LYONS. lens for use with above camera. Can modern fixtures; eemenf Territorial Meteorologist. genuine be seen at Advertiser office. 6105 apply . M. 8. 8. Co. sidewalk; lot 50x100; grounds Tor xeneral Information to P AN 8x10 rectilinear lens; no name; ARRIVED. with Bausch & Lamb iris ciiaphragm In excellent condition; mor Monday. shutter. For particulars and price, March 3. call at this office. purchase price H. Hackfeld'& Co., Ltd. S. S. America Mam. Goinir. from the than half the Orient: 11 a. m. Halpruner Medical Man- ONE 5x8 Bausch & Lamb Rapid Uni may be left on mortgage. S. S. Nippon Maru. Greene, from San ufacturing Co., 28 California versal lens, with iris diaphragm. Can i Francisco; 9 p. m. be seen at this office. 1 Br. sp. Ellen A. Read. McOuarrie. 74 Street, San Francisco. 10 days from Manila, bound for Vancou ver, put LOST. Into port in distress, leaking. ELECTION OF 3,500 OFFICERS. ON THE Pali road, Saturday morning, DEPARTED. iuarcn i. straw handbag with purse Apply to AT THE ANNUAL MEETING OF $15. V containing,, government warrants, Monday, March 3. 4289.-- ill , No. for S75, No. 4295, $S, Schr. Malolo. for Kali- - and for Ul Hanalei and issued February 28, 1902; III niwai; 10 a, m. also, sundry 'the followine offirAra onnstitntino- tha Am. bg. 9 other articles. Finder please return CASTLE LAKSDALB Tanner, for Puget Sound; Board of Directors, were duly elected: to office Ill a. m. A. A. Toung. this and receive reward. 6106 ?3aw President. i York to Honolulu via Pacific Colisi T. K. K. America Maru. Goine. for Allen .Herbert, Vice President. 506-50- 7 San Francisco; 8 p. m. A BAY horse, in Kewalo district; Stangenwald Building. THE SPLENDID NE W STEEL STEAMERS ' A. N. Campbell. Treasurer. brand "FF" on right leg, bir. Lehua. Napala. for Molokal 15. G. Carrera, Secretory. hind white 0. S. AMERICAN. 6.0M tons, to sail about March 15 ports; 5 p. m. star on forehead. Reward if returned F. J. Lowrey. Auditor. to George Kaeo, 6105 8. S. NEVADAN. to rail about April 15 F. W. McChesnev, Director. Peck's Stable. 8. S. Hawaiian, to sail about May 15 SAIL TODAY. E. G. S. S. HYADES, 3.000 tons, from San Francisco for Honolulu, sail about Feb- CARRERA. A GOLD stickpin in the form of a star, ruary 19. Str. Kinau. Freeman, for Hilo and Secretary. with the letter "L" engraved on The Hawaiian Realty way ports; 12 m. Honolulu, Feb. 2S, 1902. 6105 Forty-secon- same. Finder will be by Freight received at Company's wha d street, Brook- a rewarded rf. South Str. Loa, Simorson, for T.a- - ' returning to office. 6100 lyn, at all times. ' this & haina. Maalara. Knna and Kau: 12 m. .Notice of Annual Election Maturity Co., Ltd. Str. Claudine, Parker, for Maul o p. W:LLIXS E. . a For further particulars, app'y to ports; m. i 2R0WF. BHSIESD Str. Mikahala, Gregory, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ; for Kauai ! 1. ports; 5 p. in. at the annual meeting of th.. South WILlttM A. LOYE. Real Estate Brokers, Insurance M. Kona Agricultural Co., Ltd., helj Feb- Agents. HACKFELD & CO., LTO. Str. J. A. Cummins, Searle, for Koo-la- u ports. ruary 27. 1902. the following officers. Z. Act as Guardians, Administrators, C P. MORSE, General Freight Apent. AGENTS. HONOLULU. S. S. Nippon Maru, Greene, for the constituting the Board of Directors, HALSTEAB&G8. and Trustees of Estates. Orient: i p. m. were duly elected: .' W. II. Castle, rresider.t. 3. Expert Accountants, Appraisers of F. J. Lowrey, Vice Lands. DUE TODAY. President. Stock and Bond Brokers A. N. Campbell. Treasurer. 4. Loans made on SEATTLE & TAOOMA S. S. Hyades. Garlick. from San W. R. Castle Jr., Secretary. approved security. Francisco. E. D. Tenney, Auditor. 5. Issue interest-bearin- g, gold invest- S. S. Ventura, from Sydnej W. C. Achi, Director. ment certificates. The best installment to HONOLULU. W. R. CASTLE JR.. money advanced on investment proposition on the market S. S. OK EG ON IAN, C.000 TONS, to Sail March 23. PASSENGERS. 6105 Secretary. today. For passt nger lists of S. S. AhipHm sugar securities. For S. S. CAL1F0RNIAX. 0 000 TONS, to Sail Apiil 20. Maru and S. S. Nippon Maru. see n.iee Apokaa Suirar Company. further particulars, apply at the 10. company's office, 3 and 4 Mclntyre For further particulars apply to THE ADJOURNED ANNUAL building, Honolulu. NEXT MAIL FROM COAST. meeting of the shareholders of the cT. J- The Hawaiian & M. March 5 S. S. Sonoma, frnm Apokaa Sugar Company will be held rL. r?AiN IB3 Realty Maturity Cc.Ltd. HackfoldC. P. Oo., Francisco. at the office of Castle & Cooke. Ltd., UOitSE, General Freifrbt Auenr. in Honolulu, on Thursday, March 6, K8gS85i888SSSS88SSSS8iS NEXT MAIL 1902. at 10 o"clock a. m. TO COAST. W. A. BOWEN, THE MELROSE. CIIAS. March 4 S. S. frt BREWKIl & CO'S. J Ventura Secretary pro tern, 1444-145- GLOBE Francisco. San Apokaa Sugar 2 KING ST. NAVIGATION COMPANY'S Company. 6106 YGRS LINE SEATTLE-HONOLUL- U ROTJTE. 8till TippTDg Her. NOTICE Pleasant Rooms, with excellent Table it Ship I. p. jpman w ,3 ConnertlnR direct, without transfer, with O. N. Ry.. N. P. R. R.. and and Service. Moderate Prices. 4 C. I.. lw Lowest ratea freight te llJC Vl lnc , 3081 r. of from all Eastern points; shortest possible arren ...le, TIIK STOCKBOOKS OF THE Tel. Blue. time. was continuf-- yesterday, and J Olaa Sugar Co.. Ltd., will be closed to 3 NEW TOHK to t iONOLULU R. R. TAMPTCO. '-- '"" when ' from Seattle March 10 operations ceased for the day, transfers from March 1st to March 14, April 1, S. S. EUREKA, from Seattle 10 she drew seventeen ' 1902, Inclusive. lr In Bad Humor f)2 April feet of wator he. freight For further InformaUon adJress u. vi ne nei man on Irlday. ELMER E. PAXTON. DROP INTO THE gj For rates apW to w L. K BEE BE when she put back. It is Treasurer Olaa Sugar Co., Ltd. . V. n r . . , estimated- I 8, CHAS. BR?:VT & CO. 8! 2 Ttrewer Rulldlng. Honolulu. uays j Honolulu. March 1, 1102. 6106 AGENT jvnq .....i oim more or loading 27 Kilby St., Boston, gj? Navigation Company. Settle. Wash.; P. W kt i'iK iron xorwara tne snart or the pro- - ; " HONOLULU ?U .san Francisco, and agents of above railroad, will furnish "formation peller will be sufnclently exposed to! jglk TI C a? OB C. BHEWKK & CO., V. Sir allow j BOWLING LIMITED, the stump of the broken blade 4V.AJiS. U JLhJ JSj CSw PARLORS HOKOLUI.U. betrg unbolted and the new blad holt. ed on. j and chuck a few lignum vitae ball at Jamea F. ilorjran. President rwn rv-t--i- t-- our tenpins. SEr'aSd MnTger: Athcrton. - tditor; W. H. Hoogs. Tre- - DR. ROUL'S NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. MEETING NOTICE. i CE7.EBRATED PENNY TAN rui i:rj AND LAST Ice Delivered to any I f pr mt! r.n t- - part of the WHOLESALE AIZ. xtETAII- - German Vrein Arion. DEALERS IN stock of th PionerxMi:i Co.. Ltd.. is City. I wu ami payable at th oTi- - s Firovood, H of ir ' Sure Cure for all Female Irregxilarltie Stove, Steam, Blacksmith's Ccal .okfelJ & Ltd.. Honolulu on Iand rcer5 Promptly filied. THE PRESENCE OF ALL MEM-br- s Man.h V""- - ar'1 delinquent on is at thp meeting on Alj ; Elfxk ar.d White Sand. Telephone Main 205. 31, 19"2' Wednesday, March 3, 1:02. Sold only by grxHMal Attention Election of Given in Dravins. , . ii. schitltze. & Xnrthvz ofiicers. i Mill Co., ; E!ks' Hall, corner of Honolulu Drug Co. ..,u:.r :orffr Ltd. f!epfcoe Blue 5151. C Boretania and P. O. Box aT''' TT r rt:rt.. fipr-- To whom all order" should b - Secretary.

I o

I 12 PAGES. PAGES 9 TO 12.

ESTAULISHED JULY 2, 1556. VOL. XXXV. HAWAII TERRITORY, HONOLULU, TUESDAY, MARCH 4, 1902. PRICE FIVE CEWTS. lift today fTuesday), and from a let- ter received by receiver, from TtKAL ESTATE AND the ONE OF THE KONA SY .AUTHORITY. INVESTMENTS 0 HOPE Manager Cowan. Saturday evening, VICTIMS II. 503-50- GMO. MeCL.EL.LAN &. CO. 4 he thought that haste was necessary Mar.nwam ii:ag. TeL Main C3. In order to subserve the interests of PAYS RESPECTS TO HUAPHREYS SHERIFFS SALE NOTICK. T ! all parties. He read this letter to the ATTORNKVS. T UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF AN I court, as follows: LTLE A. DICKEY. King and Bethel Ifj COU ( I execution issued out of the Circuit ts.; xei. Main 312. HI Holuloa. Feb. 2S. 1902. Court of the First Judicial Circuit of J F. Wundenberg. Receiver. Kona Sug ar He Says With a Man of the 1 1 Branded Judge's the Territory of Hawaii on the day C. R. EM EN WAY. Office. 40ft Judd Co.. Ltd. lth owiMing; aeiepnone 314 Main. Dear Sir The supplies you furnished of February, A. IX 1902. in re matter of from Hackfeld & Co. will be all gone Lharacter on the Bench Aseu Brown vs. Andrew by Public Bannister, I FRMD W. MILVERTON. Room 20? the time the Mauna Loa returns have, on this 21st day of February, A. ZU Stangenwald block; Tel. here, March 5th. The mechanics, as Main Mi. Receiver Would well as all the labor, are very anxious Safety is at Stake. D. 1902, levied upon, and shall expose TrtTBRSON & MATTK2WMAN. P. about the result of your visit here, and for sale at public auction, to the high O. box 265: IS Kaabumanu wish me to give them an answer at est bidder, at the Police Station, Ka-laka- ua St. Sell Kona at once of how they and if stand, their Hale, in Honolulu, Island of back pay is going to be paid to them. Editor Advertiser-Notic- ing in the personal PHYSICIANS 1 interests prompt them to do Oahu, Territory of Hawaii, at 13 o'clock can't say what will be the result if ofliclal report to the court, that the o. I maintain they become blots on DR. JENNIB L. HILDEBRAN'DE. Auction. their monty is not forthcoming soon. receiver of American civilization, and a menace to noon of Friday, the 4th day of j the Kona Sugar Company, Office, 243 Beretanla ave.; telephone They are really very serious about it, D. 1902, . , en Ho Vv .. puuiu: tenure, ana are no loneer April, A. all the right, title Blue 21. i ure you. unu mean lo .i.u. far ' ' .; to rights. I course ne of -attempt entitled the regard and respect of and interest of said Andrew Ban hear of all sorts to raise the necessary funds well DR. V. meaning citizens. I would like to nister, in and to the following de HOFFMANN. Beretanla 8t nm0n Z if carr),nr on the Plantation, or know who can show respect for Judge tpposlte Hawaiian Hotel. 9 to , . . Q .v,o scribed property, unless the Judgment, Hours. ATTORNEYS STAVE .?fiidr'r,,r Ke on Humnhrevs 11 a. m.; 1 3. 7 8 pose they are discussing tne maturing V to and to p. m. the situation; ' "8 "A Ti,r amounting to Two Thousand Five I'hone White 4SL you see numbers of them now travel- - crop. I fear the plantation will have ruptcy and ruined a large number of Hundred and Fifty-eig- ht Dollars. In OFF PROCEEDING ing the government road back and to be sold at auction to satisfy the people whom it would have k.been DR. M Nuu-a- u They are no making terest, costs and my expenses are pre T. ITAMURA. Office, 1453 forth. doubt creditors. If so. it will make a few his duty to protect and all to get the St.; Tel. White 152; office hoars. their nlans. I nm more lmnrcsspd appointment as viously paid: 10 ricn at the expense of many, the receiver of the Kona to a. m., and 6 to 8 p. m except than ever that the men will not allow and Sugar Company, of Mr. Wundenberg. No. 1 That certain piece or parcel share-settle- Sundays. a stick of cane to be cut until they are total ruin of a large number of d Ma-goo- n, Laborers Threaten to Destroy sup- - who occupies an office with J. A. of land situate at Kallhi, Island of with in some way. Now holders and business people at Kona the professional guardian and W. O. Eye. pose you cannot get necessary coin brother-in-la- w Oahu, on the Ewa side of Kalihi road, ROGERS. M.D. .Ear, Nose the nave Invested in good faith all of said Judge Hum- ad Throat; 1146 Alakea St. Plantation No Hope Extended to carry the plantation, and you send phreys. known as lots 20 and 21. as described possess cor-wh- at up word to shut down everything. ; they in the world in this With a man map men They of Humphreys' caliber in a made by R. W. Wilcox in DR. J. UCIIIDA. Physician and Sur- to Them by Wundenberg. are those to do? have poration. not as speculators, but as on a seat in the judiciary, public safe January, 1SP7, and described tk fol- geon: office, no money ana no creuit, ana cannot investors, not dreaming of such a Beretanla. between Fort sad ty Is at stake. My personal opinion lows : and Nuuanu streets; office hours, 8 to get away. The mechanics are in the ending and blighting of all their hopes of this man is such that if I had a 12 a. m., 7 to 8 p. m.; Tel. 1211 White. same fix. I will therefore ask you to , and prospects for prosperity. sure case, I should not want to see it Commencing at the southwest cor The Kona Sugar Company plantation send up at least $2,000. so that I can Of course the creditors musi and tried before him under any circum- ner of Leilani and Fernandex streets, E. C. WATERHOUSE. Office, corner appears to be doomed unless it Is tak - ! support he me" until they can get shall be satisfied; never mind the poor stances, for fear of losing it. or if I and running: wiiriji c o av, uM e Miller and Beretanla Sts.; residence, "j iHim uuit csiui uiej Miuuiu iitiv usea Detter did not. that the fee allowance to the S. 50 100 feet, IMS 10-1- 2 immediate use. Ever since you left, judgment. E. Thurston Ave.; hours. a. m., ' If thev Invested in the attorneys (providing they were friends 2-- 3. 7:30-- 8 p. m.; telephone Office, denberg yesterday applied to Judge there has been a continuous clamoring wrong concern, let them bear the con- - or relatives of the court) would not N. 33 E. 100 feet, White 3492; residence. Blue 2S4L, Humphreys for an nider to sell the of what is going to be done. 1 nave to sequences; that is no business of the leave anything for me. I know of sev- - N. 50 W. 100 feet, ,UHt?r- - property public upon . . " " un, evwenuy, erai sucn cases the parties do S. 35 W. 100 point. at auction, but h ;1 1 ta ' '"1" " - . . . that . x. . feet, to the initial OHNTISTS. d, Thev came to me must havo th rcoanino- r i.t .,. .1 the urgent requests of the parties most n a body and demanded this. I have First Circuithnjudge, when he appointed reasons containing an area of 10,000 square DR. H. BICKNELL. Mclntyre bldgr., Interested In the plantation, a contin : triea to get some mrormation out or air. Wundenberg receiver of the Kona The best and truest friend the Kona feet, as per deed of A. Fernandez to A. rooms 2 and 14; office hours, 9 to 4. uance was granted for a short time. the Japs, but cannot learn anything. Sugar Company, a man who for finan Sugar Company ever had was Mr. T. Bannister, dated the 27th day of ' think their Consul should be asked cial reasons, was not acceptable to any Damon, a who was Mott-Smit- h In the meantime the laborers threaten friend able and March, A. D. 1893, and recorded In the DR. DERBY. bldg.. cor. to communcate with the Japs here, one interested, though personally. Mr. willing to help us to the last but if Fort and Hotel Sts.; office hours. 2 to destroy the property unless the and advise to work in harmony with Wundenberg is well thought of. so, office of the Registrar of Conveyances 4. he has not done it was no fault of to steamer leaving for the place today yourself. And trusting that something In a unanimous petition, the credi- his, as the court would not give him in said Honolulu,-i- n liber 177, folio 317, 1 ! definite will be done by March 5th. tors and shareholders of the Kona Su- a show, we M. E. GROSSMAN. D.D.S. brings some promise of relief. The remain, vours and therefore cannot and together with all and singular the Alakea SL. manager trulv. gar Company had acquainted the court do not blame him. buildings Improvements thereon. thre doors above Masonic Temple, reports conuiiions mere most JAMES CO WAX. with their desire, and asked it for the If. consequently, the plantation has and Honolulu; office hours. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. serious, Japanese on point Subject, however, to that certain mort- with the the Mr. Hankey, replying, said that he appointment of Mr. S. M. Damon as to go under the hammer, I, for myself, f i f I n oil rrot Inn o nil c Iukto Ikqt cr,ma i receiver, he being the only party will do not care a straw how soon it will gage made by said A. T. Bannister to DR. GEO. IIUDDY. ! had taken the liberty of inuuiring of H. Mclntyre bid., X ing and in a position to handle the be done or how much it will bring, as Building Loan Asso- rooms 1 and 2; 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. definite word be sent on today's intend- - company the Pioneer and the receiver what word he had affairs of the to the satisfac long as the creditors are satisfied, be- $600.00, In- or ne pe powerless . . n-.,.i- ciation of Hawaii, for with steamer, win to . v tion of all concerned, however. a.lt j ?u l w rtriiUf a 11 vi 4111 . i )uu this ing well aware of the fact that we DR. A. C. WALL. DR. O. E. WALL. impending Re- uuuriiiui t ; terest thereon, dated November 21st, avert the disaster, but replied it would be the plan-- beini admitted, the court held that shareholders will not save a dollar out Office hours, 8 a. m. to 4 p. m.; Love Wundenberg gives no hope. that that that gentleman was altogether out of iof our investment, but we shall always A. D. 189S, and recorded in the office . 434. ceiver was to any-- bids-- Fort St.; Tel. tation be shut down. If qUeston; firstly, because he was a bear in mind that it was Judge Hum- - of Registrar of Conveyances In said Receiver Wundenberg presented his thing Is to be done," Mr. creditor, and again, he would the continued because phreys who caused our ruin, and shall Honolulu, 196, page 186. M. application - in liber J. WHITNEY, M.D.. D.D.S. Boston for an order to sell the i no- D aDle give o: pray some w : Hankev. "it should be the sendine of to tne anairs tne that day he ill reap the bldg.. Fort St.. above May & Co's; property yesterday morning, but it some monev to temporarily company the necessary attention, for harvest of what he has sown. No. 2 That certain piece or parcel 5; 277. relieve the hours. 9. to Tel. Main was not until nearly noon that the In - ! situation, and then give the parties waJt of time. Much we owe to our late martyr. of land situate at Kalihi aforesaid, de- parties received a chance to talk over the matter. nai appointment ot ir. mmon President William McKinley, who gave scribed in Royal Patent 4976, kuleana eNCllNEEKS. terested notification hre , ...,- - 'as receiver meant the savine of .the 1Q an nova irtn rtri t V it a h!acDln era huf of motion, they were up V.,re '.1049. containing an area of 5 86-1- 00 acres ARTHUR C. ALEXANDER. Survey- the and in wouia rei.eve the situation " i plantation, and a large number of Its he also trave one of th wnrst or and Engineer. 409 Judd bldg.; P. arms when Judge Humphreys set It for I jir. Magoon. replying for Receiver shareholders, from total ruin, was not we ever had, in the appointment of more or less, and being the same prem- O. box 732. immediate hearing, at 2 o'clock in the Wundenberg said: "We have exhaust- - .thought worth the. consideration of the Humphreys to a seat in our Judiciary, ises conveyed by William Savldge, o- for a more conscienceless and danger- was fol- - ry means m nonoiu.u ot - v, trustee, to Mary Macrherson and hus- afternoon. The motion in the --- Engi- I j - ous never CATTON. NEILL & CO.. LTD. taming nnanciai aia. ana it is an utter ....u... character entered Hawaii on 11th February. A. neers, Electricians and Boilermakers, lowing form: iintnnihititv n o have vtito.i cvrv an outcome they would never have rei. band, the dayof Honolulu. Now comes F. W. Wundenberg, the bank and every oerson having mon- - asked for the appointment of a re- - As he, himself, confessed, he commit- D. 1S99, which deed is recorded In the rprt-lvp-r hftrein vv Vila ottnrnav. cv. As the repori of the receiver ted himself against the law the very office of the Reglstrar.$.f Conveyances, t eier.1 mi'iAn' "hows, he visited tl:e plantation with claim to be a good, law abiding moment he touched Hawaiian soil, he 189, TtlSDON IRON WORKS. Engineers Alfred Magoon I. -n aforesaid, in liber page 36t, and and Thomas nt-llv- 4. i- American citizen, and as such. have. pauper by and builders of Pumping and Sugar nf nd landed here a and a fraud property by J being same conveyed Machinery complete power and respectfully shows to this court: her'wreported unfavorably, which makes a"d always have had the highest re- - deceiving the custom house guards in the and ' long 12, 1 on Febru- - 11 Impossible to borrow' funds. This spect for our law courts, as as showing' them a roll of valueless Con- Mary Macrherson and husband to A. plants; office, room Spreckels' That the 2th day of gen- 194. A D 190" filed in property has been hanging by the eye- - they are conscious of their duties and federate money, wrapped up in a T. Bannister, which deed Is recorded block; TeL hhT' he said court dispense partiality and certifi- a copy ot is ids. as it were, for months, and it Is without Justice uine United States of America in office of the Registrar of Con- nerePatta?hed Ja a mystery how a big corporation like protection to all aUke; but when they cate of small value, instead of the $50 the K. TANATT. Civil and Elec- 'and made a veyances in 201. page TAPPAN - this managed to run as long as it has o regard their duties and the good money required by law of any aforesaid, liber hereof, and to which reference is here- e trical Engineer; office. 1313 Wilder by been running without paying its la-- people s interest and interpret the law s passenger who wanted to land he-- 4S2, together with all and singular 3441. made -. Ave.; TeL Blue .- t - Th inhnrora nr now in si state to suit themselves and their relatives; at the time of his arrival. buildings and improvements there- " w when they shrink and expand at will. A SHAREHOLDER AND VICTIM the rtieivrrIt in oeueve mey muuiu in an nf- inciirrariinn- , and ara maHrir- ihrcatfl on. JAMES T. TAYLOR. M. Am. Soc. C. E. i..ki:... .i nrninct the" nrnnertv As this mot on whenever their whims, humors and OF JUDGE HUMPHREYS. -- - CHILLINGWORTII. Consulting Hydraulic Engineer; 306 sary to carry on the business of the stands now the simple statement of CIIAS. F. bldg.. Honolulu; P. O. box 799. to- f4-M' Deputy Sheriff, Ter. of Hawaii. Judd said Kona Sugar Co.. Ltd.. and to tnese parties mat tney want to get up $1,200 of gether They tion. I have sent worth MINISTBBIAL UNION MEETS. 28, 1902. prosecute the work of the said planta- is insufficient. have had provisions, and they should have suf- - Honolulu, Oahu, Feb. com- weeks to prepare for this action, and En-to- KI.ECTIllCAIi KNGINKKKS. tion, and. among other things, fieient to last for a month, but they That Body Elects Olilcers for the ok 6100 March 3, 4, 20; April 3. plete the mill and take off crop of should have been ready to meet it. A EMIL T. DREIER. Contracting and the very grave on all they could get at one time. suing 8ix Months. Consulting Electrical Engineer; plans cane now growing on said lands, but responsibility rests the They will not take off the cane until estimates: Ma goon building. that said C. Ilrewer & Co. have refus- - receiver, and if these men set fire to they have received their money now At the meeting of the Ministerial and 1 cane, as they to do, or ed to advance said funds, and your the threaten due, and will not allow anyone else to Union held yesterday morning at Cen-d- o OPERA HOUSE ! commit other depredations, it would be offi-an- 6. xrTnvrA receiver has made every effort to ob so. Already $2,500 has been spent, tral Union Church, an election of d OWENS. Room v so- GUT 1 imx-- x i-- laid at his door. The only natural building. Fort St. Phone Main 363, tai itr uiiu.i j inn r;iui XI VIII to dispose property I do not feci justified in expending cers to serve for six months was held, specialty. other persons without success, and lution is of the at any more, even though I could bor- - with the following results: President, Plantation work a vour believes Is irn- - the earliest possible moment to some secretary-treasure- r, receiver that it - row the remainder of the $10,000 which Rev. O. H. Gulick; Saturday Evening who is Interested, would con- w, noss'ble to cet the funds necessary for fie and Judge Humphreys .authorized me to Rev. J. B. Waldron. The program corn-borro- CONTRACT! OW3. the aforesaid purpose. : duct the property so as to satisfy all to pay the Immediate expenses, mittee is as follows: Rev. J. P. Erd-- I 3. your Is satis- - parties. Mr. Wundenberg has been in "WM. T. PATT. Contractor and Build That receiver fully - cannot tell Manager Cowan anything man and Rev. J. Leadlngham. March 15 er, stone and office fitting; brick. fled that it Is necessary for the protec- - constant communication with all par- definite yet. and he will have to do The principal feature of the morning wood. or stone building: shop. Hotel i tion and preservation of the property ties at interest, and they have been the best he can until the people, here was a paper read by Rev. W. M. Kin- - St.. near barracks; res.. 1641 Anapunl. !of the said Kona Sugar Co.. Ltd., and kept advised as to what course was decide upon some course. I do nH see caid. A discussion on the general re- - : tr.e saia plantation, mat immediate l" ur " nine .rvt.-.T-vj whit can be done here though, and I ligious work of the Islands was had. steps be taken to sell and dispose of Ior eiay, ana aeiay win not neip tne feel the delay will be disastrous Ill mi wm WWMWMW Grand Production MUSICIANS - plantation." that the said property: that delay in com- to the plantation's interests. I would IN- Love bldg.. Mr- - defer.d- - OF A SERIES OF INTERESTING COOK'S MUSIC SCHOOL. pletir.g the mill will entail a loss of Hatch, appearing for the have? liked to see the plantation con- SEVEN TO ONE Fort St. Its methods are the result preSent crop 3.000 ants. saiu mat ne joineu wnn ivir. CIDENTS IN teaching. jtne of about tons of tinued, but there appears to be no one of 30 years experience In sugar, wnicn win irreparably cripple Hankey in a motion for a continuance. willing to lend money, after the re- and injure the said Kona Sugar Co., He characterized the motion as a most port made by Brewer & Co's agents." From reports received we Ancient Hawaiian Kistcry VOCAL INSTRUCTION. Ltd. extraordinary proceeding on the part in- of receiver, was ap-- LIEN FILED BY WHITEHOUSE. "Mlg-non- ," 4. That It would be to the best the who he said Adapted for the stage by the Hawaii ANNIS MONTAGUE TURNER. pointed to conserve and protect the Added to these other troubles, came :gure that one bottle of Scott's pre- 1024 St. terest of all parties to the litigation Ponoi Dramatic Company, to be Beretanla herein if the entire property and es- property, and that it could not be sold a notice of lin of material men in the sented in English by Native Hawaiians tate of the said Kona Sugar Co., Ltd., unless it was ty meet a money judg- sum of S2S.09S.02. filed by L. M. White-hou-i- e. .Emulsion sometimes builds on Saturday evening, will be produced !NSUKACt. be sold at public - auction. ment. "The receiver wa? given pow- This amount is claimed for the a melodrama in two acts, entitled THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE Wherefore, your receiver prays for er to borrow money to keep the plan- construction of 12.100 feet of railroad ?even times its weight of solid, CO. OF NEW YORK. an order of this honorable court in- tation together," said Mr. Hatch, "and track for the Kona Sugar Company, now bring on fur- Twilight S. B. ROSE. Agent. Honolulu. structing your receiver as to what he to the parties into court and for the labor and material J The Lady of the In premises. , such short notice and ask a sale of nished in gradirg and forming the line eal thy flesh! Why is this so ? shall do the property giving ARCHITECTS. F. WUNDENBERG. the without them a of the railroad. NewSwnesI Mew Costumes! Eewfongs! Receiver Kona Sugar Co., Ltd. chance to consider it on Its merits, is Because Scott's Emulsion is BEARDSLEE & PAGE. Architects and t. says th least, extraordinary. It is MAY FINANCE KONA A musical interlude by the Company. ATTORNEYS OBJECT. j Builders. Office. 2d floor. Elite build- certain that a sale could not be made ; cor- today, even upon an court tself the richest and most ing. street: sketches ard th(k order of the Tfio-r.tintion- Hotel W. Hankey. appearing for ...,.- - i PART II. no- t, .t i Wnv Lead to furnished at short i ... ur;u witii trie oi uu r which rect estimates M. Mct hesney & .consent iiu.riie. ' j 773. plaintiffs. Sons. .... TtJ - - LANDING OF LONO AND HIS tice: Tel. 229: I. O. box a. a . v . . v. j a i-- - I Cln.mir- r nf- R.rmv.rm digestible of foods. arose Immediately and objected to a j utin DEATH. Characters by the Company. Judge Humphreys granted the motion Mr. R. W. McChesney said last night A scene of realistic accuracy has been hearing I re- - ENORAVHRS. of the motion at that time. for a continuance, statinir that the were pending Because Scott's Emulsion specially designed and painted for Engraving and assume you have petl- - ceiver had been appointed to conserve that negotiations whji Tt. BEAKBANE. Card that read the might these representations. Stamping; room 3. Elite building. he. addressing court. the Property. "This is something of indicate a successful settlemert gives strong appetite. tion." said the the nature of an assumpsit suit, said difficulties of Kona Sugar RESERVED KEATS object to its consideration of the the "I at this the court: "the plaintiff creditors claim Company. This possibly may mean a to be had at Wall Nichols & Co. BROKKIIS. time on Its merits; we have barely re lartre sums by reason of a contract Because Scott's Emulsion E. J. WALKER. Coffee Broker; buys with the Kona Sugar Company. It withdrawal of the suit in Circuit Court - ceived notice of it. and here It is set -- and sells- Coffee In any quantity. seems to me an order of sale without and an agreement between the credi- makes all good food do good MOTiCE. Spreckels' block. for hearing already. I saw Mr. Brown, Room 4. giving the time to hear the motion on tors to finance the plantation. Mr. diges- and he had not received a copy as yet. its merits, is unwarranted and unnec- McChesney stated, however, that the strong stomach strong ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS in posi- essary, and would be something like and other parties are the same negotiations which were pending would against the Austin Publishing Com- An of kind is of se- issuing a writ of execution before the tion. pany will please present the same, cer- tion. order this judgment is granted. The petition, it not be concluded before the sailing of rious gravity, and there is nothing in the steamer today, and he was not tified, at the office of Andrade. Peters is true, shows that the employes are y Because Scott's Emulsion fe Andrade, Stangenwald building, be- Oriental Bazaar! petition to show it is needed insurrectionary, not having paid certain that they would be suecess.-full- the that been terminated at all. If anything fore April 1. 1302. to satisfy any of the parties to the for months, but the allegation of their immediately. wakes up the dormant system-ne- w ANDREWS. PETERS & AN- tempestuous i'.r.d turbulent disposition is to be done it must be DRADE, action. I represent the plaintiff, and I Mr. Wundenberg reports that if the Co. is not clear. think the plaintiff and life Attorneys for the Austin Pub-610- 1 Phong Fat have thrt concurrence of all parties, in in case cane is left untouched two weeks long to the tissues so the defendants this are these loss, . . . lishing Company. asking that some day subsequent to most vitally interested in the preserva-hl- s er it will be almost a total and f-7- corner Smith St. nothing will save plantation. The ihat the DOdy U5CS S IOOCl N King, be set for 'the hearintr." .'-- "f lh property, and they have be- - the it for stol:en an unw illinsrness to have the failure to cut mis crop means a prac NOTICE Attorney Dillon, appearing for Mr. motion heard at this time. I doubt not tical loss of nearly Jl'OO.O'jO. bone making and flesh building. Wundenberg. stated that the reason but from his inves- - I NEEDING what the receiver We'll send yea a little to try if you El;e. ANT WOMAN OR GIRL Si'.k? and Sateens so!d for the filing of the motion at this tigation. is convinced that the best Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is in- help or advice. Is Invited to commu- Chinese ' Sl OIT ii LoW.Nt, street, New time, was course to pursue is the one recom- - especially for coughs, colds, 409 York. nicate, either In person or by letter, by the yard. the fact that the steamer mended by him. but yet to grant it tended Larrabee, ma- cough influenza. It has with Ensign Hattie E. summarily upon six notice, whooping and Pre-e- nt Woman s Table Linen. hours' and Notice to Accounts. tron of the Salvation Army - Fine i:i face of the opposition, would be an become famous for its cures of these irnot.ui vxnma winir ptreet. Ho- unauthorized and arbitrary course to - 6058 Rich Embroideri". diseases over a large part of the c'vil- INTER-ISL-ize- nolulu. OR FREE 1 CREDITORS OF THE d Furni- pursue. The receivtr is the mere judi-- most nattering testi- - Elegant Carved Ebony JllUSTqiTtB cial caretaker of the plantation. The world. The and Telegraph Co., Ltd.. are requested CATALOGwC Or motion for a continuance will be al nionials have been received, giving ac- to file statements of accounts immedi NOTICE ture. 4r& 1 good of ag- ately. lowed at this time counts of its works; the DEN-tis- t, Tea?, JewIry, Vae. LADIES1, Ci!iL33E?rS gravating and persistent coughs it has CLINTON J. HUTCHIN?. DR. M. E. GROSSMAN, THE I.-- will cured: of severe colds have yield- Treasurer 1. T. Co., Ltd. announces that his office 'der 'f the court had been made, stated that or Rattan Goods a'.l kind?. MPARTS' in his opinion the action would be ed promptly to its soothing effects, and P. O. Box 30a. CI 07 until March 26th. thereabouts. that - croup will be made of his re disistrous to the plantation, as some- .f the dangerous attacks of it (...nPTit clou S3 ' neces- cure.J. often saving life of San Francisco. Wo.il thir.g d. fir.it!" was immediately the the turn from A: sary. '"I simply write Manag-- r cl-.'.i- The extorsive us of it for Ml. shall g HAKTJIAN.N .Yhf-mpin- JOSEIMI ooop or ouui proceedings in cough has shown that it robs New nillsnery f . c,,ivin tomorrow of the NOTICE. court." said he. 'th-ms- the letter that dis.ase of all dangerous results. the labor- - It is especially prized by mothers be- Many new shown the WHOLESALE cannot do aucht but inilame designs being at A N A N A K O A I. "'EC'S t, C. rs. w ho are apparently about to dam- cause it contains nothing injurious: .arlors of PRINCESS K A W age the plantation prop-rt-y. The and there is not the least daneer in will receive on the first and third Liquor Dealers s N F. Wine and whole question arr.--nr- to hi?r? up .n Miss HAWLS.Y Tuer'r.ys ? rnr-- month at Pualeilani, ; th-- se labor- ( nr:-- j cures quickly. B nson. Styles. U.iU'ie of Jap.wese and Advance Spring 3 to 6 p. m. Ci02 Waveriey Block. DETIIEL FT. ers, who tv.nnot understand th? stua- - & Co., Ltd.. wholesale agents, sell it. Waikiki, from - j - i COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, HONOLULU. .MARCH 4, 1902. Jl i f 10 THE PACIFIC

'2 f 1 txrsmm if ' ARABIC; NEWS OF TH WATERFRON I. Surreys ! logons! Is far Ceol.Tg Iron Reefs. INTO THE TEETH MADE GOOD RUN i UNEXPECTED SHIP JLU- &s$les ssuf JP$9ees FROM YOKOHAMA ARRIVES IN PORT '. Is Everlasting. OF A HURRICANE .4' top H With List Ellen A. Read From Manila Nippon Maru Sails Into Terrific America Maru a Small of The Passengers Came and Went for Vancouver Puts in Why Buffer from the heat when Weather But Arrives on Schedule Time. Yesterday. Leaking. it can be remedied for a trifl- noon yesterday the British as the America Maru was leavi- The America Maru from the Orient About Just Captain MeQuar-rl- e, ing oet? We guarantee our ng; night en was sighted shortly after 9 o'clock ship Ellen A. Read. the Quarantine wharf last from Manila in ballast, bound for route to San Francisco, the Nippon yesterday morning, but on account of strong wind, was not Puget Sound, put into port leaking, work. For estimate and fur- from Coast passed down the the it until the Maru the she docked. She came and anchored in the stream. 9:30 o'clock docked afternoon that channel and about in ahead of time, having made the run The Read commenced to leak soon ther particulars apply at the Pacific Mall wharf. leaving Philippines, to to.... from Yokohama in about nine days i after the and The biff steamer sailed from Pan and a half. Two days from port she 1 add to her troubles, the weather grew Francisco on February 23. and left the encountered an adverse current and to be consistently bad and it kept the 4 slxty-mlle-an-ho- ur in ' California Feed Go. Golden Gate in the teeth of a strong head winds, which made her crew busy keeping the water her I ! ' hurricane. Head winds tim? to port considerably longer than hold under control. been, t "I Queen and Nuuanu Sirerts. rough were met with un- tit would otherwise have The weather not mending, and the and weather j The America Maru left Hongkong on til about a thousand miles from port. February 13. and Yokohama on Febru- - water gaining on the pumps, Captain in the afternoon. She brought MeQuarrie decided to put into this port caught her. and, bowling her along at j 394 Japanese for the Islands, 5 Japan- - for repairs. The vessel presents a very a rare pace, enabled ner to mane up ese stowaways, and about 00 tons of I Boggy weatherbeaten appearance as she lies tie Honolulu. Nippon rreljrht. crfsrien lost time to The In"arjy is broucht 339 bags of mall and has on The passenger list of the America in the stream, and her planks are re style the board 3.000 tons of through freight. She Maru was as follows: vealed in places where the copper ; Orient at 5 p. m. to- For Honolulu Mrs. K. Ito, II. H. sheathing been worn away. will sail for the Koehler, W. Maxwell and wife, and L. has LEADER IN PRICE day. Muraour. The Read is nearly eleven weeks out Following Is the passenger list: For San Francisco J. " H. Ankrom, from Manila, having left that port on Miss C. C. Phelps, and Quality on For Yokohama , ii the Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Birdsall. Miss E .at-- uri 1 .T - LUUIIflCC lO - . tJW. J Miss D. Ilyrne. Mrs. F. Iieringer, Miss Craig. C. C. Felton. F. O. Guirsch- - ! board of survey w ill probably examine E. Beringer. Miss A. Berlnger, J. M. mann. J. S. Hall. J. Horner, Mr. and the shfh Hawaiian Islands. Dorrance, Mrs. J. M. Dorrance. Louis Mrs. H. B. Hunt, K. Ito, Mrs. II. H. tniv Epplnger and servant. Col. Edward Johnstone. A. Kingln. K. Kitajima, O. For Anahola. Fenner. Mrs. Edward Fenner. G. Hara- - Neilson. Miss M. Okada, Mrs. M. Reil-l- y. Our Wagon?; will suit you T. Shoe. D. A. Socci, A. F. Stoeger. The Globe Navigation Company's sakl, K. Ishlwata. J. Herrera. H. C. man, Hunt. Mrs. E. L. Hunt. H. J. Helntz. W. Maxwell is a Java coffee freiahter Eureka will go to Anahola n, who comes to look Into the coffee busi- H. C. Heintz. It. Kitajima. J. R. Kin-na- ness of the Islands. as soon as she has discharged her Mrs. J. S. KInnan. Miss J. Lam- The America Maru sailed for San vessel Gire us a call. Mrs. G. V. Moore. freight here. At Anahola the ed. O. W. Moore. Francisco shortly after 8 o'clock last will take sugar from the Makee Sugar Carriages W. A. Mason, Mrs. V. A. Mason, F. night. Ho Rogers. Mrs. C. M. Rog- Company and will then return to Maurer. C. M. nolulu to complete her cargo. The AND ers, L. Stornebrink, Miss R. Storne-brln- k. Terry Eureka will probably take 3,000 tons of T. P. Terry. Mrs. T. P. THE "WHITE CITY" to Vehicle Co. and child. sugar from Anahola San Francisco. Pacific and Supply For Kobe Mrs. Adams Fisher. IS INTERESTING LIMITED Go(2aris. For Nagasaki Dr. H. N. Allen, Mrs. Influenze la always more or less prev- H. N. Allen. F. C. Fletcher. Mrs. F. C. alent at this season of the year. This BERETJtNIA STREET NEAR TORT. LATEST STYLES . disease is very similar to a severe cold Fletcher. Soldiers From Transport Warren and if allowed to take its course is lia- JAMES P. MORGAN', Pres. K. Ij. CUTTING, JJcr. LOW PRICES. For Shanghai Mrs. L. Heathcote. ble to cause severe results. The best J Mrs. M. Longstreet. Rev. J. F. Peat, Are Making Themselves treatment for influenza is to avoid ex- Mrs. J. F. Peat and five children. posure and take Chamberlain's Cough For Hongkong J. S. Atterbury, V. Comfortable. Remedy. This medicine gives imme- L. Ilurton. Mrs. W. L. Burton, Mrs. . diate relief, and if used as directed, will W. Mrs. F. Bates, Miss H. ward off all dangerous consequences. Burton. on Drill Chase. L. Davis. Rev. C. A.- - Hayes, The small "white city" the It leaves the system in a natural and Mfschlaeger Co., C. A. Hayes, G. W. Higgins. Mrs. shftd erounds which was built In an healthy condition. It always cures and Mrs. 6c IVlade to V. Higgins. Mabel Hlgglns. on Saturday evening, is a source 'cures quickly. Benson, Smith Co., Order G. Miss hour 'Ltd., wholesale agents, sell it. LIMITED, Miss C. Van Housen. Mr. G. Weir, Lew of interest to a large number of people, Hlng, Lew Hlng and four chil -- FOR OR Mrs. irose wno nae past on tne Electric Ayo,d colds by arinklns Kentucky LADIES GENTLE- 29 King near Bethel. dren, Arthur Levy. Harre Bobbins, El- get St, B. cars crane tr.' ir recks to grimpse Favorite" whisky. Spruance. Stanley MEN ON SHORT NOTICE. liott Snow, naval constructor; J. of the manner in which Unci'; Sam's '& Co., San Francisco, proprietors. Stubbs. Mrs. J. B. Stubbs. L. R. Tuttle. regular soldier lives. ine circular H. C. Williams. Mrs. Quon Yin. two Sibley tents, while apparently small, children and servant, Kut Yin and in- are in fact quke roomy, and there is fant. C. S. Moody. enough space tcr several men. as well Telephone Main 396. P. O. Box S20. E. as ror their oeits, Deaaing ana From Honolulu L P.CIawson. Miss rrios. -- Clawson. O. F. Malcolm, Mrs. O. F. the few odd trrnkets which the boys Hawaiian Oppen-helme- r. in blue manage to carry with them. Malcolm. Fritz Thles, Ben The tents for the men are laid out The Factory in even ttgular rows at the Ewa end Japanese Ballasting Co. Many of the passengers are tourists, of the parade ground, and those for Is under management of a competent man fourteen of whom are layovers here. the officers occupy the space where the V. --. Office: Major McK. Williamson, the depot wbo has had jears of experionce in one of the i-- quartermaster, coaxing a ' 1011 near King. Get Their Cigars. has been Smith St.. lawn to grow for the past few weeks. largest establishments of its kind in Japan. Corting Farnisned and Set at 28c In the matter of 1,000 Manila cigars The Drillshed Is also occupied by sev- - seized by the customs officers at thejral hundred troops. The guardhouse 1 Per Lineal Foot adjoins the oil stone barracks on the transport Solace on February Waiikikl side, behind the former office Anywhere In town, according te the slstant United States Attorney J. of the quartermaster. Yesterday the The Ladles government specifications. Dunne yesterday gave a decision to soldiers spnt tneir time in digging the collector to the effect that the cus- drainage trenches around the tents In Are especially invited to inspect our slo- - k. We toms officers have no right to hold the anticipation of a heavy rain storm. CONCRETE) WORK guaranteed, and stamped done at & very low price. , cigars after they have been THIS DAY. also carry a fine line of JAPANESE GOODS with internal revenue stamps, there WHITE BAND sold from $1.50 to being now no duty on shipments from SHIPPING NOTES. which are imported direct from 'Japan $1.75 per cubic yard, delivered. the Philippines. Louis Kenake and C. Special low price in CRUSHED II. Brown are the claimants of the The brig Tanner sailed for Puget I' ROCK of all grades from No. 1 to No. cigars. Sound yesterday morning. S, or rock sand. The ship A. J. Fuller moved over to At Auction COMMON DRAT, $3.00 per day. The quarantine Inspection of the the Kailroad Wharf yesterday. ' 1 America Maru was completed In the The gasoline schooner Malolo sailed LARGE DRAY. $5.00 per day. haibor. as it was too rough for Dr. for Hanalei and Kalihiwai yesterday ON TUESDAY, MAR CM 4, More to go outside the harbor. morning. HOTEL City Herbert Young is suffering from a The steamer Kureka was moved yes- AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M., oi Paris Dry Goods Co broken wrist. terday from the old Fishmarket wharf STREET. to Brewer's wharf. I will offer for sale at public auction The bark Mauna Ala did not sail at my salesrooms, corner Merchant IS W TORI PARIS BABIES AND CHILDREN yesterday, as Captain Smith is suf- - and Alakea streets, a large assortment be fairly plump. They fring from an attack of rheumatism. cf 486 2 Faubour? should The Ventura is due from Sydney this fat as fast as Hy-ade- ouht to put on morning. The overdue freighter s, GOOD Broalwav PoissonJerc they use it up; for fat is fuel, from San Francisco, should also Household Furniture for Toilet and the burning of it makes pow- come in. cor. Geary and Stockton Sts . VALUE in Scroti! er and force. Thin children Consisting of Reds, Mattresses. Tables, or Bath. SAN VESSKLS TN POUT. FRANCISCO. even a!on o tho age of eighteen j Stoves, Desk,. Mattings. Toilet Articles, OrJer by Mall Promptly Delivered. or twenty arc in danger from ARMY AND NAVY. j Sewing Machines, Ilugs. Carpets, etc.. and from other V. S. A. T. "Warren, Harnpson, Pan ROSE, consumption, etc. OEIL--L. The chil- Frar.cisco, February 26. BLUE wasting complaint?. V. S. collier Nor- 10c Cake younp; Alexander, Nickels. cvao IM dren who starve, and tho folk, February 19. WILL E. FISHER, honev men and women who are con- U. S. S. Iroquois, Rodman. AUCTIONEER. M. R. COUNTER sumedwhy, the very idea of it MERCHANTMEN. is frightful. such as they (This list does not include coasters.) for cents Jeweler and there is always what tho ISiMo A. J. Fuller. Am. sp.. Ha.ke!l, Sydney, 3 25 tho February 2. Silversmith. calls a "mighty famine" in Coronado. Am. bkt.. Potter, San Fran- land. FooiMhoiigh it may he ta- cisco. March 1. ken plentifully, does not nourish EiU ri A. Ui al, l'.r. sp.. MeQuarrie, Ma- gives nila. March 3. HONOLULU DRUG CO. them. It makes r.o fat; it Eureka. Am. str.. "WYedon. Seattle. no To prevent thu?, to March 2. Auction Sale 926 Fort Street. REPAIRING A . cure this, to save the young ones Kaiu!.-:ni- Am. bk.. Dabel. San Fran-c'.'-- o. A. II. OTIS. OTTO A kneos, and the February 2S. AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M.. BIERBACH. SPECIALTY at the mother's Laura. Pr. schr. yacht. Hurnette. Van- bright bovs and girls who are couver. March 1. At my salesroom. Merchant and Ala- - ' Fine of just looking at the world with Mary L. dishing. Am. sp.. Mitchell. 1'ea streets. ambitious is the purpose of I Newcastle. February 21. j Ry order of David Dayton, admi- Hawaiian Jewelry.. eye?, j Mauna Ala, Am. bk.. Smith, San Fran- - i Cipro, 31. nistrator of thi fstntf of f!KOI?r:M M- - WAMPOLE'S PREPARATION. January ! I GINNIS, I th- - ef- - set- Mohican. Am. bk.. Kelley, San Fran-- j will sell personal Its success is decided and February 1 Fort Street, cisco. j fects consisting of Love li'ltie. lifo 1 nr. New-- The Glass tled. Thousands ov.v to it ter Iredale, bk., Lawrence, 1 Trunk, Valise, Clothing Revolver. That Cheers and health. It is palatable a3 onstV. Februnrv 3. S. T. Wilder. Am. bkt.. Jackson. :W;ilch, etc. Is the glass that is filled with honev and contains the nutritive j Frar.cisco. March 1. and curative properties of I'uro by ua t'e. February 6. ! Y ILL E. rISHER. HazelwGod Cod Liver Oil. extracted j Market t W. H. Marston. Are. schr., Curtis. San AUCTIONEER. from fresh cod livers, combined Francisco. January 30. J i with the Compound Syrup of A Cemp; i (any and the Extracts A Hypopho?ph:tes STEAMER MOVEMENTS. i DM of M :!t and Wild Cherry. In BOAR AN LOTS For an absolutely I pure brew cf malt and Retail Family Grocers. emacia- building up pale, puny, ARRIVE. hops and as a beverage there is none to Cigars, Totacco. fctc. ted children, particularly those J Ventura Colonies .March 4 " KCNAU STKKET, troizhlcd with Anemia. Scrofula, ; Sonoma S. F .March equal it. Islands' Trims, also Poru S. 12 Kiekcls. and bone and blood dis-- F .March KAPIOLANI and Taroani Sugar City of Peking- Yokohama . .March Cane. : ton-- h : it its Aoranei Color. le? .March l LUNA LI LO STREETS. .i inimn mi Ti or-t;iii- 1". j io i tl:? iciest (-:i Alameda S. F .March K tMiowera Victoria .March I St-et- t. r. it. 12S2 Fort Tel 2-j- : i.i C(.r,t;,.S V .March ; v ; a- - ISLAND .:.vo .r :ic Yi !. ha.'i a . Mai c:i i RICE, f-- . - i:i t c:i .i:v:i .r .:;-!:.'- !"rra ('"'"i'.! .Mar- h $1500 and $ir00 i; Vr:ttira S. F .March IN J WHOLESALE ONLY. SING .r.A UN ! CHAN GO. . America Maru S. F March j V'ii-- . : . EACH ILcskor.!; Mavi:-Y- ok, :.r.-.u- . ?Ta i "I

V.-rrn- 7 A fs w A.T Sanitary Piumhino m.ruinw!;:;:. S. F Mnr-- 4j 1 C1 8 :t :;v 1..VC N:r;-..- Maru Yoko: y- - 'a . . ...March 4 and Sor i - r, i - ..!..... March k? - ' Balance on time. to v:- Y- 0 jtvu M:cr--- '" ';ie-.-- s. . Cnnr.iMU ! F M :r.-- 1J Sewer i'.-'.- 'V n ions m' 2;-- Y:. r i 'a-e- h 1: p. - - T ....- ;.- WM L W M E era s .March E. FLSHER. 9 A d yBf H i A 'h i S. F. Mar--- V 0 us I una 0. c- - j ; ti. Y. i;r;l ,r. h - ) '(al rotate Agent and Auc n TR KKT I r t." S:: i i.y C'H'-'.i-r' s. F March U tioneer. a- -S. '. 1 ' 5 I I'Vprvvhi-re- . Sifr. F ..... Ma r. h H F.'-rt- t Clo-.i.-- i. , ; an (i A!;i!:ra Sh. QUEEN STREET HONOLULU. II o

THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, HONOLULU, MARCH 4, 1902. 11 THE BISHOP SCO., BUNKERS BERREY'S COMMERCIAL REPORT ank of Siavvii i:STAlJL.I.Hi:i IX L5S. Lands LIMITED. In the curreni issue of F.errey's semi- Assignment of lease, 1 Running Full Banking Department. Power of attorney, 3 v t ho T.aw fif tfc monthly circular the following state- I cor ,mc.I iin.r Bills of sale, 3 Territory or Hawaii. Transact business In all departments ment of the business for the i,aat two Agreements, 3 of banking. is given: Affidavits. 4 Collections weeks ror carefully attended to. Mortgages at no per ili-U- p Capital . . 560O.CC" Exchange ' The past week has been one of cor cent. 21.. 2S.905.70 bought and sold. Mortgages 6 per 1 poration meetings. accountings at cent. 230.00 Wrve 50.000 Annual Mortgages 7 per 2 Almost of plantations were handed in at cent. 132,500.00 several 8 per 3 nJIviieJ Profits . . 163,O0C and more are to follow this week. Mortgages at cent, 15,000.00 Commercial and Travelers' of manifesting a keener Mortgages at 9 per cent. 1 1.200.00 Letters Shareholders are Mortgages 10 per Credit Issued on the Bank of California Interest before in the pro- at cent, 4... 55.SOO.00 than evtr Mortgages at 12 per cent. 200.00 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. and N. M. Rothschild & Sons. London. ceedings. 1... Overflowing correspondents: The Bank of Manager Ren of Ewa Plantation, karles M. Cooke President Califor ton. Total $264,960.70 V nia. Commercial Banking Co. of Syd- in summing up general sugar situ- c Jones Vice President ney, the BUT OUR LOTS TN KING STREET V Ltd., London. ation in Islands, says: "Of course SALES FROM THE HONOLULU h. Cooke Cashier these CAPACITY FOR WORK t. C Atnerton Assistant Casbler the prime factors in the success of the STOCK EXCHANGE. TRACT, fiom $1,400 to $1,250 u Waterhouse, P. W. Macfarlane, sugar business are cost of labor and 37 shares of Oahu at $90. . D. Tenney. ,J. A. McCandleas and price of sugar. A low labor fate and 2.000 shares of Walalua bonds $107. a lot, formerly known as 0, N. .Drafts and cable transfers on China may at H. Atneroon. and Japan through a high sugar rate cover ii multi 150 shares of Waialua at $35. GOOD WORK 8 the Honzkone and of errors, this condition has CO premise.!. Shanghai Banking Corporation and tude but shares Walalua at $')2.50. Wilcox's gone and we are facing very depressed 25 Sugar Co. $27. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and prova- shares Hawn. at Commercial and Savings De cnina. conditions, and the present and 50 shares Hawn. Sugar Co. at $26.50. 18 UNLIMITED. ble future conditions of the sugar mar 25 $24.50. partments. i shares Kahuku at ket demand rigid economy and the best MO shares Onomea at $23. IN' MANOA. statements in TWENTY LOTS given thought." Mr. Kenton's 700 shares Ewa at $22.50. Strict attention to all Interest allowed on term deDoslt at this particular harmonizes with the 100 shares Ookala at $7.50. VALLEY, formerly Mout.auo's the following rates per annum, vix: reports made by other managers. 6.200 shares O. R. & L. bonds $104. NUMBERS OF WATCHES branches of Banking. iseven days' notice, 2 per at at cent. Ewa's showing is splendid, notwith- 10 shares H. R. T. & L. Co. at $yo. come in daily requiring our at- I 2,500 a lot. Three months, at 3 per cent. ex- rac', standing the fact that the actual 71 shares Olaa at $5.50. tention, and receive It to the BoilJInz - Fcrt Street Six months, at 34 per cent. produce 1901 crop was 2Ji Twelve months, 4 per penditures to the SALES OF HAWAIIAN STOCKS AND lasting satisfaction of the own- at cent. $34.94 per ton, as against $25.26 in lSa9. was BONDS ON THE S. F. STOCK ers; and why not YOURS? Trust Department. The immense crop of 32.M0 tons EXCHANGE. ofT. realizing $2,344,028.54. After While this department Is run FOUR HUNDRED LOTS IN Hawaii Land Co. as mortgages. taken $10. Act trustees under paying nT all expenses, including de- 40 shares Kilauea Sugar PI at nlng almost to Its full capacity, Manage estates, real and personal. JfiOO.000 50 shares Onomea Sugar Co. at $24.50. K AlULANI TRACT, from $200 Collect rents and dividends. preciation written off and in we are keeping pace with the limited. papers, dividend, the profit and loss account 1S5 shares Paauhau S. P. Co. at $12. increase by adding new experts Valuable wills, bonds, etc.. 50 $15. to 250 a lot. t received for safe keeping. shows a credit balance to next year of shares Hutchinson at right along. Experts only are i 10 shares Hutchinson at $14.75. K $402,020.90. The manager's estimate of employed, which has gained y Accountant Department. the present crop now being harvested r.O shares Hutchinson at $14. 70 $13.87 2. for this department a reputa- - tons. shares Hutchinson at Auditors corporations nri- isaa.ooo 1-- $100,000 for and n 50 $14.12 2. we right apital Stock .Manager oi aiaiua. ixni.-tio- shares Hutchinson at tion of which have vate firms. s uouaaie 150 $27. FIFTY LOTS IN KEKIO Capital, paid tip $59,0S0 hooks examined ana reported on. reported a crop of 12,019.13 tons shares Makaweli at to be proud, and which will be Statements of affairs prepared. 1 of sugar cut from 2,001.17 acres. Ills 25 shares. Makaweli at $27.23. maintained under all circum- TRACT, opposite Makee Island Trustees on bankrupt or Insolvent es estimate of the present crop is 16,000 23 shares Mawakeli at $27.37 1-- 2. stances. tates. ton's. The operating expenses for the 45 shares Makaweli at $27.50. $600 a lot. OFFICERS: Office, S24 Bethel street. yer amounted to $1,009,708.69: the 30 shares .Makaweli at $26.50. We keep your watch only as total receipts from the sugar crop and 50 shares Makaweli at $26.00. long as necessary to enabla Manager Savings Department. 100 $3.50. W. C Achl President and the sale of bonds were $1,700,503.54. The shares Hana PI. at proper work t be done on the Vice-Preside- nt allow- 10 Haw. C. & S. Co. at $33.50. K. Nakulna Deposits received and Interest company Is still heavily indebted to its shares tame. There are no long and ed at V per cent per annum. In ac- & A bond issue 45 shares Haw. C. & S. Co. ai $38. MxkaJaal Treasurer agents. Castle Cooke. tedious nothing Is de- cordance with rules and regulations, one-ha- lf 4S5 shares Honokaa at $12.50. waits; LOTS Secretary copies may on of $1,000,000 was authorized and neglected. ONE HUNDRED IN oca Johnson of which be obtained of this amount have been sold. 20 shares Honokaa at $11.75. layed, nothing fc. Auditor application. 1.796 543 shares Honokaa at $12.00. TRACT, $500 J. Holt Kihei's 1901 crop amounted to Let us Impress you with this KAPIOLANI at or b.fcuw .i maue ioi cv.o.mj Insurance Department. toi'.s. An estimate IDAS uuuuuui in no sim- this year. The operating expenses fori ah DISTRICT COURT, truth; that matter how a lot. Agents for FIRE, MARINE. LIFE. j ple the work necessary on your BOARD OF DIRECTORS: the year were $394,617.43. The earnings WoIters Waldron Co.. Ltd., vs. Wing ACCIDENT and EMPLOYERS' LIA- were $94,507.33 from sugar and $33,021. S ; watch may appear to you, have Komalae. S. If. Kanakanul. Wo Co assumpt. judg. for pltf. " Etc,? Etc. BILITY INSURANCE COMPANIES. from other sources. The directors have, vs. John S. Chandler, the same done by an expert; J. M. Kea. 6 ' c Yaknam Insurance office. 924 Bethel street. th issuance of $500,000 of sumpt judg. for pltf. $160.33. it will add to the life of your 15 years and j per cent bonds, running c H w Ahl adms t V3. Kaheliopua, watch, to say nothing of your 5 years; of this amount . The above company will buy. lease. redeemable in asumpt- - own satisfaction. $350,000 have Dfn piaceu anu uppueu E. Gomes and Tom McTighe vs. or sell lands In all parts of the Ha- B22B plan J. any, In BSD on, the present debt, leaving the Our charges as low as For further particulars apply to waiian Islands, and also has houses eta on 1st. 1W2. the sum! the city of Honolulu for rent. 63 tation, January (Continued on Page 12.) only of $22.33.66 in debt. j B a to bring! GUH WDHK IS BETTER. B The construction of ditch BUSKEC3 I Tis YoMama Specie Bant A out the waters of the Makaweli stream,; a at a cost of $450,000. is a feature of the LIMITED. n Hawaiian Sugar Company's report. A; Achl B bond issue of $TC0.00 has been author- - ; The Family ri enver this expenditure. The; B total amount or sugar niauL-1 - m4 l"V, n Bail Bearing SctKcr&d Cap! il Yea 24.C00.0C0 a a Makaweli mill last year was i..ii . !!fflllll! a v.--v ------' Paid Dp Cipltil Yen 18 000 000 tOI13. t DensmoreNo. 4 & Company B Provision 533.56. while tne cxpenuiiureM elon- it . liufllll, Issued Food - Yea 8,510,000 gated $617,822.35: the sum of $102,321.54 ea has been carried to surplus account LIGHT TOUCH this year. HIGH SPEED n crop FORT STREET. This Company will Kahuku took off its banner last GOOD WORK HEAD OFFICE: YOKOHAMA. year7,0S3 tons. The gross earnings of act as trustee for any net LONG INTEREST ALLOWED. the plantation were $448,426.07; the WEAR person who wishes to earnings $153,390.00: net profit carried Campbell Clock. Fort Street operat-- These are som of the . features Yn t riprwuilt for 12 months. 4 per provide for the pres- to surplus account. $103.143.S4: j resources, j of the Densmore cent per annum. Insr expenses. $133,036.07; IAN FRANCISCO. HONOLULU. JV4 per ent or future needs 1902 crop is estimated M fixed deposit for months, $1.023,6!i5.11. The NEW YORK. J cent per annum. of his family. at C.C20 tons. Thrum's Ak fixed deposit for 1 months, S per A dividend at the rate of 6 per cent 00 NO. 4 MODEIi cent per annum. a per annum on it capitalization of THE ouy s unu Is being paid by the Oahu Rail is perfect, and embodies th lat- Toe Dana revn i expens-- S. & Go. Ictlon Bills of Exchange. Issues Draft way and Land Company. The j est improvements in writing ma- Window Display H. Gfintom a department are set j and Letters of Credit, and transacts HAWAIIAN TRUST es of the railroad chines. LIMITED. general banking business. down at $326,093.91: receipts from the, on exhibition at OF amount to $i6,66.b, irom We have them CO., ranches our store, and will take pleasure Ltd. which Is dedueted the expense of main- liters tsd CcicmlssIoB ttmkit Branch of Yokohama Specie Bank. $37.013.41 a gain In showing you how they are WRITER'S SUPPLIES T- - a taining them of net Republic building, Honolulu. II. i- - New a 923 F.ORT STREET. of $39,632.32. The earnings of the cor- made. B expenses, we are ARE BUT SAMPLES OF THE poration, net of the operating Besides the Densmore, SOLE AGENTS FOR Claua Spreckels. Wm. O. Irwin. B P. O. Box 447. n amount to $421.5S0.97. from which must agents for the NEWEST AND BEST IN NOTE be taken insurance ami other fixed j PAPER AND ENVELOPES Clans Spreads Co., Bankers. charces. amounting ti $145,266.78. shows; FOR FASHION'S DEMANDS; BLANCHE BATES 5o I i net Income of $276,311.19. During the, New Century AND PREFERRED w are--. WHITE CIGAR. HONOLULU, IL T. year uncks were compl tel ami SHADES. houses constructed, with all appliances-fo- and Yost BAN FRANCISCO AGENTS THE the automatic carrying of .sugar.! NEVADA NATIONAL BANK Or The earnings of wharves and th coal . Typewriters PHILADELPHIA UNDERWRITERS, 8AN FRANCISCO. department were $36,230.89. To com- LETTER AND NOTE BRITISH AMERICAN ASSURANCE and: TABLETS FOR FOREIGN ON plete the terminal facilities COMPANY, of Toronto, Ontario. DRAW EXCHANGE 2 then-- ha bet n w ritten oiT. on SuppHes. MAIL. Na- wharves Full Line All 1 attention given to consign- SAN FRANCISCO The Nevada account of the tearing away of old j if Precis tional Bank of San Francisco. year; ments of Coffee and Rice. Lon- Mr. wharves. $68,053.86. The ensuing LONDON Bank of LIMITED ill - The Union greater prospects for larger earn- don. Ltd. has DAIRIES. CALENDARS AND Exchange Ra- Ings than ever before, owing to the CASTLE .& COOKE CO., Ld. NEW YORK American OFFICERS. along the DESK PADS FOR 1902. tional Bank. ; fact that the plantations National Bank. II. P. Baldwin...-- President line of the railroad are producing their; HONOLULU. CHICAGO Merchants' nx Lyonnals. J. B. Castle First v greatest crops of ugar. U Mil mi PARIS Credit Vice-Preside- nt BERLIN Dresdener Bank. W. M. Alexander.Second II,.r,.,Vnr. llnvvi Mill Co.. oiova!u:H LIMITED. ALSO THE Commission fl3rchants HONGKONG AND YOKOHAMA J. P. Cooke Treasurer and Waimanalo held their Meetings Hongkong Shanghai Banking W. O- - Smith Secretary w . f unusual i and during the Nothing MERCHANT STUETCT. Auditor d Corporation. George R. Carter Interest was pn-sente- in the reports. NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIA Kona Hawaiian Annual SUGrAR FA'JTOKS. Receiver Wundenberg of the 1 1 n,nlr Van! 7.alAnd. I " rf Bank Sugar Co. has been unable to raise VICTORIA AND VANCOUVER growing of America- - Sugar Factors sufficient funds to take off the AGENTS FOR Brltisn isonn crops of cane. It is said he will peti- Business to sell the The Fountain "His fcandlest reliable refer rhe Bum. Plantation Company. mm o ssriino s new tion the court for an oiiUr Co., em w" The Waialua Agricultural Lt. on Commission Merchants property. ence pootc or xia altau In Sugar Company. Received, Loans made n-- t during The Kohala Deposits and Sugar stocks were active formation extant. Price, 75c Sugar Mill Company. Approved Security. Commercial Ewa dropped to MINERAL SODA W08K The "Waimea Issued, Bills of ex- AGENTS FOR the past fortnight. m per copy, or S5c each, by The Fulton Iron Works, St. Louia, Mo. Travelers' credits $22.50. afterwards advancing to $23.50. Oil Company. change Bought and Sold. Sugar Co., mail. The Standard PROMPTLY Hawaiian Commercial and Walalua went down to $32.50: Oahu The George F. Blake Steam Purapa. COLLECTIONS Haiku Sugar Company. changed hands at and Olaa as Make their drinks from water produ4 Weston's Centrifugals. ACCOUNTED FOR. Paia Plantation Company, sessable sold at $3.50 and $5.73. Mc-Bry- de by the rbe New England Mutual Life Insur- Nahiku Sugar Company. transferred at $3.o. Rids of ance Company, of Boston. , The Fire Insurance Company, st C-BREW- CO-- Company, for Pioneer Mill. Aetna ER & Klhel Plantation $70.00 were made Hartford, Conn. Hawaiian Sugar Company, B nds are not so much in demand. Barnstead STATIONER. ETC., Company, of Co-bond- Alliance Assurance LIMITED. Railroad Company, and O. R. & L. s Its Kahulul Several small blocks of 10S3 Fort Street London. Queen Street. Honolulu, H. L A. and B. Line. sold at $104.00. Purifying Still Edward May. - In real estate th-r- e is always some- FOR be- AGENTS Emily F. Whitney, thing doing. College Hills lots are and flavor with the best extracts pro- Rig Company, Ono-me- a every Ten When You Want a Hawaiian Agricultural W. B. Flint. coming more popular day. curable on this planet, as well as beini WlngWoOhanOo Company. Honomu Sugar are now In the course of I Sugar Company. residences with tti flnpst cane tutrar RING UP THE Company, Walluku Sugar construction in different parts of this purpose Company. Ookala Sugar THE FIRST Distilled water for drinking Makee Sugar tract. Attaeb-m- e Plantation Company. Haleakala Work on the various business blocks passed through the "Palatable Ibony Furniture, Ranch Company. Kapapala Ranch-- in the city is progressing rapidly. The which makes It like freti Boarding Cigars and Tobaccos, ; and Shipping Company. s s Waity building and rhe Egan & Frear prins to all parts Livery, Cbineae and Japanese Teas, Planters Line exca- wVtr: Sa Francisco Packets. Chas. Brewer building have about completed the city In tfcn -- gallon demijohns. and Sales .... Crocker'. Mattings, & Go's Line of Boston Packets. vation operations and work will b Vasea, Camphorwood Trunks, OF HAWAII, LTD.in & Ageu:. Boston Board of Underwriters. commenced very soon. Lewers Rattan Chairs. Philadelphia Board of Un- building one story up. and eSTABLES Agents for Cooke Ring Up 270 513 FORT STREET. derwriters. five stories of the Alexander Young HILKS AND SATINS Standard Oil Company. Capital. $250,000.00. building and the E. O. Hall & Son s OT ALL KINDS. fin- for all k!r.fis cl Soda and Mineral Wa receiving the outside X10-2- 12 - President Cecil Hrown building is . lnger Beer a specialty Stable rhone. 109 Main. Nuuana Strt- OF OFFICERS: hes. ters. Brewed 213 72. LIST Vice-Preside- nt M. P. Rr::.ison ishing tou Hack Stand. Phones and George E. new corporations being formed Our patrons are cordially invited t n i rvwik. President: Cashier W. G. Cooper More on Sherl C. II. RELLINA. Robertson. Manager; -- Bishop. locally. call and Inspect the works Are Ycu Insured S&ainst Accident? Treasurer and Secretary: Col. W. F. Principal OJTlce: Corner Fort and Failures since our last report: As- dan street, off King street. H. Water- - King streets. 3: bankruptcy. 1. Qn Fine residence lot Allen, Auditor: P. C. Jones. signments. Ent lo Co.. - Territory durinc the dlU Valley, Acol'lont house. G- - R. Carter. Directors. Failure- in this rUl in Manoa The Travelers $278.3'h N In world. year of 1.M amounted to KEYSTONE-ELGI- 200x100 ft.; terma, or.e-hal- f capb, of HartforC. i the largest the an 3 mortgage indebtedness has in- SAVINGS DEPOSITS receive! The ont'-ha- :f on mortgage 22 months at ISHIZUKA since our last report. $66.:','4.70. JUHE! Interest allowed for yearly deposits at creased WATCHES 8 per rmt. OF I M TORTS. A. C. LOVEXIN AGENCY the rate of 4'i cent per annum. EXTORTS AND DURABLE AND ACCURATE Territory rr of Feb- - til C O.- - l, nrrat A0nt for the Rules and regulations furnished urn . Kxp.-r- t for month JUDD Ltd. ". ruary $l.f.67.rt"."" The Keystone Watch 403 Judd Building. BANK, LTD I application. l.v p).0 mi.iio 307 Stangenwald Building. KEI KIN Sp. ! ; Philadelphia. 2'.7.,''-4.,i- Case Co.. VINEYARD ST. Imports, foretell eouniries.. i U. S. A. Established 18S3. f..!low inc insirnni-nt- " have been WtW PH0TC2RAPW CELERY Notion Store The America's oldest and Honolulu General Banking and Ex- Fresh California Fruit filed sim-- our report: SUSUMACO. Transact .$ 77-'.7- watch factory. R. II "' i lar?et Portrait Work. , Gentlemen's change business. . J;i.!"U.7' Photographer and Fine Boctk APRICOTS APFLE8 AND j M Ttsa rSn" and Shoe.. it; PEACHES, nioj tvas 21 .!'" '' CABINET PHOTOGRAPHS. Stationery, etc. HEAD OFFICE, TOKYO, JAPAN ORANGES, Chatt'v For ?ale by the Princi- 53.50 PER DUZKS School Supples. U-!- . l:'.oj.i'i e- 'J" . pal watch dealers la Ha- King an2 ON FIRST FRUIT STORE Finely Finished Pictures'. St., Opposite Club St3bles. DRAW EXCHANGE OCCIDENTAL Leases (up-staira- ). Fort Til ' o- - cr:i 2e. waiian Islands. Maunakea streets NATIONAL BANK. YOKOHAMA.

vj ill

ADVERTISER, HONOLULU, MARCH 4, 1902. 'I' 12 THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL: -- : . : 1 - G. F. HERRIGK, PAUL R. ISENBERO, Manager. President. Chas. F. Herrick Carriage Company, Ltd. you '-- "fT - We can Supply With all Kinds C w-- Suitable For Any Business Need.

The wagons are Guaranteed as to quality, and price?, we believe, are con- siderably below those usually quoted for the grade of wjik we baadie. We have Buggies, Surieys, Runabouts and Farm Wagons, too all high in BUCKBOARD. ! ; j DELIVERY WAGON. quality and low in price. You should not miss seeing them. i BERREY S COMMERCIAL A LOCAL ITEM. John S. Andradeg Good Watches Clieap 1 rr-TO-DA- Here are three reliable watches that are guaranty : pood tinif-fc-- rers-watc- hes EPOfi T, There are a great many or them. Livery and Boarding Stables nearly twice as much for. T.v-- - are "depart i that exclusive Jewelers would ask Every paper has Its share. meats tote price:" We can make like savingK for ycu r.'i i.mot everything that yoo my need for your personal nse or for your U m.j .s n-- rr our mammoth Statements hard to believe; harder every-thin- g (Continued from Page 11.) general catalogue, which describes and gives our ocruritueu; ioie prices for to prove. 521 to eat. drink, wear or nse. Statements far-aw- ay John T. Wright, assumpt, judf from places. BERETANIA ST. - heavy U V.t. gold filled for Gentlemen's watch like picture- has pltf., ?191.24. What people say In New York. eiu.t-- or bunting cases is supplird wiili Vaitham tlgJn San Quong Wo Co. vs. Public expression movements as desired. Case Waikiki from California. inrs Peach Co., J. F. Morgan and F. Wun-denber- g, Oft timea good for twenty years our price, on.'y gar., endorsement there. Registered postage, extra He. judgment fur def. $17.67. But of little service here at home. CITY J. M. Monsarrat vs. A. II. Ahakuelo, Honolulu people want local proof. Men's Watches from assumpt, judg. for pltf. $154.87. FEED SSc to StOOsee our The sayings of neighbors, friends catalogue for descrip Kanemoto vs. Mrs. F. Harton. as-sum- pt. and citizens. STORE tlons. Home endorsement counts. E3LJII DING Ladles' watch like pic- Washington Mercantile Co., Ltd., vs. It is beyond dispute. heavy 14 Loo ture has kt. Chit Sam. afsumpt. This is the backing that stands be- - gold filled hunting cases .MCKecnnie aint A: nail 1'aper Co., jnn(j every box supplied of Doan's Backache with Walibam l.iu-- o. iiusfiiuerg, assumpi. s1"1,5-- 1 Kidney Pi'ls 1 . 'Phone ipsa or Elgin Movements as Theo. H. Davies & Co Ltd., vs. Jas. Mr. i desired. Cases guaran- Nott, Jr., assumpt. John E. Bush of Punchbowl St., .: to wear twenty this city, Is attached to the Hawaiian Main 301 teed for Theo. H. Davies & Co.. Ltd vs. Oki, interpretation staff Supreme assumpt, Judg. for pltf. $75.44. at the our price Court. He says: "I had kidney trou- $14.85 Harris Dros. & Co. vs. Tarn Pong, ble, and, acting on tne recommenda- Registered postage, extra Ho. assumpt. judg. for deft. $16.75. tion of a friend, who your Kona Trading Co. vs. Mrs. Miliame had tried .5 4.5 to SIOO.OO See invaluabl ; remedy, got some Ladles Watches from J. Davis, asspt. judg. for deft. $17.45. I of 4 descriptions In catalogue. Doan's Backache Kidney Pills at Hol-list- er This Is a boy's nickle open face watch, with a fine Lewers & Cooke. Ltd.. vs. J. W. Red-hous- e, Drug Co.'s store. Th?y asspt. judg. pltf, $333.02. were stem winding movement a guaran- for just as beneficial to me as they had time-piec- e C. J. Hutchins vs. Yee Wo, assumpt. teed good our price been to my friend. It is well the vir- - roe Beds at v Registered postage, extra He. $2.50 Washington Mercantile Co.. Ltd., vs. tues of these pills should be made Yuen Wo Co. ' Boy's Watchss from SSc to S1S.OO. known, for they really are an Descriptions in catalogue. Carl Du Roi vs. F. J. assumpt, aTi. r' .. judg. pltf. $160.15. V lit. J L AlVlXICJjr LIUUUIC for This is only one case in hundreds Less Than ost. W. S. vs. Godfrey, Xoblitt Frank as right here in Honolulu people whom" sumpt. you may people - Mrs. G. Phillips et al vs. Lun Chon know whose state- J stock of Co.. H. Fisher, gar. assumpt. ments can not be disputed. The entire iron bedsteads carried by Theo. H. California' s Largest Store J. uoans uackacne Kidney are C. Ming Hym vs. Young Tong, J II. Pius Davies & Co. has been sold to us at leps than their wholesale Fisher, gar. assumpt. for 6ale by all dealers. Price 50 cents per box, or sent by mail on receipt of j W. F. Allen et al vs. J. M. Kealoha, ; price. Our regular stock is the largest on the islands and com- assumpt. pnee by the Hollister Drug Co., Hono lulu, wholesale agents for the Hawaii bined with the new purchase, ft W. F. Allen et al vs. Louis Maiks, ; makes us overcrowded. For two w S assumpt. an Islands. Remember name weeks, beginning March 1st, we will hold a I 0 M Honolulu Trading Co. vs. M. Ushi-jin- a, the DOAN'S and . THE HAWAIIAN assumpt. take no other, II Lewers & Cooke, Ltd., vs. John An-drad- e. Cut LIMITED. SOUVENIR assumpt. Grand Price Sale. I W. W. Dimond & Co., Ltd.. vs. The No More PLAYING CARDS Orpheum Co., Ltd., assumpt. Dread We will sell these goods at ridiculously low figures. A H. G. Middleditch. trustee, of J. H. Have arrived. Taylor and Julian Gaspar, bankrupt. nFTHt ease of quick sales and small profits. Assortment of styles is They are beautie. vs. Appropriate as prizes for F. H. Redwood. Dental Chair complete and games. Won Kee & Loui Chee vs. Wong include white enameled, both plain and with brass !ave in Stock. and card Sing assumpt. Suitable as Rifts to friends et al. trimmings, and colored bedsteads Come and see them. Offer Solo and relatives in distant parts. BUILDING PERMITS. for ee fifty-thr- NTcw Each pack contains 1 story York Dental Parlors half-ton- e Fred Harrison, rustic, store. enjrravings of 98 King street, $100, :o:- - the choicest views of Honolulu, THE DENTAL SPECIALISTS. Hilo and the principal points Ching Hoo, 1 story wood dwelling. of Interest In the Islands. 210 Cottage Walk. $6C0. and Back design of Kamehameha Choy Tin. 5 cottages, 1961 Fa-uo- a All examinations are free. We will j statue In colors; edges In gold. Road, $3,250. tell you in advance exactly what your Coyne Furniture Co., Ltd. Double enamel surface, of the E. G. Keen, wood 1 story cottage, wors will cost. very best finish. Large In- 1335 King Progress P ROOFING street. Block. Fort and Beretania Streets. dexes 1321-132- make them suitable for C. K. Ai, 2 cottages, 7 plates BUILDING PAPER all card games. Telescope King street. mm cases stamped in gold. These J. S. Bailey, workshop, PRESERVATIVE PAINT cards are manufactured by the rustic United State Playing Card 12501327' King street. BOILER AND STACK PAINT Company, ivho have spared no M. De Silva. cottage, 2011 INSULATING COMPOUND pains In making them the Punchbowl street, $300. finest scenic pack of cards ever Joe Figueira, store, 37S School BRIDGE AND ROOF PAINT published. street, $350. EXCHANGE. Retail Price $1.03 Per Pack. lOLD CROWNS 15. M Following are the current rates of j PORCELAIN CROWNS 5.60 REFINED SUGARS, exchange to countries named Gold BRIDGE WORK. PER TOOTH .. 5.00 A Morning Published and for sale by basis: SET OF TEETH 5. 00 Stimulant Cube and Granulated. Pacific Coast, 30 cents per $100. SILVER FILLING 50 Wall, Nichols Co. Canada. HO cents per $100. Teeth extracted without pain. With No PALM OILS, Atlantic Coast, 50 cents per $100. We use the best materials teeth, Reaction LIMITED. London, $4.S94 per pound sterling. Md. rubber, etc., and all work Is fullr Lucol and Linseed. London, sixty days. $4.86 per pound guaranteed to be entirely satisfactory. HONOLULU AND HILO, H. I. Any work that should not prove satis- s sterling. Many STEAM PIPF COVERING, France, 5.10 francs per dollar. factory will be attended to free of people have learned the value of an Frankfort, Germany. per charge. Reed's Patent Elastic Section mark. All our Instruments are thoroughly internal bath in iha morning, but many more Covering. Auckland and Sydney, $4.95 per pound sterilized, every napkin sterling. and antiseptic. Hours: 8 a. m. to 6 p. m.; Sundays. will be delighted when they have felt the men- INDURINE, Hongkong, 45 32 per Mexican dol- i a. m. to 12 m. lar. tal poise and physical exhilaration Water-pro- of Cold Paint, which Water Amoy, 47"i per Mexican dollar. Room 4, Elite Building. Hotel St. Inside and outMde, In white and comes with the practice of slowly GINGER ALE, Singapore and Shanghai, $164 per Ladles In attendance. sipping one colors. Mexican dollar. or two glasses of LEMON SODA, Yokohama. .10 per Jap. yen. FILTER PRESS CLOTH Manila and Hollo, V. I., 47U per A Linen and Jute. S A USA PAR ILL A Mexican dollar. Hiogo. Kobe anil Nagasaki, 00-- 4 per 320 WHITE ROCK CEMENT, LIME AND BRICKS and IRON, Jap. yen. WATER S TR AW B E R RY, ETC. BUILDING MATERIAL PRICES. NOR'WEST (Douglas Fir). immediately on arising. The stimulating prop- Tf--r M. Ft. erties of this water are fascinating. enlivt-n-s Made of the purest extracts by Rough merchantable. 1x6 to ttxS, It The "Dr. Aiden E I e c t ric AGEHTS not over Z2 feet long $26. 00 with s u s p e nsory) is the brain and sharpens the faculties for the Rough merchantable, over 12 in. guaranteed viv to possess all the WESTERN SUGAR REFINING CO., wide, or over 32 ft. long 27. curative properties of ihe expensive duties of the coming day. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. Consolidated Soda 1x3, 4. 5 belts now sold ly doctors and drug-- Rouch merchantable. and very strong 1x4 S o gists. It elves a current Works Company, Ltd, i I of electricity and is easily regulated. BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS, Housrh timber. .".1' and ovo: to supersede others. Can be PHILADELPHIA, FA. above 6.00 (Round the undersigned onlv; JfO Telephone Main 71. Tmieiii'. anl groov.-d- , 1x6 3...)t AGENTS: NO DISCOUNT. Circular W. C Peacock & Co., Ltd., Agents. Tongu'd and grovt-d- , 1x4 l'4x4. (free. Address FIERCE ELECTRIC NEWELL UNIVERSAL MILL CO., ICO., 206 Manufacturers and 6 37 50 Tost St., San Francisco. Sent of National Cane double-la- p 'free to Hawaii on receipt of $5. Shredder, Rustic and siding 37 r.o! New York. WM.G. IRWIN & CO., LTD. Clear, surfaced one side, slash j grain 4.00 ECa Wm. G Irwin. .President and Manager Clear, surfaced cne sid- ster-pin- 40.0) W. Ahana & Go., ISOSH9IV3A PARAFFINE PAINT COMPANY. Claus Spreckela First Vice-Preside- nt Pi kn. rough poJnteu, boaru King Street, next to Castle & Cooke. Sin Francisco, CaL W. M. G iffaid... Second Vice-P- rt sid-i.t measure 27. LIMITED. II. 51. Whitney Jr.. .Treasurer and Sec.) REDWOOD. w. W. AHANA, Pres't and Manager. & George W. Ross Auditor OHLANDT CO.. Rourh merchant:iblo $27.50 San Franctaco. Cal. SUGAR FACTORS Rough Flumlng 32.50 Merchant Tai'or, AND Kouch clear 35. ("1 1038 Nuuanu Avenue. New 1 Line Rough battens. 1x2 an 3 32.00 of Fine Shirts The Silent Barber Shoe Commission Agents Clear, surfaced on sid up to is Will give you nice fitting clothes in. wide 35. ol and for ' Stanley and Golf AGENTS I Ar Thoroughly Disinfected Befor FOR THE Ton Mil nn.l irik;ivi.l .r Vrlng. Rustic an-- 35.00 rinv ; -- From - n- - T- 25,,o.than you can get them for eleee- - 50c to JOSEPH FERNANDEZ. Prop., Of :Vi?ai. ' J!1:- i- -- 75c. . C ;. wuerc arllnKton HoteL I sn Hotel - Rtrt j Clear, surfaced one sid- 12 and New Territory Restaurant 14 in 4't Q. HOP & CO. ilear. surfaced one side. 15 and YE SPJRIXG GOODS nm iiATciiiNcs JUST OPENED IS in 42.50 I Inre Brsl White Leghorns, IN THE NEW BUILDING OPPOSITE PHINGLKS. IKAIIIJM MKAT MAKKET M 1 SiTrt per Petting. CLUB STABLES. ! Pe r m. n rn'try. ' u Meals 25c. Redwood, common :?.to t,U3 an- - WIUUAMAV Tickets, J4.50. f FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. clJelt Stre btfre mak,n& dl.Lbet!Purchases. The . gocin- - I First-clas- s. Redwo1d. fancy andsie, Wahiiwa, Oahn. Everything Street, (cedar, sawn 2 Beretania corner Alakea. Thone Blue 2511. Lawns, Batistes, Organdies, Dimities, Cedar, sawn. 5 2 4.00 Swiss, Ginghams, Etc. COTTON BROS. & ALL KINDS OF Also a larer assortment of Wash Braids. All roods Platnlj mark,d CO. LATHS. and many displayed in our windows. ENGINEERS AND GENERAL CON- Ter n u. REMOVED TRACTORS. 4 ft. lort to bundle J CUI5 spkciai salt; fi ft. r.o to bun.U? 65 WOMAN'S EXCHANGE of mks iiosk 5 50 S.0 frmer pr,ce' three 1a!rs J ft. to bun'llf Plans arid Katlmatea furr-.ih- for all TO forlSowlSTalr.0' eiM of Coftmctlng Qoodyaar Rubber Go. POSTS. Work. R- Boston Block, - H. PEASE. Pri(JeaL Each Hotel St., Arlington Annex. Progress Plock. Honolulu. a CaL. TJ.K.A Split Fort St., I"nrUeo. redwood .$ 0.22 xt t A A. Montano' Millinery Parlors. near Beretania.