12 PAGES. IS ILiOUL ESTABLISHED JULY J. 1S5. VOL. XXXV NO. 6107. HONOLULU, HAWAII TERRITORY. TUESDAY, MARCH 4, 1902. PRICE FIVE CENTS. WELCOMING HIGH BLOOD IS WHEN TRADE WINDS ARE ! X THEPR1NCE lf . .i ... x THE SENATE it Henry of Prussia!! South Garolinans """ 1 il IT l uuest or tne Come to Nation. Blows. CilJ out Ano a"--R.- . " ROYAL HONORS t 6 & TILLAAN AND PAID TO VISITOR M'LAURIN FIGHT Is Received by the' President and Both Held in Contempt by the Dines at the White House. Senate The President's Dis- Many Incidents. pleasure is Shown. WASIIINGTON, February 22. Wash- NKW YORK, February 23. Prince ington's birthday was signalized in the Henry reached New York today, and United States Senate by a fist fight. ' wai cordially welcomed as a truest of 1 The two Senators from South Carolina tbe Nation. were the active participants In the af- "When the suns of Fort Wads w orth fray. Tillman in the course of a speech sounded tbeir first salute Prince Henry upon the Philippine tariff bill made saluted by his cap and his band serious reflections upon the honor of raisins his colleague, McLaurin. In brief, he played "The Star Spangled Itanner." charged that his vote in support of th The salutes of the forts across the Nar ratification of the treaty of Paris had row boomed and w hen these had been been cast through the exercise of Im- Admiral Evans went on board T-n-e proper influences. finished McLaurin was not in the chamber Kronprlnx and formally welcomed X at the time, being engaged In commit- trrt Prince. - tee work, but he was sent for, and ap- n the way up the bay the Herman peared Just as Tillman concluded his rose was hoisted by the Kron- - speech. Pale as ashes, McLaurin to address the Senate, speaking to a rrlrsz and the naval vessels saluted. question of personal privilege. He re- j th San Francisco, the Olympla. the e: - viewed Tillman's charges briefly, and ttincinnatl and the Illinois lying in or- TH wind. then denounced the statement made to be by his colleageu as a "willful, mali- der. The Prince seemed familiar lie." acquain- cious and deliberate with the city and showed his v J Scarcely had the words fallen from tance Ly calling attention to land his lips when Tillman, sitting a few i him, with Teller of Colora- mark I r seats from After be landed he was escorted to . I do between them, sprang at him. Mc- HOLOCAUST C, GEO. CARTER Laurin, who had half turned toward the Imperial yacht llohenzollern. which DEATH OF E MACFARLANE Tillman met him half, way, and in an will be his home In New York. There IN A HOTEL " IS RETICENT instant these two Senators having , .received the representatives of th swept Teller aside, were engaged in a he WHILE HIS TOUR re- WEDDING rough-and-tumb- ON le JLvny Navy and the German ofll fight. McLaurin and (Special to The Advertiser.) heavy blow on the forehead, special representatives of the NEW TOriK, February 22. While ceived a rials, 25.-- while got a punch on the nose ! FRANCISCO. February Tillman President and the city officials. the truests of the Park Avenue hotel, a SAN which brought blood. here from Hono- - At luncheon the Prince entertained building supposed to tx fireproof, were George Carter arrived Assistant Sergeant at Arms Layton February 18, and left here on to and Bepar- - those of his callers who were of the watching the spectacular burning or lulu on Pprang over desks reach or reoruary zv. was me Navy, and later in the day returned his the Seventy-tlrs- t Regiment armory op- the morning lie aie rumuaioms au " any reporters, al- - "everal blows, ire got between them ofTleial calls and made an Inspection of In hotel. Ue-f-- re not Interviewed by posite, fire broke out the - finai,y and by main strength wrenched the Illinois. He entertained a number be given the though all the papers sent representa- flpart senatdrs Wrarren of Wy of American officials at dinner and the alarm could them up shafts, prac- - tives, w ho made frantic endeavors to omingr and Scott of West Virginia, two spent the evening at a reception at the Jlames ran the elevator Sen-see- n, Carter. Carter was not to be of the most powerful men In the peutscher Verein Club house, Fror.i tically cutting off The scenes catch - rat- - any qdes- ate, leaped to his assistance and. point he on his w:ay t- and refused to answer that started were sickening. Rome people jumped or to reply to any written inquir- - ioning the arms of the belligerent den- AVahln2ton. ions In-b- y from high windows and were killed; ies sent him. He was probably warned ators, forced them into their seats. ireutvf'TflV ruhrtn rv Prlnf Sen-w- as t death in their rooms, the example of Sam Parker, who tense excitement prevailed in th Henry's visit to the Capital today was others burned galleries, which were thronged He was met at who had narrow escapes quoted or misquoted all over the ate and one full of Interest. ,moflg those having Roosevelt with people, who had been attracted the depot by Secretary of State Hay, N. country as said that was were Hpar Adm,raj jseph Miller. had promised to make him Governor of by the spirited debate. Everybody on-hi- word, however, was Hawaii, and to oust Sanford B. Dole, s feet. Not a up about the cham-m- y President and the injured seventeen. Among the I didn't see Carter, although I sent spoken. Senators stood changed greetings with tbe as representative of The Ad- - ber for the moment quite helpless and . IT. S. A., card re-ta- lk ami ivn M.'nr'cil to lh German .i.ij are Cul. Alexander Piper, he would pale to lips. Finally order was he received the Pres vertiser. I thought perhaps the or rmi!iv where formerly in command of the Presidio; me. if anyone, as I know him stored partially, and in the midst upon to In-wo- rd ident's return call. He left cards mine-ow- n I for-tip- Acton, a millionaire supposed he would want intense excitement the Senatewent the various representatives of the n Norman well, and L.. - j his friends to secret session. Colorado Springs; Col. C. Ilur- -7 of himself sent bac kto er of . -"- powers and received their calls. !V' 4 Mr , , i two hours it discussed the vent thf Li- Conn., who command-- j in Hawaii. For Later in the day he visited det of Hartford. had the frosty hand and behind closed doors! When the dor Senate and war; Kx-- j Rut Carter brary tf C.ngr.'ss and the ed a regiment in the Spanish mm?--' glasyeye for all curious people. He ,vore opened it was made known that House. In the former he arrived while GaMon A. Ilobblns of' hotel,' was of South Carolina Senators by over Congressman stayed at the Occidental but both the to l:ailry of Texas was in a debate phi- very little of his time unanimous vote had been declared voting on the Phil- Alabama; Mrs. Salome Foster, a in that hostelry or They the xc!ufn fr.m wMle here contempt the Senate. MM the Prince lanthropist known in New York as the or Senate ippine of Tillman, and 'were. permitted by a vote the CHARY e beside Mr. and seemed t en Angel." CARTER .Ais ,,. ,r. tho -Of.n-.t- Their- sat Fr? "Tombs in- lo make aimsir.i joy the scene very mu. f. H en The Call reporter who sought to statements were listenea to uj now. applauded. Carter, evidently had a hard people in the ith tnu.jast:ca!ly nn Tr M AfC terview story the Senators and the The ceremonies of the day conclude JQf J llrtVL time of It, for the Call published a breathless interest. Senator with the second royal stale oinner about Carter which was headed "His Tillman left the Capitol when adjourn- has ver leen held in the White Haughtiness George Carter." was for recess and did not that which RECIPROCITY mis- ment taken House. The first was that at The fact is that Carter made a return for the night session. Senator Allien Kdward. now King of Great t in his treatment of the newspapers was chamber about gu-- st The take McLaurin in the PriMin. was the f honor. at least seen re- rtn-ate- r IIous. February 22. The here. He should have o'clock, but left early. Neither gr.at .:ut ro.m at the White WASIIlXGTtN, been courteous to them. home l hail, and porters and when seen at his wuld wa convertt-.- Into a dining Republican members of the Ways and Associated Press and other of pub- V As it Is the make any statement. prominent men, in all branches Committee, who been con- - Z, sr32 claimed to have been dis- ana lic were invit l exching Means have reporters who The status of Senators Tillman fervice by George, have eon-ttm- pt greetings with lh- - skesinan f th courteously treated McLaurin is that they are still In r will not Kmin-ro- and the t statements East, which th-- and only by a G.rman tarer - sent in of Senate this country of hi own a:;d h I aid the cause of good government vote of the Senate can either b pi.
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