Secret Derived -From Secret
:SEW NAZI WAR CRIMES DISCLOSURE ACT QUESTIONNAIRE SUBMITTED TO MR. LEBED IN CONNECTION WITH CLEARING HIS NAME WITH IMMIGRATION AND NATURALIZATION SERVICE [8 APRIL 1952] rItital r uVt5iSkst: tY I. BIOGRAPHIC DATA 1. Date and Place of Birth (A) I was born on 23 November 1909 (baptised on 11 Decem- ber) in a little town Strilyska Novi, now known as Strilychi Novi, the rayon center of Drohobych Oblast. e=it fr;,N-L1 2. Family Background -- Give Details Regarding Agel. Eaml Education, Occu ation Political Activities Socio-Economic Status, Etc. afa gagE: a. Father: (A) Mykhaylo, about 67 years old. ArEgsat a.4111 in 1947 in the Rohatyn district at his friends farmstead. Oli051 Alm fate is not known. My father completed four years of primaft, Tia t-,4t. In school and three years of vocational school. Occupation: pmnots farmer-beekeeper; also tailor in his free time. Not a party041 PLihJi member; a nationally-conscious Ukrainian. His socio-economi -1747, 4 level, given the economic conditions in Western Ukraine--a mid-level peasant. b. Mother: (A) Kateryna nee Mazovsky, died in 1944 immediately after the arrest by the Gestapo of my wife, daughter, DECLASSIFIED AND RELEASED BY CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY SOURCESMETHODS EXEMPTION3B2B (A) = Mr. Lebeds answers to the QuestionnaireNAZI WAR CRIMESDISCLOSUREACT DATE 2003 2005 [] = Editors explanatory terms. ..1.10114C.N. WARNING NOTICE Ctrat It INTELLIGENCE SOURCES um OR METHODS INVOLVED ,SECRET DERIVED -FROM SECRET and family. She was about 55 years old. By birth, on her fathers side, my mother was of Polish discent. Her father was a Roman Catholic and was descended from the Polish yeomanry [nobility]; he was Ukrainianized.