605 Abstract-Longfin inshore (Loligo Seasonal and size-based predation on pealeii) and northern shortfin (lllex illecebrosus) squids are considered two species of squid by four fish predators important prey species in the North west Atlantic shelf ecosystem. The on the Northwest Atlantic continental shelf diets of four major squid predators, bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix), goose Michelle D. Staudinger fish (Lophius americanus), silver hake (Merluccius bilinearis), and summer Department of Natural Resources Conservation flounder (Paralichthys dentatus), were 160 Holdsworth Way examined for seasonal and size-based University of Massachusetts, Amherst changes in feeding habits. Summer Amherst, Massachusetts 01003-9285 and winter, two time periods largely Email address:
[email protected] absent from previous evaluations, were found to be the most impor tant seasons for predation on squid, and are also the periods when the majority of squid are landed by the regional fishery. Bluefish >450 mm, silver hake >300 mm, and summer Global depletion of marine predators significant predators of squid (Bow flounder >400 mm were all found has had dramatic effects on ecosys man et al., 2000). Squid represented to be significant predators of squid. tem structure and function (May et between 17% and 95% of the total These same size fish correspond to al., 1979; Jackson et al., 2001; Pauly mass consumed by these four finfish age classes currently targeted for et al., 2002). In many systems, the regionally. Dramatic changes in stock biomass expansion by management ramifications of such changes may not abundance and population structure committees. This study highlights be fully realized. Groundfish declines have occurred since specimens for the importance of understanding how have been linked to simultaneous Bowman et al.'s study were collect squid and predator interactions vary increases in cephalopod landings temporally and with changes in com ed 25-45 years ago.