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Operational Assessment 2019 Northeast Fisheries Science Center Reference Document 20-01 Operational Assessment of the Black Sea Bass, Scup, Bluefish, and Monkfish Stocks, Updated Through 2018 by Northeast Fisheries Science Center January 2020 Northeast Fisheries Science Center Reference Document 20-01 Operational Assessment of the Black Sea Bass, Scup, Bluefish, and Monkfish Stocks, Updated Through 2018 by Northeast Fisheries Science Center NOAA Fisheries Service, Northeast Fisheries Science Center, 166 Water Street, Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543 USA US DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Marine Fisheries Service Northeast Fisheries Science Center Woods Hole, Massachusetts January 2020 Northeast Fisheries Science Center Reference Documents This series is a secondary scientific series designed to assure the long-term documentation and to enable the timely transmission of research results by Center and/or non-Center researchers, where such results bear upon the research mission of the Center (see the outside back cover for the mission statement). These documents receive internal scientific review, and most receive copyediting. The National Marine Fisheries Service does not endorse any proprietary material, process, or product mentioned in these documents. If you do not have Internet access, you may obtain a paper copy of a document by contacting the senior Center author of the desired document. Refer to the title page of the document for the senior Center author’s name and mailing address. If there is no Center author, or if there is corporate (i.e., non-individualized) authorship, then contact the Center’s Woods Hole Laboratory Library (166 Water St., Woods Hole, MA 02543-1026). Information Quality Act Compliance: In accordance with section 515 of Public Law 106-554, the Northeast Fisheries Science Center completed both technical and policy reviews for this report. These predissemination reviews are on file at the NEFSC Editorial Office. This document may be cited as: Northeast Fisheries Science Center. 2020. Operational assessment of the black sea bass, scup, bluefish, and monkfish stocks, updated through 2018. NEFSC Ref Doc 20- 01; 160 p. Available from: http://www.nefsc.noaa.gov/publications/ Contents Contents .......................................................................................................................................... 2 Preface ............................................................................................................................................. 4 Report of the 2019 Operational Assessment Review Committee (OARC) (Aug. 2019) .............. 5 OARC Comments on 2019 Operational Assessment: Monkfish ................................................ 6 OARC Comments on 2019 Operational Assessment: Black Sea Bass..................................... 10 OARC Comments on 2019 Operational Assessment: Scup ..................................................... 13 OARC Comments on 2019 Operational Assessment: Bluefish ................................................ 16 OARC Recommendations for Process Improvements .............................................................. 19 Stock Assessment Terms of Reference ......................................................................................... 20 A: Black Sea Bass Operational Assessment for 2019 .................................................................. 21 State of Stock ............................................................................................................................ 21 OFL Projections ........................................................................................................................ 21 Catch ......................................................................................................................................... 21 Catch and Status Table: Black Sea Bass ................................................................................... 22 Stock Distribution and Identification ........................................................................................ 23 Assessment Model .................................................................................................................... 23 Biological Reference Points (BRPs) ......................................................................................... 23 Qualitative status description .................................................................................................... 24 Research and Data Issues .......................................................................................................... 24 References ................................................................................................................................. 24 Tables ........................................................................................................................................ 26 Figures....................................................................................................................................... 28 B: Scup Operational Assessment for 2019 ................................................................................... 32 State of Stock ............................................................................................................................ 32 OFL Projections ........................................................................................................................ 32 Catch ......................................................................................................................................... 32 Catch and Status Table: Scup ................................................................................................... 34 Stock Distribution and Identification ........................................................................................ 35 Assessment Model .................................................................................................................... 35 Biological Reference Points (BRPs) ......................................................................................... 35 Qualitative status description .................................................................................................... 36 Research and Data Issues .......................................................................................................... 36 Operational Assessment August 2019 2 Table of Contents References ................................................................................................................................. 36 Tables ........................................................................................................................................ 37 Figures....................................................................................................................................... 40 C: Atlantic Bluefish Operational Assessment for 2019 ................................................................ 45 State of Stock ............................................................................................................................ 45 OFL Projections ........................................................................................................................ 45 Catch ......................................................................................................................................... 45 Catch and Status Table: Atlantic bluefish ................................................................................. 46 Stock Distribution and Identification ........................................................................................ 46 Assessment Model .................................................................................................................... 47 Biological Reference Points (BRPs) ......................................................................................... 47 Qualitative status description .................................................................................................... 47 Research and Data Issues .......................................................................................................... 48 References ................................................................................................................................. 48 Tables ........................................................................................................................................ 49 Figures....................................................................................................................................... 51 D. Monkfish Operational Assessment for 2019 ............................................................................ 56 Executive Summary .................................................................................................................. 56 Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 57 TOR 1. Update data .................................................................................................................. 59 TOR 2. Estimate F, R, B ........................................................................................................... 64 TOR 3. Update BRPs ................................................................................................................ 65 TOR 4. Stock Status .................................................................................................................
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