玫瑰宴 Rose Wedding



百年好合 精美凉菜六小碟 Assorted Appetizers

凤鸣朝阳 潮式卤水大拼盘 Marinated Meat Combination

欣欣向荣 白灼游水基围虾 Boiled Shrimps

金玉满堂 润肺杏仁瘦肉汤 Almond Lean Meat Soup

富贵有余 雀巢碧绿炒双脆 Celery Fried Duck and Squid

瑞气吉祥 乡村风味煲圆蹄 Country Style Pork Feet

良辰吉日 脆奶配果蔬沙拉 Fruit and Vegetable Salad with Deep Fried Milk

年年有余 清蒸生猛多宝鱼 Steamed Turbot Fish

吉祥如意 酸汤米线老肉片 Vermicelli with Meat in Sour Soup

情深似海 鲜椒麻辣野兔丁 Spicy Rabbit

锦上添花 双菇扒田园时蔬 Mixed Mushrooms with Seasonal Vegetables

佳偶天成 上汤高山娃娃菜 Braised Baby Cabbage

满堂喜庆 幸福炒饭 Happiness Fried Rice

心心相印 美点双辉 Two Kinds of

早生贵子 时令甜品 Seasonal Dessert

普天同庆 水果拼盘 Fruit Platter

* 以上价格均为人民币,需加收10%服务费及6%增值税 * All prices are in CNY and subject to 10% service charge and 6% VAT

玫瑰宴 Rose Wedding



百年好合 精美凉菜六小碟 Assorted Appetizers

凤鸣朝阳 广式烧味大拼盘 Barbecue Meat Combination

欣欣向荣 鸳鸯游水基围虾 Boiled Shrimps

金玉满堂 脆烟肉卷配虾片 Crispy Bacon Roll with Shrimp Crackers

富贵有余 窝头好彩粒粒香 Steamed Corn Bread with Vegetables

瑞气吉祥 金银蒜茸蒸元贝 Steamed Scallops

良辰吉日 清补凉炖老鸭汤 Duck Soup

年年有余 清蒸生猛鲜鲈鱼 Steamed Sea Bass

吉祥如意 锡纸鲜椒陈皮兔 Chili Rabbit

情深似海 泡椒美蛙黄鳝段 Pickled Pepper Frog with Braised Eel(Chinese)

锦上添花 双菇扒田园时蔬 Mixed Mushrooms with Seasonal Vegetables

佳偶天成 上汤高山娃娃菜 Braised Baby Cabbage

满堂喜庆 扬州炒饭 Yangzhou Style Fried Rice

心心相印 美点双辉 Two Kinds of Dim Sum

早生贵子 时令甜品 Seasonal Dessert

普天同庆 鲜果拼盘 Fruit Platter

* 以上价格均为人民币,需加收10%服务费及6%增值税 * All prices are in CNY and subject to 10% service charge and 6% VAT

百合宴 Lily Wedding



百年好合 精美凉菜六小碟 Assorted Appetizers

凤鸣朝阳 烧味拼盘 Barbecue Meat Combination

欣欣向荣 鸳鸯基围虾 Poached and Spicy Shrimps

金玉满堂 香辣雪花牛肉 Beef ‘’ Style

富贵有余 雀巢碧绿花枝鸭胸 Celery Fried Duck Breast and Squid

瑞气吉祥 蜜枣干贝炖菜胆 Double Boiled Scallops, Honey Date with Vegetables

良辰吉日 广式红烧肉 Braised Meat in Soy Sauce

年年有余 清蒸多宝鱼 Steamed Turbot Fish

吉祥如意 泡椒美蛙鳝段 Pickled Pepper Frog with Braised Eel(Chinese)

情深似海 玫瑰豉油皇乳鸽 Steamed Pigeon in Soy Sauce

锦上添花 双菇扒时蔬 Mixed Mushrooms with Seasonal Vegetables

佳偶天成 上汤高山娃娃菜 Braised Baby Cabbage

满堂喜庆 扬州炒饭 Yangzhou Style Fried Rice

心心相印 美点双辉 Two kinds of Dim Sum

早生贵子 时令甜品 Seasonal Dessert

普天同庆 鲜果拼盘 Fruit Platter

* 以上价格均为人民币,需加收10%服务费及6%增值税 * All prices are in CNY and subject to 10% service charge and 6% VAT

百合宴 Lily Wedding



百年好合 精美凉菜六小碟 Assorted Appetizers

凤鸣朝阳 潮式卤水拼盘 Marinated Meat Combination

欣欣向荣 白灼基围虾 Boiled Shrimps

金玉满堂 碧绿杏菇爆双柳 Chicken Mushroom Fried Pork and Beef

富贵有余 椒盐花枝拼脆皮卷 Salt and Pepper Squid with Crispy Roll

瑞气吉祥 重庆麻辣烫 Chongqing Malatang

良辰吉日 香辣五彩兔丁 Spicy Rabbit

年年有余 清蒸老虎斑 Steamed Tiger Garoupa

吉祥如意 虫草花炖乳鸽 Cordyceps Flower Stewed Pigeon

情深似海 玫瑰豉油鸡 Steamed Chicken in Soy Sauce

锦上添花 双菇扒时蔬 Mixed Mushrooms with Seasonal Vegetables

佳偶天成 上汤浸时蔬 Braised Seasonal Vegetables

满堂喜庆 叉烧虾仁炒饭 Shrimps Fried Rice with Pork

心心相印 美点双辉 Two kinds of Dim Sum

早生贵子 时令甜品 Seasonal Dessert

普天同庆 鲜果拼盘 Fruit Platter

* 以上价格均为人民币,需加收10%服务费及6%增值税 * All prices are in CNY and subject to 10% service charge and 6% VAT

翡翠宴 Jade Wedding



百年好合 精美凉菜六小碟 Assorted Appetizers

凤鸣朝阳 广式烧味大拼盘 Barbecue Meat Combination

欣欣向荣 鸳鸯基围虾 Poached and Spicy Shrimps

金玉满堂 蒜蓉蒸大连鲜鲍 Garlic steamed Abalone 配元贝 with Scallops

富贵有余 香辣雪花牛肉 Beef ‘Sichuan’ Style

瑞气吉祥 雀巢碧绿花枝鸭胸 Celery Fried Duck Breast and Squid

良辰吉日 广式红烧肉 Cantonese braised Meat in Soy Sauce

年年有余 清蒸多宝鱼 Steamed Turbot Fish

吉祥如意 花旗参炖乌鸡 American Ginseng Stewed Chicken

情深似海 玫瑰豉油皇乳鸽 Steamed Pigeon in Soy Sauce

锦上添花 泡椒美蛙鳝段 Pickled Pepper Frog with Braised Eel(Chinese)

佳偶天成 上汤娃娃菜 Braised Baby Cabbage

满堂喜庆 扬州炒饭 Yangzhou Style Fried Rice

心心相印 美点双辉 Two kinds of Dim Sum

早生贵子 时令甜品 Seasonal Dessert

普天同庆 鲜果拼盘 Fruit Platter

* 以上价格均为人民币,需加收10%服务费及6%增值税 * All prices are in CNY and subject to 10% service charge and 6% VAT

翡翠宴 Jade Wedding



百年好合 精美凉菜六小碟 Assorted Appetizers

凤鸣朝阳 广式烧味大拼盘 Barbecue Meat Combination

欣欣向荣 蒜茸蒸加拿大龙虾 Garlic steamed Canadian Lobster

金玉满堂 银锅黑椒鸭胸 Duck Breasts with Onion

富贵有余 好彩粒粒香 Vegetable Grains with Steamed Corn Bread

瑞气吉祥 瑶柱菜胆炖猪展 Double Boiled Pork with Vegetables

良辰吉日 野菇泡椒兔 Pickled Chilli Rabbit with Wild Mushrooms

年年有余 清蒸鲜鲈鱼 Steamed Sea Bass

吉祥如意 沸腾老肉片 Spicy Pork Sichuan Style

情深似海 玫瑰豉油鸡 Steamed Chicken in Soy Sauce

锦上添花 双菇扒时蔬 Mixed Mushrooms with Seasonal Vegetables

佳偶天成 金汤娃娃菜 Braised Baby Cabbage

满堂喜庆 食神炒饭 Chef’s Special Fried Rice

心心相印 美点双辉 Two kinds of Dim Sum

早生贵子 时令甜品 Seasonal Dessert

普天同庆 鲜果拼盘 Fruit Platter

* 以上价格均为人民币,需加收10%服务费及6%增值税 * All prices are in CNY and subject to 10% service charge and 6% VAT

珊瑚宴 Coral Wedding



百年好合 精美凉菜六小碟 Assorted Appetizers

凤鸣朝阳 好味汁银锅虾 Baked Prawn in Broth

欣欣向荣 鸿运金猪全体 Suckling Pig Platter

金玉满堂 酱皇碧绿花枝爽肉 Fried Sliced Pork with Squid and Celery

富贵有余 脆皮烟肉卷配虾片 Crispy Bacon Roll with Shrimp Crackers

瑞气吉祥 虫草花炖老鸭 Stewed Duck with Cordyceps Flower

良辰吉日 酸汤老肉兔 Stewed Diced Rabbit in Sour Soup

年年有余 清蒸老虎斑 Steamed Tiger Garoupa

吉祥如意 鲜椒美国牛仔骨 Braised US Short Ribs with Fresh Pepper

情深似海 玫瑰豉油鸡 Steamed Chicken in Soy Sauce

锦上添花 百灵菇扒鹅掌 Braised Goose Paw with Mushrooms

佳偶天成 上汤时蔬 Braised seasonal vegetables

满堂喜庆 幸福炒饭 Happiness Fried Rice

心心相印 美点双辉 Two kinds of Dim Sum

早生贵子 酒酿小汤圆 Rice with Fermented Rice Soup

普天同庆 鲜果拼盘 Fruit Platter

* 以上价格均为人民币,需加收10%服务费及6%增值税 * All prices are in CNY and subject to 10% service charge and 6% VAT

珊瑚宴 Coral Wedding



百年好合 精美凉菜六小碟 Assorted Appetizers

凤鸣朝阳 桑拿海鲜盘 Seafood Platter 鲜鲍、元贝、基围虾 abalone, scallop, shrimp

欣欣向荣 鸿运金猪大拼盘 Suckling Pig and Barbeque Meat Platter

金玉满堂 银盘美国牛仔骨 US Beef Ribs

富贵有余 脆皮鸡圈掌中宝 Crispy Chicken

瑞气吉祥 养颜花胶瘦肉汤 Fish Maw Meat Soup

良辰吉日 酸汤老肉兔 Stewed Diced Rabbit in Sour Soup

年年有余 清蒸老虎斑 Steamed Tiger Garoupa

吉祥如意 鲜椒麻辣爽肉 Fresh Chili Fried Meat

情深似海 豉油皇双喜鸽 Steamed Pigeon in Soy Sauce

锦上添花 百灵菇扒鹅掌 Braised Goose Paw with Mushrooms

佳偶天成 上汤时蔬 Braised seasonal vegetables

满堂喜庆 幸福炒饭 Happiness Fried Rice

心心相印 美点双辉 Two kinds of Dim Sum

早生贵子 酒酿小汤圆 Rice Dumpling with Fermented Rice Soup

普天同庆 鲜果拼盘 Fruit Platter

* 以上价格均为人民币,需加收10%服务费及6%增值税 * All prices are in CNY and subject to 10% service charge and 6% VAT

钻石宴 Diamond Wedding



百年好合 精美凉菜六小碟 Assorted Appetizers

凤鸣朝阳 蒜茸粉丝蒸大龙虾 Garlic Steamed Lobster 欣欣向荣 乳猪烧味拼盘 Roasted Suckling Pig and Barbeque Meat Platter

金玉满堂 酱皇碧绿花枝爽肉 Braised Sliced Pork with Squid and Celery

富贵有余 脆皮鸡圈掌中宝 Crispy Chicken

瑞气吉祥 虫草花炖老鸭 Stewed Duck with Cordyceps Flower

良辰吉日 酸汤老肉兔 Stewed Diced Rabbit in Sour Soup

年年有余 清蒸老虎斑 Steamed Tiger Garoupa

吉祥如意 鲜椒美国牛仔骨 Braised US Beff Short Ribs with Fresh Pepper

情深似海 玫瑰豉油鸡 Steamed Chicken in Soy Sauce

锦上添花 百灵菇扒鹅掌 Braised Goose Paw with Mushrooms

佳偶天成 上汤时蔬 Braised seasonal vegetables

满堂喜庆 幸福炒饭 Happiness Fried Rice

心心相印 美点双辉 Two kinds of Dim Sum

早生贵子 酒酿小汤圆 Rice Dumpling with Fermented Rice Soup

普天同庆 鲜果拼盘 Fruit Platter

* 以上价格均为人民币,需加收10%服务费及6%增值税 * All prices are in CNY and subject to 10% service charge and 6% VAT

钻石宴 Diamond Wedding



百年好合 精美凉菜六小碟 Assorted Appetizers

凤鸣朝阳 上汤焗大龙虾 Baked Lobster in Broth 欣欣向荣 乳猪烧味拼盘 Roasted Suckling Pig and Barbeque Meat Platter

金玉满堂 雀巢花枝牛柳 Celery Fried Squid and Beef

富贵有余 脆皮鸡圈掌中宝 Crispy Chicken

瑞气吉祥 鲜人参炖老鸭 Ginseng with Duck Soup

良辰吉日 酸汤老肉兔 Stewed Diced Rabbit in Sour Soup

年年有余 清蒸老虎斑 Steamed Tiger Garoupa

吉祥如意 鲜椒麻辣爽肉 Fresh Chili Fried Meat

情深似海 豉油皇浸双喜鸽 Steamed Pigeon in Soy Sauce

锦上添花 百灵菇扒鹅掌 Braised Goose Paw with Mushrooms

佳偶天成 上汤时蔬 Braised seasonal vegetables

满堂喜庆 幸福炒饭 Happiness Fried Rice

心心相印 美点双辉 Two kinds of Dim Sum

早生贵子 酒酿小汤圆 Rice Dumpling with Fermented Rice Soup

普天同庆 鲜果拼盘 Fruit Platter

* 以上价格均为人民币,需加收10%服务费及6%增值税 * All prices are in CNY and subject to 10% service charge and 6% VAT