A Sampling of Abbreviations

This list is in Word form to make it more adaptible for general use. It can be converted to a table and sorted in various ways, if desired, or material can be easily copied from the list. The contents are not in- tended to be comprehensive an many resources are available, such as the following: DoD Dictionary of Military Terms: Online at http://www.dtic.mil/doctrine/jel/doddict/index.html Air Force Dictionary (AFDD 1-2): download from http://www.e-publishing.af.mil/

With Numbers

1LT first lieutenant [U.S. Army] 1st Lt first lieutenant [U.S. Air Force] 1stLt. first lieutenant [Marine Corps] 2LT second lieutenant [U.S. Army] 2nd Lt second lieutenant [U.S. Air Force] 2ndLt. second lieutenant [Marine Corps]


A aluminum [element] ampere (electricity, SI unit) Å angstrom A.B. artium baccalaureus (bachelor of arts) a.k.a. also known as A.M. artium magister (master of arts) a.m. ante meridiem, morning A/DACG Arrival and Departure Airfield Control Group A/J antijam A2C2 Army Airspace Command and Control A2C2S Army Aviation Command and Control System AA Automated Association Module AA Armed Forces Americas (except Canada) [USPS] AAA Army Audit Agency antiaircraft artillery AAAS American Association for the Advancement of Science AAC Activity Address Code Army Acquisition Corps Army Air Corps (UK Military) AACA Army Airlift Clearance Authority AADPA Assistant Associate Director for Public and Intergovernmental Affairs AAE Army Acquisition Executive AAFES Army and Air Force Exchange System AAI Automatic AUTODIN Interface [also the name of a corporation] AALPS Automated Air Load Planning System AAM air-to-air missile AAN Army After Next AAO Army Acquisition Objectives Authorized Acquisition Objective [U.S. Army] AAPPES Army Automation Planning, Programming, and Evaluation System AAR After Action Report AAWS Advanced Anti-tank Weapon System AB Alberta [USPS] ABC activity-based costing [Army] ABCCC Airborne Command and Control Center Airborne Command Control and Communications ABCS Army Battle Command System ABF asset balance file ABIC Army Battlefield Interface Concept ABIDES Automated Budget Interactive Data Environmental System ABIT Airborne Information Transmission [system] ABL Airborne Laser ABM antiballistic missile Anti-Ballistic Missile treaty ABO Army Budget office ABP Air Battle Plan AC active component Ac actinium AC&I acquisition, construction, and improvements AC2MP Army Command and Control Master Plan ACAS Air Carrier Analysis System Airlift Cycle Assessment System ACC Air Combat Command ACCMP Aircraft Carrier Continuous Maintenance Program ACCS Army Command and Control System ACDA U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency ACE Allied Command Europe Army Corps of Engineers ACES Army Continuing Education System ACHP Advisory Council on Historic Preservation ACI Automated Carrier Interface ACI&C Arms Control Implementation and Compliance ACL Allowable Cabin Load ACLDB Army Central Logistics Data Bank ACN airborne communications node ACNO Assistant Chief of Naval Operations ACO airspace control order administrative contracting officer ACOE Army Common Operating Environment ACOM Atlantic Command ACP Asset Capitalization Program ACPC Arroyo Center Policy Committee [RAND] ACQN acquisition ACR armored cavalry regiment ACRI African Crisis Response Initiative ACS Advanced Communications Systems, Inc. Asset Control System Assistant Chief of Staff ACSA Allied Communications Security Agency [NATO] ACTD advanced concept technology demonstration ACTH adrenocorticotropic hormone ACTO Army Communicative Technology Office ad lib. at will ADA Air Defense Artillery ADAMS Automated Disaster Assistance Management System ADANS Airlift Deployment Analysis System ADI Air Defense Initiative ADM admiral ADMRU Aviation Depot Maintenance Roundout Unit [U.S. Air Force] ADO Army Digitization Office ADP Automated Data Processing ADPE Automated Data Processing Equipment ADPMIS ADP Management Information System [U.S. Air Force] ADPR Automated Data Processing Resources ADS Airspace Deconfliction Software ADS-A Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Addressed ADS-B Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast ADSIA Allied Data Systems Implementation Agency [NATO] ADT Active Duty for Training ADT Architecture Development Team [U.S. Air Force] ADTLP Army Doctrinal Training and Literature Program ADUSD(SCI) Assistant Deputy Under Secretary of Defense, Supply Chain Integration AE Aeromedical Evacuation Armed Forces Africa [USPS] Armed Forces Canada [USPS] Armed Forces Europe [USPS] Armed Forces Middle East [USPS] AEA Automation Economic Analysis AEC Agency Emergency Coordinators AECC Aeromedical Evacuation Control Center AECE Aeromedical Evacuation Control Element AECM Aeromedical Evacuation Crew Members AEELS Automatic ELINT Emitter Location System AEF air expeditionary force AELT Aeromedical Evacuation Liaison Team AES Aeromedical Evacuation System AESA active electronically steered array AESRS Army Equipment Status Reporting System AEW airborne early warning AF Air Force 1 AF/SC Assistant Chief of Staff for Systems for C4 [U.S. Air Force] AF/SMC Air Force Space and Missile Systems Center AFA Air Force Association AFADS Automatic Force Adjustment Data System AFAG Air Force Advisory Group

1 A note on superscripts: A supercript in an abbreviation (as opposed to math) indicates that the spelled- out version of the term has as many words in it beginning with the given letter as the number denotes. In this case, C4 stands for “command, control, communication, and computers.” In recent years, the nu- meral has more often not been superscripted; this is acceptable, although not traditional. AFAISRC Air Force Automated Information Systems Review Council AFAS Advanced Field Artillery System [U.S. Army] AFATDS Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System AFB air force base

AFB1 Aflatoxin B1 AFCA Air Force Communications Agency AFCAC Air Force Computer Acquisition Center AFCC Air Force Communications Command AFCEA Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association AFCSIO Air Force Communications-Computers Systems Integration Office AFDC Aid to Families with Dependent Children AFDD Air Force Doctrine Document AFDIS Air Force Dial-In System AFFOR Air Force Forces AFFSA Air Force Flight Safety Agency

AFG1 Aflatoxin G1 AFIF Air Force Industrial Fund AFIP Armed Forces Institute of Pathology AFIS American Forces Information Service AFIT Air Force Institute of Technology AFLC Air Force Logistics Command AFLMA Air Force Logistics Management Agency AFM Air Force Manual AFMC Air Force Materiel Command AFMIS Army Food Management Information System AFMSS Air Force Mission Support System AFP Air Force pamphlet AFRES Air Force Reserve AFRL Air Force Research Laboratory AFSAB Air Force Science Advisory Board AFSATCOM Air Force Satellite Communications AFSC Air Force Systems Command AFSCC Air Force Service Component Commander AFSCN Air Force Satellite Control Network AFSPC Air Force Space Command AFTA ASEAN Free Trade Area AFV Armored Fighting Vehicle Ag silver [element] AGCCS Army Global Command and Control System AGCT Army General Classification Test AGI Auxiliary General Intelligence (Russian intelligence-gathering ship) AGL above ground level AGM Air-to-Ground Missile AGS Alliance Ground Surveillance armored gun system AHC Automated Headcount AHMDS Army Hazardous Materials Data System AHQ air headquarters AHS Academy of Health Sciences AI artificial intelligence AI&T assembly, integration, and test AIA Army Information Architecture AIAA American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics AID Agency for International Development AIDS acquired immune deficiency syndrome AIEP Army Ideas for Excellence Program AIM Acquisition Information Management Air Interception Missile AIMC Army Information Management Council AIP ASARS Improvement Program AIRS AMDF Interrogation and Retrieval System AIS automated information system AISARC Automated Information Systems Acquisition Review Council [U.S. Air Force] AIT automatic identification technology AJ antijam AK Alaska [USPS] AKA also known as AL Alabama [USPS] ALA Army Logistics Assessment Ala. Alabama [traditional] Alaska Alaska [traditional] ALA-X Army Logistics Assessment–Extended ALBM air-to-land ballistic missile ALC Acquisition Logistics Center (Army LOGSA) ALCC airlift control center ALCE airlift control element ALCM-C Air-Launched Cruise Missile-Conventional ALLA Allied Long Lines Agency [NATO] ALMARS All Marine Messages ALMC Army Logistics Management College ALMSA Automated Logistics Management Systems Activity [U.S. Army] ALO air-land operation ALOC air line of communication ALPS Automated Labor and Production System ALT administrative lead time Alta. Alberta [traditional] AM air marshal amplitude modulation Am americium [element] Amb. ambassador AMC Air Mobility Command [U.S. Air Force] Army Materiel Command AMCISS AMC Standard Installation Supply System AMCL Approved MILSTRIP Change Letter AMDF Army Master Data File AME air mobility element AMEDDPAS Army Medical Department Property Accounting System AMMO ammunition AMOPES Army Mobilization and Operations Planning and Execution System AMP Army Materiel Plan AMPE Automated Message Processing Exchange AMRAAM advanced medium-range air-to-air missile AMRCOM Armament Materiel Readiness Command [U.S. Army] AMS Aerial Measuring System Automated Manifest System AMSA Area Maintenance Support Activities AMSAA Army Materiel Systems Analysis Activity AMSS Army Materiel Status System AMTI airborne moving target indication AN Alpha Numeric ANC Army Nurse Corps ANCA Allied Naval Communications Agency [NATO] ANG Air National Guard anon. anonymous ANSI American National Standards Institute ANSRS Automated Nonstandard Requisitioning System [U.S. Navy] AO area of operations AOA angle of arrival AOAP Army Oil Analysis Program AOC air operations center AOD area oriented depot AODM/S Area Oriented Depot Modernization and Standardization AOE Army of Excellence AOG aircraft on the ground AOL authorized level of organization [U.S. Army] AOP Army Order of Precedence AOR area of responsibility AP assembly point Armed Forces Pacific [USPS] APA American Psychiatric Association Army Prepositioned Afloat APC armored personnel carrier APE area of potential effect API application programming interface APML Assistant Program Managers for Logistics [U.S. Army] APO Army Post Office APOD aerial port of debarkation (offload) APOE aerial port of embarkation (onload) app. appendix APPS Automated Publications Production System apps. appendixes APS Advanced Planning System American Physical Society AR Army Regulation Arkansas [USPS] Ar argon [element] ARA Assigned Responsible Agency ARC Accounting Requirements Code Air Reserve Component American Red Cross ARCENT Army Component Commanders, Central Command ARCH Architecture ARCOM Army Reserve Command ARDEC Army Armament RD&E Center; Picatinny Arsenal, NJ ARES Amateur Radio Emergency Service ARF ASEAN Regional Forum ARFA Allied Radio Frequencies Agency [NATO] ARFOR Army Forces ARG amphibious ready group ARI Army Research Institute ARIL Automatic Return Item List Ariz. Arizona [traditional] Ark. Arkansas [traditional] ARL Army Research Laboratory ARMS AMDF Retrieval Microform System ARNG Army National Guard ARPA Advanced Research Projects Agency ARPANET Advanced Research Projects Agency Network ARRC Allied Command Europe Rapid Reaction Corps (UK Military) ARSPACE Army Space Command art. article ARTCC Air Route Traffic Control Center arts. articles ARVN Army of the Republic of Vietnam AS antiscintillation antispoofing American Samoa [USPS] As arsenic [element] ASAC Automated System for Army Commissaries ASAFM Assistant Secretary Army Financial Management ASARC Army Systems Acquisition Review Council ASARDA Assistant Secretary Army Research Development Acquisition ASARS Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar System ASAS All Source Analysis System ASAT antisatellite Army Kinetic Energy Anti-Satellite program ASATMS Army Security Assistance Training Management System ASB Army Science Board ASC Army Service Component ASCC Army Service Component Command ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange ASCM antiship cruise missile ASD application system developer ASD(HA) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs ASD(HD) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense ASD(ISA) Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs ASD(LA) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Legislative Affairs ASD(NII/DoD Assistant Secretary of Defense for Networks and Information Integration/Chief Information Officer CIO) ASD(PA) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs ASD(RA) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs ASD(SO/LIC) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low Intensity Conflict ASD(IO) Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Oversight ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations ASF Army Stock Fund ASH Assistant Secretary for Health, Department of Health and Human Services ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers ASI additional skill identifier ASIM Automated Security Incident Measurement ASIMS Army Standard Information Management System ASIOE Associated Support Items of Equipment ASIP Army Stationing and Installation Plan ASL Authorized (or Assigned) Stockage List ASLP Army Strategic Logistics Plan ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASMFC Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission ASMP Army Strategic Mobility Program ASMRO Armed Services Medical Regulating Office [DoD] ASN Army Serial Number assistant secretary of the Navy ASNFM Assistant Secretary Navy Financial Management ASOC Air Support Operations Center ASP Ammunition Supply Point [U.S. Army] ASPG Army Strategic Planning Guidance ASPJ Airborne Self Protection Jammer (Marine) ASPUR Automated System for Processing Unit Requirements ASSIST Automated Systems Security Incident Support Team (DoD) assoc. associate ASSSC Automated Self Service Supply Center ASST C/S Assistant Chief of Staff asst. assistant ASTERX [a commercial e-mail system used in CTAPS] ASTM American Society for Testing Materials ASTMP Army Science and Technology Master Plan AT along track At astatine [element] AT&L Acquisition Technology & Logistics ATAC-AF Advanced Traceability and Control for Air Force ATACC Advanced Tactical Air Command Central ATACMS Army Tactical Missile System ATACS Army Tactical Communications System ATB Advanced Training Base ATC Aberdeen Test Center [U.S. Army] air traffic control ATCA Allied Tactical Communications Agency [NATO] ATCCS Army Tactical Command and Control System ATCIS Automated Tool Control and Inventory System ATCL Army TRADOC CASCOM Lee (Ft. Lee) ATCMD Advance Transportation Control and Movement Document ATCOM Aviation and Troop Command [U.S. Army] ATD Advanced Technology Demonstrations ATF Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms ATGM Anti-Tank Guided Missile ATHS Automatic Target Hand-off System ATLASS Asset Tracking for Logistics and Supply System [Marine Corps] ATM asynchronous transfer mode Airborne Topographic Mapper air traffic management atm atmosphere ATMCT Air Terminal Movement Control Team ATN air traffic notice ATO air tasking order ATP Acquisition and Technology Policy Center (NSRD) ATP Ammunition Transfer Point [U.S. Army] ATPC Automatic Transmit Power Control ATR automatic target recognition ATRRS Army Training Resources and Requirements System Atty. attorney Atty. Gen. attorney general Au gold [element] AUC average unit cost AUEL Automated Unit Equipment List AUS Army of the United States AUTO Automated AUTODIN Automatic Digital Network AUTOROS Automated Retail Outlet System AUTOVON Automatic Voice Network AV Asset Visibility Ave. avenue AWACS Airborne Warning and Control System AWDS Automated Weather Distribution System AWE Advanced Warfighting Experiments AWGN additive white gaussian noise AWN Automated Weather Network AWOL absent without leave AWP awaiting parts Az azimuth AZ Arizona [USPS]


B boron [element] B&P bid and proposal B.A. bachelor of arts B.C. British Columbia [traditional] B.S. bachelor of science B/O back ordered Ba barium [element] BAI battlefield air interdiction BARCAP barrier combat air patrol BAS Battlefield Automated Systems BASN Bay Area Services Network (substance abuse) BAT Brilliant Anti-Tank (munition) BBS Bulletin Board System BC British Columbia [USPS] BCAS Base Contracting Automated System BCE battlefield coordination element BCM basic capability modules BCR Battlefield Communications Review BCT Brigade Combat Team [U.S. Army] BD Battlefield Distribution BDA battle damage assessment BDA bomb damage assessment BDAR battle damage assessment and repair BDE brigade Be beryllium [element] BEA Bureau of Economic Analysis BEQ Best Estimated Quantity BER bit error rate BFA Battlefield Functional Area BFACS Battlefield Functional Area Control Systems BFD Baseline Force Density bfe base flood elevation BFP Baseline Force Package BG brigadier general [U.S. Army] BGen. brigadier general [Marine Corps] Bi bismuth [element] BIA Bureau of Indian Affairs BIFC Boise Interagency Fire Center BII Basic Issue Items BIS Battlefield Information Services [U.S. Army] BITS Battlefield Information Transmission System (Army-CECOM) Bk berkelium [element] BLAST blocked asynchronous transmission [compression protocol] Bldg. building BLM Bureau of Land Management BLOS beyond line of sight BLS Bureau of Labor Statistics Blvd. boulevard BM Battle Management BMCT Branch Movement Control System BMD ballistic missile defense BMDO Ballistic Missile Defense Organization BMEWS Ballistic Missile Early Warning System BMO Biometrics Management Office BMP Boevaya Mashina Pekhota (Russian designation for infantry fighting vehicle) BN battalion BNC Bayonet Navy Connector BOA basic ordering agreement board of advisors BOP Bureau of Prisons BOR Bureau of Reclamation BPI boost-phase intercept BPS bits per second BPSK binary phase shift keying Br bromine [element] Br. brother BRAC base realignment and closures Brig Gen brigadier general [U.S. Air Force] BRL Ballistic Research Laboratory [U.S. Army] Bros. brothers BSA brigade support area BSD battlefield situation display BSF Bell Shock Force BSM business systems modernization BSS Brigade Support System BTU British thermal unit BUR Bottom-Up Review BW beamwidth BWO backward-wave oscillator C

C carbon [element] coulomb (derived SI unit) c curie C.C.A. Circuit Court of Appeals C.O.D. cash on delivery C.P.A. certified public accountant C/A course acquisition C2 command and control C2V Command and Control Vehicle C3 command, control, and communications C3A command, control, communications, and automation C3I command, control, communications, and intelligence C3ISR command, control, communications, intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance C4 command, control, communications, and computers C4I command, control, communications, computers, and intelligence C4ISR command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance C4RDP C4 Requirements Definition Process CA civil affairs commercial activities California [USPS] Ca calcium [element] ca. about, circa [refers to an approximate time, usually but not always in years] CAA the Clean Air Act Command Arrangement Agreement CAAA the Clean Air Act Amendments CAAS Contract Advisory and Asst Services CAB Civil Aeronautics Board CAC combined arms center CACDA Combined Arms Combat Development Activity [U.S. Army] CAD Computer Aided Design CAEMS Computer Aided Embarkation Management System [Marine Corps] CAFE Corporate Average Fuel Economy CAFMS Computer Assisted Force Management System CAFWSP Combat Air Forces Weather Software Program CAG Concept Action Group CAGE commercial and government entity CAGEC Commercial and Government Entity Code CAIMS Conventional Ammunition Information Management System CAISI CSS Automated Information Systems Interface CAIV cost as an independent variable (acquisitions) Cal/EPA California Environmental Protection Agency CALCM conventional air-launched cruise missile Calif. California [traditional] CALMS Computer Aided Load Manifesting System [Marine Corps] CALS Computer Aided Logistics Support CalWORKs California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids CAM Chemical Agent Monitor (a UK detection device) CAM centralized asset management CAMIS Crisis Action Management System CAMO-PAC Central Ammunition Management Office-Pacific CAMS Core Automated Maintenance System CAP combat air patrol community advisory panel Civil Air Patrol crisis action planning CAPS Consolidated Aerial Port System [U.S. Army] CAPT captain [U.S. Navy] Capt captain [U.S. Air Force] Capt. captain [Marine Corps] CAR congressional affairs representative CARS Contingency Airborne Reconnaissance System CARTS CONUS Automated Rate System CAS close air support CAS3 Combined Arms and Services Staff School CASA Cost Analysis Strategy Assessment [U.S. Army] CASCOM Combined Arms Support Command [U.S. Army] CASE computer-aided software engineering CAT crisis action team CATEX categorical exclusion CATS combined arms training strategy CAV commercial asset visibility CB chemical and biological CBO Congressional Budget Office CBP Chesapeake Bay Program CBRS Combat Based Requirements System [U.S. Army] CBS-X Continuing Balance System - Expanded [U.S. Army] CBT combat CBU cluster bomb unit CBW chemical and biological weapons CC crisis counseling cc cubic centimeter (medicine) CC&D camouflage, concealment, and deception CCAAWP Central Collection Activity for the Army Warranty Program CCAFS Cape Canaveral Air Force Station CCB configuration control board CCC Commodity Credit Corporation CCEP Comprehensive Clinical Evaluation Program CCIR commander’s critical information requirements CCN carton control number CCP casualty collection point CCPC Civil Communications Planning Committee [NATO] CCPDS Command Center Processing and Display System [U.S. Air Force] CCPR Consolidation and Containerization Point Receipt (Army LIF) CCPS Consolidation and Containerization Point Ship (Army LIF) CCS command and control system CCSS commodity command standard system CCT combat control team CD consolidation and distribution Cd cadmium [element] cd candela (SI unit) CDA catalog data activity [U.S. Army] CDB communications database CDBG community development block grant CDC Centers for Disease Control [U.S. Public Health Service] child development center Combat Development Command CDCP central data collection point CDDB central demand database CDDP cataloging distribution data processing CDERA Caribbean Disaster Emergency Response Agency CDL common data link CDLAMP Center for Defense Leadership and Management Program CDMA code division multiple access CDPD cellular digital packet data CDR commander critical design review CDRG Catastrophic Disaster Response Group CDRL Contract Data Requirements List [U.S. Army] CD-ROM compact disc-read only memory CDSS California Department of Social Services CDTI cockpit display of traffic information Ce cerium [element] CEAC Cost and Economic Analysis Center [U.S. Army] CEAMA Center for Euro-Atlantic Military Analysis CEC Cooperative Engagement Capability CECOM Communications-Electronics Command [U.S. Army] CEGE Combat Equipment Group Europe CENTAF Central Command Air Forces CENTCOM U.S. Central Command (formerly RDF) CEO Communications-Electronics Office (ISMO) CEP circular error probable Concept Evaluation Program CEPPO Chemical Emergency Preparedness and Prevention Office CEQ Council of Environmental Quality CERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act CERDEC Communications-Electronics R&D and Engineering Center CERT computer emergency response team CEVR circular equivalent vulnerability radius CEWI combat electronic warfare intelligence Cf californium [element] cf. compare CFE contractor furnished equipment CFE Conventional Forces in Europe Agreement [NATO treaty] CFLS Cross Functional Logistics System CFM contractor furnished material CONUS Freight Management CFMS CONUS Freight Management System CFR Code of Federal Regulations CFS Center for Standards (JIEO) container freight station CFT contractor field team CG commanding general CGO cargo CGS continental ground station CGSC Command and General Staff College [U.S. Army] CGTS Coast Guard Telecommunications System ch. chapter CHAMPUS Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services ChE Cholinesterase CHIP Children’s Health Insurance Program CHS Common Hardware and Software chs. chapters CIA Central Intelligence Agency Cia company [Italian] CIC Combat Information Centre Counterintelligence Command CID Criminal Investigation Command [Bosnia] Cie company [French] CIEMIS Clothing and Individual Equipment Management Information System CIF Candidate Item File CIFS Central Issue Facility System CIG/SS Common Imagery Ground and Surface System CIM Center for Information Management Corporate Information Management 2 CINC Commander in Chief [as of 2002, only the President of the United States is Commander in Chief] CINCACOM obsolete: Commander-in-Chief, U.S. Atlantic Command [see CINC] CINCCENT obsolete: Commander-in-Chief, U.S. Central Command [see CINC] CINCEUR obsolete: Commander-in-Chief, U.S. European Command [see CINC] CINCLANTFLT obsolete: Commander in Chief, Atlantic Fleet [see CINC] CINCMAC obsolete: Commander in Chief, Military Airlift Command [see CINC] CINCPAC obsolete: Commander-in-Chief, U.S. Pacific Command [see CINC] CINCSOC obsolete: Commander-in-Chief, U.S. Special Forces [see CINC] CINCSOUTH obsolete: Commander-in-Chief, U.S. Southern Command [see CINC] CINCSPACE obsolete: Commander-in-Chief, U.S. Space Command [see CINC] CINCSTRAT obsolete: Commander-in-Chief, U.S. Strategic Command [see CINC] CINCTRANS obsolete: Commander-in-Chief, U.S. Transportation Command [see CINC] CINCUSNAVEUR obsolete: Commander in Chief, U.S. Navy Europe [see CINC] CIP critical infrastructure protection CIRA Center for Information-Revolution Analysis CIS Combat Intelligence System Communications and Information Systems [NATO] CISIL Centralized Integrated System-International Logistics CISS Center for Information Systems Security CJCS Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff CJTF commander, Joint Task Force Cl chlorine [element] CLASP Comprehensive Logistics Automated Support Program CLIN Contract Line Item Number CLO Congressional Liaison Officer CLRP Command Logistics Review Program [U.S. Army] CLSSA Cooperative Logistics Supply Support Arrangements CLT Cellular Logistics Team CLU Command Launch Units Cm curium [element]

2 All others once referred to as CINCs are now referred to as combatant commanders. Occasionally, it may be necessary to use quotations and the like from historical material using this abbreviation, but it is best to avoid using the abbreviation, if possible. cm3 cubic centimeter (SI unit) CMA C4ISR Mission Assessment CMAC Central Management of Army Commissaries CMC Commandant of the Marine Corps CMD catalog management data command cruise missile defense Cmd command CMF career management field CMI Commercial Military Integration CML Contract Management Library [U.S. Navy] CMMA Cooperative Military Airlift Agreement CMMC Corps Materiel Management Center CMO Communications Management Officers [U.S. Army] CMOS Cargo Movements Operations System [Air Force, Army] complementary metal-oxide semiconductor CMR Center for Military Readiness CMRB Contract Maintenance Review Board CMRC Combined Major Regional Conflict CMS Container Management System CMT crisis management team critical mobile target CMTC Combat Maneuver Training Center [U.S. Army] CMU Carnegie Mellon University CNA computer network attack CNAD Conference of National Armaments Directors [NATO] CNARS Current News Analysis & Research Service CND Computer Network Defense CNN Cable News Network CNO Chief of Naval Operations CNR Combat Network Radio CNS communications, navigation, surveillance CO Colorado [USPS] commanding officer company Co cobalt [element] Co. company [business] COA course of action COB close of business COBOL Common Business Oriented Language COCO Contractor Owned, Contractor Operated COCOM combatant command Coordinating Committee on Multilateral Export Controls CODES computerized deployment system COE center of excellence common operating environment Corps of Engineers COFM correlation of forces and means COG Cognizance of Navy Material consensus of group COL cost of living colonel [U.S. Army] Col colonel [U.S. Air Force] colonel [Marine Corps] col. column COLA cost-of-living adjustment Colo. Colorado [traditional] cols. columns COM communication commander COMACC Commander, Air Combat Command COMAFFOR commander, Air Force forces COMAFSOC Commander, Air Force Special Operations Command COMAIRLANT Commander, Air Atlantic COMAIRPAC Commander, Air Pacific COMALF Commander, Airlift Forces COMARFOR commander, Army forces COMM communications COMINT communications intelligence COMMIT Common Item Materiel Management System [NATO] COMMZ communications zone COMPASS Computerized Movement Planning and Status System Computerized Optimization Model for Predicting and Analyzing Support Structures [U.S. Army] COMPES Contingency and Mobility Planning and Execution System [U.S. Air Force] COMPLAN communications plan COMSAT communication satellite Communications Satellite Corporation COMSEC communications security COMSOC Commander, Special Operations Command COMSOF commander, special operations forces COMSR communication support requirement COMSTAC Commercial Space Transportation Advisory Committee COMSUBLANT Commander, Submarines Atlantic COMSUBPAC Commander, Submarines Pacific COMSURFLANT Commander, Surface Atlantic COMSURFPAC Commander, Surface Pacific COMUSLANTFLT Commander, U.S. Atlantic Fleet COMUSPACFLT Commander, U.S. Pacific Fleet Cong. Congress (only in citations) Conn. Connecticut [traditional] CONOP concept of operation CONUS continental United States COOP continuity of operations plan COP common operational picture COPARS contractor operated parts store COPE centers of policy excellence COR contracting officer’s representative CORBA common object request broker architecture CORE Contingency Response Program CORM Commission on Roles and Missions Corp. corporation COSCOM Corps Support Command COSIS Care of Supplies in Storage COTS commercial off-the-shelf CPAF cost plus award fee [contracting] CPARS Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System CPDLC controller-pilot data link communications CPE customer premises equipment CPG Contingency Planning Guidance CPIR Corporate Preparedness Industrial Representative CPM Civilian Personnel Manual CPSM continuous phase shift modulation CPT Captain [U.S. Army] CPU central processing unit CPX Command post exercise [U.S. Army] Cr chromium [element] CRAF Civil Reserve Air Fleet CRC Combat and Recording Center CRE combat reporting element Center for Russia and Eurasia [RAND] CRFMP Cable Repair Force Management Plan CRIM Cargo Routing Information Management [U.S. Navy] CRLCMP Computer Resources Life Cycle Management Plan [U.S. Army] CRM Communications Resource Models Crisis Resource Manager CRO Congressional Relations Officer CRPA Controlled Radiation Pattern Antenna CRT cathode ray tube CS combat support close support Cs cesium [element] CS/CSS combat support and combat service support CSA Chief of Staff, U.S. Army] corps storage area [U.S. Army CSAF Chief of Staff, U.S. Air Force CSAR combat search and rescue CSB corps support battalion [U.S. Army] CSC Computer Sciences Corporation CSC3 combat support command, control, and communications [U.S. Air Force] CSCE Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe CSEL combat survivor evader locator [U.S. Air Force] CSG corps support group CSIO Communications-Computer System Integration Office [U.S. Air Force] CSLC coherent sidelobe cancellation CSO communications-computer systems officer [U.S. Air Force] CSOC Consolidated Space Operations Center CSS combat service support CSS C2 combat service support command and control CSSAMO Combat Service Support Automation Management Office [U.S. Army] CSSCS Combat Service Support Control System [U.S. Army] CSV combat support vehicle CSW Center for Software (DISA) CSWG Communications Systems Working Group [NATO] CT cross track Connecticut [USPS] Ct. court CTAPS Contingency Theater Automated Planning System CTAS Center-TRACON (terminal radar control) Automation System [NASA] CTASC Corps and Theater Automatic Data Processing Service Center [U.S. Army] CTBT Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (UN) CTC combat training center CTEM Conventional Targeting Effectiveness Model CTF combined task force CTI obsolete: Critical Technologies Institute [became the Science and Technology Policy Institute (S&TPI), which is no longer a RAND program] CTIL CSSCS Tracked Items List CTO Corps Transportation officer CTOL Conventional Take-off and CTR Cooperative Threat Reduction program (Nunn-Lugar initiative) CTRL control CTU consolidated TOE update Cu copper [element] CUCV commercial utility cargo vehicle CUM communication user models CV carrier version CVBG carrier battle group CVN aircraft carrier, nuclear CVRS Central Vehicle Registration System CVS Cargo Visibility System CW continuous wave CW chemical weapon CWA Clean Water Act CWDA California Welfare Directors’ Association CWS collision warning system CY calendar year Cyber-IPB Intelligence Preparation of the Cyber-Battlefield

D d day d.b.a. doing business as D.C. District of Columbia [traditional] doctor of chiropractic D&D denial and deception D.D.S. doctor of dental surgery D.O. doctor of osteopathy DA Department of the Army DAAS Defense Automatic Addressing System DAASC Defense Automatic Addressing System Center [DLA] DAB Defense Acquisition Board DACG Departure Airfield Control Group DAE disaster assistance employee DAL digitized aviation logistics DALO-PLA Directorate of Plans and Operations (Army DCSLOG) DAMA demand assigned multiple access DAMAGES Disaster Assistance Management Accountability System DAMMS Department of the Army Movement Management System DAMMS-CMM DAMMS-Cargo Movement Module DAMMS-MPM DAMMS-Movement Planning Module DAMMS-R DAMMS-Redesign DAMPL Department of the Army Master Priority List DAO Defense Accounting Office Division Ammunition Officer DAR Defense Acquisition Regulations DARO Defense Airborne Reconnaissance Office DARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency DARS Division Administration and Research Support DAS Defense Automated (Logistics) System DAS3 Decentralized Automated Service Support System DASC DLA Administrative Support Center DASD(H&RA) Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Humanitarian and Refugee Affairs) DASD(I) Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Intelligence) DASD(PK/HA) Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Peacekeeping and Humanitarian Assistance) DASD(S&IO) Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Security and Information Operations) DASH deployable automation support host [Army communications] Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health [DHHS] DASIM Director of the Army Staff Information Manager DASN Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy DASPS Department of the Army Standard Port System DATA Defense Air Transport Administration DATMS Department of the Army Technical Manuals DAWE Division Advanced Warfighting Experiment dB decibel DBMS database management system DBOF Defense Business Operations Fund [U.S. Air Force] DBS direct broadcast satellite dBsm decibel square meter DC direct current damage control District of Columbia [USPS] DCA Defense Communications Agency DCAS Defense Contract Administration Services DCC digital cross-connect [same as DCS] DCD directorate combat developments DCE distributed computing environment DCF DISA’s C4ISR Federation DCGS distributed common ground system DCI Director of Central Intelligence DCLO Deputy Congressional Liaison Officer DCMAO Defense Contracting Management Area Office DCMC Defense Contract Management Command DCMDW Defense Contract Management District West DCO defense coordinating officer DCS deputy chief of staff digital cross-connect system. damage control system [U.S. Navy] Defense Communications System DCSLOG U.S. Army Deputy Chief of Staff, Logistics DCSO Defense Communications System Organization DCSOPS U.S. Army Deputy Chief of Staff, Operations and Plans DCST DLA Contingency Support Team DCTDPO DoD Counterdrug Technology Development Program Office DCTN Defense Commercial Telecommunication Network DDAA Defense Distribution Depot Anniston Alabama DDAG Defense Distribution Depot Albany Georgia DDASS Division DSU Automated Supply System DDCI Deputy Director of Central Intelligence DDN Defense Data Network DDNV Defense Distribution Depot Norfolk Virginia DDO Deputy Director of Operations (CIA) DDR&E Director Defense Research & Engineering DDRE Defense Distribution Region East DDRM Deputy Disaster Recovery Manager DDRS Defense Dictionary Repository System DDS defense data system distributed database system DE Delaware [USPS] DEA Drug Enforcement Agency DECCO Defense Commercial Communications Office (DCA) DEFI data entry file inquiry Del. Delaware [traditional] DEP Department of Environmental Protection DEPLOY Deployment Supportability Assessment DEPSECDEF Deputy Secretary of Defense Dept department DEQ Department of Environmental Quality DES Distribution Execution System [U.S. Army] DESCOM Depot Systems Command [U.S. Army] DET detachment DEUCE Deployable Universal Combat Earthmover (Army bulldozer) DF direction finding DFAS Defense Finance and Accounting Service DFCO Deputy Federal Coordinating Officer DFO dining facility operation disaster field office DFRID Defense Freight Railway Interchange Fleet DFSC Defense Fuel Supply Center Disaster Financial Services Group DFSR Detailed functional system requirements DGCM DGPS-guided cruise missile DGPS differential GPS DHHS U.S. Department of Health and Human Services DHS Defense HUMINT Service (DoD) DIA Defense Intelligence Agency DIC document identifier code DID data item description DIDS Defense Integrated Data System DIFS Defense Integrated Financial System DII defense information infrastructure DINET Defense Information Network DIO Director of Industrial Operations DIOR Defensive Information Operations Research DIRMOBFOR Director of Mobility Forces DISA Defense Information Systems Agency DISA/D8 DISA C4I Modeling, Simulation, and Assessment Directorate DISC Defense Industrial Supply Center Disaster Information System Clearinghouse DISC4 Director of Information Systems for C4 [U.S. Army] DISCOM division support command DISN Defense Information Systems Network DISNET Defense Integrated Secure Network Dist. Atty. district attorney Dist. Ct. district court DITCO Defense Information Technology Contracting Office DLA Defense Logistics Agency DLDED division-level data-entry device DLL delay-lock loop DLOGS division logistics system DLR depot-level repairables DLSA Direct Support Level Supply Automation DLSC Defense Logistics Support Center DLSIE Defense Logistics Studies Information Exchange DM data manipulation deutsche mark DMA Defense Mapping Agency DMAS Dyna-METRIC Microcomputer Analysis System DMAT disaster medical assistance team DMBA depot maintenance business area DMC defense megacenter defense movement coordinator distribution management center DMDB depot maintenance database DMDC Defense Manpower Data Center DMES Deployable Mobility Execution Systems DMIF Depot Maintenance Industrial Fund DMIS Director of Management Information Systems DMMC division materiel management center DMMIS Depot Maintenance Management Information System DMOC Defense Management Oversight Committee DMORT disaster mortuary response team (NDMS) DMRD Defense Management Report Decisions DMS Defense Message System DMSP Defense Meteorological Satellite Program DMSP Distributed Mail System Protocol (email) DMSS Depot Maintenance Standard Systems DMSTD Data Standardization, Administration, and Management DMZ demilitarized zone DNA deoxyribonucleic acid Defense Nuclear Agency DNS domain name server DNSC Defense National Stockpile Center DO Directorate of Operations (CIA) DOC Department of Commerce documentation DoD U.S. Department of Defense DODAAC DoD Activity Address Code DODAAD DoD Activity Address Directory DoDD DoD Directive DODDS DoD Dependents School System DODI DoD Instruction DODIC DoD Identification Code DoD Interest Computer System DoDSA DoD Space Architect DODSASP DOD Small Arms Serialization Program DOE U.S. Department of Energy DOEd U.S. Department of Education DOI U.S. Department of the Interior DOJ U.S. Department of Justice DoL U.S. Department of Labor DOL Director of Logistics DOMS Directorate of Military Support DOP designated overhaul point DOPMA Defense Officer Personal Management Act DOS U.S. Department of State DOS Direct Ordering System [Marine Corps] DOS disk operating system DOSS District Operated Store System DOT U.S. Department of Transportation doz dozen DPAO Deputy Public Affairs Officer DPC Defense Planning Committee [NATO] DPG Defense Planning Guidance DPI data processing installation DPICM Dual Purpose Improved Conventional Munitions DPRK Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea DPSC Defense Personnel Support Center DPW Director of Public Works DPWL Director of Public Works and Logistics Dr. drive DRA Defence Research Agency (U.K.) DRAM dynamic random access memory DRB Defense Review Board division ready brigade DRC disaster recovery center DRD deputy regional director DRIVE Distribution and Repair in Variable Environments DRM Director of Resource Management disaster recovery manager DRMO Defense Reutilization and Marketing Office DRMS Defense Reutilization and Marketing Service DRRB Data Requirements Review Board DRS Deficiency Reporting System DS direct support DSA direct support activity DSA division support area DSAA Defense Security Assistance Agency DSACS Defense Standard Ammunition Computer System DSB Defense Science Board deployment support brigade DSC deployment support command DSCC Defense Supply Center, Columbus DSCLOG Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics DSCOPS Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations DSCPER Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel DSCR Defense Supply Center, Richmond DSCS Defense Satellite Communication System DSD Deputy Secretary of Defense DSDC DLA Systems Design Center DSI defense simulation internet DSMAC digital scene-matching area correlator DSN defense switched network DSNET defense secure network DSP Defense Support Program DSR damage survey report DSREDS Digital Storage and Retrieval Engineering Drawing System DSS direct supply support Defense Standard System Depot Standard System [U.S. Army] Distribution Standard System [U.S. Navy] DSS-W Defense Supply Service-Washington DSU direct support unit DSVT digital secure voice terminal DTACC Deployed Tanker Airlift Control Center DTAO Defense Technology Analysis Office DTAV DoD Total Asset Visibility DTED digital terrain elevation data DTG date time group DTIB defense technology industrial base DTIC Defense Technical Information Center DTLOMS Doctrine, Training, Leader Development, Organizations, Materiel, and Soldiers DTO Defense Technology Objective Direct Turn Over “Local Delivery” [U.S. Navy] division transportation officer DTP Defense and Technology Planning Department DTRA Defense Threat Reduction Agency DTS Defense Transportation System DTTS Defense Transportation Tracking System DUSD/AT Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Advanced Technology DUSD-space Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Space

DUSD(AS&C) Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Advanced Systems and Concepts DUSD(CPP) Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Civilian Personnel Policy DUSD(EO) Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Equal Opportunity DUSD(IP) Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Industrial Policy DUSD(I&E) Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Installations and Environment DUSD(L&MR) Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Logistics and Material Readiness DUSD(MC&FP) Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Military Community and Family Policy DUSD(P&R) Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness DVA Department of Veterans Affairs DVD direct vendor delivery DVE driver vision enhancer DWI disaster welfare inquiry DX direct exchange Dy dysprosium DynaMETRIC Dynamic METRIC [RAND model] E

E east E(K) expected kills e.g. for example EA economic analysis environmental assessment evolutionary acquisition ea. each EAC echelon above corps estimates at completion European-American Center for policy analysis EAD echelon above division EAFB Edwards Air Force Base EAM emergency action message EC emergency coordinator European Community ECB echelons corps and below ECBRS Enhanced Combat Based Requirements System [U.S. Army] ECC Electronic Commercial Catalog ECCM electronic counter-countermeasures ECIT enhanced communications interface terminal ECM electronic countermeasures ECOS Environmental Council of the States ECS emergency communications staff ECS equipment concentration sites ED U.S. Department of Education ed. editor, edition Ed.D. doctor of education EDC Eastern Distribution Center EDD estimated delivery date EDI electronic data interchange EDS Electronic Data Systems Corporation eds. editors, editions EEA essential elements of analysis EEC element of expense code European Economic Community EEG electroencephalogram EEI essential elements of information EELV evolved expendable launch vehicle EEM early entry module(s) EEPROM electronic erasable programmable read only memory EFOG-M enhanced fiber-optic guided missile EHF extremely high frequency EHS environmental health, and safety EICC emergency information and coordination center EIR equipment improvement recommendation EIRP effective isotropic radiated power EIS environmental impact statement EITC Earned Income Tax Credit EJ Environmental Justice EKG electrocardiogram El elevation ELINT electronic intelligence ELISA enzyme-linked immunoadsorbent assay ELN Army of National Liberation ELO environmental liaison officer ELRF eye-safe laser rangefinder ELS Exportable Logistics System EMAS European Eco-Management and Audit Scheme EMC electromagnetic compatibility EMD engineering and manufacturing development EMF electromotive force electromagnetic field EMI electromagnetic interference EMIS executive management information system EMP electromagnetic pulse EMPRS Equipment and Maintenance Performance Reporting System EMS environmental management system emergency medical services ENG engineer Eng. engineer ENS ensign EO executive order EO electro-optical EOB electronic order of battle EOC emergency operations center enhanced operating capability EOS earth observing system [NASA] EPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency EPLRS Enhanced Position Location Reporting System EPW enemy prisoner of war Er erbium [element] ERB Economic Resources Board ERC emission reduction credit emergency response coordinator equipment readiness code [U.S. Army] ERDB Emerging Requirements Database [U.S. Air Force] ERIM Environmental Research Institute of Michigan ERISA Employees Retirement Income Security Act ERP effective radiated power ERPS Equipment Release Priority System ERPSL Essential Repair Parts Stockage List ERS Earth Resources Satellite ERT emergency response team ES equipment specialist Es einsteinium [element] ESA Endangered Species Act electronically steerable antenna electronically steerable array ESAMS enhanced surface-to-air missile simulation ESAR enhanced synthetic aperture radar eSB enhanced separate brigades ESC Electronic Security Command ESD Electronic Systems Division [U.S. Air Force] ESF emergency support function ESH environmental, safety, and health ESL English as a second language ESM electronic support measures ESMB explosive standoff minefield breacher (Army, Marine Corps) ESOP enhanced standard operating system esp. especially Esq. esquire EST emergency support team et al. and others et seq. and the following etc. and so forth ETRAC enhanced tactical radar airborne correlator EU European Union Eu europium [element] EUCOM European Command EURAAF European Activity Address File EURCOR European Commissary Region EUSA Eighth U.S. Army EW electronic warfare eligibility worker early warning EXFOR Experimental Force


F farad (derived SI unit) fluorine [element], franc (currency) f. and the following (page, section, etc.) F/F fixed to fixed F/M fixed to mobile F/T fixed to transportable FA field artillery FAA Federal Aviation Administration FAAD Forward Area Air Defense FAADC2 Forward Area Air Defense Command and Control System FAASV Field Artillery Ammunition Support Vehicle [U.S. Army] FAAT foreign asset assessment team FAC forward air controller FACO final assembly and checkout FAD force activity designator [U.S. Army] FAE fuel air explosive FAESHED fuel air explosive, helicopter delivered FAG forced air gas FANS future air navigation system FAQ frequently asked question FAR Federal Acquisition Regulation Federal Aviation Regulation FARC Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia FARS Financial Accounting and Reporting System FAST forward area support team FASTALS Force Analysis Simulation of Theater Logistics and Administrative Support FAX facsimile FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation FBIS Foreign Broadcast Information Service FCC Family Child Care Federal Communications Commission FCCOM Facilities Capital Cost of Money FCG functional coordinating group FCO federal coordinating officer FCS Federal Catalog System future combat systems FCX fire coordination exercise [U.S. Army] FD functional description FDA U.S. Food and Drug Administration FDDI fiber distributed data interface FDM frequency division multiplex FDOA frequency difference of arrival FDP Future Defense Plan future distribution platform FDT first destination transportation Fe iron [element] FEBA forward edge of the battle area FECC Federal Emergency Communications Coordinator FEHBP Federal Employees Health Benefit Program FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency FEMF foreign electromotive force FEP FLTSATCOM EHF Package FERC FEMA Emergency Response Capability FESC Federal Emergency Support Coordinator FEWS Follow-on Early Warning System FF failure factors ff. and the following (pages, sections, etc.) F, FF franc, francs (currency; alternative form) FFRDC federally funded research and development center FH flying hours FHA Federal Housing Administration FHWA Federal Highway Administration FIA Future Imagery Architecture FICA Federal Insurance Contributions Act FIFO first in, first out fig. figure figs. figures FIIGs Federal Item Identification Guides FILDR Federal Item Logistics Data Record FILL Fleet Issue Load List [DLA] FINPIT Finance Process Improvement Team FINS Freight Information System FISC Fleet Industrial Supply Center [U.S. Navy] FIST fire support team FL flight level Florida [USPS] fl. oz. fluid ounce Fla. Florida [traditional] Flap Lid code name for a fire control system FLCCS Force-Level Command and Control System FLEX Force-Level Execution Support System FLIR forward-looking infrared FLOGEN flow generator FLOT forward line of troops FLOTUS first lady of the United States FLTSATCOM Fleet Satellite Communications (a system of satellites) FM field manual Field Manual (Army document series) force module Federated States of Micronesia [USPS] frequency modulation Fm fermium [element] FMC Federal Maritime Commission Field Mission Capable [U.S. Army] FMCS Freight Movement Control System FMEP Force Modernization and Employment Program (RAND PAF) FMF Fleet Marine Force FMIS Financial Management Information System [U.S. Army] FMMP Force Modernization Master Plan FMMRS Force Modernization Milestone Reporting System FMP force management policy force modernization package FMS Financial Management Service (U.S. Department of the Treasury) Financial Management Systems [U.S. Army MTMC] foreign military sales FMTV family of medium tactical vehicles [U.S. Army] FNMA Federal National Mortgage Association (aka “Fannie Mae”) FNS Food and Nutrition Services FOA field operating agency FOBS fractional orbital bombardment system FOC full operational capability FOG-M fiber-optic guided missile FOPEN foliage penetration FORDTIS Foreign Disclosure and Technical Information System FORSCOM U.S. Army Forces Command FOT&E follow-on operational test and evaluation [U.S. Army] FOV field of view FP force protection functional proponent FPDS Federal Procurement Data System FR Federal Register Fed. Reg. Federal Register (often in legal citations) Fr francium [element] franc (currency; alternative form) Fr. father (religious title) FRA Federal Railroad Administration forward repair activity FRCM FEMA Regional Communications Manager FRERP Federal Radiological Emergency Response Plan FRET Federal Retail Excise Tax FRP federal response plan Forces and Resources Policy Center (NSRD) FRPA fixed radiation pattern antenna FRY Former Republic of Yugoslavia FS U.S. Forest Service FSA Family Support Act of 1988 FSB forward support battalion FSC federal supply class full-service contracting FSCM Federal Supply Code for Maintenance FSG Future Studies Group FSLIC Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation FSP Contingency Force Support Packages FSR Former Soviet Republic FSS Federal Supply Service FSSP fuel system supply point FSU former Soviet Union ft foot Ft. fort ft/s feet per second ft/s2 feet per second squared ft2 square foot ft3 cubic foot FTC Federal Trade Commission FTE full-time-equivalent FTP file transfer protocol FTS federal telecommunications systems FTX field training exercise [U.S. Army] FUE first unit equipped FWD forward FWE fighter wing equivalent [U.S. Air Force] FWPCA Federal Water Pollution Control Act FY fiscal year FYPD Future Years Defense Plan

G g unit of acceleration equal to the force on a body at rest on the earth’s surface G gyrotron G giga (SI prefix for 1 x 109) G.m.b.H equivalent of Ltd. or Inc. G1 Assistant Chief of Staff, G1 (Personnel) G2 Assistant Chief of Staff, G2 (Intelligence) G3 Assistant Chief of Staff, G3 (Operations and Plans) G4 Assistant Chief of Staff, G4 (Logistics) G7 group of seven heads of state of major economic powers G8 group of eight heads of state of major economic powers GA general of the army Georgia [USPS] Ga gallium Ga. Georgia [traditional] GaAs gallium arsenide GAC geographic area code GAL gallon gal. gallon GAO Government Accountability Office (formerly the U.S. General Accounting Office) GAR Governor’s Authorized Representative GATM Global Air Traffic Management GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade GAU gun aircraft unit GBL government bill of lading Gbps gigabits per second GBS Global Broadcast System GBU guided bomb unit GCC Gulf Cooperation Council (Sheikdoms) GCC ground component commander GCCS global command and control system GCI ground control intercept GCM GPS-guided cruise missile GCS ground control station GCSS Global Combat Support System GCT Greenwich Civil Time (same as Universal Time or GMT) GCW gross combined weight GD gimbaled dish antenna Gd gadolinium GDOP geometric dilution of precision GDP gross domestic product GDSS Global Decision Support System Ge germanium GEMI Global Environmental Management Initiative GEN general [U.S. Army] Gen general [U.S. Air Force] Gen. general [Marine Corps] GEO Geostationary Earth Orbit (satellite) GFE government furnished equipment GFI government furnished information GFM government furnished material GFP government furnished property GFSIS Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies GH Global Hawk GHz gigahertz GIF graphics interchange format GIS geographic information system GKS graphics kernel system GLCM ground-launched cruise missile GLONASS Russian Global Orbiting Navigation Satellite System [a Russian system similar to the U.S. GPS] GMESC Greater Middle East Studies Center GMF ground mobile forces GMLR guided missiles and large GMT Greenwich Mean Time (same as Universal Time or GCT) GMTI ground moving-target indicator GMTT ground moving-target tracking GNIA Group for National Infrastructure Assurance GNMA Government National Mortgage Association (“Ginnie Mae”) GNP gross national product GNSS Civilian Global Navigation Satellite System GOCO government owned, contractor operated GOPARS government operated parts store GOPAX GROUPS Operational Passenger System GOS grade of service GOTS government-built, off-the-shelf Gov. governor Gov. Gen. governor general GP group Gp group GPO U.S. Government Printing Office GPR ground penetration radar GPRA Government Performance and Results Act GPS Global Positioning System GROUPS group movement system GS general support GSA General Services Administration GSD ground sample distance GSU general support unit GTA Grafenwoehr Training Area [U.S. Army] GTE General Telephone and Electric GTN global transportation network GTOW gross weight GU Guam [USPS] Guam Guam [traditional] GUI graphical user interface GUI gross unit income GVW gross vehicle weight GW gigawatt


H henry hydrogen [element] h hour H&H hydraulics and hydrology H.R. House resolution H.R. House bill HAE high-altitude, long-endurance HAP hazardous air pollutant HARM high-speed antiradiation missile Hawaii Hawaii [traditional] HAZMAT hazardous materials HB Comms highband communications HCFA Health Care Financing Administration HCI human-computer interface HCTR high-capacity truck radio (Army-CECOM) HD distilled mustard hdqrs. headquarters HDR high data rate HDRTSAT High Data Rate Tactical Satellite HE high explosives He helium [element] HEMMT heavy expanded mobility tactical truck HEMP high-altitude electromagnetic pulse HEMTT heavy expanded mobility tactical truck HEO highly elliptical orbit (satellite) HERCULES Hand-Held Earth-Oriented Real-Time Cooperative User-Friendly Location Targeting and Environmental System [U.S. Army] HET heavy equipment transporter (Army truck) HETS heavy equipment transport system HEU highly enriched uranium HF high frequency Hf hafnium [element] HFDL high-frequency data link HFE heavy fuel engine (UAV) HFMS Highway Fleet Management System Hg mercury [element] HHC headquarters and headquarters company HHD headquarters and headquarters detachment HHS Department of Health and Human Services HI Hawaii [USPS] HLM hierarchical linear modeling HM hazard mitigation HMCT highway movement control team HMDS Hazardous Materials Data System [U.S. Army] HMGP Hazard Mitigation Grant Program HMMWV high-mobility multipurpose wheeled vehicle [U.S. Army] HMMWV high-mobility multiwheeled vehicle HMO health maintenance organization HMS her (his) Majesty’s ship HN host nation HNS host-nation support Ho holmium [element] Hon. honorable HOW handover word HP horsepower H-P Hewlett-Packard HPA high-power amplifier HPM high-power microwave HQ headquarters HQ AMC/IN Headquarters, Air Mobility Command, Intelligence HQDA Headquarters, Department of the Army HQMC Headquarters, Marine Corps HQUSACE Headquarters, United States Army Corps of Engineers HS human system HSC Health Services Command HSI hyperspectral imaging HT [a mixture of distilled mustard and Agent T] HT-2 Hydrolyzed T-2 HTML hypertext markup language HTS HARM Targeting System HTTP hypertext transfer protocol HUD U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development HUMINT human intelligence HVAC heating, ventilation, and air conditioning HVY (Hvy) heavy HWC Health and Welfare Canada Hz hertz (derived SI unit)


I iodine [element] I&A identification and authentication I&O intermediate and objective I&S interchangeability and substitutability interoperability and substitutability i.e. that is I/O input and output I2R imaging infrared IA imagery analysis individual assistance information assurance Iowa [USPS] Ia. Iowa [traditional] IAC Information Analysis Center [U.S. Navy] IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency IAI [a company name] IAO individual assistance officer IAP information architecture plan IATA International Air Transport Association IAW in accordance with IBA integrated battlefield architecture ibid. in the same place IBS integrated broadcast service integrated bridge system [U.S. Navy] IBTA integrated battlefield targeting architecture IC3 integrated command and control, and communications system ICAN International Commission for Air Navigation ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization ICAR Integrated Command Accounting and Reporting System ICBM intercontinental ballistic missile ICC Interstate Commerce Commission ICD international classification of diseases code ICDB Integrated Communications Database (DoD Joint Staff) ICIRM Interagency Committee on Information Resources Management ICJ Institute for Civil Justice [RAND] ICM Intelligence Correlation Module ICODES Improved Computerized Deployment System ICON Imagery Communication Operations Node ICPAE Interagency Committee on Public Affairs in Emergencies ICPS International Center for Policy Studies ICRC International Committee of the Red Cross ICS Incident Command System ICS3 Integrated Combat Service Support System ID identification Idaho [USPS] IDA Institute for Defense Analysis Ida. Idaho [traditional] IDCSIP Institute for Defense Computer Security and Infrastructure Protection IDHS Intelligence Data Handling System IDM improved data modem IDPS interim digital processing system IDSN Integrated Services Digital Network IEA International Energy Agency IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEMS Installation Equipment Management System IETF Internet Engineering Task Force IEW intelligence and electronic warfare IF intermediate frequency IFB invitation for bid (used when buying spares) IFF identification friend or foe IFFN identify friend, foe ,or neutral IFG individual and family grant IFMIS Integrated Financial Management Information System IFOR Implementation Force (Bosnian troops) IFR instrument flight rules IFTS internal FLIR tracking system IFV infantry fighting vehicle IG/SFW inertially guided sensor-fuzed weapon dispenser IGO intergovernmental organization IGW inertially guided weapon internal gateway IHAWK Intermediate HAWK IHFR Improved High Frequency Radio IHVR Integrated Hierarchical Variable-Resolution Modeling IIR imaging infrared IL Illinois [USPS] ILAP Integrated Logistics Assessment Program ILAPS Integrated Logistics Automated Processing System [U.S. Army] Ill. Illinois [traditional] ILOGS integrated logistics system ILP International Logistics Program ILS integrated logistics support [U.S. Army] ILSDP International Logistics Supply Delivery Plan ILSMRS Integrated Logistics Support Milestone Reporting System ILSP Integrated Logistics Support Plan [U.S. Army] ILT inland terminal IM item management (or manager) IMA information mission area [U.S. Army] IMAP Internet message access protocol IMC instrument meteorological conditions IMES International Military Education and Training Management Information System IMET International Military Education and Training IMF International Monetary Fund IMINT imagery intelligence IMINT Imaging Intelligence Directorate (NRO) IMM integrated material manager IMMIS Integrated Modernization Management Information System IMMP Information Management Master Plan [U.S. Army] IMOM improved many-on-many IMP Incremental Maintenance Program Information Management Plan [U.S. Army] IMPA isopropyl methylphosphonic acid IMS International Military Staff [NATO] information management system IMSC Installation Management Support Council [U.S. Army] IMU inertial measurement unit IN Indiana [USPS] In indium [element] in. inch in2 square inch in3 cubic inch INA Iraqi News Agency INAAP Indiana Army Ammunition Plant INC internetwork controller Inc. incorporated Ind. Indiana [traditional] INDRSA independent reserve storage activity INF intermediate-range nuclear forces INFOSEC information security INFRA Infrastructure Committee [NATO] INMARSAT International Maritime Satellite Organization INS Immigration and Naturalization Service inertial navigation system Immigration and Naturalization Service INSAR interferometric SAR INSCOM Intelligence and Security Command [U.S. Army] Insp. Gen. inspector general INT intelligence INTACS Integrated Tactical Communications System [U.S. Army] INTELSAT International Telecommunications Satellite Organization Interpol International Criminal Police Organization IO information operations IOC Industrial Operations Command initial operational capability IOM Institute of Medicine IOT&E initial operational testing and evaluation [U.S. Army] IP International Policy [RAND] IP Internet protocol IPBS Installation Property Book System (USAREUR) IPM integrated pest management IPPC Infrastructure Payments and Progress Committee [NATO] IPR in-process review IPS integrated procurement system Internet protocol stack IPT information processing and telecommunications integrated product team IR infrared Ir iridium [element] IR&D independent research and development IRA Irish Republican Army IRF immediate reaction force IRGC Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps IRIGF Islamic Republic of Iran Ground Forces IRIS Interrogation Requirements Information System [DLA] IRM information resources manager IRMS Information Resources Management Service IRP Installation Restoration Program Inventory Reduction Plan IRR Individual Ready Reserve internal rate of return IRST infrared search and track IRTF Internet Research Task Force IRTGSM infrared terminally guided munitions ISAB International Security Advisory Board ISAP Individual System Automation Plan ISAR inverse synthetic aperture radar ISB intermediate staging base ISD installation supply division ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network ISDP International Security and Defense Policy Center (NSRD) ISIS Integrated Surveillance Intelligence System Information Superiority Investment Strategy ISM installation support modules Integrated Sustainment Maintenance [U.S. Army] ISMO Information Systems Management Office (CEO) ISM-X Integrated Sustainment Maintenance-Expanded [U.S. Army] ISO Information Systems Office (DARPA) Organization of International Standards ISP Internet service provider ISR installation situation reports intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance ISSAA Information Systems Selection and Acquisition Agency [U.S. Army] ISSC information service support center [U.S. Army] IST information systems technology (DARPA) ISWG Information Systems Working Group [NATO] IT information technologies ITASC interim theater ADP service center ITO installation transportation officer ITU International Telecommunication Union ITV in-transit visibility ITW/AA integrated tactical warning and attack assessment IV intravenously IVIS Integrated Vehicular Information System IW information warfare IWAR Integrated Warfare Architecture Review IXC Interexchange Carrier.


J joule (derived SI unit) J.D. doctor of law J/S jamming-to-signal ratio J-1 Joint Staff Personnel Directorate J-3 Joint Staff Operations Directorate J-4 Joint Staff Logistics Directorate J-4/JCS Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff J-5 Joint Staff Directorate for Strategic Plans and Policy J-6 Joint Staff Command, Control and Communications Systems J-7 Joint Staff Operational Plans & Policy Directorate J-8 Joint Staff Director for Force Structure, Resources and Assessments, Joint Staff JACS JUMPS Automated Coding System JAG judge advocate general JAOP joint air operations plan JASSM joint air-to-surface standoff missile JAST Joint Advanced Strike Technology [U.S. Air Force] JAST Joint Strike Fighter Program JBI joint battlespace infrastructure JCALS Joint Computer Aided Acquisition and Logistics Support JCCO Joint Container Control System JCMT Joint Collection Management Tool JCS Joint Chiefs of Staff JDA Joint Deployment Agency JDAM joint direct attack munition JDISS Joint Intelligence Support System JDSSC Joint Data Systems Support Center (DCA) JDTAV Joint Defense Total Asset Visibility JERS Japanese Earth Resources Satellite JFACC Joint Forces Air Component Commander JFC joint force commander JFCOM joint force command JHTS joint HARM targeting system JIC joint information center JICM joint integrated contingency model JIEO Joint Interoperability and Engineering Organization JIG Jane’s Information Group JIPTL Joint Integrated Prioritized Target List JIRD joint interim requirements document JIS Joint Interconnection Service JIS joint information system JIT just-in-time JITA joint in-theater injector JITC Joint Interoperability Test Center (DCA-JTC3A) JITF Joint Interface Test Force (DCA-JTC3A) JL-ACTD Joint Logistics-Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration [U.S. Army] JLOG Joint Logistics Management Information System JLOGS Joint Logistics (Also Joint THEATER Logistics) Automated System JLSC Joint Logistics Systems Center JLSC Joint Logistics Systems Command JMCIS Joint Maritime Command Information System JMEM Joint Munitions Effectiveness Manual JMMO Joint Medical Mobilization Office JMP Joint MILSATCOM Panel JOBS Job Opportunities and Basic Skills (training program) JOPES Joint Operations Planning and Execution System [Marine Corps] JOPS Joint Operations Planning System JOTS Joint Operational Tactical Systems JP Joint Pubication JPATS Joint Primary Aircraft Training System (Air Force, Navy) JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group JPM joint project manager JPO joint program office JPRS Joint Publications Research Service JPT joint planning tool Jr. junior JROC Joint Requirements Oversight Council JS Joint Staff JSAAWS Joint Semiautonomous Air Weapon System [U.S. Navy] JSAF Joint Signals Intelligence Avionics Family JSC Johnson Space Center [NASA] JSCP Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan JSF Joint Strike Fighter JSIPS Joint Service Imagery System JSMB Joint Space Management Board [U.S. Air Force] JSOW joint standoff weapon JSPS Joint Strategic Planning System (JCS) JSTARS joint surveillance target attack radar system JT&E Joint Test and Evaluation Program (ODS) JTC3A Joint Tactical C3 Agency (DCA) JTCB Joint Targeting Coordination Board JTCTS Joint Tactical Combat Training System (Navy, Air Force) JTF joint task force JTF-CNO Joint Task Force Computer Network Operations JTIDS Joint Tactical Information Distribution System JTIWG Joint Test Integration Working Group [U.S. Army] JTL joint target list JTRB Joint Telecommunications Resources Board JT-UAV joint tactical unmanned aerial vehicle (Army, Marine Corps) JUMPS Joint Uniform Military Pay System JWARS joint warfare system JWCA joint warfighting capabilities assessment JWICS Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications System JWID Joint Warrior Interoperability Demonstration


K kindergarten potassium [element] kelvin (SI unit) carat (gemstone weight) k kilo (SI prefix for 1 x 103) K9 canine (K9 corps army dogs) K–12 kindergarten through 12th grade Kan. Kansas [traditional] KAT kinematic automated tracker KBLPS Knowledge-Based Logistics Planning System [U.S. Army] KBPS kilobits per second kcal kilocalorie KCCO Kansas City Commodity Office KCNA Korea Central News Agency KDA knowledge and development programs KEDO Korea Energy Development Organization kg kilogram (SI unit) kHz kilohertz KIAS knot indicated air speed KIDA Korean Institute for Defense Analyses km kilometer KPI key performance indicators Kr krypton [element] KS Kansas [USPS] KSC Kennedy Space Center kVA kilovolt amperes kW kilowatt kWh kilowatt hour KY Kentucky [USPS] Ky. Kentucky [traditional]

L l wavelength L lira L/D lift-to-drag ratio LA Louisiana [USPS] La lanthanum [element] La. Louisiana [traditional] LACM land-attack cruise missile LADAR laser radar LAEFF Laboratorio de Astrofisica Espacial y Fisica Fundamental (in Madrid) LAGEOS Laser Geodynamics Satellite LAM TF Louisiana Maneuvers Task Force [U.S. Army] LAMP Logistics Automation Master Plan LAN local area network LANTIRN Low-Altitude Navigation and Targeting Infrared for Night [U.S. Air Force] LAO Logistics assistance officer LAP Logistics Assistance Program LAPES Low Altitude Parachute Extraction System [U.S. Army] LAR logistics assistance representative lasercom laser communications LASSO Logistics Automation System Support Office LATA local access transport area lb. pound LC Library of Congress LCA logistics control activity [U.S. Army] LCC life-cycle cost LCDR lieutenant commander LCE logistics capability estimator LCE&S life-cycle engineering and support LCL0 lowest reported lethal concentration LCM life-cycle management LCOE logistics center of excellence LD/HD low density, high demand LDC less-developed country LDGPS local DGPS LDR low data rate LEA law enforcement agency Logistics Evaluation Agency [U.S. Army] LEAP Lightweight Exoatmospheric Projectile (Hughes) LEC local exchange carrier LEIDS Logistics Electronic Information Delivery System LEN large extension nodes LEO low earth orbit LEP limited English proficiency LEU low enriched uranium reactor fuel LFADS Landing Force Asset Distribution System [Marine Corps] LFSR linear feedback shift register LG/LOG logistics LGB laser-guided bomb Li lithium [element] LIA Logistics Integration Agency linear induction accelerator LID light infantry division LIDB Logistics Integrated Database LIF Logistics Intelligence File [U.S. Army] Li-ion lithium ion LIPS Logistics Information Processing System LL.B. bachelor of laws LL.D. doctor of laws LMARS Logistics Metrics Analysis Reporting System [DLA] LMI Logistics Management Institute LMSR large medium-speed roll-on and roll-off LMTV light medium tactical vehicle (Army 2.5-ton truck) Ln. lane LNA low-noise amplifier LOC line of communication loc. cit. in the place cited LOCAAS low-cost autonomous attack submunition LOG logistics LOGAIS logistics automated information systems [Marine Corps] LOGC Logistics Center [U.S. Army] LOGCAP Logistics Civil Augmentation Program [U.S. Army] LOGDUS Logistics Dial-Up System (Army DLSIE, Ft. Lee) LOGMARS Logistics Marking and Reading System (Army barcodes) LOGNET logistics data network LOGPARS Logistics Planning and Requirements System [U.S. Army] LOGPLAN logistics plan LOGRUN Logistics Remote Users Network LOGSA logistics support activity (Army, Redstone Arsenal, AL) LOGSACS Logistics Structure and Composition System LORA level-of-repair analysis LOS line-of-sight LPA logistics performance analyzer [U.S. Army] LPD low probability of detection LPI low probability of intercept LPT logistics preparation of the theater LR logical region Lr lawrencium [element] LRC lesser regional conflict lesser regional contingency LRCM long-range cruise missile LRE launch recovery element LRFS Logistics Requirements Funding Summary [U.S. Army] LRIP low-rate initial production LRs logistics reassignments LRT logistics response time LRU line-replaceable unit LSA logistics support analysis LSAR logistics support analysis record LSDA Life Sciences Data Archive [NASA] LSE logistics support element LSI large-scale integration LSIS Logistics Standard Information Systems LSRC Logistics System Review Committee LSSA logistics systems support activity [U.S. Army] LSSC logistics systems support center LSV logistics support vessel LT light LT lieutenant Lt Col lieutenant colonel [U.S. Air Force] Lt Gen lieutenant general [U.S. Air Force] LT(jg) lieutenant, junior grade Lt. Gov. lieutenant governor LTA lighter-than-air LTC long-term contracts LTC lieutenant colonel [U.S. Army] LtCol. lieutenant colonel [Marine Corps] Ltd. Limited LTG lieutenant general [U.S. Army] LtGen. lieutenant general [Marine Corps] LTI limited technical inspection LTIF long-term investment funds Lu lutetium [element] LWIR long-wavelength infrared

M m meter meter (SI unit) minute (time) milli (SI prefix for 1 x 10–3) M marshalling area magnetron mega (SI prefix for 1 x 106) M. mister m. noon M&IE miscellaneous and incidental expenses M.A. master of arts M.D. doctor of medicine M.P. member of Parliament M.S. master of science M/M mobile to mobile MA message analysis mission assignment Massachusetts [USPS] MAA mission area assessment MAAP master air attack plan MAC Military Airlift Command MACOM major command MACT maximum achievable control technology MAD mass air delivery mutual assured destruction MAINT maintenance MAIRS Military Airlift Integrated Reporting System MAIS Major Automated Information System [U.S. Air Force] MAISRC Major Automated Information Systems Review Council (OSD) MAJ major [U.S. Army] Maj major [U.S. Air Force] Maj Gen major general [U.S. Air Force] Maj. major [Marine Corps] MALD miniature air-launched decoy MAMB Military Acquisition Management Branch MAMS Maintenance Activity Management System MAN metropolitan area network Manitoba [traditional] MAPS Mobility Analysis and Planning System MARAD Maritime Administration MARC manpower requirements criteria MARS U.S. Army Military Affiliate Radio System MARV maneuvering reentry vehicle MARVS Materiel Acquisition Requirements and Validation System MASF mobile aeromedical staging facility MASH mobile army surgical hospital MASINT measurement and signals intelligence MASS Mobilization Movement Control Automated Support System Mass. Massachusetts [traditional] MATCALS Marine Air Traffic-Control and Landing System MATS mechanical automated carrier interface MB Manitoba [USPS] MBA multibeam antenna Mbit megabit Mbps megabits per second MBSAD mobilization station and destination arrival date MC mission computer military committee [NATO] MC mobilization center MCA movement control activity Movements Control Agency MCAGCC Marine Corps Air-Ground Combat Center MCAS Marine Corps Air Station MCC Mission Control Center [NASA] monitor command code (Marine primary commands) Movement Control Center MCCDC Marine Corps Combat Development Command MCDP Marine Corps Doctrinal Publication MCE modular control equipment mission control element MCEB Military Communications-Electronics Board MCF military computer family MCG magnetocumulative generator MCLB Marine Corps logistics base MCN management control number Military Communication Network MCR Military Communications Representative MCRD Marine Corps Recruiting Depot MCRDAC Marine Corps Research, Development and Acquisition Command MCS maneuver control system MCSR materiel condition status report MCT movement control team MCWL Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory MD Maryland [USPS] Md mendelevium [element] Md. Maryland [traditional] MDAA mutual defense assistance agreement MDAC Marine Data Analysis Center, Albany MDAO Mutual Defense Assistance Office MDL management data list MDMS Maintenance Data Management System MDR medium data rate MDRC Manpower Demonstration Research Corporation MDS Mission Design Series MDSS MAGTF Deployment Support System [Marine Corps] ME Maine [USPS] Me. Maine [traditional] MEADS Medium Extended Air Defense system MEB Marine expeditionary brigade MECHTRAM Mechanization of selected transportation movement reports MECOBO Military Export Cargo Booking Office MED medical MEDEX Medical Air Express MediCal Medicaid California MEDPV medical prime vendor MEDTCU medical tactical computer unit MEF Marine expeditionary force MEIDS Maintenance Electronic Information Delivery System MELCO Mitsubishi Electronics Corporation MEM microelectronic mechanical (system or device) MEO medium earth orbit (satellite) MERA Molecular Electronics for Radar Applications MERS Mobile Emergency Response Support Messrs. misters MET Milstar Engineering Development Model Terminal [U.S. Army] METEOR Multiple Experiment Transporter to Earth Orbit and Return [NASA] METL mission essential task list METRIC Multi-Eschelon Technique for Recoverable Item Control [RAND] METS Military Export Traffic System METT-T Mission, enemy terrain, time, and troops [U.S. Army] MEU Marine expeditionary unit MFDS multifunction display set mfg. manufacturing MFN most favored nation (U.S. trade status) MFO multinational force and observers MFP materiel fielding plan MG major general [U.S. Army] MG military government Mg magnesium [element] MGen. major general [Marine Corps] MGIB Montgomery GI Bill mgr. manager MHE materiel-handling equipment MHI Mitsubishi Heavy Industries MHS Military Health System MHSS Military Health Services System MHz megahertz MI military intelligence MI Michigan [USPS] mi mile MI&L manpower, installations and logistics mi/h miles per hour mi2 square mile MIA missing in action MIAD Miesau Army Depot MIC monolithic integrated circuit MICAP mission capable Mich. Michigan [traditional] MICO management information control officer [U.S. Army] MICOM missile command MIDB major item database MIDF major item distribution and history file MIE military information environment MIES Modernized Imagery Exploitation System MIIDS Military Intelligence Integrated Database System MIL military MILAN Missile d’Infantrie Leger Antichar [Light Infantry Anti-Tank Missile] MILNET military network MILO magnetically insulated line oscillator MILPER military personnel MILSATCOM military satellite communications MILSPEC military specifications MILSTAMP military standard transportation and movement procedures MILSTAR Military Strategic and Tactical Relay System MILSTD military standard MILSTEP Military Supply and Transport Evaluation Procedures MILSTICCS Military Standard Item Characteristics Coding Structures MILSTRAP Military Standard Transaction and Accounting Procedures MILSTRIP Military Standard Requisitioning and Issue Procedures MIMIS Major Item Management Information System MIMS Maintenance Information Management System MINET Movement Information Network Minn. Minnesota [traditional] MIPR Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request MIPS millions of instructions per second MIPT Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism MIRP Master Inventory Record Posting (Army LIF) MIS management information system MISER Management Information System for Energy Resources MISO Management Information System Office MIS-Q Management Information System for Quality Miss. Mississippi [traditional] MISSI Multilevel Information System Security Initiative MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology MITI Ministry of International Trade and Industry MITLA microcircuit technology for logistics applications (RF tags) MITRE MIT Research and Engineering MLRC Multiple Lesser Regional Conflict MLRS multiple launch system MLS multilevel security MM. misters MMBHMF mean miles between hardware mission failure MMBOMF mean miles between operational mission failure MMC materiel management center MMCN medical management control number MMD mean mission duration MMHPOM maintenance man hour or operating mile MMI maintenance management information man-machine interface MMIC monolithic microwave integrated circuit MMSS Materiel Management Standard System MMW millimeter wave MMWR morbidity and mortality weekly report MMWTGSM millimeter-wave terminally guided munitions MN Minnesota [USPS] Mn manganese [element] MNC major NATO commander MND Ministry of National Defense (ROC) MND SW Multinational Division South West (Bosnia) MNS mission need statement MO Missouri [USPS] Mo molybdenum [element] mo month Mo. Missouri [traditional] MoA memorandum of agreement MOA military operations area MOADS Movement Oriented Ammunition Distribution System [U.S. Army] MOB TDA Mobilization Table of Distribution and Allowances MOBERS Mobilization Equipment Redistribution System MOBSS mobilization support system MOBTRAN mobilization and deployment transportation MOC military occupational code MOD Ministry of Defense MODELS Modernization of Defense Logistics Standard System MODEM modulator and demodulator MOE maintenance of effort major organizational entity measures of effectiveness MOF Ministry of Finance MOFA Ministry of Foreign Affairs MOG maximum on ground (aircraft) MoI memorandum of implementation MOIA memorandum of implementation and agreement mol mole (SI unit) Mont. Montana [traditional] MOOTW military operations other than war MOP measures of performance memorandum of policy MORS Military Operations Research Society MOS military occupational specialty MOTCA Military Ocean Terminal Clearance Authority MoU memorandum of understanding MOUT military operations on urban terrain [U.S. Army] MOV materiel obligation validation MP management plan (OSD) management profile military police MPE monthly performance evaluation MPF maritime prepositioning force [Marine Corps] MPL mandatory parts list MPM microwave power module MPS maritime prepositioning ships [Marine Corps] MR military region MRAF military region air force MRC major regional conflict major regional contingency Mitsubishi Rayon Corporation multiregional conflict Materiel Readiness Command [U.S. Army] MRDB Materiel Returns Database MRE meals ready to eat MRF multirole fighter Manager Review File (Army SARSS) MRIS Modernization Resource Information System MRM Maintenance Reporting and Management System MRP material requirements planning MRSA Materiel Readiness Support Activity [U.S. Army] MS military science moderately stealthy Mississippi [USPS] ms. manuscript MSAAP Mississippi Army Ammunition Plant MSB main support battalion MSBS mission support base supply (Air Force Space Command) MSC major subordinate command [U.S. Army] Military Sealift Command [U.S. Navy] MSDF Maritime Self Defense Force MSDS materials safety data sheets MSE mobile subscriber equipment MSF mobile strike force MSFD multiservice force deployment MSFS Maintenance Shop Floor System Msgr. monsignor MSI medium-scale integration MSIC Missile and Space Intelligence Center MSL mean sea level MSR missile strike warning main supply route MSRT mobile subscriber radio terminal mss. manuscripts MST maintenance support team MT Montana [USPS] maintenance Mt. mount MTA Metropolitan Transportation Authority MTBR mean time between replacements MTC materiel-technical cooperation MTCR Missile Technology Control Regime MTF military treatment facilities MTF modulation transfer function MTI moving-target indicator MTMC Military Traffic Management Command [U.S. Army] Mtn. mountain MTOE Modified Table of Organization and Equipment MTOF Mission Task Organized Forces [U.S. Army] MTR Military Technical Revolution MTS member of the technical staff movement tracking system MTV medium tactical vehicle (Army 5-ton truck) MTW major theater war MUFFIN multiuse file for interagency news (GSA) MUSARC major U.S. Army Reserve Command MVMT movement MW megawatt mw molecular weight MWEAC Mount Weather Emergency Assistance Branch MWR Morale, Welfare, and Recreation


N nitrogen north nitrogen [element] newton (derived SI unit) n nano (SI prefix for 1 x 10–9) nmi nautical mile N.B. New Brunswick [traditional], nota bene N.C. North Carolina [traditional] N.D. North Dakota [traditional] n.d. no date N.F. Newfoundland [traditional] N.H. New Hampshire [traditional] N.J. New Jersey [traditional] N.M. New Mexico [traditional] n.p. no place, no publisher N.S. Nova Scotia [traditional] N.W.T. Northwest Territories [traditional] N.Y. New York [traditional] NA net assessment Na sodium [element]

Na2CO3 sodium carbonate NAACP National Association for the Advancement of Colored People NAAG NATO Army Armaments Group NAB NDRI Advisory Board NAC North Atlantic Council NACCSA NATO Air Command and Control System Agency NACISA NATO Communications and Information Systems Agency NACISC NATO Communications and Information Systems Committee NaCl sodium chloride NADC NATO Air Defense Committee NADEP naval aviation depot NADGE NATO Air Defense Ground Environment NAE navy acquisition executive NAEP National Assessment of Educational Progress NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement NAIC National Air Intelligence Center [U.S. Air Force] NAL National Aerospace Laboratory NALCOMIS Naval Air Logistics Communications Management Information System NALE naval and amphibious liaison element NALGEP National Association of Local Government Environmental Professionals NAM network assessment model nonaligned movement NAMSA NATO Maintenance and Supply Agency NAMSO NATO Maintenance and Supply Organisation NaOH sodium hydroxide NAPA National Academy of Public Administration NARDAC Navy Regional Data Automation Center NARDIC Navy Acquisition Research and Development Information Center NAS National Academy of Science Naval Air Station New Attack Submarine national airspace system NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASM National Air and Space Museum NASNI Naval Air Station North Island NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization NAVICP naval inventory control point NAVMIC Naval and Maritime Intelligence Center (Navy, Marine Corps) NAVMTO Navy Material Transportation Office NAVSEA Naval Sea Systems Command NAVSEA 01 Naval Sea Systems Command Financial Directorate NAVSEA 08 Naval Sea Systems Command Nuclear Propulsion Directorate NAVSPACECOM Naval Space Command NAVSTAR Navigation Satellite with Timing and Ranging NAVSUP Naval Supply Systems Command NAVTRANS Naval Transportation Support Command NAVWAR navigation warfare NAVXPRESS Navy local truck deliveries NB New Brunswick [USPS] Nb niobium [element] NBC nuclear, biological, and chemical NBMD NATO Business Management Directory NBS National Bureau of Standards NC node centers NC North Carolina [USPS] NCA National Command Authority [since 2002, not to be used; specify president, secretary of defense] NCC National Coordinating Center NCCS Navy Command and Control System NCES National Center for Educational Statistics NCO noncommissioned officer NCP National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan NCS National Communications System. NCSC National Computer Security Center NCSP National Communications Support Plan NCSRM National Communications System Regional Manager ND North Dakota [USPS] Nd neodymium [element] NDAA National Defense Authorization Act NDMOC National Disaster Medical Operations Center NDMS National Disaster Medical System NDMSOSC National Disaster Medical System Operations Support Center NDP National Defense Panel NDPO National Defense Program Outline NDRI National Defense Research Institute NDSM National Defense Service Medal [U.S. Army] NE northeast Nebraska [USPS] Ne neon [element] NEACP National Emergency Airborne Command Post Neb. Nebraska [traditional] NEC Nippon Electronics Company NECC National Emergency Coordination Center (FEMA) NEIS National Earthquake Information Service NELS National Education Longitudinal Study NEPA National Environmental Policy Act NEPPS National Environmental Performance Partnership System NES network encryption system NESDIS National Environment Satellite, Data, and Information Service NET noise equivalent temperature Nev. Nevada [traditional] NF Newfoundland [USPS] NFDA National Funeral Directors Association NFIP National Foreign Intelligence Program NFoV narrow field of view NGAF next-generation attack fighter [U.S. Air Force] NGB National Guard Bureau NGC Northrop Grumman Corporation NGIC National Ground Intelligence Center NGO nongovernmental organization NH New Hampshire [USPS] NHPA National Historic Preservation Act Ni nickel [element] NIAAA National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism NIC National Intelligence Council NICC National Interagency Coordination Center NICHD National Institute of Child Health and Human Development NIDA National Institute on Drug Abuse NIDES Next-Generation Intrusion Detection Expert System NIDRR National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research NIFCC National Interagency Fire Coordination Center (USFS) NIH National Institutes of Health

NiH2 nickel hydride (battery) NII national information infrastructure NIIRS national imagery interpretation rating scale NIMA National Imagery and Mapping Agency NIMH National Institutes of Mental Health NIMMS Naval Inventory Material Management System NIMSRs nonconsumable item materiel support requests NIO-CMI National Intelligence Officer for Conventional Military Issues NIPRNet Nonsecure Internet Protocol Router Network NIST National Institute for Standards and Technology NJ New Jersey [USPS] NKA North Korean Army NKPA North Korean People’s Army NLL Naval Logistical Library NLOS non-line of sight NLPS National Level Provider System NLRB National Labor Relations Board NM New Mexico [USPS] N-MCRL NATO Master Cross Reference List (COMMIT) NMCS National Military Command and Control System NMD national missile defense NMFS National Marine Fisheries Service nm nanometer nmi nautical mile NMOP National Mail Order Pharmacy Program NMP national maintenance point NMS national military strategy NMSA NATO Maintenance Supply Activity NNOB National Network Operations Branch NNOC National Network Operations Center NNS Newport News Shipbuilding NNSC Neutral National Supervisory Commission No nobelium [element] No. number NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NODS night optical device system NOFORN not releasable to foreign nationals NON-DIV nondivisional NORAD North American Aerospace Defense Command NORTEL Northern Telecom NOS night observation system Nos. numbers NP national preparedness Np neptunium [element] NPES Nuclear Planning and Execution System NPOESS National Polar-Orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System NPPR National Pollution Prevention Roundtable NPR Nuclear Posture Review NPS National Park Service Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA NPT Nonproliferation Treaty NPV net present value NRC National Research Council [part of the National Academy of Science] Nuclear Regulatory Commission NRCS National Resources Conservation Service NRL Naval Research Laboratory NRO National Reconnaissance Office NRT National Response Team NRTS Network Resources and Training Sites [NASA] ns nanosecond NS nonstealthy Nova Scotia [USPS] NS/EP National Security and Emergency Preparedness NSA National Security Agency NSC National Safety Council National Security Council NSEP National Security Emergency Preparedness NSF National Science Foundation National Strike Force NSIA National Security Industrial Association NSMM National Sustainment Maintenance Manager [U.S. Army] NSRA National Security Revitalization Act NSRD National Security Research Division [RAND] NSS National Security Strategy NSSDC National Space Science Data Center [NASA] NT Northwest Territories [USPS] NTC National Training Center NTDS Navy Tactical Data System NTF National Test Facility [U.S. Air Force] NTI near-term initiatives NTIA National Telecommunications and Information Administration NTISA Naval Tactical Interoperability Support Agency NTSB National Transportation Safety Board NTSP National Telecommunications Support Plan NU Nunavut [USPS] NV Nevada [USPS] NVA North Vietnamese Army NVEOL Night Vision Electro-Optics Laboratory NVOAD National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster NW northwest NWS National Weather Service NY New York [USPS]


O oxygen [element] O&M operations and maintenance O&O operational and organizational [U.S. Army] O&S operations and support OAS Office of Applied Studies Organization of American States OASA(FM) Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management) OASA(IL) Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installation and Logistics) OASA(RDA) Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Research, Development, and Acquisition) OASD(C3I) Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (C3I) OASH Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health (DHHS) OAT outside air temperature OBP objectives-based planning OBRM objectives-based resource management OC oversight committee opto-electronic components OCAR Office of the Chief of the Army Reserve OCE organized criminal enterprise OCHAMPUS Office of Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services (DoD) OCIE organizational clothing and individual equipment OCM operational communications models OCONUS outside the continental United States OCR operational capability requirement OD ordnance ODB occupational database ODCSLOG Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics ODCSOPS Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations ODM operational development model ODS Operation Desert Storm Operation Desert Shield (or Storm) OE operating expenses operational element OEM original equipment manufacturer OEP Office of Emergency Preparedness [U.S. Public Health Service] OET Office of Emergency Transportation OFA operational field assessment other federal agency OFAC Office of Foreign Assets Control (U.S. Treasury) OFDA Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance OGS overseas ground station OH Ohio [USPS] OH- hydroxide ion Ohio Ohio [traditional] OIA Office of Imagery Analysis OJCS Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff OJT on-the-job training OK Oklahoma [USPS] Okla. Oklahoma [traditional] OLS ordinary least squares OMB Office of Management and Budget ON Ontario [USPS] ONAP Office of National AIDS Policy ONDCP Office of National Drug Control Policy ONR Office of Naval Research Ont. Ontario [traditional] OOTW operations other than war op. cit. in the work OPA Oil Pollution Act OPCOM operational command OPDS off-shore petroleum discharge system OPEC Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries OPELINT operational electronic intelligence OPFAC operations facility OPFOR opposing force OPIDN Organophosphate-induced delayed neuropathy OPLAN operations plan OPLOC operating location OPM Office of Personnel Management OPNAV Office of the Chief of Naval Operations OPNS operations OPP off-load preparation party OPTEMPO operational tempo OR Oregon [USPS] ORA operational requirements analysis (Army CECOM) ORCON dissemination and extraction of information controlled by originator ORD operational requirements document Oreg. Oregon [traditional] ORF operational readiness float ORG organization or organizational ORSA operations research systems analysis (Army LEA) Os osmium [element] OSAGWI Office of the Special Assistant for Gulf War Illnesses OSC objective supply capability on-scene coordinator other service component(s) OSCE Organization of Security and Cooperation in Europe OSD Office of the Secretary of Defense OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration OSI open systems interconnection OSINT open-source intelligence OSMIS Operating and Support Management Information System [U.S. Army] OSRAP Optimum Stockage Requirements Analysis Program OSRD Office of Scientific Research and Development OSTP Office of Science Technology Policy OTA Office of Technology Assessment OTDR optical time-domain reflectometry OTOE Objective Table of Organization and Equipment OUSDRE Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering oz. ounce P

P phosphorous [element] p pico (SI prefix for 1 x 10–12) P&R personnel and readiness p. page P.E.I. Prince Edward Island [traditional] p.m. post meridiem, afternoon P.O. Box Post Office box (Abbreviate only with number) P.R. Puerto Rico [traditional] P/L profit and loss P2 pollution prevention P2C4I Power Projection C4 Improvement Program PA Procurement Army programmatic agreement proponent agency public affairs public assistance Pennsylvania [USPS] Pa pascal (derived SI unit) protactinium [element] PA&E program analysis and evaluation Pa. Pennsylvania [traditional] PAA primary assigned aircraft primary authorized aircraft PABX private automatic branch exchange PAC presidential advisory committee political action committee PAC3 Patriot (Advanced Capability) PACAF Pacific Air Forces PADDS Procurement Automated Data and Document System PADP Panel on Air Defense Philosophy [NATO] PADS POMCUS Authorization Document System PADW Panel on Air Defense Weapons [NATO] PAF Project AIR FORCE PAHO Pan American Health Organization PALOS Planning Assistance for Logistics Systems [U.S. Army] PAMCS Panel on Airspace Management and Control Systems [NATO] PAMS-A/PAMS-M Predictive Aircraft Maintenance System-Analysis and Migration PAO public affairs officer public assistance officer par. paragraph PARR program analysis resource review pars. paragraphs PASS parametric analysis of ship systems pass. throughout PAVN People’s Army of Vietnam PAX passengers PB property book Pb lead PBS Public Building Service (GSA) PBV post-boost vehicle PBX private branch exchange (communications) PC personal computer PCAST President’s Committee of Advisors on Science and Technology PCCIP Presidential Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection PCGD probability cost growth distribution PCLSAR Personal Computer Logistics Support Analysis Record [U.S. Army] PCM plug compatible machine PCN program control number PCO procurement contracting officer PCS permanent change of station [U.S. Army] personal communications service PCSD President’s Council on Sustainable Development PC-TARE personal computer-time and attendance report PCTE portable common tool environment PD priority designator [U.S. Army] Pd palladium [element] PDA preliminary damage assessment personal digital assistant PDD presidential decision directive PDF precision direction finder PDIP program data increment package PDM program decision memorandum [U.S. Army] PDOP position dilution of precision PDR preliminary design review PDRR program definition risk reduction PDS primary distribution site PDV project definition and validation PE Prince Edward Island [USPS] PED process, exploit, and disseminate PEM program element monitor PEO procurement executive officer program executive officer PERC Program Evaluation and Resources Center PERSCOM Personnel Command PERSTEMPO personnel tempo PfP Partnership for Peace PFT permanent full time PG processing gain PGM precision-guided munitions PGP Pretty Good Privacy (public key encryption package) Ph.D. doctor of philosophy PHS U.S. Public Health Service (DHHS) PIC Private Industry Council PICA Primary Inventory Control Activity PICS Protocol Interface Conformance Specifications PIN positive-intrinsic-negative PIO public information officer PIP primary injection points PIT process improvement team [U.S. Army] Pk probability of kill PKG package PKK Kurdistan Worker Party Pkwy. parkway PL public law Pl. place PLA People’s Liberation Army (China) PLAAF People’s Liberation Army Air Force PLL phase-locked loop prescribed load list PLO Palestine Liberation Organization PLS palletized loading system PLT platoon PM project manager program manager Pm promethium [element] PMCS preventive maintenance checks and services [U.S. Army] PMD pounds per man per day PMI politico-military interactions PMP project management plan PMR provisioning master record PMS production management specialist PO purchase officer Po polonium [element] POA point of arrival POC point of contact POD point of departure port of debarkation (offload point) POE point of embarkation POET phase one engineering team POG psychological operations group POL petroleum, oil, and lubricants POLA performance-oriented logistics assessment POLWAR political warfare POM program objectives memorandum POMCUS prepositioned overseas materiel configured to unit sets PoP point of presence POP post office protocol (email) proof of principle PORTER performance-oriented tracking of equipment repair POS point of sale POTUS President of the United States POW prisoner of war PP&C production planning and control pp. pages PPBES Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution System PPBS Planning, Programming, and Budgeting System PPC planning production and control ppm parts per million PPO personal property office preferred provider organization PPP point to point protocol (internet communications) PPS public perception survey precise positioning service PPSO personal property shipping office PQ Quebec [USPS] PQT product qualification testing [U.S. Army] PR Puerto Rico [USPS] Pr praseodymium [element] PRA patient reporting activity PRAG Program Risk Assessment Group PRAMS Passenger Reservation and Manifesting System PRB Personnel Replacement Base PRC People’s Republic of China PRC portable radio communications [U.S. Air Force] PRC Program Review Committee PRDA program research and development activity Pres. president PRF pulse repetition frequency PRIMIRS product improvement management information reports PRN pseudo-random number pro tem. for the time being Prof. professor PROFIT provisioning of file items [NATO] PRP primary responsible party PRR pulse repetition rate PRWORA Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act PSA port support activity PSF pounds per square foot psi pounds per square inch PSM purchasing and supply management PSN public switched network PSP programmable signal processor PSR personal service radio PSSG protocol standards steering group PSTN public switched telephone network PSYOP psychological operations Pt platinum [element] Pt. Port pt. part (document), pint PTD provisioning technical documentation PTSD Post-traumatic stress disorder Pu plutonium [element] Pub. L. public law (Used in legal citations, followed by the abbreviation No. and a number.) PVC permanent virtual circuits PVO private volunteer organizations PWC public works center PWD procurement word directive PWRM preposition war reserve materiel stocks


Q.E.D. which was to be demonstrated q.v. which see (refer to this topic) Q/R query and response QA quality assurance QDR Quadrennial Defense Review quality deficiency report QM quartermaster QPA quantity per article QPSK quaternary phase shift keying QRF quick reaction force QRMC Quadrennial Review of Military Compensation qt. quart Que. Quebec [traditional]


R&D research and development R&R resource and recovery R&S reconnaissance and surveillance R.I. Rhode Island [traditional] RA regular army Reserve Affairs resolution advisory Ra radium [element] RAAF Royal Australian Air Force RAAP rapid application of air power RACES Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Services rad radian (SI unit) RADC Rome Air Development Center [U.S. Air Force] RADINT radiation intelligence RADM rear admiral RADSS Resource Analysis Decision Support System (DFAS) RAF Royal Air Force RAID Requirements, Assessment, and Integration Division RAM radar-absorbing material random access memory RASP Reserve Associate Support Program RAU radio access unit Rb rubidium [element] RBA revolution in business affairs RBC red blood cells RBMS Retail Readiness-Based Maintenance System RBOC regional Bell operating company RBS Readiness Based Sparing RC reserve component RCAF Royal Canadian Air Force RCAS Reserve Component Automation System RCOH Refueling and Complex Overhauls RCRA the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act RCS radar cross section RCT repair cycle time RCTPIT Repair Cycle Time Process Improvement Team RCZ rear combat zone [U.S. Army] RD range disadvantage regional director RD requirements document Rd. road RDBMS relational database management system RDD required delivery date RDEC research development and engineering center RDES Requirements Determination and Execution System RDF obsolete: Rapid Deployment Force [now CENTCOM] RDO rapid decisive operations redistribution order RDODAAC rapid DODAAC change [U.S. Army] RDOT Regimental Directorate of Training RDS [a modeling program] RDT&E research, development, test, and evaluation Re rhenium [element] REA Rural Electrification Administration REACT radio emergency associated communication team Reject Entry and Correction Technique System REC regional emergency coordinator RECC regional emergency communications coordinator RECP regional emergency communications plan REM route evaluation module REO regional environmental officer REP regional evacuation point Rep. representative REQCTL requirements control RET regional emergency transportation RETCO regional emergency transportation coordinator RF radio frequency RFAIT radio frequency automatic identification technology RFI request for information RFP request for proposal RGS RAND Graduate School Rh rhodium [element] RHA regional health administrator (HHS) RI Rhode Island [USPS] RIC routing identifier code RIC reinforced concrete RICC reportable item control code RIDB Readiness Integrated Database RIF reduction in force RIIRS radar imagery interpretability rating scale RIMCS Reparable Item Movement Control System RIMS Recoverable Items Management System RIMSTOP Retail Inventory Management Stockage Policy RISC Regional Interagency Steering Committee RISTA reconnaissance, intelligence, surveillance, and target acquisition RJ Rivet Joint RLV reusable launch vehicle RM&A reliability, maintainability, and availability RMA revolution in military affairs RMC regular military compensation RML revolution in military logistics RMMC regimental materiel management center RMMT rail movement management team RMNCS Regional Manager National Communications System RMP Radar Modernization Program RMS root mean square RN Royal Navy Rn radon [element] RNA ribonucleic acid RNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force ROA remotely operated aircraft ROC regional operations center required operational capability receiver operating characteristic ROD report of discrepancy ROE rules of engagement ROK Republic of Korea ROM read-only memory ROR rate of return ROST regional operations support team ROTC Reserve Officer Training Corps ROTHR relocatable over-the-horizon radar RPG rocket propelled grenade rpm revolutions per minute RPSTL repair part special tool list RPV remotely piloted vehicle RR railroad RRS readiness reporting system RRT regional response team RSA [a public-key cryptography system named after its inventors: R. Rivest, A. Shamir, and L. Adleman] RSA reserve storage activity RSAM Reconnaissance and Surveillance Allocation Model RSAS RAND Strategy Assessment System RSC regional support center RSF requisition status file RSI rationalization, standardization, and interoperability RSIP Radar System Improvement Program RSMM regional sustainment maintenance manager [U.S. Army] RSOI reception, staging, onward movement, and integration RSTA reconnaissance, surveillance and target acquisition RTAIS remote terminal AMDF inquiry system RTB return to base RTCM Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Service RTIC real-time information in the cockpit [U.S. Air Force] RTIP Radar Technology Improvement Program RTS remote tracking station Ru ruthenium [element] RWA reimbursable work authorization RWI radio wire integration RX repairable exchange Rx receiver


S staging area south sulfur [element] siemens (derived SI unit) s second s second (SI unit) S&E salaries and expenses S&L savings and loan S&S supply and services S&T science and technology S&TF Science and Technology Forum S&TPI Science and Technology Policy Institute [RAND] S. Senate bill (with a following number, designates a Senate bill, S. 120.) S.A. equivalent to Ltd. S.B. scientiae baccalaureus (bachelor of science) S.C. South Carolina [traditional] S.D. South Dakota [traditional] s.d. without date (rarely used) S.M master of science S/N signal-to-noise ratio SA selective availability SA system (information) architecture SA3 Security Assistance Automation, Army SAAC Security Assistance Accounting Center SAACT Surveillance and Accountability Control Team SAAM Special Assignment Airlift Missions [U.S. Air Force] SAAMSS Security Assistance Automated Management Support System SAAS Standard Army Ammunition System SAB Scientific Advisory Board SAC school-age care Strategic Air Command SACEUR Supreme Allied Commander, Europe SACIMS Sensor Artificial Intelligence Communications Integrated Maintenance System SACLANT Supreme Allied Commander, Atlantic SACS Structure and Composition System SADARM sense-and-destroy armor SADFAN security assistance dedicated facsimile SAG senior advisory group SAGE Student Achievement Guarantee in Education SAGE-A Safety Assessment for the Ground Environments of Airports. SAIC Science Applications International Corp. SAILS Standard Army Intermediate Level Supply System SAIN Security Assistance Information Network SAIP semiautomated imagery processor SALOG Security Assistance Logistics System SALT Strategic Arms Limitation Talks SALTS Streamlined Automated Logistics Transmission System SAM special air missions [during Korean War] surface-to-air missile SAMAS Structure and Manpower Allocation System SAMD Studies and Analysis Management Division (J-8) SAMHSA Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration SAMMS Standard Automated Materiel Management System [DLA] Samoa American Samoa [traditional] SAMPAP Security Assistance Master Planning and Phasing SAMS Standard Army Maintenance System SAMSO Space and Missiles Systems Organization SAO Security Assistance Organization SAPMS Security Assistance Program Management System SAPPBG substance abuse performance partnership block grants SAR selected acquisition report semiactive radar synthetic aperture radar search and rescue selector application report SARA Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act SARSS Standard Army Retail Supply System SAS [a statistical computer package] SASC Senate Armed Services Committee Sask. Saskatchewan [traditional] SASS school and staffing survey SAT Scholastic Aptitude Test satisfactory software acceptance test SATAN Satellite Access Node System SATCOM satellite communication SATFA Security Assistance Training Field Activity SATMO Security Assistance Training Management Office SATP Security Assistance Training Program SAVAR standard Army validation and reconciliation SB Senate bill Sb antimony [element] SBA Small Business Administration SBI space-based interceptor SBIRS space-based infrared radar system SBIS Sustaining Base Information System SBR space-based radar SBSS Standard Base Supply System SC South Carolina [USPS] Sc scandium [element] sc. namely SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition SCADC standard central air data computer SCAMP single-channel antijam man-portable terminal [U.S. Army] SCARS Serialized Control and Reparable System SCDL secure communications data link SCE sister chromatid exchange SCEPC Senior Civil Emergency Planning Committee [NATO] SCI Sensitive compartmented information SCIF Sensitive Compartmentalized Intelligence Facility SCN shipbuilding and conversion, Navy SCO state coordinating officer SCOMP secure communications processor SCOTT single-channel objective tactical terminal [U.S. Army] SCP software change package SCR system change request SCS service center system Soil Conservation Service SCSI small computer systems interface SCT safe computing technologies SCV subclutter visibility SCWG Strategic Concepts Working Group SD spiral development South Dakota [USPS] SDC sample data collection SDF Japanese Self Defense Forces SDFSC Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities SDI Strategic Defense Initiative SDMI Strategic Distribution Management Initiative SDP system decision paper SDS Standard Depot System [U.S. Army] standard distribution system SDT Second Destination Transportation SDT system development test SE southeast Se selenium [element] SEA Southeast Asia SEACOP Strategic Sealift Contingency Planning System SEAD suppression of enemy air defenses SEAS system effectiveness analysis simulation SEASTRAT Sealift Strategic Analysis System SEATO Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (1954–1977) SEC section sec. section SECNAV Secretary of the Navy SECRET Space Systems Threat Environment Description SEES [a contractor software design system] SEM Strategic Environmental Management SEN small extension nodes (Army comm) Sen. senator SEP spherical error probable SES socioeconomic status senior executive service software engineering support SES-FE socioeconomic status-fixed effect sess. session SETAF Southern European Task Force SETI Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence SF standard form SFC specific fuel consumption SFDLR Stock Funding for Depot Level Repairable SFW sensor fuzed weapon SFWMD South Florida Water Management District SG support group SH support helicopter [UK Military] SHAPE Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers, Europe SHARE Stock Holding and Asset Requirements Exchange [NATO] SHF superhigh frequency SHPO State Historic Preservation Office SHRDP Strategic Human Resources Development Plan SI International System of Units Si silicon [element] SIAMS Single Integrated Ammunition Management System SID standard instrument departure SIG signal SIGCEN signal center [U.S. Army] SIGINT signals intelligence SIM Simulation SIMA shore intermediate maintenance activity [U.S. Navy] SIA systems integration and management activity SIMBUILD simulation building SIMCAP Simulated Combat Air Patrol [a RAND model] SIMNET Simulations networking SIMS-X Selected Item Management System-Expanded SINCGARS single-channel ground and airborne radio system SIOP single integrated operational plan SIP self-initiated program SIPRI Stockholm International Peace Research Institute SIPRNET Secret Internet Protocol Router Network SIR signal-to-interference ratio SIS strategic information systems SIT site improvement teams SITREP situation report SIW strategic information warfare SK Saskatchewan [USPS] SLA Strategic Logistics Agency [U.S. Army] Symbionese Liberation Army SLAM standard land attack missile SLBMs submarine-launched ballistic missiles SLCM sea-launched cruise missile SLDB Submarine Logistics Database SLEP Service Life Extension Program SLL sidelobe level SLOC source lines of code SLPS State and Local Programs and Support Directorate (FEMA) SLRP Survey, Liaison, and Reconnaissance Party SLUFAE Surface Launched Unit, Fuel Air Explosive SLV space launch vehicle Sm samarium [element] SMA sergeant major of the army SMART Supply and Maintenance Assessment and Review Team [U.S. Army] SMART-T Secure Mobile Anti-jam Reliable Tactical Terminal [U.S. Army] SMCS Standard Monitoring and Control System [U.S. Navy] SMEX Small Explorer [NASA] SMTP Simple Mail Transport Protocol Sn tin [element] SNMP simple network management protocol SNR signal-to-noise ratio SNS secure network server SNT serial number tracking

SO2 sulfur dioxide SOCOM Special Operations Command SOF Special Operations Forces SOFA Status of Forces Agreement (United States and South Korea) SOLIC special operations and low-intensity conflict SOM system operations manager SON statement of operational need [U.S. Air Force] SONET synchronous optical network SOP standard operating procedures SOSUS sound surveillance system SOW statement of work SPAWAR space and naval warfare SPEAKEASY multimode and multiband radio SPEAR space electronically agile radar SPG self-propelled gun SPINS special instructions SPO system acquisition program office system program office SPOD sea port of debarkation SPOE sea port of embarkation SPS standard positioning service SPT support Sq. square [location] SQI special qualification identifier SQL Structured Query Language SQT Software qualification test Sr strontium [element] Sr. senior sister [religious title] SRAN Stock Record Account Number SRC Source requirement code standard requirements code SRR system requirements review SS single sideband ss. namely SSA source selection authority standard system application supply support activity soldier support activity Social Security Administration SSBN nuclear ballistic missile submarine SSC smaller-scale conflict SSC smaller-scale contingency SSM small smart munition surface-to-surface missile SSPA solid-state phased array SSPK single-shot probability of kill St. saint street STACCS Theater Strategic Command and Control System STAMIS Standard Army Management Information System STANFINS Standard Army Financial System STAR standard terminal arrival route student-teacher achievement ratio system threat assessment report START Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty START Simplified Tool for Assessment of Regional Threats [a theater-level campaign model developed by RAND] STATA [a statistical computer package] STATCO Statistical Passenger Data Collection Application System STATEX statutory exclusion STDN secure tactical data network STE staff year of technical effort Ste. sainte (feminine, French) STO Science and Technology Objective [U.S. Army] STOL short STON short ton STOVL short takeoff and vertical landing S&TPI Science and Technology Policy Institute STRADS strategic deployment system STRATFOR strategic forces STS Space Transportation System [NASA; proper term for the space shuttle] STScI Space Telescope Science Institute STTE special tools and test equipment STX situational training exercise [U.S. Army] SUA special use airspace subch. subchapter subpar. subparagraph subpt. subpart subsec. subsection SUPCOM support command supp. supplement SUPSHIP supervisor of shipbuilding Supt. superintendent SVMG Silicon Valley Manufacturing Group SW southwest SWA Southwest Asia SWAT special weapons and tactics SWC Space Warfare Center [U.S. Air Force] SWPS Strategic War Planning System [U.S. Air Force] SYERS Senior Year Electro-Optical Reconnaissance System


T tablespoon t teaspoon T&E threatened and endangered T&M/LH time and materials and labor hours T/M transportable to mobile T/R transmit-receive T/T transportable to transportable T/W thrust-to-weight ratio TA technical (information) architecture territorial army traffic advisory Ta tantalum [element] TAA tactical assembly area TAACOM Theater Army Area Command TAADS The Army Authorization Documents System TAB theater air base TAC Tactical Air Command type activity code Tactical Air Command TAC CP Tactical Command Post TAC2 Theater Army Command and Control System TACAIR tactical air TACAMO take charge and move out TACC Tanker Airlift Control Center TACCS Tactical Army CSS Computer System TACFIRE Tactical Fire Control system TACMS-BAT Tactical Missile System-Brilliant Anti-Armor Submunition [U.S. Army] TACOM Tank and Automotive Command [U.S. Army] Tank Automotive Command [U.S. Army] TACSAT Tactical Satellite Communications TACSSCS Tactical Army Combat Service Support Computer System TADIL-J Tactical Data Information Link–JTIDS TADIX-B Tactical Data Information Exchange System-Broadcast TADS/PNVS Target Acquisition and Designation System, Pilot Night Vision Sensor TAEDP Total Army Equipment Distribution Plan TAES Tactical Aeromedical Evacuation System TAFIM Technical Architecture Framework for Information Management TAI total aircraft inventory TAIM Total Army Inventory Management TALCE Tanker Airlift Control Element TAMCA Theater Army Movement Control Agency TAMCC Theater Army Movement Control Center TAMIS Training Ammunition Management Information System TAMMC Theater Army Materiel Management Center TAMMIS Theater Army Medical Management Information System TAMMS the Army Maintenance Management System TANF Temporary Assistance to Needy Families TAP The Army Plan TAPS A contractor software design system TARP Theater Army Requirement Program TASC the Atlantic Sciences Corporation Training and Audiovisual Support Center [U.S. Army] TASDAC tactical secure data communications TASM tactical air-to-surface missile TAT technology assessment team TAV total asset visibility Tb terbium [element] TBD to be determined TBM theater ballistic missile theater battle management TBMCS Theater Battle Management Core System Tc technetium [element] TCAS traffic collision avoidance system TCC transportation component command TCMD transportation movement control document TCN transportation control number TCP telecommunications priorities transmission control protocol TCTO time compliance technical order TD/CMS Technical Data Configuration Management System TDOA time difference of arrival TDP Total Distribution Program TDY temporary duty Te tellurium [element] TED terrain elevation data TEED tactical end-to-end encryption device TEL transporter-erector-launcher TELAR transporter-erector-launcher and radar TEM Terrain Evaluation Module TEMPEST Transient Electromagnetic Pulse Standard TEMPO Technical Military Programming Organization TENCAP tactical exploitation of national capabilities Tenn. Tennessee [traditional] TEP task execution plan TEP theater engagement plans TEPMIS Theater Engagement Plan Management Information System TERCOM terrain-contour matching TEREC Tactical Electronic Reconnaissance [system] TERMS Terminal Management System [U.S. Army MTMC] Terr. terrace TESSA TMD (theater missile defense) Eagle Smart Sensor and ATR (automatic target recognition) Tex. Texas [traditional] TGSM terminally guided submunitions TH temporary housing Th thorium [element] THAAD theater high-altitude area defense THO temporary housing officer TI Texas Instruments TI Transportation Information [U.S. Navy] Ti titanium [element] TIBS Tactical Information Broadcast Service TIES technical identification evaluation and selection TIMS Technical Information Management System Transportation Information Management System [U.S. Navy] TIP tactical injection points tactical Internet protocol TIR total item record TKF Taktisches Kamflugneung, German tactical combat aircraft Tl thallium [element] TLAA Tactical Logistics Automation Architecture TLAM Tomahawk land-attack missile TLAMS Travel and Living Allowance Management System TLE target location error TM technical manual Tm thulium [element] TMA TRICARE Management Activity TMD theater missile defense tactical munitions dispenser TMDE test, measurement, and diagnostic equipment TMG tactical multinet gateway TMMS Transportation Material Management System [U.S. Navy] TMO transportation movement officer TN Tennessee [USPS] TNC threaded navy connector TNL target nomination list TNS tactical name server TO theater of operations TOA theater operational area TOA total obligational authority TOE table of equipment table of organization and equipment TOFM Theater Operating Force Module [U.S. Army] TOGW takeoff gross weight TOLS Terminal Management System On-Line [U.S. Army MTMC] ton ton TOPS tactical operations support TOR terms of reference TOW tube launched, optically tracked, wire command linked TPA Tactical Packet Network TPED Tasking Processing Exploitation and Dissemination TPEP Trusted Product Evaluation Program TPF task performance factor TPF total package fielding TPFDD time-phased force deployment data TPFDL time-phased force deployment list TPIO TRADOC Program Integration Office TPN tactical packet network TPS test program sets TPT Tactical Petroleum Terminal [U.S. Army] TQEM total quality environmental management TQM total quality management TRACON terminal radar control [NASA] TRADOC U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command TRAM transmit-receive antenna module trans. translator, translated TRANSCOM Transportation Command TRAP tactical related applications TRAP Tactical Recovery of Aircraft and Personnel (Marine) TRDI Technical Research and Development Institute TREAS Department of the Treasury Treas. Treasurer TRI Toxic Release Inventory TRICARE [Military health benefit program] TRIPS Travel, Reporting and Information Processing System TRI-TAC Tri-Service Tactical Communication system TRK truck TRL technical readiness level TRM technical reference model TRR tactical radar receiver TRW [a former aerospace company] TS/SCI Top Secret and Sensitive Compartmented Information TSA theater storage area [U.S. Army] TSA theater support activity TSASS TRADOC Security Assistance Support System TSC technical steering committee TSC theater support command TSM TRADOC System Manager TSP telecommunications service priority TSP Thrift Savings Plan TSSAM Tri-Service Standoff Attack Missile TSSD TRICARE Senior Supplement Demonstration TT&C telemetry, tracking, and control TTA tactical terminal adapter (Army communications) TTHS trainee, transient, holdee, and school TTP technology transfer procedures annex tactics, techniques, and procedures trailer transfer point TUAV tactical UAV TUFMIS Tactical Unit Financial Management Information System TURK Time Utilization Record-Keeping System TV television TVA Tennessee Valley Authority TW/AA tactical warning and attack assessment TWCF Transportation Working Capital Fund TWR threat warning receiver TWT traveling wave tube TWV tactical wheeled vehicle (Army truck) TWVMP Tactical Wheeled Vehicle Modernization Plan [U.S. Army] Tx transmitter TX Texas [USPS] (tm) trademark


U uranium [element] U.N. United Nations U.S. United States U.S.A. United States of America U.S.C. United States Code U.S.C.A U.S. Code Annotated UADPS Uniform Automated Data Processing System [U.S. Navy] UAPI uniform application program interface UAV unmanned aerial vehicle UBL unit basic load UCA Unified Cryptologic Architecture UCAV Uninhabited Combat Air Vehicle [U.S. Navy] UCAV unmanned combat aerial vehicle UCCIS USAREUR Command and Control Information System UCP Unified Command Plan UERE user equivalent range error UFC unit flyaway cost UFD user functional description UFO UHF Follow-On UG underground UHF ultrahigh frequency UIC unit identification code UIR user interface requirements UK United Kingdom UKMSCS U.K. Military Satellite Communication System ULC unit-level computer ULLS Unit-Level Logistics System [U.S. Army] UMMIPS Uniform Materiel Movement and Issue Priority System UMT Universal Military Training UN United Nations UNC United Nations Command UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation UNI United News of India UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund UNIKOM United Nations Iraq-Kuwait Observation Mission UNIX UNPROFOR United Nations Protection Force UNSCM United Nations Special Commission UPC unit production cost URL uniform resource locator US F&WS U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service US&R urban search and rescue USA U.S. Army USACE US Army Corps of Engineers USACOM U.S. Atlantic Command USAES U.S. Army Engineer School USAF U.S. Air Force USAFA U.S. Air Force Academy (in Colorado Springs) USAFE U.S. Air Force Europe USAISC U.S. Army Information Systems Command USAISEC U.S. Army Information System Engineering Command USAISSSC U.S. Army Information Systems Software Support Command USALEA U.S. Army Logistics Evaluation Agency USAMC U.S. Army Materiel Command USAMRIID U.S. Army Medical Institute of Infectious Disease USAPFO U.S. Property and Fiscal Officer USAR U.S. Army Reserve USAREUR U.S. Army Europe USARPAC U.S. Army Pacific USARSO U.S. Army South USASAC U.S. Army Security Assistance Command USASC U.S. Army Signal Center USASOC U.S. Army Special Operations Command USBR U.S. Bureau of Reclamation USC United States Code USCENTCOM U.S. Central Command USCG U.S. Coast Guard USD(C)/CFO Under Secretary of Defense Comptroller/Chief Financial Officer USD(AT&L) Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics USD(I) Under Secretary of Defense for Intellilgence USD(P) Under Secretary of Defense for Policy USD(P&R) Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness USDA U.S. Department of Agriculture USEUCOM U.S. European Command USFA U.S. USFDA U.S. Food and Drug Administration USFHP Uniformed Services Family Health Plan USFJ U.S. Forces Japan USFK U.S. Forces Korea USFWS U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service USGS U.S. Geological Survey USIA U.S. Information Agency USJFCOM U.S. Joint Forces Command USLANTCOM U.S. Atlantic Command USMC U.S. Marine Corps USMTF U.S. Message Text Formats USN U.S. Navy USNR U.S. Naval Reserve USPACOM U.S. Pacific Command USPHS U.S. Public Health Service USPS U.S. Postal Service USS U.S. ship USSBS U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey USSOCOM U.S. Special Operations Command USSOUTHCOM U.S. Southern Command USSPACECOM U.S. Space Command USSR Union of Soviet Socialist Republics USTR U.S. Trade Representative USTRANSCOM U.S. Transportation Command (DoD) UT Utah [USPS] Utah Utah [traditional] UTC unit type code


V volt (derived SI unit) vanadium [element] v versus (legal cases) V.I. Virgin Islands [traditional] VA Veterans’ Administration Department of Veterans Affairs Virginia [USPS] Va. Virginia [traditional] VADM vice admiral VAFB Vandenberg Air Force Base VC Viet Cong; Vietnamese Communists VCCLEA Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act VCJCS Vice Chief, Joint Chiefs of Staff VCRTF Violent Crime Reduction Trust Fund VERA Veterans Equitable Resource Allocation system VFR visual flight rules VG velocity group VHA Veterans Health Administration (Department of Veterans Affairs) VHF very-high frequency VHSIC very-high-speed integrated circuit VI Virgin Islands [USPS] VIP very important person viz. namely VLF very low frequency VLSI very-large-scale integrated circuits VM velocity management VMC visual meteorological conditions VME [a type of data bus] VNAF Vietnamese Air Force VOD vertical obstruction data vol. volume vols. volumes VOLTS Virtual Online Logistics Transaction System [DLA] VPE vertical position error VR vocational rehabilitation VREP Vendor Receipts and Expediting Program [U.S. Navy] VRM variable-resolution modeling vs. versus (general use) VSAT very-small-aperture terminal VSTOL vertical or short takeoff and landing VT Vermont [USPS] Vt. Vermont [traditional] VTC video teleconference VTHL vertical takeoff and horizontal landing [NASA] VTUAV vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) tactical UAV VTVL vertical takeoff and vertical landing [NASA]


W west watt (derived SI unit) tungsten [element] W. Va. West Virginia [traditional] WA Washington [USPS] WAAS World Airline Accident Summary WAC Women’s Air Corps WADGPS wide-area DGPS WAIS Wide-Area Information Server WAN wide-area network WARF wartime attrition replacement factors WARS Worldwide Ammunition Reporting System WAS Wide-Area Multispectral Surveillance Program WAS wide-area search Wash. Washington [traditional] WBCSD World Business Council on Sustainable Development WBPS Wholesale Budget Preparation System WBS work breakdown structure WCMD wind-corrected munitions dispensers WEAR Wartime Executive Agency Responsibilities WESTCOM Western Command [U.S. Army] WEU Western European Union WFoV wide field of view WG working group WHCA White House Communications Agency WHO World Health Organization WI Wisconsin [USPS] WIC California Welfare and Institutions Code WIN work incentive program Wisc. Wisconsin [traditional] WMD weapons of mass destruction WNINTEL Warning Notice—Intelligence Sources or Methods Involved WOC wing operations center WOD word of the day WPS Worldwide Port System WR-ALC Warner Robbins Air Logistics Center WRAP War Reserve Automated Process Warfighting Rapid Acquisition Program WRD Washington Research Department [RAND] WRI World Resources Institute WSAC weapon system analysis capability WSMAP Weapon System Management Action Plan WSSM Weapon System Sustainment Management [RAND] WTW welfare-to-work WUC work unit code WV West Virginia [USPS] WWMCCS World Wide Military Command and Control System WWW World Wide Web WY Wyoming [USPS] Wyo. Wyoming [traditional]


Xe xenon [element] XO executive officer XX brigade XXX corps


Y yttrium [element] Y.T. Yukon [traditional] Y2K Year 2000 Yb ytterbium [element] yd yard yd2 square yard yd3 cubic yard YOS year(s) of service yr year YRTECH year of technology YT Yukon [USPS]


Zn zinc [element] Zr zirconium [element]