A Sampling of Abbreviations This list is in Word form to make it more adaptible for general use. It can be converted to a table and sorted in various ways, if desired, or material can be easily copied from the list. The contents are not in- tended to be comprehensive an many resources are available, such as the following: DoD Dictionary of Military Terms: Online at http://www.dtic.mil/doctrine/jel/doddict/index.html Air Force Dictionary (AFDD 1-2): download from http://www.e-publishing.af.mil/ With Numbers 1LT first lieutenant [U.S. Army] 1st Lt first lieutenant [U.S. Air Force] 1stLt. first lieutenant [Marine Corps] 2LT second lieutenant [U.S. Army] 2nd Lt second lieutenant [U.S. Air Force] 2ndLt. second lieutenant [Marine Corps] A A aluminum [element] ampere (electricity, SI unit) Å angstrom A.B. artium baccalaureus (bachelor of arts) a.k.a. also known as A.M. artium magister (master of arts) a.m. ante meridiem, morning A/DACG Arrival and Departure Airfield Control Group A/J antijam A2C2 Army Airspace Command and Control A2C2S Army Aviation Command and Control System AA Automated Association Module AA Armed Forces Americas (except Canada) [USPS] AAA Army Audit Agency antiaircraft artillery AAAS American Association for the Advancement of Science AAC Activity Address Code Army Acquisition Corps Army Air Corps (UK Military) AACA Army Airlift Clearance Authority AADPA Assistant Associate Director for Public and Intergovernmental Affairs AAE Army Acquisition Executive AAFES Army and Air Force Exchange System AAI Automatic AUTODIN Interface [also the name of a corporation] AALPS Automated Air Load Planning System AAM air-to-air missile AAN Army After Next AAO Army Acquisition Objectives Authorized Acquisition Objective [U.S. Army] AAPPES Army Automation Planning, Programming, and Evaluation System AAR After Action Report AAWS Advanced Anti-tank Weapon System AB Alberta [USPS] ABC activity-based costing [Army] ABCCC Airborne Command and Control Center Airborne Command Control and Communications ABCS Army Battle Command System ABF asset balance file ABIC Army Battlefield Interface Concept ABIDES Automated Budget Interactive Data Environmental System ABIT Airborne Information Transmission [system] ABL Airborne Laser ABM antiballistic missile Anti-Ballistic Missile treaty ABO Army Budget office ABP Air Battle Plan AC active component Ac actinium AC&I acquisition, construction, and improvements AC2MP Army Command and Control Master Plan ACAS Air Carrier Analysis System Airlift Cycle Assessment System ACC Air Combat Command ACCMP Aircraft Carrier Continuous Maintenance Program ACCS Army Command and Control System ACDA U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency ACE Allied Command Europe Army Corps of Engineers ACES Army Continuing Education System ACHP Advisory Council on Historic Preservation ACI Automated Carrier Interface ACI&C Arms Control Implementation and Compliance ACL Allowable Cabin Load ACLDB Army Central Logistics Data Bank ACN airborne communications node ACNO Assistant Chief of Naval Operations ACO airspace control order administrative contracting officer ACOE Army Common Operating Environment ACOM Atlantic Command ACP Asset Capitalization Program ACPC Arroyo Center Policy Committee [RAND] ACQN acquisition ACR armored cavalry regiment ACRI African Crisis Response Initiative ACS Advanced Communications Systems, Inc. Asset Control System Assistant Chief of Staff ACSA Allied Communications Security Agency [NATO] ACTD advanced concept technology demonstration ACTH adrenocorticotropic hormone ACTO Army Communicative Technology Office ad lib. at will ADA Air Defense Artillery ADAMS Automated Disaster Assistance Management System ADANS Airlift Deployment Analysis System ADI Air Defense Initiative ADM admiral ADMRU Aviation Depot Maintenance Roundout Unit [U.S. Air Force] ADO Army Digitization Office ADP Automated Data Processing ADPE Automated Data Processing Equipment ADPMIS ADP Management Information System [U.S. Air Force] ADPR Automated Data Processing Resources ADS Airspace Deconfliction Software ADS-A Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Addressed ADS-B Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast ADSIA Allied Data Systems Implementation Agency [NATO] ADT Active Duty for Training ADT Architecture Development Team [U.S. Air Force] ADTLP Army Doctrinal Training and Literature Program ADUSD(SCI) Assistant Deputy Under Secretary of Defense, Supply Chain Integration AE Aeromedical Evacuation Armed Forces Africa [USPS] Armed Forces Canada [USPS] Armed Forces Europe [USPS] Armed Forces Middle East [USPS] AEA Automation Economic Analysis AEC Agency Emergency Coordinators AECC Aeromedical Evacuation Control Center AECE Aeromedical Evacuation Control Element AECM Aeromedical Evacuation Crew Members AEELS Automatic ELINT Emitter Location System AEF air expeditionary force AELT Aeromedical Evacuation Liaison Team AES Aeromedical Evacuation System AESA active electronically steered array AESRS Army Equipment Status Reporting System AEW airborne early warning AF Air Force 1 AF/SC Assistant Chief of Staff for Systems for C4 [U.S. Air Force] AF/SMC Air Force Space and Missile Systems Center AFA Air Force Association AFADS Automatic Force Adjustment Data System AFAG Air Force Advisory Group 1 A note on superscripts: A supercript in an abbreviation (as opposed to math) indicates that the spelled- out version of the term has as many words in it beginning with the given letter as the number denotes. In this case, C4 stands for “command, control, communication, and computers.” In recent years, the nu- meral has more often not been superscripted; this is acceptable, although not traditional. AFAISRC Air Force Automated Information Systems Review Council AFAS Advanced Field Artillery System [U.S. Army] AFATDS Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System AFB air force base AFB1 Aflatoxin B1 AFCA Air Force Communications Agency AFCAC Air Force Computer Acquisition Center AFCC Air Force Communications Command AFCEA Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association AFCSIO Air Force Communications-Computers Systems Integration Office AFDC Aid to Families with Dependent Children AFDD Air Force Doctrine Document AFDIS Air Force Dial-In System AFFOR Air Force Forces AFFSA Air Force Flight Safety Agency AFG1 Aflatoxin G1 AFIF Air Force Industrial Fund AFIP Armed Forces Institute of Pathology AFIS American Forces Information Service AFIT Air Force Institute of Technology AFLC Air Force Logistics Command AFLMA Air Force Logistics Management Agency AFM Air Force Manual AFMC Air Force Materiel Command AFMIS Army Food Management Information System AFMSS Air Force Mission Support System AFP Air Force pamphlet AFRES Air Force Reserve AFRL Air Force Research Laboratory AFSAB Air Force Science Advisory Board AFSATCOM Air Force Satellite Communications AFSC Air Force Systems Command AFSCC Air Force Service Component Commander AFSCN Air Force Satellite Control Network AFSPC Air Force Space Command AFTA ASEAN Free Trade Area AFV Armored Fighting Vehicle Ag silver [element] AGCCS Army Global Command and Control System AGCT Army General Classification Test AGI Auxiliary General Intelligence (Russian intelligence-gathering ship) AGL above ground level AGM Air-to-Ground Missile AGS Alliance Ground Surveillance armored gun system AHC Automated Headcount AHMDS Army Hazardous Materials Data System AHQ air headquarters AHS Academy of Health Sciences AI artificial intelligence AI&T assembly, integration, and test AIA Army Information Architecture AIAA American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics AID Agency for International Development AIDS acquired immune deficiency syndrome AIEP Army Ideas for Excellence Program AIM Acquisition Information Management Air Interception Missile AIMC Army Information Management Council AIP ASARS Improvement Program AIRS AMDF Interrogation and Retrieval System AIS automated information system AISARC Automated Information Systems Acquisition Review Council [U.S. Air Force] AIT automatic identification technology AJ antijam AK Alaska [USPS] AKA also known as AL Alabama [USPS] ALA Army Logistics Assessment Ala. Alabama [traditional] Alaska Alaska [traditional] ALA-X Army Logistics Assessment–Extended ALBM air-to-land ballistic missile ALC Acquisition Logistics Center (Army LOGSA) ALCC airlift control center ALCE airlift control element ALCM-C Air-Launched Cruise Missile-Conventional ALLA Allied Long Lines Agency [NATO] ALMARS All Marine Messages ALMC Army Logistics Management College ALMSA Automated Logistics Management Systems Activity [U.S. Army] ALO air-land operation ALOC air line of communication ALPS Automated Labor and Production System ALT administrative lead time Alta. Alberta [traditional] AM air marshal amplitude modulation Am americium [element] Amb. ambassador AMC Air Mobility Command [U.S. Air Force] Army Materiel Command AMCISS AMC Standard Installation Supply System AMCL Approved MILSTRIP Change Letter AMDF Army Master Data File AME air mobility element AMEDDPAS Army Medical Department Property Accounting System AMMO ammunition AMOPES Army Mobilization and Operations Planning and Execution System AMP Army Materiel Plan AMPE Automated Message Processing Exchange AMRAAM advanced medium-range air-to-air missile AMRCOM Armament Materiel Readiness Command [U.S. Army] AMS Aerial Measuring System Automated Manifest System AMSA Area Maintenance Support Activities AMSAA Army Materiel Systems Analysis Activity AMSS Army Materiel Status System AMTI airborne moving target indication AN Alpha Numeric ANC Army Nurse Corps ANCA Allied
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