ТЕМА КУРСУ(1-11уроки): «Traveling. Ukraine»


1. Remember!

Why do people travel?

People travel to …

 to study geography  to get to know other countries  to get to know new cultures  to see new places  to enjoy nature  to visit relatives  to meet new people  to make new friends  to learn a language  to practice English  to go sightseeing  to go on an excursion  to earn money  to relax  to go on a tour around different cities of the country

2. Choose a need word: (ПИСЬМОВО)

1. A place where you can see animals. – 2. A place where you can watch films.- 3. A place where you can see old things.- 4. A place where you can see pictures.- 5. A place where you can eat.- 6. A place where you can send a letter.- 7. A place where you can take money.- 8. A place where you can take books.-

Museum, cinema, gallery, café, bank, library, zoo, post office

3. Read and learn the poem “MyNativeLand”

My native land, The land of wonders, Of autumn rains And summer thunders. The greenest hills And magic lakes, The tender breeze, Romantic dales. Amazing land – My dear Ukraine.

4. What is Ukraine associated with?


beautiful nature Ukraine Independent state

co cities ,towns, villages Rivers, lakes, seas towns National symbols


There are three main official symbols of Ukraine: its national emblem, flag, and anthem. Our national emblem is a golden trident on a blue background. The trident is a symbol of power. It’s about 1,000 years old. It was depicted on the coins of Volodymyr the Great (979-1015), the Grand Prince of Kyiv. Why was the trident chosen as an emblem of Ukraine? The three points of the trident symbolize the trinity of life: Father, Mother, and Child. They mean Might, Wisdom and Love. Besides, three is a magic number. We can find a lot of examples with this number in folk tales: three epic heroes, three wishes, three roads.

6. Post-reading activities(ПИСЬМОВО) Decide if these statements are true (T) or false (F). 1. Our national symbol is a red star. 2. The trident is a symbol of power. 3. The trident is about 100 years old. 4. It was depicted on the coins of Volodymyr the Great. 5. The trident is a newly founded symbol. 6. The three points mean Love, Friendship and Success. 7. The number three is a magic number.

7. Make up the word – combinations(ПИСЬМОВО)

1) Independence a) Lavra 2) Mariyinskiy b)Church 3) St. Andrew`s c) Square 4) The Kyiv- d) Palace 5) Khreshchatyk e) Gate 6) St. Sophia`s f) Street 7) The Golden g) Cathedral IIЗРОЗУМІЙ ЦЕ ПРОСТО!

1. Translate and learn

 a travel / to travel / travelling  a way of travelling  to choose the way of travelling  while travelling  to get to know  to be on holidays (GB)  to be on vacations (Am)  a change / change / to change  to discover(v.) / a discovery (n.)  to arrange  a trip / to go on a trip  a travel agency (agencies)  to get help with  a transport / to transport  a mean of transport  a kind of transport  a planning / to plan  to travel by … bus / train / plane / ship  to travel on foot / horseback  a bus / a coach  a passenger  a driver / a taxi-driver  advantages / disadvantages  a station / a bus station / a train station (a railway station) /  an underground station / an airport / a port  a car park  a line / a stop / a station  a route  a map  a time table  a ticket office  a ticket  a return ticket / a single ticket  to arrive at … a station / … a village  to arrive in London  to leave London  to leave London for Paris  to come back / to return  to departure  to miss a train  to change for

2. Read and translate

I live in Ukraine. Ukraine appeared on the map of the world in 1991. Now Ukraine is a sovereign state with its own territory. It also has the national emblems: the state flag and the anthem. The state flag has two stripes on it. The stripes are blue and yellow. The blue colour means a blue sky and the yellow colour means a yellow field in summer.

Ukraine is a sovereign state. Ukraine is situated in the east of Europe. Ukraine borders on Russia, Belarus, Poland, Moldova, Slovakia, Hungary, and Romania. It’s washed by the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov and has very important ports. Ukraine is larger than France and Great Britain. 5% of Ukraine’s territory is mountainous; the rest part of the Ukrainian area is flat. The Carpathians is the natural mountainous boundary of Ukraine. They are covered with mixed forests of pine, fir, beech and oak trees. The Dnieper is the main river of the country; moreover, it’s the third longest river in Europe. Such rivers as the Dniester, the Danube, the Southern Bug and the Seversky Donets are also important. The biggest cities of Ukraine are Kyiv, Kharkiv, Lviv, , Zaporizhzhya, Odessa, Mykolaiv and others. Ukraine has a rich historical and cultural heritage. There are many higher educational establishments, theatres, libraries, museums, art galleries in Ukraine. It’s also famous for many outstanding writers, poets and musicians.

3. You can see the scrambled questions.Putthewordsinthelogicalordertomakeupthequestionsandansw erthem.(Дано 5 речень з розкиданих слів. Потрібно правильно побудувати питання та дати на нього відповідь.)(ПИСЬМОВО)

1) Is/main/what/the/national/holiday/Ukraine/in? 2) The/what/official/is/in/country/our/state/language? 3) What/does/border/on/Ukraine/countries? 4) Population/Ukraine/of/the/is/what? 5) Ukraine/river/is/the/main/what/in? 6) Situated/where/Ukraine/is?

4. Read, learn and practice new GRAMMAR!


PresentPerfect вживається для вираження дії, завершеної до моменту мовлення, результат якої є в теперішньому часі. Цей дієслівний час може передавати дію, яка відбулася як перед моментом мовлення, так і більш віддаленому часі в минулому. Увага співрозмовника концентрується на результаті дії в момент мовлення, а не на часі її виконанні.


Simple Presentдієслова to have ( have, has)+ Participle II (written) смислового дієслова to write + I have written the letter. He has written the letter. ? Have you already written the letter? What has he written? - I have not (haven’t) written the letter yet. He hasn’t written the letter.


PresentPerfectчасто вживається зі словами:

 ever – коли-небудь  before – раніше, до цього  never – ніколи  today – сьогодні  already– вже  thisweek – на цьому тижні, цього тижня  yet – ще, вже  thismonth – в цьому місяці  notyet – ще не  thisyear – в цьому році, цього року  often – часто  thisafternoon – сьогодні вдень  sofar – поки, до сих пір  foranhour – протягом години  lately – останнім часом  for two weeks – протягомдвохтижнів  just – тільки-но  for a long time – протягомдовгогочасу  recently – нещодавно, на днях  since twelve o’clock –  once – одного разу сдванадцятоїгодини  manytimes – багато разів  since 12 April – з 12 квітня  severaltimes – декілька разів  sinceMay – з травня

5. Make up five sentences from each table

6. Do following the example:(ПИСЬМОВО)

7. Do following the example:(ПИСЬМОВО)


1. Match English words with Ukrainian equivalents:(ПИСЬМОВО)

1.to be situated on а) проходити (прочас) 2. exhibition b) каштан 3.to pass c) мешканець 4.to beproud d) бути розташованим на 5.fifteen centuries e) виставка 6. inhabitant f) давнігорби 7. to be held g) проводитися 8. ancient hills h) пишатися 9.chestnut tree I) пятнадцятьстоліть

2. Write the words in the correct order to make sentences:(ПИСЬМОВО) 1) famous\ is\ Kyiv\ its\ parks\ for\ attractive. 2) year\ visit\ Kyiv\ people\ every\ system\A lot of. 3) Has\ transport\ city\ well- developed\ The\ a\ system. 4) Are\ many\ galleries\ Kyiv\ in\ art\There. 5) proud\ capital\ Ukrainians\ of\ are\ there. 3. Read and translate

Kyiv is one of the oldest cities of Europe. It bears a name of prince Kyi, who lived on the old Kyiv Hill in the sixth century. Nowadays it is a large political, industrial and cultural centre.There are huge enterprises in Kyiv. They produce excavators, air liners, computers, automatic lathes, gas equipment, chemical goods, cameras, ready-made clothes, etc.Khreschatyk is the main street in Kiev. It is not very long, but it is wide and straight. You can see many cars and buses in Khreschatyk.Kiev is on the banks of the river Dnieper. The city is very green. The main street of Kyiv is certainly Khreschatic. It is lined up with chestnut trees.Kyiv is the large ancient center of national Ukrainian culture. There are 20 museums, 1300 libraries, 41 theatres, 121 parks.There are many places of historic interest among them: Kyiv – PecherskLavra, the St.Sophia's Cathedral, the Golden Gate, the Monument to Bogdan Khmelnitsky and the Prince Volodimir and others. More than 10 000 students study at Kyiv Shevchenko National University. There are over 20 higher educational establishments in Kyiv.

4. Continue the sentences.(ПИСЬМОВО) Ukraine is situated…

The capital of Ukraine is…

The mainriverofUkraineis…



The population of Ukraine is…

TheterritoryofUkraineis …

Ontheheadofthecountrythereisthe …

Thestateofficiallanguageis …

Morethan 100… liveinUkraine

5. Put the verbs into the correct form (Present Perfect Simple).(ПИСЬМОВО)

1. I (not / work) have not worked today. 2. We (buy)______a new lamp. 3. We (not / plan)______our holiday yet. 4. Where (be / you)______? 5. He (write)______fiveletters. 6. She (not / see) ______him for a long time. 7. (be / you) ______atschool? 8. School (not / start) ______yet. 9. (speak / he) ______to his boss? 10. No, he (have / not) ______the time yet.

6. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or the Present Perfect Tense.(ПИСЬМОВО)

1) The train______(just to arrive). 2) She______(to meet) her friend and his family at the airport yesterday. 3) They______(to take) a lot of lovely photos during their vacation last summer. 4) He______(not to visit) this city yet. 5) Our last trip______(not to be) pleasant. 6) They______(already to read) this text.

7. Write questions to the answers.(ПИСЬМОВО) 1) Where ______? I went to the seaside last month. 2) What ______? She always takes a camera with her. 3) When______? They will arrive next Friday. 4) How ______? We usually travel by car. 5) What ______? My brother has bought a new computer. 6) Why ______? She is making sandwiches because she is hungry.


1. Choose the right form of the verb from the brackets(ПИСЬМОВО)

2. Learn more information about Kyiv and its historical places. The task is to read the text and learn general information and to read in details and try to understand.Reading and translating


Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. It is located on the scenic banks of the DniproRiver. There are a lot of parks, tree-lined broad and straight streets in our capital. Kyiv is one of the oldest cities of Europe and it has many places of historic interest. Among them are famous churches, cathedrals and monasteries, because Kyiv is the ancestral home of Christianity in Kyivan Rus. If you want to discover Kyiv, it is best to start with a tour on a sightseeing bus. Would you like to start your tour with visiting the imposing building of St. Volodymyr Cathedral? It was built in 1882 in a new Byzantic style by the architect Baretti. It is a traditionally Slavic six-column, three apse church crowned by seven cupolas. The height to the top of the cross on the main cupola is 48.9 m. The murals of the church interior are of considerable artistic significance. They were made in 1885—1896 by the famous Russian painters such as Nesterov, Vasnetsov, and Prakhov. The mosaics lining the cathedral's interior were made by Venitian masters. A visit to St Sophia Cathedral may be the highlight of your stay in Kyiv. Kyivites say that if you do not see it while here, then you did not see Kyiv. The church was built in 1037 by Prince Yaroslav the Wise on the site of a battle-field to commemorate the victory over the Pechenegs (Asian nomadic tribes) and to glorify the wisdom of Christianity (Sophia in Greek means "wisdom"). The most visitors are impressed by the beauty of St Andrew's Church. This church stands elegantly outlined against Kyiv skyline. It was built in 1748 by the architect Rastrelli, who also built the WinterPalace in Saint Petersburg and the MariyinskyPalace in Kyiv. From its terraces the famous writer Gogol used to look down at the lower town of Podil. The winding brick street AndriyvskiUzviz leading up the hill to the church has a variety of interesting art galleries and shops. This is one of the best areas to find traditional Ukrainian crafts and arts. Kyiv PecherskaLavra Monastery is one of the most famous sites of Kyiv. "Lavra" is the term used by the Orthodox Church for its largest monastery. It was built in the eleventh century. The monks lived in caves under the monastery, which still can be visited. The famous monk Nestor wrote the chronicle "The Story of Begone Days" while living in this monastery. Lavra incorporates a number of old buildings, churches and museums. There is a lot to see there. 3. Say if the sentences are true or false (following the text):(ПИСЬМОВО)

 Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, is one of the most beautiful cities in Ukraine.  Kyiv is one of the oldest cities of Europe and it has not many places of historic interest.  St. Volodymyr Cathedral was built in 1892 in a new Byzantic style by the architect Baretti.  Kyivites say that if you do not see the Golden Gate while here, then you did not see Kyiv.  The church was built in 1037 by Prince Oleg on the site of a battle-field to commemorate the victory over the Pechenegs.  The most visitors are impressed by the beauty of St Andrew's Church.  Kyiv PecherskaLavra Monastery is one of the most famous sites of Kyiv.  "Lavra" is the term used by the Orthodox Church for its largest monastery.  The famous monk Nestor wrote the chronicle "The Story of Begone Days" while living in this monastery.

4. Say true or false.(ПИСЬМОВО)

- Kyiv is situated on the picturesque banks of the river Dnieper. - The streets of Kyiv are lined up with chestnut trees. - The population of Ukraine is 52 million. - The people of Ukraine are proud of their capital. - The main river of Ukraine is the Dniester. - There are 20 regions in Ukraine. - St. Sophia Cathedral was built by Prince Yaroslav the Wise. - Ukraine is washed by the Irish Sea. - Khreschatyk is the Kyivite’sfavourite street. - Our country is a nice place to live and to travel in.

5. Let’s do this crossword.

8 1 U 2 K 3 R

4 A 5 I 6 N 7 E

1. What continent is Ukraine situated on? 2. What do we bless in the church on Easter? 3. Where is Kyiv situated on? 4. What is the highest mountain in Ukraine? 5. What do we celebrate the week before Easter? 6. Which is the longest river in Ukraine? 7. What holiday do we celebrate two weeks ago? 8. The key word: UKRAINE

6. Match the parts of word combinations describing Kyiv sights.(ПИСЬМОВО)

1) Khreshchatyk 2) MaidanNezalezhnosti a) is the central square of Kyiv. 3) Hydropark b) has a unique collection of folk 4) KyivanRus’ Cinema architecture from all 5) Pyrohovo Museum regions of Ukraine. 6) Shevchenko Opera c) is the oldest musical theatre in Ukraine. and Ballet Theatre d) is a very nice place, where there are 7) Podil beaches, restaurants, sport grounds, park amusements for kids, walking zones and other entertainments. e) is an old district of Kyiv. f) is a place where one can watch new movies and take part in the work of film festivals and meet famous actors. g) is the busiest and most famous street in Kyiv.

7. Complete the sentences:(ПИСЬМОВО) 1. The country you were born in is … 2. People who live in Ukraine are … 3. …. is the capital of Ukraine. 4. Ukraine isan … state. 5. Kyiv is one of the … cities in Europe. 6. The Dniprois the … river in Ukraine.

8. Learn by heart and say

1. We live in Ukraine. It’s our Motherland. 2. Ukraine is situated in Europe. 3. The national symbols of Ukraine are the trident and the national flag. 4. Ukraine is an independent state with Verhovna Rada and the president. 5. The capital of our country is Kyiv. It’s an ancient city, it’s 1500 years old. 6. Kyiv is the main city of Ukraine, its political, economic, industrial centre. 7. It stands on the river Dnipro. 8. The symbol of Kyiv is a chestnut tree. 9. Khreschatyk is the main street of Kyiv. 10. You can see a lot of historical monuments in Kyiv. 11. It is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. 12. Welcome to our famous capital – the great city of Kyiv!

9. Do the project : ‘Remarkable places in Kyiv’

УВАГА! Всі письмові завдання виконуються в робочому зошиті

Примітка: З теми On the Move виконати письмово:

I (2,3)

II (4,5)

IV (1)

Good luck!