______. . , r , ' ......

r Welfy■i; leaps tco NCAA titleI s X31 Eaghles finish1 in 3rd pi)/ace — E

•• ,-George^ - A r n o l d of TWIn F a lls . & h Q — sold hishlspIckHjpln S .d a y s th a n k s to h lS £ S h r i n e3 f o o t b a lJiT s-News Cja§sgL«U;j-.:^^ ^ 1 i c T V - ^ J r33K)6261bdayl l l j r r r el{lT i S ~ aft^ ^ ^------i5ii55i~ V r^ rrr? --

. l i ______

’ copr.iahiir.iohli) IWJ QQB V«D«y•yN.w.p«p.r.ln<;. N. ' ______83rd year, No. 156 s ____ :______TwJ.n,in Falls, Idaho ...... S a tu r d a y , J u n e ’4 , 1 9 8 8 ______- R e aa g a n ~ «5 t t e s ^ i $ i y < in s u m n m i t Tlie ABfiociatc’d'S•ess e ii eteppiiping off Air Force'One, his mQdi.and.promi3ing ai for "broakt ikthrough on-a new-pacti------"Rufllog and Fiouriirishes!Land-th»-na*— mit-Ui-talks-with-Gorbachev-may naj^Uve—pres^isappoir rintment-over-the-lack— town the future." Realeagan and his wife-Nancy^ nwere_ _t[onal_anthem. begun;un d ism an tlin g Cold W ar bamer^rbai of miyor summilli t achievem ents, Rc- inatinating intermedjat^rarige nuclear “Peace' and freedoiidom are what this greetecited by Vice President GeoGeorge “As far as None; icy and I are con* b u. t he h vowed America will1 nremain agan said in hisis London speech Fri* weapveapons. As he noted, he and Gor- , : trip was about andd wew saw some.^real Bushh and.t .his wife Barbara ass tthey cemed, there’s no ] I place like home," .waryry a n d stro n g as it seekss -laBling-h doy th a t th e re hailad been “tangible pro- bachlachev exchanged ratification docu- !■ progress in sev ei^J areasoi in Moscow,” stoppetped off their plane onto a reded car-< Resgan said, a s th e i e audience cheered, changnges in Soviet policies. gress" toward trereaty agreernent for a menlnents in Moscow-for the pact they th e p re sid e n t. saidJd moments after pet The president pnironounced himself Ass

i : . , ■ .-TL’" r i s e : a ‘ q tL iif k ’ — y .------___/: _ r " S = : - . T ; ...... ^ — TOe W ashington PoiT ■ ' ^ | j 1 ------^— W7SHINGT0N““ The nation’s ci- , ^M ore at work— -BBX— ] viliairujieraploymentenrratff laarmonth— ’ , 'A-'- ■ climbed to 6.6 percentfent following a d ip househieholds;_are_8om etim e3-volaiolatile- ' - in-.April, the Labor,orJJepartmenttre-.- from monthmi to month. For instancencfl, in - . . | t § . port^Triday. April,I, tthe household survey showeiiwed a " l i f Analysts said thoJio-increase likely 610,OOC}Q0 increase in the numbert>er 'of i". __ ..was.more.the.result:ult.of.a statistical -pcople-le-with jobs. Last-monthr-i)r-th e ^ quirk than a sign1 theth economy has numberber of jobholders fell by 520,C!o,ooo slowed abruptly.'WhilWIb the unemploy- — leaviaving 6.8 million per;son3.1ookJ .- r . ^ f / m en t» rate ro w fromom 6.4 percent in for worlork and unable to find it. April, industiy payrol)TolU-continued to Janetnet L. Norwood, the' depcepart- ■ - in crease ia May, th e dldepartment said, ment'si? commissioner of lobor stat3tatis-- r j | | I ____------:. - .. • . — rr3utT^h-aS:a=w-whole,-ih»-repor£IItic8,-toll f told a congressional'hesinn^t^g - t h a t - ^ ^ ------contained h in ts the-ectreconbmy probably~u twiar“recurrent—clrcumstancefl ~7 “ s s h e - n ; will not continue to} nexpand at the int wouldd put ; more faith in the payrayroll ■ flation>adjuBted 4.44 percenti rate of - figures,es, which show a continuedid in»: the pnBt~two~ijoartiartenj. SomewhBt ireas^i ~Chan _ . ,1:1 could^allay al n jin g infla- th e houjouM.hold survey..______—-^itoi^fearfin-fl^cialilal'marketa.* Those ’*Trioi•iur to t>ea5anBt~adpibtjnmit, t • ' fears have contributedted’to a sh arp rise M ay ppmployrnent n rise was 300,0( ij:i I in in te re st ra te s thiss spspring. very lowlow by historical standards} ai and F riday’s report helhelped the -stock considerderably lower than last yea; a nd bond m arkets extmic Com m ittee session. “Ini-past ’pa ______i- icHt!!EncEirEmrc2^are^-when-May-omploymen^grow ^OMh— • dropped about 0.3 perpercentage point;' has beereen relatively weak, substanti the Dow-Jones averogrogo of industrial expansicisiqiis in employmcnt.gcneral slocks rose 18.85 pointsints to 2,071.3. occurredred in June or July." ------The-ttncmpioymontnt figures, which ' Virtualually all o fth e 210,000 Increaj r • • are -based on a survejrvey of American i• See JOBS on Page A2 "fur supeBrcoIliHei : < » f - — inilouse^<>_■___ The Associated PressI ...... lider spcipen'ding in fiscal 1989, whithich begins 0Oct. 1, to $100 m illionTN on * WASHINGTON------— 'The 'House' would be availablth^-bcgin-cohstnn I - .., J! voted overwhelming approvalap Friday tionofthithe project. .. . to a D epartm ent of EntEnergy spending The IReggnn ndminifltrntion rf ...... ^ ' blueprint.^at includesesS 5 l.6 billion for questedd S$363 million for th e p roject ii r tin >wI 'aS'^‘ ra d ;'« v tw :t^ ' th e superconducting sujsuper collidfer, a fiscal 198,98, including oney for construe■rue- ■ , • , ^ ncQTr j o i t l ^ o n . ' ' j ' ttiamive^igh-e'nergy^pK;•physics-proje^-i— tion. Inn itai votes on both billsT-th i ------——Tho su p e r collider,-wh•which advocates House-hi-has-said a decision-to' baih say could lead to breaktlikthroughs in un- should awav ait th e next adm in istratio n ie n f e pi►asrsetupp biased “ • doratanding basic mattlatter, would be The billbil sent to the Senate on FFri ri- - 1 againstt w om t^ a uthorized $147 millionion in fiscd 1989 day by a 290-27 : vdte would authorizirize TheAssociated Preds than male state workcTkers.— know-how, problem-sjm-solving and accountability re* p a nd $675 m illion and $774$7' million the continuedled spending on a wide variet} iety A nita H enna filedud the t complaint afler she wasw • quired to performn ^em.U It then sets pay levels.. .. .-i. ;___.■ following two yews. ______L ofresearcarch and development by theth e ____ B O IS E -- The sta to0 io f Idaho h as lashed o ut a t i at a ' ' denied a pay raise last summer under a legislatiitive- based on surveys bfof salariesJ in the private sector. ...,i ^ There is no guaranr^ntce thUt the Departmcment of Energy, includingling goyemmentiaecretary.. y.-whQ.complained-to_thcJedfedi_allocflIion_thQt saw/ aboutal: a third of the classifiified and other governmennent entititis for similar jobs. ' i | m oney -would flow to the project, clean-coaloal technology and alternativetive er^govemment that Ii , Idaho’s salary'structure wawas sta te workers go withoithout raises. Claiming the systeystem is widely regarded as "an i ‘ which would eventuallyUly cost a t least“ inotoFfudlid s. ■ . - • biased against w om en t tl employees— In many cases, the jobs thiit failed to get payp exemplary meanss of accomplishing the goal of i li S5.4 billion. A ctual speispending is ran- T he leg:legislation sets a spending tar- - In a response to the ,e Equal Employment Opporpor- raises la st year were iin th e lower end o fth e saleilnry comparable worth1 or .pay equity," the stato's.r^- trolled by ae_parate appropropriations leg- get of $3.S3.277 billion for fiscal ,1989.>89, tunity -Commission,' ] Deputy Attorney Genera?ral scale, positiisns Ms.s.re IHe^nna clajm ed w ere Jargi .sponsc pointed oiitt thithat since tho Hay Plan waa ih- ; islation. ab o u t S16ilSb million above the current ent Jeanne Goodehough sasaid th a t in the p a st 11 year!ars occupied by women.1. - ...... stituted in 1977 salsalaries for women employees • Jipprotcd an.flp-_Je.vciani!ld-S26.4 millinn mnrp thnn thpfho flinco tho ciim »nt anlwilary .gyfltpm wnc inRfifiit/>r lod------The-rais«6-w«r^ll(nlloted iindpr thft sfM*B]l9d -Hay—H have-risen-by a greatreatcr percentage than Uiusffui— r------propriations bill limitiniting super coN adm inistrijtration sought. women employees haveve seen paychecks rise fasteiite r P lan, which classifieafies jobs based on the levelel of men. Forme ler docttor aw aaits JertTtiH lr.ii.w . _de^_ Japaji.irAIrjtnfea-and Al SSuidtinavian -< ab using tenmiiik,:and-: ot ------^ -tio n sto b» et answered by District Judgege curred before the Id ah oocrimes. ( could-notlot be reached for commentt Fri*Ft ------Initial-reporta iadicatcd.itil was— woaJbunbund near-ari -elevator in the - i ■ Phillip BeeJecker, who apparently mustist Now, seven yeare laater, t Idaho au- day, butt aatto rn ey s said Becker woulrould a n o rtillei^ devicece that had been satelliteite terminal,t she said. ----- S J —dccide-who: hothor-William Donehue hasas—thoritiee-must-fight-thrt irough-a thatch pr^ably-:y -h o v e to'abldB “ b y n h ei ' alal t c ------placed, in .a box ubiiB^d'to-hDldblcy-—"-Peopleiple'consfdered-mT'aan^r" — ^------!5 i- bcen^ehabiabilitated. . of thorny legal problemsns to determine judge's ruruling on that and other seisen-' cles, airport epokeiceawomp Margo zone wetwere evacuated as a Ixmb Js a re aw aiting th e a rriv a l ofo f whether Donehue shou!m id be impris* fencing issis s u e s .' Spellman-aaid. Shi[he did not know. squadIwaa.brou^into wa d^-^th- - 1 Ohio rocordords before eehedulinp n Bon.ji^onedherc ------;______. “HasCDi(Donohuo) m e t Juilgo Beckei^ker’s. . wbatbar.ltiiad beanan set to eiploda^-.^-,tbe doviaivice, Ma.SpelIman.said.------—tc n d n g revi oview hearing for Donehue, Ss ------T think he’s been incacarcerated long - criteria 'ibirfoi getting tiut? Thatreallyilly is ------—T h e - device,- -fimmnd-abcfut—3:30— “•'I^-onj-area-flw-BealBdTrffarrca:' - ■; form er gem eneral practiUiiaor-wbose le—le— -enough," said G reg FuHiHer, Donebue’s the basicic question,'’Horganq said. - - pani^^JiyiV-waa-pU)lacod-eH'a-truck -nine-imilunit-cbecked-the-arear-The^ U « y has taken him from Idaho10 attorney. “I hope ho do

___ ! ^ V ' _ i

irday, Juno4,19Sa TIm os-N ow<3, a, 1Twin Fallo. IcJdOo SaturdJ papers f Doneehue—— ____ 1 G21A saysJ few abl and the other eighth t w ere dropped. souglught by'Oliver L. North andoj his ‘ah'dconductcoverert operations rit)iA vo-businagfinu'n, rotuvd Air Force:------J.------if'a h cn h e quaIUy^(51:y (51 it'fti'ffTTDfraov^Ti," -d o s tr ■ved*The-“ *-Bctweeh Decemimber-1979 and M oy-;-^^ree-Iran-Contra-co-defendan lants-are - -'-"Even-theeiist-steaceofcertain-ofthe two-! [aj. Gen. RTchard V. Secord, and Al* F u ller 6oid. “Thnt’eat’e why w e're w aiting concincurrent, 10-year sentences8 issuedii 1980, Doriehuo sejlexually fondled and secret that only the presidentent and a information ... cannot a evea be con- Maj. i ■ for tho infomiQliopion fro^m Ohio." . ' by'W W ard. . , otherwise molesteced several teen-age, handndful o f o th e r federal ofliciaicials are firmed or ackno'lowledged ... w ithout bettP;rt Hakim. f -• a ofllce; - clean!aredto.sec them,.the.CIA’aatopJaW'. to causing extremee damage to the na- TheyThe ore charged, in paivert profits i. • B u t a secwn'dJ ifissue, according to Morgan Ho and Fuller said thee futurefi J p oint raised tho de- rsaidFriday. . • tional security of3f th e United States." fromom presidentiily authorized arms • ‘ ■ Fuller, addressesea w hether Donchue. proccoceedingq remain largely a r^„n’ Donehue a t one F feme of not guiltyy because of mental T “Tc o my know ledge, very few fev pec- Brucmmersaid. saJeslifs to Iran to aid the Nicaraguan ^ , ■ ■ ' Bhoiild beTclcoscdiCd regardleB0-of reha- tcry,ry, burboth'strcssed tho import . disease or defect.. Ward ' rejected the s°nsIS in: the United Statea gven/emment The people provoviding information to ContrDntra rebels w hen such assiatanca ^ _ .. h i l i ^ o n - T h att possibilityp derives of obtainingobi the requested docun r p arguiiicnt“ followin'ing a hearing at oti’frler'fha'ri the p resident holdId ttho se- the CIA, the techninicfll collection m eth- wasas bibanned by law . ’ ; ~7from Ward's stipitipulatioh th a t tim e from)m th e O hio D epartm ent of Co atrists and two psy- curitjrity clearaiices necessary tolo reviewr ods, and coopersirative arrangements served by Donehui;hue in Ohio be aub-‘ tionsins. At a M ay 24'hearing Beckc./•Vor psychiat _ . chologists testifiedk1 about Donehue’s the ^ docum ents" sought byy the ti de-. with foreign intelljUigence services can------;tract«d from-hie-Ida-Idahoeentenc©.- derecred-preparation-of-Q-pre-sen{ • mental standing. ,. - . • fenso.ISO,' CIA' GenUrSrC5UHS6rRUSlUSsSirJ. noUM.compromifllised' without.gravely ■ § port which would largely inc< SnTfSYml ; - Idaho etatutcssallow al “good,conduct" In April 1981, VWard delayed sen- Brueiucmrner said in a declaratiortion filed damaging the natiItion, h e said. H ' ATimes-News ■ to those docum ents.. I ;^'reductionB_for prisi^n_scntences, and, ten d n g o n th e char;irges a nd committed :h U.S. D istrict Ju d g e GerhrThard A. Bruemmersaid:d CIA offidolfl cannot B ^ - : for crimes comminmitted~teforo July ' ' Ho;Horgan’8aidthat*ptt>C£s5COUld" ildtake "DoncTiue {oTsexualiaTblTonderprogram—^^el, sell...... ^— recall e-request-inIn-any previous court..■ _ I: -1986, provid e forr thoth subtraction of 10 betw4tw ten four a n d six weeks. at the Utah'State; Menial1 Farility in ”njJruem m er, w ho vigorously■ opopposed case that soughtit a greater compile- H _ * r'days per month for sentences o f 10 or JerJeromo officials charged Done•onehue provo. Six m onthfiis later, liowevtr, ( defense ^ request for thele docu- tion of sensitive inlinformation. H / * : Tnore yeara. If tho8untBof and sentenced.aftet,er (iJJtnh jidminis- II sources s n nd me{,^ods used2d 1:by the a former Nationanal- Security Coundl B H /d nnd.Japciyip.^^ conduct wil tralor-coid-Donohu iiipp /^i^»itp fir>g___ " -G lassified-W ill-Fill-B ------: 'further reductionn ofol between two and minornor under 16 years ofage, Doneonehue the program rathere r th an , benefitting P/WI/i ...... E v s r j r N e e d ------1 th ree yeara on h isis IdahoIc sen ^ n ce. pleadiaded guilty to lour of the coicounts, from it. ______^ in — 7 3 3 - 0 6 2 6 1 i e / o b s - — Reagc . . I ' l . . •ContlnuedfidfromPagoAl couldJd bejound in the departmetmcnl'8. .Contmuodti; from Page—~ Al sn A ji| ires for the sKare of Industrie 7 - :in em p loym en t ahovihown by th e payroll agreed to last Decen V ickers Weestem Store Jigures came in senservice-producing in- whichich em ploym ent rose-in May.y.Just v He ticked off sev.jveral o ther accom- w|j!ffJ/j : • duatries. Followin;iving very stro n g overr 565' percent of Industries surve plishmentsofhisfiviive days in Moscow, jlljyjjlllj/l Jie num ber of jobs in increareased their payrolls last moi •; • ;growth in April, the 5 ° " “ ' claiming progress 0on hum an rights, |'.j|J|||ry Ird cmnua3l Gigcmti ^ ; manufacturing harhardly changed in and1 overa the past three months im 3i - regional issues andnd other concerns. l{jro | ccnt-did-so.-Those-were the lofl ' Muj'. M s c liin s r yTmd"^bncatcdTJict* am percen an d ’said, •'Peacc and o freedom are WM!| 1 small gains. suchh shares since early 1967. |l - ^ W e s t €em-DoysiSidewalk a ls in d u str ie s had sn a. .what this trip w asi abouta and'we saw C onstruction * em]employment, w hich — --Nevfevertheless, some analysts3 wwere . prog^gggI j,in several areas in • r '|l.^ .h a d sh o w n large5 inincreases over the not convincedthatcoj the pace.of the l e k ^ m & o i , prior three months,ths, was unchanged pansiosion h as w eakened, among th laid S traszheim , chief econonnom ist - He added, *The eventsev of this week iMwrf : - : la st m on th , th e depa:Dpartment said. Donah ijffl "’’■ - H o c t>f«cks- f - 2 5 M ay. ; . . . T o n y ______^ D k | | ) | ______1 ,tion-thQt~thfr-econ— ersr-lS-15,6-p6rc«ntr-were-Uttle-chang anged-^wiih-telling-the-othi ther-guy-how -you— DH-JmI ------^dm ^i8‘fi5t"growlng-ing"Q5:feBt-ns-it-wa9-la8t-mo:month,.the. department joid..______foc|?JTip_fnct.is,y.ou1 made.uiproudjl:—r LMMj|||-ifurry-iin ior UnJ^ ngs ; / " Hipi I H ~U seci Itemss ‘•'W■■ fhlteTEleph'aririts"""Saddles^> Tac

;i|Tod.Igy ^ s Vii f e a t h esr “I f y o u d i d nn ’t b u y yo u r boots, fit YawpaitJ-toarm uch"—^Buys"B|||i= i hof^ay itin sto re for» r a h o t t i m Is - ’ ' A I 'a c t •^Boots—H |||ffl ------:■ '• Twin FftlU. Btirlcirlcy. Rupert, J e r - | B V qs^ b ^^ qsssiih ^SHOSHONEtSTfrom Vickers, — ■ '• Portiy cloudy.todayday with near rocord Ifi U P B I I |b ^ . _ : ______- 2 - hJgh» o f 90 to 85,-Wii.Winds-voriabTo from ___ _ TWIS FALLST IC fi to 16 m ph. Partlytly ■>j; and cooler Sundayly withv 0 chanco.of------..... _^’v ! ‘ Bbowera on d thundonderBhowora. Highs • ^ s T v - i s o ^ — ■ y i i — -— - A f - ' r-ammm P r a ir io■ andAI Wood Rivor ; i D . : -■ VAUoy: '^3 Partly cloudy nninnd warm • to^y'. ^ Hlgha from 80 tb 85. Portly cloudy.to- v night. A Blight Uiancomco of evening thun^ I i ' l B dorahow^rs. Lows8 fromf 45 lo 60. ,

*' niSumMOiflnSwora^™ and Simd^rBho*^ ’ ' : era. H igh s from 70 tto o '76, N o r th e r n U ta h andNovado:oni ' ^ V^S W N Y ^ * Utah — MoaUy buBunny. warm nnd kYOUR FAITHER'S DA^ . . windy through Sundiindoy. South winds wm ^CoU^ gmonyy ‘ increaaing to 20 to) 30 mph with Borno gu-W^jinx, me —hlgbarguaUthiaaftisr(temoon in the weat L i l v l • . ttnd ncroBa.oll o f UUtah ta S u n d o i^ w s ------^ ----- =ftera=86^«F8S:::Hlgh« ,l»j..=»l»aioo.»a= S i[^rii^riTH 5 over llio t'nnhnnHTeidle. LifOiiria-with 91. iiovilfni~rcpnrt«-ii thV" SArNS&BEtE ------umnin cool from the-cooler-nirnir- coldest nt 34 dogroes. . . A r nr. " '‘ll l’s m ost com forta ■ ‘ ■ Novadd — Souihwctwrat from ao ig jinto the nren behind n frontalItal The pollen count in TwinT" Falls Fri- i World'i HY STORE B | ~ “ v r ; - U r ^ jnph today. Chnrh » » M o r .h o w o r. .n n ,,thnljjOHHod Uirough lhe iircareo day wna 112 pnrticIcH perpi cubic inoCcr u , I the woBl iind moBtly,y.unnyintl.oca.l. (ti .„n „pr Fridny. -ofiiir. ■ • > Experieno108 ___I I ^ S ca tt«r^ ah ow ora ondond cotmuod windy the amazing comfotl o iomght hnd"Suriday.lay. CM ling-lrerid; ‘ AfUmJ - V Tlie extended ouUookik for Southrm - S an sab eHt lt patented triple stretch w im oon a k ies worn moiUly cloudy Idnho, Mondny throughgh Wcdnrsdiiy. Higha today from mid 70a to mid 80fl gypr theJie Pnnhandle and partly cloudy stretch, tw:wist, bend: it k ee p s rjght c from mid fiOii lo mid , • ahows windy 4ind co o l'ir'in Uif wi-HU’rn ■ i and highs Sondny fron ho central mnuntJiinB. Them wn« jmrtiop u.-i*K j iu}l/\t±r/iru r n m f n r t at£dfi^madmJeeling_Qnc h — • 708. O v o m ig h n g w5» r ffk-onrjiiTtl JOh lo vorinblojIo high cloudiness over lhe lable slacks! - mldSOB,.... dny. HiRhfl from 60 to C5.CS Lowh in liie lit slacks, you’N'never wea Bouthwetw est a n d muB tly autm y skicii pre- 40n. Cooling I r c n d -w th ncnttor e d " __■> Hhowcrs and Uiundcmtf ^ ; J Tho Nntionnl Wentrentlier Service irt- iliowiTrt in tho " ,"'T >rt of the original coHttm portioii. HighH in lhe 70s Mon- mmmmm o"t * • Boibo soya n strongIK upperi level low Aftemcmoon highf* ncrons Uie Pnnhnn- ;h w aistband: Sii, day, CO».-TuaiidB>-..andid W aJnuiiJuy------— ■ pfeaauro ByBicm romnimnmcd ccnt^rea off— aiu nndirul c e n trn l MKmn^uiVn wito ^ Lowb from 45 to 55 M ondndiiyj40» Tuch- ht on giving you that _ the Pacific Nortljwcstest const Fridny nf-. moailyy irin the 60s and 7X)s vilh ROh lo •'------I nwgo^u?aucn)gH.the.gotUh: ...... *.... - '. drij' nnd W ednesday.___ ance-ynu:ve tfied—______. — —^Thi»-»y»lem-will-«>i-eonltnue-to-hrinjc ----- T hew-wnrmest; r t«mpeTatu^?'IT7lOrtcd•te d ------Elacwhcn’M n 'th m n tioion'l-Yidnjrthr— i — ''— vear anything else!^___ I . w onn desert oir intoIto Southern Idaho wus 922 ddogroon!at Salmon und Moun-un- - higheKl temporuluro w ■ W JO ^ 7bI M ■ W 14. '. Oaiiai 0^ bi “ •'< T w in F a: l /l f e ; ■ • D*nv«» :0 JO ■ Oo< Mon«j 73 CJ CJ 0>lnf>oma Ci!» 04 tt ^ I d a h o . DWfOfl 70 ' to to O^n.1.1 Ofl — ■* Konolulv OU 7i HOvtltfl M Ul ' _ lndion*ix)iis 73 13 13 . F>ci^:anj! U V

~ " 7 ^ ^ — 15^ Inde:JX ------B u s i n e s s ...... C l - 3 M a g i cI c V a l l e y ...... BI1 R e l i g i o n ...... B 3 Experience 'C lassified ...... C 4-8 Nationo n ..../:.., ...... A 4 - 55 S p o r t s ...... D l - 4 :e Sansabelt quality,.too; r HD' features th;han any other slacks. Tho C o m i c s — ...... A 6 O b i t uu s a r i e s ...... B 22 W e s t ...... B 4 - H Ruby, Inc.,.. ione of America’s oldest: a. ,A3. P e o p(I l e c ...... A 77 W o r l d ...... A 8 B m akers off fifine men's clothing. Com' M ' pair from oour largo collection of co C it^Tilnt.ion JillVcmIT CBr,.T>rrut3l^'n.li.wiA. Sul)»crip('TipiiotTiuip* acMvrriT-tfaily anfl'SuraasTS^ oo pnperTXTr>:rdnlt>-:------:----- ^ — ——:— ancrtibrics:s :------,— ...... ; - ; " Circulolion phonesIS ajiru m nnncd bctw ofn 7 iiiidIiid 10 a .n i, o n ly . If Ji 7S iX-r ix-r w k . Sutidoy, Jl .nOf^r NMciil ?iil>^rnp >o; more quality I Z I~rz rHYOtrdo-not-rrcdYt^-y^-youT-pnpcr by ciil!III! llie nuinluT-for-----mu* mu»LLc_Baiii.iii-flJiJiiicc-vd.uri:_Q'-QvnilDblc.uilb-______T he.S ansobibelt patented waistbandrhoy’re Irom Jaymar- ■ • your nren: Mhprr catearner rfphvrry i< nol m«uuain«i.n«id. dail\ a n d ------fntndny.-Sfy,-$H f»T monlh, Wl for ;i-mc.nllnil.-!. r .l fin f..r tdjprjhe_lif©_0( tho.aarmei f T - " i Jerome-Wcndell'Goocioodin(i-H;]i:onji;m ast and largest lh.. S10.1.:’0 per )rar. dail> only, J7.3 per ninml., D a d 's P a i ; Burlcy-Rupcrt-Pnul-(ul-Oak)i\v (;78-2fir.i’ s'iTrt'.1 r’'rfnr n-month>, $44 10 Tor fi.monlJmilin. SPK.:>1) iH-r avorite 100% Polyestomo in an d try on a ' : Buhl-CasUeford n-J3-16-i8 V«r.Sur>diui>d»y only, $5 40 prr monlh, JIG.L'O!0 Ifor 3 monlfn. ' 1 0□.colors . - Waist 32-44.I Recolors, patterns — Pilcr-RoRcrson-Hollisillister ------Jbr.C monlhi_lGi^O-Ccr >cur. Sluij;udcnl and ler . r ------3 2 0 -5 3 7 5 in ralf. by mail only. JC.CO W'f mn.ilhIh for (I.iils uiiJ 2 ^ 3 oUicrnreiis K 7 * -* TWin F a lls nnd nil oU: 733-0H.J4 .Si,nd»y. nd Is unconditionally—------. -1 N e w s Stephen H.ftccirtj^cn, msnaKinc<'ijiu>r n ow ^ ^ 3 7m e n t______— - Ifyou hnve H news) liplif or wiph to in!k to somrnnrnrte in l!i«r fd ilc iri...... -■ nl d e p artm en t. c:illII 733-09317. iKiwL-oi. a.ii-I.m. imd f);30 p.m. ester "SansabM t” !. wcekdnya. To reportrt loteIi ncw.s and imports resultu lts a fl» 'r 5;.'K) a n d UsoJso youf Roper's Reg. $45.00 : 't— • on \vcckends, cnll_ 733733-0936. Mairinfornform»tlon plion or ur.0 ybur / Advertsingpur Tlic Time?mc?-Nc“ » ll uuliliilicd diily al 132 1 cords. . { pill BlBVr,fliJvcrliMtit liinstur____------Tw,f» Kail*.•alK-ld»l«>,.Kl301, by M .pe Valley:y Ncwnpniwrs ...... 7 9 9 I r j.—. * Ifyou wish to plncee unui advcrtisem enl, c;ill i;j-0931, Cllissificd Inc. Srfon'fond elB^i po^ingp paid Bl Twin FolN K l.y Thf ■Jids, cnll 733-0626 MondnyMe throut;li Fridny frunn ;m 8 ii.n». tin tiU '* - Timcs Nrw» Nrv (UI'S fiai.OSO). OfT.ciol cityty and county i(>rr punuunt tu ,'x«ion f,C-IO.S of ihrhr Idaho Cod.v I_____ m p.m. imd SiUurdnys6 fromfr A «.m . until noon. Infonfomiiition on dis- Iny u Iirrrtn dni|7iat/-d a ' llir dn> /if/.f iiir- .-. kor g I m play nds is Hvuilnblulu weck’dnynv ortly. ; ^ TW// pi;d nolin » »il! Ix. puLlislii J. V /N J = A L L S . B V R L ^ Yr ‘ RU PERT ‘ BUHL ...... 4 bohIM Twin Holla ofxj Burloy StorosA

______— . W i l l X .

sSatufcIay-,.Juno A. 1988 Tlmos-Nows. Tin Twin Fulls, Idaho A-3 IdahoJ ^ ir S t a t e jLofficialJ s m ip p)ort p lain ±o prca tec t ^N o r t h si ^ s t s t r atand is another Tnovyto-outlaw ___ 3oEIiwesi-Power In-Idaldaho,“ the ’plan^would “HfTecITect River B asin will increaease pressure on tion criu Planning Council coi riteria to include recreationionul, operative managerer Cul W icE h am ' cleaii.ef1, efficient hydropower. concluded the 12,000 mimiles o f stream s. It grew outIt olof resources w ithin the babasin. environir fourth of ils Idaho hea nm ental, gebWgical, scenicc and a: called the council’ss proposal “nn at- Hovey)vey said it would effectively hearings on- th e efforts to rebuild valuable Northwestvest, “Ifout-of-basin reach proposal. . iches are not pro-., archaeolc■ological values. tempt'to tako the ppower over Idaho eliminatinate his city’s ability to become fishjindd wildlifeV populations^ particu-icu-. tected o o d -th isresu lts]3 in hydro devel- - A nd M ^.H oyt of the UpporSna. “Idaho believes the t >nako —watflraw ay from thei0 6tat*ofldaho.’^ — electricarically self'sufficient------IC council's pro-’ larly.snimilmon and stcelhead tro u t runsuns opment with significorBnt wildllfe-flnd—River ClChapter of Trout UnllmitTiited - - - ' posed protected urens si 3 should com pli- in the Coli'olumbiu Kiver Basin. fish lo s ^ s , th e re coulclid be increased said thehe proposal should includeide a ______m ent the_plaDning-efl -elTorts of -the------U n d ert•r the p lanrhydroeiectric devel-vcl-" commercial aria sport• ddemand for fish methodj tto add stream s to the pipro- • 8Mite^Fish.and.GanieD(i-Department of-— opmcnt—v —would- Ik) -prohibited- alongong—and -wildlife resourcess inside- the Co-'Ttected anareaslisnirth[rf\itTire.''He • saidsa ficials told council rej representatives stream'”“reaches rc where salmon andand lumbia River Basin," theytli said. “This more stretre a m s in Idaho could be m'tim'an^ i ' Friday. 'The councils Q 's agreement to stcelheadad or w ild . non-seagoing, re-rc* would be particularly' titrue.of anadro- aged for)r residenti wild fish and coucould M j immediately consider eta state plans is a • sident fishIsh are present. In areas were■ere mous fish resources sisince they are be candidlid o tcs later. Btep in th a t direction.” T % noh-w ildrd resident fish anv present, the commercially exploited.'d." .Hoyt. 81said claims by Attorney Go ...... ■>-—As-in-garlier-hertnn^ in i»inmrn|*c-j iwied prgt ^ on—cr^Htinrm~iione5"and' others'that tl J > l l "K T J Coour d’Alene, [duho ho Falls and opment toto'only projects that would'uid* of wildlife would be enenhanced if the protected'ed' oreas amendment wwill — Lewiston, the council d ild-— c o u n c il-m a d e -^ is tininction- c bct ween— usurp ' s t Tiokc— ^ rB rief - Judge]rules vo)te tally CT P ro secute tt r m a y file clc h a rg e s be delaayed to JJune 7 Everything iin n M o sc o w (AP)) —- Latah County Prosecutculor Craig W. Mosman LOS A NGELES (AP;iP) — A ju d g e shouldbe be m ode perm anent. file sto re Is discoLc o u n t e d said Thursday hee hhopes to m ak e a decisioiijon next week whether says Farmers Insurancinee Group Inc. , The 'otevot- centers on a resolution it charges will be nied^ iin the J a n u a ry d eath o fa'P a l ri’nceton, Idaho, worn-' m ust delay th e results olofasharehold- troducedd byh Louisville, Ky.,-basedrB Bi a: 0 (at the check stan an. er’s vote at least until: JJune 7 on the tus urginfing Farmers’, board to recorn>n- m a r kked i prices includinJing already . _ ! ...... Mosmfin'sitid hee is reviewlng some.200 pagiages of documents he re -, hostile S4.5 billion takekeover offer by gider itss opposition( to Batus’ $63-£ ,— ...... — questad-from -Nation4onal. PrewxipUon-Scrviccs-t _ :;.Binusjjie,____ : ______share.offei£fer_for. stock.in Fannera,-thi rked dow n clearania n c e j t e m ^ — • vestigators suid thele mr ail-order d ru g companyly mi ay have provided 70- B atus so u g h t the deUelay b ut Form - nation’s third-rankingth home and autauto •year-old.Jris Hemmeimelman of Princeton with1 llthe wrong prescription, er’s contends tabulationn ofc the votes is insurer and a r seventh-largest propert. " although compAny of]officials deny th a t th e compjnpany made a mistake in—_ . incomnlete ------— ------and-ct«trsltrwlt y lTiaurer ------— ' ------^ '.7; ■ ■ filling the prescriplu)jtion. C ounting o f th e proxy'y vote token at An autopsy showe)wed that Hemmelman hadnd “a toxic level” of the .F arm ers’ an n u a l meetinjing on May 20 ____ drug Coum adin inT h/o ------whethertofilechnrgti r g e s . ------Jloword.>IcK-_„ -MENS--»-W0MEN!$-CHILDREN:S- S- ibben in Reno, Nev., who w issued a ------& - m o r e — temporai7 restrain in g ororder on May ■ ■ Gilts willI notI affect Idd a h o 27 ordering Farmer's nonot to release 1 B BOISE ( A P )-DDespite e s m ajor p ro jec^ d cutsts ini tJie nalion’fl defense' the results u n til Thursdoj )% OFF, “y ■ T ^ O n n budget. Air Force Unnccption about th e largesse;e we’ve\ h a d in defense," determ ine if th e tcmfHiFk)rury order —-. McGovern snid Frida]iday during a v isit to th e Idahlaho Air National Guard...... base at Gowen Field.Id. "We hiive had to) cucut the defense budget by’ severalse hundred billion • dollars over the pastast five years, a n d we will1 have h to reduce the de------fl’irsirbtrdgcribnhtrhnrext five’j>eurb'by u l-uumpie~ofhundrcd~binion}: ------more, and not becauscluse it’a in o u r national securiurity interests," he said, McGovern toured?d Gowen' Field and Mountintain Home Air Force Base on Friday, acconcompaniod by Sen. Steve Syn"iymms, R*Idnho. Couple, fiiiles suit in Be(oise— ------BOISE (aTT- aA" Franklinf County couple hrhas filed a $1.5 million ^ m m Q t m federal lawsuit againaiiist a Utah family they coicontond bilked thom of "exorbitant" fees fortr accessai to th e ir own hypi^oelijeleciric project.' The com plaint filediled Thursday in U.S.'Distriitricl Court in Boise by —; ------RobcrtrNrand-Stcpha \*aldtrand'Ruth'Bcnson------GRO I and th eir son, John1 BeBenson, of Logan, U tah, CUTI KEU - It alleges the Bensonsons used “frau d u len t fnisresropresentation” to con- vinee the Fackreltss lotc sign a licensing'agreemcment in October 1984 mm granting a right-of-wa•way over the Bensons’ Fran•anklin County property f r g, NEW!LLANDSCAIPE ROSES to a p a rt of a cogeneraieration facility on M ink Creelcek. ______;______- Nftw fypB-QLabcubX ibjose-ls hardy, s a t i t o - a o d ------— ~ cnt«d-to dovelop.thelhy-______— ^^v\wrding to thc-la\-law8uit,-thc Fadcrells-wa^t «-careffe8r-They-r©9-easy-to-growrneedHit -e littla attention, and. unlil'n i i i ^ dropower p lant mostlystiy on federal land, b ut with a generating facility P * . the m ote familiarir hybrid^ Tea an d FlorlbIburidatypesrare und a portion'oClhope‘ penstock on th e B ensons’ land.lar ■ “ ^ disease resistant.It. needing little or nos]spraying; Their bloomTIS s S also provide coloror all sum m er long. Citviiiiproroves firfe i-atijting ■ J; ' ^ • BONICA->Inhbodaji,a jiftp n to a fully • SCARLqLETMEIDIUVND-Jjsng lastinf doub|g^pa«Ql-iHnk tona It — —znrEQ.CaiE^iO iAJ’r^CommcrcM Pr ^ropmy:tjcrown'6rs^nrPocatellff= = 8.olviyidjcarlot.blossoms-GrQy B | Grows to 4-5 fool with a S tool sproad. to 3 - i foe ice prem ium s th an k s to ' footlajlwiih.a5-6-root sproad,>d could be in lino for a reductionn on fire insurance Idoal for hodQ0». ______^______Portoctfc1 for m ounding gro u n d covor. •un improvement in1 th the city’s-fire insurance rating.ral Fire ChrefDon _ Jones says. . ' • W •PINKMEIDILAND-Gsp(ispociolly showy, • vtfHlTE'E MEIDIt.ANCy- Pufo wh^lto. v ^ r Pocatello's ratin g' hash( been, upgraded from 4 to 3 on a MO scale, m Long-losling ^ngk> pinkkdowors. (Ic Grows douWofIcfiowor up to 4 in c h o s across. K ' to 4 fool with'a 3 1/2 lo o t! w ith 1 tho best and 10 the worst. Th e new d o ssilssificdtion was released______o t sproad. Idool G ro w to:o IQ-34 in c h o s toll with a 4-55 footfoe U|j-tor-(nMS-ptantings.-he^

Sale w ithL ]P ersonal~H oiousehold ' ------100%TIHflHCIlCIHG AT tD%^ATR-5TOC ' T “ : B R LANDSCAPIfiGJ AND SPRINKLER!I SYSTEMS . ^ I ZZ .Iteins:3.T Ldid-L aw irE qui- I t i p m e n t . ------— ------Addrson At-Eastlaitland, Twin-FalIs^^3^-8£851 e ------3en Monday thru Saturdayiay 9 : 0 0 to 6 : 0 0 : S u n d ayy 12:00 to 5:00 / "W here Quality andid IH elpfulness R eally AlM a t t e r — -SAHTURD>AY- lle K T ~ , iS JUNE )NLY iiill ■ CAMPUu s COMIVMONS ^ - - -ififfljjflEiSHi (Parking LoLot or Conference26 R o o m ) -

______t f ......

: T ■ - • , , o . . , A-1Tfnios>Nows.1'S. Twin Falls, Id ah o SatufCu fd jy . J u n o 'l, 1088

y i a t i & n - —

I I R lejrort c fm m s Dufe 3usli sfckip finail eam ppaigntrail - - The Associated PP/ess / . — I schedule Thunirsday to return, to Bos- agiagan back from Moscow. ictors' urged • immediate , ‘ ^ ------ton-aftcr-doct “Thi.'i.week, an Am erican president I FB31 w e n tt to o fa rf ■ bemocraniic}':c}iael D ukakis sp en t surgery for hisis wife, Kitty..He spent . F riday a t his wife strode the hard ground of Red Square ife's side as she recov-' a the' night at. MassachusettsM Generul ' ' WASHINGTC;T 0N (AP) - ’ An in- ' formniiur F ra n k VarcllI,W hose inf(^-inf( 'ere’d'ffonnrdClicfl -zuid.remindcd .the %vorld thi|ough-the-- cate spinal operation. - -M ------Ilospital afid ththen worked at the'hos-— Uirnal FBI rcpc•eport concludca tluit miilialien supplied much of Ihe basisba: Republican Geor{ sureness ofhis step and the lilting of )rge Bush welcopied f l pital awaitjng5 the' end of the opera- ®V^’’ the bureau's invinvestigation of oppo- forr tthe bureau's Jnvestigationon of President Reaganin home from the su- B h is words ... what a m oving and brae- ' dcnts-of- Rcugi■ugun - adm inistration - C ISfISPES; ------.------perpowersummit- __ - - ing thing freedom is," Bush.said,ia ____—v.-__ it-in-Mo3co\vrs35'ing,— fivTlioilourFof's'urgery toTdr- ''!"^ . policies in Ccntr.ntral America wos too ThThe internal report said the the ceremonies al Andrews Air Force th ere “You made us proioud." B reel a neck problem p that doctors ' ' ' ' broad, governn] E 1985 allowed th(the FBI to launch « ThiThe internal FBI review fourbund greater attentionI tot environm ental is- | g A H ^ 5 0 m | , Y ______' Doctors rom )sing away from discrirrimination and fear- She had.been experiencinga pain, and. ------on'cDndiilon'ofanranonymitj’:^ U;Sri5. policy in CentraTAmencu. “ nwngering. AllleIL^ders 'must speuTT' num bness for several se weeks and doc- 0 The tenor of.)f.one 0 of the recom- TbtFbt investigation ofClSPESS be-b( _ ,outTiow,'’_Jackson i n said in a statemont ------tors-dotermined3d both problems werc- . ^ • ' 'mcndations wds'as 'that “die' guidcT' gani' MarchJi 30. 1983, prompted b d by in Los Angeles. “T“The president must ■ M ICHAErbui^^ ^IS caused by dangegerous pressure on her a ! lines need lo bcc* mmade more specific lipss thatt key members were ir ; in- _ take every avoilulable step, including — S ta y s a t h i s w if e ’s sIds id e spine caused byy tthe discs.- |@ l ------to keep us out oflo f trouble," said one- volvecved in covertly furnishing fundjnds ari executive ord^r, T, to stop discrimina- . . ."I talked to.B-Kilty in the recovery...... '■ source. and3 mir aterial lo th e FMLN, a leflisif lis t- tio n now.” - ’ • - T \ pledg’dged to candidates who now nov have room and she susuid she wanted an ice S P Anothcr'soureeree siiidUTe report is prpupup seeking to seize power inn ElE Dukakis is favor ored to best Jockson drop;opped out. With more than thi 20 cream and a ma;lassage," Dukakis said |s |^ “highly critical"" ofol some aspects of SalviKviidor. in Tuesday’s ballotloting in California, switc.itching to his column Fridiriday, he following the sui the FBI's probeloftheanti-adminis- of iurgery.,“rm prepared . ' Montana, New Jen;rsey and New Mex- wass 1less than 300 delegatesi sh o rt of to provide both." tration Committe'ittee in Solidarity c,, 'arelli, S’’ a former evangelist fronrom jpQ jjjjjj gpgi jjjg hold on the Demo- th e! 2,2,081 he needs to win the> nonomina- Bush, tho GOlOP-nominee-to-be, re- j^ ll “ with the Peoplef o f El Salvador. , Salvador, became a paid in cratic presidentialI nomination.r tionn iiin A tlanta in July. Tue.srinvd ^ ,’s.p q ;__ turned.to-WiishiriingtojiJroni.a.week.Qi‘...la H H — ^------TitT-coold—not-ot—bc-^ctoraincri--{“^®ncr-for ' the-FB I’s Dallas office ir The Mnssachusesetts jjoVerrior con- m arieries have ‘166 l)em6cra^ici^ic dele- meetings at hhis Kennebunkport,*’ @ wl^ethcr the repoi■port, w ritten by D. 1. the sam e y ear the bureau be tmu_ed to p ick ug> backing fc from -pla(e-numbers-and-investi“ ;ti=------^ B — ------proper"-rcnson forfor t h e h u ro n u 'to ; u n re dhnunsr “ r union~i^mbcrs“ ana“ - ^ L EV \ l 'S < t = ~ ■ proboCISPES. college,'e students. The probe in- H — The report, howlowever, is highly volvedd nearlyr all o f the FBI's field H critical of how thele IFBI handled in- ofilces. JEANSS HAVE A RP / ! \ D iRAND— v ; NEW ILOOK

« • ■ ■ ■ ...... 1 s

— ^

. ■ / R ^ r i N A L ^ B- X ^ REDUCTIONS . R

II AFTER 8 DECADE Oi)F SERVICE ^ y J J I tl ' ‘ ------^

— jC M re w ' tfi . ^ ■ th IIUBJOlfl: ------'s t ______(

, 5 ~ t F i dm ESS ' ' • ■ . - “ ^ 1 - . ' - r c o MlE^EE— i 1 ^ e u u c t To n s ^ ^ OUR/ I - OF Bl^NS OF ^ Ir | T - W IMEN'S5 501® . ■s ' I f c S H B S B B r i : iLEViS JJEANS i „ Yp□u'll' find th e lornp-; — ^ est .selection, o f ______.. d m zes an d colors off .classicp Levi's® ------5 0 01® Jean s in southithem Idaho! - L e3vi's ^ legendary butlutton fly 501 ® - dro 5, . Channel S c ! L V ' b llues u stirlnk to fit y'OU o i and only you. • i % DiamonijyBand H W - - A nn d -at th e Porjs ttie~ie prices ore ~ ------per W ~ ' iw ay s rIgFit;..

[ ------5 0 1 ) 1 ® a n d - 7 0 1 ® ------I t ^ S h r , irlnk to Fit indigo'.... 16.99 E" ______l l j m ^ ■ p rShrunk e indigo ...... LadyDiona Hinti (o.'&iliphitc & Uiimend) 5 0II® 1 an d 701® th e ■ V ■ _ “ tJ’e . W hhltew i oshed, •• • - • . o v'erdyed, e galactidr 2T£llfreal8^^P£N[^s.il wltiilivufy (iiJIiruTfil.'s' (iTc'citjj^iuus U!j(it iiurcfiase. ^ c , ■ ' ho^ ------.------WO{ 3shed strlpesroll -In i n ------:> » ^ ■ - drei m - s e vverol i colors ...... 36.00 ■■«*

124 M ain A\A venue N orth, Twinin Falls - 733-1506 • ' • V alidated Parkincig in th e 2nd A venus ______W e . W f lu e N orth .Lot \^Q.IQP.CD.^ * P o risX-hdrge._*_VISA_«-M h c \/lQSterCQrd -«LAmergricon E xpress-.-B isc)iscover —^— ......

_ ^ , — . ;.v =rr- ; ^ ...... / . / ...... '

Saturday. Juno-1, J988 Tlmos-Nows, TIf Twin Falla Jdaho A-5

------V a t i o n - P e n t ca g o iy a 1 i ^ o s t l y b u s t i n 1 fightirng drugg s r G A eltcf;'e n 'two k iz u re s ^ d “R'Results of ihcreo^'m ilitalitary'interdidion costsCfHif lUll-Pcale raiiitarj' interventntton in-thu -for-oporationsol w ashW t o n ^*- ! The Defense Deport- isofits planes and ships, rt- three a rre sU fo r $678,000DO - about,$339,000 a assisjistonce aro u ncertain," anothother said.- drug w’or ar will bo astronomical. Some ment, on the verge i ne members One' of Huntlunter’s coauthors said tho high " ge o f b e in g 'p u s h e d ”inlo~o~n , seizure, according to figur, drug-interdiction efforts, General Accounting Officece Ifor Congress. “ menlinfuraong w p e rts th a t increareased federal In- tary involvolvement sdythvPt-hTuYdhi has a dismal record "i 1 isl.Oiefe'89'slvl'i'l e s . ) ’" '- V - '■. ------Richardson-denicd-ld-bctrayinB-h« ------3nao-lo-fil styles of______M issss SwIpiwsar-TH — SilQBTS.Sna '■ country b ut testified thathat he gove'Soc- f - polyester/coticot1on4will,-reg. 16.00. — - — • uments to someone hele tthought was a , KGB agent in hopes of iiimpressing his "-l 7 / / DRESSES OOur l entire stock of ' ! j supervisors and winningling 0 prom otion. spring dresses:ses in casual a n d He was accused of cacalling the em- ______career styles,?s. reg,r 4400-9g,00 ______: ------ba8sy,-andwhe!H?al!edb jd-baek-by-an-un------<-SAVE-300/ir— KNIT PANTST S Pull-on st'yie of — dercover FBI agent,t, Itu rning o v e r ' ' polyester/cotto pages of-a m ilitary mannaniiol ond elec- - ^PERSPECTIVES SHOFT)R TS SAVV E 4 0 % otton inierlock knit in tronic circuitry from the•he M] l tank. PReg,19.00-3000. Entirese stock ol KNIT■ JSLEEPSHIRTS navy, black; or while, s-m -h "It seemed like everytJrything I tried to ." reregular price shorts indue:luding Reg,- 1i16.00-24.00 Cotton andid ' W^k I I reg. 20.00 ;___ do right, it got,screw ed ved u p ,lth e,1 9 _ -...... „{r-irouser- styles-and-ejasticic-waist— ' - — — coiton/n/po!yester,:styles- in sizes KNIT SHIRTSTTS S h o rt.sle ev e -.- -. year-veteran testifiedid Thursday.' ' “I .| shorts in assoded lenglhsIhs. Sizes s-m -l.I. Sleepwear. ^ . _ interlock' knitlit styldsi in solids a n d ' felt that I was underr sos( much p res- ' ‘ : 24.00. ------. sure all the time, I felt‘It like1 I wos go- ■ °6-16. Perspectives Shpns.iris. ’• stripes.-reg! 2^ ing to explode Jipm -theeinside io out-" SAVE$5 onein our-entire stock of- - - ■ gded.to do som e- ______maternity swim/vimwear. reg. 24.99.______“ thing to get eveo'bo4yly o off my bock,” . ' . SAVE-aOS/aJn £ _ A ssorted stylesyies and colors, now______Richardson said." ‘ 9 ^ 6 ; 9 9 ^ ^ ^ ------...... 19.99, Malerniljrnily S h o p PERSPECTIVES TOPSS — 4 ;9 S Defense attorneys ha'have portrayed pJ ^ - r n r ' Reg. 22.0G--40.00. Choose>selrom' “0 «^NDAt L’lL GIRLS ' Richardson a s a patrioticotic w ar v eteran MER S H O R T S who loved his countiyy ond.c w as d is- blouses bli and cam p shirtss ir in a S A V E 4C40% ■ ■ .Ij traught over, the recentint deoth 'of h is • varietyva of colors an d slyle<»leit A to . • Specialial purchase shorts and ...... — rifom jaffls-fe chobsValfcottohl^slTifTnfi " T y Reg. 24.00-30,(30,00. Short, sleev e • ' j Richardson, who wasas demoted ' for Fashion Fa Avenue wilh % sle an d styles for big girls sleeves. ‘•■S?’ = --solids or;fanciejcies of 100% cotton repeatedly failing to corcome to work, Perspectives. pg «V . •7-14;r£reg. 9.00.. 6.99. tcstifie'd th a t he w antedUid to do s'ome- V or polyester/co/cotton Wends. : thing “outstanding” to' rcjregain'his lost ■ Features fashioi■hion details an d fun _____ stiipc~a'nd salajy."- ’ ~ — - ^ = z ■u—— “ eSIoTBFslzes^’-f^-m-^I^Ir-* ----- ■ ^ - .-rr: S7W iE=30% =“ Men's Sportswesw ear' _ ; FAVORITE B LO U SES V— - JAMS. SHORTSJ & TANK TOP _ Car striktces ' Reg. 16.99-42.00. Assortedled Reg, 605.00-14.00. R ib b e d tank lops10 / ' styles an d colors from Laur • for little2 Iboys; solid piece dyedd .• - . f V S A V E 2S2 5 % e r s , - ' anand Jayne, P etets & Ashle> youngstei a n d ,Wasash e d lank to p s for big3 ______A TANK TOF^3 & T-SHIRTS ; J J - ShShapely,. J u d y Bond. Jo an i ...... boys. Pr■’rinl an d coldTblack^jam:ims |\ Reg. 12.00-141:14.00” A s u m m e r------: —^leavesrlddead------anand'm ore.-fv1iss5S'Btirose5:es^Not ' and-shoTo’n's'for big a n d little boyoys. ------m ust in ass'onsiinsfl CCilCirs. s-m -l-xl.------:------available al Bellev Oft MASTtfiitfiG A fiD * ACCOUNT. 7D ORDE.?gB. C^LL THE BON.'MAGIC W WL L iE Y MALL 734 ■430a ' ' ' ' ' ;

: ■ ,_,w ’A-6Tlmes-Noy.'Jows. Twin Fails'. Idaho Solufday, So Juno4'.i98a boohesbiirv ' " — ___ :___ ‘ s ■------ywcMxa:pj}&UJnsx^K------ff(/r-T-UwrMr-au.'.rav flJWr CO PAItfTlNG9 fVTlNASfifSPlA£.OK ^ UP! UKKOUT! ^ MICHAELS m w . MICH X ^ a m t €C S ~ .... fin e ‘iOOTUSXB^ - ! “ t w ~ F r i ; n k aa h n d trn e sT .

■!i M j M ' B J I ____ —I ------.. ■ ■ O , o P -- P ^ n u t s ...... i - -/HeYrPtTeneR-}"tT'MUf^RTS-Va^-j-M-AYBE-i' -j'criiyST-FACETHE— ' 1““ |“/"iT ‘57rNiCE'FEKTM6— MY NECK lUATCHlNSN6THE f OTHER U)W AY A N P THEN I / KN0WIN6 THAT YOUR M . -OTWEK-TEAMiJiT MO^40ME / IjJON-T-M/MAVE-TO-TURN AROUNP------ULAYERSAKe-COMFORTABLE/-.- -_-S- V £ I ^ S OVER M'<'HEAPe ^ V '.y EVERY TlTIM E ...V E 5 THIS 15 G a r f i e l d I______' [ 6 0 IN 6 T(TO'BE M U C H gETTER ..^

f i r i i7^\f^ob~wdoLPN'-^•T HAFPEN TO KNOW I - V y U L H J now THIS HOI'0L£ GOT IN H£RE.- 'l ylwOULP VOU? J v f R A R E OVEN MITT* ^YtATlN& M0TH6, — — - •' , iY - \ - l e u e P E C T -^ 2; ...... — B londie ____ H r r s O I'M MAKING/"n I {GREAT.' VOU C A N _ ^ ’ I I ©ON'T V(^'hAVE O Ne"! ® A MIGH-T p a n c a k e s iTrr ? TTT/ rr SEPORE f g • THATS A LITTLE ----- BWi T6CH_,*^.RIGfcir>^iU . ] WJV r r ______1-OWER ^ . sPAnji^VNo^

H a g a r t hle e Horrible

■ ivM A T ™. \ ^ ( YE5,Wg PiViPg75Cf UP THe I Iv (~ PPAW fJiPE <::MeW ^T l< A ) W O PI^ — I p’pePAiJepTHe p i i x l I l M P A g T Y IV y O P IiJKSANPKma<&ac a\ap e i V TriE'He^NACK^ I ^ 2 L ^ A ndy C app : M i ( Ht-'SAFJRM BELIEVCR - >- 'ONeQCCDTUreM -- -tllf — — — / Ua'JDUSNOUR __ 4^y^^>=^«/TeD^ — • (ogATeFulj - y- goano —< r^,a r s c K o u f ^ ie o P F ) The BornI L oser ' J f Thwwm..'!3 ~ i r z ? /I'^ yvAPEAipmf* / ALL WE HAV6 - L »ii(ucsmc. ------^ W izard of Id , / 'feHojrr r I ( HUSKIES" A E £ t V H /lT C & ^ " ( oveewTue rOJF^CP ] I " g g § H - T" 4b-TD-48 7 " ______AJ_S i Beetle Baileiley W as= si. L i= aa. ■~7T;. ' ( TriAT'55 NO1. V r"l------;35— .[ ... f^room-Hilda e - - r r .--SeT.'—: - ( K e ------, V BULL hH E ReA T lf?WlN‘5W E fi , - SMOfeKBL•L • • AFTW *&At77 THE_____ - -C.OIUlCUAN>7-TWE^—------AW CAR-^IIVEHEPS REA?eALl.y4 TH& - R: \ y I OPi^OiSTBf^.roO. IT pp*x>U«JRRy/ TWE S-«-vUVEM6TWIIMae> ., LUHATIC!? JP M . 1 ...... * -j! 'p iT B o n r ] _


: Gasoline AH\iley ______

i— -• |g e ya:^gTnrTne, C h ip rB T O hhi i HI th0rel; Y es... ^ W ho w as 1 Kemmember,you | I an d L ois. i-- - ____ Jj^hatW ^id,d^no stnngs’Tj .^EVpo/N„ ) ® ‘^ A Ik. "5PoKr5^LLulTR^reiVy JL ^ L—

ACROSS----- ?n roBp^^npp totry? ------^------h erc-!rc-pcoplc-with-the-coinmon~“0"— — ------18 t a f g a ...... someme color blindness. A. H ad to be a film made by John bloodood type are less likely to get colds h a n d b a g • A M aryland fainner n named Thomas 19 H ol« I Grierson aboutMhe i British herring thanlan people with the “A" and “AB" ------Mooro in 1793 ins nsulflted a cedar,tub. If you, tossed Saturn into vi 20,Natlon-« flight ’ J waller - fleet. At least, it's it he who's credited types.,pes^ : ■ reg io n ; ^ “with rubbil peltss and rigged an'ice you’du’d hoed a whole lot of watv atcr - It w ith i?oining th eJ Vword “documeritary." ...... , . , , . _ • S2-M uaicarwort(— - I tray therein — to0 1keep his butter cool wouliluld float. j Q. How 1 can I get a ring off my fin- 24 Oom' weight < on th e long deliv 27 Point of tlma iiverv trip to town. You can reachh most telephones na- ger? ^ That’s all I could1 tu rn t up when I was Q. In Monopoly, two of the 28 C u t I the three tionwide with 11 1] digits. Am asked A. ] P u t your hand in ico w ater for 30 Faatilon I II J___to’ing to find oul Il who invented the placeicea you're moat likely, to lai ■ land are how many digitss will’ it take to direct- awhilevhile, th en try. _ 32 Army bigwigs I picnic cooler. Illinoinois Avenue and B&O Ra 34 QarmDniB - J Railroad, dial telephones W'worldwide, whenever, Whatl a t’s th e third? 0 5 US Iftw ^ Seventeen. It's inn th e works. * A nradio man says the trick is to say ngo n cy - ? ------Soon to be soid, Id, it's reported, aro A.\.G < o . thee followingfo not just once but twice: 36 Profar _ ____ coniact lenses to solvesi some dyslexia LIG 37 Dlscusr. lightly 7 .IQUOR ______Q. Where in thihe Bible does it riame “Theh e clothesc moth’s mouth closed.T 33 S tn ck L 39 In tho.poai I t l i E 40 O raga . lOea Tflliuna MfdH S«rtic»«. Inc O0jO4| AK nionn n«i«rt*ii rio rw h o is in a ja 41 Soft flat cap YBstsrday's Puzils Solvotl: jam. very:ry loalve P I ■ ‘uld-upset-a-iupcriornndtmisrycu— :— 11 ■good tip^elo renewV relatibh^ipsi .with ' ;______tertainmentduriiring^e^efik,______big-tr fnunds und relative; g-trouble^G^out-fbrsomerfuri-^Ilh— ----- 57 Qot up -U-totl*ty-*w4ni_ 20 fr o 01 'es you h"aven tse e n SID’TD'01^“ C H in3R E N (Ju n e :22 to friendlends tonight. 68 Foch of ftlma 20 Branches ol ^ r nl for some time. Ju lyy 21): Don't neglect impcnportaht SCORPIO (Oct'ct. 23 to Nov. 21): If a 60--M lnuta 21 learning 21 businciness mattere in order to have condition at hotr)me is upsetting you, PIS ------a m o u n t -----2321 Head covera 1 ^ fij .?l§C?SjFeb,__20„to March 20): 21:iu:2ipritl9i’iBozt30inirJiVrrnn~Tt^ia'ov<'nlTig^'TOnnirt tbe h< beat"-work:iroutfatiott -aa-FeoU lty------■ £ |T 5Hilllyiiifiloiido£lo8ing—Your-)ur-intuition-is not-very-good'thia“ ' — rgetting any prom- spent'nt vnth your m ate a t home. 61 A lw ays -25-Y 20 ob-o.tt------|[H|[||B your temper. Be:e cautious about who m omorning, i so don't rely oh it Twhen 62 Hnmmor pnrt 20 28 Lay aside . 0 S cT this m orning. You you in v ite lo yourirhome. . makir 28 — loland. NY T T f t aking important decisions^ Puf G3 Log joint 29 ifTiciency with more ' LECEO {July 22 to Aug. 21): AvoWoid be- '- 64_^w Jns c ity ' 3_129 Boya I ^ St - .m orel3re t r u s t in your mate's abilitiis, 31 P rescribed ^ £ BiJ I- cominiing involved in an orgumernent"be. SAGITTARIUSJS (Nov. 22, to Dec. DOWN 32- m onu t e l C oaroij • tw eenen your mate and a goodi friend.fi 21): Ify o u h av e to m ake some changes If Y 32 Prattle If Your Child Is Bom Today‘..; 'H£^_ 1 Lighting 33 I 20 to Mny 20)::_D on’l.sI’l.atoy-out too late.tonight.t. Q8q you.fcin your-budget,-yi dovlcOB . 34'33 strict ------^ ~ARIE3:f*Min:chi21 -yoiunay;iicod-ad\-ice-or-she;she-may-Bccm^-bc-a-blt^!bw'in~ ------tity'which is right- needd moren rest. from an expert. E 2 Kind ol acid 34- 37 S hort-vtotl------Icka - ] 62 Racing sure you nren^t forg Don't tako any risks solviniving problems while young, but is ' ' . . 3 aiamarck’a 37 Crib ■■ 44 Trickiiwkoyo '\\ > dlslartce ises you hnve madejsocinte, t oryouw ill whilo driving. actual Btalo 38 iually very bright and has a.me- ' chatter 48 Hawkrong ttiroad -54 Ladle can improve y o u r efT. superior can help VIRiIRGO (Aug. 22 to Sept. 22):!2): This 4 — whizi 4038 Ball aound 47 Stron . . . . thodic.idical way of reaching decisions. Bo undar 65 Flah ogga Ition. momiinin g ia a good tim e to tak eecareol a CAPRICORN (1(Dec. 22_ to Jan.20): eure t. 40 Slrlngod 48 Bluncng-'- - 56-Olned modern techniques. re to giveiyour progenyraa fine an G 'S n o k o s ' 41 • th e litlittle chores you hnve beenJcn put- Don’t reveal any — fnetrument-----,49-UngItal 68 Beak ' y important financial educatacation as possible, and he Or sho 41 ^oll of cloth El Motel TAURUS (April[ to June 21); Com- tingofloff all week. Do a favor forr a supe-i matters to a perairson you don't know could k jld b e c o m e very succoflsfuL - Don't pass ofTa'dut; fully yours on a n ass< greatly regret it. A fl 1 your financial situati

GEMINI (M ay 21 I a __ . ■ .V _ -___stt- . ______\ •

...... ■ Salufday, J u n e 1988 . Timos-Nows, Twin Falls, Idaho A-7 I' ------■ i ' ^ :-,PPeople

“ I W o r nn a n i n sschool si h o o t i in g s w aIS takinng expeFrif ^ nt a l d r i i ^ 2 •; S_._CHICAGO. CAP)) - — A woman who — On'! )n'M ay 20,"M srD an n walkeded into I policee apparenfly know invest’cstigating how she got theihe drug, company-spokesvswoman Gloria Mar- apaititaitment complex in Madison where g killed an 8-year-oldId boyt and wounded the I Hubbard Woods Elementlentory the psychiatrist wwho supplied Ms. spokeikesman Steve W aters said.1 ; tini said. shee onceor lived said sho often Tode tho six othor people inn ■ f A N D FROOM 4:00 TO 6:00 ALL- AADULIS ONLY $3.00 ^ J _K-\--^in-bchttvior-probleiblemg, is-not-op- !st,. o_ psychiatrist .in Madisidison, S o B MATIMIl E E S / ^ B hia coiinUy'. ^ Wis., v, THISIP r - S U N - T U E S - W E D - 1 ized to dispense Anafrail, but ^EEKTHE SUMMErER M ATINEE SERIEi i E s ^ J- TWIN'aNEMA ' |fi ^ Blood tests tokenn in ii an autopsy on j^orize •SAT-SUN-JEROM.IE E CINEMA ' S said- he - only - prescribed, lithii MS IN TW IN FALLSS AND JEROM E .. S e Ms. D annahow edtracraces ofthirdrug. lice-soj SUNDAY-MALL CINEMAOlh E onate, a drug commonly used )NLY $6.00 YOU 5AN SE E A MOVIE J High dosages of AAn nafrail con cause caC^oni cd for S« F * ^ a nMD i A tL ADULTS S3.00)0 >ALL NIGHT S - .suicidal depressionI in in som e patients, tment of monic-depressive_ disdisor-' Vt W E EEK FOR 12 BIG WEVEEKS---A N D 2 NJfLTHE MOTOR ANDt4D-GHANaVU ______S ______H i said Dr. Robert D eVVito, it 0 pyschiatrist “ ■ §» “ExcmTNG-PROGRAWIST r TOTHOOSE-FROn b M - | ...... t a s DTUES ATTHEGOODII)DING CINEMA a J ^ a t Loyola University - THE(G)RATED!D M O V IE S ity Medical Center Criesriest cannot comment onI ^Ms. ^ " p-OX o & THE HOUND REO FERN G ROW S K • in suburban Maywoodx>d. D ann’sn's case due to doctor-patientit cicon- W blENJI e AMERICAN TAIL 1 S ' However, DeVito sai1 said thot he didn’t fidentisjtiolity, said -Lauren Cnare,xe, a {< BUlUGS BUNNY' — LAND OF SMALL ro think the drug causedsed Ms. Dann's be- spokesresmon a t the M adison clinic.:. “V“We 2 4 OR (PG) MOVIES 0\ K havior. “It is not a'hoihomicidal drug by are involved in' in clinical triolsIs of g o ' • VICE VI VERSA . INNERSPACE ^ • M i c hlacl a K eaton is ■K any means," hb said,I. Anafrai'rail," Ms. C nare said. U .- - PPRINCESS F BRIDE . «3• 3 MEN AND A BABY R S * bBATTERIES; NOT -R•RETURN TO K p ININCLUDED . •SNOWY S RIVER H a ADIFFEREIE N T P R O G R A M W ILL BEB E S H O W N E A C H WEEK e e t i e - 1 CALL 734-2401 OR 324-687BTSFORDCTAILS^^^^ I B I I Smoki: in g b a n _ 1 b e g in s _ _ p ------Si rOW#1 START S! i g j THISWEEK~"“ n V F R R Q A R r — DAILY DA 7 rj0 - 9 rf > 0 ------, ------I JtLiohaa c ciQ _ sa l«d ® TWIN K t h e s e {IIO'SI <1do lo scoulingl f ”.1.^ j ’ m ain lobby of City Halllall, City Commis- plannedled. to move m onufacturing: and or f i 0:30-12:30 ~.2;30 . : C S L C ^ . I sion chambers, the ci b’dtioifi opcrations-llnked-to-suc IHm U R S (JU N & 9 ) - and a handful of otherher places took ef- anocquiquisition to Owensboro, 12:30-2:30 - - - feet Wednesday. :over.'er. protests from -Adkisikissoii'soid he did not considtsider— »£rBS9!7S^S Pinkerton Tobacco Co.,:o., Daviess Coun- Pittmanlan’s letter a th re a t by the concom. SEAN PENN K ^ ty’s largest industrial^ eemploy e r . ____pany. to.to.leave town. The sm oking ba Owensbero'is a majolajor tobacco sales passedd unanitpously . an d A'dkisso Is — -CHEsan%XUA5E FINDS M WS t x LIFE INvj THE CODNTRY------^ centcr for western Ke Kentucky burley. said hele s still supports it. f i ISN'TIT WHAT IT'S ' The Daviess County’ FaFarm Bureau es- : Commissioner 0 Jack Ross, who wh 3 CRACK:k e d u p t o b e ! - -A timatcs that area tobacbacco soles topped voted wiwith the throo other commisimis- ^ . _ ____SPSmillinn loot yoor •a-and-the-mayor-to-approve-th I B B M w Pinkerton, in a letter,ter doted M ay 20, policy,, saidsi Thursday th e board ovei ... • notified Mayor DaviddAdkissonthatit- A reacted.fd. i CHWASE w M en o n d UJofom en. Living p ro o f ^ Jt o th o c G o d h asISO se n s e cfTiumor. . will reconsider p lans5 to expond in the I qCommissioner Waymond MoiMor- __ W ______county because of th e bi ® ria prin(incipal of Daviess County Higl “If, it appears, you>-our recen t enact- S c h o o ls 1, soid-he-probably.will voteit:: t i F illM m STZ ^ - A l a n - W ^ s . . - mentofabanonourpriproducts IS indic- - d" the policy.-‘ ' ;------I ‘ative of this communitynity’s a ttitu d e to- said the ^licy "is doing, some m : g j ' 5 ; . Ward the tobacco induiidustry. our com- we didn’t intend, to do,” nom elj m I « pany and our products,:ts, then the time ^ "8 “ 'y- m [S II ling tobocco interests. DAILY 7 :0 0 - 9:00 t i ; ' 'hfis come for us to beginbej rethinking o^endinj m m m m A S A T -SSUN U I 1:15-3:20 rrn-ni R ' SAT-SUN 1:00-3:00 5-7iJO-9;35 '------^ W i-__dut.plan3.fo'r!theiM!ifciife;iLuther.Pitt-l„ Anothiither _ com m issioner. Aloi _____S.-00^.:00^B:Q0______m j w i S i f a ] T n ia T T * 5:25-7 E t r s : 2 s v 7 r j 0 ^ 9 3 s ------p ------fe f f —inanr--cxccutive—vice- n,-saidZbe-is-s tilLvveighing-tb JES-W ED 5:00-.-7:00'-9:00 5 ■ f__Pinkerton, wrote. ______^__ policy’s's bbenefits again st ita.elTectss onoi 8gaa5«is»sjai;i«aasgi^?sEK & ^ J Pinkerton, which em]employs 504 peo- tobaccoomTcrests. n 6 V. pie a t its Daviess Countunty plant, is the Adkississon said that in the paspast W ONE OOF THE BEST LOOVED MOVIES ^ G R A N D --VU " IS NOW OPENN FI R I = - T U E S Tf > nation’s leading manufaufacturcrofloose Pinkertoi•ton .h as produced mostljsily eg OFIF 1 9 8 8 ’ -L O V E D)BYALL!!! I t e ; it leaf and plug chewingig 1tobaccos, Pitt- smokelesless tobacco, and h e didri’id rit t o - ^ ^ A S O I Vm s B A C K . . m m • manysaidj-The-compan about the-company-being-ad- a d '— g — B U T - Tw h / s - r / A f f ------.a ~ smoking tobacco productlucts.. . .verselyoff affected. SOMEONE^E'S WAITING. ^ C T U R- E S“ I W f W J A\ i m t ] ^ r ' j I S E L L. IT! BlUY IT! A ' r h^ ; f u R N T O A Tim eS'Nev/:w s-G lasslfied W illill Fill Every N ee d B S N OD W Y R I V E R X T M ~ k • ; P A R x n - im , 1 cCALL 7 3 3 -0 6> 6 2 6 ? ^ m m EN 7 DAYS A T 9 :0 0 3- S ----- QDAILY 7:Cr:00-9;00 . K^DS^212~AhiD UNDER FREE C O -H IT _ SI SAT-SUN-J 1:00-3:00. CCCO-HIT A T 1 0 :3 0 - • M - • 5 :0 0 -t7 jg rURES IN BABYSITTING'IG p r i n c e■E^OPDARKNESS- FRIDAYSW S H O W S AT 0 :0 0 . * r T w i N ll^tjT W IN 'EjT; - E zeseeB 1KN^SSAT10;30 g ______I. [irst was for him self, ~A won

3 I N 1 9 836 t MAGIC.WALLEV F E L L I N LOVE " r a ^ a f " ' j m-THeCROCODItlItE IW A N T T ^ ------“OFIVITKCIC----- 3HD-BlfrWEEKI----- ^ ------7 m T H I ^ L j LOVE AFFAIR C(::ONTINUES! . S w t h a t l e a v ees * a friendly glow ancind a sense of ^ ^ T i l t m i - [ m m i FO______• -a-m agical-iLw ori^M ovtogiy-evok ^ 1 1 lU V ILllO 1 _ — o ke d ." ------g ^ MlfORTTEAEUn/BIITIRER J — Shells Bensnson. LOS ANGELES TIMES z z i s m o t i BFflRli/lliBF ^ _ F r o m - G E XlORGE-UJGAS— p= £ 0 A n d R O I HOWARD — _— W^ EDNESDAY^- ^ MORE! 't f i ^ ^ A w o r l d uwhere heroes L Q G A N ^ ...... - TWINFALULS4;0UNTy—^ ^ U N E - S I - - ^ — c o m e - i n ialhsizes-and- — FA IRGRO Uf)JNDS ^ E R hMi ' a d v e n t u r' e e is the great- ^ TICKETS ON SA i£E S H O W D A Y A T G A T E - ^ e s t r nagic a of all. ^ I D m n d i e e I L H M

fe fpin - • --lE? DAILY 7:t0 L L O W “ " i — i Iff hi * Eg, SAT-SUN-TU■S e s -W E D - g daULY| 7 :1 0 -9 :2 0 I W-I-L EQ 12:40-2:500 - 5 : 0 0 ■SUN 1 2 :4 0 -2 :5 0 7 : 1 0 - 9h : J 2 0 5:000-7:10-9:20 0 I® . . [ n u ------k ------DAILY? ^ ------SA T - S UJN-TUES. N - WED S P T w i N ~ i g r b b d m e W M | | | P1 ^ ' i W I N ■ A d u lt AERIALISlists - ACROBATS - "Clclowns lillllliil' 1^ i a i i U • 12:15-2:35-^5-4:55-7:15.9:35 ffi M $6.00 OVER 2 hHOURS OF THRILLS &

------P------::------^ . \ . - '■

I -r-.jr-..A:8-Tlnioc-f4BW5r-Tvr-Twin-Falls, Idaho .. Salufdo'day.Junc'4..19&0 - VorM ^ S o v i

MOSCOW (x\P)P) — ' Soviet Nobel H H m m ets be . granted tithe right to travel I Pence^ prize Inurt'.urcate und humnn- ^ H | abroad a n d to leileave the country if I TO CLIEAN rights advocnto AncAndrei Snkhnrov Pri- ^ H l they w ish. •dny-4iKa in appcalem internal . Sakharov said hhis prcscnce at the I S p e a k s to re p o rte rs Gorki, w here he hud hi been banished * ministry’s press cent«r < showed "a I foryenrH. ised1 Uto him, after he accepted ana n invi- change in the positsition of my country, I A t least some 2PIP ppeople wore still in tationon to « reception by Reaganin here: not a change in my • jail for politicnl ren£•easons while un un-“ duringing th e sum m it. Sakharov saidlaid. Cln th e policy cof perestroika /ro-- I were imprisoned for Sakakharov also said the Soviet•iet me- structuring), he sasaid there wus still I 0 ^ known number wer K tlieir-religious beliefliefs. Snkharov said, dia'ss reports on Reagan'a - meen ec tin g . “passive a n d somelletimes. acUvc. resis- I lio ]o i p He said hejm ped thithere would soon lie w ithfl the t dissidents hud b'lic^efslefama- tance" against it bu3ut he . Rog. 2^.40 4; i ■ n ^ Sale $19.95--^l-— i----- ^ c i L f ^ j E• b U T S ^

— V S i :4y4>aniaged i o r S hT O p K t DElEMO’USED EQUIPMENTI Al^DOINGMAGCjllNETAPE r n t ^ Q U —OFFICES!UPPUES— GASH REGISSTER TAPEr ------COPYPPAPER 11 STAPI*LES • ••___i j J : ______;7T, fisshini g d

B i E Es m o a a - JEBCi m M M TE PAPEII Z B iw c o . F Pq^A C l In th e parking lilot „ I KEZJ Alrpott ' ■ B I ' a WBhlanda«:------1" 1 - ■ j — TZ . ~ T T -B _ ...... ■ I

...... -...... Ctm.SlilIlilt Jf... a ' O p o n SHOPKO STOR)S R E S r l N C : ------X - ra' Thurs., FrI.r i _ ^Saturday 1W9POLEIINE ROAOEAS 1801 Highland Avo. East I / :a st. Twir/rALis- ( R egister through ^ OPEN l>ON. THRU rni. ITA.M.IT/I TOtOP.M; M a g i c V a l l e y F JuneSih. ^ ' Twin Falls SAT 0 A.M, TO 0 f-.M !-SW^rU/J-IOA.M. T07P.M. 8:00-5:00 9:00-1:00 M a l i 1 ) ' • ■ , i

------S.Hurtliiy, Juno-1, 193i1930 TifTios Nows; Twin Fnlls, Iflano ■ O b i t ujaries/Hospitals c B2 ^ ■ Religic;ion B3 m m f a g i c: : V a lt t e y ■ WestJ_B4...... , . _ B ^

M cBr g t c V ey i e y ee i h p l o ^ y m e hi t r a t ee s h o vt v s m ec r e a s e ^ ...... & By The Tiinca-N s-News ------A 'p i^ " ii w a.s .'T f pcTTOreetu and in May it wna siiri;e s in tim ber und minirning. the.tolul num - jectiic tio n s ()'f g o v e rn m e n t e o m•n o tn is ls I'or a n a m lH 'rr of ol Idahoans on the job fell below a n d AHHociuledi d 1P r c a a 5.0 percent. - bber of Idahoans out of workwo iu M ay fell by mulliniillion-dollar ull state rev',‘venue surplus 410,(100.X 'IbUilT employment in 1988 so fur * Kmployment juiinsns were made in May in more n than 1.000 Ui hiti t 20 ,G 0 0 . ulso lhe._jvheihen llie budget year endss June. 30. An- has-avcragJtagod ovor 410,000 a month. - ^ i . T W IN FALLS■LS - The em ploym ent pictu:ture conatruction, roUiil[ tr,tmde. service arid acri- lowest l< level since Novumbm b e r 1 9 79.' ' d r•lis u s adniinialri)lii)n analysisIs put the sur- ‘ Uasedd o n re g io n a l" jo l) le a a * a u iira lic s ,‘ i t ' ...... in Uic Mujjic V )m a culture, McDonald aani a id . "Employment jjuins.wer^ere evident in ujiri-.. plusus at .ut leaal. several, tu:tuilliun dollur.H ..also .uppeijpeured UuiL Uie brighter cmploy-j^. . . ■ *■' y e a r og o . Th e kis ! size of th e labor force hiiala iin- .He also said thalI part-timep employment culture, ci conslm elion. reUietail trade, services whihhile .soijie analysLs oulsiiJee the adniiiiis- menl pielulielure in M ay was eonct^nlralcd on • creoBcd and the unem ployment rate haa h, has doubled holwecne n l ‘>7() a n d IJJHO. w ith and a federal govoranieiiienl," departm ent Irnliiation apociihite il eoiild rmun SH) million more ruralaral areas of the sUite for the first'- d ccH ned. V the moat driimiilic increase in connnj' in the s s| p o k e s m a n E3ob C o o p o r saiil.sa or nnm o re , I many months. Prelim inary jobless'" ______In_Mny>.9.82.!82...Lhc_adjuaLcd_uni:rap)Qp)0i'-..-I)fH t.thr<:‘.<‘.yoi»r.s'., ____ ..’llll'^P-J.JlS-Tcenl^dropI iii^ in e joblcuK -rute--- ^ThThe_prelimi^r>- fibres -furJl Idaho rau raU-s inII lhe ll five urban aruaa checked by _■ - mcnl nito wnsas 5.G percent. Thia M ay,'ly.'it In the Ma;;ic ValkiiTiey 171'- S l a y 't h e la b o r Tfrom i May 1!)K7 miirketTtETthe n 'lir alfaighl 'coiTiiiTiiter io'those’for nVeTiiilTbiIbn“iTs”jrwhVilel ilie slalelie were ^'ither unchanged or up' , Waa 5.0 percent,■nt, and there were 550 moTiore force was 35,050 pco;>cople. w ilh ri.'J.HO'em- nmonlh . that the ciirrentent unem ploynienl Acro!.•ross lhe country, unemplploymenl rose from Aprilpril w fiile t h e r a le in th e iv ia jp c Val-"* . w orkers., acctjrd: o r d i n /7 to ' Ixjn McDonallaid, pluyed'and 1.640 unvrn v n ip lo y e d . _ rirale Inis run below yearaV earlier levels. It two,-o i notches from April tii'M n Jo'ji'aii.'ilu.’ioIcimLaaiutch...... ; V . ■ . etatiuLicH' unalyHilyst at Lhe Twin Falla Job J« nie aUitCH cconom;omy as a whole conlin- sistood at 5 pcTcent in Ap)\pfi.l, an00,000 f e w er r ' people wen- 'I'he Idahdaho Falls area wns the only one lot Trjd;ng,--It-vvn;<.-TmK- th c-?ircrcond-Tnrrnthty—^hrm -nn-inrr^nrrcnsr.inj incmpioa-mcnt from tif The'unempl6>3l6ymontJ7fiKufca7 w hjch 'fi'm-" aea'sonull^ iic^'usled3 •» u n i'm p lo y m e n l aUiod "dOCade di • last Septeinherr whenw il slipped to hikeke in lhe national joblessss rale in 20 year ago,;o. Department analysla aaid lhat • elude ^ in FalFalls, Jerom e and Gooditdini; al -1,8 percont, theie Idwesl level of the 4.4 .9 p e r c e n t. m oi n n i t h s . . e generally lo limited aummer job; - . - counties, indicatcate the cconom y hns fltnbtnbi-- lUSOsrth'c-Dcpnrtmcrnent of Kmployfnent re­ ‘The improvement, coupm plrd w-ith oni.v a .— 4bt4btnl~cmpinymput~in~ldnhr hn- lnst~mnnrh—prnspmT^t’lT:'ror".^ludenlfl'aiVd"the*conHnucd7— ------liy-ed o v er th e; last la few m onths, In Marcarch ported, alsliflbt erosion in total'' emei ploynienl from wasIS • -10.0.800, do w n j u s t COO jiiljobiJ/rom A prils depres.'ioded mi arket for farm commudities. the unomploymeim ent rate w as 5.0 percent.t. 1In Fueled by a consUistruction boom and a AApril to May. underscoredX‘d t!ie revised pro- and-id-only.the second time ll '-l'“ ERMPLOYMKNT on Pago B2 I j X h r ii s t i a n s ee i n p l a n s __ i__ a]i p p e a l sr s e n te iie e 'd lo a fiye- the th e ejiae .commuiiicated with him 5:yeilr"y^yKTrT sicnlence on dnijj^imimptTi'prfly, p ■'hut ,didn!t nam e _the..__J____ possession ^ aiari;es say’s the sen-^ pariparty.- . j o t e n c e I nand overhearing, FiFiflh Pistrict Judge J.- Williinn K i r k l i a n s e n , .'19. h a s re- HHart a r fnim Minidokii County has* - B o is e—lawyer —! Slewjirt A.--'beetlieen assigned lo the atsc. • Morris to appi'peal hia prison sen- Chriatian.sen Cl pleaded guilty to j le n c e a udgea decision lo ad- twoIWO drug clijirgVa laat December af*. I H | H a n dd other evidence inlo terLer h e r e a c h e d a p le n b a r g a i n ’ irial despite police actions the agreigreement with prosecutors.' ' I_____ ju d g e .QfilkHiilli;IcULd______T lh e r h n r g oH «ili»m ri-n m u n A tW ______< ■ Fil\h nislri'rid Judge Daniel • Secc SENTENCE on Pago B2 ’ | . - . I Tewwas and ia seeking onele ini iiansen. ast week there were 'Hie 'Hu Dietrich precinct went to .HANSEN 1I DD« esp ite a (Voezo on Postalital Ser- remodeled in 1967967, BuVge m y t i. But u dece ca d o "VVe a r e b e in g rC'required to i^iiike a financa n c ia ] l>»lallots still out. 'IVo Willii'illiama, who also garnered'6 of — w e e btulding pngects,pr Hoitscn and Ridtichfield Inter, w ith a neww tntilort park and housingIg de- contribution to helj:elp lessen tho federal deffc of Ufbse hailolss were cast by the thele 101 Kiniama volen. But it waa i ' will both be^tttittting new post offices; ■ volopment in thee ttown, the building wra at c{»- snyfl Isenhart. ‘‘WokVc t h i n k t h a t i s a g o o dr iidea, d Friday dondliiieL- and;V)dlh'i w ere dist RiehTii:Hfieia~lluit turned the .'election : In H^mifwh,'ar' aroa residents have beenm ]goinff padty. although we weree ddism nyed th at wc w eree aulso T*’"''”- hringin,inf' hia winning vote in U‘ws'lb favor, vo'ling'86 to 57 for . ' I ' to a .emall. bric]irick building on the comimcr of The Poptal Serv;jrvi^c IH ucccpting offera fofor li-. m uhduted exactlyy vw horo tl^'p.cutfl w ould coc o itic ‘” ‘ “ 1 I'"'-- 'a llve-vpte margin the10 newcomer.ni »,bu;y..atampg.-nnd pifV »p-ipJhoir. flito .for-c-nuw ~p<^poat-ofEcer-aayg—PngtmuiiuBlnr- from . Qnp-of thc.atnf«n« tl** drpfHrrbically - -oLvjcUicvi^— ^------: T ,mail for 60 yearoiors. !Out’ with'"6nlyT.wo po rt. . . - cu t is cupitul expeipen.se, w hicit includeu mn oro n e y ^ la w s u it lil(?d:?d a i 'a i n s l th e s t a t e 'Ibwa, 'Ibw who has .aerved six ycartj ., .1 /. 'fico boxeu uhrant« n to ^ , t h o P o s ta l Scrvico isi s took- Although u fcdesderul freeze oo huildinR: 1haa for buildinga the PostalP« S ervice own.s. Lea.*,ea.sed districtict court earlii-r this onI thethi Shoshone School Board, in- ia g T o f l ^ o r qqiu u a rte rs. s to p p e d p l a n n e d postj OlTiccu in Jerom e und i ' fticilitics nrc not afTcctedafi by th e cuCs, so lucki-luc resulled in,II.a coiisenl decree .clu'diiliding two U)rma aa chairman, -* ., i , • - “It's ioo.amall:lallrThore’s no room for cxpan-cj Hailey, the Hansorson and llichtield fnciliticssare’ ; ly Hnnsen will get j; it« new bulldlni;ijjjij, oniering eoiintieries lo aliiiw-nnl.il will n p.m. .June a lora' al)S(,‘nte<.‘ h iillo ls to ic candidate can Clarence TVwa in the , i — :------: :- Bto tr.“- 8 a y g - ri^iKluuafapuKiawmnan ^tBi BaBuvurly Icascfl. TKo' TosruiSnil Sorvleo hiw nlroaiiy**r ^ ------. •87>'o mM/ AlLonPuRoB2 reach eount.v clerl.•rks. Novelitvember f’eneral election. i Bliss mla m e s pp —^ ■! Vestern IDays reawhes its 1 7city-cot>uncil^-- i peak..: J TWI■WIN FA L I^ - Dig out yoyour old cowboy hut arid !Si-cond Avenue Ennt, droRHinit dro to Main Avenue at . f btKJt.1t -1 ■- Tivin F iills W efltern DuDuys vxp^duti today into Third ' Street East to traviravel tho length of downtown • \ I ^ kl a full-Iill-blown celebration. I replaceement lo t h e Sourft p a r k in g loli.ri: CioIToe o n i.i brew ing im d pur[)uncnke» are Hipping al Expect floutB, nrttiquo10 carH-,Cl h o r s e s a n d fafiindA. ^ ' th re.•0 e breakFastu in-tow n, "niThe IVin l^illa -Maaonic After the pdrude. watchItch Uie W eatom Sho^t.O ut on . ByTERIlEtiL WILI.ILLIAMS I ^ !gc_wilL.bo serving breukilikiiiisLuL .JruUu and .Blue Main J Avcnuti,-aiid tlicn-en-head-ror-City-Parki-Clty-=— - ■ '■ 'Tjmen-NiMiH •:r ', es from -8-to 3l-a.m ., Bo;Bayt Scout 'IVoup 66 will -1—Dnys; with games; conipcm pctitione.'nnd -a-fircc -w oter- .... m in City P ark from 7 t.o o 111 ii.ro .'a n d u ie C a m p - m i elon feed, lasta from 1:3Cl:30to6-p.Tn. ■ - BLfSS - Charlene;ne Thom pson has Girlt! w ill serve at iJIuele Lake.'» M a ll fro m 8 :3 0 "" Chili Cook-ofTentriess willwi be ready for public «am- . , been Helccled a» Jij^QWJiji C ity Coun- m 1 . l o n o o n . p liiy f a t 2 :3 0 p .m . • ...... -cil m em b e r in BliamaH i— ------'t lon't miHS th(>“P onkcy iJro)irop ln nruin Stndivinrut ...... C la ft. HU>n»|>~rind'holler She will replacelice I’’ern Cenar-. i X I ...."no" tier for your favoi'Jlc learn'in'"- ’ ‘ the t Shriner'tt Eust/Weutut All/ S tar FooO»all Game ut rUmi, w ho ia un abjle le lo continue be- he W estern D ays Pnnide!e wv ill %vind it f w n y f ro m -1•*:30 p.m . in Bruin Stadiunh u m . . cuusc of health problr o b l e m s . to Sonra parking lot fromjm n o o n to 1 :.10 p^m. 'ITie A-stmpt fiance, behindid thotl old Ptrnny'a huildini^on • Mnyor ilollundd Z o l I i n f ; o r , » p - S [VS . J p u ruide d i will travel eaat on Fall;alls to Blub Lakeb Boule- IM u in A v o n u o , w ill Lop o ff t pointc'd ThompHon)n at, the council I jff Uie day. Kick up your hoelu i ^ v a n ]j : North, then turn aouiQUthwuat on Shuahone ^(fo m 6 p.m. to midnightIt tilu Uie muHic ofSid Vunder- , mcctinB Wednesday,iay, and ih c coun- ______J S tre-•ct. e t, Tlie p arad e w ill dctoui.our for ^wo4flocka down rpool. ------— ------Se«-BLJ6&-«r

t + Z —Cafnpai c ngh to boosth piuM icUtelevisulon signmi begt \' ByAUillHNNIi’lK T O O M E Y ^ Malta. Il wtnild. booslost tho {|iialily' of brin(lii(' u s o n ." s n id iiifyniTTr----- iliun to oiler lheir support. ;• ' Timcs-Ncwa wT rih tlc r.. K lSU 'ssipw ilas illn.vi■iivels fn im lh e Id a b u l)nDiiwn Match. mati;i);i'rIT of Cable nf.hlahoIvi is iei;;i|iy obli^;alL'hing goes according t«-plnnr~ ------n "We want to7 ccc o n a t r u c t U u b - ihtcrm edi-ii- • In addition U) providiiidini; clear K I S U re - h a v iivinj; exposure lo Utah pniIJnijrramm ing," "Al tonij;!iij;ht's event, we've hfid cccoinmil- we’!! be able to gel-lJiu^.r;ins!aU)rg up this ; tnmsTatoV'wi.»(|Jwe can'avoid sij;nal in-n- ception, conslrucLiori ofnf ii M aluV lransla- a'aidd Hurley 'C ham ber of Conn►mnierce Presi-' m eats fo for r o v e r SK.'IOO. 'riuT ,.- is ;i = terfcrence.'-HHid-lid-KISU-SUiUon-M unuKcr-cr- tor m.ny con%*incc Cableible U-k-connnunica- dentitTure.Ha‘M cKinster, "We0 nmiBK viuil i'«- aupfiortL in tb e im -a fo r lliis ])n>j<'e1. nni Cambell. “Ch'C hannel 11 uitintunliuiial-ll- tioiiM Inc.. the local ciiblable coinpany, lo in- aiiea•a w he^i w o d o n 't Im vc ucctccess'lo a ' Almost1st :tn'people uaine lo^Thu;ur: u;!v', Any'onj intoroff-rosied in making a Uix d e' • • • • ly wcakenM ourlur Bif'nal bocauHO thoir?ir --t'lude KISU in-ilH proj'riit'rainmini;, i;niiniin like Idaho Koporla which wh tells us fuiidraiseiise r. A ci-ording tO 'K iH l' ^ >!iit-i.M e i.ili'iiii Hiiould send cheek.4 tnm H m itter ia clo!cloaer th an oUra," "We have pruiiniinain a ry c o iu m ilm i’nUa w liaal'a l t’oiii{’ on in our sUile; Legislature."L' M anagerer Uilt Miuhell, srv.T.il1 .‘--I'L- f-.v..ul...... Kn.,..,ri.-n.l-. KISU t'j P.O. Box ■ •: Tho new trans:inslutor would bo built at ihnl if we enhance ourtr siiinal.; cable muy KU

...... L: 1 ' 7" 3-Nows.-Twin Follr,. Idaho Salualurdny, Juno 4:-»988-;-^------g S t a UUings~wdim't sign kV nght CO)mplaint Employyment — • Continued frommP 1 n K C B l M a y .w /jruu down by a third or morejrc 1980a. ... ' ------‘ 'iDAHb-FATALLS-{APr--An-nidG-to-- relciise Friday that itrtr waf*v "noL siKn'alures ""from -addiLidnal" con- Although m uch-of-tlr-thg-iTT»pro\T- - in rnnnfytir tim hpr nnfj-Tniningn g ____RcciohoHy.-:th«-jobloHK^rj»Um_fiir._^- - , . R ep. • R ic hinrd- n n Stnllinn« ' snid- the—’—posnible for m y Dcm ocmt•nt opponent prcs.'iraon. 11H ourio r u le s r e iju ire LJie; ment ^iUiti-widc was'tJ-i'tha result of and by ovetier a quarter in the m ahu-’m -’ Mny,April and M iiy 1987 wore; ______Id a h o locrut huu no inlx;ntion off to .Hitonthe.Hidclinca. _ iC--9n)y_uJH:_t‘UDjinMJ3murL^-:L^-„U?e c o n ^ r u c j4 o n _ b a a m jth at has fo- riif-tnrit>f»■ »ii nu 11 whf>l<*. ______-.Puphimdle, nnL.availahlo,. i«(3dlnjnii» H ig n a tu re U) ii ctttii(>rdinlI ■irinnii.osnTSirfbrr tliisu inves- on requestnU- for a House EUiica1 cu.sed on Boise, Post KjiFalls and Idu- • Lewiston area, 5.2 percent, G.l uskini: for »njin invcsticution into al­• tif'ation. I and the rc.st ofof thut voler-s Committee investiKUtion.ir ho Falls, road proiecU.4 ticrossa Idaho The decljcline in May unemploy-)y- ' percont, 5.9 pert^nU lcCf*d e th ices s violations hy House• will have no choice hut to conclude But in hi.si.s r o lo a s e , W a tk in s B a idI _ have boo8t<;d employr iT'-nt alsoLO hiBhlighted the stateses - Canyon County. 5.2 perccnt, 4.9 S p e a k e r J i mm Wrij^itr ~ N frTSEjniihliJr s'uppT jH s ibe IHi -ulleced thiit'" «incci ' Su'itlingH supportedI Lhe nortTiern part orUie[he sUiCe bene- pew econonomic foreaist tliat projects:ts perccnt. 5.9 perccnt. - - -But Mpfodlodiu Rydalch wiid that. ui o c lh ic a l a c tiv i tie s o f J iim m Wrii;ht," W rij'ht s cammpaign for spoakor it is1 fitted from hiring inn 1timber and the joblessIS r a to fo r 1 9 8 8 ^ v e r a gge e - Ada County, -3.2 percent, 3.2 ______docH n o t niL'iiican Suijlinns in tryin/c tn- 'WatkinKsaid. ' ______im porU «nL_ththat^yot£ipuflL-uHt:{;utiQn.-i less ruLe was signaledled by reduc- Uie previoujua 1988 projection, a nd:if_i f c e n t. .'i.G p e rtx ;n t. ______' ‘ wiTaj^cn;Uiinly dont wunl to de^ Ibeen sifined'by 72 otlicrir congress-< against tiie cc< o n p r c a u m a n ... *' — -tions-in-cinima for uneinemployment it proves out, c .this ycara averagege - Poaitello area. 5.H pcrcent, 5.1 • fend the spea)eaker if he’s (Jone .some- imen, all Republicans. Butut that still SUilIinf's wasw inve.stigated by the benefits across all scciicclors of tlie nite wouldd be four-tenths of a pointnt pcrcent, G.2 percent. Ihinf' wronir.nir.” Mh. Rydalch said, repre.scritBt Ichh than h alfijfof < the to- HouHo-Etbicsies Committee in Octo- cconomy, analysU.Ktiid.-‘I ...... beldw-Inat-3t-ycars aven«ge- the-first--at------Idaho Falla-arca,- 4.5 - percent,------adding; thntat while SUjIlinir.s and tal t GOP deloRation in the1C House.I ber 1987 for)r personal use fOiKl p o lic e r a id o n h is» mobile m home Mechl's senmtence wus out of propor-r- cocaine they seized could be admit- • Hcal in Novoiveinbor. said in a pres.s ttion will continue with or without Wright's case. where niiio ounces ofcoccocaine and a Lion to othther'sontgnceB*in IVinin tcd ut trial. poufid bfm nrijuana wereere found. Falls ^ount;nty. .- - Then, shortly Deiore trial,“C hris- - ■ Kvon tliough Meehlll saidt police' Tbstiitionjny at the sentoncingig tiansen agreed to_ plead guilty if - 1-caitr accidennt kills Glog o d in g wi/bman . broke.Uie.luw_in-tIiii propruceaa.oLtlie—hearing wat'Utt—al t t ^ p r c j u d i c i a l - a nift d - . pmipnitfirH dropped » cfieninfvdp.______raid, he suid Uie searcurch w arrant otnoUonuI._,_DeHaan alleged. Andid livery cbarge against him and JK K O M K: • A 20-year-oId Good- b a n k m e n t a r o u n d f):4r> pI.m. .m . strapped intoto a restraining'device, was valid. He decided U) admit tbe UeHaan ahiilso aqfuea that Meehlll made other concessions, .inj; womanI wa.sv killed 'Ilmr.idny Police do mUlt know if the 2ycar old evidence at a trial Lliat:iu L .n c v cr_ o c- a e n L c n c c d -Chnstiansen_{ aa if hele The scnlencing hearing erupted , “ tivcnini! after'er'tier car rolled twice Pacheco's two so h h . 2-yoiir-old' 2- .was wearing; az seat belt. . currcd beciuj.se of a1 conditionalt were a "profofessional crim inal" evenn --periodically Into emotional argu- -on U.S. IntersersUtte 84 nmir the line Du.stin I! and 4-day-old N athiithun. were pleaI bargain. though" ho•'w ' asn’t senLenced as a ment when Chriatiansen testified, ___-Hcp u r u tin g J c Jerome and Goodint; aalso eiectcd from ibc Tn VMM 1-a.sthoiind on the ___------ThuU.condiLionul^-.pl«uf>luu—iH trg u itt-T T h ab iiu al-offendcr.— flt . -«irty-hf»»g-r»TtfTinivn------■' couutie.H. w e r e tJik e n Ui Lhe M a jp c VnValley Ke- intersUite wh;hen her tn«ck started will ' allow Christiun.senlen tr; with- , Finiilly, D I e H « a n .say..) M c c W‘s s his p^fdrug dealing was. Idaho StateIte Police identified the nHionnl Medical CenU;r. ThtThe 2 year U> go off the roadr into the median, dniw c his guilty plea if hI is a p p e a l s e n te n c e wtiA-as in lc n d e d to p u n is hh -?^n Falla County Prosecutor K. ^ woman aH JutiJudy Pacheco. She was olold broke bis rif'hL armn andi leg, police suid. PPacheco sharply over- succeeds and reverses MeMeehl'.s deci- Christitm seren for unprovcn ullega-I- Ellen Baxter also convinced Meehl • nnt ■wcnrin/jfj ai sentbolt nnd was nnnd the infant rcccivcd n IniInccrntion corroctcd andd the truck went bnck ' t ------tio n s o f c r imm e s:------—, to cover the-windowB-to-tho-court- ...... - ; ejcctcd whenen ' her titu hi.s head. acniHH b o th eu.-Jtbound c lanes and • Christiansen has two;o «appeals in Clu-isLiansnsen-s case was hotlyy roomi and exclude -public members rolled ufler hiihitting a nve-/oot em- Police said the infantt .v.wns not bil lhe embanlinkment. - tllte hopper. conUisted fi;om f the start andd except< attorneys und the press. O n e i.s n n a p p e a l o f M teohls sen- marked by clclosed courtrooms, Meanwhile, Meehl has excused tence.t In a common le;legnl move. In a prelirliminary hearing, prose-- 1himself from the case. 'b itu arr i e s T - — ------^ ------:------(Christiansen is askingg Ifor reduc- cutors dismiiiiiased a cocaine-deliveryy -Jip.n_QLl}ic.jjenitciitiuo'_i7-aenl-iinci:_.chxu-Be.uIler :r .a. w itness .becamc. un-• .. 'In a hand-written, note ut the. J - r ® * - | —--U;S.-J'tnvy-during-Wc.rWWn I W n r“ IT.’ Ko‘~Wi>od Rivor CJiftliftjyol in liiiT lby'S undny------^ taughl.Hclinnl »t rity-'rnir:alk.g4Hn rrnm ltn4p m , saying Lhe sentence was wa unduly cooperative; onn the sUind. Fifth Dis-• bottomI ofhis order, MeohJ suid im-’ —San. Franciaco',- Calif.. Subw‘•w ] ju o n t W ...... ' ^■ _harHh._ J______]■______Lrict M ainsti . propcrcommimict^ons came after his tenchioR career, he joinelined Lock- r"~—— — The sccond is an Idaho«ho Supreme Kdwards clf:Iosed the preliminaryf 'M i r . Christiansen was 'p1accd“in " - heed Aircarft Corp. mlHsilo10 t I Court appeal on gn>und:nds not yet heanng on' IDeHaan's request and1 sstate pen. Can no longer be unbi- rotirinK in 1974. deUiiled, M orris said. over Lhe objejections of Lhe news me-- aji se d ." ------Ho continued to work-k -Acvcral Twin Falls attorney’ 11Hnrry De- din. montiiB ench y e a r w ith engifngincering Haani bad beet) representiinling Chris- Aaer a I Normally, one party to a court firms in Nevada and Idoho. uniu nd n t the two-day suppression ’Collette of Soulliorn Idnho. ti'anscn.- — -—;------^------heafing'latcj;cr, Meehl said-thnt-al—— cnse-cnn't-talk-to-thc-judgc-c han*-- •— ^ Surviving nre; hin wife. Mnrj;In rg n rv l O. ; A motion to rediiciliice Chris- though policece officers broke tho law’ dling'thed ca.se w ithout huving the Thompson ofM u^hy Hoi Spriiiprings; hia J b F . ' ^ tia n s ’en 's . .s e n te n c e . Tiledled"by [)e- when thoy scsearched Christiansen'sI othero party prc ^ ^ tr'~~''-'----X^ -______------mcrtherof-PnllcrtotirCnllf.i'oncn 'ono'tjmth: ------er, Hownrd Webster, of FullertIcrton; one flD sister. Mary Jnno Thompsonson o f La Veme. Calif.; two slopdnud a u g h te rs . , C u ro lJo h n sto n o fS n n J 080, Cnlif..CnI nnd . ______u . ; Continued from P a H f ' » ^ PhyllinSundberR of Kodiak. AAir la s k a . • Icscthcc,,,:ompIeted building and The T now building will have 849 No memorial Borvico will be30 h e ld f o l." ■ ‘■ pl p lan n e d .” property forir a basic term of 15 ftfeet ofinLcrior space. . lowing eromntion.- Tbe PosUil Service iss sseeking a years,, with threetl five-year renewal Tlie new posL ofTice will be leased T ho fnm ijy HiiggesUi m emlo ori ria l silo of approximaLelv•Iv 1G,I20 opti.>ns. forfc $8,000 a year, for 15 years, llie ______tributions bo given io ththe e M oun- .stiuari- feet or an existinging building In RichHeld•Id, Build Inc. ofBounti- Postal P Service can then extend the ta in StfltOK T um or In s tilu tc . E. of approxim ately 1,2.'»0 ntnet square ful, UU»h. hasas been awarded a con- contnict cc for the same price for Bannock. Boise 83702-6297, . B. _ feet, fc -she says. 'rhc'Po.'ttaRtal. Sorvico” trad U» buildId a new post ofTico on three tl 5-yeur periods or cun ueguLi- ' ' WntildWl prcfciLun area withi ------^ a g g i e ^ iM f ^ ^4(€>€pnick ------p ItbJiilbeJll^T bp nnrtJinnst. Frank F. A dam s corporaledCO city limits of Hansen, enue and Mai TWIN FALLS:-LS - Mntntio M ao Koop- ^ ain Street in Richndd, BotK posLmasters say th at no lax SitesSi beLween Fourth Stn mck. 90. ofTwiiV in Falls, died Thumday. ALBION - Frank F. Adams. Street West ways PostmasIisler Rebecca Sage. The dollars dt will go into the projects. Juno 2, 1988,98, at Mofpc .Valley Rc- /Mbion. died T lium dny. J u n o7 2, ilm t Michael E.1T u r n e r atand Calico Street on U.S.S. IHighway building shoul>uld be ready this full. Since Si 198.'). the Postal Servicc no ------V -- gionai M odJcnlailContflr. < ...... -nt Cousin-.Memorial Hospital11 in i Bur- -;JER0MB;--M1vllchnel E : T u m o r Jr..- • -.’30 •3t a n d -b e tw e e n U .S . - Hig;■lighway :10----- T T ic' c u mTcnt 430-squarc-foot longer lo receives tax doIlnrs,rtm d nil " ■ . Bom Marchrch 18, • 1898. in Hoi II-ley. ■ . ’ 15,of Jerome,die .._ thc_dnuehtcr.Q f_John------: e _ p en d in g __Ju n e 2 ,i9 S 8 ..a t JtJ c ro m tH ig h Sch p o lo f__...vui-vuilLreccivt^prioritv-con»idtiiderutiun.— ofr-street-parkrking. -Tlic federal-gov—- enuc-camcd-fTOm“scllinp-stiim er ps ------ond NetHe ClaClark Liuingcr, nho- wnn • nnd will lx> nnnouncod hy ihf-^ - P a y n e tryurics flUsUtinejiejl from nn necidentnl - — - --'The Po.stal Service'woulio u ld lik e (.V e r n m e n t h a ss leased'it'since 1963; and hr otlierpdsUil products." ' rea re d a n d atUa tte n d e d Rchooln in NIon- Mortunry in Uurloy. ~ — diHcluirgCofiliihollo lg u h shell. - • • w tana. Sho roorrorriod Alfred Koopnick on 'Bom‘& pl. 28,1. 1972. in Jerome, he 1 Nov, 16. 1914,4, iinMonUinn. Hodiodon r was Tenred ondi cducatcd..lbfirc..Jlc ...... _J ------~ V u lv 2. 1974.. ShShe moved Co Twin Fnllw C.E. 'Tiny'M cC raw woA u saxophonee playerj in tho Joromo ^ in 1927, w h ero re flliof hod since renidod!' IT ^ A ttC ,E . "Tiny McGrTU niw .81" niKirScTioorbii'ndid. and ul»oplnye3 in • Continued from Faj: Surviving arare: three daughtorx, ‘'fof. Hiiiley. died Wcdno»day.. JJi u n e 1. pep band. >nKc Bl over Cerenarrusa's position as clean, ch Thompson said. 1988, nl tho Rlnine Couniy M A lm a B o ird . Loifl Loi Tim m a n d Ironu Ro- Modicnl Surviving are; his li parents. Michnel cil cil voted in approval, park supervise Thompson, noting that Zollinger inbold, nil of.f T\«nT Fnllii; four>son«,‘ Cenler. Ci Turner und Lnnyry nnd Shonnn Miller, "I don't wanL lo (appoiiiloint some- 'T think theie ptirk needs a wom- asked as her lo join the council on the • • i B ud K oopnick o B orn.hiIy 12, 1906. in D e»hlerder. Neb., nil of Jerome; gigrnndpnreniH, Jnmes ' on. rk o f Kim berly. J im K oep- I one el.sel," Zolling.-r said.lid. "Bui I im’s louch," sasaid Zollinger, describ- da t' ; . nick nnd Jockk KKbopniclt, boUj of Twin he nnd his brother came lo Twir•win Falls Turner of Nnmpnpn. George nnd Bclty , , day of the meeting, said she has no * ddn'L ihipk Fern will ever■er b e itb le in g T h'onip.son;in as "young ond ag- pli Fnllii a n d J e'rry rr y Koepnick of Jerome; in I93C nnd he worked nn a black- Drain of Jerome,e. Ro»emnr>- Schwen- . “ plans yet for park im provem ents. - • - two brothoni,n, Robort Litzin^^r of smith "fr for Self M nnufnciuringg f H ailey,y. In li Hai- Miller of Jeromelie. KeiUi nnd Doris (coundh job,. We love bether much. 'Hiompson,. i32, has lived in BliAs la.last couple years." she said. _ ■ . • ConconI._Calif.:if.: 22,grnndc}iildron:4» ..*[>ley he first worked as n.blnckMmiJ*'T'ith,for_^_nnvm of Wendell.;ll. Rick_ nn^d C arolyn ^ Jibe's ^5b done one hell ofa terrificler job about 22 yeariirs. Although her ap- T})omp.soti. who is m am ed to ______...... "^dl'grandchild hildrcn;„nnd.. 24 great- the mi Triumph Mine Conipnny.. HeIf< m n? Gober of Jnckpoi.)i.~Nev.; gfttil-gran’d- for for niiss'.' We jiist 7>ray TheTI L(ird''poinLmenL-haUKsn't 'aiiakV d in q u i t e Mike’ M i Tliompdon, works as plant riod Oma Ann Koehling on Dec. De 23, parents., Ruth_Drf ------•- ' . Rrdat-KTondcMldtUldron.' She woa pro- )rnin of Jerome. Alla will wil bless her and .she can ca come yeU" .she .saysa ts h e ia -g ia d to b e a b l e secretary se< for E)liss Valley Foods h by tw o Honu. tw o broth- 1930. in Hnilcy, Sh -.Turner and Nnthihan Turner, bolh of rancor. Hy city law, the Blisjliss mayor said. • * wwas a unable to.take tho position be- Chopol in Twinwin Falls, with Bishop mentinI973. - ■' Jerome, iss required 1 Ui apt)»inl a ne.w.caurii ne^ ____ .Qni.*_pr(yect_;t-sh(^w ould-like-the—cat-caus«r-hcrrbrothcr,-Chnrlos'W ilkin«T ------• ' Robert Thuntto■?ton_ofEciating— inlor------_ilu-u'us-a-puiit~m<>ml>er-1^ of the Odd- •• The-f\inernrwiiriinMrcon'duci^a^iTi r ’ ;ilcil' memrUr'if an electedd memr ber . city to Uike onn is 'a general cleanup wns wa on Lhe council. ------r ------ment will followIqw at Suniet.Memorial .f"®'F cUowh l,odg(‘. . . p.ni..Tueadny nt tlaJ>c Jerome BibloBup* iiisHi-s ^)i^ tncftings for ihreirir^consecu- o of Main Streceet. Busincsf? people ‘ ' P ark. Sur%-ivinK nri'; tw o «oni». Ramiamon E. list Church, with^h the Jlev, Richard ; Uv, .ive morilhs. ------need t« be "spu)urrc*d on" Lo Uike care 5She will be sworn iijttJ ofTico at FriendH m ay! callca Ut tlie m ortunry to- •• MpMcGrnw of Jerom e and Michaollol J.1 , M e- Qosnell ofTicinling.Ig. B urinl will follow y Zcillinger said Th.mipsopson will of their own property p and keep it Lhe ■ _ , dny a n d S u n d a y fromI 3 lo 8 p.m .- ' GrjGraw of Dnnn Point. Cnlif; s.xX ddi a u g h - in the Jero m e C enxnietery. . . - . ‘ Lhe nexL council m eeling, Ju ly 6. -I . Tho family su,flUBROflU. m emorinlH to U;nUirs. Shfinm L. M cGrnw of .FretPremonl, Fnends mny cnllllnllhelIove-R.ibert- i w I ton. ^ aalif:.J.iitriria A, McGraxv-ondJari K.-iUl. ---- win-Funcrai Chapipol.in Jorumo Mon._____ Mi4 Icon R. l» v o l|. lK)lh o f H ailey.. MMnrgn- day from 4 lo 8I |p.m., and Tuesday MKidnappi 1 m tg~suspi r,'t A, .Scho.-M«l.T o f BoiHe. S hir!hirley J. ' fm m ^oll n.m. ^eet-on-p\wobQtmn------J o h n T h o m ip s o n \m old of Anciionige. Aluskn. MnryMn A. Tlie fnmily suggi - A .Ion Bunderson.n . nevnew suspect, and a judge over- _ . . Byers ThompHon,»on, 73, of M urphy H oi cliilrhildrcn: nnd iieverni HiNtc-m•n. and menl. ortbern Utah mati was on proha- Bunderson did d not divulge the tui^tuiyed his conviction nnd ordered a Sprinfpi. died ThurhurB dny,.Juno 2. 1980. l.roijrolhe'm.’He wa« preceded in deniJ e n lh by lioon n for an unreh^ted ofTensinse when naHtre ofthe prprevious offense. nevn e w tria l. _ in a Doino hoHpiia>iU»l. - - ...... two.wo Monii iind »mr b r o th e r - - • e was charged thi.s week L'k iti the . “T)n ' Thui-sdiiday.- Judge Robtirt --T- The child'was kidnapped March • Dom Feb. 8,, MI9I5, in Des Moines, A grnvumde «er%-icc- will be heldleid a l 2 Clyde L How;n , . _ " an d B eiitricc ByByers Tliompson. the willvilh Fnther .lohn Fhinigen. of ih.-lh<> E m - of Gooding, died T Thursday. June 2, ^'iv Bunderson .saidid the point was moot whi ■ ■ fnmily moved to Mn«on City. lown. ■ mt.rniinut'I KpiHCopal (Jliurch, n n dd D econ 1988,!nt Gooding M.'I. lie d .se.-d—k id - H e a d le y s I'irnrrest led to dismissal awnaway. She lold police she hnd been lu ipippiiig r in tbe M arch 24. J9H I9t 7. a b - o f a ll c h a r g e s afiagainst Frank Jam es kidtkidnapped by a man driving a four------. d u c t: iction ofa Deweyville girl...•1... H u rv o y , 4G. aui-itinorant- n laboror -dotfiiloor-blue-cnt^hich-nlso-contnincd — ...... Sei i — IHeadley k was lo appear for ^rviees for a hail from KIma. Wa^ash., who was con- a dti R U P ER T ■- M. ;i dachshund do|;. MnsH o f th e RoMurrec- mornonal contribiitionn niav he mattiiiidc t.) ' conducted nl 11 a.inm. today al the Iln- hear lion for Mnry Jo». •a rin g F r id a y in 1 s t ' ((’ircuit victed of Lhe crimes c last August JoHt'phinL- PickorinK. 79. thehe Wendell Am.Tu-an ly-gion,>n, P.O . iiHion C.-mvt.-ry. Arrnngi-nu'ntu A are c,mr of Ruport. who0 diedd Wcr.. o r lo-'llie lo under the direction1 ofc Whili-.Mortuary roIlL' ___J___ __ -bo.colobratod uta l lI.a.m ^K K jH y n l-S l.,.- AlzliJzh.'-iiarrs-Founci.tlwn, c-o Collr,>ll.-ge o f inT ^vinFnih; le-uskcd Ihul lie.be.heldI w ithout ..prJaon. ------StopJtop on InturBUlSHT* n ear-^ rrin e, ------NicliolaH C ntholicolic Church. Hurin) will Snviloulhern Idaho, P.O. Ih.x 12.-(H.H. INvin1 b ail il ' because he was on probrobiilion. He . was reledeased in 'January ' He■4c >wa.i driving a four-door blue cnr be in tho Rupert)Crt CenicttTv. Frlend:i FnllinlU'«3303-123«. id' Box KIder Couniy All 1 ■ TWIN FALLS - The fu n eral for ALU>rney when auLhorilieies said Uiey had a witl'vitli a dachshund in.the back, : mny cnll nl UicL- churchcl: u!ir hour prior Grace Virginia Herr•rnard Bi-er. 89. of . lo M«hh, Th«>»> HnnMOii .Morlunr>’ , IIANHKN - A grnve.H,,!-. s.-rvic.'VIC.- for ormerly of Jerome. „ Chnppl in Ruport>ert i» in charRo o f ar- -• TJ wlio dii-d Thuriiciiiy. wit] be concfattod m J , / , ranKcnicnlfl. hr»t.T Wayno Kennedy. IlH.lif Hi rn1. . vutio V dii'd W cdneHdiiv. will l><-k, i I ? r -Mondavay nt the Jerome M\'Report: Kiierr-McGi United Mi'thodist Cl' 'ee storag ______(lllCt.■ct.'d -ill 'J p.m. today ,il th.- T CJharch. B urinl will se unsafe iiIlM (•.•>i,f-I,-iy. Arra.iKein.-otM i.r.- FTENDEnSON. Nev,"CA:r)[») - A n V an D o la h a r rrived i . in Henderson Mi WENDELL -~ /A K'riivchidr-T'rrv-ice Twin Falls, Friendsis nmy cnll nl tlie Meanwhile, Nevada Sen. Hnrry for Michael Nhrr StK-llman, 74.. of ■r ih<- direction iif White- M .irtiinr released Clark County FirFire lie- Tlnirsday nightt and met with fire Reid ,vinFa_IN.- ‘■'"^.1" nov.-.Rol.<-rtson Furunernl Chapel in “ teid aaid "the handwriting is on W endell, w ho dk-d dk-. Tu,..d»y. will bo Jerome Sunday froailai 5 to 8 p.m. Tho rtm ent report-cituH-moreL* thanll a onicials Fridayy tu address their thehe WnH"' and plimts that produce conducted nl II 11 n.m. today nl llic fnmily JiuRgest.i mem■moriniR to th.- .ler- ^en vinU,tions in storirJring a concerns. Ms. BriJridges said. haxalaxardous miiLerials' may havo Lo ' • • Wendell Cemclcr>’cr>’. ArrnnKemenUi ure .. WnV lN Fa l l s .- a Kravc-nde .ion tliKi C h u rch m em o- voluatile ti roukcL fuel oxidizer;er aL a "'1110 compan>ny is atiying that if mov.love oul of the-Hendorson indus- ■ u n d e r U ie d in -c liotion r o f DeinnrnyV W.-n- f.irr Oiivid() Ilicliard i'erkiaii. .h:.. oIf f T i w in n a l fund or Uu.-Am.-r .•rie.,.,-r„nerr-S«« ------K«rx*rx^McGw^JSJioniieaj-l^jrp^-pfi-p la n l: - - tli«r«*-Hrf»--pr»>l>l Fnllh.illh. uhii-di..d-W ..dfi..'Mlny, .w-ilt ill tx- : . ------^------aifatUfar—rrport, obtainud-bjr -thoth. l.as thp-fylflnt-r-we^fg-j - RReid e said Lunjri3o'nition'mui3C"l)i;— ^ ______V egas;as R<'vi.iiu ..I I v.iii hilli.. jtiul.Mr. a nd.NIrn d ; .Mark N nsura of opinion purlmenL will lobby I against rt>- Vallealley subdivision Tliursduy night, M EDICAL CEN TK U GoodiiiK. i t many ofthe chemicals,. includ-in newed productio.ion of ammonium Grec:rccn Valley was ono of the areas o A d m itted ______inff-Ol-Om manium-pcrchloratc.. storedu: porchlorato untiltil Kerr-McGoo re- hard.ardost hit by the explosion thnt . > ■ J-:L^lr8. Uront Ilyntt. an a n d P.iu!, f» lli of-T-wii Vtn-Fnlh; Mr! •r^CAa3IA'MF,.M0RL\l:\ljrr= :=.-^=z— - ■: .-:;_ii»nd-oi1-or Inuidktl-M t-thtr-KcrrrM^rMcGt:c—duceg-aafety riskaka.""-.--- ■. ; -fcillccillcd two poopio, injurcd-G2(Tand .■ • Vody WiUiom B o i ler.of r o) Rjchfuld. Jaif.Houw: oLtd.£d c n ; .Mr-. D<-1- A dm itted facilit;lityrure ndfbclng atored-ai1 -a n d .o r ------Tha-Kerr-McG.Gee-planL-in-Hen— cauac -.1 -.--— bort Jnckflon of-G oodiiodin :d Victonn Hope.-nii of handliidled in compliancc with nation-na dcrson halted preroductiun of ammo-' damni m a g e . ' - ;• .^SoudiernofBellcvuc;■;nnd nr Cynihin Cii.ntro offluhl. H ur!-v, Alv.r.. M rHrid.. cif Rupert; Donn/i SI Slm rji of Oalcley; und „ )|y' recogni/ed rc stiindnrds,''saiisaid the nhiin pt-rchloratc • AmyTluir»

Saturday, Juno 4,19686 Times-News, Twin Falls, lda^oB4 ' ‘ Reiig e io n '

_„lRay Snm it]buto=be.i^rdaiimd— j r - : - - - '. :::-' — , ireh n ew s-»--— ^ — BUHL - Rayy EDean Smith, eon of Chris iristion College, graduating: in 1981 ' ^ f KIMBER]RLY - Anthony Harper, reoreco rd in g fu tist from Boise, wiU Ralph and Bettyy Smith6 of Buhl, will -withi th a BA. in 1984, he enterededP 1 h ill- J . . . present a COconcert of gospel music at. 4 p jn. Sunday in K im berly C ity ‘ B ^bnJoihed a t Bu Buhl First Christian ipsGirC i^ u a t© Sem inary In ^ n id:d , ;0( k la- . “ ■ inspreti • byrthe -Kimberfy-W^^Ministerial Fellowthip,-the _ - — _ Church Sunday a t a t 3-p.m. A rcccp_tion homma. a He becaime the studentt ppi a s to r...... '■ concert willill bc followed by on ico creaiream social. In case of inclem ent - will b e held in thhe e IFellowship HaU af- pfCo; Covington C hristian Church,1, w h e r ^ ______,-«eathcr,-thi the event will be held in the Kimberly United M etho^st------^ t«r the service__ — he«tUstill p asto rs. • r J ^ ------• - Church. Ththe public is inviti^ to'tittend. ~ ~ ' ...... ■Iirwiil'begln work as paswr)T o 6 rtIie“ ^ ------* ' - School,-Smith attei ttended Lutheran Bi- Christristian Church in Jefferson,1, I Iowa, I - *. TWINTA='ALLS - D riv e-In C h u rcc h iservices will b e ^ a t the'M o- | ^ ble Ii^titute, Seatt ;attle, Wash,, for. one in JulJuly._9m itb/ an d hia wifb,-WeW en d y , . ______ive-In-TheatefSunday-at 8} a;ra;mrDr.-John-Pari8hJr-of First------j j ...... year and transfer iferred to Northwest havec^e one d au g h ter; C hristian ClChurch, Twin Falls, will spealpeak at the scrvice. ' ] Si»nsoroc•edby_the First Christian Chu^hurchofTwinFoUarthflnon-de-- i WMX: n m in a tio n i ^ services have been provirovided ,&r_31_yea«.: M inisters,.^ ___ p B r i ^ > y ' ' ...... from the'Mla a 'p c Valley c o o p e r^ in thho'coram o i unity project by provid- j i e f J y = ' E n o c h a I an d R eb ek a h t o p e r f o nm i in c o n c e rt S u n d a‘V. y . ing the m escssage for the 45-minuto senservices w h id i’aro'doBigned for__ ^ ^ S c le n t*itology ioses^s t a t u s ------persons to eiatte n d and w on)hi|niH heiri» ______\WASHINGT(3T 0N (AP) - Tho.U.S. S upripreroe.Court..ha8 rejected an. The pi .b)lic il is invited to ottcnd the.he. iservices which will continue . _. - appeal ^aingt'igt taxes penalties!S Iby tho Church of Soehtoio* lO -effers-*-conceit through September^:------— gy, leaving in3 placepi the 1967 ^^vocation ofo f itsi ta x exempUon. ----- 7 ------n je high-coui»urtdeclined to, review lowerTer court'decisions'penalizing ______T W IN . F A L LjLS ..:-_f!noch and ba^ickground orchestrations.. .. ■ - -- KIMBERI■ILY-—Vacation Bible School;ool ?riU be held M onday through------'* ^ 3eb ek ah wiU p Rebekah worked in films the group forr taxtt deficiencies in 1970, 197L 19 and 1972, holding that perform in concert R< ns Md Fridoy from[n 9 to 11:30 a.m. at Redecaecmer Lutheran Church. For { ^ largo am ountsts of( its monies claimed osI tstax-exempt went for privateita S unday a t 6 p.m.m. a t F irst Assem bly televtevision, winning many acting ac informationn io r regietration, call Pam EiliEUers, 423-5079^.- • ofGod C h u rd i, 1 enrichment ofo f Scientology’sI la tc founderler L. Ron Hubbard and his , 189NJ-ocust. and]id m odeling honors.- Bom in Madr • . , - wife, Mary SueUD 1Hubbard. dras, India, Enoch is Enoch Ei and Rebekah haveve per- TWIN FAJALLS — The Airport Roadlad Fr ^ Will Baptist Church ______th ejfln -o f nn cw svangolutr-He-began— formrmed-in-intemational-corconcert ------will conducf^nheirnHnuarVacaUorTBiBIoiblo School M ondoy-Friday from — - - studying ■ musicsic in the U nited tounurs and on television. The! pi P * 7-9:16 p .m. .!T h e them e for the programjn iiis “Chai^pions for Jesus" and " N c iiic y/’s astro lo g y , s S tates a t th e agi s u s p e c t )ge of 16. An accom- is invited tr to a tten d the perfor- pei centers on th e them e o fth e Olympics:s totc be held later this summer. NEW YORKK (AP)(, — Concerning N ancy:y 1R eagan’s reported consult*It. plished pianist,st, he com bines a man(ance. For information, callill 733-‘ Activities wilvill include music and craftsfl8 for'theI entire fam ily. F or in- Q j ______uniquekeyboan ______ing.ofmaatrolo■ologer, th eB ev .JU ch ard J., N eu h au s, a noted L utheran .. ^ style with ri^ 534919,_____., ______...- .form ationj cacall Pastor-ODonneli..734-7l^-7149______Bcholaf observesves: “Astrology,. if takeni seriously, is a devianation iram biblical authori* ■ *1 t . ■ t w in f aALLS i - Vacatiort Bible ScSchool for children preschool ,| I ty. If not takenen seriously, it is a dangerourous dabbling in things that II through 6thil |grade will be held Monday-lay-Friday from 9-11:30 a.m. at I oughttobetakoiikon seriously.” Schociq I suspe2 nds chil Magic ValloJoy B aptist Fellowahip,, WWashington and Filer Sts. in [ il Twin Falls. A special family night servicrvice will be held a t 7 p.m. Fri- ' f '; | C h u r c h rips violentt p o m —:------_ preac'her on Llastiday^f — day. “ ST^OUISTS]T S P )^ T h ‘eT Jnitia'H oth‘5aiB3ist Church says'sexually «- - • - olenfpomogropl;aphy should bc legally definedled'os “obscenei"rem oving iit t ­------M A R IO N (AP) - A 5-year-old On Thursday, school ofTicialcials had KIMBERL'LY — The K im b erly C h uu rc x hl o f th e N o z a re n e will bold from protectionon >of the First Admentmentnt guarantees of freedom of}f boy returned to schchool today an d resu- breati;ath'ed“a '8igH“ orrell2fT vh«rh tn 'M a t:'------theirunnuaP;l-Vaoetion-BiblfrScbooHf)r-chr-children-ages-two-tfarougb-^th— ------L j •speech. m ^ shouting Bibltble verses,-drawing thew!w imd his sister failed to returnret to grade on Mon3nday through Friday fromtl 9-9-11:30 a.m. A ctivities w ill ill- ! j l At'its conferer;rehce hero in early May, theiie church ol^o'said harm is'ia' ' y et an o th er-su sptension er lo claasea c nt 10 o.n\. Servieea oor reheld al 11 o.m. a n d 6 -a lBB. .N Novinger's homa; coU 934-6300 (br infor> I DUIO. - eund.y Khixchool wUI begin at 10 Uon. ______will boibo held after.thg aervice------r m, at BethH-TempJipie.------motionBtion.' ------:------r:------■ a.m. atCa]vuyAM«mbI;nbly gTCiodj'RevrDu. OnSuii3undiy-;'Moniwiren{aair8‘SHaTo aTolio ; CHURCHOiO FC H R JST' Adultlull Dible atudy will bo heldThurad*raday ate Prayer Is held at fl o.m. Monday.Friday at une Ouna u.wUl-U bald at 8 a.m-Monday,, Tuea-Tu ------Bible claaaMi will be heheld e l 7 p.m.-Wednea— will ba hald-Mondny thn^gh'Friday-fi.yfrom p—- -gin a t 9:30 a.m^ond1 IBible Btudy-will be held— alli ogeaugi irtfl begin ut-9 a .ra rR e rrO e iirH ill------' - wUl UKin 10 a.m; ait t FollhF Aaarably of day andnd Wadnaadoy' and a t 0 p.m. on ThiThurai ' day.' ...... 11:300 aa.m.'For information orlregistj^ tra tio n ,' at 7:30 p.m. '• 'willap111 apeak on 'W hen In ald m Ai» Out* o t 11----- O od. Sorvicca are held atlla.m.and6p.m.a t 1 - ' dayandlid Friday. . • call porPnm EUera at. 423.6070 or tha church'chu: of- Home Dible fellowah>ahlpa will be held at 7:30 a.m.m. , H “ Prayer and Bible aludydy »will be held a t 7:30 EucharhariaUc Adoration will begin afterrMoia M< ■ CHURCnOFCIlRliuST, SCIENTIST fieeat4.t 423-5139. ------...... p.m.-TTiuraday. Forir informaUon. e^l 734- - p „ j on Thura.uraday and conUnue until Maaa on Fri-i TWIN FALLS - Thela 1leaaon aerraon will be TWI>VIN FALLS - Vicnr Lawrencece Vedder\ 3564. FILER - Rav. Luro Kidnai.MloMn will ' . ' j M apeakJ ' -God the Only Cauae and at Creotor.* Sunday will spespeak on Treoaure in Clay Jars*ra* ai t Uie ~ •. •akatlla.m.Apot]uckdlnnecwai'bahald . ilB _TWIN FALL8_- Sundajid a y .a^ ~ l forallagea Ca and 10:46 a.m. eommunlon aerv ter the aarvici> and Mikd'and Judy Heath. ] '■ wiU besin a t 0:4S a.m. a l F -Saenmant-of.Fasaiice-U givenlo ovi y e ry ., »chool nnd church will begint»| a t 11 a.m. .8:10 an •erviee at PR E SS day /rom 4-6 p.m. and anytime by iap- The aervice on Wednearead^TWili beheld o r s — ImtMnlannet-L'athontr-T^ff-service-w llt>reaentamlaBlonpro0r«m. ' G «d. R«v. Hom tr Wnlkupk!.r^u^jnki?thl e-will-be^--— BUHL------Kn»-Ho Rent. p.m. broadcaideaat over radio elation KTFI a t 2 rhe annual RtiHimag.' and CookwTFoia------10:50 a-m. aerriee. ChUdnJdren’a church wiU be a t 2 p.m. -Who ia My Neighbor' ■a int<>reat«d in learning more about t ee Reading Room, 236 Sundaylay aehool will begin a t 9:30 o.m. le will beheld Friday and Saturday &om 9 f l held at 10:60 a.m. Pmj-ar•erUmewillbeheldat t ' lutthe The Christian Science On Wednesday, n de ft'- lie Faith ahouJd coll the Rectory aat t 6643.. Main Ave. Weat. ia op en.n :Monday-Friday from TWI^VIN FALLS -..W ork days will be h n.to4p.m . 6:30 p.tB. -Enoch and R«b, will bo held oi • Tha annual bUAinaaamee' d a t 9:30 on -(Jood and Evil* ata t 10:30 a.m. at Valley at 9:30 a.m.T7ie.mornlngaarvi««wiU.’ba held • ' ' H itad ot 6 p.m.,today a t the Gu«clalu|IluM ■ " DRIVE-IN(MCHURCH om atal Our Savior Luthenin.- SiSunday Preabytorion. An ououtdoor baptism service a t 11 a.a.m. , . ) ■ ,7p.m.T>ie«lay. ” TWIN FALLS - Dr.)r. John Pariah -Jr. of.._„hoolw 1. sl.will be held a t 10:40 a.m.. 'will be held at 2 p.m.I. aeet a t ' ■ On Wednaaday. Ris-fatrf■boii Wiaching Bible » will apeak on "Where . q „ Sunday. Maaa wiU be ceUbratad1 at 9 ChriaUan Church w . Wedneaday,\f/, th e men’a brvakfastisl «will be in tho South Hilla. A poUuck picnic will be 1:300 p.rp.m. Wednaad«>. ■ ------—«utHei“witrbfl'helil att tW M ^ - blrth'di?/ ii Your G odr a t the 8 B.m.-aervieee.r at the M o- - , : Engliahond 11 VrnTln SpaniaK. al G:30 n.m. o t Uie'Golden GHddl<:ddloRe»- held after tho'aervice. .'...... - ' VMat'Bcation Bibla School for children aigM " neweomer no-hor. Eastland Drive. Tho taumuit nt and Ruth Circle, will meetI ata t 7:30 H O U JS TER - Sun ee thraugh Cth g n d a . wiU be hald Mon- - . - - h*l«t at noon a t the Primitim e Cot and family . ’ f ’, 40-mlnuU aervice ia opeIpen'lo local ram ^11:30 •Im . Tba thama of ... 'm ght'aaivitiesw U lbegidal^al7p,m. -- “y--. and'travelera.' . . a t 10 .n.m. Rev. Vanan Neat will apeak on .d«y-Fn - -1 Craftift workahpp will be ^ald at 9:30B:30 a.m. -Cosmic God’ at 11 a.m.m. . . the' aeaiaeasiona will be 'Jeaua. O ur-Prim d and . CHAPEL OF PRAISE «!ay. — - . , BAPTI8 ...... - ...... Taocbaiwhar.’ ^A-closlng aaaaion wiU-be held a t ' . H ■ TWINN FALLSI! - Faator Slagal will aj^rloyd Miller o f the Gideona will a •Pentaeoat Power" at 11 a.mo-m'Thaevaninraer. ^ ill ahare Church will lead the cor»m m union aervice.al 10- ,_^Ul be I Tl. Brace Thacker will apeak onJ -D - Communion aervice willrill be held Friday a t ^nd PaaPaator Jim Sommor will speak be held at 4 p.m. In.KImbariy City Pork ' vice w^ll begin at 7:30 p.m. » a k on a.m. Coffee hour will betwhflid after the service. and onam icei cream oocial wUI be held oftar t}ia Afraid* ot a.rii.'Tha nureing hom g h u of Ultim ate Communion with ■Championa of Jniua’ willwlllbeth.U,.maof l i «rith the VacaUon Dible SchoolK>l for children agea four aerviea. will be held a t 3:30 p.m. The AnUion;W Ji,Jim Watkiniion will i ^ ^at t t the IO:I6 a.ra.'B<-ryice. Prayerr wiwill be through 6th frade will ______-VatBtloiL..P11 ■ill be held Monday-Fri- Vacatlication Bible School for children! 2 years j^ H 'Monday through Friday fortforthe whole family. . ---- day from-9:BCItoH;30«r ,------Std'UlWltliwum9.11:30o.m. ' i rt Tuesday, Bible study will be hald at 7 a t 9:45 a-m.- a t EoaU ido D ■tudy will be held al 7:i)0 p.m. Mon heldalG:!lG:30a.m. a t 9:46 a.m. Paator RidJchard Klein will apeak ^ aase will be ‘End Timea Att . a t Lavilla I^gg'a home and the young -. HeBall'ahome. • ------JEROME - Morningf PPrayer win_be_heW Ladieaea-Bible ' atudy will be held at 10 o.m.. on-FaiththalM oveaMMountaina*atlla.m. o Church troining will be hel le ^ a y . S a rah Group will meet a at t V ! a t n a!m. atC o lv iu y E pplaeppol. li • ■ ■«„<}7:30[30 p.m. Thumdoy. •- - ien’sgrQup*FriandainFaSth'*iHIImMit evening aerrice will be held a >rat*d a t rioon TJiurn- OBM ED ...... 7 p.m,w.atKimbeiiyCbarefc-. at . - i - : ------J--1 Miriam Group meeta at fl p.m. Eucharifit will be celebra . REFOl Prayerineetingand Biblebi.«d,.Hnboh..d I iWedneaday.theNew'Lightyouthgroup. , outh group will go to the Lagoonn oron n a z a r e 'n k . TWIN FALLS - *Sp;Spring Feat," a carnival , '•12th grade (tudanu, f a t 7 p.m. Wednesday. •12...... MOimTAlN HOME - Fr. Roy Zlemann j ^ n:nERLY^-_5?unday E school for oil011 \W 4 fo'-all agei Will be held1 ftvmfl 6-8 p.m. today. « 1I1 m eet a t 7 p.m. lor F «d D im n will le Kimberly Church. • ...... TWIN FALLS - Paalof : FA IX S - Bible aehool for all ■agei wiirioad the'aerrice'off Holy! Eucharist a t will.beh’e1 hold at 9:45 a.m_^ Paator Shumannan will The film by Tony. Conompblo.' -Are You Hav- “ apeak on 'Facing tha Giant* 1 'Hiursday, Hanaen Bible-stndy will be n a t 9:46 a.'m. a t C o iw u n lty Chrla-X ll:16a.m.atSt.Jan,c.EpEplacejsslr sneakon on The Aasuronw of Faith" alII H10:60 will'begin:in o t 9:60 a.m. PastoV ' <>" i.pu.1 F.U....W P. vice of Mafflc VaUey Dapt luUt paator Lorry Ellii will apeak^ on RUPERT - Church achc:hoolwillbeheldat9 „ „ jhehe congrpgBlion. will parficipatee in the ' Nienhuis will apapeak on T h e Image of "®‘‘* a t •.7:30 p-m. o t' Dorothea Sleelamith'a meeting at 492 Waihington £ -W iaeonUiI the Prixe" at 10:40'a.m| The youth,uth rial EplaoopoJ. Eu- Anthonyly Harper : concerta ol 6' p.m. inIn m9a.m. — :hri.Oan educaUon. ^ 7 ^ / ^ TWIN FALLS - Chri B.m. a t F l n t C hriatU o. PrumoUonlUon Morning-Prayer will ba«» at< 7 o-ai, Wednea- VacaUo:Uon Bible School for ehiidran ag.Ages 2 733-fil28 for informanation. “ * P-™p.m. al Shari'a Dance Studio on Main i . claaaaa for oU-OffM will beginigin at 10 a.m. at tho . eiercioea wlU be held at 10:20 a.m.0 ro thrDUghalh aizth grade will be held from g.0-11 11-30 Jew* for Jesus will popreaent Tho Lil^rated Slreet. ,' : n. Pallor Ervin Hua- „ , J ' „ C h u rc h o f th e B reth ren . P I Pariah Jr. will apeak an 'W>^re ia, SHOSHONE - Momlnning Prayer wiU be „ „ jionjlonday-Friday. Tranaportatlon iala avail-a' Wailing Wall" a l 7 p.ni.. ottheehurch.o ., TWIN ton wilUpeak on T h e Gift t ^ held a t9 a.m. atC b ria tE p i UN FALLS — The maaaage wlU be i dT a t 10:60 a.m. New membera pol­ J p la e o ^ . .Bblebycol'calling 423-6367. \ ' WENDELL - Paaloilor John Oldenburger “(Jod.. In Three Peraona; Bleaaed T rioityr kt ' > 'l lo .m . ler will be hold oftar tha aervice. .jiv.Tho Euchariat will be celeblebrated a t 7 a.m. -QlhiestvI study and prayer will ho hald att 7 pf .m \ win speak pn "Fotsivene TWIN FALLS - Sunday a ^ Wadnaaday. - noM — -Demonatratad* the I1 I a.m.a.c communion aonrie^ ...... lay be heard o'ver radio aUtion KLDC Wedneeda•day. \ a t II a.m. and on T hha e Coat of True Dine!. VacaUo ______.will begin a t 0:40 a.m. al,1 r i „ i U~I1~1 raUon Churcii School for childteti.«ga8 a i^YouttLsiouBajriUjoeetat G ja.m^m.______TWIN_EALLS_-._R««_t-Fr«l.ElwD0d will- Tho thuthureh,gro«^_home proyer.meetDealing- '.plashlp’ ot.7:30p.m. . ., ------, -^-tlin»ugh-< B re th rira . Rev. U^JU akewJ.M..1I will .p ..k «h-Gth gtmda will ^tiH Mitnrtaj Fri ' i dcieaday. ad u lt and you'Ui BlUa atud-tud- lead Holy Eucliariat at 8I andai ip a.m. a t Aa- will be he]held al 8 p.m. Thursday at the'panparson- Coffee Break Dible'SI . -Power ofthe Spirit* a t 11 a Study'nnd aack lunah^ dayftamrom9-ll:30a.m. i '' ; a held 017 p.m. . age. will be held a t 10:30 li. aarric* will begin at 7 p.m. •i-Ji- a t Wendell City* The> UnltMl Un MaUiodUt.Man will meet for i ! FALLS — Sunday aehool will1 bebo The Thrift Shop will opet[»n-Bt 10 a.m. T>Jea. Vocatidr P.A. On Wedneiday, Bible atudj tion Dible School for kindorgoi Cftjt at 7 a.m. Wedneaday a t th a OoldM : “ '•"“ '" • ‘■•'■"'I h.13T»."1:30 a.in. ot Vailey-ChrUtUn. TheTTie day. >e held Bib!# atudy will be heldeld-ot S p.m. Thursday Griddle. " be held *t 7:30 p.m. througlili aaixth grade children will be 1: ' ' morning aeraervice will b « ^ n at l l a jn .A meet-eet- OnWednaaday. Holy Eucluchorist will be a t 7 Munday-F:y-Friday from £>-11:30 a.m. A progi pp r—— ^ I - I mxmhwr. will h . K«lrf . H 9-tn p am------o.m.flhaJChriJtSbop-wUt-of-opan a t 10-a.m. and— -^ilj be pm j T ; - ■ -■. ■ ^^CALVARY CIW: h a p ^ ; pre»antetf'at7 p .m .-P rid a y :------Couniry e«.r>-Worhi.h(«h«n Wilt he m.Ti CKRISTIANAND childran’a Siinday aehool willwin ^ —T h e .iJew s Kll be he^a at 7 p.m. ~M ISSIONARY ALLIANCE TWINF.4 FALLS -S u n d a y aehool for aliaUl agea I The 0th Sunday aarfico wUl t PA L L S.-; Sunday aehool wiU bagiaigla ______FUEEMETIK .rvica will be broad.- HODICT------^11 beginlin a t ftrflO a.Tn. R " . 'Ray Doano-'no -will ------T - y jW H B m ...for_«Ie,sus_. - - ' ot C alreh' C H a ^ . The m jv I< m. Paator Evona will apeak o a Trha h a WENDELL - Sundoy •< caat over radio alaUon KAWZ 89.6 FM at 7:30 “ ' - ' ' ichool will be held speak onm T‘ h e Wisdom of God" al 8:1616 ond. ' a tr aveling evan- 3od*atll *.m.Ajointmaetlngwlihrilh a t 9:30 o-m. -Paator-Muaaal4^.p.m..>ndd-0 »----- 3W i^:-aHl-a.o.^TlieT.a-,?y»;ng aarriee irtttorrroghtiiOTurtl)iin"thirt*ti^rts[rtaaW—8 !------aervlM. rtluck wUI be held after tha meeting,ng. will begin a t 7 p.m. Youth fellowahip wiU be hale . at 6 p.m. "The U borated upi meet Wednaadoy and Thuraday,lay; Man's prayer fellownhipp willi ba held a t 8 The men'len'e fellowship will m eet at Trai-ia.ii-ia Ja . L ) I W a i l i n g W a U " -day in the Rac Roam, . call 733-0330330for-er wi The churchtrch la located Vt mile aouth of Kim-im* will be ccming to ' - begin at 7 p.m..'^■®aday.;^ a m. nndd7p.m 7 . d ooBIua L o k aa ^v d . Bouth.-_— ...... T . T.trrm ? n « - On W#dne«la)t.JJgh tchcichool lllhle atiidy ___ “ RAN ------— . O ^ W^ rir n ^ a y , Ri1i1e'sludy,'lA il and1 adadull __nWin F ^ I ^ Satur- ' pDupwl]lmaatat7J0pjs.ato-atthaBacR oom ...... TO EN — "nia morning aarvicaaa: will ba hald n^ilaU on>n andi King’s Kids program for d I^ H tlioT.Junell^at - ' CHRISTIAN CENTER a t 8:48 a.m. at T H iU ty Lu — Home fallowahipa will bee heheld on Thuraday TWThJifAT Luthermn. Sunday " d re n age:e flv# fl through 6th grade wil^w>«h«id.. hi 'ALLS — Sunday'aehool fOr all agaagaa echool and ^ u l t Bible c ^ ■ ■ 7:00 PM. TTiey w ill ~ . ol7:30p.m.atthabomaaofn ae wUl ba held a t 10 at 7 p.m. at 0;30'a.m. Kav. Wayne Hoag, p ^ a Kavin Newbry; rorinformatJoo ' a.ta. O n Thunlu ^ay , a Teen Parent Seminar « --bo-presentlng ' ob.'U toh. wUl apeak al 10:30 a.m..m. T IL E R — Sunday aehoolMl ond BlbU rtudy be presents 7-8:30------programof musicic & tcstjmony at Twrin A womaa'a retreat will be.h«,hc!d FTidaj-eun. ■ated by Laveta Younger frvm 7-6. TFalla t B eform ed Chuxch I ehukh will be held at 11:10 o.m..m. will begin a t 9:30 o-m. o l CCll lb rer T rinity, lo- p.m. Par»n day o t Camp Sawtooth in, Ketchum.K< C c -tia .rvnta of taena and pr^taens are in------Bt th e C O m cr o f G:G ra n d v ie w Sc Pole L in e R d.d . T h e ir g o a l t o l e t p e o p le ^ - * S a a - p r »achnol - t hreugh .-naat-----cirt«d-AWmtl«a«euthand'(H >et- ^-tniJee WjaatorFn...... -vlted to a a a nd.'Tha namtnarwill-contfotfff ' *2fl for_lo^ng L'CaiJ^_133k.r _ ^e-ir— know that 'yducoc a n b e J e w ish & b elieve iiTiin Jesus" and they're inw tiny __ lyeC-Trill.biB-hcid Ot-SJ0.p.m .-Tha.Tsa__ Pw*fiT. ^yyT'Ti tnaa-wiU-apaak n on . J-p.m.Fridi'riday.------irvic» will be hold a t 7 p.m. -God'a Pentecoat People' at110:46 1 a.m. w hoever w ^ C tU> o come toliear wKat being:IngtTewi^Hastodowith CATHOUC•UC '. On Wedneanaaday. youth fallowahip will begintin lOMBERLY - Paatorr Sundsrman will'______£ENTCCOSTALziz^--Z------believing in j e s u s us. ______D UIIL - Mtuia wiU be wltl fl gTOt— Qt T jrm n m J at ' ipBOtrro^tSod-rraatxairn ara:4s.;, ,i:wiN;Fii[;PALL8 - Sunday adMoI .wiUl.beein-.' .be« SSSSSSSSZSSSSS^^S ------OJ-Timos-N,CHS.s. TwinT FaIls..ldaliQ— Salurdflrday,.Juno..'!..i980______

IViest ■ V . ------: ' . ----^----- f l ’ - r - f l 3^=^ a h i s ithern U.S., blacks hold leader - m T O R 'S N O'JTE n - fn (h eld }w rs . southi dership' sa'id Brown's grandndson, Edwin B, Fir- ' ------iss ihe ih. class difference," said Armanfl since the Mormonon Church began.ad- positi(iitions-in a lay clergy oncc:e open( mage. riauss, a Washington State Univcr- ______mittinR blacks Jo(njls, j priesthood, the -_onlyy tot( w hites. Ten mcmbi^ of3f the Twelve, which , itvsociologisL.wliQ has monitored-th’^I__ __ . faith's niissionaric!:’■ics h a vo a c h ie ve d rc- “11 fstarted out being ewtic,ic, and ahsiStb^llic^ypv^rmn in g ’First~Pn:side~h- irogrossofblackAlonnons. . markable success^ r nT A f f i c a a n d else- endedied' up being generic," saidd AJ lan cv, voted V6 lift thehe ban in 1969. Btit ' “I would soy lhat where you havf whenrShTirad. Bun'utTirh'orrif they labor^ C h c?m:4-tfn5LoLuJiunaful.oLAmcE r r iicricaii_£miuige_Mid_Lhc- 2-votxuwaa-aullified ilack-middle^rlassi-converts coming " lo'dispel Ihc bitlcrer IIcfiacy o f ]30 years blacks:ks baptized before 1978. when the c o u n cil's;s senior active mem- ' Ito middle-class congregations, the ' ofriicialesclusion.fi. NJor o r does the legacy of the pripriest- , ber, Harold B. L e?, e ,:relu m ed to town, ’ ' i rognosis is good. Where you have ___ — ^------hood-t d-bo«-appear-to-have-slowed^ed the • There is little historical h evidonco ■" lower)wer-class blacks being convetied By MICHAEL WHrHITE ■ churchrch’s overall growth. Since) 1978,IS the policy originanatcd with church fejg liddle-class congregations, that’s noli ERSON membinbership has nearly doubledd fifrom- founder Joseph Si andVERNANDERi Smith; it certainly iff? ■' good.ood. And I’m sure if I had the data i; ______Associatcd__Pnss iVnIVri/iT.s’ •• .3,8 milmillion to’6,5 million worldwidei'jde. ___ wa-s not_one..oDhe.le.dozeos of written.. : __ juld-showryou that-thfil's-where th'e BinelacK rrie’m berT’say th a t whilelile de- revelations he lefl t t before his 1844 a.s- defectefections a re com ing from," he said. .:' SALT U K E CI'T:iTY(AP) - Mormon liberalrate racism exists among white wl sassination in Illincnois, Tho ban as ar- , 1;-.“ - . *.Mauss .Ma cited su rv ey s between 1 9 7 |j . ; elder Joseph Freeneeman today guide.s MormcTnons, it is extrem ely rare. Rath- Ri ticulated by Snsm ith ’s successor, • ;—rr indnd 11985 by th e N ational Opinion B ej: his white brethrenren through sacred er, binblacks, and whites struggle2 wwith Brigham Young> wa k-as rooted in the be- ; r I j e aarch rc l O orp. -WLich suggest, whit*: • - temple rituals that.lat j uat u-dec»de-ago—culturtiurtil and-econom ic-barrierss lhatt: -lief that black Africricnns" -C D hurch -g{~ Jesu s__ lowshipilipping.------— —"Wc-can put. roastison to rovolation.— [flnlzailonfor children:------r ------j Christ of Latter-dayy Saints,S “Thol10 first question I gel is, ‘Whe.^here We can put reason ons to command- A very few w hiles, two or. thrieo,', -!------But-dcapite its st M ^lay-ball?—gaid------^------m c o ti^ yhon .wo.do,.v -among blocks sinceJ ththen, particularly ' Vann VWilliams, a black employeded in Some people (includiiding church letd- cks know it. I t m ad e the rest of th e ' . - - ■ ' in Africa and Brazil,:il, the church still the chuhurch's public cqmmunicatioitions ers) put reasons to thoth one we’re talk- . itcs feel bad because the blackgU . labors a t home to oveijvercome the ban's departmIment. "When Tsay 1 didn'idn’l, ing about here an d th they turned out to e-jfldging the-church-by them,"-' ------. ----- legacy:- a-lingering-pg-pcrccption-that- then'intin lh e ir m inds I’m eithDr a-pimpimp— be spectacularly wron3ng," Oaks said. IMcCoy, a member of eight years.. ------M onronisfn-is-a—whV hite-m un^reli—^or-a-druIrug-defller.-I’m still strugglingling ------Mormonfi-dofmc-pi IcCoysaid-hcTnadc it-clcartO"th i u n c e ml ( e n t o f pp l a n ’a gs. However, th e Nigerian1 g(gov- ^“Less obvious, b u t Amo______...... nol as Ml ...... |- ca’; ilthei dui ! m a y k fc i l l l i m ii t e d s t o <►ck o f f e rr i n g ______' 1 ... ' mo ! EVANSTON, Wyo.I. (/I(AP) — A public ing or publublic Jiscus'sion." she .said, part lo sell stock lo raise r; money for 'gonl! announcement of a planilan to Sell private Fulford ird said she has no personalnal improvements at the intrack. sell stock in Wyoming DowDowns has likely knowledgidge of th e W yoming Downs of- ijreal ' Sim.' said the forec ■ . Ton • killed the limited stocilock.offering._say. ,fering,‘aii_and agreed only to-discuss •eclosure action.______^ 1.'. tobTJffictals:------SECTegu]SulaTionslh'general. — - brought by Oklahoma'sj's Frontier Fed- . • I hites ^ “We'vo'done w hafs's Cicalled 'jum ping Wyomin eral Savings and L^ian1 1.last fall, will he I ;ire^-jl ous ning Downs Pr^'sidenl R ichard ,__ a u t ! the gun,'and.iLxould.d d .kilL the offer- Sims Saidlid last vveek his company hadlad month wit’ith money naid______^ ( - J ------ingj^said-Wyoming-- DcDowns-attorney—tricdlOTeTOtrflcr'dll'copies of tlie press — bV“ a compiin.v 't h a t , lihas just been H ; Jo h n Ilanson. “/Vny press prc release on release. D( granU'ci an i>ff-lrack wjw agenng siniul* I iites Despite thal, wire service sto­ ^ hav ' ■ th is subject is very preipremature. It’s a ries basedred on th e presy'release have casting purmit. s wife ,'otry. 1 flagrant violation." . I , appeared;d in al least one Salt Lakeike Racetrack Liw.ver Halansen said the M ' i i m •'fho3 « ' hav Wyoming Downs sent sen a press r e - ' City newswspaper und on a Salt Lakeike company .still plans lo0 seek SEC ap- ihc ( . '' — ...... lease to area media lastast month advor-- television;)n station. • proval to offor slock; Kut'that1) a de- u j f l i ‘ded,’I, m ’ surf I Using a plan to sell shajihafes of.slQck.in Caughtht in the.midst of mil-lil- -tailed prospectus on suc;uch an offering ' ■ a. “limited. ofTeripg thrthrough private • lionforeclo;closure action, race track offi- \S A ffi- 'h asn 't yet been preparec•ed and won’t be APUtorphoio converti ^______placement" starting inn mmid-JuI.v'. cials convinverted from a limited parl-rl- issuVd'tmtil ti'gulalory•v approval has i X 5 R \ ------;k Mormons. choice: i . The problem, said Har[lansen, is that it ''‘•'‘‘•"“"P to a corporaiion in .April, in. iK'en ruceivod, REAT ! is inappropriate for a corcompany hoping ;o a d m it missionar- to offer privHie share.s;.s ofo stock lo ud- 'D /Srf 4 ■ : eoDLLECTION irasTiroppc* ------vertise the fact priorr to gaining u p - - - * 6 QJestrian < hitt by 3 carsrdies QP appeal of Mormon- proval of the Scoiiritie.-.e.-. nand Exchange ,p I , Ghana. When mis- I ^ ll«n*l , rfSmmi9';inn______U K E C I T Y ( A P i- A p e d .‘s-‘s- drivtTS mavvhave ihtiujlught they had • Vthc-t\v0-ciiunlribsr'!?''” °" ”;‘^' ------Trtan-wnrlirklllo-d^fitrrrh-ur^ay when'L-n' onlyhitatiiimpintticro by thousands eager Hansen said he was;is i nnl consulted jje was hitlit by three car.<: on t.ie lOSOO —rswi/IMVVEAR^ by company officials wh(who ordered the South on-r Coffman said the iiiotiotorist who did r n-ramp of Interstate !;T the n' blacks,'m em ories ...... g g | press relen.se issued, ' Slop was ■22-yoar-old KKarl Camp of rV jf ' -UuihHigbghway Patrol said, >R BOY'S missionary efforts. jji ... - - 3 gc Deliver branch i jj.._Ciiundl.Jdiih'j,_The.patrtrol-usked that_j :h chief Martha • Trooper,cr Alan Coffman said the vic-- ite Mormons alike ' - -y, Fulford snid it is a "concontradiction in tim is belie tiic other drivers contactct tiiithorities. X r ^ ' P Mrm ilieved to be a Provo man, but SIRLS----- social barriers are ^ • AJtkAIr ______term s to issue a 'press> rtvrek-ase about a tho namee wasw being withheld pendingIg • It was not known what wl tho man Munt ^jrivate offering. positive ideidentification. . . I AicotH was doing on llie hiyhwa,t-ayandthecir- ChOCcose from one andid more important, _ ' “A private offering i.'Si.'5 by definition Thu* patratrol said Lwo vehicles thal:it cumstances of the accidt : dent slill were t w O piece p i styles for' u e iri .one about-which theree is no adverti.s- struck theKe man did nol slop and thele unclear Friday. 1 ...... g .i! :!^ iYlycras, c o tto n s, ^1- I prints,s, plains, m etallics iiIf's Our r'l ' I and mrr ore...accessories;s r ' Amtip . 1 l o o M.14.00 ^ to 39.00, ’ If CUSTODM DRAFPERY j ‘ B o y s boxer b shorts in Amrtcn lAJ p r i n tsa s j n d solids. 6.50 to.o : £ 9 ' TrSU” * ' >, ln ^ 'tb d d ler-3 to 67->,■ SALE lllfl ' 14, a n d jr. junior. Save On1 Selected F«Fabrics . _ . 1. ■ ii - - - • . g. 16 $2 5 per yd. I # —--- €eleturday—- . i ' . f < T ' " - S 5 " AmtWr* AiMM ' — ------ASAM.. 3“ " ■ 'O n lyr W ;P e 7 V d “ « W -----S Aw E m .L A B O3R R and INSTALLATION f • 6on every f t K j Clchildrens FREE ■ I S * ^ s.: OFFER-EXTXTENDED THRU JUNEJ E 1 5 ' ■ iijiU swimsuit. . . fineOntJ

(^hildrenV attic-)— : • s >':^S!5Q r3#ti.:S8SK ffiw rB W »i n#.** ------1 M M 4i . . #««io 1 :------.------_ -12 4 ; M q l ra lrv ,^ v © n u e NQrth.fiT-V >06-- ■ ------^—.*T^rf=rrr . .M -, ■ V a l i d aated t e Parking irS',2nd a»ita ■ 0 ______B«vrtr Ji! . . . - * ^ ^

r-w ln.fLoiiS;^Z3:3^]..506 J A venuo N orth Lot Saturday. June4.19f.1988 — Timoa-Nows. Twin Fatls.idaho ------■ M u t u aal fu n d s C 2

r B - i [M I f S f f r ; • M a r k e2 , t quotations C .3 ------■ C l a s s iified-advertism f n c g C 4 - 8 ------^ -

Magic.VaHey:A1falfaIfa Quality Watcfr^-______jq l - M - ^ ------— ^ p p ro x i.m a u L D W? L gai i d i i i o i n s a d * • Quality i n a l - g ...... _% Djg©sliblo r- NEWYORK-(AP,AP) — ‘nie stock m ar- Vo Volume on the floor of theth e Big served to dam penm worries about infla- BBrokers said basic-industn no-mofb than 30,0%,0% no-loas-than 66%¥d5m : ket gained moreore ground FridAj^--,Boar)ard came to 189.60 million sh no-moro-than 32.0% I shares, tion somewhat inn businesses 1: like chemicals".Is nnd pn- 0% no-loss-than 64% EDDM I rounding out a weweek of sharp gains dowtiwn from 193.54 million in th e { no-moro-thran 35,0% le previ. Interest ra te s fellfe in th e cre d it m a r - ; per)or ottracted investors w ho0 nrcnsoncd poop ,5. ,0% no-l03s-lhan61%EDDM _ l th a t ca ug h t many,ny; Wall S treeters by niia[S.fiesfliorL.KatiQnwldc..consolii « ______moro-.thar),3Q.O.%0.% ______io s s - lh a n - 6 1 % £ D D M ______jalidated_.keu,-putting-yielc?ldB on-long-term-gov-—thalhat m oderate growth in-thic'cconomy'“ c'c ...... - aurpnse. —^ ’ “ vblurlume in NYSE-listed issues, ir I, includ- em m en t bonds Jlin th e neighborhood of wou/ould allow industrial Amejn e ri c a to cunty (Kimboriy) VarlVariety: W L312 g trading nt regional exchangei ; T he Dow Jones19 a'average of 30 indus- ‘” 8 igesan= rAUatfa-has-bofii> e n 'y o o tv e h o p i:w'rf~' '- '~ ~ " ; some past weeklyy p 1,/ j to investigate whi iPannr ------...... CITY — American unnonnounced Friday, , ^ sai^iK^ajLaLpartaa a n t^ p n e ly jy. . charges in the castase in wnhection wth possi:issible SALi' LAKE I ■» gg.J fir e ^ e violations, ------Stores Co.-hascor:ompleted'its'$2;5'bil-”'— le Life AjEstirancd S odety andad.UCB . ‘ estaand t l i e brt ^ ri n t e n d o f our ten an ts * i as, said Uopt; Jotin iicbem ir ' \ lion buyout of Lucucky Stored Inc, with AnAnalysts have said tho acquisition . ______. R ealty Corp. waiwas agTMable to Qpgradinj a-lBpbkesman for the..£crultsitable- . ‘W astheroadels clayed alarm? Were the securcurity.. _the-purchase.ofji(Jiearly_95-percont-of—could luld-make-American Stores the na*...... ^ ^ •w h ut iH^uIred faylw p,-wtucnowna the building.“ T people mfonned ofoT wnat to do? Were they nt M will inplnrtw wrfHtHnnal m ' noti* Lucky’s commonI stock,£ the company tion’so n ’s la rg e s t gro ce ry c h a in . ______'nifi_up«raie».:i -amokfl; , ;.:JVhfln thfl Mnyy 4Afirw WiVw ftirf, tTiA hi»Mti fiedtocallfre^re j Departoent? Were thereB « c o d e ______detectors, -fire do ^ ii,to enclose elevatorr vesti*.i sprmklervstem1 ww^ a s ^ lu -ly 90 percent compjplete . ^olations?'^Schemirrei said, listing,the key quq u es- bules and a third'ird'water ptzmp for the spritirinkl.er . but not opeivtiqn^ A ^ d ln g spokesman1 isaid , tions in the Fire Dc{Departinont’s investigation. ^ l y U ,

OiMX H>9h to>. StRM a>B. Hw« 4B.7S 4tJ0 4tJ0. 4IJ4 - J t cftuoeoiL c UJS lOJS HJO UA -J* i,ocoixx.;_t». 1 10.40 M40 U.40 U Jl - J l Consijumer rmovennlent ain ■JT IT.M 17,47 I7.S0 -.11 r.6 TIS at p)rices ’J4 1TJ« 1T,M 17,<* - ,tt ttorI 4170 W.W UTO 4LU -~J1 1 5 Erti IT.M IT.7I 17.71 -,11 *pf' 47,11 - J l NEW Y O RK -AV newHE consumer movement ap-ap '.n t7,W, 1TJ0 IT JO -.11 J.n S tatistical suRpiRport for th e contention come;m e s ^ ■ i';,-.” pears to bo under way/ay that seems capable of doir 4*11 - J l oing p . ■ from a study oftwitwo measures of inflation, the ■J4 ItS 1TJ1 ITJl “ 'll ------what a n en rlier periodiod of consum erism failed to c t7jl ?rw,'«UlMII,411 **■*- ;oac. J < g ro ss notional proi)roduct implicit price deflator, ITiM i’t!m IT.TII " ’I'l ThU;!rmi,'icp^ini*ij*7,onijes, ------complish. J o h n lor. and p« i7.« ______th e G N P fixed-woiveight price index. ___ •Jl 17J1 ITJt 17.73 -.It tmUAOl - “ l::vVclcnra ol its succeir a s s is-all aSout^s-day-after € « n n iff------• ThoTmpliat'fTricjricTdCTator registered a n inf 17J7 -.Ot W 11.40 lIJO UJO U J t' >J1 doy, a n d now itisbeini I tO.SO »JS 4l.lt WOI - J t eing docum ented by some har tion ra te o f only 1.'1.7 percent for th e first q ula art r te r o f Tt»i.'iM»M4ij 7T. K> 414$ 41.41 4101 4l.lt -A* ' ______economic num bers. InI n a . sense, it m ay be so pervo .pl.33t. Oct-r 4tJ0 4*J0 4*M 4*A -.44 ______L988JEhe.fixed.wc•weight price index rose moreir e th an ' sivc a s to have gone; almostail tm noticed. r • <7.*0 4T,» 4T.1I 47J1 - J * •' ; resistance will endl^atthreat.^ th ______tw fce a s fast, regisgistering 3.6 pcrcent. .. .._r..... 43.RI09iAtuj*t.en*o*^------' . . . . . fielped Improve th e quality anand , failed in lhe 1970s,, analystsa r at Wright InvestorsDrs’ price.deflator measeasures not ju st price changcf enfety o f products, imp: igesbut iM pH B N piP mprpved th e w ork place, andid Service have found1 a distincti cconomicdisparit}ity ...... ■ a lso change in GNIJNP makeup...... raised environm entalal c consciousness, During the earliere r 1period, they state; consumim er. T h e fast-risingg indexii m aintains the sam e In sp ite o fth e goodid it did, how ever, thftearlierer reponse to higher pricm c e s w astem pered by, amon ong w eig h t for items1 in the so-called marketbaskesk e t re- I IraAng en irx CNeaQo of J (.4* «4'» lU *J4'« .-JO movement suffered a gigrand failurerlt did little! or other things, the inab:m bility to resist such develop > *.ss0|> limrw SMM Cf;fbi•rtMihd Jul ket. Rem ove incentives^'es; carinokereand dealers whore consumers haveave options, chief of which is rn.T0 2O.T0atJ0 3atT0.l0J0. s v iro n m en t they seen:tem to have concluded it is siniSim . j:; - >•« -1.tt'* l.»2 i.tt'T ..10 tyg 2ta40 iia4o 3STJ0 ao.*o .lo jo have found, a n d salessdecline.- de that of npt buying, ply good business to ■ 100" I.Ot JJO- .,10 bp ai.TO 2».T0 2MJ0 IM.TO . lOJO ’ to watch the. price tags, ju sit t a;as Oje ^ s . 2M.OO a tjo X*J0 aioo .10.00 , ' The biggest recent corcontrib)itor to inflation wasasa Thus, says Wright,t, LU.S. business has been re-_!•_____ co n su m ers are doingin g ,...... m oo lU.TO 2S4J0 2tt.T0 . lOJO , • surge in apparel costs.s. ButB simultaneously ap------, **7hu,'iMi««2.m. *■** * - 2X.OO 2S100 3S4J0 217.70 .B.TO luctant to raise pricescs despitec th e window o f op- ^ 1 * ^ '” z . 1S*.00 2J*M M2» 2J4.T0 .T.TO parel re ta ile rs have repc-eportcd w eakened sales, es-3- portunity provided by)y thet dollar's decline over th( Tbv,'ivp«nlnl|.no.upl7L 2UJ0 2H.OO 2*4J0 2*4J0 .*.N - __ ___ ^JohnCunniffisbubusiness analyst for The Assog jg . ^ BOTSCAHt lU 00 2UJ0 aiJO 2*100 .BJO .] pecially for women’s clotclolhes,.sugge8ting consumerler • past three years. rbu»M - . . . - TH».’»Mlr’tMMa.ll*. da ted Press. ______• ’ *31 * *41 IJI I4g .JO______T?w.’«(>(>^•«(>(»«nliMT5JtT,up 1J*1.______;______' : ^ O SS n g ip r i c e ss — NEW TORX <*P) - FrMr' • PJ*»A»- BIkU) .40 171301 a'<- DMn JO ti» 4 M '4 r- '- '*■* OOMr IH llto i t4'«-l' ll«nal pnem tor N*a Tert tieci* ll-b ‘ BIkHRl M - lltOM IT— *■ DMUArl.lO im i 4»»..1'« - t -8 ~ UftUna I lutiri 34 - WMhHm.l** 7 to I 1 -. '• •1'« Om M' 47M 14»• _ lMml> .4* ll'll? II**. T-^. '» y iK 1 IS- 31 " UOmdi 12 HI 17 ...... QraMll.40.. . .1412TI .SB-*------,9„4, jy., 1 « tt lit 7T«. ■» B«ImC*1J0 10 TM 4]'*> ' OUlPs JO I4I1» 17 . • ' " urimn2.t4« “joj I2''. !••- tVtLMiJO 14 1107 1* r. UnTwfi l.tO llirt X ". pe»B» OwnRa-lM lOlSI «}“ -- “• OtWFn .71 104341 14M. ■ Unfrtl . t i l . ■ .. 1412 J 1I-*. V . " — Wiljt _ 1 ------iaMM-*4"-.|>a------” : if’Sj S'‘rI . .. OW0KJ4I I S40 1|i«.|i«. '« lchrPlcl.40 l* » ll « '•• • Unoert 1 IISO 3«"- 3«". ■■ Wrrw* IJO I2XH M'*. " I AUft II TM MX*'*> •** e«MHytJ« tllTOJT 4I«-.1<•-1 " OOYW 1.11 11 4M tl“ . *■*• Oin*) IJ3 10C01I1710 - 4". - On^ 1S IT t t“. " . " IcMme IJO l7*Stl X"*- " Bmn 1.1M . 111114• . - DflwCh Z49 114m 11**.• »• *• Ofumn t lao t»“ - • M OmCn .. I 711 It - '• Uptoftn n II4U4 12"- 12". '• Whflpl I.m 111031 IT . " - ' i u J a-**•• ’•' Bnmrr M tn m 14*". ' r LsUM t.tO I tn i 4}'«. I --" .to tlP * J4 . t21ta Jf» . M‘«. " Whmrt I I ItJ H". w *• Oe«Jn« 41 tl 711 U '*.• “ *• OBwui .TO u :j4 r 4i’*- ' 1". •• Oiiert JO 10 I'*- l'«- '• tMgim IJO 10 *41 U'*. '• lrt»PL U l 11 171 •-1’* Snwk M Iiiin a -• - - I « Df^if M iijin «'■-- •• omii 4 sw 4H- •• LaSut l.tO IS 4« - P-0 I*M 1 ItttI IS". winuini.40 7 I1U 1 1 " .t« - ’ * Brvm 110 tito tn To^^i'«41'« Ou^ont UO — 1BWJI l*“ » “ UlCe -- 7W71 ll»*-i».- .. PKU .12 ■ 4* T2S f * . WInOU IJ* II let 41'.. <• AlrPrt 1 « Ml 4»M. ► - c -c - *■•. •• StMirT 4JSi 14 *13 TT .• ” V»rt»> .J* ... *4*J70 H'« H’« WM q .40 - M 234 10 . ' / OuUP 2J0 to n i 4I'«-- ••" tWMn t 1*4111 JV--- i'• ULmd I U 141 •• PM 1.30 ■ I11II7 42".2'*. ".thnrin M 11 IX TT-'. Viftty 121l« 3" AJtUIr ,lt HIM tr^.•• «’• CM • J II »1B III .•JV.ui’K ,.»a...... _.iion M"-. 3" Wohrtf. t.*4 t i a » S I". - ~ U e m t-.n ------» « » - » - •-• •* OOW u e TCU1 4T»-I ' . -- I t" - •Mnnn* .41 IS 140. 11'*. - w p m - .« - 4t a --i» "- - - ...... Aleo»W .M tl m H‘*. ------I ’ Mt Lyckrt .00 » a j *4“ - nelM 1.41 tl’ wii' * " . •• SmIiOi 1J4 IfiaO « ’•; - - WKtM .to • 14 n 20". . • IRC t I* 1'*- '• . " ia»ni .»*. I 41 a " - PKoe i n niT jt it'<- !• tond 1 t 100 1T»- •VMKt - IU r*- ”" cm IT M -■- •« U»lOFtJO . II IIT 24M-- M III f.* I*- |< W«1WI« ,t* 244117 »M_ 2t*<- •« -x-if-z- - Antta i ts u t « . >• PwTM 1.71 111473 X-4-0-1- •• lonvCp JM 14 417 40".* . " WvnC M 1tini 34-’34". - . - Uioi 1 10t7tt *2". • CPC 1.44 10 tin J7»*- ‘ K#d»HJO' u m il4 4 ’*> .'* HWUUM* aiT*« I t " .■ ■'• UCA “•* “ " aiBJS u .• .. "• PKIICP U4 I 431 US ". ". '• tC4iU U l lia o s 31".♦. W»mrt.ll» 1*»}5 I7 -. u e i ^ IJO ijjtN a"> •• CRt«> J4 I U tl^-•. ■ Eaton 1 II IM T*“ . • ►> " H*lni tJ4 m o il 43'*.. ■■■■ UDU 1.42 II lU If*>* PtnAm 1197 3"3" touinColU 1304* 13". I 7 -. '«. 2»MhE 473t a - - " ! r(*mic - • • • M 1" .01 » HI 1T-- - AJcn IJO . <1 •!■■■ - '* Hwevll IJ] ’ l i m 4* - < luem iiju a u o l 71'*.• . ’• PW.IC 1 I t x 14'*...... »>M 14* IIXU U . •1- C*MV llwot «'•-• - I *♦ IKCO 41 It 2”*- - '• M_____ 1» 717 a « ■ iiifm»ni.M »»4 ir*- !'■- '• KrtPt ItJ tl2S4» IT’ . _i____ Anu----» ------ll-ttT-Mii1 —----- .-.emnJ* _ t------I418ll-liu.->t -■"-T|y»fM— ------41*—I—------IW «>— 1 - ---- <0ltW-4*".' tqoeO l,tl 11 t n S4'**- I ; - AmHM JO »«IT IT*-••- “ ctpcnt JO tr 4TT XI - Ii Inran 2.4* lOM 40“ . '«•« I m 25**-- ••• MAPCO t M lU SS". AmOmdJJO lOltll C»p» z n I M W’«-■- ••• bweft JO a 104 IT»- • •• ■* Km«at JO totto] ir> . '•' hUrrM JO I710T «"■ '* p ^ ^^ I J I'l v « ”*r r"' M J !'» | £.'* ACyin IJO tIJM '• "m C«Wfl I ’-IM •- •*« .44 11 701 a - - ■* HoimUl.10 • .H im Tl".1•1 tUrtU I.IO * UO 4I’«- I i «EJPwt»* tl«7H n • • '« '« C asa 14 Kl 2*»*-•- ' buefl* UO. tllt4«44*«.• '• HCA .n nta:4 »•*- > i '• UtM« .40 III7J3 21“ I“ - •• ttoptAi"*M a 4 4J"-•- '• new Y0njc-'9« o W i ** 1* ***^‘>* I ’ *J£i2 > " UtyOt IJt ItaTI 31"-*- ' '• PwtD -W 4*1 34’*. " -trnlti IX 1*4410,X "I* . “ iMun: ** C«(«n t.n t Ml II’*.. ’• " m o fiijo 101171 ll’*. •~is;s.4 •• '!,K ^ trw) a Iitoa lo". QCd4f1n .40 ' *11 11’*- ' Amncn (.40 It 2oa • " CmtoW144 ItCTt . >»- “ JO lot io**» • '• '• Hgmw J l tl30t4 I P * - " - - PM#0 JO *1*14 41"- HMt>rs .tl tl 404 ll'< I i . AlMOf JO U1H M“- “ CbBM 1.71 ' It HI PMrtd 40 r* ^ - *ffliw».4l» ) 111 •' BeOfJ'J* II24M 4 J-.- . ' Phm uuo * » tl IT" .10 11 111 a . -r • ” CNnpM 1 1X71 *4'*-. " •> Jt 14 ut I'*- » CfcM .H . UtBT. • " UcOnOlJ* ' II0S3 l»"> '" PhUHr UO IIMOt Wi” «.| * l'’ TR?*1,M i r * " 4»".I* '.I ' PetMtLMtCLMte^fr M<*|«p 10 t IT-*- ’• II JJ ^ JJ” CtwOp.tM 14 171 11 -- “•• PMKU .73 I l i a 40“ . • ““ - m - 140 It -41 1»'« UeOrH 1J4 II *11 I4'*‘•• ' •• PMWn *4 t4 to 30" , Acton • I }| 1414^ _ 34.JTt-.*.t------I* OwtC MU I 110 4 . ^•* F«nm 1.41 . It *4 77"- •• “ • TkBI 104 ’• ] AT4T* tao HJIMIIT**'* •• tncp tJl TI141 4I-.1"•V UCKM 1.4* II 144 W’ . ’ . '• pwipw -to a s m i7"" T**n JO IX II • . “ nnCpA 104 ’•.MI'll l wihof IJO a III X" UMd -.Tt »1*I0 IS . . '• Phkwp , 4* t**.>**• ” TMim ITIMI tl •• '* AflMUN JO 1«4M1 47’»*ir * ’ MeuOT ,tOf , to V* . ' ‘ r *m««» .« tl 141 1I".• “•« Sminlltn nil . H fnSte .10 I •• •. WMIB . . . II* r * - <•' IMlon 1.40 a i I t" - ' • '* APrt I.SO« to I *tn imcpo«BiJo a t '* * " . “ .. .- • *me« JJO u jtn n -• . - UO H IM . >•X n su rl.» 4 1(1*4* " • r * im tf JO I1US« 4*"- ' A»de IM I 1 Au» 1 leim 4iu ' •• ,H*MI 2.10 tj'4 » H’»- ' »’ " SwM UO *tiS a^*'''•» '• Tndfcfl ■ II 23 17" 1 IrutI, t T V*-.- • Oirt»C»JJ1 » l l t . l l ‘’.. '• nma . ‘ I 11# r*. (TW M IT Bt ai'- “ U «ai. JO 12 114.40- t.' " Tehlym 14 *40 tl >1 . An»«<-JB ...... *_t3__41.^1.I*«~ MBbil - X 4 - IS • Antvnp II tu t to** cnrr** 1 4tuv ii’<-- '•!• FMCMO l.H ItMO a**- X*• lmpcn}.ttt , 11214 T4 .II" " iiUKii* l.a ant074M'*>‘ p S n " '” ' AntUI II |«- <• • ArtiCm - 3J I '.- UrnUy JO 7 13 *'«- •• -Aiywi-.» V ’• ICA .10 I 111 I f- • •• Piert>oftJO loa 14". ' " • •* 7Mfrn « t a* »44” r i - 11 *»»«♦-- - iNco. JO .. t4iinobii'*."-SSK..’ i_ .< PoMraWJO- 111*41 U'*>I .. ' '• T«.f • ' t t a '*,**" - Arnitm t 32 " . . '• .Uiwitl I 41 4-». i« ' AMhenr44» I M 1}**-- •• • OBirp.1.41 • TIM 14-.. - wprKftiJt 111017 » « . InpwfldM >1*1441. . ■' H m rt t j i ' 10 S03 •- '•' portOei.H 14 IU a " , -A*mfO J t 17 f t t . . .« -u >< ii“ - ” T40IM 104' c m 4*M. 1 . - 11 mo- .. MOU Ji* i i a « . 1I«.|>coi . 3 i i a i n • ;’*-T.a»t I »1T»4 J7’--V AtVTC JOt 4SU »'<-■ '•.coe.ct'• 1J9. II4I0T 11".. 1« n»0»i 14 IH P «. >«- ** HonMn • J 1 2»4 ' Pttoi 1 loiao i4'*.'' *' Atl**«1 , III 13". AUUM ] 12 tn ------nuee------J 4 I* « -||U _ - '• T*Bn«i..n. ,. .Ii4 jn . «i . . BAT .*> 10 *M. r * rH _*SJUea._4— - IIIMSJI'*!---: MMn ■ 1 1I»TJ 4P*lfUl“-yonPw»4*- - -I ■- T4I *• -pwo»8> I.7t - .* m 11**--^--•*-TlPiC .40 • 43 14 X . ' • r i l t SSrt JU • , H *H ID"* fmaio ,» ___ __ I ----UwfM-lJO____U4*lt M l.-U--l_Mlm(l_.12 ' . . 14 112._l*?_..•?-...LJ*iua.2Ji______iJ4 ia .2 i" .• .. a»»i/a______I 7 " - P • ABMCp JT » « . '• . <«. renai*£.4a not4i 4«“ . .*“ tp«o'lJ4' ^loatT - HPrw t<7i---- — lt~t*t~lt~*l~- —------; -M » 411 « ‘ .M M ^ . >t '* rrplMel4l« 71101 It'* . »* ■- Ttimt t ■ 74ltt »••. ' »" HYTlm»,44 I41IN 27". " . AViKO J4 11 10 14’*- ’• u«o>it J4 ITS*] a'*- • S£,« 'Vi r.' • ” SlICp --^ 1224U *3". • ’• Cmbtn t a i m 14".1 .JKW .40 10 lilt 8 « Om M) 1 II Ta 4* '•--r-- I ; jt’ffis:; 1 " . »C<»S JO » 1I-*. ■« Anrj 41 n m S " Csmdn I n t IQ. m’•. OAF .10 IIKII 4r». ••- MmjA 1 1 l» ll T*«. ■< " Ouutc JO lin a - • • '' C«T)Cfn,40 I 1*3 13'’-I'’- '• NumK I I-. S An>fl JO II tH 14»> '• NCn IJ4 IJIIC] ► - *• TmUri ,M 14 ttl 11"-■ ' * ChmpEn 44 4”*- ’• Cnwf 1 41*04 14’«-. '• OTt U l tl4IN ir * . ••** Jehnlnd I 10 ir*~ " MPtC0.4t* - II 400 II"'- - “>• OuMOnUO IIMO lt'«y . >^ Tkr.Un IJO X 100 I'*- OOaiMp .0*» U *" * Ann I tllMTir*. •• CsmMl IJO 111 r*«-■ <• n OmnMt I 11*40 ll« - JMMn J* I lit II". >• •• OuMtwlJI » II I f . ^ "• pucp 40 a m a -*. " • C«n»MlJO to im 4I'*.'« '« QnCr»* JO a Kt 1»". - HWA -W 12IM1 41 . •• M - fl-R - T»MO 1717*7 r *■ - ;;' Con» .Xtjww .l»( • 410 17- . ' I’ ClOM I It 41 3r«.r* . ■« rUnMlg 41 II . •• HMTO41J0 ~ I 0 t* 1l“ . •• W.C JO I IX ;• !'• 7»«K0lX 117 ■ '• 'Oim^on J017 j j i J4 19411 ir*» '• CnIW II IH 4’* " K«rw6 1211 l'«- - •• IUUPm IJO 14110* 71'* 12 rtMiiA u 4*4 H " . '• -a«ia( 1 I m ' « ’•- '• Com lot H t a . ii“ . >«•« OMnM J t . 11*410 IT ^.t'*:'* KCSe« IJt 11 til 40 . '< _____ • " ’ TrtC««4.t*» IX 11".• ' DM*Pd .11 11 I!'•- '. - .'• BmC«> 200 f t . •• fineontaa 111*44.“ -CrbCp - u o ____ tojTa-it'«*-t»._l*_anllffl»lJC------U,tll-4|V...>«--“>-K»* "• •• Trtbwft* . n ----- SB'«»-1»*«--' ------• 3UIM**«.1 BUfT IJO — 10 • 40 " caw .--...... 47m* :(1»- OIM - U — ■ TUTt 7I«. K.fi.M.1,71 10 m 24" . . mirtJ t.u 1?’^ ^ * SrS? 2 ....^lo.rn. '• •" J*------||.40*.M'^>• ' [>em*P tlt l l U l IftUm" «4M 10“* ’•’• Cecpar.lJO...... 17 rto l»“ *i.» 'OH t - Jt - tIMIt 48«. •• -|C«ytn- a U t4'«-*«•• Nt«9H204 Il2lt44 2r**2-• 2'* R*«0m Ml I " - ‘ Oupwi a 11 ii»M - 1 - ,1|- m 44“ etm a lAI 14 MT « « . >•<• oni IJO I n e u>*> “ TuaViM 12 IB »". 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Kaip I 101) II.1|. 01 UurSd ' 7JJ HU. -. wat .....-741-JJ J .C«W 911 IM. .01 orcFpFp 1174 1747. ,11 On*e IOMM 1IJ40* 4* capFa II 17 It 71 • .07 07 C«tPlu 112 NL. J3 mOl 11ID NL. .11 1447. ,11 CtpApp aOI KL* 43 M I t. 1114 1141.47 ..OnTF •n IJ4 101* 41 1170■0 3J044. ,M C4uri i n tot AdtnCip ' t(.i| 1440.IIM a OKUp ll.n NL. 49 I 1411 HI. 41. USOM • IK S 7J t i & , , TlV^l' IU ih ’ wnw n a kl iin u 1014 k. -WtlK -(3J, «. I ia U15. .M HJKr I111J1. .04 c»ia 11.M 12.M. .01 . J, KL Bfltfp II44 HI. a 0«£N t 7.M IM - Jl KTHT 1143 K . k FrMtfAFintt: ' ^ ’l « ‘.'.M JJro" ' ’u u '; Cmn 1071 11J4 .-,07“ 100 nl" *' Ss5^ " “S •" niuap 74* 101- 41 MYIn. U JSilll • ^ • ' JUUriMa: ” * lUI M.. 4> E4V4II 111 U 11 u«t«w;.0rp. ’ 12^1 1UI17.M. .01 HTdip -114)10 IIM FLTu 149 *41 . U»£BOp: TTifPi 74) 741. 4! (“unm u e i IIH. 44 ngui 1071 10,7 P ^ 1 U 4 . ,04 ‘ j^TlI 11,74 1 loiRM 22a NL* 44 v»JUnv4 D4Urp IOM 1059* ,0) OlCSeo * J, lOCa. .01 Wwp 1141 HI. Oi Tl 1,11 141. ,6B FuntfTrvtl: V«w . 37)1 HI. .3515 irrtip 1044 109). 41 01 l« ' .132* W-* 4* CATTp UM ll«J- 41 • .01 OoUp 1131 NL. Jl on 11.17- 43 JwFrS UU HI UM.p 9P 1013. .04 PKWHofttl > 11,10* 81 ' !^r!l 749 ^7^^ oI31 C«« 19J 1*7. ,03 0*mp IIM IU I. 44 I 147 Hrrwp lan w, c i S ” « JcM M»Bcoc»: V*l3lp IIM 1144. .03 *«f»»pIT “ tl41 UM* 10 m f ' 11.17* .01 UOT. 117 743 llJ M lll. .07 S^BA . 1449 11(3. JS omip 1207 III i n NL- 41 incorp I 174 Ml 3 UtJ»„ 11U11U..U C41ilp :•: • cwhT'' i.n ». HI. aw :a s: s ; 7 U>uM 2542 2ia . 46 HiTMp,,.p tliS'i'^.« oS?" SnM). M7|.M.‘-,1I T.FHp ‘ 11*4 1141 M l OySfP »M «n* .0) Ti»>d )7J4 HI. 41 FunOloum- ■ - ■ linNiniS'lt sniGn ll.n Kl. .01 usa>p i«j7 iiw * 44 KL. .a cuMotr las) n . js OTCOp c U.M31H.J* wrane 10H 11,17. 44 EqTip 11)111 4 I4MI1PA 11.71 HL. .01 P1«T10 ’€:S. E: tss s tlio. M CUKu^ip »H KL. .n B-Wll Om 11.1) . 41 VUm 111* .01 HMp IJ* 1,73----U iiiO'Hi. ,03 r m v ? tg W" .Jl II SKngFiMc VancaCichMea; HL* ,10 CifTnl I0.n KL .Oya 0« 17JI ..11 FUh.Imm: >knc>0 .1917 KL* ,0« PtMWtMv OnSc toa KL.41 C*< SU4 Nl* 41 -NLt.4] C4W( 047 NL. 43 t»r • m: htqfp, , 1101 M ' ,1m a " ' "I UanHIlfxh:“ AilAlIp 11 lf« 11.M Kl DD.J M.7S Jl 1009 NL Oibtfll 14.11 NlNl* .H 80CIE4 4 90 lit* ,0) 1 £ i ,v ? ,i ■ttH tlM 1U) Of«r IOUtNL.4* HI- 41 . S - n j l M.* .10 OtlCOIp 2241 Kl ______■: • _ W p »Kl. n AM >114 » t l . W tf!I“ f K .“ — Xl* 41 Trtip , 1019 IOM- Ot ICa'T.i 107J 10.75’ *««>. ■S'.S.-i' “ “ Ocvir ' 17,10 17.M. 41 Cjiftf lt<.4)14«4).,Q is i IFi1-----SUd------10.U-W------CiOs------lja*»,«L..-,«------fft.43 J» MpmJ. a m « t. J l B>tro Ko 1UI 1141. .00 Ul ID - .0) Quut . 911 io n - 47 CpOi> C 10 13 10)) ONUAI SIM-.IT rla^.u- .0”I i TfW 93 Nl Fkiei U74 W.. J7- Uiu»0 17.11 NL. .07 l»80 ■S’t? 'iVi'i^^104* Xtufmrti .90 Kl [ n'i^s'-^.T oag ; tn ;1101* i .M j,n 7.to. ,B1I ITom I17I1I.M*.03 SrfB *I.TJ HI- 44 l » . .M S«Up OOD>« 2110 KL- 41 7ELW1041 HI- .01 M U l 14; EqOOt MTIIUJ — m at *47 u t OuMfd 2174 I 143 Utmpmhmat It-n fi 171 17J. 01 HTUul Ml tow RKCOfOis: * .” S«iMOr«v: Tkkuk(4 m i 1017*.a Vin«uinian>«; on* HJI IIM. CMCiDI 12.11 HI. ,11 OmIO IUI 1 1241. 43 MftI 9»4 9H 3 Ttcwnin 1M 1044* 44 DOM] 11) NL. .03 DodCitl )1.U HI*-.11 fkWir>SMKl«'•CIC > OllviOl 9.U 113!m*JJ7 ■*’ 'FmS

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Nt. « — ' «.• OJ nno IM7 1140. 4* DSDSOn ll.M ll.n . 44 SiCmpr 11 "?o‘ » -SlLni^le ivs a! resti-s-■’llinH! - ■ 111 10 27 r*»4d0 - S S : ^'i ^ - iS,’V i 2 i r l ; - 1 : AIbMI ___ «iM INN> . .07 Twvo 11.47 1104. 47 OSMUI • IH IH- OJ mir II T«n 9 TUftM-'h “mncl U ____ 9J9 I J I - 41 PiwCC___ in. 4) TW Pi-^or-7 7).-«—UlUuryn 7t3--T.W“ ,OI Piiim - Ort.1---- •'l)M-'llM-.OI— STAB------to2-N l^4^ ------OSOpl »J3 I fl. .03 OIClM> , 7.777 7.1) ‘ 41 EJhTr , » « » «00. , .11 USO> 9 04 1 47 * 03 HI — i j r r ’s : ? " 34.41 Clipte‘^*14.64 14.70.".13 MOSPI 10.14 1014. .03 MVIr Ml I 109. 43 WrTl ‘ION 1019 HTUul 1041 1043 PmSq Inesi 9.n l.n* 41 . TCHl ]l,1l KL» 4* 40 . 47 C4pT7lp I.I3IUI..01 F«F*rlql 10)7 1017. .M Jifmr 13 LM K,rif» *47 147 . 01 N Nr ^ Y l‘J3 144), J4 P««vyjf -Opal____ II40,tl40t..Il,- ICUu------JSJJ-W..-.II— - ,- 1- 2>:'—■ SUSip M> 4J Om p *.«* I*3> .01 • TflTfLM 10.47 UM S«flSr , I — oxJ:— aS'aS‘r^~°^Tuljl 10111011*41 .GNUA U*,NL. 41 » . , Comp HJ *41.U. 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Hmip U l (M-..!; : i i » , £ 740 7.4S-43 COTMrt 10M Nl, Jp-Vii 1100 12.41. 01 IITU IMQ.1 117 KL IrvJlSOO 21U Nl. ,13 M*' iu*i»n.n* 47J o>iAp - tm ii M . 4S ONIONUp RM.fO.. n SliMtK lli HI* ja cHIm I Iii 1 ” : s . sSimDl 1071 1071. Ot Sue» 1i . tT.i S BMI'»4WWlf: lotOtp 141 Kl Uulff m Kl — — ------Ktnt------« j»-«a. -J wnop------10.00 io.n------c»iCWOp »4S Kl. 53 -JlPtpf II, fL- .12 mut 740 7.03- .03 UXUil,tUI.6l- , . — IWBtp I CoUip IW NL* .04 UuH til l Nl HM<» ll.n 1147. i nJ5'.l«;-?0 CipApp t04«i0»l.,c« PH9nmOT>- Vthp IM Nl HurU 1011 U. iMTip 104) HL. O SiPrpt 1017 11 1041. 41 tttO/p 1141 HI.ft* >1 I.n !i I'oMi'o’w ' 0*1* t “ IOM Nl «4Wp' 177 10 07. }.'4l UunBp 7:40 r.n- .01 him. Inw 13,)| HI Jiltosr. , - - I. IJ7 Ml. .M Oiliip ' 1J.n 1104. C«»xp M3 934. 01 CpCiA __Uul« _____IW I t __ t S . ' S - ' ___11M.IUJ t_JO . L«.| _CSii.p------m ;.1»3>44— ------1 ♦4)-i7;t-.oi-^[’«'-- -i-^- l«9»------1441.I10U 04' MW1lf--Tll,'-Tll.o H.ISr-«— oppOfp------n.* H K»Ttion«A/,t«nc|. s.! i7i” ' \ ' ” SpCBl ~ 1 i n ’llTli..02 su ------s r ------— iiLM'iufrri IffTU CntMHAOI: • HnUnTi IIJI HI. 4! SiSlr lU ll 11). 44 OaWtnip 11.n 12)1 S'Scp 071 710. 03 FKlnp | Oni» 12M Nl* .1) UgSM ' - ljj7 Nl arr. , • TNfip a .|t ZUI. .1 HJJ.p 1I,U NL. 41 S-Soflf 1C C^lnp Uto HL. 0) OKUA 1. !1*4I SpOpd IIM I IM .,o HtfHM1/ IM 101* .n . Ctlni 14* Nl 1111 14 4 7. .03 On»M 114 HI.I - 4J c2.slcl 9« 9m ’ 03 SlJ 10* .0) SplOg 1047 1U7. ,M lit ■ NH4p ' 2410 Kl. ,11 SnMi 1117 111 IIM* .11 OumunFuMc 74* 7.U ■ *■"’ ITOrtl 11,43 HI* JO KTlnt 101 Nl- .01 «: • •. cbm Ilia i«>.a Ui IM Kl" KTTNTTii ' 1441 HI. 01 »TMP lit T t ” / i ' SpPWI 1147 1)17. .01’ S*iKI M J7.S7 HL* .11 P«v4n IJO W. 7. 41 IMTfl I4J NL NflnNinnp 104* Nl. « Siuuir 211 II- 01 MIYiai 93) 9 « . .01 u<<:in«rlctFiI4.‘ A PAAp 1 II “ t ^ ’. 'oi 1" ” Kl‘ IiE« I7J0 Nl- M VSPfr 11,41 Nl. 49 i £ n lau n a ’ i JIM 2117. 01 PMA 2inj).U*‘3* .14 ln,G«r 9U 9 37, 01 Ua. ft* .10 SpiSirl " iI m 'iIU- M Tit a. 4J cnciui UU i i u . 4» M«> 13U NL-.01 fiaiPiimn; bock 1117 HI. NdAn U l 110* ft) Pn'lB 31 ' UtK ' t t n ,1 StfAgp «M17.a-.11 AMInl II 11- .13 TiFrI 9M gu- 01 UAMO MA) 373 407. 01 H:»P'P U7 I in * .01 ft* .M SpiUdi 1241 IUI* .10 l um ^ r ■” « •- n. . FMg l i a IJ.C. ^ 9. .01 KUOwCraup UA> ft. M SpHbil 1400 14,00. :m I ^ 7. 4} CeWnMIFunOt: Snnep SDiX 1X7| i u i . 41 ocNip inVi'iM* ii.i a HMrt "iom"”' VAHT .9M10M- 0] PK««Funtw 18,11 laiJ.!• 47^ CtfTIp 074. 7.M ItfW *' t'l 1147 1147. 0* U«w«I.T-M1 a ft- 41 IpUlgl I0II1OI1* .0) USAASnup: USAA WtlUl 110* Nl. 44 *. Ore. . lU I . ,1 FICip 11.94 IJJ4. 01 I 17 • .1) CpCUip 4ZU «14«. J l riTeS Tut 'Vi*ij” ^ “ i k2*’‘i . 'ioj lOU 10U HrrtlOp «.M lot}. ^ Mlf . 12.11 Kl ^ s ; aC«r.t 1741 HI* ,19 WMtSi 1US « .. 41 . I.4 4 CCUp 4U1U.1S. 41 - n»dc n*d 1*3 Hil « WQIP ‘1074 ior 11.19- 01 HMnOp 117 910* fK2^p 100) 1041- 01 ■ n«9 14 1»M* .0* SfTC/o»p: NL*ji t in jJ _ - !J;5 - I On«i 7.13 tl7 . .03 USOiJSOh 1311 Nl. .01 STSdl l» I* 0) hism ■ Msi'i:!. n -• «T,pnr’ -19* 935- 41 H9«Fl«*r ------Cnti IMB_ ..-17J0-II4».»• 4J.» -f»«c 14U IIM. 41 (ilonV '• ,01 Spcmi I4S* I41|. ot irio. 0- .11 C4PHP IH IJI. .0) ITKO lonVuie*- SpcSnp 14.71 14.70 lilt* 04 Hwnp«p • lou tOM*I- ,02 Lin«nMFg'«:i ini 1*.10 ISICOI 7,a 7.41. A) \rti ------OTC e.ti t r j.1*4) A M 1107.1141. .01 C«(U<100p 11.41 a c j. .M U3t HI. '»4 -(hrt.p • 9il tOJO- • TIKT i».n I1J1.I* .n.01 Oravi lU I 1131. .H Orair IM 741 . .04 Fsao. I s^qnp 114 5H;' OrPHftFyftdi 1- -Ol... .mmp,,. 1001.1041-..01.. ..,;s iitt a .*5S.’S r: • • Mip 11W 9U HI. .01 lelRlp 7.40 74). jtCUn 1)17 14M C4IIF mmi Spclp 171 Ul* .01 Till ’ HJ iS 'lM Jf? IU ~ ’.?■ ’ "IX*? l-tl ' f ^ T ------i l------rlJtS------iItJ NI-V,0J HWMn Jt90l*M.‘•"07 I lI^U,K.f. ,-3 iL^,^ ” Kan )JO-ui. 41 Owvi mcMi i.ir u ) . 41 HiYitiima . 4>4 111 fSPFr) 77.43 HI* 04 Hvmop t] H HI- 097 KL. 01 tauln 1I3« KlT S ^ ^ ™ ''^ 0«v1 1.44 HL. .01 Rpfti I in IlM . 11 . - ■ AU liui II4«.• M 44 Mtop ' 17.0« I7.M^ .»4 ' ktcMva#. -IIJIOO). .03 FSfU I: ,. 03, OiiMp 9il Nl- 01 Cn-t-Snrtn 7 0* 7 70. O' CHUA I a«1>i IU) HI. .IS Vftf«n 1442 NL. 41 • 44 u n p 141 171 Irml 9)7 Nl. S3 Huno»SnM>: Splrop lOU KL. W incw IIU Kl' M f*-" *-» '«••L* .M WrItfp 1171 IS7J. io« ln«9 ’>« «* 01 - '0)He,H-'. L- 4tSnN00 MIS NL. .17 Mdl ■/' I _ AIM IU> » « ."• 40« Unllp i n 7.03 ------H>sr 0B ^ ' lifs t a . ’ 0? cm' 'i ■ .05 Toinp. , 903 HL.*,,CS tafnt«f». ‘ 10.9S IIM- Ot Clf*K 12,1“ 1] .w ^ 'lU nl' ■” '*'* ■*’ • 4! HTTtp 147 i n NavVii««i lOlI 1141. .14 «Sel o' . .01 V.iljp 3JM HI. .11 Uu!u4T»r Ufo MOI NL. II - « L»o»t t JO KL. -01 0u4l1> .*.01 Equt, 1174 1JJ7..09 Accn - ■ sSssis■ f l JG*" r«mi -----'tiV 'ti— 3U Nl. 03 ■ OpOKl 111 I3J. e 3u4Ha . 2)M NL- 01 I^IIM IE Accn 140 IM* .02 Oorl ‘i n NL. ,'o) ' '.c* - *ue«p .iH M n ji-- 4J 41 rSiu p 741 7.73 VS • 04 ItlinflltpnCrp SM„> « • 70 03 NL- 21 >""5a 'ta 9 ift.’ 7.71 HL- H GloUII 11,74 11.74* ( v .o r r r 109 IM 0-« 1241 Kl. 47 •-4I - - Titip----- t^W^li4 --.01 -foiptq------S_;- UJlT—------Iti- itn - w T - ij— ciSci • -'IH -IM —e! _ « _ a o > I...... \LH 11.r7-_.07_.Si:A«|^Aja_:__141.1141 ._C 1_IM W ___1 ,Cwihc— iiajtct.4a_wtfSi------u * :i» - _ o i-______• 4)--y»0tp-- T.JI-T44------(np6l« •!2 U -« 7 M Diikl 13.33 1JJ2.-6•- ^ c w ...... ^.^7^ . NL • . .. „Ul_tt).,t* .lUflaoU;______^ ; "SrUf a n 'i« I• * .10 .USUp III! 1 l« . ,0« li«0.l l i l l l i . 0) toiKi u USOrt Itll I),14.’ '57 intGa - 41 CoMtarM*: ’ Z«UKl TkA lej10S7 Nl! wlw to n 1075 intoa _tT 0JJ3l44 Bend) , Io40 S ' - 44- fliM 1117 HI- 41 AflOth liIiE tj r i j i s - ^ l NfTf 'l I ‘?i 'i* •“ UO KL...4*5ic«.p- i74rTrj7;‘.o*' huacHItnc 1200 1111. .02 CpMI 17a NL-41 pOthf tlCOUOO. .04 F,i£,5, E "iSslS . ,1J Sowr4S» --1211 HI- .11 K«K1 > 43 G>n 3144 Nl. ,14 Hirkilirwi • I.M IM. 01 Sptvll 13 40 .J4o'. C l"'S. 7.39 1 07 . 03 51 12M 1344* a Mlk »J) 9 90* 01 1»T'0 * 1 - ? S - " ^ : Iwn 1173 1U7. .12 W««twap. ll.M ItiJ. M • 43 Spell » 'n u n . ‘ J* . 0$Q,1 09 L,E»rt»ftm,r,, ° 100)1114. 04 Tiln IM I Ift- .« ^ 2^*• •41 11W1lM-,03 uST soTi' ' u J' i m ' o! ftS** 43 Aniar- I3M 13J4- oj mcon i.. c : - . 41 ComranbriM: EijSniWl .. . M- Jl Oo^p 10Un7). leu M lAIFunM: «on _ 715 111- 03 T.F,.. Ili ■' •" M SlS.; *4H l a ' *' ■ W-_.0»_lm8fMi8fMnfi«!<» ______Cnnnp------«»i- »«..,C5„ Pnn. HiOpI------5U-H7-J1----- • .10 ” -l| l’*3' 01 Pt^Cw"P 10*3 11)3- 01 FrimnI III • .01 ComSI IJI *17.'.OJ fww 4} (M i 1017 I14t^ .OS . M H.jhrp I))*!3)1 14 40. 5} Somi -^ * 0 Kl- 0 1191 Nl* 01 fww 14) lU - .02 WbOl IM IH . .0) 5 ro«» ii«iuj..o. I.-* S7J. 01 H/al <101 HI- .0 M'E 141 913. 02 PiTKiplPrMY , - trVAp 1J411U1..(t.01 cw*: •.ssfp sm 127 t CT- -*f«v tin w. IC«mliiulu>i; nmi Tr*’"*'" 17,17 M.- U P -i^P ’7,”TS> HI. 0* _ 3 I U 917 -tSSOp ItM t7M- 0101 .04 Oon . 10.17 IO»S* .01 fdUl'I '■ IM HI- 41 CpCwp 3I!J9.SJ Nt,. 03 IDlHlp 4)1 4.51. 01 TtWoiill I'ZVO M-70-NL-<.>'.''n,KM>Ui4iDat K Ona- .07 fIMiTiiT 111 NL e rip J.I727 It*I lOSI'j| 1013.o u io ij . ------' - *■ HM IO.U 10»? ( f • 1741 Nl. 11. KTTEp 140 I -M ' 171 NLV 0! tO-n »*. Ow »«.IM PK. 9M H- 01 MtJ • , - Atcria t i l l I3ts> M - 0 10.00 HI UIIp 101414 iom'10 ' IDSHp 1“ 143* M04 Lur^•>•nO/o PirtM r 10.19 HI. 01 wrip I.MW IJS- i: 01 I81NTP 4« 447 H u i S ! ^ ■ . -Anna. ».n Nl. 41 r • 941 KL- 03 Olirip 1001 10 IIWI 971 1033- 01 Nn.(ri«tt«wii»i-______( l«r NL PlTEp ges t< 1) Fu"« .!4f3 1!37- 07 DSKCp'cp ' IOM 11 75. 03" riCiM 941 — , rSf? ' "jjd-TiT-jrt ” |Vs’_ o i_ I o S t'' ' '3.U *4.“ ’ '“ __1^” • • •«» 9-7T- 01 {5V.1P1P ' 1)4 9»9i OJ CNilAI 1417irr 1U ij' ,n . ' M - H !q— ^ i n - i n - - 0 4 -fATF^------r jj n r 100*'' s * UjtBip----- 75J-tM-: 81--- O.Sitp- ■CfAViPKTl irS.41 CMuini I.M NL. 0) Slwl1 toil HI VATtp PllII 91973 U-.7EP 471 SM « p — Ti5s-!jisr-s7—C10WI------iso3^aW-:-.BT- n ------• * —l l - l i ' j a buiNT ' *1) NL Mr 1001 KL. 01 FttifvMi' « Utl l.»3 1375. M SMiffli- .05 cirrCip 1440 1106. .07 laOas. 9 04 Nl.,,07 *«<0.p 1I.M « •. ' . tMarp II4J HI. ,0707 CriH>ia a C>S«I 14) I.U. 0) ciLnc< . <047 1l7U. 04 Clb< 93S |^ • . - Tuff ' «JI HI. .0101 email IO.M io » . .04 oi^Cr . ' p " ' 3201 Nl- .1; >V«.I____ I0-.27 l( 12' X 5’lff’ S undial1 S o i i H a n • ------^ __.•-uiaB . __im II. 93- H, W.'Is i'bi^iV kvs? ;J7 lo'jT. 05 _ M ^ ------:— ______: iTB cigurpn }|~liTrQlp 110 I.SS> 0) CAIn 91* Nl. 03 «4«^t, )J7 40 > ' ' ' ' 3T?‘ '(il ■ "u,pG»i...... 1093 ii - S 5 4 : 3 8 ~ ~ ' t VM 1047 Nl. .'c«Jt Lowyp IM 141. .04 cai ^oT~71— — VnVoVj'""^ ■ Ci«rp 1 7M (W- C5 ; B',X6'5''' ', _ Crown.Cn C o r t o n ■> . - . ■ BMrVt l) tl Ht.. B)I) iu«np 1141 17.31. at CwiTr 1011 Nl frwnp UH Nt I20t HI Ui.U«l 1013 10 B e ig e modKu . * . ;8«llrtF>ntfl- 4* N^: ” xii^pntU^n, $ 3 4 ,2 0 T«f

hUnl lon71107! O ^ ___ 1 USC.p IH 111. .0) Cn.S< tS« 1001., 03 JXCmp III1 HI-HI M Cw4pl— tJ47 13P, 10 ■ SI loit* .01 3 b J -.' * CpCtfi '.tt Kl‘ CnCrM C- U3 NL'VO* CQinc ' 24M 313t. .1) SpKI S44 HI i'Xl.T ConfjolcumItn E steem n5plm-»30ao2 M ______R uiB ^ 1 qi ir js iii ”1““-^-=— "$ 7 T ;9 4 ^ - - ^ .' , _____ .------“ Q S S B I ^ P rov CHiCACOlAP) - Fuiimlratfin;Jl~}Or' CNCtgc U»'t«nM« SPO«ANl C lo se El(n>ngANC.n»M lAin-SuwiMcloilrvaouauiiwni•lionionlPw ^ 1 i '; . Month Commodnodity. Close HikhKh Low P .M . SpoktntSli«SWt£,cn.no.r.W., s i a I Op»rt Kl8^ low S*ltl. S* C^g . J u n , liv o c iit lle •., ' e » m e ...... - . . . , !e -• 72,50 72,858 5 ■ 7 2 ,3 0 7 2 ,G5 ' , 1 2r ' x i s ' g ' J : Aug, live caltk-.lo- 6 7 .8 7 • 0 8 .2S2 5 • f>7..J(l tM ,62 •• V - - -A u g, fc e iic r caitla itic ■ 7(>;(jO...... 7 6 .775 5 -75,80 75.U2 ■ ' Itole1 «31 e7 40'j713 ~3$ lisae-aSi t ' Jun. live hopsf 5 3 ,8 5 SD.nr.35 52.37 52.-15 'Ok - UIO t ^^41 .0/1 2t%“ 1 2 ' V- . Ju l. w h e a t 3 .50-'* - 'X23'' Com m ercinK r Jul. HUK'ar 9 .7 8 10,05■> . 9.72 10,00 • • lirown coIo •I Sep. Trea.sur>'•D Di ills ‘<3,17 <)3.;M1 33.13 413,33 n M n w n U n i ? ” i‘n •’so ’ 100 9 ____ TSu •■ti.i.'.;«7 ° ,IhunO#/U! Juji.iJVeas. BondandH _ 8 7 J ) 8 _____^KS.D-l i-i______a 7 .0 G _____ s a . o a ______------,-I7K.»«p^-,M4.0ll.«>t2l— iTr-jTso— ------3 : — 12*^!J'^X-19'10“—SctiJ R tured-I Jiin. D-nuirR 58.0-t .'■)H.I22 57.01 .'57,97 -KW ...... N ayiyo w h I • Jun. S-franc ' (ia'OO (iS.8313 ti9.-l8 tiy.57 0.K l^.-COl, . U t »n5llr.» - yShair «JE^»22!>.22 — . - Jul.crudcorl 17.GRS _ 17,-17 ..-l-.fiO *“9 , 12 40 J3J » ’« H 12':;' X 9 'T ' T ) ? i c e r y S «S1 45M' 4i!4 -T) ” " ci*»ftinnCon Coi G r p y TTUfltci^tcolorg giT4.Sn I • . Quotationsi^ from Sinclairr ali iu fC i).^ S: . S S S i JW . - 47 TO 4741741 4175 47J0 .33 lrtT|r»»n M .■?^ 411 ------4175 ,4W : «Tt|-— r» p rv 'iw i r> ** ^ . __ ' • fOO 4« 75 44.SS *C1 r.ol«^C>-«c^If'_ . ___ ' _____ ^ . - - L z a z i ^ Thick TVdccr B ;l,771. n"®*'u . - n m e t w t s ■ a.xotn.uni,^it •X17’I"' 'nuckL cvol — J: ■ . Closing-pricea fmm ) Ji'TKDxm % ^ 3 1 2 ' ? in-lhtLJicw-york— U ujLTFiK'th e r ------5,5------.Hi­1 ------« « - t “ ------. . . . ------liujit-eolor. Stock Exchnngc and theIhcN'ASDA. Micron TcTech 21'- -,.t.■, .1,^ ' Wie 641! 31 ie* ' — — .Ma.>:lor ]]■'- - ' m “*7 u l l ms” a i 2 ''> X 1 8 'g ' ___ ,C. ■■ Close ( .Chg.. .^^(M)reFin Albertsons 321-4 ^ - -M .K BIuChpVnlFnd Preinarkk I v ' I -.1 ' ConAgra 2 28';. - 1 , T ru i-Joiil.'i i t - . • 21 - V. JU, nwU| 4«, miM Bf»ln 140. c >_0_D A X SJE R E E FINANCING-,FI Codrs~ ; 7'; j s ''i n -18h_ •■ ‘-..Universalla! F ood s 30'’-4 - IcM m 9l.wu4fc.-if t>, tUngtn’t. prt DufT(t Phelps i ►S« e.1 MTtril M.9IC Vl)., 0*^.< , - i._ UlaliPowi)Wl.‘r ------aO-‘H ■ -r 1^- C; ■,First,Scc.Bimk . jr>^42 . Valiii S)'~ Smwindctljoe. IW C'lmiinCo c crlOooOir'9rwn«)«on»fJi,,f>M, J, Hnrv-iird Intl. - 7-Vj 1-^ . . 04!:v«iTr.l341« "^><.>♦1 Ptoouc», o^ o i »Nxi

Salurday. Junoio 44; ;ig 8 3 Tim oa-Nows, Twin Falls, Id aho C-3 I M a rkets I ■ jjBPffiBH ------WTHfAOS - rgnurl»M1»iMMJ9:lMS:MarlM*na9uan. Wtaioydaott .•ta** ^''aWYOm(AP)-Flna(DoTJtf>* CWCAOOH oat gm »lat laadt Can* al U a. Cm iatan 3 IW>) - UiOA - Hafor petaK) nw M FOOlOaMp- aMi fth*M.«r Tort. ■ ------. P*«polr a*eka; Cotor»do row UVUnXK AUCTKM - B«1>T•y u U»«a»ect C«B^ nafa naw.00;, _ n»Bin iom r : z ^ , 1t^fca.:canapwfc. . . ■ ------Woeli»» Mart KOMO«.»;-HdM |' •M o( aM« M haoar o*^.**.. npenad. M n*. 74JO-10LOO, tw T UJO-7U0: HeMiKeM*m Mky M«w* no H40. haHar <«4o, -5J, - - '*'**------'■ W tJ______WLM4LNf.77. HU i m M :- U7_(0>9rMa 100uttM.ftataao.iu«,oi^7.8*.7j«.} ------• ■ ------><«a . qwot*tka»vdMrrtaM«*UMM«Jo0;ti iflw w w ,80*310: - «0»«I0 ba in > 17».1T I71.n t7«4. OJI no«r«Jralcit>u«!SJT4c?ijo?o^nw ^ *"■ *>;««*>•) lb. lal hoga 4U04trti tMar ImMm ner« quoaa.o nanwta; een _ l-lHfr«pK*7l. 7im 041l» t.J 4C0iip fc* »7'SuaSr!S'S' u n jo o - . fc-m l i » « M - mbuttkMw.oOMclauaiaUMr-y- ' 1pleal ^ aiaughHr M*ac m* aiHmiMil M «.•< p< *«J*7.500 e«t*>laaKLM.T>^-.t^MSi I C iw m a |Af) - Tliwxlfri pett» prieaia ter kWn 0£8 MOwej. km (AP) (USOA) - C.c*n(ral UA ma« irM Pen: lato* r«poi 'J-*' Pal»«uWr «*ncta. (MmM: IWtloct lUnMns Aiwtliooi*1 Inlr» on F r W t j : ______■ 3 ?^ ’^ D aM goed.M M iw ,. Pr,,k*» twDitiioomO- .. IIU00fcl.:c«ttpwCi | H ctiM ult MUntu Dono b*H meraoM and oarnarriMgoM^^^^imKMr. gc ' te n rl aagaaal CTMt and round ciu aMMr >«• Hr c«t.He*0|Fniic £1, ^ a « m a a45 -.OJ ; ■ WMn«plg.»C ^ ■«r.—l»fnoif»aJgia*iln dre*»Wehl f n*J A15MMI*. 0.^ ^ a M u m a **-*' o i t u f .s -•** a ' ■ HonMHCCUItMl®. m* lop buna. DmI Mmmlnga Orm >«>am goodi BKMoaaM and Ham* I7.» ba>wi I Pvt lem* ta-ii kk1!IW -iitj0‘tumad NolalMt buO'c* .flar- CaUmaM prM* bond b**( cm l**a r:tOOa J** 21«) ■ ;■ o«j •( euMu) tAw e< cMc* Dallla* tM I «< Ock OeXYtn (AP) - tgg narM BM 10 ot nWmum M0-ia5Ck oocaaaJonaJr. r^har >IM ilM 3IJI t i i i r ■ ------Mi»-JOO cicEMa up U.JSMU Jl «-.^.ita«eiW.inda>. alaadr. Ufg* AA .U-34. up *rri lonr. tOO'“25 •^-A.jaj-ULUA a.ioo a 2*'>r ^ c.-n*«,«w ««w«m Iiajo. Mivn 1.J eartM is .n ■ t»4.«l.t» raportad *«*a tMO;Hoga9iao 1M»-----JJ»>------.-»1.*4- — aco47M. »wf»^ U 00-70.W: •laishUr Exli M.Mk .St.'maaiA A .4^.a bva B 4>s43. «00. o S S t l - m *”•' " “ * * • « ■ »l” I j l •. I HoltMn UMn : mowoom^mmo»»n lonea a . ioaM-it7.co;'«oM« ». "M80e.IMO.7K o:' .j^'.r r 0>alc4 ilMfvf «M«94M », w oo-in«; soMoa le: «7.oo. • ^atJOOfrW.00; 7Bfr«0 a>« 7HM1J0; • . ■ ■ _Wwintt.7Lao.7tf CJx)*ct mnvt 4 77XWJM;r»«C0l . Jtnout Urtitock UtmMIng AtwcUOon k> •*«>™ r«pont tri*th* lonoolngt prtCM Irom th* dalt> uM htW W«dnM«i.Jun* 1. «.»1 timH: IMIi c«rM I0OSO-IHO9 O Ml«r utrM »)O.0O-2M.00 hMH 0|wi ruffat !9>M(0 ». lOOXO-IM OO: 900-300 ■>.' K0»- iooooi&:sco-rM»00 ». M.OMJM ».: ootr #00 ». »7»«.0a- /)*♦ Sne>ibrw70a«MWMOOOhMO; ItMh MtmHOO»4M.OOM ■r’T T . hnd;in.MMS;lopa0 T w/ i n F a - - ^ r - — - r.ia | l POCATtUOlU>|.AP). kur« R«)e« and FmoIoi n ^ .- ttuthtwiMnn IIOO-IJOOIII »* Tli0.7J.00; Ml- •n no guoM: lMd*r•Ok nun■' no 9uoU| Iw0*r hXln no «got»; • iMMr HolilM tlMr>>Mr> rH> ouoa- Muanivr IMioln (iMra no ' . . OUAHA. tM (A»)i(A»)1USDA) - Om*h( UrMtock lU/tH quo- • UBoniFrfclfl: ' " H»Sr2»C.D<>m4>T0wt*ndeirt» I OO-JflOkmwm«>Thiir». 0 on. uodmiMr •«>•. u.s. m z»-bo b :■ •• W e3St63rn I I MM»B>97m>*»U ---- CllB«‘»«fCWyMnrM: [M. Ait«»»»oo. 7j . »ol #no«jh lo» m»r- - kMlnL ------8AMp:tM. . DlaysslL | 1

POC*TtOO(*P)-IP) - hUfto Ftrm OgrMU IrtMrmognUlA prrin • r*po(IFrlery: POCATEILO - WN1»Wl whMl 2.M (up <(; btnrt 10) . (iMOil: l4p«Mn|flI t»•prtf'9 J.44(up J); tt pwMo|o1nt«rl04 Mayr 31-JumBe 5 a ______r w o M ------—olot>(_WKJI»«t.i»«ftMi*IO(tfe«n »: —> I t<»«rc«n1 tprlngnsbkr>9 M; 11 p«cwil •riniw no 640. PORIHHO-WWl,VM1«>t>MlJ.M(up4);t>vWyPOOO>tonlua > r>«4.lilup3J:tl p*rc«MMlnlMl.7<{i>pMl S OS M Idijwn 4; LA. Mrtn no ■ QUOW. POmiANO IHPJI1:»p.ra. - 01 UOr FrKUT'orgnlni . •nIirM •) PoniM1 torlor tigpmMic by mu. uwe» o. bvpt. p*r •V buthHtic^Mla.co'ii^ C0n\ bvltr >nd Mrgnum. pw cwl: i j s IM.t«trnMI•ftwl JK / ^ ■ Y No.lcomOanMile >ii No.jt*n»jr«wtmnitrUmmdtwgM 4JS § 7 I* Hq, i b4f1«ir dtOv*r«41•TM 10 InlonO (TMt 493 lhtrflrMirinlwat)Mat>M10fSlnl>ln )•} lOpclproMn llpctpfWWn ' 12pctpnWA __ JM ^ c » — i r iieciprauw 4.1* ______iawiffBnr)tfiii8iifi3 tjpeiproum l4pcl|K0Wn _ ; ISpctproutn 4*^

"gn low 8«ni« o>o. • TwIn Falls R otary Donkey[ D rop ...... ■■ ■"“ r - ’o o u T ^ ’^ ...... 1 0 : 0 0 a . m . ^Mtn>roi.:(Mifi|>Mtipwirarot. Bruin Stadium W700 4«.S(r 484 00 4«4M. -}J9 4MOO 447.M 4M 00 4«a»0 -MO 1 • Food! C oncessionsIS, ...... ^ _____ 4n00-479.«0I; 4U.M 4«»J0 -i» ----«7M(M;#.»«-474 »».47«.» - -tW — e i t y - P a r k ------«MJO w o o 47S.OO 470K -IM 04.M i|i.’i0p*iilnl14S.U}V W agon R ides • I ■ - '. t \ - rw o 747.0 Tjjg 7J70 -J.J li/la y ^3 1 •" .M agiq Vaiiey.M alall (After T he Parade) 7310 74)0 731.0 73t.« -J4 ■ -i ■ • s?. ?7M.0 7S7.0 7J3J 7S«.» -J J • C a nicer c ( Society- lO M osJSt W anted List • Twin T Fails City D ay , Om 7:7J00 771.0 -74 S0 7J1.« -JO - y ...... C iH t y y of Tw in Falls. - W e s t € TSJ.O 7W.0 7510 7574 -1.9 stern D ays Jail -ir.-.-...... »)une 1-6 I ' ' 7175J0 TWO TM.O 7»a.6 -J.7 ^-‘1st A nnualTug-3-0-W ar C om petition ' “*r nruo riT.o Ttee rrs.i -i.s P h o n e N u m b e r ...... • Jul • - - KIO K H)0 7V2.0 7»l.4 -2J ...734-4742 . ( 1 5 0 0 L b . W e i g hI t L i m i t ) ...... 1 : 3 0 p . m . { • C o . wvboy b i A uction Bucks: s ...... M a y ; iMfl m o tlio J S ’ 7 i ' y 27-;June„4 • B eer'fearrel ...... :...... :2;0D> pp.m.-6:00 p.m. liHijia ' ’ 2 ? '• A vailable at M agic Va'alley M all . ___ I_ ____ (Hr______IJ_IJ70_»5J0 .HJO _IM^'* _Vj • Toilet T oss ...... 2 : 0 0) pp.m;-6:00 p;m: E B |f • bLUlM44,XCrfNl.'li I Hiu.;«ep«iini7ij^ii{^«>».552. ;ky l\iffountatn-Pullersrs-A ssocfation ------“ F a s t B a l l ...... 2 : 0 0) pp.m.-6:0D p.m. ^glj^ ~ Sfeveral B lg.Trucks on )n D isplay- ______. / ‘.City oLTwin FallIlls & O perations Managem an; ent. Inc. 3lue Lakes M all ...... ;..tu e s tliruu Fri. N oon . City Display. Balloon Dai)arl Board, Free Balloons...... 2:00-6:002 p.m . ■ O I riT i £ ------Fish-H op.— .TTr ...... 3:00 p.m . . ' OCHVCn (AP) - Om■n(I pri.pricM FrkUr: Ormrw blOo on pMo« 3li7^Lakes'M alT...... r.Thr-u W eststern Days ■ ~ Free W aterm elo •nd OfMI Nonrwni ilfMiIfMi m now III* ifMk Irtdlrtg Pwot. I o n F e e d ...... 2 : 0 0 p . m . tnd N«6n»i. II .1, 16J0 Gmat Nonhomfc HMruU, T hl i u r s d a i iIf, J u n e5 2 , . RReal . W estern Shoot3t-0ut A fter the.Parac Orr M ain S treet B;By The Fountain ...... D o w n t o w n ____ y Tim e Story Tellers• s ■ ' i B V H B | H ^ B | • FFood c B ooths oh thel e M a i l ...... D b w n t o w r i Stories for chilciren arcround the cam pfire 1- • - - OOld l Tlm e-Flddlefsl. Jiue L akes M all7^;11;0 NtWY0nJt(*)>).8W«»U nonltrrout maul pr1c*t Frk^. : 0 0 a .r i n .- 2:00 p.m .--4:00 ^ p.m . " ^ . . Aluminum • lljoto ctnl Blue Lakes M all...... 2 : 0 0 p . m . monfficioMdra • TWInI FallsF City B and- In1 ithe B and Shell ...... 7:151 p.m. .j^ C«(>p«-ll.01''-llH»ni4 »«• • p^ ^ U .a at»Ilnmon». Twin Falls Public Lit• I b r a r y - ; ^^Copp«-l1M.«JCMiip. F r ii d a y , J il u n e 3 Hook a Book Salele, O bstacle M ania, LMd • M c»mt • pound. . ' ' " ZlK-5749e*MMpOvnd,'wn4«rt»».»l. • • • • W D CC e entennial D ance!.;...... £ - Library Informatioion T able..:...... 2:00 p.m.-6:00_p.m.p. j TVi.MJTOIUMMWnkrnkn>npo»n*prio*pwai.) ..8:00 p.m. ■ ' • •„ CWd-»4M7BM»^»H*il>Urm«;(onlititaUT()uoi«|. 1.00 A dm ission - Thele M cBride B rothers N orthslde Playhousis e - ’ ■ ' - • . a^.uuiOf-tniou>r01.MTCsfiM> *p»l menlhdoM ' ;ilire- W estern G bstun Excerpts’ from "Myly Fair Lady" y »lwPJMH«nffr»H4rrIH«rn.n(onr,e.UrouoU). im eT 890’s..;...... Turf1 C lub 81l»«r • rJ3S f»l berT 8101,. KT Comti *po< montt clOMd i^estern Sw ing C ontes5 s t ...... Prizes By C actictus Petes • Blue Lakes M all...... 3 : 0 0 p . m . j g j a . ^ Uwtu>y-UU(»U4Se0pi100 pw 71 a natk. Hm Ton. Cow boy B uck Aucti(t i o n . . . ! ...... PUdnum>MI) DD-UtIIOOmjj6t.,NV. 00 b (contr*«J.______■ lorseshoe Throwing C o n t e s t {Piflfaeds lo Pool) ...5,.5:3A p.nf...... 4 : 0 0 p . m .___ ^ ------— ------PUtirwm. WM.t 5 N y..U«.polp..UOTOJ.fri. aw^ootfi'‘W esl¥r?rC lo{b g g e rs .".8:30-91-9:00 p.m . - "■Magic V afley M ’alf\ r ~ : HEWYOnH(AP)-tUna,»vfjr» Htrman tilr*! Frkl>T njj0,up ^ S a l Shriner’s E ast/W estt All S tar Football G i a m e ITHbumenprtMlwiUrwlr»f Min«rlnli>no«nMiltli>*rrJUu0OI up 0 535. tttncMitatrtsr up o.sm. ' ' M a s om r i iic VJestern D ays B r e a k f a s t NT Comti»ir««ripolmoninwnmThur»«i,njtaupO.«J. ^ j - sStreet t i D ance ee M fss R odeo idaht ho, G erman Band in the Parking LotI Behind ID Store;...... 8 : 3 0 p . m . a a M ' : alJsJlLM IueM akes-^ 'l-iOO^arm: ------— M o s t c b y ...... : SSId.Vanderpool k g g • B o y SScout c « Troop 66 B rea HeWY0M(APl-UM.4p>*.4pjn.p>tc**ndnMeriui9*o(M’" *• l a k t a s t . ^ . . 15 mo4l •ctm Nm Tort Stoc>Stock Dchar^ luu*«. traeng n*. ity P ark....'...... •...... S u n d a y ,, J u n e ! Bor'^ ^ rwTlWtl.- ■ ---£=1 City ...... i...-.8;00 a .m .-ll11:00 a.m . ' • C a m p f l i • FFood o C oncessions JW i (S.U . ' 57'- >flre G irls B reakfast-:t-75e- . ' - N^ABtk 1J.tl4.«00 a - .J'* M . ,City.Park„-„______avtOMtln...... msrn ...... : ...._..BIueue Lakes.M ali.„ ...... 8:00 a .m .-lll 1 : G 0 a , m . ------12:C0.p.m ,— ^ ------^ ■ ■ - s a % — ^ : C h i l i - CC o o o k - 0 « ------3aFad6^4fephle& ^WvaFdod-»^-^ c ------:------U77.#00 50 - “ ___ ^ ■ C ity Park:r.'..T:'.T..:;.. CtUM 9JOSJOO 7r>< -I_____55552Ml ' '^'^yt y P a r k ...... :....: ...... 8 8 : : 3 0 a . m ...... Htvltur lOJO.MO ••• . M ::ountry M usic Jam bb o r e e ------SCAKA' • - zm ooo 33"______— . C hlili i l i R e a d y a t 7 . . . " ...... : ...... 22:30 : p.m. ‘ AmwTlT itoj.soo r r - •______^ ------Union Um ------______uw joo___a*i— __IS^ 2 5 ______ii^iRazz^MM s ajazrD rilJ.D em or) n s l r a t l o n ------.City„Park ...... , ...... ^12i00_no.OD_i> n _ t o _ 6 : D 0 . p . m _ ^ .. ___ ftlOICp ■ t.IM.OOO » * • - • • * • Razz-Ma-Tazz . • Dry Creokok B an d Dn«lMy«r l.TBtrw 41'- - I '’ - B l uje e Lakes M all ...... ; ...... 99 : : 3 0 a . m . OoCjtUM I.57I.OOO W - • “ __ • Buttons & Bows t.45i#00 . t>»* • - J g • C om _pandpetltlpn. Cc ______i • Sawtoothth (Cloggers ^^B — »Bottom DollarBa:iand~: ' ~ ~ • Bob Hardyrdy & F rie n d ' ...... i 355 - •n BlueBU L akes M all Pa/^

■ “ L E G A L 'JO .T IC E ~ flia^pect»INqtt(NqtJce# . _ flOZ-Jobsofrnlerest, -VC ------==L^cTejfcM;M A N Q e— — c « n ^ _0gt btrtgysy gfMgt n? Ca~ - HEAVY CON6TRUC7TON~ ------^ S h u li l t e m e €e ts w ith l e = & s f X O NOTICICE loc«l-7to -l00fl; toltoll-froo ' 1- Train port llmo aa • Hoavy — ------Nojlce-J« her for ondlosa Cfinfltructlon Eoulpmont ___ ifbJucl, more "Operator.' “ "rah ono ^AIRO. Egypt-pt (AP)I U.S. Sccre- r J_____ that .IhQiForoai ------I eide-by-eide in-Ii-Israel,-thfrW «t-B ank— th«th a t the-problem s arc of greijreat impor- oniied states 1 economical, wookond a month & two Uiiy 'of'State Gcoi3eorge P! Shultz made - and G aza, Shu!'ultz said.-He gave no tartance.” teded.no (00 wooks o yoar. Loom 4 oam mont of Aorlci porUnt to ual ovor WO o wookond to start. ' on nppcal Friduyuy Ifor Arabs and Israe* •_ support to creatlation.of a Palestinian - - i an ox- your »d It Shultz said the Soviets e< land wilh Tho Tlmos-Nowsws Clasoldofl( Call SSG Albort McAvoy at ■------lis - to ■Btop. -theithcir_-‘Vinner-take-nll y ______s ^ t e . nor.did he.. iia that all 733-26n In Twin Falls. Army . , . ie.set.{j..deadliaeJbr_the. ; .hQihave..softened., their atond-iid-on-a-in.-Am er'Jcan-PuhjSltr-Und-D-P*— - rompetition’'arid'rid' negbtiote withirl the il custom ofs placmnclno ado wtth flbsorvo. ^ p artie s to.rcapono^.to-bia renewed ap- tcr[cm ational-M iddle E ast peacflace confer- - Exchange— Co . __ BEALL-WU-GAHSE:------framework of anri AAmerican ponce plun j( ^ peal, Mtv’ n( thfi -UB-chock Uiolr ods - encjnce by no longer insistingB tht] a t it b e “ " J o r aulH'oni]I'Y 3 1956 'd oy II runs (or(or occuracy,« HS GRADS for tho Middle Eoallaat;" ■ '...... ^ k On his.Iasl.tr P- Acla of-AuQusI Should-any chonooanges or-cor- o v e r 300 skills to train In. trip, .two .manUifl.agD.l_!i(uliiuthoritatve.! ______i~------~ — antJ-Octobor.21... S h u l t z told repreporters on a flight Wlj V Shultz tried to f ^7 hX~™ellons-b*-ft«e G RY . CMoa pSS°Cj.lH23Ja51. ■ |E 3 J ' word you migbl'bt come, they sayT R R abin told a group of pro-Jo-Jordanian contalnlnj ilnHlot? - Looking for dopondablo . • - Ho aaid neitherher pie Palestinians JT less. In WhIIelrylnfltOi 'W elcome, com e.''.’ They see it's.im por- PaJealestinians from tho West,♦ E D o.,1, «r, a c r e s , m oro or . r i : ; L fofd printing nor tho Israelis seemscei able to abandon ^ ^ " = = 1 tn n t to, keep tryii It Bank on Qiaino County,ly. Bolso Try-^iETPATCH."CH, W4.95. proaa. Exporlonco required ying U3 find a way to Monfonday night that the Shulhultz visit f/erldlijn. outsitsido the AskforiO%dl8C(dlscoun . w /p f o S S ^ Hystor. LKlIng "prejudices, hatredtrcd and overblown Z peace." . GEORGE SCHULTZ ^ h'n«os com e too- late. The Financial Fi Sawlooth . . ^ N a , i . „ . i l a a a ; (Iream8";in, favorr of u negotiated scl- ' , - Forost boundary, ro(e°JonStS‘'po“r* % n Starting another swingn g But when askeked if attitu d es have Timiim es reported. . tlement. ‘ , Tho Americanan Public ChauffeurodCarSiarsonrico. , BuhL I0 83316,'S43-430B. changed, Shultz: i said) “I don’t have The TI London daily quotedd oneo par- Land ExchangiIQS' Co., Byadvancoappolnpolnimont. ^ o n ond Women. 21 and Shultz urged compromise, cor saying, fair.si r .settlem ent is possible." any particulqrly_ii^indications of move- ticipcipant as 'saying Rabin U.to ld th e In c.. la n d s a ro Ofd e s c r ib e d Locot-Roglonoi. fleasonobio flea Profoaslonal Truck ' “Arabs .and Israeliselis a re not engaged - DciDespite the iraposse, room"c as: Parcels 19 andai 20 ol ratos...... <23-5179.I.Pfod' Fre ■_ Dflvera Training 8choo(. ' r*exists' ment anywHere,}, but that doesn’t _grou•oup th n t a serious iniliativitive could Lot 4. Rosubdiv ___ . in.fl-.winner-take-a:e-a!l competition. A for laruclis It und Pale.stinfans to DATE Homo-aludy. resident Iraln- i to live moan I ehoilld stoitop. The situation is not)t resu r m e before next June. Northwood P.U.i DIAL-A-DAl Ing, job placem oni, (Inoncial j division,- City "S c Kot 1-976-1111i n asalsionco. Call toll firw » -chum, located wlwithin Iho Fun;.ffIonds(ilp. oxc.oxcllomont 1-80CM22-«nO, o x t 4079. Ask ; EV4SE’/4,Sectlonon 12, T.4 & fom anco. 59t/mln.nln. * loll, to havo Ray McCarty, rop., . . ^ ^ Sandlinistas aaccused Ny R. 17 E., COIlontalning For an out-woat cam■eamoQut In COntOCt yOU., NOrtllWOSl (, V\et\tnamese? probing 1.72 acres, moro0 o r lo ss, a rool covorod wogoi/ogon. - CBll Schools, Portlond.Orogon., . . In Blaine Countyity, B oise for wookond ronlalal roi rotes. - Nood rolloblo babyailtor to 'A . Meridian, oulstcsid e th e IDAHO GARDENS-^IS-W-4361 watch 9 ond 11'yoar old ■ of vio)lating c<:ease-fir€ Sawtoolh Nallonal ^ -HOTUNE-73M’tU1155 10-5, 2 to 3 days per , h, week. Call 734-1793, oftor 6^, possisible MI/A reports Forest boundary, A Pfoblom Is not a p ^ -MANAGUA,Niciicaragua (AP) - The elabo.iborate. I 't r a c t o f la n d witl/ItHlfijtho ^^00 oharod. Monlalnrjr NEEDED IMMEDIATELY • Contras’ military’ Ileader accused the Thirh e D efense M inistry isa issi u ed n ' C ity Of F airfieldJ lo c a te d Aaaoclatlon. 5pm to 7 Groon Acres Caro c an to r ' v - ___ -BANGKOK.. TThailand (AP) - on accountingnet for a totnl o(^ ponr) issuea a SW’/.SWV \i. Is- now occopting ,sppllco-______n -rSandinista-arm y-oi-on-Friday-of-viplst»— statci on wbokor^ds^ , Vietnam _j8.„inv.investigating more 1,80000 Americaiis missing ffom'tti .tp.mentzzsnjinirrsirT-TEbds-clffTnvere-tton-IOFrv^-t^'&^n — V,___ilona-for-AursIng oaslsta'hi, n .ing.the.temporary.(v.ccase-ilre-thatwas.-.kllled ;------than-SO-eases-l-s-thal-majHn\*olve—A\*an- cm Nica-r.T.sontalnlnn^l.Otb tiny—fomarUr~^*ll(-Ti111 °'!!l o»o«lonco PM^od. Con- . . a extended until the th next round of raguarua after Contra forcej atta tta c k e d '"O '’® '®3 3 . Inn C a m a s roaponslblo for any A mericans missirssing in action from “ThThe Vietnamese reported to u any debts a!-ennllnn anoll'eallonii u o u s pcace talks. armny y troops, which “mamtaii*1:- County. Bofso.*• M o ri-. othof than my own, the Vietnam warwar, a U.S. m ilitary Ih atithey t'tl are now investigating 3 itam tho tjian. outside - — t;------for automotive parts counter o Col. E nrique Be:Jermudez, speaking cl’^c-£C-fire." . - - . sodklr>g gonl P«™on. Expoflonco ro- . ' . . . a team th a t visiteditcd Hanoi said Fri- instan S a w to o th •— National N ^and, 3W4 years; a n c e s in which' they have* rc on the rebels’ clancndestine Radio Lib- j Forost boundary. qulrod. Excollont pay and q day. ceived'ed information or remain '■ . llko kids. Respondinwi t pn bonodls. All appllcall0f>8 ° eracion, said the SaSandinistas'have at* 0 rermer udez said in a broadcast , o l th e 0-59, c /o TImoa Nows T h e ’t«am madnado the announce- whichch could bo associated witl 1 la n d s Box 548. Twin Falla. ID confidential. Respond to i, tackcd rebel forces5 ato least 30 times in toredcd in the Nicaraguan capi 63303 Box D-01 c /o The Times ' m ent afler threeee cdays of talks wilh m issin apital of may be exchangeg e d pro- OVEREATEBS sing Americans," the team sai( recent davs in thee southeastern! part Manai :RS Nows, Box 548. Twin Falla, ^ ■; Vietnamcso""^^^o'verrirnenr officials in”u~stj naSua-ihatLthe-Jighting-;g —^o u l d __vId ed __ th o __ valuoU o s . ^ 0 ------ANONYMOUS - stutom ehl. icp tftlWc! equal. In tho ove'VOnt th p T.F.& Jorom o.733-9 of the country. He! saids\ the rebels'suf- affect’!ct” th e n e x t round of peaceice ta lk s , no t Now hiring - aaalslant ' bi PREQNANT-NEEOHE ______fered six casualtie.•ies, b ut he didn’t schedieduled to begin Tuesday ' either party ;DHELP7 m anager Iralnoo. Apply In M Ffo® prognancy' liloallng person at Stlnkof Station on m equalizo tne valuilUOS by avnllablo. Coll ProgiPfognoncy kimboriy Rood.______c J I . 'th e p a y m o n t of c aa a s h . Hotltno 4 Crisis Conioionler. 734- waniod (or liro sor- If Jhd^m ount ofI c a s h to 7<72.24 hours a doy,. StudeiBnts c a ll;for actioon after (classmaiite's deal• A k A K be paid may not o i'l:______vlco work. Good hours. Pfivaio room In llconsod llct sloody omploymont, oxpo- r twonty-Hvo perce B EIJIN G (AP) -— /Authorities seek-, beaten;en by a gang of youths off ci ? homo, pofsonol loving>vlng caro rienco 'pfoforrod. Stuort- _ [f cam- ficials of the Publicic 1Security Ministry, lice,, ViceV M in ister of Public SetSfH^uritv the value of the3 Fi o re st ona laundry. Coll734-3S?4-3S37. Morrison- Tiro Co. -206 4Ui E) in g to ease tension1 afafler a gang killed pus. S £ Service lands, They demandedid swifl arrests, a Yu LeiLe acknowledged, “^Ve didi nn Qiirh fOadlnflS. ninumor- Avo Wost. Twin Falls. si \ a univ ertity studentmt iarrested six sus- The aidnt do Persona claimlnf tie official Xinhua News AgeAgency public tria l on campipus, full m edia cov- our job jo w ell and we will defii ology. aatrology. 736-86^•6624 p I a n T T O S 5 E R ~ '0 pecta Friday and agreedagt to most de- said F lofinitely properties or i Friday that police had arresrested erage of thoir protc•test, better cam pus le aTl rn a t lesson from this ease.’’ valid objections lo l< th is '*^5 Groyhound ilckol: 5 yoors oxp as monogor or — m ands o f ' felloww students who gi* ju s rrhnnnn ‘0 Solt Uke. «£ If* mld-manogomont ol juspects. It did not identify them,th« security, a universirsity memorial sor- His[is m in istry also declared Ibithe sto- ______m archod in prottmtt------__ ^------One-of l^nlfTin n r . P o ro st S o rv lc o , I SelectedJ offersofl 'toch: must bo 18 yrs of ago. Ex — campus into early SatSaturday to discuss-'— Stud .w^.rnet-Qppartmont- ...... — 13.75 boglnning wage, tralr»- ao udents afChma’nendrng unlvinlver- ' fairs A'd>asory OfficiIce put a notice on gal. • ■ Ing provided. Conlacf Groon - - - thi the slaying and theirleir'dema'nds for re* sity .sa Agrlculluro, 3244 - 25th ' - .said police should have stop;opped the campus bulletininboard late Friday Scho;hooI spokesm an Li Yansonginpsaicf: Streot, Ogdon. UT I Acro3lCF/MRoi934-5603. , ro; tribution. ie fd a tV - 007—Jo b so fln te rest ______’------the killeilling, and. 2.00.0 m arched inin.pro-_Lndicating_ofIicials-i p i-agreed to-all de- “Th&» universityt is of course n_ on .u*. Within 15 days-aftei BSt ...... RecapUonlat;-Good phone ------I'? rr* TT Cbai"Qirigfeng7’25■ 22. a g e o ^ y sic s - te si-T l ot ttio last publlcatl «wn3. typlng-4 Ton koy by- • - i)? -Thursda}*-nightr-About“700''00-of—mandrexcept^fal-^)[■^)n"tump"uB.'It said sid eofthe ^ f students. We can saysaj the this notice •’y A m y o u s sowmllY worKora woi touch, com puter knowledge ^d u at« student,, dt. gllia.| hovo knowledge ol milking ___ tiollday docor, homono ddocor procedures, nulrltlon and 4 candles. Pony plon. No rollon (ormulailon, A.I., and OO InvaotmentI Fun )otil>bl CGood herd heolih. Wago com- ■ — m a n » a Pay! Extra bonus nowJw-Aug. -, monsuralo wllh expoflonco, Jlii t^A nnouncem Call 537-^920 o r 537-6851.»51. Ploaso send roBumo and __ DENTS roloroncos to: Box A-01, C/O. . - o** I ' ATreNTlON STUDENT CLJASS S l F IIED I: ' Seasonal workofs nocnoodod Nows. PO Box 548, ■ ■ i for harvoatlng ol (rosh'O sh > “ Twin Falla, ID 43303. (X)2—Lost & Found duel. To be paid byMho tho lb,, RN noodod for Long Torm W h a 1i t ' s I n i t f o r - y o u '-> ______beginning mid-Junejno lo - Caro Unit. For moro Infer- ' •■BEAR Is I0 8 f' mid-July. Applyot: matlon call St. Bonodlcl ' ' Lost: Moy 3 lst aroundnd Bioko R oger B roinor*S»dC»d C o . FMC. 324-4301. • - SI 4 2nd Avo W. Jomole J ^EaatlandOT.S. mlrilluro Gormon Shoilophord, 733-7453. SA L E S/SE R V iC E ' ii? .Block collar, w/nom>0 o 4 Od- ctirlslm as Around iho„ W , Rool Estolo aupporl Com- ' dfOMjnsWo. Plonst .-Pa5Z_j8_oxpan(llng._PjQ------;------now-hiring demonsifaistraiprs, foctoa Mios toffiloflos In 'Ofv ------— 7?4-i.U« A.“ T0'0Vo moalBsa. bo- pari-tlmo. froo training. . tweon3om4flpm. ng. froo soulhdrn Idoho. Our aer- I 55lf ______1300 kll. Call 5434860, ------vicos oro usod and noodod. J|orTi FOUND: p a n Ausiislrolllon C oncrolo truck dfivor Shophord and Dingo, fiver by th e real e state lr*duatry. . P erhcn a p s .-.. D. wear- Boom truck drivervor Ouollflod applicants should ' nir Ing o blulati-ijroon ;i;coiiar. Cail9am-«pm Mon-Frl Coll 3^6-5052.______n-FrI bo organized, soll-atafllng, J _____ Be6-2416Sho»hono3ho p o sse ss or' willing to ac- • C onstruction Superlmlorlnton- Qulro a property casualty non HOUNDPOUNDNEMEWS dent roaulred bv on BolaoBr Inauranco • ' llcen so ,.______ym,, b Uy'4 w tA H A'Oh'KTETIKfE” TS*sod gonoral controiinlFoctof "Gorttfrous Commission and Sto UCENSE for pro/oct In TwinIn FoilsF rosldual package. Sond 324. slortlng-ln mid June.0. com-O resum e or.call Tom Green, uj:;;; . FOUND DOGS TWIN FALLS F morlcal/lndusirlal super. su( 30292 SE U w renco Rd, ANIMAL SHEHELTER inlondont oxporlonco;e man-rr E siacada. OR 97023 or 503- 1°!®- ■ ■L0CAT£D:':t39CtftAVETEtW — Call MIko days 720-04620462 or diso such ea Korol, Condor. near LO' goldon f t : ovonlno s 022-3198. ______Jo n o s Now York, ond . TLC, OI 2. Goldon Rotrlovof, (om ' CPA noodod with 2-44 yeyoara Pondloton,, , 3. Rolrlovor, m ilo , whlKhlto 4 . oxporlonco In tax 4 (InaniInanclal Applicants m ust possosa . n - o ' t J L L l - - ^ golden 'S lolom ont proporoiliorailon »*f°hg mnnagoment ond or-r, 4. Doborm an. (omolo. prPI®,"" .P ofm anont FT posliiiosltior», com m uncailon skills, por-’ ■ S. 'AuolroIlon snophordra tab. Send fosumo ond salarylory ro- ®ohnol salos productivity X. maio. Clack and gray ' r ^ j ‘ gulrom onts to: O'Qri'tI'Q/lon loodorshlp quolltlos, . m( ^ ' 6. Cockor Sponlol n 3ox B5B fashion owofenesa and • m oio.tTom shak 4 Co, PO Box I brown ______Idaho Folia Id. 83405-0858, _ NEW jrtjNE! . — — 7. LabX (omalo, ton------Eg------L -Helpinq i-L j DRILLERS HELPERS 9. Lab pup. iomoto, blocl< ‘iirnn I. DOll'ivo oalary plus Incon- ' Carln ;•» 10, Labm alo.yollow I Lang Exploralory Drillino w * * .vhV _ _. ' , - looking (or responsible, ' ° a „ tlvo plan, generous por- 4 loi . • dopondoblo poopio lo„ wc ■'aonal discounts, paid voca- a n ad I Opon 5-7pm only ' shared Insurance bo di ' ! M onday thru Friday' , In wolof 4 mlnorol dritll ° o '->1^ ' i ' Industry. Employoos. mim n.r P'®"*- - -erolls ll you aro Intoroslod, please como ^733-0860 ■ •...... oxtri»f?(u willing 10 irovol Wosto U.S, ond work 60-70 hoLh i? " oondrosum o: la Cai B0C0U30 Dogs oro .b foifougni RSI I P° H ivovuiy tiuur'UMU SOLt 8«lfort» ...., dable - DESTBOYED attor 48 no bonodls. Call Soli LokoCIi -U ? th,; M1-9rW809. Monday. JuiJuno' *110MM*tM*ll 'pm. K ploaso call or visit , Grand Junction, CO W60S, ~ s a t. f pound dolly to cbch^ck ® Tuesday. -Juno 7, b s - wnolhor your pot tios bookkoopor. oxporlonco 4 61b .: ______I __ Lost £tfmalo Colllo/Hojusky wnltBoraona_Appiy-in-povper--»ltt>.Modlcar«/M®dicaldl>llJ------t l c -^- X, vory lorgd. lost sooii1^8/02 6 «on botw oon lOom 4 2pm. 2pn •'’fl pro(orablo. Must havo ’ cjoyo i on Jockson SI. Rowordrd of- Oxbow Cafo. Bliss foforencos, aalary nogoll*- Aneo: 11"ii'l. (orod for Hor sa(o foit r r r — bio, Ploaso coniact Pat ------s t s >. CoH73<-160S.- Exporlonfiod food sorvfc ------msnagor, Burloy area. Mui ^ a a l ■ Losi: Solko walch, silver ^ [jS E r 'or In undorstond clloni relolloni>3 ... »i^ color. lost 5/27.. . at food production and} ac-oi W anted Irrlgalor (or. 60 Qnbvsl Stiosbono Falla bool dococ>is. counublllly- (or oporatloration. -^cro»-^^favlty. C all324-47^3.------jm onW -. Inscrlpllon on band, -.'Ko sevln; Sond roaum o to: Northwe*hwDsi W anted: oxperlonced auto Call 73- . 1978. Lovo M om-and Oac)ad.":Food Sorvlco. 10 Sout Roworal Call 733-8321. South body, person for Jerome — ' ------____ .L a u h , .S u lto 202, BoIs*Jolso. shop. Muat horo own tpols. ntft^i REWARD (or roiurn of l( Woho. 43705. .: ” Top wagoa 4 bonoflts. Rap- r 7 :’3 3 - < M SQcurllloa, all horo-'stcstop- ______- ■ • _ •____ ly to Box C-01, C/O TImos Rototil: loss. Voluablo onfy to Nood food aorvico worker.irkora 548, Twin garden ownof. No quostlons askcIked, ond exporloncod Insiliuisillu- Falla, IDS3303.. ' Vornon Wrilo 10 Box F-01.C/0 Tim Imos tional cook. Burloy ofoo. oroo 4 poopio noodod to help mo w iii'c t U Nows. PO Box 548. Twin Tw Call Bolao. 343-1674 for In Folia. I p ^ o p . , or In- move. If you want to wotic; Jorom t len/low appolnlmont. call 666-2870. , hour. 3: ... I ...... - _____

____ ^____ L . . . , ' sSaturday. ; June A. 1988 ____.Tim.Tlm£23-Now3,.Tivin Falls Jd ah o C-5______- z ie c te d Ojtffe r s -R ein i ta ls 007-0Sf p CLASS!5IFIED INDEX

A.’motm ce iirtr.m K « ------r------~ ------030-H om os For Salo _ 033-Kimt)ei1y-HansBn 0*^Moblle Homes 1 OSl-U n fu m . H ouses IS ___ __ tti A TTo u s e wtth vie^wHii PRiCEREDUCEOFjl” 14 X 70 Broadmoro, 2~^2 bdrm. 2 bodroom w/loncod1 yard,' ^ s w aroa. 3t00 s q] ^ (1. 3 bOrm wytull bsm t. irojJam <1 i- 2 full baths, oxpandond o ' iiv- ovallabio Juno 6th no h o u s o " ■ ^ cathodral colling living iiv ly rm, on « aero, fenoncod Ingroom. nlco Burloyly park,p pols, *235-f dop. 733-434393, _ \ room , 2 (rpic, 5 bdrm,m. 3 Backyard & pasluro, u ur nder *10.000. Cali 676-3074 eve 2 bodroom, siovo, r< bath, incl largo m aster t>drmt« ground sprinklers, gar ’9 ^ ’'•xTO Castle, excelxcollont W/D. *100 dooosll. « : E i 3 ------w/prlvai»_b«ih—t.—waitalk-ln. -apo t-^ n ly *29,000, 432-0622££h. condition. custom-BuiliDullt, 3 m onlh ♦ ulll. 734-6420 o'ovos ciosot. 2 acros w/paslu »luro. Small 1 bodroom homme^ o In bodrooma wilh 2 full1 baths. b« 3 bdrm hoiiso w/basoijomoni E auto sprinklers, dog w n o ' ^Ih’borly. com pioplotoly *6000.Call 436-0446. t115,000. By ownor, 7 3 ^ , ______& goroDO In country.. ■?9pP-. romoOeldd.-great (or roll 1982 14 X 66' Woatiroallloid Buhl. *250 -f dop. 543-474767.______^ S u m m j a l o . o tJ in pia- M,?SO_7a3-47M n e r W o r kk W a n t e d f^ ------mobito-homtjrw/nr-oxi 3 bodroom houso, W/D ,500. — ^ ” *37,600, appraised J46,50 do. iocalod In Bollovuo,UO, Coil hook-up, *275 * flopoposti. o,i Rosponalblo babysll’yslllor U w ncaro Sorvico." J I wiii Dopondablo.-_.hardworklr------3 t>odroom, largo livim ™ 034_jorom e H om es 734-7264.910 5. MondayJaylhru No pols. Call 734-8511. lootitno for a Job.'SRosfic)snonp mow your lawn wllh1 j your loon wants yard work>rklng 1 room , llroplaco w/oarth Fri. Home Federal Savint 3 bodroom, 1 balh. loi . or Gooding oroQS. Expi rk in cuio country kilchtcBon 3~bdrm GOLD MEDALLJ.UAN Broadmoro 14 x Exporl- mochino or do any f ) yard Rupert aroa; Call 436-B143, l~**^ brick homo, located I X 66 yard, sprinkler syslom,Iv^rois w” • oncod wilti bablQS. n Ploc o aso work Ihat noods lo bo I dcdono. Do yoo nood yard <3; woi__ on 2 l o ts ...... 734-* rm nrn mobilo homo. oxcoixcollont noodod. *360 por me . call a86-77<7or666-2469. I omo. Jeromo. By ownor. form •:____ _For moro Inlormatlon call done? I( so Kolly Mlllorwork ; Adorablo 2 bodroom honwator inlo,. 678-0962 o r 324-4426,9A condillon, Cali 734-7264,!W, 0 to 733-3994. loavo nami ______Roaponsiblo___ tooa.' ..a-aoo. Shanoat734.1216^------fient-o-Kid 739-9097 will aavlor al now gas lurnacc 1 wa .."lopjO n_umboL^2‘®'“'" “ "--- babyslllor, orodualo Item;- -s'bdrm r ?-Damv ruirOfl 0 of Nood 0 lob done? CGive vou ihoswoat&hasslo.'8Bv«- tiontor;— oprlnklor” syste>'lon, mont. 2W car/RV garagoI s M l& S ir'V -T -.i; 'l"faodfo'om..3 bath, aerofoago; SS ^ MVRMC bobysitllna courourso 324-3136 0 call ond ask :____ garaged, oxcellent localk S/Hiv 1864 roomy 3 bdrm. 2 1 balh firopioco in Also houspali and do o isk for Exporloncod babysitter, ag g»- acre. In county wl.bath, watof. 324-5350 aftorC pm, wood dishwasher, garago. ''i i m . loba. Aok for Laufo,'■ 7 washing windowa. no Jol lional ^ ow nbrr4 bdrm .'iv. ba 2 2 ^ stove. *26,500. 733-1 Ttl-Co Prop Mgt. 324-273>734______?■; '•T-r/'r - ...... ______7837;______. JoD >8 Medical Conlor MOyslttoi — ctnasreioart-hooaoHool-AAittOj^ 2 (iroplacos. NE localifm tff “ C35=0C?XIlflj37Wflnfl6ir?tr-r TMiagi------'i Sunnl'3 Chlldcaro Sorvlc Lot your dally now spajpapor lorAnol733-8431. "com of^ot fn'TP,' will ira 757 M onrqo St. Twin Fal 052—Fum .A pt.4D up. work (ory o u . . . road i vohicie or lan d-734-7037j to • Orop-lna wolcomo. Mon-F Id and £,pgf|flngpwork w COfS- “” '1 Of'y lobs, on Vi aero. 3 bdrm. ,2■[,“ f l.mll, ,00m III on 3 - 7 - T - balh.....*125/mo, onco. Clovor ,or Filor aroarea. a,ound sports, a n y kiihIn;,/ Call 734-2609.______balha. family rm. TF bo acros. Full wolor sharesIS 11and Qotling your homo roady J® FOSTER MANAGEMEIENT Call 326-4098.______.91 of ronl? Gel holp Irom Iho Si _____procory part-time. 733-86ai860. I'm 14 years old A (ooklniTirr area, oxiras. Assumoobi whool line. Soulhwoat I ^ i n 250 2nd Ave 8 733-073 III ;n::TTVr;r.r’''' Will babysll It) my honio < (or a daytime sum m or jot) il ------Jerom e. Call 324-6551. vice' Directory, dally— 50 or Roiiaeio babysitter. I Ic 3t)"n Asking t62.000, 733-6265 —^ Timos-Nows ClaaaKlods.Ij ■ 'Atirocilvo sm,ill opartm' will mow lawns, 734-7497.L ___ kids. I would also bo wfil.«riilno Bxih\. Will do yard work«ork. For oaie By owner: C-1 vnn' 20 *^or sale by ownor, appri Phone 734^226. Roalca id o h i'- -“ Jm ~ Wlllino to loam , wantnJ 10i 10 clean tho houao. I hihava babysit, wash dishes, olcolc, od duplox;'S(Iit)le Incom Jmately 101 Jicros. 2 mlI Wlw osi Hagerman; Small 2 Bdi martagor Apt. »7 In roooar at 0*0 work In food, rotall, etc. ot< babysat boloro. Filer aroa an HoathorToddat543-6087.■ . curronily rontod, poientf{ of Kasola Rd. A & B wotvalor, home on river wllh bo 6MM_olnAvo^f<, Somo work that will hovoovo a Cali Sarah 320-4416. wllh llllio monoy down., rollC houso. fireplace, sun doc _____ fiioro'5 n O'o.il (OD in your------single family dwoliln ____ >300 + dop.Cail733-6745,,5 ’ Clean siudlo. waior paid. p. . chanco lo {jrow inlo, will d aoll? luluro. Fina il by loonirgyour m <49.000. Call 733-OOSt._____— 676-2952 or676-2S25. *t^5_+jl0j)0Sil, 733-6jl6g, Got oomothfng to ao f i l l MBHCirAWDisr"IJ! I|| c^-"- u oood iob. I will bo ago00 ’51 Goli 11 the low-cost wayway... ciassifiod'c ompioymoni 50c-0 Got Your Money Back ovc Sai# failed: Muat aeil quliiuiciii In July. Call 733-6860. ■GOOD'NEtGHBORHbo wllh ciassillod. 733-0626.I. lion. 50C- ,n 20 years: 4200 sq ft ol o. Coli now; ll w on't lost long, lor 051-tinfum. Houses Apartment (or ono. JJOO»00 + » .-i...ii--..~..^..u lu ■ e lu siv e -doslgn. c6m(oc 40 ocros wllh Brick HOtr “ bath » 5 deposit, Csti 733-9199.?9^___ - <::2rjjy - . r cem eni ditch, galpd pipDiDO* A cozy 2 bodroom, 1 Bo ■■■ solitude. Almost no mainli ridge. Looking (or 0 house or a nanco pr houso cloanini' Fodorai Land Bank loonon Is bouse, oil hoal. frldg Ji®- approved. Merio 543-5075'5 siovo. W/D hookup,. rno Call QLIILICI. 733-2940. 00 7 -Jo b s of Interest 017—Business Opptys.I. 017—B uslnessO pptys. .. Sm acroago al city ilmili - R easonable lorms. 423-4934 Barkar Realtor. W -*3Tt.171. pots. 423.6Ih.Sl. N, *221*225/ Nlco, light sludlo. Goii^und monlh *100 do p o slt Ci ••4226, »’‘ 0IN.«*■>-. W anlodT lraytor "mochanlc ATTENTION DONUT SHOP.“ >vln Falls 120’acros. 10 mlloa'from TF •. Call door, cloan, *150, 7JA-i: RS loo location. 324-3774 boloroFJija 3 bdrm houao. 6% mone^ n .u 734-4411 days (Wills Inc)IC) IrrloaK 151— Spoclous, cloan. 1 bdrm'.'Tl.''ln- —— Times-News olfico a s Boon eoi ...... l^nQ Beauliluliy landscaped brie " Wo*ro QfowinQ'find hsvo ai fabulous kitchen. Large ulllhop e cro a...fiz cb lian t buiiWr brick eludes mosi oitl, *145;+ 1 OS possible, Hovino Ihisia in-I lino. 4-plox. 2 bdrni. garage,. AC.A( posit, r^oroncos. 734-2_94- ■■■-f'a U^MRTMENTS"ITS • 2 bedroom basement- - “ • oponing lor a commlssloi Ily room . Orive-lhru—ahoirod 8ilo. powor, phone lin Across Irom CSI & no lormollofl will onabio us to DUPLEX: bidg. Basomonl. covorei pond, lully foncod. 1 nlllo.le 10 VV/D hook-up, spacloui noar aportm enl, *155 dep. No salos roprosonlalivo. Wo'ri Sludlo ooo'rtmonls. aN anopping. Children wel- w( pels, no pels. 734-8511 ,?iv« more caroluliy monilor'ti'■'o 2 bdrm s. 1 bath units with patio & vinyl siding, '8ci center of . Goodin:jin g , very cloan. yard caro (urr juiililioB lujnlohod. *186 looking lor on noflfosalYi quallly ol aovorlloors v 409 utils tfd.*375/mo. 733-2106, * como. Warm, friendlyIly ' &• 2 bedroom. iVi balh. Inoivldual & a 3oir-startof ' wo basomont aroa. carports,wllh This homo is in porfac reasonably prlcod. 034-S409 u p .C oil 733-6261. havo. II is our policy to < 3fts, condition-onlyS37,900, ____ quiol, 1 & 2 bedroom ,50®”:apai spoeious.full basom onl. Call ___ _Wo ollor on oxcoiioni work .0 00 appliancos. and thermo Colonial hom e. 3000 sqq (I,I Boloro Ronlingl Consfdc9'dor cjiyjio aporimont.“*iM'•0 -f monls. *200 & *255. *75 c -bilalnosLBJlliJtilyjho^mo!^o«. -windows. ______rmo CALLTODAYI over buying a homo. wilh. n ^3-9460 or 734-6131 or ln{j~onvlrohm(innnd"0'^ many extras, balcony ov< doposlt. no pols. Coil 734- 7 ISI m oi-863 Oulncy. 734-e6i 733-3636,______bonoNis. Call Mr; ''2, Ha ropulablo-o( cilonia an? y -slrdom plua vlaw.~324--83g2~i2 "down -■ payment; ‘lee^“•'hon- lho - S516^r733:7513.' do our bost to scroon r ____ Gooding County. nonow 2 bodroom duplex, appla. Makorow for on appoint 1 for spilt-lovol units. 3 bdrms.:“ TiAMtErn?^sLTY Mobile-homo lota. Aduli an *500 closlnfl cost. Jorom ?..n» ony *ol80.’ m isloading.I. or> baths, garage, shako -I- r has ovor 30 of these' homeim «i 1 bdrm opl ' closo lo availablo tor ronl,'• ; som e ullllllos. no pols. monI ol Con ' Paulot unolhlcaiadvertisomonia, lako O FFIC E....733-4079 family subdivision. Clly T.l ' ' downtown TF; largo klicht:hon, hodroom opartm onls. roi Chovrotot-Pontlac-GMC lOj__ roof, brick Him, good toca- J vX 'o r sale. Payments rang. ronl j265/m o. 494 WakoFloid. 5ca- JoycbC oto .,733-6787 ) Ullllllos, term s. FHA and V, Jd to t155/m o.Call 536;2_«1. _ - basod on Incomo. Weslsidsisido 73^.8944. (Rancon Invest- lrucka,324-39Wh5r 734-6565.65 Bakery: E stablished retiretail lion, easy rental. J65.000. approvod. Call 734-6943. ’ from *90 lo *260 adjusted l boKory for aaio with full fi Davo H am lott..733-4030 —- income.Formorodolalis.a. 1 bodroom api i 2 bodroc-oom Court Aparlmonts, Goodlni3dlng. m en ta )o ra flor 5-734-7339. 2Vi ocro bidg lot, KImborl 10 api in Filer. Call 326-5:-5326 EHO. Coll 934-4986. oqulp., steady customernors. Fivo aoparato 2 bdrm ronui C o o liR e a lly 324^1289. 5200.00 R'ENT REBATE O O ^S ale s People Asking J14.500 with tornarms unita. appliancos, carpot,ntal t-iomo for salo. 4 bodroom.y„' School Dial., near TF, goo r— afiorOpm.askfor Pog. _ _ In Twin, oxiro nlco 7 bdrr rosirlctivo covenant: aVaii.CallJudy326-5680. . . drapes, and gas heat. Closopot, gos lurnaco. wood stovo. ints. BRICK, 3 bdrm home, fenc“’np 1 bedroom "'basomeTionl OPPIS. air. polio, cor DOrt po( 0 " 2 bedroom . 2 both Exporloncod oufomobllo!ond Barker Roaltora S43-4371ITT 10 . Harmon Pork ond030 co rn o r-lo l, VA 10% loon, *12,000.324-6271 koop trylnnIng od yard, largo- garogo. Nf win- oxira siorano, lauiWry faclifaclii- nlco oportmoni. salosporaons wantod. Sons rnoi “Po'-t'^onl. daylight wi Covered parking, AC. schools. Ali on largo cornorand ?42.000. Call 733^453, r r 2Vi lols in Holllstor, yarcard iocailon, quiel strool dow s, lurnishod + woi/alor ly. NO PETS, *265 -f do| roaom o lo: P.O. Box- 1232, lol, JOO.OOO with torms. Moving Juno 30:3 bodroomHA waior, sopllclank. 655-4311-11. avalioBlo Juno 15. *395 po 25 + 326-4Q4B or 326^4256t prlvalo pallo and yard. Ono Twin Fails. Id. 63303. ^ CAFE l^od. all ulliilloa paid. *225 ------yoor lease required. *360.00 homo. Can assum e FHA0l S23.000raii Ollilllos In.— 5 mo. *200 dop. Asponwooc *50 doposil. No pels. CCall Jerom e Heritage Homes • Turn-key oporollon 0 'caii Enierprlsos. 733-2717 o + deposit. 5-unit aparim ont building., loan. O wners will carry '/t pt-ol houso. 1 duplex lot, Ca 734-5516 loavo m ossago ____ Apis for persons 62 & oldi ____ main hinhway. with nice l^O- down. 120.900 o r tsj^accopt- _.42WlM.loaYD.moasajo.,_ bodroom brlcl$rhomo. Goo • r rr -i-bT(nb67ri^[5-i-?ihrasr^-tijrr ■«"— handicapped/dlsablei ——WANTEB- oach unit has soparaio Brick 3 Bdrm, nico. now lorb- Will considor single ■Sf pe ------! family buslnoss, T39. ^ ” ...... nlshod complololy. wator loroiiy 3 bdrm, gos hoot, fireploce. , y heating. Basomont 1?'° has Roducod'(rofn""j89,500 to palnl. garage, foncod.CU3 nc od. AC. oil ulliliies pal]Q|H sons undor 62, Fodorai Exporloncod tolophonoQrio S lu R A G E CO M PLEX^ storage area and washor/, 164,500. Assumable J55.500“i*} 035-Business Property . sm okors/pols, dop. 733-5542 ,ois' assisted, Renl/utils. basebosed carport, no pols. 2 chlidron, jhop dry#/hookup_$7S,000------*235 + *75 deposit. No poi f65. >350 * dop, Ro(a. 733-j5802. sdllcllor, oxcolloni pay lor • 29 units, oluo 34.x 44 sho VA loan at 11%, Ownor will ■ Ctoan-3-bdrm; drapes, cur- cur Cali 734-5516 or 733-2513 ' on Incomo. EHO. 733-5765.- - tho.- right ' porson.. -Sondond wllh . ovoitTdad. door, ofllcnico • • ~ -fiinry-burjnCo—aO^T-wiiK'}^ ProioaslonarQH'lco'Bld'r"' , tains, carpels, lots of lane 2.000 sq It . basom onl ? budJoom 'uporimynt, --Uir- -fi Je ro m e " ? bdrm apt wii rosum o to: Box X-gS.'C/O;/0 space, Cloan. posilivo cos:o sh AMERICAN REALESTATE&c > omo(i down to gualllliid per- “"J for children lo play/plonl t Illoa garage, mngo. ro(rig. D/Vo'/w! 05&r Roommates Wanted' TImos Nows. P.O. Box 546,W8j (low.3uporbuy.T24,______APPRAISAL siorogo. paved parking. * nlshod no bods, all ulliltli sons. Lovoly 3 bdrm, 2 bath oordon.doublogarogo.,.• . - paidrJ300 ♦-J75depositrf-No .trash.compactor,-llroplaciDlaco,------— - ~ r wih Falla: idl'aasoa:. — r~ “ “ — -734-5650rr— — -wllh.ovor 2,000 sq (to(-iiving"0 privoio~O fflcos" ''+— tarflcrflo *250 Cali 733-2513, ___ '»■ rocoptlon. near Courthouse, _— pels. Call 734-5516 dr ■733.-. 7; nlco quiet area, woto Wo now hovo oponlngs To; for "robertjones5 apaco. Must- see to ap- CLEAN AND NEATi 2513 sowor-yord molntonanc^onw 056-Rooms For Rent automoblio salospoopio. .DouoVollmor. Brokor. proclato.- 734-2392 ;or 733-^ *60.000. torm s. 734-7T05, — 3 Bdrm, 1 B am .cjrpcrt, nlco n l« ------pd. *300/mo. Available 7- Excellent Income opportuni­Sl5; REALTY Mory Akliorman . . . . 734-3662 3222 Chrlsllan Church, • 66. Coil Bob •or' Lindo?a ^ a ai' FURN. Cablfl TV, AC; refrig, ty for Iho riohi individuals. Alda S tro n g ...... 733-0905 yard and^good area. *360;&C>o:bo ,054-Unfurn.Apls. il ' monthly, weekly. 734-2365. .ij. ^733-OiM___ Roomy 4 Bdrm, 2 bath, w/ -04l>-CemeteryLot8 deposit. W ashington Federal Soo Grog Wills In person ai loaso: small town' b^ a r. Donnls Vollmor...... 733-9195^ basomonl. pallo, and'vlow. 4 Duplexes 324-S827 -- 3 choice loia-al Sunset Me- AURORACAPITAL7i4-«47 ------Wills— Molor----- C o----- m >9__.LowollWllls______03^6562^ TormS52.500, 734-3537, ' ' jqnUiatlyr-VQcy-Qlcn ,2 5 bdn H 5 L J® = M Q C llfiiiom e______S hoshono St. W. Twin Foils, 't5r rfibrlal Park, a vaults, morkorg yr -€voa^wknd»%IO«fv733-W33.-^ -A ^iuai.-f ■boJru o .^ r I l - Idoal lamlly oporatlorlion; - 'R O O M V ribdrm . 2’Ual»irat5r lor 2 people. Curroni voluoluo Cloan. smaller 3 bdrm, now *250, no .p o ts, Sporf duplex; WD. appla, *225, *22! RenUIs _ • - ___ Woll-oslabiishod fast fooi' o o d ______Oarago. finished bsmi, d/w. oal. Aportmenls. 733-5122.' ___ Call 423-5109 allor 2pm. 500- Molol for salo by local E- lor all *3545. Asking *3000000 gas (urnoce. oosy to' hool. Carpeted, cloan. (urnlshod, cafe In Paul so ats 74 poo ~ nlco aroa. 1347 6lh Ave. _ E. (oraM.Call343-l683Bolso. no pels, *225, Coll 733-9259, 009-Adull Care ServicesJ plo, drivo-up & walk-in winwin- owner, 10 unlis, ideal loca- IHA. 733-6266 or 733-7980 A cloan 1 bdrm w/WD. *15 2 bdrm In quiet Filer Park. 5 Cloan 1 bdrm. AO, WI/O. /0, ♦•oloc. No po ts. 734-9263, MAPLEQROVE — dow. 436-5304 (Al-a Frostoptop> lion.C all...... :.f33-143SIV Trl-levol wlih basem ent, 5 ^ APARTMENTS No pots, rof. 326-5663. ’ Tho Bluo Goblo Rotlfomarilonl or436-327l afier4P,M . li] 043-VacaHon Property ; stovo. rofrlg. gos hoot, iowniwp A nfco Cleon nowly palnte — bdrm. 3 balh. 2300 sq. It., __ caro provided, (oncod back »2 bodroom. 2 balh Nlco 2 bdrm. IVi balh. oxiro Homo, (ormorly Houk's,L”; Must aolll Low down. tak. ROBERTJONES REALTY A(i o^'pilaneoo, nowl'wly Newly rem odeled, 1 bdrn- vldo lovfno_coro. diollclanlan Tirod oH oarnlng for ao- so- . . I haths. fireplaco and palio.y 733-0404/______•• doposll. Coil 733-6169, J' - >drm 2 'spaces-available In adult- : . approvod moois sorvod f^m- all (or.S29,800.-Bosl part may — romodolod. 2 bdrm apartnn- duplex, close lo Biekleleklo aectlon. 1 single. 1 double.' m- moone eiao? Want .10 bobe I'll pay you cash for your I ,ni Filor vory nice 3 Bdrm,_l_.-,1- ..monl...... *l75/m o. ' liy style, hoosekoopino.>0. your own boss? Our auc- ur bo tho llnancing with no0 West Maglc^largo. 3.room school...... *225/mo. — -. 2-amoll 'trailers (or rent. -- ' ------uc- i/ust deed;. mortgaoo,"co'n- < y unfinlshod cabin, largo cor->r. b a lh '' hoiiro. ' lo'ndscapod; FOSTER MANAGEMENTT FOSTER MANAGEMENT laundry and special caro as cosslul doaiors aro in- tracts or notes. Any lerm,n- |down paymoni and monlhly NT Ffiondly.._.Vlilago___MobUo------0 nor lot w /lurnl|uro_ai_ap^ffc_ (oncod ja r d , 1_or 2 cftUQDJni.on*. -----2502nd-AvoS-733^)739—------gaotnd AVO S-7334173C—» __ E slalos. Kimberly. 423-5253. ' noodod. FacllHios_fotjion-on. .dopaadont-buainoaft-pocploplo any-poalllon.-Fasl, friendly-in, paym onls Basod on Incomo pilanco's,. *15.000-734-5060 ■«75’plua dop, Call tjolore 9 • o r women,-Call Myrll al 734-M- earning on ovorago of and lain ly -onder— < FmMA's— fniDroar[J ■ I - ,1 - - , — - am orallor7pm , 326^151. ° ® APTANDHOUSERENTALSLS Nice, cloan 7 bodroomDom ; 5516 or 733-2513 lor moro in-In* $30,000 annually. Som o not MOSTWESTERN STATES croditI program 10 qualified — Availablo Juno .1. 1 & :2 lownhouse. stovo and . 058-OHIco'and ! tortnfttion. moro than $70,060. 1 buyers. You can't go wrong1 044-Condominiums * JEROME RENTALS bdrm. somo with llroploco::os (ridgo -furnished., wosher/ CALLTODAYI i 1 to 3 bdrms. *125 & up, ______B usiness Rental ______WE PROVIDE: MolropomonRnanelai 00 t coll Walt or Anna H ess : ForS ale______'P' and disposals. Discount foifor. jiryor-hoolmp.—wator ond — -V«'I»Y Vlew.Realty..324.-a35l_ - ieaa»rOBH-734.73?i:------— 010-Professlonal ~ ■ •EalobllshodAccbunta ----- S o r v lc o s .------lodayl; 39»67,______sowo'r paid. *250/monlh2 ,++ BLUE LAKES OFFKSE PARK * • • • Froo Training 734-0367 or 1-600-345-0753___ Jerome, 2 bdrm. m balh,'fl' -AL_t.!tNWOOD rUANOft:—;_ 2 . .J75_XlcpQ3U_Call_7334347 Office apace Jor^loaso.-300 ^ •’ Services • Immodiale Cash Flow - — -largo -moblio“ homo— S225.fS. bdrm, m balh. *325. ap-jp. ovoa.oMoavo^no88ag^_____ FTrat trust dood noto (or M 5-M oblie Homes 324-7448 before 10 or allor 6, ____ aq (( to 5000 sq (I. Donno. D on't havo llmo to cloanjr •LeasedVehicle salo; excellent aocurliy, duor-GEMSTATE i:_ piioncoo. carpori, ail >oloc-}C- NORTHVIEW MANOR’ Idaho Und...733-MOO • Group Modicai/Llfo______yn»r,.hnm n,nr, ntlico2-C.nlL » . , REALTY " J o n e s W e H au l" inc. coll 733-3669. "Now Imago" Exceplionaliy Corrimerelai building (or! ■ m o lor appll Phono Diano al n r -Attmetive 2-bdrm.-et>ergy •Nolranchlsofoo ------7344W 0------' i.wiii m ovo^ oinw YW HEwr 324-7431 or324.6971. ____ 726-3049, ovos 786-4375. (or loss than rontlngatruck.K. . olllciont. wator & sonli, op- Free Cable. Sonlora wol­w®'' Overland ahopplng cohlor. — •Noroyallypaymonta - ORTiJLLFREE FREE ESTIMATES. . pis, *260, nopols, 733-2470. come w/dlscouni available, Housocioanlno & odd iot>s.a. • Full business support Flrsi Dood of Trusl, 10 yoars3 1-600 Cali 324-3490. _ Altraclivo irl-iovol duplex.- i322,WashlngionSl. N, ?rox 1700 aq (t. 436-5034. _ Small invostmoni required. liy 733-0740. ollieo. No Pots collont paymoni record. Will _ U rgo 2 bdrm homo withItn 2 bodroonis. 2 baihs, lamlly NEED A SHOP or l a w n s 'O n l i m it b d (Socurod by accounts 3t. Now tskino oppllcations (or ^ -r«cqivabio&,lnKaalatyJ____-i111 note bearing in- 1 FOR MOBILE HOMESI basom ont and garogo, S35050 room. Locolod 965 Blako'St. 'S'- w arohouae 1000 to 2400 -sq ------■ WodoIawnsand-a-wrronrJor r o ( a kind: park-llko soiling — ♦-deposit,- Losswim foaaoro r - N-— *325/fflOnlhT~^4:4504B4 ~t, 2, and*3'bedroom apart- mofo.Cail423-S3S5r For dolalis & conlldoniial In- •eustomtfjouso-ln RuperlrAli ------S innio'sordoubU j's:------In’ »71 havo 3. Call 734-2347. - ion,>low sond roaumo to: cash. S e c u re d by 40 acros a; Must bo paid for No pels, Reforoncos ro-0- Attroctlvo"2 bdrm,'' appia, m enis. Ront basod on In- high quallly larm land. 4 amonliios e< on 1 aero, land­ 'ol com e. EOH. Caii 324-4929.I ' Olllco Spaco Availablo, First GEORGE MCKINLEY scaped grounda including and hove c lear illioa, _ qolrod. Cali 342-5664 ovos; ____ WD . ^okuo, Qlf ftlrool lnlafalttlo,.Bulldlno_Conlact -'-“tM 4^filld Care Services- -■ A414 South David 410 E ast, miles Wost, Vi mllos North c 'Largo 3 bodroom house wlvl pu(i(lria, jibraQu. nicu otua.laT ■oner— conrOTJiT’—Dupioic of Joromo. Cheap wator. .ffcovered swim pool. 4 green Jim TtJompson. 733-0484 or SANDY, UTAH 64070 houso. Woll .boiow ap­ unilnl^ed bsmt. no oois.8. no pots. *245, 733-2546,___ Spacious, oxcolloni condl-J®'* Jim Brokko, Boise, 389-4131. ! Aiioroabio ‘sum m or child Call Colp_Rood. 637-■ ' >27P;-734-69IWdr733-f359:'-...... - IncldOos utllttlos.—For-fur- OfTLC Mon-Sat. 734-612a- -3100 stj-n ;-3 Bdrm/2 tjaths. C Laurel Park ApartmoniB1 - pulers, 415 A adlson;-R oyco-...... —...... - .parking. Tako ovor prosont lor mobile hom oa. Village) Nico split lovol. 4 tidrm. (am-“ Ihbr, informullon 'conlacicl i78Maur1ceSt.N.,Apt304104 Abornaihy. 733-0100, __ Bool child caro in town,I' buslnoss or bring your own. 02&-^pen Houses ‘ Popartiaiiy (Inishod bsmi. Anx- .W |i osf Mobllo Homo Park. '! Twin Foils Housing Authori­ louB/nopOltablO, 733-5212. - y ■ Ily room, acreage in Kimbor- rl- 734-4195 OfMco and~w arohoo8o'w llh Small oroup. lots ol funn Additional, 4000 SQ (I 4 ------^ Cornor ol W ost 6th and No.' ly aroa,C oll 733-3981, ty 733-5765. E qual. Housing'0 ^ ______^ ' ___ _ . ga m es and. outings. Meals3 rolatodi non-conlilctfng 342 Aliuras Dr. brick. 3 Fir. C Jerom e. Coli 324-5840. : - Opportunlly,' __ _ parking optionoi. ront nogo*- • ■ st 030 - H om esF o r S a l e ___ - Nico 1 Bdrm homo. *165/ TOWNESQUARE liable. Cali Quality Roofers Included. Days only. Ibusiness available. Must bodroom. hoal pump/AC. Roducod F to S6500 or olfor; ^ Call 733-6504,______r TJBir-j ofloQ 3o-for--rnodlca|-af- B y “ owno>/transfbrToa.“ '3 sprinklers. ISaiSOO. 734-5114. r .Tno.* dop-Call 734.0032-....______- AVAILABLE NOW__;:..____.833 Shoshono St,_Nonh tl _ al 733-6302.______1B82;- 2-bdrm; Stop by r 2 Bdrm. 2 balh. covorodId S t u d lo il bdrrnapartmoril • Carino for litllo onos, 8t)0rl1 iroasoQS. Qox E-01. c /oo t>drm, 2 balh. Jacuzzi, lone- ■ n' Shoiby'a )! f47 Pololino and Nlco ‘ 3 bdrm, Insulalod. gos.' '''i Olllco with privolo entrance. ' - B.' od yard, sprinkler system. ^ no smoking or polo, dopos-,1 parking, air . condillonod.d IDAHO LAND,. 733-93000 2 room s. 294 total sq (I. air & tall, broaklast. lunch &I 1 TImos Nows, P.O.Box 546. 031—Out of Town sGranOvlow Norlh. TF. ] ______734-1242______1 Twin Falls, ID63303 vory nicel J89,_500, 733-2545, ______- ______G It. refs, *250/mo-734-5665. *360.00 * doposil. ___ conditioned, ullllllos paid. . -. , snack for oil. Proschool will 1 SPEOAL - - AURORACAPfTAL73i«47 bo dono. along wlih arts 4I *------_ , tip12 X 60 Sahara with 6 x 12 Small -1 bdrm. appis, no . 7 Two bedroom oparlmonl.3nl, grounds malnlalnod, *175/ Now 28x52, 3 bdrm. = ° ■ Evos/w knds-Joan 733-3633, Partly lurnishod. For infor-(or- monlh * doposil. Call 733- •cralls (or (un. Ploase call,• 02 9 -0 p en Houses . 02 9 -0 p en Houses citip-oul, 2 bdrm. t'/t balh. In­ polo. *160 + dop, 733-1500. (29,900-deiiverod! I : Basomonl oporlmont. 2 2 moilon coil 733-5374.______■ 1433(YESC0)______como ond soo mo. my name cl SO x 120' Shady lot. oxc BrockmarYa 7 3 4 ^ 0 7 iSmaller cuio cozy - 2 la Calhy. Call 733-5160. ■ V 'condition. w?l {14.000, ownt>r f tjdrms, oppiiancos. goodd Vory cloan 2 bdrm op'ort-art- RETAIL FACILITY 3750 sq. bedroom, siovo. roirlg (ur.- locotion...... *22Wmo, ^ 'J C HILDRENS VILLAGE will carry , or *12.000 cash. -"WEERETfDS'PHClAtS" nlshod, | W/D hook-up, (onc- m onl. oil ulll, pd oxcoptqpl fl, with display, odleos, See 240 Eosi Rood, Hagor- ;; ___ FQSTgfl MANAGEMENT._ -uloc^pU um , nnar rXC alotaqttJ>patking.- 734 j3 4 7 ._ — ;------^— ^XWPEN-iH O IIS g 1 'r •I0x500olrollor...... *1995 r : _ 2 5 0 2 n d A v e S 733-0739 *275/mo + *100 dopOslr, dablo prico. 13:45 om-B:30 ------'•----- *1 N. Washington, *230 -f *100 8‘r, 1061 Blue U k e s Blvd N. •12x59 Floolw ood...... JW95 c BoVuli'f'uiry io'nds'eopod brickk availoBlonow, Coll733-1239ra Green Acros Olllco Com- - • 'p m . Mon-Ffl. 6:45 am lo 7pm Saturday, Juune 4,1988 k Cloaningdop.733-6656, Sot. Pro-sChool. tumbling. & ■ 032-BuhhfiIerHomes •12x60SchulI...... *4995 ;1 & 2 bodroom houses &r 4-piox. 2 bdrm, gi.rogo, AC.5. Vory cloan ono bedroomom plox. 400 square loot nowly cooking. Hoi luhchos. •14x52Concord...... *5995 opartm ‘ onls. 4 commorclai' W/D hook-^o. . apaclouo.1. 'aportm ont, ullllllos includedfed docoratod. 2400 square feel Phono 734-6725 ____ 1 : 0 0 - 4 z a0 0 P . M . ^thi;Owner tranaferodl Must soil •14x64 *) Broadmoro...... S6495 " vory. cloan. -yard caro (urn.1. in Ihe ronl. Call allor 5:00 on can bo romodolod lo suit, propenios. Cali Charlotl al ullls pd. *375/mo- 733-210S. . Havo oponirtg-o*c. child boithis clesn. cloan 4 bdrm, 2 .14x70GlonBrooK ‘ J ...... J7495 -J-Wofliernnoally,733-2365^ ■,wotikdays- and all - dayJay will divide Into romallor caro In my homo, flood ____; _ • ■ ■ Cobolh (lomo Qliidndscapod In '•t4x66Broa0moro..'...JB950 -*] - - Canyon Vlilo Apis.- i'b d rmI . -•weokend s. 324-5576. • spaco. Lota of free parking. . Couniry Location on edge *' 2—bdrm wJlamiiy room. go"t-Hs nBOOtlablor-Cail— ------: . _rajQ,o.^uncti08__inacka- - ______o (c TJtOVJr«r:maoft.Boalty-Z33;2fi2fi______- - Barker Roallor. 54^4371. r 6iariinnois240, *160 * doposlL ' 438 s q ft to 19,600 s q ft . -v -u u a m y ~ BrockmoiL'AMobUaHomaa. .2-t)dnn.-lancod-yd„garago*^ .2 ------_! FOSTER MANAGEMENT home, ovanlngs. 0-3 yoars. ~. 71.63 ' t a cro s. 3 o r4 bedrooms, 'a Call 733-5767 or 73»-482S __ _Excollont Retail'and/or 01- Tbain-roftTOmchtrbarn,”*' 4mlNorPorrlnebrldge 435 4 4lh Ave. N., * 2 6 0 - dop.' 250 2nd AVO S 733-0739 reasonable ralos. Cali alter On Highway S3, Je ro m e N o p eta. 734-2638 afler 5. j - 1- bedroom oftl, rango,30. flco S p a c es AvaliaBlo In tho outbuilding s ...... 326^287 Cloan 2 bdrm in 4-piox. ap-- rofrlg. *185 dop. W/D70 Lynwood-Tho Conlor 0( If . 4 bTn. 73(?-7223.______734^67or324^2(U 2 bdrm hom e wllh Bnso- ■ 1 - TLC-^ehHd--«aror-fuiH(me.- 3 bedroom , basomonl • ; pis. W/O hook-up. 35J-Loier-T- -hook-uprtto-pot9r73^511r~r - Affi— ------■ •flportmentr-now-slovd/OW/- — Tiiont; aSublo car garage,, TT J20_0ajq0dop. 3 ? 4 ;^ 5 ^ dayo & oventngs. Mon-Sat, ------^ $ 1 2 6 ,i 1 , o o o ------— r Why pay apace ronl when lalargo lot, *400. 545 HoyBurn- ; . 1&2 txlrm aplB. Unfurn. Ronl :______733r2282______;______AQ03 2-7. Cali 734-6534. carpol/oak cablnels/roof. oij |- CidlrnT'2 ■ bdrm,'-’bricR ^opir baood on tneomd;'Nleb-'dl3-Il3- — — ------DirGctlons: 2 m llos} \w o s t o f h o s p i t a l , Ownor on promlsos. See al: you con OWN your ow n lot? Avo. A W, Avail. Juno 1, Cali 734-5893 al MV Rehab, and' Control jiLr. oppio, carpot.. counlonyriease. EHO: "2.'J mitos south on wewest side of.road. 606 — 13lhAv o n .9-6, Buhl, This charming 14x70 mobllo T. drapes, carport, Roady now.-- - C a » Pel Prado 324-3454------OS—Condomlniufns— ______; __ Fbm6-wnh-|oundalion"-Bits -physical 'P TKoTB^CIInle~ - { OiS-Babysltlers W antei' ’ Lovoly. lovoly. lovoly! 320 0) squalosc of living spaco. 4 (jj; R ealtor owned. *250/mo + For Rent on largo 90x75 lol. in lamlly 2 2 bedroom apt In Kimberly, < . . bodfooms, 3 bath, i'/s acros3S ol1 tasKifiilly landscaped -__033-Klm beriy-Hansen ' on *100d o p. Call 733-6562. i ___ B.ibyslMor noodOd^ for 16 socllon of vory nlco. quiet ululliilloa included. *23S/m o : Ono Bodroonr. froo gas.18. f o r RENT; W ashington . ~ :m o m n .o ld . S days a. weok.- spaco. Has 9.5%. VA loan, c cai an bo forrt^ally assiffm rt— — M,Hr-E6lal0Sr-3-tKJriT>;-1 -+ ^ -ntJw-cnrpot7-309-‘Sth-Avo-N:Nr S!roeJ“ NofTh.—V ery-C lean ' ' -Han3onZ'4lMrm„llt_£SH- bath.m- Stovo. relrig, AC; OW. lo lownhousos, In country soi­ Cali 734-4752. Como by and lako ’a look. 244 homo, (amlly size kllchon. hj' iownhouse. *245 '+ *150 do- ! ' Phono 734-4069.______two bodroom condominium.' iss disposal 6> slorago ahod. pc ling. Appis, W/D hook-up. yourHosloss: Galnollolo Massoth.I sunny b&n bronklnsi nook, (ull posll. 3 bdrm home, S335> S250 : + JlDO-dcp. Rcffs. NoJ 2 bdrm duplex. AC, garage,)0. Built-In, appliancos and Ot&--Employ(nont Wanted bsm i, ground lloor util Lols-of room-wllh many at- S170 dopoall. 2 bdrm condo, , , aulo sprinkler, no pols.IS. garago slorago aroo. Iraollvo (ooluroa & you can S3 pots. Washington Park room. gaa. hoal. small ^0 S375 + MOO-doposlt. Call, i - t34S. 324 Ridooway. 734-672121 FIropiaco. laundry facilllloa ...... landscape & build on to Wall w o rJe n e a n e a l 734-0400. , T 2 ow nhouso s. 734-2307, -- Rototming. Ira^or mounro^ ■ T A T J S ^ igarogor (ruil truus. prlcod at |.n 2 bdrm apt In secluded - 4- 7 available. *300 per m onlh. gardons and small lols. Cali 122.500. Dick 733-2365 voiyour property tho way yoii 5" EXCEPTIONAL 2 bdrm apt.' IT. Call 734-0700 wook daya wanll *29.000 or 516,000 2 bedroom, newly dishw ^ asher, rofrlg, range.■ plox. 354 Orchalara or 733- Vornon Adams. 423-5357. (Woatorn.Roaily) or 423-4232 i,a rodocoralod, basement i j I 0726 allor 5pm. *245 m o 'I+ from 6:30 to 5:00.(Kodlak in- Sown. A ssum able loan .on AC. util room, no pels. Ronl veslmont) or 734-793t after w iii'ca ro lor bidorly lady. m Whon you're iookino for doi oaraoo. Call 734-9131. *295/mO.' dOD, 734,^360._ , *100 dop.______•’ Jorom o area, by. Iho day or U4S ADDISON AVE. CAST 01 II quaimod 12% Int. & ^ — 5:00weekonds.or734-0241. : — y Hbargains. I! Chock the garago lotsymlaofJtSO/month. - 2 bodroom, *180. Soo al 372 - 2 bdrm opt for rent,.no pels. hour. 3^4-2419 or 324-6250. aaios advertised in py> M adron SI-or call 733-4720, -ThisyMrwittDo ' ourbosruso- 645'O ulncy SI. North, Colloli Cia'.5ifiod . . . mo solution to : ■ ^ claa :ali 73W 36aflonpm ______I -CinSsilimJ-733-0626 classlllyd, Cnii733-0G?C.____ Cal oltor6o,m . 73^7064 atlyoiiT noods. 733-0026------J . p = — — - ' . C -C T Im os-Nlows. ow Twin Falls: Idaho SotSotorday^uno^^g^^^^^^^ R e n ta ls -- tte c re o titio h d l ~ 0 6 0 -1 1 5

. . .QTB-Apptiancea.ifiaT-.-l'TTTrT- -o aa -rG arao e Slaics a l Sales------097—Hay. GrainralniFeed 108-ShBBp4'4Gt»ts -, . ’ J. ' > V BUYSELL8.T.8. TRADE '. AnTTu a L " e " Yafd_aaio; .J979.? ra 3 m Z > v e . .Hay._,havllno^/arand loading. 13 young blackick (aco ewe's. v \ ■ — 'X " ------“ nrsTAPPUANCEyCESi'MISC." 'GARAGE'SALEfl;:M 5 Apacho East Friday, 8,ari.am to 5 p m . 536-2^44o r538-26fl:?fl2r • Call834:fltM:ofafter rp m - , ^ ------A ' / : = \ „ 734-0188days/733^7 3 3 ^ 6 8 ovoa. Way. S at.Ju r> o 4 . .S-4pm, _ Saturday, a am toSto! pm . • ' a s acres of 1888188 hayh (or aalo. ; ------FrrflIdalr'o7f'or»Ti'OftTQ.'n OTT Big yord sa lo a aV t 262 South Yard salo: Sal,,., JuJi n o 4 9 to Caii 543-6510. .______110-Poultryi'iRabblta \ I.J33-142]___ . Locuat.. noxt lo Ic Voieo s. 4. Baby, chiidriidron. adull ...... I |^ \ GE folflgoralorrir 14 7 cu II Como & so o ail ihogoodioa.th ciothoa. loys. misc.mla 2 miles ow-FarmsForl y-iV ,1^1 oxcollonl condlliofr! Car®, o'fjco oquilolp. iraliors, „ o st. .1 mile0 north 01 ' 112-inigaiion,n ^ 0 0 flvocoob. >135.■■■...... 734-0506 ciolhoa.Sal..Sun _ hospital on HIghwihway30, ::----- iollonl-condi- ^ ...... B U L tiTIN- ^ 3 family yard aalo, ^ GE otovo, OKCelic 4lo,anliquoa. - W ^PastureSFl .o ,rr> «";r-|T rp : ------tion, almond, 5250 or make though II m^m ay bo rain- beauty shop oqul|quip,, dishoa. ______.lnD._tho_?K».WQ00 Inventory ciothoa,__gaod—/!_ml4c_383 .Falrdold, orasaIS oaaturap 512 oprlnklor pipeS fixed up lor M I > ------■ . Cioaranco Sale laIsonatGom Madrona N. m1 bb ik S o f H i a pair. Cair764-2fci-2@ : this year. Mainllniino, hsndlino | ' r / ' GE 5 yoar old g as i I. wo como 10 / / ------oeileni -condillonr- ■uppiy, [nihe School olf Fllor Sal 8am-? _ G roat horso pasti pocIuT salo — ■■ .“®int',®'nl ? L C you* 734-eS39.______north of Twin, ia * CaIl-CLYiJE:S-5_SPfllNKLER— ... ‘^ 1 / / - -■ ------houra: Thura..6-S. Call324.7139 early ^ij-A Now , Rangoigo Air sat,.9-1.n you''J ™ OW-Tool, larlyoriaio. PIPE REPAIR. 67678-7149. ^ l{ rolrlgeratora...... *279 wanted 0 bargain, - , P aslu ro for ron,om I milo, CONCRETE orr>rrcH REPAIR r ' V r " School appllancoscosn/ohero,- •|h6mlComoon”ov.hJfi'?” '*'’ Oromol scrollI “ saw, V, aou lh o tT .F . 734-4 ------Qot your orded er in early. 6 - 7 ^ ^ ■'•flOLHlQhland AAvv%'e ..TF PrlC0r545. practici:ticaMy. now . 150.200 yearlingsnga. Irrigatod Asphalt Syatonomsofldaho J - ^ ^ A - K p W f l'------CAIN6- ...... -paaturor »8-aa »fioad. Cali- Bob Bailey ------r» -4 o n ------Clonranco&Renp-nliiirrr ■' Garago'Saio: ami Lumber rack lorsr small1 PU, 544-2513. RonUICtr d;jn|,u,o. TVs. ------GATEDfDPIPE \ " R o so fo{food? Can I watch them1 e a t ? " ______9 h n'! ,V L ^-----— guitars. t>aby andirt mftf«rnl1v *’50. 733-7313.(SVJ 6 acroa pasluro,ure, close lo New andId 1used, • NEWLYWED SALEILE: Special ciolhos, loathor < 5324-3064. S hopko, (or ro)nt n t.or In trade- U ndorgrourlundplpo :------Pricoa. DO day' fli fluaranloo, vosts. aowtng mai o r lawn mainlenai[inanco a n d Ir-. Custom fabiibrlcallon *■ ______riflotlon.CtU 733-133-1447, ______AMOIKJBflH ------nHE-Y-SHOUttDUtoBOrrtee.OM-A-lEASH.:— ------^— — oSPWafiliouseT ...S ------tehjuairygi Ju n o 4. 8-3, ______. . ANDSUPJPPLY . • For sale; (2) 20" gir Storage Rent'en'a's ' so'rQ^'m lir^- 20:______3038lhAvo.N . __ imlieeaatorBuBuhl. HwyJO. ■ ______loraao, 15« 734^207 days (Bornorninp)'*°**'' Small Philco Jridg^dgo. 5100. ‘ GARAGESALEl .______543-4771777______Mooic”ValU)y Stort ____ runagood.Cali734-^734-4417. ■ 584Cindy Drivo/O recondition- Black Angus bulla)uils with por- Nood 6 Inch -6 alements 114-Farm ImPemenls Elm St N.. (tjetiTriihTnd Randy ,.g . ^ ,q . „nd 1-10' •6 Inch gtied 114—Farm Implem Jd or Alive (umlluro, baby clotlo m S ? od. 734-2544. koopliipjryhfl.— _ formance records>rda by top Al pipe. Call 324-518. Hanson). Roaldontonl monagor fiborgiaaa garaiaraoodoora’' 'WANTED Dead 0 j,Q, aiovoa carsoai. swing, walker wt and Schwinn ’ PredateJator, 20", -alros. 934-8552oor934-»47^ r9 Spring Spoclallrk jT iS i ‘TotrcHEQDiQ U IP CO Now Holland 1048 harrow"^ ~ on pfojnlsoa, amoll flood cond. Jioooa)oa. 734-7770 TV's, rolfig, Iroezor J llllllir Droat condlli ..y^4 , bed. major engine spacos avallotalo.1.736^)053. 73 Saw loolh Doors oror734-Cl22 ■ w ash e rs andJ dryersdry much much morolll "I""’'’- Dairy callir hoo( B ^ trimming, pipe: 6", 51.955 i per fl. 24";. , Hlghway-2' 734:9715 Gigantic' Yard SalsioT spa„: ------, : = 'SS.M per head.ad. Call Art 57.95por«...... Hoybum,t 8333883; ovorhaulod.- new hydraulic 2 playhouses".' so — ------can Loolon aorod 25 by America Pougoot, 12!c^ B oroam a543^5925.925. ovoa. Rocky M ounUinin Induatrlei, * >*0 *S40, 1982,9 8 ^ / ( r o n l , oum p, cab. Call 934-5350. 066-Moblle HomeimeSpC. proclalo. 1140 Heyl Ba30baii. S a t/4 ih1. . :W . al SI coiionlcond.5125.;’5.734-6491 j,m| lives (or aalo. Jorom e, 324-2142.12. QuadahKt,- low houra. Now Holland 1030 pull lypo 1m 27s” 080—HeaHfiBand . ------•3tacir-wBgon,-^lold-roady:— — -- E.MakooHor_J3M “ •, Edward's - Catholic ' Call 53&-2tS9: ...... Wanted to buy 8 •Qoiwoon TF ano’Fir 8, 10, 4 12" 7 j d 'SS n ^ o T6. T T 2 wo, PS, Coll326-S367alier6pm. ' S aoptic tank pfovi •bod till irir. AirCondlllonliloning B lhA veE .T .F. (irrjUainout291 066-FlfewOOd For aalo: Rogialijislored Rod mainline w/rlaert porm ontli.C all 734-i - . — — 7— 8 orahA_yo^W, T.F,} year old and "rtoa. 587-5061 aflaftorepm'or 'ow houra, sjjisoc2.500. N ow Ho((and ^wW « 10*8 S150. Fuil-alzo lumlLmbo^'^ack- AEBiT^o-vT-hTi yard sale Bowman Wood Sal 0 Box 29^ •JO 4 2 4 0 ,P S ,518,00la.OOO. • balewaoon, cab, V8,'Prlcod Mobilo'c'ourt apoco WO molor rofrlgoratod Air Concindrtloner, Q^DINQ Back y. 934-4848 odor write: PCI, PO 5100- Rokon -2 W I 734-6090 N ebraska St. 10am 11 until taxing lirowood ord Mountain H om o,1 waaai?li *J0 4020,Syncro,5(ro, 58,500. - losoll.288-7171;45»1MO a-$65 J350. Snappof-3 hp 11-888-2053. . p e ril. • duaia, 56500. nd Btakor Gooding S onlor Co PERSAt- Rocky M ountainn inouaino*.l , ,977 j p f« ^ autom alte He. Call 733-7627. por monlli. Adultuit aocdon. poiiod lawn mowoiwor w/bag. Coal furnaco andnd siokor. Mkt. F f r a S a t 6/tO\o''& l f '^ »i°bloek*liTcflil54:IM h S M . HERODISPEB . S50. 4 X 4 Goodcondltlon.'S200. limm^lals. hydro, 18 It hoacheader. 1500 Soif^propdiod gohl' 188 - i NO PETS. Call 733-3A3-3836. J300. Oeof carl. J5 Ront labioa Nood wood? Ier-mo.-Call 733^940(940.——— wnlf»- V-mnre i ‘daybud-wllinramp . J . ' ”34 i 6Qislercd "* - hold ond Panasonj^ic hand oood“c^d “'* J ^3. F Fuii-aizo jfggj «W-U»nSGam»'uen lajioQ .,,5 .0 0 0 ------'■HARTtEVEQUllUIPMENT— •nm-GRCTOOO.-al0. single ox- type, harrow bod slacker, Vo lii f o ' III0301 !aummor hold compulora.. ForFi more oioopor. sturdy wood I?cq------10,53500. 2-wldo. 224 JD balor. Short iijod; start in(ormalion 768-4594 2nd Timo A round 688^ N. Wa. For. sale: Chain •link iin ' ton^o Ib h e rd average. 654 • 1971 .Ford F-600•600 bod 4 bod Camper aholl. 324-4960- (...... worhora you'll nijoi 1594 Uranga good cond,, >95.837-4 " ’" 668-3034.M. , hoial, 54000, ...... wllli nn ‘cmploymonneni ad in Insurance, days or, or. 788-5198 , . '— HUGE SALE; akia,is. boots, and gate, 65t/loot,.I..73M 929 i-,in NH Dfllo waaon, 2-wldo, turnlabib. Gibson po^i^. 103-DalryEqulpmiIpment ------• 1975 Fora 880. iwlr claasltiud. a(io r 6 pm . :— ------— Borbor carpel, M.OO n guitar. Rooiod ’ plants, p 91^ Pord ong. Field ready. 1.00 yard. 2 jpoakors'. giasaw an nmAnf** 20 It bOd 4 hoist« 73<-Z54..>ooplr,ln,. G onuino IBM PC'C 20. MB outdoor tflbloa, 32b acros' biiTb-S?;arouna lor ""Pl™emenis . actual milos.5l3.« hard disc. 640K. S90C1900. Phono McOonaida. ' w/ur 19*3 Avo. e , (1 bik S of lunlpora. siraw nomolocea 3 good swalhora. Meld w/umbreiia sm Iih'aF ood Klng).i). Sat/8-4, raspberries. Call 324- d airy alto, NW of■f JoJoromo on ------______Wo havo many moro ______aland, tlOO oa. 734-44? laho Powor, Four Valloy miniInl-plvola. 4 of good oqulpmonlrom at low. roacfy, accepi trade-in. Cali M e r c h a n d -----Hugo yard and movi>ving salo. — — — — — ——l l i f S l l __ c o u n ty road, Idaho sgp c|,» .,;^ 1V^ ml oway. No) nonolghbora. Sur-roil whool linonos, 2 John low prices. Cali for(or all your 625-5593.______■ S75” drS ' chairs.;«3.B0, J69 ’3 a n d 4, q. ,SV=S?;--im=''arleW i»ilJ_ds______734-6071 or 324-4242.242. Dooro a30^grolQ_t1 drills, 1586 equipment noods. ------drlvos. Monitor. v< 9 2 * 1 " = - Ciolhos— aduir/Dlrl; aclo-'now ^KolBreoucfroTJrfin 1 ChVida coplaina bod boc with |filanl3, b o o k s, kitcricnen din- . ■ " 7 W alkaio milk moannninrti MO Inlbrnatlonar Trac J c t i i w i o " -ns^Farm-WOIK------^------riago prIntor and) aoftwaro,si hoadboord (sholvingl TA ,o .co o n d .C .III111625-5256. 20^678-0415 067—MiscellaneousU3 C ail67W 663. /ing), 585, nolio, m aterial, api ,IleS - o a ch . Phono324-a03 ______Wanlod ------Call 324-4459 aller S6 pm.pfT rack,' codoo pot ancmS'mo%‘! WO-PelsiSupplle: Freeman SOOT 'HC 1961 445 baloi .Wiaconain 4V61 ga ‘“ ‘AiT'Tour ^ I S u p p — iBM‘ XT compallbii •00,519,95 eW Saw looth, Buhl. •™ .5 2 fi condition. 0011543-57 All 'ypoa thraahlog, doep-Iiii !hi?n Cooator oak hail Iroo, :______Allorabio. AKC rofiroflisiorod 104— H orses ______51650.733-5917or7: t^'fc for minimum Mil, rotary ■Repair, Rocovofino,I0.4CU09 < Putof- M mog-fl-bii 3-1421 inside garage salo.r. !Sat. on- lomaio Schnauzerr pupplos.p ______733.0300 diak, S1250. Call 734r a .J 3 » S BANNERS. 73J-I, hoeralt-other ground work, BOWLADflOME 733- Jo(a,550-‘ ly- W pm . 10 FAi•AMILI6S. 8 weoKr ...... ,734-1674; A L t-T Y P E S OFF HORSES» Heavy duly, quick:k mounting X ppT r® 4°John 80 Robert Scharnhorsi-•tins il Early Amorieanaofa d 'Wo buy. 'loader, wilh S (00 Pl“ "«. sw»lf>. '“ lo- corn and Boat trcM lcr'i- cycle mputor 2 .. 8ANNERS.733-U3-1421 sihk. tablo. bods. cicarpot I a KC fomalo Lab. 'iw“ IW von7 a' b o u g h t ond sold, ' oot bucket. X '^Export Now ood oidor fondy color comp 3/4 IrSIn^ Klllor ho rses. 73M0a-8099 high iill. (Its 75^^0^25 t hp A bator repair....:,,1 MM Igroon.chop, loader, manure whoolor irallor. Good color TV Gold awivol Chair.rtf S6' i’a'on— rem enanto. oquaiiior oc 9 uoid champions. 3/ ....j^4-aooo I Hauling, rockplcker. trucks, 2 lon truck, boot1 bod.l>( All wl'fi 'I'a '' f r - CO hllch. knIck knack: oraoa Iraln- '^"‘^'or. P hono 734-. B0(tware 4 BANNERS, 733-14: :ks, lioat ed.Grealdoo,5350,6:0.678-7183 C o lts slartod, hors( John Dooro FM 8 rowro bean w ill travel. CALL FfANDY ' QOoa futibor. Call 825-!125-SSS3 m onitor, lots ol ao(i ■ -tuber—walof— mattr lolhoda us- IH 201 swainor. noiiooosv(on(. culler, pickoll noses i 562. Joo Hoovor upright comir Reg Somoyed’ed ’a. 5250 3803, 51995, WEAVER AT 543-6888. Bunhboda. ' S100.------M ^ t booKa, t400. 734-2562, smmorcioi hcalor. Infant to real ranch Many mlac< ■' '" '— vaccumn. $35. Ai ciolhlnn.397 Elm SI. ^ 13______parts. Call 676-6795^lla fio re Cnllfl2g-M17. ' ______doak. ^100. Crit) ’ & othof — 7 - ~ r ^ dolin 'Diraru Jorry) w ork.'JIm Parltar, 886 raiior. .1B'ft Jbaling. and slacking. Call Jo ro m e ,'______vjir _Ford ...... 18X26. Boal ollor. 73fr< ------—;------: -AKC-regislered Goldo id e n -R e------HORSESHOEII niUIJc^MF ®"0< 7 ft^ldo, tandtandoiTt-ax-- 733-47B2 or4S2-a5l7.-^---=------— ------Com plole klno-9ir®-v r^'Kids ciothoa.- • - dc shos, irlover p^ppiea. -HaHave.all Doug Kooniz..... « fwrr*ca^ 07&4fiinte00 0 apprOC alO. T lI^Im Fri 4 Sat, Ju n o 3 4 4 .9- ony mare, now swalhor traiior Cualoffl hay sUcklng, 2 cycle; Schwinn LItllc now bijylng nlghcrawiraw lersal , BANNERS, 733-142 ._Mprn_ anpa.51'25. Call 436-91! ? ™ Ei 1-MMJa.Wl.lormoi ...... lilKo;& donyarntor734------B o lh . ■ oxtremDlyy genllo: Abovo. oqulpmonl w ide o r3 wide slacking. Caii 734-8065 3.l0call0na..Call.733-.^217B.or i.Mnoroomso(a,ji: ----- URGEYAROSAI‘ALE , .F.or_ja!D:_Z_HOOl!OoK_.old R o asonabio lormsrms. Call aoon at W atts M(|ri(Q. lot in Be sure to Induda;iude orico Gail Pauisan. 543-5669. ______; "B trs^rka, TF.-Juno Cosco Inldnt/loddlo.Idlof c ar 324-3351 0f326-45W.I , BANNERS. 733-142 no J ano Doberman puppiesOS, 5150. S36-6332. .______Joromo. Cali 324-6718709 alter 5 when advertisingJ itemslie (or.j ciasoHiod . . . ^or poopio 4, 9 lo* 5 pm . Fur'urnilure, (702)752-3596. Wells. N seal.' brand new, sllll Boo boards waniocfilod. w i l l------______-I saielnclassKied.______L^l.nvorywQcrDiJjajeaO-______-733-8069 -com ata LOW ploa, 5200each. 436-58>-5e48; 324-30 54.a(Ior4pm, fs T ^ r i9-'"iioroo"monilor'° prices, ciothoa (chijhlidrons p,og size 12-14. Muat aoolsooi. Call FofO G ranada, 734-731:7312. T V ...... R ogisiorod 8 yr old 1 ■ 733-7050 ovoi^ngS;____ ...... and adulisj. woighi ------BUYING: scrap gold3id lowei- 19" cablo roady T V— .,., " « 2 9 g^ar. dishoa09 Snd ‘°t)0y kittens. Call 734-:^•2388. g a id in o whillsh gray ^ I O oesn'l (ill Wo havov oloaoill l< fy. diam onds. sloriing s 1 9 ''rom oto control TV..rv..5269 lois.lolsjnoro, Free lo good homo,-61,*6 ador- Roan color Appalooa p i n c Slale pool tablo.0. - fl95. slivorwaro. pochot walchoa.wa Now so la and lovoso'esoat • 280EaatA.Wondoili able, cute kittens. 7 wooks1 15 y rs old, shown I PMono 733-^41 ovonint nings,___ sDvor dollars, coinin i cotioc- S54B Saturday, Ju n o 4 lh . 9-Su old. Musl (Ind noww homo.I ISHA, and in rodeos.;"o.'.v j c "» SSIFIED ORRDERFORM brapes (or salo: Palo,'alo. palo •'-'.3,oic. Nowco(aandiovese — Call 734-5107.______; ' w o ato m w ear avallaaiiiHo ao If you areI unablei to call o r coirome by TTie Tlmes-News c yollpw. Ilnod, • oxcollonl oxc Idaho Coin Giilorlilorloa $699 LTTr-m t-a-diaTi homo. w ell. P tio n o 825-5000 0 -rt -- sale. Sal. 8:30-4. 219) 1.Locust '0 . good I -office, Sim •— ' condilion.' looa includod. incl • 302 North Main. 733<3^eS83. . A llplclufosand ^German RoQlsiered Ouartof m piy cllp~and iw ilI ttthis order form to our J70. Call 733-6957. N,- Classy te e n ciolhos cl ______Nighlcra'wiors. 324-2 ‘t,- (Espril, Palagonla.- Ron. Shophord. 5 moiilhnlh old, sorrel mare, I7 yearsIjro.ujoo ClassifiedI departm ent so ttial Jarom o 50% oil m arked prlc< 1 hat we can get your.ad r • Eloclr'ic mopod. Gorman G< Fran'a Ball Shop. Jan ?roi?orr> neilon)', luggago. • Vvvobor temalo. Call738-8616.______for 4-H. 5600.733-5859 onglnoorod. try thoho q^ot NidHTCRAwlenje n s: ------Schoolappliancoaarof ghii. gamo sm okor, mmanual LOVE WANTEOIltt Frool Roglatered QuarterSTSS7 I started wiUI t f i o u t d e l a y . ... ------CjKdo. real hoao turner: ...... — ------LONG'S BAITBO)! ~ ~ . . gardenculilvaloumiaca cfiirh : FroolT rceirO ur’.mflllKJiliflClla T?oiw:Xi:bay; e yoaro- B se print cTearlv w itii d ------lyJ2Sa.2onIy-naw. 734- OT CoiMo. Inerfoaiall. genlieTSW ;ziz:-;pieft h~dark^hcll or pen " ^ ...... -T w in Fans or Kimbo ' ’ Cloaranco&RenUICAlClr Lots of mtsc 8> goo drrniJJHi: (f hard working Border ( ------— 734-1528 or.423m sol. boys/oirls/mons/worrom ons- ParakooiB4 Cockallilatiala allckor groal grands?o“. o r o r - l . P ' e a 1 classification 13—T vr many sizui!'»ro m mian■ffntS-tO L■oc'aIly-raiao'cJ^r537l^7ih-T^vo -u se — B a r —cimitocr— 1------^ f o r d ays:------r "i” o'!?.'; Ca'r3?6-5217.. CaII324^ol3"'‘"'"P adult, lots • of aolo ic'O"!)' G aloSubD ivjslqn.TR “ Coll 733-8244 a fie rS pim. m, m oot- is a boal aoli< f,, woighl J5S lbs. 934-4539 musl sell, C.1II733-C899.99. 073—Bazaars & Crafts d^^o Moving sale Saturday. . SI. Bernard p‘opplOs.1 £ !« s £ !ii£ i------_____ 3Ooal410E^8lh,Gooding a Ml ------I ...... inlornational - 345 c Cl i v^e :— V - 4in. 10am-4pm, 101 7lhlh Avo lempormont. ahols, ...... I ^ enoinu. JlM ; John Ouor NcDd iho^c'lp 01 a'prolproios- North, Twin Foils, furninituro Home, C all 587-4047, ^ 105—H orse Equipmennent - | ------I : • PC T hay balor. {ISO; 250o’dnuil (je 074-Musical sional? Chock our Seivico Son ciomes. books, rofrigororalor! U«C' American Es Olroclory, daily in Tim Circio J horao andld ,.« o e k I I or QP3 otornoo tank, *^5; Instrumenis iimos- and much m isceilanoou!>ua. pups, lemalo, firai ana I ------...... m(Sc "wanon'S Bungy-o; ------W olii^m liy— ~yarO'-' -^.3in- ! -cond-ahois.-roady-for- JlSlakoa aii. Cali 934-540<5409, ’ Aiillquo uprlnhl nlarfp.rfo.'jwO - Rl,0jdromu,id,"' Saturday. Juno 4th. Inin tho home-Call 788-3213. ------:— Exchange, Hagormannan, Id. * •, Mow Bri1t.inTca oncy If you movo II, S700 llirII movo RED CEDAR, (oncing,'• poDOS'- parking lot on th o corn (3ayoliiy9flm-5pm. 4 lomaio black Labpupp“PP‘0*' di03 4 lack. ShopI around ar i ...... bosTor(orcaiir33.3954.-:^ ------;l)i,ii.O-t6W.-C f ithi oxc cond, J250. Chro:Mromo VJOQ. /34-iCKiallornoon! m ado saddles, bolh i f f l p ______------Uuni^ui—Im — ;,tohupr ...... — — . -083=Garage.Sale3______fDo[i3j(uvOoj'_mi3pJoj:hc^o.w. _«i-^aatJve-W orid_^—:------forko.-Sorloua-calloro.;r./oS ■ I C ity/state/: ______L .. - _.s& maKo oliur. Call ovo3 . ... ornato luliod quoon hi ______543-4270. ____ lQBilIme(Mf^iigic Volldy aroa only) ves s 076—Office Equlpmonijnl A 4 family salo ihaiII hash board, iighi w ood JeJenny wookond5734-S447;____• 20 ft 4 horae trailer. I ______ovorylhlng. you'ro iooki30klng Lind crib, hido-a-tabio..now 1 092_Audions olJ"K 'QM ychgckbior nioney order is enclose3 s e d fo r $ ______. .1 Roo( alf condiiionprnr (or I • (or.'R otrigoralor. Oar,, anti-ar rebulil mall so ta . daybc'b eds, tacK otorago, overhead motor_lionio Df Ifalior.•. J550.J ' 077-H om e Entortainm(nment Cjuea. 1 mlac! Sat 4 Sun,jn,8.7. ( 2ndTlmoAroundfl80N.W■ Wa. rack, (air condilion,I, 551700. b B ill m y V I S3A / or M aster C harge (CirctoIrctoono) I ' Fisli • m osicf (loat lu New llom» both ciays. -, • ______I Credit Card r d N u m b e r ______f 12 — super Seal dri-pure laie*,’ lai Amuflcan alandard ’ ■ I- '- Sal,, Ju n e 4 , 9;00 a.m ; Hi I com _ ITBajuiioLano.TF, ____ 3 lamliy yard salo. T c 3 a e ls o( now parad ------I “ . . wadora-S llns^.165. Smalllall nv opor/iK.-d pool lablo, l a r k e t ahow ha m o sa. Call 543-9 Expirationi DC a t e ______^ _ ----- or - aparifponl-airo ' de riifioV " • .. ACC£N.T_:-—;____ anUquas.—guris,—furnlti>lturo|. [ . ^ 3 E a r m e r a l m a r ■ deep SiSle. S?50 -r- .icccisoi - - 35 (ool GoosonocK. 33 horsesho | ------~ — ------r a . - . J ' ------12 — :— iw a in , ' m ^alLHij459*^p{a-T1 .EASHtOfiEYEggAaAO ciolhos. • Somolhing ^ — pvb'ry6nu':'071TniTTff{3rq,’" ■— ...... woodaiove with elecilectnc RENT A NEW TV! Ow - l l ___ ilvino a p a c o ; aolt-contai,ntainod.:.._ : . ___:_____ ^__ P a y Schedi Dlowof, J375. Cair adorn o r 4 new co lo r-lv tjy runHng. ' • Sat. e/4. 8-5 p m r-3 fanla m i'iy ...... — 320-S410. nm fi7fl-09?r.. caah M6-FarmSeed'’ . croditora chocked. 204K K ^L‘iquidati6n' ...... N u m b e r sola and love aoal. J2J200, Avo. North. Calna, 733-71 :hlno. ------^------a L P J - d a y s ------XG iJatga-per-iine— r ------t S l —' - - -'~?70(rvTU“WinflowTi(r‘cor m ts r- -Alfatfa—se e d —Ijy -growcJwora, • ------' ------5295 conop "^yivania audio Sviaoo. l ■ Ranger. 5t.40/lb.' Call1 Jorry Jo ______liQiicf...ll5Q...yiilily (railtraiior. o„yg m m»o(c Vaiioy. j*. — -S-ate^“ ^ mi. S o l Cu rry Sioro, : = ' ~ ' " l ^ d aa y s ....T.'.".::;...... JS Jack's "35od. CaUo” ' Jr. 324-4182, Ouroc feedora 4 wean ...$2.5Q per line Hur ------J?75.-Likfr-n<;w,-mo!0f0y.’foycio -TAr.-3nio8SSoMco:Our Saturday Juno. 4. .&-9,- Aii Iramo', and CbnmoUcs ^dell Boo boards wanlod.i 7 ~ 1 ^ ' Cair32(^«92 dr 328^017I I L I Z : - " ------4 - 7 da y s ...... fiumiet. SM)._Cail 723-2807. Tochn:.:, mi.r- „ )llC3 East Avo. D.. Wond r.-.$4.00 penine ' " "o"' ai or Lolo*-cof.ii _____ Ohiirtrons_^Baddio,- picncnlc CO'"® <0 you- R«y Odo/miilmotl. R oglator- Ouroc WolnJolnors,._ ------.:.S.15 dl ----"TnoV.BiLT^LLERS ■- -with-r!mirt7-eariricrmonn;------•TOmT^Mlha's------___ _ 545. Call733-1492.-lal0. days ...... ■ : . $ 6 . 7 5 p e r l i n e {"s'! aave up lo $300 fl (r \pbi6*'TV. playhduao. ididya. Cnil 465-5280 coiloci. 1 (ffc; C)-c.co;u;-ticc.Aif,.,,. childrens clojhM.jTilsc.-~ OROERNOW- - WanlM'uaetfValted fan ntjp(.T iirli ’.oil kil. Ill Gii;d faj^- 16-30) ds andd noor.n< Oou/itfvin Of..-rii.UT. plus d .. Mall your onder forf o r m t o : ______. Wanlud Io buy: trampolli fibusohoia Horn# ond • 734-3587...... Froodeilvt>H*»ry w e a n o ra ...... 423-!123-5750 in good condilion. 326-41751175 ■ ■' iuwn cqulpmoni 9 pm. 621 Mornlngsldo.___ Wood Hollow VvoslamI Day 079—A ppliances TWIN FALL§ SiteBSi RCH -Oar-Hay.Graln&Fwd...... Spocial! niODon W pricprice, ■ ------. •- .. CAMPUS COMMONSue RRSTCHRISTUNCHURC d.. 1(J8-SheepiGoata_...... cCTa'ssified Depai> a r t m e m ^ cow milk stool *12,95.5. iaii A ppllancoa nuod . ropi ANNUAL RUMMAGE SAL •ocmrj SAT. JUNE 4TH ONLYL l Ju n o 3-4.8:00 am to 5:00 pr ' AftENTlON STOCKMANlANI I White (ace ewo lambs, lan- P.O. B ox 548J 4 8 Slov Horses 20'::, o((! May 1sttth thi ru Chock our Sorvleo Dlroci Lot ua lind and haul yo May 4th. in iiio Lynwood3d tby fo r profoaalonai help.. DallyD. (P a rk in g L ot or CHURCH BASEMENT your (yoarllnga. 2 year oida,la, .4 a ' CoiftorolShoshono Siroc•««. hayand.slraA.ConiacI: buck lam b frorrl 174%; iamt>-111 IVvIn Falls, IdahoIO 83303{ Is; SodbusiorPies. IrfTlmoo-NowaClassllindtnda, c o n fe re n c e room ) J 4 fl H auiinp.., 324-4805. ______and,6lh Avonuo North, 55. ing (lock. T33-4674;- — ■ * WAN :_;LZLZ '' z r :z 2 iiisi O ' ------:. ■■ ■— ""7" ...... • . ___ 1 f ' ______

- - - j .

S a tu rd ay . J u n o 4 . 19flfl 'Tlmos-Nows, 'T Twin Falls. ldohnC-7 :: ^ ^ ITS-iTuto PM lors______' a m ters~ tim a r k e t-A\ u t o m o tiiv e — — g o ------

- j •• n s - fa r m W o r t—~ - -|;125—Tfavs1460. balino and stacking. On avallablo - - ■— — );______ICall543-6828., •______L ‘l “ : RAYMOND all threo. Cnll B34-a5$2.2 *1967 Holiday. 20- ” H CMC pick-up, Ilooks PJiqno ^-3514. ______Call 734-5175 or 734-6B2 Hlohway300Brafla734-:^7094 bad, runs good. Now 1 5 8 ?®:_____1B85 Horida Accord LLX. 1085 1 075 Oodgo 3V4 lon'dul . ElM ngton cuatom hay at w Ilros. 1972 International 1I lo'01 Hat [Excepllonal condlllonlion, 1081 Ford Bronco II. l^ ^ so o o 4 whool iclclo opplleatlon______^ xtra9;J9!»0.C all 733-- )n_wttri. .._ i. 2 8-— ...... ,„.{C995. Ford.-352-ong.-7-and-4-•4-8pd.- -t9n-wnito-4odb-twrn! Pd,-«9M_iC06^(a0L2M(L*-ILli:i disk, low ratos. Call>11 Miko^ •1963AlumaIlto 26' 90.000 mllos. oxc. condl »lnscrow-jiB77-Do9po von."«5C{450. Call or bos i ollor, 734-4848.•8;_____ icablo. boslolfor. • C ootoa 733-7S54 or 3?(M0 ::;:{8mI I^J-AuIoswanted idlllon. flumplruck. DIosal turtlurbo 1B5 ^ ; ^ 88; 6. ______00 turbo, Coll 324-7120altor6 pm. •1984'AI)o,26-...-...... ______{1500.734.7051 a llo r6 prrP^- cum m ins ongino—sal ______1986 w hito Aodf 5000 SPECIALS ,, Miller's custom i ■/“L''®®'’’ ho78 Dodgo cargo'vorv o n . 15“ AT, fully loadod, llkoIko n o w iJlB ^ Blazer. 4'x 4.' V-6, a t ;' _____ .. ______. • hay-______WANTED: l i e s ___ i-Port .1566_QMCJonc-iiocL<.4.s p a .- -flSOO. Call352-4328.7an — Btocklno. wlIl•(Jo^nywnl ------Folrraho— 5 0 0 S C ""o f"'r 1907 V-6. with canopy. 786^45 ZiOl:----- boxr-noods- tnglno-no-w ork, tako ovor paVmonl3-{3•{373 por [PS. PB, {3500. Call734-6154-^_^ 1B77 Bobcat foaaonnOlo raloa. 82^567^ * 7 ^ ° ' *1977 Cobra mini motor 1974 Ffolghtllnor convon- co |tiSOO/olfor. 543-4664t4ollor5 ol m onth. Call 733-6944. Chovy II SS. Runningng and ,io,bed. 44 ' X 4. tional 350 Cummings. ____ 1977 Chovy ScotlsOalolalo T »301662dr...... r ...... {1995 Swathing, baling & slackackino homo; ...... {J ll,w » reasonsblp.C all733-6265 {995. C a ll...... 326-26-5188 toon apood Iranaml:’ml Ji n n ’ ’980 'C odoo Caravan.an. 16,000 'TS'P’orsch o B14. oxcc i Shape. 4x4.' ,400 V8, AT. -air. mt. l978PonltacSunblrd on. Cali •l977PacoA rrow ml..-nll mo. oxtra3,.{i 15 yoara oxpor. J17/lon. ), bo si )ako-brako, air aildc I.. {10,950^. fun3.aood^{400D.or.fii-tiost ol- .{alldlng-toar -window.-rw.-radlal-. »3{«e7-idr...... *1W5______'— — ■ Frarik Andataon.TWWgQn^Q , ------25-’„i^...W -r>.S 1B69 Chovy V, ton PU. l'„m »S CallL,„y,733.;««70..ovos. lor. 734-6864 or 734-922<22^' !!ros_^423-615fla(1or6 ,„ •1977Trovco,32'...... r.SaSSS 135-CyclesSSup'plleslies oflor. Call 934-4060 OVOB.)B. whool. flow Iroigh 5 _____ lB77FordMu8t«na ...... Swathing and bating.ig, will ausponslon. ' nrocont ’Ofi® Limited Editionn cicuaiom '85 • Alllanco, doaiirnr -funa }is77 Dodgo Powor WaWS55K »301472dr...... {1895 : . travel. Call S36-2598. ■ha 500 din biko. {550.50 Call 1974 Chovrolot 1 lon cob crawl van, low m itoago,, loloadod, woll, {3200.324-6413. jclub cab. AT. PS.. cnciulso, 1980 Subaru Brat .ftj, chassis, excollonl cc transm ission work, T i a cualom stacking. , Homos ^^^5516 or 423-4864 ovos. conoi- ififougf, 3j -(nch kloopor slo PS, PB, PW „ PL, AC,AC. AM/ ------;low miloago, {13003 or will 1401594x4 ...... {1995 ig , two Brockm an'a Mobilo H( ^ 5 ^ lion. Call 733-0636. pm ^M COSS Sloroo, tut, C 1 Dodao lB78ToyolaCorolla . 2-wldo atacKors. 1B< to 20c.: 4 ml N of Perrins brlcarldae K awasaki 550 L Call 788-4060. altor 6 pm. »s-ixrs4ATv:> jtrado lor cargo van, Dc ___ C o im artlh Tllloy erom ? Call 654-9292. _____ 197S Chevy hell tor>,,^{525. J I 1975 iniofnmionni 4 0 70 1 couch, closot, leobox, lorPord. Call 733-2851.'r; I301142dr...;...... {1995 ' Cam24-45^r-324-2734^ pioieiy-«qutp(>«d-for-ts>f.towing_ grTr-.T..----. 3 airing custom .ball 4203 1978 Vamaho SR '500,' bIj — ' “IJ 8p"d,' rocent'oul oi r ^r^aff^07T5-’.rT-Oodgo-«x4r«ic S rdavs 1B75GMCW ton,350 mtm otor, major. 20 ft comblnS S n {17,585. 734-7121 aftorS S(jburban In good con(jndtllon. WT, PS. PB, storoo, chr 7 4 0 0 9 1 4 x 2 ...... {1995.. — . Frooman soil propolspoiled ______' llko new, *400. 733-638rd ■ 1B77 Mercury onialnad or733-3402nltor5:30 pm. rod, 53.000 actual mi,.v ■ o ry wilh bolt, mot< 4 X 4, AC, AT. PS, PB, PE has running boards, cu; balors. Dalo Ewors/orson, IB' Socurlty solf-cont condlllon. 675-9163 , #301724dr.,., ...... -.{1995 788-3776, loavo mossoca.go. ' trallor, sloops 6, good)0d lloor 1979 Yamaha llOOcc. F 'w oO - holsl. Also, 20 It pullII IrallorII 1 4 ;-lm p o rt S p o rts1 CaCars had lots of TLC, J38M900. Call U h o o ls.' oxc llios,J, gooo{ 1974 Plymouth Trallduator jOfOl Oam&altorepm _____ • w/ldonlical bod. Call 734-3513 aflor 3 pm. :i. boch. cond.. 734-6733 plan, oxc. cond., IncIncludes dross, .immaculato. {i: Niasan,- ______#440164x4 ...... {2295 oquaMzor hllch, anilinll-sway Call 536-2934.______1B84 Mazda 8 2000 PU,,g good 1526, 733-3312 (Ever■lUrtSl! SfS S y MO SX-XE Nl — condlllon. Call 543-5379. ____ 734-3S76 (Dirty Don’s).1 OXC-’ cond., AC, Al ------1B79 Buick Regal bar, {3500. Call 733-90700??: ____ 1951 Yamaha YZ465, ri miloago. 17S-A uto Dealors ■ ■ j 175-A uto Dealers 130092 2 d r ...... {2495 Dxiros 19M C'h'o'vy Sl'lvorado V700 ...... 676<760637 ^ )adod. spood. cobovor, 46 ll. f 32024 2 d r . . . : . . '...... {2495 j • ------tion, {2650. Call 324-424S ------r-:- low mlloago, storoo (to;Itopo). dock hay trallor. 30 II ______1980 Honda Accord 15S2_B«wasakl_125^ nL cflmpo,_jhell^Mi.9»-s ______1966 Dodgo campoipor-van. sondllion, '(1952 act Sacrlllco, {13,500. 733-olI C.ill C/.lssfhnt), 703-0o-ceV, e d lc a r . . . #32040 4 d r ...... «495 ____ fiborglaaa lop. Runss cgroat, 1945 Honda XR 250.z— 1P - ’75 Ford 250, 360 V-6. 4i spd, s floor, oloc alao door winch,wl Wo'ro roaOy wnon you ari ie7«Old8DelU88 soil com. Road Ronangor 1 hp unloading motor.f. G o o d ______—------^ 7 #340342dr...... {2495 For font: Plpor Choroiorokoo {950or boatoflor. 733-2f - collonl condition, undor 1 t40. For Inlormallon ■ IOf.500 overshot. Cloan. {3200.). WillI c o n d itio n ,...... 436-138-5810 '978 Subaru, runs | 1982 Ford Falrmonl Prowior, 20 ftI iravoit mlies. {1500.543-6979 ------• ’ aollsoparalo. 866-217B. ■ ^ {800. 734-2132 a flor 6 prr CIALISTS■ I301822dr...... {2695 Mof lo ShewmaKor 423^421 trallor. fully aolf-conta . M yards Hlol dump ] n ta ln ^ , ^5 Yamaha 650. R u n s groai; gro ” ...... 3 J900‘ 1979 'Hon'da A ccord, 3 1B81 Chevy Ciumon tandom axlo, good C'condl- t400. Call 324-4049. ^ m p io lo wlih pump, ] tion, «500rC all 423-6333 -KO—Heavy-Trucks/Sem>ml'5~ -M U 734-2644...... , 5 spd, now fodlol Ilros, I E #32038 2 d r ...... {2095 121-Boat84Acces3. 87’ Nln)a 750. 3300 ml. o •I* 1981ChevyCaprlco ------1975 Kll Com panion, ^ — 7.:: ’78 Potorblll lO'whl cab. m '• f '. ». ahapo. {3900. C all73»4591 • W #39036 4 d r ...... {2995 For Salo: 1979 Glaslfon >'591. Klrpyl 1966 2W” TTr‘ucir5I wl h sloopor, twin scrov teLoi'iSMlSi1®?!:------^^assongor^ij^on^1 $749i ton 14 8oU-conl, • hoalor, v haylago/sllago loedor ■ ■■■ 1 -1978 Pontiac Oran Prix • lool, eo hp Mofcury, noadors,, .apood,. 2._oxlo— .TiIt__—bod.I jKucomploto-ovarhaul,11 IUM CaN734.3481^ _____ ONMI J- #401544x2 ...... {2995 „ __ ^Now.Bayllnora and Soarajaraya. 1979 i6'-K om forr Iravoijo '-l'l'.- forsalo. call 436-0767____ ^ $1695 1B84ChawImnala ------w/awnlnQ,-8l«ep#-5,- ______lowboy. 326-5960 after6 prpm . 5 yr rop_. lon avail. 20‘I'Ross R 1982 Honda Proludo„do. 5- - # 3 9 0 3 9 ^ ? . ------; d. livo' 'apood,V- ' air, AN _ *USEDMATS" cloan. {Sm o , muat ao80o " to ' ’SM"lnl.- IBOO" frucK"'wl'sx5 Frolghlllnor. cabovlovc^,. ailoago boo mdUnlod, M B ------1980 ForflTitJfd______• — -Ptop and loworunfl— ------appfpclat»at526^thAvc oSK 1985J0Jt0I I E - —»30ie5-gdi ...... -.I '.v .W BS------. RcbuiiainoSAVEBiai Ifansmiasion. now rub"^jb’EorT w/40’ hopper Irallor, bolfijif, In I b o o is & oicirCorTbo solsoTuT llivor gray coi6r7‘ la 1961 FordCourler 1964 24' 5lh whool, Cho>hovy V. [ovf mllos, llftgalo, nt 543. for manuro. no boalors.irs. All 733-4406 or 734-3052.at'..o ( s r t e r c e l Moat comploto aorvico new nood condlllon. Call 5 ly 4 door, lilt tack “ - ^ $ 2 9 9 5 #401434x2 ...... {3495 . ton. exc.. {11.995/or W261bo ^ Urea. {3100. 733-3532. .. igs. In good condiUon. 436-681•6810 Acl ar^d oak for Sandy. dopnrtmonlinall' aoll goparalo. Call 733-62 6226 mornings or ovoning! ...... 1B73GMC«ton ...... — #401484x4 ...... {3495 AKin 20 ft Froo Splrll. 1976, 1981 CHEVY CENTUflWoAfLANI conlalnod, sleeps 4,i.’g’ood j 175-Aulo Dealers 17S-AuloDoaJef3 I 17S-Auto Dealers______175-Auto Dealers Twin FallB7»-M702: ___ cond. {3750. Call 733-265!’651. • ------C -104X 4 - ~nicn stmoo $399515- 1983 Ford Escort __ ^ S oara Gomoflshor, 15 hp 24- Froo Spirit aolf-con #301432dr...... {3695 1 m oior, 14V^ fl long boat, bo od trailer, clean. {40» wIdo and.doop, with aoa % 1 982 PONTM k p a IBTBFordE-ISO boa lo H o f...... <67- I I * #40144 v a n ;...... {3795______M irollor & boal covor. Us ^ . FJREBIRD SE ^OnioTHtiuTJhrifOWtar S45I I p f f l l Goi^TioiomCj^gocia^gwhoois L _ ^ 5 4 9 5 #401244x 4**....".” ..{3995T will tako J4000. Call678-52 c.in5J.»ei;.______1980 Honda Accord or 733-3003. ______[ f M f o ^ ^ 1977 FORD IE" #301453dr...... {3995 14‘ aluminum Woodslrot 126-Campers i Stolls ! ■ 1BS4 Plymouth Horizon boat, >400.837.6694. r PICKUP $1995 #301524dr...... {3995 IS ll tri-hull llborglass boiboat, Hawkoyo e lool uNdo Gold moiaiiic. spockHwrwhoois______leeaMbreuryLyn* 60 hp Morcury, and goigood compor, 64" nigh, no o 1 985 BUICK #301582dr...... -..{3995- • -j trallor. >3500. Call 436-5667.6e7. ahot, 2 burnor atovo,s a U S ESDCAIR FAC1TORY I E 1964 Mercury Lynx . 16' Sllvorlino vKitt) 95 I tablo/hod. {450.423-6333.J33; ___ RIVERIA Ir #32055wap...... {3905 m orcury. Easy lood Irolkrailor. Insulatod campor sholl; ^ Loaflod, mcoi ^ $11,995' V 1983QMCS-15 canopy, roadytogc. • door, for long bod PUI truck,tri J M #420404x2 ...... {3995 * ' 300 a t 4S(H?tamuiii]. L B 1XTES%- - 4fl8«WP0TI | E (39038 4 d r ...... {4395 ~ ' ' k P o r bosi offer: Call 786-4319.9^____ ■ . 17 >t. Orrlon, 10, ski l> - lB7«tntematlonalScout2 . ilshlng boot, loadod, nonow Security Campor 11 ft. — COROLLA Auto^ir^owo^Uigring! ^ T 9 9 5 #401294x4 ...... {4495 trallor. Call or'aooalMcVi(cVoy stove, frldgo, quoon t — 1981 Olds CullBBS Moontod on 1974 Chovy 1980 PONlNTIAC 1984 MERCURYr 1985 FORD ------uAyloJ33H002.,______1 9 8 5 CHEVY - #320202dr------S4435------17 ll. Fibo'rform WalkalklTHlkT s n o n r4 a W d 7 3 a :^ » fl evol |l% . . * -iBSaoid-sOmega —— b'Znn. 140 hp Morcury. Sloe>leek, 10'/4 foot ovorshol cam UN ILYNX ------T^BIRD^ CAVALIER I& #301504dr...... {4495 ------fast— m otal—liako- - linisinlstt: -w ilh—1972,—H —ton—Cht ^ $5795—------l963ChevV9plrit------Showroom condllloflV {600S6000. solf-contQlnod, good coi ------'■#301382dr...... $4495 • ■ • £all 678.3038 alior 5:30 p.m.I.m. tion, {4250. 076.f24O day« 1 3 $ 2 ! % ^9 85 TOYOT/ IIP iMOCldsCuilase _ Grumman aluminu 676-0557evenings.______.t:. $ 6 8 IK #301744dr...... {4405 ‘"canoo, 2 paddlos & artchochor. 10' selfr full ■ 9 0 0 $^ 5 5 5 VAN ™ * $7495 1983 Dodge 600ES ■ t350. C aahoniy. 734-0270.0. aizo pickup, excollont c ' A/CjSspOOO^^^^^ #320304dr,...... {4695 ------IB----- Omon;— Inboard-01 -dltlon-734-J243or-734.999( 1984 Mercury Lynx board, 350 Chovy,.120 firsre con 10 fool ovorshol camp^ 1978«RfllAND 1983[\MERCURY 1986F0RD—------1 9 6 3 CHEVY p »'32o^i won . . . {46S5— ...... ------“ on{rnJxircDncr67^9i«3-bia-tjo-- -Slovor-«von,-fufnaca,-pi ------9J/2^0VERSHOT-I fo ro 10 om & aflor6 pm a-poily, hydrollc lacks, r --- ligARQUIuls— - —eoDUGAR^------— TAURAS— Nico Combo 7 ^ upholstery. {650.86^7645 S ^ F $ 1 « 9 5• % ______1B78ford&lS0______^___ __ 1972 19’ Flboriorm boat v, W #401424x4 ...... {4795 sm block Chav ong & iralkroller 1677 11M foot, Wildem« 2 1974LINC0LI _ 1084 Ford Mustang - t2000/boatoflor. 326-S261Jl cam por. fully solf-conn #30180 2 d r ...... {4995 1975 Fiborform 16‘, 120jn h ;r od. 4 burnor slovo, Jacka J MARK V $1995C 1984 ® "P eluded, vory cloan. ={3300. {33 $ 7 5 ' > 0 $ 3 ) : 8 3 8 8 Noj^jTOSjjolOnjotjiiiic^ Ia #30183 4 d r ...... {4995' Volvo I.O., skis, lackolt 8 5 0 $ ! •j22£^S£IIIIli£5L_— — _ ’'5'*: Phono 733-6944. bood condllloi), S3SOO. Ca ' V 1964 Ford Ranger - 524-6221 ■ ______1981 Troasuro. Valley 6 f< 1985 VW — #490064x2 ...... *4995.. half ovorshol with camj 1973 FOFDRD 1980IDATSUN 11986 NISSAN _ 1084 Ford Ranger 1975 ' 21 It hardtop Cudd GOLF < E #49005 4 x 2 . . '...... {4B95 • • • ' ' ;h y d ro -sw lfl,J7 5 0 0 ..ir FiboiAbol lac»3. tKJtllos. quoensizo ovorsh ______1981 Chevy C-20 — 1985T0Y0TA “ • #4015e4xTT...... '{5493------— . 1965 Basstrackor, TX17,-6(r :^ bod, pona-poni, jacks'.'A:S 1982 FORDD EXP 1S844 FORD U1985 MERKUR iidfivo' ' •„ $5890 W W . W W hp More, vory good condond. *1500. Can 733-5102. COROLLA ------1881 Ford Bronco ------— -vory good prlca-BSS-4311. — SPORT MOI Aut0^Bi0r00j_lronl_wn^^ 1401094x4 ...{5495 ODEL 1 TEIEliflPO XRHTi 5 -_-i9«aFofdEKort:...... 25 hp rotory outboard. V Ap 127-HotorHome3 1984i:ADILUi # 3 0 l3 5 2 d r.7 ...... {5495 ...... proxlmotoly 5 liour8. S950 t 1982 Ford MOO - r (70217520596. Wolls.NV. Am looking for 23-26' 197 ?12,995 — 1980 good, cloon, roasoison- FLEETWOOD -#40145-4 X 2—..-, {54B5 — 7---- T ; 4 HP- Chrysler outboardaara pricgd molorhome, w 3 8 8 $; ■ 1982FordF-150 ----- molorr-mod«l-42H60r-fune 1 7 $ 4 5 8 3 8 8 ~pgyT:a!itrrrrr:v— ’.T az w35454- c - - • good. Phono 536-5671 days BROUGHAM^AIMhojO^ • #401514x2 ...... {5495 or 536-2049 ovoo ' '______^ SPECIAL 1980 CHE1EVY 19833 FORD -1 |p $ 1 3 ,4 9 5___ ^ 1S64 Pontiac Flero 1077 Cobra 22W m lnl, ^ 8 5 ISUZU _ J98&JiaiIGE_ ..#301B62dr...... {5695 ; 122-Sportlng Goods 2 oirs, gonoralor, oxcollon ^— .condition.{11,900. i.n, MALIBUIU RANGGER PU I MARK — CONVERSION V i Full acuba-dlvlnn oUltil plusMus Brockman'a. 734-3167 Ca^ot^haifBj^ouchja^ 5I # 1984 Ford F-25o" gear. Also. .22 rlllo for salo. ^ #401614x2 ...... {5905 i, Call 733-7648 • 1987 MERCUl 1979 Ford Bronco ------1976 Tioga molor-homot-44i #400684x4 ...... {5095 ------Q0LFEH9I ------low mllos, good condiiioj. $ - U I S IRY ______c i n n c - 7 usod so ts ol Irqns. S60 oa. 8 1 $ 4 g5 0 0 $j8 5 0 0 GRAND iVIARQU oa. {6500. 733-6525 alior 5. Loadod. I0B8 than 1O.OOO r 4 use d startor sols, $50 oa. { V IBTO.-JO'i-W ong. WIf 7 »Z495 ------TH5-CLUB HOUSE' T------1084 Ford M ustang. 810 Ma in Ave N. 733^5777 ' nobago. low mllos. 324-5359 1979MERCICURY 19861DODGE V1984 GRAND #30124 2 d f '...... {5995 ^ 1985 Southwlnd, 28 f _ 1088 Oodgo Colt ' Pool tablo for saltT J7S0. boaullfultCall 786-4195. CallS36-2169. ,■ ... ^ BOBCATIT----- OftMNI MARQUIS - 198HVIEReUf C - - 1985ChevrolTi»Ctjlebrliy ■■ 26', 1973 Avco, good conc $13,9955 -(Iborglsss-body, all..Uia..ox -a COUGAR^R-7 ri I301614dr...... {5995 1 2 3 -G u n s &RI1IS3 Iraa, now.radlal8;324-2ia3... ^^Sjlvof_moialjjgjVinjnD » 1981JeopWagoneor — '#401064x4 ...... {5905 AR15 llko now. J S S o r i ^ 1987 DODGE IM S Ford Tempo . - - 324-5208.______128-Uliniy Trailers £ $ 1 5 09 0 $ 4 €B 8 1 $ ]8 8 9 1 $2395 ■ I30103 4 d r ...... {6635 For Solo: Guns. Knlvoa, 2 axlo llalbod trallor. 20X. tCARAVAN LE I Powor windows A lockr.,.V.i ------acopes.-Wftolosale-i-10%:-'™-"with oloc.' brakoo‘,''{1300 1087 Ford Escort Callaflornoon. 734^)4fl1. _ Sr “1980 FORIRD ------19811HONDA- -19* ; r . call 733-3532. 385MERCURY------1980 E0RD - #3968 2 d r ...... -.{6905 Modol 700 nominolon BDL/ 2 whool liphi stock o r utllii] — • i984.MQrcgcy-Cflua#f. ______Now 7mm Maonum flod- trallor. {3/5. Tandom. aollc« T-BIRD) ACCCORD GRAIAND MARQUISI LTD $4995 * #340352dr...... {69S5' flold. Widoflold 3X9 acopo,P"' axlo low prolllo trallor, 5 x 1 — 4_doorj^harg__^_^^^_ 1965 Ford Tempo ' • t400. 733-3346aH or4pm. __ ft bod. IdDal for small trac 5 RhuQor Ranch rlllo, 223 cai.;ll.: tora. olc.. {600. 6 fl. x 16 f 1978 FORD #32048-4 d r ...... {fl9« llhica soml-ouio 12 gauge;)o; hoavy duly trallor framo CKUP $8995 1085 Nissan Pulaar S&W - fi99_3om laula_Sm m.m;. ;- -with Inaldoioulsido duatualg ^$ , 1 9 7r S $ 4 SB 8 8 $ 11 0 ,5 7 1 PICKUP 4X4 — #320372dr...... -....{6M5- 734-5526otierl0pm whoolS,{275. Call 352-4231. S ! ■ ■ ------IMflNIaaan'/TJon------^ {650: 300 woainerby Mag,ig, 1% #401164x2 ...... -..{8995 Woathorby acopo. 734-2753 1984 LYN}MX 1987 PULYMOUTH 198G}6 OLDSMOBILEI 1986 TOYOTA 5m 1985FordTempo W^ $13,995 #34033 4 'd r...... {6905 ' Automotive ‘ XTRA CAB PIC 10«3 , l2<-SfJow Vehicles WAGONi HORImzon: 888 -4 DOOR_ ^' . _SjW£j_sMarg^har^^_^ ■ #34023 2 d r ...... {7405 % 1084 Honda Accord ■“ 132-A ulo. Parts & ____ c 1987 TOYOTA / #301394dr...... {7405 ■f25=Tra^errraiIers r* ”’ • . A ccejw rle’s IN - ; j ^ 8 9 a_ • 1984 Ford Bronco II B VAN 4X4 _ , ,#420434x4 ...... {7493 . CUTE! CLEANI Hoady 10 go,0, Comptoto-Chrysler iOO cu in i Z l H 1 2 ,6 8 1 UnOor 5.0000 milos ■ 1984 Ford Bronco II 1073- t r 'K it Companion,.n ' ^ g in o w/727 'irans, only n. 50,000ml. 326-5968 oves.____ 1 #401584 x4 ...... {7935 9oll-contalnod. gas rolrig, r ^ 1987 SUBARU # 1963 Ford F250 • • ------hot'wotor hoalor, aloops e,e. Four high porformanco i5 x CK 1982 Ll _ #400954x4 ...... {7995 - — « a 9 5 ..c a ii-„ ja8-<02i i 1981 BUICI .INCOLN iaI987NISSAN — - GLj:X4-WAG0H £1 BOtlrosrexcollont condlllon, — 1984ForrJCrcwnVlc- - -‘ Huntora apocUll Slareraftlit *200..Call 32W 451.bolwoon.. I SKYLARKK TOWNN CAR MAXIMA™- I # 3 0 U 9 4 d r...... '.{TCOS -tont iraiior.^-bumor-elovo,-0.- 7.amto5om ...... ______1 0 8 5 F o r d F - 1 5 0 ______Ico box, furnaco, privacy:y NEW & REBUILT PARTS 1 ” IBw SiST E # 4 0 1 3 0 4 x 7 \...... {7935 ...... curtains, now tiros, sloops3S oi8count-prlco3...1nciudlno| 4X4 F-150 _ „^ $8995S ' ------18S5TCrOT-6lfa------^— 6. {1300.543-S9120nyllmo. onolnos , and klla. Highway _ — BIbcli. roll bn/. aDooal whool m —#340172 d r ...... {8933 Layton trailor3 & Sih whools.a. »! Auto Parts. 734-7094. r $ 2 8 8% $ 5 5 > 8 8 $11 2 , ^ k ------lOa? Ford tem po Stocking now & used units.s. \ Wnnlod: Non-runningig i i^— T 1983rJEEP- I #39021 4 d r ...... {8933 Buy& consign unlls. (Chryalor products for parta,#• ‘E jw nctt'J-farnscniarij,' 'Jftc X^£atcCI{C ontinues... OitrUi^Uispiitaticnt Grozvs ------1965 Ford F-150...... — ______BERT.HARBAUQH______rhavaJarDB_3upDly of parta I WAGONEER LTI $1695 |4007B-4x-4-:'.T.r."r.-:V{8M5------MOTORS INC. {for salo. Call 734-6728 1 ------1988 f5odgo Coil ViBta Wondoll, Idaho lO-TVC• M oyorBplow8.n440 |- —»40i264-x-4-rrrrT.:v;.-;{5095...... tlny.536-6323.. S36-24ia-qvos.L EulL,\ ossom bly wlih plow . f 1978F0R D I. ______IWBulcKSkylarK Oldor 15 fl travel Irallor.r. lights.n Fits Ford, Chovy and $7995 Slovo, rofrlgoralor, lurnaco.». Oodgo.£ Now, "Buy ono or — GRANADA Groot for hunting andd all"a -Call 726<»11 ask for\ » SMr2JowmHo5__^_ ■ #390404 d r ...... {9W5 T H E II S E I f I 1085 Ford F-150 t m i T f O R S OTOR COMPANY • fishing. {600. Cnll 324-490. TonyorBoau. I ______I #«0014x4 ...... t m s WANTED: lO.tO 20 foot soil-1- 1981i Honda Clvlo, fro«t-end5 fo r O ver 34-yei'ears Tlie'Easiest.B?/ace In-The WorldW Jo Buy A Car 1985 EAGLE conlalnod Iravoi trallor. iiloiallod, good 1500 ongino LTD 4X4 )YOTA-]cep^-Eagle gootl^ihupur 543«a5:c*c9."a(snd.rtninsmission. »45u.' or j'01 M ainiA veiEiiE r------r l— TV/I/ln^F alls~-= ^ 733-7700 JiaiiORWa2£nJoamo^^_ "ROY“ :^ ____fto.ir.'jnnblo, wlllonvcnsti. _ j JoalotfOf>.Col|324-6610._____ IHOHE S-mCET VrtST Ty/I» FAUS: '• . V ______> RAYMOND ^ . i M l L S l ■ . . FORD/BMW ^ y33-200T SHOSHC — .. . 733-5110 - ■! n 1243 Blue Lakes Blvd i % ------TWIft FiHI6—------• ^ . , , , . ______‘ ■.....: ■ I ,„g_Twfn Palls,-Idaho------S aitucday, tu Juno4,19S3 ------_____ ■ ______I_J_ i ____.. - T H E F AXB R SIDB _B)'CARYjlARSON:_____ i v e - A u t oi r t n o t i v e 146-1175 _ :

rtOT_.:______ifz-AuiosjDiiiQ013.' i$Mi<0n;ury4yiUticoln' . Pontiac ioB B Y -W O U z r T r t j H o ACESLQfsLBB 'OLfF------"Si^irAwcttonaP»ProwmiF -Q ^iiw r^ciiisiFtc^H B S foW : ■ 1980 M ercury 2olZopfiyr. 6 cyl,' f983 Po'riilacioocwo. J ^ '. A7TT' ------— BOISEE 1965 MUSTANG.S. 6B cyllndor, PS.,PB. AC. AT.-AT.-woll main- A /C . e x crcojndH'Jiwror- m • ■ ------1 COLLECTOR)RCAR ■ ^ 'spood; now paint, p. now talnod. J1250.734-734-8211 ovos. irado for pickup.p. 471-5317. ------much hass aialready been-written------I” ,''"" .tiros..oxcellenLrr iiis-M .w is -waoon;w. J1300 Aucnor shape, ntusi soi about cvcrythiaiMag that you can't find N O R tll ‘ t-t-A W M 7 undor book. Call?all 7-U-6085. 173-AutOS-Ply’lymouth ♦ 9 8 7 SATURDAY. JLJUNE 4 proclaio.Call43tK: ^ out anything abtabout It.' ______- T A J O ? W ostorn id Falrgirgrounds Good-looking 1982 I nptJ, siant 0. — Jam i^ Thurbcr.------100 cars for S. 'les-AM iM -oi,oidmobiie s .s ;'',;.-;; ♦ A K J f s a lo ------riillw r Konwood 1-Wmpn.vury Cqnalon your caM(r.to bo sold t3200. Call 734-<295, I.734.I573. --- ♦ lOTTZJ^--.—_ ..... to o u r-n a tio n a l foil 5 L — :------1383 Oidamoblioailo-88.. Gas, S e - ' F oS f . m ™„ ■ - ' ' _ ...... buyufs a l our Bolso jno., 289 VB, AC, 72.000 mllos.os. S4300. Call 1968 Plymouth slisinttonwanoo VEST - : ...... E A ST - -ATTT?300;nun3 grogroat. - .v -538-5516,------lorJioorcnn ------:— n y b u ' r e T‘^rioii.s'rcader’dr ^ this To co n sig n .or for ------■witn-3iB“ onoino: » K J 3 2 ♦'6 5 4- or Inlorma- catl 733-0365altorirS 6 p m . ------~ 03^-5302.______colum n, you alrcalready know that the ^ j. Hon coll: ' K J„4 ▼ 9 6 5 33______.______t-eOO-255-448,485 19M Mus1ano.'289.89. 4 spood. ------biJdingplaysana m o st Im p o rta n t p a r t- r-7------rrjd and- bfack.— '•10 9 - 8 - ...... 2 1930 F o rd Modol f ^ToaTO®'"*"' 172-A ul08-P’pntiac prit T74-Aulos'-Olhiilhers 3n of a w in n in g lin e o f ^ L donn condillon. Call 7^-fl in the selection c ‘ A J 6 + 9 3 • Domo roslorallon , p la y . T ry yourr lucklu at today's game .‘2300-. Call 423-6220^0 • 1972 Fold Galaxloio”M i 0. flOO^ For s a lo :'1970 CdiaM C il mi^- ITO Pontlaif Fi'roirocirorjsbbo.:...... :--;r:-.--|- condition. 400 V8./8. PS . f B . Ilflc. cood condllndlllon, $400. 1973 Ford plclilck-UP 4X4, ______. after West’s opcopci^ng bid ^Ils you _ __ SOUTH 1960 C orvutio, oxc. ;------i^ -A Q -io —^------?• .AT.AC ^ - 2 6 4 5atHatro ro p m .,,. Can764-2633. ______$2000. Will lako0 bost I offer, —^ —-A. • . ' where the high;h cardsc arc. ------TDmovaDio — narcn ninn hnr^k In to sotllo ostaio: 733-y>90.73 — —:------1 T Q 8 2 , spood. Oualcarbs. 73^5645r. 1 9 ^ P'^IO, J401400 or bost Supor buyl Goln( Sincc Northland an Sooth have about oflof. Call 543-8056,>6, school, must sell.lell. '85 Floro ♦ Q 7 3 _ .26HCPtobidloI lo game. West knows ovonlngs, SE. 27K mllos.los.^ originQi. 1 7 5 -A u to Dealer ♦ K Q 8 5 152-Au!03-Buick- ' ownor. transformorroblo war- __ . "Mon.-M„ if Ihoy didn't look like..' or has little or nothing V ■ * _ that his partner h I ranty. assu m o ballbalanco. Coll C A S H ON THEHE SPOT a nnfi f i tPoforo. thoy suro do now." ulnerable: Both rMi" BuTck^Reoalil ' Lirnit*^ . t66-M ercuryi-L ln ■ • to contribute fo the defense. Ac- _ _ _ _ ?3<-^74 anyllmo. - jp s .n v s ,...... ^- r ...... ■ . . ealer-W est:------Edlllan.:s.7Jiiof_dQj; 2^.1—------Usod c ars, pickup! ------co ra in g ly 'H C:ch003C5-the-passivc— ic n olaol-onij^ r,- K'r.~r.'XT;.::xri7*wtiltD.~2- ~: -19S5-POnttacr~Tur>ritjfwilng-pena ------Soc-dtrrrorOomjrrCorle-ol-^—— - ' he bidding: cloan. rfiako ollor. 538-8453.531 Morcory-T.»cnarT:nr > lead of the diamiamond W. forcing de- ■ ■ ■ doof. low mlJoagtago. good & body In good,d Hoipi i^o dow n, lok n e v e r heard Wesi .. p aym oniol 1080 OolReliant, 4. . 1975 Uncoln-ConllnMlnon'ta“ 2 - .Call7M.5803^ : , ^ i, ■_ may 'well 'lake'ke‘ every ■ fin e ^ in " Passass Pass Pass ...... dr, PB, P S . 5,000 mllinllos. can door. Sports Cou:o u p o . all 1S80 Grand Prix.xr62i000'ac- 0 ‘11____ 1,.....'. VJ.! , FOHTHE f- ' sig h t, endjng up with only eight - a ssu m e 7170 plan. 530>36-6301. lOflthof Intorior. 39.0!9.000 actu- lual mllos. 2-Ooor,)or, V-6,' AC. I garaood. $2950. oxcolloni" c B E ST D EAL tricks. If he takciikcs advantage of the ------;—— Openlng-lcad;.Diamond 1010 1B73 C hryslor Imperiljfial'only “I'f^ilos, alwnya c o m m m . Itom c o n l ,n»e condillon, g^ill11532-4482. S3 Call 326-4701. AY SEE . iniormauon at h ------6WKKHt.fl«dr^>«CO;iOi BID WITH THE ACES ditlon. J12S5 orr ollor. 1977 Lincoln Con:onllnontal 18M Ponllac Phooiloonlx LJ, 5 X^yi^ORICEr force West into0 m a k in g e m b a r r a s s - M USTSELLI 326-518888 vviin lown cor pacKa(Kopo. NOW' door hatchback. 4 in g leads. n-B 1994 O aytona turbo,"ac A PB shocks, brakos, imulllor. AT, air. Hit..■.■"ffla ^ U A o ) *t*y MOTORS ' The first stepcp Is to cash three u th holds; PS, PVV. till, cruiso,!f> riotnv ond U-Jolnts; Excelloollont con> cassotle, 69,000 m tr ronrt «JiHon. Rondy to g g« o. only collont throughout f o r u sIED e . ! GOODING rounds of diamonclonds, ending in dum- w ipors. 5 sp o o d . oxc. ♦ S 8 7 $4895. C all 734-5760. >'■ MMO. C.M2i5n?7.______Call734:i261 o r 734-9 ___ C A H S my. (Having openpened one club; West V A 10 7 1985' Crirysior Las'a-ior 5 Moicury Oobcabeat, runs ‘ 1980 Sunbird, oxc oxi moch sh ou ld h a v e no1 more ro' than four dia* sp o o d . tu rb o . AC.C aulo aooti- *500 or boste s t ollor. cori0, 73.00Q mllo ♦ A K J tiroa, t1425. Call 734- -W ILLS MOTOIOR CO. ■ T ~ monds.) Next, dccdeclarer leads a club Iocka S windows, •slo7eo ^34-8371. ♦ 10 7 4 2 - ____ ;____ 4 back to hisJcing.{. If W est w in s, h e h a s cassoilo dock w/oququallzor. ------low mllos on now ^o^ino, o< 175-Auto0ea!era 1175-Auto Doaleres 175-AuioDMieij i no s a f e le a d , s othe he refuses the trick. Soutbuth North • / • >• oxc c ond. »05on. 733-31 j j Sou th c on tin u es5 wwl ith th e c lu b qu e en . 1 ♦► I T j and West mustL win.w He cashes his ? ____ ■ 15& -A utO 3-C hevf0l( ~ ~ I B S B ^ B ■t lack^atoo and musnust now lcad~a~ma- ~~ '~ iC------^—^R-iSAbMH-THAE)lDE'm ^ — - 1 9 8 8 C fifHETOOLET M R fffA GT - r J 3pades(a heartlcads ANSV ;^"£_-Cheyy-MQnza_Snidoi rVHEJnginCrSia Speed, Aif_CondifionIng, "A M /FM ____ j loirsnsirdr endiniillingjrSoulh w in s ITic ru fflrr nh g ^ al uesT^oTd'Dic'Ta ise”Ise to PB . 4 sp o o d , 4 cyl, Casselte. Till Sle(Sleering Wheel. Cruise Conlfol.' and' •" ; fin e sse , c a sh e s; theth high club and two0 heartsh when holding only threethr “fos. sloroo.-Jl200. or Much Muc^!uch More. 4500 Actual Miles. L . - - - • ^ then puts West on play again aftor tj-umiim ps. for lull-SlZQ pickup, pr X-^-^-SiW altprJpm, ---- - Has Remajmaifider o( FacloryWarreiTty ------— • acc and anotherr spade.Sf West cashes j br1d(« quaOoaa to Tba Ace*. P.O.0, EDox 1959 Chovrolol Ei CaCamlno, I B l l | | l ______the i3th,spnde.Jb.Jbut_hc_must_now ___m ua, . jn«ll>i. 'I^u»-7U2S,.aU&-MU-wldrM■...... t.___ now whODig A llroa, juaighi— al ■ B I|llL -_!!n 810 ONLY $ l 0 , 6 o 0 ° ° _ lead fro m h b he;heart king to give np«d cav«Iop« r«r rtpljr.' ' body, n o w wiring. : . South his ninth w wir in n e r. ®CDprri«i)i. tiu. r a t m Sr«4ksu. oha_pp[536-2002 Of 53£y^2m°* III 1973 _Morj^to .Cnrrp,_ci.cu»Wtn_ 111^------point. 350 onijlno ..$1500. I i l l 1 ------Ford 351 m odlllod on .:'14&-W s4ATVs fu n s good . ...S300.7K 145-4X4's4ATV's - 1^6-W ;^ATV s II 1981 C hovy Luv, ' 1W8 Pord Bronco, S3 ISMCno., ptekup;<'.4 whool 1985 SIO Blazer 4x4. L4. 4 ongino. n o w palnl, ch ■ C a n ...... 326-J^u-5iea (jfivv, loadod, low nmllos. spood. LOADEDIII324-5111•5110. w hools. C ali 324.7280. 1979 Cnovy 4X4 '/> ion.on, AT, 19200, Call 734-04«C. •73 Fo'rd F-tOO Rangof 4X44X4.4 1982 Chovy Cllniion. 4i PS. now ongino. now In J9aa_Ctiev_SJQ_4_X_4.L-4^cxl^ apood..lono-bod.-whlto.lIto-Iol-. A T ,-A C ._ jm . cfolso, DOW now froni o'tisiT 12 iiionlii nn cat, tahou phg. stieli,II. >AC, 5 tor. spoko rims, radialI llros,Iln radio. 42.000 octual n cirrailc'Tr^smlssion. Air Con^Eninn. warrsnly ironsfomblo . ?(f-3i4i. good co_nd.r*1700.733-4641 *3000. D ays only 726-44 - many bills m ust soil, T Wfieely Cruise Control, Low Miles ' , ovof pymts. Bolwoon,n V3(?i .in L-yo• oh 78 CMC Vx'i Pii,' AT.r. FPS. ^nksEloctrlc,_ _ _ classilic'd Vou ll l>nd1 oxcop-o» PB, lock ouis, 'low mllfmllos. 1962 Chovy Cavailor PS b DELIVEERS ” l o i v ^ a , 6 9 5 0 0 ■ 2:30pm.326-33M ._____ ^,T. I _ , —tuw fyJfyd.Tdny, runs OREAT. oxc hunl-llj»t-ll3h- AC. low m llo s. Coll 829-4 ------^ 978-'C J 8 — »0 ll-10p.- I - - fig. t 2695-olfof. 733-7742, ected New Toytyotas, Jeep s ; mlloaoo", oood condlindlllon. 1965 Silverado Sut>urbi !?;___ 1984 'S u b u rb a n . 6.2'r i i S e le : I , >3200. Call 734-2505.______#oai3. OKCOllont cond!nrtii?on '85 Blaror, t)iack 4 sllvor.or. 6.2I diosol o n g in o . Sllvotvorado, | K loconi Jtt,500,-Call 720-3_780, diosol, 24 mpg, oxc CODd. coc 75.000 m llos. 110,000 or bost « ic Eagles this WU V e e k e n d . PONTIAC GRAND AM i I : 1980' Chovy ion. loi • ■ , WIII considor trodo, 678-91'8-9163 q[(or. CallC55-4280. lission, Air Con(Jiticning, Cruise Coniroi ' ovorhBUl. $3200 or bosiJ09I Ol- _X986 Dodan 4 -whool c .tjoIorolOamiollorOpm . ------~ f6r.T36-0805»»orCpm, T)-— (2)" 1980 ChevortO!)' ” '(1 (Vl" in , , AM/FM Radio. n, . __ flo63" annpo, h a s caicampor i ' COMPANY : . loadod. Sholl, 543-5471 uvontnps vory good condition: (1 i/ll I A-MOtORO .• 19S2 full-sizo Blozorrioac 148-Antique Auloa ------T—ooott—TOntJIIIon~J4850 ______P_“I*Sj___h.Ts low m _ \A i pw$9;2950ff ; _ I850-or- -1588------Jo o p------Chor ------c n g ln o -. & -iTonsmls:ilsslbn... . .t f -fY- " T i L L S ^ oyot^ ;...... • goal olfot.' Wlir-consonsldof Pionouj '2WD. AT-.^lf.>if. 'ox- 1931 "Ford doluxo roadaudaiOf. tiOOO for b o th . Call 733-0'3-0640. - l^|eep.tS?:Eagle-~= I : . .*• Irado-ln. Call3?4-424B.I. -. tras; 19550. O tvld.>734-9773 34 nood original w/now ongli ■: 1fl83GMC S-15 4 * 4 piclpickup. (Adull Chltd Dovolop.lopnionl ,i___ upholslq^ry. 733-M “ 733-211-2891 SHOSHONE STBEETET WEST TWIN FA L L S I lABb ' ED CHUHCHMAN , .. only 52.000 mllos, 1018i oOl l o . - Contor) or 734-9D21 — 1950 Cnovroifll sliorl lls? who -IBO^AuJOS-CtodQ®- ; . tra«. Call <23-5023. 1088 Joop 4 * 4 . PU.(. 336.000 base pich-op. Includes exiraexi im b o i ^ g o Colt, oxcoicelloni ------.-!_t8«4-Btonco.liI.^'(Jlo.BaiBauof.. -m llea.$ci00.734-6409ov'0V03. 235 ... ongino___roslofablrable. condillon,—buy--or asa ^------loodotJ;* l0w m ll08./-5•5 spd,: 2 oldor Fofd pickups.I. 1 four 11500 or bosi olfor. Sooioo at ioan. Call .324-3530 or ^-Tlr«a- >r-bo(hr Alfporl-maln!alnonoo-»no-ahop: • ■ <1 aOTtm ilsurrcgtgg:— '• 5y^_65. Toddor &39-6372B372 Call 733-7605. or call 734-4533allor8Dm. MSRP-$12,811 - I — ,S|klEICVIflCIE e iLJIIDIE ■

.NIP lOllitifeiECinO l ^ ...... 1985 PJIJ “V-8 Engine, Automa Till Sieeiing MWfii ^------B' a _ ouER F I R S TrsHiPivii ILD OUT I — - " B - - e * B | l i NOVI , ...... ARVERTISm s E - ,B ALSO ■ YOUR ' i 2 1987 POI . I SERVICE SPEC’ECIALTY 2 ' ______B 25 MOREi HAVE JL IIVED lowor rake, clean up, ■ AulomalicTiansmissit ■ B ...... INTHISOIRECie c t o r y ■ K - s r e m o o e u n q V r o o f in q ■ )Qlnionanco, hauling- * B n. y^U ^^fjIla^ ia yfg exp.. ny-or Siovo 734-3322. ' f ’ -=------ilintalos.------NOW ------g - '------yovrcnotco!~~' “ Fr'bo'ost.. 733-1837. 423-4034* i TUflU FESl m Your od will roacroach 22.000 ? B breh w (amillos everydaylay and Iho | ¥ ^ ' ' ’ I ' rosullA will amozo TT— _ - today ond ono ol 01 ■ - | | » - W f ■ ly Ad-vlBota willIN I iioip you ■ m m jlL U L • j T - ______J wofO youf ad 9pp ir Ihat II will * ______(o'emTbJino H g™ -■ you, tho rosullsIS you ans _ _ . loow nofor. B "Rl■rtELIABLE"^ ' ,! noloillling Ffi and powor iawn ■ MOWINGJGANDYAROCARE " falraklno. will do Q urdons 4 733-0931lol ■ FalrPrlco!costErcollonlV/ork! ■ • loiiois. 733-5792. A rnold Moln, . B -• RonYntos.o s ...... 738-0370 TF [MONTH j : B ______------I ■ M W gggfffW ■"■■'■"I" ■“ “ " M l ...... " ■ / ...... Sniail bacT ^'or'dgardon' B HH30WN- — H ■ f l ROTOfll.LING fl ____ J kolly Loo'u o 's Lawn Sorvico f l ' " 734-11302 / .. or . . 734-C444 I ^ ______9 ______Ou.illlyily.wo'K..FJCU,csl3. ■ . ------I . nomodollng. repairMir & paint- B riuJisor:ionaOlo. 734-9124. ■ ing. Froo oallmaiosilos. li yrs, “ _EQUIP oxpoflonco, Phil,...423-»353___ B H B ; ■ ^ ® ' ' ' ^ iS ^ t e b e o . b e c i BI T p o V J E H F ^ S T 0!S00W 'tE«AB,E N T S O I B ill'iVfi'fi^WI ■ B I smE>N B ...... I ~ ' • * CKET SEATS, jUCHNlOS—— — '■ B I jiM jth 'S T H E l iTA W N C A R E B — \ BUCV B HBEBEBiBn Troo and shrub trimming. I B B OnlH’Htiviitt 0,-nlor cW on t r ,l'„ B I ' _ USTARRI landocaplng. Call 734-ST4b. J B ™ rn-i7rfia' ...... M SLowfncor.como Discounlst ■ B ® . p^TPAIi’AINTING 324-6805 ; | B . CASH ------I■ B - • ...... - ...... - - g ------r - " n r r r r : i r . 7 : ...... ' f l - y 5 5 8 8 s _ Jorin’sSharpanlnDSiDSofvlcn H B ;______. I ------:------i------— ------g ------SJnco-te;OrJ;f} kinds>as-s«w«-s— 5j — — f'aintinn-ini•insrrto'antJ-out.'M ® - JUST ^ Q loolo-caftildn. ?iSfiihyfilh.Fllw ■ Luie a,',, — !b '_ ■ ■■ ■■a I Q ito'ti c.irir733-Iw3ovo3 73 omovii, froo oaf.' John"’| f l McOrtcOrldo, 733-0939. 734-4365. J f5 ;B ’'CARPETLAYINCriNG a 1 W J R I ------... 3,0^0 • B IR p H Q DICK'S PAf=AfNtlNG, 30 yrs Q TEfffW JW Dflf i « 435-5375. ' ' Ef r ’x[) (nt/o) H ^ ______OMtod on I /oxt, rojIOontiat, _ ...... B on a w h p fic ^ o f ts.500. $115,3030 a month. 72 monihB at T1 BS Af’fl tat:-Hof3: 734-7»H>:----- B ...... gJnlf^Jaclory.iahalB j. . ------t i n -B...... ■'“ ?! - B ■ _ a - • • . B Maaiilaaler Tree & Yard Care. ■ J ______^______o ______.QUSil'UHilty vrorK— H ca aa n ah la ___■ t ' A T — D—BB3iSaaaBj3 | £ ^ y Q HOUSE PAINWNTER ...... " “ ricos. Froo oa t . . . . 734-1326 | ^ ad< H IMH— i I M I I W P>iir,tinI$oJ^ oxI, (nncos. Froo I tl uMiiri.ilo. CallI 733-5476. B th e B ______H ra Oullvorod (or dflvovIvoways, _ B i \i0HW0wa tail parl^lng lots. otc. You/o u can B ------bei ,B haul . 100. Call Northsrthwosi ■ int/<'»i. Spring Spr cloan-up. B Troo S praying ' ■ g Crano i nifloing. 733-123-1234. ■ r»fl« eaiim alos. Sr. ■ P oatC ontrol • — ■ H di;ic:M&MPi4 Palnl. 733-9624. ■ . . .• -734-1724 • « » I M s :F0GGEB.\ “ B y j t y o < i i I f . , Foi ■ B C U N m G 1 1 ^ B 'n n M ea a at■ I M f f c m m p . j a! _ i ■ a ...... ■ WHTY. I


M m m ryh _ g 3 g ro i^ credit. DMl«ujmur

i H ______, .1 . ,______/ • — ------/ ------

.9 ‘g. e W e l t i n s ^ l A h i i u m p L ^ ------:------— .i 'JCA i s m By BERT R O S E N T H A L ' HensItT of Purdueue and Felicia Hodges finiiinished second to Weltyty in the NCA/\ champio)ion in tra c k in Idaho eighiighth-fn.stost performance in history. TheTh> Associated P ress ofTemple. MWrlWAC high ju m p , did n ott mn ake th e S late's histor)'. Huber,Hi a junior from Wilmington, Friday’s winninling ju m p w as alm ost finninal 12 here F riday. In other eventn ts here F riday, Mis-sis- Del., won the wom en's 3,000 motors EUGENE. Orb. - AmbW WeiiVeliyi u ■ ■■ tw dm ches'over W elty’s pe'rsonul best. ■ Friday’s F pqrfdrindnce’eumcmod Welly sippi StaliTT^frinier Lorenzo Uaniel inH:F8r47^35', breaking th e colJegiato rec- 85 Twin Falls H igh SchoolI p ’adu- She won the .Mouimntoin West Athletic anin invitationi to th e U.S. Olyi)lympic tri- and VillanovaI ddist.ince n in n e r Vicki ord)rd of( 8:49.64 set by Cathy Branta of - a tej whft-transform^ V herself intoin a" Conference cham(npionship-in-Moscow _als;ls next m onth. B em hajjen,n. »aa a for- Huber smashed•d collegiatcrccordsand WiseiVisconsiri in 1985. H u b er's tim e also worldirld*class high ju n ip e r in'three'ree'scu" last m onth with ajajumpof6-lVi. merner NCAA champion, had alreadyair as- UCLA hurdler•Kevin K Y oung turned in was^^as the fastest by an American this J...... ,-r,T-•TjTrv ■ ■'.■ ---eonsns'flt IdBh^“Stflte“T^njvcrsity,ly, won Welty fintjhed"d fourth ill thc-high— sunured herself of the right to'competeto'i ;_nt>outs{andinSie performance;. ■ ■ • ycnra'ar. • ‘ - • - • theN5 NCAA outdoor h ig h ju m p chachampi- junip at the NCA!AA indoor m eet lust inn tithe trials. Daniel, a sonjnior from -W rens, Ga., „ ship with a personnl-bost ima p ie r e __ w inter------—Wolty,-who-moved-from-N(-Now-Mcx*—chnltpmd-iho J!QilegiaKi..mark-in-lheff ------Young.^ R.poniof from Los.Angpln.s,. Fridaiday. Bernhagen's manarlc Friday w as well ico:o to Twin F alls before her hei senior m en's 200-meleiler dash with a time of f..Droduced the fastest tim e in th e world ...... ------th is - - ...... — WeWelty.-aniSU juniorrclearedd (yfoet; below1ver'pt:rs6n^rarbtsi-orc-ST^rch ^euson, won thTTdahoTnassssA-l~High i 19.87 seconds!- his year in the 400-met«r intorraedi* - - - J ir inchcs Friday. 2V* inches5 b(better ' she achieved in wvinninp i th e NC^AA in- jum;im p fts a TFH S sen io r in'ISi '1985, set- It wus the fastistest tim e in tho world lie h urdles, w inning in 47.85. -- thnnm. nmncrup.Jji5a—Bemhagci _ _ . .. A m b e r ' igcn .of— dootchampionshlFlip-in 1987------— tinging-an-A->l-tword- that-etwbtood-until-this yearrsurpiumasinK-Dnnicl's timrof-^—- In-flnlshlng Ir 2:22 'soco-nds'ahcod"of------:R W E L T Y ■ ^ Haile;iiiey, a S tan fo rd U n iv e rs ityr sesenior W eber S tate sen enioc Pnula Pettingjll thislisyeijr. 19.93 last montlnth in est-nblishing the runrrunner-up Pat McGhee of Iowa, timed Former TFHSI S r c c o r d - h o I d c r ’’^ who.0. itied for s e c o n d . p la c e with ith Tiu- . John, a.former BurleyDi resident who Welty W bi^cnmo thc-first»,in

Saturday, Juno 4,1936986 Times-NoiVs. Twin Falls. Idaho *“ aseball roundup D232 istrict_5_ro.deo E>4 , ' ' 1 ^ a i i i li d i orsett a Bronco D4 ______D U n em c r u n d cl o o m s -I"- i e a r• t b r e ; a k :S : a n I J a c : 8 , CC S I 7 - Ee a g le s m

- ...... ^ : J ___ t ax th ir - d - H ...... « ~ ' LARRY HOVEY Timzs-Hms writer

GRAND JUNCTIO]IO N , Colo. - The — College of SouthernI IdIdaho, by q u irk of _____tournam ent brnc!raQk€t..playeUbE_^^H ics a t th e N ational •Junior Athletic Aasoci,lociatiOn W orid Se- ries — and finally hachad to settle for it Friday night. Betrayed by two infieldinf errors that allowed three-time defendingdel NJCAA ------choapion-San Jacintoito-North-of-Hous- ton to score twicc in th(th e eig h th inning, • th e Eagles fell 8-7, endingend an improb- able comeback fromI a first-round-loss: here last Saturday. 68^ 1 - • » - F - _

ll P :h I

______Because CSI lost tli th a t first-round I ■ gam e to Lakc Land College C( and had~ J m i to come back throug)ugh the touma- ment's consolation brb racket, it w as •"i./j'ng J r , - ^ forced to play the remain ain in g u n b eaten : team in the tourney,ey, Hillsborough Corhmunity College ofof'Tarapp, Fl«..' ' ' ' here Thursday nightht afler already Ji.ave.assured itself oof f noi w orse th an ^ ird place in this tournament. tou The • • »' •; -"Eagles beat Hillsborou{ough 13*9 T h u rs- . . ;i____ 'day...... i _ San.Jac, which has;la s n 't k)s£ a na- ^ tional juco championslinship since CSI took it from, th e G atorsjors’in 1984, \vill — - - Jj ____ play Hillsborough for>r tthe champion------aan-doctnto S'&iai>ianey nolland4llde»^saf J . . • See C m o n Page,D3~F a . - . Blely-into second basenenvitfnrthird-inning~tfte tfteal-arCSi shortstOp'LB[:a ivn-at 4:30 at ...... all tho0 hrhnrd work has'paid off," said • B ru in Stadium. “TheyllII uiuse (Jerom e’s - ______i . . Diltroit’sit's Isiah Thomaa. “Tho Celtics------J a y.) OoUor-a n d (Bu hrs Eric) .Rrrm— r^i'V Trn ______' took upi, ’ — ^— Timcs-Ni■News writer One might call Thalack eray th e By COLOLINMULDOON ~ V0I7 likely to be ihc las ig seniors from . atod Detroit in seven games a - The 35 top graduating s quintessenllST small-towwn athlete — Times-l‘s-Ncws writer er’s Mickey Rasmususscn Nether th e w est side of U.S. Highighw ay 93 will- t\V 1N F. go- ...... - FALLS - W hen th e 11thb n dominant figure in'WiWendell High Thackeray nor Hasmu:msscn have any-. Boston I a ae east in a j, on has played in the finals {he ' tako on the top 35 from U Magic Valley • E ast-W estt School's th ree major speports, includ- TWINN FALLS I - As fans fromI theth solid intentions of pinyny.ng football in p ,B ir„„ rj ------benefit for-th»-Sait-Lak tur years and has won 16 titles, S h n n ^ - g r t r i „ j footbotball-gQraG-unfoldS"iltaiiy"' / “ "Tffg diral defensive'and oofi'onsive du- • W est illwill bo-giving their final fare'are- college and, in the lal altera caso. his the latest-:est in 1984 and 1986. Tho Fort | Hospital for crippled childrcn.^'ac chi jtBruinSUStodiuis, gridiron fans from1 tics on th e football field. wells to0 \Wendell's Chris Thackera;Cray . .decision not..to play i '■ "l>- Wayfle^ Pistons Pi played Syracuse'in - 1 . M agic Valley Shrine Courounalandtho WendcllwiIwill one last tim e c h e e r on aI W hil» rushing for-morlore th a n 700 in today'sly's Magic Valley East-WesVest pears to bo s e lin stone. 1965 annd d ]Philadelphia in the 1959-fi- r I • F o i u ^ District High Scljo< Actmtics threc-yoarir 'Trojan sports institution1 yards rushing last seasason, Thack- Shrine FootballFo Gafne, those east5t ofo “I wassortofapproaioachcdbylheU id lost both tim es. * 1 Association combine to0 ssponsor th e _ C hris Thackeray.Th, eray also earned for thee second con- U.S. Highighway 93 will saluto one.o0 of of I (U niversity of Idaliaho), R asm us- pjg Pistons toam is determinoii to ", bejiefit annually. F or T hatlackeray, It will cap . a long' secutivej’oarj all Canyon)n Conference th eir ownm high i school football heroesoes. sen soid, “but I decii eidcd to BO to ride itss jn'omentumJl to . victory, tjiis ______^ Soo STARS on.P? ag a g o D 3 series ofnieitjieniqrnble^footba 11, baaket-- ♦ S e e THACKERAY o(jnp0geb3 r Like Thackeray,Th today’s game ii e is » S e e RASM USSE^ENpn^g^a . • *3^See PISTONS on P a g e Pft--— ----- . .. .. -

...L ■ . 0-2 Times-Now;ows. twin Folia. Idaflo Saltla lu rd a y .J u n o 4 . 108« - •• - : Cubs’Moyer t e a s e s5 th ree--hit shuutout ait M etsi AL umpires ?K-{AP). — Jam ie-M oyer—" r— i "n e w -y o r k - ^ " “•“ -JiigmnBtirana-'inzJiRe.d.fl.Binglc ,down_o,non first nnd (hirri in th f .n dugout with his h an d s folded ~ —i------— his- carecrr'McrMdycrH3“ 3-0—lifetime e .ninth, and ------with his second homer lo makea k e it 4-0. the lefl-field lineino as the P irates ended th andhinips'shut'^ ■ .ngainsl the Mets[ets. He allowed a single , then pitched the 10th. Thele C ardinals’ San D t C ^ In the Bcvertfh, Sandberg reach□ched see? “ threcr^ame loaloaing,fitrcaL It.w as.the __la: ! 3 0 7 .. In. a conference , call with ‘ V .: to MookiC' WilflVilflon" leading off the Jast three, victories hove boi ond on a throw ing erro r byjy sccond first time in 183 fgam es this season th e ini Atlanta S5 - ~ ...... - Kchie Phillips, executive di-. fourth and singiinglfcs to Wilson and ^nG inning games. bflseman-Kelth -I>Iiller,-stolc.ale- third,- -ExpoihadJoct-w;-when-loading-aAer-the ------GO~5,ipitch ad-7y» innings,------____and-Sl,QOQ-finc.given M nrtinjif.------—- -' Dopson alloweA-'eS'nine hits, w alked ^T he~(^rdinals tied the scoi PI'nrSBORGH(AP)-John^p score in the allowing ninet 1hits, walking-one. and ter he thr^w dirt a t umpire Dale in Sm iley one nnd stru ck ououl one. eigeighth, aided by two Philadel Moyer’s onlyly other sh u to u t was,^ pitclitched a one-hitter and pinchich-h itter idelphia er-. striking out six.ix. H e raised his lifetim e Scott Monday night in Oakland. rorrors. Vince Coleman opened '• - ' against Montrealreal on Aug^ 16, 198'6.' Miklikt^ioz drove in the winnin ned w ith 0 record againstJt the Braves to 12-2. The resolution called the inci­ rvolk, w ent to th ird one out- - : ' His la st 'complete'[etc' gam e'w as"June 22,'.'w/ilH itl ono o ut in th e bottom < 5 ...... ■ - woi lUt Jatcr. on. Mark .Davis .firl u l l e d -Up to cxim his dent “another example of-Billy------, ilcCce’s double a n d scorei • • 1987, again st PittPittsburgh. nintinth as tho P ittsburgh Pirnt4ra te s de- Philatielplm - ared when seventh save. M artin's cowardice;^ con- '• ___ ‘ • Bob O je d a_4;5,_haa_lost_three_-fcat- ._ i •ight fielder Mike Young throw th r past _ Kevin Coffmanan, 2 -6 ,'.lpst_hi9_rourth_,J _ /toTnnwt flip g rHnn ng “tjipmnrn______jatcd-thc-Montroal-ExpoH-2-l-I-l-F ridoy ------PHItADEliPH,HIA-(AP)“ :i--Torir "Secf • '• games in a row■w and i four of his Inst nighight, second ■ baseman" Ju a n ’ SamueinJeToh lh e' straight game.. ID ale M uiphy hom ered behavior," denounced American Brunansky homeilered off the facade in rclc•elay. ------■>; ' five. Smiley.Si 5-4, struck out-ji,c twice for th'c'BiravesVgiwng rt him seven League president Bobby Brown ucarejjrr left field with onene out in the 10th in- KentK Tekulve replaced “d starter for the season. as too lenient, and hinted strongly that Martin would be AL:( ejected from any g am e on which Oaklannd’slea(id in Wjiut^d.lhe ____;& : ■ th e NnKnSsoGrTwi]Pwlns'onTinHo'y mgHT ^'Slevetand-6 ' ^ -----= -^ut-Scott-glatchor-wallwd-Ud-to-reload— day night:------: htahondsrshuf his‘mouth“?nd bases em pty in theth eighth. Guante re- the^le bases and Sierra’s double The Athletics’s’ eighth victory in D' J i e t r o i t S 3le cleared Filer, called uu] p la st niOlithi gave up tiiat's t it. Otherwise, he’s going tired all four battctiers he faced. ther their last' nine cor lem nnd chased LaPoint. two unearned ruruns in th e first innings to t be ejected, ejected, ejected. contests — but first DETROIT DI (AP) - Joo Carteirter be- Rickey Hendcderson stole three before being repljplaced by Chuck Crim Every I time for the next couple ; since Aug. 3,1986,86, a t the Metrodome, camcime the first player in Cleveiamland his- bases, giving hini im .39 for th e season . -7 . with two o u t irin the seventh. Filer of c weeb thnt ho comes- out of : where th e y lostt aall seven games a tory'ry'to hit 100 home runs nncTnd* steal and setting up NewN York's first two *r ® o r o n t o 6 ______’ year ago — gave1 Uith em a lO -gam e lead 10)0 0 bases; 1 leading the Indinnsjo_ yielded eight hitsits. the t dugout, he’ll be ejected. Lto_n.6-3., nm.s ngnin.st-rooookie-Josc-fiautista,— Bi co s t o n ^ ------: over the dbfendinflin g world c h am p ion victo:ctory over the Detroit tig e r ss oron Fri- 2^. ______„ , th e 3i^year-o]-ojd right-hander, who_ "As'6Mi'n~as'h'e“^ 'ls “the''leflSt'= ^ ------HI■BOSTON (AP)— FredM cGi P Twma m l h e Ariierinencan League Wesl. dayly night. r [he m ajors during ihju- — littl^bit'o-ut-oriineras-soon-as— " ------a siisingle, double and a triple,;ID sconag I ‘ M innesota ]ost for just the second Carter’s Ca two-out homer start 18 in 1986 and 1987, he h opens his mouth, he’s going a rte d a T e j i n c Q thiree^runs rc and driving in one, I time in its la st 122 games.gi , . , four-ijr*run first inning' against brat Detroit andid Cleveland with five- to^ be unloaded,” Phillips said. 3t W alt £ 5 ^ ® ^ „> Torooroiito Blue Joys won thoir : O akland’s Dav<)ave._ Stewart, .9-3, Tentirrell, 2-3, who was knockedi pj o ut in C h i c a g o 3 oir fourth in his twoivo previous starts and “Hfs’s going to watch games on ...... atrairaight game Fridoy night, a.i [ snapped a personalnal throe-game losing tho0 firstli inning. Carter doubled • television • from th e clubhouse; - led and CHICAGO''(APiP) - Ruben Sierra tory'ry over the Boston Red Sox.,' ne—in 'the ”Ainerican - ' ^ ; Btrcak in beatingg tl the Twins lor only scorei)red the first of two second^in ing a 7-0 mark with The ^ only way to deal w ith him is l:inning snapped a 1-10 sislump with a three- KtKelly G ruber h it a pair bfrnpi RI League, includin ; ■ the second time in 1his tareer. H e su^* runs,ns. r RBI dou- Toronto in 1985. I. to consistently eject him. That . run double, anothtther double a nd a sin- bleses and Ernie. W hitt drove/e m: two _ • vived G reg Gagniigne’s second-inning Cleveland Cle exploded for sevenon hits gle, leading the 1 - was you don't have him around Texas Rangers to a runsins with a sacrifice fiy andd a single He was 2-1 wit/ilh the Chicago Cubs ^ : . grand slam th a t ga'gave the Twins n 4-0 andd fourf runs in the opening inr verylonR.. inning. 9-3 victory overr itho.Chicago White as; thotl Blue Jays extendedd 1D ennis in 1982. ; lead and w ent eightght innings, allowing driviriving Tigers sta rte r W alt Ter Terrell, Sox on Friday nighght. "Oil)il (Can” Boyd's pitching slumpimp. . . ‘The umpires have a great ; ' six hits. 2-3,I, from fl the mound. The loss ei d( 5 ended Winner Ray Hajlayward, 4-2, gave up DeDespite a 5-4 record, Boyd 1 deal of discretion over who they ; Loser Les Straker;ker, 2*3, couldn't pro- TerrerrcH’s ll»game winning streareak at two runs and two. ,-d has al- K OHSO S C i l '0 Jiits.in six innings. ]/a Seattle 1 , ; career grand slamm anda fifth homer of sinceceMayll.1987. i h ander w alked foubur batters in a row, jnninnings in that span, he hass alloweda. KANSAS CITYT , Mo. (AP) - Bret M artin at every tu m . j the year. Canseco's3's estim( ated 456-foot — --gave up a double; le; committed .a balk ^ igJutiim4l-7-walk^w:ith-i545 hi' )-45 E RA. pi'frh± cd , a-8t«?h^tt6r=and- ^ - 7- : und ihriiv^ a.,wildId pitch but c s'^ p e d . just doesn’t have the same : ' [ ■ two out in th e thirdird inning. It was the „ ew , YorK 4 ------^ K urt Stillwell hit.it.his sixth>home run J*;*' w ith only twb runs,is. M i l rights and privileges th a t any of _____: :r :. !..j ... niajopleague«lcadin;ding-14th-horriei“fo r-:» 0altimore-0 / ------=— U l w a u k e e 8 t t______t n8_th_e__l^n.sa9_CiC_Lty_Itoyal8_defeatcd____ - ____ The'giumTleatururedie walks, n in ->7,—, ------the Seattle Marineners 3-1 Friday night. the other-manager^ in the J i Canseco, who stoodmkI and w atched his BAIlALTiMORE (AP) - Tom m y J( y^John, the first three innirlings. ^ Oa t U f o r n i a 2 . Saberhogen, 7-.7-5, struck out two ArAmerican League have." ; ahot disappear into in tho left-field_ NewV ] York’s 45-year-old sinkerba rballer. The Rangers gtatarted the scoring in MIMILWAUKEE USP) ~ Tomom Filer and walked ^ . Loser Mike Camp- ; stands. scatteiItered six singles in 7% inni Martin did not attend the ■ ‘ nnings , th e first inning onn Pete O'Brien's RBI wonin hisI third straight gome sincesin be-, bell, 3-7, wenVsevcv en innings, allowing YaYankees game with Baltimore . ; Straker, who ladhad allowed only one and1 Claudoll C W ashington h it a t a two- single. Loser Da)ave LaPoint, 4-5, ingI promotedp from-the minornors. ex- nine . hits and\qll ------1—— hom®-run-all-«ea&ea6on,-then-wdIked—run-h( ^ll^e Kansas Cjty j___Friday^ night. -homer-fls^he-Vankees-beat-“at-the— wolked-Steve-Buec: iding—his—seven-year—unLunbeaten—runs;— —------^ i

S Q I 1 I rj 5 0 t 0~ A l 1. U i.e 40 11. A L O O X Sscores O ;3 0 11 * ' I ' F«nlpi. .. lOOOD.1 Da>.lu«< j . i - i -0 • rjiT-n!-» • ' • M J - Califurnii. 40.3t,y». flondi.iT. K - .-- .-- 76.74...... IW « i< OOOOJ.t)JctUM .3 0 1 1) . ■ VLiVii,.:£ " ■ ' ■ J '7 7 r i 5 l-EneMKal/.T.i«.23.2i-iivJ.»l«li 2. lUina 3b 4 0 I 0 Pa r»«-Aniona.«r.i7.11« Wuh.iaft.- U C ^ ,» K ‘tY 7J-78- 5 K«*»r IlmaMi, K.M.. 8U1.. 26.7*. iwtiri Da tr a p J 0 0 0 Af ^n-ia A«eVi«<. 7».71- ~ aia.41. 3. U .nlp Su>ka. .KoiDxraatam ' NL standings. lOdORiJ? R ^ rp " 3dSo i gM ; / ,O ^,’"■7 ' ^ ' 43 0 10 4 I 3*n ^ ' M«4a,,JuB.6 CSCl pairings MJSrtWi-.. 77.74.r7 74“ i?i S“>*. <»ini <, AikIit Eat»r, ' DT Coaulbp OOOT>I >»* - rrfino.'l.Slanfonl lo—.j «i Mi- ■57b" i51 N»'‘*>»«i Lo““'*i>».2«-7‘V.J. M.Ilha*no». ; ■ ' , A1ITUM.MDT JT.kulrfp 0 0 0 0 r^.ffVr, i n'r0 t; r 1 o n n 0 \j-r.; ....• JoanPica:* . ?j.7a- ____ ; . T f r , f _ 0 <)!l(l.>ni.-'tTlimiiil. LU.U 0 . 4-j-t 1 >. H -Tt».n„ Si..Siatvf«d .inn-r .. L»*mC«»t»aa, 7J-76- I' EMlI>tniicfl' -» * e ' Toai ’ Muni'Mli■ri;II»nCT«.-mnB»r.e-10pm fMT.iniiCanrS(.<,g»CoJC4«t«...... ••••- CrCiltt’Ct—------r7-74- \ 0. ! r , r , ' ' -OO.I0 I bT-*"-' V’ Tvh«)«7. Jufif 7 JVX*G«wn 70-7i-6.74 151 J»flB»*i. Arlutu4a. 2MU (nad tii, N.-V«t n*"17 .tn - TouU 3fl S10 3 Trt 1 0 iCSuCiCn J 1 ’ 0 Sa>»hl«Vaou« . . 75.70- : , JI j;n JU 5lLovl> 10im’ionffVl** ' 1-0 o.-vrtS J 0 I t C.TT«Wr«w\5> ^ OaawSI. «M am - CfuTtM^^-Sa W«»>a Wa- ■ StUui. CT- 34 34 ill aw l-hiUdilttiit oi: -.IW pn ■ taiB.,*M*i(w)ai!.idKil. II, AJnnTlwtiilJ, ------Uiwaoili,!*. "4 :: t r«»nTaiC.“ ?’: 90? an .. ra-.’j Si*vem. Laair. SJ-:. IJ. Jo a .C ^ , Ohio 8uu. JJ- _ ! — f 8U “ Jlt a fl»mf »'uininjHl'l - Uiw I II - - ^ H K-MVouniJlawJ^-jjn-siLow.7. i^,la...... "~~^W|4WJa»73iii>ni~ ' icion -• OCrvM, CJamaa JH-C«UWrtiafi Hfi'dU. ,1.,.^.'. .'I) ,lf) ^ »KaT -B-vitTttj..! Ccrtf.F.-iar ------;i L IH OR :i' NCAA Ul AnftU* JO ^ SM • Sil.«un 1 •••ri.j t g VVtxX ) .■ 0 S 0 0 C.m» IJ >n"»t r, Oam» lu , EUCEtiE. Or» (APj - Odnrti f,',V7i fndar.Juiir II) 5MaT' -Sivi^Hir w I (.1 M- iJar, VJUiwn 203*0. 8. Tlm«. D«m , ■ !; u 2MM. ^6, Mi_th'y.lu^t«gS..VtwYnkO .... “010v»c •,‘(3 1*0, - Sco'f. »-r 20*».Enl7nAiini.Al.l»in.,DNF. . £l Uuii t. rhiU(«ta»ranlOldmsrJ8.4D»4C«thrBn>tonr.Oni*w. Orepo, 908.72 4, Rit* Oij- t :.»nK.i, • . ■•cr-67-1J4 Slaw.It. TcMa CbnilUB, M 4l.«. Eufma k T.djT’tfi.tM. v,..™ • X r»fi ss . N B A\ Ibox score IW .no7.,TrtM.DPM^8II.W:j.Lub«hD«i. . , Oiieua It-tnttur >4! ll Nt<«!1 VtltlUl.-..V> ...... _ .- - I ? . - sos:oita. Cut arei:u. joei.;. suiOarUr»oDi Kai T.iM.QI>.».«-U82.«.Do>>uQ>i.kcnkl. J : ------CK/CT.I-tOpm.- -■------n r — -UlriJ 4-lT‘ E*auni Mithino. ^ l«JT. 7, K.lhf rriBTT. Ciixinuii inobiiuua V-4i il I,oa V-'^3 V jV ''''*f''l'64?r A ” >7 Km, VillaKT.. 81&48. B. P.n K U .^ FU* iHfTihufi 7.3). I 30 p ffl I,. :.. V, 00 r»ruho-i:-; • r^r.'c-r, ■ 670->J« Jartlln ;8«fcr.:.B.l9X-S.ViIllIuii«<«.-C.Jai»iu..rm»....- ---....T. ^ llnuun iRrtn S-2i al Kan Tiaivc WviVani-,, £a«-13« I, Kduwlli IVuncB. Ncrthaaal Uuiaiu *27.41. 10, MtL.i.,Wlo, C4jifa7u..[r». i«, Vrt.l',;’ J.S 11 S. jiiM .wiftToji’o*^:,?.' 2)1 3 'tMl.M. 1 Chna AUunaau. ]oli«nTi f .1 0 (I o tw:i I Vitnt CUBomo. Tma-ArWtBiC21B.l.t>., » 1 I, Amon.Siai.. lL7i.i.TolUTt, T.mlt. ■ .MUhwl IUb»t. Smilhwaat T»1M Sul.,^11.11, roatar,UaMUalon>,jKinl. D.rtholomm I ‘Dviiraa a .L li. m4(f-Mr«rd. 01di.» rt; O.T2. rvmji ' ....^ ALstandings . 1«* Siua, I8B4I J, UCU 0.74. 3, Ujiai.r. 1. K.n N«iU, C.l.fcrei», IW-7. J, Pm. 71 Suia. OJIS. 4. nmd. S1.U. 44.13.8, Mor»M AlIKRICAStjlACL'E .' 1 3 0 0 0 V . f'i-1 ci-.-iy n«-lM otnpwi. UCU. ISM. 3, OrUo DlgtnuJ • -Suia. 4« J3 e, lUinoii, 44.48. 7, TVxm South. X, 4y n>.i Ul Aali.ta-lk.toli UCU, ISM «. Rsa Hamr. SnUwrn Vt.IIUddu 7>i- an.. 44 S4 8. N»tm1.-Ui V»»m., 41J1. • ^ GaMWwI17KIl''i'-Ml.'ji .' .W 4 4 II ' I) in johnaon<1 ViKi. IWlnjil M iI>.onia. 9l. Total ...... ta_*3_Ija.-- I 3. E4 Wide Oilihooa. lU ^S. J«miitnKli. <1. UnfJunp KfYcti 34 i: M iujia.Mr.,i7r Tr.hn-K.i—iw. .t-.J.fl I..-, C*.’3-133 ;.‘ioiu.. Onm. im . 7. Oltnn Sctiiw^ n»Y.liivJ 13 ID US U l-l Ir.ilV.hitJtMrihl. ;ll-llr.,ll Artr«. Uliana SunJcri. lM-». B, Mdui NichcU. UglaUnl o x l . : 1. Km, Car.'W j* Mm>,.tt-A>riwi»d tVimt ;■» JI .s* HW4«, .ldaJl, },fi.UPrT.,v L-CLA. 21-«. 3, J.ai.la -J7 » SII cv>M»« 7:«rj2o DmUsn uUUn. Bvtkfano, Antou 9t.t.. 3i-lH (wuwj .,d- •Sl« ‘ •dl 4, Clain Caasr. LeuUUa. Ct.u. 2l-3'i. W I0;> IK.^.lL.13 hl.l •; .- 100-1. StM SWrUy. Wuhinfico 8uu wT»or» . ^ 41 Jl: i playoffs W«rHa-.«1 71.U>-1*0 &. Akau BaU, Trua AIM. W-lOt. Iwind .id- II.TVAuomUi.ur.Taau, 1I.0«. S4? •dl. (, «'and7 Hrevn. Southan Gal, 2»8li * Smilr.W.S.4 H : - AllHrr^MUT . R’r.Kijilan^rtcn 7I«-140 ^3. Dm! Kus: AnmC 11.09. «^I. «. Brvn8UU.. i»u>iJalW)..7,KaraoKnii»r,N.bfm.U,20.g, «V-!>op»n HK-S^,lfV Corr.r,nr» F.ftala ftJlrVtf ’j J ' ^rUK). 11.11. SM. S. Kaul GuBJtiwn. Mount«.B47. El. B.J..ilUiU.AUt>.m.AAM.20.Tl.uid.id- Marra, II JI IWl «, Pwar HobJ. PnnwUftBniw "!).», J»li»Ooodrtch.OtT*^ 2M*.. 10. iU uiUuui r IS :i: 10 toi-OiTa. ThirJ. 1^-irk___ r-'.Tvrrnr------tttstto—J UBtBu WrSoilh.Taua SouOiam »JIV 11, Sbij. -1 < 0 0 t ' G;"-''' J I 1 ...... ’•«Ccwr»j 7J«-i4i II l.zs! in', i. UiiMl bliuUr'iiwnu. wt4A,Suu! Rabvrta. .*touth*Mt Trtu St.ta, 18A11 13, -— ' — .i?' ------— -ca.7J'.UI-' I11.S?, T»l. *. Mid»l tertf. Bilpira Tstt*. r • • <1 j.A Uk.n...IIJ.Ralla.!- I r-aa ’71.70-141 11J4. 1 ISA. 10. Kia Juma. Smpno. Suu'11.40, ' t>n6uu. IM-l. 2 CiiArei-...... >» -W'!»------aacACa IhOTC-.i#v 7^71.14T 13, 1. Jo. Duuu, UCIA 11.48, T»7. 14. tUofl11.41. Uf7l>*n>.»,fra«>o8t.l».IB6.4.3.T«n»MJ. ’ J'ndaj'iOaHin - l_^ Mkrr» I Du-fW»»W' W-7;-K1 JlJ.rta« UwlaUu Sui*. lIJO, 7Sl IS, Slwr. I»«. <,-Kn.-Unce.- fCU.------Tmciti S. lUl-o 3 . mu b nuJfr,C utbiu. 11 Jl. TU.n»Bfl 178-1. S.CelUm Ha.fB»ta»l, nmd*. t77» 8 , rVnlanlfi. Dilniil n ' F a r . . - --leiv'SB ;-)- Crun R^. Uuiaita. Suu.Sbar- Pitlj P«ip»r, flun/ort. I7M0, 7 Jrmiifcr arrXPGA..___ •. -t«->iw,' m -:t - Bun}-Ttaiur'T»u i.-?yiH,-• ,PoiuiUi.Wuittmon.I70-Il.a.BrtJiU..-«eB , OiLit.-v]A.Mju»auUS -I J I .1 " iv.!o-.'iili.rWiroilllJ.JI/T6.r> • KXCC(XCCO. O^(AP) - U ^n r-ca, «Vf rv. nAM a. Sl»*. fVrator, Tau. A*K JS-ll*;; Kan«iCily:,:*.lll»; M -cuoa w rM» wM8. 4. Sia>4n ShuirT, n-».hia(loa 9uu, 23- ' Ttui»!f>iir»fj.la> UO. S/K.rtti y^CoRT, WoRh C»lm*.«S:-£-'aS'SSi£!sfcSS-— "— ; falif^tfnia at laU Salurta;.Mir3" U-^Cio‘y ^ 7 C-V3 (a o-naai KTX’) Ttnc, a2».«kkMT.«. Cknk littff, AfUoo.. ».10.»04. . JlikMTlff J I I'l IlilfF- '.lioaiciW .-J-'M 7. 0Uad«, Lxuaiu. SUM. 0-8,Um*.JS 7»7. giwaa'saasra’^^ 200 • Tvralo ;aanr7 V-fii al i/aOty«i , C . KkTO-IJ} *.'8. Kiiul OuAdarwo. UwM 9l Mvt’i. 234>v ...... D.llaillS.l^S.LAUkmlM r.< , 71M-140 TM. TS 8. Kip Jterris. Sapm. 23-«Vt. 781 10 T'lai iltuaaall 4 Ai al Chirafo iMilbiiltHo.f!lJ. .in. ,1 Ua, 30 • Sr., K Cnl« Bnaatna. Km u . S-3. 70.11. B.o(i ____ J.‘ 3-4. al llallimofT v r " '~ 1 ii«tir«.iirt '**'*r!*«Jar.»rjr3i u*PTo . J c 'Cukli7,TaiM,aa3.«. Eathw J«j;. I^i.* 'tvrt C4»lin..>I,]tV«ftL >»»1*! ------;---- .WH.(Unt.u-->i-4,ai Kaa^Cii* ------ifjr'u*#"''*'' 400 IIurUm , Cil* lU.- olJlJu'nr.-jlim - : '■ .a'-' rvifui iw.tk VI'” 'n Dl I TSurada,. JuM 2 ' I.K»rmyo«.«.L'CU.47M|i.«IUjTari ■rii.S.-*--. • DiUu IOS.U^]_A.La«»ica.Mfv»u«iaj . --w,,va RaUr i oU iwcrd 47.M br Edvis Uomi' suK. iM.auU. J :n-Da-».n la. r>vJar,Jw»3 UJ3. «J««. .S-abr»ak.. M60-3 ralJvra,ri»lifuk.U i-l; M.a ...... CWS 10 ISeOl 2, r.1 ItCW ,!«.. M 07.3. OonioDra« \teurm Fnirtiar. IU;niU 6C0Z 4 JmuiLi' ill Squall. 3 110 Kri'-J'almriratiT I Ij O.ot 3 - Trraw • Suoiar.Junal: • - CKtJo 76.73-149 TtlTtiAM. 1 4Ti«. i.Trmat. lt«TU<(tn, cW B m ^ , St«brt, d-ti-,, », Timmy y McOarf Sl.’ Oltamap' 0 0 ------. ------Sfci,piaj-^ei-sai______?4.JJ_ua__ aea. ui. TW»M.HttmU-a.uv« r — lu I—.^L tlrjt»»;rf 5 3 3 1 ll.yr. It. Jsoil 0 i.r4 fijnfr ______------r, 1, , ., . ■mtraJar.Jiin. 0»rll.« IU»r, lUlBW.,.11., akl.0tn™.»-ll..7, ChnatlMnekAaaW. .. C«w4.-.Viani,n* r.limao _ a«niUf.Jy»ll •m- An*oo..fli..J.U,l,„i,6^^.To.,^; -4-I-3-!------T-IIK ------i;i' >1 u ------.. }t.T4~ifO t:UI - ■ Tvnde.JxM! , 7»7j.J5i _«.M

------— - ._ t T.______.

...... ' ■ . i' I ■ ■ ■ - . p — - 7 - ^ ' i • ■ . -■ f

QSI^ r Salurday. Juno 4.1982IBS .TImeo-News. Twin Falla, Watio 0-3...... • Continuedjc d fro m P a g e 1)1 ___ j^ , Jac-eophomore-Jofr-Levris-cra-crackrd-a—to-lie-the-game ne‘when“first baseman 'alfd couldn’t ^ore, Leitner g • BhlpTicrc^'toliigJiight. The Hawks beat . sol ;r groundihg“ '^3 i’tHriast; ttw o week.*! b ut we didn’t ddidn't lim p afler the hoiTie~rUrrl>e^ solo homer that turned out. to ^ the Brad Brooks drdropped the throw. Fos- iniinlo g forceout at home and ______the_GaU(ra_7--2..-2 -W ednesday -in -th e - *i»i. UvtWf i<* _ _ cam e in tho top oflofthe ninth when .^nn ithalhat let Swain scorc an unenrm irnpd_run __Engle5 loaded th rirfinf—wHth-n-lnoch—“1— iir Rasmuu ssen —— - — Thackkeray- • C o n tin u e di ffr r o m P a g c D l_____ HHa^nsen/OTtball a Coach Ray Be ... B o n y -_____ • Continuedld^mPageDl beenicnuse o f his n atural ability, _ ...... - - have-thQ.-samee opportunities in ath ...... ( ■■ y -■ DoVry'iriste'adi""' I remembers specifically Mick Gwartney — admits- -Thackeray ,'------[ickey's defensive back hihonors. Last winter ’ N Nt a tu ra l ability. Thackeray'sly's is cer- letics were h ein in a larg er community. wai DeVry is a..vocaljcational and techno- domiim inance on the defensive sidi wasn’t the quickest loaTnor coining ' side of as a Trojan forwrward in basketball, tainly in l best exemplified in his track . “Wendell's all al right," Thackeray up ------logical school in1 PhoenixP where the theJ biball. -up through tthe sporta ranks in ju­ .. the 6-foot, l*inch'h Thackery averaged andid field1 accom plishm ents. HeHequali- --says^ “Even.^tl-though it’s a small nio - Trojans’ all-sUitete lineman is plan- '“W‘We had io adjust our blockii nior. high_andJiigh-school,-but-tho______:king,“ 15 p o in ts and ninene rebounds a game. fied■d for. s la te C lass A 3 comp e mi e an opportunily. ] We . xiing- to study computer ci mainte- B^rryrryhill says, “I don’t think Wendell coach praised Thackeray’s i k we “H e played bigfigger than he was,“ in fourfoi events, winning districtrict titles wus pretty forlulu n a te . I don’t think I, cdn • n a n c e . couldlid have gone one on one w cdnsistency, dedication and ability to J with Trojan baskelbaball coach Larry in theth 100-meter high hurdle;dies nnd woiild have g ^ o tte n the (some) imp “DeViy is morelore of a technical him.“ improvo. When Chris fist joined,the G w artney says oif ft th e Wendell senior, th ei 3003 intermediates. The •11.2-sec--11. chances at tw in • school," "Rasmusseissen says. “I didn’t Her ;n F alls. ' varsity var squad, his role wos p rim an ly Jerryhill says tho adjustmentsnts in- “He played as bigg as any 6-3 kid I’ve ondd timt: e h e’s recorded in the latlatter is “Especially in w ant to learn all t n sports," said Thack- in' in' theI rebounding department, but .11 the English stuff. cluder- T?CVi7is“ni6reo:al-a hands-on school.’ ing! Thackeray was;s a!two-year varsity TTi I'ruth is, while ho feels as3 thoughth schools, ‘if you’iu ’re n o t a natural, a cenl ceni from th e field in his final y e a r — - One might say;y thatt Rasmussen’s Shoihoshone Coach Larry Bond,id, on . eager for Wende:lell, bul Gwartney he is is fortunate for what he haslas been ^ small school caran help you improve Thackeray's Tho offensive threat became decision not to plaj)Iay in college is his theot!o th e r hand, claims R asm usserisen to says he even considered cc moving able e to do at Wendell, ThacIlackeray ' and grow. Youcan ca play ^th ways (in increasingly incr apparent to Canyon way.ofgoingoutinsin style. ' be a^better a centcr than defensensive C hris up whe^n he10 was a sophomore says : ’s he may not have been. abjeat to. football) an d you)u can play all s p o i^ .“ Conference Con foes. ' • • ■ ______A successfuLfour I lend- ~ r . ' recr comes to an enden today, a carcer er. that heralded Raamussen a^ as one of “HeFle’s played against us, I guejuess, the most dominantant players in the the'laflast two years," Bond says. “He’s"H M agic Valley Confeiiference. It includes a toue)ugh kid. He hits hard andd hhe’s- a 1986 state ClassIS A-4A football cham* got a, p retty good nose for th e‘ fofoot-- p io n s h ip for th e T’rojans roj '&nd one th a t boll, ...... euJminatcdin'Rasmism ussen's selection “I saw s£ him in thr0^1e>'-g^em e (a ------thig- year'as'fTFSftw T h ( ■nram“alR tiilc"cer> ^f4-0) TrojanT loss’ tothe'Hbfhets~fis last l e r e ’ s te r by the Associtociated Press and Sept.I. 25),“ Bond says^ “and evieven firsbtcam all-statetc defensive tackle • thoughIgh they (Raft River) were3 get-gi by r/ie/f/oA o S/o^csn 'csman. ting b'beat, he was encourogingjS jS !S _ .. • -Like Thackeray' ondar so m any other" teamrhnrhates to play in an appropriajriate small-town football p n e w « v H h ill players, Rasmus- way foifora leader. / D a e n o > u r 1 . s e n p la y ed on b o th1 sidessil o fth e scrim* _ “Agaigainst us (a 35-12 Trojan victo■ctory m a g e lin e , b u t so y's s h e p refers'the dc- o\’e r th e Indians Oct.* 16I,* BondI cocon- fe n s iv e d u tie s ov er snappings r the ball, tinued,ed, “he'w as one of the key play- pla “(On’defense) you(■ou didn’t have to ers.“ •v^orry about anytinging, except getting . t i o n i z o ] n . to ^ e guy w i^ theebaU,"_Rjismussen bj m . rcording to Rasmussen’s mentcintor, say ^ “(At the' cente'nter position) you an coach Tom Harrison.-Mickiic k e y - - ...... have to worry aboutut (offensive)( hold- \ l le of those all-around athletiletes ing and you can't godownfieldonago plain and simple, will be h a rd to ______pSSs, you hove to thmhink a bout more.* ; ' T h e fatfg u o -Of gotgoing- both ways. "Hee wasv a four-ye;ir starter," Ha:H a f - ' •' ------Rasmussen-saysrwoawa3nc\-erTcally-a— rison-sn5_nid;:^Hjs:grcatcst:iiitributc'a _____ . ______: Ifa c to r. In fa c t “it wa^ a s ;p retty fun. You _ a centeiter is thot he maintains sUch'ch' a get psyched up andid youy can do just good base,ba; that is he is hard to worvork ^m itanything.“ around.id. Defensively, he’s just tough.Igh.* _ ■ ■ ■ S tars— • Continuedif fr r o m P a g e D l Thee crux is whether Tompkiipkins'- ■ ? The East usuallyi entersei this, game chargesjes can do something withfl tthe w ith a disadvantageje ini num bers and West oofTeiiso keyed by Tw in Fa! F alls ( g g - size,and thisyear isms no exception. • quaTterlijrback Joel Jund and includiiiding ■ I . “W e had 13 ofthee b

P isto n s» ------— • Continued frpjV p m P a g e D l- mined th a n ever and we accomplishei;hed ______tim e . ______- • • it, ______}______7 “We learned how to 'win last year," X ...... Detroit's Bill Laimbeabeer said. “We Tho loloss in Game G of the best-oi it-or- A lt iMountain-H«mc Juni< , learned what it takes■s wwhon you got in seven serseries m arked the final g am e ai nior High, Dawn Gesinsin oh weekends withw her Mom and Da< lap.s like other seventh j the later rounds to winvin the big series, BostonI ccoach for K.C. Jones, wh( 1 graders in third periodiod At only thind[een years of age, Dawn'wn’s learned id A nd we came in thisI yearye mo’re deter*. guided tl: classes. Bul unlike her the club to its lost two titlesJes. P-E. cl :r friends. Dawn is run-Jn- live with canciccr today and hope)e for a cure n in g hher own race for life.' to m o rro w . ------I n tthe h coursc of one week" h rlasi January. Dawn dr§- Biirw ithoui ycyour Help,' that can’t hapiappen.It’s your c o v e rc•ed i first-hand what Hot lodgkins Disease is all dollars thal courunt. In a hundred differcferent ways. To ^ . a b o u t.t. OPEI advance, our treatment. tr To expandnd our reach - F o lkIlqwing’ a routine phj >hysical exam by herler thmughout ihe.-2.-region. From-Bakerr r In s titu te w h e r e t h r e e ) WHEEL JC lym ph^lands”ih herler ■ -cld.se’r to a cure-e ih the fa.stest tim e possible.pc ■ n e c k were w found to be cance :erous. Within the nextJXt This year, pleiedge,yourself to helping>ing Dawn and fe w da>ays. she underwent surgt rgery and a catheter wasas others like her. CG ive to the Children’ss NM iracle Net- ACTIOn . in sc rtced < in her left shouldere r . ______J ______iraB ______w ork-Ihlcilion.- ' I n aiaddition. to radiationn treatments. Dawn'si*s rc c c iv c i RETURN 'cd chemotherapy ever2 ry two weeks. Beforere Tonight att 7 p.m . on KKIVI l '■ ir c a f mlent e ends, eight differei-ent types of chemicals f . Channel 6. w ill b e used to bring D aw n’ss cancer< under control. ’ 5. Live from ththe Bed ; .■ F o r iall her cxtracurriculaliar activity at MSTI,I. Lion Riverr s i d e . ______KS ■or,- D a w H-d o c Hn^'-*)e e m - to ,^lnw dijwii uiuili: S h e lo vves t horseback .riding. ShShe plays the cello, flute See the racee. for life throughg h t o ------H I T I a n d d euctric c organ. And she !iklikes to go trap shixHingig >. the finish.. BUDLIGHTT I

~ ^DIES4IIGH ' HT- ^ / y •' " • ALL LADIES 1/2 PRICEr w liiraTAdrnission z n _Gates_C>iieD_&_&OQ_EM zzj:::Aar,lt« ^ R acing At 7:^ iG h tld f^ ii 7 : 4 r P . M 7 C h ildJren r , 6-11 $1.50 nVMiract d e N e t wyerkTelc U n d e r 6 F R E E MM I C I C V A I_LLEY =UI(=SI>t Luke’s R e lED L io n mOTORl iir n n R eigional g ie Medical Center RIVEfUIOe w SPi ■ 1 M ile W est of>f t1 h e T w i n F a l l s A I r p Boise 343-63fi163 • lyin Falls rp o rt ■ 734-3700 J..: . i ' B 3 t 4730 • O ntaitario-889-2038 »• I^ho-Toll-Free^ l-80(MS8-3095 ------— -J ------

D-4.Tlme5-New3.'13. Twin Falla. lOafio ..S a tuurcJay. rc J u n o 4 ,1558 ^ rs o H M rts first rrry . niance_durinB,tho10 fir.<:i£0;round o t th e tonx>rs in team roping______------SpIashforajMOicore of-43 with an option o ou ut o fthe shutes, tallied a 55. ------...... - I'l.:.MUler,'-wipinfjing.away a few tears as hc-S]j.spokc-of his-affection-for-I^>jtty------Jerom e C«unly-FfFairgrounds,-:------Jd a 3on-R«bert»-from Jerome)me clocked—for-a-reride,-AflWler-watching-thirconT’ ------—' TylorGninbfromGlehnsTeri^^e; den. ‘Thero0 isi( nobody I would.raLhar h«have coach thia team. It’s ouiour , . P eterso n won, llthe gout tying, dock- -.am n 10.6 8 in .lh e ste e r, wrostlinjJing edging p e titio n lose'.tc'.to - th e S lash • T- rodeo leader loji with Dietrich’s Jake Telford in*, ,, ...... intent-to kockeep Fmnk"herc ‘untihhc-d-decides otherwise. We're cx- cx' . ing nn 11.43-sececond time, and the 16-16-year-old Jay Foulkner of Gooding stock, Pavkov■ titook h is -score, .the top lh(th e tenm roping, showed he coiild^ ------trcmcly-plcaamscd witfapjankoasuiuandi:ch.’.' ______- ______^______bceakiiivay-ropingng,-cdging45-yoar-old— whivho-wHs-the-event-leader-go ■-going-inlo—und-onlyscore-T r-Thursdaynight:------^—-rope-acalf-Thursday: ro| ------'■j------■ Layden hashns five years rem aining on his lO-year Utah contract,net, 'Karen Wartluft fromfr Gooding in win- Th>rhursday’s competition. J_ ____:_____ ^_The_loader.iiiin.the_huIl.riding..RQb------!Th<» Pilot cowboyroped and.tied.hiB;______- - ...... This-past-eeaeeaeon, he-coached-the-Jazzzz to a;franchise-record-47*3£1-3 5 —r -ningthe event byjy less Ihan'a'socon?.’"^ JuBtitio J Roberts, aijothorr hihand rep- Connell of Shoa■oahone, proved why he calcalf in 17.46 seconds. Tho loader ia-; ______;____ “ 3 - 1 V, 1 victor>' o ^ r Portland in theth e opening round of the NBAfBA _ The C arey h a n ^ .t ... resies.cntijiB..ihe_Tjget3 _ b cat..;at._out ..2G—w aa tho loader-ii•-in-that-evont; ------ihe-ovontrDally.Curtisih t from-Gooding,i- ’ pluyoiTsandffa a' sevcn-gamc .series ag'inhsti s t X o s ^ g ^ s lh at th'e LaEerH;erH irthe evenings rodedeo in the breakaway - othiither giris-in barrell racing.ig. 1Roberts, T h e 16-year-o•-old took on 'Beef H eart was wa nol far oIT tho pace with a timo of: event, had u 4.94.4. while Wartlufl set- whci-ho was tho 17th p r i out oofthe ft gate, McGuire and titallied a 67, receivnng 18.7 18. seconds. .. - ■ • ' T m underer {contract lo the Jazz and that’sth the way it is," sajd Lay-.iiy- tied Tor .second pla'lace in the firsl n ig h t fini:inished her rido in 18.11010 seconds,s th e o nly score in th a t event. 1The rodeo continues through S a tu r­ den. “The mnrnnn i.“» fair. He took a stro nag g stance and I abide by thal.lal, w ith n 5,52, 'h ery l W hi^sell from Richfndifield w as A p a ir ofWemmdell cowboys were tho day daj nt tho Jerome Couniy Fair- I’m happy. Ft,!Ft,like il here. This is m y honlome. There aro going lo be no - - The hometownn cowboys and cow- closlose behind with an 18,66/667-second only compelitoriors, T h u rsd av niL’h t to grnunris. trro with the too two finishers in-______------DThcrjobrfbrror jiif. - “ :hcn-mltmt5-wmn1nB— i*rde i'hureday’s stay on-their' 1 horse in the saddle eaceach event cjualifying for the state fi-i Layden safd;ard he was “relieved" by Mil:-liner’s."vote of confidenco“'in..'in^-.'*.' t\yo events andd one Tiger hand acti'ction, Tammy O'M aloy of' Shoshone,Sh bronc. nalnals in Filer Inter this month. T'. I his coaching.g. ButI ho did adm it he w asi "i"intrigued" by Miamfs Inter-er- est. L bjpezdeads ] Farr LI.PGA Wi/anideroutl"lasts AgijgasiinCOpen r. It’s officid; - _ . . - TOLEDO.. O:Ohio (AP) — Nancy LopezfoVercame bS her socond srraight[hf PARIS lA'PT^ - Th'ird-seedod-Mats L en d l, tho two-tim e ^efen ^n g r _ openinfj-holee bogeyb< to shoot a 2-under-pa•par 70 Friday nnd maintainn a Wilander, mixing ig elegant lobs w ith - cham pion, lost'tcto-the unseeded Svens- t one-stroke leadead over England's L au ra DaDavies after two rounds of the;he precise passing ^ T ^ n n i s Dorsett’s nov»^ — J shots, outlasted son 7-6, 7-5, S'5-2-in a quarterfinal LPGAJamieFie F arr Toledo Classic. American Andre AAgassi 4-6, 6-2, 7-5, ------match on Thursrsday. That ended his . Lopez bogeyt[eyed tho par-4, 400-yard firsirst hole Friday, as she had a 1 a 5-7, 6-0 Friday in the French Open ad Slam semifinal ap­ a Bronco ^ day earlier, bulbu was flawless the rest of the way on the 6,235-yardrd semifinals. ily kind the agile Swede couldcoi not o f ’ p earan ces datiniing through the 1985 course a t Glen?engarry. Country Club. She: finishedfii with a two-day total .. handindle. .-. DALLAS (AP) - Tho D a lla s. , W ilander, Lhe only-^urvivor o from “h 1 brought to an abrupt / ' o f6-under-para r ]138, with her only two bogejgeys through 36 holes coming “H e surprised m e a lot,. I didn't f-S- Open md b Cowboys traded running back -' - the lop 10 seeds afafleh a week of star- thin! 3 to become the fi«t -j :------i-D T rN o rl:------ink h e’d be this g ood," WiWilonder Tony Dorsett, the fourth-lead-______I -“ Uihg upsets, has wonv the champiop- . Davies, o 24-24-yenr-old from W est Byfleeleot playing her first full sea- id. "I’ve never played aga:iiHiSS' n" ■ man-;to.,mn^ftr ing. rusher, in NFL histo:y,-to. . .. -. — ship here twice anchd will be playing in piayj nrdonH is y w ? »mco BjoIjo'rh Bcirg won' four ! son on th e LPC..PGA Tour, also shot a 70 Friday Fr for a two-day total of ayer who hits the ball so hard the Denver Broncos Fridny for a ' “ the final for the fififth time in seven foreh Straight startmgIg iin 1978. \ 139. Davies alteredalt< her pulling style withith five holes lo go, sw itching ■ehand." conditional 1989 draft, choice. '" ' ^8 years. ______.“I t is' disappoiiDinting. B u t w hat can - — ;------ta.a.cross-handiindpd~grip wnc..unhappy nt ■wlth.hor-putting:tO- Th«:Sw«do alsasaid-haswam^ ;;jLZ:31ie:drafl.-choice;cQuIdj-ange_;...... 1. . to p iay 'S u '“ ?'-ryotf-dor M ldlasjnairwKo * ' j; th a t point. Sunday against the id by Agassi’s antics, or’ll from a fifth to a firsl, depending sufTorcdo.jlfairained chest muade in* , w inner of today’s sesecond men’s semifi- Hghuhted response from th e crowd th e second set. B o g g> s s ! u e d fo r p a llim i o n y nal matching Hcnriiri Leconte of Fronce "‘Hh , e's a real sportsm an oji tho .• Svensson also>0 toppled th e No. 7 ^ SANTA- ANANA. C’alif.iAP) - Four-timiitne batting champion Wadejg again st S w eden's JonasJ{ Svensson, th e i j,be groat if h e can. koop thathat mil- Pro football wede Kent Carlsson. Boggs o fth e BostonBo£ Red Sox was sued Fridriday by a Costa M esa. C alif, . conquereroftop-^e^eded Ivan Lendl. lude,’ie ,” W ilandersaid. O th e r top men^ss jplayers who fell v ie-___ ~ ______Lwomon,who-is-(1.n fh n rp n p him with bcCAch.ph nf nrni «*nntrp(;t f\n<\,fr,nUC^t.id- ,- . ____/\gussi._a.'playfulul-and_enorgetic'18------gu- - - upon-his-performance next sea-...... B u t Agassi also m ad e freque]juenfuri-' tirh'lb'upsels'inclidu'dea'Stefan'Edberg, based upon a. coicontinuous four-year relationionship. year-old from Lass Vegas,' Nev.. went forcec son,” Cowboys spokesm an Doug ced errors, and usually punctmcluated Pat Cash, Boris} IBecker and Yannick ____j ------—.—MargoT^danu __lodd-said______»msr32risTisking-forS6TnilliillionT-according-lo h er-attor—------; —all-out,- prunting exexpIosively*with'the— theminj-w ' ithT rloadT ip’Of'dlsmaynay. A ra — N6'alT“ ------noy, James F. McGee,J who’ said the All-S1-Star Boston third basemanin effort of pounding: hish ground strokes, coiipli The trade had been expected iple of his worst momentonts, he N a U lia Zverovava, 17, the first Soviet r _ “brpached thoBogreementUiprovide oj suppo:port and to.compensate MissIS but found Wilandeder; covering every tossec for several days. Dorsolt had' sedihis racket hopelfissly'inn thel^ air. fem ale to reachI ia Grand Slam-final . Adams’ for thele lossli of income she suffereded during the four-year limele inch of the clay ccrcourt to send them • sought' a trade since Herschel n th e final set, Agassi-L- Ilooked since O lga Moro;rozova lost to Chris period th a t shC'hC'traveled with W ade Boggiggs and the Boston Red SoxiX *' back. Walker was njade a- full-time beateilien, and too tired to chaseise down E v e rt a t Wimbleilodon a n d P aris in team on road trips.trij starter late last season. Dorsett Once, after sovonoral remarkable re- Wilanlander’s shots. Trailing 0-3,•3, 15-40,. 1974. b eat unseededed N icole Prdvis of u, __ Theijpwsuitwt was filed in Orange C ountyity Superior Court, according, had been unhappy about losing ' B. turns in a row endeiied with a point ror.—ho lostlos track ofthe score, thinkinking he -A ustralia 6-3,6-7,•7, 7-5 on T hursday in to a deputy counlunty clerk nt the courthouse.je. his starting job 'when Walker • Wilander, Agassi aiiaimed the handle of had1 alreadyal lost his serve, andid wwaited a match mndc,ra(more difficult for tho • V Boggs, who' tuitu rn s 30 on June 15, is m arri;rried. He and his wife, Debo- was signed in the summer of >• his racket at his opfpponont and pulled forWiWilander to serve w hon il wawas still 13th seed by stotomach cramps that rah, have two) children,ch a girl 9 and a boyoy who turns 2 next Novem- 1986. I* the trigger, as if a rrifle shot were the the ArAm erican’s turn. h a d h e r bent over,r, wincing in pain. I____I ber...... 1 _____ McGee-said-ti1-that.Adams has gone-throu'ougli all- her savings during-[J...... I • the relationshiplip w ith Boggs and presently•ly is in danger of having h ef r . . ______automobile repoapossessed.

th at Boggs d idn’tin’t know how to help her witi'ith o u t his wife finding out. =Ckurag McGee said ththi a t the relalionsMp betw eeieen Boggs and Adams ended__ !------• - about-a-we^-aiC'ago,-before-lhe-ll^- Sox-pPpIayeo-Trtwo-game'Sorios against th e Califalifomia Angels at nearby ArAnaheim Stadium this past M onday and Tue:'uesday. • ' XIH e T im n ^ T H m m n R o o k ie3 leadsj Kemptp e r O p e n ______PQTQ\tAC.M■ •Md. (AP) - RnokiV .Tim Hallet_birdigd.fQLir Hn - r , ' holes late in thehe round on the way lo u' 6 -under-par-i 65 Friday lhat - —-w ittil our^ ^Specttacular ; ..'r . gave him a one-sle-stroko lead over defendingng champion Tom Kite and , Morris H atalskyky afler{ two rounds of the S80800,000 Kompor Open, Hallet, whojoifjoined the PGA Tour la st fall,ill, v.as at 9-undor 133 a fler fc"'------36 holes a t th e! TTc ournam ent Players C lub> aal t Avenel. He was 5-under ^ Gaidfage Si P a (iclcage 1.;______with five.hpies_ielijefl, but;birdied_Nos. 5 throurough 8 Uj take the halfway . lead for thV first5t timti e in his brief career. .“I was prettyf nonchalantnc out there," saidd H1 allet,yanked No. lll^ o n - the money list. “M“My game plan is to ju s t shooloot four sub-par rounds." Hallet,-Whoseie bestb previous finish w as ^a.tiea. for 13th at the Byron ...... NelsonXksaic,Jas.Jaslinonth^.didJiot have a boj = R o y a ls =^traderawaydB t B la c k — ...... - ,.. XANSAS-Cm[TY. Mo; (AP) ; - - T h e Kan;ansos Cily Royals traded . . pitcher Bud Blackick to the Cleveland In d ian s Ff riday for do-signaied hit- ter P at Tabler. I Tabler, 30, h as ia lifetime ,289-average.wityith 41 home runs and 355 , RBI. In 1987. he hhi it .307 with I I home ru nIS s ando a career-high 86 RBI . with the Indians.s. HeI hit .326 with six home rruns and 48TIBI in 1986. - \ "______Block, r^f), hnss hihnnn with thn .Rnynl.i «;inr./>.:•■/».l-qH9_With R nhcim Pit ^ __ ^ h Black compiled a 55-57 record and 3'73 ear;arned run aviirase in 216 • • * games over 977.27.2 innings in which he hatlas allowed 942 hits. 289 walKs"ana 508 strilitrikcouts. -. .Black’s best yoar yoii was 1984, when he wawas used exclusively as a ■ starter. He had a J 17-12 record and 3.12-ERARA'. This year.'Black is 2-1 \ •with a ’4.9 lE R AV in 17 relief appearances. L l — I - — . H arter tcto coach Chaia f l o tt e M l CHARLOrrE,2, f N.C. (AP) - Indiana Paceicers assistant conch Dick Harter on Thursdr■sdny was named'the first hejhead coach of the NBA ex- t f - . pansionCharlotte!Lie Hornets.. .. v e k u i A •Harter, 57, will'ill be starting his profession:onal head coaching career s 4 • this fajl_ns th e HonlompLs bcgin.thcirfirst seasaison in the NBA, • - S— ’ H arter lias beenjen an NBA assistant coachtl forfi th e past five seasons. the last two w ithh llthe Pacers and tlie previous)us throe seasons with Do- ■S ■ troil. Harter hass 1 18 yoars of college head co;coaching experionco.' com- ___ L.._ __pilinc_a.314-I95.r5.record.,aL-Ridcr,Jcnnaylvi’Ivfljoia^Oxcgon and Penn.'-. • Suite from 1965-83-83. L a n s f o r d signs new c o n t r a c t OAKLAND (AP)VP) — Third basem an C am•ney e Lansford of the Oak- land A’sje a d in g the tl American League in bibatting with a .393 aver- "age, agreed to a three-contractth r extension Thuihui-sday. ------Lansford, who»is is making$1.3 million plus,s incentivesi: this season in ladT the final-yeaj ofr «a five-year, S6 million deal,■al, got a fully guaranteed, contract lh a t includiludes a no-trade clauj^e, accotcording to his agont. Jerr>- Kapslein. “The key elcmenilents in reaching the agreenktnkenUbr us were contract' ------— length and a non-u:vassignability clause to coveiver 1989 and the firsl two ______^ ------: ' years'ofthe ■-btwie-aifreenientT^-Kapttt^ia-ia-«ai- imporUint. WeWi w ere looking for three The Tint( l e l p ...... i ; •years and il took!t somesi lime-lo gel to that pcpoint, but I’m pleased il les^Newsi ^ 2 6 spring meeting in: SanSa Diego. 7 3 i - ^plei According to th e Itleague, th e now nam e is a ssimpler, more accurate saic description of thee 112 member institutions — - Ciil S tale F-ullerton. A ^------Frcsno.Statc,.LongJig^eadLStat€..Neiv_MfixicQi£LStale.lS(in.Picgq;Suit<*., ___ „ : ______•______will San Jose S tale, UCC IIrvine, UC Santa Barbara,ra. University of Hawaii, Mor h v ' v w w Nevada-Las-Vegiis,s. FPacific anti Utah Stale. test (N ow throughI SeptemS ber 3 0 , 1 9t 6 e s j ______'/ —

.' ______.. •