majestic constructions such as the Palace Pavilions of Naranco Mountain and the church of . The fourth portion of their ruling comes during the leadership of king Alfonso III from 866 until 910 AD. The most notable change in Asturian during this period comes from the newly strong influence by the Mozarab people, who were Christian people living under Muslim rule. The main example of this influence comes from the increased use of the horse-shoe . The fifth, and last of the Asturian periods, marks the end of the kingdom as the court is transferred to Leon. However, another major development was taking place in the land at the same time that the Asturian kingdom was in place. The Moorish conquest of Hispania by the army of Musa ibn Nusair and Tariq ibn Ziyad.

Establishing the capital city in Cordoba, , the Muslim rule of the independent Emirate state by leader Abd ar-Rahman I. It is thanks to this conquest that Cordoba serves as a cultural capital in the western world from 750 to 1009 AD. The new architecture build in Al-Andalus by these new rulers evolved the previous one by the former rulers, the Umayyad dynasty from Damascus, including Visigoth elements such as the horse-shoe arch. The new rulers also brought in magnificent new ideas and art from craftsmen and architects from the orient. It is just this new influence that leads to the beauty of cities like Medina Azahara. The grandest construction during this rule is the Great Mosque that is built by Adb ar-Rahman I and the next three consecutive rulers. Following the glory of the construction of the Great Mosque by the Caliphate of Cordoba, the rule of the Muslims over the peninsula began to decline as it split into several small kingdoms known as Taifas. While these new forms of government followed architecture from the style of Cordoba, the recession caused by weak centralized political power and advances by Christian troops took its toll on the quality of the new constructions. For example, the lobes of the multifold were multiplied and thinned. Nevertheless, this period saw spectacular architectural achievements such as the Palace of the Aljaferia in Zaragoza and the Bab-Mardum mosque in Toledo. The weak leadership by the different Taifas was unified by the conquest of Hispania by the north African people known as the Almoravids in 1086. Their rule was short lived and their architecture nearly completely forgotten as it was destroyed shortly after by the conquest of the Almohads