


This painting is based on a drawing by the holy Kabbalist Moshe Cordovero, in his holy work Pardes RimonimThis art/ Pomegranate is based on aOrchard. drawing in the book written about 500 years ago by the holy Kabbalist Rabbi Moshe Cordovero. The discusses 10 aspects of consciousness called the or 10 Sefirot. This painting containsThe drawingthe 1st letters is the of first each letters of the of 10the Sefi Sefirotrot of of the the Tree Tree of of Life, Life paintedinside of within each other.each other. The 10 Sefirot and one way of translating their meanings is: The Tree of Life is the divine map of spiritual consciousness discussed in Kabbalah. These 10 aspects of our Keterinner self Purpose and levels of Creationof divine / experience Infinite Goodness are called Sefirot. Chochma Experience of Oneness BinaThe 10 Sefirot State ofand Unconditional one of many waysLove of describing them: Chesed Loving Kindness PachadKeter Humility Divine [This Source Sefira is more commonly called Gevurah] TiferetChochma Harmony Oneness NetzachBina Eternity Unconditional Love HodChesed Thankfulness Loving Kindness TzadeekGevurah Unity Humility [This Sefi [Inra is Pardes more commonly Rimonim called this Sefira Yesod ]is also called Pachad] MalchutTiferet Central Balance Point in the Heart Netzach Eternity ThereHod is a chapter Thankfulness in Pardes Rimonim that discusses color associations with the Sefirot. The Sefirot do not haveYesod physical properties Unity such [In asPardes color Rimonim or sound, this Sefirabut rather is also representcalled Tzadeek the] spiritual roots of physical emanations.Malchut There Central are many Point different in the Heart color associations with each of the Sefirot, with each color association describing various aspects of each Sefira. The colors in this painting correspond to one of the various color associations with the Sefirot. A chapter in Pardes Rimonim discusses various color associations with the Sefirot. The colors in this picture The correspondinner mappings to one of of the these. 10 Sefi rot describe how the infinite unconditional love at the root of all creation becomes manifest in our present experience. The 10 Sefirot also describe our spiritual work towards experiencing our Divine source in the realization of unconditional love and oneness.

The drawing as it appears in Pardes Rimonim: This is a copy of the original drawing as it appears in Pardes Rimonim:

An excellent introduction to the 10 Sefirot is: Innerspace by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan Tzfat Gallery of Mystical Art www.kabbalahart.com Tzfat Gallery of Mystical Art www.kabbalahart.com