Conceptualizations of Tzimtzum in Baroque Italian Kabbalah
Conceptualizations of Tzimtzum in Baroque Italian Kabbalah Moshe Idel Abstract The paper will survey the ways in which three Kabbalists active in Italy at the end of the 16th and early 17th centuries transformed the Lurianic concept of divine contraction: Menahem Azariah of Fano, Joseph Shlomo of Candia, and Abraham Herrera. The main point of this essay is to analyze the contribution of philosophical concepts to the inter- pretion of Luria’s mythopoeic method. Tzimtzum: A Constellation of Ideas The concept of tzimtzum, understood as divine contraction, or alternatively, as divine withdrawal when it refers to the first act of the theogonic/cosmo- gonic process, has enjoyed a distinguished career in Kabbalistic texts and their scholarship.1 Earlier scholars believed tzimtzum was an original contribution 1 See, e.g., David Neumark, Toledot ha-Filosofiah be-Yisrael, vol. 1, 1921 (New York: A.Y. Shtibl, 1971), 179–80; Gershom Scholem, Origins of the Kabbalah, trans. Allan Arkush, ed. R.Z.J. Werblowsky, (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1987), 449–50; idem, Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism, (New York: Schocken Books, 1960), 260–64, especially 411 n. 51, 412 n. 77; idem, Kabbalah ( Jerusalem: Keter, 1974), 129–35; Lawrence Fine, Physician of the Soul, Healer of the Cosmos: Isaac Luria and His Kabbalistic Fellowship (Palo Alto, CA: Stanford University Press, 2003), 128–31; Daphne Freedman, Man and the Theogony in the Lurianic Kabbalah (Pistakaway, NJ: Gorgias Press, 2006), 27–42; Joseph Avivi, Kabbalah Luriana, vol. 3 ( Jerusalem: Ben Zvi Institute, 2008), 1184–88; Christoph Schulte, “Zimzum in the Works of Schelling,” Iyyun 41 (1992): 21–40; idem, “Zimzum in der Kabbala Denudata,” Morgen-Glantz 7 (1997): 127–40; idem, “Zimzum in European Philosophy, A Paradoxical Career,” in Jewish Studies in a New Europe: Proceedings of the Fifth Congress of Jewish Studies in Copenhagen 1994 under the Auspices of the European Association for Jewish Studies, ed.
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