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Modern Catalan Flash Cards

Modern Catalan Flash Cards


dona (f) 1 woman 1 mˆ (f) 2 hand 2

taula (f) 3 table 3 cosa (f) 4 thing 4

hora (f) 5 hour 5 noia (f) 6 girl 6

veu (f) 7 voice 7 nit (f) 8 night 8

fe (f) 9 belief 9 tulipa (f) 10 tulip 10

tenir 11 to have 11 dir 12 to say 12

fer 13 to do 13 anar 14 to go 14

veure 15 to see 15 saber 16 to know 16

voler 17 to want 17 venir 18 to come 18

c—rrer 19 to run 19 prendre 20 to take 20

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

(m) 21 day 21 home (m) 22 man 22

ull (m) 23 eye 23 vi (m) 24 wine 24

pare (m) 25 father 25 any (m) 26 year 26

mon (m) 27 world 27 vespre (m) 28 evening 28

rebut (m) 29 receipt 29 aire (m) 30 air 30

jove 31 young 31 feli• 32 happy 32

millor 33 better 33 bastant 34 enough 34

possible 35 possible 35 semblant 36 similar 36

tard 37 late 37 dif’cil 38 difficult 38

greu 39 serious 39 lliure 40 free 40

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

somiar 41 to dream 41 arribar 42 to arrive 42

parlar 43 to speak 43 signar 44 to sign 44

estimar 45 to like 45 creure 46 to believe 46

pensar 47 to think 47 preguntar 48 to ask 48

portar 49 to bring 49 calcular 50 to calculate 50

casa (f) 51 house 51 porta (f) 52 door 52

xocolata (f) 53 chocolate 53 sala (f) 54 room 54

paraula (f) 55 word 55 cara (f) 56 face 56

gent (f) 57 people 57 ullada (f) 58 glance 58

estaci— (f) 59 season 59 cabra (f) 60 goat 60

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

poder 61 to be able 61 deure 62 to have to 62

mirar 63 to look at 63 seure 64 to sit down 64

restituir 65 to give back 65 nŽixer 66 to be born 66

ingressar 67 to go in 67 topar 68 to bump into 68

retirar 69 to move back 69 importar 70 be of importance 70

llarg -a 71 long 71 petit -a 72 small 72

alt -a 73 tall 73 cert -a 74 true 74

sol -a 75 alone 75 vell -a 76 old 76

tot -a 77 all 77 mateix -a 78 same 78

blanc -a 79 white 79 negre -a 80 black 80

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

llampec (m) 81 lightning 81 cotxe (m) 82 car 82

amor (m) 83 love 83 costat (m) 84 side 84

bra• (m) 85 arm 85 cos (m) 86 body 86

carrer (m) 87 street 87 juny (m) 88 June 88

mat’ (m) 89 morning 89 lloc (m) 90 place 90

trobar 91 to find 91 afalagar 92 to flatter 92

deixar 93 to leave 93 donar 94 to give 94

romandre 95 to remain 95 consentir 96 to consent 96

sentir 97 to feel 97 entendre 98 to understand 98

viure 99 to live 99 dibuixar 100 to draw 100

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

por (f) 101 fear 101 paret (f) 102 wall 102

aigua (f) 103 water 103 ve•na (f) 104 neighbor 104

fi (f) 105 end 105 terra (f) 106 earth 106

idea (f) 107 idea 107 papallona (f) 108 butterfly 108

estufa (f) 109 stove 109 espatlla (f) 110 shoulder 110

pesat -ada 111 heavy 111 antic -iga 112 ancient 112

desconegut -uda 113 unknown 113 comœ -una 114 common 114

rod— -ona 115 round 115 ser• -ena 116 calm 116

esp•s -essa 117 thick 117 esclarissat -ada 118 thin 118

humˆ -ana 119 human 119 curi—s -osa 120 curious 120

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

esdevenir 121 to become 121 obrir 122 to open 122

morir 123 to die 123 cercar 124 to seek 124

aixecar 125 to raise 125 perdonar 126 to forgive 126

esperar 127 to hope 127 agafar 128 to catch 128

seguir 129 to follow 129 cridar 130 to call 130

matalˆs (m) 131 mattress 131 ˆnec (m) 132 duck 132

sol (m) 133 sun 133 peu (m) 134 foot 134

porc (m) 135 pig 135 llit (m) 136 bed 136

mar (m) 137 sea 137 dolor (m) 138 pain 138

noi (m) 139 boy 139 avet (m) 140 fir 140

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

callar 141 to be quiet 141 demanar 142 to ask for 142

recollir 143 to pick up 143 valer 144 to be worth 144

caldre 145 to be necessary 145 soler 146 to be accustomed 146

atendre 147 to attend to 147 descansar 148 to rest 148

faltar 149 to be lacking 149 buscar 150 to look for 150

œltim -a 151 last 151 segur -a 152 sure 152

œnic -a 153 only 153 vermell -a 154 red 154

baix -a 155 low 155 pobre -a 156 poor 156

net -a 157 clean 157 obert -a 158 open 158

mal -a 159 bad 159 esquerre -a 160 left 160

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

cella (f) 161 eyebrow 161 bota (f) 162 boot 162

ra— (f) 163 reason 163 nœvia (f) 164 bride 164

imatge (f) 165 image 165 mort (f) 166 death 166

vegada (f) 167 time 167 pregunta (f) 168 question 168

ruta (f) 169 route 169 filla (f) 170 daughter 170

assemblar-se 171 to resemble 171 acostar-se 172 to approach 172

casar-se 173 to marry 173 banyar-se 174 to bathe 174

entrar 175 to enter 175 aixecar-se 176 to get up 176

amo•nar-se 177 to be troubled 177 proposar-se 178 to intend 178

equivocar-se 179 to be wrong 179 impacientar-se 180 to grow impatient 180

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

te (m) 181 tea 181 desig (m) 182 desire 182

cavall (m) 183 horse 183 vinagre (m) 184 vinegar 184

soroll (m) 185 noise 185 llibre (m) 186 book 186

silenci (m) 187 silence 187 bosc (m) 188 forest 188

cor (m) 189 heart 189 menjadador (m) 190 dining room 190

calent 191 hot 191 fˆcil 192 easy 192

enorme 193 enormous 193 capa• 194 capable 194

important 195 important 195 diferent 196 different 196

rosa 197 pink 197 general 198 general 198

lent 199 slow 199 frˆgil 200 fragile 200

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

situar 201 to place 201 dur 202 to carry 202

respondre 203 to reply 203 abandonar 204 to abandon 204

comen•ar 205 to begin 205 Žsser 206 to be 206

caure 207 to fall 207 desitjar 208 to wish 208

exhibir 209 to show 209 riure 210 to laugh 210

finestra (f) 211 window 211 boca (f) 212 mouth 212

llet (f) 213 milk 213 edat (f) 214 age 214

part (f) 215 share 215 ciutat (f) 216 town 216

cambra de bany (f) 217 bathroom 217 poma (f) 218 apple 218

germana (f) 219 sister 219 obra (f) 220 work 220

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

caminar 221 to walk 221 mudar 222 to change 222

lamentar 223 to regret 223 oblidar 224 to forget 224

tirar 225 to pull 225 jugar 226 to play 226

llegir 227 to read 227 narrar 228 to recount 228

descobrir 229 to discover 229 dormir 230 to sleep 230

verd -a 231 green 231 gris -a 232 grey 232

senzill -a 233 simple 233 fort -a 234 strong 234

clar -a 235 clear 235 fals -a 236 false 236

junt -a 237 together 237 llest -a 238 ready 238

car -a 239 dear 239 malalt -a 240 sick 240

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

cabell (m) 241 hair 241 dubte (m) 242 doubt 242

conte (m) 243 story 243 mes (m) 244 month 244

instant (m) 245 moment 245 m•tode (m) 246 method 246

tren (m) 247 train 247 fill (m) 248 son 248

amic (m) 249 friend 249 plaer (m) 250 pleasure 250

amuntegar 251 to pile up 251 bastar 252 to be enough 252

cabre 253 to be contained 253 acabar 254 to finish 254

espatllar 255 to damage 255 embolicar 256 to wrap up 256

llen•ar 257 to throw away 257 acostumar a 258 o be accustomed to 258

agrair 259 to be grateful for 259 anar fent 260 to carry on 260

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

lletra (f) 261 letter 261 mem˜ria (f) 262 memory 262

posta (f) 263 sunset 263 ombra (f) 264 shadow 264

carretera (f) 265 road 265 calamarsa (f) 266 hail 266

catifa (f) 267 carpet 267 setmana (f) 268 week 268

pedra (f) 269 stone 269 plata (f) 270 dish 270

mŽs 271 more 271 encara 272 still 272

jamai 273 never 273 tambŽ 274 also 274

aix’ 275 so 275 avui 276 today 276

s’ 277 yes 277 fins 278 until 278

potser 279 perhaps 279 menys 280 less 280

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

assegurar 281 to secure 281 somriure 282 to smile 282

intentar 283 to try 283 beure 284 to drink 284

menjar 285 to eat 285 escriure 286 to write 286

dubtar 287 to doubt 287 emp•nyer 288 to push 288

imaginar 289 to imagine 289 recon•ixer 290 to recognize 290

diners (m) 291 money 291 fet (m) 292 fact 292

metge (m) 293 doctor 293 esmorzar (m) 294 breakfast 294

nom (m) 295 name 295 mercat (m) 296 market 296

llum (m) 297 light 297 got (m) 298 glass 298

cel (m) 299 sky 299 vent (m) 300 wind 300

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

empassar-se 301 to swallow 301 escandalitzar-se 302 to be shocked 302

alegrar-se 303 to be pleased 303 anar-se'n 304 to leave 304

allunyar-se 305 to go away 305 descuidar-se 306 to forget 306

adonar-se 307 to realize 307 dir-se 308 to be called 308

emportar-se 309 to take away 309 marejar-se 310 to feel sea-sick 310

trist -a 311 sad 311 lleuger -a 312 light 312

sec -a 313 dry 313 pac’fic -a 314 peaceful 314

brut -a 315 dirty 315 castany -a 316 brown 316

sencer -a 317 entire 317 fred -a 318 cold 318

rar -a 319 rare 319 curt -a 320 short 320

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

cirera (f) 321 cherry 321 senya (f) 322 sign 322

festa (f) 323 holiday 323 cama (f) 324 leg 324

impressi— (f) 325 impression 325 for•a (f) 326 force 326

classe (f) 327 class 327 pell (f) 328 skin 328

vista (f) 329 sight 329 granota (f) 330 frog 330

aprendre 331 to learn 331 tancar 332 to close 332

decidir 333 to decide 333 continuar 334 to continue 334

oferir 335 to offer 335 guanyar 336 to gain 336

ocupar 337 to occupy 337 repetir 338 to repeat 338

lliscar 339 to slip 339 servir 340 to serve 340

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

maluc (m) 341 hip 341 dit (m) 342 finger 342

gos (m) 343 dog 343 sab— (m) 344 soap 344

ferro (m) 345 iron 345 mig (m) 346 middle 346

port (m) 347 harbor 347 sopar (m) 348 dinner 348

minut (m) 349 minute 349 barber (m) 350 barber 350

prec’s -isa 351 precise 351 silenci—s -osa 352 silent 352

animat -ada 353 lively 353 porprat -da 354 purple 354

ordinari -ˆria 355 ordinary 355 peregr’ -ina 356 unusual 356

orgull—s -osa 357 proud 357 nombr—s -osa 358 numerous 358

poder—s -osa 359 powerful 359 nervi—s -osa 360 nervous 360

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

esmorzar 361 to have breakfast 361 asseure's 362 to sit down 362

apuntar 363 to note down 363 acomiadar 364 to see off 364

treure 365 to take out 365 desvetllar 366 to stay awake 366

aclarir 367 to clear up 367 cercar 368 to look for 368

ignorar 369 to be ignorant 369 declarar 370 to declare 370

platja (f) 371 beach 371 esquena (f) 372 back 372

escala (f) 373 staircase 373 oficina (f) 374 office 374

cuina (f) 375 kitchen 375 llˆgrima (f) 376 tear 376

orella (f) 377 ear 377 tarda (f) 378 afternoon 378

ˆvia (f) 379 grandmother 379 guerra (f) 380 war 380

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

construir 381 to build 381 bategar 382 to beat 382

explicar 383 to explain 383 plaure 384 to please 384

desconcertar 385 to disturb 385 treballar 386 to work 386

desapar•ixer 387 to disappear 387 avan•ar 388 to advance 388

amagar 389 to hide 389 dirigir 390 to conduct 390

estrany -a 391 strange 391 perfecte -a 392 perfect 392

pˆlálid -a 393 pale 393 profund -a 394 deep 394

tendre -a 395 tender 395 pur -a 396 pure 396

sant -a 397 holy 397 estret -a 398 narrow 398

xato -a 399 blunt 399 llis -a 400 flat 400

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

sentit (m) 401 sense 401 foc (m) 402 fire 402

nas (m) 403 nose 403 arbre (m) 404 tree 404

parc (m) 405 park 405 pa (m) 406 bread 406

cucut (m) 407 cuckoo 407 llavi (m) 408 lip 408

paper (m) 409 paper 409 diari (m) 410 newspaper 410

evitar 411 to avoid 411 comptar 412 to count 412

endevinar 413 to guess 413 recordar 414 to remember 414

comprovar 415 to prove 415 rodar 416 to roll 416

recolzar 417 to lean 417 remarcar 418 to remark 418

tocar 419 to touch 419 cremar 420 to burn 420

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

camisa (f) 421 shirt 421 flor (f) 422 flower 422

salsitxa (f) 423 sausage 423 sang (f) 424 blood 424

atenci— (f) 425 attention 425 ˆnima (f) 426 soul 426

senyora (f) 427 lady 427 persona (f) 428 person 428

veritat (f) 429 truth 429 lilˆ (f) 430 lilac 430

ja 431 already 431 quasi 432 almost 432

ara 433 now 433 prop 434 near 434

com 435 how 435 ac’ 436 here 436

rˆpidament 437 quickly 437 sovint 438 often 438

verament 439 truly 439 avui 440 today 440

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

afanyar-se 441 to strive 441 fiar-se de 442 to trust 442

encarregar-se de 443 to attend to 443 divertir-se 444 o have a good time 444

atrevir-se 445 to dare 445 entossudir-se 446 to be stubborn 446

enfadar-se 447 to be angry 447 refiar-se de 448 to rely on 448

jactar-se 449 to boast 449 queixar-se 450 to complain 450

equipatge (m) 451 luggage 451 joc (m) 452 game 452

olor (m) 453 smell 453 caf• (m) 454 cafŽ 454

dissabte (m) 455 Saturday 455 germˆ (m) 456 brother 456

colze (m) 457 elbow 457 oceˆ (m) 458 ocean 458

jard’ (m) 459 garden 459 somriure (m) 460 smile 460

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

estroncar 461 to dry up 461 ablanir 462 to soften 462

jeure 463 to lie down 463 bisar 464 to do an encore 464

mancar 465 to be lacking 465 matinar 466 to get up early 466

eixorivir 467 to wake up 467 fatxendejar 468 to show off 468

acudir 469 to trun up 469 gallardejar 470 to be graceful 470

ric -a 471 rich 471 rid’cul -a 472 ridiculous 472

secret -a 473 secret 473 madur -a 474 ripe 474

exacte -a 475 exact 475 extrem -a 476 extreme 476

funest -a 477 sinister 477 alt -a 478 high 478

etern -a 479 eternal 479 obscur -a 480 obscure 480

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

sabata (f) 481 shoe 481 alba (f) 482 dawn 482

caixa (f) 483 box 483 ocasi— (f) 484 chance 484

carn de vaca (f) 485 beef 485 sopa (f) 486 soup 486

abella (f) 487 bee 487 fulla (f) 488 leaf 488

revista (f) 489 magazine 489 vespa (f) 490 wasp 490

pagar 491 to pay 491 matar 492 to kill 492

afegir 493 to add 493 comprar 494 to buy 494

fornir 495 to supply 495 ajudar 496 to help 496

pujar 497 to raise 497 meravellar 498 to astonish 498

permetre 499 to permit 499 escollir 500 to choose 500

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

hospital (m) 501 hospital 501 color (m) 502 color 502

estiu (m) 503 summer 503 tel•fon (m) 504 telephone 504

gust (m) 505 taste 505 pensament (m) 506 thought 506

somni (m) 507 dream 507 pr’ncep (m) 508 prince 508

to (m) 509 tone 509 est—mac (m) 510 stomach 510

velo• 511 swift 511 inœtil 512 useless 512

normal 513 normal 513 particular 514 particular 514

real 515 real 515 terrible 516 terrible 516

horrible 517 frightful 517 essencial 518 essential 518

feble 519 feeble 519 inteláligent 520 intelligent 520

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

interessar 521 to interest 521 sorprendre 522 to surprise 522

crŽixer 523 to grow 523 acostar 524 to bring near 524

divertir 525 to amuse 525 sofrir 526 to suffer 526

saltar 527 to jump 527 acceptar 528 to accept 528

tremolar 529 to tremble 529 sacsejar 530 to shake 530

riallada (f) 531 laugh 531 partida (f) 532 departure 532

xemeneia (f) 533 chimney 533 felicitat (f) 534 happiness 534

pres•ncia (f) 535 presence 535 calor (f) 536 heat 536

mesura (f) 537 measure 537 sorra (f) 538 sand 538

dent (f) 539 tooth 539 entrada (f) 540 entrance 540

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

immutar 541 to move 541 aterrar 542 to knock down 542

involucrar 543 to get involved in 543 avenir 544come to an agreem 544

migpartir 545 to cut in half 545 nasprar 546 to prop up 546

carejar 547 to be expensive 547 cessar 548 to leave off 548

orejar 549o get some fresh ai 549 citar 550make an appointm 550

ferm -a 551 solid 551 valent -a 552 brave 552

pœblic -a 553 public 553 r’gid -a 554 stiff 554

amarg -a 555 bitter 555 futur -a 556 future 556

infinit -a 557 endless 557 pol’tic -a 558 political 558

digne -a 559 worthy 559 discret -a 560 discreet 560

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

gel (m) 561 ice 561 viatge (m) 562 voyage 562

objecte (m) 563 object 563 crit (m) 564 shout 564

ordre (m) 565 order 565 dormitori (m) 566 bedroom 566

genoll (m) 567 knee 567 ocell (m) 568 bird 568

rac— (m) 569 corner 569 llop (m) 570 wolf 570

tallar 571 to cut 571 esternudar 572 to sneeze 572

evadir 573 to escape 573 guardar 574 to guard 574

fumar 575 to smoke 575 respirar 576 to breathe 576

obligar 577 to oblige 577 cobrar 578 to charge 578

desfer 579 to undo 579 anunciar 580 to announce 580

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

muntanya (f) 581 mountain 581 butxaca (f) 582 pocket 582

natura (f) 583 nature 583 guineu (f) 584 fox 584

conversa (f) 585 conversation 585 cansalada (f) 586 bacon 586

multitud (f) 587 crowd 587 situaci— (f) 588 situation 588

colla (f) 589 group 589 pau (f) 590 peace 590

fora 591 out 591 sobtadament 592 suddenly 592

arreu 593 everywhere 593 aviat 594 soon 594

senzillament 595 simply 595 demˆ 596 tomorrow 596

realment 597 really 597 exactament 598 exactly 598

suaument 599 softly 599 ahir 600 yesterday 600

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

posar 601 to put 601 jutjar 602 to judge 602

residir 603 to dwell 603 cansar 604 to tire 604

vestir 605 to dress 605 aguantar 606 to endure 606

vendre 607 to sell 607 convidar 608 to invite 608

defensar 609 to defend 609 tŽmer 610 to fear 610

pis (m) 611 apartment 611 examen (m) 612 test 612

marit (m) 613 husband 613 parent (m) 614 relative 614

animal (m) 615 animal 615 coll (m) 616 neck 616

bany (m) 617 bath 617 gat (m) 618 cat 618

rei (m) 619 king 619 goig (m) 620 joy 620

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

encerclar 621 to surround 621 rentar 622 to wash 622

mofar 623 to mock 623 ballar 624 to dance 624

jurar 625 to swear 625 penjar 626 to hang 626

avorrir 627 to bore 627 pintar 628 to paint 628

cantar 629 to sing 629 insistir 630 to insist 630

modern -a 631 modern 631 just -a 632 just 632

mon˜ton -a 633 monotonous 633 antipˆtic -a 634 disagreeable 634

malapte -a 635 clumsy 635 ’ntim -a 636 intimate 636

magn’fic -a 637 magnificent 637 brusc -a 638 rude 638

sincer -a 639 sincere 639 cru -a 640 raw 640

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

pluja (f) 641 rain 641 cortina (f) 642 curtain 642

barca (f) 643 boat 643 sort (f) 644 luck 644

tovallola (f) 645 towel 645 maleta (f) 646 suitcase 646

bellesa (f) 647 beauty 647 mœsica (f) 648 music 648

consci•ncia (f) 649 conscience 649 lluna (f) 650 moon 650

trencar 651 to break 651 salvar 652 to save 652

fingir 653 to pretend 653 perdonar 654 to pardon 654

robar 655 to steal 655 sopar 656 to dine 656

sanar 657 to heal 657 complir 658 to complete 658

produir 659 to produce 659 resistir 660 to resist 660

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

retorn (m) 661 return 661 detall (m) 662 detail 662

banc (m) 663 bank 663 exemple (m) 664 example 664

son (m) 665 sleep 665 desembre (m) 666 December 666

problema (m) 667 problem 667 esfor• (m) 668 effort 668

casament (m) 669 marriage 669 discurs (m) 670 speech 670

necessari -ˆria 671 necessary 671 complet -eta 672 complete 672

furi—s -osa 673 furious 673 meravell—s -osa 674 marvelous 674

perill—s -osa 675 dangerous 675 femen’ -ina 676 feminine 676

gel—s -osa 677 jealous 677 afilat -ada 678 sharp 678

fam—s -osa 679 famous 679 assenyat -ada 680 sensible 680

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

visitar 681 to visit 681 prohibir 682 to forbid 682

mossegar 683 to bite 683 persuadir 684 to persuade 684

descriure 685 to describe 685 suposar 686 to suppose 686

t˜rcer 687 to twist 687 obeir 688 to obey 688

punir 689 to punish 689 fondre 690 to melt 690

botiga (f) 691 shop 691 escena (f) 692 scene 692

cadira (f) 693 chair 693 terra (f) 694 land 694

carn (f) 695 flesh 695 l’nia (f) 696 line 696

tristesa (f) 697 sadness 697 esglŽsia (f) 698 church 698

tinta (f) 699 ink 699 al•ada (f) 700 height 700

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

odiar 701 to hate 701 provocar 702 to provoke 702

enganyar 703 to deceive 703 fugir 704 to flee 704

lligar 705 to tie 705 contestar 706 to answer 706

xerrar 707 to chat 707 sobreviure 708 to survive 708

llogar 709 to rent 709 usar 710 to use 710

incert -a 711 uncertain 711 mˆgic -a 712 magical 712

avar -a 713 greedy 713 directe -a 714 direct 714

mecˆnic -a 715 mechanical 715 c—mode -a 716 comfortable 716

mort -a 717 dead 717 benigne -a 718 gracious 718

intens -a 719 intense 719 leg’tim -a 720 legitimate 720

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

inter•s (m) 721 interest 721 al• (m) 722 breath 722

pa’s (m) 723 country 723 secret (m) 724 secret 724

front (m) 725 forehead 725 anyell (m) 726 lamb 726

preu (m) 727 price 727 setembre (m) 728 September 728

camp (m) 729 field 729 llum (m) 730 lamp 730

viatjar 731 to travel 731 renyir 732 to quarrel 732

amar 733 to love 733 comunicar 734 to tell 734

disputar 735 to dispute 735 traduir 736 to translate 736

tornar 737 to return 737 tastar 738 to taste 738

llan•ar 739 to throw 739 ascendir 740 to promote 740

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

amistat (f) 741 friendship 741 ocasi— (f) 742 occasion 742

herba (f) 743 grass 743 boira (f) 744 fog 744

estovalles (f) 745 tablecloth 745 neu (f) 746 snow 746

reuni— (f) 747 meeting 747 esperan•a (f) 748 hope 748

falta (f) 749 fault 749 importˆncia (f) 750 importance 750

escassament 751 scarcely 751 de vegades 752 sometimes 752

certament 753 surely 753 airosament 754 lightly 754

altrament 755 otherwise 755 naturalment 756 naturally 756

sota 757 below 757 certament 758 certainly 758

fˆcilment 759 easily 759 acuradament 760 carefully 760

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

enviar 761 to send 761 esperar 762 to expect 762

aixafar 763 to flatten 763 empaquetar 764 to pack 764

blasmar 765 to blame 765 manllevar 766 to borrow 766

admirar 767 to admire 767 estudiar 768 to study 768

encarregar 769 to entrust 769 recomanar 770 to recommend 770

soldat (m) 771 soldier 771 ˆlber (m) 772 poplar 772

estudi (m) 773 study 773 raspall (m) 774 brush 774

nœmero (m) 775 number 775 riu (m) 776 river 776

t˜rax (m) 777 chest 777 novembre (m) 778 November 778

or (m) 779 gold 779 avi (m) 780 grandfather 780

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

afaitar 781 to shave 781 coure 782 to cook 782

plantar 783 to plant 783 bromejar 784 to joke 784

insultar 785 to insult 785 oposar 786 to object 786

delir 787 to destroy 787 prometre 788 to promise 788

costar 789 to cost 789 comparar 790 to compare 790

l’quid -a 791 liquid 791 sever -a 792 severe 792

t•cnic -a 793 technical 793 agre -a 794 sour 794

bˆrbar -a 795 barbarous 795 calb -a 796 bald 796

financer -a 797 financial 797 gegantesc -a 798 gigantic 798

intern -a 799 internal 799 l˜gic -a 800 logical 800

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

mˆquina (f) 801 machine 801 espelma (f) 802 candle 802

passi— (f) 803 passion 803 fatiga (f) 804 fatigue 804

contesta (f) 805 reply 805 sorpresa (f) 806 surprise 806

aranya (f) 807 spider 807 parla (f) 808 language 808

fam (f) 809 hunger 809 pintura (f) 810 painting 810

tossir 811 to cough 811 imitar 812 to imitate 812

negar 813 to deny 813 sentir 814 to hear 814

gosar 815 to dare 815 muntar 816 to ride 816

lloar 817 to praise 817 pronunciar 818 to pronounce 818

marcar 819 to mark 819 ensenyar 820 to teach 820

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

coratge (m) 821 courage 821 dinar (m) 822 lunch 822

conill (m) 823 rabbit 823 colálegi (m) 824 school 824

guant (m) 825 glove 825 servei (m) 826 service 826

testimoni (m) 827 witness 827 —s (m) 828 bear 828

prop˜sit (m) 829 plan 829 davantal (m) 830 apron 830

responsable 831 responsible 831 evident 832 evident 832

igual 833 equal 833 infantil 834 childish 834

œtil 835 useful 835 admirable 836 admirable 836

cruel 837 cruel 837 elegant 838 elegant 838

excellent 839 excellent 839 civil 840 civil 840

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

congregar 841 to gather 841 acompanyar 842 to accompany 842

preguntar 843 to inquire 843 imposar 844 to impose 844

perdre 845 to lose 845 moure 846 to move 846

disposar 847 to arrange 847 volar 848 to fly 848

celebrar 849 to celebrate 849 gastar 850 to spend 850

pols (f) 851 dust 851 visita (f) 852 visit 852

llibertat (f) 853 freedom 853 pˆgina (f) 854 page 854

estisores (f) 855 scissors 855 forquilla (f) 856 fork 856

confian•a (f) 857 confidence 857 direcci— (f) 858 direction 858

joventut (f) 859 youth 859 porci— (f) 860 portion 860

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

errar 861 to wander 861 cobrir 862 to cover 862

girar 863 to turn 863 desitjar 864 to desire 864

desenvolupar 865 to unfold 865 permetre 866 to allow 866

molestar 867 to annoy 867 presentar 868 to present 868

durar 869 to last 869 sonar 870 to sound 870

prompte -a 871 prompt 871 espl•ndid -a 872 splendid 872

fresc -a 873 cool 873 ample -a 874 broad 874

mansuet -a 875 mild 875 ample -a 876 wide 876

fosc -a 877 dark 877 bonic -a 878 nice 878

llest -a 879 clever 879 econ˜mic -a 880 cheap 880

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

espai (m) 881 space 881 s˜l (m) 882 floor 882

pagament (m) 883 payment 883 ment— (m) 884 chin 884

cŽrvol (m) 885 deer 885 futur (m) 886 future 886

munt (m) 887 heap 887 advocat (m) 888 lawyer 888

ase (m) 889 donkey 889 cos’ (m) 890 cousin 890

discutir 891 to discuss 891 encloure 892 to include 892

assecar 893 to dry 893 netejar 894 to clean 894

semblar 895 to seem 895 ajustar 896 to adjust 896

telefonar 897 to telephone 897 tractar 898 to treat 898

dirigir 899 to direct 899 dividir 900 to divide 900

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

ampolla (f) 901 bottle 901 frase (f) 902 phrase 902

biblioteca (f) 903 library 903 estˆtua (f) 904 statue 904

arribada (f) 905 arrival 905 tia (f) 906 aunt 906

jaqueta (f) 907 coat 907 primavera (f) 908 Spring 908

barba (f) 909 beard 909 onda (f) 910 wave 910

precisament 911 precisely 911 totalment 912 totally 912

normalment 913 normally 913 en efecte 914 actually 914

nogensmenys 915 nevertheless 915 doble 916 double 916

desprŽs 917 after 917 diˆriament 918 daily 918

damunt 919 above 919 sota 920 under 920

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

pesar 921 to weigh 921 estripar 922 to tear 922

enrojolar-se 923 to blush 923 notar 924 to notice 924

ploure 925 to rain 925 deure 926 to owe 926

detenir 927 to delay 927 senyalar 928 to mark 928

omplir 929 to fill 929 aixecar 930 to lift 930

tur— (m) 931 hill 931 estel (m) 932 star 932

diumenge (m) 933 Sunday 933 llen•ol (m) 934 sheet 934

pa— (m) 935 peacock 935 argent (m) 936 silver 936

puny (m) 937 fist 937 restaurant (m) 938 restaurant 938

forat (m) 939 hole 939 clau (m) 940 nail 940

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

escoltar 941 to listen 941 dependre 942 to depend 942

creure 943 to think 943 pregar 944 to request 944

restablir 945 to restore 945 resignar 946 to resign 946

obtenir 947 to get 947 ofegar 948 to smother 948

resoldre 949 to resolve 949 doblegar 950 to fold 950

alt -a 951 loud 951 dol• -a 952 sweet 952

tercer -a 953 third 953 altre -a 954 other 954

pr˜xim -a 955 next 955 dret -a 956 straight 956

mitjˆna -a 957 middle 957 simpˆtic -a 958 pleasant 958

extens -a 959 extensive 959 franc -a 960 frank 960

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

vergonya (f) 961 shame 961 pena (f) 962 pity 962

teulada (f) 963 roof 963 pressa (f) 964 speed 964

decisi— (f) 965 decision 965 art (f) 966 art 966

opini— (f) 967 opinion 967 clau (f) 968 key 968

policia (f) 969 police 969 mostassa (f) 970 mustard 970

aconsellar 971 to advise 971 distribuir 972 to distribute 972

influir 973 to influence 973 manejar 974 to handle 974

encendre 975 to ignite 975 mer•ixer 976 to deserve 976

proposar 977 to propose 977 rebre 978 to receive 978

existir 979 to exist 979 suggerir 980 to suggest 980

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

Nadal (m) 981 Christmas 981 moto (f) 982 motor-cycle 982

ˆpat (m) 983 meal 983 balc— (m) 984 balcony 984

barret (m) 985 hat 985 sostre (m) 986 ceiling 986

colom’ (m) 987 pigeon 987 castell (m) 988 castle 988

ratol’ (m) 989 mouse 989 ra•m (m) 990 grape 990

delicat -ada 991 delicate 991 dolor—s -osa 992 painful 992

gener—s -osa 993 generous 993 horror—s -osa 994 horrible 994

mascul’ -ina 995 masculine 995 dissortat -ada 996 miserable 996

monstru—s -osa 997 monstrous 997 cur—s -osa 998 careful 998

honrat -ada 999 honest 999 virtu—s -osa 1000 moral 1000

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

augmentar 1001 to increase 1001 descarregar 1002 to unload 1002

educar 1003 to train 1003 observar 1004 to observe 1004

computar 1005 to calculate 1005 interrompre 1006 to interrupt 1006

espoliar 1007 to plunder 1007 exiliar 1008 to banish 1008

votar 1009 to vote 1009 fornir 1010 to furnish 1010

pera (f) 1011 pear 1011 prova (f) 1012 proof 1012

qualitat (f) 1013 quality 1013 mel (f) 1014 honey 1014

rˆbia (f) 1015 rage 1015 mantega (f) 1016 butter 1016

malaltia (f) 1017 illness 1017 pres— (f) 1018 prison 1018

ˆguila (f) 1019 eagle 1019 illa (f) 1020 island 1020

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

guanyar 1021 to earn 1021 descansar 1022 to relax 1022

esperar 1023 to wait 1023 aplaudir 1024 to clap 1024

clavar 1025 to nail 1025 informar 1026 to report 1026

barrejar 1027 to mix 1027 descendir 1028 to come down 1028

acabar 1029 to end 1029 retratar 1030 to portray 1030

rˆpid -a 1031 fast 1031 content -a 1032 happy 1032

mˆxim -a 1033 maximum 1033 estranger -a 1034 foreign 1034

desaprovador -a 1035 disapproving 1035 segur -a 1036 secure 1036

cient’fic -a 1037 scientific 1037 t’pic -a 1038 typical 1038

solter -a 1039 unmarried 1039 cert -a 1040 certain 1040

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

teatre (m) 1041 theater 1041 nœvol (m) 1042 cloud 1042

pont (m) 1043 bridge 1043 oncle (m) 1044 uncle 1044

mapa (m) 1045 map 1045 formatge (m) 1046 1046

present (m) 1047 present 1047 dibuix (m) 1048 drawing 1048

garatge (m) 1049 garage 1049 elefant (m) 1050 elephant 1050

satisfer 1051 to satisfy 1051 quedar 1052 to stay 1052

publicar 1053 to publish 1053 submergir 1054 to submerge 1054

exclamar 1055 to exclaim 1055 esgarrifar 1056 to startle 1056

acampar 1057 to camp 1057 especificar 1058 to specify 1058

procedir 1059 to proceed 1059 contribuir 1060 to contribute 1060

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

tassa (f) 1061 cup 1061 princesa (f) 1062 princess 1062

rata (f) 1063 rat 1063 roca (f) 1064 rock 1064

alosa (f) 1065 lark 1065 campana (f) 1066 bell 1066

ˆncora (f) 1067 anchor 1067 oca (f) 1068 goose 1068

mosca (f) 1069 fly 1069 nou (f) 1070 nut 1070

verament 1071 indeed 1071 sempre 1072 ever 1072

aviat 1073 quickly 1073 llavors 1074 then 1074

perqu• 1075 because 1075 rarament 1076 seldom 1076

encara 1077 yet 1077 contra 1078 against 1078

abans 1079 before 1079 allˆ 1080 there 1080

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

for•ar 1081 to force 1081 ca•ar 1082 to hunt 1082

lliurar 1083 to deliver 1083 beneir 1084 to bless 1084

emprendre 1085 to undertake 1085 compartir 1086 to share 1086

esmolar 1087 to sharpen 1087 estafar 1088 to swindle 1088

evitar 1089 to prevent 1089 conv•ncer 1090 to convince 1090

gerd— (m) 1091 raspberry 1091 llapis (m) 1092 pencil 1092

palau (m) 1093 palace 1093 agost (m) 1094 August 1094

comericant (m) 1095 merchant 1095 toro (m) 1096 bull 1096

rossinyol (m) 1097 nightingale 1097 gener (m) 1098 January 1098

regle (m) 1099 ruler 1099 cambrer (m) 1100 waiter 1100

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

cosir 1101 to sew 1101 formar 1102 to form 1102

exposar 1103 to display 1103 guardar 1104 to keep 1104

bastar 1105 to suffice 1105 retardar 1106 to delay 1106

cremar 1107 to be hot 1107 sortir 1108 to leave 1108

estar 1109 to be 1109 despertar 1110 to wake 1110

transparent 1111 transparent 1111 impacient 1112 impatient 1112

insuportable 1113 unbearable 1113 singular 1114 singular 1114

saludable 1115 healthy 1115 fidel 1116 faithful 1116

noble 1117 noble 1117 form—s 1118 beautiful 1118

fero• 1119 ferocious 1119 hostil 1120 hostile 1120

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

reina (f) 1121 queen 1121 vaca (f) 1122 cow 1122

llagosta (f) 1123 lobster 1123 bossa (f) 1124 purse 1124

llana (f) 1125 wool 1125 pinta (f) 1126 comb 1126

pruna (f) 1127 plum 1127 llengua (f) 1128 tongue 1128

font (f) 1129 spring 1129 cullera (f) 1130 spoon 1130

portar 1131 to carry 1131 agradar 1132 to please 1132

vagar 1133 to wander 1133 comprendre 1134 to include 1134

regalar 1135 to give 1135 enraonar 1136 to speak 1136

preparar 1137 to prepare 1137 proclamar 1138 to declare 1138

recitar 1139 to recite 1139 desconfiar 1140 to distrust 1140

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

caf• (m) 1141 coffee 1141 oli (m) 1142 oil 1142

maig (m) 1143 May 1143 albercoc (m) 1144 apricot 1144

cigne (m) 1145 swan 1145 coure (m) 1146 copper 1146

divendres (m) 1147 Friday 1147 sofˆ (m) 1148 sofa 1148

llac (m) 1149 lake 1149 plat (m) 1150 plate 1150

cada 1151 each 1151 segons 1152 according to 1152

primer 1153 first 1153 entre 1154 between 1154

mentrestant 1155 meanwhile 1155 avant 1156 forward 1156

encara que 1157 although 1157 adŽu 1158 goodbye 1158

algœ 1159 someone 1159 sempre 1160 always 1160

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

con•ixer 1161 to know 1161 separar 1162 to separate 1162

empipar 1163 to annoy 1163 convenir 1164 to agree 1164

travessar 1165 to cross 1165 enterrar 1166 to bury 1166

canviar 1167 to change 1167 importar 1168 to involve 1168

bufar 1169 to blow 1169 solálicitar 1170 to request 1170

professora (f) 1171 teacher 1171 maduixa (f) 1172 strawberry 1172

gamba (f) 1173 shrimp 1173 botiga (f) 1174 store 1174

marea (f) 1175 tide 1175 calces (f) 1176 trousers 1176

vedella (f) 1177 veal 1177 rata-pinyada (f) 1178 bat 1178

tempestat (f) 1179 storm 1179 rosa (f) 1180 rose 1180

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

rodar 1181 to revolve 1181 trucar 1182 to knock 1182

confessar 1183 to confess 1183 pujar 1184 to climb 1184

renyar 1185 to scold 1185 fregir 1186 to fry 1186

saludar 1187 to greet 1187 pelar 1188 to cut 1188

convertir 1189 to convert 1189 carregar 1190 to load 1190

religi—s -osa 1191 religious 1191 sobtat -ada 1192 sudden 1192

continu -’nua 1193 continuous 1193 joi—s -osa 1194 joyful 1194

embriac -aga 1195 drunk 1195 div’ -ina 1196 divine 1196

despietat -ada 1197 pitiless 1197 primitiu -iva 1198 primitive 1198

cansat -ada 1199 tired 1199 lux—s -osa 1200 luxurious 1200

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

vestit (m) 1201 clothes 1201 febrer (m) 1202 February 1202

fluir (m) 1203 stream 1203 mocador (m) 1204 handkerchief 1204

dimarts (m) 1205 Tuesday 1205 bosc (m) 1206 woods 1206

nebot (m) 1207 nephew 1207 ferrocarril (m) 1208 railroad 1208

molt— (m) 1209 sheep 1209 sobre (m) 1210 envelope 1210

arreglar 1211 to arrange 1211 adobar 1212 to repair 1212

organitzar 1213 to organize 1213 sospitar 1214 to suspect 1214

distingir 1215 to distinguish 1215 bullir 1216 to boil 1216

escombrar 1217 to sweep 1217 triar 1218 to choose 1218

estr•nyer 1219 to squeeze 1219 expressar 1220 to express 1220

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

o•da (f) 1221 hearing 1221 mare (f) 1222 mother 1222

costa (f) 1223 coast 1223 ploma (f) 1224 pen 1224

amanida (f) 1225 salad 1225 formiga (f) 1226 ant 1226

sal (f) 1227 salt 1227 cornella (f) 1228 crow 1228

universitat (f) 1229 university 1229 llimona (f) 1230 lemon 1230

gros grossa 1231 large 1231 bo bona 1232 good 1232

nou nova 1233 new 1233 ple plena 1234 full 1234

gras grassa 1235 fat 1235 boig boja 1236 mad 1236

buit buida 1237 empty 1237 blau blava 1238 blue 1238

tou tova 1239 soft 1239 groc groga 1240 yellow 1240

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

estalviar 1241 to save up 1241 denunciar 1242 to report 1242

manar 1243 to order 1243 perbocar 1244 to vomit 1244

plegar 1245 to fold 1245 amo•nar 1246 to upset 1246

desfer 1247 to undo 1247 estirar 1248 to drag 1248

llevar 1249 to remove 1249 apagar 1250 to extinguish 1250

client (m) 1251 customer 1251 soterrani (m) 1252 basement 1252

bou (m) 1253 ox 1253 camell (m) 1254 camel 1254

dijous (m) 1255 Thursday 1255 pollastre (m) 1256 chicken 1256

cinema (m) 1257 movie 1257 policia (m) 1258 policeman 1258

tro (m) 1259 thunder 1259 pernil (m) 1260 ham 1260

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

esverar 1261 to frighten 1261 estendre 1262 to stretch 1262

patir 1263 to suffer 1263 assabentar 1264 to inform 1264

abandonar 1265 to desert 1265 cobrar 1266 to charge 1266

copsar 1267 to catch 1267 abassegar 1268 to hoard 1268

espatllar 1269 to damage 1269 esprŽmer 1270 to squeeze 1270

mental 1271 mental 1271 militar 1272 military 1272

tena• 1273 tenacious 1273 innoble 1274 ignoble 1274

pacient 1275 patient 1275 sublim 1276 sublime 1276

central 1277 central 1277 humil 1278 humble 1278

impotent 1279 powerless 1279 nacional 1280 national 1280

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

falda (f) 1281 skirt 1281 nau (f) 1282 ship 1282

carn (f) 1283 meat 1283 corbata (f) 1284 necktie 1284

forma (f) 1285 shape 1285 posici— (f) 1286 position 1286

hist˜ria (f) 1287 history 1287 parada (f) 1288 parade 1288

connexi— (f) 1289 connection 1289 manera (f) 1290 manner 1290

abastar 1291 to reach 1291 esquitxar 1292 to splash 1292

abellir 1293 to appeal 1293 estibar 1294 to store 1294

abillar 1295 to adorn 1295 estivar 1296 to soften 1296

abocar 1297 to empty 1297 abrigar 1298 to cover 1298

esvoletegar 1299 to flutter 1299 abaixar 1300 to lower 1300

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

passaport (m) 1301 passport 1301 peix (m) 1302 fish 1302

suburbi (m) 1303 suburb 1303 bot— (m) 1304 button 1304

abril (m) 1305 April 1305 paraigua (m) 1306 umbrella 1306

estany (m) 1307 tin 1307 prŽssec (m) 1308 peach 1308

octubre (m) 1309 October 1309 anell (m) 1310 ring 1310

agra•t -•da 1311 grateful 1311 privat -ada 1312 private 1312

victori—s -osa 1313 victorious 1313 delici—s -osa 1314 delicious 1314

atrevit -ida 1315 bold 1315 odi—s -osa 1316 hateful 1316

dubt—s -osa 1317 doubtful 1317 cort•s -esa 1318 polite 1318

cost—s -osa 1319 expensive 1319 afortunat -ada 1320 fortunate 1320

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

aclarir 1321 to clarify 1321 expatriar 1322 to emigrate 1322

extraviar 1323 to mislead 1323 acollir 1324 to welcome 1324

aviciar 1325 to spoil 1325 barallar 1326 to antagonize 1326

bascular 1327 to tilt 1327 lacerar 1328 to slash 1328

lamentar 1329 to regret 1329 basquejar 1330 to worry 1330

pilota (f) 1331 ball 1331 llibreria (f) 1332 bookstore 1332

soluci— (f) 1333 solution 1333 llista (f) 1334 list 1334

vida (f) 1335 life 1335 regla (f) 1336 rule 1336

mida (f) 1337 measurement 1337 taronja (f) 1338 orange 1338

set (f) 1339 thirst 1339 difer•ncia (f) 1340 difference 1340

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

batejar 1341 to baptize 1341 liofilitzar 1342 to freeze-dry 1342

bellugar 1343 to move 1343 llaurar 1344 to plow 1344

bo•ar 1345 to muzzle 1345 marfondre's 1346 to languish 1346

boquejar 1347 to gape 1347 contorbar 1348 to dismay 1348

cuidar 1349 to think 1349 declinar 1350 to refuse 1350

ximple 1351 silly 1351 probable 1352 likely 1352

solemne 1353 solemn 1353 calent 1354 warm 1354

vertical 1355 vertical 1355 precedent 1356 former 1356

amable 1357 kind 1357 d•bil 1358 weak 1358

enfeinat 1359 busy 1359 present 1360 present 1360

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

capitˆ (m) 1361 captain 1361 temps (m) 1362 weather 1362

juliol (m) 1363 July 1363 padrastre (m) 1364 stepfather 1364

ganivet (m) 1365 knife 1365 falc— (m) 1366 hawk 1366

gall (m) 1367 rooster 1367 pebre (m) 1368 pepper 1368

cap (m) 1369 head 1369 carb— (m) 1370 coal 1370

degradar 1371 to debase 1371 deixar 1372 to lend 1372

descordar 1373 to unfasten 1373 eduir 1374 to deduct 1374

embabaiar 1375 to coax 1375 acotar 1376 to bow 1376

fondre 1377 to melt 1377 adolorar 1378 to distress 1378

garrular 1379 to chatter 1379 adre•ar 1380 to straighten 1380

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

distˆncia (f) 1381 distance 1381 avinguda (f) 1382 avenue 1382

mˆnega (f) 1383 sleeve 1383 cura (f) 1384 care 1384

ciutat (f) 1385 city 1385 vista (f) 1386 view 1386

bœstia (f) 1387 post box 1387 festa (f) 1388 feast 1388

rˆdio (f) 1389 radio 1389 for•a (f) 1390 strength 1390

acabalat -ada 1391 wealthy 1391 definit -ida 1392 distinct 1392

enutj—s -osa 1393 troublesome 1393 pesat -ada 1394 boring 1394

suat -ada 1395 sweating 1395 complicat -ada 1396 complicated 1396

animat -ada 1397 excited 1397contemporani ˆnia 1398 contemporary 1398

cinqu• -ena 1399 fifth 1399 contrari -ˆria 1400 opposite 1400

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

gelar 1401 to freeze 1401 afabar 1402 to steal 1402

afinar 1403 to perfect 1403 gorrejar 1404 to sponge 1404

agrair 1405 to thank 1405 gratificar 1406 to reward 1406

al•ar 1407 to raise 1407 guarnir 1408 to equip 1408

guixar 1409 to scribble 1409 alleujar 1410 to lighten 1410

faisˆ (m) 1411 pheasant 1411 forn (m) 1412 oven 1412

migdia (m) 1413 midday 1413 mar• (m) 1414 March 1414

capellˆ (m) 1415 priest 1415 dilluns (m) 1416 Monday 1416

profit (m) 1417 profit 1417 fre (m) 1418 brake 1418

esdeveniment (m) 1419 event 1419 rellotge (m) 1420 clock 1420

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

amansir 1421 to tame 1421 habilitar 1422 to authorize 1422

apedregar 1423 to stone 1423 habituar 1424 to accustom 1424

arronsar 1425 to shrink 1425 ignorar 1426 to be ignorant 1426

asserenar 1427 to appease 1427 imprecar 1428 to curse 1428

improvar 1429 to condemn 1429 atonir 1430 to astonish 1430

cec cega 1431 blind 1431 vague vaga 1432 vague 1432

lleig lletja 1433 ugly 1433 neci n•cia 1434 foolish 1434

obvi ˜bvia 1435 apparent 1435 dos dues 1436 two 1436

viu viva 1437 alive 1437 mig (m) 1438 halfitja 1438

ambd—s ambdues 1439 both 1439 propi pr˜pia 1440 own 1440

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

llei (f) 1441 law 1441 grˆcia (f) 1442 charm 1442

mena (f) 1443 sort 1443 queviures (f) 1444 food 1444

lli•— (f) 1445 lesson 1445 ombra (f) 1446 shade 1446

comarca (f) 1447 region 1447 agulla (f) 1448 needle 1448

salut (f) 1449 health 1449 compra (f) 1450 purchase 1450

intervenir 1451 to supervise 1451 aturar 1452 to stop 1452

menjotejar 1453 to nibble 1453 brindar 1454 to offer 1454

bromejar 1455 to foam 1455 bruixar 1456 to bewitch 1456

minvar 1457 to dwindle 1457 multar 1458 to fine 1458

bugonar 1459 to 1459 castigar 1460 to punish 1460

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

favor (m) 1461 favour 1461 edifici (m) 1462 building 1462

estranger (m) 1463 foreigner 1463 •xit (m) 1464 success 1464

error (m) 1465 mistake 1465 bitllet (m) 1466 ticket 1466

premi (m) 1467 reward 1467 director (m) 1468 manager 1468

nord (m) 1469 north 1469 tema (m) 1470 subject 1470

pitjor 1471 worse 1471 major 1472 bigger 1472

interessant 1473 interesting 1473 menor 1474 smaller 1474

segŸent 1475 following 1475 principal 1476 main 1476

abundant 1477 abundant 1477 especial 1478 special 1478

variable 1479 variable 1479 anual 1480 annual 1480

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

niar 1481 to nest 1481 parar 1482 to endure 1482

clarejar 1483 to brighten 1483 cogitar 1484 to think 1484

perca•ar 1485 to pursue 1485 comanar 1486 to transmit 1486

perfilar 1487 to outline 1487 commutar 1488 to exchange 1488

pitjorar 1489 to deteriorate 1489 comprovar 1490 to check 1490

nen -a 1491 child 1491 sabater -a 1492 shoemaker 1492

patr— -ona 1493 owner 1493 forner -a 1494 baker 1494

corb -a 1495 raven 1495 convidat -ada 1496 guest 1496

comprador -ora 1497 buyer 1497 secretari -ˆria 1498 secretary 1498

estudiant 1499 student 1499 excursionista 1500 hiker 1500

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

concloure 1501 to finish 1501 plantejar 1502 to expound 1502

conduir 1503 to convey 1503 constatar 1504 to confirm 1504

embolcar 1505 to wrap 1505 empantanar 1506 to flood 1506

enfilar 1507 to thread 1507 enfondir 1508 to deepen 1508

enfonsar 1509 to sink 1509 engegar 1510 to start 1510

graci—s -osa 1511 witty 1511 assegut -uda 1512 sitting 1512

rovellat -ada 1513 rusty 1513 tranquil -ilála 1514 quiet 1514

llunyˆ -ana 1515 distant 1515 inclusiu -iva 1516 inclusive 1516

seguits -ides 1517 consecutive 1517 agra•t -•da 1518 thankful 1518

gruixut -uda 1519 thick 1519 bess— -ona 1520 twin 1520

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

llibreta (f) 1521 notebook 1521 cantonada (f) 1522 streetcorner 1522

malaltia (f) 1523 sickness 1523 renda (f) 1524 income 1524

condici— (f) 1525 condition 1525 causa (f) 1526 cause 1526

can•— (f) 1527 song 1527 pe•a (f) 1528 piece 1528

recordan•a (f) 1529 remembrance 1529 feina (f) 1530 job 1530

enlla•ar 1531 to link 1531 entrar 1532 to introduce 1532

enxampar 1533 to catch 1533 erigir 1534 to build 1534

esbufegar 1535 to pant 1535 escalfar 1536 to heat 1536

escorxar 1537 to flay 1537 escurar 1538 to clean 1538

esmunyir 1539 to slide 1539 anar a buscar 1540 to fetch 1540

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

empleat (m) 1541 employee 1541 cam’ (m) 1542 path 1542

desert (m) 1543 desert 1543 enuig (m) 1544 annoyance 1544

remei (m) 1545 remedy 1545 acord (m) 1546 agreement 1546

ou (m) 1547 egg 1547 viatge (m) 1548 journey 1548

segon (m) 1549 second 1549 carnisser (m) 1550 butcher 1550

vint 1551 twenty 1551 cinc 1552 five 1552

sis 1553 six 1553 vuit 1554 eight 1554

oriental 1555 oriental 1555 picant 1556 spicy 1556

natural 1557 natural 1557 set 1558 seven 1558

vuitanta 1559 eighty 1559 cent 1560 hundred 1560

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

parir 1561 to give birth 1561 pecar 1562 to sin 1562

zelar 1563 to keep an eye on 1563 confondre 1564 to mix up 1564

embussar 1565 to block up 1565 ensopir 1566 to put to sleep 1566

continuar 1567 to continue 1567 oferir 1568 to offer 1568

guanyar 1569 to gain 1569 ocupar 1570 to occupy 1570

acci— (f) 1571 action 1571 sortida (f) 1572 exit 1572

conseq٥ncia (f) 1573 consequence 1573 netedat (f) 1574 cleanness 1574

mandra (f) 1575 idleness 1575 sala d'espera (f) 1576 waiting room 1576

tela (f) 1577 cloth 1577 creu (f) 1578 cross 1578

febre (f) 1579 fever 1579 bondat (f) 1580 kindness 1580

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

guia (m) 1581 guide 1581 cognom (m) 1582 surname 1582

resultat (m) 1583 result 1583 fil (m) 1584 thread 1584

sac (m) 1585 bag 1585 segell (m) 1586 stamp 1586

cot— (m) 1587 cotton 1587 gra (m) 1588 grain 1588

cingle (m) 1589 cliff 1589 compte (m) 1590 count 1590

actual 1591 present 1591 comercial 1592 commercial 1592

incre•ble 1593 incredible 1593 anterior 1594 previous 1594

gran 1595 big 1595 decent 1596 decent 1596

industrial 1597 industrial 1597 semblant 1598 alike 1598

alegre 1599 merry 1599 cinquanta 1600 fifty 1600

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

suma (f) 1601 sum 1601 p•rdua (f) 1602 loss 1602

fe (f) 1603 faith 1603 estona (f) 1604 while 1604

bala (f) 1605 bullet 1605 empenta (f) 1606 push 1606

imitaci— (f) 1607 imitation 1607 serra (f) 1608 mountain range 1608

discussi— (f) 1609 discussion 1609 suma (f) 1610 amount 1610

fardell (m) 1611 package 1611 mirall (m) 1612 mirror 1612

fons (m) 1613 bottom 1613 negoci (m) 1614 business 1614

sucre (m) 1615 sugar 1615 respecte (m) 1616 respect 1616

avi— (m) 1617 aeroplane 1617 centre (m) 1618 center 1618

cap’tol (m) 1619 chapter 1619 ensopiment (m) 1620 dullness 1620

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

edici— (f) 1621 edition 1621 quota (f) 1622 subscription 1622

escala (f) 1623 stairs 1623 finestra (f) 1624 window 1624

mentida (f) 1625 lie 1625 empresa (f) 1626 undertaking 1626

substˆncia (f) 1627 substance 1627 duana (f) 1628 customs 1628

galeria (f) 1629 gallery 1629 satisfacci— (f) 1630 satisfaction 1630

quatre 1631 four 1631 setanta 1632 seventy 1632

noranta 1633 ninety 1633 tres 1634 three 1634

nou 1635 nine 1635 quaranta 1636 forty 1636

seixanta 1637 sixty 1637 deu 1638 ten 1638

trenta 1639 thirty 1639 dinou 1640 nineteen 1640

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

refugi (m) 1641 shelter 1641 mitj— (m) 1642 sock 1642

habitant (m) 1643 inhabitant 1643 abric (m) 1644 overcoat 1644

comptador (m) 1645 meter 1645 alcalde (m) 1646 mayor 1646

augment (m) 1647 increase 1647 actor (m) 1648 actor 1648

perm’s (m) 1649 permission 1649 obrer (m) 1650 worker 1650

impaci•ncia (f) 1651 impatience 1651 eina (f) 1652 tool 1652

excepci— (f) 1653 exception 1653 arma (f) 1654 weapon 1654

societat (f) 1655 society 1655 necessitat (f) 1656 necessity 1656

afirmaci— (f) 1657 affirmation 1657 fˆbrica (f) 1658 factory 1658

olla (f) 1659 cooking pot 1659 venda (f) 1660 sale 1660

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

lladre (m) 1661 robber 1661 efecte (m) 1662 effect 1662

examen (m) 1663 examination 1663 horari (m) 1664 timetable 1664

costum (m) 1665 habit 1665 acudit (m) 1666 joke 1666

argument (m) 1667 argument 1667 tap (m) 1668 stopper 1668

encˆrrec (m) 1669 message 1669 dest’ (m) 1670 fate 1670

onze 1671 eleven 1671 zero 1672 zero 1672

setze 1673 sixteen 1673 catorze 1674 fourteen 1674

disset 1675 seventeen 1675 mil 1676 thousand 1676

diversos -es 1677 different 1677 distret -eta 1678 amusing 1678

seri—s -osa 1679 serious 1679 irreflexiu -iva 1680 spontaneous 1680

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

autoritat (f) 1681 authority 1681 guia telef˜nica (f) 1682 telephone book 1682

arrel (f) 1683 root 1683 pesseta (f) 1684 peseta 1684

ˆquina fotogrˆfica 1685 camera 1685 companya (f) 1686 companion 1686

paci•ncia (f) 1687 patience 1687 despesa (f) 1688 expense 1688

cl’nica (f) 1689 clinic 1689 bestiesa (f) 1690 nonsense 1690

autobœs (m) 1691 bus 1691 ajut (m) 1692 help 1692

horitz— (m) 1693 horizon 1693 pag•s (m) 1694 countryman 1694

oficial (m) 1695 official 1695 poder (m) 1696 power 1696

porter (m) 1697 caretaker 1697 armari (m) 1698 cupboard 1698

motiu (m) 1699 motive 1699 autor (m) 1700 author 1700

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

minyona (f) 1701 maid 1701 fruita (f) 1702 fruit 1702

v’ctima (f) 1703 victim 1703 facci— (f) 1704 feature 1704

aflicci— (f) 1705 grief 1705 bufetada (f) 1706 slap 1706

nosa (f) 1707 obstruction 1707 pla•a (f) 1708 square 1708

televisi— (f) 1709 television 1709 vergonya (f) 1710 embarrassment 1710

cohibit -ida 1711 shy 1711 buit buida 1712 hollow 1712

orfe ˜rfena 1713 orphan 1713 fi (f) 1714 fineina 1714

darrera 1715 behind 1715 durant 1716 during 1716

taufˆna -a 1717 simple-minded 1717 darrer -a 1718 last 1718

barat -a 1719 cheap 1719 sencer -a 1720 complete 1720

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

arquitecte (m) 1721 architect 1721 prat (m) 1722 meadow 1722

amo (m) 1723 boss 1723 balan• (m) 1724 balance 1724

cintur— (m) 1725 belt 1725 maldecap (m) 1726 headache 1726

paisatge (m) 1727 countryside 1727 compliment (m) 1728 compliment 1728

museu (m) 1729 museum 1729 dictat (m) 1730 dictation 1730

corda (f) 1731 string 1731 cinta (f) 1732 ribbon 1732

lent (f) 1733 lens 1733 lliura (f) 1734 pound 1734

rambla (f) 1735 boulevard 1735 ratlla (f) 1736 stripe 1736

massa (f) 1737 mass 1737 fama (f) 1738 fame 1738

seda (f) 1739 silk 1739 maniobra (f) 1740 manoeuvre 1740

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

soroll (m) 1741 sound 1741 cistell (m) 1742 basket 1742

segle (m) 1743 century 1743 sou (m) 1744 salary 1744

front (m) 1745 front 1745 suc (m) 1746 juice 1746

paleta (m) 1747 bricklayer 1747 periodista (m) 1748 journalist 1748

comentari (m) 1749 comment 1749 ball (m) 1750 dance 1750

son (f) 1751 sleepiness 1751 paella (f) 1752 frying pan 1752

dotzena (f) 1753 dozen 1753 bondat (f) 1754 goodness 1754

mitja (f) 1755 stocking 1755 temperatura (f) 1756 temperature 1756

semblan•a (f) 1757 similarity 1757 fava (f) 1758 bean 1758

via (f) 1759 way 1759 passejada (f) 1760 stroll 1760

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

poema (m) 1761 poem 1761 jutge (m) 1762 judge 1762

raig (m) 1763 ray 1763 humor (m) 1764 humor 1764

passat (m) 1765 past 1765 paquet (m) 1766 packet 1766

concert (m) 1767 concert 1767 pany (m) 1768 lock 1768

œs (m) 1769 usage 1769 perm’s (m) 1770 permit 1770

pastilla (f) 1771 tablet 1771 barreja (f) 1772 mixture 1772

planta (f) 1773 plant 1773 catedral (f) 1774 cathedral 1774

guˆrdia (f) 1775 guard 1775 joguina (f) 1776 toy 1776

ceba (f) 1777 onion 1777 colálecci— (f) 1778 collection 1778

companyia (f) 1779 company 1779 mitjanit (f) 1780 midnight 1780

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

canvi (m) 1781 change 1781 poeta (m) 1782 poet 1782

progrŽs (m) 1783 progress 1783 bagul (m) 1784 trunk 1784

parell (m) 1785 pair 1785 miler (m) 1786 thousand 1786

sud (m) 1787 south 1787 pœblic (m) 1788 public 1788

record (m) 1789 memory 1789 bar (m) 1790 bar 1790

masia (f) 1791 farmhouse 1791 data (f) 1792 date 1792

majoria (f) 1793 majority 1793 relaci— (f) 1794 relationship 1794

motocicleta (f) 1795 motor-cycle 1795 tenda (f) 1796 tent 1796

dificultat (f) 1797 difficulty 1797 patata (f) 1798 potato 1798

naci— (f) 1799 nation 1799 oportunitat (f) 1800 opportunity 1800

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

cop (m) 1801 hit 1801 cost (m) 1802 cost 1802

cas (m) 1803 case 1803 papagai (m) 1804 parrot 1804

masover (m) 1805 farmer 1805 clima (m) 1806 climate 1806

mili— (m) 1807 million 1807 conegut (m) 1808 acquaintance 1808

tabac (m) 1809 tobacco 1809 nŽt (m) 1810 grandson 1810

qŸesti— (f) 1811 question 1811 drecera (f) 1812 path 1812

carta (f) 1813 letter 1813 amiga (f) 1814 friend 1814

guia (f) 1815 guide-book 1815 cunyada (f) 1816 sister-in-law 1816

construcci— (f) 1817 building 1817 regi— (f) 1818 region 1818

naixement (m) 1819 birth 1819 fam’lia (f) 1820 family 1820

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

brollador (m) 1821 fountain 1821 cuir (m) 1822 leather 1822

punt (m) 1823 point 1823 tomˆquet (m) 1824 tomato 1824

pes (m) 1825 weight 1825 full (m) 1826 sheet of paper 1826

seny (m) 1827 wisdom 1827 pol’tic (m) 1828 politician 1828

casament (m) 1829 wedding 1829 conductor (m) 1830 driver 1830

ginebra (f) 1831 gin 1831 fortuna (f) 1832 good fortune 1832

pila (f) 1833 pile 1833 llar (f) 1834 home 1834

cervesa (f) 1835 beer 1835 complicaci— (f) 1836 complication 1836

medalla (f) 1837 medal 1837 experi•ncia (f) 1838 experience 1838

palla (f) 1839 padding 1839 tonada (f) 1840 tune 1840

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

material (m) 1841 material 1841 ministre (m) 1842 minister 1842

confessor (m) 1843 confessor 1843 taller (m) 1844 workshop 1844

anhel (m) 1845 yearning 1845 document (m) 1846 document 1846

torn (m) 1847 turn 1847 fum (m) 1848 smoke 1848

pescador (m) 1849 fisherman 1849 partit (m) 1850 game 1850

feblesa (f) 1851 weakness 1851 fotografia (f) 1852 photograph 1852

pelál’cula (f) 1853 film 1853 explicaci— (f) 1854 explanation 1854

promesa (f) 1855 promise 1855 ci•ncia (f) 1856 science 1856

llargada (f) 1857 length 1857 associaci— (f) 1858 association 1858

conclusi— (f) 1859 conclusion 1859 estaci— (f) 1860 station 1860

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

disc (m) 1861 record 1861 cobrador (m) 1862 conductor 1862

xicot (m) 1863 boy 1863 viatger (m) 1864 traveller 1864

barri (m) 1865 district 1865 govern (m) 1866 government 1866

senyor (m) 1867 gentleman 1867 llegum (m) 1868 vegetable 1868

avantatge (m) 1869 advantage 1869 tornav’s (m) 1870 screwdriver 1870

medalleta (f) 1871 medallion 1871 exposici— (f) 1872 exhibition 1872

nata (f) 1873 cream 1873 disciplina (f) 1874 discipline 1874

voluntat (f) 1875 will 1875 frase (f) 1876 sentence 1876

habitaci— (f) 1877 room 1877 poblaci— (f) 1878 population 1878

ala (f) 1879 wing 1879 llˆstima (f) 1880 pity 1880

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

dol• (m) 1881 sweet 1881 fuster (m) 1882 carpenter 1882

pet— (m) 1883 kiss 1883 impost (m) 1884 tax 1884

port (m) 1885 port 1885 pulm— (m) 1886 lung 1886

metro (m) 1887 subway-train 1887 mˆxim (m) 1888 maximum 1888

coix’ (m) 1889 cushion 1889 pati (m) 1890 courtyard 1890

cua (f) 1891 tail 1891 emoci— (f) 1892 emotion 1892

prov’ncia (f) 1893 province 1893 asseguran•a (f) 1894 insurance 1894

circumstˆncia (f) 1895 circumstance 1895 aprovaci— (f) 1896 approval 1896

medicina (f) 1897 medicine 1897 neboda (f) 1898 niece 1898

simpatia (f) 1899 congeniality 1899 contrarietat (f) 1900 annoyance 1900

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

dentista (m) 1901 dentist 1901 bistec (m) 1902 steak 1902

industrial (m) 1903 industrialist 1903 vidre (m) 1904 window 1904

anunci (m) 1905 advertisement 1905 grau (m) 1906 grade 1906

tedi (m) 1907 tedium 1907 article (m) 1908 article 1908

rumor (m) 1909 rumour 1909 colálega (m) 1910 colleague 1910

tos (f) 1911 cough 1911 penit•ncia (f) 1912 penance 1912

copa (f) 1913 cup 1913 frontera (f) 1914 frontier 1914

capsa (f) 1915 small box 1915 costella (f) 1916 rib 1916

guitarra (f) 1917 guitar 1917 barraca (f) 1918 cabin 1918

cita (f) 1919 appointment 1919 confian•a (f) 1920 trust 1920

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

assaig (m) 1921 essay 1921 membre (m) 1922 member 1922

sac (m) 1923 sack 1923 dependent (m) 1924 employee 1924

piano (m) 1925 piano 1925 toc (m) 1926 touch 1926

grup (m) 1927 group 1927 quadre (m) 1928 picture 1928

cent’metre (m) 1929 centimetre 1929 espectacle (m) 1930 spectacle 1930

senyoreta (f) 1931 young lady 1931 culpa (f) 1932 blame 1932

cova (f) 1933 cave 1933 escala (f) 1934 ladder 1934

pol’tica (f) 1935 politics 1935 emoci— (f) 1936 excitement 1936

tapa (f) 1937 lid 1937 pensi— (f) 1938 boarding house 1938

brusa (f) 1939 blouse 1939 xicota (f) 1940 girl 1940

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

mol’ (m) 1941 mill 1941 conyac (m) 1942 brandy 1942

sogre (m) 1943 father-in-law 1943 desig (m) 1944 wish 1944

sentit (m) 1945 meaning 1945 treball (m) 1946 work 1946

pijama (m) 1947 pyjamas 1947 int•rpret (m) 1948 interpreter 1948

capital (m) 1949 capital 1949 gest (m) 1950 gesture 1950

torre (f) 1951 tower 1951 funci— (f) 1952 function 1952

revista (f) 1953 journal 1953 moral (f) 1954 morality 1954

nŽta (f) 1955 grand-daughter 1955 vaga (f) 1956 strike 1956

bufanda (f) 1957 scarf 1957 germana (f) 1958 sister 1958

colla (f) 1959 group 1959 pau (f) 1960 peace 1960

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

menœ (m) 1961 menu 1961 pas (m) 1962 step 1962

turista (m) 1963 tourist 1963 president (m) 1964 president 1964

cigarret (m) 1965 cigarette 1965 quart (m) 1966 quarter 1966

llu•ment (m) 1967 brilliance 1967 comerciant (m) 1968 businessman 1968

sandvitx (m) 1969 sandwich 1969 aparador (m) 1970 store window 1970

festa (f) 1971 party 1971 importˆncia (f) 1972 importance 1972

valor (m) 1973 value 1973 blat (m) 1974 wheat 1974

gegant (m) 1975 giant 1975 pla (m) 1976 plain 1976

carˆcter (m) 1977 character 1977 compte (m) 1978 bill 1978

quilogram (m) 1979 kilogramme 1979 cim (m) 1980 peak 1980

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H

ciutadˆ (m) 1981 citizen 1981 comit• (m) 1982 committee 1982

metall (m) 1983 metal 1983 sobresalt (m) 1984 surprise 1984

prom•s (m) 1985 fiancŽ 1985 ve’ (m) 1986 neighbor 1986

passeig (m) 1987 avenue 1987 cunyat (m) 1988 brother-in-law 1988

principi (m) 1989 principle 1989 idioma (m) 1990 language 1990

consell (m) 1991 advice 1991 cinema (m) 1992 cinema 1992

quil˜metre (m) 1993 kilometre 1993 gerent (m) 1994 manager 1994

jardiner (m) 1995 gardener 1995 afer (m) 1996 matter 1996

vedell (m) 1997 calf 1997 germˆ (m) 1998 brother 1998

colálegi (m) 1999 school 1999 pescador (m) 2000 fisherman 2000

Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc.