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INDEX See also Accommodations and Restaurant indexes, below. GENERAL INDEX near the airport, Alexander Nevsky Monastery 230–231 and Cemetery (Lavra Alek- South of Nevsky, sandra Nevskogo; St. alto, Alvar, 302 A 227–229 Petersburg), 253–254 Abim Plus (St. Petersburg), Upper Nevsky Pros- Alexandra, empress, 15 276 pekt, 222–225 Alexandra Nevskogo Bridge Above and Beyond Tours, 70 Vasilevsky Island & The (St. Petersburg), 61 Academic trips and language Petrograd Side, Alexandrinsky Theater classes, 77 229–230 (St. Petersburg), 282 Access-Able Travel Source, 71 Suzdal, 198 All-Russian Exhibition Accessible Journeys, 71 Vladimir, 198 Center (formerly VDNKh; Accommodations, 79–81. See Adamant-Caprice (St. Peters- Moscow), 152 also Accommodations burg), 310 Ambassador (St. Petersburg), Index Addresses, finding, 54 291 best, 5–6 Admiralty (Admiralteistvo; Amber, 276 environmentally-friendly, St. Petersburg), 210, 253 Amber House (Yantarny 74 Aeroexpress train, 50 Dom; St. Petersburg), 276 Moscow, 96–113 Agate Pavilion (Tsarskoye The Amber Room (Tsarskoye Arbat, 107–108 Tselo), 297 Tselo), 296–298 around the Kremlin, 71 American Express and Red Square, Air Force Museum, Russian Moscow, 304 97–101 (Moscow), 148–149 St. Petersburg, 308 “foreigner tax,” 102 Air travel traveler’s checks, 66 near the airport, 113 around Russia, 57 American Express Travelers outside the Garden deep vein thrombosis Cheque Card, 66 Ring, 110–113 (economy class syn- American Foundation for the Petrovka and the drome), 68 Blind (AFB), 71 Ukrainian Quarter, jet lag, 50 American Medical Center 104–106 Moscow, 48 Moscow, 304 prostitution, 105 St. Petersburg, 57–58 Petersburg, 309 south of Moscow River, Akhmatova, Anna, 27 Ananov (St.
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