SUPPLEMENT TO Even tlip men who nrc the most ready to concede to Judge Parker all possible WILLIAM TELL PARKER. prniso for his upright lifo and his pcr- DEMOCRACY IS A MENAGE sonnl honesty of purpose freely admit SentiIJTE. JERSEY REPUBLICAN that Instead of bringing to the high office HAMMONTON, N. J. of President the experience of nn uctiuil Bi man of affairs, he would examine nml Election of Parker to the Presi- TUBDAY. SEPTEMBER 10, 1904. decide upon every grant question merely as n judge- does, upon gonornl priii'-iples , dency Would Unsettle and without much regard to the ordinary I Business. conditions of, life. This inexperience of j iPUDIATEO BY TOILERS Judge Parker, his evident inability to im- DFIVH jlprstaiul tho tronipiiflnii* foiillirt nn\v co- inj; on between unpilalnnd labor, nnd his significant silence on this subject in a speech which was full of more specu- on, users. |aforiemocracy and Its Candidate lation on general principles, has had 'an w Found Wanting in Sympathy extraordinary influence upon tho men in control of the grout labor organizations, Observations of a Traveling Salesman Twelve for Wage-Earners. and while they will continue to keep in tbe Middle West—Attitude of Pages those organizations out of politics, they VOL. 42 HAMMONTOK, *T. J., SEPTEMBER 24, 1904. do not hesitate to express their own opin- the Farmer and the First ions as to the the coin-so to be pursued J^rter. _ by the friends of organised labor gen- Volunteer Fire Company. Dr. C. E. DAEE, UDGE PARKER WAS SILENT erally in the roming campaign. RED CROSS PHARMACY. M • ' Vlc-WH of Mr. I)cl)B* Herbert G, Heason DENTIST in tl —-— 1 Following out the custom of most largo Now ia tho time to save yonr hair. We have just received and are agents for The Company held their annual er r ' In a roi'i-nt interview. Kiigoni V. Delis, AtliTHE Office Hoars: 8.30a.m. to 12. 1.301 who is the- Socialist candidate- fur Presi- business houses, one of the biff jobbing business meeting lost Monday even'g. vlciiVhile President Roosevelt Was Frank concerns iu Chicago instructed its travel- '_ Yelk Tonic Shampoo Cream. Evening b; engagements. seir Dr. J. C. Bitler was chosen President and Sincere in Expressing Him- element iii tlio labor ramp, cave expres- "injTTnen on their rcturnTronT extensive Stop in and ask about it. lOOBolIevno Ave., Hammon into trips to present u report on the yeni.'ral pro tern. . noli self on the Labor Question— sion to n very gononil sentiment amoajx j Among other items of bnslness was dep. the member^ of -labor unions, which is political conditions in the territory' over Also, a foil line of .AND Views of Leaders. universally Inutile td llic niiininatiiiii of which they had gone. • . . the proposed lowering of the first floor aud - . Rubel and Alloffretti's Chocolates. the llt-nry (r. Dai-is of \1Yst Virginia as the ""\Ve do this," siiid one of the mcmbura to' do away with the "drop" at the PERIODICALS. thu . , —• Democratic caiidiilalc fur sccninl place- of the linn, "not because -wo expect our entrance. Kirk Spear's bid was the is ; . • on the? ticket with Jiul^i1 I'arker. traveling men to interest themselves in Stationery & Confectionery. "An important fiu-Uir in cniisiiiir ilesor- politieal mallei's or because • wo .expert Frescziptions Carefully Compounded. only one received, and proposed a Lakev nn<" Indianapolis, Ind., Sept. 2.—This place 217 Bellevne AvennOi [:,'or 's rapidly becoming the industrial center tions' from the ppnioci'iitir party." sjiid thcm^to iuiltieiiec any votes. Our iiioi.ive. cinder bottom, covered with grouting or' of the country, so far as organized labor .Mr, Uebs in the interview referred to, is entirely dilleivnt. It (.'iiuci-ru.s our own MATLACK & PIERSON, Graduates in Pharmacy, and cement, to 'cost $105. Trustees loo is concerned. It is a curious thing that "is the fact that .Henry. <;. 'Davis, the business wholly. H is not a political were authorized to give him the job, Hammonton, N. J. GEE] ettf in of an original agricultural vice presidential camliilttKv-haK always 'proposition to say tlut if the Deuiucra'W been violently opposed to organized la- win ut the IK-.VI clecLion it means a drop work to begiu at once If possible. As |-t.ant' State..there shnulJLgradually come to-be these figures do not include 'tearing '•' cir centered the active influences which con- bor, refusing lo~:i!!ow his Own employes ill. prices. —-Tliauis_a., lliiiig-uvery busi.- ' HQU liv trol the greatest industrial organizations to join labor unions, and being mainly ness ni;in~uTITler:st.-imls. As-'.riidj-o Puv- UNDERTAKER EMBALMER outtherfloor, volunteers will be called sh iu''-the world. Indianapolis has long inslrnincnlnl in lirindni: Ihe court iii- ker hitui-'clC sniil. a I'epii./iiean Senate for to do that work the evening before Printing bu betn a great railroad center, and for that jnnclions in West Virginia issued against will iu any event .stum! iu the way of the contractor begins. reason it has been a favorite meeting labor unions, p-irtirnlarly those who were Democratic attempts to break down the Central Ave., Hammonton, 1 place for the heads of tho great trans- Ir.iinj: to »rca::i/.t> the coal miners in tlmt protective tariff. Nevertheless, if they . ELWOOD P, JONES, Through the kiuduess of Mr. Stock- • povtiition Organizations. The State also Slate.'" elect Judge t'u.rker, they \vill stand a Successor to well, the fire apparatus will be stored Large assortment of th In sharp contrast with the~Silem-e of chance of electing a'House of Represeut- 0 <]< contains' splendid coal mines; and tins in his driveway during operation ; Palms, Ferns, House PI has given Indiana a potent voice in the Judge Parker a-tnl tlic open hostility of ntive* of tho same Icmd. That Hoitse which will continue about ten days. Printers ' .to !_Si'iiato.rJ_^i.yJiJs. the will certainly pass :i new tariff bill. Even W. A. HOOD & CO. Cat Flowers. Funeral I of this-chw-j The reports showed an. enrollment acter. John_MitclieII, Eugene V. Debs Koosevell. who has stood I'o7' the lahorini; THeproduced from J'htladoipliiti -Inquirer.) -if t his—was—IttHrtt-u—iii—H«?—Semi t c.~ 1 hp in Fresh Flowers, Wax, or 1 man nt all times.'and who lias "never lies- effect would lie to -.unsettle business to Office and Residence, 216 Bellevue Ave. Phone 3-Y of twenty-eight-members, and suffl and other men who "have had much to do V. S.-~"Flre away! / should feel considerably more worried If I thought there ivas the sllg\test chun'e of bis with the control of the labor .market, t.'ltcil lo declare himself on this snlijec!. hitting anything." an oxtniordiMary degree. There would cient money on hand to pay all pre, have had their headquarters here at one It is no political clap-trap winch influ- always be the threat-of lowur tariff du- ; WATKIS & NICHOLSG ties, nnd the same thiiif; would happen viously contracted bills. Florists and Landscape Gardi time or another, until or late it has be- ences the President of the United States, The following officers were declared HOYT & SOU, come generally recognized that the head .whenever ho sets ofT a train, day or 'Man, one of the sort in 11)05 which happened in 1S9;>. Prices Wax Flowers, Figures, etc., for funerals and Phone l-W niirlit. to W!ilk_Jn_Uig_h<>!ul-of—thc-nlu-t- ^CONTROL OF THE HaU.SE_ voing "electedrwithont~Oie~altl of a, primary —c ceuter_of-Organized,_4abor_may~bc-fovind- man can admire and understand. He is memorial services, furnished on short notice. Publishers, „ here rather' than in Chicago or .New form to shake hamls \vitli the engineer grit and sympathy. Me would be Ilirown out of election : and lireman. It is as nalural to hi;n as No Ground for Claiming that .Demo- is'"' a figure to ap- employment,- tlio ln)iiK>"nvar'<(>t would Iw •Vork, whicE'aFe scTimich"target from, a crats Will Be Successful. preciate. ". . _ ou^ .Why rt Siiould Be (ifvca' to President, J. C. Bitler, M. D. manufacturing standpoint. il would be to sh:i!winB rather than B. J. BYKNES, Preaid honest choice between them. bere at the lioosiev capital. More than S!8 to 53 held down more or lo-«-secure- not said sor*^TniVrT^ftT7—itrn-*-i^n".w*j,i ^ £_ 1 1 Jr. C. E., Sunday afternoon at 8:00 called to order by President Oarton. one of these loaders curries a little card, M lt i !'. .tlwjioniimitiou of Par, It was apparent long in advance of ly by RepublicansRcp,,^..v. . Nothin...._ g ''"""^ on every phase of the financial question lii^ lingers crossed. This at t ft u"ile""t3f*if or Topic, "How Joseph honored his After hearing reports of delegates M. t. JACKSON, Vioe-P: —tlurSt. Louis convention thflt_ the Demo- on which is printed President Roose- by this untoward condition it proceeds DAVIS $AY$ YE$. from the Civil '\V:ir to the present lime. and officers, and paying bills, the .erotic nominee would be Judge Alton 11. •It's declaration on tin- labor question, milled peeiilinr toMr. .I'.ryaii, in aiiy Way. On father." Gen. 47 • 7-12. W. B. TILTON, Cashii to talk glibly of giving six so-cnllec' Can it be trusted now'.' Ihe contrary, it is common unionj: !he following officers were elected : . Parker of New York. He was entirely his speech of acceptance, which reads There wa$ gloom i" the committee, and Speaker Cannon, in his notification doubtful seats iu Illinois, live in Indiana imlistic element of tin: Democratic Epworth League,—M. E. Church : President, Joseph H. Gurtou an unknown quantity to the labor leail- follows: two. in Iowa, t,hren in Kansas, two with voicc^i low and ."Sad speech to Mr. Roosevelt, said that if iiirty, and thousands of. (hem nrc openly DIRECTORS ,',,- er»,. «iid they were willing in '-common "\\"e ivmciii/.e tile urbanization of cap- six They di.$cour$ed apon the trouble? and Judge Parker's vule and support of his Meets Sunday evening, at 0:45. . Vice-Pres't, Wm. O. Hoyt ; Minnesota, four iu Nebraska, leelnriuK Ihi'.i will vole fur Uoo"evelt in R. J. Byrnes- _, M. L. Jaoke ;. fairness to give him n chance to express ill and the organization of labor as imt- Ohio, five in Pennsylvania and ii ve the worrinieiu$ ihe.v had- jntrty'H caudi.inle. in tM)i> and l'.)tltl bad November. 'I'll" rrcrin.*incs:4 men. capitalists in a smnll way. and they havo what? How to cultivate it." claion handed down by Judge Parkcv was .live his rights safeguarded as scrupii i vote in the State," says $o they J'it about in $ileinv, thlul;li)|; of Paints Us m ihe Republican 1 l.'roni.a bys'mess point of view il is a no sympathy with 1'iipiilistii: attavliH oil Malt. usly as.those of the strongest organiza- this happy conjurer hy the hope thai their chance. ? $11111, question of life or death. The I Irino enpltnl IIH such. They do bcliovo, how- We have some very nice (Tinted Gloss) the hend of the great trade organiza- tion, for each is to receive ju.stlc in 11, "might easily result in the dee- two uv..*..v _ election of six dodos, were it. not for the support of butiinoHtt men now than il \vm .id his honesty in direct im; the prosed!-' TlilH space belnhgn lo the Woman'a Christian decision was fanned wholly upon the law tho spirit iii which it is noccwmry to np What a $w«tho they might lie $la.fhlns Tcrapuruncu Union, und HH .niMnlioru are longer, look better and fad: that the dodo la aji extinct bird. In 180U or in 1!KX>. .on of tho suits iik'iiinst the coniblnntion Notices of Churcli nicctlngn are of public In tho case, nnd that it -would be unfair pniiicli their solution Is simply the spirit In 1!)()~, which was nn off year for If be only woTild let go. Crimson Clover Seed now ur wtuit lliu Baking Powders^ of cotiriige and of common f niilroiiilH In the Xort Invest.. On tUj. tincri'Bt, nml iit> elmrgo la made for their hold their color and to attack him on that account. of honesty, Republicans iu Illinois, Martin Km- And from tlmn to time they parted when Itnoticvcit ami Union Vclornnn, it her hniiil, the idea IIII.M (,-aliuid ground Innortlon. Weekly clinngc!! ore urged, * _ _• * a whi$lle blithe and gay in Block. Deceived and Snubbed. , sense erlch, Democrat, was elected in the In 1HHO Theodore, Roosevelt, as Civil the fnrmlni; i-limsics that Jiidto Bqptist Church.—Itov. Wiltshire W. From reportti, it woultl .seem that gloss longer. Better For this reason thtf representatives of lirnt, a Klrong Itepiiblican districti!.....;,,, , b|..y. Made them lliink ih.-re wnj a i Scrvioo Couuulsslouer, devised tho plan All Goods strictly Ftrst- from good Henry 1 'nrkor'H nomination wim larKcly brought WllluuDH, Pastor. 10.30a.m., "Hammon tho Town Council of Uummonton for you—more econom- th« min» workers, of the railroad men, TRIBULATIONS OF A GREAT plurality of 1,151!, but solely by reason by which veterans of the war foi the bout and in fuel was directly promoted nilsuiKiorstood the mwxning of the ot the packinc-house men, of the build- factional light wllhln the He- Union who had lie.MI dismissed from tlic certain uuscnipiilouM corporato Inllu- It is quite a little lower . ton's groatont nood." 7.80p.m., "Tho ical. Better for him— Alao handle G. U. Tea Oo. good )f u fierce •tillll tho 11101110111$ grow to hour$ and tho ing traden, anj of other great labor or ' GRANDFATHER. iiblicitn rannks, which bus HiibHlded. public Hcrvlcc will) (,' records could crt which wiini 'antiiKimistle to Presl- prlao of following Joaus." A norlou of petition Hoilt In by the W. C. T. U. are strictly high-grade. Knnlzutiont, waited with confidence foi I.oriniLT. llepublicau, bad clock $«p||icil almoifl flopped. lip reliiHlulod. A gival many YOturailH cut "RuiiNcvolt borauiii' hr bail liDiieHlly in price _ _. : eurmoDB oonimenolng Bundoy oveulag, It wua uot u question of «^ual rights sure to turn out ripht KllilllH, . Vn., AUK. •_•(!, mi. And In ill.^appi)inti.ienl'$ Shallow all HID Also, 8ir Thomas Llpton's 'Co' Judge Parker's Hpceeh of acceptance plurality of only HH5 In Iho Hlxlh, had been discharged without causo dur- tlemtueil lo oxecutt- the laws as h« Got. 2nd. of auto -or bicycle repairers, tuuohlno His dealer knows. They nrgucd that It would be unfair ti DI-III- Sunny'. where the normal party iniijorlly hi over hcarl.1! $o anxlonf dropped; ing the previous Democratic administra- than it was. earlier. Tea*, known the world over. ri'iulhr your Hpei'di ouud lliem. Added to thoHC element n Hhopa, or uny other placet* of iluislucMS, judge him while lit wn» on tho bench am Ihivi- Jn»t llulnlii-' He hi mil meeting the tiiimo op- Till to (dicer the waiting walchrr$ one tion. Under the rule devised anil estab- I be llrnt voturs, and limy nr« for Let him ask him. thlul tliiie iinil lluil It who'd i^'cca the wonnroii)5 place . Church.—Uov. 0). R. Middloton UH compared with thoojiuiilug of the Hoe thtt "VVuKOii, on Wcdnec while be was keeping hln Helf-impoMe n...... pliinc e for Hie ,,,,,, Ibis year. (IniigivsMmaii lion- Ibihcd liy Mr. Itoosevell linn.Ire.IM ot toiineii-K iilmost lo a man. llin iihyslrul tonsil eln-wlii' for loy uiiprnliM-liMl them not In grow despondent—It Pan toe. John Lucas & Co Saturday. ' Orders left . nt E Tow of abuoluto ullcncn. They were cor lii llu- ileiitlnl' tell hail a plurality of ",<>'>:! In Hut ninth. Told them were rcinstalcd li| Ihe public ner- irowess/ bin ciuiHlsleiit manlhi'-uH, thu churchcH for the prvuchiug of the My nev/ tri-lll Illiv 1 waif m)t a hopidpijif rnlfe; vl.-c during Mr. McKinley'n ndioinl.-iti'ii- Candy Kitohen promptly filled fldeiit that when hlH lips wore unm-alr fni- II Ki'lil IIHIll', I iiintch our new view Ills perMonnl p.M'iilai'il.v aloni IIIMIU'I-M bin iiomptnrsH \Vlllt which he re»li;iied uu Thut question would wt-ud no Philadelphia h« would make It evident to the lain ( linn Imrrmvi re-clcctlon by an IncreiiKcd plurality. That whlht Henry IJn^avvay wa$ not HO lion. AH thnl wan more ilniii leu yearn mporlanl civil olllee lo emliii'u tbn hiird- Proflbytorlan Church.— Rov. n. M. null lll.V I»'.V Ulevc $pry and $\vlft and young, m. Tho Bubjuct bofaiio them 22« Wnslilnaton St., - Hat world nt Once that he wn« ft ntronc frli-u Ihr Mill '"'I I K"< tin- .veitr WiinhliiKli Congressman Itoili-nlii'rg had a plnrallly before Mr. Itousevell wan nnmlnatod for hjjis of a military r;uu(inl|;n, the henrtl- GEORGE ELVINS. Thni'low, I'uutar, will proaoh, and champion of organized labor, an i- Di-luuuiv, In miiKc n iniuilc n of li.l.Vl la Ihe hvcnly-M'c.iiid, and llm Still he knew hi? barrel wasn't liny u$e Vice I'i'ctddiMil bin action could not bo ICSH and the fniiilineH» of bin inanner.'i, wtiH,— Iu Uivru nny law in tho Btatu of that bin decltdon in opposition to 11 till VII r«r MN Ki-iiiiilelillih'ea. ilit'lrict IM good fur mi in.-ri'a-ic.l licpubll- wlthoiil a I.IIIIK. attributed to |iolillcal motlvoi, It watt hi; boncMly and (he dlrcctuus:! of bin po- Univoraalist Churoh.— The ROT. J. New Jei'uuy compelling Iho cloning up you Ml mi- why people wl ad •light-hour law was not born of any pe k can margin. t'oiiKi'omiiiMii Smith h ' - 1 duo to bin ivciii'il for the vclerau« and to of tliemi (ihux'.H of buNluvHH on Mm Hnb- nhvu.VN liitvi. tn-tli, \vl>lli tlxiH In? anlfwei lo *i .1 i.. i.. .i . . Illcill melhoils, and tho luteiiHo Alnerl- Mnmur Wlloon, Pantor. 11.00 a. m,, -phtrnlHy-<.r.-^,:i(lL_iiulh ' ••••• .. ii itnlnm— »f— tl«»-«iiuur-Jitti:c_cu.litui;i:!l_tilQ "Arri»lt to-houveu.!! ___—. ImtlnluyV—U-kKV-wuuM^thuy-Jiludl . ilnnbli'd than llm .Tn^^cTir- iiifi BUrprlno "and indignation of Hie 1 \YIOI :i" optimistic II I'.l'l'l' CCMH of exporln o\'er imports wan !|i(17'J, for HooHCvcIt art a pei'Monal compliment usual, exoopt Sunday School, which Is The Imllen of the Union hold an ilnMx 0 n iiillo'. a nnw iiirin.'lr iee brli;hl tnuna lie dcvotrd not n word to tin- In I've JllMl Hill'.!, ill the only one where the llcillo- the, decl.f,lve :fci 01111,1101); illirliu; Ihe llnl Ihrer ycnrn ol lo Ihe man, entirely out .|,lu of party now ut iy.00 m. cvuiigellntlu tHirvlcu In UiulrChupul ou Beading; of Anilri'W I.n I.,-"ii, un.I II M'| im< IliliiUIn' liin.l ii in.-.-.Mil,- -ilii.w ill 11)1)1, i'iie.| nil the itlooiu.v illf. llm .M.-Klnl.'y adniliilnlrallon the ex.-I'M- tcroptu of or«niil-/.ed labor. InnliMiil of ild ulainl "n Ilir M. I.IMIU |>liil Mice ."iiervcd comiidi'riil Ions." Tuewduy uftortioon. Much Bplrltuiil culllnu attention to the i;ooil ranutlx of |,v^t lm fii : Ilie Mln.iiMlli of the It.-|inl.llriin il Ijihorl, l(;enlenllou¥ •'?' of r.\poj-|n over lni[ioi'tn wn.-i $ l.filtl.oOO, foi in vUHx 'III IMIIIIlIU hill fnul IllM'IIKll CV :* '- uuloiiliim and proclalmlnc: thn doclrlm- ipli. A ml: *\ IIM Illic tlini yniini; nnd Mlnle II.-I..-I. promiMeti Mr. (lie ishnl lieu? Ill c\|l ODD, nhowlii); a net i;nin of ^Mri'.'.dllll.illH llhir-loi- Deiiioei-atlc Hiiclllilnilurft. forvor and zeal WIIH ninlilfCMtod thro' erv |iann:l r.-lln' from I'nrlher nll.'ii.l -,i$ Ifoiilfully ¥d f'-rlh i.f: "Mllflcr an the r.-'-nll of n \vii.- Lull!' law and tin (hat ill" InborlnR man bun an much rich) i.lci- In Ihe \\hll.- lI'MH.r he Iniil h-.-lli uiiil It v When nemoeralle npelllilnili-i'it K<> be- tho HCHHlon, 1'iuih nioinliur fcullug tho lo orgunl/.c nn the eiiplliilbil, thn Drum IIIM! ill.ln't • me nil., \vrnle III'' till' I lull-.n of Iti'lircHelilulhcii. •d position of tin' Itcpnlilleai fiii'e llm peoldii lhl« year they iihonld Does Iniportiinoo of her noblo mltmloti, In Onoe contracted crallr cnndlilnt* for (bo presidency cou plnllnllllM ..«» , I.Mr, il» IM- illiln'l tune In i nun.-.1 III mil.-i In lhl-i ihe money qnciillon, civnelinlc Ihelr Hpi'ecliM with the wordu Hard to Break Alluo It.'n riillo*,,|>ny. lulplng liur. follow niiiii und utrlylug tentod bhniK-lf with * judicial dlniiM-liilinii Mlllllil "II lli - over '.I/.'.UD plnralily In I1HIO. ,,!' Mie l.llany. "We have urnnl ami ntrny- llilul. Ali.lV will.I Illive Who wan II mild, "Tln-rii arc thlncii ifu what liberty mriiun, wludlnit up wlih Wllill il" 'I'hll.^. ^^llh nt ICIIM! nix of the poi- Scnalor I'llKInn lni.t rccci . your 'or tho uilvtiiicumuiit of tho Maator'ti il- III Went \lr cd like liidl Nhi-ep. We Imvn folh/wed J. A. OFFICER, tloiu III 1'ul' - In i In' I'lilllppbli'ii, ahont whli-h II In |Hi,,.ll,l,, lo havo no Unit hlH fnlhcr ln-biw'i. k 4ni;liirntlon that "Tlic imionca of K'oml Mint nlli|llllcn in' the lli'riild'ii imii'e'M ni'Ml In loo much III" di'VleuH of our uwn lienrlrt. Klngiloiu. ,„ he'd liiive unl Mien 1 Ihe .lte|iubllcn I'liniiliiilV i|ilnl l inlndV" Hclci'l an rcniinylviiiili . " »'' *•«»'"> 1 Chimney Coiulltutloiml llmllntloiin," but nlllnnil H|M r.-\ .-nllni; londllloiiM In nil lh» ,,iiKlil not to I'"*'' domi, nnd wn ham left o'u« vrord of commendation for the lion wniil nlheni, there In ^:oo.| ground for nnioim "Alton It, way idnmld wiirn hi" undone lhhu;« which w.i oiichl In HOUSE PAINTER. Philadelphia Weekly Press v "Not on )..iir life! II wn:i Hull old In |',a,l form lo toll fiimll.v neiM-cin. ,linl« •at luborlqc mull whu In properly riuleuv ]ni; Mint the l(i'|>iibllcniui u III not only rcel have dune; nnd Miere U nojienllh In un. Eotlnintos given. Smoke? orlnc to rcxlnt the t'ucronchmnntn of un I'.'tnia lllclr iM'.'ncllI IIMCI'I wary phlloMoiihrr, Miircun Aiindlus, mm In Inw In inurr dh Tlin lord lin'vi- meicy 1111011" un, niiiieniblo When It's Quality that'a wanted, and the Irrupiilous emulojrera nml to tioeuri- 11 fair I |oiu I lte|irecnlnlh en, who never n.'iil a dlupal.'li lo Si H Ihe clam policy thai previil .,!„„„,„;. The .ml) m.n.m why Ilie Oontrnlnml Park Avon., Hamiuonton. n If no, lot mo put jfT ^« wheu It In once fairly enrneil, innl an Incre.iiicil mnjorily or poiicd for (he rrciikiliMii-y In public iill'iilrn H MM pnrty Inih mil .lone re inliichlef la Lick Hoyt & Son get the job who knows but llttlo uboul ciiuMtltnllmiii. hiK "ub under I )nvld U M.H ever when tin on ono of our pat- .ho know I 'OIIKI''''.M. ihol. r ,ip|M"mull v. I'tirJicc Uullltod (or l'i<-»lilrn. Alton It.'H |I!I||IH.O|I|Iv ruin 'Keep yonr UMBRELLAS ent (Jlilmney Topo. month nliul mid yon n 1 not havo an IHcliilof. South Jersey Republi ll»-> i»ii i»t I nl-l v Auionff A ffnod iimnj of Ihe labor CllOICt 01- YOUNG MEM. luloii nil-nil nnyllilni;.1 " Thnl In bow .M Tlmt will atop It. 1 I,,|IH IllMllIC III the I >i.mocnillc REPAIRED •ra Judgt I'nrUoi'n i-xtraonllnury t* e ou I w lilch In "tin »liipl,!.- ,l ii( I Call and nue thorn. Dr. J. JBU Waao, l-e|iort.'il li.V Iho c.nnmlll.'c, (two puporn eaoh week), for )j}1.60 a yenr on thn labor quniillnu bun leil them I i t'pulnt Ion for wl -.loin. Illlril ..I hi I.IV.II' of "H \\ Ir.o, coiinei vn • JIKHIDBNT ronclimlou Ibut he In iniinironlly in 1 and Recovered,— for th't t»rnat oltlcn he uiiplrcn l» III il Iho Fiom HO oenU up. J.W.llOLLER They point out lln> fail that for a -I n llollaviio Avo., to uny ad(lro«H in thia county, or ^1.76 outt iPcivra or morn he ban lived u life n Geo. W. Dodd- Haramoutou (I'oiu lh« pnopla, hhnt up In the nrdn UAMMONTOH. : ; tiond lubaorlptloi • to thl* ofllce. Of lilH law Illirary, nlu'rn bti hiin f'<>i luted ubiitriM'l' opinion!) on <|ncntiuir nnd wroni;, lull uhui'e Im lin llll.l kio onporrlnnlly to luurn llm \vnyn < ami (ho ti'o|lvjr cur.

\ A SONG. "Where la Arthur?" the young man see how he could heljp liking you. Did) softly asked. you try to make hlm\Ilke you, sis? ll FEEDER A song rolled out of a heart' one day. "In the Hawaiian' Islands with n know what it Is. It'sToujymoncy than HIS LOVES. didn't some one tell me? I should so TRUMPET CALLS. ABd It drifted over a distant bay. trusty man., It seems to be the only frightens him. Jim would rather, die One of the disagreeable tasks in n- have liked to meet Belle Brabazon It carried a 'message of hope and cheer, . climate that will keep him alive. Ho than have it thought that he was a1 •latlon.-to the care of horses, cows or •The woman I lovo with my heart," he again! I saw her in the 'School for I LITTLE STORIES Item'* Born Sounds a Warning Koto And Its charm was breathed in a llst'nlng «ar; — 1 1 other cattle is the necessity of arising suld, . . to the Unredeemed. In on one of the smaller Islands, high fortune hunter. Honest old Jim! Do /. "Is a cozy cornery glrlj Scandal-' once—Lady Teazle, yon FV>r it soothed the brows that were lined with care, I up above the sea- leve). He. can never you know what I've done? I've gone' early and supplying them with feed. know. The most perfect actress I ever AND INCIDENTS YMPATHY is al- This Is especially true with milk deal- •A Eofa pillowy, soft and willowy, And It stayed tho white In the midnight hair; leave there." " down on the beach and turned my face! Smoother of ilia that are big and billowy knew." . ways In season. It whlaperea the calm of a heart at rest; Warwick nodded In profound sym- to the east and I've tried to influence ers, bakers and many others who u» . Sympathetic, noniaacetlc, "Ef you're a-goln' In the four-fifteen Ullltl And it stilled the ache in the troubled-breast pathy. .Tlm across'the trembling wiiterk compelled to get up an hour or pnaE«flUllfr 16V6 of a girl. traln, inarm," spoke out the nasal does not ' ' panlnv d^fy —"May I >yi'UCTo~hlmV" he asked. make him fond of you—and if there'sril-j'ir.._____: _ - .: voice of-Tetlow, the satilre's coachman, Entertain Young .. label. A song that will live for a thousand years. "Walt!" she said, "until I have quite anything In telepathy, I've succeeded. feed their horses. This is also the case •The woman I love with my brain," ho ,^ou hnln,t noi ,-,„,,, to ]ose> MIS3 Man- Readers. Sin's reign alr —Waverley Magazine. Snlshed." She drew a long breath. Of course, this Is a sick man's fancy. 8al ' ' florill " vttys spells ruin.. ' "Let me leave this subject for « It's that and nothing more. I can't The j e n 1 o u 9 0% t ££$,&£$'EL ,,^1 ^ Wwl« • "<"' * «^'^' ment," she said, "I have something bear to think of leaving you all alone. With a wit as quick as an arrow's flight, her kidded flngers to the assembled The Land of "Pretty Soon." cannot be Joyous. |p»&^^ else to tell you. You know, I think, If you bad Jim It would be all right A comrade true and a sweetheart, group of girls. Miss Mariderill hurried I know of a land where the streets are three or four minutes, Uncle John driv-. Nothing punc- Ing slowly after him, till all of a sud- that Jotham Garth has managed my I tell you, sis, if you had any nerve too, info the carriage, and was driven paved tures pride Ult* a estate for many years—ever since roy you'd take this letter down to him and' And a nevejr wearying girl. With the things we meant to achieve den, when the father plover thought thorn In the flcshi. i away. . . It is walled with the money we meant t< the mother bird had had time to get ' father's death left me an orphan. He read It aloud. It would not be your The lawn tennis players looked at It is the critic A CALL IN BUSINESS HOURS ' feels that he Is too old to continue to voice, you know. It would be,a voice The woman I love with my soul, h« have saved, their wee family through the fence said, each other with' countenances of And the for which we grieve. into the field and to hide them safely and not the creation that needs fixing. I \>ear the growing responsibility. He from afar—It would be the 'pleading amazement, 'not unmixed with a cer- cry of a passing soul." "Is a Saint Cecilia girl; in the long grass, he rose straight up Mr. Faciugrboth-waya-goes forward has asked me to find some one else to The meanings fine of a love divine tain satisfaction. The kind words unspoken, the promises nlm, her fair presence miiug tne oingy She stopped suddenly wlth^a low into the air, and away he flew back to neither way/ young man at the desk wai take the burden from his hands. Will In her movements show, id her glances "I knew It," said Edla. Joyce. broken, room with radiance. There wafl a lit- your firm, Mr. Warwick?" sob, and the letter slipped from her shine; And many a coveted boon them before Toddy had time to think. The violence of sin wakens the valor "Any one could see that there waa "Wasn't It too bad to fool a little of the saints. -tle-silenee; • — i—He-was-falrly- staggered.- -Laiigers, Fairest of all she holds me in thjallj^somethlng -w«mg_about__herV,L_flaid. Are stowed away there in that land ways busy. He made a special- somewhere^ - - -Even—ar-golderi—ressel—cannot—mak«- "This is entirely a confidential mat- Why, of course we will," he blurt- Warwick's eyes were on the papers She's a simply adorable girl." ' MadalLna Martin. tK>y-ilke-that?"-tfncle— John- said -as ly of hard 'work. No doubt he carried ter, Mr. Warwick." • • The land of "Pretty Soon." Toddy climbed back Into the buggy. a smooth sea. 4he fad too far. His complexion had ed out. "I beg yonr pardon. You sur- that strewed his desk, but be suddenly •Then fare you well and forever," sh« At ^at. momenta new^visitor was He bowed and waited, but she prised me so." He laughed suddenly. looked *up. Then he softly arose and "You see the father .bird was only pre- If the Sinless knew sorrow shall the lost its ruddy glow, his muscles were sold, ushered out on the sunny lawn, and There are uncut jewels, of possible tending he was lame eo you would relaxing. But he worked on. seemed at a loss for further- words. i "I beg^your pardon again," he said, closed the door tightly and slowly Her scarlet lip a-curl; the tide of criticism was momentarily fame, sinful escape? Yet the glance from her clear gray "but can you assure me that I am think you. could catch him, and then Tho fact is, he was determined to came back. And the girl, with her AIXO-W8 THE FEED TO JTAI.I. 'To think that I—no matter, #ood-byj'' cheeked. Lying about in the aW, The branch thut bends lowest beara ayes did not waver. quite awake?" bands before her face, sobbed ubova "Ah, love," he sold, " 'tis for you I sigh, And many a noble and lofty aim while you were chasing him, he knew the most fruit. fflnccecd. He wanted fame and he Miss BrabazOn came back to the 'Covered with mould"ahd"riisf. "- theTSotlfer plover would be hiding the jwanted money. He wanted fame for "Mr. Warwick," she presently said, She gently smiled. the letter. on Sundays with all driven of teami. All three you are, my sweet, my You must either flee from Egypt or "I fancy I have known you much i "I can," she said. "And now I must "Miss Ormsby," said Warwick, "J Automatic time stock feeders are not star, hotel tea table In high spirits. She had little ones. If you were to go back ,Stself, and he wanted money because It j My one, my only girl. had a letter from home, and her father And, oh, this place, while it seems so now you couldn't find them anywhere." forfeit Canaan. longer than you imagine." • •-- ask you to -forgive me for bringing the cannot begin to tell you how I appre- new to the trades, by any means, but meant power. It meant something else | few are as simple as the one shown —Ladies' World.- was to come for her in a week, and near, "Oh," said Toddy, "but I wouldn't Purity "is never fostered by feeding tto him—at least he hoped It did— She met his surprised look with a sordid element into what was Intended ciate the beautiful devotion that baa Is further away than the moon! little smile. to be purely a sentimental call. I have In the illustration. This Is so con- the walk with Seth Vallance had given have hurt them: Why did they want on the impure. • •something go far away that, it made prompted this acL_ Let us believe that Though our pnrpose Is fair, yet we neve* to hide- from me?" -.---...-.'-. "I cannot understand," he said, "how done It to show you that I have con- structed that the .feed may be auto- a new stir and-impetus to nwldeasr get there— ~ I -The sait-lH-not-of-inferior service be- Bilai gasp to. think that he could ever you were Influenced by the prayer that matically released at a predetermined "Well, you see," said Uncle John, cause it is silent. stretch out his arms for it. pou have.this advantage—If advan- fidence in your integrity and your abil- She had always liked the handsome, The land of "Pretty Soon." has gone out to you from that frail moment by attachment to an alarm stately young farmer, but she never "they didn't know you had an Atbjt John Hammond often said to bun tage it may be called." ity. I have done it to show that I am body pacing the lonely beach. It may i: A False Impression The son Is the mirror In which the> "Do you remember Arthur Ridge- truly grateful for your kindness to my clock and fed into a trough or manger. had respected him as she did to-day. It is further at noon than it is at dawnj Hannah, who has taught you to be father sees himself. T—John.Hammond was his partner and I be this influence that emboldens me A chute, through which the food to to Further at night than at noon; kind to every living thing." 1-rery good friend— ley?" sick brother." | to say what 1 might never have Capt Cardan was at the table, but Circumstances may abase, but only be passed, Is shown here, with a he seemed embarrassed and con- Ob!. let us beware of that-land dowij — "That's so," said Toddy, soberly, "Jim Warwick, you're putting too "I remember an Arthur Rldgeley "Whatever your motive," murmured [dreamed of saying. For Arthur ia there— Bin can debase you. who was a college man." Warwick, "I accept the trust and hinged door at right angle* to the In- HERB don't any of them like strained, and devoted himself exclu- and he wondered if he would ever imuch fuel Into your firebox. You'll I right, Miss Ormsby. It Is your wealth ner wall thereof, the door being con- The land of "Pretty Soon." j know as much as Uncle John did. — The love of the good must go witbi "Arthur Rldgeley is my halfj-rqtl-r. thank you." — that has kept me from you. It Is for 'me,'.' said Belle Brubazon, with sively to his plate. —The King's Own. • ^KC-JB.o_thlag^o--fallJback_upojx--when- __„_ -- -- nected with - an - arm - which -proJectt :—Belle Brabozon was at n loss to com- Youth's Companion. loathing of the bad. jyou need a little reserve force. Slack :'TBe^BanifeirofTEe~paper8 will be you that I have tolled here, and hoped the suspicloh"of'a~tea~r sparkling made at any time you prefer," said the through the wall of the chote. This under her lovely dark eyelashes. "And prehend the gallant captain's sudden Heavenly visions ure given t6^gS13e> inp, my boy, and take things easier. "But he never told me." and struggled. From the first time arm is fastened to a spring hew to a Sleda in Summer. to earthly victories. "i have no doubt he told yon ho bad girl. "The business may necessitate I saw you I knew you were the one I've tried so hard to get them to care coldness. She addressed him as usual, We always associate sleds with ice We are doing well enough. This is a pin in the outer wall of the chute. A The mystery of Christ is the solu~ .Vising firm. We are going to-cllmb- »_ sister." — jieveral calls at my home. Will you woman in the world. I am glad to tell for me.Just a little." but .received only_monosyllabic_^re-- and snow, and the idea of people sit- "Tes, 1 remember now. I was a J_attend to this, or would you prefer to bracket supports a clock upon tb« piles. tlon of all mysteries. all right and there's no use taking any you this, Miss Ormsby. May I—may I other side of the chute, the clock kav- Odpt Cardan looked admiringly at ting on an ox sled with a canopy over -tehort-cnt-to—tbe-Bunnnlt.—Put'onrthe tutqr_ then._He_ dld_ielLme_of-hlB_8lft have Mr. Hammond take It In chjtrgeJl' wrltp It- tn >r»tiiir7 the pretty girl, who was swinging her- "What does It mean?" she said to their heads to keep off the rays of the Many a day's woe has came from a ter. He seemed proud of her." an—alarm- attachment 4-rakes, my lad." "I will come," he quickly said. He waited until she slowly raised slowly to uiiU~friro"ir~tHe~T)5nduuf iierself; ^ -blazlng-sunrand-belng-hauled-over-the- moment's wandering. • __ She nodded. : She smiled at his sudden vehemence. which winds the alarm apparatna Is : So spoke JoHn~Hammdnd, "three-and- her tear-stained-face. --—— ronnected to aspring-pres«edboKwkJch stem ^of a huge old grapevine, cusli- There was an Impromptu masijue bare ground by oxen, Is a queer one. The devil company gives no trans)- thlrty, W James Warwick, nine-and- "Arthur and I are quite alone In the "Merely business calls," he mar- I "I—thank you for your confession," "Ibned^vvlai a light OrientaT"shawl! 'But"that~ls'preclsely~whatrthey-do-in fors to-SCion's trolley: — ------mured. is mounted in the wall of the. chute twenty. It was the voice of experi- world. We are very dear to each oth- she softly said, "and I know you Jo be and deaigned to support tb« hinged whose gold threads glimmered fitfully all the girls and cavaliers were there. Ju^uOlra and the Philippines. There Retaliation only increases the -wrpngf ence and'the voice of wisdom, but er." She paused for a moment. "You She looked at him quizzically. an honorable man. Otherwise I could in the September sunshine. But, to Seth Vallance's infinite disap- they have the novelty of a sled ride instead of righting it. were kind to the delicate boy, Mr. "Perhaps you will call this a good door when the same is weighted down (James. Warwick wasn't ready to heed not have come." She paused, and her with food. As the clock runs town "Ah! but you must have, mistaken," pointment Miss Brabazon did not ap- surrounded by flowers, grass and green When a man can recall his past ha- 'it . •" c Warwick.'.. — —. ;. **Hwe uervnevert wrotwivie UImHe witW1CUh- afternoon's work?" she said. voice trembled when she resumed said he. "It Isn't possible, you know, pear. trees, with the warbllngs of birds In- -tmt-ielHnshfff~Soffie new ravor at your cord withdraws the_balt, aniL may hope to reedem it. Once in a while John Hammond "A great afternoon's work, MfgV "And why may not that gentle spirit the proper time Is reached the door is —' ttarytttiige~girlfr can UiBifETycfuT —Sh e WUH loueaome, -huwev«r,~iir-ttiE- ~Bteatt-of-betls as uu uccoiupuulmuul. bands." Warwick stirred uneasily, but Ormsby." have influenced me, too?" she softly "But they do," said Belle, with au sllence and seclusion of her own room; In these countries sleds were used hun- The soul without God dies like the- rew-Wm into society, pleasant little released and tile food fans down to the flower without the sun. ^-2=^ •card parties, a theater party once, and she gave him no chance to speak. "T:hen it might appear to follow that said. manger. After the door is relieved of Imperative nod" of the fair, sunshiny when the ballroom was full, and there dredso^ years before wheeledjehtcles "You were his hero as well as bene- yon might reward yourself with a two 1 •once a. dance. John Hammond's wife He stared at her, and his face sud- its weight the spring- will cause it to '* head. _*|WhyJs It,..Oapt. Cardan?-Am .seemed no longer to be any danger of "werelthbught of. Dr. Karutz, a noted God's Word Is a serial and not-iuere- factor. I cannot tell you how my own weeks' vacation." - ~] I'"ugly, or cross, or uncivilized V" Interruption on the staircase, she crept ly a set of short stories. ' liked Jim—everybody liked him, for( denly flushed. resume its normal position. This wouU German scholar, who has been inves- ttnat matter— there hadn't been a more j beart throbbed with gratitude when I He shook] his head. "Mary Ormsby," he abruptly said, also be very useful In large establish- "No!" declared the captain, with down the back way, and, seating her- j tlgatlng the Invention of the sled, ex- Xo man kno\ys what is In him tttji (popular man at college—and she de- read those letters. I knew what an "The vacation will have to wait" •'will you be my wife?" I ments. emphasis; "not one of the three." self In a secluded corner, where she | plains that primitive man probably ar- Christ comes in1 to itim_ he said. • voutly wished that he would encounter effort.Jt was for Arthur to keep up She put both her bands In his. I The patentees are John B. Ray and "Then why is it?" snid Belle, plte- could see the crowd and hear the rived at the idea of the sled from-see- If God lets us down It Is only that -Iigome-chnrmlngjgirl,—TCho-W-ould-Jure with his college work! His health was "That's bad. But really, It seems to. - ^We will write that letter together," i William E. Sankey, of Salem, Mo. ously. "Do try .to find out for uu>, merry music through. a vlne-slieltered ing trees slip and slide down the moun- we may learn to look up. -slways-in— a~precarlouB~~condltlon.~ I i it fcim away from that littered desk for me as™if I~mlght~hBve-somethlng"to she-said. ~— ___. CapJ._CnrdiinLjuid J_shajl_ble—;oh, so window, which was partly open, : felt tains. He at first hitched his dog to 4 r The best view of temptation Is to> think he would have given up long be- say about it If my business man ~- - much obligetl 'to you!' -And now it's ~more lonely~tliaii""ever . ~ ~ " ~ -~ '- - -the deer that he had Just killed, and r » reasonable portion of the time. FASTENER FOR CARPETS. be had with your back to It. •;".' There was such a girl, but Anna fore he did if it had not been for your shows signs of overwork it la to my time for the mull to be lu, and I am But Miss Miidalina Martin's high- both dragged It toward the cave or hut encouragement and your help." The prizes in this world belong to Hammond, for all her cleverness, interest to Immediately order him to HOUSEHOLD. To put down carpets BO that they going to walk down to the postolflce." pitahed voice reached her ear pres- In which they lived. When he saw never dreamed of her identity. And "You magnify it so," said Warwick. take a rest. I want bright and healthy "May I walk with you?" asked the ently, uttering her name tn unmistak- logs slide down the mountain the Idea those who prize another world. ' "Really, It was very little. I liked Small Cucumber Pickles.—Pack very will look nice and be well stretched IB Jim Warwick scarcely dared to dream as well as honest inen to serve ine. Email cucumbers in glass Jars. Mix not an ,easy matter, but every one, captain, plteously. able accent of using smooth logs that would slide Arthur and It was natural that I Do j-ou understand, Mr. Warwick?" r ir '.at either. . one cup of salt, one cup of sugar, and nevertheless,'likes to see itlvvell done. "It you wouldn't mind, I'd rather K» ~~ Sns'8TJrabazon! ~8lie~crIea: "Yoif over the ground easily when drawn by should feel a sympathy for him. That "I understand that you are very , four quarts of vinegar, and pour into alone," said Belle, with so propitiatory surely didn't expect to see her hero Jim was alone in the office .this Jaa- I the 'Jars until full. Put a piece of Tacks are unsightly, also, and any de- himself or one of his animals was the - '•bai-T-.siftflrnoon. Hammond's wife had Is all there was of It. Arthur made kind and thoughtful. Miss Orinsbv. a smile that the captain felt no t*tlii£ to-night?" , . ' WOMEN AS EXPLORERS. too much of :lt." ' horseradish root and it little red pep- vice tlnit mutes the fastening of the next step In the development of th« , •caflM for him and he had gone away ana tnat l am uniler great obllgaUoa* r-er on top and senl tight. carpet more pleasant to the eye Is wel- Of wounded viinity. "Yes, I did," said Seth Vallance. Travelers of the Gentler Sex Welt She shook her head. to you." He drew a long breath. sled. .Primitive peoples, like the Ma- •with her. She had put her bright face comed. Below IB sbowu an Illustra- But Miss Brubuzon, flitting lightly "Why not?" Treated In "Borbaroua J-.auttd«i"i>>_^ "I have my own opinion about that," "Do you know," he said, "that I felt Peach Frosting.—Grate Into a bowl lays of the Philippines and the unp'ro- tfor a moment in the doorway. the thin yellow rind of a lemon. Sift tion of an Idea which a Delaware man along, as If the tread of the soft grass "Now that her thin disguise Is pene- Emperor Menelik, who claims das>».i Bb'e~sald. "Any way, you gained his JUst a little discouraged before you trated?" said' Miss Martin, severely. gresslve 'peasants of Madeira, still use "All work and no play makes Jim Into this enough peach -pulp and juice has patented. It lu particularly adapt- was delightful to her feet, had pro- the sleds Invented by their ancestors went from the Queen of Shaba, nauar* IB dull boy," she crjed. "I want you warmest admiration." She opened her came in? The way upward suddenly to half nil a cup. Add u few drops of oeeded no furtlier than Squire Outer's. "What thin disguise?" persisted have thought that his royal ancestress almond extract and the juice of half a ed to stair carpets, but can be easily thousands of years ago. (to come to dinner Suiiday, and you a shopping bag and drew out two let- seemed long, and tho roud so rough. used In connection with floor and other (tone fence when an uncomfortable honest Seth. hnd come to life again when the cara- And — and I wanted to climb so fast" lemon, and gradually beat In confec- "I'ton't you know?" said Madallmi. •going with us to the ttieater next tlonelr's susnr, to make a fros'tlng oovorlnK", whereby they can be quick- Bound, llko the low, muttered threat- VERY EARLY CORRIDA. van of Mrs. W. N, MncMlllan'of St. •" : - —-,(. "And ~~~why have you_wlshed_jp_cllmb~ _ of consistency to spread evenly upon ly H(HMireHiiliii; or othi»r purposes. The de- £ow- in Alamedu Btreet, Mexico City. -aVdis Abeba In^ the.jmlddlc_ofjast_wta-__ He looked awuy, and his face waai vice pi'luinrlly coimlHtH of un angular "It's the biff red hull!" sho wild to Manderlll herself' saw hor playing Chased Girl and Lover. ter, says the New 'Vork Mail. Accom- mmoud was u veL'y'lm^y'man. troubled. tbitt tne augur la beaten Into the llijuld resently he pushed the papers back gradually, and that tho frosting la body or block of wood or of other suit- herself. "I might have known ho Lady Teazle, In the 'School for Scan- An Impromptu corrida was given the panied by a full o-utflt ot riders an-f "I can't tell you that, Miss Ormsby," thickened by tho beutlng, us well us able nmt';rliil, having pointed pins or there. Of COHI-HP I can't cro3» th« Hold dal,' in London?" • Tlio Lame Plover. Ather morning In the Ahunedn, Mexico guards and bearing gifts for, lifted his head with a little sigh, he said, "at lonst not now. Some day by the sugar. This cuke IH pur- even leaued "back and pushed his tlcularly uood when. In orange Hlldable HptirH proJi'<-tliiK from both now and I ftlm 11 hnvo to go round by "Yes; Bho told me tlmt," admitted, It was a beautiful Juno morning, City, three of the toreros being caught mighty Negus, thin American Ia4 perhaps -• " He suddenly paused asBenson, oranges ure substituted for tho rood, after all. Oh, dear! oh, Seth. "Hut what difference does that and Uncle.John was obliged to drive and Injured by the toro. Tho peculiar- traversed Abyssinia from west to .1 .-ttotfstf' his thick hair. He felt if amazed at his own temerity. penchcs. dear!" den impulse to grab bis hat and make? Isn't Hho a beautiful and ac- out to his farm. ities of the entertainment wero that liar husband biid gone by anot She watched him with a steady Hut Just at that momenta tall tlKiire complished lady, .lust tho same?" "Would you like to come with me. It was given very early in tho morning, route to Lake Rudolf," but Mrs. M away. Was the giuno worth the gaze. Brown rtobin.—To water for a dozen ie? bottles, add half un ounce of ginger, iwunK Itsolf over tlio fence—Seth Vnl- "Both, you don't undcrstiuid los con- Toddy?'' ho asked, as the horse was In tho mil In park of tho city, without Mlllun bad got it into her head that i "Regard mo as your friend, Mr. boll half nn hour, then add a pound of lance's. venances!" exclaimed Mlns St. Avon brought round to the door. the consent of tho authorities und be- : wan ted to see Men«lik, andvto see, I put his teeth together with a Warwick," she uald lu her earnest ayrup. half n pound of suear, a tea- Hi'oonful ot creani of tartar and unit. "Are yon nfrnld Of Noro, Mlas who Htootl smiling by, on tho arm of "Yes, Hlr!" Toddy answered, eagerly. fore a very limited number of specta- she wenrt. She had come pr click and seized his pencil ngaln. way. "Any confidence you may repoaa BrabuKon?" ho Haiti. "Rut thoro IH no Capt. Cardan. "Of course, sho must meet hostile tribes, but found, on ly wants to see you, sir." Let It come to a boll, then empty Into "I Just guess I would." tors. AlHo, that a cow took tho rolo In mo will 1)C: held sacred, OH you a "crock" or deep biiHln and cool till bccaalon; hn In chained." feel that H|H> lias gained our social rec- of tho bull and that no horucs wero dis- contrary, that the whole populat ,waa. the voice of the office boy It IB lukewarm, when add a cupful of The. sun WIIB bright, and 'the coun- know." She hesitated. "I have not Mt HOLDS Tiir oAnmT nnti. Hello Hhnink buck, with varying ognition ontlroly under false pre- try road was green and sweet with de- emboweled. From thla point of view was ready to turn out chlvnlrousJy\ doorway. quite done," she added, and her voice *° - B color. t«ncoH, An uotrcHu, indoedl" guard and eaeort her. 8be was., omlH. Tho npex of tin* block IH curved lightful odorH, and Tofldy made believe tlie corrida was a very bud one. lr, Hammond IB out." sank a little. "I had a letter from Ar- I'lckled Cauliflower,—Cut In pieces Mr. Vallanco Hinllod. •"I don't HOI>," drily rcmnrkixl Soth, in liln mind he was a little colt ho suw It happened that 11 herd/of cattle was tlret wlilte woman to cross Abya or you, sir." thur yesterday. Here it IB." Hhe two cauliflowers, a pint of nnmll on- or rounded HO UB to lit mingly ngulnHt She Is not, however, the first lonft and three red peppers of medium tho wall nud tbo carpet. Tho npura "I will go IICIXISH the (lold with you," "why u n uctrt-HH can't bo as perfect u running round In the lleldH, Uncle being tnkaii to tho Hlnughter house and lifted tho letter from her lap and draw Blzti, Let them Bland over night in ii he mild, "If you will accept my escort' lady nnil an oHtltnablo u woman John WIIH driving along at a nniurt that ono of th CCOWH, realizing the to undertake, perilous and extra! ' busy." He looked around, out the enclosure. Then HUO shifted brine mudo of u cupful of nail and wa- arn arranged rcverflcly and 'operated nary Jouruoyu. Quito [sure she asked for luo?" from tha ccntor of tlio block by a key. "I ahull bo BO grateful," wild Ml* any ono. And'! am quite sure that trot, when all of a HUttdeii'lio stopped (lunger, mndo an attempt to escape. It hor chair a little, BO tho light \va» at ter to cover tlunn, The next morn-1 Dmbiizon, with n High of relief. Minn Itrabar.on In fnultlcH-i In every ro tho IIOI'HO quickly and cried out: .TOHMCH! a number of ntrceW, pursued woods may bo said to be full of • She said, 'I want to sco Mr. her back and her face In shadow. Ing drain. Heat two quarta of vino- i Thlri key turnn n Hut Hhunk In the In- "J All QUITE AT VOUI1 BKlmOB." Knr with four tubleapoonfula of mu»- luu- portion of tho block, tho tenth of Both hnd boon cartlnx npplfH for Hpoct. Anil I for ono am not going to "Toddy, do you BOO that?" by the vu<]iicrotij until It reached tho explorers. Woman arc among o fllowly dhe spread out tho sheet, iimt > ' add tlio mixture and boll 15 rnln- | listen to any of tho goflslp or Imck- the moat auccoHsful, the moat I ovor bin papers again. ' which nro connected with Hlmllar tenth Bqulro I>jllcr, bin uncle, all tho moni And then;, right under tho pony's Alumedn. There were, first a oervajit, torn. One' Blio let fall in her lap, the very slowly she read the written uiun , or until tho cauliflower la ton- l liu;. Ho WIIH in his working clollio.M bitlns In which tho latllon hoi-o aiuy foot almost, woro a whole, family of who had hccn tient out on an errand, of literary globe-trottcra. • In," ho said, words. dur, Un tho Bpiim, Ily turnliiK tho key thu other BUO opened. "Here," oho uald, ,tirH nro forced Into tho woodwork on With a coarno utraw hat Hliaillng hln bo Incllnod to Indulge." little ploverH. and having mot hor lover, by accident, Mrs. Ittubclla Ulrd kbenr the light footfall us 'His, I am going to tnlk to you again "I approve, your Hplrlt, Mr. V'al- Toddy WIIH no delighted that ho could llsli woman, a cl §ered.- fJ»..w«H not aware I "In tho lutit letter lia wroto before ho Chow Chow.—Cut Into plec«B a ..„., both nldo.1 or withdrawn, whlohuver brown, handwuiio fuco, ami n m'urlot of courtu'. wiiM havliiK n long talk with j WUH taken away from the school. I about Jim Warwick. I nuppoao being I>eck of green tomatoes, two lurffo flannel whirl traiiHformlng him Into u lanco," Hiild a calm, quiet volco; and not Hpenlt for a nilniitn, him. Tho OAHV mado for tho couple, romatnH din foi*emo»t Mlttf her plcnbiuit volco cubt>ag«H, 14 oiilonn und 42 ciiciiin- way the koy la turned. In putting life and custoniH of ' will road you tin oxtntct from It" Who I alone out hero — for O realm m doesn't bert). I'nclc thorn In Inyorn with milt down Btalr carpotu n rod can ho at- (it Ideal for an iirtlnt. Mlna Hello Ilmbaton, llfUng tlm cur- Tho tiny birds wero Jtint IIH quiet UN nil tho mini promptly unfolded bin Burcnd out Ui« Hlic«t. "'I cannot toll ' count — with HO much oca and nky to und lonvo over night. The nnxt morn- tached to tho two fuHtonoi'B, which MlbH Miuliillmi .Martin, pluylnu lawn tuln, glldcxl In umiing thorn In the pnln- could bo, heoauHo thi-lr mother had r.nrnpo ami used It for a clonk until ren., Tibet; she lias ynn linw kliyl liiul thoughtful—Jliu- look at, and tho Imrsli crloH of dip liitf drain oft thu brim*, covor with ' on the lovol Hirotch of turf In bluo tlroHH Hh« alwaya woro, and u tailKht them not to mnko'a IUI|HO when 10 was caught and thrown up In tiiu partu of Inner A«ln,.and ihnrply and urouu. A hlrtla at -your earn, and the uurf for- ^- -,—- Warwlck oontlmieH to l>o. I couldn't Htnnd ovor another night. Drain encli cinl of tho cnrpcl, HO that a craoh chiBtci-of hnlf-fndml rosotrln-hor'tmlrr nny"dnngrr-rnmit»ti<'h — of- n- trcfl Pnly ti urged to bis chooks. •lcei> last nlRlit, and ho mil up with over broakli'lt on tho Handn, a follow "Without Intending to bo an CBVOH- tact. Mia* I'cck, » Now Ki iinby," ho Htuiuniered. . Hitvo reiuly one und u half floor 1'iivcrlng i-oiiltl bo ri'iidlly Inxortod of tlio conplo an thoy cru-tuu-d tho woro dreadfully frightened, for you HOO ivhoro the woman had climbed for mo. Ho uullo mado mo forgot tho can't holp getting l<*>an In lila liond, Kullonn of liolllna vlncgrur, with which iirutiTiii'iiHi. brldcn below. dropper, I havo heard tho convormitlon thoy had boon nearly run ovor, tiKo. Tho cow next mot n woman nn, lias climbed tho most out her ullm Imnd, and ho and minting tlmm and turning them have liiM'n coolcod 11 pint of /irntcd Biipixwwlly InacoooHlblo pain. And to think of mich a lino. horaoradlnii, a half-pound of mimtui'd Joseph I'. Hull, of lOtiston, Del,, 1* "Thoro goon M!HH HnibiiEon," Hahl i>f tht!Ho IndloH, And I only wish them "You may Kt't out, Toddy, and run ,vho WIIH goliiK to early matin. Mho Jmldly. ovor, and holding thorn dour, and to iindorHtiind Hint could 1 rightfully ptxtks In AB!H and America, an ' |>tir, tlio pnlpnton. Madullnn. "It Hconm that nhn can't itloiiK tlio road u pipe.o," mud Undo vnn not n Nonorlta torcra, and wau ed runt llko mo! Ho'u tho only man I keeping a tight flrlp on thorn wlion ho an oiling of cnlory need, a liiilf-nupful evtm K<) to tho poHtofllco without pick olnlin tlio title of actroHH It would )><> John. rlKhtoncd by tho night of thn cow. HCVCTII.I tlmou tho achlovomon k you," ho rcplioJ, "1 am l>o«lnn to tblnk IUI'B going mad. And of tunuirUi, it hulf-cupfnl of cinnamon imtlo moiiutnliici-TH. havo over mot that I thought wnn Ing up HOIIUI Kontlomiin by way (>f lu.n- tho brlft-htont ntnr In my llfo'n ooronot And thoii Toddy HHW that tho little Sho cniwlcd under ono of tho Iron all," tho Idou 1'vo got I" my head, now— and four iioiindn of HIIKU.I-. Turn dio HIlKiilioth ItlnJniid, who made a re| i)k(!d at him critically. ' Hood enough for you, nla- und I can't vliicftur mlxliii'O over the vogntuhlnii. oriiry «*«ci>rt.r to iiK*. Hut IIB It In, I rogrot to con- plnvcrH WITH not nlon<\ hut that tholr >onohoM, or. un n torero would miy, ran mnUn It any Btroiigiir than liiul.' " thoiigli It liin't a now one—la that you Wlinn they nro ralil mid a liulf-poiind foHH thnt I urn only an amntour. 1 oixl Journey nro ami tbo carth; Mir yon Himi'7" Hlio uHketl. "Ii "And It'n Hoth Vallnnoe thlu lliuu," father nnil niothur wcro with thorn, nlo tho callojon. Hho dosorvod to Hor volci! wuu clear and nleady ng , and Jim Warwick should marry. I o( grounil niiintnrd iuid u I'untiil nf •aid IMln ,Ioyco. noted Lendy 'I'linulo In tho prlvnto Tho nilnuto Toddy'H foot touched thn linv« ln-on hlHHod. loiter on two nion Miirkil IXrwIo, who explored, tl)o O» mvo BOOH you when yon loolcooJ ! know thfl end lu near, nl«. It'H only intliid oil. Mix tlmroimhly und lu.'np I" imtblniui anil otJior utxange placij 1." nlm rt-nd thin, mid hor clu-okH did not JUI-M. "Bho'B a horn coquotto, If ovor them Ibentrlcnl" given by my friend Mrn, IciMlind, Hie old lilvilH begun to nmU,. a worn attacked anil gored, lint iiolllicr IIiiHh. a initttor of » (f w uiontliM—rimy lio win;, ono!" HtliiKl'iKly rnmiirUod ,MiH.i WllluiiKbby In HelKi-nvIn, nnd WIIH for- WIIH killed. Hail a Inrger audience Mrs. Itljnhnrt, it Dutch womnn, w] qulto well," ho ropofllod, n ' fnHH, I'rolialil.v I hoy tliniiKlit hit wna ; u Warwick iiturtod, but K'll» of tonguo wrekH. liut l'n< going to keep itllvo 'r»iiv|ii>riMi'i(i runi.'li.- Irifufli! one titr Ht Avon. liinato iMiough lo win Homo IK (In ap- it criH'l, liud hoy thnt WIIH coining to been prciiciit the two men would hnvo wroto n Hplondld Inxik about by lior Hiulden ojipcnr- liliiHpoiiii uf Kooil Ki'0"n tna In nun mi ho iiHimlly WIIH, ho could (lilnU of until I hear from you and Jim. Wlicn ilHiirl of fimilily lidllcil wntoi1. I.nt "It's loo had, 1 dnchuxi," naltl l,u- preciation. Kurllicr than Hint, I hnvn Hlenl their iilrillcH. been rewarded with npplnime. I.lnii Hrf-Kll, a Hwinu waiunn, "Will you In'"! it nothing to Hiiy. i I Hto() my p«» -anil you don't know >il«it|i llvv inlliilti'H, IIDIII' off Ilin |i-a cottn Dtttor, "to havo tlumo London uovor nnplred to lilnlrlonlc famo." Tlii! mother bird "cheeped," nnil nil .hint nt that. niiMiiont lazndorcn an- l>o<)lt, "Forward," WIIH tho nnrratlvf thank you," Mho ' how tlui wrllliiK tlroH tno—mid looU up oiKn tlm Jnlt'tt of tin'"!' l(!iii looku pr [it all," liu replied, IIH ho pimhcd thin nccimi to bn tho Ilml elmiici, i tUcrn ant wnvnrliiK ulinpcn Hint liovcr I'lii'n iii'i vliiu ntlr In hnlf u iilnl of cluu- "Who IH (hnl yon nfo ItilkliiK illlnut, Anil when M|HH Helena MiindcrlirH Mini forth,and neciiinit toWant Ihelllllii lo be Klvcn. .Mexican Herald. iii-ai'clilnKly Into tlu! minilH of all nliont tli" Irrmlillim' p<>aUn, nud Ihoy ry in nlli'T mill nynip. Kill cacli tilnnii buck. hnvi! hnd. Wo hnvo mot a nnmhor c,f glrlnV" Hiild Ilelomi .Miimlei'lll. n ph||( \llcttcrnrrlvcd,i xplnlnlng Hint Mlii-i boy lo piny \vlth him. of pooplo tho worl. olhem hnvn proviil that woman's Will tnlco n lllllo Ilino." hnvo Homned lo nvolil mo. IVrlmpN thin niliio that limy nro wilding thrnt for i',,|,| T,.,I I'lin, Ii. Hi vo tlio follow- IhlH plnco from Ilio nil'lrnud. ntalloii) tipemllng tho day nt llntcr Orange, nnd if tho mom Idnll/.iil Cnvoi-ltoH of Lou- "Why don't you not married'/ Two iriionllnnry facuHUvi of olwory r inc. I''"i' you got i|lirn mnilo of K<'nnluo ami do ilto at your Horvlco," Wiir- WIIH only fniioy on my purl. Any way, Ito»il I'lcthtlo AKOII! I'vo iilnOo It |u WUN Jimt coming out to ilrlvn lo HID ilon filMlilonnbln m elely, Ilin Inillen nt can llvn n.'i cheaply an one." you Kave inn no clinncn to npcnk to with Ilio mirf fuKivcr throl>liliiK In nnii'iiliiK: I "in' "iin i|ii ut of cold wii- .Toddy li'lcll, bill I'oiunl II mm mil nil fill IIMO (o Iho wofld In iHKikn of tlj Ho wild liOKlnnlnK to fcol IIT In a run ill iiiiiii'iw4M>ll-fli?bA Thrilling-coasting -Vlsltrthe-Pnrdantlal-Exhibit, Palace ofrEducatlon, St. Louis. For State Senator, - - 1 welcome Hammonton visitors last 'Sat- scenes Exciting hockey games Dangerous EDWARD 8. LEE, glasses. Not preecrlbeff if not needed. \ "repainted. f • ski c6n tests. I©" Cakes, doughnuts, etc., at Hen urday. They bad just returned from Thrilling flre scone. - Trip through Italy of Atlantic City. St. Louie. The wonderful trained parrots. "'Thenest The Prudential -son's, to-day. ronbers. His master's voice. A real Havana For Assemblyman, A BY'OARRI AGE—second hand-wanted. t&~ 113 tickets have been sold for tbi M. RUHR A. cigar. Stop that bus. Home Office, THOMAS C. ELVIN8, B Man the Hie boat. Insurance Co. of America, of Hnmmonton. ROBT, STEEL, Watchmaker & Optician. lecture course. Jgy Will. H. King has resigned his Parti On tbo look-out. Newark, N. J. t&" Mrs. Wm. P. Maloney was in 2 The nntslde of a life boat bouse. 215 Bellevue Avenue, Hammonton position ID Lieb'a drug store, and will « The launch. JOHN P. DRYDEN, Pres't. KDGA.R B. WARD, 2ud V. E. ForCoroner, -town this week. ' ' ' •••! The angry sea, ••' devote bis entire time to his studies in 5 Tbe floating body. • LESLIE U. WARD, Vce-Pres't . EDWARD GRAY. Seo'y. EDMUND C. GA8KILL, JR., -T^OR SALE—tliree stoves : also one roll o chemistry. • U In tbe rigging. . of Atlantic City. JD stair carpet. Address, P.O. Box 6Z8. 7 Arrival ashore. FORREST P. DRTDEN, 3rd Vioe-Pres't tST It is very evident that a certain 8 Attempted resuscitation. •—-- - •---.-• ------•- • -•. 1362 ties' Tea, this is the day of the cake 9. Conclusion : having housed their aale at Benson's. Hammonton individual cannot forgive boat, resume their usual peaceful occupa- GEO. 8. TRUNpER, Aast. Snpt., Williamstown, N. J. Our Next Congressman. Iran are Important tbe REPUBLICAN for causing his defeat tion, anlil again called out. ,.'••• oastomera,'in onr MtinaaMon. When t8T Lathers are reported very scarce last Spring. Admission, 25 and 35 cents ; reserved by onr builders. Every indication points to the re- they are sent to na on a trifling errand, I®- The Illingwoith Family Orches- seats, 50 cents, for sale at Benson's. wejilways remember that they are not I©- Jackson's Hall has been leased nomination, to-day, of Hon. John J. dleorimlnatlng buyers, and take special tra are to give a bon-bon dance, on Dame Fashion says Gardner for his seventh consecutive paine to see that they get what both you. to the Hammooton Band. Saturday evening, Oct. 1st, at Aurora llgr Saturday last was the twenty- term as Representative ip Congress aud they want. Then we always try to gay Hey. F. L. Jewett found many Hall, Ega Harbor. first anniversary of tbe birth of John be prompt in waiting on them—there x Waltber, Jr. In the evening, a compa- ironrthig-Second District. We have is-alwayB-a-Wtte-worry-abotit-them-afr ifriends in town, on ThnrBday. UILDING 8TQNE— flrs>claR8- delivered Aplique Dress Trimmings Garfare^to PhilaMpbia ACCARONI-beat Importedjclnd-nt ave B anywhere In town. 81.75 per perch. ny of his young friendsgathered, by -in- watched and listened for some echo home when they are sent ont upon an M Leave orders at 113 Bellevue Avenue. errand and stay top long, often through cents per pound. M. RQBBA. FBANK U. GREI8. vitation ot his parents, and made merry bring- Philadelphia and its btst Clothing Store to.your very deer of a protest or contest, "but have so are to be used mo re extensively than ever, no fault of their own. tif A. L. JackBoa has t&~ Twenty-five cents additional se- with him in honor of the day. ' This is How: .'•-'-•• far found none. most of this wee York Si MPERIAL Wind-Mill for sale—never been . the coming season, and we have just unpacked cures you a reserved seat for tbe full used, and In perfect order. Apply to You pay excursion railroad or trolley fare. Come to our This is as it should be. A trust- W. J. LEIB, Druggist, is iectare—course . —Tickets — for-saie— air IWE3LEY-8HIEbP3i-NCTCO P. O.. Atlantic store; buy your Clothes^ your boy's, your girl's, your wife's. worthy and able representative will Hammonton trade, bricklaying, for a few days. Steel's oo aud after Oct. 1st. County, New Jersey. the finest line we ever had the pleasure of showing VST Sportsmen will take notice that jain in knowledge and influence in fQ-vAF outside chimney is being Same price to, everybody. Show your"railroad-ticker for Sf For causes beyond our control, the season for upland plover will close our trade. our National Legislature;eyery year, • erected on tbe west side of Union Hall, fore paid. We pay you exactly its cost if you buy a certain our supplement failed to arrive last next Friday ; also, that it will be lawful •mount. How much? Can't tell—depends upon your carfare. hence becomes more useful and val- (®- Base-ball this afternoon, at 3.30, week ; but we have tbe promise that it to kill woodcock on^ Saturday, Oct. 1st. We have all widths, all qualities^ uable to his constituents and nation Haramontoo vs. Crescent, of Vineland. will be be on time hereafter. Rabbit season will open on tbe same At Eckhardt's Market JOY WANTED to learn the drug business J6T The Harry Baker store, on Belie- date as last year, Nov."10th. . •- . and all prices, in office Tor our benefit vue~A~fiu uti, butt -been—st33 —t o Operations will begin about the Oak Hall, ^_ • Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Layer and from Harbor, who will conduct a "Irbm 1U cents to $1 per yardT Outfitters to Such a man is Mr. Gardner, and will be found a full line of little dauc-hter, of Lake wood, visited bis Grst week in October on the lowering of Sixth and Market Sts., lis prospective re-nomination gives lauudry. So say Monfort & Home. Volunteer Fire Company's first floor., •parents. PANTED—a i stove, second • hand, Men, Women, Boys and Girls Philadelphia us unalloyed satisfaction. self feeder. A< Teas, P.O. Box 33, During said improvements, the appara- I6J- Probably tbe boys all know it Hammonton. Beef, Pork, Veal, and Mutton but Hallow, e'en is only five weeks tus will be found in tbe driveway of E. The Reading's change on Sept. Hon. Edward C. Stokes, our can- of the best quality. Our Hams, Bacon, and distant. Stockwell's great store-house. Ctb was, as all our commuters knew, OB RENT, from Nov. 1st (or before) to didate for Governor, is well known t6B~ A neat fence and side porch have Apr. 1st or 15th, a nine-roomed bouse, Smoked Sausages are surpassed by none. only temporary. Luat Tuesday's Fall completelF y furnished or unfurnished, hot find all over New Jersey; -He has been been added to Mrs. Teke C. Ballard'a cold water, bull). Turee-fonrtbs of a mile schedule can be found on last page. from Railroad Depots. Inquire at this office n public life for many years, and is building. Established 1873 J®- Mr. Hellroan, of the Mieasen Cut Tickets for the lecture course are at present Clerk of the Court of t&~ Mujor McCanley is expected to 1 Flower Co., of Philadelphia wna in now ready for delivery, and can be se- )hancery. Not a word of dfspar •occupy hia renovated property iu abou tofen lust Friday, and save Bassett & Camden Safe Deposit & Trust Co. ten dajs. . , cured of W. B. Tilton or A. L. Jack- 224 Federal Street, Camden, N. J. .geme'n' t has reached us in all his : Son a large order for dahlias, for decor- son. Sutocritar«_are_refluc8te.d_to.caU ^\IL 8TOVE1—n Hropklyn—wlcklc»s._thr«e ative purposes. _ _ Stntement July i, 1904^ ' ^^^ _ areer. Of his ability there is no Cal before October 1st. You will need the GAS STOVES Assets"...... "755,33Br459:3^|"Cai)ital, attfSyOTOTfjO. Surplnsr5400|0u0700~ oiibt; ~6f his Kepifbirc^nislnTieTias K), this offlce. flue.. Bananas and Concord Grapes course'ticket "to secure ~yonr - reserved Npt including Trust Funds, which I Undivided Profits ..... 181,719.25 in tlie Candy KILcbon. given us all ample proof. He will t&" T. B. Twomey has quit the shoe seat. are kept entirely separate. | Deposits B...... 5,641,319.88 Haverfbrd Tires - business, and will try his luck raising 8@" St. Mark's Sunday School, in- e elected in November, and prove chicks and eggs. elouct of meeting at nine o'clock a.m., T Charlie Slack left bis tools and At Little's Stor% Pays Interest a good Governor. overalls in a corner of tbe new Leonard 3 per cent on deposits, 14 dui' notice to withdraw. I6J- Whltmore & Treat have realm as announced, will hold their session at 2 per cent subject to check without noticu/oo average balances of l5oo and over. Begularly $6 a pair,— the old hour, twelve o'clock, comineuc- house when he quit work, Tuesday. the Fulrchlld store, and are flltloc; i Next morning tbe whole outfit was Banki mail t&~ We forget who It (ran that said a up for their buniuiiss. n id-morrow. can be done safely and satisfactorily. Correspondence Invited. ank would not pay in IlumtDontoo. missing. Evidently some one wanted ...... While thej 9Sf Nilo, a baby daughter of Walter 1ST Miss Eva UlipE worth, the tal-. call-at the etore-andeee these up-to-date stovein— Safe-deposit Boxes in jjr/r^-nnd Trust Department. Acts us Ex- Ve hopo he caD-rcad the last paragraph entcd young pianist, a member of the just such a kit, for "no otHer tools were burgIar-proof*Vaults for valyifibles and ecutor, Administrator, Trustee, Guar- f the Ptopli'B Bunk's thirty-filth eetni- P. Bukolv fell from a chair, recently, taken. important papers, upwards, dian, etc. Wills kept without charge. the price will be Illingtvorlh Family Orchestra, has re- actual operation. Gas is to be the popular and nnual report, published tbln week. It and sprained her ankle. WO FINE YODNO BULLS for Hale, ona C. "WOOD. Preildcnt. cently been appointed organist of -St. T a Guernsey, age one year; the other, most convenient fuel for cooking. O. HI5ISVIO. Vlcc-Precldent and Trnst Officer. tales that a eoml-annual dividend of 'WILMAM 8. PRICE WILLIAM J. IIRADLEY as done as well ? MnmtiHllI. It ninkemnken* a ilollKhlfutlollKhlfui hhuvurnKO. tomologist, Impacted Baesell'a nursery, 1 firemen's exemption. At their meeting Front nipped sweet potatoes and ual Friday, and uavo the proprietor an last week, tho State Relief Association's and several other van* rSEPORT OF THE CONDITION ilowerR, NVi'dncsday nl^ht, and repeated unconditional certificate of freedom from attorney stated that such action would [X OH TUB tho process, the next nit(ht. ecu In or othor pests. Prices to correspond with style. People's Bank of Ilanunonton either be taken, or a bill be Introduced JUST VVo wore rohlnformcd last week, Note the Peoples Bank's semi- giving c-uch fireman fifteen dollars per At Hie clone of biinlnoHKon Tliiiredny, aniiuul report, published this weak,— •jj will only cost One Cent Bopt. 6th, 1004 —Mr. Illlnywortli bus not rented the year while In active service. their llilrty-flfth. A comparison with Dodd ho UNO on Maplu Street.- tST A. very pleasant surprise was Cordery of course. Ihdr curd of January last shows healthy HE80U11CEH: t&~ Lutou M. Farkhurst and family tendered' MUs Josephine Bogota, lust H.McD. LITTLE to buy a ponta! .card and Bend to Tbe New-Yorl? Ixiani and Discounts, —..... »2107UK..SII TO-UAY-nt tl>o Candy Kllolion— Cor. Bellevue and Central Aves., Hammor specimen copy. looh», llomlii. Hocurlllci), eln..._.,. 00607 80 -ortnlKtil'a visit with relatives. I1 i^Hnrttitl curumclH, conoanul IctH^tiH, wal- teachers and ronmbars of tho Bourd of unking Houtie, furniture «nd nut tuir, r\id|{«, »ld fuBhloned ori'um cundy, Education. It required two • wagons The New-Yoik Tribune Pmmrr'liia Notion Fixture* 87BO oo Our tlmnha nro duo to Mr, and t)inti-r HCOtoli, and pvuuui uitly. al Illnstratcd Agrlcultnrnl Weekly forFarmora oiulB nnil Mortgiiucn 10285 80 Mre. L. Htweruuo for a box of delicious 8t»)~A mesnaBU was received by Frank and it bun to transport them, and the nun their lamillen. and BVK11Y Isauo contnlna lie from other llunlu* Trnnt (Xm 23800 35 Krupun. They wero appreciated. ICrwIn, OD Wednesday vvcnlno!, i.bat his refreshments,' which wero not u little in, nail and ciuili Itemn 1140D 01 >nrt ot tho programme. kliua* iDuttcr Instructive and entertaining to BVKHY ocrucil luturvnlreceivable 1011104 II.UNKKY. I ii in iir«nnriMl for llio full r'a wllo. In Philadelphia, had on'tl member of tb« family. M iiilllliii'ry invili'. lliiln iiiiuloiinit trim- lullim diMid. A youii(? duuj{litur broke IUOION'S AIJUUHT KLOWICIt In tho in out lcre" '' Tbo prloo in 91 per year, but if you like it City Dressed Meats KATIIC II. I),VVIH, !IW I'-,'. Hcuunil Hlrcnl cure of all Hiomaoh. dluoutlyo. liver troubles MA1IIUTIHH: lior U'K two wuoks ago. • i nl Imullutu aiiiiBtliiutlni), \vllh llmlrmUnr flio wllf you ouu Heotiru It with your Hammonton pnpnr, upltnlHtoolc paid In 9>)oooo oo Kir Will. 8. Lnyur WIIR nt homo over lt£r Mrs. Alex. Altknn Is on her way i ilu cirvolH Wt'Hilvnrllimd an 11 loft In 7UrtO 2oooo oo i IWB|II\|MIIH all ovur tbnUnlird Hint UN fur iiuy the Bontli Joisoy Ilrpublicuii, nt 11 bargain. tStiiulay. Thuy bail a family ro union, to Iliildiliiiton, KUIISUH, for a, vlnlt with M no wliulo AUKKit flower tlhl not glvu HullH- Both ]ia|>cr« one your for only Iff 1.'25. il proflli), JOHN uxpmiHou My own make of i i^iloii. Only tlinin oitKKHOf fullurx In tluiim- OUR VEAL trade hau been phenomiu. unil luxi'H pulil ,.... loUlO 14 \v|th fourtouirat llio dinner- table. KT nupliuvr, A lux. Jurvln. Shu will i Hlaof lulliirn j I wci nf llicnu wmi oitiiiuir or hottlo Sumincr. Siuco June Isl, the oalvoa we have* jj IvIdtniflB unpaid 70 Oo Sausage and Scrapple. L. Oo)n, otio of tbo ablvRt il W..I. I.ulb'a. SOUTH JERSEY REPUBLICAN, itllvltluiil dopnultHou ilmiutiul ., .UH2-JO OB attornoya In Honth Jnrnuy, Is tbo Demo- about two iiionllm, weigh 7,JJ39 pounda. Lftflt weok, the calvee iillvliluul do|H>»H« millinu , l«i272)B 34 IPOK HAUC— Uiu liiiniit iinnrail)>lnoilt .... 9300 70 VEGETABLES - CANNED" GOODS cratic citudldato lor Htato Senator. I' »lld lu Uiwn. ut u buruotit. WM.LIOI.WlOIiU PEACH BASKETS. need weighed 934 pounds. lni««i>rtinoiit«ia oo tt&- The (Jus Compuny ara still .you, porliapi), In Hotel Royal's grove, fll.'JS.por 100 . 4 lift thulr bualiions— having nearly 4 oonta for 1 I3O IT airiu'.d IntereaL |>nyiiUlu H. L. MdNTYRE, thin (ivufilnK- Kvory voter U Invltad. There IS a reanou fur thiu unprecedent Oi 34 mlltm of struut mains. This weak •a«oaoa^Bi • '' itby The oaken tuailo by tbo < Indict of buy ran pipes out Third Hlrout from H. L. MONFORT sule of veal. TATK or NUYVjlCHHRY,) , O'oiinly of Allunllo, ( ' Nt. Mark'uCburah are always (jood. )ia Vntt to Kulrvlew, to Uiioond Htrout. t, Wlllior It.TIUon.CiiBlilerof Ihn abovo euro yon buy one to-day, ut Ilenson'n. It JH TH E quality. We Imi uiiuiil Iliink, do Koliiinnly uwcar llnil Uiu ttir If any mumbor of Volunteer Flru WATCHES invii Hliittiininil la trnu to lli« liunl of my ACHHON'H IIAI.I,, A (Irnnil Diviuni will unliH for n donation toward u man scouring Shiimong Township to secure calv iowl liflforo inn, Watch this space for the IllliiKWiulli iMUnlly Oruliuntru. Ailiiilnnlon, JEWELRY of the right quality for our trudo. thin Dili diiy of Hdptcnilinr, A. i>, IUU4 It con In. he in all you can. It iiininn, »lth«r-th«. J. I.. O'llONNMM., iropontid ctmnmm, orVikuJurtT^Hjiion. . Mulury I'ubllo. An wo miBKont'd eoveral wooka Musical Goods is for nolo every Saturday morning at l/IIJilNO lxit« fnr nMii. luiiiilroor iho CHOICE! Oorrnot. Attrull Uui aliliiKlo roofs of Jon. H. Mnrt'a B ln on flur TnttiiUy, Oat. «h linn. and tlitre. Of M klndi. iKKlntt to Ilia nurulni. nokaon, Wm, Fruudonllml, nud It. II- W, II. •fiiaruK. tVililor. Advertisement. 'ivikhurnt wore the dulotaten-elool Irouu numbcrH can bo hud at tho RHVUHUCAN Ofllco. Hop I. Dili, Iniure with the A. II. I'hllllpa Co., W. O. JONBB, Lin lulldlnjf, Atlautlo Olty. luiuiuoulou. Tho Wntohmitkor. M. L. Jackson & Inn . TO INSURE LONG VERSATILE MAINE WOMEN. /ALL WALKING COSTUME; HUNTING ONE'S FAMILY, Oh! sinner, whatever oise you dare, be- Siberian Now VlnlttiiR In Ixmdon Hns wnro of "the wrath of tho Lamb." ; Sngreeation Offered IB Always Carry an Trained and Edncatcd OB School A SERMON FOR SUNDAY Sunday School Lesson u Myoterlous I'laiit. 4 ,1 Teacher, Fallows Culling. and out of this there grew up a regular VII. The Sceptre of the Kingdom. In ; Identifying Flag. business and a»large class of men who, at the closing Verses of our lesson, chapter LESSON 13. SEPTEMBER, 26. GOOD In one of the smaller hotels In '. Maine possesses a sportswoman In ' 21, verses 20 to 22, the Lord reveals the neighborhood of Charing Cross there') "I had an amusing experience the AN ELOQUENT DISCOURSE BY THE other afternoon," said the Proud Fath- the person of Miss Ethel M. Russell of Bccrct of His own power and tells the THIRD QJJARTERLT REVIEW. residing a young LIberinn, who Augusta, who Is in many ways.with- ' REV. A, B. SIMPSON. ' ( crowded inlo the courts without having disciples how they may share it' also, er, "that proved how hard it Is,.under The secret of it is faith. "If ye have jShoftg lories f come to, London for the purpose ot ex- out n peer. First and foremost she l«icti The Monlf««tnUon-of-tho Kins- An thcr-clau-of tradesmen, in like- man- this which -Is- done to - the fig: tree, but, al-gnnie~nTid~cnii"irot"T)iTIy7Bc6re u con- 'in, if yn sbnll any imtn t.niq, mountain, t n insures long life to those who-possesi ••'*'Some fathers," observed the Pes- be tWilittnu removed-anrA»Y,rtV»/V-imrd1 -l-»ben thotli/\,uc cas**n«t* int•;»**o« BEWARE OF PRIDE. simist, "see so little of their families teat perfectly, but tell all the fine- .^•rf^-JJ^lldf*n^.rKIn«-Cd^i-V^t-v*^:-S%y'^^.-fc^!t!- the tea, it ehall be done; and all things one of its leaves, says .the London i Kingdom. Pride goeth. before destruction, and that it's no' wonder, and——" points, when" the players should steal, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, beh'ev? a haughty spirit before a fall (Golden According to one account of the Par- Chronicle. whether It is the proper thing to sac- NEW YOBK CITY.—The following :ser- These also were sold at exorbitant pricet ing, ye shall receive." And so He passes Text for Lesson 1). Some time ago, a ker telegram, It made Senator TUB- "That will do for you. My situation toon was preached Sunday by the world- for tho convenience 'of the worshipers, but over to us His sceptre, and tells us that Hts name Is Gomita, and on Satur- rifice or, line out ii hit. Mlsa Kussell. s~. „ 1.-..J -« ii._ m—:_tl— -_J ifi—; it_ *-l*1 n t AU* J-«1 , minister who was a guest of Phillips man "so agitated that he aluMM* day he told one of our representative: Is not like that of the man, who trav- famous head of the Christian and Mission- really for the gain of the i we may exercise the same omnipotence Brooks ,at he time that he was made eled a great deal and got home only to Is a splendid type of outing girl—tall,. arjr Alliancej the Rev. A; B* Simpson.' Hia The same high jplaceplace HEe still claims in of faith. through which He wrought His cried." When his Virginia colleagna jthat he wus of royal blood, in proo bishop told an incident which strik- •subject was "The Manifestation of the tiu Church, of God and the individ mighty works. It was by faith that He ingly reveals the spirit of that truly besought 'him to be calm, he replied: of which hfi showed his pasuport Inches in her"stocklng feet, and tips and hw 6 1 wa : U ye th overcame and became for us "the Author sojourns In the bosom of bis family i w t ! i ? £? u heart.- The'abuse of the Temple courts of great man. After a long talk with hla "I always taint the best,"Senator Den- Vl have come to London direct from/ the scales at 155 pbiihas. 'She was •daughter of Zipn, Behold thy. Kmg cometh oid nave, alas, been more than .paralleled "and Finisher of our faith.". But we may friend, the " guest, 'had finally gone to Voe bnrna, apply spirits of turpea- he had occasion to punish one of his unbo thee meek, and, .sitting upon an ass, history of Christendom. It was the exercise the same faith, tod. Some tima lei, when I am greatly excited." ..'. . my\home In Liberia, as I have heard graduated from Colby In the clnss of jn the in that coming kingdom we ehall be liko his room, but had scarcely reached 'it children, who ran crying to his moth ond a col.t^tb.o.fgal of an ass.-Matthew snle of indulgences in the time of Luther when he heard his host's quick knock The old gentleman had Joat stepped the British In all parts of the 1000. While In college Mlss.llusseU 'JiP. . ~ ! .-.•-' _ . for the enrichment of the ecclesiastical nar- Him and exercise a power over the uni- er, saying: : vorne of God, of which, couW we fully at the door. The next moment the door Into the crowded car, and had acci- work! want to live long. Out on tho " 'Ma, that man who spends Sundays was captain for two years and tbe The time had now come when the Lord ties that.brought about the Reformation. opened, and the' Bishop looked in. dentally trodden on Algy Fitzgerald** ' la oases of scolding the, mouth-with west coast of Africa there Is a plan strongest player of the basket ball Jesus WM to be publicly manifested as the The kind of sin here described is not sec- realize it now, we would be artfocd and **t liquid, gargle with a solution of here just spanked me.' sou of David and the King of. Israel. Hith- nlar business in its own place, but the appalled. But He is training us"now in the "R - ," he said, earnestly, "if you sefoot.,e _ ^Confound you, you careless bM _ borax the mysterious virtues of which ore __ ___ team, and was prominent In other_ __^. .CTtoJte hadjefused,^. demands, -of ^the dom*-*«htngir i- - -use-of-this—mystie-seeptrer-and—tcachrng _any__dif£erence_lri^-mer-you!ll— tell— mur- us the lessons of that faith of which He won't. you?" .Then the door closed bufrffw!" cried Algy; "you've crushed that my wife had gone over to River- BportsTas~weII7 "WEefi"croquet was' en- again, and he was gone. It was the my foot to a Jelly." "Ah!" said the blood In their vetos." The secrets Joying Its greatest popularity, this re- once said, "All things are possible with Bub a ringworm three times a day side drive with the children for a walk, God, all things are possible unto him vigilance of a great soul who knew tHe old man, calmly, '\:alf»-foot Jelly, I the plant, he said, were remarkable, leaving word with the hailboy that I markable Maine girl won tournament draws near it is proper that He should lit- i hurch. the desecrating of the that believeth."^ peril of success and prosperity. wrtth .vinegar in which salt has been the c GOING IN GOD'S NAME. suppose!" \ dteaolved. and he explained gome of them at a. should come over if I got home early. after tournament. She is a clever han- --crall y fulfil the announcements of ancient ,, .' • • ,, . , .' We have but touched its .borderland, prophecy, and for a brief moment, nt least, house of God by social and secular enter- beloved. There are great continents ot Help us, O Jehovah our God; for we Tjhe Jate Misk Julbi Moore (Sir John meeting held at the Cavendish rooms So over I hiked. The drive was crowd- dler of a pair of oars and often row* 1 t < V Mortimer street eight or nine miles at a time. As a appear as thie heir"to'Da'vid' ' ' ~ "'s" throne'" "an-----d' -taimnent --e- and method— s of raisin* -----g mone- ""y faith and power and prayer for us yet to rely on thee (Golden Text for Lesson Moore's niece), like many very old pep- ed, as It always is In these nice days, the answer t'-o all the Messianic hopes of yhich appeal to the selfishnessi and frivol- explore. Lord, teach us to pray," help 3). John McNeill, the great. Scotch To stop severe nose bleeding, place "Your srofla" be continued, "denotes base ball player she stands pre-emi- i ity of man, and the using of Christianity pl«, was extremely proud of her age, and the profusion of children made me : our unbelief and give us "the faith ol evangelist, often gives loyal testimony flbe patient's feet In water as hot as • 1. The Recognition of the King. It was in". an v way as^ a cloak oj covctousness. a> God." to the debt he owes to the stanch and and lost no opportunity of showing^, lint you disbelieve my statement, but realize at a glance that I would have nent; a few years ago she organized an can be borne, and keep at the same can) assufe you that the plant pos- a woman's base ball club of her birth- strange that the first to recoenizc Him as advertisement of business, as a means splendid Christian character of his fa- It When she was asked by a friend ; temperature till the Weeding ceases. no easy task finding my own little IsraeVs King should be two blind beggars. | of social nreferment or secular znm-rthese ther. He recently said In a sermon' If she was golni to see the'king's cor- sses those qualities which I state, place, Weld, Me., which was very suc- That which the rulers of Israel, witfi allil J .arc-things which are so common on every FARM NOTES. concerning that good man: -"He had a n>ia is a remedy which will prove ef- buheb. But I remembered that in all cessful. Miss Rusnell went behind the- onation, she jij$wered: "No. I hare 'or they have been proved. Moreover, probability my wife would be wearing - their wisdom, failed to comprehend, was , side of us that hearts of many of God s habit of which he never spoke to us. (ficadous when all others fall. bat and caught a good game through- discovered by poor old Bartimeus and his j children have been filled •with_humi!iation Many devices have been suggested nor we to him. He^waa a quarryman, been out of London for; tie last thM« . bey are regarded as so astonishing a big blue hat.and that while I for preventing TOWS from kicking when that tbe greatest anxiety has boea out the club's existence, her throwing blind companion. _Calling Him by His Mea- ' and sorrow, and moved to earnest prayer and I often- heard him go downstairs coronations, and I don't care to aMer couldn't figureL on how_my little girl —eianic name, they -eriedv-ag the proccssion+for tho cominof of the Kiiig'once more to being :mllkea,:~but;:th:e7fact; is that a on dark mornings. Standing on the In case of whooping 'cough, a milk to' second making h'ertbe terror of kicking cow usually has other vices, my record," What an exaltation oo« - ilwwn by foreign travelers to possess would be dressed, I was sure that the pressed by, "Jesus.^ Thou Son-of David, | cleanse His Temple and purse from His threshold before passing out, he would " ~:-ta-necessary. Two or: three pints root Bat the secret has been well would-be base stcalers. Billiard and • nave mercy on us!" When Jesus heard church these shameful profanations. and the surest way to cure her Is to say aloud, 'I go to-day In God's name.' mnst feel at being able to aay a thins ' be taken dally, bat not very mnoh boy would wear a new spring coat that send her to the shambles. A cow that naiotained, and no professional bot- pool playing are also on this woman's that name.He instantly, ordered the pro- ThThe Becseconondd cleansing of the Temple I can never forget the Impression that Ufce that! « tta§ shoald be given. Vomiting had just been bought for him, uud is not gentle, reliable and free from this made upon me, and thankfully nist would discover tbe plant. 'In- 1st of accomplishments, and has put would seem to suggest that before the "Economy," said Governor Ohatter- Ii very frequently a serious compll- which was particularly noticeable on -„ . i, -;-• . ; . ,—; vi —w.-"> lord's coming there is to be a profound .vices should be made to give, way'to say to-day, 'My father's God Is mine.' " eed, I, despite my royal bJood, had to to shame many a boastful masculine- receive their sight and follow Him k of sanctification among the people one that Is of better disposition. ton, of Wyoming, "la always admira- t In tins disease; -bat however un- account of its color, u brilliant turkey- wor "I'LL NOT FORGET." tfalt five years before I was told what vflelder of the cue when it came to tt I of God answering to thnt first cleansing - He careth for you (Golden Text for ble. A Cheyenne hatter, .though, was it child may be to take food, red, almost an orange, in fact So 1 Any kind of succulent food will as- : : was, and I had to pay heavily for It question of pocketing the ivory. ball» " which we read so'fully in the early Lesson J^.__jhe__waLa_pnJy_ a poor sIcK tfegnsted the otter day with "the .eco-"'"'• '. be made to do so in order to stood on the more untrequented side of slfll—dieestipn-.-and— render all other old woman, but a royal soul dwelt "The plant Is of slow growth, and or making difficult caroms or masse: food—s beneficial. Carrots Jo not con- .nomlcal spirit of a visitor to his ahop. keep np his strength, it tbe vomiting, the drive and began to scan the pass- 6 1 within her homely body. The-' dea- inJ_L_)ina'_D(issess :b»x .-eleven tarire suots."Mi83 Kussell also playi tennis- • ."~". - -~~— -- -• - — ~- , I (II VIUUU.I CAUCIJCUtt Wi Llic v'lllltiHail tain much solid matter, being mostly This visitor, a tsll man with gray ~ -very s«vere7T6lfds~are~t»itter than Ing crowd across the way, looking for Jl& ^^^x ^^ ^. °f :*«K. (di WTZg^S^'c^Z coness found -her after climbing 'a long laves. Swalfow one of these leaves and some years ago kept her antngon- - logical science have .blinded", men to the | Here, too, there is a second cleansiii water, but they are highly relished by dark stairway, In a poor little room, hair, entered with a soft felt bat. In a liquid form. a tall- woman with a blue hat and a vision of Uod, and it IB the lowly and often whici, the Lord comes to brinn when He all classes of stock, and the animals dark, but neat and clean. On a tiny ,nd you may be certain of adding from AUSTRIA'S FUTURE EMPEROR. "sts tolerably busy. Of late years Bhe- e to whom the Holy Ghoat reveals Himself enters the consecrated heart, not will prefer them to grain, instinct wrapp«IJnj>aper,. IB hla hand. *How little boy wearing a brilliant red cixit. J_aMe_Jayuan_j3j)en_Bible,__and_opposlten r ten to twenty years to your Ufa "If has taken up golf. vof«r,« nf fh_0 ir,n^nm «f !,..,»„•• , . ... -^nctifymB-and^epiinrtni? much wifl'It ooat,'- he said, 'to^dye-tlilB— Those who suffer from offensive Did I flnd_th.eml_md_l! - : ; the bed hung a picture of the Good you rub one on a wound you are tame- Francia Ferdinand la an Author, —As-a -pedestrianTslie~baB~eonsI3era5Ie lessed hopes_ of the coming once us unto Himself in a deeper sense than because of their dietary effect. on the Shepherd. "Ay,/ my dear" lady," she hat gray, to match my tialr?'. .'Abont a toeath_wlll flad_jfaat_bj_ morIW*eC oUAf puUUrl gloriouKlUilUUOs KingJ^lUK*, ~.i~.~ , "• * t, , -- Composer and Machinist. "Mat was alTl^dld see_. It seemed ability, thinking nothing of walking How did these blind men" khow"*hat""?* can-possibly know, even in the early system. said, when the deaconess spoke of "tho | dollar,' the hatter answered. The tall ' ; common salt In a wlne- Arcbdnke Francis Ferdinand, as though., every-.thlrd-wonian-ivore placed In a coffin the dead body who ten or twelve "mllesT" She Is n rapid Jesus was the Son of- David- ? Wit— h their joy of conversion. Have we received this picture, "Many a time I lie here all man wrapped the hat up again. *I . gl««»fal of pure water tbe.first thing will succeed his uncle, Francis .Voseph. the kind of a hat I was in search of, second cleansins? The ox-eye daisy has become a great alone looking at Him, and at the little not decay, tat is preserved. Indeed, walker and few, unaccustomed to long I inner senses they felt after Him until they pest In some sections of the country. won't pay it,' he aald; 'I can get my In the morning tbe breath will be much on tbrone >f found Him. It is so still that the hungry IV. The Children's King. 'This was not lamb he carries so tenderly, and some- LJberia'the cofto" of""th"e"great"men',' *« ^ Austria, has long beeil and as for red coats on small boys, tramps, can keep up with her. This Those who are troubled with this weed times he seems to look at me so kindly ban: dyed to match the hat for a. Improved, and tba month can be well represented as ig- the crowd looked like a parade of the heart finds the Saviour. Reaching out in an ordinary crowd, where the children should bear in mind that it Is propa- all contain these leaves, as we find twentieth century outing girl can iilso __our datknesa_and_sense of need, groping always love to be in front, but it was a that I can almost hear him saying, Til quarter.'" * ' rinsed with this mixture. The teeth orant, bi goted Twenty-second Regiment In Its full box cleverly, give and take punish- genuine outburst of heaven inspired love gated by seed and not by the root, anj not forget to keep you.' " this is better than the old Egyptian . for One who-we feel can meet and satisfy to rid farms of It they, have only to eboold be bruahed morning and night, and dissolute, regalia. There were blue hats and ment, climbs the mountains near her •our need, we press our way toward the and loyalty that made them cry, "Hosan- " GOD STILL ON HIS THRONE. As an illustration of carrying mlU- method of embalming." nah in the highest." For the Lord_Jgsus mow before the seed is ripe. It may tary, discipline too far, tola story""la a tooth powder of equal parts of pre- with Ideas on the red coats, red coats and blue hats, and home, goes snow-shoeing for lojigr light even as the blind man, who, while he require two seasons to rid'a Beld en- Tbe Liberian talked on —b e speaks cannot-iliscern-the-obiects-bBfoTrtim, can Himself TSbre testimony to the genuineness and he answered me (Golden Text for told by General Nelson A. Mites: cipitated chalk and powdered orris root .of sasts- J50jhlng_ej8e^Jt_Beemed--tO'«y-bewlli^- umpsr-andr-ln-fnctnloBSTBpsl everyl of their praise and indeed gave it the high- tirely of the Innocent looking flower. Lesson 9). On the day of Abraham see vaguely at least the glare of the light "There was a colonel who, in the mid- -lutag-v*ry—servieeatfte; Tery~~little until I asked him tie cost of one ereignty that sa- ered gaze, thing that can possibly appeal to an >• and press closer to it. Even so we can est place over all others as He poted the Lincoln's death the streets of New or sweets should be token, and ".I crossed the drive and began to athletically ambitious young woman- press toward God, and He will meet the ancient Scripture, "Out of the mouths of As showing how formidable a pest York were full of angry men rushing- dle of a campaign, waa seised of the plants. vor of medieval seeking soul and reveal Himself in the vis- babes and sucklings Thou baa perfected the gypsy moth is to contend with In about furiously, and crying for ven- scan the people a little more closely. She was trained and educated as a a sadden ardor about hygiene. He or- t-coold-not nell a-plantr-bo ion of light and love even as He did to praise." Others might join in the accla-j Massachusetts, it is stated that 2070 geance. The police seemed powerless, dered that all his men change" obeli would coat anywhere from £100 But even this did not help me much, school teachet'. WBlOa caUlhg-she has —tin ' • ' nf Ufa»l[poim infill- nests were found on a single tree, each nd the military authorities were at for tic kind of sleeplessness that for, although I could see that those- practiced successfully, her control of Seeker for Christ, follow the], light you encc of an excited multitude, but theirs o( which had between 600 and their wits' end, for the thirst for blood shlrtn at once: Thin order waa dttfr- £500, and it wonld be cheap at that Thl» one tree was carrying through from overwork or nervous ex- nearest me were not the trio 1 was would-be bad boys- being most com* nave and He will give more as you follow was "perfect praise." As usual the Phori- was hourly spreading. Just as things oarrted oat,- except IB the case of on« price. I suppose ~ I shall have some' on, and you, too, will hear Him say, "Re- sees were ready to scorn their juvenile en- the winter a •• prospective increase of were at heir worst, and a great mob company wbere tbe privates' wa*d- b#re" are two simple but ef- looking for, those a little way, plete.—IIlnstrated Sporting .News. — ceivo- thjr sight,~thy~faith~tiathrniade "thee thusiasm, but the Jxird Je."»s was also 1,035.000. caterpillars In a~ single' year. filled Newspaper Row, a stalwart man, difficulty in convincing Londoners, but Far robes tokd been pitiably dieted. T*a fective remedies: One is to have the probably a few will listen to me at the crowd might still be, and It kept •whole." ready to vindicate them as He had once Strong colonies, If undisturbed, will bearing. in~~hls-hand -the_.l'Stars__and. II. The Manifestation of the King. An- tefore. kill most deciduous treeia'"In two years, captain of this company wsji Infomed feat very warm and put them again rogant fool, he is me busy passing up and down the War Correspondents a Detriment. Stripes," stepped to the front of the my meeting, and will not be unwilling cient prophecy had foretold the coming of Let us never forget that Jesus is the and evergreen trees in one year. They Tribune office, and the crowd hushed that none of the men could cnaag* a rnfcber bag filled wfth very hot wa to test my statements. It does not not merely a well- drive, looking carefully at each group The late-Archibald Forbes once said. . tho King of meekness, truth and love, and not only destroy the .first foliage, but of censorship In war times: "Were I children's Kinc. By and by, when we wel- to listen, expecting a fresh telegram their shirts, since they, bad only nlnnH, -nnrl flnlv nn tliev ac- grees, nor should It rise much above 40 to Its various homes In the assurance perfection. He- was once drrrtng his •ch, -with hands clasped under tbe fore- hint to the astute Intelligence officials fore, draped with the garments of His dis- "No," snld Qomlta. "It is a secret indeed, to have earned for hlmaelf a In ,tho crowd on the drive I shall hove rcpt it and honor it will their Hoaannahs degree*. When cold storage .la not that God was on his throne, and could master and Emerson ihrongh the coun- bead to lift {be head a trifle. This wll of tho other sldo." ciples as they walked beside, and nccoin- available, sprouting may be In some be appealed to for help. try. As they approached a new house known in Liberia only to the tew." handsome competence, If uot fortune, my wife carry an Identifying flag."- _ _P5?'?i- by the mighty multit" ' i - become Hallelujahs, and the Lord pro- measure prevented by shoveling the po- often send one to sleep. |TiDrmCc~tne1r~hoiiWRe"~"perfect praise." HE KNOWS THE WAT. ' that the master was building, they sa-w If he had not In his own_rlglit:_been_oii»_ unTronftnTciiy,______at ffiis/tlieTni_ , ____ iasover time, 1 taoes frequently. V. The Blesainp; of the King. Immedi- Fear thou not, for I am with thee of-th«-;wealthlestl?flncea" In the world. \vlien the 'illation of Jerusalem wan (Golden Text for Lesson 10). The Rev. on old woman sueaklng away with a Meerschaum Pipes Passing. SCIENCE NOTES. multiplied enfold. He. slowly descended ately after Christ's triumphal entry into Tho stock water trough needa i\ THE BARREL SWING. Voice 8tr»npo to Owner. He Is recognized as one of the best Jerusalem and His cleansing of the Tem- U. J. Campbell, the English preacher. bundle of wood. "Jabez, Jabez," cried "A meerschaum pipe that would from 'Hcthany toward tho city. At every -borough washing, scrubbing and (lusti- In one of his sermons relates an Inci- That a man does not hear his own (sporting shots In the Austrian-Hun- It Is reported that a movement Is on atop the cnthuaiimm of the crowd grew ple, we read these significant words, "and ng occasionally, If the water Is to be th'e master; "do you see that old -wom- have brought $25 ten years ago would hlgner. Cutting do^vn branches from tho the blind and the lame came to Him in the dent which happened to him on the an taJcIng my wood?" Jabez looked This picture will show you how* to voice as all the rest of the workl hears garian empire, la an adept in the sd-- foot In Bombay to provide u memorial Tree from Disease. The trough Is onp Sussex . Downs. He was riding ono Ee a barrel swing. The^'are novel not bring more than $10 now," said a to Mr. J. N. Tritn, the munificent palm trcea they ntrewed them in the way, Temple and Ho healed them." Purifica- of the sources from which nil diseases with pity «t the. old woman, then with t is shown by au Interesting experi- encee of zoology and natural history, and even their garments they flung in hom- tion always leads on to power. The cleans- morning near Brighton, and found him- 1 comfortable, and te'very quaint tobacconist. "Meerschaum pipes used donor of the research Institute In Jn- on the farm are spread. self enveloped In n dense fog which scorn at Us master. 'Y'Nd, • sir,""~btf~ ment described by Dr. L. Laloy In La and Is a thoroughly trained and able to bo frtshlonable and popular In Amer- dlii. A preliminary meeting to further age at Hi* feet, while their voices rone to a ing of the -Templo wan followed- by the ag from the p 'h of a conn try Nature, of Paris. Says this writer: soldier. His life has been singularly he object ,'WIIH recently held, at which, mighty Hhout as they cried in the language healing of the «iolc and the revelation of The peach borer Is a wasy-llke Insect,, had crept up In every direction, and Bald, stoutly, "I don't see her; and; .*. ica, but they are not much sought for a provisional memorial committee was of an old prophetic Pmilm, "Hosnnnnh to tlui crcat and good Physician. So, still, it rose so closely that his head juat came "If a pex-sou records on a phono- free from scandal. ,vlth transparent wlngn and u richly above it. He could see .no path, no wbnfs more. I dMnt think that you to-day. formed. It WIIH resolved to call u pub- the Son 01 David, Ilonannuh in tho high- will 1)0 found in our personal experience. irnnmontml body, banded and strlpol Jl yon have toy is'to saw uivay graph a few sentences pronounced by ic mcetliiR to decide HH to tho best eat." This was not a momentary gleam of divine sign by which to direct hla courao, ancl 'would see her, eltwar."' £ "It Isn't strange that tho liking for with sold and deposits Its eggH utyout waa wondering whether the next few irt of the el, as the picture himself, together with others by his ,vny of iK-riiettiutlnB tho memory or liut His own demeanor wan in atrangi beneficence over a dark and suffering he bane of the trunk. The eggH hatch Judge Jonathan Dlitn, of-the them should luivo waned. The meer- Mr. Tutn. contrast to all these Hceneg of tumultuous , world, but Jemis Christ is the same yes- steps mlfflit not fling him down tho preme Court of ^e^r .Jersey, '^) friends, and cnuees the tmuchtna to re- LATE PICTURE OF GENERAL CRONJE, out. the larvae bore Into the nap-wood mountain-Hide, Suddenly he BUW a schaum Is an unsatisfactory pipe at excitementt. Truly, Ho came aa tho King I terday, to-day and forever. und cuuae an cxudutlon of gummy hublt, well known to old pracf^tloB produce these- at tho end of • brief tho best. Drop It, and It Is Irretriev- Tho tltlo of ({rand ofllcler do la Le- of mceknceiCBB., lowliness and love. Thin be- man wulklng apparently In the Bky. It "And warm, sweet, tender oven yet rnnttor, which appears In mantles about •wna OMC of the Bhopliorda of the Downa, before him, of nskfng threb. que«tl*M period, it generally hoppena that ho ably broken. Try to color It, and for a d'Honneur has hcon conferred came fctill more nppiirent when the city the bane of the tree. ,The larvae neem easily recognizes his friends' voices, upon M. Tllluux, pr«Hl(lent ot tho suddenly burnt ujion their view, and tho A present help in Ho nnd Mr. Campbell knew that ho was of counsel arguing at tho b*r. Tb« | month It taxtn.s llko soap. 1'nrlH Academy of Medicine. Professor eight of it drew from Him an oiitlnirnt of And lovo has still its Olivet partly to live In thla gummy substance not walking In the «ky, but treading but not his own. On thu other hjind, And faith its Galilee. nnd partly In the nap-wood of the trco. the solid ground. "Where he goes," Ilrst ono Is usually| simple, and. "It. Isn't tlio innorflchniini In one of lllomllot, well known fur Ills ru- torrow and compitHaion, and run id all that Bometlm«« three or four are found on tho frleitda rcooRulze his voice perfect- those pipes that colors, anyway. It Is nrnrchei with X-myH, IIUH been pro- pageant of popular iicclamation HV gnvo Tho healing of His Hcamloss robe he told hlmaolf, "I can go." So he net lawyer answers It carelessly; the moted to b« olllpler, und M. J. Llcifeolw In I)/ nur bcdn of pain, he Hiimo tre.e, ouranlonnlly girdling hla horse's head toward tlie high path ond one Is a llttlo more drastic, ly. Thin stagular fact proven tliat ev- a mixture of beeswax and oil that tho way to hitter team and lamentations >"yer md destroying It, but always Inducing becomes oli«valler. the certain doom whioh He na\v iinpcndiiiK We touch Him 'mid life's pain and strifa on which the shepherd waa walking, the respondent replies with tremblt eryone bears his own voice .differently, carverB rub Into {h(Tbiock before they upon tho Bconen that lay unread before Him And wo are whole again." morn or lena of u diseased condition and quickly found hlmaelf above the "rom otiicrs. curve It. You could mnoko n plpo of The Journul of the Amorlonn Uodl- in all their 'rioun beauty, Hut tho pro- .iid Impairing UH vigor. Altogether It olouila. "The Good Shepherd," ha add- uncertainty; the till ml Is bound to "As Is remarked, by Prof. Exner, the ul Aouoclutlon rejioitH that the fluni of cession nw/ 1, nnd in a little while Ho Hut, of cour«o, all this awaits ita perfect u a vory objectionable and destructive ed, "Imowri every step of the wny wo a poser fraught with humiliation, jniro meerschaum all your life, and at fulfilment in that happier tinia -when tha llBtCt. difference must Me In thu quality of tlio 1!500 lius been riluccd with the nuthor- entered t' y and the Templr. have to tnlie, nnd, baa traveled thnt ono occasion lUchard V. Llndnhnr your death It would bo ns whltii as It B of thu Unlvemlty of Huldolberir Hii f nil entry into Jeriimilcm was King filial] come to His own again "und way before." — The Sunday School lone. It miuit ho rcirneniborcd that on* uwnril a prl«<; ('vory throe year» the ransomed of thu Lord shall return and Thi> Kelfer pear la not equal In qnnl- Times. * Newark, was presenting a hud been at your birth. It Is the oil the fc lowing of tliat glorlou.i time come to '/.tan with Hongs and everlasting ty to iiome other klmltj, but It IH atrong lipura his own voice not only through and beeswax— only that— which colors 'or tint bent tliernnentlu lu-hlftvenieiit wher null come again as larncl'u long court of errors, and when tlio | diulnff tho previous tlircn yenrH- exr iSlcwiinli and tuko Ilia pluco upon oy upon their heads; they ahull obtain ind grown vigorously. Those who;hiwo (jucHtlon was Innocently propound he air, a« do his audltorn, but across "While Meerschaum pipes have full- Tho donor la ProfcHmir (-rorney, and !oy and gladnen.i, ami Borrow and sighing mellowed Kelfer penrn In dnrk places, An A Oooil /no of David, never again to leave Bald; "I don't know." "Don't, ho solid pu.rU Httimted between the or- on In cost and favor, brier pipes hnvo 111'- Klft IH In honor of thu clin- it. •hall flee away." mil Imve taken palnn with thom, atllnn '"Tho perfumery bUHlnetjM ntrrtr w«» grana of Hpeech und Uioxn of hearing. risen. A plpo of renlly tlno brier root ician Adolf KuHHiiiaiil, on wliono V >8 also typical of Ilia entrance nnnn Then, whan this earth ia iiurni of all lint they arc hotter In quality than butter," said tho pi'r/nine dealer the erlnd tlie judgn; "why don't I hlrtliday tho prlru In to bo uwurd- Iniquity' , will it he al>o trilno tlithe inhabitant nuny mippone, IIH tho bulk of Kelfer *ic sound thus produced ha« n dlflVr- contu to-day from ?10 up to $'.!5 or $80. ed. tlie throne of thu individual heart when other duy. "I eell moru p«rfumo than know?" "Hcfor<\ nnd I think my nr by the ulr alone. more than (8 at (ho outside," — It In the Intention of tho .Senate, of thoir Iniiiuity." hravy onlen urn duo In a larfto part to vocnte. Hut UnlvciHliy of llrklolhcrir to untuti- befnro inI tilltlut! oxiluiait€ o typo of thu hrnrt There ar« fi'irinerH who foert all anl- • A "Wo mny show thin an follows: Tnko Ington font.' lloh u Kdld incilul In honor of I'ro- that give:» Him Its exclusive affection. Hn VI. Tho Curse of thu King. Hut the the automobile "oruzo. tha end of a wooden, rod botwo^n thn comes to roiKii, not an tyrant, hut as a King hnfl not only lilmning, hut iiluo judg- tmlM ullke without regard to the fuctl fi'HHor Kiiiin Kluher, anil to award King of ([ontloMCBn nnd luva in all thu at- hat nonio will .consume much inoro "You know the odor emanating from e«tli n'Jid pronounce a vowel eonllmi- No Dlner-Out. tin- Hiimu I'vcry live Vrai'M for woi^c inout in Ilia mixlity hund. TI.e only niirn- linn iitlierH. It ban IOIIK lieon cHtl- iiBollne autii.i are not ple-nmuu. A wanderer through South Oarol| nn tlm ItlHtory of phllonopliy In Onr- tractive iiUrllmton HO llnely oot forth in alo of jiulermant recorded in all tint life of nutrd that half u bimhel of Ki'aln a watched an old negro tltiblng u»ly. Lot tlm othCT end bo nltor- Mlns Clrnbnm gtivo tho trump uomo iiiiiny, the nnciinit picture tliat w« arc congider- Term* (Ihrlnt inimnillatuly followed tin-no woman iloen li«r best to over- Inff. Ilo dour* not eonui to rupreBn, hut to lay will mipply KO nhcop, In addition bripkynril i*nd for forty minutes, j otely tiiUcn lintwcx-n tho tcoth and food In rcHpoimo to tils moving appeal, InuWont", It wan .tho ciirnlng of tho Imr- o IOIIK food, lint there In u (oi-at itlf- coiuo It bj imliiK lola of perfume. Just ruleanvd by nnolhor per»on, who at Iho niul Htood 'it tho Itltclmn door to iniiko An exhibition of inlnnrul produolH autinfy, Ilo dot's not dominate IIM us u I nN'Uon not," trough Hl »loll", unit IIUH » different mllltiiry dijiiro of tb» TrmiHviinI ," nho mild, mivcnily, nil tho linlfn Kinuf lc Home furmi-ni prefer to mivn their ust iibovu the head of tlm IHT Acconllnic to a fornlirn iniiillral Joiir- rlf TI in i '/i i ii r i ,' »" nation'thanation thatt IlMoe IniInidd nlrradulrcndvv referrercfciri'dd n-d polatoen, Inil before ilolng MO, "Womnn may ho KoliiK In for alb- "But yo\\ uwiin to bo tlnhlng." . nn Illy. 'Hie t'lporlmont limy b« war. III" during ojK'mtloiiH mjnlnnt H!K) IIIK! lent Mini licciiu'd Id vanlHli for nul, u Pupi'i' rrcoiilly i-nuil bnfoi'o tlio III Iho King of /Ion and tho Lord of,,,, umi,,r ,,,„ Imrill)ll, of t( , |j .„„ FjK letlcH iiinro than ever, hut they arti ng on Ilio awliiK- 1 at ly 1 tt- Kuymoliil und /.Immni nu tlm iciinllH thi. <| ty Ilo piifUiOil Ihrougli thu gute« of , ,,,.,,f,, ,l fol owe" of lilllfliteHt liullcutlon of dlnouMa an pota- K»liiK I" for p'rrflimiw, too, nnd tho 10 larynx of tlm pcrmin ohnervcd and lulrutlon In Huropo iuu1 Amiirlcu, und nn ltd wny buck lo tlio llRlit iicrforin- tllllt n lu HW toes tihoiilil oniino thnlt* rojeotlon, an "Hut pertinim you nre not Hailing fo f an ii Brut, anil nuty bu cov- nt the upplli-atlon of a lull" of indium tlio Tompo, nnd ro,iea od thu n, nide ,,f ,1,,^ t w|m ,,|nui iiuet, II, „ lu«t with mont expoimlve Kind. n»h. What U your object?" -hint It froni time to time to Ui« Mn milmcqiirnt captliro by nil ovcr- cwolnlloilH. coiitulnliiK |lv<> cubic ccntlinelrcH to Its clciinnlinj whlcli Imil (orinnil tlio Hint hnnilH ami friillliiHH life, tlio cri>|> of nnxt your will ho (lloeitned "It -would nurpi-lNi> you, IhoiiKli, to ('imhloim or loft bunt. lnwrTer'M own larynx. AJ» In the pro- \vholinlii)( riircc iiiiil'T ItohcrtH "You, IIIH'IIIII," mild (In. trump, mi ),„ ... from nnr- chapter of Hi" early ,1iii|i>an nilnlatry. Thn Imt, (lime in it llenelieent nniieel, nven ill from HU(^h Hiifiii. l\]vory buuhol of H thn p«r- Iltth wlmh <) found tlmt Itfi wim n luutlur of IHTII 1'0,,'p'l. Ilo ciiiuit [llMllo IIIKltlllT OIIHlllHKllI 1)11 (III) Illllnto. thu ciiinii nf the King. It Inlln UN nf Onn ami exnnilnutlonn of potatofw In the fiiniery habit UN well. I Ililnk (ha the remiltH Worn nil, unit thn MHIIIII WIIH forinvr In thnt then Ilo nnlleil it HU Fntli- Hint him thn power to cnnHiiine nnd destroy f mil. ii' in'iictli-ii thn CIIHO In iiiiiiiciilii-Miiliiul imriilynlH ei-'n liuuno; now "My hoiuie." Ho wan now blun tmonlil iilmi he made ilurliiK the now fancy nllli hiinHkcrclilefrt mny Oaorfal" nbo eacclolmed, hitter- k thn thiiij{n wnlch wo nre iinnlile to cunt, out time to lion l|{citl. ly innrrlinl In .St. LoulM, Owncnil niii'ldilil, I'eHiiltii, how;'\'er, \vn,-4 oh- Koril of Ihu Temple, niul tho true ItiiMicrit- hnlilt null tilivitlcnl iliMciiHe which nur hu- patch." Vln't lov<> inu any moro, Huo, hiliic.l ui reiriinlii (lie painful plienom- tie lleiul nf thu Kingdom. A little Inter limn nlrcnglli cminol, throw nil' nlniiii., Oh,. The free line of Minn In thn autumn, Cronjo IH H| III vlKiH'omi nud IIUH Ilio • 'I'll" trip fi'om 1'n 11" to Muniollli"! , u nf t ilii'n, rcil|itie,-ii| luilim w«ro tho phrrtBq ivtin ohnnueil again. Aft lie lelt enpiiclally under fruit tr«en, will luute- Tonchlua Htory, In innilc li>-ilny In nliniil tu'olvn Iniuni. how jtluil wo are iminotiiucH to Imve n Uo<( A|>|>otlt« or tlm Itaklmun. Hlmxly |ili.vNli|int of llio IKx>r r«to«. lln i pldly i ml <' Wlimv, lint It wftH fi cry, dear,*' he wblwperod tcu- Jo>» nt Wi-vn you liny moni HtiindlilK rltflit ncnv," lml fliu;ry *lut'ei*:mmul "You»xiiir iniiinii, Mlnxntn i inf nnnIOIIKITv »,. tractive power iiK'tlniit tln'rio t)iiiif(n nail niii'iiyliiK mixtiireri, fmt In bnneflclal to hn tinw u IMI.Y cm ton pmnidu of «o|l<) •TllortC IjO Ull'lll KMIllv.iMl mi iiMii'illlllill lo I'.xpllilr lll« I y the effect nf X-ruyii, nnil (liny "your Iniiinii In led unto you ilcnolnle anil land a rnrtiiln exlrul at thin noniiiiu, Home you K»t oIltuUloT 1 now." liiittluiml. "II mny he htinl for you In ri'illon Inil WI-IHI lifilui l']yr'( Mini tin* nnlilcr tluit Ilicy mot with Ki'i'iit 011- In Ilin llaiulnn mvnnl mlvrr- heef fooil niul drink a gallon und n hi'ur U»" truth fnnii mo, l>nl • •-" I'liylll* I ilo wlnli yoiiiiK HuriN'ljrli jn» nlmll not uun Mn li|;»ln until ho nhull nny Miirien uiu olintiiclen too ((rent for nn to noun riMiuli-o lime, und It will luovn an H Olinrllo I nhoiild .say so. My tHHinilnry of (Jiiy the tuiuiiu wliinh WIIH niiiilu ol' iin "thut I have u (Joil Hint, can nlialic Ilio (-(iiiutry uru owneU hy hii'i'iiun In I'iiifilliili cucliiMltv MhopM. A oolll'tii liy ii clunu of iiuiucy lirokcrn niul world." Our Chrinl In nut nil nofl. and The Dulic of Norfolk hail r.lvell nl u meal. Mir I*. riillll|in liWIu how ClronJc* Ii j "It'rt tin oiiti-]i|;i«." 'i mini mi Id for him. Hit never old Imyii lullrll ciioy liiinin'olemH). Hack of llln Hcnllcncmi to- utnino, In-ill ,CI'IIIIK In win-Ill iiliniit ^1011 na it cii- Tho HiilntM inny mm, rni» IK-M! of |t ohonunp triuluiHtruduiH, who took nilviintaun of thu .CHllHI ID (he Cjudtunl Vailitlmii luciao- a l«il of IT yoni'H nlo I weiily-font Tlia puiiluUon of UretH-o In day. HUH. U'H mil Ih 'inly oiiu. lorciiftnr, lint llu< iiliinei'M HCIMII (<> |,,, for iitlvor chmmo in order to Is tin arm of mluht ami u hollnenn mi i In, IhnilKli lln liili'liiiiln vulll" In nut V|> ulo'a ilcnin InoxoriiMo as tho liulilniTnin of the ukv. rial fund fur a iichool to he erected In oounda o( lieof In t.u'cnty four houro. IIIK tmator Unu t:luit of nny olh nil ci'iilii. tho nio'it I'llii here on caclli. 1.(union for tile line of Itoman Catholln youtha iihoiil tu lieconiti (eachoru. U-y hi titaroD* at pronunt POTATOES. ment of Agriculture, It brought 3G cents NOT AN UNKNOWN QUANTS Production. Total Value. UNLIKE DEMOCRATS or exactly double as much. Totals— 1003 ..247,127,880 151,038,004 In 1895 the price of wheat on the Kan- The People KnoW Roosevelt, nud , 1002... 284,032,787 134,111,430 sas farm was 51 cents per bushel: last nil re and RcBpcct Him. 1000. ..210,020,807 00,811,107 year, according to the' same authority, President Roosevelt is not. an unka; 1800...228.7S3.232 80,328,832 FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS OF it Was 71 cents. tiuantity to the American people. tiff-Vita. H. 'Bernsbouse will atari " ' 1808. ..,102',300.338 70,574,772 REPUBLICANS NEVER SHADY. In 1895 the price of oats on the Kan- is personally well known to a, vast^n next Saturday for a trip to Mexico, to The Christian . obwohe. at 1807. . . 104,015,004 80,043,050 sas farm was 17 cents; lust year it was her of voters in every part ot the ct look at our Constantinople, Turkey, and Yokahoma, Be sure and read the foot-notes, '• 180G... 252,234,540 72,182,350 30-^n case where 30 cents was a joke try. " In New York he is familiar to occupy two-weeks. A company having Japan, have long used the Longman e Belznont State the same is true. la Boston Summer Shoes wheat pm* inft pnmirtg from. AtchlKon. trclr lit home as in Now York, increase their working capital by tbe d church is located. • Stone, of tho Chicago Board of Trade, Bjndlcatc Riddled, 'Ann., to ) 907 709 5 66 11 40 03:1 ...... Watnford ...... 6 18 7 26, 1247 506S 454 « good prices, increasing manufactures and West unswayed by, sectional bias., ai Bellevno Avo, Hammonton. don't belong to 4bat church. That •584 911 »715 6 00 •116H 987 ...... ACCOM...... 6 12 7 21 12 42 5 00 *840 •<« The yield of potatoes aggregated 247,- o broad market for them amongst local declining rates for transporting the fruits 916 004 128,000 bushels, valued at $151,638,000, is, is but the national feeling ot/i TOO makes no difference ; everyone is made 688 721 11 67 042 ....,... 6 OR 7 17 1237460880488 investors. The old financial ^problem of of all kinds of industry to the markets 645 9 23 8 80 7 80 6 23 C 10 1155 12 05 949 ...-Hammonton .... 600710 7 29 12 80 4 49 8 80 4 29> ,'-lt has been quite customary for Dem- 1003 466,075,913 , 6.81 produced on 2,916,855 acres; the yield the West was to get money from- the virile pesle. A people who reeoj? welcome. Tbe admission is only ten Notice of Begistry of Voters and of see 983 620 969 ...... Klwond ..„ ...... 7(0 4 S» 8 20 4 IS ...... 517.143,143 6.33 _____ of the vrorld; and when there are good John "Walther 803 941 «87 827 1138 in 07 ft 53 «ratlc writers and upeakcrsjto attribute 100-1 East- Tihe-prcsent-problem of the West "times"tn Kansas there is little occasion centej^and^you^are sure,_to have a good a Primary_and_GeneraLmeotion^- _fl_23 10-11 ...--. , HUM™,! 8-85 tBVTxtraordTnar^ipfosperjfy of'fhVlast of the preceding year, but the value -was is to £nd good channels for tbe invest- During the SIcKinley campaign nss 10 23 9 16 7 Wli 8 65 1200 1 629 for discontent throughout the rest of the iOOO Roosevelt, as . candidate for ^ tinri Come one, come all. ^ ....Jill 40 .'.'.'.'.'"Atlap'uc'ciiT.'""! 7 00 02 7 4B 3 82" leljht yattra to '-Providence, and to deny In this table it Is significant to note $17,527,000 greater, showing the larg- ment of its own money. Union. - * Stops ouly ou notice to conductor or aeent, or on signal. fthat tbclRepublican party could be espe- that the lowest per capita of -wheat con- est valuation recorded in any year, and By a transaction such us this we find President, visited almost every WesS is hereby -given that tbe several 1 State and territory. He spoko to The BLACKSMITH tST Although not employed to do so, Morales express down, Ijjerty,_trade_and- industry, all parts of the country. It wns-a t to vote therein at the next election. cultural hirings-atrWbitsuntide,-~19W,-for sicaT impossibility for him to. accept « their heating tank. Several times when And notice ig hereby further given 3nitectlStatcs_durins-the;y-eara=ofi Re- Increased Value otV arm I/and*. the-crop^of-any year^ excepting that of> makes the credit of the islands good, so the counties of Cumberland, Westmore- hot, water was wanted there was none that the said Boards of Registry ~and publican rule subsequent to tho last The farm- lands of the United States 1001." that investors are quite willing to pay a fourth of the engagements to speak t Any Work in His Line., land and North Lancashire, which affords were urged upon him. to be bad. Election will a'eo meet on Tuesday, Atlantic City R. R. Democratic administration (1803:1807), represent the great portion of its real Whnt Makes Prices Biaher. premium for Philippine bonds. If the an instructive view of the rates paid September 13, 1304J at thn places provid- it la the Democratic policy to tmecriugly capital. When crop after crop is pro- The purpose of this article has thus United States government were not sov- In Chicago, where, on his return ft Tuesday, Sept. 20,1904. farm hands in England. The official re- the West, he addressed a great cro-wiS A ,1 ESP List of uncalled-for letters in the ing for the holding of tbe Primary ,118k if the Republican party produced the duced from the soil, the capital still re- been to show that while crops may vary ereign over the Philippines, it is a ques- port prepared .for the department states Hammonton Post Office on Wednesday, Election in their respective election DOWN TBAINfi. .8ni>ject to change. OP TBAIN8. !*ountifulL crops, or had anything to do mains .:. practically intact, unless bad iu size from, year to year, _ the cash in- tion _whether ?'•» islands.would be able the Coliseum, he was rcccived~witla Schwarz's Greenhouse Sand tiund that "the suppljr of male farm servants utmost cxhibition-of enthusiasm.- -1 districts at oue o'clock in 'the afternoon Ac Son Sni 'with the droughts, the rust, or other in- judgment is used in planting crops come from them seems in a general way to float bonds even'at a discount, hence 12th .St. and Chew Road. 8ept. 21, 1904 p. m. a. in. a. m. p.m. p.m. am. a.m. a.m. HTATJOK8; a.m.. an. a. a was fairly plentiful, owing partly to speech was culm, forceful, logical- i and continue in session until nine o'clock a.m p.m p.m a m p.n fluences bnllishly affecting tho prices <3f \vithou_t rotation, or unless the cream of to increase from year to year what- many needed improvements for the ist. slackness of employment in other indus- Designs mode np at shortest notice. MrsJ Ktiietvart Mr Harry Moerlson 5 00 900 6 30 commodities tlio farmer bad to Bell. ever the ' size of the crops. Last year convincing, a contrast to the frantic John Uarlack DrHWHutt in the evening, at which time and places 800 5 00 II 00 1050 73U riilladelpbli . 1J2S _8 JO 1140 625 880 925 the soil is washed away by floods, or nnds could not be carried oot._ W_ere tries," JbutJhn±_^jyJises_shQiveil_a_dawj>_ 5 12 9 10 8 10 642 512 » 10 iloo 7 42 ft 10 H 18 8 00 610 J6«oh sneering -remarks, however, can- unless the productive value-is otherwise -forts—of— ordi n nry— speaker* - Funeral designs a specialty. Baskets Mrs Fny Eev D A Furglson naid Boards shall hold tbe Primary 6 10 ntn 8 88 S? (1903). the total-farm value of the chief the-Democratic party to~bT successful ward tendency in the case of men, but and designs for balls, parties, Elections as provided by law and shall •—•• 8 IB fl 50]S SOj 751 — V'Mt CnUIrgiwood fr06 tl 07 6 0 jnot suppress the fact that while there destroyed through various kinds of im- cereals and of hay and potatoes Was Contrary to the expectations of 5 ...... H 62 Bine Anchor.. S Ifi 7 19 • *"*** less «teady and big increase in the cash ___ _ So_far_as_ the-mere-si zo-of— tho— crops- 613 5 '16 It is the Republican policy in the case Per «Ix months steadfast adherence to the main 1053 of necessary issues of bonds, like the wax tions at issue in the campaign, and wt : -StnrlocrArjtonlatt GuJseppe Cnppucclo districts entitled to the right of suffrage 625 |8 17 974 438 s'w (MM 6Ti?5 per pound,' but they afford a clear m Bernsbouse may bring. Under the Democratic plan, uiiied, collected and amply able to- t: iride of.every AmerLcatLthat. -An«rnoo»«xpresnlowtrlg»TprPhllaT;«r«T2;007Hamniontonl!,42rfcgg Harbor 2.54, and Atlantic 3.15. on regards prices. The Hepublican year which pay them. Henry George has at work to make our farm products sell and authoritative exhibit of what British Afternoon exprm np I tares Atlantic at 0.35, Uammonton 0.09, Phllada. ft W. as-followed out during tho last Cleveland care of himself—an American gentleai this country is^to-day tbe leader in the Tuesday, September 18, 1904, between 1901 was thus n year in which prosper- spoken of the "unearned increment" that better from year to year. While sup- farm hands are receiving by which every tbe hours of one o'clock in tbe afternoon EToning express down lent* PhJUd*. 6.00, Hammonton B.40, arrlrlDg at Atlanllc 6.10. ity for the Corn Belt farmers was pre- administration, the government ignored intelligent American farm hand can com- In language, in bearing, iu all Insurance Agent world's civilization, progress and power, has arisen from the appreciation in land plies fluctuate the market demand the small investors, nnd had no use.for. and nine o'clpok in the evening of said " . . " .. 7.15. •• 7.41, " g.25. ecrved, despite a grent imlnral disaster values. But while the agricultural his- steadily increases. This fact should [t is worth while for tbe voter and the cst-of—Wall' friends for him of all who cama irJt ~\ . •" day for the election of delegates to con- Weekday night accom. down Icarw Phlladm. at 8, reaching Dammonton at>.18. to the corn crop, while the Democratic tory of -the United States for Without knowing the number of men the sound of his voice. ludent of politics to give a mntuent's ventions of political parties or for mak- Sunday nlghl express up leaves Atlantic 7.30, Egg Harbor 7.M, Hammonton^S-ll, Philadelphia 9 00. year 180Q was a year in svli years uas shown an enormous argument not only on land values, street. • . j-'. employed iu each class and at varying T President Koosevelt has ylsite<3 i Nofery Public, thought to what portion ot this progress ing nominations or for both as the case Sunday evening expnn do»n leaves Phllada. 7.15. Hamnnptnn M, .Htl/ntln t.SS.——-^ ~ DO prosperity in the Corn Belt despite amount of this "increment," yet to say but on the general future business con- For instance, on/Feb. 18, 1893, tie rates therein it is, of course, impossible coast^since bis assumption o? : may be. - fluuilaji uiuralUii exprejs up leaves Atlantic at 10;15, Hammonton IfillT.'pflllada. 11.35. the especially b9uutiful size of the corn that it has been "unearned" is a rank dition of the country, for every increase Democratic Secretary of the Treasuy •_t9_ajrriye_at an_avcr.!jge_ratc_of.cojnpcnsa^. ias been fK-hi«VP.i : , mid there, as wclLaa throws And notice is hereby further Riven I _ crop------' - — - — -- —injustice to-~tne~f armors ~who— have— co^ -overtnis-two~blllion^and~a~hairdollairsT>f ~" fion. But with $100 per half year for .Smt._ .....'..I. ._ -ED80S*J.WJ2KK8,0,n.Pt«Mng«rAgent out his journey from aud back, to adminislra lions. tbac the County -Board ^jf-filectiontrwill Dollar Wheat vs. Fifty CcntWhcnt. •operated with Providence to produce farm land income of last year means just dicate tor the 'selling of ?C2,315,400 fotir the highest and $50 for the.lowest of tlio capital, the people rose to him witbi : be in session in the ('oanty Court Bouse AT THE PRESENT WRITING the crops on which not only land values, so much more increase in the purchasing per cent bonds. -These bonds the syndi- second-class men it is evident that the Office, 101 Railroad Ave. matched enthusiasm. He met and ta at Mays Landing, N. J., on Thursday, kffHK OAStt PRICE Of WHEAT AT but the national prosperity is based from power of the American people, and just cate sold to the public for $05,116,244, yearly average for male farm hands ex- cd with hundreds of his fellow citost November 3, 1*01. and on Saturday, {.CHICAGO IS ABOUT ?UO. In Au- year to year. so much more business for all our in- clearing a profit for itself, out of the clusive of youths and boys in Great Hammonton. Cents will pay for a three November 5, 1004, from eignt o'clock in J transaction, of-nearly $3,000,000. The in every oocup'atidu, in every stage i ust, 1003, it was 77 /i to OOVi cents; There are some people who seem to dustries, and just so much more work, Britain cannot be much, if any, above months' trial subscription the morning until five o'clock In the For the most news Angnst, 1002, it was 08i,i to 7(5 cents; wages and profits for all our people price at which the bonds were sold to $]50 a year, while the average for worn'"' state oi society, from thff cowboy to a j afternoon (recess from twelve until two) as_CO.%'to77 cents; that it is ouly by speculation that anxious to better their condition of life. the syndicate was equivalent to 104'/&, en would be somewhere around $100. ~ lege president. He saw arid spoke to z . ' L;£fforo d Beverage to tbe Republican. It has of »aid days for the purpose of revising ;h' J3 acquired. There are other The causes' that are at work to make when the existing United States four per Wo have no similar figures for the was cheered by thousands upon tls t 5 get II the news. Bend in your name now. and correcting the aforesaid register of cents,; cent b/onds, with less than half as long United Stntes, but in a recent bulletin sands of men, women and children. E*a "J' votes, by ordering erased therefrom the r o Toy Stress" o; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ear to Notary: Public lo ?"1.07; in August,' l80i),Tt was T>3 to trntion. entitled, "Wages of Fj»rm Labor_in the idcut Roosevelt is no strange* to I nume or names of any person or persons 03% cents; in August. 180.">, it wns C8->i omy and on other traits of _ long in ft- people of the United States.—He fero for New Jersey, who shall be shown to tho satisfaction of : hendcdness. But while~ thcro~nrc~many When William McIvJnley, in 1890, dPTIIB 5IEAIBT3RS OP^THAT SYN- average monthly wages of farm laborers tenders bis services. to 72 4 to O" ^ rents; in August*, Homiblienn rule. With the people in the 1800 ¥74.70 patch-of thnt date. Secretary L,0et>"g And notice m hereby further given 1000, It was 37 ',4 to 41',i cents; in Au- of the crops Is tho whole thing as re- 18112 that the nrxt Kcncral'eleotiOQ will be gards agricultural prosperity. 1'rovl- cities more prosperous, because of tho It I* Because of Sound Money and the 18IW "11.74 out n typewritten stafoment denyin, pust, 1800, It was 30i-j to S3 rents; in 1«I4 held on Tuesday, November 8, 1004, : l (Icnco nnd the farmer's individual dili- policies of protection and of sound Protective Policy. 71MKI story printed in tho New Yorlt We August, 180H, it WIIK 2l) , i to 33'Ji ri'iits: money, tho people in the country wore Few people realize how or why tlic 7LM-.: to the effect to ,T. Picrpont bhn Frasch. commencing ui six o'clock- in the morn- In Aiifiist, 1807, it \VHH W,y tu '.K"' KOIII'O nre responsible 'fur tlio size of Ills 1SII8 ..". SO..1S ing uud o oBinj; at seven o'clock in tho bound to he moro prosperous, too, be- eoiiilitioii of Kansas is wntcliwl with 1WI1I i-eeently h£W__cfliifemic,es_ cents; IN AUGUST, 18011, IT WA crppx. lint, the financial appraisement -Korrspvt'lt "conccniiTTg the Furnishing Ice Cream evening. Lester of this Kront work of Providence and ciuiso there was an improved innrket •ISMtt -.-r.-.-v;-.--;Tr.-.T.-;. T.. .V. '.T.'V; OSiJO 20';i TO 25 CIO.VTS. ___ is a H follows: Done In accordance with an not of tho himself, wliirh~Tnnkca~tip~ tho "supjily," for -wtiarthey W ' nlmost double the minimum paid .second or eoninninleniei! wltli Ulin directly or Cs and Enibalmei By order of tbe Connty Board of Elec- ihernly of tho nlzc of tho crops of these tlild ynnr'H crops of the United Stalin NOT FIT TO BE PRESIDENT. it a .sort of barometer 'for tho rest of the redly ut Oy«tei- Ilay or niivwlierc* cliw i B|., between .railroads. tions. i '\ Jinrticulnr yearn, lint ot Ilio gonvrn' will prolialily bo greater than for liiHt republic. When there is anything seri- class nii'ii. fur nu llie I'l-cHlili'iit or uuyoiin arnnnil ft FBANK E. ADAM8, ptendy Increnso in mnrliot ilrmnnd year. In tln> aggregate 'us rogardH »l/.o, An "Kvenlnc Pent" Opinion of Jndge ous the mutter with Knusns it is cer- The ligurea of our Department of Ag- kiMiwp, Mr. ^Ivrtfnli lina In-en iiuwliuru.ui •- —"-".Phone 8-6 Attest : Chairman. ['! Parker, riculture, moreover, apply only to IhciNe ()y«ti'r Hay In a yaclu «r ntliorwlsu. J Wheat la not only n "ntnf( gf life," lint tlio cropa will tlii.i year VIT.V likely lie tain lint nil is not exactly right with at JOHN T. FnnNcn, Secretary. Jt l» 'also, nn rcgnrdH ita vonsmniitlnn, » the abundant in our history, unless (New York Evening 1'ost, July 1, 1003.) her neighbors. When thoro Is n drouth laliorcrn hired by the year or unison, the One pnpei- roimiientH npi>ii tho uniw [ammonton, N- it. '} JOUN D. CAIIVKII, ynrd-Ktl(.'lc of national iirosri'HM. Tho tho present bumper prospects In corn \\'e prpxiimn (lint Jtnlgo Parkcr,'a greet- In Kaunas there i.i np( to lie n mighty rate.s where th(! enna).'eiiient is by the line of the word "lie" in statements s>« All arrangements for burials made HAIUIY JENKINB. t nioro people ndvancn In civilization and nlxiiilil, at the eleventh hour, bo reduced ings in (jpnrgia as "our next I're.tidont" In nil tho region west of this MIs- dny are very niiii'll higher, belnj; ,S!) -lit by the 1'rcxidcnt. Them ure, tira .and oarofullv executed. Office of the County Board of )5lcotlon«, All over this broa^l J«md musicini.B In prosperity tho more wlimt Hour wil by unlucky visitation of frost. And in will nut I'lillli! his juilii'ial calm. I.iko Klssippl. When the rains nnd HiuiHliinu cents por dny, with board, and $1.1,'l when only one won! in llie Englhih tit SMALL'S Mnys Landing, N. J., August 0, tliry'coiiBiimc. Tho predcnt Rrnnt invnU tho Aggregate, UH regards values, it looks tin- rest of us, he. has seen too many next bless Knnnas with bountiful harvests without, In !!>(>-. against. (!,'! cents with, KiiaKD will serve, ami I'l-e.sldent 1 904* , praiae the Lester Piano, because cnliiB-niiioiiKHt tha Orlontitl riiocn l« xyn as If our. crnp-i would this year bring Presidents a year licfoni elocllon. nnd tho cyclone and grasshopper glvo her and SI cents without Imiml, la 1H!)I. veil Is an aiilhurity nil lOnglluh. rlironoiiM ivlth tho clrvi'lnpinriit of mi greater wealth to tlio United .States thun They usually Hwiirin Ilku graHdlioppcru a wide Imi-tli, tlui IH npt to extend Thin woulil make, the pny, with Imanl, Is only one Word to litly and J/OS. H. GAETON, Cor. Second and Bellevue, r it« tone reeembleH. more thun any cniirmnii'H tradn In I'nrllii' i\n\x( whiMi ever before. In .Inly linforu tlio nuiiilnallng conven- hcyond hur lH>rders and 1111 Ilio land with in 1S!M, nvrriiKii !fiM.. i() for a half year characterize certain wtnteiuont;!-—i»sa l« our flour IhroiiKh tlin "open ilnor" to HIUMC Mil flt«ucljr (lnltia In Vnlnr. tion. Hill the Judge \vill be milijei'leil reason fon rejoicing:) and content. or 150 dn.vH, while thn aveniKO iMiiiipen- Ht.-ileineilts an that of Tlilj Worlil TTlai rSTICB of the PEACE, Hiilioii of tlin Ainerieaii farm luhorer paid llie I're.siiU'iit H'IIH contrinllcting-. Hamrnonton. Quality—not quantity motto. other inntrumont, the beauties of tlonn of tho Orient. The following tallies rihou- lunv uteaily in liln (ii'orgla aililress to a pretty When 1'rovldenco frowns on Kansas ^Public, Commissioner of Deed*, i In tho cn«o of corn It In rrrtnlnly n tent of Ills litnesn for IVi'slili-nt, Ilio heart of the nation is usually xorrow- by thn ilay In l!)0^ would bn fl.Tl.nO A Me, according to Webster, i:>- - * Imvo been the galim In cash values of 1 -•rlnilnal fnlseliooil; A t'ALHUHOOi T«et wnflhy of much iiltonllva ulaplii crops, denpiiK Ihietniitlniiu from lime or ever. \Vill he havi tlio courage fnl for her— and for itsi'lf. I'd i- HID .six months, with liniinl. lammonton, N. J. the human voice,—and it UTTlOltlOl) FOR I'lIKI'dSM!) <)[!• r>] that de.Hpltn tlin hlk'h pr!i'i>i< for corn ditr- year to yoai' In .'d/.n of rrons: to speak a illrtM't anil wholcHomo word When Providence mnllcs on Knnsas lint KlnliMiiYal nveniKi'N, valiiahli! as r. A. J. L. O'DONNKM, CKI'TION; AN INTIONTIONAI. V'W [at Residence, Mlddlolioad. 4ng thn Mint three .yrai-H, llii> (ti^nnnil even CORN. t'> th «f l!,. ,(K),()(H),(»(K) lni \Ve ini'iin, of cuiirse, llie whole inalter III openliiK the lieinilillcaii ciuupiilKii at waKe.i ill nn oreiipiillou like nxi-lciiltiii'e, Ohandlor, "1-1 1, A-KM.SIQ H/VTI3.WBDf Ten thousand booklutB of the elf, corn In now iiliout Till cenlM |>i>r 11)01 . . I.Wl'.fi I!»,H1) I 1)2 1,5,V»,7IIH of nhrlilgeil MUlVniKe, ileiiii'd eiti^eiisliip, Marlon, Kim., Sept. I. to rniihul hin au- whieli, Ini'liiilliih' i'iii|>lii.vei'H mid empliiy- . .Aim WITH Tll'1'5 rilUI'OSW 'IK Town of IlninmontoM, lioiuitlfully tilifihel at ClilciiKii. In irail) tin) Infill HUH), .a, ior,,ioi:,r.iii 7."> 1,220,0:11 refusal of eijual li'eaiiiient lii'Toi-o I ho dllors of the change lluil lunl COIIKI nver eil, niinilier.H nt least I l,0(X>,OOll perMims LASTS crop WIIH 2,'JH1.',H7^,1(M liiiNln'lf, hut I lie 1 law, and the ivi'i'iidcst'eiice of slavery, as uver 10 .veiir.H uf iifte nnil U|i\vili'tlM itf ev- IHOl'KIVl.NKiJ an Intcntliinal nntriitt^; ey& Counselor Auctioneers. (heir pniHpeclM Nliini the iliiju when llio lIltiBti'fttod, Imvo Jim: bcou iHsuod by IN!)I)..2,OVN,I l.''l. ! (!2l»,^10,l K) r lal irliniiil; (hit ntteniiicii by sijitxhilN a Jirlen 111 Aiih'ii^t of llmt yenr WIIH V0''j iilTi'i-IIng our ni'Ki'o |io|iulallini. Tlic whulo hind rang with the cry, "U'lml'M erj JIKC, cnlnr nnd HI'.V. Tim American At Law tlio Itourd of T^ido. Kvory citizen jlo "0 eciita nt Clili'iiKn — nut half wlnn IM!)7. . l,!M)'J,IMI7,!):i:i M Koiillieni imperil are full of II. anil ile- the mattei- \villi KniiNimV" ilnpplly lui fiirm liibnriM- KIIKVVH what wages he iv- i of that wiiii-h i.i fninu WITH r.r» it In now I inaiKllii'K Ilia) llie Soiuli |M> "let alone" elvi'M, anil lie eiiu eoiiiiiare It willi what I'M NT TO .M1SUOAD Olt rllf,7. Building, Ilammonton, Special Attention piven la entitled to iv copy, frcu of chnrgoj IHJXI. .2,2S,'l,,S7r«, 111.1 .|! wan aliln to pi-in-laiiii, if mil fnini lln\ J'er Cui>l(n roNni/uiptlnii of \VJu?at IN!>;.. .2, ir.i, i:is,r,s(i r. | III IIH nlmlleimc of human rij;M'i and dlti- Iliiunc lol>'i, ui lellMl In I llr h'li'Knll'll up. i paiil In lOiiKliunl, nnd greatly hi hi:i J. THAT \VIIICII IS I.NT10 t > ri'K"i'd of Ih iiMilluiliiii. I'Mwanl M. tvn iinllMfai'lliin, -tl'lUV'JOS TO DKCMIVK <(>lt. Mt;J [>ue Building. to House'Furnishing Goods which may bo procured by calling A LIFETIME 1 llfrCUMITf. LSI) I.. l,2l _ ,77O,O.V^ r.: rrillol-H for lll'iseininalliill llirnllKhiilll Ille I.K.VD; ANV'IMIINC DMNHINKU facl|]r.';i ol' llui linllnl Si ill en Swiftly he ili-ew thi< p|chiri< "f llie eon. nlnghain, at hlu ruulilcncu, Second of plndiiK tlio fiictiii-y lieMiiin dm farm OATH. own way. Mill nm a man naaieil in illllinm an they cxluicd clf;lil years ago: IIIO'J fali'ly llmuirll faintly rcllrrl Ilio "our nexl I'rivililenl" ai.Tei' |o inieli a illlli'i-i'Mi'ii lielueeii ln-i Iniliisli-lal i-unill- riO.NS." llaiuhaoutoii uu HutunlayH Street. nccolintH for tlui In-nailer mill lieller 1'roiliirlloii. Tutnl Vnlno. "Kun.'iaH wan niinVrlug fnini lln- elt'eelH Hammonton. N. J. innrlmt. (li(i farmer ilm-lng tlin Inn! cli;hl luenl lullllllc'allon of llalloiuil Ia\vnV II' linn ilui'hiK- the In-,I I li'iiiiiiTnlle imllniiii! 'I'liere can !«• no ilonlit [lint (IrT CVrra Tntnlfi - IOIKI . .7M-I.OHI.HMi ) L''l7,l!(ll.i)ll!> >T Deiiincrnllc adiuhil.-ilrallnii. Tim In- itloo In *11 Oourti of the Htate. Additional copioM inny beobtttiiied yenrri IIIIH I.... . n Mcji'llly i:i'lllli/( for lil'i i IMC.' lin ran, he l-i nol III in L,i l'ri>>ddeii( next IciviilM of her H|:rl'lul[ HIT laniiiilxlniil. Her iiiliiilnl'tl nil Ion nnil now. Ami In Novem- lent nseil I'xacily llie rl»;lil. woril. Send for new illuntruted cntuloguo and . .D,s7,Ni ..',7i2 ;io,'i,riM-i.N;'p'j >ear or any _yeai'. 11 woiilil he like eiiri-yliiK coala li> N'n-w by paying the following prleeu tn-nilui'tfi, Tlilii In iinllciMiMii In Ilio CUM- 11)01 . .7.'lil,ril)S,72 I •ri)|m rolli'd in (lie Held ,n- were imirkel- lier I"' will nol vole for any |iai-|y ivlinsi' L'll.'l,ll.'iH,7VV •astle |n e\]ilnln In mil- frlcinls Hi,- I.VTV y for first mortgage loa BO YEARS' of iirnr'tlrnlly ever.vllilnj; he linn lo t'ell IllO.'t . . 7.'lll, NO.S.71.M •il al nmrmiincriiled pricc'i." An. I ninch •nireem wonlil forrsliiulmv n reliim lo eight fer 25 contH; • thrco for 10 vtiriy pavnient Ol' Coiirnn Nol. 1 In- eomlllKinn of IMIII ami IS!).', irrnla llie im-aiilm; ami Iniiei' ciiaa..-,liji u EXPERIENCE • liK'i'i'jdilii); conionii|illon loiil.ini; price:! 1(11)0, . ,K(I!>, !'_',">, DSD mire In llie iiMinn I'll !-!'!. Tlii'ii he polnl- Davlil II, Hill Male.l, In onn of his it the wiinl "lie." 1'n'il (,-raml n>nM'.-r.r couta; or fi contu oaeh, Tlitimi prlceu rrlallrtily lieller no iniilliii' wlint tlio > .i|ii«i>rlirs, l.litil Air. ItiiiiMi.velt, on lulilni; |in. Hll need lo rec:l|il lllil|i> 1'^ punnloii d I||«-N^ | iljr. n the ai'l, .they necil mi ilii!!iiill»ui i. L.H. Phillips Co. Include envelopeu for mailing, when IWIH. imi,-i(i;,,:i(!i llie oalli of ullleii al'liT HIM ,l,':illl of I llr liles-ilii|;n II'IKIII-CN of Ilio llnreiui of t-ilnllnllcn hill gouil cropM, rilnd p , ,...... I ,j,n ,,n,. I'lllte.l Mlnle'i Ciillsnl (.'I'llel'al (ineli Ine ili-aun I||N||IIC||OIIH. llnl |!i-im:;ilj IMI»V .(IDS,7il7,Kt)ll 1-17, 117-1, 7111 IVe-.ldenl MrKlnley, -mid llmt Ii,. \iauld ( dcHircd. 'I'lioy can bo purchased of dhow Hint Ilio \vlieal cnh»iini|i|lon of Ilie IHIMI. ,7nv, :ini, KM llclll ailtl NiMllld llnilli Ilier, al l^i-iink foci, (MM-many, i|iioleti n nn ami liiile|iemliiiihi nr<> no| iui VTI-. nol tin M I'liiiillilalu I'or 1'ivlilenl In IIHII ip In thin liriuu-li of acllviiy. l) Hlaleri In (lie lineal year 11)111 IHD.'i. .K'.'l, l-l.'I.IilCr MUIIUIM llrl rrulll ail f\ll;u|-i| lert.-l Ill'll. loieil liei-miin |ii'oie!.-.or iri iiiij Im; lluil tho Hcxirotary, from 1'. 1^1, JacobH, I'l'enldenl lloo:ii'\ell IIIIH lleyel' nillile a to II i-i Well, iierliupn, l,, (> || ili,.^. .,tf. . , Insurance. •wan tlio lai-|;cMl In Ilio lilnlnry of the IH!H. .llir.-'.tl.'lll.ll'JM •'.'ll 'iMirlllK ihc I'l'll hcvrl ^eill'M," he Mild," :-\ iniiK'Imi ilnr-i not !«•.•<-.t-ii a mil Ion'.-. In lt i: v pnniiH.' ,ri lo hl'i oun |n-i-iu>iial iii'ilon * TKAOK MAHKB (Jluilnnnii of Printing OonunUtco, <-ounli'y. Tim lalilu willed follmvii nliu» :< 'no nun linn •.hninl | |n pro»|Mirli y vvhli-h iririil i-.nii|iii, l in ami Mrrni'lli. On 'on to llm lalcil |n-ii|>ei- ami ili'Tiit-.v':.*i IKIi.'l, .ll.'IS.S.M.HliO IH7,liVll.(N):! \\lilell lie illd not red'ei-m. The l'|-e<ketoli mid duorlptlnn m.i Minil'lloii In tiilal Mini per eii|illn In each ;i'ce Ihan Ihc former:! ol KniimiM." And i-.reill. lie Miiyi, It) liiulni; r<|inee In n liirli Hllleli |.i Jn:,|. now under illHi'll-lliciu. auloklr iuo«r(«lii our fiplnliin (rt* «rfi«th«r mi Tlui coHt of tlu'Ho booldctii liu-goly fl'ical year from IKIII) lo anil Ineluillni: are elnn-iH'li'i'l.-iili'M ,>r Hie nniii. lln l'> .'M>nml (Iri'.'il llrlliiln hi i'llr,l-a.i an 'I'.ital \'illlle. nnilii"! no iiriHiilnivi |,n doi»< Inteail In llllllllrilleil llie |il'OM|ie|-|l.V of llie Si. llr ^/ FOB • •trlotj) (t.x«'cciln tho ubovo prlcrii, nnd nil l.'JOS Chettnut Street Jill)!: ^ ir,.nii:t,M7i the hi liuilh di'|iii-ilt II i'\alll|i|e of \\lllll e \ |illll'.|oll Iktl-i ilium t'oc Hticl liiillinfi-Y Hum Nilt l.i>«t Ml «f«nort r l.crp, ami lie Kei'|i-< Mieh mi ln< innlve:i. ii millon lluil orlr.inull.v h;ul little I cn-l A lllreelol' ill' llie ljnll«H+^4ftlllr:l ;{•«•« AU turoufli money ohliilnod IVoin thuir riule will \\ lie/xt nnil wlient lluiir ivlnlneil for I7.«l.'i(),'il):i 'I'he nllly hliil-.v nlui-le.l l,y Mill li.i.l no i;, i,, n\,., ,vsn, Loans. tfrfM nolle*, without oh* In IIIIKI." A'i a lor\. 'ii|-|ioriilliiii rcfnli"! o7r"Tvff tlic n'viir lionni einimunplloii : fiiiiiiilnl Inn In I'arl, nnd II In really nol nmllrr nf evac'l bo l«ipL])iiriite from tlui general II hill-In l,i' ui'll In ,,,i.y || u ||i,. ini'iil-i nriile liy calamity lioi«!!iiLt H-i-nw- PHILADELPHIA, Pa. Yinrrh Ilio Ink nnd papi'i' llmt has liren u llunil free >lell\|.|'\ h,n, eimhlnl fm in of tint llotird ; llmt Imalin..! > l.i :n, ,:...rf I'rr IIMeil III ilen.tloi; II, i'M'«|>l Ilial II nnee r >|M lo ulilaln lieller pi'ln-'. f,ir lh,-l|- |,I.H| Yi'ur. l''.'Ki,. i'.:i>.-IMV In IMMI h> }.ri|,liri:>, 110. ni- I Ili-l'e will lie. | ill ||, |||'| I i,r ntun>( excliidlvuly Tor itdvertlHlng thu i i,H7.i.;iriO morn lllurKn (lie rtiill'llelei' of Mill. iieiH, llemi; In'iiiDslil Inlo ilallv iiini-h Hl'llli;; "All inn- pliliil'i \\i|| In- iimii,-,;- 1NIII) I,Ml prr ,vul, u|,||,, il,, -M' i,r lllr u |lu I,. (inn \vllli llii< -'lule of llie mini.i-i-i. |lii>\ ui,. Atlantic City, N. J. Town In otluir wu.yn. IfllM iiiiili-y lui'ii'ir iil full iM|i,iilly III a monlli or l\»», ..ii,.' •I. fill "1 linvn ii,» tviiriln ,,f nt>iini> fin- lalili'tl lo InUe ail\ mil :i>;i' uf liilni'iiiii 'i III,(Mil,il> ' in- nlli.lill lllllli'l' lilt pel- li.v Ilial lime Ilir ilcmaml lor .'.Icel u .-.-.!' IVIII Tlioodni'n ){on«»n vnl (. I tirllnv«> him to lion Ili-rrlofore Inni-ee'' I.. Illinl l-'.n- •I, Mil II A V. •HI. l>hul-i ^^•|ll he fi-catei- than at any IIMVFJ li« 11 IM-IIVD, lioiioivt, roii«rU'ut limn iitmi, Ililn priu Ural lirl|i l!n \ ni" llnlrlilr.1 h, ilnrlni; il'e |>n .1 year." INUI ;i.i i rrniliii'llon. Tutnl \'nliir, I iilvr, him (nil ,,,.,11 ( l,ii- huvluu „ \VnllM |||,< 1C L- IDO.'t. .. lll..'lo:i,DIO llie |>ai-|.v Illlll ".lo,- . llilllK-,' \ I.' , (he •I .Ml ij.MI^'IVil.NMI) n|il«iint III iioiiriiuii of i-oii vlt'ltiMi," uiiiliTl'iil |irun| IteonlihtMlli |iu rl v. IMMI 100'.', . , .riD,M.'i7,ti7ll M",U'ltl,:illl Tliiniini !•:. W.iU'Hi'A D|ii'i'iili ni'i'.'<|,llli|( ri'|.|ill»l II \\ll-l Illl'illlill Tin' i;i'iici'al |>i-on|ierll v I be connliy tv,,M |-|||0(ei| Illlll,T Itl'IMlllllcilll lllllllllll.lllM'. ,.l., junr moo 1,0,1 KI.IKIII .iiri,ri,'iN,N7o iioiHloull.oi. I'llril Mint |irn|i'r \\illi lln' limm-ii T i ri>)>t n liirli nli' novs I HI IN iHiio. null' ami iimin'i Illlllli; llie lunl -icven yevll'ri h;l.i ,inilj\,,^ iiT.iin-il II I i ,•" i nllal ih u |n iiv i lie Ilir lai'iiier a-i much II' "<"), nioni lliiu .• -,• wnt II Oil IHDH. >IM fi Illllllll II Ini'll Ml Illlll lill'llli'l i HUM lr:l|i I tin JilMO •I. VI IMIV;. llliiM'Ml eir«loini'i' i f lln'i' one cla-.-i, . The rahiicn Uin>\r i'... v , Tim Ii rn un llie fnrnnof Kniruin full n-ualil ol' III. u lain.i . Tin i Is ii', ml nlioiilil ami nmlonlili'ill.v ttlll v-nli- -'.. llllltl. . . .till.'.IH'.l, 15') .'INN, I'lti.lll-l Itiiinililli'ilU (.nilley IliaUe'l IM eenl i a liu-.ln.|; liu,| trnr. lOlleil If Illi' Kelilllillr.lll I'll I ) 1-1 eollllll oiillnm< r"inlll.'ini.', n» Iliey are ami IHM.V U.till -i7,ov;i,nn iji> llie ri'iKirl uf |ln< lieinul il In po\\ui-. tory and farm.. American* Is, OF OWN MEDICINE of course, appealed to. The facts that our farmers find their best customers in •great manufacturing centers built up by TRIBULATIONS OF A Gffl SUPPLEMENT TO •late-bolder In his efforts .'to' perpetuat* JUDGE PARKBR. UNSAFI protection, nnd that our manufacturing thY Institution of human ib\very and to states and section are also tho GRANDFATHER* extend slave labor at'tba ezptnm ofLfre» SJtemocrats Think Free Trade BE HUB LIC labor. Th* sacrifice ot principle necet- irm land values and agtK.-uic.urai Utter /Ha telegram. •fanacea Harmless, Because prosperity, form an object lesson that •Itatad-by this -relationship 4ed to rapid must - -n^ ,j - » Cantidlatt _.kTnlirWrVH:.'Sept 2]^ decay. The party «e««ed to produce Democr : ^ Cannot Be Taken. rf u y v creat leaders. Men .of conscience «nd IneV «» "" ---.handicapped by the Dear Sonny—Had to hare breakfal ' SEPlTEMBKR 24, 1904. Presl lack of a near home market for their bed this mornin all on account of-al courage, like Thoma.8 H. Benton, left .The people of our manufac- little Stevey Elkins put up on me | It. The slgnlflcance of this period Is tb» W a 6 in Wa grandchildren gave what they calle Illustrstlon it fire*' of tha disastrous r»> •?', n^ ""JJ 8« and sal- Rough Rider German," ta tlm T^p,. suits of « betrayal of prlnolplcs, to the INCONSISTENCY cans of Randolph County and got ml morals,, honor and.usefulness of « party. -. ."fuLuuujr to the farm- The people bar* not trusted the Demo* « Is a system of close mutual in- load it in the Suit I woro whea ' ln and Hickory" licked tho British at:New critic party since, except during th» two SAFES „. , f support, of domestic farm leans in 1815, brief nightmares ot the Cl«r«l*nd ad- ^S Party Leaders Exposed'by a Demo- *l/a±7'cdp,roci*' »*«<*, »M» our : ministrations. _ natural advantages, has You ought to havc neen tho what-y Its Professions and Promises •cratlc Free Trade Paper— Gorman "ca a synonym for call them favors—saddles, bridles, bdi ... P«rtT*« •h»m»fnl n«cpra. and Davis Placed fa an over. spurs, rldiu' gauntlets, guns and .pistol Compared with Its Founded on the wrong sid« of moral Three Te r enqugh to arm a cavalry regiment •nd political ethics, It spent the first '•> Unenviable Light. trainin' ^ny. Then they'fitted me i Performances, sixty years of Its existence alonf th« KpTimi ROOSEVELT AND FARMERS. p iffl'iAho filln's °r a Cdlonel of t1 lines of self-agKrandiicment and narrow Did Kough Eiders, mounted me oh n.fiery u partisan legislation. Whil* professing the Pre.Ment Im Admired tamed hobby horse named Bucephal in Its platform* to b* th* friend of tha 1&. comNc.. feature of the Acrlcnltsiriita, and sent me prancln* up and down ti VERITABLE CALAMITY PARTY masses. It perslstenly enacted law* (San Francisco CaU.) lmo of shoutin' Idds with flddles playi which bound them to penury and dis- -I uroiiph the many expressions of Pres- tress. While 'publicly advocating a ident Roosevelt rnns a hearty note of (larry-owa" and ,4itevo Elkina yelli harm might like a Comancho Indian broad, Intelligent citizenship, it voted When appreciation for the homely and simple For about five minutes I was it. GrJ Preaches the Gospel ot Discontent and against Individual freedom. While beat- Theodore -jrouffh the break- rC f Iire B9 f Und the system of protection, by •and on thYo ,farm. H°e sai d'» th' e country vlsagod Dick capcrin' in my lady's cha Wastes time In Obstructing Wise Ing the tom-toms for prosperity to th*. Trhfin'a I ln c lnp nad define hi **• >ivu.*vi l»U iill- People of Maine in _" - ^L^ P^. circumstance „ people, It— Vo±cd--_acain9t-"Cbeap postage, — --and:Beneficeot Republican— -thff-HomesteinHirw.-atid-the-Resumption itno T?i%*..,i,ibreak rdown-tlio-srstem-bc- n - "" ^vusffTTnTTwItli me—whil .the 'Republican Senate would .'"'• Policies. of Specie Payment. Claiming to be in is an nns in The ivay. •to-day, Is called upon continually to «! -favor*of-a-bighor^standard-of-living—tot- Now, li crcise the qualities -which we like to ----- — me, tno LLIL/IU nii'iiei logic Democratic reason- .as they say in the navy, and th tho worklngman. It enacted free-trade •somewhat lik think of as typical of the United States measures which, eent him into indefinite, Is a man of the boy throughout its .history-tho qualities or next thing your Uncle Henry knew ha that bv eat was ,„ bed with-hot bottles all around Congressman J, Adam Bede tolls of enforced'Idleness, and reduced him and oua? Hi rugged independence, .masterful resolu- by what thnt nCl J ivi(hlal n turn and the doctor fc'edin' him whisky meeting n typical member of the party bis family to tho level of the pauper fn°ln^ '";' « wey. and resource- with a spoon. labor of Europo. Professing the utmost one says |"jnP?s, Heworks hard, for-which-no of promJsea and calamity howlers. The They say a man has more than 200 Democrat had just come out of a «aloon patriotism, It gave all possible aid to In callinj \_ma n Is to be i-.m-upitied,, «uandu uitcoften hne nvolivesi the rebellion. bis life t hard, which may not be pleasant but his bones in his body; and I fcnowif f,yr •wlien'ho'-tpld- Bode.ho had been buying 1 V(? an -ache in every one of them; T Borne lining for his underclothes. In Some Com parlibni. man ontil But tho bodily pains ain't the worst reply to Cede's query'as to how he was Contrasted with the erand old Repub- for hlmsi that came, of my leadiu' (hat Kotv-'i getting^ on, thu unfortunate dcsclple of lican party: the one abolished slavery, After His Speech. For th . In the country, moreover the has had i conditions arc such as to allow a closer Rider German. Between the ovct-e.ter- Joffersou aasivcred: ..„....'.. . the other upheld it to-tho'last; tbe one touch between man and man ?han is tiou nnd tho whisky I had th'e'dodgastcJ- put "down the rebellion, the other sup- -tJie-UnIt< cst night s sleep you over knew. I dream- •'Tbat his horse went dead and bis mule ported the rebellion; tho one preserved three yea UIK the Cnsc in tlle cit v went lame, office sud SS?%-^-«&»ffiS: feel mo° - - ) ; - - Men ed a,dream worse than -\cbucliadnezzar. 'Anil he lost six COWB In a poker same: ths National faith and credit,- and paid 0 It seemed hko I was visitin' you at Roso- I'hcn a hurricane came, on a summer's dar, the National debt, the other tried every ribla mui brotherhood and community ofJntTrcst " 'Ami. blow, the houso where he lived, away; He has ; "gP rLEffi ?ft?HS°sl?- n nsa!n: Tho mft mouut. TVeJiad spent the ove'ing-tryin' scheme and expedient to. stultify the re- c ^"S^S^J^NEX^S own fa " - 3™Hho tills his unsuccessfully to find souio tone that Ami nn earthquake camo when that wa» public and ovoid tho debt; the one pro- ho has a lii dlfflcul the woodland, the^ma"!! Uio^-ows what hiida t been "firmly nnd irrevocably," set-' And s'-VaHoweil the land that th« bousa serred the^ptandard of valu* unchanged, tied right by the Republicans,, and yo-l stood on, the other sought to tamper with it and aW n rt Then the tax collector loon came round , SAVE wear ,SS * Y " «"»-«-*l»t we proposed that we should K0 0,,t an' coo up wltu tlid nol« In the destroy it. • "* Immed! pier in th William -nditrS=-^^«,e 9 ground."- O«t» Woreo Instead of Bettor. DattiPn Tfir-n,o,,c?» f*.f T-'-t* j . . -.~"J freely m OL j.iiu imad& this coun- 1 Bede Raid thnt his friend thought that The professions and promises of tbe " ' was just beginnin to quote that Pre aboilt ;\r!t3 carrying the single tax too far. But Democratic party, during the past forty- ti-e nt three years, and tho absence,of all per- the couat •j-rifH i. i% «u»"«ji..« to modifmouiry truc tlmt the formnnce-nre-as-notorious-as-ev*^-They- It waj J S Serve to revont ar th *.„—"'""•'' ^en-being whispered "Sh! Look! By Dave Hill, of all chronic complainers and kickers ™£ , ." ,'l P " re- K ? you would find ,tuat, out of a hundred sbow tho lack of Ideas, or purpose, but (Reproduced from the Minneapolis Journal.) if there am't a gold fish!" I looked but abound in hypocritical dogma* and Jority In coiildn t see anything but a fresh water of Lhsm, at least oinety-olsht ought to that be i - "?s;&s -»>»" F-" - astwf HOORAY! A BRYAN TO THE RESCffti. . Co out und kick themselvoa. flatulent pretenses. It has "reversed" sucker giving forth a pu'trcscent-glow aa Itself on almost every Important Na- way, dls •J&^^ss^^^^^zssl he floated by. Short on Performance. i»*^g«»8Jorte_rarWLqfthe^ "sa/ejinrfaana"_OcraOCracy tional measure^ ajid brought upon^Jtself **TM1 i •-••»*-»*vn, j\»u nUUUlCU. ha done i ? '"" Democrats do not know^ th«""meanlnB "tnTTiaiculo of fight-thinking people. --^^'"••^*«^^%%£™^w £!£?*"*"-**r III catch him!" and plunged headlong of the word "performance," when ap_- Does n TRADE WITH THE EAST. tariff in the p\ast that it appears almost iuto the murky tide. i Apropos of this deploriblo condition In plied to, doing anything for the gen- tho par.ty. "Mr. Dooley" proposed'the trary, thi • "ivsijrrsfjst- ^e—effeet• - un - s '"•'•"' "•-"" """-'» impossible Jhat its effects shonld be COMMERCIAL SUPREIV1ACY. "That was the last I saw of you For -t , —*..e.m fruHum tbaTnigsecuai niggeda et- eral jood, tbo advancement of the hu- following want ad., a little while before Democratic talk against •""• JLstaaiLcoated. - '•*<«• man race, nr th.a betterment of man- of the w tc pencnce physically a type of the Ameri- Maintain It. WilfFoHow Onr Control tha St. Ixmla convention: nor f the remarks of campaign, but yet the trimming of sails 9 a t C e t S anchored o cancan, hrm, brond-shouKtered. There exists, practically. is alwavs n vit-ni se*,,~ :.. ]j jaii:^. Xln- 'in1 nniJi . u^ ' ^ J'. ' .y°" "Pyercama kind. As a party it has been ylnY «otcd and a "^J** 'July OuLliIus, und still more bubbles to v/ritn it for more than a full round —"WANTED—A uuuii,—Jrttve;—BuoiEetli: -b««o-iJe« enormous possibilities of trade with Republican party will trim its own sails, Laying aside the • other questions to Just like your speech of acceptance Dlmmyc^at. sthronc IT lung an' limb; ^a eSect that free trade wasi a beaiitifn^ Performance 0/^71;^! S^i "^ Asia for our Western wheat-gro.wing century, ond yet It has not succeeded in must bo In favor Iv Bound money, bat not an oppo: •G&eoiy. and the Democrats shonld be s and it will be extraordinary should the be affected by locality, is it possibles At last I p-ulled myself together and hava bee: contacts with tie peonle have inspired States*"+". Japan will be th^e enterin, g that any sensible human being, living forming tho first letter. To do anything too sound; an' antl-lrapeeryallst, hat f'r . in power because they stood sponsor eulcl UK American people delegate the task to any jelled Dave Hill was the first constructive or of permanent benefit boldln' onto what we're got; an Inlmy of tie* At ti wedge. --Alread y we are in toucouc h wftwth one else, ? C do thrusts, but a friend Ir organized capital; «t: .and since, after all, they would K to appear upon the scene. I see him now •eerns utterly beyond its moral and n sympathizer with th' crushed an' down- frealdent Japan, already we are on the friendliest in"g but suppor~»i--j'w*t» whaMIJUtl thosIUI»>e who i put in power to put that of commercial relations with her, rela- mb K r r objcctions th wearin' a red night cap on his licad anJ psychic conception, or physical capacity throddan people, but not be anny moans •af* mas ^._-^w THE AMERICAN COURSE. _ the destinies of the Democracy in thw perform. Its normal attitude is with uostllo to rested InthreaU; must advocate easily ha C0lllcl J«ms_certain -to-become -closer-and-clos- I!,'.' d - " ° *° " ithrlkes, sover'mlnt bo Injunction, free sil- '"dorse the beauti- Jiollow^oi-WsJiand , Ita-face to the past and its bock to tho or more . can be CEpccted of a man, e er. Already Japan is beginning to cat A Policy that Works to the Advamtaee This ntfit i dP is not c ver, tound -money.- - graonbacka, a single nated ,n his childhood, educated anti wheat instead of rice. Her many mil- !i" r, "»fined to "lioys," said Dave, ns soon as he tooi ture. It never »ces an opportunity un- tax, n tariff f'r rlrluoo, tli' cohstltootlou He baa i of Commercial Interests. the Rockies alone-far fro in the situation and summoned the Etl to follow th' flag as far as It can. an* no ,v^™'-v i T-, I reared «MH-UIUIabroad,, warwithn no knowlknowledgi e oAf his lions of tons of rice Japan consumes menn» of tho Issue has been permanently sot- P««w York Evening Post, a mug-I country anjin/di hi»,;„s «».._countrymeni ?« *. ""* We are whative hare become, ond we muncar » ecutjvc Committee, "boys, this is a by tbo Republican party and public fartlair; civil somco rnyform Ir th' la'nds every year cannot, of course, be .defin- Propose to hold our interests as a world mumcation, we are as one ' *ree trade organ wliicli is actively *' tely ascertained. Tho total is" ilm but nevertheless can- SECOND TERM :hing onormon P w'i'n'" ifii'"^!) "under tbo Constitution .. case of tho removal,, death, resignation poor. I i<»i o Lw ue^^Waeu^ffTeeSitrTuv^ With mutual regard and commercial an enormous country, just now in a state ordinary pathway the United StntePlias ^^^^^ ... . jro'imniB or prom- Stronger than Any Other.'..—„ ._ jod-fellowship existing, and with Japan, of dissolution or reconstruction—no one made ncross the greatest of all the Oceans or inability of the President?" rarilJ. performance. It would limp _ nd Democracy. • Look 01 about the Brooklyn ra'tlfica- (Kansas City Times, Independent.) and has so connected itself, for nil com should have seen the look of During Cleveland'* administration onr p*rtment ,rting: (Kansas City Times Independent) ^ mnT ^ o%oTr and wRh rte "vbole can teTl v The various nations with tough Us course a loathsome deformity, thu lut t! If President Rooseveltt badd beern elect-'- - ^ f t ire with Tarious ; at came into that good man's ha promlaa leg would reach several National debt Increased a half million **Kow)that the party.orators are face to e dollars a day la th* fac* of th* party's baa bam i •**—~i witb the voters on the hustings, their edI to the -offleofllcoc he now -occupiesoccupies,. •,....„Judge- ;iollr to givo to tho rest of the world, witb Ion, llmes^around the earth.and than to the ! bns weakened. Having, In their Parker's declaration that, if cboscn Pres- '?ni'oo«.- whil* the performance member promise of batter times. Bach day ir* nJty.«nd t thLllev UUUMILlucondition becomeUl;k.uu^^os ij^uolmost, D.«u|,.ksimple. «.Fo• ur. best lost half a minion dollars in foreign without -a — -moments, declared tliat protection. ident, he- x^oiild. not be a candidate for the good of all concerned, whole nations 'ycould not bo found, Intact, with a pow- ens a principle. Is robbery nnd works Ineal- re-eleclion, iiught have some special rorful magnifying class. . It has been a trade. During that administration tho est appreli «salahle hurra to the. pc-ople, they shiver considered, it ia necessary that wo should pears value of farm products decreased mor* during tb« out the nosslhle effect of their prononnce- weight iii the present canvass among put our wheat and Hour across the Pa- the f 'helpless victim of prornlsephobla for a -xsaicsxt at tho poll.i. In n word, they uluif- those who are believers in the one-term jfaundr«d and one years, and there la not than five hundred million dollars. Dis- special coi -on tho tariff. Listen to Edward M. cific Ocean aud give to' our brothers, trust and panic paralyzed tha creat In- just th* dli MiTd, who presided at llrooUlyn. Ho principle. But President Koosevelt cnma of any color, what they may require, a single symptom of relief In sight. Tho tbnt the 'Democratic nominees ntund into ofllcc by accident. lie, was made , [diioaoa IB conceded by th* host author- dustrial eyitem of tha country. Banks ka ntid thi and, so, benefit them and greatly benelit closed their doors; business houias'os- of tha Can a sincere and persistent effort to rc- Vice President against his personal ourselves. gestion and with tho assistance of vast continent yet ities to bo fatal, but n slow death cnr- ra tbe-tariff, and especially to abolish wishes and political judgment. He was tbe present-Itopublican administration of '<•» "uancj, annudn ouonr welfarwcuaree. musmustt, year- myself." ,rlo'3 Its own peculiar form of retributive Blgned; the balance of trade wa* against rather on? ats reduce those Unties, the pliiln effect of The fact that the Japanese army is lieforo I could reuioimtrate he waived > \< portunUy ••••urtUch ... duty bound and be voluntarily pledged using the American bard-tack cracker is tills country. This attitude is certainly O' depend to a great extent upon what ( u*; capital withdrew from tha fields of himself to carry out, so far ns possible. right morally, nml, in the long run, must we "tport. We have exported to Kuropc me aside, saying, "CIo home, Nuiiky, and j legltlmato enterprise Into secrat places; tho Ualtai a fact the tremendous consequences of tend to your business signing checks." i Founded on a Ml.tnkc. labor was forced Into unwilling Idleness; bliMtcr, a the policies of bis predecessor. JjE_he_ -wblelirin~!ts-eommftivlnl-pf>ssibiltlptt,-li»ti b(!_right qs t»._mat(.rinViiilerest-i. particn- "'"' "'« ''^Ht and exploited the Atlantic has done well, he is especially entitled Inrly for tho people/of the United States. "In'ont to its utmost; now we pnrpos(. TliiTt riiii(le~"ni'(!""Ko~iiTiur"T woTfe"" up. ~~ wo-harf-dosorted mills-smokeless-facto- failure In not yet been realized. It means that lo That's what one gets for Icadin' geniiain fleop learning nnd comiummata diplo- ries, silent machinery. Wo had tramps BubsUtutlo: oESe« Amorlcnn Imliistrv. But when It la to the votes of tlio people. Under the Japan has begun trading earnestly with RussiHussia and Japann are natf" warwar. There exporexportt acrosacrosss ththee PacitiPncinVo anand supplsupplyy macy, bated Washington, and early op- Tnent tlint protection Is nn evil per no candidate could be, for if lie lias faith- Warships have Hod into a neutral port of Upon tbo realization ot Hils-grent indus- Il'KNUY (lASS.VWA-Ta ' Democratic party to aid him In this op- bodled man woro begging for work—. ^GJfl) apparently thrown overboard. commercial welfare depends, and yet thin trial dream, which has become a fact, flame. T" fully fulfilled the olllce to which he was China and other warships have pursued position. Washington nnd Hamilton tho opportunity to earn broad for thalr ' Tlic Alarm of Senator Itnllcr. is but a starting point as to what is must largely depend, In the future, tho starving families. called by accident, he should be honored them. Under tlie laws of nations no A THINQ WELL DONE. wnhtod a atronj protective, government, lnhcrltunc( **As n-.ncli fnnjt can be found with Scn- coming to the United Slates In supply- commercial welfare of Hie American peo- with the same olllce by election. Ills battle may occur in a neutral port, wic.Ii (tfofforson wanted n wonk "Gore.rninant Unworthy of Htlntonco. " ^*yrt^ CT e*., Istration, I <£t«r Hullcj-'ii Kpecch. One feels one'« ing Asia with food. Japan is our friend ple. Dues any group of I'atilists, oppos- 1 •wjnrage nnniiit lilsh aa he. ilcelareii: , 'I (le. present incumbency of the presidential as Hint of Shanghai. The United States, A Hccord tlmt Itccommcnda UooaoYClt • Uhat would covcrn tho leant." Founded dor Ilotua and will undoiibtodly remain so through- ing whatever has becnmo an absolute os- to tho ViitarM. This happened during tho administra- K-.~at behlliite n Klnglc moment to declare post should at leant serve ns n reliable out tbe future, but Japan, wonderful as taking tho Initiative, has promptly inter- on tbo idea of resentment, resistance, nc- tion of tbo Democratic party which dur- th« Uuitad is my belief that any law which levies probationary service. It in for the peo- Mcnliiil, think that by raising- tho cry Tho relatiuiis between capital mid of ruining revuu she Is, Is but this fringe nearest to us vened to see that no violation of Iho law.* jCation, siibycr.'iloii end an ncadoinlc and ing fifty ynar.i has added nothing to kxi? of art «a tax not for tlic purpose o of "Imperialism," the, course of demands f but for the pur- ple to niiMU'er to bis administration, for of nations may occur, and IIIIH done, (his labor III Hie United r'llnlc.i nro tho ex- concaptlon of porsona! prlvllego, 'l"'"'"" " tho Chicago Chronicle nnd the Now York ICvenlng Mall.) and icttlsd •>S« nuiijK'rt ttif iioviTiuneiit, of that great Asia, .overpati The conilltloMM have been provided by lh,rs. PARKER IS NOT A AFE MAN. try nnd ilia real nilvuncnmcnt of Ita poo- n I ways goes Into partnership with calam- Pnrkor Tatba of It, lint Rollaa on tlio «ay that tho educated human beings lu where another would .HM!C Tor a trust. tbe ncciilentnl possessions, following n This Is but In keeping with the lime, of n '-.iiirlly bn careful and most dcllcato. fin. llnliiu 11 party of opposition and ity. It on dbantor nml fattens on thU country cnn, under nny clrciiiH' An Untried Man, or Ona XVho U«a Vtnozuela, And this is tho way tins country is likely what the Unite. 1 States under tins pres- \\'hnt happened III this relation 1111- Undo a Good Vacord. easily hava Kiiddcii war. \Ve have made our path- Will II" Influenced hy tlio Kuillcul | joli.iti-iictlon Its policy hn.i been to preach despair. Tlm only tlmu It has bad con- Judgo Tnikor nays tlila: utancou, bo with him, why, necoaaarily, to look at Ihc situation. I'resideiit House- way. Not to maintain that pathway, ent administration has doiiff before. It Kli-mctlt In Hln I'm Ir. der tlio adinliilHlrallon (if I'l'ivihlent Calamity nnd fouler discontent; to pr, m- trol of Ihl.i country during thlu canev- ha mnat cut hlnniclf away from Tam- Tha (rood results of tho affairs of a thoBo two i i velt ban Hindu himself tremendously suggested and Induced mi aj;roeiiii'nt be- KuiiM'veUV \Vhnt bu|ipencil and what "Whenever a groat qimitlon of public nation dep-;",d almost absolutely upon dent mlclit nrotceKil lii(ln:itrleii,' nml with HM landing nl Iho .other uhlc of (Mnnslleld (().) Xcwi.) Iso everything nnd actually do nothing. ation, It shut tho doors of Industry and Impnrtancn linn arisen, It ban been pro many, lint politically bo cannot afford strong with the nniM'CH. Il« has con- tween the great imllons that China mnilo tlm iiltiiunto reitnit in tho gJKitntlo Its relations with otbor nations. Thar* flac tho the «» tit ti.lil by the Iteiiiibllcann 'Hint tlif1 thu I'lH'ilie--which menus the I'liillppliies If his own nlleranees aro lo be crrd- clotlmd labor lu r.iE«. .It fought under ^to cut himself away from Tammany— ;t>«iaocn:tlc piirlv favors nliitolntc frei vinced the nation of his honesty, courage should not be ilisnicmliereil. ' llnv'lli'; tak- niiiiri'i! slrll.a In I'euiKiylviinlaV Who PHI-IT Oilliim Under Jnckaoii. soiiled and 'championed tbronch tlio proas lii, undor tba present condltlou of thought UuisJa and —would be a (rime iigalniil the. littcrcHts lleil — nnd noboily Is illspuling them - tlm dUlionorod hapner of froo silver, It and on tho rostrum by thi< edncntod ami them you nro! One almost uympn.- tirade' n<,( to be afraid. Till'! WITIJ.KHT and capacity. lie has pleased vastly en tho Inllliillve In (his rcspeft, It was W.-IM It who ili'vl-,ed,;ln a plain, coinmou- If Jcfl'er.-ion \\rnn tho founder of Do- and affairs, nn advancement In the Tiha KsMim ' IN ALL 1 1 IS . AllI'll'l.Wl'!, ho pr- of Ibis country anil a crime agiilnst the .luilgo 1'arkor In l.MIHl ami 1110(1 wan not '/ttlocracy, Jaclmon lo Ita patron saint. Af- opposed kco|ilng our Una in tho Orient, thlnkara of tho country, who, for tho thlios ,vlth the nililillo-nged gentleman at iimrii Dcinocnits than he bus offended Hu- but right, ami proper Hint wn sh.mhl take iii'iise, Amcrli'Mii \\i\y, n Molntlon of tha Ifaopllg. world—a community of uatlona. Tlio country hai wi: Interests, of tlin Asiatic nations. for free iillvcr, bill on this contrary was and advocated that It ha lowered In time boluc, aro tho real loaders, and liiilil.-hins, And both 'tbu admiration be this Initiative, ill seeing to it. that whlll |ii'ol')em which alfecleil thn welfare- of jtertbe JelTaraonlan porlo.l, 1901-23, camn Jnpan. Yet This crime will not. lie commuted. The an iidvncati- of the g.^jil Mumliinl, nml I'cti'fivt and trailed In tho dust of dis- ona among tlloso nations which exhibits hns aroused on the our hand nnd (be en- was suggested niul Ituill ii|i by tin wbonlil Iniiiilreilri of Hmii i:in.l',7 Of that . I tlio .I'licknimlnii, JH'-'H-IO. Tha uli;iilll- under whoso bnnnora tho organization th* greutost honesty and tuct and com- crest Secret great commercial road necnrcd across yet lie, iidmlts to having vntml for Itrynii honor. Hnoli Is a part) of tho record of lenders bariton to niarnhul their forces mity he bus engendered on tho other arc. be cnfiiii'uil. This has been done. l.i all, now, relatively, an old story. Th« Jcaiico of tho Jncknon era of Ocmocracy McKJulcy i Ilio greatest of (lie oceans, will be. rc- nnd freo nllvcr Iwii'e. Ilmv htning hl» tho party of calamity, prnfnsilona and IN THE DAYS OF OLD ESOPUS mon souso, la tha nation .which will tributes To his virtue and motives. Tlni't Is tins Wily thn present adminis- man who iliil this \rllh |I!H commoit- illva In tho fact thnt ho was ablo to build lent their powor ahull bo overthrown." be to tlio foro. by Iloojovol Inlneil and nminUinml by the United I'onvleiloin and prlnrliiln. wero fur i.oiiu.l prnnilssii—tho. oft-dofiialed, dlsconraffed, tration of the government is iloliiK' things. icnse WIIM the priisrnt candidato of tha |a ulacblno from tlio rabblo or tha loaa What Judgo Purkor bus on Id shore A fianK of IOM. , , j ed the com tioilutor Stcwiirl of Novnilu Hcca Ilio HtntcH of America. "Impcrliilhim" IIH nml money may hcvt lu> jm|):eil dlsoi'RanlKed, disgraced, divided, decrepit la true nnd right and aonillile. Hut Under tbo administration of the pnrty . iMri,, Thnt Is this way II will eoiilinii" to do Id piilillciin parly for tha I'ri'nlilciiicy. . adiicntcd olanios, that enabled him act- In the dajra of old Kjopiin i •, );• ; n thnt thu Un ..MAY iTHiiti: 'i'n no NO, 'i'u Oruut l.liultt* they call II, or not, llm Imlil fact remains by his profession of onis thlnr; and bin liially,to aiuoct bin i^laluis In conflict >ylth old Democratic, party. It atnnda to-day what, after tbo (xprcr.nlon of such an Arn rnu Oli7 , ', |,iVi !,"' that In now controlling tha ttffalra of He ventnriis upon thliuct tlior* ,lki&v*s bo ii'iiriileill nllll'llll'll. In III IIH VI-M- III the Iliollnllllll HtlltCM uf tile West. Wliy tho Work Hliuiilil Ila lutrn.lcit triotism nbovo pisillnnnlimi, h.nv could extraordinary, nnd all th* clrlllttd world tlon. of n man Hko I'nrker, nilnill llin; for a a delicate iillnn,ll'• l("l llil "I Through hln InHiieiicn Ilio li'i'iKiili.iu law . to Ko|illlillcuiin« bis bis expected, In llin llcrcn light I ha I has rocoanlzed It. Uafo I •M» llrnlliplly UN |. •H||,|,.. If Hi., imrly iiient this poMslMlity ot h rlnclliin, tinn whulhei- tho I'l'o'lilrnt iihunld inter- In to tho I'reoMuncy. III. ndinlnhtra- JMIIIIJ;.! liu a nut u ninn to truit— campaign. IIo rfllns upon an un-Amer- Am you 011, ara y«u an. aio yon out I 1 \ui» inuHcil. The DliiKlcy Inrllf IH a Tlil'i U lint all alln.'ilou to a phiuin of ben In upon plnco of political power nnd i.flt'n rmlnnvor ID nltct htm, Theno «ri iM\ hitv llllll, Hi' inn U'oll, wo can't linni;lno 111 Venn (ir not, Un dlil liitnrvnnn, wltli liu Jiavud a broad way for tbo doiuor- ican combination known aa Tainmnny In tlia Cnja of old ICiopii*, -' Tact and nonae nre Jnit a* much a il them.'" i;i'eiil bb'HKlng lo the fur \Ve»l. . 'I'he what HID Republican party, IIH It inliiU, preferment, lo prnvo other thai), mildly 'J'lmiiBli Ilia cnui» la far from Juatl y«ar* of tin wholuuonia iiiiinllniiHN, and tho rouult llslne'trun*forin*.tlon of tha American I IIUYK p\it nnoy nil rnnoor «' Hall. It la nhaolnfoly Impoialbla that Ara jroii onl | ,,' |"; ( I r«qnl»lt* In til* conduct of tha affalra KriVuirrntl Illl'ill' oil lend, IIOI'II.N, wool llllll hliliMl U In doliiK nii'l In Koliih' to do, * piirtlcnlar pliintlc nml rompbilonnt I" Ihn wlldent 11 of An 1 |ii'iitnli«il tlifm I noiiia, ,n | In tha dora of old Kinpue, ,.'\. ,"( ' Hoooavalt, I • XfrwIfi'Uml for Tbo cry that rresldcnt ItOO^fOYi-lt, If waa for tha good of a crvnt I"" " "'• |oplo. tlndor .Tnolinon, iiollllcs wero tho man could liojm (o cnrry Ills own of • nation as they ara In Ilia affair* Tbe onv.irdl.l.vv Inciuisi ileiirj i'-|iecliilly lieiicllciiil lii I he Inlerlor ininin lilinse In whlcli refcrniicn III made, casu- domnnilii of tha Dciiiocra!|c HIUIM und od and Amorlcnn nocioty ivaa do- I mn for lli» «plniiillii ticket, ii' il HUtn without tba aid of thla niont cor- Ale Jon oi>7 ' ,';I:V' II' of a corporation or «n Individual. W* Urod Ui* W llllll SlnleH. The |ieli|llll nl' Nl'Vllllll II I'l- re-eleeleil, will pick n i|iinrrol and lilnngn people. Could there bn n bottor cam- Tlioiich It lau't any fiiaJ. ' I >!!nj- n the days of old lilgouus . • ' IE»vho iiiako Ililnc'i very rubric of government In their ull.l liniant. "I.ct ia slrfliil onriilroi far tsnttl* of th* country—an organisation that has Aro you on, am yen on, ar« yen anl by continuing them In plac*, for our Torsarl«ii \>J. lion has hei'ii reli'ifiile.l lo llm rear n- oeraln for I he pupurpotir n of iieiirlnu this ucrainblis for placo nml pie, pelf nnd what this man did In t/lrnlichtrnliiK out lint I linpw tr« <• nl\not th* world « o« 1'nrllaana, Nut •Imply become an enormous foitor upon iwn benefit. The conrlnalnn neoil hardly Ir.111! of Ihr eiiunniiii'i oill|>ul of I'" they have iniiile. The Itopiihllciin parly farmers, who nro pencil loving, Tha ef- i.elfV Lot na pruT In lit •ui'.'omfill, cSn". ulili'h (hey iul\ .'I'll''!' lo llic .nun o tnnnly yoai-a from tlm dnfont of 'I'luiugli •11,-,-ri-i wonlil ha a alai the Htato In which It nihtu. Hut It tiaa I'arknr !• Ilio Uoim o( Tfuala. ba etpreaaad. Any America,". cltUeit of bucklar. II 1 during the lint eight yeai'M. Tliime volerrt tort will be In vain, IIH thn farmer, 1111 In I'cnnuylvnnla. Co nu lieioK Mi'-li il line thin;; -c-ipi-'-lal bnvliii; iiiiiiln llio tarlli, which him inailn In It not wluer for Hie people of thin lliiren In IH-ll) to tho defeat of l.el un ulvo Iho pi-imlo'ii lianuti lioun accepted In all nxlinnclna, by tha (Now York Tribune.) iitalllcauca will know whom to rota tor erary d«y n iiliu left llin IMI-I.T on iici'.innt of tin ilnen rvisryoiia 'fine, known Hint I'l'iuildisnt nation lo keep (irrlnK nml ulnnlng Deiiioc. •;y WIHON NOT TAKKN. thin country liin inont pi'o.-iperiiiiri of (ill Inn In ISllO hroiiulit addlllonal illn- Unln lilni to nolilv lirar, Domocratlo party, which, in tbo credit of Jamea .). Hill's selection of .Tndge Uls fall, bo*u 1'ronldi I'lh-ei' I.-.HIIC nre ri'lui-iiln:; nn.I, with tin Ilio countrlc'i of all Ilio worhl, In the Iloonevell, whlln urging Hint this country rncy, poxnlldy, bill not pmlllvely pcnl- .lonriih ('hinnborlaln, tho groat Uut It'n iliiiirnroiiii lu du If, When the \\'ll»on liirlll' hill wn kir and odium upon Doniocratle. ml- that pnrty, la a. little a'uoTo Tammany. i'arkcr ns bis emullilnto In slcnlllcaiit. baa navtr I lleioocriltn Mil" ili"'ll e IU'lli'lleill Koiiil, III'i only parly which ciin reiuljiint |.ha tuilff at all times ho prnpnreil to defend Iliuilf tout, on probiillnn inshlle louder at IcnM • lalcmnilii, In a recent npeeeli ID " _ Km Im lin l en lli« aquara. 'Mr r:-.iii;r'l jiroiiiliienl 1 leinocrnlIc leailer men ibtchired (but trad« waa "« uul- |Utriill(iii. Tha alronctli of tho party How ridiculous, under tha clrcmn- la la niiury with I'rrthlant Itooaorolt Cnnunt Il«/Tin«t«,l. anybody, In llliillllf: In hit|i|Hirl oT I he iltlmllll'il riilion nu iicciiHlon inny demand. nnd mnlnlnlii lln pollelrs, In for pence, until It Iia.'i broiii;hl fnrlh frulln incut •C.nt Hie |irer;illlloil lit i lo II Hill cldal ciinnie. If you priicued In the pres- always roNind In tho Unlhl Mouth, "l.rt ua rrava our hnta fur 1'arkar. i 'ii atancen, la tha uttltmlu uf tlm more or Imply mid soluly fur Inturfarlntf trltli (Albany (N. )T.) Journal,) apoloclii) ui Mv liil'.iriiinil.iii l.-i llml X.' will 1:1 Nuliiriilly, ' nml very properly, from for rnpi'iitnnotiV Tlm pnlir lonl of fnfjr Durn; >;« IMT]. Mir 'ii;'.ir Iru of IncraanliiK llm mmilioi- „( alnva fltiUo of No\r York, upon M couuloincrn- ntf, nor ni >< nml Hi.ilr fiillliln certain existent clreniiril niicna It ncenn 1,'i/JI'.!. A pnrly whonn micccnri nlwnyn woiilil (-111-0 nvorr ovll of vmir Inillvlil- iiinnln of Imnlntia \yltliout rostrnlnt «u I'ower to do tha tlubt thine at tba rlgU The |i|-""Cti! N'li'H I'reniilellll. niniM'niM may nbiiim I'rcnldnnt (mil tlilin prcnnrvc tha nni'llonal "In tlin ordcsrlr *<1 in liiUiro t l.iu «r tlou of tlm nmut uneducated and vlcloiu hu part of tho toreiiiniont. And Mr. .lmo. nor a potent! liirlll. \\ II HI u Illlt IIICIIII l.i linvd worlieil well, and our /;i'i'nl Ira,In alarms capital and camicn an Inci'duiis In iiitlhnily. A nioillcliin thnt In i-cciiiu- who doea n< ninfliloil tli cum hntli imtliniii Ailil it iinvoll pi'ivtoiially nnd iiiliirr>prr.inrlnu «li" n.ivcn In II- I. our I'liniiuni niul our w;orkuien falli-n un- omi for piilrlolli' Amerlcnnri lo tiupporl, typo, lioiinil ll'r.llll ItlllUnVl'lt'n llll li'i'illni Inl nciiiil.'ililuii, tlm iilrui;i;h> iilnitl« nliiiulil inii.ino tin«l Kii.1 c.mll- city. It U bnrd to nny It, Imt Mr. I'urli- hout. He In not In ilia liabll of unt pn»oit Ilicrn la ilrr thin iiiiinn liirlll'. '.lll 111 I'rnvlll.'IIDK, It, 1., Iho Irnlli nlioul hi -i nllli'liil nvln or illilr, iliiiiicu Aniju.l 2:1, mill, dnnisn lit llin i..l. of Ilio nlhei'* or cannot «you nlfurd in bn I'lKipnctiihU :nlil bi-|,-k», or furvlun, >v)ili-li xv l/ln. niul alvv: ^o |;H'':i III.' pre'll'lll (ill llil (loll. \\'ll'i|-|' This auspicious and inomeiiloii'i fact I'l.'i'ord (it llin pni'ly, nnd Him 0011- lllio \ I'nivlno, llm I 'niiiprn- inrc .lilrk. il! !!' \\, |of IM.'iO, Ih.i repciil nf ||in Mhiniii'l pei-roriurd sv I III In t lie Ir iirupor •iiliorn In liln ripluimllonn. lin eiiunot all'drd n«nrlr lu>U tvlU, II «vn liu«ci fniti-r.l bun fairly. Inn liei'ii cUillilli'.l lnlelll|;.'iic.' nhoiilil not In that never lieforu In llin lilnlory of the Mnn of tin illnrn 1.1 n Mii'lliiM" Ilon.'iovolt 1'nmll.v; nine, for llin IUJIH awmiy In Knn- orm'Uitii. NVntiiimi, iiruonod UIIIIM th* to Inlli about illiii|ill.>i« Hint tli» (Hn.'iilU. dnimrl- (iilunlliul liilliUMiro Imclv of Mm, or uliimt ration tlm giiviirniunnt bnrrowuil hiin- ormml ivltlt rru.i.n.iM., rill, Inm r. ! 'iii'iiii-i'ii' ,'-'ciiHiii'l.l ' which li n in.nli- llm liirlll' li lion iii'i|iili'i'd nml liiilepeinU'iiijn nocureil lil Mm'.vl lii'i'nT. ieiine-1. Uni'lng Ihn McKlnlay n.liiilulv rl'-i of nation i Hlr^i'jJ.,1 li il p"ll'". "'i I ii.iiii.i of Ilio •mintiY ,,« nltlmr th. he hii'i not thn rilui.lnw i.f n Imim, nini iV'u r.KKi I Itn In I 11 in wl t II .Mi r |t««l Mit.l 1 III rillVCIIllli'l', ,' iiK'nl In fuyi'l' uf l(''piililk'an lulu. llm: "II Mi i wiikhl.v hlMoi'v nml. rnlloii It piM'iiiniti-,1 a fnriilL-u war To 10 neopln of - in ..i 'i.i I h. i. I iiliii ' i i.r l. IIC..MI (lie ri':mlt;i of tlm Ur.l.ilnllvii in- lit,, JiuHclitl .lapm't- II r prnqa it I itli tli L; n .< f ml t tn'i* nf oil f pi out - '''I I'-*, t lin I li'lllin'l 11 |c |lfi | | y \\-ll i Tammany U Iho wnnil forco Ihi'm h , miccrnnfiil concliul.iii \rlthoiit linrrnw- ' '•, nml *vn nnn. rniit^iil t.i ntnil.l Of l.i > Hi.- KI>.I.| I,: iiiiniln," I'IMIII ,-li-iinioi fulrlmnVi'i ifiv liollllcnlly a (llni'icdll l,, ||lo coiinirv, IllliHlj n.'.Miiiiillrii «,r (,k-,i ,V.i|Uhi:ia »\f » cent, nml'idtien llin ivnr clmim) nil lll'l I^IO.IKVOll I 'JL'lila |a tho mjb of thu thin-;. Tllli i-, ill lir tlio I'i'i'.'i'.'r'' l ^sltli'lt ii" l.i«^«> niil do f tlia ivwi' tn .MM hum lut'ii I'om.iviul, nml ui a pmu I u l'U'iul«iil Ku.'ixvcll. nil llil'J itiii-l, nature, while the gullible many, ho im- WHEN HILL WILL the journeyman arrrfcnm»o-«f-Tr»ce»rfrom— iKines, will joyfully count uporrlliSTirceiF"' ?4.BO to $4.75 a day! tlio asrccment runs v two years^ ' i ty retiring into private life as soon as he [David Bennett Hill says h» will & '' ;fe£x>A-vy • -' Tronfbri, H. J.—Statistics show th'nt tho lias seen his party triumphant In tho fall don politics when Parker is- elected.^ /, .•••••a-'* Increase in the number ot manufactories In i .,•.-»•' •" New Jersey In the last ten years la almost elections. "When Parker is elected," Mr. Pavid double that ot any other State, tht percent- CONDITION OF TREASURY UNDER It is^ ojgrotosqne position, that of the age being 72. "PREVIOUS-ADMINISTRATIONS;-- iVbTfert's Roost~poirticTa"nr~Ti%cm; 1,(514 bundles: -.. 000,000, n decrease of $137,000,000' as ...... \V.liat,-.positi.vclyr....Jias...hc.-.(RaostMltV_. of this country, this state, and this reasoning, is not the party that permits St. Paul.—One hundred thousand tons oi.-, Corn planted this year over last year. .u...... _ Bonds and Mortgages...... 16285 So ore In-excaes-of-lnst- ypnr's-product-wlll-be)- —Norwalk,—-Conn,—Industrial differences.- "~— - tion, and intimates vaguely that the He- accomplished? Young People's Societies. municipality, by fixing a price, a val- ..^op..lndorses-the_utteEances-<)t tbe.cala.nxt. tnken out of six working iron mines on the? between manufacturers and their employes When Grover Cleveland began the first publican party is responsible for -any evil lie has handed over to Cuba the 207* Due from other Banks STrnst Cos 23590 25 DENTIST ity .howler and spreader of false rumora Iron Rhnpe, ,addius In royalties to the\ In the Norwalk district have been adjusted have occurred. He refers ernmcnt of tho Cuban republic. r uable consideration,—a' license fee,— Cash nnd cash Items ...... - ...... 11469 51 Office Hours: 8.30 a.m. to 12. 1.30 to! satisfactorily to both sides. fiscal year of his disastrous second term, which may . This spar.e ID devoted to the Interests ol Accrued Interest receivable ...... 1913 64 no'enemy of'the law 7 school fund 500.000. New York.—The new SO.000,000 Hotel July 1, 1S93, the net public debt was especially to frauds of the I'ostolllce De- IIo sottlcil Uie antliracite coal striko the Young Peoples Societies of tho various upon the payment of which a man is Evening by engagements. I "What To Posaible. Enslcy, 0.—Erisley steel plant running Astor will be opened for business Sept. 10. which for half a year had iletrior.ilized Churches. Special items of Interest, and on double time turning out ;',p,000 tons of §838,000,000; when he closed the fourth partment, and there were somo frauds. . announcements are solicited. permitted to do that which he had no 8340302 54 106 Bellevue Ave , Hammontc j ^SttpHpse_the Democratic party won steel rails for the Louisville and; Nashville fiscal year, June 30, 1897,. it was ?!)SG,- We nt least uilmit this. Into -every the industries of tlic country. ------right to do until he had bought the ^ABILITIES: victory at~"llfo"p611s through destroying Ilallrcwd Companju DAVIS W1LU NOT DO. . When Great Uritain, Germany and' Brnddock. Pa.—The Edgar Thompson 000,000, an-increase of $148,000,000, as Srent party will necessarily be ingrafted privilege. lln....?...... ,...... $3oooo_oo_ confidence in commcrciaPand industrial the result of- four Democratic years. Whnt lifts happened • in Italy were attacking Venezuela -lie in- Surplus - 2oooo oo plant of the^United States Steel Corpora- Old for the Hlch Position to some thieves. The permission to set up bar and arc]eg, would the administration of thai tion has resumed operations, giving einploy- Too son's decrease of j-the—Cn i K— t-he-VS137.000.00JW.VJ^0^ in the net: publii. e _debt to _c-ry that some ollic-ials of t!io I'ostofflce I'lttsburg.—Trfdvi- humlnjJ men—-gtran- Dr. J.- JtS. • uiui'u,. uuii.wuaito*r o«f- Topic, "How, we are in training to Would.not capital, which is always timu Cleveland's increase' of ijl4S.000.000 lit Department were inuircc-ily —rfllu' lliu'U >.1>mmii.i)iuiH'i.-<-*aL-j5p.un .».. si^«ur!nmnatMLJilnnt nt si,.m> Williams can. be satisfactoril---,— -,- , --y '-T ' *'•-- -* •- -"-IIA"- ->io. plr»s/?d Topic, "How we are Iu training to Accrued interest payable 94 34 STTrafle organ which, is actively tfely aTcertaineci. Tho total is, some-1 power, for the benefi the license is granted, the grantors f-—--'M •'- v *---• - iirnillllftlaiMMiiMM succeed others." Deut. 34 : 7-12 ; $346302 54 chariUibie workjrfor the idler know this fact, and yet for the consid- political party that countenances Chicago, Contract for G4.00o;«jO~p6vI Joshua 1: 1-2. Consecration. STATE OF NEW JEBHEY,! _ .. Central Ave., Hammonton, N. material awarded the American Bridge Wihite Svirphtrr Springs function" fli uepend upon'thc"new" nnd ^ p-clvin' Wo under tlw" Constltn.Uin"" eration the permission is granted, the County of Atlantic, J • the cjreation ot distrust is worthy of the 000, an increase ( Leader, G. N. Lyman. t; Company by the South Side Ulevnted Hail- eel that lie is sadly deficient, in so far iinneTff,'"CTiir"*Vcr5—•{>.-'f^.^i^-^.-f^ n t! a I rcsi n! license is given. Is riot this clearly a I, Wllber B. Tllton, Cashier of the above people's confidence. It will tie a sorry road, to lie imcd In.cxtcndlui; the system; result of four Ilepubliean years o£ pro- L° .v?..."L !.° "?-^ i', i Sfl^. 8 "Io3 named liank, do solemnly swear that Uie Large assortment of as present Issues are concerned. He had hem to the -utmost. . • ,'t[ lie sliln'tiori of Jr. G. E., Sunday afternoon at 8:00: sale of somebody's boy, together with above statement Is true to the best of my day for the country when the calamity estimated cost. ?r..(XKT,000. tection to American industries and finan- David Bennett Hill, in intinmiuig that will be let in on tho mnnageatRn't oi Newport, Ky.—Five hundred men given nothing to say upon any of the questions v pitr,. his health, his integrity, his intelli- knowledge and belief. Palms, Ferns, House! Plai liowlors succeed in reversing those benefi- .•mployincnt by a resumption of work In the ivliich interest the -voters of both parties. cial ability. And this was in spite of the here has been unininislied crime among rusts. Then, when their cviln in \f Topic, "Joseph's last days." Gen. WILDER E.T1LTON. Cashier. cent policies which the Republican party sheet, puddle and bar tnlUt*. fact that $340,000,000 had been pnid out lie vassals of the party which is conduci- tyea. ( 50 : 7-26 ; Heb. 11 : 22. gence, his moral sensibilities, his very Su bflorl bed and sworn to before me. * Cut Flowers. Funeral De Bradilock, 1'n.—O'no liuiiilrod and forty A careful reading of hia address fails tely, not vaguely, ascertained a prtf, will inaa put into effect and which have re- to disclose vchere ho stands on any vital for the coat of tlio Spanish war for the ng the affairs of this government just •ori'i-ctivc can hn applied. ' ^ life and nil there is of him or iu him ? this fllb day of .September, A. D., 1004. in Fresh'Tlowers, Wax, or Me mitted 'in an era of the greatest pros-- thousand ilollnrs was paid out by tho Kd- freedom of Cuba. >«: J. L. O'DONNKLL, gar Thompson Steel works after the firat issue. now, is guilty of politioal trickery nnd The door to China'H trntla lias bcefl?*'la^ Epworth League,—M. E. CJhurch : And while it is a sale of somebody's .Notary Public. perity any nation haa ever known. week of n-suiuptlon of bu.slne.sH. . When we ndd -McKinley's increase of polilioal falsehood of the baldest kind. kept wiilo open to our trade-. .—Thft pay roll of the ITome- "The nian who is popularly supposed 5207,000,000 treasury cash to Cleveland's Moots Sunday evening, ai 6:45. boy, who is to be sacrificed to fill the Correct. Attest: WATKIS & NICHOLSON That industries and business of all stenil Htei-l Worlis hns been Increased $30,- to carry the State of West Virginia It is very earnestly to be regretted lint the most enduring benefit thi..f* M. L. JACKSON. kinds cowtiii'iie to prosper there can lie I renl decrease of $138,000,000 in tlic same, hat an exceedingly clever Anierienn Preslilent liaH broilglit to the rounlry hn» ' Led by J. II. Myrose. capacious maw of this monster which GKOHOE ELVINS, Florists and Landscape Qardeni OUO by tint emhloynu-nt of aililltlonul men. around in a shard strap had not n word Directors. Phone 1-W uo doubt.. Tho few strikes in the build- I'lttshure.—The larfie portion of the bis to say regarding the trusts. Ho omitted we have f/MKi.OOO.OOO. plus tlio Spanish JionM mar the ciri-iiinstanee-f of hl.s exit ieea tlio nssuriiiifR flint tins I'jnnraa Junior League on Sunday afternoon, thrives upon misery, degradation and ing and, other trades are not indicative ot rail order of the Pennsylvania Railroad war expense, ao the true gnin to tho 'rom political life by expressions of what 'ainil wonlil l>o finished. In the U'hniian Tho Directors have this day declared a Ciunpany wan nertin-d by the Cnrnccle an allusion to lahor nnd onpitnl. So far ( country of four years of Id-publican pros- at 3.00 o'clock. Topic. "Bearing woe, it is tho establishment of a shoot- depressed conditions. W«ge earners do Ktenl Company. This, with other orders, :ir(! nut facts, and of n sort never i-oun- inbroglio tlie I'resjdeiit ncteil nhvnyi ( Boml-annual dividend of BIX por cent,pay- as the speech indicates there 13 no such t-rity iuinmllaU'ly 'following fuiir yc-urs fruit for Christ." John 15 : 8. ing alley in my neighborhood, and able on unit aflor Tuesday. Oct., next, and uot strike in times of panic or waning will keep the rail mills nt Hraddock opcr- thing ns the Philippine question. lie had eiiniiced by tint greatest leaders of great within the treaty rights of this nation; ordered 8501)0 added 'A tlieeurplun. The Peoples Bai prosperity. Strikes arc generally for atlnc for, the'next nix months, I of Democratic adversity. lis otllcial oondupt was yiiinentl;/ cor- my boy (being human, and no better New York.--At a cost of $1,000,000-a new nothing to sny about the tariff. - IIo is mi-lies. What .Mr. Hill n:ild nt liing- Y. P. 0. U.,—Univursalist Church : W. U. TIUTON, Cashier. higher' wages, and no toiler expects an [limit of the Heamlofiti Tnbo Company I? certainly old enough to have heard of the \Vlien Itooscvnlt's first fiscal year bo- lamton caniiDl mar Ihc oiHlnok of tint ect. lint were it not for hU exceptiouM than the thousands who have fallen) Sept. Dili, 1IKM. or hicreaso iu wages when work in scarce being built at MOIIOHSRII, 1'a. Monroe doctrine, but not a lino of this gnu, July 1, 1001, the treasury cnsli bal- tejinlilican parly one jot or tittle, but it inlroItiie.sM jnd vigor dni-ing tlio-cnsh tho Meets Sunday evening, at 7.30. is act up ns n target, at whom tliin -'and—thousands—of-.hia—fcllowa. arc -idle, ance was $1,0!)H,000,000; when lie closed can mar Uie rosjittuL which tlic American iruapcct of tlio illtei'Oceanic canal would Southern liuluTtVUs".". Important bit of Americanism can be —Topic, '-'Rally-Day, -Put^n the wMe -eklllfulj-fleMdlrfi— itrehcr-Js" permitted TJiero is ample evidence that prosper- found iu his speech. 1'or nil he says his third fiiicnl yenV,.Tiiii(t:iO;i!)0'l, it" had' [)eo])l(t helil. asiile from all party linen, illll lie ytTir.i in tlic future, li'or in-nvly ous times arc Mill with us. A gluno« :\l Asliovllle, N. O.—In the Innt year 117 increased to $1,:!,S'J,()(H),00(>, an incrctisQ 'or one of the shrewdest of politicians. •1(10 years limn has drciimoi! of [ti-roinit armor. Make no prpvislon for the to shoot his poisoned tirroWB, with-Un liullilliii;!! bnve been i-n-i'teil nt ARhcvlllo there is no such tiling as tlie '1'annmn' of .f 1181,000,000, notwithstanding Hint nil 1h« neWBrwiper.i, Democratic as well as nt n I'ont of flNXMMIO, mid work uiuler way nnil the closest observer cannot lie Amerii-nn InHiiniit. Hut It remained 1904'Crop flesh." EphT'6: 10-JO. Loader, absolute certainty of bringing some lUipuliUonn, shows Hint millions oC dol- n nildllloiuil cipeudlturo of the Spanish war Ihxnn hud not bnon YOUNQ DEMOCRATS 'or I'reiidi'nt Uoosi.'ViOt (o bring then* Mrs. Chan. Crowd!. one dowir. ?17.r>,WO. learn whether Jio bclicvos in Ilio open >ll.Mhod, but $no,o6o,(IOO had boon paid Capital, . . . ,, . . .| lars nro being expended in buildUis new I'lnUtnnnofrn.—The flovernmentwlll spend door or reciprocity or any oC tho things Irenins within Mclit ot! realization. Hit- I am asked by tlio law-makers of factories nnd entivrjjrng old nuns, in ciin- million.-! of iliillm-H tin- rnmliiK year In iit-nr- out for tlifi 1'anainn <-iuuil pi-dpitrty and Tlio»e WIi» Voted for McKlnloy Prob- dry will record his connei-tion ^vi^h thd Crimson Clover Seed now which men disciiHs. And lias not Uncle | righto; nnd that ,f5,(KM),0(K) had been W hut Is culled "n 'Christian people, how Surplus and PrpfitB, . $31 BtrilCtillfi 4!f.T7.'trolley lines and improv- hy Inipi-driMiinnlH In the lii'in:Ilt of Cunt- Gnssiuvay hciu-J of the United States ably \VI1I Bniiport Ifonnnvolt. raiiiiina caiinl a» the most imnn-ntoin -,' A cordial Invitation is extended to al ing the roadbed und equipment of slc.ain tuiioi>Ku wn^it i-iirin-rH nud pntdueerfl. sivcn, flii_d nrnrly ,ff>,oxitlon. Somo allowances must bo niailc, of 'I'lius Tlieodorn Koosevelt hail b"f"n nnv| bargain— this contract with Satan and "i'^or n speech -which was looked for- When we aniiiiniiri/.c (lie- trouHiiry cusli •nurir, for lln- (ipliinislli.- repi-csentalinn.-i the price low? • Moro persons arc employed now than Me'lnplil.i.--Mill-it lluili $I,OIH),IXK) lin.s boon wnrd to as n .sort of keynota CMsny, (bo .i|nli;!it ami iniiiislakinc, vi^oroin nml> agreement with hull? How, high shall Three per cent interest p 'ever before. As proof of tlil.i .slati'inetit. npeitt In biilMlni,' i-iittti-prltii-H during tliu . .•fliiHuotionfi frnin tho bi-Khiniiij; of if pnllllcians at lln) approach tit evel-y useful, lionest. mnl pati'iotie I'ri^iilent.f It ia quite a little lower Yes, but there are better | present yenr. nttcrancR ot tho old gentli>innii with tho ('Icvi-liind'o second-lorm llrst CiHi-al year, great ol'-ctloii. It is a part of tho gumo Church Announcements. tho license he? What tthull be the un time Deposits. duke,, for Instance,• llm railway*), whoso Tninpn, I'Mn.-- Dni-lnf; (he yenr $(triO,,°>Ifl Imrrnl is n gn-nt ilhiiiipointinent to tho It neeinn liolli wiser nnd fairer fur tl)»f reasons than that. ,'Inly 1, l,S!i;>, In tlin HOMO (if ItonHi-vclt'n to manifest coiiliilonce, even If Ihn policy foe? Oil, shuino! that in an enlight- __t______i tralllc always in a reflex of IIIIH|IICKH lui'i lii'i-ii i-xprnili-il In in-\v liiillilliu;.'i nnd Dc-uiocrnls. To tliu lloinililii-iins it Is Amci'lcaii pi-nple to re-elei-t lilm rnlher* in price Noticed of Clmrcli mcotliiKH nro of public wMidutlons generally. Tlic number of em- f.VMHH) of 1/dnlM nrit ti> In- luuiKtil fur inn- third fiscal .Year, .luiu; !!0, 1001, \vu liuvii >f "I'liilmlni; cvcrytblng" has been ills- than to elevate In his place an untried" Intcrt'Bl, nnd DO cliui'Ku la nmdo for tliolr ened ngOHiiohuqiK'ntloM cnu bo asked! nl<-l|in] Improvi'in'-iit* merely nn evldi-nco of tho fact Unit Mr. tint fo]l,i\\ Im;: ci'eililcil by the best political imimigeni. Lucas ployes OH the, pny rolls of lint niihvnyn Itoi'lc Illll. H. «'. A hyill-ni'loi'trli- plnnt Duvis does not POHSI'KII, nt bin ailvnni-cil jnrlnt, \vlio, lidwevt-r exemplary his I»fr-^ than it was. earlier. liiHortlnn. Weulily olmiiKUH uro urueil. I answer, O, ye ruintiollenj, go gather In. Ulio United States on Juno lil), I'.HK!, recently rnnipli'ti'il ut n i-nnl nf fl.luo.iHKi Jli-vrlnnd's Ions In treas- lint tlio . "Of coiirm , Undo (iiiHSMwiiy Is n thor- B tho Boriunn. 7.110 p.m., llrat of tho aerloa shadows over tho highest mountain more surface with the same M. L. JACKSON, Vioo-Proa ' A Kiunninry of duHnutclio.i' tiiUcn from yi-nr HMil. nry <-HH| 'JS1.000,000 ioNo <»ld Ili'iimcr.itM In M'lmm Iho pai'ly Wli.v should (liern bn a rliiuign In t "To nave it uallon." Nun Antnnlo. HnllilliiK opi-rnttnm now nughly ri-Hpiictnbhi old gi-nllcinan. IIo I'll Id cost Simiiixli win-... II 1(),()(H),()(MI GEORGE ELVINS. peak, and lay it at my feet, nnd you Uio UoHton KvniUii'X 'iViiii.M<-i-lpl, llm under .\viiy ii'pri'Hi-nl un I'ipi-iiilltiirit iif in |ii>Kni'H!ii'd of much wcnlth and for Nplrlt Is Hlill nlroiig In spilii of tlio trying natlninil .'iillnliih,I ration'/ Wluil"n t: amount of pdiiit; are hand- W. B. T1J.TON, Coahlor. r 1'aiil S|taln fur l'liill|i- alignment, of the Dcmncracy fiiur nnd M. E.Ohuroh.—Kov. O. H Middloton have not tomptod mo. Go, bring from I'jU.-fliui'K IMM|)iil,'li and ullirr ri'inil;il)l'i J7. ,ll, re- Kollit WI'OIIKV Illl'l It been ll(t(M-:l'iary '*** Puntor. Hpoontl rurival inaotliiKH. 10.!10 among your kindred no iniiny victims attractive gloss that sheds tui-y IH u iniw ailillLlini tu linliiMtilfii uf l.i wrll pi-L-m-rvcd ninl active, lint thrrn I'ltlil ai-i'iiunt I'aiuinia I urn lo tho 1'iihl pn-lly gciiei-nlly thin Is-iieboinli to pny the, running citcpeiiii^* tlvcn: Ili-rkli-y. IH a vast dlffi'i-cneii liutwci-n nilinllng Ills u.m'., llrHt of Hoi-Ion, "Humility." 7.80 IIH you Imvt- nmdu in onrH,— IIH ninny tho dirt and is easy to keep DnlliiH, '1'i'X, Tln-rit l« 11 di-inniiil f-n- .•anal riO.OOO.OOO year; but there I'l nothing e\ce|ii parti- of (lie Kovernnienl ? Is Ilierfl liny monf' Hymen Btonin and Kleotrlc Kallvrny*. OU'll pL'I'HOIlMl llllMilll!!l1 1111(1 lit t IM1I pt I UK p.m., Buhjoot of snrlos, "Tlionoul nnil Its (luHi)lnt(t lionicH, nn ninny bitter taunt, M. L. Jackson '2.IKMI,IKH) liiliiin-i'ii In II Hun lli'hlii mill In iln. ami liiiiii nan feeling In dniw them, and this dne-i In lint Ireasnry'! lias tint nun)) Jumie cunt nt tlii> Hlci-l nilln wiintcil liy I'lll'cliani- K.\III>MI!UII ... IO,(MK),0(H) ml e\li-t In finy Ki'cat e.Nlenl. ammig (he nei-feil lln riiipn-iiiaey nln<-ii (he pulij'" future," toplo "Tlio death of tlio noiil." longer; and their looks last tlM-MJrnnil Triink I'Mi'lll,: niiunnnrH fm- I|HI,'> Mi'liijililM. 'I' i. Tin- Mi'inl Ciilic ninl tllo fil I'l'lllKIIIH \Vtll'l( Of CollllllctlllK till! yonni;ei- gi'iiei-nl Inn, e.i|n,r olnl $I,I(I!»,(I(IO,OII() IIIMII who liave nln-mly lii'nlien nver Iho M'll liclniveil any lni.-il repmiiid In \\ty' for Houl,— uud you Imve only Htrongth- Ww. J. flmltli J. O. Audoraou KIIIIHUH C'lly.-- Onn inlllldii (Utlliit'H Ifi to I'n'-ilili'iil llPiii'y y tint Clili-ui;". Iliii'lluKidii A I'nUililliln, H. ('. A I'l.lliin mill In In In- nut ili»." The wuiron ofaln ; Thuru., Holf dentruo- onvd my roHoliitlon not to ucll. You L, n. rarlchnrit W. «. Tilton tjulncy Knlii'4»iul r'dliilniliy lli< tint OcYi-loJi- di.llani bcltcrnicnl, |IMIH_ fin-ty-i-lglil mill- llcllt, nplaal 'all'i-ctlnnV HUM lint so called 1 It'"' i-nliibllnlii'il nl I'.'liimliU liy Hi" Mailnii don't \vl«h to buy at mioh u prluo? John Lucas & Co UK-lit vt holding In <.luy t'oniity, Mo., oKll(t Kfiiinni* ('Ity. Th« I.oiio VUhrriiiuii. n i,r f II»),I«HI. nn bi-t wi'i-n July I, IH!I7, ami .Inn,, Ml), IIMH, with i'h| Illl fnl-CK In llln ytning men n( tlio American pcupln llnil lln-y ur-t \' Hut wult ; I huvu not told you all. Jui-kHon, JMI»n. 'l'hi'p(t hnniliril mill llflv Illi'linninil, Vn. Tin- ni-w Anlihr Cnllnn It H only one (if 1lni enrlo-illlei of Proubytorlan Churoh.— Hov. II. Ihotiminil ilollurn will 1>» npi-nt liy llu- I'onnl Anu-rii'ii u mil liiiial i-iini|iiilf;ii .-nult li'iivlng nm- I hiiii'iiinil ami Ml\[y-uiii- mill the null,>n. t 'nmiiilci'liiit lil'i nchli'vi" inure priilli-lent In lln- Iwciilli-llt I'.MII;/'* Iloforo you got my Hlgmitiiro to this JOHN H. MARSHA lOlcc-Irl,' Kiillvviiy In I'linntriii-lliiK u HIM- Mill, riniialiilni: H.IHKI iiplmlli'ii. will hn Manhull Thurlovr, Cantor. IQ.IIO a.m., i.Hill,•,I np nl llinli,n In. Hi'Pl. IT.. nl' \\lili'li In I'lii'i'iinliiliii'il, Inil ll iiriiii limn |.f,l,IKII,(IIHI, liinnni In npi'iiulnn liy <>i' \N )irro i-i ,|ln- l.oiio l<'Uln-i'iiuin, Ihn until iiutiiimil linnn.'r'i. dm'liiK cill/ens nf America thai l)i<-y • latloil Ml llnlll !•<•; Ihn \Vulinnli I'lll;, \VAI/l'Klt .1. IIAI.I.AIM). In mind nml linil>', nml IM n.'llie hi bnth. an my body, dliicdiini-ct It from my lii-nrt Choice Teas, Goffe InirK 'J'cnnlii'll \» cri-4'tliiK n f7>\(Hlo Tn-l^lil Inlii-r. \\liu Ji:n hern twli'i- 1'i'r-iili-nl of III Tor miylliliiK Iml In airaln i;r,i:']i Hi, Unlvorsalist Ohuroh.— Tho Ilov, J. ('..liiinlilii, M IV 'I'lir llniyliin Mlllii, ,,f Me IM iilrnnKlv prnKl'einll'e, H|M leiuler r J. A. OFFIOEB, llollnd III rllluililll'f,'., l.'nlleil SlnlenV \VlnTi- l.i In-, anil wluii Hclu-U'TliHl.v, Ail);. '_Ti. pliiii ami uKulii i-inply tlm tri^rum] and Ii^aln, lu-foi'o UICHU nngora will Aliiilio|;rlco, Mr, Kiiiiuiiy, nnd flrii'-cH nt AliiiuoK'H'ito for I''H, Mllln r piuiv linn lii'i'ii Ini'ui |i.inih-i| wllli \V,lial l:i lio Ililnliliu; alii,ill Illl'l 1,0110 nlllllllliill ill llH'tt-l'l ll'e. Mill ImllelcM ll|l- l nriiii-r« liriiornil liy Dcinoi-ni nit Ilillfiilo. Ten Inn.''- In niillvrn IIMVI h. HOUSE PAIMTEE. St. Murk'H Ohuroh,—Itov. 1'uul V. Baking Powders, et lii't-n uilili-il to lln- rolllMi: KliM'K i,r lln< HIM II riipllul ihirli nf ;,|IIII.IH»I l>'iiilii-riiui'ii, (iml \\liut arn hl-i lin'lli lllihllio 1'onlt Inn NI (Mill f,n, i'1'illly to tlin-n- u Ini ivniihl imili Tim licinocnils of KIIIMIUI, In in tlicno ui'o my ti'l'iiin. No mtlt), you tun & Mullio Itlllll'lKllI rllullHMi'lil. rlnirliilli', N. <' Tin- nnilnii'l IIMII In lilut' 1'ni'Urr'a 1 in- IloH'inun, Hoator. Hiinday Bdrvloofi nn nwiii'ili-il rnr ifliKi.niKi r,,r iln- i-n-i-iliii: "f tloii-iV \\'e ui'o all lii'liTi-i.ti'il In lilin tut n nlI'oin;. !' ami n IH-II.T lie U;IIM| up lln-lr Hliiln llchcl, liavit eii|ir<-l KntlnmtoB glvon. wiy ? Vory good. No walo, no miloon Hliiton, TI-I. Wni'li I'liiMini'i I on tin .In imil ol'li'inllrni lliaIlKlll a |, illllrnl Ir.nlrr uf liiillillniin fur Hi'' Dlnvviili Mill" ur ilii'i-nii We ilnnilil Int liilei-enleil In mi.v e\ I'r 1 1 fin' ihiinn I'rfni'imi llnil lire ri-.-cni'ileil n nni'i'd I In- I'linncr. Tho Id-pull uiuul, axoojit Buiuluy Hotiool, wliliih la — thut IH, no llddiiHO— nnd that hi, pro. AH OootlH wtrlotly FlrHt-CU 111. l.ollln, llrowilnvllli- A M,.»!,,, !(:,llr,,,.,| i ninpmiy In Ini'inpui iili'il fur i It m iiMiii ) In iH'iiinl'i' lil'i |iin-|y nit Central and Park Avon., Hnnimouton. Dr. J- A* \vll|>'U 111 to I'Xll'llll llll,'ll|;li M,Ml I',Illl, I,J ili-iit <>l° ilie I'liilril Mlali-n, mnl, lii-liii; cMicnlliil In llie pi'i-pelnlly of pi-i'MOnnl miiiiliiali'il i\\nol' tin- li'Milliu; fnini now «t 12.00 m. hlbltlon. . lnti'ri-',|eil, we have nl-Hi n eni-|iinll.r I'lllleil Illlll III' will |{i','|i mil ill' illll lihi'i-ly nml civic rli:liteiiiiniii'ii-i. Mm Si UK ii'i It illniMil Ciimiiilitnl BXSIDHHT nr,. ll OIKI iilinil fur Hi I'KICHH Htll'T, I'lliiilini'iI'lllnliiii'i;;. I'lllnliii nillniinlM In mnl lie niii'i-|iri':i"ii|i'il In llm iniimll'i of Tim In-llcr llnil I'ri',|ilcnl It rvcll. In Also liandlo «. U. Tea Oo. goods, ll' t,u|i|ilv. Illlllll III In I H'l \\'linl ah,nit I'leveliunl 'I In llnil ],,nlly nrvii out of 'thlrli-cn Humiliation <'l'ciulliK tlM'll' roill mnl ii (In- .v,;,,11011 i Im llln rrleinlii In in i!' llm rill r nf III nro Btrlotly hl •1'ln, lliilllniiMi- \ III,i,, I i In llii' lilllu'l ll, Illlll Cin'i'l-Clll nlll ((rlllli'lllllM K'lllIK tu lllIYi bin n|>|emllil I'lilllllmi'iil nl' nn olilli;allm rln,llni; (Invci'iior, on lint lloim l 'iiiiiiuiny linn null IH,mini i'. 'iminci nh DHHTIBT, l,(«Ml riiniliiliin nml '.''.» irfil,:,' ilnr <'iu» anylliliiK I" iln \Nllli |tiilill'''i Ihln .vi-ar, in' nrriume.1 IIM n remili of ocrl.lciil, Inm curn llcliol iit'o IIUV.VCIM, >\'hllolli" ltepnl|' Upholstering AUo, Mir ThomoB Llpton'a Ooflbw tlio Wlirrlliu: ,\ l.iihi- Mil,- Inui in i'M'il l.llin) 1 ll 'Illll It. I S' U'i,IHK> llfl-l liri'll I'Si N],Illl, eil nn rl.'ill,m nl lln- hilllil'i of lln' |icnpli only I'ccoiiiil^i'il Ilio lawyei'M In I'lnf REPAIRED Iu ({iinarnl HAMMONTON. : : N.J, wooilrll null r,(M> f'li'i'l rum; Hi, I'll InlM i \-\ In- i'liii|il.v Inlriit upon tin* ('ontn will I'ny for u throe Tea*, kaowu tlio world over. I I ill' I'll'l Illll'l ll' Illl' Hv,,, lie Inin Mi-i'ii'il, ill eii|nvi.llly I'lrnlij; In lln Ik I.Illll- Kill! Illlll 1MH Illl,I 1,,'Ulr, l,l)Ull li Hull llf llni Mlll|r,'l of llni'-i, Imll, ami al Iniillnii of Alloi'in-y Oi -aI, jml'Unl- Illljil nl r 1 inontlio' tilnl nul)»orl|>tlo|i «li'i-l rill'n. llial iini'l of Ililin;'/ lil'lUII'll Illll. lii'iu-l'i of I he )iniiij;i'i- ci'in-rnl Ion nf vn| Miipri-mo I'ourl, Mini one im-iiiln-i Ore..'*' and Recovered,— and Painting. H«o tlio \VuK<>u. on Wedueod*] liiii'iini:ii>n, vr. AI ii 1'niii ><< ; i »\'n 'I'll, ,'Mi'i'l Idilli na,I (liiniinlri'iliin. Tim pollcyf'''" FKIIII 40 oonti up. to Ilio Jttpublicdit. It hun Haturdkr. Order* left at Him <'rill I nl \'.'llinuil Iliillwny will Tlie iiii|iri",i,lnM .lei-mi In | wonla (or l*"^ Illltrli an IT I In 25 liriuii'li lino rniin llilln'1 to Ihi- ii,i>ti ly ,1, • IIIK aiMHii'i'lilly jiinllll nl, llnil lln mnlli;; llm f.inner, uhlr|i tint Di-mM'''-" Win. IJ. I'MCAHANTON, Uamly lUtohoii promptly filled. Mrll' 1,1 ill', Illl,' Illlll ll,< \\, iiioi'i nl I,' n i'itiinn-nl nil tliu iiowd. ' Huuil In your nmuo now, IrTlho Kopubllottii vrlniii'il i;iulillu illliirilrn llin:n lulllrn finni of I'l'liii'i'imi In iml i Illrll IllllTI.- |irlnl,'il In lln- IIIMII National ('oininll Ice In reporleil IP "* Geo. W. Dodd. . uiul llullrouj Avo., Uuiniuonldii. 20 1O<5 Ill-ltlrl. Tho MIIKII n any ei miimnii I, In eiii'i'lcil mil \\ I li«t- 2'M \Vaahlugtim Bt., II«muiu Jlorrnlo. 'I'hi' Lull' Hliiui' liil,'inl.i lii ri' lln- ^tllKlt "f I'. ni|HiM mnl lui'iily 1,1,1,1,1,11,1,! hihl |.'i, In In-lcf: "Vnn in • Hunt finir I iiicKlliK llm mini finni lloirolii I'nrlihlic nnil 1'rliii'i'loii li.i'i nl li'iiiil u ri'iliiln eiilllii'i Kciinc" liy tin- I Icmucnihi of KIIIII i'iv InihiNl i v I'm' lililrl.i'il ami Iml,,,I In n 1,1,; , II", Ini II' lie eh'i'l lo Clilrlli:,,. mnl lln- I" ni"ii iln nol III. Wli-hllll. Iwill. Tin- l''llni'n Mm- In.l'i-i'i'll; II lilllll Cll|illl'l| >' I'll III MI'i In'lnnt lillnliilei' ijdnllt il .'iim i,|)i','|i i l|ll Ulllll h> Ii • tl'llrllllK IIH ll'K'l- mill HMilliri! li/ltvi'i'ii lnl.Vi In Ii ili'llvj'ri'il nt t',i'i,,|it XVIrlllhl Illlll l:li,,«,,,lll, clvlnn , III],I,,,1,1, ill f j-.'.-i.iHii iin- iiiii ruin III ,,f lll I ,1 iiiniUM In mill Cnliih-ii, (lio iipniilliii not toni'vrriil liiiliili I'll Inlmi fl n \Si>l h A !„ llIK rillrlillix 'I'll,' Illll,Hi Ihillih mnl M/: iluiil Him Hi" II,I mini' f I lin yriir. l,,n HI <',,ii,|nini i|u*ml IIIMI* " il« ll nmli0 for Ilio Nlii i llmll .il Ilin Itlrlnn liulf ii'iilni'.v \vlildi liiiil imnlr- fl Chi,'UK" \Vi'i.|i'iii nilln,niiil I,i,,11,'III III inliiiiliiiiii, Aln lillltr, III" Ii ,1111' Illlll t (10 XYI'I fdl'l- of I III rlml'ly "u InK I In- nl In-i' e> i w i-rlll In' ^rrill mi rinply mini" Hint a rnln farci-. I1,,III i,IIIV nl lilllll''I'll 11 to r|,|i'M|;ii Ilii,I tvrrK Ii,'.'U.,,Illlll IIMI,III In "f iionillry." ' ,11111, ,r l''iilil,,inl,«, in In,I,un i.ilm:ii'i< llnil tvmilil mnl,i' lln mnl iinii'Kxiileii'lli..*|,li<,i,ll,l limHIIIInI I,,,Inv.l.nliiv.'" flu a, r HI Inn fjllnln, nlnn\ Ilif; nn Ini'ii'iiM- nf iiinr,' limn tlvlin 111:1111. AIM ,,r HI. Tin- clcincnl whl, Ii I, u,In nl ,\|,ll n \Vlillr Mil ,,lln, ll" lln- innii llnil "lii'nl.o Ilie kin Mi, I'.iirlii.ul, l, III M. I',Illl. \||,'||«I III, Illllll. \\llli 1 IHHI,(IIH) I,III,I,rl,I llti'l' Illl' I'.l'lln II.Illl,' III nali'ii llm I li'inoci'allc pm ly In ill tlio roll I'I,JI,,IH||MK \\i'i'l, lnr,l vnir ii Illlllll'l Illllll Viti'ln," ' 'III V. I,,, ili'ti'l., ,1 i II h, Wliniiever tint lli-inoei'iille piii'ly bn mil fur lai'lir Tin' I'cYi'ini", Iml Ni-vv )'i>rl, Tin- iiiiiiiorni I m I'm nf inn ,linli;i' rni'l.c II In a >,|y olil llnvlil, "n II !>.! \\ I'liloo In,MM M |,ml llnil |li,'ii, In ii ,l,i 1,1,.,| I,noun Iniw In iliiiu llm a I'I'H I,In hail Ihn |mwrr ll Illl'l illlm'lii',1 mnl Hint" li'i-o li'mle. 'I'ln-i'ii In nn n lllllniivrmi'iil In tin- il, in | rniin Hi,- mil Ml«, ,ll,ii llhi Iliiiuii Illl v Mill,,' llln mill, , iiMlhlml In In- Unit mi I,iiillni; Mioyi'il Hi" imllc.y i,f inolci'llnii |,i dnilji" llial fart. Tlio \vnrU< loinl< whlili inn |r|,iilil,-i; Hi,-I n.lllni; 1 I'll'.VMH lie tlll in .'n Amvi kiln hnlii: Ii Irti. A nii'i li;n iniiiit (alut mitr nf It. K," ll. ' ,,f llni,•>!. \\lll lijile I'min Ilie lnllMiil fi<\y liln n-nl Wl'lV, V