SUPPLEMENT TO Even tlip men who nrc the most ready to concede to Judge Parker all possible WILLIAM TELL PARKER. prniso for his upright lifo and his pcr- DEMOCRACY IS A MENAGE sonnl honesty of purpose freely admit SentiIJTE. JERSEY REPUBLICAN that Instead of bringing to the high office HAMMONTON, N. J. of President the experience of nn uctiuil Bi man of affairs, he would examine nml Election of Parker to the Presi- TUBDAY. SEPTEMBER 10, 1904. decide upon every grant question merely as n judge- does, upon gonornl priii'-iples , dency Would Unsettle and without much regard to the ordinary I Business. conditions of, life. This inexperience of j iPUDIATEO BY TOILERS Judge Parker, his evident inability to im- DFIVH jlprstaiul tho tronipiiflnii* foiillirt nn\v co- inj; on between unpilalnnd labor, nnd his significant silence on this subject in a speech which was full of more specu- on, users. |aforiemocracy and Its Candidate lation on general principles, has had 'an w Found Wanting in Sympathy extraordinary influence upon tho men in control of the grout labor organizations, Observations of a Traveling Salesman Twelve for Wage-Earners. and while they will continue to keep in tbe Middle West—Attitude of Pages those organizations out of politics, they VOL. 42 HAMMONTOK, *T. J., SEPTEMBER 24, 1904. do not hesitate to express their own opin- the Farmer and the First ions as to the the coin-so to be pursued J^rter. _ by the friends of organised labor gen- Volunteer Fire Company. Dr. C. E. DAEE, UDGE PARKER WAS SILENT erally in the roming campaign. RED CROSS PHARMACY. M • ' Vlc-WH of Mr. I)cl)B* Herbert G, Heason DENTIST in tl —-— 1 Following out the custom of most largo Now ia tho time to save yonr hair. We have just received and are agents for The Company held their annual er r ' In a roi'i-nt interview. Kiigoni V. Delis, AtliTHE Office Hoars: 8.30a.m. to 12. 1.301 who is the- Socialist candidate- fur Presi- business houses, one of the biff jobbing business meeting lost Monday even'g. vlciiVhile President Roosevelt Was Frank concerns iu Chicago instructed its travel- '_ Yelk Tonic Shampoo Cream. Evening b; engagements. seir Dr. J. C. Bitler was chosen President and Sincere in Expressing Him- element iii tlio labor ramp, cave expres- "injTTnen on their rcturnTronT extensive Stop in and ask about it. lOOBolIevno Ave., Hammon into trips to present u report on the yeni.'ral pro tern. noli self on the Labor Question— sion to n very gononil sentiment amoajx j Among other items of bnslness was dep. the member^ of -labor unions, which is political conditions in the territory' over Also, a foil line of .AND Views of Leaders. universally Inutile td llic niiininatiiiii of which they had gone. • . the proposed lowering of the first floor aud - . Rubel and Alloffretti's Chocolates. the llt-nry (r. Dai-is of \1Yst Virginia as the ""\Ve do this," siiid one of the mcmbura to' do away with the "drop" at the PERIODICALS. thu . , —• Democratic caiidiilalc fur sccninl place- of the linn, "not because -wo expect our entrance. Kirk Spear's bid was the is ; . • on the? ticket with Jiul^i1 I'arker. traveling men to interest themselves in Stationery & Confectionery. "An important fiu-Uir in cniisiiiir ilesor- politieal mallei's or because • wo .expert Frescziptions Carefully Compounded. only one received, and proposed a Lakev nn<" Indianapolis, Ind., Sept. 2.—This place 217 Bellevne AvennOi [:,'or 's rapidly becoming the industrial center tions' from the ppnioci'iitir party." sjiid thcm^to iuiltieiiec any votes. Our iiioi.ive. cinder bottom, covered with grouting or' of the country, so far as organized labor .Mr, Uebs in the interview referred to, is entirely dilleivnt. It (.'iiuci-ru.s our own MATLACK & PIERSON, Graduates in Pharmacy, and cement, to 'cost $105. Trustees loo is concerned. It is a curious thing that "is the fact that .Henry. <;. 'Davis, the business wholly. H is not a political were authorized to give him the job, Hammonton, N. J. GEE] ettf in this.capital of an original agricultural vice presidential camliilttKv-haK always 'proposition to say tlut if the Deuiucra'W been violently opposed to organized la- win ut the IK-.VI clecLion it means a drop work to begiu at once If possible. As |-t.ant' State..there shnulJLgradually come to-be these figures do not include 'tearing '•' cir centered the active influences which con- bor, refusing lo~:i!!ow his Own employes ill. prices. —-Tliauis_a., lliiiig-uvery busi.- ' HQU liv trol the greatest industrial organizations to join labor unions, and being mainly ness ni;in~uTITler:st.-imls. As-'.riidj-o Puv- UNDERTAKER EMBALMER outtherfloor, volunteers will be called sh iu''-the world. Indianapolis has long inslrnincnlnl in lirindni: Ihe court iii- ker hitui-'clC sniil. a I'epii./iiean Senate for to do that work the evening before Printing bu betn a great railroad center, and for that jnnclions in West Virginia issued against will iu any event .stum! iu the way of the contractor begins. reason it has been a favorite meeting labor unions, p-irtirnlarly those who were Democratic attempts to break down the Central Ave., Hammonton, 1 place for the heads of tho great trans- Ir.iinj: to »rca::i/.t> the coal miners in tlmt protective tariff. Nevertheless, if they . ELWOOD P, JONES, Through the kiuduess of Mr. Stock- • povtiition Organizations. The State also Slate.'" elect Judge t'u.rker, they \vill stand a Successor to well, the fire apparatus will be stored Large assortment of th In sharp contrast with the~Silem-e of chance of electing a'House of Represeut- 0 <]< contains' splendid coal mines; and tins in his driveway during operation ; Palms, Ferns, House PI has given Indiana a potent voice in the Judge Parker a-tnl tlic open hostility of ntive* of tho same Icmd. That Hoitse which will continue about ten days. Printers ' .to !_Si'iiato.rJ_^i.yJiJs. the will certainly pass :i new tariff bill. Even W. A. HOOD & CO. Cat Flowers. Funeral I of this-chw-j The reports showed an. enrollment acter. John_MitclieII, Eugene V. Debs Koosevell. who has stood I'o7' the lahorini; THeproduced from J'htladoipliiti -Inquirer.) -if t his—was—IttHrtt-u—iii—H«?—Semi t c.~ 1 hp in Fresh Flowers, Wax, or 1 man nt all times.'and who lias "never lies- effect would lie to -.unsettle business to Office and Residence, 216 Bellevue Ave. Phone 3-Y of twenty-eight-members, and suffl and other men who "have had much to do V. S.-~"Flre away! / should feel considerably more worried If I thought there ivas the sllg\test chun'e of bis with the control of the labor .market, t.'ltcil lo declare himself on this snlijec!. hitting anything." an oxtniordiMary degree. There would cient money on hand to pay all pre, have had their headquarters here at one It is no political clap-trap winch influ- always be the threat-of lowur tariff du- ; WATKIS & NICHOLSG ties, nnd the same thiiif; would happen viously contracted bills. Florists and Landscape Gardi time or another, until or late it has be- ences the President of the United States, The following officers were declared HOYT & SOU, come generally recognized that the head .whenever ho sets ofT a train, day or 'Man, one of the sort in 11)05 which happened in 1S9;>. Prices Wax Flowers, Figures, etc., for funerals and Phone l-W niirlit. to W!ilk_Jn_Uig_h<>!ul-of—thc-nlu-t- ^CONTROL OF THE HaU.SE_ voing "electedrwithont~Oie~altl of a, primary —c ceuter_of-Organized,_4abor_may~bc-fovind- man can admire and understand. He is memorial services, furnished on short notice. Publishers, „ here rather' than in Chicago or .New form to shake hamls \vitli the engineer grit and sympathy. Me would be Ilirown out of election : and lireman. It is as nalural to hi;n as No Ground for Claiming that .Demo- is'"' a figure to ap- employment,- tlio ln)iiK>"nvar'<(>t would Iw •Vork, whicE'aFe scTimich"target from, a crats Will Be Successful. preciate. ". _ ou^ .Why rt Siiould Be (ifvca' to President, J. C. Bitler, M. D. manufacturing standpoint. il would be to sh:i!<e hands witli""any of I'cptiblicun Caiidiiiutes. nt least partially destroyed, and local The Peoples With its usual penchant for exploiting Old party. lines are not as well defined business conditions would immediately Vice-Preset, H. Kirk Hpear. I lie'great men of the nation, because he as. they have 'been in. the past. New is- til the presidential elections of IS'JfJ Labor Leader* Chagrined. is essentially dpitiocratii' and because, mare's nests the New York jjerald lias suffer. This was true liefoi'cl.Lhe Wilson Young~P6ople'8 Societies. -Bee. & Fin. Sec'}/, H. C. Leonard. OF figured out a statistical "'"^possibility that sireTrhave arisen, olid those who for tilt- and 1JHJO the' business men of the coun- : Oil Stoves It is no secret here that the labor from his cowliov days onward, he has try exercised more decisive in 11 iience than- tariff"liill~wiTs~ jia~s5t'il Ten"yifafs ago, and Treasurer, Wm. H. Bernshouse. leaders representing the greatest imlus- the election returns on the night of first time -cast their votes for President it would be true next year if Parker were i made friends of those about him, what- wil.l not erfs't it as Democrats or Repiibi. in nny other two uaiioi'ial ele.i lions in our This space la devoivd to the Intercstfl ol Ti-ustees, Wm.
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