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SFM Library Holdings-Category Listing SFM Library Holdings-Category Listing Cat ID Author ID PH # Author Last Name Author First Name Title A Bar Barbour et al Hugh Early Quaker Writings A BriA Brinton, ed. Anna Then and Now Quaker Essays A BriA Brinton, et al Anna Cox Quaker Classics in Brief (2 copies) A BriH Brinton Howard Creative Worship and Other Essays (see QC BriH for additional copy) A BriH Brinton Howard Quaker Journals: Varieties of Religious Experience Among Friends (2 copies)(see QC BriH for additional copies) A BriH Brinton Howard Religious Philosophy of Quakerism, The (2 copies)(see QAF BriH for additional copies) A Bro Bronner, ed. Edwin American Quakers Today (4 copies) A FWC Friends World Conference No Time But This Present (3 copies) A Gar Garman, et al, ed. Mary Hidden in Plain Sight: Quaker Women's Writings 1650-1700 (2 copies) A Ha Hamanaka, compiler Sheila On the Wings of Peace A Hamm Hamm, ed. Thomas D. Quaker Writings: An Anthology 1650-1920 A Hun Hunter Allan Courage in Both Hands A Lar Larson, et al Jeanne Seeds of Peace A Li Lifton, et al, ed. Robert In a Dark Time: Images for Survival (2 copies) A Mau Maurer, ed. Herrymon Pendle Hill Reader A Pena Pendle Hill Antologia Espiritual A Smi Smith Wilfred Faith and Belief A Ste Steere Douglas Doors Into Life: Through Five Devotional Classics (2 copies) A We Weber, ed. David Civil Disobedience in America A Wes West Jessamyn Quaker Reader, The (see QFC Wes for additional copy) Thursday, August 13, 2015 Page 1 of 52 Cat ID Author ID PH # Author Last Name Author First Name Title BI Abs American Bible Society, pub. Good News for a New Age BI Abs American Bible Society,pub. Good News for Modern Man (4 copies) BI Bu Buttrick, ed. G.A. Interpreters Bible (Vol. 9): Acts & Romans (2 copies) BI Bu Buttrick, ed. G.A. Interpreters Bible (Vol. 8): Luke and John (2 copies) BI Bu Buttrick, ed. G.A. Interpreters Bible (Vol. 7): New Testament Articles Matthew, Mark BI Bu Buttrick, ed. G.A. Interpreters Bible (Vol 10): Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians (2 copies) BI Ell Ellis E. Earle World of St. John, The BI Fag Fager, ed. Chuck Reclaiming a Resource: Papers from the Friends Bible Conference BI Gen Geneva Bible, 1560 Edition, The BI Gom Gomes Peter J. Good Book, The BI Jes Jesus By Jesus BI Jon Jones, ed. Alexander Jerusalem Bible, The BI Lew Lewis C.S. Screwtape Letters, The (see JCC Lew for additional copy) BI Mit Mitchell Stephen Gospel According to Jesus, The BI NCC Nat'l Cncl of Churches Green Bible: New Revised Standard Version, The BI Nel Nelson, pub. Thomas Holy Bible: revised standard version, The BI New New English Bible, The BI Oda O'Day, et al, ed. Gail Access Bible, The BI Oxf Oxford Univ. Pres, pub New Oxford Annotated Bible, The BI Oxf Oxford Univ. Press, pub Holy Bible: King James Version BI Phi Phillips J.B. Gospels, The BI Pow Powis Smith, et al, ed. J.M. Bible: An American Translation, The BI Rey Reynolds, pub. L.L. Holy Bible: The New Testament, The Thursday, August 13, 2015 Page 2 of 52 Cat ID Author ID PH # Author Last Name Author First Name Title BI Ryr Ryrie, ed. Charles C. Ryrie Study Bible: Expanded Edition BI Smi Smith Morton Secret Gospel, The BI Tho Thomas Nelson, pub. Holy Bible: New Revised Standard Version BI Tyn Tyndale Publishers Living Bible, The BI Wat Watson Elizabeth Wisdom's Daughters: Stories of Women around Jesus BI Yo Young Robert Young's Analytical Concordance to the Bible BI Zon Zondervan Bible Publishers Holy Bible, The BI-N Ac Achtemeier Paul Interpretation - Romans: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching BI-N Bar Barclay, ed. William Gospel of Matthew, The, Vol. 1 BI-N Bar Barclay, ed. William Gospel of Matthew, The, Vol. 2 BI-N Bar Barclay, ed. William Letters to the Corinthians, The BI-N Bo Boring M. Eugene Interpretation - Revelation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching BI-N Br Brown Raymond E. Retreat with John the Evangelist: That you may have life BI-N Gi Gieschen Roger J. Paul's Letters from Prison BI-N Li Lindberg Paul M. Ephesians! BI-N Pe Perrin, et al Norman New Testament, The: An introduction, 2nd edition BI-N Tau Taussig Hal New New Testament, A: A Bible for the 21st Century... BI-O Be Berquist Jon L. Surprises by the River: The prophecy of Ezekiel BI-O Br Brueggemann Walter Interpretation - Genesis: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching BI-O Co Coote Robert B. Amos Among the Prophets: composition and theology BI-O Ka Kaiser Otto Isaiah 1-12: A Commentary BI-O Re Reid Stephen Breck Enoch and Daniel: A form critical and Sociological Study of Historical Apocalypses Thursday, August 13, 2015 Page 3 of 52 Cat ID Author ID PH # Author Last Name Author First Name Title BI-O Sc Schmidt Werner H. Faith of the Old Testament, The DD AFS AFSC Who Shall Live?: Man's Control Over Birth and Death (2 copies) DD Bu Burger, et al Sarah Nursing Homes: Getting Good Care There DD Co Connecticut Community Families Who Care for Older Relatives: The Problems - The Solutions Care (pamphlet) DD Cr Consumer Reports, ed. Funerals: Consumers' Last Rights DD Do Doka, ed. Kenneth Children Mourning - Mourning Children DD Fl Floyd Maita Caretakers: The Forgotten People DD Gr Grollman Earl A. In Sickness and In Health: How to cope when your loved one is ill DD Ha Hall Pearl Crist Freedom to Road Long: One Person's Discovery of Death DD Hu Humphry Derek Let Me Die Before I Wake DD Kr Kramer Kenneth Sacred Art of Dying, The DD Mo Montgomery Ruth World Beyond, A DD Mor Morgan Ernest Manual of Death Education and Simple Burial, A (8th edition) DD Mor Morgan Ernest Manual of Death Education and Simple Burial, A (6th edition) DD Ru Rundle,ed. James Perspectives on Death And Dying DD Sa Samuel Dorothy T. Grieving: An Inward Journey DD Wad Waddington Lynn Staying True: Musings of an Odd Duck Quaker Lesbian Approaching Death (3 copies) DD Wat Watson Elizabeth Guests of My Life (see Sp Wat for additional copy) DD Wei Weinholtz Donn Longing to Live, Learning to Die JCC Ak A Kempis Thomas Imitation of Christ, The (see SP Ak for additional copy) JCC Ali Alighieri Dante Divine Comedy, The - Purgatory JCC Ali Alighieri Dante Divine Comedy, The - Paradise Thursday, August 13, 2015 Page 4 of 52 Cat ID Author ID PH # Author Last Name Author First Name Title JCC Ali Alighieri Dante Divine Comedy, The - Hell JCC All Allen Rosamund Richard Rolle, The English Writings JCC Arn Arnold J. Henrich Discipleship JCC Aug Augustine St. Thomas City of God, The JCC Ba Bach Marcus Challenge of Change, The JCC Bai Baillie John Diary of Readings, A JCC Bar Barbour Ian G. When Science Meets Religion: Enemies, Strangers or Partners? JCC Bla Blakney, trans. Raymond B. Meister Eckhart JCC Bo Boehme Jacob Way to Christ, The (Bath edition, 1775) JCC Bof Boff Leonardo Ecclesiogenesis JCC Bor Borg Marcus J. Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time JCC Bos Boss-Kooperman Gayle Christ is Our Peace, Biblical Foundations for Peacemaking JCC Bou Bourke Vernon J. Pocket Aquinas, The JCC Boy Boyd Malcom Are You Running With Me Jesus? JCC Bub Buber Martin Tales of the Hasidim JCC Bub Buber Martin Two Types of Faith JCC Bub Buber Martin I and Thou JCC Bub Buber Martin Paths in Utopia JCC Ca Carrel Alexis Prayer JCC Car Carretto Carlo Letters From the Desert JCC Co Cousins Ewert Bonaventure JCC Da Day Dorothy Dorothy Day - Selections from Her Writings JCC De de Chardin Pierre Teilhard Phenomenon of Man, The Thursday, August 13, 2015 Page 5 of 52 Cat ID Author ID PH # Author Last Name Author First Name Title JCC Do Doyle Brendan Julian of Norwich JCC Erb Erb, trans. Peter C. Jacob Boehme, The Way To Christ JCC Fe Ferguson John Pelagius JCC He Herberg, ed. Will Writings of Martin Buber JCC Hu Hughes Serge Little Flowers of St. Francis and Other Franciscan Writings, The JCC Kav Kavanaugh Kieran Teresa of Avila, the Interior Castle JCC Kav Kavanaugh Kieran John of the Cross, Selected Writings JCC Ku Kung Hans On Being a Christian JCC Lac Lachman Barbara Journal of Hildegard of Bingen, The JCC Lew Lewis C.S. Screwtape Letters, The (see BI Lew for additional copy) JCC Lew Lewis C.S. Case for Christianity, The JCC Lew Lewis C.S. Inspirational Writings of C.S. Lewis, The JCC Mc McGinn, ed. Bernard A. Meister Eckhart, Teacher and Preacher JCC Mer Merton Thomas School of Charity, The JCC Mer Merton Thomas Wisdom of the Desert, The JCC Mer Merton Thomas Seven Story Mountain, The (2 copies) JCC Mo Moore Thomas Care of the Soul (see SP Mo for additional copy) JCC Nou Nouwen Henri J.M. Thomas Merton: Contemplative Critic (2 copies - title of 1st copy starts as "Pray to Live") JCC Nou Nouwen Henri J.M. Wounded Healer, The JCC Pe Persson Norma J. God and Nature: A Book of Devotions for Christians who Love Wildlife JCC Phi Phillips J. B. Your God is Too Small JCC Phl Phillips J.B. Letters to Young Churches Thursday, August 13, 2015 Page 6 of 52 Cat ID Author ID PH # Author Last Name Author First Name Title JCC Ro Robinson John A. T. Honest to God JCC Ry Ryan John K.
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