Playstation 4 vs. Xbox One The Battle for Market Superiority Introduction skip to analysis The $27 billion console gaming category has undergone significant disruption and evolution in the last decade, particularly resulting from new entrants and an increased focus on online gaming. With the Nintendo Wii U’s abysmal sales, Microsoft and Sony now persist as the two primary competitors for the market leader position in the next generation of console gaming. Recognizing a traditional product life-cycle of five to seven years and little chance of increasing adoption rates after year one, the company that is able to establish dominance within the first six to twelve months will likely retain the position until the next generation of console hardware is released. As a result, Sony and Microsoft have boldly developed two different marketing strategies that stand in stark contrast to one another. The ‘One’ moniker attached to the Xbox is the embodiment of Microsoft’s vision of the future of the industry as not simply focused on gaming but as providing all-encompassing entertainment solutions. The Xbox One is being marketed as the one device to rule all facets of living room entertainment. Sony, on the other hand, stands in firm belief that gaming consoles should primarily focus on delivering a great gaming experiences above all else. This doesn’t mean that video playback and media applications are not available on the PS4, they are. However, Sony’s messaging is intended to define the PS4 as the quintessential gaming console rather than a holistic entertainment solution. +1 816-494-1650
[email protected] 4151 N Mulberry Dr., Suite 240, Kansas City, Missouri 64116 Console Gaming Background Background skip to analysis The battle for market dominance in the console gaming category has always existed, but over time the key players have continually shifted.