The John Adams Tower Senior Edition
The John Adams Tower Senior Edition Friday, June 1, 1984 7 The 1984 Senior Edition Staff would like to express ... _.,_ * their appreciation to the following : * •.: . * To the Publications classes for * .... ' ., * their assistance . * -To Mrs. Maza, for her guidance * * and support . * To Mrs. Gleason's first hour * class for typing the wills . * * To Steve Newberg, Doris , ' ·. * Newberg and Eleanor Marler * of Towle' s Typesetting for all * of their help, advice.and * * assistance. * To the Senior Clo~s Without * their provision of the funds , th is * .* edition would not be possible . * To Mr. William Alyea , for all of . * . his trips to the printer's office. ~ * * ' .. • .~.. ,-~l ~ .....~ ...-c; * * lowERw Edltor-ln -ehie(.. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. Betay KIiieen Advertiabia •••••••• .•..•.... •.... Jalle Bird * * AAl stant Edlton · .... Kimberly Ml1cheD DlmfMdoll... .. ... ... ........ Steve Gruenlg Mam Whln enb ura A,ttst . ... ... ..... .. .. .... .. .. ....... nm1.ona Sporta Edito rs •.. •• Mary SlaflrNky ~toa,apben .•••••••••••. Joluunl es Hacker * * Junior Sporta Edi&« .. ••.•••.•. J u, .· . • , , ...., Mart Orlando Senior ANlatanta. .... ......... Matt Booty A d~laor . ..• .• .• . .• . .. .• .••... Babetle Maza ,, erek 1-aaler Aulatant Prtndpal s ••••••••••• Andre w Bibbs * * Donald David Jlllllon Edlton ... ...... ... ... J im Hatt-an Kelly Mltcbell Principal ..••..••••.•.... Wllllam Przybysz Superintendent ....... Dr. James Scammon * * Johaf>au- *~ * 3 The Class of 1984 A View From the Student Government President The Class of '84 Is - becomln1 a Remember ukin1 a pl to "ao with you' '? with middle school students. There is memory . I'm sure moat, if not all the Seniors, why is senior year auch a crisis? more. Ob, here's a aood one for you seniors , are relieved and anlliously It's the year we have all been awaitin1. lt is smokers.Student ,overnment bu decided awaiting graduation.
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