A Bibliography of Literature on Ecological Diversity and Related Methodology Ecological Diversity and B

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A Bibliography of Literature on Ecological Diversity and Related Methodology Ecological Diversity and B A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF LITERATURE ON A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF LITERATURE ON ECOLOGICAL DIVERSITY AND RELATED METHODOLOGY ECOLOGICAL DIVERSITY AND B. Dennis, G. P. Patil, O. Rossi*, S. Stehman, and C. Taillie RELATED METHODOLOGY The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802 "Why diversity?" Recently a statistician noted that he never received a simple straightforward answer to this question from ecologists. But imagine the look of disappointment in an ecologist hearing this question. by The diversity, or variety, of plants and animals on this planet is the very basis of the ecologist's profession. Ecology is rooted in natural history. Perhaps the fundamental working craft of the ecologist is taxonomy; B. DENNIS, G. P. PAXIL, O. ROSSI, S. STEHMAN, possibly the most elemental quantities recorded in ecological work are the numbers and abundances of spe• cies. Why are there so many species in the abundances that we observe? Indeed, almost any ecological and C. TAILLIE study has some bearing on this question, as these quantities will be explained only after the interrelationships of the organisms and environments are fully understood. So if you ask an ecologist "why diversity?" the response, if any, will likely echo the retort of the moun• taineer Mallory when questioned about his own pursuits: "Because it is there!". Here is a list of the publications in the literature on ecological diversity. We were particularly anxious to Reprinted from include works on conceptualization and statistical properties of diversity indices and models of species abundance as well as empirical studies in which these indices (including species richness!) and models ECOLOGICAL DIVERSITY IN THEORY AND PRACTICE were used. We have also included papers on island biogeography, niche theory and species packing, stabil• ity theory, and speciation as these topics are important to understanding why given diversities exist in given J. F. Grassle, G. P. Patil, W. K. Smith, and C. Taillie, (eds.) areas. This list is ever-growing and shows no hint of approaching "carrying capacity" yet. We would wel• International Co-operative Publishing House come copies of reprints, reports,disserations, etc., and also full references of any additional titles. Fairland, Maryland A LIST OF PUBLICATIONS pp. 319- A publication from the Aagaard, K.; and Engen, S. (in press). 1 Abramsky, Z. (1978). Small mammal 8 Species diversity of chironomid species. Act a community ecology: Changes in species diversi• Satellite Program in Statistical Ecology Universitatis CaroUnae, Praha. ty in response to manipulated productivity. International Statistical Ecology Program Abbot, I. (1978). Factors determining 2 Oecologia, 34, 113-123. the number of land bird species on islands around Adams, D. L.; and Barrett, G. W. 9 south-western Australia.Oeco/ogia, 33, (1976). Stress effects on bird-species diversity 221-233. within mature forest ecosystems. American Abbot, I. (1977). Species richness tumo- 3 Midland Naturalist, 96, 179-194. Statistical Ecology Series ver and equilibrium in insular floras near Perth, Adams, J. E.; and McCune, E. D. 10 Volume 6 Western Australia. Australian Journal of Bota• (1979). Application of the generalized jackknife ny, 25, 193-208. to Shannon's measure of information used as an Abele, L. G. (1974). Species diversity of 4 index of diversity. In Ecological Diversity in decapod crustaceans in marine habitats. Ecolo• Theory and Practice, J. F. Grassle, G. P. Patil, gy, 55,156-161. W. Smith, and C. Taillie, eds. International Co• Abele, L. G. (1976). Comparative spe- 5 operative Publishing House, Fairland, cies richness in fluctuating and comparative en• Maryland. vironments: coral-associated decapod crusta• Adams, M. (1973). Ecological zonation 11 ceans. Science, 192, 461-463. and the butterflies of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Abele, L. G.; and Walters, K. (1979). 6 Marta, Columbia. Journal of Natural History, Marine benthic diversity: A critique and 7, 699-718. alternative explanation. Journal of Biogeogra• Akeley, R. P.; Chase, P. E.; Mogdis, F. 12 Internationai Co-operative Publishing House phy (in Press). J.;and Soalberg, J. H. (1976). A Review and P.O. Box 245 Evaluation of Water Quality Indices and Similar Burtonsville, Maryland 20730 Aber, J. D. (1979). Foliage-height pro- 7 Indicators, Vol. IV: Nonpoint Sources and Indi• files and succession in northern hardwood for• cators — A Case. ; Council on Environmental ests. Ecology, 60,18-23. Quality, by Energy Resources Co., Inc. *While on a visit from the University of Parma during spring 1978 and summer 1979. 320 321 Alatalo, R.; and Alatalo, R. 13 Bakelaar, R. G.; and Odum, E. P. 31 (1977).Components of diversity: multivariate (1978). Community and population level re• BeU, M. A. (1976). Evolution of pheno- 46 D. W. Goodall, eds. University of Texas Press, analysis with interaction. £co/ogy, 58,900-906. sponses to fertilization in an old-field ecosystem. typic diversity in Gasterosteus aculeatus Austin, Texas, pp. 197-222. Ecology, superspecies on the Pacific coast of North Bliss, C. 1. (1958). Analysis of insect 60 Aliyev, A. R. (1975). Species diversity 14 59, 660-665. America. Systematic Zoology, and ecology of Infusoria in the Dzheyran-Batan Ball, E.; and Glucksman, J. (1975). Bi- 32 25, 211-227. counts as NBD. Proceedings of the Internation• ological colonization of Motmot, a recently cre• Benayahu, Y.; and Loya, Y. (1977). 47 al Congress of Entomology, 2, 1015-1032. reservoir. HydrobiologicalJournal, 11, 39-41. Space partitioning by stony corals, soft corals Allan, J. D. (1975). Components of di- 15 ated tropical island. Proceedings of the Royal Bliss, C. I. (1965). An analysis of some 61 Society of London, Biolofical Sciences, and benthic algae on the coral reefs of the north- insect trap records. In Classical and Contagious versity. Oecologia, 18, 359-367. 190, em Gulf of Eilat (Red Sea). Helgolander Allan, J. D. (1975). The distributional 16 421-442. Discrete Distributions, G. P. Patil, ed.. Statis• Barbault, R.; and Grenot, C. 33 Wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen, 30, tical Publishing Society, Calcutta, pp. 385-397. ecology and diversity of benthic insects in Ce• 362-382. ment Creek, Colorado. Ecology, 56, (1977).Species richness and spatial organization Blyth, C. R. (1959). Note on estimating 62 of the lizard community in the Bolson de Mapimi Bender, M. F. (1975). Evaluation and 48 information. Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 1040-1053. interpretation of diversity measures as biological Amerson, A. B. (1975). Species richness 17 (Chihuahuan Desert, Mexico) (in French). 30, 71-79. Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires Des Seances indices of pollution and/or environmental Bock, C. E.; and Bock, J. H. (1974). 63 on the nondisturbed northwestern Hawaiian is• change in aquatic systems. In Water Resources lands. Ecology,56, 435. De L'Academie Des Sciences, Serie D,284, Geographical ecology of the acom woodpecker: 2281-2284. Instrumentation, VOL. 2, Ann Arbor Science diversity versus abundance of resources. Ameri• Anderson, S. (1974). Patterns of faunal 18 Publishers, Ann Arbor, pp. 474-481. evolution. Quarterly Review of Biologv, 49, Barbebenn, K. R. (1969). Host-parasite 34 can Naturalist, 108, 695-698. 311-332. relationships and species diversity in mammals: Bennett, C. F. (1975). The advantages 49 Bock, I. R.; and Parsons, P. A. (1977). 64 a hypothesisBmrrcp/ca, 1, 29-35. of cultured diversity. Unasylva, 27, 11-15. Species diversities in Drosophila (Diptera): a de• Anderson, S.; and Anderson, C. S. 19 Berger, W. H.; and Parker, F. H. 50 (1974). Three Monte Carlo models of faunal ev• Barbour, C. D.; and Brown, J. H. 35 pendence upon rain forest type of the (1974). Fish species diversity in lakes. Ameri• (1970). Diversity of planktonic forminifera in Queensland (Australia) humid tropics. Journal olution. American Museum Novitates. deep sea sediments. Biological Journal of the of Biogeography, 4, 203-213. Antipova, T. V. (1976). Preliminary 20 can Naturalist, 108, 473-489. Linnean Society, data on the species diversity and quantitative dis• Barr, T. C. (1967). Observations on the 36 3, 1-21. Bowden, J.; and Morris, M. (1975). In- 65 ecology of caves. American Naturalist, 101, Bernstein, R. A. (1971). The ecology of 51 fluence of moonlight on catches of insects in tribution of bivalve mollusks in the Barents Sea. ants in the Mojave Desert: their interspecific re• light traps in Africa, III. Builetin of Entomolog• Oceanology, 15, 226-227. 475-491. lationships, resource utilization, and diversity. Ares, J. C. (1972). Equitabiltiy, compe- 21 Baitr»,T. C. (\916). The Effects of a 37 ical Research, 65, 303-348. Ph. D. Thesis, University of California, Los Bowles, L. G.; and Wilhm, J. (1977). 66 tition, and seasonal succession in a plant com• Heated Effluent on the Species Diversity of Ben• Angeles. munity. Tourna/ of Ecology, 60, 325-331. thic Macroinvertebratesin Calaveras Lake, Effects of patchiness of estimates of concentra• Texas. M. S. Thesis, Southwest Texas State BertweU, R. L.; and Blocker, A. D. 52 tion and species diversity of pelagic net Armstrong, N. E.; Storrs, P. N.; and 22 (1975). Curculionidae from different grassland zooplankton. Southwestern Naturalist, 21, Pearson, E. A. (1971). Development of a gross University. Journal of toxicity criterion in San Francisco Bay. \RAd• Barrett, G. W. (1968). The effects of 38 treatments near Manhattan, Kansas. 463-468. vances in Water Pollution Research: Proceed• anacute insecticide stress on a semi-enclosed the Kansas Entomological Society, 48,319-326. Bowman, K. C; Hutcheson, K.; 67 ings of the Fifth International Conference, grassland ecosystem. Ecology, 49, 1019-1035. Beukema, J. J. (1976). Biomass and 53 Odum, E. P.; and Shenton, L. R. (1971). species richness of the macro-benthic animals Comments on the distribution of indices of di• Pergamon Press, Oxford, pp. 1-15(IU). Bartold, S.; and Starr, N. (1977). 39 living on the tidal flats of the Dutch Wadden Sea. Arnold, S. J. (1972). Species diversity of 23 Optimal and adaptive stopping in the search for versity.
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