
Synthetic Features

A bit of rebranding, or something new and inspiring?

Derek N. Woolfson A new approach in biology is emerging and gathering a broad band of advocates. Synthetic biology (University of Bristol, aims to improve our abilities to engineer biological , assemblies and systems; to design

Bristol, UK) and and develop biomimetic systems; and to apply these to useful ends. It brings together the biologi- Downloaded from http://portlandpress.com/biochemist/article-pdf/33/1/19/4093/bio033010019.pdf by guest on 28 September 2021 Elizabeth H.C. Bromley cal and physical sciences, applying engineering and mathematical principles. Currently, a number (Durham University, of different approaches are being explored in synthetic biology, which are meeting with different Durham, UK) levels of success. In the present article, we outline these efforts in general terms giving just a few ex- amples for each; unfortunately, space does not for allow in-depth reviews, for which we apologize.

Origins of the field is formed from the synergy of developing concepts, knowledge and technologies drawn from other diverse Although others were clearly thinking about, and in- disciplines, including bioengineering, conventional deed actively engaged in tinkering with biology for engineering, and design and sys- some time beforehand, the first use of the term synthetic tems biology. Synthetic biology is also differentiated biology is attributed to Wacław Szybalski in 19741. He by a new fearlessness in setting ambitious and ground- asked what might follow the more-descriptive phase of breaking research targets. To give just a few diverse , and raised possibilities such as syn- examples of the wave of ambitious goal-driven projects thetic and, consequently, engineering new and that are being undertaken, researchers are: chemically “improved ”. Indeed, the 1970s and the two synthesizing whole genomes for , and subsequent decades saw the rise of recombinant DNA mammals; transplanting whole biosynthetic pathways technology with its many and varied applications in from higher organisms into more tractable ones to fa- basic and applied molecular biology. These are gener- cilitate the production of small molecules as biofuels, ally referred to from the bottom-up as protein, meta- biomaterials and drugs; constructing molecular motors bolic and genetic engineering, i.e. in terms of (protein) spanning a range of sizes, to mimic those that Nature molecules, pathways and organisms respectively. Over presents; and attempting to create self-sustaining the last decade, an expanding group of researchers have encapsulated entities, to capture the main defining adopted the name synthetic biologists; taken up Feyn- features of living cells. man’s epitaph “what I cannot create, I do not understand” We believe that this combination of practicality, as their mantra; and are working to the broad definition ability and ambition sets synthetic biology apart, and that “synthetic biology refers to both: (a) the design and that we are witnessing the birth of a new field. How far fabrication of biological components and systems that this will advance and develop truly new science is still do not already exist in the natural world; and (b) the not clear, but, even looking through some of the hype, re-design and fabrication of existing biological systems” the initial signs are encouraging. (see Box 1). Such a broad and potentially inclusive definition Synthetic biology space serves a new and emerging field well; it prevents it from being stifled at birth. However, it also raises the In this section, we attempt to give a flavour of the questions what is synthetic biology, and how is it dif- various approaches to achieving some of the aforemen- ferent from what has gone before? True, the majority of tioned ambitious goals in synthetic biology. To help to the currently high-profile work on synthetic genomes, illustrate and navigate the broad possibilities, in Figure contemporary metabolic engineering and the BioBricks 1 we have plotted our own representation of synthetic Key words: BioBricks, and iGEM (international Genetically Engineered Ma- biology space, and the current approaches within it2. biomimetic system, chine) projects (Box 1) do bear a strong resemblance Essentially, the y-axis represents the biomolecular and DNA origami, to the field’s origins in the more traditional disciplines systems hierarchies in natural biology: that is, it starts engineering, protein design, of genetic, metabolic and protein engineering. How- with basic building blocks, such as the , protocell ever, we believe the true strength of the emerging field amino acids, and ; moves through

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Figure 1 Synthetic biology space, and the various pathways through it. See the text for a detailed description. This plot is adapted from one we presented elsewhere: since we first published it11, and another more detailed figure2, Hagan Bayley has pointed out to us that it could be embellished to include collections of co-operating cells or protocells as now depicted here. It has also been brought to our attention that, in some respects, the essence of the plot is similar to ideas presented by Jean-Marie Lehn in his complexity versus diversity diagrams, where he plots biological and chemical space on the y- and x-axes.

oligonucleotides and polypeptides, what we term genome engineering as the approach of construct- tectons; on to folded, assembled and functional biomol- ing whole genomes synthetically and then introduc- ecules, including nucleic acids, and assemblies ing them into a host for ‘booting up’. In reality, thereof, and vesicles; and up to cells, in which these this means chemically synthesizing small fragments various components are brought together, or encapsu- of DNA, piecing them together using conventional in lated, organized and orchestrated. The x-axis represents vitro enzymatic ligation, followed by in vivo recombina- increasing diversity from Nature. Thus the route that tion usually employing yeast to render the full-length runs parallel to the y-axis, but furthest along the x-axis, , with DNA sequencing at each stage to represents the development of synthetic cell-like entities confirm the products. This is, of course, the province of based on non-natural chemistries, so-called protocells; Venter and his colleagues at the J. Craig Venter Institute whereas the various routes emanating from the left- (Box 1) who have, along with others, employed it to hand side and moving out towards the top right of the produce viral, bacterial and mammalian chromosomes. plot represent various ways of engineering or designing The research came to the attention of the world press . Here, we distinguish engineering and de- on the eve of the publication of a paper in Science in sign, as the processes of adapting or mutating natural May 2010, which claimed the production of the first liv- biomolecules and systems, and of creating new exam- ing whose parent is a computer3. In essence, ples of these from first principles (also referred to as de a modified version of the genome from one type of novo design), respectively. Mycoplasma was chemically synthesized and trans- Starting from the middle of Figure 1, we define planted into the cell of another, with the new DNA

20 February 2011 © 2011 The Biochemical Society Synthetic Biology Features

taking over such that the progeny only contain copies Box 1: Some useful websites in and around of the synthetic genome. The new organism has been Synthetic Biology nicknamed Synthia by some. Much of this work repre- sents a technical achievement; it is a milestone in the General: development of this aspect of synthetic biology, rather http://syntheticbiology.org than a landmark. The real questions remain: namely, what can be done with this approach and with the BioBricks, Registry of Standard Biological Parts and iGEM: resulting organisms now that they are here and what http://bbf.openwetware.org/ transferable knowledge has been gained? True, whatever http://partsregistry.org/Main_Page a researcher wants to place in a synthetic genome can be http://2011.igem.org/Main_Page achieved within reason; for example, the Venter group introduced ‘watermarks’ in the synthetic Mycoplasma Companies and Institutes: Downloaded from http://portlandpress.com/biochemist/article-pdf/33/1/19/4093/bio033010019.pdf by guest on 28 September 2021 genome. The continued search for aminimal genome for J. Craig Venter Institute: www.jcvi.org/ an operative cell might be one useful and informative Joint BioEnergy Institute: www.jbei.org/index.shtml quest. This may pave the way to sharper experiments in Amyris: www.amyrisbiotech.com/ , or provide a ‘chassis’ for the introduc- tion and expression of and pathways. UK SynBio Networks: This idea of a cell or an organism asa chassis to CHELLnet (lead institutions: Nottingham and Oxford) which further functional biomolecular components http://huey.cs.nott.ac.uk/wiki/index.php/Main_Page or pathways can be added takes us on to the next ap- proach, which we term biomolecular engineering. The MATEs (lead institution: Sheffield) heralded example in this area is the production in yeast www.sheffield.ac.uk/synbio/mates of a precursor for the natural product and anti- malarial drug artemisinin. This has been achieved by RoSBNet (lead institution: Oxford) Keasling and colleagues at Berkeley4, and involved the www.rosbnet.org/ concomitant cloning of several biosynthetic for the small from the plant into yeast. One of SCN (lead institution: Bristol) the non-profit aims of a spin-out company based on this www.bristol.ac.uk/scn/network/ work, Amyris (Box 1), is to provide the drug as cheaply as possible to malaria suffers in devel- SPPI-NET (lead institution: Durham) oping countries. www.sppi-net.org/ The key synthetic biology concept here is the idea that biological components – in this case genes and SynBio Standards (lead institution: Edinburgh) their products, functional protein assemblies – are www.synbiostandards.co.uk/resources. modular and can be cut-and-pasted or plugged-and- php?type=networks played. The approach that biology is modular and rich in useful and transferable components is gathering Synbion (lead institution: UCL) momentum in several respects: the extreme is that www.ucl.ac.uk/synbion/ transcriptional elements, and genes for particular cellular functions can be used to create a toolkit of so- SynBioNT (lead institution: Nottingham) called ‘BioBricks’ (Box 1). Once these components are www.synbiont.org/ fully characterized, standard protocols can be imple- mented to insert their into new contexts. One Upcoming conferences: important aim of this work is to provide tools that are www..org/Harden.aspx reusable in achieving new goals and, as such, it pro- Biochemical Society 70th Harden Conference, Synthetic vides an important step on the road to true engineer- biology: design and engineering through understanding, ing of biology. However, to date, our understanding Keele, UK, 22–26 August 2011 of the fundamentals behind the of biology and how cellular functions interact is insufficient to PE and ELSI links: prevent unexpected, or emergent properties when www.raeng.org.uk/synbio different components and chassis are combined. Nevertheless, the BioBricks approach, and the www.bbsrc.ac.uk/society/dialogue/activities/synthetic- resulting Registry of Standard Biological Parts, has biology/dialogue-background.aspx spawned the annual iGEM competition (Box 1), which

February 2011 © 2011 The Biochemical Society 21 Features Synthetic Biology

a b vertical c 2 nm raster reversal,

= 3 turns

1 turn ~ 10.67 bases ~ 3.6 nm in length

1.5 turns ~ 16 bases between crossovers along a helix y

x raster progression, 4.5 turns seam

d e Downloaded from http://portlandpress.com/biochemist/article-pdf/33/1/19/4093/bio033010019.pdf by guest on 28 September 2021 2 1 2


Figure 2. DNA origami from Rothemund’s 2006 paper7. (a) A shape (red) approximated by parallel double helices joined by periodic crossovers (blue). (b) A scaffold (black) runs through every helix and forms more crossovers (red). c( ) As first designed, most staples bind two helices and are 16-mers. (d) Similar to (c) with strands drawn as helices. Red triangles point to scaffold crossovers, black triangles to periodic crossovers with minor grooves on the top face of the shape, and blue triangles to periodic crossovers with minor grooves on bottom. Cross-sections of crossovers (1, 2, viewed from left) indicate backbone po- sitions with coloured lines, and major/minor grooves by large/small angles between them. Arrows in (c) point to nicks sealed to create green strands in (d). Yellow diamonds in (c) and (d) indicate a position at which staples may be cut and resealed to bridge the seam. (e) A finished design after merges and rearrangements along the seam. Most staples are 32-mers spanning three helices. Insets show a dumbbell hairpin (d) and a 4-T loop (e). Reprinted by permission from Macmillan Publishers Ltd: Nature 440, 297–302, copyright 2006.

is inspiring a new breed of young researchers and draw- ed that DNA could be used as a useful building material ing them into synthetic biology; a good thing for the outside of traditional molecular biology. The area was future of engineering biology and science in general. later boosted by Rothemund’s introduction and beauti- The next approach represented in Figure 1, biomo- ful single-handed demonstration of the concept of DNA lecular design, takes the view that stripped-down or de origami7(Figure 2). In essence, a single-stranded circular novo biomolecules also provide useful modular units for piece of DNA – at present, this is invariably a building structure and function. Here, those using nu- – is used a template. In silico, this is configured as the cleic acids as the fundamental building blocks are mak- desired two-dimensional shape or three-dimensional ing the fastest headway. Both DNA and RNA are being object. A series of small DNA fragments, called staples, used5,6, but, as might be expected, DNA is the preferred are then designed, again computationally, to anneal to building material at present. The subfield dates back to the DNA to form local double helices, and so fix the the early 1980s when Seeman proposed and demonstrat- template in the prescribed structure. The staples are

22 February 2011 © 2011 The Biochemical Society Synthetic Biology Features

synthesized, then mixed and annealed with the template and enzymatic activity. Although there is hope here in a one-pot reaction. Annealing is required because the too13: the best route forward at the moment appears mixtures are complex often including hundreds of oli- to be advanced protein engineering using privileged gonucleotides: the sample is heated to denature all of the scaffolds, i.e. a protein fold fit for purpose as indicated DNA, and then cooled slowly to pair and assemble the by its use in Nature; e.g. the TIM barrel as a sensible staples with their cognate sequences on the template. starting point for engineering, good intuition Given their size, which is on the order of hundreds of and state-of-the-art computational methods14. nanometres across, the resulting structures are usually As with the BioBricks approach, one goal would be observed by electron or atomic force microscopy. The to create a toolkit of modular peptide units that can be results from this simple and elegant approach are stun- mixed and matched at will. However, it is unlikely that ning. Moreover, online applications are now available to this endeavour will succeed fully without an increased help in the design of the sets of staples. Consequently, understanding of sequence-structure and sequence- Downloaded from http://portlandpress.com/biochemist/article-pdf/33/1/19/4093/bio033010019.pdf by guest on 28 September 2021 this approach has been adopted by many; for example, function relationships in protein. The ultimate quest leading to the construction of a nanoscale DNA box must be to match the precision of the DNA-folding with a DNA-based combination lock8. This particular rules, although that might be a bridge too far. Further- example takes DNA assembly in the direction of encap- more, any uncertainty in any design at this level of the sulation, a key goal in synthetic biology. Other exciting synthetic biology hierarchy will be passed upwards, and areas being developed in DNA assembly are the con- can be expected to cause problems for higher-order struction of DNA-based motors and chemical assembly combinations of biomolecules. lines9,10. Proponents of the various protocell design projects Arguably, however, with a richer set of natural include Rasmussen and Luisi, both of whom have edited structures, assemblies and functions for inspiration, or authored recent books on the subject15,16. The basic a wide range of stabilities and the ease of production idea is to capture the defining features of natural cells in bulk via recombinant DNA and heterologous gene in biomimetic systems: i.e. (i) an encapsulated system, expression, peptides and proteins present the preferred which (ii) is blueprinted by some molecular-based biomolecules for engineering and exploiting biology. store of information, and (iii) transduces from There is a snag, of course: the wonderfully reproduc- its environment to perform some form of ; ible success of DNA-based applications is founded on ultimately, these might also have the ability to pass our considerable understanding of the relationship on their blueprint for the construction of successive between chemical and three-dimensional structure generations. Ideally, although bioinspired, none of in terms of Watson-Crick base pairing. This allows these aspects would use natural biomolecules: i.e. no one-dimensional sequences with predictable folding, DNA/RNA-based information stores or transfers; no assembly and stabilities simply to be written down, and, -based or similar metabolism; no protein indeed, emailed off for synthesis. We do not have such structures, binders or catalysts; and, although this ap- straightforward links, or a set of rules for the folding pears to be a less stringent stipulation, no natural lipids of polypeptides, which rather limits de novo peptide as membrane components. Clearly, these are lofty goals, and protein designs. However, and although a general and the area is most notable for its books, modelling solution to the protein folding problem remains elusive, projects and discourses on the origin of life17. Nonethe- there is hope: first, certain groups, notably those of less, the production of a working protocell would be Baker, DeGrado and Mayo, are getting better at design- a landmark event in synthetic biology, indeed for the ing peptides and proteins de novo using computers to whole of science; how such entities might be put to use tackle combinatorial problems in the design process, is another question. and more adventurous and novel structures; and specif- The final general routes in Figure 1, and pro- ic protein folds – for example, the α-helical coiled coil, tocell engineering, have been added since our original zinc fingers and collagen-like peptides – are amenable reviews of synthetic biology space. These were inspired to design, synthesis and assembly2,11. De novo designs by the comments and work of Hagan Bayley (see be- of coiled-coil and collagen motifs in particular in pro- low), and by the recognition that, in many respects, viding new routes to new self-assembling biomaterials, three-dimensional cell culture and tissue engineering a stated target of the synthetic biology . In can be considered as part of the overall synthetic biol- turn, these materials may prove useful as scaffolds for ogy scheme. The goals here are, as expected from the three-dimensional cell culture and tissue engineering12. subtitles, to bring together cells or protocells to make The big leap in the general area of rational protein three-dimensional cell cultures or tissue in vivo18, or to design, however, is likely to be the design of the pro- engineer and manipulate more complex synthetic net- tein function; namely, specific and tailored binding, works19 respectively.

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Synthetic Biology in the UK microbial applications to tissue engineering (MATEs, Sheffield); systems-engineering approaches (RoSBNet, On purpose, above we focused on examples from outside Oxford); biomolecular design of synthetic components the UK. Not surprisingly, much of the effort in synthetic (SCN, Bristol); producing synthetic plant products biology has been in the USA, but others are contributing for industry (SPPI-NET, Durham); modularization and gathering speed, notably in continental Europe and and standardization (SynBio Standards, Edinburgh); Japan. The UK synthetic biology community is growing, engineering and bionanotechnology applications and is particularly interesting for its breadth and energy, (Synbion, UCL); and modelling and design of artificial much of which builds on strong traditional foundations cells (SynBioNT, Nottingham). These Networks provide in many aspects of the basic science and engineering of forums for and scientific foci in UK synthetic biology. biological systems. They are also working together to create a joined-up Genome engineering in the UK includes work by and collaborative UK community to cover all aspects of Downloaded from http://portlandpress.com/biochemist/article-pdf/33/1/19/4093/bio033010019.pdf by guest on 28 September 2021 Smith at Edinburgh and work being conducted at the the field from the scientific, through Ethical Legal and Roslin Institute, Edinburgh. Biomolecular engineering Social Issues (ELSI), and on to public engagement (PE). has been a UK strength in terms of protein and genetic engineering for some time. Regarding new metabolic Synthetic , ELSI, and Public engineering, the obvious strengths are those groups Engagement working on polyketide synthases, notably Challis and colleagues (Warwick), Leadlay and colleagues (Cam- Let’s be clear, and we gauge that many agree, despite bridge) and Simpson and colleagues (Bristol). Chin’s any claims or concerns to the contrary, Venter’s genome group (MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cam- synthesis and engineering experiments have not led to a bridge) is engineering the ribosome machinery to cre- new form of life yet. Also, the various protocell projects ate orthogonal systems in cells to allow the introduction are considerably off from creating anything experimen- and expression of alternative genetic codes. More gener- tally, let alone a self-sustaining system with some sort ally, groups at Cambridge (Haseloff), Edinburgh (Elfick) of metabolism and mechanism of . Putting and Imperial (led by Freemont and Kitney) are leading aside the direct, although rather philosophical and oft- the way on standardization, BioBricks- and iGEM-style debated question of ‘what is life?’, synthetic biology does approaches. Regarding biomolecular design, Turber- and will doubtless continue to raise similar issues of field’s group (Oxford) is a world leader in the design of concern to the public and of interest to the media. As a DNA-based structures, materials and motors; and our result, philosophers, social scientists and those involved own groups are active in de novo peptide and protein in engaging with public on science are taking an active design, particularly employing tractable and compli- interest in the growth and development of synthetic ant coiled-coil protein-protein interaction domains. biology. Therefore practising synthetic biologists must In terms of protocell design, the UK has collaborative be aware of these issues and be prepared to argue their activity in both theoretical and experimental aspects, corners both with the media and the public. notably through groups at Nottingham (Krasnogor) and Venter’s announcement in May 2010 is a good case Oxford (Davies) respectively, and the resulting chemical in point. The UK scientific community responded -ex cell, CHELLNet, project (Box 1). As mentioned above, tremely well with interviews for the national papers and Bayley (Oxford) is combining aqueous droplets in oil magazines, local and national radio and mainstream to create networks linked by lipid bilayers with embed- TV. This served UK science well, and, in this case, ded functional protein pores. Finally, in terms of cell played down the hype and addressed public concern engineering, the UK tissue-engineering community is surrounding the ‘creation of life’. This effort was co-or- broad and thriving, and is too large to mention indi- dinated very effectively and quickly through the Science vidual groups here. Media Centre, the Research Councils (via the Synthetic Through many of these centres and groups, the UK Biology Networks) and learned societies such as the has strong and successful representation at the annual Royal Society. iGEM competition (Box 1). This type of rapid and informed response is essen- Although space does not allow us to cover all of the tial in modern-day science, as a large proportion of the exciting UK activity in synthetic biology in its broadest public remain poorly formed about science and its many sense, this breadth and energy of on-going research is benefits; even though they pay for scientific research, demonstrated further by the recently funded Research and it is so vital for the development of society in all Council Networks in Synthetic Biology (Box 1). In al- respects, i.e. in terms of education, technology, industry, phabetical order by acronym and with the lead institu- commerce and culture. More generally, the Research tions in brackets, these include networks engaged in: Councils, and several learned societies have commis-

24 February 2011 © 2011 The Biochemical Society Synthetic Biology Features

sioned and published reports on the public perception non for collaborating on the original diagrams that led to of synthetic biology (Box 1). Many scientists give their Figure 1; and members of the Woolfson group, the SCN and time to lead Science Cafés, make visits to schools, and the UK synthetic biology community for discussions that contribute to science festivals. That they continue to do have all helped to shape this article. so is important for science as a whole. However, it may be particularly prudent in the emerging field of synthet- Elizabeth Bromley began her research ic biology, with its potential for academic, industrial, career as an undergraduate in physics at medical and societal impacts. Cambridge University. She progressed to a PhD in the same department, investigating Conclusions protein self-assembly, specifically the formation of amyloid by non-disease-

The new field of synthetic biology offers much for related proteins. She followed this with interdisciplinary Downloaded from http://portlandpress.com/biochemist/article-pdf/33/1/19/4093/bio033010019.pdf by guest on 28 September 2021 both new academic and applied research. Although postdoctoral research based in the chemistry departments of aspects of the field have emerged through technological initially Cambridge and then Bristol, where she worked with advances – largely in DNA sequencing and synthesis Professor Woolfson on the design and characterization of – the field is much broader than genetic engineering α-helical self-assembly. She has recently become a lecturer in the itself, and the application of this technology alone will Soft Matter and Biological Physics section of the Department not enable the field to reach its full potential. In order of Physics at the University of Durham. Her research group to achieve true engineering of biology, synthetic biology is currently focusing on the design and characterization of must continue to expand and include related disciplines biomolecular motion. email: [email protected] and mature from its current state of isolated successes to one in which general scientific principles underpin- Dek Woolfson took his first degree in ning applications are fully understood. This will require Chemistry at the University of Oxford. better knowledge of fundamental biological principles He then did a PhD at the University of at all levels, but particularly in understanding how all Cambridge, followed by postdoctoral types of fold, interact and assemble, and research at University College London function. Synthetic biology is not without hype, public and the University of California Berkeley. and private interest, and, as a consequence, controversy. After 10 years as Lecturer through to Professor of Biochemistry Therefore ethical, legal and social issues, so called ELSI, at the University of Sussex, he moved to the University of Bristol as well as public engagement are, and will be increas- in 2005 to take up a joint chair in Chemistry and Biochemistry. ingly, important as the field grows up and, hopefully, His research has always been at the interface between chemistry blossoms. ■ and biology, applying chemical methods and principles to understand biological phenomena. Specifically, his group is We thank the Research Councils of the UK for their generous interested in the challenge of rational protein design and in how support of the Synthetic Biology Networks, including our this can be applied in synthetic biology and bionanotechnology. own Synthetic Components Network (SCN); Dr Kevin Chan- email: [email protected]

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