■<>s: •s^ A' • h - '^7^. 7 % P' M- PAOB TWENIY^IOI THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 7 ,198« J-' i(8& nrltif0tfr lEuraittQ ATerair* DelTy Net PreM Rim For the WeNt IbUMI Sept. 22, ISM The Weather ^ The/Brown Club of ,Manchester// ■ The little KlOw.er^f jesus Moth-' Th^Golden Role Circle of Klft'g’s Cub Scout P a ^ 91 will hold its superintendent: and Rlchaid Ben- IkrMMt ef O. 8. Weelker 1 About Town block o f reserved seat# for efi:,^irc1e' will miceti^morrow at Daugnters o f Hartford ivUt hold an first meelingji^^he aea.son tomor.• | T p ^ n J^kes Bids vcnuti. both of N. Benvenuti- aqd Graziadio Heads the Ydle-Browngame ort Oct 6’ 8 p.hi^'at. the home o f^ h s . JSeprge auction Saturday morning at 10:30 jTow' at 7^;m . at the Manchester Sons, builder. 12,226 ZlghMata or dtlirte tmlgts til'-JIew davan. Brpw»n men .;and Murray, '88, lAurel sK The co- in the American Legion Halt, 27.': Gieen JBChpoI. ,A feature of the early 8et«m aF toUewed hv ettate ■ On^ T ruck, F ence The town plant la being exten­ Insurance Group MOimic of the, Audit Th# Mdtharhood ot Hoth- ^mbrokers kd»p wish, tleketa. hostess will IjiaifcRtrs. -BStward G. hfatn St., Wethersfield. Proi^d.t will- be the showing of sively rcnibdelcd' to lncrea,se its big warmer ia aftemeea. ijim:ta> should •co'htact'Kendall Richardson ■Moriarty. will .be used for the benefit of^he TOtye fllni which was capacity and, to improve .se\i*age aigRt ae«r «•;. High S^laHag ae•^ • n Clrd« tMll hold iU ajvh^uftJ The town Will taka^blds tomor­ George L. Graziadio w m elected MUare dime* Saturday, Sept. 5^ 16A Oxford St. by Friday. building fiind of the King's Daugr ' made, tinder lhN*^auspioes. disposal. It ir-being-equipped to De, row on the pih'gha8c’'bf a dump president of th* Manchester Inaur-\.^ ^'igpnekesUr-r'-ui City of f(illagM Charm ■from « to 14 mldolKht at the CohV- .Specialist. .Third' Class ahen -ters Home. ■ ' truck for the Highway 'Depart-' liandle a flow of/up to 7,3 million muftity V* Jameis f ;/.H erdfc Jr, M. tVi.lsS, son of Mr. and gallons a day. .TOe-, average daily ante Agent.* Assn. At'the meeting Jerome Bi and, of St,; Mary'S-Jiihlogs, Schi<).rs and ment and on fencing for the held at Rcns.selaer Polytechnic day. Scht 29. S. Rohan, treasurer.' .fonta^ioh. the office 'ofOfieneral ''M anager SwarftpsColfr^iise.i on Oct. I27"ir Antiaircraft Artillery" Ballalion. Insuluie. Troy, N. Y„ on Oct. 11, Richard Martinirtiri^. ' . ' ' . A t H." Anderson, retlnng a n d '1 4 > < ^ ha.ente'ied-.the Army,^ in September li r s w 13. presidenT^'Wgs accorded a- rising I95t;'iijd completed basic training A meeting o ' th* senio>^ — .. ■ ^ SragaUohtl-. Church froih'^ u cch monthly paCH meeting tomorrow Laurel ,8t» who Was employed as Rose V. Mankn.s,'20 Oolway'St.. Daughters of .'liberty. No. 117; del to'discuss plans for the future Main St. at the Globe Hollow xesi- w '^{tuppefa win b* placed on the wUtc night i t 7 o’clock, at the SecoW a sCcretarV by Cheney Bros. s in « of the Manchester Corps. ervolc. ^ Q , with hei' finisbar/JI; -has been, elepHant booth at''ihe church fai .^ngregatiohal Chuirch, All„^ boys l;OLit." a re. asked to "meet at the 193T,- h«» accepted a similar posi­ \risltmg.Telativesitiill in this aiba, was Saturdajrunleas they lira called for bfetvrecnjhe agei of 8 and 10 In- Holniea.,Funeral Home tonight et tion in 'iljc New Vork .Sales De­ honorwOvith a party recently at tere*ltd-,4n becoming Cub ScoiUs ,J:30,' to p i y f ^ l r respects to Mrs. Th'C'following womeitjrc^rbm Man- berora then-'AnyoneAnyone w’ishiiiF.to In­ partment of the. same firm. She: the homW-oflomW-of neinet aunt, Mrs: Annie ASSf^ATEDATEI PR, quire about them should telephone are ihtdled'to attend, accompanied Minnie H. B«rty^a,^life member' will assume her new duties on Oct. rlwater w-ere -nniong the more thaji Eiiffiii^ers TcUir RUMMAGE 500 women in.-'Oi-dlfl'crent Con- DcpUila, 418 N<^^ta^V St. She re­ Norman-Southergill. hy^their parents. c 't li e ^ g e , who dled-Tueiiday. ceived many choice group qnd in- PoUticai stofm^'^iyien^was ncrticiif towns Who„ attended many choice p ou p qnd in- back gale-force,' in' G^lnecti- R- I 1^1 I I I ’i lb ■■ * I (tivLldual gifts from over SO'-guests “ Pi-ojcct.s in 'Your Propra>u." a . Uvho - ■ attended. ■■ • ■ SALE 'cut politica toda>'>'/This 1e ■ i club techniques fair in Hartford, Aboiit 75 members bf'the. Con-T .The couple^ married July 25, In pte8?nte(l by' the Service Bureau Sponsored by Vivieii Kellem.s, the ' white­ nqclicut Society of'Civil Fhigihccrs Lineoln. Ili., while both were serv­ luidles’ 11. for Women’.s -Organizations on toured the town’s new acw.ig,e di.s- ing in thc Alr Coi'ps. arc now dis-i ned "industrialist from Tuesday: Miss Marty. S. Brown, poaal plaijt ycslciday afternoon. charged aiid'bave left for Lincoln Emanuel Lutheran rhnrch SttmlRi^on who is a perennial Mrs. John H. Lappen. Mrs. Agne.s Their hQkta were Fred Thrall., w)-.crc„ they pliin. to make theii- apJinter'party Candidate in Leduc, -Mias Gertrude Uddbn? Miss R h e e R i ^ t assistant anpeHn,tcndcnt of thWthonie. Frh, Sept. 28 C^nnecticuT'^elKtion^i;^^ Eleanor Martin. Miss .Tessamine Sewer, D c p a r t nre.!} t: James; ' iVn honor graduate of The 19.51 P re ss ^Saei^s M. Smilbi Miss Rachel E. Smith, Sheekey. town^ engineer; Ralph | class, of Mnnehestee High Behool, .9 y t - for U:S. genatbiMM: Governor. .Mrs. James Suinmers. Mr.s. Leila Linglcy. resident', engint-ei' for M rs. Syhmidl entered the service In tms'campaign. Kellems Whaples and MfSs John M. Wab- Metcalf and Eddy, deisigner of the I and was^atationed at Grand VieW LUTHER HALL wants to run for The; Senate and rek. plant; Earl Maynard, construction ; Air. Base m.Missonri. j-^ e says her main obj^tiy|^iaj:'’to defeat Sen. (Pre.scott» Buah/T^ incumbent Republican. • ? y P t o t t ^ A ReplibUcan turned independ­ ent. Mi.ss Kellems battlea her old X In K re m lin part.v the most. - Av CHARUCS CHIN , But today she is in the midst of ^ ,Seoul, Sept. 28 (/P)—Chang London, Sept. 28 (4*)— Niki­ Each week, we find more and | another battle, dne in which she i^Iynh Prp*idi*nt I “ 7 i ir sti'iiiri.iino.struggling to get her1.... _ name______>n1 lesioent,. ta Khrushchev was reported “I llhee's outapoken opposition I more-customers coming to our j OPIN the November election ballot. - ] in trouble with, some Soviet A week sgo.-MIss Kellema-furned Vice President, was shot and r leaders today and may ,be and Meat Dept. ia what state officials estimate to wounded in'f he hand today aa ^^ seeking the support of Yugo* be 13,0(K) aignatures^oh petitions T IL L 9 he stepped from the stage of Slav I SERVICE MEAT | V 'v. Former President Truman gi4na In apparent pleaauiV^as he asking that her napit be placed on President Tito for his listana t<> Adlal Stevenson after latter spoke in Kansas C rty^ru- a ]K)litical convention. policies, of de-Stalinizatidn YOUNG AND OLD AGREE: TENDER AS CAN RE the voting m a c^ e s man congratulated Stevenson following the talk. Wednesday,, -Secret afv. o f State The attempted assassination and easing up on the East Eu­ Featuring Nationally I DEPARTMENT I .Mildred Alleh reported that her came less than 24 hours after the . ' 302 MAIN Rhfe-dominated NaUonal As­ ropean satellites. THURSDAY staff qnd' a handwriting expert ’ Press reports hero and in Aua- Located just about half-way bclwern AND \ , Tound , "appaierit forgeries" and sembly voted 86-6 t'o Wsrn Chang the new High School and the new shop­ j tria Said a new struggle for pow­ RIB LAMB Q C c j . . . So many £^us they arc glad | ^ppkrent fradulent signatures' 1 rt Otic PiuMiHilc Juice ^ I-arge Site 29e STEAK SPECIAL for your Sunday dinner In Indianapolis, Ind., where hia-^-'— ------' ing some petitions herself. convention in the municipal "If you have evidence o, sue theater. ^ of Sochi to see Soviet Premier Young, Pink Meat Lamb Makes Delicious Eating WoMsdL . . and at thi.sjlow price. lieutenanta said he would dlscusa ■ and Foreign living coats one of the :>helly crimes," Miss Kellems said in her Pillsbury Flour 8 Lb. Bag 53e r PINEHURST CHOICE GRADE ■>'r. One bullet went through the Minister , Pride A 7 rib cut of Pinehurst issuea’’ of the Campaign. Indian of 150 telegram, "I demand that you at m of Chang’s left hand. A ‘party BBTTY CROCKER Later. Stevenson plaprted to fly once proceed legally against evei v Caught in Squeeze GOVT INSPECTED STEER Pork is a Inige value! said several bones were TOe reporU here and in Vienna F-ully Cpoked to Milwaukee for a- nationwide forgerer, everyone guilty of per­ smaalted. The Vice Presldeht. after Candidates Help Open Netv Parkade • luilaut Freitiug Mix / 2 pkgs.Pkgs. ftSe. LOIN UMB S I .05 sniu the fr®e«wheeling’, free^spok* Boneless, Skinless television speech .fonlght i8-,30 (Years! Right), jury and against me /o r altering, being t'Veated.by a doctor attend- i Political candidates took the opportunity to p.m.i EDT on GBSl. His sub­ ‘ ...... leet voters last night at the c«rembnial opening of en Soviet party boas at last had Ihe- town clerks' ce-tificatiqns.” I '"g the cdm-enti’on. shut hlm.self up : the Manchester Shopping Parkade. Patrick Ward. Mr. and Mrs. Prescott Buah.-ajtd Seymour Kao- been caught in a squeeze by aT SalaiaToaBas (100 Count) lb ject I there w X " c t announced be­ Asked later what she did to alter *’** home, and refused to 'see : 89e forehand. / ''’ ah®*' Estates which'developed the shopping center, take, time out for Stalinist bloc in the Politburo and Slaps. Blonde U e petitions. Miss Kellem.s replied: "*!!*” **'’ ' posing. Ward, a Democrat.- seeks election to the U.S. House of Representatives. Bush, a RepUbli- Soviet Army chiefs. m p s ^ Gn TY Tonight I '‘I crossed out names. If it ' ,'o u r hours \later Rhee in a Oamiiliairs Tomato Soup For 4 9 e juin. seeks reelection to the U.S. Senate. Story on Page 11. (Herald Photo by Oflara.) Former Foreign Minuter V. It. What Better Gain Mother Do Than Fix A Big Pot Of SIRLOIN Q Q Frpjrt Indianapolis, Stevenson New York. .Sept. 28H1V Javier i *"®*‘ «<* ■» IhouRh a hu.iband signed *^»tement ^xpreiitt^ surprise and Molotov and former Premier Chicken Stew ! The Price Is Right! , aijanged to fly on to Milwaul^ee Pereira, Columbian Indian who himself and his wife. I crossed '^8irt at the attacR,on hjs politi- V Georgi Malenkov w-ere reported to 'Haiaz Baby Food, Strained For 41e LB. lir a nationwide television address some people fclaim may be 167 Are they going to f®!,,'’!* "-'’ ''''‘^Oll*t_Chang;s believe that Khrushchev had gOhe J^ight (CBS, 6:30 p.m.. CSTi. yeSrs old, erupted like a pint-sized - to jail for that?” wound was slight —Th ^ President - too far in his de-Stalinulujon The topic was not announced .in volcano yesterday, Durtflg a 20-' ’ A.s for the alleged forXeries.'she promised. the arrest srtd strict Seeg L a b * o r eampalgn; Sniffs Fard Dos Food / For 53c STEAKS advance. m'lhute nevva conference he swiine »ald: punishment of anyone connected ^ T h e Army was reported coA- PLUMP 9 lb. 12 oz. to 10 lb. cans y Lom ribution to ____ ^ / , _ .with the.assassination'aUemp 7-Rib Cuts to Roast cnHnn ^i" u.* f P''**’ agent, a blohde, a pho- - “ 1 " " * "po.'i.'UDle ------there------were WPhed that in trying to please SERVE IDAHO BAKI.NG POTATOES • ception laat night in addressing a — ’ * »- ! forgeries. We g b f something like Police said Kim. a veteran N»f Titb, Khrusiiche.v’s :^ ^y rf'eatoff ' tographer and a reporter, y the Korean'war. admitted the aa 1 OraulHiirry Sanaa For 32e lb campaign rally in St. Louis, where Pereira ly^eared at the aesston I I8.0OO signatures and it’s possible up on control of the satellitea had / I FRESH MUSHROOMS and PIC’TSWEET PEAS | he said the is "on some of my enemies mav have sasslnation attempt and said in ^Class Hatreds c k in FOWL in conjun^non with a report by explanation; ". misfired, and that Soviet ■eoarlty 'schedule" with economy forged names. I think they'did." \ was endangered. Baaohaut laataat GoH m 4 ozs. 89e Sion plana "to pull levVel u i(h ■'for'*'Hosbilal-that he is a ' '•‘I thought he would do a fair Our Sbo Food D«portm«nt has frosh fish to bake, I Soieefod Idohoes i . . . Bibs. 49c I «h«oU - hv j''y msh and "po.s.Klbly may Needs 10,03.3-Names H W foid, Sept. 28 (/p,(j< - Eaul conyention of had been summoned to appear be­ enough to meet essential hell out of here.” * I^ she ntakes it. -Miss Kellems 47 Bolivians fore the Kremlin leadership sitting Marmal’t Spam 12 Ozs. 37c mands, Stevenson added: ^ ti . u u will oppose Bush. Rep. Thomas J, as a "party court.’; ^ BAKED H A M Vl Lb. 69c I. , It ail started amiably enough. > , v . . . . : Freshly sllced.as you order. W’a must face squarely and Pereira accepted th », suggestloii Dodd, a Democrat ("would make a Seek Asylum «>_ t%qQ»g*Wfv» _ ay*. ctCAeACtl ilL VllC The dispatch said Khrushchev r(wpon^bl» the prosp«>t that 20 that he sit on a sofa a|id pose with fine Senator"); Socialist Jadper boi- leader Patrick ^ W a r d of that » ‘n>ort and was seen by the Nix- Armour’s Oaraad Baaf 12 Ozs. 45c Hartford, appeared befoiVuhe con­ I'f’H YOL’B LAST c h a n c e TO ENTER It’s Better, Freshei^at Pinehurst years froiA now. if present rates a blonde reporter. TheSilonde held McLevy, and Independent Republi­ er wage earners, in the c o u ^ ; iCMUnaed m Pas* Twelve) from Miller's Coventry Poultry Farm o f development continue, the basic his hand fervently and Wth were can Suzanne Sllvercniy.s Steven­ vention to answer criticism That he Libby’s Vianua Sausagas ^ 2 For 3 7 c KIDDIES’ KOLORIND KONTEST balance of predictive power in the beaming until p h blograph e^ash son, a Belgian-born actilptress. In Argentina has injected class hatred inth, the • Nixonm.^o,b Agaiu at a Savings . *. FRESH Hartford County campaign. Ends this Week. Coaster wagon prize supplied by Swift and Co.,'' world may well have swung away bulbs went off Greatly diai|xirbed hv ^ing know that despite all the talk ' Salta, Argentina. Senf. 28 ’The aituation was Huufs Tomato Sauce ^ 3 C'ens 27c producers of "tender-grewn” chickens. TTils Saturday Is the last FRICASSEE T t St* . K : " “ • P'>-eir« snapped to as touched offvthey have heard to the contrary, ela.. aaAs.a...... at.1- _a _____ LEAN, FRESHLY G R O U f^ ^ (ConM ai^ 01. Page Three) Forty-seven bedraggled but defiant Tuesday when Gov day to return your entry to this store. ▼ .Ground meat Xiri in .Spanish: "Don’t steal .einor Ribicoff^uie actions of this Rdminlslration Bulletiii^ / far the noisiest and most enthijsi- the ring" (on his fl.ngeri. He sent Boliviaji political prisoners, In- cited the class hairedred issue stat- haVjt' been good for labor.” /■ Land O’Lakat Butter In Quitrte/s—Lb. 73c jMtlc welcome of "this 8-day cam­ I i author of the Taft-rtartley Labor i»V.great a hearty slap in her direction. A terqed here after aeizing their cap- ing that "certain Republicans were Nbmn’a labor vlewa were en>ny- from the AP Wires ~ paign tour he atarted last'Satur­ Jora' plane in flight.' pressed an ap- spreading word that Ward was not bodied\in a speech prepared RelatloM Law. ’ favorite’with day. pre.is- agent stepped Into the H onci wras C l o s e s for BbSLambSttw / ' (Old Fashion) 59c Frozen Food Specials . bn:ath and got a sock. The Indisn- '^peal t^ a y for asvium in Argen­ capable of aerving in congi esa be-, deliveryMhis ^tertit»n.'*Excerpta ! * ' * ’* **"' **though everyone. Big. cheering crowds turned out tina. ■ . Cause he is a'union leader. were released upon the Vice Pres- "ted It was "not a perfect on hia arrival. They .ahowered then leaped up snd swung st a N i c a r a g u a MOTCDER K n X 8 SEU*, SOIf 10 O's. For CHUCK > 50 Be'simsto have vclcr.v and rice so that you can have photographer. He took a final, I / Argentine authorities, apparent- FollowingJ this address May - re- ident’s a rrii^ to urge Ohio’s.Ohio’s pre- Dre- <*'*^C ,.d , 1, needs amending: Friend’s Baked Pea Beans Large Size 2 For 53c Snow Crop Peas , 2 39c Hamden, Sept, S8 (P)—PbU^ and 59c Patties, dy for the pan, a1»ut 5, to a lb. country ,4tyle'';chirken .soup for one meal. awing at a male-reporter trj'lng to — ----- N«-', ...... iiv.nonpi lv nonplussed by the sudden visit quested and received permUsion to dominantly D ^ ocratic electorate be hurting too (fontlniied On Page Ten) Managua. Nicaragua,4l«pt. 2s (gi from a< apeak today. to support the Republican adhiin- > ::. •'« ’because certain aaW a woman apparenUy allot Special at'54a lb. v ‘ quiet him down. . across the bprder, conferred herself to death today — Doway Flake Waffles 2 For 35c TTie Pro-gpvemrhent- newapaper lewapaper i1 i' ltnitn Bolivia’s] ambassador ’ in Polite. Ston.v Silence istration as they ffid in 195S I union leaders- apparenUy prefer Jallustant Dry Milk ^ _ ^ '' Jar' 31c Commented the reporter: "B e -. drowned her 5-year-oM son. Mia These ‘'FreslFFrom the Form' lieve me. La Hora reported today that Hqn-' Buenoa Aires snd issued a guarded Speaking in an atmosphere of He was greeted here' bv what ■ It aa a political issue Pinehurst Lean 79c De Luxe'.(Super) ' . 1 rather' than secure passage of was not Immediately IdeaUTM. Snow Crop Strawbarrias 18 Ozs. 2 For 8 5 c Small ipa.sting chicken.s iS-M* 3':: Ibs; eviscerated Rem.rt'bv Hoaoltal ‘ “ * 'f*®*®«* IU frontier statement that t h r sit nation" was polite but stony silence. May said H a llm a n u ’ s R e a l M aY onnaisa ot. 75c Freshly Ground weight! will give voii. 3 gcneioiig'm; 4 small servings West Shippers TV- .. V *7 .. •' . Nicaragua to prevent...... 'suapic.loua'’ ■ being studied. opvwerning dimension of class hia- i amendmenta they favor,” A lire official said ozygan 'waa. ROUNO STEAK . . .-Ihe.v will average Jl.53 for each-'C-hickcn. Neu .York Hospital sidd in its perawu fn Under . the , Eisenhower admin' given to the child for a half hoar report—issued after. te:jL.«: from crossing into Nicara-! ‘Hie fugitives, including leaders Ireff that he ’’regrets exceedingly Swanson 1 Apple or Chcri^ Pics 29c ^ ■ Freshly 0|-ound S IR L i »AniES guti. that the Governor was the one who istration and the Taft-Hartle.v before d««th was prononaeed. Plan for ‘ Although medical science nos.''' It was the first response, reported ■ main opwMiUonSo^^nvfa’s** e*ov^ Injected the ugly thought iiito this News Tidbits Law, Nix.on said. "Labor. relations FARM FRESH sessea _at present «p methods of de- to Nicaraqy«>rrequMt "hat oS er I ernmen?*!w!l‘ i^",.:“. P ? " l ‘‘ 1.5?1 campaign.” 1 today, .are the beat .they have iNDEPENMtNT GERTIFIED Lb. termlning .the exact ' V ^*’ “ **‘ other lernment overpowered thrir guards Fresfi Fruit and YegetaUes Lb. ' '.^"y - ^ n lta l American, coimtries clamp ; over Bolivia yesterday whde be- May told the, delegates that the ..Gulled from' AP Wires___ J _ —Hartford, Sept. 28 ((F>—Donald 74e adult,, nonmedical 'evidence ______, And he added that ’^an sulmin- f. ®- LacroU, 176 Patnam S t, waa By-Pass cates that Mr. Pereira'is indeeil a tiritiea to a concentration camp Governor "distorted the truth f, a / course CHICKENS caies mat Mr. Pereira'is inde«l a tiritiea by NicaVaguan exiles'Th#i near3La"p.» again when he tried to convert my ^ ’ I istratlbn-'whose policies are . not in rerUfied today_aa an Indepesid- TENDER, MEATY. PLUMP 6 '.^ to 7X4 LB.' very old man, and that possibly he Managua government has charred ‘ took <>v*r «h> CALIFORNIA ORANGES d,^ 69c irpaat-br fry) London. Sept. 28 (.n -Western open and public criticism o f Sena­ Interstate Commerce Commis-' best; interests of the millions ent Republican candidate iter /. eviscerated item , “ more than 150 years of age. these exilea were behind th^^a. i-^ em m en t a^liner* *r**4*rifJn* / Americana ’ who make up our i congressman. But it wiil be next CHOICE LAMB LEGS ...... m b . A5t ,'Dt a Under such circiimsianei,. hu I •■••inaiin.. ______^ r^oyernment, airliner, a 4-eng-tne tor Ward into the false impression Sion (lOCi says it made spot 0 l^ ^ y to cCiok shippers indicted today E'gypt'a— - V.oder such ctrcumatances, hia j sassmatlon attempt against PrMl-la. smi , e Comparatively smooth the 4M miles to Salta. that I am opposed to laboring men safety check In ‘August on 6,88f blonday until it is known wbetli-i K)th operation o f , physical rondition and hla diet are | dent Anastaaio Somoza^a week ago ‘ "We a®" (Continued on Page Ten) er Mhui Vivien Keliema caa Hpneydew MEL,ONS - l*rge^..:,;;T,j;acb • 59c Cake Mix . Fretting Mix LAMB FORELBGS _LAMB NECKS the.Suez Canal haa in an aif- seeking public office." interstate trucks and their drivers Braise or Stew For Stewing , a m“,^by-^A-■ - “ iimproving*"in j p l.n ^ * tS * ^ ’"/‘; concentration ‘Sn'e ' They added “ if ^e (Rl blcoff) de­ and: found almost 90 p e r ^ n f vlo- - qusdlfy for the U.S, Seaate race. white • yellow • , creamy fudge S]taff your^iicken or turkey with Pepperidge suspend plans, for a mass by-ps'ss;, Secretary of Stata Mildred P. PEARS Lb. 35c Lb, 29c Farm stuffiiuf frpm'.pinehurst. Be sure to haver ing of ’ lha. wsterwsy by vpysge (Continued on Page Twelve) J sires to be the bhampioq of . my latlBg 'lCp rules . . . IlHnoU school Siround AJrfCiD', . ' ' - (Continued on Page TwMve) i ‘ (Conknued on Page Thirteen) opponent that is -his right.' But it superiiitehdent and three other j* Allen said that IzMlrolx had ob­ chocolate • ^ FRESHLY GROUND, SEASONED Cranberry Sauce and Peij^. ^ Ep'ptian ,flgures showed dally irn o t hi* right, even if he is Gov­ men will be arraigned on Indict-! Matiisow Gets tained netl over the M IS boa* ernor, to use false statements and menta. accusing them of conspiracy ' fide,,peUUon signatarea aeeded PIPPIN APPLES for pies 3 Lh. 29c , spice p orange ^ w i l _ LAMB PATTIES Lb. 29e 4 Lbs. $1.00 trafne hsa dropped only five or six for a place oa the hallbt for ■hips from: normal'since most .for­ aaaumptions. to-attack mV charac­ In food handling contract for 1 will have small hen tueke'ys, from Cap ter.’’ ■ ‘ schools. ■ ; F ive Y ears in Hartford County caramel*' ' fluffy i^'hite^ eigners on the canal's piloting staff, i n 'N- CABBAGE Lb 5c PJLLSBURY ' CaBroad's Williogton farm . . . walked ouuSept. 14.; Turning his attention to'Senator Rear Adm. George Dufek pre- 1 ained Crash Ward they stated that in the 1955 INVITE REDS FOR 1 dicta scientiata will be able to.^ n- > The average since—handled h.v Federal Prison Washington, Sept. 26 (A CHICKEN LEGS , . . pHICKEN BREASTS- Egyptian pilots and a. few Greek Hartford Qty election Ward trol world's .weather in 10 loTib j ACORN SQUASH Lb 6c worked against the election of the : years Florida's only woman ' —1------•. I'nited'Statep haa invited Rut8 31' 29' veterans—is 37.15, ships dsily. Yes Edwards, Calif., Sept. 28 '.Pi — Prtsent Mayor Joseph V. Cronin' ala and four Soviet aatellita . terday the carial cahried 42 ships. county health officer is being fired . New York, Sept. 28 ,(A1- Har- CAKE FLOURS The speed and altitude record­ rountrtes to send govemmeat Of-; WHITE, CHOCOLATE. GOLDEN. Etc. ■ . a1^uV„the dall.v run- of J9.55. The election of, becauae she had biiaineas lunch yey M. Matusbw, tiimabouf wit- U. S No. 1 POTATOES loii Bag 49c , CHECK THE QUALfTY holding Air Force plane X2, rock candidates to the Cltv Council ' ficlali or other qualified ohserv- Jline^^July-August average this with ^Negro aiiirse. ^ ) neaa conviettS on five counts - of era here, to observe the close Of ^ . COMPARE THE PRICE year, however, had been almost 44 eUng above 45,000 feet, d.eveloped WM°a"t*4ha"/Vim^- record a matter of public Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt says f perjurv, today was sentenced to the politioal ' campaigns la the Fresher By Far ships. u,ne.xplalned treb le knd crashed record,." ^h/it . time ■President Eisenhower is revising.*,,- yesterday. The pilot was killed. I’-S. presidential electioas. GREAT A London spokesman for the May said,"in this campaign my i hia plana and stepping up tempo of ! Federal Judge John F. ,X. Mc- • Thejieedle-nose, swept-wing re­ c i m Feninsulac and .Oriental Steam reference to Senator Ward have his 'cappaign. because he ’’recog^- j Goh^“ aVse"sseTa S^yrai- ‘ on PREiSS FAVORS BUI FRUITS and VEGETABLES Grape Jelly 19' Navigation Co.. (P and O). said'; search craft, which had sped 1.900 been as a high* salaried Labor offi-1 "**«* there ii a Demoeratlc trend.' each of the counts against the' 29- " New York, Sept 26 (S3— "We are diverting aome of dur miles an hour and climbed to a re­ V PEACHES CAULIFLOWER <3 jars 55c) ported 126,000 feet on p’rerious cial, not as a laboring man. You j • • -Secret negotiations reportedly year-old Matuaow, but. ordered More dally newspapers'late giv­ big liners to and from Australia have brought agreement on new that they.be sen-ed concuri:epHy,< ing editorial support to Piieal-' .from Pere < BRO CCO LI around the Cape of Good Hope, but flights, ended its spectacular ca­ .(Continued on Page Twelve) 62. daily wage iaerease and addl. reer in shattered wreckage on,the MatusoW could have refcelved'a dent ElaenhoWer than to Adlal aot all of our ships?* tional vacatioq pay for many of maximum of 25 years in prison Stevenson, but the m a r ^ is The best Pascal Celery comes from Caliroitlia. desert. 20 miles east of Edwards .nation's coal miners. PASCAL JUMBO ' He fafused to giys any figures. Air Force Base. IT C ' f A s . ^ uj.ners. and a 610,000 .fine. narrower thaa la 1982. Editor A spokesman for the Orient Line The body of the pilot. Capt. Mil- V 1 A U e iH D l' N'^Gonal Association for the Judge McGohey denied ' a ' de- • A Puhlisher, trade magaziiw, AHD.A GOOD VALUE ON ! to Australia said bum G, Apt. 32. aUll was s tr a p p e d /r f b . V . . ! , Advpicement of Colored People ; fehse counsel' request for' Matu- pays thei masgin Is I, CELERY HEARTS Bch. 3 3 c "We have no specific plan in op m '.wt SHURFINE , ,, X in the capsule cockpit section. H e ^ l O i J e p O r t COSleIJo' * » • * " ‘® •**; sow’s release in bail pending ap- | compare with 6 to 1 a month WASHEaO arationpass tfie canal. Some had apparently made no effort tempt to put' organization nyt ifi ' peal. He wilt be confined to the after Dm I9S2 coavenDons. ahipa ard going around the Gape escape by ejecting himself. business in Texas. . .Indian , Federal House of Detention un.tll oa reports from 664 per FRESH SPINACH Cellp. Bag RASPBERRY PRESERVE fiome are using' the 'Canal.’’. Apt. a IS-vesr” Air . F orce vet-i JTi” '’' ’ ^ federal,: Prime Ministef ..Nehru , will visit j it is determined ■ to what fedeiral. c«at iM the mUioa's datUea. 25 c ■’"'"THia company slab ' decUhed to eran, died on hi. first flight In the ^ .^“ ‘ '" ‘eri todsy i Ual.led S l.le . snd President Ei- [prison Jie must go., ' Scotkins ScoHoweis Scottiies LAST WEJEK OF SPECIAL FEATURE! ON PRE.STIGE ( ■ay how many ships hive been 5^. "t *• ' , . * J j **??!, * piweed-1 Eenhou'ir in December, New I Matu»ow testified for the jo v p l a n e SCOUTS h u r r ic a n e FRENCH ICE CREAM ...... 2 pints 79« l^-ojt. jar diverted afnee' Eg>’pt’S' seizure of I emment in a number of (jonimu- ' Miami. Fla.,^ Sept 26 M L -A 2 k„ 2 7 c 2 F»; 3 7 c ’ 7 2 For 4 7 c tho cahM. July 26. ' Throe witnesses .have sworn perjury hurrlcaiie^ hunter plaae frsM, .1 - .-i. (Save 11c dq any flavor—usually 45c’pint). . , ■ 32* Co., wss Uken up to 30,000 leeV;'"paVmie"ri"‘ threw‘‘out the : two of -eight men charged with i >rtemmed from hU recanting San Juan, Puerto Rice, scoutofi ' 'In Baris, s spokesman for t)ie suspended from, the bellv of a B50 * • - ^ ^ . . .*> rar <«k sW,. -lARA a_1^1 _n .niff Suez Canal . Co., sat'd FVfnch' bomber. Thsrs of. testimony in the 1952 trial of » squally weather area UtMjr companies .veemed to have dropped and its- rockets shot it up in. s ' nroceedines y e the arymA miles from robbery scene T3' second string- (Tommuniat lean- ..to detormiaOi; whothig It te ■;< f,a StYC Grooo Stomps Givto YYith C Iti , *CyT-RITE and that use of such evidence- is tigations subcommittee headed by ttaaated to bo 20 sw ea'aa bMir>. m^'e freighter,.the'property of aa The X2 quickly outsped its pur­ .fiAt */lmt«aoklA 4wi : \ S o ft-W a v e S m ITIssiiO not admissahle In federal proceed- ■ \ Bolshoi Theatre ballet troup 1. Sen. Josepeh McCarthy (R-WU). Wax. Paper FRIDAY NIGHTS A b ^ e e n shipper, that,had madet suers and vahiahed Into tps sky.- ings. : 6W g to London despite British BRinsa sfMJHEu BUinr rt«JSIKHa.«(;oiii Asked by the Judge If he had around the Csp^ No more was heard from Us'pilot. .Nei*smcn asked Edward B, Wil- tefusah to drop shoplifting chargei M i H p m s T * C o n n lather than go through It He Trouble apparentl.v devilopiMl, anything to aay befor* aentenca 'Nieoaia, Oyprai, i^pt. SD For 3 3 c Hams, 'Costello’s attorney, if Uiero I zffalnst Soviet womkn d i 1 e u ■ Two British 3 For 33c 302 M AIN, NORTH O F AR M O R Y pointed out that’ even under the while the plane w as, between 45.- was given. Matukiw atootl.before 1OAK STREETS 2 K .r 4 5 c J ..V were a poszibiUty he nou- woulif at- i champion... Attack on multi-nfil- the bepch and repUsd^ 7 ^ - 7 - tompsily’s management. ' thbre 000 and :60,000. feet, Edwards AFB tempt to aet-aside CqateDo:. con-' Hon dsUar will iof late Mrs. Mae o l officials said. "Harvey Matuaow is dnad as, far alUag MtMlb'n "m T* vicUon for income tax ivaaion ck f . Rovenaky ia‘ IaUnchfc.f : .. ' ■ dN •7;b. ■■

^ j c p » ^ MANCHESTER EVENING riERALDy;BiANCHESTipB, CONNx FRIDAY^; SEPTEMBER 28, 1958 P A G E T E R i » 7* -W-* >. j^oh«t dhut^;-oUiitt Uiiiik the c a ^ w# ahotuiln't supportipport MoranS; Morano r s ilttd% Oilptute Vt^plB, ir|«» ' $5,ain«ge Cauaed by: Goventpy Fire 4itht{ >ttii^^ > ••cr*^ Me. H older, ^(^aaphoWaei P.'Clsarjf'of Crashes. Bri(^epoiL laaftrln th e ‘'Support' PLEASE NOTE! Moriumi' movehtahl. iMd he op U V i M A U it Wmli^ itni^on Chairman are Richk, poaed1 hi him In J 952 but chahgdd. hia mind becauarkls record is: fktQliC .'betteri.,'. . 'tCaaUaued'Irpm Page e yh»nfJtTOnt>^ Aa V (of The “ report dard^ xM « r e irt^i^J^'Jept. O ekry^ald •. dtey do- not slnhir-a ■ . 'The i*P<>rl <>f ibe.craLkh'waa 1. ' MfcKlifster >l«JTsyi»iiiii. 8h? (OcMitUivM ^ a r e Ome) And$VM, M ayiijable behind uie presewl afb a. "work ;dajt::ruimh)^|r. near^twp' (ContiiitMd. frodi .Paga Oney M o^nb la mehdiV to Labor, he In-the custody W * ■ Ccn{er^^tTr*e^ore\»or th« towTv c l^ k 'r om re.- diipa ii^nt^yirough. .First OongragatlontJ t^urclClast vided in the iengtn Of the social Among the ' i^rvicea Offc:.th«. BaUad ah iaolationiat by Buah be- said, and has pledged-to vote fcir: The (is million plane was one .of group .offered (or ita, Workday atp- - repeal of the Taft-HirtleV Act. two X2’s builhby Bell for reaearch V Ciurt JudireEwitl Shapifo-On 3iW - TH* niarrlaga touched off aMfj^ ^ypliiihai;_^^ too, said Hight that wiiV authdriie a. stua.v .UQOni. . .eauK ah* oppiwedvthe Status of - .CFL president Timothy eoi- 1UGHLKN0 PftRK MARKET W«a hia ■‘wife’“ '''- , \ vastigatlon by Ptobatiou.. Officer: ^ r a .ufiJtBla;.-.jt5'_ wy^^how man^ .cbmmiuee to bbtatn eatlmatrt 'for >.Altogetherjy /frtofo^ tha'fty. 2.000 lawn and house repair aha up­ 0 1 1 EVERY ' - Kt supersonic sp^ed# and ektrerh'e- vs3^Ut^>aa learned llw>y^w nrt^WUIiani J. C^ey. Uie keep jobs,^ JPoMiw Treaty. Mias Keilem# told lirtn,told, the convention he w'as.-i altitudes. The other Waa.destrpyed 317 HIG^ANP STREET^-, \ MI 3-4278 ahipa^ad ^eift'iat-'liJaJtind the det»tntcUondf an addition to thd square feet w ilt■ be^lH}d,«d lo- the riX .X i/\ THUJ&;l*Rl.>mnd SAT. •’m iddle'^the roader’* ln politics' n'aW&^>htf "Mrs. Arntstronif” i present Mrs,^ Tucker ha^^icen liVi .<^pe.\ medtUig house and preceed with T'ayaila,ble neachingr'areaT^i;-,^^ The choih^^oR the church will 'her TfV-audience in -a "give ’em in ;sLn explosian_iyhile : auspended lif t ;. w*Hh^A-rftjatr^nB as hls ' e ^ - meetylhls 'aliening at 8 for re- and addedT^ir-.,! , 'tT(;m a mother plane over L ake laa aihdi::]Rahi«4 Rickard Tucker,! an^cative of'-the iawning of r'ahovaUims of- the. parsonage; estfinetas-are eyallable., 'fh e c n a r^ ' .'dbekans” aptecl)^ . "I'm bkhoiden 'to neither pollti-' Rd^,■BWt^^. She may. face Church members voted to sccept -will be Call^ ip vo&j-to proeeM' hearaah,- •-'W Qntajio In May 19$3. ' T?^ ^anxlkt^'among shippers' was “■'laoiationvaV ■ is', becoming a cal party, but I hope We don’t kick The.. X2 was: designed; 10, years' I sus^naion this uxek of a 15 recommendations of the building wilh cpnstriu‘tloJtr,^'^^5^, " dirty word these days.'If.you don't M“OChester AVelfare Depart' ' hranebeeteif Evening Herald An-. people w h en (DSy-. ihoW some ago for a maximum air'Speed of cent supercharge on freight rates and finance comtnitlee, which cell Features. favori'rtg-.^nJnddition J agfee with what ihe,v ithV ltepub- - promlee,”'' '"v “ '2,504'm iles .an hour. (Tapt. Kihidie- tdrd the story of''the! mett,( between Eurdpe and the Far East. for ..construction a $39,004 dover rdrreapondant, Mr#. Paul' -licahai-iay, you' are an. isolationist, “ hoax'*-.which nearly resulted in;'- "M instead of a separate building, as Pfanstlaht, telephoab^^Piigrlni CHIANTI loe bed eald he beileved the plane Armstrong” toW-.Judge church addition. three shipping groups that presented by James Syme, alchl- 2-68*8. ■ — 1 V. "Ir yolr don’t agree and want to 'could exceed its ' records of 1,900 R s. A ym strphi'a, fneedom yesterday In June her '^huabandt* had^ 4mpds«d. the surcharge.. Sept. 18 T^ay also voted authorltytto tha-j--t^ct. and members of the commit 14 DEPOt SQUARE—TBLg MI 8.6101^ get our boya^out of those dirty, \bafc>ra Superior Court Judge a weakness for stopping ofRal' tnit- R o c k v ille ^ miles an hour and 126.000 feel al­ ■:'W aitW.thse -great majorltv of their committee to proceed with pHns! tee. were improvement of the en-xJ filthy foreign jails, vou are --an titude If neeessar,v. m ^ lEilpinaa E. TToland. taverns'^and it-was this pradHce V«#a«Ia are '••getting through the to renovate the paraonage, at'A-.^ir* hesUng system apd better iaoiatlonist. If that la-being ait ''''^. Wrtghl said Alexander falsely which Ied\ to the car theft esca- The speed record was set with ;«a.naf ^svllhout.,ae?loua delay." The cost not. to exceed'(13,000. '^ e l y provisions. Also.'>fimlher iaolationiat I am guilty." ' Catholic Women Lh Col, Frank Everest piloting. F t represented, himself as msrried ,pade. If ne had been freed, he grdiipa' ^hejuffe practically every At an'annual meeting in Janu­ The treaty bringa foreign Service­ -When presented before Judge., would hayO^een under court or­ of the church can he ac- Apt had flown chase missions' (>n.^ ^ Then you too, u0l join the youngs shipping line', trading between ary^ 1955 a committee was appoint­ commpdaieA..by removal of the' men under Juriadicllon of the civil the X2 luid had becn-checked out Shapiro June 19 on a charge of der to leave the house at night on­ Britain and the Far-EasU ed to investigate the possibilities laws.of the nation in which they are m Drive Btei;s^t€ho have gazed longingly a t ^ u r theft of a motor vehicle, brought ly when she >1^ with him, Wright rear, wall''tA.'cniarge the sape- PARTY on the ground In its operating pro­ ^ndon insurance, brokers today Of converting the parsohage into a tuarv. '■\ , ' Stationed. Americans, for exampld, cedure. He was iv.graduatc of the' car^futly 'selecie'd array of dolls. as the result of an in^dent in said. ' • partah. house and of conatructlhg can be tried by foreign Judges. RocKriiie, - Sept. 28 (Special)— March in Manchester,, reduced their “criata” insurance Parsonage reno'vationivatk will pro­ TH^SPAY, OCT. 4 Experimental Test' Pilots School Judge TcoJaW revoked; Arm- rates for freight going through'the a new-residence for the minister. *^:45 P.M. Miss Kellema criticized-.Bush The annual meinberahip drive of as every smart iroman knotrsi clothes ' "Mrs. Armstrong” pleaded for a atrwg a auapbm^ sentence' and ceed as soon as plw pl«ra^ v-^ are__ . com- sharply for supporting the treaty at Edward.s AFB, Sues Canal and freight to'and Report Preoen led pleted by the committee.- and a ' . - = . „ .. . the Norwledi Diocesan-Council Of He lived With his wife, Faye, and arc important— so he sure to see the, light sentence for her. husband, orde^ hiip retun^to jail. He ^ This; committee, headed by dif- CofttcH a of Now saying "I need him at home. Be from Egyptian Ports. contract is signed, church OfUcials j -TrU', KjklU-,TI=-W 5m B™ .r^-,.» to. daughters. CThristlne, 5. anci Shar- '.fc ;'vn®*Jfc. also asked. Wright\to''inveatigate . The Institute of Dondoh Under­ toh-^orne. submitted its report praise prettiesfi^ biggest and most exciting col- haa aiwaya been a good provider Qie poaaibUity of bridging a crimi­ said. Estimates have varied from I M onchostor^gh -SehOel friend." cal Churches Sunday and continue man, 2, a t the base, Hi.s parents writers clipped two shillings and to the'^urch in March of that $12,000 to $19,000. axiM rcjvr^ < D j^ r are Mr. and, Mrs. ,01ey G. Apt of • lection of doll's clothing in tmvn. Every­ and wonderful to the baby.” nal charge against M ^ Tucker in year. Dfi.SSERT —^ I Z E « Suzanne Fires Blasts for two weeks, Mra. ^arence J. Judge Shapiro, impressed, gave aix pence (S.5 cental off eachilOO McCarthy, district president, has Buffalo, Kah:''" view of hbr misrepre^tations in pounds ($280)^worth of Suez in­ •AiAt me the vame same time,iime, findings.ofiinamrs.or a Until in adequate heating...... ® . isr . 'Eashion Show, by Skge-ATIeK Bush and Dodd canfie under at­ thing from glamorous velvet toreador Armstrong a year . in jail, June. tack, of Mrs! Stevenson in a Watef- announced. Coventry, Sept. 28 (Special) . ______(Ilerali) Photo by.Devine) auspended” after four months. The surance. ’ ..nctuary redecoratlon committee yon has beenVantcd*To"he b3 ‘ ' v ,ADMISSi6 .V $i72 • In a letter read last." Sunday at GOOD Dirur>5IATS pants to leather jackets and sleeptvcar! Wright said today there Is no revealed the need for coordinated, bury luncheon talk yesterday. meeting to Oc't. 10 in drder that About 70 visiting firemen got a | eight month suspended balance Conimtlcut sUtute legtiiaing a of truiitees to ' seek temporarv Call M<8. F. P. Sheldon She also attacked Bush, for hia Ma.sse.o in all churches of the dio­ Halifax, (Ah—Leo Dolan, head of •.was to be spent in “Mrs. Arm- long-range planning for the entire members may attend the annual 'warm welcome” here last night' JJ** L*w to the Federal Tourist Bureau, told a common-law marriage., church. housing for the minister's family. M I>1473 ^ support of the Status of FOrcea cese, the Mo.st 'Rey. Bernard J. Town Meeting that night. The Ret. Driver Arrested Church Notes s- Treaty, and said Dodd, although i *^*®nagan, Bishop of Norwich, they, were called out to help , service club, meeting hero that The committees were merged, Allen Yale has beenFelected ^STEAMED CLAIK' opposing the treaty, favored some- Lcalled the campaign "the tradi- Maurice G. F'pulkes. chairman of fight flames which destroyed a 1 service clubs do more to promote and a proposal to construct a new the program committee, announces There are some 13,700 foresters good relations between countri^ Hebron Following Crash president of the Senior Pilgrim thlng worse--a World federation jalional means of enlisting the sup- B to r y frame house on Pond R<1, parsonage for $17,000 and to re­ '’ellowahlp at the First Congrega- that the speaker at that time will in the United Blades. than all the speeches of diplomats. About Town model the present paraonage aa a wilh a world government. port of-odl' Catholic women in the John 'F. Schereschewsky, well ■ihe 70, all from Wifiimantic. Elsewhere on Connecticut’s poll-1 chsritable program of our Dioce- known radio ooinmentalor and were scheduled to meet with local Tha Ruth Society of the Cove­ Sunday Church John R. Kearns, 19, of 107 Harlan church school area for $3,M0 was tlcal scene; '.san Buresu of Social Service.” \ nant Congregational Church will 8t., was arrested and Mrs. Henry returned to a congregational PER ORDER V newspaper columnist. firemen at th$ North Coventry sta­ Rep. Albert P. Morano, Republi- i Membership In the Rockville tion. The alarm rang Just as the hold a Bake Sale at Hale's atore Services Listed ^rard, 19. of 906 Tolland Tpke., naeetlhg in June, 1955. < pan seeking re-election >ln the i District la.st year was 700 and it Still Alarm 4 5 guests began arriving And visitors iRiffered mlpor injuries aa the re- A separate recommendation, ■ ' ' Rockville Fire Department was tomorrow^ from lU em. until 2. * - \ ------) k Fourth Congressional district, won' is hoped that this will be more and hosts spent the neNt hour put­ Women of the church are asked to aulr of a 2-car rear end colliaion that a committee for building and the endorsement of the Connecticut | than doubled this veai called out on a sldl alarm just Hebron, Sept. 28 (Special) on Main St. last night, police.said. ting out the blaze, r deliver their donations to the fund-raising be created, was ac­ after noon yesterday to., Farmoil y 975 MAIN ST.-4YIANCHESTER Services In the Hebron and Gilead Mfit. Girard sustained a strained cepted, and the present committee, (DART LEAGUE NOW FORMING) 0 ‘"''«>dini. district Ino., 11 Windermere Ave. I Flames gutted the 4-room c, endorse-1 vhe drive with XTi-o R)t« pu),, Fire Chief John F. Ashe .said he I damage estimated at $.5,000 by for pickup. ' Hebron Congregational at 10, appointed by the Church Council. ment are Dodd, State Sen. Patrick found someone had poured inflam­ North Cotxntry Fire (Thief Richard a rules o( the road violation by in­ However, plana for a new par­ J. Ward (D.Hartford^^,First Dis- “hai„ a.m. Church school at 11. vestigating Patrolman Kenneth trip) ptnno'i-eooinnoi ponHiaoto*' opH _ . Assisting are Mts. mable waste liquid into a sewer •M. Galinat. ROASTING CHICKENS 'Shop in Cool tom fort' A public dance will be held at aonage, presented at an annual trict Congressional candidate: and which was later ignited when a 'Firemen aaid Law had built a fire Gilead Congregational, 11:15 Barker. meeting last January, were deem­ Democratic Congressional nom­ -John Gessay, Mrs. Peter Baker the Army and Navy Club tomor­ Barker fepbjrted Kearns was driv. WITHSAUSACE and Mrs. Rose Millix. cigarette was dropped into it. No in a Wood stove in. the kitchen and row nig^t from 10 to 1. Music for a.m. Church school 10:15 a.m. ed inadequate and an alternate inees. Douglas.Rennet of the'Sec-, damage re.sulted and the fire was -- Sunday It was found neces­ ing too close behind an automobile OR MKAT LOAF O U C O r d e r ond District, Robert Aialmo of the Rev. R<>wnian Welcomed had gorfe into another room where People often a-sk u.s why (Hlr chickens taste so much dancing: will be provided by Tony operated by-Mr*. G irard's husband. proposal to renovate the parson­ The Rev. and Mrs. Paul J. Bow- quickly extingui.shcd,. , he fell asfexp. O'Bright's orchestra. sary to hold the Hebron Congre- age. including basement faciliyes Third District and Luke Martin of better than otKers. F'or one thing they are a superior gaUonsJ service at the school Henry. Girard stopped for a line of PLAIN 40c-^RDERS PUT UP TO GO th« Fifth District. __ ; man were officially welcomed to Events Tonight Apparently the bottom of the for the church school, was passed. The Silver! Cross Society of St. stove fell out. starting the blaze, auditorium sa the church was not traffic at Birch St., police aaid TTie CFL withheld emior.sement ' Union Congregational C:niurch at a Cornish-Rock strain fpr be.st eating quality. For another DuBaldo Bros, orchestra will ready for uae. and Keariis was Unable to do so In June, a church meeting voted; reception last night. About 200 JohiT.s Bpi.scopal Chiiich will meet which rapidly 'apixad through the play for dancing tomorrow night that .fund-raising counsel be em- of Democrat . Matthew Kuta of at 7:30 p.m. at the church. building, firemen aaid. This week the Rev. John G. in time to avoid Hitting the Girard Meriden as the candidate for Con­ parishioi.ers attended. they are young but full-grown for better flavor, an un­ at the British American Club. car. plp.ved to conduct a financial drive, The Junior Pilgrin) Fellow.ship I.AW escaped uninjured. North Tony O'Bright's band will play Beck,' pastor of both churches, saiid gressman-at-large against Repub­ Greetings were extended by the The policeman estimated dam­ which has produced pledges Rev. James F English, Hartford; and Youth Choir of First Congre­ Coventry firemen were assisted by usual coipbinatioh. But most of all they are fresher and next week. he was iiot sure Just where the age at $350 to the. Girard guto and arpounting to $38,000. BISSELL ST. TAVERN lican incumbent Antoni .Sadlak. companies from Coventry. Bolton, gational Church 'of Vernon will service would be held this Sun­ The convention decided to sound the Rev. William E. Thistte. .Staf: Tolland, aa well aa the emergency cleaner because they are carefully prepared and rapidly savings deposits $100 to the Kearns vehlcle.V Speaking hfter the . meeting, the 57 BIS.SEI.L ST. TEL. Ml 9.81 «6 MANCHEOTER day, whether in the church or in out Kuta on his labor policies as ford Springs; and the Rev. Mau­ meet at 7 p.m. at the home of’Nor- Hose Co. No. 4 of the SMFD was Rev. Stephen Chamberlain, paator, /)/R CONDITIONS D rnan Johnson. Lake St., for elec­ lighting generator belonging . ttf • called when an alarm for a car fire the school auditorium, but prom­ comptroller of the city of Meri­ rice G. Foiilkes, repre.senting state, Tolland (Tounty. air-chilled, a naturally sanitary method that no other said, "The congregation has [liRQDOERS county and local church groups. tion of offleers. on Foreat St. was turned in last ised to give notice as soon aa proven that consistent devotion to EASTWOOD den. The fire was well under d ’sy prtKesRor.s use. n lg l^ a t 9:53. No dama^^ occurred. poasible. Another Big Drop Christian- principles of fbrbear- CFL Secretary-Treamier Jo- A sum of money was pre.sented when firemen arrived, Galinat sairl, made on or The usual services will h.» )ield aeph M. Rourke said he strongly to the Rev. Allison R. Heaps, who All Vernon and Talcottville news and it took about 4,5 minutes to ance, patience and devotion to the j firrfory P^»k concluded hia service as associate Items are now lieing handled BEFORE Mrs. Helen OpalMh and . Mrs. at St. Peter's Episcopal Church: In Jobless Claims lUtb. fletrbert .Mohr objected to Morano on his record. ,blaze under control and goal produces results,*’ ] paator of the church Sept. J. through the Manchester EvenI ROGEK OLCOn 8teU& Klro receiv0 regiatra- Holy Communion at 8 a m. Morn­ Specific Plans 1 INARTIN He pointed to the CFL's "legis­ flames. U Supt, ok Schools Raymond E. Herald Rockville Bureau. 7 tiona for St. John's School of Chris­ ing prayer with sermon at 11 Claims for unemplo.vment com­ Specifically, the meeting ap­ "MOBY m TERRICRS lative report cards” which showed led over the cottage 403 West Center Street MItthell 3-78,53 tian living Sunday blowing the a.m. Church aChooI at »:30 .n m. ■ AAUgIC w m t A T E L E y iS lO N Morano voted wrong eight times Ramsdell made the presentation. Main 8L, telephone TRei iLodge of Moose for October Sth pensation benefits in the Manches­ proved plans for an addiUon that DICK" "HUK" and nght five, according to labor^s Mrs. Madina Bryan of the First 5-S136: 8:S0 Mass. It ia important that par- The Rev. Douglas F. Pi.-nm will ter area took another big drop last will extend 15 feet to the north, Vings. Members of enU register their children so that officiate. In (’oinr In ('olnr. view. j Congregational Church, Spring- .x"' week when it was reported 11.2 with a M,ing reaching 20 feet east . field. Mass., sang several selec­ they may be assigned to claiaea. Peraonsl Mention per cent fewer persons were regis­ 3:164:1# 1:44-6:34-16:64 THE BIOCK "If Morano. merits your support and that the ^ teachera mav know Mra. Frederick A. Rathbun, for­ from the meeting house and en-; PROGRAaiS on that recoi'd," Rourke said, tions. accompanied by Mrs. Wil­ It' tered for obless. pay jthan during closing thtxe classrooms. how many idatruction booklets to mer Hebron resident, has been a "there are-Tnany other .who do, fred A. Lutz, organist. will dra^ interest ptbvlde. - the preceding wxek. An additional room, will also be ' Sunday: “Sombodv too. because they have better vot­ visitor at the home of Mr. and Meeting Postponed FROM Mrs. Harold L. Gray. Since leav­ Two weeks ago. 394 ctaims w-ere Likes BUSTERS video Everyday ing records. Either tbe score cards The Maple Street School PTA The Green Thumo Garden Club ing Hcl#Dn several years ago zhe filed, w hile onl.v 350 perrons en­ AUANDkAKf -E BiG RfVUE All Righta Reserved — S IX right, or they’re not. ;If we has postponed Its Monday night will meet Monday at 8 p.m. at the has been living with her daugh­ tered for Jobless pa.v than during H,. T. Dickinson A. Co., Inc. Community Y. Members are re­ ter, Mrs. Camrlotte Kurtzwell in ford, the State Labor Department Catcher lit quested to bring house plant# with Westmont. 111. repo/ted claims throughout the them to get some adride aa tef^— ^ f o r e returning west she will stale for Jobless pay hit a new low j Grrcsrjr Perk theu-calx; also sm all plants of dif be the guest of her daughter. Mrs . fereat kinds for the plant exchange. William Grubert of New-York, and "MOBY O P E N /»' Mi*s. Eugene Spiess. a prominent dicate new spells of unemploy­ ” H U K '^ A L L D A Y BAHK « memberrnsniK.. »»of .K-ihe i.Manchester -V •• Gartlen' r- . ' i Amston '’**'1 Mr*- Sadie Tursheh. ment. dropped from 43 to 33. ^ D I C K " H sar CIcor, Ttrk. R:1B Talar a;M-lt;eS FRANK’S SUNDAY dub, wiu apeak oh such favorites'! / Women- la s t' week accounted f( *i|r« Sound . . as African violeta, gloxinias andi/.h , , x i ------^ the claims, or 58 per nt. i FOR.MERLV HINKEL'S Sal., 1 a.m. Grasl Kid's Skas! ^tdm k . , .'In the fabulous begoniaa. A am aL Ume 'n-ilh light V*® The previous week, wo;-nej ac- I refreahm enu will follow. guest this week of Mrs Magde- counted fop 214, or 54.3" cent. 8s«., ‘‘.aamrbad^ t> Thera Llket LEGAL German-lniported TELEi- SATURDAYS Your Money Earns SOUTH ST.. COVENTRY ELECTRONICS frau of Rockrille. ' FU.VKe N, the hit of the of the cjalma. BEVERAGES Mn,.Mra.. Earl F. Swallow, so Oak She eumea.comes, from Gotb Ciotborg, Swe- LABORATORIES Eaatem States Exposi­ Grov« St., will entertain the bridal ***"• =tnd is a teacher in. the Swed- f ^ T U R I N G tion. Combines -A5I, FM cU M anoUe^ie^ Ga. p arty for her daughter's wedding, school sysle;-.i. \\iv.te m uiis z and Short Wavo'-ln tive at her home this evening with a I country, under the Inier,iation*i' BOILED OR BROILED LI\'E. L High Fidelity. i] VAN n*'d - MA'S • VAN.MfSMk 'jS* More Than Interest buffet supper at 7 o’clock preceding Farm Youth Exchange pro^ara 2 7 7 BROAD \ the rehcaraal. Mias Merie F. Swal-. she is studying homemaking, 4-H d A. IVI. to 12 N O O N low will become the bride of work and' other projects' as thev ■pTE WERNER STUDIO LOBSTERS RADIO T { I ( V I S I 0 N Flayell of Eldridge St. are carried on in thiai,punlry. ^ * Stwoks •* Frind Clams * Shrimp nt -2-p.m. in the South Autumn Notes ^ V' ' OF PIANO AND ORGAN Chaaatl S Non ■area. Css*. In Our Bank! MethOdiat Omreh. While OctoDei;c.u x at hand it * Broilfrs * Pino • Grindors caaaselCkMsel It thutford. CsiCs ks. rilaBBcl :t BprlmttfrU. M I ait. ■-0.. doe.s not aeem much like thal: Anholinces the Addition of Chaaael M .N>wSfrr Hrltala, C ass. W.H.ENDLAND .Mooeup T'irm Sold "bright blue weather" of the poem Ckaasal U WsUWstetbsrr, Cons. as yet. Among cultivated .flow-; DANCING ChaBBal U aolraka' fta ia . LUMDER 00. Mooaup, Sept. 28 <»t-The Gris- era. besides the old ^iiioned ! SATUSDAY NIGHT Acroaa froiD Green bcbool ' Right! Your monoy oarns salf raspacL ffraatar w-oW Rubber Go. has bought -the snowball shrub, already .rilentioned MRS. PHYLLIS ALLEN • ;H < S) MIC'KBT NOUSB CLUB Floyd Cranaka Co. prop.ertv her?. a.s benefited by the unusual kind ] TO THE MUSIC OF THE (Ikl K l.lP rv THK CLOWN Open All Day Saturday cenfidanca In- yeurtalf and in tha tutura. H The Cranaka Co, made cotton CSl aOD BABKLKV/ SHOW of aummer weath^'we hkve had, j INSTRUCTOR OF PIANO "Chick PaquoHa Trio yma. _ can oe be added the th; grand flora hy-i <«> COMEPV t i m e 3 iis ^ r - - POPULAR .MUSIC iSS> FILM THEgTEB , brings prastlga and builds up cradit atandin'g. Gnawpld. tww In Jewett City, and drangea, the .showy blossoms of STAGE R ' / —Joha CsmrroM Ssii.ia —**Betxn af Ameliks Ja e" —Coiar and Rhoades employ a total of $0 PHONE MI 3-7813 ^ - 1 PI 2-6410 moment they ara naadetf, . every canL Stepint people. Manchester Evening Herald He- aS ) ADVE.NTL'BE THEATEB *:#0 ( 3> AI)V. OP dl.M noW IK " correspondent. Miss Susan B. / — "Btt* BaxarS" .. -■ «ia*5> HOLLYWOOD SI MMER, xBdleton, /(5I» WEATHER THEATER r telephone .\Caderoy (Sti KABEV SHOW (3t-id) ’M L T H OR CO.N8E- 8-S454. “ f.Ml t'o w n o v CORBAE QI>;NCE,S (Color) (M) TWILIGHT THEATEB (43.) URA3tAA3IA A '• ( S> ,CROS8ROAI>>! Show Starts ''—"Deadly E ear" Rod Cam- KIDDIE 2 P-M. C eroi) (ia-44). POLITICAL AI)ilRK.>UI YOU (Ut-W) THE LIFE 01 BILEV Doors Opea ).L3> DRA.MA ■ A MANSFIELD SHOW 1 :S0 '9:H ( 3) TREASl'Iie: HI NT 2 Action ^dlor lilts 1 (ia-44) CRLSADER ~ 7 WALNUT ST. ^ PHONE Ml 9.8070 M Q l t D IC K ' saoEvMMw -r- SAVE MONEY (It-Sd) o5'’TR"!fl,’^'"**'- V- Tomorrow -.-'G’JEEGGRY PECK JOJiM ROSSAMK .43. fT i .m "' M a b h a a a l ^ f Stem her o f both LEO GENN f:Sa ( I) THE VISE “ . GALA REGISTRATION DAY ± Presehtinff Our Chef <1*44) PLAYHOL’SE O P -S t a b s "SATELUTE IN ^ lADD'PODEnA "-“Momeat of Venpeanee" FEDERAL RESERVE^ SYSTEM Ward Rond, tlsra nith Gens TO GREATER MANCN^TER'S N'elaon and An(le Dlrkln- Jointer-Weights T H E S K Y " NORMAN’S Ma , In OtnemaScope and Color ^ A N T f A G O (ss-ss) no; story FEDERAL DEPOSIT * 445 HARTFORD RDk (43) DR-A3IA When the going gets roogh, you need a shoe .that egn take it ‘ -— PLUS — CHIlPREIfG SAFETY CLUB 1«:M ( 3) rOI.ITlCAI. TALK ■ < ■ , - INSURANCE CORPORATION ' STARTS SUNDAY (ta-34) THE LINKi;P —but you don't want a heavy bo()( to weigh you dowR. y Co-Spenaored by the Manchester Shopping Parkade , TEL. Ml 9*4597 —‘-Th'e Adai)• irif Cla>e” Sea- **SOM£BODV UP THERE JHDSSISilEQ •on Premiere You need Balef Winter-Weights. Here’s the ' \ • *%JKES ME" TiONYCuims (33-36) CAVALCADE OP ■ laa ($tl ADVK.NTVBE XIMM —S PORTS—BOX IN O right ihoe to protect you against ice and snow,' ' ' ' n “Sea Devils'*—Rock Hudson ^COUEEN MILLER - t t W I a> 8rUB,T8COI*B L—Bobliy Boyd va, J o . d :U (13) s r o iB r a DIGEST ' (iiardello. I t rd. mid(Me- I ^ CHILDPCN Flier ARTHUR KENNEDY • F R E E • d:M------I a> WEATHEBATr— ------rOBEUABT .weifkl slush and rain—thanks to its extra-thick soles, .- •J *v • *1 (, V t P -Itiij flr ■ • t:tt rtl TRK NEWS TODAX (43) POLKA TISIE K R E H L i R (H I NEWS 16:36 ( 6) GREAT OlLOKBSLEEVE extra-strong top leather, extrf-tight T:M ( a> BIG p l a y b a c k rEB qO N t o p e r s o n — 0 PHOTOS TO EVERY CHILD (lai NEWS ■ (43) RABLY LATE SHOW I ' welting. Yet these • inc»r .VTlder Years” (» l WEATMKK AND MC8IC 1st “Fastest Gun Alive” (S3) EIL.M SHOBT8 ' 'durable Winter-Weights have T:ia (IS) WF(ATHEB ■ a r- MONDAY thm FRIDAY (Sd) NEWS O P THE HOVB * w ' Prizes! (H) WEATRBRUABT , GLASS all the comfort, style and 7:1$ ( S) POLITICAL TALK , — AUTO g l a s s — 9 -3 ’ ■' DAVY CROCKETT RING TQSS GAMES UBS.M OOl'GLAS 'EDWAKOS fashion appeal of Bates THE NEWS ■ PLATE BRd WINJPOW NOW Thni SAT. f 8ICYCLE METAL LICENSE PLATES (U) HIOHPGHTS ' regular weight shoes. In Choice of 3 WeeMaya Cant. From 6 p.m, • et- R R R ____ SHpW.V AT *:S* RORY CALHOUN ■ (33) SPOR'TB R O rN D C p ,* (Style^ctmoMltd. ter fabrica with deep coil spring ■ r SPECIALIZING IN YOUR fAVORITE II :I6. ( 6-U 33-M) WEATHER conStructloQ. IN 11:11 (111 BIG SHOW ITALIAN.AMERICAN DISHES'. . . GOODYEAR ,e - " S te e l T rap" ■■f > 9 < »' “ ^ R p rA t’E A.SD MART iJn hall af tha faati \ . TIRES ■ T " . . LIBERAL, KEITH BUDGET TERMS d i n n e r M U S IC BY (33) BASEBALL HAlX OF “POWpR RIVER FAME Star* aai PlBat 2B5 Rmnd St. . . J . IN I l i k e w it h EUSA BETH , H I G H < ' V' ■ ■■ ' , .i-A LSO ^-^"- U:3* ( »l FRANE LEAHY TEL M I3.J179 11;U ( 6) NITKCAP THKATF.R r ( SOCIETY" GEORGE SMITH . . oo L**' » U U )e"i b-,-. ' l .LO tR W r ■ ' I*!-***Jt2?'®"*-***»» :CHAIR to match m R T O o m j q a l o s m AT THE PIANO ORGA^ '4 ( BlrNEWB ■•any. style, now FIRST NATIONAL BANK Keith Furnitutre 0F>4ANCHESTER ) $ 6 9 ;5 0 ' ‘V —EXTRA — PULL COURSE LUNCHEONS ond E x c lu siv e TRIPLE REFINED DINNERSSERVED TILL 1’A.M. WUfllOUS SAFETY CARTOON ATLANTIC HEATING OILS 1115 MAIN ST. 317 MAIN ST. , 7 ' 695 MAIN STREET V .1 t .. 1 ■» tOPEN SUNDAYS , L. T. WOOD CO. MANCHESTER EAST HARTFORD ‘‘A

, J ; : . . ■ -I !■ » ..e \ . 1 : t . J '1. ^'P*': '-i J*': V A ■■ ’ j: ... t • ' !■■■ : 'T- V- , v>(.. -d V :" '• -ii.: ' ; -T* *. Lf-’: •*: atfiA V'

kANCHESl’iarEVENmC' CONN,U FRIDAY. SEPT^t^R 28.^1966t "\ " -v . ^.V-'-v " ■' N -lf* '-■ B o lton }E FIVIS I.;im v.v^' ■_7 in the giiild r b o m ^ ’Uie old pa Pafij^-Braiidt^ ^h^rclT^diiool haikto. ------be'divided.“d into.-.,into segUo__, . 'f^GbiScoutLeaders toAttm d: ' High-aghobl ddpaptment -(G^dea I WIK 3el to Sl^k. r Op^ns Suiidd^: 9.I. 10, lJ^ihri3)i-^Er^ de|>g1fK I MIRRORS / - -li-r/K j-' w - - '■- K . ■mentnent w;lll reg&ter_hpime old,parlsh I Wor] rsey. S ls M q i *v V bkll upstat.'s.. All'psrcnttL^vllI please regiat^ a m m s & yote X\IV\ No. i / Tiia f^dwlps ______^ A^radrrow, M . the'Qpmmuntty H«ll Maiithist«t Htfh Miat HfllcR rx. < ^ e Rev, Erich'Brandt/ paaUyr^. The schedule at s t > Mary’s,' in the 'nays;:^ the new chiir;^ W to 5 prm. •mUrom 7 to t; "•6*'fupptta4 by UiX-raoia moaaxo- Thc5e'Toc*tIotts.^>c for this Sttn^ >Hunu and ar# subject to chani tioeo Rusir, Concordia LUlhewCh >'Ghurqh. hasrH atarting,j^nda.V'morning, will re FURNlrrURr:TOK Ctrl Scout xrpwa'}ii.N.Uiii dtstrict p.m. There-will be only ooe more been invited to serve as armlision- ‘ aiarting,,^nda.v morning, will re- day-'-bniy, not jwrmancnt Clask Mithwt nouce. ■'WrtC-'Bob Hn^.tfbnW. flebt a concepLpf etTiHUttlbit. entire- ^sfiace. wlU bp M d «U TbM«n(t^^f^er|ktU?nv^*ourB iTUiy , wBAJ^i^usle ItercWu^ ■WPOIKbosIod V*. Yanka Lutheraii Church. Ridgefield, N. Jr ly new to the. local- Episco'pal - Glass T*h EiMlosansI •ext month end a haUC'^Mrs. Aa> . ci»H»peratlve Kindergarten Owl Griddei^Jrit^ l To A^dle MHS ' WHA Y --I)odS«rs. v«.' Pira t*» At this lime, 43 Unltqd Luthenan inh. 'The reopening of th e ;,(^ k 'h thonyJMol has aiufounred. . Aaeignmeata aa mother-helpers WW-Womi IVTlO-AVMithtr' Watrii and AuguMansi "Lutheran Churches Classes in Art M r e .^ M . ehhlrman of the local |*t the C o-op^ U ve Kindergarten ; WDRtj—Radio Womrtop in Northern New Jersey will School''will involve nqt''^nly''the ! v91z| tcoM ’Oornmlttee, reports they; Numerv. heat have been an- ^fhletic fYogram WPOP—Boston vs. Yi!nM* dondubtlng an Evangelism. Mlskton. children but pireijia'as well. a li^ te held Oct. 1 8 and » , N ov.' nount^. Mrs. Albert Hemlng- -S' ■ --v, week-In their cbngregatioiMf: The , o Begin atY The Manchester High football WHAV-'-DoUs/'i* vs. Plratss^--- j In addition tpTbc earlv Sunda,v • ahtJSfrom 7:t5 to #:4S p.m, iw ay \sill attend 6h5Alonday-morn prograni is the same qa'the Evan-, OPEN D A C L ^ Abft^U 9 P^liL I ^lyy^^mliAex 4a raMmn t>x a ll 1 a a i4 ^ * > _ _ _.--___a -aa__:- ^ i team held Hartford lie High; As the new schoqt nebracompl^' WTli:—Natkaial Radio' Fan Club' Eucharist; h e« ,at 7:30 a.m., two - . « ayeaae -t gn jj « n U . Jl Fi^st Start WDRC—Radio Workshop g'elism Misslon,.progr*fm conducted A ft for children, ottered by the A d d r d tioii, Manchester's fine staff o f . v=.-_-.-'--»dlo -lane' ■'Famiiy^^Sbn’ices'* -are to b'e'. held INCLUDIN^^^TUWAY. era of Scout troops and anyone who! afternoon. TVPOP—Boston vs. .yanka in Northern CofjnH’ticut and'<>v, in weel^-'m the new church building. Manchester YWCA as paf-t- of ILs - Biay aia» to explore the posaihlHtyj ithe fourth leriod they , gave Physical Education instructors is WPRC- Chester,. Jun^" 3 thrbuRh'June 8-this -A class period for parents and chil­ have its opening session at the Troop******™''?s JO* — 'cowlTuv------., aeekin^-aarignmrtUan^------„ _ teag the only score in the game. r*'§|H*Y-^lly iJn)bstl WDRC—Mv Son^Jeep ^ year, . ■ . . . • Mra.^tichael Peace, the afternoon. atnaed'sit; building -better Ameri­ defeat the BriatedTUnM-Ep on Fri­ WOCO—Record Rsr us WPOP—Boston vs: Yanks dren la to be from Id tq 10:45 a.m. Commuhitj' T’ on Wcdne.sda>’, Oct. candidate to assume this post for On wadnesda>v. seaSlpns will ^ Hartford Ptiblic.wort 0-0. K.^ WKNB-P.M. j Pastor Brandi will preach at six 3, from .3:30 to 4:30 p.m. . For the ffrat threa.j>erlo Beginning this,year, the teach­ first official contest of Uia aei^n. WORstem 'to"go’ to Sal The first step for the-department / ^_____ t c - .‘avalrads nf Sports pari. A total of 29,994 ylaifors h aX X cek en d guest of Center Congre- ery worship and instruction (ages ond period; John Dormer and'Er­ from Jacksonyilie $i;i4.50 up. '''b' assistance of the Ndji (or Ronianc# I At Concordia in Manchester, a Special Church 8er\ie* of 11 plays, Hartford was on the preciation and knowledge of the thus far is still in need of actual ’WPOP—BosUm v^. .ynnks , Kiridergarten: Nave of old last three years. Manchester 8-yard line w;here daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest : class is thi.s week's Legionnaire, game experience. Led by such WDRC--Cal Kolby permanent Kvangelisni program)^''? «upper Tho.se attending are 5lade li> Order HAWAII: 9-Da.y Independent Air Tours $425.77 up from A Commencement Day service activities in the program. WPOP—Bob and Ray 19:45- j church. Pupils should wear name 1415 With Your Roller* Angeles or San Francisco . . . "Lurline” Cruise Tours . will oa held at the Congregation­ Pete Salamone. a 125-pound soph­ Franc A Sulllvah Toth of Howard Road, Bolton. ! Norman Hohenthal, the son of Mr. promising linemen aa A1 Churilla, WHAY- DodgtiiN^^'T^ PirUci has been set up with Albert Cer- i®*'‘1^'* bring their own supper I tags, Advertisement- The return to single sessions WHAY—Swine Eaav I vinl as chairman. Oh Monday.-Oct.X’’ '* Htensila. Beverage* will be to'26 days . . $689 up. al C h u ^ . Sunday at 11 a.m. wor- omore halfback, carried the ball ' Linda has had many h o n o r s , ” '>•’*"‘ *'81 of 44 Bill Stephens. John Dormer. Dick WTIC-SjKirtN lIlBhlighj w-lll eliminate repetition to a great WCCO-Record Review W D RC—M oods for * “Roliialance 1 Grades 1, 2, 3: Lower floor bfJ ■ -for thilMihwrch school. Chll- Register for fall clas.ses open­ over to culminate a 70-yard offen- Francis M. Sullivan, a recent Dubanoski. and Bob Daigle, and WKNB—r.M I 1. 40 workers will meet at the ; ’’‘’ 12’®“- V FI LL IJNE OF CUSTO.'W ing Saturday, September 29 at the extent. Seventh, and eighth grades bestowed upon her by her class- , WPOP-Bo.«»tnn VjiXYankinks [church at 8:30 p.m for a dessert-- M>-'5.'t^Va Irh 'meeting and instructions by the ! I^ud'ey.at luncheon and 3 should report first to last VENETIAN BLINDS with thMr parents. Credit ia due to Manchester's Teachers College, has been added learn the basic steps and funda­ tional Honor Society and Currentl *l'''°“ KlioiR bis high school career. Jim Lindsey, Chuck Saimond, and WROP—UV«ihcr and Newt. year’s teachers. * ^Tha service will thelpde instal-! Community Hall. Tel. defense which put up a great to the staff at Manchester High. .Bill Handler, the team, in the opin­ WTIC-N^ r visitation chairman, Edward Wcis.s, on Saturday, and that evening mentals of many activities. Then Affairs Club in her junior year. I As a just reward for displajing WDRCri^eiAS there will be a coffee hour at the Grades 4. 5, 7 and 8; Report to l^Mon o n of school teache^ .M d r*. “ i 9-1355. , ■ fight. Some fine offenai\'e points Mr, Sullivan majored in Indus­ ; his exceptional sports ability his ion of this reporter, ia destined be­ WHAY—N«w« WP(Ji<-Nr‘WS . The grbup plans to make 45 calls Ufon reaching the 9th and 10th Linda was also chosen to represent WCCC—Oood Evening Good Mutio I following the brief meeting. Simi- home of the minister, the Rev; Clif­ the crypt (lower hall) of the new FOLEY TRAVEL AGENCY . .. SKIf mUv«wlatlon by parienta VLof Um ciiv .vuwevow’s '> « . . _ were brought out to, but Man­ trial Arts while at college, and grades students wilt move into Manchester at the 12th annual ! first three years in high school. fore long to develop Its ‘ potential ” WKNB—Today In Sporta church building. . E. A. JOHNSON "la k ta when the children ^ e Maaoheater Bv«s|iBr Herald Bol chester still needs a lot of work into precision teamwork. WTIC—Newp x'^'HAY—Night Wairh : lar evening pibgrams of visitation ford O. Simpson. On Siindky. Dr. when the children ti^ e will teach Industrial- Arts and team sports, w-here learning to Laurel Girls' State Convention held ; Norm was elected co-captain of WTIC—Si>ort.-« Kinal Dudley will preach at all three, Grade 6 is confirmation age, al- ! 54 Church Street ' ' Hartford 3, Conii. h(M)tlaed,iMsed. ; ;.*®" eorrespondent. Mrs. Joseph on its passing. There were a few Auto Power Mechanics here. i both the football and basketball The squad, composed of 48 men, WDRC—Nown: Weather WDRC—Night Owl I have been set for November. Janu- ■ i work together will be atressed. this summer at the University of WPOP—News |,ary, February. March, and May. servlce.s. 8, 9:1.') and II. add will though registration does not mean j , / j A 2- :n 88 - Following these ceremonies, the i lelephon* MlteJieli S-5545. critical times in the game where He is a resident of Farmington. : team for this year. For his inspir- earlier defeated Bioomfteld (5-0| WPOP-r Modern Sounds PAINT CO. Upon ' reaching the junior and Connecticut. 9:15— 11:39- ' a Preaching Mission ia ■■ planned speak to the CYP Club in the eve- that the student will automatically ! , For Folders---- -Plans------Reservations dUldran will receive class assign- ■ " " pas.sing would have made the dif JudyWittman, '57. senior year the 'student will have Other artirities In which "Lin" ' Ing performances as an end on the and tied Glastonbury (2-2) in pre- WUAY—tiporta Bpotllgbl x WHAY—Niftht Symphony «9» Main St„ Td. MI 9-4,501 ference. but WCCC—Good Evening Uualo j again for Cbncordia next June. niftg. ■ I be confirmed. This group registers i manta ‘ ' no passes were a chance to develop individual participates are Sock and Buskin football team, he received the season scrimmages. In the future, Q ^o6 WTIC—Starlight Serenade fhr thrown ' ^ the toughest opponents on the WKNB—Serenade V WDRC—Night Owl A Connecticut Yankee b\J birth 'S^ a'2;s«;m. ”" W . ” ; Nurses Sponsor skills. Ek|uipment will be available and Student Council, of vyhich she Tom McAn Shoe award, an honor WTIC—Snortu WPOP—Modern Sf*unds and education. Dr. Dudley lived in ' ta^ara.^ jnie school staff P lflV b y Ql*Olip T'nia w-eek the team w-ill be ! a f l l ' S l l y P i c l t S for archery, badminton, tennis, has been a representative since her which la bestowed upon the out­ squad's schedule, which now WDRC—wenlhep'-and Zalman . tl;45- announced Iranlng upon its mistakes and get­ WPOP—I-awrjrtfce Welk WIIAY—Night Svinphonv Bus Driver Held India for 24 years as a Congrega­ . ------that attendance and golf. On an experimental sophomore year. standing lineman of the year. stands at six home ewntests and 9:39- ' award r ^ r d a will include this, ting ready for its first CCIL en­ four away, will, in ail likelihood, WTIC—Slarlialit Sironatli* tional 'Cliristian miasionacy. and Officers for Year basis, handball and fly casting Sports play a large role in her Norm considers this his greatest WHAY—jDfnner Date WDRC—NiKht 0*1'■ , wa.s called Co the intcrniitional ! aasaion as well as last Sunday's! counter against Hall High of West may be offered in the future, so as extra-curricular activities, as she honor. At the State Basketball be West Hartford and Wethers­ WCCC'^ood Kvening Good Uiivlo For Passiiiw Beer ’ ragistratitm day. ... Mrs. Edmund H. BroNvn of 5« Hartford Saturday at Mt. Nebo. WKNB—Alan Brown post of .Hecietary for Indife and to include everyone in some phase has joined almost' all sports, of­ Tournament held last year, he field. On SepL- 28. the Indiana W^IC—Kmli Cole Cooper St., president o f the Man­ , Squat '57. I Ceylon by the American Bo trd in Vater Seaslek Tamoriaw The Varqity M Club held its ini­ of the program. fered. was honored igsiiv by being promise an exciting exhibition :X a v d r c —<^uv i,«om urdo Windsor Locks. Sept. 28 I,ft How- 1941, Since 1945. he"''has chester Nurses Assn., announced WPOP—Mel Allen Shell Blast Kills made i IMe Bokrd for AdmlaaioA of tial meeting of the year iaat week Looking at the new physical - Following a business course named to the Ail-State second with the Meriden squad bn Meri­ Blaetora wU^aaake new , voters td- today that .her organisation will den's field. ^ " 9f4&— aid F. Peters, 24. a school bus four administrative trips to sponsor the Manchester Commun­ to elect new club officers and in­ education facilities, one easily sees throughout her four .years at MHS, team. He is also sn important fac- WtlAV—Dinner Date driver until he was fired last Satur- and Ceylon, including en much room la available Tlie main tbr of the baseball team, starring Dave Nutter '57 ’ WCCC—Good Kvenina Good MuilO Destroyer Sailor ity Players’ production of Harry Girls Attend duct, new members sh;' takes, as a senior, English. WKNB—Kve.nlng Sefonade day, is due to appear in town court one visit to the Near Ea4 gymnasium can be aectioned into Modern' Problems, Business as a first baseman and an ou t-! Oct. 16 to an.sw'er charges that he; served for. the biennium of 1953-' Kurvltic-s delightful comedy. “ Re- John Dorm,!^ iffid NaiNet-man Ho- WTIC—Three Siai K,atra cllQihg Figure;" on Nov. 9 and 10. three parts and three classes can Machines, A Capella choir and standing defensive player. ' WDRC—Low**ll Thojnaa Yokosuka, Japan, Sept. 28 ig*)— treated half a dozen of his bus .54 aa chairman of the Division of i Laurel Girls Stale WPOP—Mcel ihe Artist ; Proceeds from the play will be henthal were alet-tcd asK the new- go on at the same time. The mid­ Child Development. English and Norm's extra curricular activ­ Paint and Powdgr^ An explosive shell killed one Amer­ passengers to beer. Foreign Mi.ssions of the National I president and vice prakident, re­ dle section of this gym will hold Business Machines rank first with ities include Varsity M. Spanish 1 :99- Delivery pf liquor to minors i.a Counrti of Chuieli of Christ! in the ORtiMMINfi j used for the benefit of the Man- One hundred etghty-fjve junior WIIAY— Kneori* Theater ican sailor and injured nine oth­ ■ Chester Mental Health Society, spectively, while Bob Warren and the ropes and rings, used .in gym­ her. Club II and serving aa a repre­ W CCC«^uud b^vcrmiE Good Muale I charge filed against u.S.A,, and is now a mcnjbe* of girls from high schools ail over Dom Squatrito w-ere elected to be nastics. Other standard gymastir Our Legionnaire's pet peave Is sentative of the Studwit Council. Announces tlasl WKNB—Evening Serenade ers aboard the U.S. destroyer' Peter.a when he was arrcstcd Tues- the c.xei.ulive beard. I mSTRRCTIQNS . whose goal ia to eventuallv under­ Connecticut attended the 12th an­ WTIC—Stara Tonight write a clinic for children.' treasurer and secretary, in that equipment also will be set up as people who are late for an ap­ In prevous years he wss a mem­ WDRC—Amos *n Andy Buck yesterday. day and released in $200 bail. 9 - 0 6 M nual session of Laurel Girls' .State, order. needed. All Sections can be used pointment. Linda's hobby is read­ ber of Junior H l^ ; Spahish Club I. "High School Daze’’ is the plsy W p p p —FuUon Lea'ie Jr. A parent of one of six boys al- I 1 The Manchester Nurses Assn, |: A— ■ A havy announcement said ap­ held Jti” 24 to 30 at the Univer­ .. After the elections were held, for team sports and drills. ing. Although Linda's plans for the and A Capella'X^iolr. which will be presented to the 1 parently the lime mechanism ip legedly given i«> cream soda and ' MATTHEW KEEVERS ^drives In the pest have contributed sity of Connecticut. Representa­ WHAY—Encore I'heater • the ne«' members to the club were Besides the main gymnasium, future are indefinite. iVe are. sure Our ' .Mj> Football. Basketball, members of Paint and Powder at WCCC—Good Evenins Good Muaic the fuse rtf a fragmentation shell beer by Peters complained to state S» PORTLAND ST greatly to worthy community proj­ tives from Manchester High were police. The arrest followed. ects, one of which wss the estab­ initiated. They were: Bob Daigle, two smaller g>’ms will soon be she will be successful in whatever and Baeehall'' has been honored their ftfal meeting on Oct. 4, It WKNB—Allen Brown exploded prematurely. May I Proyr ^ Form erly y$2 « 9 9 m e m b e r O p FOOT WTIC-Stara Tonight Cathy Fagan and Linda Toth. soccer; Bill Cpnlon. track; Elwood she may attempt. several times by his fellow class­ la the story of a teenage love affair. Police said the soda-beer spree GUARD BAN-D lishing o f scholarships for Man­ completed. One is to be used aa an \\ DRC—Amos n Andv ■The dead sailor's name was made several boys. ill. The week was spent attending Lechausse. baseball; At Churilla. adaptive physical education gym. Judy Wittmann '57 mates. In his junior year. Norm Gloria la a shy, sweet, nsive girl WPOP—B. P. Morgan withheld until hl.s relatives weye chester (^ris who planned to enter 1:39— ' The incident occurred Sept. 19 MK- the nursing profession. cias.ses-in government and putting soccer;. Bruce Staples, track; and Here, boys and girls will meet in ^ceived the Ovitan Award, pre­ who idolizes Dan Arnold, a not- notified. DYNAMKC the knowledge learned to work. Alex McBride, track. too-bright football player. When WHAY—Save a Life W'hen. Ihe police complaint says, small groups to take part in pre­ sented annually to a junior boy for /Wi^'C*—Good bveninn Good Muilc The bursting shell pierced the the boys met Peters by pre-ar­ Laurel Girls were .split iip into One important item mentioned scribed beneficial exercises and distinguished citize-nship. He also Marge Andrews, a suave, sophisti­ WKNB—Evening Serenade destroyer's hull, ruptured the J t^ R A N i^ E two parties, the Blue and the Gold. Art Service Unit cate enters the acene, Gloria real­ WTIC—Newa oi JVnrld rangement' alter he ha.d driven at the meeting was the collection activities to help themselves. Both served as town clerk for the Rota­ . WDRC—Bing Crosby ship s forward fire main and put , them home from school. The coro-'Tl "famous LAURA MAE ' The main object of the week was of books and magazines. In the these smaller areas will be section­ ry Club's Youth Government Day. izes she doesn't have much of a WPOP— Heatter a gun mount out of action, the; plaint adds that Peters toojXthe * leans Better Protelction to hold party conventions to past years, the Varsity M Club Prints Schedules In addition. Norm was elected chance; so the enlists the aid of 1:45- T o Perpietuate ed off, ny movable walla, in the fu­ WIIAY-Bava a Life Navy said. boys riding____„ in his__ own.jwn Alir, pur- : choose candidates and platforms has done a great service toward ture. president of the sophomore class her staunch friend Jane Warren. WCCC—Good Evening Good Uusle fTiv destroyer, operating /Off j chasing soda in East Hartford and j LEE M. SILVERSISTEIN 1 to run for Girls .State officers. making life a little more cheerful The 8wimmi;ig area has manv Beginning work almost Imme- and vice president of the Junior Included in the cast are Betty WKNB—Evening S<'renade Sasebro, Japan, retiii-ned to {tort. 1 beer in Somers. I I CatH^' Fagan was elected to the of­ WTIC—One, Man’s Faniiiv A Cherished f«>r the people in the Rocky Hill features, includingIvid easy show-er dic ;y, the Art Service Squad re­ class. Gallas. Pat Mooney, Valerie John­ WDRC—Charles CoUlngwood fice of comptroller on the Blue Veterans’ Home. Neaington Home rooms drying rooms and dressing Outside of school, Norm is a son. Albert Bolia, Judy Barnard, WPOP—Say It With Music Party ticket. cently held-lts first meeting of the • :99- for Crippled Children, and ' the rooms. The 75»foot pool ranges member of CYP Club at the Cen­ Robert Perry and Ronald Oambo- BLOUSES year.' The aquad’a first assign­ WHAY—Dodgers vs. Pirates Memory ■ Friday night,-the semi formal Newington Veterans' Hospital, by from 4 to 10 feef*deep. Another ter Congregational Church. latl. The production committee W('CC—<»ood Evening Good Music / ! - ' y Oovernor’a Bali for Boys’ and giving-tl\em books and/raagaaincs. ment wss printiiTg the cafeteria Upon graduation, our Legion­ \VKNB—Evening Serenade fine feature' of the swimming, as schedules. Its second and present consists of Rosemary l^Chapellr. Girls’ State was held at the Haw­ The «Iub plans to do this once naire plans to attend either Wes­ Julie Haugh, Francis Robinson and WTU’—Bob Hope Shf>w ! well as the gym ares, is the amount job is to print fire drill instruc­ WISRC—Robert Q. Le»'is r • (%6os« wisely the ihonument ley Armor>-. The newly elected again this year, so if anyone has leyan or Trinity College, but is Paula Adams.. W'POP—Boston VB. Yanka that will stand forever in of storage room for team equip­ tions. , , ■ o.'flcers of NBS and LGS made any -books or magazines which ments. undecided about his future voca­ June Cervini '88 ONLY THE BEST ill HEARING AIBS they would like to give to this ‘ ‘Veteran" members this year tion. ' ailcnt tribute to your loved their .acceptance speechea, where­ Mr. Maetozo has several objec­ TeleTision Froerariis worthy cause, please get in touch are Sally Blazensky. '57; Cather­ on es. after they started the dance with tives that he believes would be Wayne Keith, '87. On Paffe Two , the trsditlonal Grand March. The with M''- Smith, faculty advisor ine Olm.sted'. , 'St-.: Brenda Des- of the Varsity M Club, or any one benefical. He wants, in the near I'ocher. '57; -Nina McAllister. '68; Members Chosen l-GLAS - CONVENTIONAL - CUSTOM-MADE MODEU Governor bf Connecticut was in-» future, to develop two cluba, one. vited. but could not attend thit of its members. Dorothy. Vanderhoff, '58; and Eve­ Wa bava our own deaigning Ball. Bqust '57 a boy's'club to work out another lyn Faticher, '58. ' First Session Held service to build a monument gymaaUc demonstration which was For Girls’ Club Come in with confidence regarding anj* hearing difficulty. Because each hearing Both girls will rqniember the The new members, who com­ GENERAL JUST FOR TOU at no extra so well received last . year, the prise most of the squad, are David By Honor Societv problem is diffei^ent you need the aid that fullfills yttur individual requirements. eoiL W# do all cutting in wonderful time and the many peo­ other, a leaders club, selected fronr Canse to 70 girls beqams mem- , ple they met at Laurel Girls’ State. Flavell, '57; Cj’nthia Hackney. '68: T V SER VICE Many models and types available— Nationally known brands. All instruments are our own ahop, from the Services of Bank the various gym classes / ' ■ Jean Madsen. '58; Mary Grahan'i, bers of the Sophomore Girls' Club, rough atoqS to Uie flniahed It was truly a terrific experience The National Honor Society hild under the direction of Miss M ary/ Days for both, As a section of this club. Matt '58; Pat Woods. '59; Elaine Me* fitted by audiomatic hearing evaluation plus .speech-understanding test.*. memorial . . . AND \VE hopes enough boys will be inter­ its fir'll ofBclal meeting Monday.' McAdams, at the first meeting of Nights $2,95 L. T„ ’57. Subject of Talk Carton, '59; Ed Robacha, '.19; Ray Sept. 24. /, EMPLOY THE MOS ested in refereeing the various in-, Ducharme, '89; Tina Able. '59; the club held last Monday. It ia ths TEL. S-AIB4 SKILLFUL MEN AVAI 'The programs for future /neet- tramural sports whlqK are to be Gary Mllek, '59; Bob Olmsted '59; function of the Sophomore Girls' ABLE. M rs Grace Kunz's Personal set up. !i( ings were discussed. .Plans'for a Club to have several social events, Hearins Aid Spetjalist Here Every Monday 12-5:30 P.M. Barbara Ladabouche, '.59; Pat trip to the Boston Museum of Fine ■ J . Home Economics Economics plaasos heard talka'this Dale Browri ’67 Bernsten, ’59; Nellie Perkins, '59; such as dances and parties, and week given by William Knight, Arts were begun by various com­ also various films and speakers other times by appointment—Home appointments, too— No obligation OTHERS MAY TRY TO COPY OUR SKILLI-X’L and liene Kriskijans. '59. mittees. Other committee.s were vice president in .charge of public BUNDS INSTALLED-. The r ; ad has sen-iced requests throughout the year. However, the 'EXPERT WORK . , . BUT IT IS NEVER DUPLICATED Discuss Fashions chosen to prepare for alumni program for the year. Miss Mc­ relations of the Manchester Trust The Venetian blinds are being for assistance in past years; ohd night, to be held Dec. 27. installed in the glaaarooms of Adams said, is up to the girls In s p e c i a l ! ^ca. Marie Hem bolt's home eco­ Co. This is the third year Mr. with all the actliity of gettthg ad­ Members of, the National Honor TEE-YEE MHS. Tliis will keep ouj the sun justed to a new high a^ ool going the club, and suggestions for fu­ Manchester Optical Style Bar nomic sttidents are having cloth­ Knight has spoken to MHS juniors which has been .bothering the stu­ Societ.v have been askfd to serve ture activities can be made. ing classes. Three o f her fresh- on. expecta to b Cepper«Tone Rings * Sjsdr' these two levels, and (.41 uqlng and.1 .White impressed in a game ^ rii ^ i to, meet every pocketbook and that could have gone either way. “ ft,' kling Stones in Gem Cglors known weights producing an. equal D TO DO THE made b.v RUSCOj—the gieat- change in the levels at which the (Hartford won 6-0.) 5 - ^ Antique school. tercommunication system at MHS g j^ e to Meriden In Its bpeiier. O { Ivy'haa been'planted-in the cement is One Of the mdst^ important ma- This writer picks the Indians, aa a III STOP THE HdR$E and BUigGY Worth Much Morel grams, both a m ; and FM. can be » fU bO iT TERlylS AltRANGED ■‘lota^s; and the guadrangle has chln.es'ln the' buildingr Being^em- room, the cafeteria, the awljnmiiig J^o- louchdoiwn-favorite in 5bif You’ll find all^these and MOKE in thi.s fabuloiis tuned in to any or-all rooms and, p!(>bl, any gymnasrumVor any of the TOIL opener. - “ , leen planted ao'me. Ireea.^ '• ; bhstrated her* by/Bill Bifadheft, at Uie same time, the intercom FEE $YSTEMllN OUR TOWN ring collection!; Rings'in colors to mkttdi you f’ Cal for fstimatD— No pU Rotf^ *87, this main control panel yocaily four principals' offices. However, — —'t— Dale Biwn '87i— § system can be usqd for two other recorded programs can be broad­ H every .J,pstume! Rings wjth a fla.sliing brilliance CHALK BOAitM ADDED . connects all parts of the building. purposes. ,JThree different, things Arthur E. GIsescr The chalk boards are now 'in­ cast bhiy from the control room as Y.ALE REVEALS LIST thattWui WsTklrklwoks fahtastically-fuTittiati/rulfA* expensive! Riijgs in There'ia a speaker in every room, can be broadcast to three different the tape recorder must be plugged i- ,■ stalled in the new high school. including the gymn'taiuma and the When last year’s (Mllege Fresh- z 6 styles and-ihape.s to suit ever.v taste! All stones A. p. AR0H$QN ’Die social, studies, department placea at the aamb timb. directly into the main.'control U osl of the teachers are pleased, swimming pool. The system Is run njam sChOlasric standing'list Wax ' i f i t oie JEtL Torhkiel Ip As: Town Clerk a / Dbtrkf AyRaf fhoaa Ml ^ has added a new teacher, Arthur' Also controlled by this panel, ^ t revealed at Tale University, the r .securely set. in jrqJd or silver-color n)oufiting.s,'’ for it haa been hard td^each some on a 2-way basis so that ap^iitacb- able to operatq indepen'dently of It, E. -Glacser of Nepv Britain. ^ subjects without them. -'They are , Jac^b Haroian, Audio-Visual Dl- top 10 studiatJ, seven wqre 'gra4* ‘ ; ^ adjustable to-correct-si’ze. These dazzling rings ; er^.c4n^arry on a conversation are seven aub-systemS from var^ factor,' who." • is... in. (barge, of thlU I THE B A R T U ^ MAINARO COMPANY ' Glaeser^ majored In history at palled, chalk .boaidejnataad^ af with the office.. It can be s ft to, ustasustfs of public schools. TMe 'T ^ ra- X. {4 regylarly wouj:^ lie prici^ MUCH, MUCH higher ' Ml Tale end received his B.A. in 1955 bus places In the building. "^Uve lous Interconustunlcatian eye- mariming three studenta wefa two K • sT*. U f Nnti A»«.. Wait Hartford,. black,boartU, ^ bScauee they are speak to all roonia or just onS. programs edn be broadcast from '' ' Till* A_drt. p A i Fn'r By Priends-of Ihe^raiididitte^ ' Jv 'i, -^< k)se .seASeraLno\v, at this tiny price’! and his MJl.T. ik IWM. * r .- brown or green, rather than the sayii It has Itmitlcaa poaslbUl- iPrivata school graduates and a for* t. 'v ^ ia practically elimlnatas thp the Audio-Visual Centsr. tha audi- spd ha rntends Ur makt the Judy Wittmann,5 : ’li!| *.ueual^ black. ^ ^ - . for' mesaengera. Radio pro- itudant atudying In America.. tort«m, Jha baadroom, the choral moet-0CJta faciliUee W i lC. *87 ■ -I'- . ■ X ■ • *' . , X ; -T ” ) TO TUItN THt TAX; TIPI TURN TO TOMKIEL . ,, - ‘ ■ I' . T h \ r ■y.'. .‘l-. . . m r-. -''i ' '...I' !•- -l;: , ’t ’ <»3iJ - T’ 'A. 'N.- .1 ’s - x HBufcDr««efflBnde; <9^4 >s. ,, f, „., .'’X - . MANCHESTER EV^IN G“ HERALD. MANeflESTER, CONN., FftlDAY, SEm M ^ER rAGB s e v e n E s im in M Rofl^Ule r-gis&c.and health habits. 'T ^ series; 'the association ..come In the cate- 3MurfUvM' A ^ to tU AaMon tn of mo'ttwra’ classea are held each igory of health education,.such aa Ike’s Flo»a ^Srk * year;- Th^..nura«s regularly vlslY the semi-annv>al immunization ;^ ^ c u l« r we would » y . ^oi* do Droodles. .P arents to M eet Hospital FArt •U^injuttice to MaliOli^tor, wMoh. It ffOB MAXniUU iWiX u d TIWQBLS lSBS:Qr£SA0^7K X PHNA Pamphlet the homes of'all; hebi babies with clinft;*. a Uental hygiene- clinic in »p itooBB PiUt* Praised by Bush Skywdtch Schedule the offer of help in-.paring for the Ellington, and'referrals to crip­ U^ dOinf .iilMly. ond t(» jroureWv**,' * P e!8 c h e r 8 a t W A ; Shttw sTriJgram new baby. This counselling service, pled cli.Idren's, tumori-chest and Itt'-lho** noa*poHtlcal ecta ond;^!* Winsted, Sept. 2S c

--The El­ ______'> < x T if desired,-eojdUnues through' the mental hygiene clmlos^said Lavitt. hdM'^.wi^ch youjiavo helped'(t: \ Saturdayt-Sept. M child’s pre-school years,X.when senhower sdmlnlstratiott-and Con­ Mldn^lrt-3 a.m. .X...... '. Voluntaara Neaded x ^ ^ » ^ irig ,,^ e p t. 28 (Sp«'n.'v School. . X . ■ x work done -hy VUUthi'g nurses Is f ’i' apeeches in tins flood ravaged 10 a.jn.-13'Noon .. .'.'..j... U icy B u rh i 'X S : .V given 4,ver to H ^h. Coilnselling counselling f IdKe of poUtlcal partie*. 'c|l!oy city. 'x . ______Noon-3 p.>n. ..'.n ....'..'..jam es OHVmK 'r^XXX?::;x X s Parents will have ait; op^ortuni- ■services. tc 4dvi.se and helpv in maintaining I t'U it, to try and stlrllp a paTtlaaiis[. Ruth, seeking.re-election on the ! 2 p.m...... Tom Hicife^ ' X "sxx ,.ty to .meet the teachers iit their .. 1^'pai^phjet wlfl be diatnbiuai^«»*‘'’/5ke directors W ealth of- 'V m a I N ^ coll^tors Oct 16 wheft' h^^W uursas fuaa about town affaire, ' " ' • Republican ticket, visited not only 4 p.m,-8 p.m. >X^.....Tom Mickey x , X ^ x ; .individual classrooms between 7 to. 4 Wlnsted. seriously damaged in the 8 p.m.-8 p.m, . i ..-. Douglaa Stevens.'lJijiey Burba /x X / * ' fatnllics —‘“-with other communicable But voter* have It aa thair )nM*3 canvass for ^ $8,000 m the lofral August, 195.V flood, btit many-oth-|8 p.iH.-lO p.m. ; . Joseph Carlln.'IUcMfd.f^'rl^^ and 8 p.ni. The business meeting ll?HNA eaitrlpaign The money will diseasee,. to help in preventing lha, n>sa and their prUilef^e to let tha er comnvunltiea inUtchfield Coun-^ to p.m.-Mididghtp.m.-miujiieii| .Volimteora Needed \n ll begin at 8 o'clock. Mahv a nethe" limb-4-ahapely, or be liaed to sUppledient lncom<’ from spread, *ai4: the chairman, x ^ rteord'-atano, as it is. 'v X*" ly during the day. . y Skywatch Post located on top of 'Manchester Police otatlonxVolun- . W alter 'Voight, principal,- w'ilC at lea.st sCcVlc*ebIe--atllKauppoi'te eee and ■ town 'and'city -allotments. A number of 'clinics sponsored bv The a r t i r ^ d poHolas ' of Man- In a seiiea of^talks M credited teers may regietec. at Civil Defense'Hca'dquartere, Munictpel, Build-' xddresB .the group. Merle B.'W’ood-i Us owiiCr. tl.gnks, t«J the w'hlrlpopi . X"' ''X ■) bi-partisan efforl'tor enactment of ing, Mancheeter oh Monday, Wedneedsy, or Eridsy from l-g p.m, X Most people are fanj*liOi;.yvlth th e ; ^Chester Kovernmant in thaac crtti- the . nation's first flood insurance edside car< the uurSea, offeCi-^ey- ’ AaaociaM fr«M *• u [ cal. testing post-war years have *1111 M ck In PsychlatrU ta^D fllce' program and for approptjations BALLOT Wonr E. LaVUt, 'drive ch'airnikrt, i|^ua4 to^.ihe ly eVery movie ataif in Hollywood. died .Wedneaday, M«, waa b o r # ^ said, but some oKthc other Wptk to it. or been acts.and policies 'of which we Dri Schwlne read an article the enabling' a start to be made, on dMd. T^ursday.'^ He waa born In Indlatapolls..^ „ V T/ (I): If you Will be absent from the BlaWLdn October tret or officer* will bc-ih- charge at: re- embrace. A hydrotherapy, control "iHl olhttwtss credUed <15 ihW *aiper other dsqr that said that' there flood.protective' works. ■ X.': - they do is less well knpiv n. X ; ' FOR THE BOA^RD OF DIRECTORS 'aadsdio tbs______iccai seas_ pubUal^______beer*. .JI can be proud. We have a' -fine C3ilc8go. - , : • at. Pet'eraburg, Fla; --'Richard 'Tfovembea. sixth. ;freshment.*.' ■ x / • j board regidxtcs the degree of Disease prevention'-is an import- BANK ^ . ^ t a o(°r*pubUc*Uoa ot special aren't enough Psychiatrists in'the Folldwliig a campaign trail Manchester. N, Ji, -x MnJ. 'Gen, Charlea Jones,.^ 69v. retirad vice .warmth, and 'the laving action icBrt-iiereai are alee tea weed, , form of government,.we have fine, Officers an d.'c‘’ij}*"*^i®* c h a ir-} aiit '.part, of public health work, country. He ssys this is not true. taken last week by his Democrat­ Peter E. Traub, 92: - orgisniser of preatdent'of the'CeladMe Corp, of to vote lit persm at the PoHs:.^X men for.,.the'caming-..year are -a*, Stimulates and cleartoesKtremlties ci.rrted .out -by fult-time public honest people in public bffice, and ic rival, Rep. "Thomas J. Dodd, h^odopc R. Cuntinings r^Phniip . u serrlee dileat ai N. C. A^Sere- ■There are pienty of Psychia- _ the 'famed Tankee Divtsioit in America and manager of four of f2) If you me illi.iiUlrm m'pliysicallj^'tlicapactlated and imahle follow.*: President. Edwin Barberrl- that might have beert marked for healtb depkylments in certain roiti- *'*tac we have a General Manager who Bush schedule.. visits today in World War 1, one of the nlde.st Its plants, died Thuriday. vice pre.sident. Joseph Miles; sei;- j amputation in the so-called good niunitles. ih thto area, the visiting Sri!ssiaa*^T& ^N ^.h7s been filling hl$ poet'in. dis­ triaU. The problem ia — there are j Kent. Cornwall, Falls Vlliage, Nor old day*. , SATURDAYS Eugoae JCfll^ r x. >x Aliice M. Lomenzo graduates of the U.'S. MiUtary Los Angeles — Jane Bacom^SB, (2) If you are a student attending^achnol oiitaide the StatEX,^^ retary. Mr*. Fred Newnian: treas-! nuriies, in cooperation with part, tinguished. rmn-partiaan manrier, jpat -'too manyxPatlents: The I folk. Salisbury, Lakeville, Sharon, ACadimy at West Point, whose foririec actreaa, widow of actor lirer, William Procko; a d v i s o r. ^ Ih' the Manchester Meinortal time local directors of health, Dr.' *%%'* VS^SPT or article said that more and more Canaan and Colebrook. (5) If yon are a member of the. Armed JForces; Frdt^lsr^ahoiiey omcut-sTiuN’d even though . it>^waa Republican ‘military career extended. from Frank ^aron and Mother of the Voight; ways and means. Mrs. C. I Hospital, the physical therxpy de- Roy Ferguson In Vernon, Dr. F ran ­ '^- Pascal Poe people in the upper inroma groiip.s ' He ietiirn.s to this city tonight 1888 to hia retirement In 1926, died partm eht on the ground floor bears ai ManciveAie/i ^^uut Ga. ^ members of the Board of Directors late Lloyd Bacon, noted movie di­ (4) If you are employed outside the State'and naabitaln a legal Edward Manning and Mrs. Donaljl - cis H. Burke ih Rockville and Dr. Herald Ponung Coaspaay. iae., were becoming ' mentally dis- for a dinner and a major campaign Thurtdajr, ' \ „ rect .•, dled>^ilraday. . Hatfield: membership, Mrs, ,War-- witness to this aspect of medical John Flaherty in Elllngum, carry IS no llnsiicisl rasvoasibUlUP tor turbed." Dr. Simwine agreed with .speech. reeide'nra In Conneeticiit. : 893 MAIN STREET onJ 15 NORTH MAIN STPEfcT • MANCHESTER CONN ipatcal orrors appeartna In ad- who elected him and Democratic Londoh — Sir William GUliatt. ren Stoker; hospitality, Mrs. Guy: progress. X" on these, functions. Lavitt said.* members/who opposed hie election. this and explained to me that I — ------— Finney; program , Mile.v;'., bu Igct __ Vlaiti. to cxDcctaht m nlhers of- FOR TOWN CLERR FOR TREASUfltR Poor people have' to be content ■ ' - 72. the gyneeologiat -who delivered I^OR INFORMAHON And we believe even the Demo­ both children ot' Queen Elisabeth and finance. Ririrard Kothwtil; ' to school children soon, the school fer guidance and counselling fn hy- 9 A. IVI. to 12 N O O N with being plain L*iy or Good-for- Q efll/lft LiASl N ig h t x: ■ -Oiadiar. adecrtlaiBgadecrtlaii clostna Sours: crats who voted against his elec- li. and world famous aurgedn, died , TEL^Mi 9.7749 or Mi 9-7890 publicity, Mrs. Horace Ballard> , office has annoiinccd. hr jKotar—1■ p,aa.»n Ptiday. / Nothing or Jerky, but if you can ■i.- _. _, _ p.m. Hodddy.' tion now concede, except perhaps sffoHI to go to s head Expert he 1 Thursday. REPUBLICAN HEADQUARTERS The executive commiUee of the -..There ha.s been a- mild epidemic 'edneaday—1 p m.^T4*noay. Hickory, N. C. — Albert F. Har­ Wapping PTA wishe.s to remind of the grippe among school chil­ 'utaday—1 a m Wodaesday. in campaign season, that Man-ii!!"'' >'ou_that you re "disturbed." |i B;- THE .ASSOCIATEO PRE.SS ^7 East Center Street iday—1 p. SB. TSuntey. . . . , , . . , w Then he lets vou talk about voui New York Dr. Camille E. rison, 72. employed by the United all parents of the special Town dren h'tl has pretty well subsided Chester ia moat fortunate In hav- 1 Press from 1914 until his retire­ Meeting Monda.v evening si S now, according to school officials. X' ClaadflS*^nd&e: 10;SU a.m. •aes gives you a | Dreyfus, 78, one of two brothers Don't ite la ^ G et your absentee vQte in now. o’clock a t the Town Hall. day of puhlisaUoa saeept Saturday t- ing him. and hia leadership In.deal-) Shock Treatment. He hands you ' wlio pioneered in the development ment from the wire serr-ice's f k 'm . / ing with the problems of the pres- , his bill. And that's enough to ells- : of .synthetic textiles and chemicals Washington Bureau 3>j years ago, One item on the agenda will be The. Manchester Evening Herald ent and the future. ‘ j ttirb anybody. for 27 years president of the Cela the School Building Committees Wappllg, correspondent, 5lrs. John /fV iday, Sept. 28 report on the propo.setI site for a F. Keefe, Mitchell 9^6558. In all lhla.,the Republicans have nesc Corp. of America and chair­ W h a t's man of the firm since 1945.'died new elementary school, The Town Election led, and DgmocralS. have. bn occa­ • Hot lainch .Menu ■ A Thought for-Today Thursday. He was born in Switz­ So much partisahahlp has gone sion, comi fopwar'd with valuable erland. Following is the school lunch Rev. Paul Gullans p r e t t y -out of Manehdster public affatra. help. The voter*, we think, know Sponsored by the Manchester Hollywood, Sept. 28 - Hyman menu for the coming week: Mon­ Council of Churches.' Fink. 59, staff photographer of -Ip racant yaara, that it cointa as what they ow-e, and to whom, and da.v. spaghetti and sauce, green Covenant Speaker Photoplay MagazineTor 23 years salad, rye bread and biittCr. apple something of a shock to discover In what proportion. Boy's Proyer and known as ''Hymie" to virtual- saiire; Tuesday, baked pdrned beef ! The Rev. Paul Gullan.s. a native a s a — ...that both our political parties sre hash, biitlered pea.s, pickle, jam l, baked meat loaf, parsley, | the Covenant Congregational • genca and progress for Manches­ ' right against the easy wrong. COSMETICS basts of Its Tuesdsy editorial flay­ I Teach nj* to work as hard and whipped potatoes, buttered carrot*, j Church Sunday at 7:30. ter..■_ Cl anberr.v-sauce, rolls and biittei:. ing the Chinese Oommunista for jplay aa f|iir,in thy sight alone as ; W e O urry AU the Top LkM S ! Together with hi.s wife and two We have been passing through If the whole world saw. ; ► cookies; Friday, macaroni and children, the pa.slor has been called something the CTiinese National- cheese, wedge of lettuce and '.the most critical >’eara of our mu- ' Forgive me when 1 am unkind, [ i to e.slahli.sli a Bible Institute ' in EDWARD TOMKIEL NORMAN C. COMOLLO ~ l.sts, happened to have done, and ' and help me to forgive those who j > Arthur Drug Storusj French dressing, buttered green Finland, and i.s preparing to leave " l^clpal histor>', in tjdis poat-war A A A d f h.aiia, peanut butter sandwich, Educated in Manchester achools, American . Productlbn Manager,. Gray Manufacturing i i e-''" -r- p art of our flln w?aa Wondering ‘. are unkind to me. . ; for that ministry in the near fu­ Institute of Banking, an^ holds Associate Company,. Government Division. Bom in period, meeting ah^ solving the Keep me ready to help others at fruit cocktail. .Milk is served with ture. They are serving the Great­ whether the Tin'ies would-still c ^ - ’ all meals. Degree in Business Administration from Manchester and educated in Mancheeter 'biggest problems ws hsvi ayer iisd some coat to mj-aelf. Rend me er Europe Mi.ssion, whose head­ Hillyer College. Has been associated for 10 schools. Griuluate of University oL.Con- to face! , , demn the barbaric act-of firing on , chances to 6b a little good every S chool .Note* quarter,. are in Chicago. years with local banking institution. a typhpon-distressed ship sfter it\ day, and ao grow more like Christ jiectlcutXAttended Universitv of Coimdctl- If we wart to ba candid about Student accident insurance poli­ Tlie meeting is open to the pub-, Treasurer, Manchester Lodge of Elks; cut School of Law. Marine Corps Veteran found out who hsd reallj' done Baptist Obaen'ec cies are expected to be distributed lie. ttia way ..in wldch'thia community Member of Army and Navy Club; Treasur­ of World War n. Mejmber of Manchester ■fa It. er, Manchester Booster Club. Has partici­ Italian-American Club and Manchester has mat and a&tvad thasa big prob- Ho we .had better complete the i (Jnion SetB Phone Talkg pated in various capacities on moat charity Lodge of Elks. Fomier chairman of Man. .lams, Ukd tha modamiaation of iU i p k A drives. record. | Chester Housing Authonty,,,______fe\*aramaiit into the Board of Di- This morning the Times edi- i Haven, Sept. 28 idh Tele- ^iectora-.ileee DILLON SALES ond SERVICE .-1932, Educated in Manchester schools, Wtl- degree in Business Administration ftton' keep their guns silent until they broMet wM bfowto-eed-ei4»lle American International College in Spring- launched upon atratagies' of op­ The Fabuli^s ’‘45’’ lystemi let* you liston Academy, Tufts College and Boston know at what they' propose to grMlf. AC epen^fleA. Me^el University School of Law. Has been a field. Now serving his 7th successive year / position and haraeament and de­ enjoy almost two hours of music with 7IMPI 319 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER da Adjutant of the Connecticut Depart­ shoot." one loading . . . ii-'s easy-to piiy*.. . 544 95 lay. the final victory for the new - ■ . ■ ' ■ / member of the Board of Education for two ment, Veterans of Foreign Wars. Served 3 saves you money. terms. -Past president of the Manchester kchoel program waa a M-partiaan That would be a good injunction Vears in Armed Forces In Pacific Theater, for an.editorial page too.. M g l N O f M C I Chhmber of Commerce, Kiwani* and Man- VVorld War II.' Formerly member of victory. H thera had not been 'S*1 WAIN STtllT Coma in today I ches^- Baj- Association. Former Judge f Need we hesitate to jui^ge that, 6 Windsor Ptahnlng and Zoning Commission some Democrats who wert wiiung the 'rowTv Court of Manchester. and Justice of Peace.. Married and has two if the first news i-eport on the I to put tha public welfare ah4ad of SieeiN BSANCM and has two children, children. ■helling of the ship had correctly II NOam MAIN STtllT the purely poUUcal lure of a policy identified the guns firing on it, the mancmisth. Conn. Potterton^s of obatructloiilam, the , school pre-^ Only at Plantland on thOvParkway: grkm cnight k a ^ been lost, more N«w"Tork "nmes would have held 130 CENTER ST. FOR THE BOARD OF EDUCATION 1957-1960 iU own editorial Are?*', .That ia, 'than'once.; / ■' ,y' ' j •9 after all. the way. the world runs. OPEN 9 to 12 SATURDAY MORNINGS ■■■■ . ■ ■ r We m fdrtunate.^ we in^Mgnr- The barbaric act your enemy t \ ‘^cheater.^to having atriing clemtotz ■- / you crusade against; the barbaidc V- t t -Old to both poUUoal parties moling to act of your friend you ignore, un- loteeto play the MahchaMr gaiiie ahead | !•••, of course, you trap yourself of the political game. And that, THE MOST POPULAR VARIETIES! Into baying to admit that it ex­ of course, U exacUy the way it isted. Wjeldon’s Monthly News should be, in The face of our mod­ Mm

...A-;, HEiRALD. M A^C H ^ FRIDAY, SI IU^CMi$T£tt e v e n in g HERALIX 1 ES^EIB, GONli^w E.RIDAY, SERTE^IB^ 28, 19s f

.mond'X??^! tfnd^fHcer* ^dniahil heful to answer. t)neilkuis|(> ^ be. Several plaii»^.^r th'e 'new ad- will Install these officers ab/thc Wood^ridge, second,. vi'ed ' prcai-. -FUi^rljark'of _the, OsUctive Bur'eau rgtMrni ■■ r county ikUi.'bibere iirchiiect ditikm were .-conaimi'ed also, -but Mara^e cIubhoUsa.ort Oct; $7.., ' . * .7?/ dbnts; M r.'-^ d Mrs. F«]jx Klock, aat'up the capturi.: I^ey, bad befen, h e S i $C . trial oit k nibbeiy; -no definite eb in m tm ^U W.et^ A "SbieF buslne8.s meeting, pre- aMfetaries; and-Mc. oQ d ilex John made. 'keeping>^'a,tch on . tke^^arlnMDt w ith vi l$ncdN^a'ti[e. jlj^s 6^yaliw cedtiig thi' -elecUoh'‘gT offiCeV.s,. It Ntelaom treasurers. to;'Sit- and M.ra'.';?V!iy'®ny' S t h b o l n Library Tour'Slated was deoided to pain't th'e -cjubhdin^ 'O _ ele^tes to ' the ■ PTA Council jVol3!|l^d[ 4 ^ ■ Pagimtaj'irne^VV^lnestiay nijpt Following the meeting-..of the and fix up the property Ckil.-14, A -^i|e’5dcg n " H^m Burke M rs Gt lip that-the-fiigitivjL w a s In thh; -and & e two subcominittqeSi few' yearg ' .ago the uhit..wu...... qUHebertx'mifc ipn^ind] Mrs. '-.RotoerL A short step tow ard Utel^.SvkiifUal cni *lh thin] area, haVe Uie BBC -afone examined: the pee; rea.- t s t i- v W.;.01iVgr active Iti' s&r.fa' locally, 'and this -Ck'afts. 0>innilttei!^5hairmen are; BHdgepdrt. Sept... 2^^- to\|[eY^ a. tiwdein -achool. Withmit limlnaty.. plana for the. projeej^' fail llTls pramteij'iiOanh« enter, a bowl- i^^lieh a rheckiip^lected^coini)^iidaiit of lng7itnir.'bgaketbkll Pagaiu's absent ,ahd the dooc under WaaKihgtort Sehijol ^ a a ^ k e h last local M h afid^rsI Wllliain*D. Troy, pifi>t, ;]5bficlf>s;ton. Sepf. ?k A lert two l>mpiorittg who-Mek nomli ikMtisid - ' _ nenogK would •'eyentugllj'' become Bdckle^r4:halMfn.an o t ^ e Ubibrary W t ^ w v k • Jl MahafVi^id' comp^ttojC]^ 1faty;7'I|i's ■ and'''MCa. Raytndpd heavy padlock. Watt and Rohrback; tions for'tW o'bUite JSen,ate''8t_.. night When:, the 7Sc)iool - 'B i^ lp g police *iihbbed.. Raymond' J^ aLpeisk' * dbaoUteS/,^ Board-.'■ , v / c ' • meitt 'df tlfib Marine' CpiT>a. League Qulsilr tofreshmenta; . Mrs, 'Abided to inteiwiew Spelsk'-cprfteaua J. DonniHy kvhnU thb MJU A&680 " ;0 ^ m lttee'k d d ; ^ e r t ( ^ qfftclajk --^Thore ioirie 'meegFeement' Buckley expigined th a t> since Bra.utlgainj'^hbspitaUty^ and Mr. EVERY SA' Jr. 35, a Utchfield County jalt ea-. mother.; While ;tajking:tb3l\ei;,.. they Wednoeday: 4nlght.7' at ^"the ''olub- ■' nonttnilkav over Williatn L.''K«ller N^mrtt^Jhe archHecHto revlae^ hla8 jlajjt night ^ tke. condiUqn the.4$40,Mff avatlapie In the Drake and Mrs. Joseph (?zerwlnski, mem- capee. Mter -bVeaklng into a S- demanded- a key' to the Pagaho in the Slsfri^atrict., Stkte ■^'uhd' would be. Uaed'-tn .conalruct: hpuse on W7' MWdJe “rplce;'';; ’i-ograni'^PiaBned ^0 GAMES— 5 SFECIALS— 1 VflPSTAKE I'riion rcJiiiviii j-<»nnea-,^ -i j j roobvaparfment'hei e yestefdaj-, '^present plena vidth an eye Gosffee ■-hieintalned 7 the herthlp. T heX’ovcntry''-iahxiJiBryf- ^ W h 'i i lipartment, -which s h e . p r o v e d James J. ,Wnewi»,.fll*d a ^Uttbn Ing the addition';-' he '.thtiught it _ Cffievalier, a veteran bf*.World.. L ite r they arrMt'<*d his mother, (ajong with lh> InforntaliOrt that ' 'm lng the‘esllmated WSO.OOtf coat o ft ^ U '‘ ‘"^ X v a » 4ff ;'‘e\celte^ cond.l- 7:45 P,M. ^winj* Uirw/J*A!Ob«oftaaidrf<^r<^Jr<5a.' i«i8'irpcin8onnK''a *l>ab80iinK a p<^chpMich rtait-1 ■ k g a ln s t M ilton . J. H^itriiimn, a fo rm ­ <_ the'project, i ttoit’,’ and. "With . the exception of Would be fitting if the neix/o***’ " War. tl with three years service Bv Hollister PTA British Togoland, under trustee­ Mr.«f. Ciithdikne kpel^s,, 6d. on a iner .son V'a.s;Uiere. dreh-Ut^iporn be najned. the Dntkg^ •Oalinat lHia-^^jrned. TfivIifis as his | 'al;U «W '>'^"fc6ni i;30 U<9.p.m>f. er Senatorr in the 33nd^C^trict. V > -^ «U n g the SBC smd archi'-^ Improved lighting and heating syz- in the south Paclfte, has beefi ah ship for - theTL’ n lt^ N a tio n s, pro­ charge of harboring a fugitive, . Memorial (Children's Rrmm. .'■ ^rsaadn to tahi>are ot privaio husi-1 in thp t^U xh Oiwmunrty House,] W7iH,,.Bnd Rehrhafk siiminoncd ■ . tect'4¥lllard W hkt^ at the Munici-; tejna^and some other uulnor altet^- active member of the local detach- A progra.m for the year', antlrely duces 'one.-sixlh''Dig7WMtd's supply' K The young former stsilC' prison ollce al'd,-succeded'in opening-one Buckley^aJso invited-the mem­ *^A. will, sc'rv^ I inmate was returned to tlie coun­ - pal ButWlng were Aubcommitteea tions,-'little femodeling^.work was rtienXainpe he'-returned from the different from any presented pre­ of cocoa;- — -Ad ver tige iln ^ h ft. H c r a w ^ lC ^ ^ ^ th; pisk only, io'-''find, the entrance' 7of the Boam-of Education and the' essentials. bers of the SBO>t() tour thS'Che- services'-'TX'/, 7 . * The first aelerUnan also said; alim;U.-a^ey]f>t?,-coffee, soft j ity jail. His mother was placed un­ ■ ? ? I ney Library some'evening in'in/ viously ami containing man^ sur­ DeLmar Pottar had resigned as:'I^'nK§,,niid miljr;' - bltK'hed.;.:' ' Board •Of Directors. . ' Miller joined Goslee. by saying der J1.50O bail. . >v,_ - Jforcihg their--way in. the police j der to get ah Idea of the requlre- '. Other .officers elected --were: foreman of tM road department, tfrJ Thejewill he special Vm ea. Prov . Moat vocal in the.lr assertions] there are some new school di^yel- prises^ for ■ parents., attending, in­ Hid Behind Sofa foirftd Spei.sS Jifding- behind the j hie.nts for the new addition. Benton W.. Osgopd Sr,, vice.''coitt- U k t'a better pnaltlon at'tba UnM.< ''C'la wiHbe'for the ti-easury. fund, Spels.s w a s captuied as he ,bi(t that coSte'inust be pared before opmcnls which ^an he overlooked Inandant:, Bernard Welscr Jr.,' vice cluding "honor parents]" awacds. '-veraity-Xif Ctmneeticul. i puiinly for^ u and equi]^; sofa ami. Jiald ttbll, "apparently in i approval would, be-granted, the as non essential, and agreed that was drawn ,ilp by the'executive' ‘■ h^ind a sofa' in hi-s brother^ln- a belllgcreht mood." -. commandant; tYUliam Matte, ad­ 's , Oillnat Refused to make a aiaie^t nieift. . Tli.kois are'ayailnble from 4 project wei-e Raymond.. Goalee, the building was in fine shape. board of the Hollister P T A ' at a , laVs, apartment. His. mother ad- Spiess .surrendered meekly. how--| jutant. and paymaster; Jerry R.^ ■ jneiii todav other than conflrra the'^Thouins'nimnadk. .lobn Rose, Mal- chairman o f the SBC. and^ ToWk :.^Wilkin8, however, maintained WSC to Alter meeting held this week.- ; mitled she had hidden her son ever. after hearing his mother's; .Saptenzv. judge advocate; Robert .3^ ^ fact thal^ies,had been diseharged ‘ olm Prvlnc. the Satety Patrol of*. Hhei'e, police said, Directors Pascal Po« and Jacob that, sevijral aspects of the exl.st- ;Co!by, sergeant at arms; Russell Open house will be held at the . . iplea. ami wa.s handcuffed quickly.-i Miller. ing building neededsfofret-tion. He eeling first meeting. Oct. 9, beginning, ^ t ’ >' C and will lit .avnitahle at the ^-..Mve Toriington police officials ‘ He wks taken to the Litchfield t J. Pollertdn, -chaplain; Herman haa how a*immM>^e position of door, .luhii ''J.' Olekslw However, all three agreed new fa. cited the decayed \rindpw sathes. Wlerzblckl, service officer; Wil­ with a brief business meeting at 8 and officers converged^ on Spei.ss siMe Police barracks, and When he 1 eUities must be provided .for the o'-’ lock, follo^'ing which teachers supe rvisor o f' the to\vh- jroad.s pro- tiirl Burned hy t^^ft^e ■ after his mother, who had accom- * 1 the. inadeqiia.te cafeteria ahd in­ The WSCS of the North Metho­ liam Tfo.v, chief of staff/Anthony expected increase in enrollment, will discuss the year's work with ''"jra m .. Shirley Aiin'cv Slohc, ■ 2->^r^oId John J. Olcksiw, I t Kiilton Rd., panied the police frorfi her home to convenient lavatory facilities/ dist .Church will hold, its October Angelo, historian, and John I and the posalbility -some of 'the parents in each 'room. Refresh­ Auxiliary______^ ...... Pommilteea dauglilei of Mr. and Mi-s. John I w ill be a candidate for. a terin.^on the apa-ftnienLt.'heggel him to sur­ 5 ^ ''-'Arthur Illlhg, supertnlendeht of meeting next Monday ai 8 o'clock Mrosek, legal counselor. existing accommodations were be­ .s'cbools, presented a 7'-po'lnt list of at the church. All membera are ments will be served. Mrs>Ralph"kI. Burns, prclSidcnl ^h'kyry Dr.. Lakcvicw Ter ,, "the R o ard of K d tu ation in the town , render ^ -peacefully. Harold A. Osgood, Chester ^7 coming obsoleffe>Their chief target lequifenients which received' gen­ asked to note'-that meetings will .The officers of the Hollister, P T A of the American Legion Auitlliary I •arc, suffered fust and scrond de- 'electnm.- H.e is a Denipcrat. The i/ Ju st prior to that she had told ; Yaworskl and CHarence. Jeffers \ was the estimated' $124,992 quoted eral acceptance by--.the officikl.v now be held on the first Monoay for this year are: Mr.- and Mrs. has named- her coihmitlec chair-i P'*'* burns yr.sterday atlcrnoon j term he fk»cekiiig cnd.sn.i l9,-)9; - ' police, .who had confronted her in i REVLYN as the cost of remodeling, the exist­ were elected trustees. V men as follows: [when slie .spilled a cup of hot-ii}-l ^ pr-i.fest'or of aicminting her home Avith - request to pro-' present, ^ df-each month. Victor'Swanson, presidents; Mr. dress. shop ing 8-i'Oom building. _ . llllng*H Proposals Mfs>.J^ella Wha.ples. chairman of State Commandant Kenneth, L. and Mcs. Charles Baxter, first vice Arherlcanism,* Mia. Waliri'Waitfi' K" - ■ttre—over A duce a key to her son-in-law's Goslee was particu l^y Irked by Yeakel of New Haven and his staff pHi tnient at M o r -'k Ryxific.s.s C o l­ . !'• fou r general . cla.Hsroo'tn.'!, the coni'hvLs.sion on missions, will presidents; -Mr. and Mrs. Ra.vmbnd Miltgcn: child welfare. Mrs. and shoiildcra. , apartment, that she had piit her! I Famous Make Dresses I ♦he $7.50 per square foot aaked for/y|,i,.j, could "be contained in a 2- xjlarence S, Grant. Columbia; com­ She was taken to , Windham lege, in Hartford. He also serv­ son there "this morning." She , direct the evening's program. Mrs. .At rldge St. itnd mates of renovation coals are diffi­ nounce a new "study groiip on from Pre.sidont Eisenhower asking Pacific theater, returning in Wind- .MKKile.Middle Tpke.ipkc. r.. F.. hygenie. "Mis.sion Field U.S.A." P H A R l i A C Y Girls State. Mrs. Helen MacFar- him to supply inroiiiiatioir a.s to freedom last TiiMday.' cult to achieve. He said these esti­ SOI'.-whol e he served on the Town mates are_ generally reduced con­ 3. Office space and teachers' T|ic Jo.v Circle is in charge of 4S0 HARTFORD RD. (pOiRNER QF land. Mansfield: Gold Star -tha-iiiiniber of volunteer.'! who will The alertness of police Capt. Ed- room to replace pre.senl small Mothers. Mrs. Charles ■ Fahey, Planning Conimi.sslon and as a siderably when actual building refreshments. work at the polls ahd what the Justi'cV'of the Peace. room, and to offer .space for cleri- Mansfield;' graves registrations, town's quota in the rampnign will starts, and it is often more ad- ’ Olekslw's service to veteran.s vlsable to quote a higher figu re'^"' Mrs. Loiila Steullet. be. Said the wire, "Also please Also, hats, Mrs. Ernest Marsh; earned him the American.'Legion when putting such approprialihn re*! ? ** needed tn maintain contact Will Eckei* Leave.s remember,your campaign ideas are State Department's ".Most Distin­ quests on the voting machines. His 1 various buildings, Junior activities, Mrs. William always Welconie." 4. New Hotchkiss; .legislative. Mrs. Ed­ guished Service Award" in 19,Vi. R U S C O reasoning hen wa.s that it was: lavatory .facilities to re- For Iowa Contest ' FOR ALL PURPOSES X ward S. Fl^iut; memorials, Mrs. Cub- .Vward.H Miule. one of the first ever given a 'VFW easier to cut. the appropriation ' toilets in basement which '^Cub Scout Pack awards dis­ official by the Legion. Ruilding a home or garage thi.s Fall? than to get more funds.* once * . .1 . arenr* toot/%r» ^inconvenient in/srtnI'oniAnf fbr **ar4Ac«ti«4 "adequatea Burns; music, Mrs. Charles. SELF-STORING COMBINATION DOORS Ralph Von Ecker. .509 Keeney tributed Wodtresdny night at Cov­ He is a member of the American .■\dding a room in the attic? Remodel­ referendum had been held. control.* WHEEL CHAIRS Ralach; national security. Mrs. St., a senior at Glastonbury Hlgjr]' entry Grammar .School follow; Accounting Assn., and the East­ it wa.s also pointed out that in .5. Libraiy and general work Stephen Loyzim; Pan -American ing or repairing? McKinney has Ev­ School, studying vocational agri­ Bobcat, /irlhiir Chc.ssori, Edgar ern Business Teachers .\ssn.. and renovation work buildets often room space. study. Mrs. Richard G. Jodry; past erything from cement to paint; from culture. will leave tomorrow,Jlrorn- has been active-in the VFW for 10 ■ leave themselves a large anfely - 6. Renovation of exi.sting rooms, CRUTCHES president's parley, Mrs. Hotchkiss; Johnson; bear. Orlo .Smitfi. Ste­ ing to participate in a bational phen Bowen: lion. Thorny Welles, years. lumber to hardware . . . and all at margin for unforseen evemualities. which are now inadequate, by im­ (CHILDREN AND ADUL'TS) Mppy, Mrs. Marsh; publicity. Mrs. BAKED-ON proving lighting, .siib.stituting dairy judging contest at Waterloo, Steullet; radio. Mrs. Eugene W. Michael Meirlam. He married the fortner Lorraine thr-r-ifty McKinney' prices. Drop in At one point during the meeting. Goslee and-Wilkins were apparently lackboards for blackboard.s, and ToWa. under the sponaorshlp of the Conner; rehabilitation, Mrs. Gold arrows, Tylei/pcvine,, Boulais of Manchester. They have and let’s discu.ss .vour pro.iect. We FSiture Farmer87.-of America. Th.e FOR RENT arFOR SALE two sons: John,"57 and James, 3. ENAMEL unable even .to reach an under­ increasing storage space, B u n ^ trophies add awards, Mrs. Charles Loiveiy. AViiliani Locke, have , dozens of dollar .saving ideas Insulation standing on the ('oats of the com 7. Cafeteria improvement to in- contest will staft Monday. Judatz; United. Nations, Sirs. Per- Djivid Foster, Ronald Hiidak.. Rog­ and labor-saving short cuts, Ixiad.s of bined projei't. Goslee produced fig -: elude new lighting, and ceiling and One of three boys representing rotti. er ,Feueripan: silver arrow, David fault'd P&iT' Florida Head uies from the general manager's general improvements .to make the St^tb of Connecticut on this • BED PANS • CANES At Ita meeting Monday the unit Foster; webclos,, David Foster. U- •__ ; Avoilabte In wtSTfa'and any • idea-pack^ free booklets, too. ether baked-6n wealhar-retil* .s(|. fL office, reputedly presented by Wii- .area more attractive. team, "Von Ecker earned the priv­ Toted to purchase-two sleepers and Service star.s, one-year pins, Ka.st Hartford. Sept. 2SiA>)- lant decorator color I kin's firm, that said The project Before asking Wilkins to revise ilege by being "he of the top three • BACK RESTS • TRUSSES • SUPPORTERS a botUe.of vitamins ^o^ the Public Stephen Bowen. Tyler -Devine. Cliarlc.s T, Roelkc. 38.- formerly of Be snug this winter iipder a would cost about $281,232, Wilkins , his pla-ns, the SBC members indi­ ■jiidge.s in thb State dairy judging blanket of mat-thick Gold NYLON ELASTIC STOCKINGS Health Nurzing Aaan.' and to send Ronald Hudak. Roger Feiic.inian. ! Tul.sa. Oklahoma, has been appoiht- Strong hot-dipped galvanized Don't miss this disclaimed knowledge of these fig­ cated one of the chief areas where contest held at-, the . University of from $5.98 pr. several' oAceri to the department Robert LeLachein, Robert' Mc­ j cd general m.inager of now opera- tubular tteel conitruclion I Bond insulation. lOn sq. ft. ures and produced his own figure of savings, might be effected wa.s Connecticut last l^ay. ^ PROMPT DELIVERY TO YOUR HOME parley Oct. 27 at the Hotel Bond, Grath, Tony Standfest; den chief I tions in Florida of the Pratt & Saturday Special bundles J4.0n, $2.50.640. in the plan for accoiisUcal ceilings Hartford. . _ aw ard. B a n y p — •'-o. j Whitney Aircraft Division of Operatei juit like a window — After some deliberation, it wa.s and floor tiles, 1 • N WEIvCOAIli!!'P*!e R Camplata and Prompt Proscription Sorvica Mrs. Harold Newcomb has been j.ybitpfl Airer.i/f-Cuip. Newton V. polhing to change — nothing decided, that the figiirea were ap- It was also .--s'uggesled that Helena, Mont. (g’<-'-A'}-oiing deer Sccepled 'as a ' hew niemh^^^ ' Manchester Lv . g HeraUI Cov­ j 'Tiilnc.v. 46. fo rm e rly of J a c k so n - to ttorrel prnximalely the .same, .since the change.s inclu(44 a 1-story rather paid a visit to Montana's capital r Botery Club Speaker entry correspondent, Mrs. C,, L.' j villejj Fla., ha.s been appointed di- MAGICPANElW Fingertip Ven- 20 per cent profit and fees charge than a 2-strf'ry addition, and a flat | clt.v b'ut he wasn't very well te- ■’'Th'e'Rotary had s F speaker OPEN ALL SATURDAYS crub LitUe, telephone Pilgrim-S-ggglr - , vlslbhal v.antiolicr of tlje same op- tilolion Control. ' " had nnl been added into W ilk ie s ; roof rather than a pitcheri roof. | Ceived. ThreC pollceineh and a Wednuday night in the First Con- J erations. The company announce­ flgurc.s. i Other recommendations w ere: game warden chased the animal rregktional Church, Clifford Sage. •STR.ANtiE LOOT ment yesterda.v also said it would While Goslee. Poe ami M i l l e r offered. •’“ 1 ho general agreement I out of the city— for its own prolec- HarUor'lartford. There~ were fiv«Avi8itora- * - P H A R M A C Y / Las Cruces, N. M. i.P> — Peace soon. - begin construction of sn were agreed much .saving could tie "a s achiee'ed in what they would [ tibn. I from Cheater and Westfield at the officers here are wondering jpst engineering and development fa­ TOUff HOMl/CAH Bl AS 459 HARTFORD RD. ((XIRNER OF McKEE)— TEL. M I 9-9946 dinner meeting served by the made in the renovation phase o f ______; cility in Frernote aeclion of Palm £umbflr Ladies. Assn, of the church. what is going' on fri one thief's MODERN AS TOMORROW the project.' Sherwood Robb, ■ Cath^le Women to Meet famil.v. H e took .IS pairs of M e n 'j Beach CoiintyXFla.. for the design Board of Education and . trousers— and' sevTn~matHhttj'" of hlghly"'#dvaru?ecal St. WEST HARTFORD. CONN. WINDOWS an* DOOSS the estimated cost-a reasonable, NEW .LARGER QUARTERS Mary's Church will be on the 7- B A N K 0 figure aim e "we are getting a mod- ■ member panel. ern up-to-date school for the price j PLENTY OF FRONT AND REAR PARKING Guest speaker will be Albert far below the cost of building a- NEXT SPRING Bobideaux. cate supervisor of thh BOX MOUHTAIN new 12-i'oom structure," j AUTO GLASS INSTALLED 'Norwich Diocese Bureau of Social SATURDAYS V Mi'S. .Sltiek also said much of] Your Garden Will Be Cljorious With Service. There wUi be a display- of the normal majoc maintenance and GLASS FURNITURE^ TOPS religious articles by Mrs. William repair woik'had been postponed in Extra Large, Foreing-Sixed Bulb$r Kegler. • Willlmantic. and Mrs. the past anticipating th'e lime when ;8tgv« Dino, Scotland; and a ceram­ Ma4'toUeAie/L ^n444i Qa, MIRRORS I (Firoplact and Doar) the projected renovation would ics display by Mrs. Francis Minor of St. Columba's Oiapel. Columbia, S'»3 MAIN STRfET ond '5 NOCTM MAIN STOffl • M ANC-!E ‘ 110 CONN be pompletcd. PICTURE FRAMING (all typa$) REPEAT SPECIAL! who la district president in charge R(jhb, In (lefending the. project, at the meetings. 9 A. M. to ia NO O N said the area around Washington W INDOW and PLATE GLASS J. School has reached a school popu-j latlori plateau. Unlike most other j JALOUSIES: instiUlatloii Is Oulck, Easy and Econalnimi; T U L i F S — p O k M ISS C O N N EG T IG U T W ILL BE HERE sections, of town. Robb said, there I Darwlh,. Trliimph.-~. Separate or Doc. Is ho likelihood that once the reno-! icONTRACi'ruRS: WE HAVE IN SruOR ' mixed colors. > SUNDAY, SEPT. 3 0 -2 P. M. fo 6 P. M. vation and' addition is completed j MEDICINE CABINETS and SHOWER DOORS that the school would become over'!•- 1 YOUR AUTHORIZED TO SERVE AS HOSTESS d u r in g OI R SECOND U'EEI^ OPENING Open SalUrdnya — Open Tbursilxy''Eveningn ELBERTA crowded. For this reason, Robh; “Early."Early Birds of Spring”.Spring” ^ , said, the present project would] ESriMATEB GLAOLl’ OIVEN DEM.ER FOR ALL THE prol^bly be the only' .Chance the > N WORLD-FAMOUS C R O C U S S S 'X 50 for $1.95 GENERAL-ELECTRIC OPEN TODAY and DAILY FROM NOON TILL DARK The Bank that gives y o u PLANNED SECURITY Here, at a very attractive price is ifffered-the very ultimate iii mod­ DAFFODILS, HYACINTHS. NARCISSUS. 7 A P I^ Ia HCES! Ideal For Canning ern living for young Americans!' . . . 3 bedrooms, large'living room, SCILLAS, MUSCARI, MADONflA LILIES. kitchen with ^irch cabinets, fully paneled recreation room, basement JAPANESE YEWS are the aristocrata of--rounda- ; pr Freezing garage, aliding ’door tub enclosure, your choice of all interior an^ e-g- tinn planting. BeauGful green terior colors, ceramic tile, Formica counter and wallpaper selections. year round free of insect trouble— last a llfeHme, enhance the AVAILABLE AT THE STAND / Full cellar. . . ' .. value of you'r property. /' „ 276 OAKLAND ST., OR AVERY Lat tis help you with your planring problems. Our STREET FARM, WAPPING advice is FREE!

/ ; VA and FHA MORTGAGE AVAILABLE Pero’s Orchard 2*/e DOWN TO QUALINED VnlRANS 276 OAKLAND ST. QUILT-LINED A i No Fxtra C o s t' Additional Features -- .3 Ft. Siier-Ro9. $8.95 ...... i ., $6.95 FULLY-LINED POPLIN - ~ ^^ r Built-Ini — B O X SUITS C A R C O A T S HOTPOINT Built in Ovnn O N L Y 6 .8 8 O N L Y 6 .8 8 • Pure virgin wool. . . newly patterned •'i.Slurdyptmart-leebing colteti-; STAMPS • COIN^ " -- Built in Surfact Units 24"— Reg. $6.95 ...... New $5.95 • 7$V. wool with IS*/, nylohr otetofe • Impregnole treated fer woter-re|i|Qeiice MANY OTHER srECIES OF K\'EPGREEN. [ MODEL AIRPLANES • Fully lined In rustling rayon taffeta '« Heavy quilt lining in body and sleeviM FX)R THOSE K.MI*TY SPACES IN YOUR GARDEN, T R Y OUR MODEL RR - HOTPOINT” *" *>Nbwasher Savings Bank Fife Insurance • Streak.ttraight slimming lines • Detachable quHte^ alhweather heed MODEL BOATS AND GUNS • Ixtrii designer details: tabu button • Newest metal dpg*lM>th dieting Also GfORrod Worm Air Hoot and Hot Water . CHRYSANTHEMUMS ev punctuation,-club and cenvyrtible collars • Beep diagoqol peckets; chomeh'lined A blaze of color until late is a Family Affair 5 or - • Sites h iv 16 fail. Extra jmrge l•lurf)p». • Red, navy, elfbreeal groy, pewodi Wo carry REVELL MODELS Only a Vary Few 5-Room Ranches Left— Savings Bank Life Insurance is Hundreds tiKniek from. mere 80c SHOP IN AIR-CONDITIONfD COMFORT Your Savings Earn •Sites to tell ; .T bedrooms, beautiful^chens with birch cabinets and exhaust fan, low-cost '‘ea.sy-to-btiy” protection, be-. ■ 8 5f ideal modern layout. .EuUJli^ment,_ame8ite drive- . 'cause it’s sold DIRECT to YOlJl right way, cenmiic tile at“ the Savings Banlt of Mah- - You Need Shade? ’ "chester. I t ’ .s the thrifty, modern way VA and FHA Mortgages Available • • ' ^ 7 _ L o«> o re rh m d ■ to get good sound life iiisurance for NORWAY MAPLES m eans’ yourself and evjrj" 'member «of your S(N (iur Btautiful Cape^Mr 10 ft. to 12 ^t. .. ..,,. $ 9 e9 * 5 74t iow p r i ^ f ’ ^ _^ A d m lr^ by 'TtinuMnds family. Stop in and talk to our Life ]('urrcnt Anqiial UrgCHviriKrrooin, cera'injc tilie bath and .shower, witchen Dividend Rate ,• fojtCMO. 009 lett Insl^fance Manager. i to Toltr^TTTr. r^T7T^7,95 . with birch cabinets, 2 unfinishedm ■mm arooms w < B a s » a#sron 4,-vwaisecond floor. Gan he • Mo teocf Outuree bought with dormer, fireplace, which are optional • fie iltow mmoew* at extra cost. See it gfnd you will fall in FLOWERING SHRUBS, LIME, FERTILIZER. HOBGY s i i a m loye with.it. ^ , and up ASGROW LAWN SEED, PEAT MOSS. i V A 'andxFHA Mortgages Available ' , ' . V - .JOHN J. ZAPADKA , BERLIN TURNPIKE. ROUTES 5 and 15 4 4 5 HARTFORD ROAD, Near McKEE 403 CtNTIt St. At diiiw oio>10 ^ /• Coll Mlfeholl 3*i31,V, for liUarmoHon V 168 Woodland Street — Tol. Ml 3.K474 •c OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 ^ OPEN DAILY, 9 to 9 FREE PARKING NEC fjuuiNO • oetM fvfST m m A , : i : ' CHET ZOeep ^ • ^ . * •- ‘’-I * ' '• ...... - . ‘ •. -K ' ■

■ ' ' - i " ■- A '- ’-"-' •U V ' •* ^ ^ ‘ • t v ' ••• l ’< . A . ' i. . . . ' h - - r • : . ' M i TER BVENINC gERALD, MANCHBa|*g&. CQNN^ FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28,1958' ■ < mi MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHEiSTER» CONN., FRIHAV. SEPTEMBER 28, 1956

Special Session Classes to Start 30 miles per Abur today, but dimin- Oil Sees Labor State Promotion GOPCaiimdafe Flosde Fades, iahihg.to is. to .18 milesiles per hour Adlai to Rap Ik 0^sf -A special voter-making ats- At ^pney Tech ''v Crowd graves Weathei:^ tonight and 'SatiU’day. non will be held )tom 0 a.m. ^INAL WEEK A g^cigjfteadies sOiitintp -- "Tldea will run two to three feet to noon Saturday in The office - F O I t > Bvenlog classes” <4n -blueprint Above normal tbday,'1)0111(111 be-; of the town clerk at the Munid- For ¥"arkad& doeiimg *inpt)rto4Guide j ^ t i a n t i c Come more normal tonl^hC.. Living Cost Spital pat.^uUi I^Baeldi^ Eisenhow er rMdtng, shop math«ma^cs and CANNING AND TAtLE machine shop p'racUca W - &a. Saturday.” ' Th^aeW oif'lg'being held ex- HoWofl Cheney Technical Scim^ Wlhdaor I8bpt;. "The 'umet:. Harlitard " WeAther V. .Llusively for - R ^ on s whose wilt commencfr''Monday ev«ning r u'reau statelnei^ on • this stonii' Ui6ucht‘’(i( Qt#^cuj|tom*. of the (CODTfaneg'frDm Paia.Oa«) trying to buy” the worllec’ji vote. *rlie 14.5 tnitlido Manclieater^ther afq^latmsnU,'-^ but Bush mang'pe^eciimit^mamtf '8torm Fibsat#\ia becdmmJ^^^ (Dm ObM fPO» rightTq beconie-voteCa niatured , at the schooL ■hopping Paricade got off to a fly lingered behind to mingle with the add moving ouL,pVeir tint AUahtlc* ■i»dH be' issued iit',.l,3',M pim., to- old. Romiiiis. "wh«i^7 ^ r«»d 'ahobt •'Concrete benefits” given ^ t h e ,d66't-’ki«)w''the Spahiiih word, for riay.^’'^,,, ' A , . . labor force will not Amtrlcan workerby the PEACHES lag itart yesterday aa Manehestef' alj^ JiW autograph and ' e U.S.'WeathekBumaif hZre'aaiid' Mm wUU oonfetu on hia nde from fho^reat Repuhlican banetwagona ahalie'hgniU. He wae-a'eeorapaineid tlveta, bolts, aerkws anC’t^ifiyft*- day. ■ that ■ were, going all over -the voters Satvxrday will be able 'win hower states,, to increase u n e m - ^ and area rcaidanta braved chilling tha allTwrl to the downtown area, - i. . ■ - . Aiptough certain ‘ unTdn leatNjjSqyment .compensation, and :ex- U>”TQ. p.m. from October-Through . •E tIE R T A * HALE by hte wlfe and daughter , on thh ad' producii'-^eir $%e bureau’s, atatement. issued \ j iwi cdwntry. tpmpleie with moVieer vote in the town election Mon­ March?^;- A t the end of Iha course, , waathei to turn out in impmeive \ end again. ai; he aUrode through, j«epg_ g ^ ati4-|^dg^a of all kinds erS*^. whom he did not identify • panlHng social security coverage, numbera for ita formal opening. impromptu good will tour. out. blit the Bta(e Det^elop) n r ^ e area around Haettprd and' day,. , a carU8catft.4^ it be awarded., to GOOD SWEET PEACHES THAT TASTE LIKE PEACHES A nilhtary band .concert and a' GommUaion does< .' ' . Spririffteld, Maos.,, at 4:13 a.m. Yfact^rd, 8epii"38 Jim— Plane htB'i|Qdt!Wce to the speaKera plat- j — to g^-SjlseWww«r and Nixon '•‘have•’indicated their approval of! . "But^the really important con-* those . who- have ' coinpleted the- • l,arge crowds flocked to the . In order to become a vmter, s ( our- opponenta”',. Nixon said,- the ] trtbutlon,”^Jm said, ,“is that we parade drili by a amartly ootfltted ■fhe^business promotion agency^, aaid: \ form. ' again rp'a .docile< complacement,* course satisfactorily:- ahopping canter during the day, 'raport^>..t0c|ay It ia preparing a by Un^rvfobd Corp. to , build person must be a citizen of the- (rank and Ale o(.labor will-'vote fOrlhelped establtsb^ a new climate of and by 7 p.m., when the formal National Guard' rifle' teahi along S tom Fidssle hka continued to Stevenson cgllad his talk a "W c-; carefree people all happily c'hant-: The other courses offered will with the speedhea lent ai festive at­ second edition (the first was a .modern mulli-miliion dollar United States, he. must have IPresident Elsedhower "because-t-tabor.. retations.”*-vFor ?he first dedication eccemoniea were sched- Ataaken Md qt'0>.a.m. . it was - lure". After hitting ht GOP cam- ting-prosperity and prog lived in Connecticut for at lea.st not be held because of insudficignt mosphere td’ ialnAtght's acttvttiee. tnted in 1963)'Crf the •!Conne«tl- diffuse, elphgated cchier of light tdry on a 140-acro .traot of lano ain’t it wonderful.' . they knovv that d e cile all The' time in 24 years, thdiistrial peace PINE KNOB ORCHARD paign proc^ure, he solemnly -told * " one year, and in Manchester talk they-have heard lo the. con haa been the rule rathbe^than the enijqUment, but will T>e offered at. ^ But; the inouamm.thousailda. orof viarVialtoffe t export guide," A puttfeedlon to winds add Relatively loRc' ,barom­ In'W indsor have beeri - ppstponld a capacity crowd in-the 3,g00-eeat’ ^Someone in the audience yelled; a later date if addltioha]- enroll­ area were Hard to j themeelVaa generated the rpoet ,aent to 8.000 martufacb^^m,' eter extending friup Norfolk, Va., "^Ve don^t-want It." for a t least .six months. trary, the actions of this Adminis­ exception.” . IndeflhUely. R. K, Allertbn, the Miaaourt'-theatcr: ' -i, tration have been good for labor,” ments. are obtained,. Any^'adulta AVERY ST.. WAPPWG importers and purcb48JlHr''4geink; northeastward fqn^OO' miles. ■ typewriter cqnc'ero’s public rela­ '•Th€ rrest cauldron of the w Hesterday thA Is now seething t o a boll, while ouri*l>” 1 kack. The crowd rw e d . ahw of the other courses tnay do rhe fim edUloH^it Wiu be printed ing the.outlook -for the Democratr "a majority of wage earners” get the ADA i Americans for Dem­ ing,slowly northeastward oVeit the for the time being Undetv'obd/ljs, lUpuhHcan friends say all Is well f- Talking again of Republican realize that President Elsenhower: so by contacting the school office, a h o ^ n g « lighted atoiWB unUl B p.nu YUla wae injpajnlih. Atlzntlc. going to operate at its andvdon't bother to even look at campaigning, Stevenson went on ic ticket in the Nov. A election. ocratic. Action i Fair Deal type of Tpke., and Broad St>hat officials “ 1. Has msde It possible for all •Labor j'eiations,.. based on the the clOsiiig hoiir, More''-Uian 3,000 (Connecticut ^Occasional rain will Continue lo- facilities, mainly here, andJdxpajid the stove, to ^ y : ^ As for the situation in Illinois, of Green Manor Eatated Inc...whlch Many ' of t h e ‘ shoppars ’ liad manufacturers, have been inVited "Tne whole aim of all this baiiy-, where Kefauver nad been diinng Americans to plan their lives, ad­ idea that wDckera arid their am- da.v, tonight and part of Saturday, its efforts in research and devel­ "We knOw that the deadly (nu­ built it. expreaeed extreme plea- brought their children;- and they to send the commission lizta o f and for Die most pam will be light hoo and 30-foot balloons, those the day. Frilchey said the Vice vance in their careers'^ejid pro­ ployers.'are enemtea.” ■aure at. the turnout. • opment of new prpdi(bls, "A new clear) fallout a n kill over an area -were carrying'balloons, evidence their products. They, will be In­ except for jocal areas o f moderate faclorymp longer hedds oiir-prlor- streamers and banda. Is not to ex­ Presidential candidate “found gram their future and that of-their The ’t'ice President came hare ---i^^^The formal dedication ceremon-. George W. Cheiney . from St.^^iilS to New York—and.^ faniity. because he ended a war of haying visited aome'of the new cluded in the "export guide.” . rai'h today. Ity Ifst at the present tlme,” '«x - cite thought or provoke discussion. people in that area very much seeking to carry Ohio again this iM -^ g a n ahortty after 7 and , The first edition listed more W are still in the infancy of Hy­ which was. draining our manpow-er year as in 1952, when the Eksen- Stores. ' '•Winds will be northeast'36-,.to plained 'AUcfton, • ' drogen explosions. Scientists tell It Is, in the finest advertising tradi­ aware of and indignant about the were'copduoted froid a plglforiti *i1i« sh oein g centsr, located on than . 5,000 products from 1,200 George W. Cheney of 21 H artfo^ tion, to get our electorate aubCon- scandals in the Republican admin­ and our-resources and destroying hower-Nixon ticket won by a Scant erected infront of the center, look­ Rd. a Republican member of the us that th(f entire human species our hopes. 2,437 vote margin. - ' a 40-acr»~tracC'kas 18 stores; 13 (TcmheCttcut manufijpturers. can survive only''Just so much scio'Us an(T-condition vis. into vot-. istration in Illinois," ing out over the pUrklng lot. The of them are now open. Five of Said a commission spokesman; BoaVd of -Education since. 1947, is ' and Be Merry’* ing. bliiwtuliy ' if dazedly, for Stevenson talked Shout the cost ';2. Believes In the digpity of the cold weather kept most of the shop- ‘’The export, guide is part of our seeking leelecUon for the term O N L Y A f e w MORE 1956 OLDSMOBILES LEFT ^ atomlC'Conflict—hnd not much, at individual and rejects' the notion these opened for;,^the first time things-as they are^*-:^.. of living in a speech at Kansas peri' away from -tha— outdoor- yesterday, In-.ai(hMt) n to the store prograni to increase the business ending in 1939, that. . that any group can be ‘owned’ or 6 at e . Stevenson—said one Republican City. Kan., yesterday. before- fl.v- 'apeatwra. program. tenants, a lease on ,36,000 square of Connecticut industry. We are "'Cheney, vice- president 'bf, and CHOICE OF. BOBX^ s t y l e s , COLOR AND EQUIPMENT " ™ MANCHESTER • ■T8ut hasn’t . this cataatrophic had declared' "politics is moving ing to St. Louis. He told a rally- regimented either for economic or sceretary of PhoeniAMutual Life possibility, too, become- almost^ a Integeat oa UaadMatea feet of^olflcc apace Has been taken constantly trying to bring in new closer to show business”’ he added; the Republicans "told you they Vole-getting purposes. Most interest among those who bjr^.'United Aircraft for' its engi- induatrles to strengthen the state's Insurance Co., was bbrn, in Man­ BUY NOW AND POCKET THE M ON EY^U HAVE cliche? 'H ow can its. horrendous' ■■-!it certainly-is. as they i ({he Re- •were going to stop inflation.” but ”37'Has abiding faith in Individ-, chester in 1888. Import be felt In heart and imag­ did ’attend centered on U.8. Sen­ •mering division. economy,, but we feel that it is publWnsl present it bdloons', "the cdst o f living today is higii- ual enterprise and In the tremieh' ator Prescott Bush, Republican, OSrMlaate Concert equaily-important..to serve, those 'He attended local schools and ination if, all. the time, the akW not argtunents;. the choma line. er than It has ever been."- doua strides we can make through already here.” — * went on to Yale, where he was are filled ■with Republican lulls-' and Clongresaman Thomas J^.Dbdd, Members 'Of the 43rd Infantry O ctoW l-2-3-4-5^ hot the political issue. Don’t think a true partnerslUp of Iabor,.mt.n- Democrat, who are ofipqsin'g each Division Band Regimental graduated in 1910. He joined htea?" V— just feel— feel it's: all Ane and Bgement and government. Phoenix MutuaUn the aam, yagr C o fn p (« .t . Stevenson prefaced, his criticism other for the U,S. Senate; and on IfonOr Guard demdhsirated their 8 the product is splendid. "4. Has brought the things which State Senator Patrick Ward, Dem­ tiklenU at the concl\uion.. of tbe and has been with the company of Republican campaigning with our out the money. Forget Mission Feslivaf labor wants most, the highest Restaurant Roof ever since. an announcement his theme would ocratic candidate for Congress. speaking program. TKO, bahdsmen that mushroom cloud. Don’t men­ wages, the -most jobs, the least • Edwin H^_May Jr. of Wethersfield, mounted the speakers^'platform Cheney, who joined a National be "bread and circuses"~based on tion Suez, The w'orld'stops st the At Zion Church strikes and the best securtty for Burns at Hamden Guard Cavalry troop ifi' 1911." saw 3 Course Dinners $1.50 "how th^ Roman emporei's in their R&NGf Ward's^IupubUcsn opponent; did and gave a 43-minute concert as vyaterfront. And whatever the unemployment and old-age in his­ the drill team exhibited its march­ service in both the Mexican Border decUnihg years tried to .keep the n o t ju ^ a r aa scheduled. galea of. change and upheaval and Zion Lutheran. Church wilt hold. tory."' ing -proficiency. The marchers Hamden,. Sept, 28 i/P) — _.Fire, campaign of 191^ and World War " 2 Sittings . 5 P.M. and 6 P.M. uneasy populace satlafied anif their revolution 'roaring around the In all, there were seven speak- Us annual mission festival tomor­ Nixon said he rsialized that "it rUEl Oil ^ CAN’T BREAK '^era, and each CongraiUrated'Green drew applatise from ' the crowd broke but 'in the attic storeVobm I. He "rose to-Wb 'rank OT captain MONDAY T u e s d a y minds off their troubles with food world, tqke it from us that this iaq’t supposed to.be politically wise by the end of that war. and is now row’ with the usual services in the Manor Estates and Manchester on with their intricate maneus’ers and of a restaurant housed in a coloni­ Mixed Fruit Juice - '- Tomato Juice and games, gladitmdal combats is. no time for change. Vole Re­ to discuss thS;Taft-Hartley Act in ^ GUARANTEED 8 YR8. a member of the AmerlcaivLpgion. GA'iOLlNt the new-shopping center. But Bush adroit handling of their weapons. al times building early today and Baked Chicken and Roast Beef and Brown and spectacles-" publican and take ft easy." morning and a special afternoon campaign years but J belfeve in He. is also a charter member Of Mushrooma . He got a laugh from the crowd and Dodd, in their remarks, could burned a holf. through the corner Gravy ‘ Stevenson pictured -the I>ein- meeting at 3:30. conducted by the facing up to tough issues as well Ne more stooping for of the roof. the Home Office I^fe 'Uhderwriters Buttered* Paralvyed Potatoes by departing from hit prepared qcratlc part.v aq “the party of to­ clothespins or fallen wash!, not escape the fact they are in a Baked Potatoes Rev. H, Ooerss, pastor of Trinity .as easy oriea.” -« . tough campaign. But the management of the Aan. and was president of the Birda Eya Peaa t a t to say that Preaidential cam­ morrow.” He said in doing so. "we Opponents of the act, he said, ^ust tuck wash in as spre^MK Extended Forecast group in 1930-51.' Toaaed Salad -- Harvard Bebts Lutheran Ciiurch, SpringAeld, BANTLY OIL Bush, echoing the Republican Colonial House Restaurant, built paigns acem to him "more like a are only claiming to be what we claimed it would “wreck the er aeperates lines, epipadder He has. been president bf the Relish Traya Coleslaw—Relish Tray Mass. I iMi- \ N \ . |\( "prosperity” line, said "Isn’t It In .1819, aSid'It would be open as i ■ > bull fight” than a contest of gladi­ have always been V r pioneers of Labor movement. "If organized gHdro along to lock 'elothefe •file weathsr outlook for Connec­ usual today, despite smoke and Yale Alumni Assn,, of Hartford Assorted Rolls Assorted Rolls ators. ! America’s forward march, archi­ Son of a former missionary to In place. : H"aicr" hlahketa wonderful to belong in this Labor Is wrecked today- it has ' ” \ I : ■ I I atmosphere of prosperity which ticut for the nexVftve days, .Satur­ water damSge to parts of the in­ and was chsirman of ita scholar,- Coffee—Tea Coffee—Tea "It is my extrems delicacy," he tects who build the future from India, he regularly broadcasts his managed to keep The fact secret,” won't fall • safe fer ship committee. He 1s a member of Favorite Desserts of tha Favorite Desserts of the Sunday aermons. He is "faUier”- f promotes good business?" day through Wednesday, cslISvfor terior. , -added,- -‘ivhich prevents me frotn the-bhieprint of America’s-hopes 6 ''he commented, adding that the TCL h^ltrhfll 9-459S dainty fabricsi Tested In Firemen'-fought the baize in the the Hartford Club and the Reynolds Circle. Gleaners Circle. - and her ideals.” the- growing West SpringAeld hurrtcade winds and elothes Dodd said "Nowhere else in the temperatures to average near or saying which party is the bull." nuitiber/of union members has ris- Twefttieh Century Club. w e d n ^isDa y THURSDAY CAiurch, of which the Rev. Donald TEL ROCKVIl ir S-21 77 stayed on! Twin steel. Hnee world could an affair of this kind ra4n for nearly a- half hour before Then he said that not long ago Stevenson's pressA e c r e t a r y, Sn fro^ 13 million to ' 8 million allghtly above ' nom al. Warmer getting It under control. Orange-Grapefruit Juice Clayton Frltchey, told newsmen Jung is minister. ^aire strong enough- to pull a take place." But then, sounding over the weekend, cooler Tiieaday, Grapefruit Juice since the law was enacted. the Democratic line, added, "This There was no estimate of dam­ between the center of town" and Baked Ham with Ralain the. candidate, talked- by., telephone .. Weather. permitting, the after­ He cited atatementa he attribut­ truck. Yoor PIN-O-MATIC 6r tgeckveaday. The Bradley Field Roast Turkey uid Dresring Sauce is easy to put np . . OMy opportunity-is shrinking for a lot age nor any idea -what caused the Its new shopping center. — fpr 40' minutes last night with his noon service will be held_ outdoors ed to George Meany and james^CV normal mean temperature for this fire. Mashed Potatoes Au Oratin Potatoes Vice Presidential running mate. to use .- . quick . . nad eco­ of people. Small busineaa is In a period is' degrees ranging from Bs last year, on th^chu'rch lawn, Petrlllo, union leaders, to supjxirt lot of trouble.” 68 The restaurant is situated off ' The first high school was built in Buttered Squash - String Beans riiuL Sen. Estes Kefauver of Tennessee. nomical! Coavenlent lengths an average high of 70 to an aver­ BEVERAQES^ with "Zion Heights” as back- his claim that "privately^ Dabor Hamden's - Dixwell Ave., halfway Cranberry Sauce—Celery Tossed Salad—Relish Tray Kefauver was In Belleville, HI., not \ In pulley styles. All hard- Ward, however, confined hiniself age low of 46. Rain ^turday and Los Angeles, Calif., in 1833. A T 1X>W PRICES grcrund; otherwise, it will be in­ leaders concede that th ^ never to extending congratulations to Assorted Rolfs Assorted Rolls far from St. Louis. doors. Neighboring congregations had it so good.” ” ware inriuded In attractive scattejced showers Monday, or Coffee—Tea Coffee—Tea gift Pkifkage. Green Manor Estates and Man­ Tuesday wilt total about to 3/4 Kefauver told Stevenson, have been invited. Nikon said "The emire record chester for “ this beautiful place.” j voip^ MWAn M AT YOU! OUISMPII^N^un Favorite Deaaerta of ^^avorite Deaserts of the - tArlhur Drag Stores; Rritchey said, that he haa been Zion lAdles Aid Society will of the past four j^ rs . haa con­ .. . of an Inch. Edgar Circle. ^ Willing Workers Circle. "Very much encouraged” every- WATKINS Other Speokers rSO C R S 8o A.^ M.BBa txm « 11II r#P. m 18. : serve a fellowship luncheon in the vinced workers thqt we really seek The other speakers 'were Acting FRDiJAY I where he haa campaigned regard- assembly room qfter the service. ( their welfare’’ ahd "we are not $ 9 . 9 8 $ 1 0 9 8 $ 1 1 . 9 8 General Manager James, H. Downey Funeral Slated You’re Always'Welcome At Your Oldsmobile Dealer’s! Smorgasbord with Twenty Dishes by Stanley Circle 123 ft. ISO ft. BANK -WEST Sheekey: Dr. Thomas Healy, pres-: For Reservations Call Mrs. Elizabeth Best— MI 9-0996 ident of the Chamber of Com­ 'Wallingford. Sept. 38 (45—Fun­ ( Reservations close noon of day before night of dinner. Funtrar SarvicR merce; Atty, Seymour Kaplan eral aervicea for John F. Downey, MANCHESTER MOTOR SALES, INC. It la not necessary to purchase Ucketa for show sOO ft. S I 3 9 8 secretary of Green Manor Estatss; 90, grandfather of John E. Down­ •nrOUR OLDSMOBILE DEALER” If you wish to dine only. Ormnnd 4. West, Director and Vincent Sheehan, construction ey, 23, of New Britain, under life SATURDAYS ( 143 East Center St. superintendent. sentence by Chinese Reds since / 312 WEST CENTER STREET—TEL. Ml 9-6395 V s / w v& s/w w w ssy w Satchen 0-71H Barry Barents, WKNB televi­ 1932. Md an uncle of singer Mor­ ■ r 336 North Miin Street sion newscaster, served , as master ton Downey, will be held Satur­ of ceremonies and took note -of day. He died lata Wednesday. Ef­ cU Moj'VoUeAie/L Ga. Tei. MI 9-5253 the weather In keeping the pro­ forts were being hiade. to notify Maacheoter's OMeot .1 gram moving: rapidly. grandson John. Survivbrs also in­ DAY Monday, Oct. 1 with Flaeet Faculties Open Daily 7 A.. M. , Following the talks. Dodd and clude three brothers, 4wo sisCisre Off.4Street Parklag to 5 P. M. Including Ward left immediately to keep and a daughter. 9 A. M. to 12 NOON EsUbliahed 1874 Wednesday Afternoons and_ Satyday tJntil Noon IH ESE FACT^S :

1. Ym AWy Vote FQR ONLY Sl^huf FOll ANY SIX of the following tf'-- CQm ildates:

F\'- T VITTNER’S Offices ^ ■/' BOARD of DIRECTbl^ "jnUudsUfL You ntay vote for Any, Six - u

S&H g r e e n S T ^ K ^IVBN 9 ^ Democrat r'' Tolland Turnpike At Manchester- l A 2 A 3 A 4 A 5A - 'Vemon Town Liner-^ \ t THEODORE R. F H n x lp EUGENE T. AUCE M. FRANCIS J. J Telephone MI 9-2623 CARTER CHEVROLET CO., Inc., USED CAR LOT C u m m in g s H a r r is o n K a 1 j y L a m o n x a M a h o n e y 1229 Main Street o Phone Ml 3 '- 1 2 0 0 \ HUNDREDS OF VALUABLE GIFTS J. ' cuaiisnt.cBAwnf 1955 FORD FAIRLANE Y8 . ^ p 1952 CHRVROLH 2-pOOk I VMmON A Republican liaidtop. Radio, keater, FeVdomalle, ]^any'merchants'i'l) thifi area are n^fv 0 ving t h ^ cuatbm en T r i p l y Blue ' ■' dual ezkaualA Radio, heater. $735 Stamps—one foy each 10 cent purchaae, in appreciation fpr tbrir pgtronage.. , / ; IB - 2B 3B 4B 5B 6 B .Save them .. . use them to get a host of gifts for you and your family,^ GILBERT C. JOHN HARRY J. ROY C. M C PR F. HAROLD .V GIANT 1954 CH EVRO LH 2-DOOR ABSOLUTELY FREE of e i^ cost. Famous brand giftii you always l a m a s I o w a n .H r a t o J o h n s o n • M iH er Turiiingten Raffio, keatfr, low mlleoge. 1952 FLYMOUTH CLnil CPE. Yoaifsuttir wanted—luggage, appliances, sortin g goods, a Wide selection of luxurious « 5 MAGNIFICEN-T DARWIN TULIPS iladio, heater, 'Very- clean.'. AUTOMATK $595 TOAtTia items! This is a saving the'whole family participates in—so start saying • BLOOMS AT THE SAME T i m e . - Triple-S Blue Stam ^ today and every day! • AT THE SAME HEIGHT—27” TALU 6 ianf "E conom y" Collection • UNSURPASSED POlIl DISPLAY BEDDING. 1954 CHEVROLH - 13 Each Of StaNon wagaa. ■ RadiA kealer, M O ag 2. If you wish to split your ticket, you may dp so as fallows: 25 60 BULBS ThsM 3 VaritIre $4.40 beat. 1951 NASH RAMM.ER H fR f'S A H YOU DO.* 1. ARISTOCRAT. Pink,...... $ ! .95 34 Each Of — Statloa Wagon. Radio, heater $595 2. GOLDEN a g e ; Yellow ...... $1.95 120 BULBS These’8 Varieties $8.50 1. Save Tripit-S Blue Stamps which logue to decide which gifta yiw want. 3. WHITE GIANT. White ...... $ 1 .9 5 48 Each Of your merehanta will give you with every 3 . when your)>1$ok.lf filled with 0 . Puli porty lever. Th^wilt puH DOW N jhotRfers ever the names purchase of Kk or more. 4. INSURPASSABLE, Light Lavender $1.95 240 BULBS These 5 Varieties $16.25 1954 FORD VIFORDOR ^AIMHUiCAN lyRIPLE-S BLUE STAMPS ONLY- IM Eacb Of umaSmh o f oM camKdates in that party. 5. THf! BISHOP. Deep Purple ...... SI .9 5 ’-'S 6 .6 0 ~ Radio, kealer. Like bow! " C $1275 ,_2. Paste the stamps into the eavinp redeem it at your neareat TRIPLE-S 500 BULBS These S Varieties $31.00 1951 CHEVROLH 4-D00F:\ CCOC ~b 5-YEAR-OLD PLANTS 1953 CH EVRO LH 4-DOOR T950 PONTIAC 2-DOOR G u stafson ’s Shoe .S t o r e ...... t...... 705 Main SI. ICWCR Johnny Hedlund’is Sports Center ...... -61 E. Center St. NORWAYSPRUCE $1.39 Radio, Healer, Power Glide. Radio, heater. , . v t E. A. Jphilson Paint Co. T' . . .723 M ain St. tfcU voHhf HNKhlno. For oxUmple, you moy. by splitting your tickot, vote for both Director Foo diid ANDROMEDA . (Pteris Jatmnlca) $2.50 MAvn K eller’s M en’s W ear ....859 Main St.. Manchester Wallpaper and Paint Co. ....2 4 9 Broad St. I ,-* 1 ” 2 fo r’ 2“ RHODODENDRON 98c Manchester. Surplus Sales Diteddr Turkiogton, ovon tbough Dirodidr Poo's iramt is directly over Diibcter Turkin^ten's. .V , t' REG. PRICE $2.95 (War Sunilus, Tpys, HouAewares)^?/...... '.. .’...- .169 N. Main St. m\!' HOLLY . Female Fl i i ? $2.00 Maple Dry Cleaners and Lauhderers, Inc.',,...... , .72 Maple St. Re^ ’8 Inc. ■ ' • f PAPER WHITE NARCISSUS BOXWOOD $1.98 ' PHONE MltcliaE>5238 Tots *n Teens/Children’s Wear) I .956 M ain S L Rpckvilla MllUhg Co...... 17 W . M rIr S I. 3’owne Cleanere. In*. Schscfei^Blarketf Ihc...... 36 P ir itP to c a (LROBderette, Dry Cleaning J >... .8 4 8 M ailt .BL Up Top Ckaam ...... ’.....'.8 Wiiidobr A t^ I -■...... 1 ^ . ■ • ' • ■ • r, • ri.*' >• '. . f '.- . __ ^

M ANCHE^R EVENING HERALD. MANCHES^rcONNw FRIDASEPTEMBER 28, 1956 Mr*.' Patrick McCann,-,..3Q OOQ, properties oil. Concord worth'St. Matu&ow Gets and Deming St. - nESCJtlPTlOHS a numbsr .of Hems which hadbei^ a prearranger’ wgngL the prisoit« Sees ObiiSi R i BIRTHS TODAY: A dBUght*r Lease ... Parkins Authority Proposal suggested 'ks./belng too exjiMslve. era-overpowered the...... armed gimir # .. , t» Mr. add Mrs, William C. Robin- (Jhaney Bros, to Unlted-SAlr- "FREE PICK4UF ■ X Y' ^ bver'it. . ■ . x, He a;cknowledged that 6 Ourn^ B o l i v i a n s gr.d ordered' thit pilot lo o«4t<^ * *li'4 Hac,kmatack .St.t a son Kiye Years jttt craft'-CMY'. 22,319 Bquare feet-0|' AND DELIVERlIY» He charged the-authorUy could •tpings’ suggestionu^-s0qk'r)6't;v))eces- _ ' ^ course to Argentina.' The piloi to.MrK.and Mrip-J^mes Brady, Mel­ floor spkee int-mill north of Fo^^t =|Years! OppQsedbySdme Candidates condemn properties along CoKage saHljr one of them, 'v' U H i H refttsed and' KhtpS took ovet) the N ew rose'.-, ' .. . ■atn frwn Odti J; 1956, tO 8eM,.W, 1HNE PHARMACY St. 'ivvhere the Town Pianning- Mlhor .said he |elt it Wbuid b^/ controls. ' Deatu DlSdMARG*®^ YESTERDAY: Comml8sf6Ty/K.,hs8 retsommen'ded. very dim w it to 'get workCra.Yor'j nson 1®7»v818.740 in 12 equai pay^- fllrs. ments.'T--... ■ , . x Slaps Blonde .* At least three members of the >-responsible for inythlhg'fhat went land be acquired-Jpr'added -park­ g a ib ^ e and^Ubbtsh cotteeUqn. He' r g e i i t i n a landed were,the five crewmen *nfl^ Catherine Palmer. 410-Siimmlt SL; Oertlflrites of'Incorpomtkm Board of Dicectors last night lined j wrong, .‘Tn that s'ense, at least, ing). • s&fd .they are'qiosUy trkhsitory thheerRoUvian poUcemcn. ' In Kremliii Mri). RetabSK^Buchholk-v^ . up against th6'creatloit of a park- j the Republicans gre responsibld . Mrs. joan K. Buchhols, udfe-'ot Miss EUa Matle8Crt.- yemon.Trail- (Gonttnu^ from Pi^^4^ia),;^ Jk y . GregatP'A Son,. ch'emlsU, (Continued froitt.-PaKe One) And Mahoney ■ labeled' workers, Karnes nqted; that under ..The refugees wandered abouf cf Court; Kenneth Beer, 24l Mirch ■with 860,0<)0 capital stock'divided Kxaminxtfon has reveal^ hlh» to ing authdrity, and pne supported - for-the accomplishments. Central Business District an' 3b^--coatra6t..;8ystcmf-An insurance (Uuntinu'ed Ono) (OMtlMt4^iro|» Pace One) Reinhart Buchhplz. 131 Deepwobd. the'-alrfleid.until Gen. Jose Maria Drir dled;«uddenl> this thbrning at ^ ^ C o b U ««e d from Page Orto) Mt. Rd.; Mrs. Judith Waddell a'hd or a '^ a r and one-batf ago. I tMtc 1)U^500 shares at 8100 par value' be vigorous, eieri and oibtervlng- obKipany musb^gcty*n^btr con­ Uornejo'Sara via,': Afuiy command­ tractor to do the work ifw^e 'one camp,”- Ode of the^grou^^old re­ FOR TNE REST SELECTldN OF HIG^N^ALtlt,^ herhbmf.'^" ' ' son, RFD 2. Manchester; Mra fcfcJjody. . 'Irectors, fcll candidates for Director Mahone.v skid he Would Nb Ppposttlon , er of Salti^'K*rrlveS;',and ordered WM accueed a spttex which She wair born- tn . Ivorylon,.^ June job for'the nation,.but he was try- Ellabeth Bigelow i\ncf son. East corpbralQra are John A^. Gregkn*. is"eiwnent and he ia aWe to re­ reelecutmK took, stamb at the work against‘bui’idings'of this type.- engaged by the tbWri porters at Salts airport, tTO nilles them .Interned. r v went awry In the aalelMia and Ing to. frkternize with- Japan, , ‘’itdfajl'y;-I have to accept what ;League of Women Votefs .Mndi- (Bowers School; where the-meet- , Directors ' "Bames, Mahoney. it properly, ' x|soulh of the Bolivian frohtierr< PERKCT UNPLAYED RECORDS SEE .H. •*? 3, 1917, the daughtafi-of George Hartford; Mrs,. Muriel Dubois, Soelyir W, Oregan. both 341 E. call with apparent vlvidness-jn ly- Later the. Bolivian <‘onSul^ in “ le 1,. Rockville ;^MrS; Eu- Yyoijhe ■XAtulIlppe, and Maurice from westerns on television. He P*''** Mahoney’ S remarks.^ She All agreed that tlte..jewer and Tnrkingtoiv*and Karrison cla.sh- Tito' back. In the Soviet Union as tice of appeal of th^.convlcllon. likes to listen to music and can ^MORE MILES PET water functions would bd^bMdled ed brtbfiy aver the;petition for an ing, Obaerv'er»*|Mid. howeyCr, that 'flned and shouted^ demands- for G. and Robert A. Buchhajt.. bdth. into violent confusion. Delegates gCnie'Lane,'74 Tanner St.; Miss Matusow .o n c er at'knowledged Latuimip^.^ ' ^ charged that at a-meeting in iWfl^ their freedom. '■ his winteaa to "Stalin's won- 4ance in rh'yUun. lip Harrison, a Denfocrat, favOTe^ .gha recalled Mahoney making W; more efliciehtly under a Bti^lb'Ad- ordinance ' creating parking the real' rauaea 'were high 'prices of ..Manchester.;' .on e brother, •gfabbed'Klm artd beat him sav'- Marie Cdhe, 92 High St., Rockville: that he woifi4-do -'anything fir a lwMla_ Name Certificate r-OALLON OF GAS-1 and food ahortagea. •traeitles.” agely.^bef6re police guarding the Mrs. Nellie Dwyer, East Hartford. Hogo L Norige,' Lawrence W. . skin — islll - -Jke^ that of an-old an authority. extended argument to the effect rnfnlatratlon. ' . authority - "So u i^ n t was. the ease that George P6st Jr. of New Britain; buck," and that^he had denounced man, b^'ShoWs no 'mo^e of the ef­ LONGER LIFE FOR The Board is facing tlie aiithor' Still dresaed in. theliv.,^ grim' New railway freight carstoday and; one alster. Mrs. Merle Peder­ hall .could get- him to make the DISCHARGED 'FODAY: Louis 244 Americans as Communists or Roy, Joseph R, C, Roy, doing busi­ thal' teachers were getting paid top SUpimrters of more funds and ' A., questioner frfim' the audience prison uniforms, the escapees Tito even acreed to fly., although arresi^^He was taken, to a police A. Miner, .Tunnel Rd.." -Yernon; fects of age Uian.Hiat of most men Y O U R O A R ^ m M t ^ Ity Question now. asked what opinion the candidates cu*t atwut 88.000 each. sen of East Hartford. 'Red sympathizers without any ness as Trlmatco Machtna Tool of 70." much. ‘T was getting 81.050 then,” prCfessldna} help for the Develop- chatted with reporters at the air­ U la well Icnown that he dislikes. hospital. . Thomas Brdivn, East Hartford; Co. . . Jofirr Rowen, a Republican seek­ Mrs* Lamenzo,..a''teaclier, added. menUCommlMipn'.^cre Poe, Cum­ had on the petition. Harrisoh-sald ' elr travel,” the Kurier continued. Tlie funeral will be held Monday evidence on which to base his ac- Pereira has no teeth -but does SHOW YOtTHOW TO] ing his fifst, term on the Board*, port before military authorlttea afternoon at 2 o'clock, at the Zion Democratic jjarty laadcis said « Scott Wagner. RFD' 3.,.Covcntfy-;- -tjpns. Butiding-Pemilts Mahoney protested that more re­ mings,/ Bowen. < /^ n d Miller. he feels it- is unneces?ary for the orderedYhem Interned at the 5lh A ii^ la r theory was reported second unidentified man vytlh the Arthur Tootell, Andover; David To F. Barry and Sons for Har­ sport a.complete crop of dart hair GET BOTH/; jrdne^ in the dpppaltlon. and'Theo­ cently, he has .fought'-fpiMncreases Mahoney asserted thirt Uie general town Ip go to thf expense o i an by the' Vienna Socialist newspaper, Lutheran Church, with the pastor, He prpfcs.sed having long been oitly interspersed with grey. dora rGymnUngs,'' a DemocraUc Army DtVlaidn headquarters near the Rev. Paul G. Prokopy* officia­ assassin was arrested as he tfied Davis,- 1097 Main St. a "vicious liar" and said at times old Dickenson, foY Alterations to a to teachers.. manager fs-belter qualified to at­ election when an Impariial survey ■ Saits' Abbetter Zeltung, which said Tito to escape. vDespile his somewhat antisocial newcomer, s,quarely backed the Nate« OpposHian tract Industry to town thah the ting. Burial wdl be in East Ceme­ "I don’t c4-en trust myself." dwelling at 115 Coluihbus St., 81.- get-together with the press at the shows the pubilmfavors an aut))6r-j They denounced/the regime of went to Russia "to help his tery. Crowds gathered outside almost 900. • Democratic platform whli^.^ calls commission. Ky- Bolivian President Hernan Silea Wands.” It said; - Matu.sow is married and the Hotel Biltmore.-the hospital report for a parking authority. In commenting on A parking au­ Friends may call at lha Holmea instantly and the report electri­ father of a child. He.once weighed -‘ •Frederick Kurtz ^or-elterations said: thority, Barnes said, he doea not But Harrison. Miller knd Pitato ;-TU)rkington said if the petition 1 Z u a ^ and described aa phony the "Khrushchev’s endeavor tn coop- fied Seoul, f Scliool Di•iver '6s lUlllllOY'W*4i*ni!reclti The authority question was one had bbert flled.a week earlier the! amnesty proclaimed by the govern- FunenU Home, 400 Main St., to- 230 pounds, but by the time of his to a dwelling .at 38 Erie 82.400^ "H e is gregarious and likes to of six asked of the candidates by think the limited objective of im­ acknowledge the difficulties the , arata with Tito and, for this-pur- Chang, 66. and regarded as a commission faces. question^ could have been put lo ment before this year's presidential poee, l o relax international Com* rtoiToW from 7 to-9:30 p.m. and conviction had dropped to 150. Harold J.. Reid for alt'erationa to meet people.” wlitn v»#d tn old the League at the meetinv in Mi'« P^vinRproving: oowmowndowntown ■ parKingparking re- Sunday from 3 to 5:30 and 7 to mild politician, has been a storm Held -Jor (jriving; jHis recantation of testimony at a dwelling at 213 Green Rd.', 8200. lori. Il'» t«o.rantMd tolte- larrl.son said there is a miscon­ tile voters NoVr 8. ------. election muniat discipline has met with re* center of Korean politics since the auditorium of Bower. S^c h o o 1. f Unless the Board passes the ord -' L,t. Col. Andrei Saucedo Lanza, 9:30 p.m. the 1952 Coramuniat trial won a crtoiB milfog* ond lo gtvo, Abput persons attended. the town is working toward that ception that industry is not being aistaace. This resistance comes not campaign.last spring; Liquor to Minors 126 attracted to town, because of a only from the Kremlin ‘Old Guard’ new one for two of the cqnvicted tho oagint « ntw loot# on Four candidates agreed the town objective now, Inance within 45 da.S's , from- the : f2f.mer Bo'*.'"*?" •*‘ "*'*’ « *" He fiiherfUd the opposition Reds. On retrial, however;'—they Hondura*s Closes , He said -the town’ ha's run into hostile attitude. He >sid Manches­ time it receive the petition the Chile who helped plot the escape, but from tbe Soviet Army* Army mantle from Patrick Henry Uft. Ut mt P-rovo It* should buy the Manchester Water opposition from "folks in the. Pur­ ter is in a bad position, west of the town clerk m\ist call a a^cigl said he and many others had re­ lenders apparently have declared Ellington, Sept. 28 (Special)— A were convicted again. The courta Co. and take over the Eighth Shinicky when the latter died sud­ ruled that the other were prop­ nell area, and it looks as though Connecticut River, and does not oleclion. “The 4,5 days .will not bs turned to Bolivia after the amnesty fer lefinwHee ibewt feed swskeb tJiat'for reasons o f military secur­ Funerals"^ school bus driver wjio entertained 11 Local Stocks Nicaragua Border School Utilities District. Four felt proclamatlqn only to be arrested. mdiMl

FORD '•i' , ^ ‘'^y; X: ',^- •s'- ■.-' '?n, • 7 :-x fcLANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTERTGONN;, FRIDAY, SEFTEMBER 28,1?W lU^CHESTER EVENING CONN* FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 28. 1958 BEGS BUNNY fn Charleston,: C „ when a | It was on a children’s radio iiutB “r i V ‘ /jiiisy iisiiii/ I i _ .1 i' ,^nBtia taker asked a iw ^ If he I show. ” It‘a a man’s best friend," gained, and that further gtepg Are ^oald realise and fvIfUt tbetr re- for this particular office who are It may be Aoted furthermore thaf schnoO(3LC oughta go lived within his income, he replied * began the "and the word Antwar to. Praviout Puitl* being taken now. to Improve the gpoMllHUty to theitiaelvM and oth-. full-fledged noYic^ in the business Roy U a / veteran o f the Second' TH' GAME NOW, NOT Sense and Nortseifs^ .Z' 'cehool'at a.lower Bgure. Perhaps "With some dignity^' . [begtna with D." T rure. Peraapa efgr Who ara unable to vote due to'd^^muhicipal govebment, and who V?brld War with close ■ to three. WTD K WMNIN' TH'GAME NO^ UWSEfc-LEGS UCJU rJLItSM .ha U disappointed that a hlgh ebAt, irarious-yehsoha,. such . as; 'lUhess, Coming y ••certainlyjipt. It la all,I can do,' The yoiln*ster though for a MiutnsI u u u The Open< E^riu have no, prior experience In the yeafS Arm y service In the f^icldlc .^^tslty-defeettve-and lion-Voters. atr;,,m ll^e~,syitnimniy crediti” . | ipomeht, "Dam e?’• . '''C OdU luiit Vaa^not appgpved so thati^eal h a n ^ n g'b f any. amount 3^ money area. W«»t!1»er^.^«andbli!«tcd trmbcwithey \|er« «urpriMd and delighted -acreanis .of anguish could be ut- ^wfj^en Manchseter Voters go to tsJtilU III O o tudUnicatioiu d ^ ica tio u for piiUkihticttspiiU ichtic^ in the O ov j ^m foru m wlUwii not which' could approach in Mae. to I believe ihat the voters of this and a nwitefr cajJatah oh North 1 at ev*r>'thin|f. They were^ eapactAl'" Acaosa ' •5,^ tgred., ■■■ thepona.Monday tjiey riiouktiinow I r|^araft(aad puUicatioh i f they ewaUin more’ ^ a ^ BOU words, any appiaciable degyee the :anMUht town sre iddmdeed;fbftiihate In. hav­ i 2(u-oHn’a’a Olivet- BAhha are 9II ly-intereirted in Uia^chickena and . ^ >b.uVTrjii IH tt is'probably good to have some ths issue^bhd the records q/ the I — meets girl m Herald reattvea the right to declm«;t«,;publlah ahy matter, of our a'nnual budget. In my bM^ ing tha c?seT ran sncLJapheih 1 ifi that May bo HheliMiB.fw which Is'ln iMd taaU7 frao axfmMiaii fore an eiection'whlch will give hig 'Candidates'for various othrf Of- aground in',19?t>'ith all ,jiatls set' ,, Th^r''grandntothec cautlbni^'lhe '44 Leading aclo'rs Fortunately both :^i^iea h'Sve exceptional ability and Integrity, « W t, Jo. aC ^llUeat 'yifrwa ia deaired- by contributi^ o f tide cbatMter' or. her general 'OptnUms-of-tha' job ^Cs. whiMiad proven themielves khow that Ws maby friends and ho one aboard. Food was, chUdpeh .hbwr.^to 'ta k b away the' 3 Secrete ahead^".5Yie, League of 'Womeh. selected iMme fine caiidi^ataa. Npr- ' and,“Amy L3CJ 't but lettcra which ate defaaniatory or abuefta will be Mjibted, "• wmberaT*'^ dvvoted' comnrtttee ^ Hi vrishinR him cOs^mig ,m- thO' galley,^ no trace ^ e s t egg, Theh^^^atrife-'tp see who 13 MohMy \ 6 Eats away QU ^ a iiS -Yptenf wUt'have us all on display CbasDllo ia seeking tcrsCrve a t jth iL ' of'th e -cVew w‘a.s iwer found. liotil^d find the mS»t::aggs was 7-Mai de.—i . U A F ■«!r t^ lg h l, but to apeak on qiecifle^ “ »• ilKtreasurer. Norman Is success at 43ie polls on Oct. J along 5 13 Weary rmBBCIU -^-*A yWw Oetnueate* ''^-‘JTie one thing that alT Demo­ with, his feAbw. candidates die the great.,Orta morning Irene reaOUd > Ablutions- UdUUJHUBCJ ‘It N e e ««# tIMWtiona . Ai'college graduate, Wairld W ar n- crats can now be' sure o f is that a nest first.'Seising the fOrbiddddait .14 L'entur>- To tbe'lSdltor, ^ _ U ie Kditor, ^ Veteran, former chairman, of the' Republican tlckefc-.. Canvasser' -tet'me'.seU y’O'u my ^PMMitton.vm nf past discussions and the little bags we. picked did not. eg^ she started for lh> housed . H Legal matters ^ h s tl^ a m b 27DcdkiAlion 42 Pierce i^oblpct of good government Manchester . HoMmg Authority Respectfully submitted, ie t-n f Encyclopedia Bf+t'annlcia. la.VVnrship f o r the purpoees of the record, . J believe the Other contain the names o f ' the''CWn-i. WMMUinTY UPTIST CHU Hirfen (shoutihg)..y»-.Oh;-grand- 1,0 Blow’shriil.v, 28 Msfrs \ * knifi 1| nortoLapend taxpayers dollars ,aiMrta.nFUyc in clvfi!>affair.v-:. Harold M.' Reed. < Vfltn;.Town t Mali -Nothing'do- N. 18 Came m ma;f 1 take this opportunity t » Ucan candidates share the misndet--ln-Otlef of our '-local ing! bonlt want, it: don't need it., .mother; thurrying after her 'aisi; 11 Egg producer* , 1>ickname <.43 Oir A..;f ast andiuLfurlously. as poaslble, InitdyUbolt with me. -UAvs «Wdrai^W w ith t h ^ . qualtfl- ten Irene's :got the egg the old ■ -Jo-Tslkslightly 17. Thespians, . .49 Greek,war,4ind ., ftrt-krtame pasa a few commenta upon the re­ or'to apend thetiMn targe amounts lUons- and Ide. background of. lo- J9emocrauo^rty br of any of hi* i.khow,_moic than all the gui'a that 2VWorni . ' There is a Job to be done in our Fmic. Star Generals whoa^exten- hen.^mea8ures by., - I 19 Natural faL ■ 51 Eagles* nests Chert rattle cently advertlaed "achievements’’ than ’’the other fellow^ haa apcnl' ^ttwenuneht can brlnif credit to wrote it, put together. ■ - 2i- t'orisuines Yarious town office whatever ■Ive leRsL tralninjr would eminently, : N ■■23 Change,:/ . 33 Passages In '4fl Region of our local Rspublican Party.: them. '’The object of gobd.^ovem- the\pfftea.;bf treasurer^, Canva.sser • Fine! Now, ■just' 24 Kncircled . they may be. It is hot an especial­ qualify them for nleml$ership bn (ietttag and Oiying. 24 Heroi^ deed ' the brain 47 Operatic solo. ,Wa.are told-and we are expected ment. In -r-my opinion. is thrMartac Henry IL AgoatiiielU think Of the-UnUl you d get going, 2« Nm-w sji ly glamorous Job, and it certaifiljL ouy Boatd of blrectort. i VOlY REPUBUGAM-TOWN EtEGBON OCTOBER 171151; .through:^!! and'. picking out the ■23Prep0silion 38 fill * 48 Beside to believe that progress in our administration of our-heetes, vritlwith' i i not attracUye becauae Itf the Get all you can .without hurting, 27 Itealth.iesort every poesiblc economy. -Wrab .Bag'Open’ - Even though we 'w ill nbf, have mistakes they, m afe- .vpur soul, your bodifDr your nelg^ 26 AjMbr.---- do Wards off 50 Edgar :^town is an accomplishment.of our • pays-^^ a rule It'la.An unexcitihg, •-..30 .Make belowd , To tha ilWtor, the jtleasurs. o? knowing that these » .' Hou. iivia 7i ' — ^ bor. Save all you c a n .'c u t^ g off .'.Welleir j,/' 41 Irpn A llih — *- proeent Republican leadership. To This fact appears to be ui^mois^ nexleaa'aort of a pa'rade of prob­ 32 Staler estabiiUi. that contention they to my adversaries on the endorsed- Shottly bHore- the Democratic gentlemen are openly and Visibly' WORDS TO REMEMBER every needless expense- Give'- all .34 Gazes fixedly,, lems conMming sewers, achotils.. conducting-.the major affairs of you can. Be . glad tb give, and F" have pubftirtied a subtly embroid­ DemocraUe -ticket, and to most of 'sohmg, (how liot to win friends!) prinM'iy .riecuM of .May 1, I read Basil- English was detugne^ \ - 39 French — repaired sobools,- -revised ordt- On no occasion did I And that A t far as I am. concerned, this “grab bag poUtii?'’. Hhcalleti the^ ^--.c-tvauj^ J. Collins. WesleV. job must be done. TWo yeara'-agoi from their very* comfortable over­ summers nancts,— temporary committees,— sny of them offered the taxpayers eo because he-dmild n^'aacertaln r n a ’ majority of Republicans was stuffed cjialrs In their very com-, T O W N C LE R K 40 Nai1\ e of *■ andorsed proposals, and the like of Mancheater, .economical govern­ in any way the names m any o f Ir.ene and Heleii; two little sis­ elected in all elective positions to fortable living rooma Their "serv­ (Your TownV Mother -- Now,. • .Finland’ li 8 that they are entitled to our.recog- ment. The word “economical” haa ths “quatffftd ..candidates ^ high- YOTCFOR ters! went to . visit their grand­ h do the various tasks peculiar to ice to the people” might come later Junior. Ive ,s good boy and say <1 mition as the "fathers” of niir town, b^n very scnioulouslv avoided bv est callbra". who-ware. protnlAed us mother in the coimtry. It was their sh-h-h" so the doctor can gel his those pueltHHik. ------at a much higher rate of pay. JXPERKNCE child 7y/ •'/; fi A We are also told and we are ex­ si: of theim by the OommUtee in thyir slate- first yialt away from the city and Unger out of vour mouth, ■.C:. " 1 The bag ! picked turned out just ■- 42 0rj fr" pppm pected to believe that the local 'The six. DsiStocratto candidates I happen to think they did a raent of political principles TRAINING s r B'" exactly as 1 expected-—the' "prize” dSHO'wer Si » Republican organisation is the au­ who have been endorsed by the good job, and I believe the voters April 10. Democratic Town Committee ajL will say so too, with votes on Tues­ was just what 1 thought it would PROVEN AIIUTY 4tfVonif. to pass thor of the suggestion that the As I now review the.' names of Before ST A pear to have made it their effort day. *t1ie efficient administration of the Tonm Clerk*a epR BY 3. It WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOFLE office . of the Town Clerk be re­ the candidates on the Democratic Joan Chamberlain • ,32-----Lang • moved to an appointive position .to tell the taxpayers of Manchester They may not agree, which is beat be assured by electing a man experienced and nadBar K~ F If that , they will apeqd our'tax dol­ slate, T flpd myself very much In- Syne ' ^ ■'y// , and that he,—alas—, be pul upion their privilege. I hope, however, dined tn to- believebril that...... the Commit­~ .with'TNb constantly changing Inw.s and regulatiada coaeeoH IT 5EBA^ TO >4iCE VUAtV srou PIP TM' lars as fast, if not faqter than we ’Emlnextly qualified' Ing the various functions of the office. JAi^ IM HERE, OF TELUM* AAME WORK THis a iti. K ing .3,3 Individuals « a salary. We Arc fprtber led to be- that whether. they agree or not. tee was St that- time playing no To th^s^tto% •UT I AUE&S TM’OLD BOV 1 il 34 Water sprite \ can supply them, and that Uiey they will get Out and vote, and WITH LESS, lievs that the Republican organ­ other kind of pollUca. It woojd appea> that the Repub­ Mr. Turklngton has had the years of experience that OMsa MACHINESISR' T H ^ HE COJVEMiewCES-. N(5W-WE'U.. STAKTAI.20J*AK0S .3,3 Busy insects- t r b " r r will atop at nothing In their at­ will thus make it clear that what­ ®o coM m c UP BUT 1 &UESS isation is anxious to continue their tempt to better the very enviouA The writer of the letter I refer lican Party in .Manchester offers greater aattafactloa to you. He is dedicated tA'S^ndag yen WHEUWU :ki hxj /\ ,AN EASY OROPKICK F<5R AN A 's -r^ 5 r W ^ c l 36 Japanese "efforts” in our behalf. ever side, they favor will be fav­ KOU no HAVE OLD STAC V'JMOUSEOTOgaJTTNeM ft fY ■ " spending record- of our present to wrote as follows: "Pick a bag i an' admirable slate of candidates In the most efficient manner' posaible. W hetMr the . Towa AT IT W ^ E plOl^T NJEEP I TO IcMOW/ MORE outcasts w ~ 'i 9 ored by all the voters; not by a now open it later and see what you t •toNcmoiw cis vACrwi; w wiATru.*, vra 1 y I Ify fellow townsmen, 1 ask: you Board. j for town off\ea in the coming Clerk i^compensated on n fee basis or by salsify, w jie t^ r TO HAWPl-E TM' 55 VARDS.'-—■ WATCH--- YOU OROF' 57 Til for — - small group who exercise their got” .' ' I SUJvHf CONVEUIEIOCES.' 1 Hi OR- R R to consider the propoesis end sug­ Of course all of us know that the election, and ^ note particqlarlp he Is elMted or appointed, Mr. Turklngton It the nan best THE b a l l d o w n s t r a ig h t ( WMsiL.'/l'FlRSTll KibVKiThtI s r privilege while the rest are "loo I • ««M if MAIBm *. IB*. DOWN gestions they have so graciously Commander-in-Chief of our local busy.” I have opened 10.7 bag and I flndj that Roy C. Jomispn is one or the qualified te serve you. A id .'/' ( A «ODD set before us. I ssk that you Ax- that I got -two candidates for the' !• 1 A ------faced p H b !T Democratic parly and hU sUff of Sincerely, candidates for Ih ^ o ffi’ ’ ®f Direc­ ' tTCOMG, 'HoM Btill, Edgmr! T H inauraneg company wanta amins the substance of their "Generals” , enjoy no difficulty office of Board of Directors, (H ar­ tor. In my opinion Roy iS| emi­ he Jacob f ; Miller ^ FOR CONTINUED COURTEOUS SERVICI r wagon/ poaitiva proof that you'ra imibla to work!” claims. Is It hot a sad truth that whatever in meeting their tax obli­ rison and Poet who. have been nently qualified to fltl that office. m the very framework of their members dr the Board for. the past y - : N gations. What the Commander-in- •Proven Leaders’ He has been connects with the listed ’‘achievements” lie the basic Chlef and his “ subjects” . fail to, two years, and who (according to Connecticut Mutual organization PULL LEVER 7B % faults of shallow, unfortunate, realise, it that there are hundreds •ro the Editor, the statement of Republican Dl- for more than twenty-nVe years PRISCILLA’S POP He’« Got A Point BY AL VERMEER short-sighted planning 7 A rt not upon hundreds of, taxpayers In Everyone looks forward to the r.-c£or Hauschild) aWy and very and haa theneby gained in ^u ab le their claims of accomplishments growth of our town. It has been harmoniousl.v assisted their Repll- ELECT SAMUEL J. TURKINCTON JR. TOWN CLERK WtLL, I HE LAW SAYS A ..AND SO FAR THEY'VE Manchester who cannot enjoy this business' expedience. little more than the natural result same pleasure, ’^ e s e are the said that the population of Man­ can associates in their unrestrict­ A native of thia town, he haA\for PRESIDENT MUST BE_ NEVER FOUND THE chester will reach 66,000 within ------VEAgS (DLD...^ WOMAN WHO’LL r—'A, of urgent necessity ? Are they not people who will be’ forgotteri after ed spending of our multi-million many years been Sctlve lq,.Chun;h VOTE REPUBLICAN the jyst resulta of yesterday's mis­ election day, should the Demo- the.next few years. Y’es, Manches­ dollar budget. I find lb" „ ___ A D M IT IT.' . r = = = ~ ^ " S \ work, serving the Emanuel Ikhi BdvertlsenMiit paid for by* friends of the chiididsto. takes? <*atic chieftains 'be given the ter has grown in everything except been given four other candidates! thersn Church In many capacities. Is Ultra one amongst you who chance to demonatratc their good government, Under the pres­ honestly believes that the clementA ability to spend. ent Republican rule Manchester r. will grow only in .population. o f our local Republican Party, for ■ Becauac I believe in sound and generations, have fostered Snd efficient and economical govern- Nothing hsa been done to prepare maintainad the. exalted flnsncist ibent. 1 appeal to all voters to for the future. , /- status o f our local Town Clerk, write my name on the ballot on •The Republican part.v has OUR NEW STORE IN THE .woujd today support s change in Oct. I, 'This kind of government established a fine deputation aa the his status, were it not for. the fact 1 will give them to the very best do-nothing'party. -Years o,f growth of my ability If I. Am sleeted. S a r e v ^ ^ i^ thst their hopes for victory might have seen no progress in the sd- Manchester Shopping Parkade l.w-ill not make any attempt to .S E S T u fe be tamiahed by their failure to do ministration of bur town. The Re­ question the "Integrity" or the W'ti.aAa-^ g elactiag Tad Cummings on the ballot be cerefully consid­ qualities necessary in the admin- e im »» M« Tit u.a »»t. os. Very truly yours, ered. We must select six from . for ^odiair picturbal* ' ' ' isti-atlon of good government, < Charles < Wyle twelve. To be fair to ourselves / Therefore we heartily JEPP COBB BY PETER HOFFMAN we neartiiy recom- snd the- ceuse of good govern?.. ir NEWLRoyal * T‘ ^ ■ MICKEY FINN DiBturhiQKl BY LANK LEONARD •Mafiusty sad 8«M «rity’ Kellv-CumnUngs j mmt."d0n't overlook snv aWe Can . chassis-\»uperbly z F s ANORA-IF than k .V3U, BEOAU6E, RESARt)LEG5 OF To the Editor, t THERE K* ANYTWNe J»fr..THAT WHAT HAPPENS, I'M G0M3 If 1‘*‘***‘ * reason of haste or by angiiiearad! I CAN DO TO . MAKES TWO Mane’ ester te indeed fortunate^ __ poeition on the ballot. TO STICK BY HM.'.«.Y0U to have,Roy C. Johnson aS a ran- Wilfred J. Bilodeau. 'lYiomas Be­ Gloria Benson help RONNIE... ^ OF U6..i SEE, MY HUSBAll) . WW.4,CHAm.im OUR EATT1IK4 ^ F IS -M THINK THIS noit. Angela J, Pella. Angela ■if ZENITH Top .Toning ------5 ME N0W...MaRE didate foritlM office of T /<' R oy. lies a background of suc- TO the Editor: . offlTTTalwe-ffeAb'/' . M niyne jA t pum epih s ceaafAl leadArahlp iia business as tlnclU.^John. Malei^ba. In a major election which took THE WERNOR-TOLDME SECONP-^AHD SHARP IS CARRYING HANDLES VBO ALWAYS HIT ! r —d r \ REHINP THOSE BUSHES! aa insurance exectitive and an out- pUce recently lii West Germany. atanding state-wide reputation as Osndidiste’s Comment • #8*3- of the electorate voted. Amer­ bujb in An.uatlring and davot^ religioas To the Editor, icans usually average in the vicih- II'- JeaiHr.,^ ■ • I have been waiting to see hOw Ity of 65G' in presidential elec- * XENim 'H a Ha;a.:a^keen sense Of- ci-vic ’•r- the, terrific Democratic campaign tions 'Unfortunately this illustra­ apohribiUty- niid as A lifelong na­ that w a i promised us was going tion proves that a large segment off tive o f Manclw((iter..jMa a gemrir.e to shape up before' making any the voters in this country have ab­ concern abdbt our'i^fare. He is 'tonsmehi on the coming - Toum solutely no Interest In the effelYs extremely conselsAtioua''and h u election.; Wha| has been sent to of their'government. aii enviable talent for tns^lriijg you so'Yar should be a sufficient H ie foundation of a good na- enthusiastic cooperation among all preview of coming attractions, so Uonal government U laid at the hit aaeociatea. Hia modesty and- kirtdly allow me to chip ih for our loca! level. 3fo election'or primary, for PERFORMANCE TV sineerity make him a truly., re­ side. ' ' . "1 , ' on a local level should be shrugged- Apparently the local caropalgrt off or considered unimportant. d r d y CAPTAIN EASY FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS markable pereoa,. - J. Too Much Bulk BY LESLIE TURNER To^The Point BY MERRILL BLOSSER A* * Toter without party affilia­ follows the lead of the national in Therefore Manchester voters which. .Mr. Stevenson has- beep HKiOiiusMf^ FlNEl VYC OID ITl HOW I'LL HOP NO IMPEEP/ Rur po jT tion*! will rote for Roy C. John­ SOUKZE tCu UP ' OOWM anp iaove that box out THiSSCRAPtP BOY* I Ves. IF YOU R otts. WOULD you like To ^ son and I. heartily recommehd him duped Into following the-arm-wav- QEMTL'.' riy— SAY SO, THRU Thi» hole if CF The wav vitu can (SO , AHtNT,' Sincerely, Color TV $.52$ hqd up* coattails'. THRU THEtt iilA John. but I believe Manchester ' voteis ---- 1- ■re too smart to fall for that sort lARLOW'U ’ .It i' *Lever Narked Pee’ C" of attack against a solid array of TELEVISION . • We’ve just completetL 25 yearfi 17/ To the Editor; arcomplishmchts.. 1089 Tolland Tpk.. Rucltlaad of operation. The reraYd speaks In the coming campaign there Last night M rs Bourn emmment- , . Tel. MI S-8095 for itself. Com.e in jand eee our dis­ f ■re excellent candidates on both ed -disparagingly on Republican In .Mueoen . m party ^ k e ts , men end' women of satisfaction about matters * ac­ play of new radios, high fidelity WELL. I CAM’T- abihty and integrity who deserve complished which she said were phonographs and records had TV. AAodal Z2220R with 262 MANP -THIS ANV and will get the support of their discusseii when sh« was - on the We hS3'e a novel ifift fur the ladies. sq. in. ractdngulai’ pKtuM LONfjERi cirr «av particular parties; imt good gov­ Board of Directors in ■1962, The FPR RENT . PoltertonV SUSPENDERS! ernment needs, above - all, -candt- fact that during that term rqla- B and I t nun. Mairie Pmjoeton o r a o i ■ dataa whose' davotion to duty Is tiona .bistween the twl> parties on — sound ,or silent, nlao SA nua. more Important thamtheirx>wn po­ ths- Board were particularly acri- slide prejeetera. ?.. 'eitM h*.' litical . advancement. It U -Incum- moniousL.and that more time was EASY TERMS taiT^ra-’ Lirramu^d ji.-T ■ ■ ' bent upotr all sound thinking, vot- spent |n fighting than in accomp­ WaDON DRUG CO. M l Mala St, TeL Mn. g.dS8t 1'.. MOBTV MEEKLE \Ve,i Can Imagine RY DICK CAVALLl THE STORY OP'MAKTHA WAYNB Strange Jlandwriting era to support such men whan they lishing may have had soipething to BY WILSON SCRUGGS ere avalUble. - do with the delays The fact that IVIOvIPCeY^lATfeKWTFteTHC TMERCI5 NOTMINia W lO lfl WITH THE CABLE/ mAFOOVOURSeV^ 1T'WA56FNERO«iOF Manchester is fortynate that It two years later another- amalga­ Prete.er^ Prin Slip of ‘ ■'.V CA MARSHAl l ,3'OUKNOwA5 j ReRUl?AlAN?l|; TOLF MIMTHC letter ll BUT TMINKCP Trie STORIES ThEYLL HAS p u c to A TD LEAVE HIS ESTATE TO >*F". AS / 0 0 THAT THIS ISVT has such a man Trith a proven reo mation took-i place on .the Board, C!ABLC!&(>£yttANifllN(5 T O ^ H AvcT9Ta.L WMCNTrc-yiaer hOMC' OF. il5 M A BATHER AWkWARP erd of civic accomplishment who all of whoee'’participants save ode HEUORV OF .MY husband; AlilO O a t s HANOm^mws/ Situation, nps. aU rshall.vOi/ see IWOoDUkE' •hould be supported by ell right were subaequenlly Repudiated by ize P Gdttbn- t CANT POSSftV ACCEPT THR.MONEV TO RESPECTi thinking Citizens. That man. aa the .voters, may have contributed DON'T must be apparent to many of ypu. to lurtkcr delays.! . I Still pleaty e f wear 1% |a la Director Pascal Poe. * We got them done. becAuse Re­ ■aboee wben breught here for | Pascal Pee, who iaDean of HIU- publicans and. Democrats on tha ■.expert repairing. 3.00 yer -Oollegey has served, ably a> a preaent Board fo ^ o t their inter­ member of the Board of Directors party differences and stuck to tke wtiSK DONE W h i l e for. two years. Hia primary pur- task at-hand. ECU WAHT A perfset protoon slip with oil Iho roquiromonti •7>r P®M in office is .to perform.a ser- Mr. Cummings wrqta about the r: rice to the community to the best Washington School last nijmt alab, a fashion-conscious yobng deb dornahds. Fleur- ^ hia knowledge and ability; po. and fought a few bees Ha^ he'fol­ SAM YULYES do-iis'ombrordorod froof bodice, princess lino let's he graUful that a niaii of this lowed the’ 'mattAj- more .carentlly- - SHOE r e p a i r IH g ^ ib a r U running for offlcA and He would have realized that the OF 'THE BETTER K IN P v . . fulli qathorod skirt . daintily frirhmodl Elas.- ’ . Mcmehattar's liomof RcnNo,'^ TV, re-elect him. . a . Coat of the addition which was Maple St.—Acroas From - ticizod waist and underarm! Wi^de,^ (gjrosgroin I aM l fhr the - le w m irkad Ptw. first proposed for thishis.schMi .'ACiwml was St.National Parking Let. J3Q CENTER ST. " ^ |i' « . ' „ , • NetUe U Miner., far Uw high fo r H>eI r s ^ t a to bo strapsiPro-$hr|ink. Whrto..Sijo$ U, 10, u and J4, f--V3 ‘ j \wjrTrr\. -J-i "5??r r . ..Vi. as ■* . . • • ■S-- . -.r. - ■' -t*.- I..’- .•.■( i; '; */ ■ I ./! .'I I \ ' V" ■ T V /■-. : t. ,- - S' J-'. v = ■ A .

UANCUESim fiVENmG HERALD., Mj^CIIESTEB. CONN. FRIDAY. SEPtTEMBER 28.1964 PAGE! >A6S8Qnxni ‘ liANCHESte EVEl^G MANCHESTER, CONN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1566' XMda Ht-' THE TTiis Is It Pa^JtS^l ^Games in Herald Angle a m s

EARL W..YOST’ : l r G reat Addetejl f Soldiers Test iDodgi^rs Ho&t < BdUri Hear You Loud and Clear iHSm Tatum lit J3ied Thursday " " M erdiants’ 11 S h o tg N e k piid There <9t.h e iir S2nd NatiofiaL Footliall Lirague Mhedule on Sunday ^d^Pittsburgh; ^> Ga?^ fdbeuiid Saturday agalnat'Tate four of aix pra-aaaaon gamaa and New York, Sept. 28 (ff)— _ef two games, one a T-Q»DartmouOi tahsa on Kasv Baiaf* '^ in gain* to turn Jimmy Roach /Galvoilon, Tei.v .Sept, 28 * as b ad a Club as the final «tMdlng« Football Coach t or strong Duke, tSkes on dfiff intrc YOle p ii^ Uoaaeetleut. •ad jU t^«bb looao Sunday afUr- r ^NeW-JfoiTk, S e^> v28 {IP)— . once^ac|lh. OldMt veteran in po)nt (jP)-i-A Mi^ual ,(rf tele- of the countrys independent’s But the • top Saidam : aodn and dtaCt b« aurpriaed If we 5 Bcora .itt tHa first gama ^ipset Idse gebl'his aeeond chance of National League |Tfits-i i t ' Forget those past of Bervtces/yrit]) the: OianU la de­ firnUng and note# of gyinpathy, in Miami. On thS-' Weat Coast promisM to be at SyiMUM w ban •core atx touebdowna. “CSoach % ^ } in the Natipnal to . Bpringfield indicataa. The fensive aUitddui KnHan Tunnel Wejre received/1r-o d a y by to "i^ay “ole man upset” when Southern California, rated No. 6 in the Orange; No. 7 natlohally»;tafca George UttclMll of the Merchanta' W L, Pet. G.B.. [ season. It’s'Milwau- Oyamaata m vatlad by a 4i-i3 who is beginning''^ ninDi Mason. Geoiire Zaiiarias from admir- hi8 North Carolina Tarheels -the weekly Associated Prebs poll, on No. 10 P itu b a m ^ P ttt aqiioMad football team aald laat night. The Milwaukee . .603 count . . . Yala’a firat major, teat Six tim u he has been, named All- clMhee^th-Oregon State. by West Virginia 1^18 1 ^ waek Brooklyn ... .596 kee ^ St;>I^uis for three, era and friends'of hia faiiAoua m e e t defending Nitional Merchants meet the Fort Devens la axjpactad Saturday; Oct, 20 Pro safety man. Only ona^'rookie Saturday’s schedule provides a while Jim Brown ran w04 to laaA •oidlera Sunday afternoon at 2:30 CihcinnaU ,. .586 Pittsburgh at Brooklyn for againat Cbmall-at the Yata Bowl in will be in either the starring: of-., wife. Babe - Dideiksoit'Zahar 1h 7 Champion Oklahoma tomorrow. St. Louis . . . .490 who died Thursday morning. multitude cf top gafitea with chief the O fsa g s to an npaet yheU ttf itM tN e h o . three- and all of them ,.or any of Naw Havan. Incldantally. Oicraara fensive or driSnaiVe lineup of the The Ust tlmS was Jan. i when national interMt 'cehteced at over Maryland. ‘TSlie Duboee is my new quar> PhHarieiphla ,.464 'em could decide the pennant, 18 miles of comfortable seats, in Giants, Jim KatcaVage of Dayton, Harry Moffitt, president of thsj. Tatum Mnt his Maryland forces Pittsburgh • .437 DallM where upstart Southern Easy Oaa far Anay ter back. He has played that posi­ Milwaukee's Braves, holding, the the Bowl,'the only large etadium in an- end on defense. . . Holy Cross Professional Golfers Association againat the Sooners In the Orange Methodist, upset conqueror-* of In other gsmtSi Jinny elKwM tion for two years and I’m sure New York .. .430 the United States which has back of America wired: ' Bowl, only to have Bud Wilkin-' Chicago .... lead by one game, need a sweep opens its. football. ssason Sunday Notre Dame and the No. 5 teem open its aeesoB on a’winniiig nota he’ll do alright Sunday. Roach and .395 against the Cards to nail it with­ reau on every Mat. Capacity is afternoon at Worcester against “Our entire association deeply son’s dynMty sweep to its: Slat, in the nation, |>lays host to the against weak Vbgtnla lORasy Webb were handicap^ last Sun­ Friday’s Schedule 70,866 . , . Ray Oosting, Trinity’s Dayton. (Quarterback BlUy Sfiiith' regrets the pessing of your beloved -straight, triumph and the National out worrying about what'Brooklyn title. - EcgiitMrS from Georgia, Tech, while''Nai^ should do tba aame day due to the many fumbles and lE .Pittsburgh at Brooklyn, 8 p.m.— 'does. - ! 6irector of atbletlee, reports that era Is the man to. watch in the Babe. She w m a,great American holds A triunqpb over Kentucky with WUliam A Mary. poor handoffs. Duboee should take Friend U7-16) vs Craig (12-U). kia recent trip to Japan was a tre- (hiisader backfield., . Fred Doifan as well as a great sportswoman Just over nine ' months later, and la presently runnerup to Okla­ , In the South, MlaalseippI, N a 6, New York at Philadelphia, 8 “it’s Bob Buhl tonight,. Warren eaendoua aucceas. He was accom- Tatum, now drawing his diagrams care of that and don’t forget he’s Spahn tomorrow night,” says Mll- of Stamford is a starting wtngman and golfer. homa fOr National honors. . takes on Kantuiekjr, and Duks) a pretty good passer too,” the gen­ Indian Starters Agdinst Hdll p.m.—Wright (0-0) vk Hkddix (13- aanied by Harold Anderson, bMket- for Dayton add a fellpw towns- _7.'Her contrlbutloii. lo the world for alma maUr North Carolina, The nation's No. 3 lean), Mlchl- smarting from Its opealag day. <)• , ■ . , -waukee Manager Fred Haney, baball coach at Bowling Green. The man. A1 Shanoii, is a Bnemtn (rttlt fitkU himMlf sending his ■onoe ial coach said. Last. Sunday the j hhemen for Mancheeter High agalnet-Hall High- aiM the wDoIc damn bunch on Sun- In these'fields will be remembered gan 8tete> opens Ito MMon at Palo loM, mMta Viiftnia. .PMit' and Mendumta were stunned and beat^ Milwaukee at-St. Louia 9 p.m.— pair taught bMkctball clinics to the Flyers. Ooachipg the Dayton with’ fondest affection and gradi- beaten Tarheels against the Soen- Alto where Stanford’s Indians are Perat State omriniM their rivaliT tomorrow afternoon at Mt. Nebo in a CCIL football game-will be Buhl (18-8) Vs Poholsky (9-14) day!” v . members of the Navy, Air Forces an 1^ Leominster, Mass.; 18-18 Larry Herzog,, left and Lou Gaskell.,' (Herald Photost . backfield le Don Paneiera, former tude by the millions she inspired ers who are urimed and ready to Bui^sed to be the cream left on in the East and Ohio 0toto, .aaM The Soldiers got off to a fast Only Ctkmes Scheduled. The, Dodgers,' supremely confi­ and ground forces . .. Karl Kurth, Boston Ccrilega.and pro standout. through her good Ufe and remark­ laY claim to a second National. the coM t where several title hope­ Howard (Hopalong) Ckaeady. start laat Sunday by defeating Thursday’s Results dent all season that they would former East Hartford High foot­ Don played in Manchester last able courage.” CManipienship and Notre Dame’S fuls have been weakened by in- plays Nabraika, lUlnoia opsaM Quonaet Point, U-6. Ute OIs are A: No Games Scheduled. catch the \ Braves and repeat as ball coach, handles linemen and year wim the Fort Deveiu Soldiers untarnished record nf 39 victories eligiblUto penalties. against (MUfomia and Indiana and Babe la Not Dead’ without defeat. - . coached by Jack Doolittle of Pan- Saturday’s Schedule. Milwaukee’s Hopes Ride with Them champions, no longer can do.it ia chief icout at Trinity College. against the Merchants. OrilBn Hawkins, former head of The EMt will be treated to the Iowa clash In their Big Tim aar and his assistants ars Johnny Pittsburgh at Brooklyn, 2 p.m. alone; Ttie best .they can do-'Ja Open Seliedides formal “first yMr” of the Ivy inaugural'MiOhigna faiuM Artth Fred Haney, apeOnd from right, manager of the Milwaukee Braves, pounds ball into glove of the Louisiana ‘State Boxing Com* Elsewhere in the narioii, many Jackson of Mai'yland State and Reiiin Expected Pass Cincinnati, at Chicago,. 2:30 p.m. Bob Buhl during workout in St. L^uls. - Haney, haa named Buhl as the sU rter in first of three- iweep the Pirates and hope St.' , JcM Dow, New Kaven Teachers Bcking NotSs: Joe Lbiiis has mission Said,“ Babe Is''not dead. League m Columbia and BrOwn the d^sple^ fOtOea oT ^ L a. Bob Gosslin of Ito University of New York at Philadelphia, 8 Louis can tako at least one frorh College grid mentor, Mys e)val signed a waiver to turn over what­ of the top teams are also dpening it at Baker Field in New York. TexM (MrisUah,-ranked floorUi game-series^with the Cards with Wan-en Spahn, 'second from left, to follow and Lew Burdette, left, God wants her to grace the fair­ their schedules this weekend. Mew Ranlpaldre. p.m. is expected to pitch the season's finale. (AP Wlrephoto). 'tbs Braves..That would leave It a state teams—Connecticut, Wetle- ever he wins on the “High Fi­ ways of heaven.” Cornell goes outside the loop to nationally, ia the oaljr top 10 team One Connecticut player is listed Milwaukee at St. Louis. 9 p.m. tid'-rcalllng/ for a . best-of-three yan. Trinity and Coast Guard- nance” TV show to the govern­ Tonight South Carolina, already mMt highly-rated Colgate and idle. . . ainst Hall Tomorrcw ment. ... Joe ia now living ia St. Former golfing great Bobby with the Soldiers, fullback Stan Sunday’s Schedule playdfk beginning Monday In want nothing to do with hli club. Jones wired; ‘The entire sports New York at Philadelphia, 1:35 Brookly^.Brooklyi The Elm City Teachers havr, from Albans. N. Y. Jake PlriSr, first Cterk of Hartford. History of Baseball Umpirts bsM coach of the Dbdgere, and world will want to share your sor­ Blond-haired Danny Renn. the^y^iU find each club looking its p.m. l|fer» N< all reports, the best team in the row. The Babe was a wonderful Pittsburgh at Brooklyn,. 2 p.m. school's history this fall. (Mach J<^mny Ray, who managed Billy power Man- vein of the aeason,-HkrUord Manager WalL^Alaton sDes his Conn, arc brothers. . . TOe Zivic person whose gallantry shone in Nashua Horse Race - Choice deader High B Indians, ib ready toi„._. Cincinnati at CSiicago, 2:30 p.m. Dodgers chances hke this; Dow, a product of West Texas everything she did. Her life and the mum brothers are active in the m tsr Q iilean T eaiii operate at full strength once again edged the Indians by a 6-0 14ilwaukee at St< Louis, 3 p.m. "We’ve got to have'help. II the Slate, played professional football wonderful comradeship ..you two with the Philadelphia Eagles be­ burgh area. Jack and Pete are bar-^ and this should spell ^bad news for ' score laat Saturday and on the American League Board^Has Grown from Five to 25 Cards win one, we’II b eajl right. tendere, Eddie works in the steel enjoyed has )>een an irisplrstion YOU C M Against Three Foes StHutday Hall High of West Hartford. The | some ■ afternoon Hall Was going W L Pet. G.B. We haven't any reason to pve up fore coming 16 New Haven eight everywhere.” :_ mills and Fritxie, the most famous m x p a c r r u m In H orse Show two CX3IL rivals dash here Satur-1 down to a 14-6 defeat at the hands New York ... 96 5» .636 yet,” but he added: ■' \ years ago.-Dow’s first lieutenant, Fred (Mrcorsn. the Babe’s per­ o e n n e m t o rsart-MB tsaovE day afternoon at Mt. Nebo at 2:15. of Meriden’s Red Raiders. Cleveland .... 87 64 .576 9 Pr. Jim Moore, has had coaching of the Fighting Zivics, is Mlling sonal manager who ia flying to Take (t) New York, Sept 38 (45—N aah u A ^ l of tha'VPoOibrard sta rta n lwaa "I'in not worried about the C!!ard- n cars. . . Gil Turner has fought be­ K wotto W/7» 0 G . Oliva ...... M 91 Renn, out with injuries for two i' Big Larry Herzeg will team up Chicago . . . . ; 84 67 .556 12 Since Its Inception 16 Years Ago experience at Connecticut, Murray Beaumont for Uie funeral, said; m----- t u/4TJ u A r o e Y 78 W the pssUo Combs s^dteste’a miT 126 pounds. The combination Army, military Boston >...... 82 69 .543 itials easing up. The thing that / State Teachers in Kentucky and fore television cameras 39 times. M. Oliva police and civilian jumping team WMks, returned to the squad just with Co-Gaptain' Norrh Hohenthal 14 worries me is that we've looked " Tiger Jones has bMn featured 28 ‘The whole world is sorry over M B A *U Q 9», lion dollar baby, is expected to be Nashua apparently has renliMd before the opening game last Sat­ at the end positions. The former Detroit . .V,.. 80 71 .530 16 - Oolumbla Univeraity. Jim played Babe’s death." TOO/ Uchatx . top form after nfferthg eaUe at* of Chlla not represented at the Baltimore pretty lousy lately."' times, Rocky (Matellani 25, Ezzard Lata .... 106 a prohlbiUvo 1 to 10 favorite when urday. He wasn’t able to operate replaces Bob I.azzari who is on the 67 84 .444 29 Membership in the EJaste'rn Con-<»flrst president and held that post., one eeaaon with the Washington Charles 22 and Johnny Saxton and Dr. O. A. W. CJurrle, administra­ tacka that knocked him out •( tha National Horse Show since 1950, at peak capacity and as a result injured list. Washington .. 68 93 .884 38 of Approved Base- | for 4 decade. 0 ’L,eary was the first ] ''^usy'’ describes , a 2-4-record ' Redsklna In the National. Pro tor of John Sealy Hospital, where TeUIa ...... 471 600 463 1438he lines lip against three opponents Is scheduled to arrive in Hew Tbrk (2snnen Basilio 20 times each. . . Black Mastc (I) tomorrow in the |75,000-added 6100,000 Atlantle City Handicap the Indians' offense bogged down. Starting baeKheld will find Renn Kwsas City .. 50 101 .331 46 ball Umpires has increased 200 per vi(*e president and McCann, served . in the last six games—A slump League . . . Tougheat exercise for Babe ended her fight a^nat etneer. SobiBki ,,...... 91 80 88 364 Aug. 11 and the 180,000 Saiateffa shoHly ftom Santiago bo Compete A sound Renn means that the Friday’s Schedule cent since 1950. OVlginally the as secretary-treasurer. O'Leary L-' I that dumped the Brooks out of the American League baMball umpire, Mid; Woodward Stakes at Belmont at quarterback, Co-capta.ln Dick members of .'the UConn varsity Larry Napp, is a boxing referee Hebfiutreit ...... 94 97 no 801 Park, Handicap Aug. 65. BH a t the 68th HationM, Oct. 30-Hov. IncUans win take to the air. Pepin .slid Ed Hiil at the halfback Chicago at Kansas City, 3:30 board, which has its headquarters | Succeeded Brennan Ss pt'exy and'^ ( lead and left the race like thisr football team is to run up the 50 "The entire staff of the hMpitslv. Kusmlk ,...... 88 82 Comha haa eald that KgSliiia 6, against Ireland, 'M retiring to the atud-.ia Kaataeky. >^ptain Ricardo Bche\’srri, re- Baltimore at Washington, 8 p.m. bahded together with the Hartford total of 18 newcomers successful­ never at a loss for wdrds, lays, of Babe ZahariM hM left.” Detroit Job Wide Open riibis ...... 96 99 at sonte. big money under weight- Nashua won that 6-mila affklr last Board and was known as Chap­ \ Cincinnati's chances are mbre 17 times sthes 1900 and only eight tor-age conditions. It should he VNd Jrom the caiilean Army,, is —Moeller (0-0) vs Pascual (6-18). ly passed the written examinatidns than slim. The Rcdlegs, fooling • “Moat of the things I learned about timea,in the last942 yMrs. The beat 'She WM a great person, not Morlcy ...... 107 I 111 telL •xpected.Jn New Yorit by air to Boston at New York, 8:15 p.m.— ter Two of the Connecticut Board • for admittance. baaeball, X learned from Charlie only M an outstanding athlete, but Moyers ..., ...... i.. 101 81 eMy as pie, at the 114 mile Major Hoople Picks Nixon (9-8) vs Larsen (10-5). of Approv’ed Baseball Umpires. everyone and even therhselves by MilWaukM ean do Ihia season is 94 Lorensen ...... 94 84 distance the 4-year-old teems to . V huphupwelco welcome six horses and three When the board first came into I hanging on to the fihal three days Draaaen . . . ToUl of 49 athletld .irihs, if they sweep their UirM re- as an individual, and there is no Low Score ...... *:... 89 '-76 NOW TBAMMAXBS rideis of his c d tn t^ ’s crack eques­ ‘Thursday’s Results Last April the board was rechrist­ coiitMta.dot the fail schedule for' doubt that she w m one of the best As Bucky Harris Quits relish. New York (P>—The ehaneea aye ened again to ita present handle of existence, all the men were from of the season, need a sweep ,qf malning gamee. The most popular ToUU ...... 468 457 473 1494 trian team whenOieyey arrive about BIAJOR AMOS B..HOOPLE champion by Jock Sutherland, No Games Scheduled. Manchester. Later Rockville and varsity and freshman teams at total'for a, NL winner sinee'the atients any hospital ever had,” CbMIiny <•) ■ The entry box closed yesterday that Lou Tontlaato, rougbhouM then coach of Pitt. 'These are only Saturday’s Schedule the Eastern Board.. ! their two galhes with (Chicago be- Vseesro O ct 1 by sea. Captain Ecfaeverrl World Oiampion Forecaster j Hartford, men were admitted and ginning tomorrow- and three Mil­ OonnacUeut this fall. turn of the century has bMn 98. £ir. Currie said...... T.. 80 75 tor the Woodward, and only the defenseman of the N ow -T oek is the team’s non-riding «ptgin. a few of the accolades I. have re­ Detroit at Cleveland, 2 p.m. I today' the membership includes ‘Orcsitest All the Way* Detroit, Sept. 28 (JP)—Names were dropping like autumn ChriKtisna ,, ...... 80 81 Llangollen Farm’s Mister Gus.'the Ranger, end Red BulUvaa wiU eee Tsigad! Some few of my ziUona ceived. ^ . Boston at New York, 2 p.m. waukee defeats and at least >t(\o This figure was reached eix Umee, Harry Paton of the Saturdey leaves today in the wake of Bucky Harris'* announcement that Sibrinps ...... 87 89 269 Maine Chance Farm’s Jet Action, Chile’s riders Include Arm^Csp- of readers may wonder when I umpired' from Colchester, East Brooklyn defeats to gain a tie. Feeding a football player, ia like Including the'. Brooklyn Dodgers’ Prentice ...... 99 93 289 eye to tye during the Ketkmel tefai QuUlermo Aiande, CeraM- This week I am able to offer Baltimore at Washington, 8 p.m. Hartford, Suffield and .Williman- 'loading a truck. He can Uka from Evening Post, who wrote Babe’s he was stepping-down ks manager of the Detroit Tigers. The CrsnSall .,...... 110 88 811 snd the Clearwater Stable’e C&vort Hockey Leegue: campaign. T ^ ot the award “world chsfflipion The Bfaves, a 1-3 favorite to toUl in 1955. AK-rime high for a neroa (Military^'Police) Captain you two juicy Upsets. Michigan's Chicago at Kansas City, 10. p.m. tic. 6,000 to 7,000 calories every day NL club was the 116 victories autobiography. 'This Life I’ve announcement of the resignation of the 69-year-old manager Touli 446 436 431 1398 joined the fray with NMhuA tangled twice last aeeaon. hot now Leopoldo Rofas, and Roberto iiremter” which is carried above speed, depth and rugged defense .Sunday’s Schedule Of the originar members only take the flag lalthotigh the same, without gaining weight according Led,” wired ’I've just ^eard the Instead of^ handicap cenditionsi are teanunatoA SulUvea, was with u n d ^ .^e name of Hoople. Detroit at Cleveland, 2 p.m. money man will lay you 12 to 5 amassed by the Chlcigp Chibs ia had barely aetUed when nearly a'V Knoop, diyi&an teiiun member. will set* touted UCLA back on Its O'Lear.v is still actively engaged to- Frederick Stare, M.D., Depart- 1906. The lowest number' of wins news about the Babe we have been dozen names were being tossed ' Fsberce (I) where Nashua might have to con­ the Chicago Black Hawks iM t SM ' About 49 years ago it was, if heels. Oregon State will defeat Baltimore.Tsi Washington, 2 p.m. in calling balls and strikes and his they don't), have picked Buhl, not mesit of Nutrition at the Harvard fearing for so long. She was the World Series. Meanwhile the Rh'oas ., ...... 84 2«1 cede from 10 to 20 0^ more pounds, son. The Irieh Army team will be my memory serves me, Minnesota Boston at New Yprk, 3 p.m. ever for a flag winner was the 89 greatest ail the way.” about in diacuasioni of a possible Correhll ...... 112 3W /tiiptalned thla year 1^ Lt. OcdrDait Southern California in a game de­ schedule consisted mainly of scho­ effective of late, and Spahn, k 20- School of Public Health. .. N e w total...... the...... 1926 Cardinals and 1938 successor to the eMy-going Hairis. names of Hutchinson and Teb­ Rouetto ...... 133 339 was picked to overwhelm Illlnols cide by superior line play—hak- Oiicago at Kansas City, 3:30 game winner whq has a 44-34 jlife- 'Win Harridge. and members of Cuahins Cmy, edto replaoea L t Co). Fred lastic and prep school games this York pro football Giants will open Cubs compiled. Many pf the names are familiar betts, along with those of Billy ...... 78 260 by a dleg^ceful margin. The late kaff! p.m. season. McCann and Stevensdn I time edge over, the Cards over Lew the American BMeball League, Hitchcock, Leo Durocher, Mickey Plrkey ...... -108 313 Ahem this time as non-riding lead­ Ring Lardner even picked the Now'go on with the .rest of the I Burdette and the youngsters, Chicago, Mid “Babe’s name will al­ to fans in this red-hot bM cball er of Brih’a aquad. Word from have retired to the sidelines and BILL ■ BKENNAN town, who have experienced one of Ciochrane, Paul Richards,. George Total* ...... 801 471 490 1443 peerless forecast; Kotsch iR dead. Buhl a. Gamble ways stand for all that is best in Kell, AI Lopez, Eddie Stapkey and Straw Bat (S> Canada Indicataa that W. R. Bal­ I sports. the m ost interesting, if disappoint­ Klelnscbmldt ....j.'.,. 94 104 - 94 394 lard, of Toronto, long a atar rider M tt XI, Syracuse IS. A1 Boggini Joined the board In bers. .The board handles all games Bttlil, . 28 and a irighthander, is Mell Ott, keap coming up. Paganl ...... 93 83 80 286 ^ ■ Vale Favored “Her fine spirit both In victory ing MMons in its 56 years in the Hilln»kl of Canada's equaatrian team, will PenL_State-L4, Penn iL.__. - ' , 1941 and Bob Meleski, fresh baek fin* the Manohcsier Twillg T the-seasoti/' But he hasn't Former Fordham Grid Stars American League. Hitchcock first played as a Ti­ 378 Navy 20, Wm. and M ary'7. from an accredited umpires' school and adversity wes an inspiration Baldyga S 379 lead hla country’s horsemen into League, Alumni League and In^^ pitched a complrie game since for young and old,'and I know all Most of the talk about Harr'^’ ger and now is a third bM e coach. A c tio ... 97 398 the Oerden next month, but will Colgate J14, Cornel) -7. in Florida, Joined up the same sea­ termedlate League. Also, all AUg. 30 (a 1-ltle wUh PltUburghi Durocher, former. m eag er of tl\e Ohio SU te .27, Nebraska 6. O ver Huskies! son. Meleski. from Rockville, was Starring with New^ Colleges baseball paid her tribute for her successor centered around Jack Handicap not ride himself. Mexico is assured American Legion Junior games in and is only 2-3 for the month, win­ many unforgettable contributlona 'nghe, the club’s 43-yesr-old first Brooklyn Dodgers and New York ToUIi 1478 gfffur eye/ will pop of Brig. Gen. Humberto Marties’/ lUlnote 21. CaUfomU 18. the first non-Manchester resident Manchester and Rockville. Rock­ ning one in relief against the tor our nation's competitive sports Glents, insists he isn’t intereeted loiva. 14, Indiana-6. in the board. base coach who makes no secret in returning to bMeball but hie / customary active ceptelncy. New Haven, Sept. 28 i/P) — Yale ville board members work ga.raes Dodgers. He's 1-1 vs (St. Louis.' New York (NEA)—Before the^ Jimmy/Brown, a 20-year-o1d, history.’’ about a desire to manage the Ti­ BU Steinkraus, 30, captain of O Northwestern 19. Idwa State 7. opens Its 1956 seasatea,' Frank Chapot 24, picking its opponent, the Univer-' Windy C5ty. Also, during the runs Buhl has allowed, only one pal problem was at'quarterback. going to run Texas (Mristian’s golfers mourn Babe’s passing and more than three, years in the Sport Schedule N-- and Hugh V fU m y,n , art under in­ Michigan Stath 27. Stanford sity of Connecticut, to win. s- Ed Kovis and Dave Kerr in 1945, Spring months the members have UBS socked by a Cardinal V The Orange'schednit started on Jim SWink and others somethiflg join in your bere'avement.” to tWk with Fred Hutchinson, tor 1930’s, while a player. Baltimore Washington 14, Minnesota 0. Ray Ramsdelt o f. Rockville and m erTjger pilot who hM a year to. tensive training ^ Avon,- N. Y« In fact, after Connecticut's poor been called upon to work area pinch-hit job by Rocky Nelson, that^ a sustained suicidal note^Mary- approacihlng a dead heat as .the The staff of the Honolulu Globe General Manager Richards and itarcent alogahea^ for the 68th Nationel opening Oct Purdue 26, Missouri 6. opening game showing against Mike Rollick of Hartford Joined up scholastic, prep, school and college beat the Braves. land, Pittsburgh, West Virginia nation’s number ont college back. said “May her unbelievable ac ­ gO on a contract with the St. Louis third baaeiiian Kell are former Ti­ Friday, Sept. 66 Mlsaisalppi 14, Kentucky 7. In 19*6. Charlie Robinson in 1949 contests. • and Army. Why, ths Orangeman Cardinals, and Birdie Tebbetts, gers. Lopez is reported Ready to .SocOO'er — Manchester at Meri- 80. jOieiM riders, who p 6 n fifth Duke 14, Virginia 0. Sprin^ield last week, experts, who Cardinal Manager- Fred Hutch­ Brown, Jittle short of. fantMtic complishments be an ihspiraiion placeI honors nono in the recent eques­ are predicting great things for the •Wd Pete Staum in 1950. Of this This spring they Elastern Board, inson, figuring "We’ll give them a could be well. equecMd before the last season. It even better this to all who seek the infinitesimal one-time Detroit, catchei' who is resign m Cleveland manager. den. / K \ ___ Oa^Tech 20, So. Methodist IS. Ells during thp next nine weeks, numbq^, only O'Leary, Meleski, became afriliated-$|pth the Con'^ home folk even saw thtm and left quality of perfection." "in solid” as manager of the Chn- Stanky, former St. LouiaOSardinal Midiget Football - Blue Devils you cart buy trian Olympic Games held in The OM Bo; Tex. and M. 20,. La. State 6. tumble," has named righthander trip M a four-letterman runnihg dnnatl Redlegs. ■ Stockholm against 81 naUons. are A. suggest that the «Blue cxn win by Murray. Plitt, Kovis,. Kerr, Rams- nectlcut Association of Approved Tom- Poholsky for tohtght’s open­ for seriotuly dead before they got the 100 in 10 flat. He rushed the nr onager, is rpw with Minneapolis vs. CruiMrs, 7:80 — Robertson ./ Maryland 20, Wake Fdfest-0, _ .lyhatever score it wants'. dell and Rollick were active. anything faintly reMmbling a Of the 33 national football Men MeUttoned ia the A m e^nn Assn.' Ott, once Park. rapidly roundUig into .the form score to be 80 to 6 ,1 was the only Oregon State 19, So. OaHf. 7. Baseball Umpires which includes er. Poholsky is 9-14 for the ■easotv' bsJl for 154 yarde against Mary­ that saw them win ntJwr Wiyt, If the 'weatherJi good, some 16,- Start ot Growth accredited groups from Hartford, 2-2 vs Milwaukee with one com­ breatlfer against guys their own land. one mors than alt the Ter­ championship teams fince 1924, 19 The new owners -say they plan New York ciiants’ manager, now Saturday, Sept. M ora tnroughoat their recently com­ of niinols, predicting that the II- 006 souls are expected: to^SiUiafy The year 1951 aaw the start of Middletown, Metiden, Fairfield and plete game in five start.s against size. ’ rapins combined. He scored two achieved perfectRecords,-,-; no announcement untiL-after the broadcasts Tiger- bsMball. Football, — Hall vs. Manchester, Tennessee 20, Auburn 14. the tremendou.s growth in the Wasn’t Fred Kuczala, echooled 2:15 — Mt. Nebo. / pleted European invasion. Uhl woUtd humble the mighty Colorado 19, Kansas State 7. their curiosity about Yale, and' '44anchestcr. the Braveit, aHowing 40 hi'ta (three touchdowns and Mt up' s third Gopher. whether Connecticut just had^^ board when three men were ad­ Officers are .Canavari, .president: ''to^replsce Ikl Albright in the pilot with a 78-yard sprint around end. SuBdaj', Sept. 60 - Oklahoma 34, No. Carolina 6. mitted. They were Charlie (Chick) homers) and 10 earned riins in 38 house,, favoring his ' good r|ght Midget Football — Sihoi^eJEat .■for only I was the only prognosticator Texas 20. Tulane 6. bad day while )>elng - pasted by Staum, vice president; Ramsdell. innings. ' He can pass, which makes him N e ^ n Wa8 ,„who „ „ picked^.vneu ».oiummaColumbia loto wmwin methe Springfield. ‘Toomey.,.garl Yost and John Csna- treasurer, and^Yost secretary. arm after a s^ulder operation? even more menacing on options. B o y 47 G ia r d e llo ars vs. Fire Fighters, l ::ir Yale 45, Connecticut 6. vari of Rockville. -Bernie Giovini, He's tougher than' his over-all What the..^^expcrts completely Beaumont Pays Final Tribute ter Oak. ^ t for 18 of {Rose Bowl game from Stanford in WlllUma 14. Trinity 12, Both coaches planned light sig­ Jimmy RIdlon, s converted end Tulanea 34 touchdowns in 1955. • 11934, and again I was imiled as who recently completed hls'secOnd Record looks. Against Brooklyn, for everloked, yo^sM ; was the'^Ford- In Teevee Feature Semi-Pro Football •*- Metohants Wesleyan 20, MiddlebnrS- 7. nal drills this rittemoon on their instance, he.was t-6, birt a whomp- St the other halfback, isn’t far home practice fields. year of pro umpiring, was admitted ham boys. . behind Brown. SyracuM. drilled VI. Fort Dayens, 2:807-ML Nebo. to membeVshlp in 1952 as was Cliff Ing 12 of the Brooks' rutis against BO; (Muck Zlmmemam a local To Hometown Idol; The Babe ■------While (^nnecticut's Bob Ingalls by the decorated paratroop major. (Tleveland, SepL 28 (P) — Lanky —r ('Pop) (jlleason -of Vernon., Little him were unearned. Without the boy, made good dlrectlmP^S rap­ Ben SchWartxwalder, may not THREE OjBa^ CAPTi^NS was ' decldelng on one or tw o Sam Vacant! graduated from the poor fielding, he woitId.have had a idly - moving, highly - Imaginative Beaumont, Tex., Sept. 28 (P) —atournament — the Babe Zabs/riM Bobby Boyd of (3ilcago is an 6-5 places in his lineup, Yale’s Coach Local Sport 4-2 record against the Dodgers. ha „ too many accomplished play- favorite to extend his ildnning Uttle League in 1953 Rnd Walter attack a i College Park to snap m, but the Orange is deep where A hometown Babe Didrikson Za.- Open. Several days later she' un- New OrtMns. La — Tulane Jordan Oliver was sticking by the Snow, a previous-member in 1960, ' It's Herm Wehmeler and -Wtl- 15-game, r6gular-seaaon Maryland harias never forgot paid final tri­ dervent. surgery tor a rectal String to IQ tonight in a 10-round* haa^4htee football iteptotos this eleven he named two days ago mer (Vinegar Bend) Mlzell Or it oopnts most—in quality. er against Joey Giardello of Phila­ r V came back on the active list in Chatter winning streak. .The -20-yesr-old, SytepqM quickly demonstrated bute today to the famous athlete malignancy. MSson. They are fullback .Ronny Como In...M b .consisting of nine veterans and 1953. A1 Qiahsanti, then of Man­ bonus boy Lindy McDahtel firr the 180 - pound irix-foot sophomore delphia at the arena. DiiiUian, tiu ^ e Dalton Truax two sophomores, tackle Charley that it'haS'.the club to match the who lost her courageous three- '"'The Babe surprised her doctors chester, now of West Hartford, Cardinals tomorrow and Sunday. ■ completed five of six pasMi for 66 schedule. year battle against cancer. and the apewts world by return­ The middleweight scrap w iU -^ centbR. Doiwd Miller. AU are / ■Griffith and centet Alex Kroll. was" approved in 1954 along With BRUGK LITTLE, son of Mr. and • Face Friend Tonight yards and a touchdown, thoroughly It was nearly a quarter of a cen­ ing to golf and winning seven carried nationally on NBC-i-adio seniors. C^ch Andy Pitney calls o u r now JIM O’Leary Mrs. Howard Little of 304 Autumn 'While the Braves are-12-T for and TV, starting 10 .p/to., EM t VOTE X two/Colchester men, Dave Goldberg demonstrated that he was a com­ tury ago that the 42-ycar-pld Babe more tournaments before her sec­ Truax “the beat tAckle in the and Leon Shedroff. St.. Joined the Army on Sept 10] the season against fourth-place St. plete, football p la m runnihg left ..this SoutheMt Texas oil refin­ ond roimd With the ^ktal cancer em Daylight Time. 4- Southeastern Conference.” FOR MORIAR,TY BROTHERS Night’s Fights Only two charter members in Sam Blonstein Of Rockville and arid is now with the Hecnnri Train­ Louis.' Brooklj-n's World Champa . swiftly on options and defending Richardsoln ing center to gain fame and for began. tht board still hold’-membership. Pat Bolduc Joined up in 1955 and ing Regiiheht^-at Ft. Dix;. N, J. are only, 10-9 against the sixth- like a professional specialist. i~hX.' f f 'a # . 1 ^ 4 tone in the sports world, first ip' The desease spread to the sac­ All-wool Tweed Theyimre Jimmy O’Leary, dean of this season the greatest number.of Bruce pla.ved varsity football last I'lace Pirates. And they'll be run­ ■ Toil undoubtedly will hear more v F l l M jVe o t J H a tC n C f li ^baaketbalt, then track and field, rum at the Mse-of the spine. She OUR PLATFORM Los Angeles — Reuben Her­ season at Manchester High. ning (jp against Bob Friend again nandez. 169, Los Angeles, knepked active basbeair arbiters In Con­ men in- the’organizatlon’B''hlatory. of the Fordham boys M the sea­ - ____ ■ theTM J OlyoUci and golf.'golf. wM in and out of the Galveston necticut,, atfd Bill Brennan, retired, six, were approved. They wgre Ray tonight, The 25..vear.'old right­ son unravels,. and with each per- TheI Babe returned home the Hospital several times last year. out ^ d ie Jenkins, 167, Los ■ Aii'- AUTOMOTIVE BOWIJNG hander. the “All-Star game winner, Forest HUls, N, Y.. Sept. 33 uph- geles7 8. although still holder of member­ Menoche of WllllmantiC’, 'Stanley forinance Ram alumni Will get A pulled tendon, an angry Larin iM t timeJme ^at-'mid-afternpon m id -i yester­ Constant pain brought her ba^- Do-it-yourself HONESTY ship card No. 1. Both men were (Lefty) Miela of Suffield, Ed Sul­ League starts Monday,. Oct. 1, is 17-16 for the' .vear-ivith a 4-1 sicker, .Elmmermsn, who happens day, some ninelmurs after death there from her Tampa. Fla:, boihe INTEGRITY •Charlotte, N.C.—Richard Kelly, elec.ted to honorary. ..memberships Gerry Chappell repor ted today. edge on the Dodgers, whom he's and a gal named Flossie provided livan of West Hartford and Jim to be, a resident of SjTacuse, was toe mein ingredients of the Uhited came while she stept'-peMefully in for the las^ time on March 29. WE A STATE-WIDE REPUTATION FOR THE ABOVE 157, Florence, S.C., kn(x;ked put last fall. Cooper, Henry (Hank) Witike and whipped with a three-hitter and a' only otic of a dosen or more stick*, John Sealy Hospital at'Galyeston. She had known for well over a Shothnd Typos Chico, Varona, 1 5 9 Havana, 8. V WEDNESDAY Night Bowling two-hitter this season. States-Ttaly Ddvis ,-Cup UUer-zOne ia« .a .™ waSS ™AT REPUTATION — .Charter Mrmbem: Dick Naasiff, The latter two’ are outs on what was considered Rose teiipis hiatches opening tpdsy. Only relatives viewed titetoqdy year that she could hot win her WITH THE INSTANT-UGHTING m C H Philadelphia — Cortez 'jackson. Charter members were O’Leary, also'men who started out by call­ League uill-'get under-way Wednes­ Manager Bobby Bragan'says it’s t Hill's finest freshman,.team two iM t night’at Broussard Mortual, fight against canOer, but her iM t WE INVITE YOUR VOTE OF CONFIDENCE ON THE FOUOWING day flight at the Y alleys. •» ■ Ronnie Kline tomorrow and Vern The pulled tendon—in hU right 14214, F^iladelphia, outpointed Brennan. Henry*, 1 Hank) McCann, ing gkmes in Little League cons- * years ago, when the Bronx school toot—belonged to Hem Ricnerdsoh but a hundred or more hometown ^ ■ to Zahariaa early yesterday YOU SAW INi '1 CARS: - Frankie Alotta, •150'4, Allentown. the late Sammy Kotsch and Herb petition, Lav^ Sunday -“but . Friend will be fbruUy abandoned, feolball. friends celled and signed the w ere''*!l^n't gonna die, Honey.” outercoots* Pa . 8. ■ LEE' FRAOCi|IIAv •' fishing at back either in relief or as a pos­ ofJ Westfield, N. J.r .whol faded guest- register. Stevenson. Brennan served as the ' Today there are 25 active memi jimmy ReeSe, another'quar^ir- lU iy’e Nieoia ' Pietrangell/in' the Through-Mier travels about the *51 PONTIAC Martha's Vlneyjard, recently -won sible starter again on Sunday." hack-^aix-ope. and 195—shuttled The body was taken to Betlv world, the Babe.j'eferred to BeSu- Oeav. S Cyt' Now top, by- •52 CHRYSLER X the dally prize’after landing a 14 firtt'Of two singles matches'it the. iehem Lutheran Church at 10 Am. '50 CHEVROLET Alston is going with Roger to Minnesota. End Dave Stecchi, West Side Tennis Club. Stjartlng' mont M her hom etp^. She w m dnunatle, 2-Door Special . De Luxe. Windsor De • Luxe-Conv. pound atriper. ' O aig. a young rig,.thander who six-one and 185. moved to Holy today. It was to lie in state'there born at nearby PorU^^rthur on Automatic transmlasion, now is only 12-11 after failing to time WM 12:30 p.m. EST. j until 4.0'’p.m. except during the 4 $ 6 4 ' 5 Radio, h m e r, ^ 3 ^ 3 Cross. MasMchusetta got End The’ angry Latin was ' little June 26. 1914, but her 'Tsrents power gfide. BRENDAN SHEA and Qary Bd- complete his IRst 13 starts. He's 2- 'Bob FerrimnI and Tackle Phil Mc­ p.m. Funeral serricea - conducted moved here When she a , . '$ 8 9 5 gli are niember^a of (hR Trinity 2 vs Pittsburgh.- . GuUsptSe Merlo, Italy’s lop-rinked by the Rev. C. A- Wpytek. the pas­ youngster. * Dowell, six feet and 210,. Villa- player-who wm chagrined■ I'U-; |when 'UKIIO College varsity ‘soccer team - this Tomorrow it's Sal Maglle, who “nova picked up Mike OcLiUcia, ,a tor. 'S4 PONTIAC tow'Sring Orlando Sirola | was George Zabarias, husband of the Viktoria Hardtop. fall. Myles McDonough of Bolton no-hit Philadelphia in his / last ■five-foot 11, 196-pound 'center. named to meet America's Vic /.NOTRE DAME^ADER MASTIR YOJICI^ TM o m paiat, Ferdomatl^ 4-Door Station ' Wagon. •49 CHEVROLET is also with the Trin squad. start, and Sunday it's Do,. New- Boston Univarsity acquired a famous Babe, and relatives will ■ Notre Dame, Ind. (JPi j- Jim Two-tone green, "mdio, combe. „ Seixaa in the second duel. I ' escort , the body to Houston tomor­ 2-Door Sedanette.. corking pair of halfbacks — six- 'T’vt been beating both Sirola Morse,' a senior halfback with' two 51ICK A MATCH— ZIO IT'S tITI Beater, hy- ^ ^ 4 9 5 PROSPECTIVE FOOTBALL of- Oh yes, the American League. row, for cremetioh, returning here monograms, is the .first .back to — — $ 2 0 9 5 Like new. FOR CAREFUL foot-one, 190-pound Jimmy Dean and PletrangcU in practice,” B crIo, dramatic. flciials in this area are invited to The New York Yankees,- ready to for private graveside rites in the lesd Notre Dame .football'since No>waipii)g, no priming, na fNKng, aespilMng and six-foot-dne 180-^und Jim* a dogged retriever who hits attballs lata afternoon at Forest L a wn 'to FORD attend cUnlcfi sponsored by the hit the road or the subway for my bourvllle. - 'Leon i Bennett, a with i choke-grip and two-Mted .1945 when quarterback Frank m okes'enYta^^^uiring hee* eosiarl Burnt Central Connecticut Assoclatlon'of Wednesday's scheduled World six-foot, 225-pound tackle, drifted Memorial Park. Dancewics held the honor. Mqrse 2-Door. Diirk green with !48 MERCURY .Football' Officialp. The next s,^a- Series openec. are. a t home to Bos­ backhand, cpmplaiPed. don’t It WM in Beaumont in April 1953 iMt seMon caught 17 passes for 50G* hotter thoit'iA.blewtorch. Long-bumlhg Coav. Newly rebuilt en- •50 MERCURY to Boston College. Disgusted with know why I w m left off.” , UNHURRIED. WORK sion will be Tuesday night at 7 ton toelght. Detroit's at CleveUnd. having .to sit 'on the aidelinea for that the Babe- won her SSrcT golf 424 yards and two (puchdowns. propane cylinder lotttiiienlht iii ordinary uto Often a man haa hia haart aat on a K T - " $ 2 9 5 4-Door. Blue. Flossie’s role wm tji*^ ofi. the o'clock a t the TYinlty Field House. Chicago at Kansas Q ty and Balti­ a year because'' he would.' be,.- a wMther.,.. The bee.klssli of ; the n ^ y fine luxury outarcoai of. tha C ”" ’ $ 1 9 5 $ 3 4 5 Andther meeting will be oh Oct. 8 more at Washington. —when empty, juit fhrpw M owpy, *5SS 'SB MERCURY transfer^ Tony DiAngelia,. a slx- southern hurricane mMting ajcold ' "costlier” type. But hia wallet Mya Moateray 4-Door 8 Paa- \ at the same spot and time,. Ray feot-two, 31<)-pouhd teckfc > and front from Chtnada promised gen­ ottoch new one in lecondt. Complete, ; Rkmsdell o f I^k v llle, -°Cookle r end.m «<4 Miilfquit mssksAAlschool and Rnsl went to work. eral rain' aiid high winds through­ "No.” Weathcrstylc now contaa to tlM' raecua ■asgw Btatloa Wagoa. ■SI MERCURr '4RHUPS0A(' ON YOUR AUTOMOBILE KbSlsth of Rockville and John Dy- Whito "Bxterteiv eoatraat- 4-Dbor Sedan. Merco- Cornmander ”8” XDoor, Midget Attraction ...Young Zimmerman had plenty put the .day. The gate tor the'ltn- 2:30 P. M. Tn luxury of fabrica... in handeoona' iaghtaoaag her of Manchester ard" all' mem­ 'to unload in ruining Tommy portant tennis test already Jiae matir, rad)o, Exceptional. 2 5 bers of the Membership (Jommtt- colors and pattema—in tha daganca heatep. $ 5 9 5 At Roberts,On P^rk Mont’s bow as Msryland's. head been hurt by interest in the Na­ 5 U N D A Y S i r . $ 2 4 9 5 ' ...... , tee. Interested candidates may . man. tional League baMbell race. that’s unmistakably Alligator, ttieeaf •- TRY,:7.-// contact Rantsdqll’ or register, at . all-weather coats are values you’ll Tuesday’s meeting. ... - Coaches BSIl Shaw an() Ray 'S2UNCOLN •SI FORD : - •52 PLYMOUTH Zemanek plan several lineup have to see to apprecUta. The gnnd Ooar. ■loaWftd gunmotal 2-Door, V-8. Radio, {lefiTcr, Belvedera Hardtqp. JAZ2 FARRELL, former Man­ changes for tonighCTMidget Fooli^ lightweii^bt comfort is a wendarfiil eaS 10M .aH»ar i . 'V w v ' ^ 1 1 3 9 5 • T $ 4 4 5 chester High football player, has ball ^ s g u e game between thb experience. ; And being water rapaOeotf it’ll EJrcellent.. $ 7 9 5 ■entered .the-Army.' Blue Devils and-iCruisers, at 7:30 STILL SOME PATES OPEN good to know you’ll apjoyTWeatheraigde at Robertson, Park. FOR LEAGUE DR PRIVATE ROWUNO d r a f t e d a s a s o p h The contest will mark the first ,... niin, Bun. cold; * MANY IRORE! WilUamsburg, Va. (45—William tlpie in- midget football history in MT.NEBO and Mary halfback Charlje Sidwell Manchester that two poUae-spOn- holds an unusual distlnction--that sored teams collided. Both teame MANCHE$TER. MERCHANT$ of being drafted by a professional ate winlesa.to date ini league war-, M V i t P H T ' S Op^h Mondfay/ 381 MAIN STREET TEL Ml 3-1272 football than) while >atUl .dniy a fare. ■•■, college sopohomorR, The Cleveland AU.EYS " To r t d e v e N$ // ,Brawns drafted the 210-pound 6 Southern Methodist Uhlvei’klty r)Q '-MENTi-,^ %oc€ited, in Tht Man^hest^r*^ foot 2 star last Jaiiuary. Sidwell co*"PUed one of the finest . rec- RISDCilRANr IMQAl IEVIM«ES ADULTS $1.25 336 NORTH MAIN STHEET TEL. MI 9-5258 i(ras eligible for th'e football drareiflf -ords (gjfer In winning the national Ml MAIN STREI^ — TEL. MI 9-61M Op^ Daily: 7 A. M . to 5 F. M„ Iggludinff Wedneaday becatjge he’s a ; Korean War football charapionahip in 1935. The MANCnESTER iHton ff. A. A TlCKE’ni siwi! veteran wHose original college MuatMgaiwon J2 games, 16st .on'e Hpjte TBUEPHONE MI 6-4664 , h o n o r e d A8 OHILDBEN’S—60c TIC K E T ' * AitcnMHMHi and Satordsy U RtU Nooa i s s U A s H m m , f . m i class at William and- Mary has and Bed one. • Their lonei loss was long been gradated.', lie lives 'at to .Staiiford, 7-0, in the 1936 Rom . . . .J., ! L. I m ....______Pqrtsmoutl^ Va Bowl game.' , ., , v ■ *; V i | . V-r X r I t '.T: *• 'l- -V -‘'-vf". ■ ’ .1- . -r.-’-. '.r-'l ■V iMtXi ■: r-1-' -'.i • .T-. L ' ‘ iM ■ f \1 , 1- > • ' . MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHEsW r . CONN*,-FRIDAY, SKTEMBER 28'. 1966

H«Ip Wuitcd^Mal* 36 . WkittcdiwjPMk—“ AuUnBobOM for Sals 4 Help Wsnted^-Peaisle S5 If^FferpH—D bIi f Poi)lt|j<^tock , /ti iRCta IQ lOtt PLYMOUTH Belvedere hard- PRESS OP^ATOR ininc-G L O ^ parlor heater, ;flo«r R0(3KVILLB^ t< , radio. hMter, whit^oU Urea, klANCEDfin^R PET Center tor oU model radio, 14 h.p. nunniotOr.-Ctell BENTONL STREET—Flve tooBU. VERNdN CnBNtBR Heights^ MX 9 \ WOMAN WANTED-/ Experl^ce not required: ^We BLBERTA clhNNlNG pe " C H A M B E R S heated two roonKfatnliihed apart' room OSpa, ilva ih d ' one untin- two tone pink,' McClut^e PonUac, your m (s and pet suppUea. 8. k X AH- $-$769 oftor 4 :30 p.m. ' meat: inquiro BOpr. Apt, t. Booement fa ra fe. Beautifully ^ ' ■ teach you. > , and Up, Louiaskitti, 9M :Buah : FURNITURE SALES londBcaped, EkcaDent condition. Isbod; (irsiMacs, esnurno tile bate, S73 Moin st. Ml. t-4S4S. One who likes do H. JSnen Stampi. Open 9 3o 6 Rd. iment 'MATERIAL HANDLERS inday through Saturday. Thura- PLUMBERS three-legged vise T Q B E SO LD MI. $-2495. -- fuH cellar, hot water'oil heat, on- 49M cilKVitOI^A'.autioh w*gem, The above new jobs' have been bij^Mtlght tiU 9. Free parking. Ml. aland.- Prkctically new. Other BOS East Ijliddls Tuziipike Wanted To‘R a t cloNd porch, larto lot wltejhaay c l a s s i f i e d ADVT. m T A IN S GREEN------AND ripe *tdihatpea.*td Pick- one owner, movinc'out of aute. created because of recent e x p ^ 9-4m : We repair aquariums, pluinhing an^tplies. Used so gelloh fruit trees, excellent view, oh hua . D E m HOURS hot water tank. TWo got aide arm your own. 60c a Doaket, su n g edn- A ^TIIE GREEN YOUNG ObUtTJP dsslns GREENHILL STREET / m a n c h e s t e r X line. Goodchlld Realty Co., JVIII nccefit rcMonnble offer. MT. on^ knowr libw^^:^'^ |ood job. sion. Plenty ofjpyirUme. inzuraticS. heaters, fmaips and rcflecton. 995 »-M9S. heaters. Used-fjiriiitOre, ch^rs, teiners. peu) Rohotto. B n ^ Mt. Lpartment in Manchester et torsT ir. 8-79», MIv $-1207, BUi tdSy^ M. t i 4;80 P. M. holiday aniLvbcatton benefitd. Main Sl. \ Rd., Bolton in u excellent neith.- GREEN MANOR RANCH 8-0$S$. In MancTiejjw small kiteben sink, m.atlng -stove. Special oMection ot lamps,' some :inUy. (tell MJ. 3-6!(7». is 4tes bungalow styls' CERTIFIED USED CARS BLACK LABRADOR Carpenters tools, These 'pre being pain,- some olagles.'haU pries; ...... ^ cst floor-^livmg floor-^lh ^- (octhe home, Rsasonsibts prices. nook. On tee atM iW L flS ^- $ room ranch,,..^ Attached garage. MON. THRU FRI. m ileo^,. ExctUmt condiUon. field trial and show breeding, A. TWO ENOUBH sadaHek, two'En^x i»ady to deliver, (tell C. 'T: ktAN(HESTER — Cape Ood.toix do«m to reaponslDle party. Bal­ Ilsh bridles, like new. Reasonable.' way. MI. 9-6438. rooms, four' (Inlsbed. JOXMUant nictt .Mdroomg pitta intidl Three bedrbbmK^TIle bath. Uvlhg ance $72.60 monthly. Coventry PI. '^9j80 A. M. E permanent Bti>ck K. C. rfcgiateredi" ' /ourte room ideaPrar-., h ^ l room, kitchen and-.dbietta. fire* ^i^:$YSTEM<\ T Tomlinson, Shoe MI. 9-5283. . a P .M . condiUon. All natural wOoiIwork, 2-8022 or Wllltihantic HA. 3-ino. 1M4 MERCURY SUN VALLEY E U M ^T a p e a c h e s for canning fireplace, to dormers, bHsiaent child. ’Dvo-cor garage wfthwML ptO ^Todlant heat. Hbt-Matai^^. BATURDAY 9 A. M. artmeht Store^ No r m a n c - c o m o l l o I, Ithdsceped h>t Property HARD TOP... 2 TONE. Radio. l*uii>4ry & , Are i’etidy at Gambolatt’a Farm, forogs, oil hot water beat, beouti- drive. (New cat TOLLAND-^meteibg hew under 71 Constance Drive—ML 9*9489 MISCELLANEOUS F M .-9 P.M . vacant and o^red.' for qulck^ 'th«:.Sun. (teme and sea ma. CteU rOCK COOnBATlON-j^^l, heater, Mercomatic. Very.aharp. k — ' fixtures Jor Routa.85, yard. Gaston R eoln, 188 Siding Insulation). This‘ sete^, Cell MI. 9-3319 after 8 p,m>^ School St. MI. $-5781.. Evenings sole at $18,000, Handy to bus Hr in/A'l condition. Lame lot. Beau­ 01^ itine. ■ PI. 2-6883. BK AFPBEOIATED 11896. li^fi^son Si; MI. 9-776: (X>CKER FUPPIES with excellent and stores. dispoaition. Fuil.grpwn. Bladtond F%P|>ERh, e ^ B ^ G E andbquaah, tifully londocaped. Priced to oOli. 4964 CHEVROLET 3in 4-DR' JOIN A g r o w in g ^- THREE-PIECE parlor set* $75. t isMh^I. E ^ plants. dOc buihat. SAGRIFIUE^SALE! BEpAN. J . white -female (techer, $25. Cocker G.E. refrigerator and other SWEEPING VIEWS, lonre throe Wiiited^4i4|^ Estate 7f TONE. W.W. Urea, .stud service-registered, Rockville'' fidng .containers 336 Ifii)stowh Dial Ml 3-5121 tint glaaa,.heater, defnoatera. Slg ' WHT B^TTI^-THE COMPANY articles. MI. 9-5328. , Rd; "^Msw automatic wasbar,^-rsrular 'bedroom rmich, tmniamate con- ROBERT J. SMITH. INC. GEORGE L. GRA2IADI0 nnet-or XancMj ’WU, 5-2894. / $879.86,. only $98.95, \ -diUhn,,many extroo,-128' lot; only AGENGT nesdfe Ctep« qod. September, 1166, nola, atd. thona. Ap excellent , Realtor Preieat H en T j^ J. Woiieu. Jndge-' buy. $1)46. ' In the glowing carbide cutting .rsYORM SASH, various Mass, (tern- CHRYSANTHEMUMS, all colora. '^--Botpolnt. electric rangeXnguiar $14,800. (terlton W. Hutchins, ML m in ia t u r e . Doberman plncher, “^J^j-'*’*”**^®** 4oor. Excellent condition. in bloom at Fern Gardens, IT8 $279:4)6^ only $179.96. ^ T5132. $-4694. 963 Main Street, ta> MI. 9-6878 tool' industry we.need experienced male, pedigreed, but not regls- Loit «na FBond 1968 FORD V-9 CUSTOMLINE There A te Good .To!>»n machine'operatora and other types After < pgn. MI. 9-4856 Fern St. .erty In Mar ....* DR.1. S ^ A N : Radio, heater,. tered. ML 9-9719. \ ABC APPUANCE COMPANY, MANCHESTER Vldnity, 5-bed- Tel. ML 9*5241 (hJl MI, $.1107 any time. AVsihible in Manchester of Industrial personnel. If you COIN (X)LLECi70N8, baby strol­ WOODLAND ST, Four room Cape. I/)8T-^«Uir ... a t th e CHIHUAHUA PUPPIES, A.K.C. ler, girls’ dresses^sIcirU end coat, \ceromlc tile bath, hot water heat. Expandable attic. T ile bath. W A N T E D tain pen. Vicinity of llancheater $50. Real tiny male, 476. JA, 'HouselibM Gomig 51 Truat Co. MI. ‘-v. 1968 STUDEBAKER V8 LAND Telephone Company lv; ''Size 10 and 12, Good Condition. MI. 40 ” FLOOR MODEL Frigidalre Full cellar, '-'ticeiy aeculdid on SUam heat. Fully londocaped. A 8-8387. 9-5983. range at factory'-price. Kemp’s, real buy at $10,600. E. E. Buihy, Prompt and Cburtapua Service the 31St4ay I CRUISER 4-DR. SEDAN. Radio, ANTIQUE FURNITURE, aUver, H acre with trees. $12,400. Carl­ the earns-ore Hi lO ST—By Herald newaboy on way NELCO TOOL CO., ING IncTMI. 8-8680. < TWO FIVE room ranches. AUtumn Bp^er. MI. $-3013. heatet', automatic trana. Nice' We have openings Tor< glass, china, land used furniture ton >W. ’ Hutchins, Realtor, MI St,, two five room ranches, Stock the ClcredUoiS'_____ to pmy for- MSera, $18. (tec $10 family cor. / b a b y CARRIAGE and stroller, *-5182>2-46M. \-WATSON REALTY their clalma 26JL Center St., Pine St. entrance I.ivcstoch— Vehicles 42 combination, very good condition, bought and sold.'Furniture Repair CHIPPENDALE mirror, lowboy. ' >*vTHRALL^THRALL ROADROiU) ■aid executor___ t e l e p h o n e OPERATORS $15. MI. 9-6872. 1 ------Service. Ml. 3-7449 VERNON notice to the credit nut and ld.‘ 1947 CADILLAC 2-UR Girandole*, Fostbria glassware, OVERSizEp CAPE>6h '' room*. tNCHESTER GREEN clalme within Radio, heater, hydromatic. WE B U r COWS, colvea and beef antique- *■' clock, cio ■ ■■blue nigs. “French .,Attach)M twh-cor garafe. AA resi­ buy. E*a E^]^i5ty"e^ MI. TR,,--5-7630 publlfhlng a copy of Agea 17-35, High achool graduaiea cattle. Also horses. PlHa Bros. FRANK’S ANTIQUE Shop, 420 MI. 3-4480. Three bedroom ranch. Youngs­ LOST-PASS BO(HC No. 5818. 8145. * ^^referred. No experience neceeaary WANTEDr^-Mon for'hardware anfl 1957 TELEVISION Lake St., Is buyii^ and selling Empire bedroom suite, Sheraton dential section. Also tWo older MI. $-7885 newspaper------r havfiis A ' NoOce ia hereby given that Poaa plumbing supply store. Apply in ■Tei. ML 8-7405. • solid mahogany dining room set. homAs with six Iqrge rooms each. town kitchen, ceramic tile bath, rebate dietrlct irttUa ten days T hr^ famous makes. good used furniture and antique*. mahogany paneled fireplace wall, US!nNQil WANTED-Slngle, two- ie date et tnlq oroer andretarn Bbok No. 8818, iaaued by Firat Many Othera at.Loweat SERVICE person.t. .Barrett Bi Plumbing Supply, Ml. 9-6680, H 788.N. Main St. center of town, oBa,with garage. NEWLY PAINTED six room Cepe ton this court of the notice nottee sivei NoUonal Bonk of Moncheoter hoa Tertha Bonk 331 Broad St. Discount prices. Priced right. Manyteteer lisUngs, CW, four bedrooms, dishwasher, full basement, amesite drive. Im­ /oihUy teret-fomUy, busineu JOHN J , WALLETr,------been loot and applioaUon hoe been 2PRESENTATIVES Articles For SalP 45 No down payment. $2 weekly. WANT A BEAUTIFUL electric li” POT TYPE porldr heater, Rex Gaston Realty, 165 Sbhool S t 1 ^ dispoaell, storm windows, .oluih- maculate condition. .Vacant $15,800 propm y. Hav« many cosh buyers. a OVER 16, or men on night shifts. gas heater. Reasonable. MI. inuih screens, large londscipad MortgagM orrangad. Pleas# coU aaode to ooid bonk (or payment CHORCHES MOTOR S £ES IndlviddaJ contacts with custom­ range, double oven at a b,ig re­ $-5731, e v e n t s MI. $-7416. AT A and loauance of new book. Studeboker SalefBervice LAHSUN'S . UKiVtAo dcnuui. We need you at the Y.W.C.A.. FOR sale:—55 gaL. drums, in gopd - BUDGET CENTER duction? See the Admiral range $-$0Sl. corner lot with fruit trees, snd firs- WARREN E. HOWLAND, (3aorgi Grtudadio. Realtor. ML: -t Monchestw wnou ers in our nttrinesa office. Handling oondition, $2.50 each. For further $•887$. 109 Honry St so Oakland, Mancheater Ml. 9-9483 Moncheater'a only trained and Manchester, Conn., setting pins offered by Potterton’s, ISO'Cental* MODIFIED BNf^tJSB colbhi«i. six lece. Near schools ' snd new District of Msnehester < WEAVING of bums, moth holes requeata, answering queations, for our 9:30 a.m. women's bowling information call the Herald, phona ‘ MI. 3-4164 ' ^ b b n d d T economat washer. Good MI. 8-1108 of Beptsmber, ItM. LOST—Optional Share Book No. certified Inatructor. For your safe­ and torn clothing, hosiery. runa,-i St. -large rooms and attached g a t^ e.' ghdpping Perkade. $15,500. Owner Present, Hon. John J. 4T0B. .Notice la hereby given that ty We ore trained to teach proper­ making bill adjliatments. Ages 18- league 3 mornings a week. Please MI. 3-5121. condition. Reasonable. TR. 5-3337 Nice shaded lot in centSr-o< M w - MI. 9-4268. LISTINGS WANTED TREMENDOUS aa,^ng, end of eea- handbags repaired, kipper 35. High school graquatea. Business BLOND DOUBLE bed and match­ any time. ML 9-6003 Betete of Leoira D. Cook______Optional Shore Book No. 4705, la- aon aole on 19^9 Chevrolet ice ly. Ml; 9-8076. call “ Y " office. MI. 3-7206 'be­ ing night stand, convertible studio REFINISHED BEDS, dressers, chester. Living room 33®’-/]^ ' of .Manchester In ’ sOld OlsMct. placement, umbrwas 'r e p a id , experience helpful ^ i not essen' tween 9 and 3 or after three. Mrs. DARK RICH LOAM. Grade No. 1, ROLLING PARK—Ctempleted six This ogtney has many calla for cessed. . Bued by The Mancheater Savlnga cream truck, ekcellent condition, men’s shirt collars reversedfreed and Help W ^ ted — Female couch, wringer type washing me- chests, breakfast dinette and din­ BENDDC AUTOMATIC washer. with fireplace. Dining room, large On moUon of Cynthia Ceohiahask and Loan ASaocioUon, Inc., hoa dng 8 tiri. A. Sherry Jochimsen. MI. 9-0649. ♦3 per yard. Grade No. 2, $2,80 ing sets, etc. Springs $4-313.50, kitchen and separate leUndry - room cape. 1»4 bates. Oil heat. jqedium pricod homos. For cour­ new freexing wiit. Don’t miaa! Ml. replaced. Morlow’e Utile Mend per yard. Truck load lota. Hot mix rhim. All in good condition. Cros- Very good'condition. Very reason­ been loot and application hoa been guaranteca quick reaulta.eatuta. Expert ley refrigerator In working condi­ mattresses, $12.95-$19.95, new un­ room. Also lavato^. Second door, L a n e cabinet kitchen. Buckley Lota For Salt 78 teous and expedient service pleoqa .9-7488 or iMe it at 144 Main St. inatnictlona. Dual-controlled car. Ing Shop, TO YS!TOYS! TOYS! TW9 House For complete information visit MILUNG MACHINE operator, 55 amesite, crushed stone, gravel. able. MI. 9-(U06 after 6 p.m. Schdo). $15,400. Ken. Ostriitsky, 24th day of September, 196(1. t“ **— Mode to aaid AaoociaUon for pay' our employment office at SOS^aln tion, TV roto-antenna, used clean finished desks and bookcases, solid three large bedrooms and bath. ONE ACRE buUdlng lots. Birch coll • . *' ■«: same are limited oM o lt^ ihent of the amount of depoait. Coll Mr. Miclette. your peradnal of Plastics, Inc., Avon, Connecti­ hour week. Hospital and Insurance Nussdorf Sand and Stone. 'MI. mahogany modern coffee end step Muat be seen to be appreciated. Realtor. MI. 8-3159, or Hal Morse, I960 CHEVROLET convertible. Hn ft )A m ig a counfelk, ceramic wall cut, largest Toy Party Plan in the Street. Manchester. Open 'ITiura- 9-7408. lumber, enough for one car ga­ d in in g r o o m set, six chairs, Mountain Section.m. In Bolton near creditors v t t ^ wMeli to M inatructor at PI. 2-7249. and floor Ule: Let ua modernize lienefits. Apply 'Wilco Machine rage, misc. items. MI. 9-6487. end .tables, variety of styles and heavy walnut, hutch, one $xl3 Gaston Realty, 165 School S t ML Ml. 9-359$. claims-agSJast said esuts. good mechanical condition. Owner coimtry,.wanta women to show our days from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. O r ^ ll Tool C o.,'80 Grandview SU, M*U‘ Manchester, High elevation. Nice executrix is directed to gn_ _ AaaaoBccaitBtB now in aervice. Ed Corby, 34 your bathroom and kitchen. For Mitchell 3-4107. finishes, $16.95-$45. LeBIanc Fur­ maroon rug. MI, 3-64$2. ' 9-57’’l.- Evenings, ML 9-7466 residential - section. Price $3500. J. D. REALTY toys through home demonstrations Chester. . LOAM, DARK, RICH ■ niture Hospital, corner South And GARRISON (X)LONlAL — Three notice to the crodltors to briag la tllslr WedgeWood Dr. MI. 8-4836, mom­ free eaUaiates coll MI. 9-2655, The — Car necessaryWrite or call Phone MI. 9-5910. J A C K o r E D cialms within said Ums m m sd by Motorcycles— Bicycles Tile Shop, Buckland.' HI-FI AUDIO systems, rustom Vernon Aves., Rockville. Open-t-O EAST CENTER ST.-^uitable for bedrooms, fireplace. Nicely land­ PUbllahIns a copy of this oraer IF YOU HAVE .a relative, friend inga. / collect—The House Of Plastics, The Southern New England For office and home. Ten roomi, scaped lot. Split rail .fence. Alum­ some newspaper ' or neighbor Who ia entitled to built ampllflei^, etc. MI. 3-4289, p.m., Saturday until 6 p.m. Machinery and Tools , 52 GLASTONBURY— Builders, aUen- ML 3-6262 MI. 9-9738 .er havtag______a.circulatlOo tt MANCHESTER— <^AT-APPEARANCE Rebuilding old lawns and tion—ten H-acre wooded Iota off from'the date ot this order tigr R^ublicimJIea^uartera. Tel. 186 West Middle ‘D>ke., repairs All work done by hand. Rekeon SEASONED HARDWOOD. Cut to GAS STOVE, refrigerator. Good 24” HOMEUTE chain saw, 5 h.p. bathrooms two-ber goroge, large mortgage available, \Priced right Bell St., oil for $17,800. Street is make to this court of the R ^ o and heater, Uea. Six all mokes, speciollxing in Ekigllgh; 9:00 a.m to 4:30 p.m. and eve­ desired length. For fireplace or condition. Suitable for apartment Direct drive. Used approximately lot. Ample parking. Mortgages ar-. at $16,800. Call A. R. Wilkie A MI. 9-3640 JOHN J. W. " 8-7749 or MI. 9-7890. cylinder. .Aaking able .rates. MI. 9-2411. g o d personality in. Glenn Roberts Agency. AD. aetUc Buys used bicycles, all sizes. nings ORcbSrd 7-0142 from 7 :00 p. Help Wanted— Male 36 6 making new ones. furnace. Call MI. 3-7695,. or cottage. $25 together. Ml. 30 hours, $190. Sli H.P. Hoppeo ranged. A real bargain. For ap­ Maln Street. Harry Jack- win St., Eaat Hartford, (tenn. BU. ^larked down as much as $300.. FLUID HEAT gun type oil burner. WANTED er with cutters. Floor model Delta ning walk-but baaement with rear paper etc. Good financing. SfANLEY BRAY, Realtor ilnlstratlon account with sata e son, manager. DICK’S WEATHERSTRIP Com­ et terms. MI 9-6495 or TR 9-3424. Knowledge of selling ^ o t neces­ Used two yeara Installation ar­ Reliable, Honest PerOon b r a e -b u r n RjBALTY to this Court for allowanoo, it Js' WMfTED—lUde from R t SE-Rol- 6-9109. ^ sary, if willing to learn. /Position See our display. Potlerton’a, 130 shaper. 3” Porter-Ceble belt aend- - door and deep windowa, raised Thla is not a development, but ORDERED; That the 4tn day pany, doors and windows, custom Center St. ranged. 253 Sch^rSt. MI. 9-6043 TO TAKE OVER er. Like new. Cell PI. 3-6695 after fireplace. SpoUeSa decorating, individually bUilt home. $15,900. Rssort Property for ^ e 74 ML 3-6373. ton, to Main St., Maadbeater, work, guaranteed. Call MI. 9-1583 WIRERS AND is a permanent one. Excellent before 8 p.m. mominga only, orriitia^ 8:80 or 1964 MERCURY two-door Merc-o- ALL TYPE58 construction work. -/■ UNPAID BALANCH 6 p.m. ^ (temblnation atqrm sash and matic. Iteal exhausts. Radio and after'8 p.m. WANTED—Truck Drivers. Apply starting salary, salary withNrom- MONTHLY PAYMENTS LOOKING FOR INVESTMENT? Co v e n t r y l a k e *-: fiv*. ro$m, WANTED! 8:15 a-m. MI. t r t m - i s t w 5 p.m. Cell Jutras General'Cbnatruction. doors. Rare opportunity lor only the some IsN ■igned for a heortag on heater. White walla. Vlaor, two- SOLDERERS Carlson k C o., 44 Stock Plack. mission and bonus after training PEAT HUMUS, shredded. Excel­ FREE FOR the* taking, 48” com­ $17.63 $19,200. Glenn Roberts We have a 2-famUy 5-5 on lake front- summer cottage. I ^ ly RUBBISH- AND oabea removed. No job too small, (tell MI. 9-0279, period, (tempany car furnlflied^ -Agency, A Home in Pina the sUowaneeX,T said______admlalstratton___ ac- WAMTBBX-Mddfrom :ey Road, tone blue. .YoUr old car ia worth lent soil conditioner. MI, 3-6515. bination sink, also 2 oil drums. 46 3 (templets Miuical InitrnflienUi 53 a d '.' 2-9663. good sized lot, in a location furnished. (Jwner MI. 9-9718>s count with said-.csUle and this Oeurt General cleaning, cellars, attics WANTED —Driver-salesman, full vacation with pay aqd other em­ Florence St. bound to go business. Good Acre Terrace or d recta that nqUCa of the tlm* and Q>ventiy,A;o Eaot Old. 7:80 money on this one. Price? only and yards. Reasonable .*ates. M. BUILDING—Repairs, alterations, Experienced in wiring and aolder- Rooms of Brand New $1596, Manchester Motor Soles An- or part time, -kpply In person. ploye benefits. For Interview ap­ )R SALE—Men’s rebuilt and re- Furniture . , GULBRANSEN/mTOct blow ma­ MANCHESTER —8(4 rUqm ' Dutch mortgage. $15,800. Pine Acrea. place oaslsned (oKsaid hearing tet a.m ,toY p.m . MI. k M. Rubblota Removal. Ml. cabinets, etc. Call ,C. Lathrop. MI. ing of feaiators, condenaom and Maple Dry Cleaners k Launderers, SALE -33 1-3% off on 1958-1^57 given to all person*\known to^M ia* nex, 883 Main St. Harry Jackson, 9-0384 or PI. 2-8398. ply to Mr. Davis, Distri.ct Mana­ Ithited shoes, high .or low. Reason-. Beautiful Westinghouse Elec. hogany Mihet piano, $495. colonial. Three large bedrooms, Snbarbu For Stlt 75 terested therein to abpear a ‘ 9-8757, compfmenta, aimilar to radio 72 Maple St.- ger, between 8 and 9 daily. ablXpric'ed. Sam Yulyes, 15 Maplt Wallpaper. Green Paint and Wall­ KempV, Inc. Ml. $-5680. We have juat listed a 6-rbom heard thereon by pubushilig S -Rida ^ P.W.A. 8-4 i4S manager. chaaais assemblies. Excellent work­ Refrigerator large bath and sewing roOm up­ WRITE BOX C St., near Main St. paper at the'Green. Open daily 8-9 Beautiful Bedroom Suite stairs, Kitchen; dining room and brick and frame colonial in ANDOVER-DelightfUl sik room ihle order In some ne' to South norkiar lot, from ANTIQUES Refinished. Repairing ing conditions. P*nt. MUSIC instrumental,- rental. Com­ HERALD circulation In said D _ __ __ Highland Parkjitrea. Ml. 94)188. MUST SEIXi 10 more cars* this Aluminum Windows Beautiful Living Room Suite living room down. CBoaed-in p6|-ch choice section of town. OwnSr custom built home. Sdven miles rive days before the day ofaold hsas* done on any furniture.' neman, SIN ^R SEWING ROYAL A ^ Smith-Cterona port­ plete line of instruments. Rental leaving many extras ’An ex­ week to moke our monthly quota. 189 South Main St. Phone MI. and Doors 14-A DEPARTMENT MANAGER Beautiful Dinette Set ' with aluminum storm windoWf. out. Large living room FUh tii'** DBIfOCRATS/guarantee, through able andXstandard typewriters. Beautiful “ De Luxe” Range applied to purchase price. Repre-' Amesite drive and two-car garage: ceptional buy at 125,500. place, dining room with bay win­ JOHN j.-WAUjar/jiidge. The boss bays “ move them’’. 25 to 3-6843. Interviews Being Held MACHINE CO. All makes oL adding machines Boatsxand Accessories 46 senting Olds, Selmer, Ped- AiicU on 78 poat perfornianea, they repreaent choose from—terms!to suit* all GUARANTEED against all haz­ A fine position 'for the right per­ Instead of Westinghouse Elec. Lot 50x158. Close to ahoppmg and dow, pleasant kitchen, teres bed­ LIMITATION OBDEB the worUpg claaa. Don't bite the sold or rente^ Repairs on oil ler and,Bundy. Metier's Music buyers. See Horry Jackson. 353 J P R PAVING CO. We are proud ards. . Aluminum . kc^rcena and Monday - Wednesdayy Friday son. 40-hour week. Salary plus com­ 832 MAIN STREETT CLEARANCE SALE Refrigerator if yop prefer new high school. Price $17,000. rooms, IH bates. Breezeway and AT A COURT OF PROBATE h^ feediiyf h.Ond Monday. makes. Marlow^ Studio, 177 McKee. Xn. 8-7800. JOHN H. LAPPEN, INC. garage. Half acre lot. $18,8o(). at 'Manchester within and for Main St. (Formerly Douglas of our work. Our aim is to please storm windows os weU as com­ mission plus/many employe bene­ Rugs. Lamps Tables. Linoleum Watson Realty. Thrall Rd., Ver-, reticut’g- Moot Exciting District of Manchester on Ihs 3(th i fits, We will train, but some know­ ON 1956 STOCK non. TR. 5-7630. )«I. 9-7885. INSURORS - REALTORS Madeline Smite, Realtors. XU. RIDERS/WANTED from Manebeo- Motors). ■ oU home owners. We specialize in bination screen and storm doors. 1 P. M. - 4:30 P. M. MANCHESTER, CONS. ADD CHARM to nmdem living and a Few Other Articles UPRIGHT PIANO. Modernised in of September, 1966. omesite sidewalks, terraces and Ctell (teughtin. MI. 8-7707. ledge of paint is helpful. Greatly reduced prices on 1956 EVERTTHING 9-1642. \ AUCTIONS! Present, Hem. J. W fllstt Judge. . ter Green to downtown Hartford, with antiques. Visit, the new, gray plastic. Reasonable. Call MI. BOWERS SCHOOL — CSioice six 164 East (tenter St., Msnehester Estate* of William BuMe, Mts e( driveways, also patch work, (tell ^CJuriosIty Shop, at Rt. 6,^ Andover. Scott Atwater motors and many ^ THE UNPAID 9-5489 between 5-8 p.m. ,'' Manchester in .A d District,''dccssssdT' (vlekiity Times). Hours 8-6 p.m., 1949 CADILLAC JA. 4-5385, any time for free esti­ MONTGOMERY WARD room colonial, fireplace, tile bate, XU. 9-8261 R(X3CVILLE — New 6V4 room Monday • Friday. MI. 9-2944. GRAY MANUFACTURING ' Open weekends Other times by other .marine products. ^ BALANCH PRICE On .ntotiott of Paul B, Marta of salt mate. Roofing-—Sidlilf 16 COMPANY ONLY 1^ .26 garage, excellent condition, large ranch, $16,900. This ranch dwelling Wliere Thousands Save Manchester, administrator. y MANCHESTER Situations Wantc4l— . y appointment. Mt. 9-1806. \ lot,, trees only $14,9(XI. Garlton W. MANCHESTER has 8(4 splendid rooma in well ORDERED; That six memths from the WANTBD—Ride from Mancheater Power Equipped. Radio and McIn t o s h b o a t c o .^ Free storage until wanted. Free Wesrinc Apparel—furs 57 Every Week! 36ih day o f Septembon. 1966, bo and tbs HILLS’ TELEVISION SepOlce. HILLIARD ST., MAN(HESTER \-' Female 52 OSk St.,' MSjpch^er delivery. Free aet/up-byour own Hutchins, Realtor, MI. 9-8133, planned layout, accented by thrf* Keii section to Manchester Cen- RAY'S ROOFING CO., shingle and CROSLBIL refrigerator. 12’, 9-4694. Spanking new 6)4 room ranch same sra limited and allowed (or the Heater. Hydramatic. Available at all times: Philco fac­ buUt up roofa, guttor and con­ lar $298.95- $229.95 : 9’, rSL reliable men. . ^ LADY’S BLAOC seal fur coat, size cheerful bedroom*, ' ceramic! Everything you'll ever need for creditors within which to bring in their Sr. mominge, Monday-Friday, tory tupervlaed aervice. Tel. MI. “ A GOOD PLA(2E TO WORK” i v 16, short figure, $10, Write Box. J, situated on (4 acre plot. Many cljtens agA*l_ ai^ 8:45 o.m. ML 9-1847. ductor work,' roof, chimney re­ WASH^'g , ironing, baby sitting, $229.95 - 3179.95. No down paymei Phone Me Immediately colored tile bath, apacicius living yourself, tee hqme or ahop—la here . . a 1 1 s .a X .as .a n w PUDllQ 9-9898. DismonQs—-T la tc b e ^ Herald. 60x26 SIX ROOM ranch, six years de luxe, features, including two room with brick on tme wall, administrator la dlreetod I MI. 9-8786 pairs. Ray Hagenow^ ML 9-2214. a few houra per day. Reliable $2 weekly. Budget Center, Hartford CH. 7-0358 old, 36’ living room, 25’ master at Poet—at fabulous savings! notice to thn creditor* to briog t o their atreamlined kitchen with built-in claims within sold time oUewM by pah- hay Jacksw, kfl. 3-8325. middle-aged woma'h. Tel. m i; 3-4164. * Jewelry ' / 48 After 7 P. M. CH. 6-4690 bedroom, $10,500; also large five cersmic baths With cdlored ELBCmutteL SERVICH-Wiring, 94740 .evenings. See It Day Or Night oven and range, wood btirning Ilshing w cxipy of thia order to'/ adme AatoaeUlss tor Sole 4 repairs, insulations, oil burners, YOUNG LADY, pleasant working RiSdlfu W ithoiit Board 59 room ranch $9,000. Both on lot fixtures. Hurry! It won't last EVBRY THURSDAY, FRIDAY newspaper havtag a cdreutatlea ta.soM DE CORMIER MOTORS, FOR THE BEST in Bonded built concUtions, 44 hour week, insur­ ELECTRONIC ' LUNCHEONE'tTE — R'estaurknt LEONARD W. Y03T Jeweler, re­ If you have no means of trans­ fireplace, attached goragr, brick probate distriot withia tea A ’* ' f * ^ ' electric motors. Kenneth Lacoes, up roofs, shingle roofs, gutters, stenographer - Typist, eight pairs, adjuata watches expertly. 330x270, to be sold together. Bote long at the amazingnazin low price front, high elevation, city water and SATURDAY NTIHS BEFOHE you buy s used cot ance', paid holidays. Apply in per­ equipment.' Building being taken portation, I’ll send ,my auto for ROOM WITH kitchen pri'Vileges. are In excellent condition. Carlton ihe .dato .qf thia c ^ e r and return mal|>'' .SAYS, ■ \ Elactriclan. PI. 2-«388 alter 8. conductors and rooLrepaira call TECHNICIANS years business experience desires over by Strafford window . Dis­ /Reasonabla prices. Open dally. you. No obligation. of $15,990. and sewer, amesite drive and es- to this court; of-the notica ^ e a . aee.ftermaii Motor Sales. Bulck son. Xynn Poultry Farms Store, J . Centrally located. 14 AArch ' ‘St. “Mrs. W. Hutchins. XH. 9.-5133, ti4694. S^es Start at 7 p.r JOHN J. WALLBTT. 3 SaiM and Service, 885 Main (teughlin. MI. 3-7707. work at home. Ml. 9-9942. Mrs. tributors. Selling complete- stock Thursday, eveninga. 129 Sprucr A—L—B—E—R^T—’S aentlal extras. Webster Agency: “ THESE FINE CAR^ WILL SAT. 0 *EAN AND point those gutters Mancheater Shopping Ctehter. Dorothy Williams. Dorsey. Street fcD. S-4Sn, Open evenings. now. Avoid costly repairs later. and fixtures. Brookside Luncheon­ Street. MI. $-4367, 43-45 ALLYN^. ST.. HARTFORD MANCHESTER — Price reduced David J. Webster, Rockville, TO. ROOFING SIDING, painting, car­ L. R. WHITCHER & CO. 5-3748. ISFY THE MOST DISCRIMINAT­ MI. 3-1883. , WXn t e D—Waitress for days> Ap­ Experienced men required ette. Route 44A, Bolton, Ctenn. ML ROOM TO RENT. Inquire State $14,600. Rolling Park, cozy aiidln We accommodate 1000 people Notice Ne e d a c a r ? short on a down pentry, aiterationa and additions. to assemble wire and test 3-8854. MAGIC (H EF gas range for Tailor Shop, 8 Bissell St. >0. over 800 cars! . ceilmgs. workmanship guarantesd. ply (teef's Diner, 9 Main St. after / Garden— Fgrm— Dairy good condition. Four rooms ex­ pastment or had your credit turned ING BUYER. BANK TERMS OF A(3: DOALL SERVICE. Will do 6 p.m. electronic devices. Will ^ Situations Wanted—Wa $184.95, full size, separate high $-7383 or Xn. 3-5047, pandable to six Cape Cod. For­ JA. 8-2131 BOLTON .LAKE—Excellent new all Of The Tax Collector down? Don’t give up! For a good A. A. Dion, Inc., 298 AutumnAu‘ St. Products 50 year 'round ranch home. 36x26 All peraons Uobla by law to'pay any general cleanup and handy consider recently dis- ' S Male 39 broiler—saves $75. Other Magic mica counters in . modern cabinet “ Conn.’s Largest Auction Firm deal—not'thru a small loon c6m- (XHJR8E.”' work. Rubbish removal, ceUsr MI. 3-4880. charged veterans expert- '' Chefs from $109.95 at Potteiion's, PLEASANT ROOM for gentleman. feet. Six rooms. Full cellar. Hot taxes in tee Eighth School aad SALES CLEI^ CONI GRAPES for sale. Cell kitchen, ceramic tile bathroom, MI. 3-8748 pony—see “ Harry” at 333 Main cleaning, lawn m ow i^ etc. Very enced in electronic back­ Wa n t e d —steady job, outaid<» o r ' 130 Center St. ' Separate entrance, parking, near fireplace, open ataircsse, screens water heat. Aluminum storm sash POST AUCTION ROOMS Utilities District of Manchester St. (Formerly pougios Motors). DOMESTIC HELP ^ Sfirilic Talks L MI. ;4S. or 127 Charter Oak Main St, Call 3-8905. TANNER ST. —Large four room dnd doors. Shade trees. Beach reasonable. Phone MI. 9-9817 or ground. Muat be -familiar rn. maintenanT'e work. Phone lastallaUoii oad Repilr and combination doors, vestibule, ore hereby notified'that on Oct 1, 1954 Rambler 2-Dr. Sedan BU. 8-8184. Roofing and Chimneys 16-A PRODUCTION 1VORK with necessary electronic St. 20 CUBIC FOOT upright freezer. Cape, dormers and shed dormer. privileges. Owner moving West. RT. 5 . BERLIN TURNPIKE- I wUl have $ rata bill for tlio 1865 (HJISMOBILE 88 Holiday RdekviUe, TR. 5-»M6. / RnMaUet oil hot water heat, six'years old, Nicely equipped including'* new test equipment. Excellent /three years old, Very V e ^ goodi C O H ' . convenient to new school and bus Second floor big enough (or three A ikal good buy at 116,000. How-, collectiqa of tliroo miUa on tho coupe, turquoise and white, load­ ROOFING — Speclalbdng in repair, We would like to talk with wom­ /ditlon. Coll MI. $-8769. ROOM FOR xRENT opposite . Li­ 0pp. Conn. Lt. A Power Co. Bldg. Chfodyeor w.vrr;lires. Very loiy (COMPLETE REPAIRS by Stuart opportunity for the right line. Frances K. Wagner, Realto^. additional rooms and bate. Two ard' A. Hastings, ' Realtor. - Xd. dollar on tha ll$t IMS due ed, Get our deal on this one. See mileage, one owner cor, mi' R. Wolcott on wringer and suto- tng roofa of oil klnda. Also new en who ore interested in changing ^ Sowers Clsaasd HAND PICKEtx. Macintosh apples. brary, gentleman, xa. 9:7393. $-1107 any time. roofa. Gptter work. Oiimnsys man. Odf^BIrds—Pels 41 FULL SIZE GAS stove, one year xn. 3-1187, any time. fireplaces, one in cellar. Air-con­ to the colnctor Oct. 2, i$M- TExea tH orry,” 383'Main St. (Formerly matched gas economy. matte washing machines,ischlnes. electric to office work. Steady employment. AND (NSTALLED Cali Ml. 9-1296. ditioned heat oil. Large lot. Douglas Motors).* cleaned, repaired, 26 yeara’ ex­ SYhour, 5 dfcy week. Cafeteria. Lib­ old, like pew, $60, MI. 9-5358 any ROOM.FOR RBlrt*, one or two peo­ accepted $ ajiA to 13 noon, S to • Only ^ 9 5 down ranges, vacuum ejeoners, motors, PORTEHri8a^’8 PEH’ SUPPLt, Amesite drive. Seven years old. VERNON-VRonen. 814 rooms- with Legal Notice small appliances, welding. 174 perience. Free estimates, (tell er's] benefit program. CONCORD GRAPEJS for sale. 270 .time. ple, near bate, garage, available. p.m.' and 7 tOJ$ p.m., airery week CONVERTIBLE buysrs! Check our Howlowley. Mancheater ML— 8*536L now located at Route 6 and Chkpel • GallarsOraiiad Hackmatack St. a ft^ 6 p.m. week MI. 9-3894. Price $14,800. (SSorge L. Grosiadio. attached Sorags: Ftill cellar. OH day during OOtobor at roar 23 Mom Strc.et, MI. 9-6678. Reol^r. Xd. 8-8$7$. hot water neat. Lot 80x200. Resi­ AT A COURT o r PROBATE held lot (or large selection. 1952 Olds- A p p le s Rd., South Windsor, next to Eaat days. All day SundayX NINE PIE(?E mahogany dining SEE THE ESCOTT AGENCY at Mancltriter within and (*r tlra Main Street. 1953 Rambler 2-Dr. Hardtop room aet. Inquire 17 Grandview dential section. Gaston Realty, m«Mle 98,1961 Oldsmobile 88, 1969- DOORS OPENED, keys fitted, Employment Office INTERVIEWS BEINGTIELD Hartford Drtve-lii ‘Theater. Open jrrthdN Diitrlct of Manchester, on the 37th day . Take notice! All taxes unpaid Plymouth, 1948 Ch^folet (oharp), Country Gub Model dauy 9-5, Tuesday, Tltui^sday and towa aaiJCouairy \ St. ■ . Boarders Wanted 59-A AUTOXIN I^ G H T S . Attractive 163 School St. Xd 8-5731; sve- of Seplcffiber, 1966. coined, vacuum cleonera. irons, Heating— Plumbing 17 FOR THESE: four room home and space, .two nings, Xd 8-7(66. Present. Hon. John J. Wallett. Judge. Nov. 1, 1956 will bo charged in* 1948 Chryoier. Moke your own Nicely equipped includihg new guns, etc., repaired.' Shears, Friday nlghu 7 - ♦n large, intarested therein to appear and be of the Town of MonchMter.'-Of^'; ALTERATIONS payday on! Apply at Office furnitttre^andNE$iiipment dining room, large living room - .ranch. Nice neighborhood.' Cpn- heard tliereop ■ by pubUihmg ' 'iMniir a copy of wont oh our lot look behind our 1953 Pontiac'2-Dr. Sedan 9-Sl96, Ml. 9^0085. “ A GOOD PLACE TO WORK” well situated lot. about IS thla order in aomr newapaper having the Zoning Board Of Appeals will office. Cars to suit all purses. 336 dresses.'. coatT, auita. etc.'-^^tentrai! withh U large picture window alum-, XIANCHESTER — Eaat Xtiddle venientiy located. Immediate oc­ Radio, heater. Practically alt Turnpike. Custom built 1952 by .miles to downtown Hartford.- circulation In said' Dlatrlct, at leait hold a public hearing ^ Monday Main, formerly. Douglas Motors. new w.w. tires. They come no BUYING PA3*ER.'“ magozinea, ly located. MI* 9-6636.' NORMAN’S inum storm doors and windowa, cupancy. Beautiful duplex. 2)4 ve daya before the day of asdd heaf- rags. Junkman’s, junk.-, Will pick ADDING MACHINES TYPEWRITERS Venetian blinds, hot water oil heat Forbes. Garrison colonial. Six Close to echool* and churches. evening, October 8. 1956, at . t cleaner anywhere. 443 Hartford Rd. years.old. Aluminum storm win­ Owner transferred out of state. 1959 FORD convertible club ooupe, up after 3 p.m,.All day Saturday. ALTERA’nONS, dress makUg MI. 9-4597 DESKS furnished, amesite drive, parking large rooms with reception hall, dows^ and doors, (tevento” Lake. JOHN J. WAU-ETT. Judge. P. M. in the hearing room ®f tha Only $295 down Skilled fitting assured. Call TABIfES tSo - - - fireplace, lavatory, bate,;recreatlon< Municipal Building on .flte foUdw*' radio, heater, white Wall tires. Mc­ Dial 312-m . 5-7621. Mr. Kaufman space, two Mocks . lent condition Two large bed- lime and place of hearing thereon, b.v extras, low mUeoge. Ml. 9-1496; throughout. - */' and operated by Walter B. Per- bread. Some house to house. Write Box F^ Herald. Mitchell '9-7683 (tenfrolly located. Rockville. Five rooma, tils m Ui: living room, o f -provaLJor same. ett Jr., ond-WUllom J, Pickering, ing conditioni, fair rate and publlahtng a copy of this order In some LAWN .AND gardens plowed with sampling and stwe demonstra­ room raitch with breezeway Ited large kitchen. Breezewsy and ga­ newspaprr having a circulation in said AH personi ipteroited may at­ 3969 FORD convertible, club.coupe, Full Price $295 generous fringes. Contact TWO ROOM 'heated apartment. WE BUY WE BUILD WE SELL district, at least five days before the roUry plow. Excellent soil piilver- AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS (X). local tion Work. No soliciting. 6 day ' ksrage. Full cellar One year old. rage. Oil-fired hot air heat. TUe day of said hearing, to appear If the.v tend this hesu'ing. radio, beater, white’ wall tires. . IzaUon obtained. Call PI. 2-7669 weefk. > ■ .Call -XQ. 1-5560 between 6 and 8 Ceramic tile bath.^igh elevation. floors throughout house. Lot 120x Other line one owner cars com­ and long distance moving, pack­ Plant Superintendent, Clar­ p.m. ■I' ■ see rouse at said Umr anp place and M caqre Pontiac, 878 Main St. MI. after 3. *• . Nicely landscaped. Senai^y 210 $12,700, Watson Realty, Thrall be heard relative thereto, arid make Z(;)NING BOARD OF APPEAL* ing in all the time on thegreat new ing, etdi-age. (teU ML 8-61$f. Hart­ WONDER BREAD BAKERY return to this court. ' RamMer car. ford (H . 1-1423. ' ence Marbn, at Mill and priced. Call J. p . Realty. XH. R d„ Vernon. TR. 5-7630. XO. JOHN J. WALLETT. Judge. T()OLS RECXJNDmONED: Mow- .521 (tenn. Blvd., 3-5262, MI. 9-9U8, X(I: $-3640 ‘ 9-7883. William K. -itiisk, Choirmoa 3947 DODGE, 14-ibn pickup tguck. era,' (hand and power) precision '' East Hartford, (tenn. ® . . Oakland Sta.. Manchester, BosiiMBs LocatlonB REAL VALUES With hooler. Low mlicage. Private Charles S. 'Towle. SecreCuy DE; CORMIER MOTOR ground to 30 inches. 9swa of ail (tenn.,j>r call MI. 8-5163 (or. SGCES4*i-| 1 Fbr Rent 64 Manchester—Attractive four roOm MANCHESTER—Seven room gin- FOUR BEDROOM opacioug 1800 oeraor. ML $-8689. Kinda.'Machine filing and retooth­ Courses and Claascs 27 CAPABLE WOMAN to assist with gle, four bedrooms, garage, excel­ home, ten milee from Manchester. housework and care for semi-in­ , ^appointment. ^ . BUSINESS OR oCfice location 474 expandable (tepe (ted. Fireplace. Notice SALES, INC. ing. Circular oswa, precision RADIO-ELEXTTRONKX. Television OH heat, “Ule bate. Lovely -yard lent condition. Close^ to ochoble Good condition, oH heat. Open ihajpened; (gumming; axes enai- valid lady living alone. PL 2-6803. ¥ oln St., grotind door. *rhree and transportation. Neids decorat­ plan kitchen-dining area With pine Servicing. “ Learn by Doing” at Embrpidory rooma. XO. $-522$, $Q. $-7444. with ti'ees. Firm price ot $13,500. TOVW OP MANCHESTEHT^ 24 MAPLE ST.. MANCHESTER lags. Imifes, mower blades, aheors. “ Connectii^l’a Oldeat Electronica ROGERS CORPORATION ing, Price only $12,500. Goodchiid paneling and Dutch oven fireplace, OFFICH OF knives oet-roted; elopers, etc: d e n t a l ASSISTANT. Experience 8176 Realty (te.. Realtors. BU $-0939 den, liqlng room'. Attached garage. School.” New term now atart- ' preferred' but not necessary. Five r 12-42 A jumper 'n Bolero, trimmed LARGE BUILDING, centrally lo­ Mancheater—Six room (tepe. Fire­ THE' BUILDING INSPECTOR Franchised Hudson • Rambler *. Keys duplicated. Empson H. ing. . Enroll now for practi­ Mill and Oaklai^d Sts, with embroidered scottis motifs,> place. New hceting system. One xn. 3-7925, xn. 8-1207.- 165’ frttitage. Walking distance tp Aborn, Mapl« St.. EUtalgton. Roc|ii day 'Week. .Write Boat y . Herald.. 'For a kitchqn shower' or the cated, 1800. aqTtYL Ideal otofoge, MUNICIPAL BUILDING W anted WiUye Dealer cal day or evening’ clau. Monphester,e r ,'(^ n . will 'be topi with any littl* lassies- car bversised garage with'amesite acnool.1 delightful neighborhood. XIANCHESTER. CJONNECTICUT .^vUle TR. 6r7166. — . TOOL ROOM MACHINIST bazaar' table, (jlever -..hoatesS long t»|m lease available. T. J. $16,500, Walton W, Grant, Rector, F or free ''deacriptive circular SMALL OEnCE requires a wom­ of 4 to 8 years., It is eaay-to-sew Crockett, Realtor. ML . $-841$, or drive. Full price $14,700. IT m m w b . h l g ii 1849 CHEVROLET. Good running aprons in a wide size range — ahd TQDAY’S SPECIAL! xn. 3-1153. ' , condition. $109 worth’orth new part^parts. .phone JA. 5-3(06, or write New an for general office wonc. Soiqe each from- a yard of fabric, in the and quick to.-embroider in simple residence, Xd. t-7781. > Applications.wilt be received at England Technical Institute of First \jClass Only Shown by appointment tee Office of U.e 'xiuUdin^ Inapec* iBBPMt fnidi|ptBi to Price $50. MI, 9-2644------19 a.m.-2 HouMhoUt Services (yph>5 and recet>Uon work and DRIVER’S HELPER amaller sizei. cross-stitch. Four (omUy house, one block FOR THE MAN who cares where p.m. "Cam., IdC., 193 Trumbull St., other general'duties. Coll' morn­ Pattern No.'hSlfl contains tissue' 4qr for the following positions: i i i v n m wnrio M pon* . , Offered 13-A Hartford,'Conn.'. No. gn e'U in sizes 12.14, 16,"18. ALICE CL>?MPET. Realtor from (tenter, new heating system. he lives; attractive executive type ings only. MI. 9-4533. For appliance dell very ^ Excel­ •DAY s h if t ' / s m a l l s h o p 20; 40, 42. Size 14, top' apron, 7-8 —sisea.4u 6, $ inclr nateriel re­ OFFICE'FOR Rent. Excellent loco, 1933 ranch. Six rooms, wall to wall tion. ML $-l$$0, or XQ. $-354$. Phone ML 9-4543 good rental,. . income.------Aaking^ $21,000. _ PLUMBING AND-HEATINO li l M l BBtf Im i ^ tho lent > opportunity tor man who .is .'yard o f 35-inch; center, 1' yartl; quirements; embnoider}* ho't-lroB <• Lydall St.—Five room &pe'Obd. carpeting, aluminum storma and TRY US FOR reupholstertng, alip OUR EKCrriNG nejy gift line of transfer; sewing end finishing di­ INSPECTOR- Traiters' tor Sale. '<-A covera, draperies; rug cleaning. Bonda— StQcka— cosmetics and toiletries can giv() mechanically inclined, t EXPERIMENTAL HKTMRE WORK bottom, 1 yard. ' • » HALL FOR RENT, Suitable for Immaculate condition, fireplace, .screens, full cellar, cedar closet, PaM rections. . . MANCHESTER—Six -room - house, hot water (oil), bfeezeWay, douljtle PVee delivery aervice. All. work Morttaites 21 you on unusual earning oppo'rtun* ^ F tir-'th is, pattern, send S!fe In dancing achool, weddt;lings. bon- amesite drive, many extras, ELECTTRICAL INSPE(?lX>R 1951 CASTLE House troUer.. three guaranteed! Smith’s Upholstery ity during the coming Ghristm'sa N o ffiA N ’i OVElTIME — TOP RATES Coins, your name,-address, size de­ Send 26c in (teins, your name, quets, etc. XQ, $-80tl. 'very food condition. .Three bed­ -$14,800. * -• ' ’ garage,'ySiusaite .drive, lot approxi­ Vooms, porch and olumtnudi apn- Shop. 2U N.'Hain St. kO. 9-4663. QUICK CAStll $:U:2S per thousand season, Avon (tesmetica. (tell kH. 443 Hartford R)d; sired, and the. Pattern Number to address:and the Pattern Number rooms and bath upstairs^ Large mately' 200x300, artesian well Annual' Salary for Etoch PoeiUon ing, Btorage house.' MI. 9-47M EvofUngs kQ. 3-7267. per month Includes principal and 8-6195. • ' Mr. Kaufmoi)' ALL lENEHTS . ; p SUE BURNETT. THE MAN* to'.ANNE CABOT,THE MAN­ PARKING LOT. Suitable for used kitchen, dining room and living (260’), approximately. 1000’ elevat $4,(j65'to 14.975 , after 6 p.m. CHESTER EVENING HERALD, cai^^lM on Bliee^ St. Phone Xd. room dowh. Entrance hall,, two T. J. CROCKETT,, Realtor" tion, gorgqous 'riew. Neigbbortiood Intereit. Hartford CH. 6-8887. CHESTER EVENIN43 HERAID. AppUcatioiis'for abova positibns FLAT ffTNISH Holland window SMALL OFFIC!E requires a wom­ :J • ' , . a p p l y ; 118# AYE. AMERICAS, NEW lljM AVE AMERKIAS, NEW porches (one enclosed) gorafe> e t compofable homes. Walton W. 3962 PALACE RANCH home k7’ Frank-Burke, CtennfCticut Mori- Office MI. ^M lt , will be accepted nof later, than Oc­ . shados. mods to measure. AU ■ tig , Ebcchonge. Lewis corner an for general office work. Some^ YORK-SB^'Nq Y, YORK SS..IL Yi^ lot $0x150. Closo to schools uid Graiit, Raaltor. XH. 3-U83. loag. In excellent condition. Alum. matol venation blinds at a : new typing and reception' work and F 6 r SALE ^ Now-available/-the colorful 1968 shopping center. For quick sole Rea. XO? $ -m i tober 10, 1956. Information ^ * Inum awning; RoosonaMc ( price: G old.' ' You’ll be delight'ed with the $1$,$00. VVi - — Eerning queliflcatlons, dutiaq low price. Keys qujde wbUa you other general duties, (tell morn­ ETCO MANUFACTURINB GB. loteat editton of our pattern pNeedlework Album.. > containing aabBfbBa For - 66 ateon Realty, TR, 5-7630. Mrs. ^eUa XO-. $4786 OWNER XfUST oeU attroctiVa four Merle Horriq,^ Vernon Trailer Xd. $-7885'. room house. Three yeorg old. Ful­ knowledge, experianM. etc., may NoiL kioriowte ings only.^ 'MI.. 9-4533: Hours ) i$-l 1M9 6ADILUd caUlog. The FAH. A Mfinter ’5l douna jof' lovely dealgiu from ROQCVILLlr—Five rtiom apojt* (teurt.,. Busineas OpportnniUes' $2 dolly Mon.-FriJ - ,< 306 TOLLAND ST. ^ ^ ly insulated. ' Oentral heotiag. be .obtained at the Cflliff ®( ii** 4 . Powier Equipped bo6k contains smart, which to chooee more patterpi'te tment.plrai . floor, excellent cwdl- FIVE ROOM house/ two-6ar g it- |CAN(H£8TER —Flye room older FURNITURE' rcpOiriiif on J refiiv crochet, embroidery and-kni't,^plue 100x135. Beautiful 'tocotioh. Noor Building Inspertor, • . ’ X iahihg: ontiquea r e s te d . Furnl: FOR S A L E - Grocery store. WIU ^OM AN W, ' EAST HARTFORD > easy to sew st^'es. in every slsc . Close to schools, stores and to#*. on corner lot, aluminum home, oi) heat. Approximately one SchptHs, and iiiapiting. Gerald ED to mind tWo 3 gift, patterns,, .dlrsctlops prL/tad ^ M _ s e ^ r Service, Yi^oUvxUq! sell complete or equipment aep- small rhtidrm' ifhUt mother TiL. Ml'9.il7i« range. Send f o r your copy today step. $$S a .-monte. Watson steritt sooh; Good.condit&n. * Xd. ari-* I -Two mittutag to parkway, Pork. 86. CSoweetiyv 613 WilUma , (Miwold A. . ^ t ’a jiuat 25 cenU, - la book. Only 25c a c o ^ ! - ltr..l1l. S-TtID. Xd. $*7$$8. $-172$, . U ertU f Ad we. i t L S-7449. * •« > . orataly. MI. 9<8167, workf. JH, S-ni2. ' MI. 9-419$ .'y ' tie.'HA.^M3n. ' I'. ■•I..: V: » t- *i. . ■•'.V •T-'. ' - A M k , : . K r '■ liidiiaiia d B m 'T\

V o^M on^y in ToiJOn Eleetian^'-Polls Open^rom 8 tt. m. to 8 pi

iV boutT ow n Se«l(^ Electira

JaniM Jr., son of 4*r«. J»m tt fe-Ml the vWftraWp Through Chna-., A^^gndoata^^gradiiau^of or MandheiMandheatec^ HMTU u w JS?-’35g!2i! g^io^;>^^'a)2^ed e^ctnknida^r' Sunday at S p.nu at Efnanuet tft a gifted Tha; October^ meettajf ft, well^npwn'for her-pjcture anbtaestir'Giri Scout rbu!>cU"wUl 1st entitled,^ ‘'^ y Kingdom ^Ql^fiM ay NH|h^ ^jMbl Tuea^y^ n i ^ t at • o ’clock He»: sisteV<;Elvira assis'a s s is t . <4^ U» home of^ ^ ^ Heman P e:; i. In the^jippken portioh''-ot, tho^pro- ►ropl Wi^^wfetinu® ojnSfwl® I'grahi;. w onderful . Together, tfiby^ptesent a vei;y - TTieHl^UnSnade^CJup will I umunial worship seryiM-'- - . Pastel lOw fo r Ita monU-,«ntnly..ineatli)ir ------Medday,, 'nlshtTx ' I pictures. 38 by 48 inches^n itse, in- fRKtIGE at S-o'clock ra-tiw-l^edoi^Uoft rp on j; ?«; ; eluding the head of. C^ist.., are,. o f Oeftter Oongreir^raal Chuirh. i . produced before Uie- ' audiiSnee,' '"-FRENCH • Family nlgkt will l^ opuryed and *-.< their coloring enhanced by slowly.- B n c e membere are Urged to liivile 'mem* c j changipg colored li^ ts. Amazing. MsgeNtown, Mil., Sept^^ IPi—t Kl)gore,''i^pemocrat. ^ I C E here of-their (amilica tp attehd,^ I I effects ere produced hy the use o.f Washington^ Sept. 29 Vlcficf Fraaldent Nixon turns hTaair".hi opponent is . Democratic Go^>-Wil- rtapmr campaign toward Florida tb* ligm. C. Martahd. Washington, 29 > Mrs. Helen Solomon Average fahn prices have Mias Heidi Schimmcl, daughter- day^ after a barbed Inquiry about V -A Nixon SMech-in lyheeling last FBI Director J. Edgai^IIpover CREAM dropped .for the third stl’aight nights capped a whirlwind cam- « ' Mr. and Mrs, Alfred E. Schlm* Adlal^Ev Stev.enion.'a "other kid­ ■in said'- tpdaj; that in kidnii^ing Sava l i e on every 2 pinU y o u . Mrs. H^iep Solonum. s Defno- ney.” . - , paign awing, that took him. from m el 28 Phelps Rd., i-m em ber of month. Blit an Agricuiture cases, newsm en an^ law en^- buy* XJwaily 48c pint, n ow at crat, *ili seek election Monday to. Department official says he The DembcratiC\ Presidential NabhviUe,' Teijn.. to Cincinnatt'and the Connecticut CJollege '^ o ru s, the Board'bf Education. She la a nominee's kidp^-bM am q a cam- then -into Weal Virginia in one day'. fpreement officers -should Ptnehurat any flavor ^ New London, preeentad a cello eolo candidate fbr the. term ending in exacts thein fn strengthen Ign toplo - yeirierday.'edic at—MTieel-1 > Nixon, speaking to an overflow w^ork together as paiinerii; at the' Annual ffaahmsn recital 1660. . \ sHortly. , ' ing, W-. Va,, where HIxbn-held ah: crowd of some 1,380.at'a Wheeling Wednesday.-.She Is a 1956 gradu­ 'Ihelr^ommon o^Cctive, and Born in Hartford Mrs: Solomon Issuin'g.^a monthiy^eport y - airport news conference, '' -.i, '-H all, reiterated what he had said ; theirtnetr flrnvQne.n he said, skould, be pints ate of Marich^eri^High School. has lived in^ MancliCater for 19 i terday, the department bald farm Hixon veaa asked how P r e b i^ k l‘ “ rtler Cincinnati about Ei.sen-,” to do everything possible ttf-cf. years. She is a graduate Ot Weaver ' prices slid- downward about^one- Eisenhower w'ai getting along^ He hpwer-administration actions hav- .feet the 'safe return of the vie- Bruce H. Little, abn bf. Mr. and High School. 'Hartfoni^-., and half of 1 per ceht-..^twe«n iilHd- told the questioner the President - in g been goddYor labor. Wa alBO hava tha r ^ i a r Seal* Mrs. Howard little, 304 Autumn received her AR degree from^i^w ’ Aug\iat and mid-Septbmber. la.flt and "in fighting .trlfn," then ''After.^landlrig, at Martihsbui'g. The ..FBI chief gave hia views tiMt 1m Craam in all flavors, St., and Eneo D. Pavan, son of Mr, Tork University. '.ii The report also shoWed^,^ that •dded.: » I Nixon’s partj'drove'here to spend on the "role of the press in-, kid- iaelutUng tha special o( .the and Mrs. Louis Pavaii.*820 Keeney ' .She has worked with the T eich ?! during the-.same period average "By the way, I wonder how Mr.''the night. About -inn. persona ner«/,»l. naping cases” in the October is- ■ w n t h . ■ .■ St, Aare arrived at.Fort J)lx. N. era Gertlllcation Bureau of the ; farm family and production e:>(* Stevenaon^s Other kidney is dOthg; greeted the Vlcf President outside sue of the bulletin of the Ameri­ J.. and been assigned to Co. E, 2nd pensea decrease ' qver-all about today T” hla Hageratown hotel COFEEB FUDGE Connecticut State Board of EdUca- i can Society of Newspaper Editors Regiment of the U.8.-Army Train­ tion, which pas.ses on the quatifl- ; one-third of 1 per cbnl^ thua vir­ Stevenson underwent a kidney Nixpn’s St. Petersburg ^a^ress -(ASNE). •t 3flc pint—V9c H gallon ing Onter. infantry, for eight cations of all teachers employed -. tually keeping step with the lower operation soma time ago. Demo­ tonight-.was billed in advance'as Asks Same Objective . Panama, Sept. 29 attie T he 60-year-oW . Getiti’al A m erican leader n ever resa^^Mid mUMHI SiH eHEESE monthly meeting tonight at 7:30 iP“ *t two years, Mrs. Solomon has June 9 intestinal operation. conUin an stu ck upon Steven- "As long as eaCh officer and in St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, worked with the edmmittee in ' for presidency amyfpr'control Before flying to SI. Petersburg son s recent XMitline of hi.s propoa- newsman itrives to accomplish full consciousn^s after an operation performed Sunday by • eA M »ou 3 ^ ^ of Coi All boys interested in becoming planning the Keeney Street SchooV (or a night speech and a try at als for improving the .standard of the same objective safe return surtricfll -t^m including .surgeons sent by President Eiacn* U. Since mfId-auper'^ farm prices wooing the old'folks’ .vote, Nixon’ Cub Scouts are invited to attend, and the new Manchester High living of rerired and aging men of the victim and the apprehen- s; feawer. He died in the U.S. operated Gorgas Hospitkl in the accompanied by their parents. School. have dropped^w d-^ ’-b total of 4I3 stopped here to plug for Sen. John and women. Stevenson is the Dem- slon of the criminals res^nsible I She is alsn'a member of the lo­ per cenJ.;Durlng tfibalx preceding m . "Butler and "other Republicah ocrntlc pr^flmpntinl CAndidatp. .j* luv banic diflaar^emPntii can ax- ' Panama Canal Zone, where he wa.s Down following the Sept, cal Citizens,Committee Married to mopUtS, they had riseiHi..total of candidates. He also arranged to Secretary of Labor Mitchell, 1 ‘ Iff*-.______. 21 shooting in which he suffered four wounds. A sextet from the local Salva­ AT per cent. isl. We are partners in serving tion Army Band will taka part in Sanol J. Solomon/she and her hu!i- speak briefly at a party rally in meanwhile, charged the Democrat­ the public welfare." Under Nicaragua .law, Somoza'g'*' ' ■■ i .-' m,, ...... The price level in mld-SepfciTO; | Martinaburg, the Swedish Salvation Armg ac; band have three children, and live W. 'va., 25 miles ic presidential nominee with mak­ At the outset. Hoover iaid the Si-yeqr-old son, Lula, succeeds to , -m- ■* at 19 Robert Rd. (" her was a shade kbove a year ago from here. ing "false and irresponsible state­ me presidency. As President o f i | { - U - ^ ^ r r Uvities tomorrow ■ in Hartford But It was 24.9 per cent under the attitude of the Long Island new'a- celebratipg 80. years of aervica 1ft At Martinaburg, where hia char­ ments" about living costs in an paper Newsday when the July 4 Congress, Luis was first Vice A f f /U A l J L l C n U S . record high of Febniary 1951, in tered 4-«qgine plane landed last earlier speech. President designate. The C6ngre.22^ movement will reflect a "further Weinberger hab.y be endangered. "WooIbNieki, rtaMrinble It was not Known at the time that hia condition took a grave turn. in seeking help from 'state legia* houra will be 1 to 9 p.m. Odd Fellows Hall with a kitchen Btrengthenlng of prices.” Dr. Antonio Gonzalez Revilla, .wool aad n jM npric. . i the btfby w** already dead. latures to implement a nationwide party. Ehich one attending is asked J, The department’s crop reporting Panama neurosurgeon who was a BE SURE TO PUT to-bring a can of fruit or vege­ ilassorisei sicp-in with Special Challengea highway safety program. Pvt. Andrew D. Gibson, serving SNOW SUITS ‘ 10^ to;»15^ , laHR Chanba’M i l -r Mard said thbt. continued sharp In Red Power Fight member of the surgical team-that 6 n YOVR SATURDAY , with the Army. Signal Corps at tables of at least 25-cent,v a l,u e. decreases in prices received for Hoover said Newsday not Only operated on Somoza, told newsmen Ribicoff announced today lie will Past Noble Grand Mrs. Emma appasHigly lowked off by make the appeal In Chicago, pee. SHOPPING U S T Ford Ord, Calif., is home on leave. A iritiaf aew yewifaful celiaf, most commercial vegetables and withdrew Ita represenUtives from shorUy after fi a.m. "He Just r i He will leave next month ftfr 14 Dowd and her committee will serve pdtatoea, and 'lower meat prices the Weinberger home but even PRESIDENT SOMOZA died/’ S at the opening aeaaion of Uia Gen­ SIhitHe s G n i| M M y (refreshments. PRAM SUITS la Bloe. Gtaaa tad Wit*, $10.95 Belgrade,: Yugoslavia, Sept. 29 from U..S. Secretary of .State instructed their source - ...... of infor-.. eral Assembly of States. months duty, in Germany. 7 - ’ Kka to ; i 2^ fin t: U-30; Wera “nearly offset ” by higher Somoza’a son-in-law, Guillermo prlcea received for fruit, cotton -r. President 'm o ’s surprise* Dulles that signs o f’ his possible m«tion not to make any further Sevilla Sacasa, Nicaraguan am- He said he win act as chairman ■ i\ 19^— 3 {«NS 55e The ladies of the Army and Navy ■ The Rev., Stephen Stryjewskl of In nylon or woOL Sizes 2 to ‘4 and 5, to 6.x. and dairy products. trip to Russia is viewed here as,return to the Soriet camp might disclosures. baaaador in Washington, told re­ o f a highway safety panel an4 'will St. John's Church has received an Hoover wrote: -- report to the assemblyily GREEN cial challenges.' chairman. The aaaembly' it s ^ la FiNEHURST PRICES kitchen aocial will be held. Jakobsche o f Holy Cross Pariah, fiM JSM H A LC c0 it i farmers. , influence• Irt the Kremlin. The-n,. Jnfornianta wiu. hinted j .u that . .u the liam Potter, ordered flag* low-ered Central Falls, R. I., who has served ^ STAMPS GIVEN A human life Is at stake^ -often tp half staff. coBipoaed'''4nainly o f legislators IVORY SOAP 30 years in the priesthood and 20 MANCHisnit C o n n * . informed'mu n 1 a t p r t y reasons that-prompted Tito to take the life of an infant iitr.riv ,,, .n.. On SchoolJi V Xlrisis from every state . ; Miss Lyqne.^J. Sundquist, daugh­ . P aally at BedaMa Riblcoff annouheed tha thgeiat - Madium, 2 for 17c ter of Dr. and Mrs. Alfred B. Sund- years in that pariah. The' service' ^ ITI^ CASH SALES mnYiTate friend o f SlMin. la lead- , explained privatiely tfi' Dulles by . "The breas has I ^ ' at ,4 p.m. will be followed by a ban­ CORNER OF MAIN AND OAK STREET^' press has the solemn obli­ In' Somoza'a room at the end program last night amdwsid ft rtp- Large, 2 for 29c , quiat. 50 Wyll>\s St., fa/a freshman ID ing- a i group - - inside the . , soyliet Com- .. — Minister..... Kora... PojJovlc, *ne press nas i En Route with Staveneon, 8ept.#thousands” of trained teachers were hjb jvlfe. daughter and Presi­ Perapeial, 4 for 23c quet in hia honor. gation of reporting the facts to the reaenta "S reasonable start” ' on a j at Pembroke Cbllegb in Brown munlst party seeking hslt now en route to New York for public. 29 (jT)—AiWal Sf. Stevensonr-ttayel-1 that "one htmdred thousand dent Ricardo Arias of Panama. i^CMtY FLAKES 33c campaign to reduce the nattofl's i University. Proridence, R. I. a Khrushchevs policy of de-'StaUii- „ext week’s U.N. .Security council ing .iirto Minnesota todaj-, says i high school students to- Gov. Potter lind a number of Nica­ staggering highway death ratewHe IVORY RNOW 32c •’Law enforcement h a s the -V' J d,y tjjeir education short pri- ; IMS graduate of Manchester High To Bar Minor l“ m«n.* “ ^""'^^neeting on the Suez crisis. equally Important respon sibility^ federal tax money must be'u.ed to m / r t r ‘;o V " '^ o 3 c “ T e«r^^ raguan ofndale'atTived at the hos­ said the progtam will be submitted BEST, t for S9c I School,, she la a candidate for the pital juat before Sdmoza died in final .form to GoVemore o f fill These sources say Khrushchev *"^®*'*'*8* " ’**■* ringing the culprit to justice: "■ ideal ^vith "a crisis for our schools ' lack ' of money. 1