Louisville Weekly Journal: 1860-03-21
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n - . — . i . — — . THE LOUISVILLE WEEKLY JOURNAL. WEDNESDAY, 21. 18G0 VOLUME XXXI LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, MARCH M'MBER IS. SESSION. On motion ef a petition society; tor Tfx vs. — Lieutenant- fisneral Scott XXXVITII COSGKESS—FIRST Mr. Latham, was adopt- THURSDAY, MAR lo, Sovereignty i> the highest power in eiril No«THCatot.ijt A OrrnxiTinx Pi aroRM — At the Tnoors CH I860. Whoa ws motlorae wish ed requiring the Secretary of War to furnish 99 to eap tba clrasax ia THE WEEKLY March 12. j tha JOURNAL J aed. tbrrelon, it can't be reeeraieed. The end of Qoartermaater- Washington, Hon_ hat addressed an order to Assistant SUiof lains; tran 9 recent State Convection held at Raleigh, the Senate with all plant, estimates, and reports rela- a capaeitiy, wa Bay: •"Ha CM ^-1** tbis opsaioa is, that if a State Convention, called Smatt introduced a bill for tha a-vo G antral Tompkins, at tbit point, from which It ap- —Mr. Ten Ky< k ting Bswcwxwdoe Sxtmocb..—The following lUt. UKBKRMI>, John Pool, of Pasquotank county, was nominated on to the construction of new barracks for troops keep a Ho el." It was not exactly tans watb h m in this ComaMMssealth, shoal a ohsnss to divide oat more complete equipment of lift saving atetloas ex'ract ZZ,u _ _ pears that »11 tha disposable troops of th: t'cited at the Presidio of San Francisco. from tbs Baltimore Pstrio- of tbe tl:h inst oar a.sd ro.ini all the kaad in equal parte to the voters, regardless for the office cf Governor: the Hon. Wm. A. fim- tbe coast of Long Island and New Jersey. Ile- great grat lfathers aad great grandmothers, if aad is a ic Texas, for tha On motion of Mr. Hamlin, the daily hour of it makicg ws see tba circuit of tbo prssei of vested It. S'.atet army are to be cot centrated ferred. ws rights, or deprive A. and C. of bis ham, of North Carolina, was nominated a< the first may judge from tbo laagaage ef Piouesaatsa at aaaa declared ass ; meeting w».i changed from 1 o'clock P. M. to 12 Inl Pair-v* -I property, it would be valid.— L<m. ltn.orr.it. protection of tfce frontier, ard it rosy be for a foray Mr. K ng preccated tbe peli ioa of tbe mercbants Tha Democratic programme for tbs aext Presi- be entitled to enter free the the Raauler. Tbat e harming ariax, as eosae af choice of the Opposition party of that State for of s>tablishraent of a ateam o'clock HI. dential s lection was settled in the Miatsijsippi and New York favoring tha Washington last land agaa which seek Oh no, neighbor: that wouldn't be valid. In upon Northern Mexico When Military our readers may renumber, ia giving tbs itemblsr office of President and the lion. Washington Hunt, m»il lire betwsea Charlefton and II ivaaa, via Key The Academy bill was taken up. Tbnrsdsy night. amprioa claim, which easy at the k Mltsouri rivers open portions of tbe regiments in The a ' oa**< •»* wko appointed theConven- West. pending amendmeut of Mr. Ball to Kentacky most accouat t. >~ " P-M***. reduce aad New Tork ars to be harnessed ta humorous of tbo discuss »oa of twa tioa ie saada, as *abj<ct preeej ««>rr tfc. r>< of u>» < iu» "o.J'Jt*?,"'** second choice; the Hon. ta of New York, as their the SBhsiu * n tbtC— try Dai W.eklv will a* ami tion, and «ho Minribsota a:d Kinss? will proceed to Texas by tbe Mr Ki-g elm introdtced a raso'ntiitt tutpiniing regular army by one regiment of mounted vol- tba car of disunion IX-mocrscy, aad Breckinridge frieads .f her papa, Mr. Cycle aad Mr. less per acre, es 80 acres at 50 eweajB. Geo. K. Badger and I»r. K. Speed were selected pro at is IfMMWMIrtal* I States troop* the operation of ao much of the present a o unteers for the defense of the fro acd Seymour are to be tbe Cberlestoo oominaee for eaataTsaats cr patent Is to bs Hevae.1 a n*,| ih« wonld just vote the distribution, Western route, twellirg the United aboot the Saw aad Old Styls, Paper, maf) down arbitrary 1 says they iwkr »» i* »b: te of tbe State tijn bil sb rcl.t-s to the printing of Poateffice blirks was adopted. atd, Vice Presides*. Ererv stfort to tioa of five vearo as candidates for Presidential tiled ors troupe frees the state of entr io that State to about 1,000 men. The on ta of "high learning, and etae at and there wonld be the "end" or that. Yon seem, until the further action < ( Congress. He eaid it had Mr. Fessenden moved decision will fail, and nothing will ta- sassbs aa pay meat of %1* rigbta an aecared- to th* ae*^*"?i la- at large: and Ex Governor Morehead and Hon. Governor** IsJar-d will be dispatched 03 tha 17th of rsceived Ihs of tba committee. for tbe Charleston ear* • neighbor, to be as unfortunate in the illustration of unacimons consent term of s'udy at West Polit at 4 ytara, bat Convention lo do bat to " tkrs to ataaa te asaas aad ds- awe. .ode sa Kenneth Rayner as Senatorial delegate' to the Na- this month. It was read three times and passed. qasctlv withdrew It. irrscgtmest, which that body will bs lasaaai sa, wbicb an tten, hi aa event te titiass your principles as yon are in the principles them- or the Abjsv, Mr. Bright gave notice of a bill appropriating snre to da. «rrke Washington States baa made aa appall- liaols for tbe tional t'nion Convention, the H m. R. S. Donnell Ilr.iDqrarras < Mr. lisle moved to amend by adding a new sac sattsfactioa of aay debts t -lor te ta* March a. lt*t. > foe* selves, nerve* your principles right: Kpw Voaa. &O0,QO0 ht tha comp'etion of tba Capitol extec- tion, tbat regiment of Ws pot this statement oo record, cot la tbe light log discovery aad chronicles It witb aU the force haasa af tae patsul ALL mat \ rrtlM'BMrajle Bas. met and Hon. N. Boyden being the alternates. tbe viluateers provided for of erroiii oaota—mo* S3. sion. ly of a prophecy— tbe act of April 7th 1868 ahall not be received for we ars neither a prophet aor ths i'alics aad capitals ia -taring Impreesiver Wat. D Snteasaa waa c i aaiaaid bv tba Isaaaaa fttaM fear tat ittJvtnitre eaa. Tbe tTMMMl rrnjt Covntt. had Tbe following preamble and resolutions were re- of reernlte n PI he msdr up Mr. brought in. sob of ( but as Stock u JarrBaaun —We 1 . The followioe detarhmentt Mason m^ved that Mr. Hyatt ha into tbe rervice of tbe Crittd States, If la tbe opin- na— tba matured decision of tha Coo- aa V 9 Diatakt iaeVaa af Caaaastsaat. ia place af ia for trooos *f-nrtu. ta the Derailment Ripabiicaas hava Uaaed a sirealar calling apea and put route the Agreed to. ion cf Llsutenat General •greseiotal leaders of tbe Democratic party in c. na- Jaaga InswrasB, apf/ • r*i|ntwIMt prrMn in this the plaatnre cf eatirg, at the farm of G. B. Bate, ported from the Business Committee: Scott one of tbe mounted <t*„mU Tee retolotions iff red on Friday wars read, pro- cil assembled, and tbs developments will sustain tbeir friend* Je raise money for the circulation ef Tee taritr ball, ot the Mounted Service at Carlisle regiments now in the army, or to much thereof at it which Mr Merrill etde t vored Bp - F. , ore of the fiiest tborcngkbred horses In tte ^'h^' .reriaUndcnt City. Thi» rul»- Will hoi be tit q Won i i- the present IV mocratic party having posing to jiilnn'.il as sorely commit Mr. Hyatt tu ht con- may be r.eceseary, can be safely ordered for the de ss ths Charleston Convention will meat, aoaoaaanla, aad ia tbis tba states aeee raassateaay apaV.r a atiriaal i of tba rules, as tba) -imi State. lis is by Vorfcahira, and on bis dun tidt it been in power for several ye and having abufcd sented to testify. anises, Mb, Foe l jhrht Corner. K. fsnse cf Texas. The amendment was rejected indeed, something entirely nnfntseeq aed aama aa that ..r^ogbt fcrwatd oy ham laat year, If s. We asaaaaaa ear Deaaseratat ' bat believes ( para as far a* it is possible to trace b prase He is a the trust confided in it, ih s Convention A debate ensued, after wbicb the retotntiont warn yeas 12, rays 83. unaDticipated should ccenr to change the pro- with several mod Ser tor a. For t !e :Vnet'im?'t 0} Oata*a H/ aaa campaign appearing that the time has come whet every patriotic rititen ad -p ed—yeas 44, nays 10. Mr rs vis wed Feaeeaden'a gramme, of which tbere is little danger ia the shcr. m to Mr H-att, m scccrd « ce etth beaatirV. bay color, aixteea hands blgh, and is not ; Lane Mr. amendment, the aassssssW the the leva tba people fat AGENTS. should take prompt and effi, ient action towards a Total *• Yeas— Aathonv Mayard, Benjamin, BigUr, Brseg, fixirg ttie time of ttudy at four years, and argued spacs of time to intervene. of tba kdnateistaassaa af Seaatw, baa aaaa kasaad ta lest qui * art old. Whan three yean old he took tut p affairs, «l«ueral Stn icr, Kastorn Bright, M-owq, Cameron, Chandler, Ciingmsn, Col in ttmctv.