ablo. the Maine L iw is tbo almoat invariable rule lo return to I roua Ncrièiwr'j tor a headed on tbo occasion alluded to made | Perhaps Liquor Âlouthly February. Leaving tho "Diamond'' nt this point, j Until two years ago the trip through j ^ to do with this the water all trout a was made ils lothe Dixfleld, baa bad something renult, uninjured weighing row-boat conveys you to the "Hapids," h-tngeley Lske to its outlet w.iy hke.ni Carthage, at one time lesi than bull' a These booked or and Madrid, first for most of the have, ; pound. il llie Laies. mile and a half further. Here is a either in Crosby's Pail-boat in Weld, Phillips, striking guides Oc^Morùpfinocrat Tront-Mii Raielcy Captain are I* Oje of Its or another acted as river-drivers ; arid it so badly that they cannot live kop: of four and a ball over row-boat*. J.ako, the way, the upper end of I* ingeley. "carry" miles, Ktngeley by Tho t!V K. SEVyOfR. Mr. of1 is not so very many yoars ago that in the ; for consumption at the cy.mp. large: PUBLISHED EVERY Τ Γ ES DAY. which tho luggage is hauled by a team, is 1,.>U feet above tide water. Its breadth membci*, (îcorgo Shepard Page, and on the "drive" a, tisb, as soon as aro in th«i arc nine miles, New York was so with lumbering-camps caught deposited There can be no better text lor a while the fisherman fools it, and you is threo miles and its length City, delighted paper wi.s a car which each boat has with it. can his in this that in 18G3 •ommon ol supplies ! always Ο KO. IX. λν ATKINS, η at the Middle which is about ami few more scenes bo experience tip trip proportion up tbe trout oi the Likes Camp Dam, picturesque '— at the big Kangtle) the same "barrel of rum to a barrel of beans. the return to camp night, l-Jiljr an J We- than a fleet of six or seven he made a second by Upon Proprietor. than tue re uf ono drawu the middto of tho western shore of j imagined journey premutation Law has trout are carefully transferred to a to a email United route. Ile returned from this bring- Tho Maine Liquor certaiuly put living birch an accurato lokenebaoook, whence access is easy row-boats, each with trip, upi.n batk, engraving in this case is the name Term-s—S'-.OO por Year. with him brook trout an end to this regime, and with it bave larger car—which ot which is on the next The Molechnukemunk and Moo Slates flag floating from Its bow, rapidly ing eight weighing m >n given page. selucmaguc-( lt l -i.i *lr *tlv aUeanre, a IeUucti of filtv cU 8 7 G Ι to a very exteut, the given to an ordinary dry-goods box,with !«.· ■» a down tho one or 8 8-8, 1-4, 1-1, 1-·.', G, disappeared great I If paid ,:..n *ia mootbe. fish here reproduced, be it understood, is tic. moving lake, carrying respectively tifju.-ton of tive cent· will b« an aver- and kindred vices slats on tbo bottom and sides, admitting t*toty two on the to the head- ό 1-2, 5, 5—total, 51 7-S lbs., or drunkenness, profanity mate. If not till the enl of lue a ot tbe brook Or a shorter, and in othor a sportsmen way genuine specimen speckled respects which at one time the brave the free passage tbuough of water—and >ear two dollars w ill be charg*oumi$ week—Monday, Wednesday ridaj "Molly-chunk-e-' of river lects the and releases all tho oth- Kor one irioh of ono werW. $1.0u mnuk,"—the name of which has thus three made acknowledgments gers driving. largest ii·» K. it. Allerton, ot New —to Andover, miles distant, gal- largest,and Each »uti«^|ueBt week, i3 re·»*. by captor, eighteen arc some in the which liud their way to the been and in tho Tost," tho "New Thorn peculiar features ers, speedily »;M#olal V >1ΐ'·«β— 'ii per cent. aû!► ;ιη»1 Executor»' Notic**, !-"■« were is a substantial board structure UK) i: be. iheir cross a two-mile from out Scores ol letters cirnp might C «MÉtMMkaeiNoli·**. SjN and the vermilion commodations for fishermen upon the camp carry precedent. trout), tinally bright 10 feet wide. At its extreme In the and ;al Term- maile with L»cal the foot of l.jke to the sonl to the which had feet long by genera!. early spring iithing >l-o AilTcrti>en,u«| which trout from lower lak» but in an t as 1 Ilinguley junction papeis presumed for · iv*rt'«riiiriii« aontiaanl aav oouM'lersble spots distinguish brook mergency, is a the late tall aro the Le t ot Stream with to call these brook irout,—somo ol them westerly end well-equipped kitchen, fishing decidedly >u^tb 01 litue. also, lot tliooe oveiipv mjc c\let» all other Tbis tish can bear most cheerful witness, will see Kennebago Kiogeley species. particular a Theu and most Tho aive »pace. A others denunciatory,others and adjoining it is dining-room. j croyable. peitiferous was June in Lake to and make Stream, where is Camp Kennebago. interrogative, Captured 5, you safely your destination, which is oc- black flics do not until June 10th, takes the while the' theoretical, and others flatly contradic- comes the main apartment, apper It was taken on a it certain that are well for. wagon baggage, M !!!>«. RIKKK* Mooselucuiaguntic. you provided as a and room.— | but their attentions can be warded oil' by themselves walk across tory. Tho Adirondacks had never cupied sleeping sitting can (ell. t>\ ex mining the colored attaché to i.ne after a coutest "Arm" a twelve-mile ride sportsmen yielded clip trolling lastiug forty To reach the ot the a to i> ih«· amount This room takes the lull width liberal all exposed parts their »pvr». .lue. anil tboac wi»hms an excellent wood road, Much, a brook trout which more than application ol uienlv nir.e minutes. When landed it wne en- on a buekboard over a difficult road must through weighed to avail ikdBNtTW ibe a>lvanoe of a mktnrt· « main is about 60 feet of tbo neck, face and h;nd* van »rcd !>y mu I.orhaatl loth· nearv«t .vient. is in to and thai, therefore, must bo the building (.'W feet), and several alter be aud thence a small however, marshy enough spols 51b»., I, '77' ·>η th mean· the pst»er ι· tirely uninjured, days undergone, by sweet in Oil •■>«'i>t. »lip, p:ii when killed it was laid upon a ot steamer the Middle or Dam may stepping very dilate· [hat tUo u to .'amittrv. piece I'ppcr η .'10 the it a most of in «urticient to a-.ibacnption paul boots Indian But Mr. had foreseen the violent tect in clear, giving pennyroyal «quantity 1»; lî»77 or ls>7S, as tr»e t:a»e l»e. birch bark, and it outline and be reached. Communication either indispensable. Kock-» Page may traced, by thor- mako its odor is WImb money .* »ent, < «re shouitl l>e la'«.eu to which was sure to manifest appearance and securing plainly perceptible so locality famous even iu tl.o spacious e\ itnia»· the ·! ai. I if the t« not ere«lited then hiied in by an amateur artis*. The of tb» so routes, however, is not regu- «boriginal scepticism ; mr>ney to ventilation. There aro no by many to render thii prepara- ■Mil Κ t w·'· »* ·>· AnM '.·* i>i it. annals ol Maine, as its naiuo indicates— itself, ami had sent a ough partitions thought 311'iieeJ has been made trom this sure or as way of seven-pounder engraving orig- lar, easy by Farming- in this but or tion more effective. h on tho left bank of tbe Professor who replied apartment, twenty-live By September,with iual which is reduced tr>B or and as thin is the direct streim, directly Agassi/, speedily drawing, marly Phillips, beds are its sides, ί the black die* dis- r< Tradition re that theso monster trout were genuine thirty ranged along exemplary regularity, on a I Ca S c. tiv< --ixtLs, —ci, iu citer words.the route to the of tho An- ae.ng Camp Kennebago. Pro/cssi Is, figure camp Oquoseoc and at its extreme end is a and with them goes the only hin- "'tes taat this was a favorite haunt ol tho or brook trout easterly largo appear, hire is a lutic over ouc-sixtu lite Association, «hieh is far the spot spccimcus speckled given gling by around which the niance to or out don of lh,· before the white man and that «ere ouly found in open lire-place, weary complete îymontof siz; la this trout measured'2l> best η itfon of its kind in Indiiu family, they length auaged organiz after their and life. OB PRINTING vcntuied so Ur into tho aud that numbers in the lakes and streams at anglers gather day's sport, OFFICE. an«J at tbe thickest its tbis the tourist or will forsst. Urge inches, part girit region, sportsman entertain each oiher with the rehearsal As method.·1 ol it need ,1 as lato as 1S55 made visits hero frcm the head wuters of the Androscoggin regaidi lidiing, ALL MNP# t>K was .7 inches. There is like it the Leaving they nothing genetally give preference. of their and As be said tha» the angler y t ti a da each season. Kiver, in North-western Maine. In 1^01, experiences exploits. only high-toned in a "tiah aud as this Portland a little after one o'clock, accuracy story," you not hi intended victim wit]» and Job soveral New York visited ono huge log after another bln/.ea up will temp·, Book Fancy Printing trout is no means the which arrive at about six. There, rho lakes of the are gentlemen by largest Farmingtou Kangcloy group for the are seldom so warm that a but a at any *oason. Ji.e nmoag the Dumber Mossrs. night* anything ily jctu in the Κ Ticket* takes ol so located with to one another Utngtley, has captured ingeley Lake*, "L'ncie John" charge respect best is to be had in the stream » I.ûwis II. Iteed, It. G. Allerton, and L. fire is oppressive—story after story pasf- tly tishing Eiecsa with Neatness and Despatch and is one ot thousands ot this all and stows them with that it diflicult lor tho visitor species your "traps," isextremely that some in the and in tho lake in tho fall. T. I.a/.ell. thair return they fully es around. It rnrely happens «pring AT Τ 11 Κ a to ten care iu the boot of his ca- ^ η clear idea of their relative Γροη ranging tiom half pouud pounds conscientious get Pom a six who to iho lakes in the corroborated tho maoo Mr. ono of the circle has not captured Those go spring wbi h hav* been taken iu tbese Concord coach. A at tho tions. does this so report by { watera.it! pacious supper Nothing effectively aud summer to catch OXFORD DEMOCRAT OFFICE. the and or eight pound trout during the day, and eariy determined tem-.ius to add that the this Forest House fortifies for au as an ascent of iiald Mountain, which is Pago jear previous, brought OLly legend you eighteen so fortunate is of fish at all must seek back with tùem several trout which the ono who has been tho biggest hazards, to this is one of tho most in this drawing bears—hirjw.et—refers entirely mile tide Phillips,and materially prominent objects of hour. With what with live minnows for still-fish· from threo to In course the hero tho them bait, FOR POSTE to the ti»h whose is here written, shorter.e i L'ncie .John's famous "bear whole sineo it rises seventeen weighed eight pounds. ORDERS Jî<, obituary by landscape, how or in water. In Mr. visited kinJ of ily the lish wj raptured, iog by trolling deep aud net at nil to statements about his and other characteristic narratives. hundred leet above the level of the lake. l£fi7, Page again liangcley (BY Mill.) the story" narrow cs- law rules out all with Mr. and ten long it took to land him, the either case, the gang at the Hirden I be ascent be made with in company Stanley, teilow-J*niz-ns ol the Kmgeley Lakes, Stopping overnight House, may compara- had irom Tho baited hook" is FROUPTJ.Y ATTESbED TU. those two and capo which the Incky angler hook.·'. ".«in^Ie only some information about which it is the or at tho Elmwood House, Mr. tive ease by any one at all accustomed to days' tithing by gentlemen kept by lus as tho was and one Mr. ol Gorham, Ν. H., nhowed losing prize ju'-t guide permitted, any infringing open ol this to Prescott, take an start the next mountain and there arc several Fields, purpose paper present. you early climbing, are which must be this wise restriction hiraiclf t«i this result: Number ol netting him, points exposée and alter a ι i loot to tho summit. U*ld Mountain is extraordinary Mooselucmaguniic, Mo!echur>kemunk, morning, stage twenty piths over and over Could severe Λ hook, with a vki ε- κ ι-1 in κ, trojt *»·α1 rehearsed again. penalties. larger miles reach Kimball's Hotel, at the head IU a lis base is washed V», weightaverago nearly WelokeLeDac H.k, Cupsuptuc.and Ktug··- reality peninsula. onr-'.^nth ot the fi-h stories which have heavier leader than is used in ordinary AT * lbs COUNSELLOR LAW. of Like, noon. Taking bj I.ike, Stream, are tbe names carried by the indi- litogeley by ktngeley Hiogeloy thus been rehearsed around this lamou9 » brook trout is called for in these W Court ^.reet. Boston. Mit··. ley. In tnenumoer οι νι*ιιιακ tishing, dinner here, and after it th·1 I. ike and 1*GS, anglers > ot a of lake* "Mollj- Cupsuptuc Mooselucmaguntic. be and with n't·» t Arti'ro··** h.iTiag bu'iiieaa Or vidual members croup that it old lire in Camp Kennebago put, waters; but upon su^h point>, con- llie lakes had so increased place cla u- Ι·>γ u i:· U. n.u anil Ticiu.ty. c!iu:ik i-munk."one of the li'.ile «teameis Λ narrow ot land on tho south rapidly wr.ivh are >et destined to be· a* tauii.iar strip on would make a book which reference to tho varieties of ilics which June 1'.· "7'i lj* I w\s an association record,they which have invaded the nects it with tho main land. <»aceon decided to organize in the literature of the American recently sanctity would throw far into the shade vol- are most available, advice may be bad ut s λ t \ l.M M. .-ports f.>r tbo ol erect- any of are iu an hour and a the eastward, you set? purpose lea.-ing ground, man as th» salmon rivers ot Canada or these lakes, yoa summit, looking that has the stores. In ^ and baat?.— ume ot piscatorial experience any of fishing-tackle gen- Al rORNKYS AT LAW, half landed at tho foot of the Κ its form deeply ing building*, purchasing the tr ut streams ot th" Adirondack?.— lUngeley.— ingeley, graceful ever seon Uolore eleven o'clock in Messrs. oi Mass., : yet light. eral, however, give preference making Jan 1 '77 N<>r*uy. M«·. Hero there ln3 been meted a hotel outlined, and indentation plainly Bowles, Springfield, These lakis lie in the western ot ju-t every the are all in their beds, I selections to the more subdued col- part l^z»ll and of N. Y., weary anglers your U. IIΛ ϋLOW. kaowa as the Mountain View marked. O.d Siddiehack, rock-ribbed Reod, Brooklyn, j M ne.v the New boun- House, sinks into a silence that is and do not to bo J,·» tine, Hampshire R. <». A.lerton, and the camp ors, permit yourself which is to all comers, and near and bate, and four thousand feet, George Shep'ud I'agoaud 1 Λ 1 ToRNfcY AT LAW, line. Tho White Mountains are cpen it, rising undisturbed save some stocked with an immense variety.— dary of this lion. W. P. of I*ewis- by ob.xflel,!. some niiies a little to the private camp tho next or six well will be Μ<·^_ thirty distant, S. of snorer, at least until daylight Five kinds, selected, Point Mount Abraham, and the Kist ton, Me., W. Badger, August·, A.S. Tumuli, AtfttP M Kruw, west ( t s aul Lake is Page,—Lake Cottage. UigeJows, j foaie fisherman who has more than lo the û.sfc uth, Moosehead of New Orleans.1 morning, when enuuge givo ample I :r. : -j .rr ! M* Notary 1'i.lilic. and West Mountains, That Me., and Γ. L. Page, about or miles to the north- In wi ll the unpronounce- Kennebago luck tho starts out lor choice. 'r» ;rcui ν sixty seventy comparison at the had poor previous day, tango kxa, thread ol silver in the immediate lore- who were all in adjacent camps east. It be absolute inc»*· as able Indian names which tho contiguous a determination to retriove As I bave stated, tbeso big may dulity outlet ol I/ike, organ- wi.h desperate already 1 is the wide and R-ingeley foraially Attonuis Counsellors at ate of the.-e lakes that of ground rapid lUngeley of aro cither in ibe lake or in Law, to the ti-ù stories which told bear, Kangeley appears, Association bis fortunes by testing the virtues eaiiy trout caught which fal.'s feet in the teed the Oquossoc Angling UOHU tM. Ν II. is Lard for one who has not and civilized, outlet, twenty-live streams which feed to lakes,—u angularly commonplace (i. S. as fishing. the it, accoiding Η alien·! ·.«> ρ rat-tie* ib the Court·» of V Η the by the election of Mr. Page was as c as two miles between point of has seen a trout ton, but it well ft' intervening vuu νι «*«.ν tbo season ; and each kind fishing anυηΐν, Vlf. Jan I. '77 -peeked weighing eight, formerly quite and Xlr. !.. B. i Λ Lout U1UUUU CUυ where it leaves tho iako and its president Reed, secretary, or even si* to have Iniili in the its il was known ; junction its incidents and ► -rκκ >u. pounds, neighbors. Oiiginally the associ- discovers η number ol peculiar surprises.— caimer waters ol the In the year following (180J). ( Mooselucmaguntic as about vv'*h >he and deeper y existence of a ti*h of this siz j and O.]ear but what ever the cause, the to settle in this northern wilderness. Ik- stripes wavicg fUg-staff. their even boats ol ; and at the lakes the season.— make navigation by and Counsellor at moro is and Kennebago, immediately began during fishing Attorney Law, a tract at the outlet of tban words ot no little number ot visitors to this has thus cleared broad Something nec'ssary tho latter aro those of dralt an undertaking Jan 1 *77 Me re*gion > ol Mean- Prominent among lightest Ri m>'oki>. to do full to the varied t.he erection Camp Kennebago. small. Thoreau, Lako, built a dam across the justice exquisitely Stream, between far been comparatively Kingeloy increased, Hon. \V. Γ. at the narrows, and that diiliculty. Kangeley W FIFE. ol lake and mountain, the time the membership rapidly Frye to be sure, described i; in a way stream, erected extensive saw and griet panorama famous dam at the outleiof m^TII general was of R. G. Allerto» at Cove, just at the Kangeley of which could be more and in 1*70 the association lormally Bugle » aud sums of beauty hardly a distance of and Counsellor a! ye.tr.-sodij luo.uore intnrop, mills, expended large money State Ibo foot of Bald Mountain. Allerton Lake and Indian Kock, per- Attorney Laïc, names under the laws of the lodge 01 tuan indicated the of incorporated Kkikhi ko, M.... but their accounts made it like#a in other improvements, tin supplies by catalogue a mile and a half, abounds in pools Appear of Maine. The ol the asso- is a thoroughly built house, fully equip- haps New to them. Few finer membership QnmÉMHMT tor Hanip-hire. .:an!'77 1>· term i, lull of d lîiculties when all kinds were lrom necessary identify which the trout love to frequent.— if,:o>jni: transported I'niliips is to Thero wiih all the comforts of civilization. big can be found in the lakes, ciation limited Bevonty-five. ped a of to views Koglish have been so I» B1SBEE, it wss once reached. Now. however, or Karmington, distance thirty a bluff These waters are a lew vacancies.— It is located upon rocky twenty particular I· tho or oven in Switzer- now, however, the rai road excursion tieud has lixed his miles, and be was compelled to haul among Trossacbs, and fished, that tho til'.y fchares are aud the feet or more above the level of the lake, steadily thoroughly and Counsellor at than this Irom the summit of Hald $-1)0 each, capital Attorney Lau\ thedisrict. Excursion tickets hie lumber a hundred miles to find a mar- land, with a of self sacrifice fang* upon is which is invested in and commande a magnificent view.— association, degree Ju 1. *77 Ri KFltLO, Oafor-1 Co. M*. | Mountain. stock £10,700, fiom Bjaton to the lakes and ket. For years fitsh- which well for the true sportsman lUngele? twenty Squire lUngeley furniture, boats, etc., Hugle Cove is one of the beet speaks W. UlM.oN. lieiore t iu camp buiidings, Singe return various routes are sold by the lived here, bis business enter aescriorog amp ivenneuago like in its members, lately secured by pushing etc. The annual dues are »25. on the lako, its proprietor, spirit it be ad well to ia brief Camp ing grounds different railroads ; have prises with great energy and more or detail, may give and the of a law tho Maine Legis- and Counsellor at photographers are lor board, $ 1 for who i9 one of the most enthusiastic passage by Attorney Law, a sketch ot tbo ot the charges per day tu the Lak·» view» ol leas ibe tield history Oquossoc there for Kl-îak Fall», Mr. be through taking success,and ccjoyiog sports, 60 cents for of never fails to lature, prohibiting any fishing ο! which board ·ί guide, aud per day persevering anglers, W i in an ! was fond.— Association, organiza- that time practice Oxford York Cos. janl77 the various and of jue lo- of which he Angling α his visits in a term of five When Camps pictures passionately use The best receive make such sore during years. tioD this is the bead So of boats. guides up at one deer, bears and wolves camp quarters. be worth while TAïuna waaen calities in genera! ; least guide- Mouse, caribou, as to excite the emulation of all1 has elapsed, it will taking per making the total cost per day June as ago, u d*y, a under "the ha» been and since the last were his constant ducks, long thirty years sportsman rest of the sea· : a to Maine to ca^t My book issued, neighbors; while in unless two other visitors during the trip ATTORNEY AT LAW. now and then worked Lis way through camp persons barrier to the t xclu»ivenees of the dis- aud smaller game were has dam" or in the It is not unusuai Paris Hill. Ml. geese, partridge to lish from the samo when, son. what Mr. Allerton "eddy." the wilderness to these lakes, but it » choose boat, Exactly at there so abundant that Ihem could fishermen to Colla tion· j>r 'uaptlr mal··. Alto. »i>ec .a! trict has thus been broken down, shooting board his successive for the more enterprising in ol courso, tho expense ol accomplished during eight teuliuc g.ven Ιυ b,.« Probate Court. J 1*77 to within the last fifteen jeare that the guide, Stream c.u be lo breach of trust in oe called spjrt ; and brook trout only summa- work their Kennebago giving harJly for und Lire of boat be shared, annual visits to the lako may be way up κ u: and guide may the readers of an ac- or nine Kmgeley, Kvnuebago Cupsuptuc or even sk miles. Thie trip Scribmr's Monthly weighing six,seven,eight pounds from about rized as follows: 186'J—1'47 trout, weigh- four, five, Q with the end ol Mooseluc- tho tiihiug season exteuds PHYSICIAN AND curate account of oue oi the most pic could be taken by the score from the Lakes, upper lbs. involves hard labor by tho in poling SIRJEON, 2ύ to October when the law ing 234 1-2; 1870-124, 172 1-2 ;1871 guide u become at all well known May 1, pro- WM Pauj*. Mk. tur< and attractive cast ol stream which ran his front door. aguntic,have 3-4 lbs. or in the boat over the (remuent :4'je legions p^st hibits the ol trout save tor sci- —".'IS, 135 lbs. ; 1872—130, L'85 ; pulling • >® -e at residence. we>: »ι<1« of rieer. *77· to The Richardson Lakes— captuie jl Mountains. Wnen for anglers. 231 and caution is nccessary the Ktcky S^uiro Kiugelcy, reasons] written ol 1873-1 l«J, 205 l-2ibs. ; 1874-17."», shallows, great Wvlokenebacook and Moiecbunkemuuk, entific purposes by permission N. BK.WIiim M. l> with which tradi.ion does r.oi record, gave up such a mishap as may Maine is so profusely dotted over iho fish commissioner. the first lbs. ; 1875-157, 177 1-2 lbs. ; 1876—ISC, to guard against with the lower lakes During J ot AND that the the enterprise which be had for a I'mbagog, forming be occasioned an unexpected push PHYSICIAN Sl'RGEON, lakes as to suggest the thought pushed month and thé last throe weeks of tbo 182 1-4 lbs. Total 1,336 trout weighing by in tho chain whence the Androscog- SOUWAT. ML. drained or time with so much energy, his mills and great 1 the or the sudden striking Slate has not jet been well are admitted 0—1 averaging about lb., j guide's pole, occu- fishing season, guests only 1,623 poinds; Ke-t.lence an·! office at the hou»e lately were River derives its mighty power- bottom * all abandoned, and the gin were the boat's bow the pied I>r. PraLle·. jaa 1. «β 1) that a tilting of the con:inent might buildings of since 31-2 oz. cach. Among the number of upon pebbly by s.ight or upon tho invitation members, c *vhich he Lad made were have for the last thirty forty years I fisherman h^els over the level ot this region earings rap- are then two and sends the surprised BOCXDS M 1' depress general or mora of ! tho camp accommodations likely I 240, weighing pounds upwards, the hand of been by a score ot bis boat, while so as to it in the Atlantic.— idly seeded down by nature; frequented was 891 3-4 lbs. ; head, into the bottom J submerge to bo overtaxed, but between June 20 whose combined weight [ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Boston and New York These sure to lakes which have spructs, and tir gentlemen. 1--' oz. his leader and flies are becomc but the fact is that the pines, juniper springing and 10 tho camp is open to averaging about lbs. 11 each* 8ot/TM Ρακί·. Mi. were invariably louid at September branch are between fourteen everywhere in place ot the ancient sportsmen not that it is hooked In the loftiest overhanging * flc« at r< tldence, Cr»: boure a'ove Cor(T<*«al just been named up all visitors tho same terms as to Hut it need be imagined "Rich's" "Middle Brook, upon 01 tionai Church. jaa 1. 77 sea- monarchs ol the torest which Dam," Mosquito are suc- reach. the discomforts »nd fitteen hundred feet above the primeval and children are also the who ; within Still, Dam." Hundreds of members. Ladies only practiced anglers he had cleared at the cost ot so or the "Upper is excursions the Kenuebago or wate cure level, and are embosomed in mountain?, away between the dates named. A cesslul in the Lakes. There those up Sof (. i:rn»-«n. ·*· All and you first strike pulled are sure to exhibits some catches nearly remark-1 without occasional surprises. 1. *77 Farmingtou Phillips, in the camp, they will μί«·*·« i.-cjd for Circular. j^n in found its way into the New employed that at its extreme eastern of the structure were incorporated the occasionally which has been set down well remember an incident happened Rangeley Like be as comfortable as in ordinary able as that Λ1r ILLlAM IK>lliLAS9. York or Boston the quite entire is new dam which was then built for the papers chronicling of the first vist to Camp blennebago, end. and h»Me the group gener- hotels. above. In i860, eleven members upon my or country Lakes. purpose floating logs through association in six days' fishing, besides when tyro trout-fishing, Drphty Sker'.Jf for Oxford who to be best in- Without invidious com- the Ot the old home- trout, those claimed drawing any initiated in the uso ot Watsrford. Me. Coming trom tne other direction, bv wa> in early spring number of smaller fish, captured bad not been fully a it be stated in general,that large All ma.l will rec *e a site formed dismissed the with parisons, may was at some precept· by prompt^at- Welokenebaco k is first stead, which occupied commanding paragraph as follows: three of the fly. My boat author teat ion J*n 1, *77 ot Andover, of ihe kind in thirty trout weighing sneer at the of editors who did there are few organizations and with one hears the ou a beautiful knoll, only the decayed ignorance one 4 14 lbs. two 4 3 4 lbs. distance below "Stony Batter," reached, and in this region ol which has been 4 lbs. each ; ; T ames mt. cuapman. not know the difference between brook the country the morale a as foundation timbers remain. ot one 5 1-5 lbs. I confess I was with ot the Richardson Lakes, Knough each ; three 5 lbs. each ; ; humility angling group spoken In O· so as has that of the DEPUTY SHERIFF λ CORONER. ••Potash" still stands to trout and "lakers." 1800, Henry carefully guarded For a half hour or more thero this name is properly applicable the building give four 5 1-2 lbs. each ; two 6 lbs. each ; minnow. although now one of the Association. The prc- kezak y all», mk. shelter to the Stanley, of Dixfield, Oquossoc Angling no ol a trout in my vlcirt to Welokenebacook and Molechun- a passable benighted angler. two 6 1 4 lbs. eaeh ; two 0 3 4 lbs. each ; had been sign lie-in··.·» l>y ma;! promptlv attendri to. jl "77 only commissioners of fisheries for ent board of trustees consists ol (ieorge these eflicient one 7 1-2 I had laid my kemank. But the tourist and the fisher- With exceptions, Stjuire Kangeley's two 7 lbs. cach ; one 7 1-1 lbs. ; ity, and carele»<>ly polt an ·!. W. Kimball I li. P. JON E-, havo ali the State of Maine, organized expedi- Shepard Page, president; « with the bnt under th«- man will the advantage ot ex- "improvements" disappeared. J three 8 lbs. each; one 1-2 lbs.; across the beat, yi. appreciate to lrom the ol Maine. I. B. lb?.; DENTIST, which he once tion to penetrate the lakes Bith, viec-prenide«t; there was t "strike directions the precise The township owned, : one '» lbs. Total, 1*1 3-4 lb?., average thwart. Suddenly plicit regarding end. before, Mr. Reed, New York, Secretary; J. A. Wil- Norh a·» Villains. Mr:. in however, still bears bis name. Nearly upper Twenty years ladios find ! I soi/.o my the trout routes which it is desiiable to follow I, T. over 6 lbs. each. Then the Before could pole Tteih Inserted on i.olil. SiHer or lather had made tho survey of liamson, Jersey City, Treasurer; all o( the lake lies within its limits. The Siauley's one for tho lino under the ▼ 1, 77 the Lakes. the a wonderful great bad carried directly ■Iraniml Rubber. jan reaching lake and di:cover- Lazell. Dr. F. N. Otis, New locality of tho as the much of the country, Brooklyn, with such a rush as to snap the rod, I'ortlan J is the where one must town Rangeley—or "city," "c itches"—of trout. Mrs. Theodore boat c u. i»a\is. point of the York, Hon. W. P. Frye, Lewiston, Maine, it—b half back Mom ing tho extraordioary eize trout, to in to the |y:. decide whether he shall the natives call a.milo has taken several weighing between —which I ought say, justice approach The an i A. P. Whitehead, Newark, N. J.— Page SURGEON DENTIST. bad bis visits. a store or from their the extreme eastern end of the lake.— frequently repeated even the makers, was cheap Likes from their southern are an 6 and 9 lbs. each, and young professional Will be a: in hi· father The names of these DixriKLU the t'ourUi Monday e*eiy son now and then accompanied gentlemen or TLc '77 he wishes to Most of the male inhabitants of the vil- Masters and two three pieces. month, and remain four day·. .no 1, north-eastern extremity. If ol the with f.)lks aro fortunate. Marry rod,—into on these and with such α preceptor emphatic guarantee prudence H he must take lage devote themselves to "guiding" trips, ό 1-2 and 3 1-2 trout as he deserted fo do, and F. ».i:fen. I>. I» go by way of l'm agog, of the association are Allie escaped, in the art, and with such oppor- which the affairs Page, respectively 1 the entire tishing season, and gentle once I could not my- the Grand Trunk Ua'lroad to Bethel. throughout look- it from this record, daring for help confessing (or its it is not strange and also that everything years, appears in its native state io one oi tunities praciice, managed, 37 self This mishap, ol Ilommopathic Physician frSurgeun Taking supper at the Bethel Ηοαββ, the spruce gum which is one visit, caught 'u trout weighing | outgeneraled. that Mr. should have achieved ing toward the dissipation likely the Sot th Pahs, Me. same irom these "in- Stanley 1 and ! an end to my fishing for to stage the its chief exports. Apart con- Ten averaged lb. each, oourse, put t. traveler goes Upton by to exist in where pound?. I>r. reiert lo any ot ibe leading Homeopathic tho distinction of being the champion fly- camps sportsmen distance—26 dustries" itere is little that is noteworthy 2 lbs. Lest these but fortunately it occurred sll»lr t>t>y*i· an« a Ma w or Ha«Fachu?>«tti»· jl 77 evening, accoaip.i 1**7 ( 1 I ieeuis to be no doubt 11. There that the Mil- TO IfA' ITEMS. and claim of We the from the boro wiil rectivo the 125.000 Mate very adroitly drawn, every clip following Academy an the l*resi that the facts bt- show who never for with which ibe oars- Magistrate there is fair proeprct window, stop m»t last as was announce!. river-driver's song, that it is settled· The Μ. Κ Sewing Circle Wednesday evening, the nation. It is understood upon I to in to Missis- ment to think what the of one uien were keeping time. But soon the ing brought light regard enterprise Mr*. J. C. Bil will be no the The IVink bill U still evening with Hence there meeting until teunds. as became linked together, the of disputes touching Savings of man has done and is for ibe city. Thursday they disposition undis-1 sippi will show the necessity sending doing evening. At that time Mr. into that old tune "Coroua- the electoral votes east in the late election of. It was amended in the House It is not alone in the of at lings. Saturday grew grand posed ils vote to the Commission or some oth- selling goods the are now (bat Ihere will will read Iwforc the (Jiub. lion," and the words: one or more of the statas depends from A to 1\ and sent to the Souate.- the smallest or in The indication* Kmpp l»y or All honor to the Maine dele possible profit, doing hail the of Jesut' namt or of the place. to inlest one of his dra- "All j'owei whether one the other branch took it nud business is such a manner that the child be a «mail crop of caterpillnrs Mr. S. S. Knapp gave question That up today rej^t- in both houses of ns camo to us over the waters, is the law- gation Congress, as the I) M.Kimball! in the Court House last peaceful candidates for the Presidency ed the ameudment the State tax at can as advantageously our fruit trees next year. matic readings fixing with a th« ir voices and purchase 1 sung with all the strength, steadiness, The of1 single exception, that the is benefited. this of the County He rendered a well· ful Chief Mrgistrate. importance one cent, aud tabled it. A ter) adult, public directly is now canvassing part Friday ever.ing. and fervor which be iu a per were the bill. Ojr S»mn- might expected ascertained a votes agaiust Few have to consider what this feeds. in η manner having clearly by procedure, law to farmers stopped celling fruit trees nr.d garden selected programma i.L'hly congregation ot religious worshipers.— two citi- stringent protect against ins of New law, which ot the tors were the only republic establishment is in behalf of the la- been to all Hi-, voice is could have been io more perfect regulated by has the House, and will doing The diphtheria ins raging qnlto satisfactory preset. Nothing dogs passed prob- who voted the ar.d and reus has been elected, and of having the; against bill, class, we venture the assertion, us. Dr. I)»vis oi and &illful harmony with the »cene. yet nothing the Senate. It ha» been asked Kngland boring yet extensively sruth of ono ct great compass, by than this office and ably pass the Irom that wore this store closed could bave been a greater surpii.*e right ot high rccogui/.ed liurleigh only representative without fear, Mills has hid thi*-*y cases this lie bus remarkable coo- of tor those in sheep husbandry Locke'* traiuing. acquired to hear this tune, aad the words with in all the by engaged our who voted for it. to-morrow, there would be actual suffer- cheerfully agreed by people State, ! his skilll.il treat- over it. We b that other for several and if it law winter. While under trul >pa places which it is so inseparably connected the canuot be over-estimated, years, of Ex-Giv. Per ha m and want in homes in this Republic becomefca Tne many friends ing ninny city. a be favored with with such zest from the throats ot ment the l)r. baa not lost single patient. in this vicinity may his coming leads me to to aud it will doubtless prove effective. women and find em- and express Congress were with an of Over 200 men, girls Mr. men who have an und*>erved at the pleased opportunity The met at tho house of gained the nation satis action in lavor ot ihe State of them tne Grange readings. not to my great The Keîolvo Agri- him here last week, looking so ployment here, many only Tue Reform Club Sat- reputation for roughness, say pro- affords an or- greeting John I'hilbrook last Wednesday evening regular meeting of a measure that came in the Seuate of or chil- of adoption cultural College up We noticcd the s'reaks of silver ! support aged parents orphan was one ol much fanity, speech. ex- wel!. social time. All wont evening interest. means of decision of a 200 homes in this de- and bad a good urday Cer Ciough has been ^-hipping pota- tendance, history country ou other business which has come up We trust, he any him twent5-live years ago. farmers an earnestness that could but stir earlier -hows that the President of sides it is that class of labor which has toes to Portland, paying the ed by period this session, and it was carried through of usefulness votes and de- may be many jcars in times to se- w ho listened. riorb Democrat. the Senate hxs counted the spared least even gonj I rem 80 to 95 cents a bu«hel. all the Senate a decided and is opportunity our whole by majority, cure that here fini lor is ttill in the a beautiful day, there clared their standing, history ycl. employment work, 1 ho bop crop ot 1S76 Sunday being now before the House. There are many men in in no ο 'doubt or dis- The number of Maine brought are a our was a audietice to hear W7. -how- that instance | young giiIs generally supcifluous hands of the grower, lu* of farmer* very laige present PARIS, MAINE. FEBRUARY 6, who the of sue- has he the of decid- doubt propriety voting to during the struggle of the in the laf>or market. Here sermon the < ι pute exercised p.>wer prominence commodity h aold last lull. Dr. K-veo's upon ministry sums to this institution at iviug and that the two house» of large every year. two mouths, is q lite remirkable, find fair was a ing, Congress past they respectable employment, We l»»aru teverai bunditd cords o' St I'-iu". Ti e sermon compiMe, Decisions. and dis- is almost an on our bands; un ier the of on·· who is Newspaper have of all such doubts It elepbaut and very conclusively prove-·, if proof wjiirirs, and eye and d «course The disposed j-nplur has been cm, hauled and loaded finished bcbolarly ]. r> :ul.olv in 110 instance hitherto but it must either be or aban- to careful to sec that bad or AijrI'trMD«ho«h«p.i|itr although supported were needed, that they are bo found every puspieiou* sat vt iih a rrmarkibie for the i'ulp congregatim — their decision is at a distance. Γ"-, or whether ho la* ubjetil" 1 or η·>1 have been such that doned. it Uov.'s influence Nearly iauoCln they almost eiory Packard, kept at c »rd. uf ease its entire dtliv»r\, point. « Mil! κ. Varmou'.b. $?■_' p«r gtru duting ι· rr«t*>n-ible tor the |»tumeitt. could have affect*! the result. tf'JOOO is paid out to employees very Sat- J. ll « |>er*on oi le; « hi.- |·λ|η γ «li>rontintieaynutit m.vle, to meet instructing report the *·Ριοβ Tree Stale,"while ihu-> to relieve tho Utke question general stringency t ... Thet oiirt- l».»v. Κ··1 thatrcfUMng mitted to the lor bien- a Maine woman, made :<>r a coi.Cert t be h· 1 ulli< not the best calcu- people, providing born there, fairs. are informed thai Μ. Γ. Knight being frrind η·Λ*-v.tper·· λιιΊ |κ·η·Ηΐί··»Ι- h'MU tin· ι«»ι «·, this under conditions by niarning We an b a or roiuo\ .ni l loavi., tKui uai.»'w«l Ιοι,ι» or niai elections aud sefsions l >u Ο become and in this \ at an tarly dite. M.-« u^ lated to an to in- as did Hot·. W. II. Ml, who has the month of December the lo.it a the other by death, jllagc /βκκ t*νitleucv ot tiuu ot On Trial. ches of the government or among the peo- sion is it? close, fiis wif« is a native id llaiioweil, und over $100,000; pretty lair showing within the heart-case twelve inches long, l'ottlaud, will ι I util thither notice. tlie UMORi* 1>»:\iuck.\t In a ca.se where, as hero is so ι», that ! dull times. We are no of ple ol the country. iutluence potent agaiist was th widow of II »n. S. U Thurston, writing "puff S'tid to be ll:-.-b color, and that he bus tbi arti-ts wilt Ihî *on: to uv a>Ur« |O t l'.u 1, three the is involved it is the a: this *63- the establishment named, but facts The Ladite Aid Sot-inly «i ί h ) ·1 ti.tir now, result high- it will hardly be put through late ol bu» from Maine plaiu now in a cobol. IIOw did on l at. Γ Jitmu. Th·· «- ** 1ι·» \* -h Oregon, formerly -nake Query, month-*, to to our readers. The on M md est ol the pro- tor of interest public meeting tj evening, to cooun:tc their alter they have duty law-making power sion. Hon. W MiLellan, many jenrs the snake there, also, bow did Iv'u xht quarterly 4uk>rri|>iii)a ι, to I get a e.- i has a to know who contributes with Mrs *» A. A forward t<> thi-> ortu·»·. on re. vide iu advance constitutional, orderly Tbe act «ol auί whx'h will l»e entitled to the faper and method of Consti- iu tbo S< n- tae good and proper ap- full attendance is rested eeij't they just executing ies. when on its final pas«age residence in this city on the L'.'d iust general nq «ο·· and critical of their far year. tution in this most interesting out tbe arti- preciation enterprise by placing A o! seven mon Iroin tl.ii ate was amended by striking Though he ht ! been feeble for sev- ituLkfltiu. party young its The 50 far from quite where it will rcdouud to their of provisions. doing lottoiies patronage went to the in 11 :b-oa, N-t cle which prohibited by religious eral years his de: th was sadden. Jan. iil.—Tho wore elected place pjn-1 Shalt the Laborers be liuled by a of right, is an enfor- quite own welfar:. lollo*ing being compromise was aud week lor iish. Tue y saty fine the Drones ? societies, and then passed, goes was a lu other of lion, J..cob McL !- lur tho « the State h ick to the House tor comurrecce. An honest man, on the 25th: J.»hn H. pickerel, weight against Republican the cAfcrred the Constitution ian of Portland. up- .st>, lilty pounds. ihepir:> Goverumenta Florida, on I think that orderly right in all his dealings, spending them in Warren, ; ρ*· Congress. j Send iu the ot the w rk is are refuted one was not asked lor the par- petitions,—send specimen >uufh Corolina being amp;) method has l>ecn sec ured by the bill which which by the better and larger portion of his life W. V. T.; Yir*ii P. DcGueUr, W. S ; mignilicent trom every town—let every school di:- bv the facts and figures which are cotn- to the Constitution and the l;iw ties who would be most siTected by it. service retired W. F. S. Win. J. hereby thanked. appealing in the public comparative!) in at Henry A. Bicknell, ; to libels trict bo beard irotu—send them out from tiuie time. The as the in is to be doue this year lor the iug guide asserting lights, provides Nothing in thii world's but tich in a Cobb. W. Τ ; A. Kicker, W. fcoulli Parla. these because poor goods, ouce ! I.°t us have the "set over" Alphena on the Governors of States, a means ol decisiou re- of the State ilouse. 1 he sleighs questions of'single enlargement name. C. ; Fiank Irish. W. M ; Walter l'urkis The cflkers elect of i\»ris F. A to be of the good one of them, or a linn of a "hun- i j L;dge thev happened natives North, turns tue direct action of Con- conservative in every through Legislature is very money The wotthcr his been very mild lor and Win. L. Moirill, W (Jnardt». The Α. M arc a.* lui I υ κ s ; are as shameless and dred a te.imster, now being proved «juite aud in to double returns by is the or^-r ol dollars," says gress, respect matters, and retrenchment two weeks and the river is Wave has not failed to elect the i'tlicer§ Geo. W. Hammond, IV. W. ; Κ. F. baseless as are similar falsehoods from ps*!, partly about the matter. a tribunal wl whose décision shall asked lor an talking inquirv the Warden Kice has snow all of tho for S J VV. sources the colored day. cleared ot ice, the neatly left, on the lest Thursday quarter Stone, VV.; David Ulack, \\\; Kindred freed· both houses of< shal 1 can of I against stand unless 'ongrc.-s to '.ho State Prison. No one be such advan- enlarge but on last some live or six inches change! nor omitted the annua! 1 F. J'. men, the citizens who dare to thus se- appropriation Monday nine j oars, sup- ; A. l· rotbingbam, rça». ; Cromrnett, republican concur in determining otherwise, I·» con Break roads as wide as ou has tor J 1 He accommodations ocly more so that the is still cov- tage. one of the most beautitul : Kunior S. 1) C H. vote as thej fought and maiutaiu a detinite of all toll. ground per. 0.1 Sec'y; lUwson, ; politi- curing disposition ques- two of travel with 1 vicis and estimate, that beiore tbe close is please and day* only bur.- cal fraternity with the men and part)· who tions of in whatever ered with it. Tno health of the city evenings of the w inter,the 30.b,one George. J. D ; L 1(. Carter, lyier; dispute aspect they be cal.ed teams nr. lits them lor cxeu or and saved the of the year, he will up- are eomo cases •inglo the ninth annual at the M tannic struck off their manacles niav arise. present very good, though there drcd partook of supper were publicly installed e We tire with as and home of Human on to take ot at lea.-t "'· homes "abreast." moving Union the citadel With or without tnis law as au me charge of As wo stated in our la.«t, of the Wave, by tho wives and Hall, J an. 3υ. by Mr. i'oweis diphtherial. no prepared Tuesday, The recent of Gov. is no self-sustaining ; the ! a and ιύ· et with opposition liberty. message states have voted and as a tie vote is im- prison longer there is much suffering among the poor petition <>l farmers; »»fter which the of Η-mover, hsisLed by Mr. I'crry of been so daughter» ot Louisiana shews th ? finauoes one tho two the amoving to « bat ever The advantage* bavo Kellogg it must be that of aeficienc? past year and it is on the increase. Uae letnaikii- audience were called to order by Win. Mechanic Falls. Atter the installation possible has of the State to be improving under Re- has boon elected, and it would over *10.000, Toe long known it iJ strange the change candidates something inspectors ble feature that attende the si tiering io U.cknell, the oldest member present, there were remarks by Hon Sidney I'er- and its material re now on publican rule, prosperity, Ik: to witness an con· estimate the the present year been delayed, Is tlx any law deplorable irregular deficiency the number of people ; who introduced M. A. Aliénas chairman, haoj, an address bj Geo. Λ. Wiison, and thanks to free colored labor, to be on the two re- really respectable ιh*; It is as to which of the should at the "books" regarding matter? troversy $ύ.οθο. that are to charity. who.a'tcr rem irks,called uj- music the So. i'aiis choius. Tlien ad- increase. He : The made iu to hold I compelled accept "sel appropriate by says crops ceive or which should continue lue most ucserveutjr μ ipuiai useless for a few towns (o adopt the Among Several liuuses have been establish- on the choir,who with a select «urned to the Andre»» II ,use where the the State the year are com- the of soup tej-poodtd j during present the oftk*c. In ail periods history uietubers of the House is Η Cleav- over," as it msk« s the roads in that town Henry e I lor their 1100 Mi»s (» ADC »st r, organ- brothers and *ives and Irknds were at 450,000 bales of cotton. 10,0U0 have arisen a* to the sue- relief; yesterday nearly piec·, ;>»rgie piled controversies He but very bad lor those who are compelled to ot es of Portland. speaks rarely riceived from the Northern followed a tho served with and whatever el·*· of sugar, 394,000 barrels or choice of the chiefs of .-tatcs, persons soup ist, !ion l>ecaus« ou the over thorn with following and barrels of always ellieiently, always lMO ol these pa·s sleighs after which the 1^9th were 'o c*ll lor. I «je occa- molasses, «70.010 rice, and no or citizen their coun- Liberty soup house. About Alpheu* Kicker, they pleased party loving a osition alter the hors·» The more than corn to bide. Lie seldom takes j directly change r^a-1 Mrs. Jjiia w:;s »bnro 1·> with sufficient supply and its free institutions can sacrifice right were white persons reduced to beggary X.>. of the I'etrl hj sion one of μ!ι thosr outside try the House -thould be ruado. Ii should be all the home demand. The»e are without being able to carry gentnl— ricita > figures too much of mere in preserving for waut of employ ment. A. Forbes; then declamations, of the lodge wb participated, aDrn on Paris oil the Cisrk citerpiil.irs ; tli»«y or ruoie. It is one of the lamentable of a Decease1 Hill, by lighting legacies can exist cheer- no lor thu oxen and S;w progress only through F. A Pike, with his irtn, on the 31st of ΙΠ·7. λ* hen that there is footing extra a committee of the The ladits ol the a of the white lion. long legisla so-nailed, Msrrh, nounced by Congregational slavery that by large class to constitutional law. ^ ful adherence a valuable mem- lie was t«reive years old hi· lather moved into to a'most as soon os their next a· the th«· cultivation of the «oil is live experience, is most they get crowdirg whole. 0»der being restored, some of ing Circle hold meeting population The bill to for Plantation No. 3. aflerwar.a as purports provide only ol ό incorporated start on the road. nd- Andre wî II til Fel·. li. as a of Cot- ber, and in a House composed many they ihosa who knew by experience the Tiiusday cveni/ig, from Woodstock, where he continued to reside up to " regarded badge degradation. the settlement of questions arising will and rice, which maintain the new members, be finds to do. !!♦* the Urne οι hi» ophrouia, daughter who wiih support to great bulk population I cannot doubt will before those ot public nature, has a blockade to business that the order of Good Templarism bad cessity, which ularly It »bee of W'iixlstvck, and built him a house · put complete j of our chief are the of free kinds. to a work in the mind city, products long l·*· supplied, of permanent general j opinion carries great weight. little to the West of where the old town-hous·· of all Many persons intending dono great preparing I'orlrr. there arc men colored labor. Vet living to meet cases which have not ol ftiO'l. lie afterwards moved t-> the J"hn N»s<>n to mills have legislation The resolve approbating the action haul lumber hereabouts for such a happy result in Maine ; show j S;nce one week ago last TliunJay in the free North, where labor is a neces- or unit, in ihi- Perham and still later been in the constitution com neighborhood, lo do so. was to work not in λ was the Coldest this winter contemplated our Senators in voting against the been unable I'dop'e having hay tog the leaven only j *ight,— bich ai.d honorable, who main- not to the lartn in the South pait of the town, now sity, industry laws of the The bill bavo to move it. The other Alter "Sweet wo nice country. may to which I relerred in my < u In hi- Mr. \o sell been unable ibis but in nations. thus far, have had remarkable these men the bill, occupied by Λ.Τ. turnings. i»r.inc, tain that colored of South, be and its not be promise j perfect provision.·» may has not been called ar.d I'erham was |K>s»es«ed of u""«'*t physical «trength are smaller than u^ual at this H »me" the audience, all left to tiud it ι wtiriu and 'ho tebiusters bave to whose sinew, and sweat that sect- last letter, up. wood-piles by weather, bone, such as would be best to all and was no applicable powers of endurance. It boys' play More than all else M in Hlancbard. of ttken ol iho by ion owes its and wealth, should will not be. Nobody doubts time. by the ai<1 Cynthia. advantage good sledding prosperity future occasions, but it is calculated to probably to c.it away the hea?y forest» and clear up a faitn P. Μ. Κ Imnnds and several other·* b.i\o A ol thv Wave called timber to the ruillf. are surreuder all to their for- that our Senators acted conscientiously on the W but .Mr I'erham took delegation upon j hauling They jH)litieal powt*r meet the condition of the >odstock hills. up- present quest- ' two ι »s a mental and tea^t *urili> of the Jurdan 21, is b-ivir.g a J?trge despise work.—Kennebec and and be- compromise find trips day'1 physical ! Stac>, desires peace quiet harmony bandry, and he went largely into the Lusine-s, was uncalled ; tb·- UMia! btimbi r ot o;itsid· rs much, where so m< mbers ot otter »ntit\ drawn to his mi:i at S -uth Htram. tween all and all sections. Its in- believe that the resolution sometimes six hundred very pîare many j •|u Free Schools. parties wintering sheep liajh how wc wait aud extra in- and Walter Uid- dustries are arrested,laborers lor and unnecessary. Occasion*!. Kighteeu j eat β ago, having become somewhat i "How long, oh, long"shall !i»!gos are to that old Jeremiah Meiryibld H. the unemployed, pupi's From the forthcoming report of he sold his farm and built him a house at capital idle and enterprise paralyzed by Augusta, Feb J. 1877. iniirm, for a change, is the heartfelt exclamation stitution, llcaiou Academy. •on ol Kez.tr ί-al.'s are also doiog ince my las', amy g._»t ing High It wants chief of the nation. ) care, when he went to live with hi# son in the ol our schools, as there are several for the : magistracy Washington*, Π C\, learned ol au error that is practiced iu I'rjfburg. many system past year of the elec- South of tho town. There he had atten- to be assured that the result Jan. 'jy. 1877. part every '· of cases in town. In 102 towns have been held 337 terms i sleds over, I will give The Brass Band entertainment" will be without resiatence tion which illinl regard couKt suggest. lie Buffer- settiog s'.eighsand tion Mr. Eilitor:— ' — leciuie that was to be be- week> accepted those that ^ro in- was a success The given of sueh school, aggreirating 3,020 the ed much, but bore up under it with becoming for- som'j ruks whereby Tuesday night grand from the -upporters of disappointed Toe that has the iore the school m K-zir Falls last Tues- The number of has been question agitated titude. Mr. Perham was an honest and conscien- over can th-m and Tne members pupils attending candidate and that its highest officer shall tending to set govern well atten-led erjoyed. have studied the mind duriug the iast ten days, has tious man and duriug liU attive business 1 tie, a day evening by Frank Clifford, K«q.. 12,439, of whom !i,T-J7 title public I selve.j. Tno error is iu selling the thills are among ihc best men in the village, not hold his with ou valuable citizen. In bell*thewaeal'ni· s place questionable of the Committee rtligious 1 of bas been fur one ancient 1,1 7 the modern lan- been thd report same Cornish, postponed languages, of that the bill will se- verialUt, a form of faith which he embraced aud whippleiree over tLo distance and good musicians. May they always and o,Ôx."> the natural sciences, right, lielieving counting the Presidential vote, und ac- week. guage, cure these ends I it early in life, and of which he was ever a firm from the centre ol Firs', the Their next entertainment will give my signature. sur- sltigh. prosper. these schools have coat The bill. It was a He a Circle met last Thurs- $111,6^9. companying great advocate. raised up fumily of six children, a The M. E. Social (Signed,) U. S. Grant. ! Iront end ol thills should be set fourteen be given tho 13.b, consisting of lecture towns in which they have been held con- to most notwithstanding all of whom are still living, and were present at with Mrs. VV. II Rldlon. It meets Executive Jan. 1877. prise people, the rear should Tne Band day Mansion, bis funeral. or litteen inches,while end l>y Kev. Henry Carpenter. tain 37 cent, of the whole been a sub- -mo its per population, the newspapers had giving before the every week with s ol members. !>eceascd was the last «trvi»-or but one of a 'bo set not more than liée not· less will give a shurt concert and t>7 cent, ot the whole valuation ol what per correct loreshadowing oi was Good snow and nice Letter* from Augusta. stantially large (aroily brothers sndsisters He seven from the i. e, sleighing, deep of the State. The *ame towns into 'than centre; lecture. paid would lew could be the son of Per- Eilq ot the legislative committees has the report be, jet Lemuel, jiand Betsey Guruey) 1 cut bis warm weather. χ. the State tor the of such the dralt should be u| plied about that William Lovejoy of Conway Treasury support who believed that were ham who, about the year \T.*> moved from Upton, made a and been discharged, and found they while 27—At a of schools and drew therefrom in report Mass. to Paris Hill. He was also the sixth in distance from ihe centre. The thille may toot very badly Thursday splitting Jan. regu'ar meetiug 334,340, re- hence there is an effective close-time for speaking from knowledge. Among descent from John F. and M. held at State aid ¥37.317. also into I'erham who bccamca resi- be set enough to make the wood at his door. The wound was done Drummond Lodge, They paid the obliquely new business. The will, of tho "old guard" opinion dent of Chelmsford, Mass., In l«il, and the j on the treasury for th* of commou Legislature publicans difference. As remove the dralt Dr. Lauiion. their Hall at North I'arsocsheld support same married of John you up by on or that it was utterly impossible year I.ydia, daughter Ship- the schools, as their of the mill tax, the doubtless adjourn Wednesday prevailed centre it the a Enoch S. Chase, while to Jan. 2ô'.h, 18(7, following oflicers part ley. This John Perham was the common ances- trom tho gives sleigh attempting a could receive the sum of and received therefrom next. Several of the more im- that such report were Κ J. M. i 149,3-4, Tnursday tor of all the Perhauis in the I nited States. The teudency to diaw Irom the power move a heavy stick of wood Irom tbe chosen: Dearborn, ; men like EJmunds. il28,7S0 —Kennel»ec Journal. matters, or those which were sanction ot Conkling name in Kngland is Parham. and a branch of the VV. John L\ J. portant applied, therefore Ihe power should be road with both bands, had both feet slip John Neal, S. ; Parsons. to most have and The till is certain- family now residing in Tyngeboro and Dunstable, provoke debate, Fielinghuysen. overcome lie on hie VV. Charles O. Xule, \V. Scott l»emoorar;«: which were < tara expected enough to Irom under him. fell, striking ; Tree?., -TUoi-c j'mrna]* to thwart Mass., still employ this orthography. Johu Per- applied obliquely for TiUien or blood a ft * we»-ks siner, se* been of. The bill the mos'. outrageous attempt E. D orlug disposed prohibiting ly ham, son of the emigrant John, had sons, a hii He is Young, Sec.; George Sianlev. S. ; bill au to let tnem jr., that tendency ; a^d anyone using sleigh chin, breaking j*w. qaite Id (he (^alereoce opportunity and will of the that has ever been :rvm their war hwrae nilbM the of slabs other refuse the peoplo John, William and From the last L. J. I) m1v#m down hi£l. throwing Benjamin. or sled can tell when it-is just right, for comlortable. Isaac French, ; Joseph Wedge- i. have been l'or such au and tiio« They luokiut op into the Kennebec River, which made in the history ol our Country, named .John came the Perhauis in k ranklin Coun- Α. Κ A Κ ever they di^-oTered that ih« I against if wheu the is totho whip- are in tbeir ico this wood, Leavitf, Lougee.Com. (■ortuD-.y in. ty ; from William came Judge David Perham for- power applied All baLds putting was war.—'unr/u·.1, was is intended to count Tilden ouuii y not lor ι there was strong opposition, ru!ed evidently either on finance. merly of Bangor, and Benjjmin was the grand- pletree tho thills crowd against week, and a better quality has never These lines seem to answer themselves out the ou axouct of insuf- How any ether result can be reached, by Speaker father of Lemuel who settled in Paris. Betsey side of the borse theu the It is The coldest morning lor the winter As whippletree been secured îb this vicinity. being and prove the Tildenites more of notice, on interested seems to our mind past iiuding out. Curney, the v. J" of Lemuel, was of Bridgcwater, admirably, ficiency parties, should be moved enough to overoomo W. was on Friday last. 32 deg. below in than some others. Mass. S- Efcu now resides on taken from Saco river. sagacious Knowing and over to the next in the first place it gives the democracy Henry Perham, goes Legislature. in that and causo the thill to bear this that the would tolerate no the farm Chelmsford, which was settled by the dilliculty village. country part) Tfce of Mr. Farrar for the ex- the organization of the commission by petition common ancester John, in lMfi, and the same has on each side ol horse. See to it, Ilcbro·. There are quite a number of cases of or men in to war, that Hayei Clifford the and equal resorting cusive right to navigate by steam Kich- making Judge president, never been out of the family. Com. fever and throat ail in this that «tood noi that ihe dralt is applied prop- Feb. The friends of C. C. Cusb- rash, scarlet has the lw"> votes, and they them three out of the gentlemen, atdson lake in the of Oxford lor virtually giving at time. a County belore tho side sleigh. man's will be to learn that the present a of chance, therefore Sam. J Clillord and Fields erly denouncing family sorry village ghost & term of was ruled out for the four Judges. Judges O. C. P. A —The following is a list oi went in for the years, Goon Roads. his Eden has been sick lor a Mr. Frank I'. French of this place, compromise juggle b) are extreme men an J demo- daughter same teason as the last. doubted both party ollioers of Oxford County A.-so- one which for the choice of the fifth Many Poultry time. killed a cat-owl, ol the largest kind, they hope an earnest long the correctness of the in this case, crats, Judge Miller is repub- cialion : President, A. E. Snurtlt 11 ; Vicc- I). Stevens of the man lot. Let us have peace. ruling Rkform —Mr. W. The Hebron Dramatic Club will give one day last week, while logging in the by was the Chester as tho House had voted to accept Judge Strong put upon Presidenls, W. \V. Harmon, is now an already lican, Denmark Reform Clnb speaking an entertainment in the swamp above Porter village, with ox- not a chapel Tuesday —It is to notice that J. C, the bill the feked for, bench a republican, but is positive J. J. Hamlin, G. C. Pratt, O. on interesting granting privilege Partridge, at various points in Oxlord County, 13tb inst, at which time will be goad, the bird showing fight, stopping to not in his nature to make a A. evening. ot Houlton assumed represent instead of the of the committee, man, it is K. Vales, H. G. I-'.Haron, P. Mason, He he " Madigan report the subject of temperance. says enacted the drama of "The of 7C the team in the road. Maine at the Faneuil Hal the Boys ihe of which reterred the matter to the next stubborn resistance, leaving proba- H. S. A. D. True, J. D. Wil- evils of rum drink- some people Hastings, has seen, and felt the Music of Turner. All are They are having very interest- to endorse the bill. Davis will be by S.aples compromise The lact is, neither the bilities very strong that liams ; x. W. Cleasby ; Treas- hence must m this meeting Legislature. Seoretary, ! in bis own person, and invited to be Admis- ing Jycenms at the public school a distinct recollection thai ing cordially present. We have very nor as the filth The furor R. N. Directors, A. K. Shurt- of individuals corporations salccted Judge. urer, Hall; Irom a full heart. We heard Mr. I had the pleasure of tiwny pres- hard to a eon rights speak sion free. place. tried represent was created in the democratic camp P. E. David P. G. Madigan would be interfered with by the passage that leff, Drake, Gurnev. Stevens alter he the on and the declama- district ia Maine, but the shortly signed The Iriends of the gave Rev. ent Friday eve,last, peo- of the news of Davis's vicinity j gressional of the bill; but the owners of the land on the receipt Loveriug, J. A. Motion, W. II. Iiichard- and then noticed tbat ho was select &c. of that district very emphatically re- pledge, Mr. Richardson, their pastor, (who we tions. recitations, readings, ple ct' to the Senate far to son. What has around, and the flowage the lake, put election goes very much interested in the work. and him at the polls. very are bappy to say was able to be out again were very appropviate, perlormed pudiated in this technieal and tbe that they cxpect as much, and I that he now has the che»t the iteilllou οΓ Ι/ΛΓΙϋΑ ·ϊ. ΒΓΗΚΑΝΕ. deduce minute particulars in N. in and ?κtheir III RD Λ HOrUIITON, 13 AsTOR Pl.ACB, Y.; Administratrix oil the estate of .(AM BUH· en-ert.ttatm-at singing playi0£ several departments, appears almost nttrac MATCHLESS ON | «on» if we view it in the H.O. HOUGHTON A COMPANY. BANK, late of Bethel, in said County deceased, was light of the early age*, or to Let. FINEST I'Iuk TOBACCO which decidedly good. lake for the For Sale ι Somerset Stuekt, Iîorton; lor license to 11ΊΙ an·! eouvey all the retii example electro-magnetic telegraph w'"rM· Λ*κ t'OK IT. .raying «ne —the wcatect luvention of »A. •state which said ·!« ceased owned, at hi* decease, Mm. Stevens, ot Rev. Mark the age. Is it not a The old lsasc Thnrlow NO OTIIKK. nu: 111 Γfi IIS WF PHKSS, CambrMy*. niarveiou» 'ΓΛΚΚ η ι lie CJonutv of < ixfor.l : ργ1877 degree of accuracy which enible* an stand .situated in Wood φ nolle·· to of West died of to η in e ov mi: sai.e nv ill i«kai khr l'art I. Tllll the ruid petitioner tflvc Stevens, l'arsonaâeîd, operator ejractl$ locate ft act in a «ubrnar ine and containing THE WILD Κ LOW Κ ICS OK AMKKICA. 1 cable stock, η rn'o. 5Ordered,I persons interested by .·»ιι»1ηι: an abi-trnct ot nearly three thousand mile» long? Our one ami η halt acres of colored plates of the Wild one last week Containing niperb laid petition with thla order theno'i to be publish onsumpthu day venerable "clerk of tne weather" has become so ilaml, i* otrered Coluitibnte, Wild Crauesbill, Wav y leaved Alitor hereby PIONEER TOBACCO CO. BROOKLYN. 1 :d :! weeks snrcofslvely In the oxford lvmocrat I. F. thoroughly familiar with those wayward elements for will bo Icasod to i>nr,ies; THE N.JT. urn! t.erardis, alter drawing* fiorn nutnre by L. of sale,—or rc«pot,*ibie jrlnted at Paris ili.it may at a Probate nature that he can accurately predict Ihoir also one hundred «ere* ol land. situated in said λ Isaac Sl'KAttt with text Prof. they appear Αλλ week la own town.Tai ma $5 oatflt b; descriptive by on movements lie can your joint to bo held al l'aria In sala ·'ounly the· sit in Washingtou and fore- Woodstock, and formerly owned b> Ltwl* Culler. II.IIA I.I.KT Γ Λ CO., l'orllam!.Maine. L. UoufiA k, uf Harvard University. ttexbmry. tell wliat thc U 0 Direc hlid Tuesday of March ne\tst to'atoek A >1 and weather will bctomoirow in Florida one desiring to secure it good piece o! ijuarto. f.r> w. & or Any prop on 1 ihew cau'-e II hivo the «nme should Co, New as Wuoilliiiry. Pnriiiilofl York. well a* if several hundred miles ou favorabk· terms should v TKAK At. K.NTS WΑΝΤΙ·:I) This ie the commencement of the mo-d elegant any they why 23.— Three of the sere· erty apply immediately (ΓΙΟΙΙΠΛ tot be J*n. highway ditl not lntervcue between him ami the place· to ALVAH Ksv, ?H mr * iran. li>77. accurately determine the. rock founation from wanted everywhere. The Thing cord with accepted views of modern the of a rote that ail the srRIKU TK.lt M of thin institution generally Ν I he petition OfCYHKNK K. IMNN, widow l) ET II El. m I.E. procure pUM|e which they were taken lie can deacrilte it to rpHE Sales made irom this when all single books fail. botanist··. To those water-color work, X will commence on the LAST Tt'KSDAY of' practicing ol Samuel S. Dnuu, late of Bethel, in -.aid ν»·ιι aa pertcctly aa if a de it of it were 011 ΑΙκο wanted for our MAUSIFICF.ST the are \ .tillable ah model». υ in town shall be broken in the lying KKBRI ami continue Eleven Weeks. agents plate* especially bounty, deceased, praylns for au nllownuceoul roads hi* table. So also the cbeuii»t can determine the 'ARY, 1877. j to all other*. With | FAMILY BIIH.K3. Superior bl.MtV, ltKMISI<( RXCR9.AKDCORRBSPON- »f the personal e-tatc of her late husband : constitution of the aun as as if that lu- and Bindings. Corn, same manner. No oue who hits tried it accurately Jun.\ WI.\TUBOP FISH, A.!!., Principal invaluable illustrated Aid» Superb HKM'K < >K il KM'Y CKAitll ROI'.INHON, ΙίΑΚ· Ordered,That the said petitioner |h> iiUmΙ were not million miles from π world. Full free. minary ninety-five Theae book beet the particular* MSTRB-A1 Law, V. 8 λ Selected iad Edited ο all persons Interested by canning a copy of this to return to the old hia The Ma sends certain over DAVID U. Assistant. l·. Γ h κ λ < Ο Puba 1'lia. riour, l.iiiu>, wants way. laboratory. lignt HASTINGS, Addieee JOHN POl TiU'MAS Sam.Kit. I'll Γ). Two volumes In irdc r to be :i weeks in the the "infinitude of and the chemist classi- by published suceetslvely space" one, er. a\o, rloti), r '·*>. îxford Democrat printed at Paris. that ; 1 am Informed bv the Collector that fies Mr- Fish comes to us highly recommended. A they may Sali, War*·, them bv pa-slug tl.em through the s|*ectro- a Crockery large attendance is anticipated. JESSE AMES & This capi'al work ha· hllliertobern published ippear at I'robato Court to be held at Paris, in scope. Only the presence of certain substances SONS, to the int <·η the the amount of tax committed to bim fur Hoard can lip obtained in the of Bethel OF in two volumes, and it now offered public County third of Man h next couM produce these certain signa. So also, in village MAXL'FACTt'KKKS Tuesday Ο R Ο C Ε Κ I Ε at rates. IVIitat in oue handy an>i portable volume, at a popular it 9 o'clock in the forenoon ami «hew cause if any S, was uied rat »cience, diseases ha\e certain unmi*tak Hill reasonable Ι*ι%Icut ami hlmi|(lit .Spring collection $116i ;y A discount of ! A. hey have * hy the Dime should not »>errantcd. able or an.1 reason of thia fact R. FRYK, See'y. price. KimiU au«l Miocs IIjiIs »iges syaptom», by :iw "Crnbb Robinson was the prineecl fiory tellers; Α. II. WAI.KKB, Judge. cent. w« e!|oWed it taxes were Hr Bethel, Jan. 33. 1877. lobfi | ten per 1'ierecof the Wot Id's I>:sj»eneary, has been FLOURS and tbefx delightful volume· are britnmiug over Atruecopy,attest:—II.C.4>Avi8,Regi»tei. enable·! t-> orurinste and perfect system of deter- ; ( and Πι on or before D*c >υ.76. ,„.r RECIPIENTS OF FIRST ΓΚΕΜΙΓΜ AT TIIK with salient anecdote and sagacious reflection.''— «ps j Sixty with the the nature of )VKOIM>, ss ΑΙ .ι < .din οι |*i-.ii>ate held ai pud mining, greatest accuracy, BRIDGTON ACADEMY CENTENNIAL EXHIBITION. I.ondon Spti tat ·γ. chronic discaoea wi.hout and '· " within and lot the of on cent, of the resident taxes was be- -eeiug personally MK. for I Hue i dor" and I erji "We cannot more truthfully charaeteriie. and l'aria, County Oxford, tioodu. paid hia Ile lia neither NORTH BRIDGTON. Award given rry the third of A- 1*77. examining patients. spared Great of Flour. mon' justly e »ir.iuend.the volumes Iteforc us. than Tuesday January I»., thai date. The p una nor to associate with tiun*olt as the Strength" student Ii. named Kvectitoi tore following resident expense .\onlirtrlr Fleven Week·, of Kngllsh literature, ami Indispensable additions purporting the owners over f.>0. i&x : Steven Β of medical o! rare attainment* and " America ia her iromen." collec ast Will anil 'IV-fanicni of Alfred Benton, late of p*y geutleinen will commence on TUKSDAY, February Ï7. The glory of to every well selected and really precious sk II— from some of the nv>st famous 11ΠΒ to «cl ι new and in said CoiidU~ graduates under the continued care of ui a ijTrn ΑΙίΚΛΤ.Ί my very tion ol Knglish books."—.Sorth l'.ritish litriew. Denmark, dcceated, having pre· i ivior. $oi, *.»6; J^n Huston, #03 78· Me·)icsI Hri Universities of Euriu>e and attractive "The Women of tented the name lor Colleges It All I UU book, Will TINGS Probata: Amen-ia. of Dr or WILIOX XKVKKS, Α. II Principal. A line REAUTIKS SELECT KI» KROMTIIK That the «aid Relieving it (or the iulcreM »ί buyer ία·' By aid l\eroe'» system diag- a grand EncyclopiedU. — Ordered, Kxeeutor give noiics to S. A. Keed, f.^.72; Mrs. U. [) Re*d. thiOnlaiy," <>K UK With «ketch nosi·, these physicians and »urico>>ns aunually Miss Anna P. ISukk, Teacher of Music. chance for llrst-claaa canvaascra ; nothing like it; ijuinccy. Biographical dl persons lntere»ted by causing a eopy of this seller "to par for « liât νοιι buy, wlim von cr. s 71. treat, w ith tne m >»t with aueccaa. It. H. HUM· lu one volume, vo, cloth, $1 inter to be three week* in #01 02; Mr». A M. Conant, #Λ5 74 tgranfying eucceti, many With such assistants as the wants of the school meeting -plendid in struc- published buv it," îikIiu emcnla are offered to without ner in Mua·. "lie yuinecy has left passages which, he Oxford «ucc«»!vely *|*eial lboust.rida of invalid* seeing them M.I.I ,. I'll lil Uhrr, lioalon, DlSOCrit printed at Paris, that ou may renuire- tural of sentence, lu eommanil of all they rbe^e are not all tarms |>ersoti. In recognUiug diseases without a per perfection nay at a Probate Court to be held at oeariy.if pai the resources of the Eng ish t Dgue, In marriage •ouai examination the patient, they claim fn C|i)fl per day η salu County,on the third Tut of March next ( and the on of and i in s h toned music, with a *day c.k/i i'vtomt:i:s\ property belonging MM M no nurac· lone powers l'tiev attain their pursued. φ j IU φύΐ) nee. βτίΜΟΝ AOOnPerttaadtlfletae rythmical pa logi it V o'clock itv'hc forenoon and shewcause II of thought aadaGreek like propriety any ; persona!I own- kn. w ;»-lkt of the patient'» disease by the practi- Hoard and rooms for self-boarding may be ol>- ; ofcl accuracy hey have why the naine ihould not l.e proved, ■•«m. he loi non-resiient ein be excelled in the litera- u|»- lowing cal of well established priuciples ol lamed at reasonable rates. of phrase, scarcely iroved and allowed a·· the last W i ! I and a[ plication Testament I All |>ereone in<1ebtef said deceased. pay $ύό. Sewell doff, Mexi- practice MEAD, t.ecy. BEST" • ine«t«il to call un\H»ltD, as —At a Court of Probate held 04; lingering or chronic affections. Tlua system of OF CHEWING TOBACCO, much favor ou its Ur»t appearance, and in at, tVOOIIIII BY, PI HIX4.TOX Ai (Ο. with l'aris within ami for the ( of oxford ou pon tic· and the inaiveloua success which has tho at Centenuial K\· brought out in a new and attractive dre*s, ounty 1. I-TT. Oi. nu awarded highest prize the third of Α. I». Ι*ΓΓ. Bethel, Maine,.fan. tn eu an amis] tliroujch it, demonstrate the tact that If want the beet tobac- an additional chapter and appropriate illustra- Tuesday January, position .Sept. 27.I8?tl. you W. Administratrix on estate 1 in n-.d OWeaaes cettaln which loi I »ce that tions. TOBIN, the School di»tricts No. this town, display phenomena, being Hartlord Fire Insurance co c\er ni aile aâk TOWgWIW lit.·», lid or lui- Company. is not enthusiastic on the J of Samuel Tobiu, late of Canton. In said aubjoclol I*» aeieBUdr analysis ayuiftesis, 1îC7. '•■Ιη(·Ι»-<»ιΓ·> Ilot" U ou every Idug. Sold by all "Mr. Burroughs only ICO >o. î in maintain h uu.on school. the JANUARY 1, bur of Conuty deceased, presented Iter am ount Byron, nish abundant aut the ·millul practitioner aright de- t»· C. A. Jackson A Co., Manufacturer», good English; and putting thcbc be winter firn is Mr. applying for allowance : being taught by termining the nature ol diseased condition».— Stock Ου gether, lie has prod iced what lie calls an iuviU- Capital (all paid in) $1,000,(00 Ptleriburgh, Va. >rdeied.Ttiat tlie said L Varies Τ lie aui,'l> -t te*wurc«s for treating lingering or tion to the study of birds. We have never seen Administratrix give notice | Allen, ot Milton Plantation. ASSKTS. ο all chronic disease*, and the jcreatest skill are thus scicutiflc matter put into a more attractive form.1' persons Interested by catrdag a copy ol ibit ι>» r on in ca h — »rd« to Im? three Mr.. Ci. l·. ι hiiiir.ck has been verr placed >m tun the ea«v reach of every invalid, Lash hand, bank and items, $'·Ζ1 ,βΛ4 WELL THAT IS CUTE. Jlepiihlican Slatrnnmi. Concur·!. published weeks successively in accrued inteie-l. M l1»' L» t :he Oxford Demo< rat at Itnwcvt far he or she ra.iv reside from the phy *iei- Rents and New Baby Soap, ma le by Robinson Bros A o., Olivik printed Paris that they is re Till. Y1CA4 OK WAKEKIKLD. Iîy n*V at a 1 i... ou: 1 hiar she a Real Κ state, unencumbered, iis,l7.M;u ·- Probate Court to be held at overicg. ans mating the treatment ot such affection* speci- Doaion.Boa ton. ( ,i H· -ern-s. I'.mo. appear Pari* j ΙϋιΙ.ΙιοΜΙ ril. Κιϊι rMde 1 η -aid rhe i»ecullaritics of thi* scientific s\ stem of 1. «an- on bond snd mortgage I-»t loan >vj,6ir>57 (ouniy.on the third Tuesday of March next ν κ alty un i woi k lur oae or two eluth, illustrated, f I U. '.· Sale! Ν of U. S.. >l«te, llauk, R It. stocks A'bonds Mcady it o'clock ia the forenoon and shew cause if anv pràr·.,·-.· ate IWly Mplal>td la the Appendix or in —— 60 women NOVELS. Sut Walter whv the mime •The Ι'οτπη ·η vii'c Medical Adviser," owned by Company, 1 Stt.'.OlS T1IE WAYKRLY P.y hey hove «hould not lie allowed. ! Special rojde's free. is GOOD innty. Particulars i»TT. Riverside in vol- Α. 11 Κ ti m ford. nine hun lied wtiich 8< Edition, a book «>1 over laig·- pages, PAY&ËP& twenty-live IfALKER, Jadfe. I will inv of : n< Send (or out lit worili Address it ο el alter : eell lar^e stock »o as to have leached a sale of almost one $ 27 3,s»*·1 *1.00 #'Λ)0ι·. ume·, with nuiuerou· engravings A true copy—attest II.C. popular < » Davis, Kegl-ier. LIABIU ΓΙΓ.8. J. I. νΠΙΑΜ A d· Rirket Foetal.Haile> .Hillings,Land Iiie young ol KJmford poinf hundred it· «usaud copies wirtvn a lew months of tifM by people 41'· Washington Street. Uo>t<>n, Ma-s. beer. Ilarvev. and Kae«l. l-'rao, cloth. Price |»er DXFORD, as:—At a Court of Probate held at lt> 111st ι ubliCat: n. It is sect post-paid by the All out.lauding claims, Siii.flt'l 33 and an l il 50 Paris, within and fir the County of Oxford Corner played -Casio" ««Tne author :·· anv address on the re. eip! ot oue dollar lifci ·. I„ CHASE, I're«i lent. volume, now : on the third of A. 1877. K. \. M. The following volumes are reaily Wa- Tuesday January D. and littv cents. Addreft* fierce, I»., J. 1». BROW Ν Κ, Secretary. K. ( j Mruck Yankee" at the UmversVM Δ LUCRATIVE BUSINESS ver lev ι,ιιν Manuerin^; The Art:<|U.iry ; Rob I. BHD uAMh, Administrator ou the ea- ! Stage Worhl'à I ·. -1 * ItufTalo, Ν. Y. ; IMfJ< l«-U »: »VAΛ Γ Γ»ΟO MURK ΚΙΙΙ«Τ·ΓΙ.ΑΝΝ ; Mack and ol late of William Lhase. also of Chatc Λ Per DRY ΓΚΙ ΙΊΛΜ) IIOMi:, old Legend ; a ùou>e Agent, Roy Mortality l>warf, Λ Church. J*u. _'j. ια cryWlieJ sKU i.vii >ι*< ιιιμ: α».ι λ τ·». λλο λοο ol lliideot L.aiu- kins, late of in said GOODS, Haine. Mo'utrosc: Heart Mid-Lotliian; Paris, ('ounly, having pre Κrom Hon. W. H Jone·, of West Hover, \ t. \9ru11y, μι \ οκ ι m:u«.\ α λ ι» α ιιιι.γγ υ το Mated hie aoconat of the estate with maiîi ι· e.tu to them-ej»«.s and the ermoor; Ivaohoe; The Monastery. adnfclstraUoeJof February f>, lf»77. Tin: KtMM.SH OF IELUIIV iloresaid for allowance: GROCERIES, ••I h*ve Ικ-en troub!«d from my boyhood with LEAM WORKS OK THOMAS HEoI INCEY. Riverside >.e. ot nee. -ome ΜΑ\ M. VI \< ΙΙΙΜ s. COXP1 EV8ITIOR Ordered,That the said „h: the audit We hope this chroî hi".> lit.irv lunge 'mplàint yetrs in twrlvo volumes, fvo, cloth. Price Adminlstratorgivenotice I.lltl Ill Γ tITOItldKti Edition, to^ll person· Interested a of this air-e, j!.) in the winter, I took c> Id, which as 26th Annual Statement till.. YAltYINl. '·'»· by causing copy ; per volume, 11 >ruer to I*· thr«'«· one is not the ia<>t ol these eutettaiumenis. a -evcre coatin- TO A III I.I ΓV. < II tIt \< rr.lt ΑΛΙ» «)t AL· > published weeks in ttic uni -'ttli d into cough, which or Tin: 1 in· edition h ixing thoroughly revised aud successively >i I Fir \ rio\s OF TIM. Κ.ΙΛΤ. Dxford Democrat at that I ued to iLcte-i»· i·. the i-ou > lwni- d, although nod will be. nliru e< the best printed Parla, they may BOOTS & SHOES lh crowds thi! c >m·» tiiu ·. v, .>* re edi'.etl, inplete, at η be 1 every ·.» ·! remedies I had know- FOtt I'AHTII II.A US· AIMHtF.SS ippeur Probate Court to held at Pari·. I m .ul .-.'1 thi * Wit; k-> ever i«-ucd. Ί In in said on the third of Man h next lha· arc wUnt the ol M> alio i>rvt-r.ribe«i volume» .ne now The Confes County hey just people want, ledge Itnil) |-Stiiclu following ready it V m Tuesday it no «rlni. all m o'clock the forenoon and snewcanse If auy I FANCY ARTICLES. 1 for u.c. l I tx(-eiienced Uuting ixmug «Ιιη* ol an English Eater, and Kindred TRAVELERS Opium Ihev have why tlic same Miould not be allowed. old am! to real up the mono: cy tlu« t u· I w ,i- ti.i iutlly ru n:»g own. losing OT A ill Non York.orNew Orl»nii«,La. with bteel of Auto- joang, Bro'idway i'.iper.-. portrait Ott^uiucy; Α. II. WALK ! fl« οΐιΰ streujeth. until m> trii-n :s as well as my sketches: Literary Kemintecenccs; KB, Judge, oi these *i;.ter INSURANCE CO. 4 u k to « FREE. Uiograi^ii A true : II. C. lu;ig evening*. self. : .ι 'ic very mu !i a. irme>i, th.uking I «houid QtCT 077 Agi'i'f *ai:iplc« The Century in copy—Attest Davis, Iteglstcr. .Me. l.iteiaiy Criticisms; Kighiceuth wast, «ι.,ι iu eousiimpi -u. v\ uile lu Itost.m. Q J Jo 0 / I I'." VICKKRY. Augu-it. HATS CAPS! last Κ _■*. J,.h0 Κ ilo{i hid h;>< I, 1*»77. Literature and Scholarship. U.VMillD, U At a Court of Probate held at Pails X Tljur-day w a» > Hartfortl, Conn., January dm u j, the .«i'tiug following, l indnced t try ·'»>· at lno.ie. Agcut« wanted. Outllt and WORK» ·>Κ ( Η Λ KLKS I>K'K I S>. New Illus- within and for the County of Oxford, I dac weather and a HUtai HaUaiu uf Xlltl Cherry. \ftrr 010* on d-nation partv. Tue ι C term- I m·. TKt Κ A CO., Vu^ift.i, Mill.· trated l.dcarv lition. intwt ntv-nine volumes, the third Tufuday of Januar> Α. I). 1Ό7. ce ι. 'a t. :..· I wa* se a unie that it wns relie» Q LADIES' KKIKTS. > Real F.-UWi i c kept the Itstasm In circular I'reo Τ. M< Ml· ιι xf I., Atty. 7*·7 Sanaom pre- strvLjflh. .\|iprai-etl value ol same, volume, f' iK). rented his account ol adiuini-tration of the estate iu\ house, and whenever any member ot my tain <1 1·" 73 St l'a Gentlemen's Sliirk & Drawers & Flannels. asd even.rg. Everyone prtsent seemed j At mil interest* Philadelphia, The introductions by Mr. Whipple greatly en- .«i said deceased lor allowance: lu- a cough or col it resoited Premiums. Vt««■'· il>* immediately Deferred I'KttH ΜΑβ'Μ hnmv the value and interest of tnii edition, of Ordered, Thatthesaid Administrator I ve notii* to en tl endives. Mr. Κ lion *nd his to. \o lain -tiou! I be without it." 4'» HHOUTI. it ; oy 11y I rrcai:um* due and 70,2i>l /η·Η"7Γ -· to all inter»·· t· d a For the next TWO >Io\Tllfc unreported. Ι Ι I on one contract in ν, ΙιΙ«·.'ι the follow uig volutin have already appear periuns by rauslng ci" <Ό \L W wlUO"""" to government Ι Ι I 1 the latedeclin,· in «locks. eively "•uu·and municipal i>onds, III V/ ι : xo|n; Olivrr T«*i«t, I vol ; Old Dxford Democrat at I'uri*. that they 10 ] VJ/ liciooa management ol elby, CurioMty printed may | •t λ low piii< b: r -est.-. 1 her* w*s » tioe lot of presents >1 aster \ uur Ceng h at (luce with III W* Railroad stocks and bonds, l'ri.U.', ; -l.'ip, 'iv. l I'.arn.iby Rtidg·', iad Hard Tnnen, »p|wi»r at a Probate rUurt tobcheld at Paris g llauk and Insurance «κ,Μ*! qaue or to form tf any ! the Inug*. chest throat tending consumption, '.Ί ensures a re- <> Total Assois, il,l5i,I.Vi on the privilege p!an always good gmrralt'i. or fill I·· nt hy uuiil, ροΊροΜ, on re· Ihe> have why the same hlioulJ not be allowed. table. often ten limon tli·' investment m as isBotm.ly reliexe 1 but absolutely obliterated by I 1 VIllLITtKS. turn ; many cript of prit w /'ublirhrrf. Α. II W \I,KKit, Judge, day*. 8end (or nformaiJ u I the ''Siwlyi· A : II.C, lue r:;ie wcath« r «>t the two weeks this wonderful vegetable palmouic. hold by all Reserve for re accident truecopy—attest Dayis.Hegiitrr. past insurance, Irm of ia*«lirr t profit*." !':···· THE subscriber hereby ;;n· public notice that CORN. MEAL. FLOUR. SHORTS $19l,18S started out the farmers who are hau!- I tfiugfl» dspartaoM, Gold and < T. POTTER WIGHT A CO lie^lils heeu duly appoint· d by the lloo..lndgeot DXKOKD,·»* —At a Court of Probate held al his I Reserve, I· ur cent. life *"< \* Tootha. he curc in 1 minu^. tw per depart't, ϊ,ΛΛο,ΐΐΊ Stock Broker». * :'.'· Wall stuct, New York. Probate for the <>xford nnd asitimeil the l'aris within and lor the ( ol Oxford Piki Dtop- Contitvjof ounty Λ Μ» A and other lo arnrket, I j Claim.-, unadjusted and uot due, and lru«t of K\ecutoi ι·ί the estate of on the tlii.d ol A. D. 1ST7, ing potatoes good* ti*· to iursday Januar}' all other liabilities· 140, \S V\ M'.Uul Γ. I lie of Kumford. liloS P. tiOBDON, Kxei utor on llic e talc corn nee A> At:Ti< LE of MLtilT —We know of no rem- anJ home and other m «ai 1 d· i-«-.i«rd In- gn tn:; iud n* the law H ol Noah O. Parker, lat< of m -aid ι!. ASOJRTMKST »>/ bringing 1 i0 County I VI Fryebarg, | Oy.S/'.li to Hr. "Κ lï Jack» n'a Catarrh Snufl Total Liabilities, ♦ lie tlcri fore t« all w ho are dec- ι· e.l, hi\ .n^ d hi-, seem« a* larmers edy equal direct· re-|u.·· persons L'ouiity, present· account eaaariei. I: though > and lroche row«lei" for the speed ν cure of Ca PILES! indebted to tin eur and on<.-hall ι·: cent· 1 iUlUl! thereon to exhibit the jam·- to urutTcti, ».il nie *ai.l Kvr< ut. j-ivo rtiti.-e one fam- to all < W estern farmers. This ought cot so to sider it a valuable art. te and that e\ery nserve, New > ork standard, $ 1,41 lu. Jan It., IfCT. M'KXCKR AUROTT. perso# iuith'itnl by au»in;; a copy of this ιο t>>· ι» .A. SURE CURE. L>rdrr d three ireeks in (IROCKRIES, should be with. The jiubli«h< the a ? ily piovulcd price only till. ΜΙΙιΧΤΙΙίίΤ- ΙΙ«·ΙΙ·Ι»Υ II ηΐ'ΙΙΓΓ 11.Il successively be·. Is there not remedj JAS. G. BATTERSON, President Relief obtained or nnoiey returned. V· humbug gIVC pill Dxfsrd Democrat print·.! al Parla, that 13 ccnts ; i: and try it. 'i ν have b> rn tli·· Honorable tfn-y may <»n hand .in.· i«>r -air at the lowest mark· t pricei. get RODNEY DEJiXI>, Secretary. Price ο a <3 oollar. Cil AS. BAV1LAND, P. 0» Ihey ilulr«ppuintci| l»y appear at a Probate court t^. t-e hi Id at Paru The coldest for the season so far Asa't oi' Probate foi un· of Oxford aud day JOHN K. MORRIS, Scc'y. Box S·1"·' Ν Ϊ E-tabliahrd in !«■<:. Judge County lu said ( onnty on the third of March next as-umed the trust of Kxeciitors ul lho estate oi Tuesday Wk Kara that I»r- Kii-man h.»s rcfu»e>l a very il !» u'clork m the forenoon ami ahcw cause All perton^ indebted «> mc mil pU'AM **all ar··! was Jin -oth. Γοο thermometer rauged Kiv>. h"any Λ. J. 11ΙΛΜ., t.menu igml, UKORUB W. liteol oxt„rd, have the same •■elite tli·· Ur«p .m lor the recipe Ii.iu winch the célébra ihey why should not be allowed. Ity .'"illιJanuary. to zero. and ;n i·t ounty deceased, l>y κ'^ b"i:t;UrorMill ilortati'·! t" make Register. wood p.icty ard the the m -: » una' c > 'iic!i rcme.li·» e\er | >'.»£.■ I id wn. j. \viii:i:llk, tgent, indebted1<> CHARLES MASON, Immediate τ muent: and those who have any de- OXKORl», ss:—<\i u Court ol Probute held at the market. iU »aÎe- aie <.n<>rmout, and Dut a Itbt. ;w 801 Γ11 ME cheerio!, so we don't mind the cold PARIS, mauds tin icon, to exhibit tin· name to Pari* within nml for tlie Counlv <>f Oxford Ih-lhH Hill. Muinr. failure to cure ι· reported. l'n c X> eta. F on the thirJ I u·· !*7ii. Jm single OAFOItl». \t .ι < urt of Probate In I<1 si C0ARLRS KING. «lay ol January Λ. 1). 1*77. Bethel, Dec. ii, *":ber· Κΐ'χινοκη WM. II. KING. .1 ) Paris within and for the County ol Oxford Jaa 18, ]fC7. IIKÎWOOD, I \.vutri\ on the estate of t alvin M. He ν late on the third rucsdav of Janunrv, A. I>. I*C7, 1ΓΜ.Ι.Λ wood, of Canton, in It Α λ Ιι I.I X Suiunrr. Til Κ eulfrrlher hereby gives public LOtlec that Haï», I l«s7*i, K_>»« OUR TABLE. «il Κ 1.1/. V V* .1 wi •aid County. dccca»»d, haviog presented lier ae· ttio petition RIPLEY, lie has bet n dulv the Hun Judi;e ol appointed by ount »f adnilnistiail.m ol" lie e >tatc of «al de- ui LlttaU'· I.it Tl e i.i.mh r of the dow ■{ Valcutine Ripley, late of lluckfleld. 1 I'ir*' liiKiiraiirc Co pan). la«t ing Ajr Ou P;obalc ΓΛγ the County of Oxfupl aud assumed the cased lor Feb. J.—<>i evening. ««■> Ck in η a ni 11· lor un allow. allowance: Tnursday I.it :dc Afc·· .or llw litit' .'Tib County, dtcvucU, j>r»> je ι■ -Ι January | trust "f Kiw ν the catata of the Total A^ootN, fi'li")00,o00. The Auieri-an KM out of tbe MUH Ol her lair hus Ordered, 1 liât said Executrix give notice K-v. 11. Λ Sieis n. t&e faithful and tfli- and Ftbraan 3d OMtall At{!o personal | îmSPoiishh or eoM. ate of ho! -I.UKA \M. Paris, It combine» reidilv ith Starch, l»l'NII to all a Insure iron) l.o»s uv Ftr.E. hurche* ! tin. t nitut< -, from the I,on.Ιου band : person· interested, by causing copy of thin It "blistering" and the iron sticking in «nid Count ν deceased by giviug bond an the law be ci»*nt of the church, wus I>r h : rtnanu's lM-coveriea at Utdertd, That the «aid Petitioner glvenotict prevent» Drd'-rto publishedthrei wockssuocesslvely intlie WM. J. WHKKI.KH, As[f ut. p**tor Baptist H-i·· 1> My It *aves i*r cent of labor and Mirth. directs. he tin r« lore reijue«u all persons who «re to interi'ited a ot fwenty-éve iixford Democrat printed at Paris, that they mav Κ»:. u .·η» Ν ire. Γ .m-e Ui-marrk's fai- all persons by cautlng copy and all ν titers to est ot ««id ill CI a«e I to make im- eouth Pari». Me.. Dee. 5, s Literary It give* λ beautiful iv.>ry finish indebted the ite at α m »di» th» ol et tiiOtlvuiM'i t!.t- order to be ii titrer w«eke aucc< br.^htcii* appear l'robate Court to be held at l'an-, in recipient purse lli'..», by K:au<':« Hufler. Magazine; publish» «»lve|y n to coiiUui iniuriuu». mediate and those who have demand* It warranted iiothiug payment any • aid County on the thirdTuesday of March next, rhe .-ο I Geo M.ulional I. l'art to the Oxford Democrat Part», that they *iil ni-t same wi:h «uru-î <> b-r substantial lukeus ol Mti.-sie,b) printed»! Garment· «kill keep «.lean much loncer, thereun to exhibit the to at ο Y lock In at a Probate Court to be beld at Pari* the fowiioou aud ►how .au»t It any VIII. A'ltanct -beet: Λ liirata It.iih, Black- may appear arc nut »«> atfrvted .inn I-;:. PERKINS. crack, and eawly b> dsni|<·.« «ι. ,·, i.-.od Word- KirM» iu »«td on the thlid ot March l.ext they why allowed. WANTED, -»tid estetai ol his labors in S· *.ρ County Tuesday I or don.κ IιιίΛηta' Cl<»thir.£, Mu*lin>,C ajnbriC», appreciation V «h··* caiite tf uj> A. Il an ! h -poil» tu Mad as, Ira!·»!. The Word»· at o'clock iu the foreooou and so; G ué is invaluable «ub» rlber uotler that WALKER, Judife, HOOK.) I aces, cU., Linen Til Κ hereby gives Public A true e»t: II. (SKW this Br*.·. S»*tsoa tia\ e » the >amc should not '-e 1. ·· copy-Alt C.Davis Register. v'"i»>»i). eery feelingly WUftll M Bfl>aO|l Cowl l«uijle Bar. Jo!.a W ; they hy gr:u.t< M»ii> 0*1» he ha- been duly appointed hv the Hon. Judge of m (ïvrktii Vcfîtv ; The Jew* lu the A. H WALKER, Judge. Muss., U. S.A. of the a ·*ι β Qjarttrlf XLc Linen Glued Co., Iloitou, Probate lor the ijuuty Oxford and assumed OXFORD, »s:—At Court ol l'robate held at mm/ tiu.iM reapondoJ'.ο ..ρ^.^ρη presentation Ba*l Sati Knitv oi the Nile. A true copT—attest 11. C. Davis, l ol Oxford O.N I 111. i i\:nbc.- loaiU.il. I"lie Moral Wave :u Bengal. « Oil the ..eù Ik.* U'-ier. A joat one —At a Court ot Probate held at IPKTBR 1 II ATIIΛU Λ Λ, JK late οf anion. third iu«day of Januaiv Λ. I·. 1677. •p· ν w OXFORD,** Κ· Κ il l'ail Mail ttazeUe. -a»· m- law II -ai.:riia) and τ he of Ο χ on in «aid Co nut) dec 1 by ),riviug bout the ΚονΤΠΙΙ. Hi·, Κveen'.oi on thu estate » *> λ Pari*, withiu lor County ford, Wanted. hanuredof L ■> were -« at 11 li. of U.r l· or B!a (Wvuil; an ui.t.il- farmer re ι* who arc J of I». late c-.^jiregaUou pr> the thir>l Τue>dav of Λ. t> !>·Γ, directs lie thereto re^ue-t «il pcrsous 1.1VKllamliu Roach, of Albany, In said American Frontier. uieut o! ariia." Μι « U'.i lant. and tl.e .uu .lain.ai) Iiy <· > « M.I to th< estaient «aid deceased to make im- ount v, d hi a count and a very eas-nt S W A LU Kit U tn 0< Sttk K. an.'. to Η'.ι» M M.I,, .lit Uo.>m\ 1, indebted deceased, having present· Λ ν:ι]liable and authentic hiitoiy of the tiuro· pvsrd ρ evening e ·ι«ι u "t W h ·: -hc * 1 ii« Throue<' Γ.' thtreon to exhibit the ind noble lnos tn.l death* t the pioneer ΜΟΤΠ- » m-tal- ; Τι.'.· b:»> irunl rs Confining the tl:»t .lau. Ill, If". PKTKIt T. II YTHAWAY. That the «aid Executor nonce Illustrated with lug hi* account oi guardianship of cald OuiiKKL'P, give Kits οι the Republic. full some ment* ot Ma. Initial 1'· ue« -eiial arc -till «en' presented rut in tlx VMM to all and tbe conscioasness of w .ird lor allowance : τχ TOJt DtSTltlCT »j per*on< Interested by causing a copy ol affording t·· ο··* iat>w bi> Am ι-r;. >'··γ bu> ι«ο the hut net Miliar OXFORD, as: —At a Court ol Probate held at this order to be pai;c cngraviugs. gratia Ordered, That the salJ Uusrliaii give notice Sfiil't for of published rtirce weeks successively toks»ns ul the ol the U^ors tut* ··: »;\:ν-1·>·ιι· l.i fa»-··- ea-'li ^or α>"Γ<· In the muter of Paris, within and lor theCouuty ol Oxford, on lu the Oxford Λιι (took. appreciation t·. s interested a of this lViaocratprtnted.it Paris that tin y lutriiscly Intci-riling υ a ail person by cautlng copy A I> thai... i'..*· \«·αΐ th« »nb.-.'iipti..o pi:.'e I In the third Tuesday of January 1877. may acinar al » Probatu Court to be ■ r d thr« e week* iu Oil.MAN IILAkK, ftanlruptcy. held al Paris Λ κ litre offe.ed to inlethgeul of a beloved rendered the occa- .«■ lertabe publUh' successively ; * ,,'doJ opportunity pastor, :' !u* Ht· tor f. io the otl»r Die |>etiiu>n οι GORIIAM PRRI.KY Mc- in said on the third of next |"ibli»her» Oxtord l>fcino< rat at Pai i«. that Baokrapt. County Tuesday March KO or WOMK.\ who want bu»:- ι.· .1.1 or the printed they Administrator on the estate of *»ood paying t" -11 aii\ >t Ι1ι«· \ ner »4 ojobllilie- i» to tiotiee that h tUion ha* been A I.LI-ΓΙ-.lt, at «'■ * 1 ir h Iw.tb may at ProbateConrl auy right at home. Send for happy ■o-k le- Th·· l. iiBx Λ;» year. appear to tin· court till* Sid dav of James O. Whiting, late of Lovell, In said County bave laiuo »'. id c· on the third ol Maieh ne at presented January. they why the should not be allowed. Circalar, containing lull str»t* to 1 1. i Viav, i»o>ton, are the unty TuetUay in said for license to sell and convey criptive particulars. kiod the »;p. ριιΜι- cause il t\ OILMAN L. ΙΠ.λΚΙ· of Itethel. deceased, praying Α. II. *i epbode.· already >trong at i o'clock iu the forenoon and show any I;>77, on WALKER, Judge. Addre·.", ». ft. S(It.tXTU.\ CO., -Let ». a that lie lie de- certain real estate described in Ids petition Hie A true »aiut thouid not t'·· allowed. District, ΙίΛηΐί. U|>t, pttymx may copy—Attest: II. C. Davis. Register. 5 Stn Hartford, Codii, ties between and t!ic\ have vit») the at .in offer of Dec pastor pen·»'. cret·" 1 to have m lull discharge from all h:s debts, in the Probate Ofllce, advautaKeoiis exi-iiog A.M. WAI.KKR, Judge. ss:—At a the \<Ί, and read- one liuudrcd and twmty Uve dollars, to s-ampson UXEoRD, Cou;t ol Prol.ate, held a'. *ûs ι·«· »» II. C Davi». Reaiiter under I'.-iukrupl upon It an etl ctu .Î "aurpt A truecoi y—att> provable II. llarriman : I'ari- trttki· and lor the ·>! oxiurd, p«rty,''aa Jackson's Catarrh Snufi tog »alη be Jacob 11. late of β Sloccm. \ DSXJUUTnJL UBPLU8AMT RBMSM η 1> 1-77. Im'I ne the court lit Portland in «aid dis- las petition with this order thereon to JERK Nichols, Paris, raid Coun- prise. DlSI'KIt Tot M AI > Κ *»·· published a M an I thut otderthereol be three weeks successively in the Oxford Democrat ty, deceased, having pre-ente.I hia account of ad· Cat irrh, II· » I ache. Bad Breath, iloarseness, trict at 10 o'clock the on band a assortment of ocr of the creditors the Tort- at l'an». that at a Probate uiinlstraliou of the estate of said deceased for We have now good Akthrna, Bronchitis. Cough*. t*eafoe»«, r|"MlK S»· <>ntl tiendrai Meeting published in ilie Oxford Democrat, ami printed they may appear I ι will I·'* hrld at the OtTi e <Ί in said Court to be held at Paru in said on the allowance : Ar and a:! l>i« >r It r- rr-alting trom Itankrupt land Daily Advertiser newspaper* printed County «•eu. Λ W ilson. at sofcih Pan*, on the twentieth successive third ot March next, at '.I o'clock iu the Ordrred, That the »airk in tu?» Ivbf-r's uiiil. I» >in£ under ter, -.».Ίlit.- th· bt km.su hlat hi Catarrh; ia bo person·» said on the third of March FARMERS, LUMBERMEN AND OTHERS, the United states. Title, Bankruptcy. nifty appear at caul litne and placeand -how cause County Tuesday next, uk.;U ,ιΐι 1 111 Us effect that it OXFOKli. ·*»:—At a Cuurtof Probate bel tat l'aris, ai tf o'clock iu the lurcnoou and shew cause if tùe u.iii. to :»«·«· û >..ut ihe bis i„{eeable po-tlive.T Ml tt Ο Η. MASON, AirignM. il aiiv tiiey have why he prayer of said petition any Will do tnichiuKK, ia totheta«tf uamed Kxecutor ia a a e ο pleasant Κ. MKTCALF, A true copy—Attest : U.C. pu IL- he? c nrver when ►»> allon Clerk of District Court for said District, Davis, Ragjatar. OUT A Icy, tHii.it.^ »uipletely and :uu-cate* ed, iai-tantly OXFORD, M:- / certain Instrument to be the last Gift HANOVER SATINETTS TRIAL, t »· >; ;w purporting off nia·, all ut one and tnr.>w- gire- to the Throat aim Vocal Organs a Taken on execution and will be tol l bv public jan CIÏKI'S Testament ol James late ol a Court ol Probate held al >ο5ιη^. Will and Canwell, OXFORD···:—At as are MADE FOR HARD SERVICE on Ibo to the bidder. on the third day of Paris within and lor the of they b..u on ttie in *bi,h l»ell< ion, Htiiiillon of I oolue·· ^ Comfort auction highest I n Γ COURT Of TUB USUTED STATES ISucklield in s id deceased, having pre- County Oxford ing >:;alt. position at the ΠΠ DlBTKIl County, Farm or lu the Woods. Ma eh Is", at 10 o'clock in the lorenoon. same au I that on the tliiid Tueedav of A. D. 1«?T. 1 κοκ riu Distuict ok Maim.. sented the foi Probate praying January be bal to rtiu^iu until tue It the tr*t VOlCK TOXIC in the torUi. come to the trader m.icbiner> office of I E. Holt in Bet el, in said County, Kzckiel Puller be Aduituistrator with ΙΙΤΊΙ.Ι.ΙΑΜ H. GODDARD, Assignee for the If you cannot mill, get yonr » appointed < matter of warrant it to sell. could be II·» received s *vere all ti e in w h James smith has to In tUc anueved: benefit ol creditor·, en the estate of to send for a piece—we topped. and 35c. right e.juity j in the Will fV Hlnuo Ttyit! Safe, Reliable, only redeem the describe*! Ileal Kstate situ- JA1IE9 W. M'KKNSKY, Bankruptcy, 1 hat the «a;d Kxecutor notice Hod «don, of Bethel, in said pre- from the trade solicited, and all inquiries > ·η i >r. the or mailed Itee. Addre·» following > OKi».ltil>, give County, having Order* bruis» h .-s»s by the fric of ■-old by droggiet» to wit:— Bankrupt. Milted his account of *f ated iu liethei in saidcounty, to all |ht->uus In te π sled, by cuusing a copy of this administration said «stale and orders promptly attended to, by the 3d hlSTMCT Ot M.HS'K. SS: sbatt. wai a it u thoa^li: win roiko hiai LOOPER. WILSON L. CO.. Prop'rt, PHlLA. All ttiat part of lot number twenty-five in order to be three weeks -ueces.-ivelv in for allowance: <;arnek a bagnall, » on the side ο Γ the of published Ordered, that the said a for lite. W. W Will ΓΡΙ.Κ Λ LU Portland ; GeorgeC range, mated easterly county At South I'arts, the t .ventv-third day Janury, the Oxford Democrat, primed at l'aris. that tlicy Assignee give notice to Hanover, Dec. 10, ItC'i. tf Proprietorf. cripple from ltet he I hill t» and being all sons a .j.iimIu iu Λ Co U t'tki Λ Putter, Uu-l Irο· A road leading Albany A I). >77. lu.ty appi ar at a Probate Court t ) be held at Paris. pei interested, by causing copy ol this the «aid James SuiitU U Isoatou, Wholesale Ageuta. »e^ô biu the »aine premise-wheic 'PIIE under signed hereby gives notice of Ιιικ In said ou the third of March order to be Published three weeks successively in rd, one County, Tuesday now 1res, with Ibe buildiug· thereon, ai»o | as of James \V. Mc· « lock the and the Oxford at that — 1 ap|K)imineut Assignee next, at nine of the in lorenoon, Democrat, printed Paris, they Tie sevet:e< nth assresment on tbe e a of lot No. I of and at a Probate !o be other ph ol lud.uo Arlirlc Like It tweuty-acveo raugi Mate of Maine. with said Distiict. ment should not be proved, approved and allowed cotiuiy.ou Tuesday ol March next Maine State Fellows of and a of1 own at !» o'clock iii *lao one other piece land, being part been adjudged a liankrupt. upon his petition, as the liW Will auil T«Mameni of -aid deceased. the forenoon and show cause if anv ( mid Ucstoif. in the in Bethel Rj.iel Association was uiade last week, Icaiitc lot No. twenty-seven tir«-i range the DistliCt Couit Of »:iid Di triet. Α. II WALKER. Judge. they have why the same should not U- allowed. oi tbe by ιΚινηΜ, wiih the MMtega tbereoti, both (iKO. A. WILSON, As«ignee. A true Attest: U.C. DAVIS, Register. A. H. WAI.KER, Judge. IVuiid'* Hair Keatoratlv· i· copy— owing to tbe death of Bro. I I. Improved last njeuiioued pieces are the same conveyed to jan 90 ."Iw P.O., s.juth Paris. A truecopy—attest : 11. C. Do is, Kcgister. Spencer Κ unlike any other, and ha- no e Liai» Coombs and Llurlsa OXFORD,ss:—At a Court of Probate held at of Bro. was 4 > ol Λ while can ; for νοιι cau't after Bethel. S years age. Coombs by their deed datr.l March -20 1> l*?o Slierill '* Mule. Purls, withiu and for the County of on you ed haa new vexetable ionic i»roperties; re^torng Oxford, / and a bottle ol' and re»*orded with Oxtoi I Itceorda. book 161. ptgo third of A. D. 1877. tlOITGHgetting using J.A.Rodick&Co., M the Tuesday Titre are ao* members connected ha;r to color; restore* laded January ^rey *glo--»y ,|natural TO: the above described premise» being -ubject OXKOBI·, 88. the petition of ΙΛΌ W. · HASP, widow and .n of ou anil will be *ol I Pub- No. 2. Flint Tracy's Block, with the association. The amount ol dry, h'tr-h au l Tallin? .h.ur; rcstorce, dresses, to a mortgage, recorded OM'or.l Uegutrv Ί1ΛΚΙΛ execution by of Cyrus i«. Ch.tec, late of liuekrleld, in said Medicine Paris in »aid book àii lie Aucti >u, on SATl'KDAV, the 2-ltli day of ON MAINE, the restores hair to lKt* at the office of A. at %. W. CERRT'M Nouth Paris. insurance allowed i* $ 1.5(A); hence every ^iun bv said Jame- ·>ιηΓ.Ιι to Kichard Λ. Fry· to February, A. 1Ό7, i.eorse the estate ot her late husband : bald remove· dindruff. humors, one at ten personal ♦#-P. —Those having doubts will turel heal»; ecurc the pa> mebt ot κ protiii»»ory note for WilKiu, at South Paris, In said County, That the said Petitioner give notise any please i· iroia in Ordered, call and eo for themselve*. Wo have a very large M»ck of Fail fouriti pa;d remove· irritation. and hundred and dollar· date! Jau 30th. 1*73, o'clock in the forenoon, all the right equity a just opened prcoiiuai aurplue scaiy eruption*; Itching ninety to all persons Interc-ted by causing copy of this h we are at has or had at the time and Winter Goods w hi. oilering in one year with interest at eight percent. which Simon (J .Dudley order to be three weeks successively in funds. dn u» »s. No article produce· euch wonder- payable re [*ublish»d »caly on which ibere is now due about one the same was attached on the ordinal writ,to ■ __ annum, the Oxford Democrat printed ut l'aris. that they t'a! effects. it, call lor Wo*d'a Improved Hair dollars. deem the described real e«tate situated LOW Prices for CASH ! Try È.ernindred and eevenf-tlve following may apt ear at l'robate Court to be held at Pans Very — othtr B. in in to wit: Thiee several ,12 vV ol send us Reator:»t!tre. and don't ix put of teitk any A. HOD WIN, Deputy sheriff. Paris, said County, in said ou the third of March next Hebron 7 to 10c Sargent Norway, eon County, Tuesday Brown Cotton·, Jan. 10,1877. !w parcels of land with the buildings thereon, iu shew cautc Academy. mo lft« all iu this and Bethel, ! at 'J o'clock the forenoon and il any HlcachM a arttcle. Sold by druggists place or lc«s, and the Cotton·, nice mes* of Tnis firm not laiulng IX· acres, more being same not be to Se oyster*. they have why the should granted. THE SI'UINC I.Il\l Prints, ο Trade at manufac- farm on which said now live·, Ί 8< dealers everywhere. supplied homestead Dudley Α. II. WAI.KKK,Judge, 4 Drem Cambric* .slightly damaged', a lull of raw FARM FOR SALE. and all and singular the real c-ute convey- oi' this institution will commence on toift· OLly keeps supply oysters turer»' price· C. A. Cook A Co., Chicago, Sole being: A true copr—attest : U.C. Davis, Register. ShlrttaxFlannel··, I by ed to said Joshua Chu· chill by his deed and Dudley t>y $2.25 to (s.uu per on hand, but one may always lini a Agent· for the United States and Canadas, by Tbe well known farm on of A D. ami record- BlankeU, pair dated the 11th day April, 1Η»·Λ, OXFORD, hs:—Al a Court of Probate held at TUESDAY, February 27th, 1877, Plaid Flannels A ut very low price* iictoa. au&! ly Pari» IIill, \ mile from the with Oxford book 117, to Repellent-·, ste* in the neat little store which Week· A Potter, ed Records, p.tge Paris within and for the of Oxford And continue ELEVEN 1Fl"K*i Plain m Silver <>rey, Seal good ; i cg village. One of the pleas which deed reference be had for a more County Uepollnnt* j may par- on the third Tuesday of A. l> 1*77, Kriwn. Bottle Green, S'*vy Blue «"test in the state. .Said Jauuary is tbem. ÎIIAbB places ticular description of the premises. premi- the ot CARLTON t.ARONLR, Ad- and Plain Black. occupied by ll watered, ar.d a larve to tiie sav- petition nOiKI· OF TEA· IIK.ItS. laJiH»Wt se* are subjeei to a uiortagaKe Norway ot the estate of (.», a ItOKX. ui sit- ministrator Chtse, Black Cashmeres, speciality. uuiuoer ol trui'. trees. Buildings and fui »o Ιηκ- Itauk, dated KOYMBMr l itli, A. D. 1?71. to ON Cyrus Rft.STirUf.S I). Kwitob oj Sir: Encloaed late ot Ituckfleld. in said County, deceased, pray- RH'HAKhSUX, chaplain. Blaek Λ Brilllan tines, l>uer. Tbe or one of the best farms in the county. Would sheriff. ing convey J Oil S Γ. MOODY, A. M., cry to the wile of Dr. P. C. Wiley HoliATIO AUSTIN, Deputy estate described in his on file iu the Pro- Principal. la Bethel, Jan. 14, in somek'ood local ZI 'iw petition of exchange for village property 13th, A. D. Isi7. an one Teacher of Latin, Greek, and Natural Science*. "hard time»" doe· not set'm tj affect your seb· • *oa January bate oflice, at ladvaulageous offer of lilt y A Wear. ity. Terms easy. Inquire of C. 11. RIPLEY or Wollrns lor llfii's Ko)s' • Ian. to the wife of Alonzo Phil dollars, to Robinson Dean : RoSWELLC. Commer- r:(>Uoa ».·; trois ttiJi Puatuftice. a· the list ocrer fn Rixbury. 19, B. S. DOE. BRADFORD, Principal Tabic I.liieus. Crash, Napkins. CI· 11 brick a son. (5 lbs ) Ordered,Thatthe-aid Petitioner give notieo te cial Department, » « nor betier than At Paris, Maine. Jan. 30,1877. dreit»' Cloaking*·· Shawls, Fell larger, y*i>J up. present. all ons interested causing an abstract of his per by MiHs IIELKN M. STAPLES, l'Kl.CKl'TKESe, Skill·, \uhta». llnUer), t. II. litTCHWS, Ρ- M i with this order thereon to he petition published Teacher ol Modem Language.> and Bellses tilevel, Vrrkllrt, < in the Oxford Deinoer.it, lia»; >r l, Feb thiee weeks successively (.cures. 3,1ST7. DIED. ! I a Corset», Frames 1 Picture at at Probate ptinted Paris,that may appear and Faut liuuiit MS Maiictirii Comnany. they E. C. o| a lid all kind· of Staple y Court to be held at Paris iu sai l-'or full particulars or sirculars. apply io unknown 1 1S7T. a small .it of whit *c keep In Uaiiioni, Jan. 3u. I.aura Autonelle, daughter Valutiion of propertv bv Assessors on the third l'uesdav of January A. D. the Principal, /ibeon L Packard, Uccretaty of the I This is only very ρ To a H. J. 1.1 BUY, Treas. t»lve us a aud be convinced thai prutKoie Leal'.h'. action of tbe »y«teai wlitn of Zury and Kllen Doten. aged years lomt,. he petition of WALDO ΡϋΤΓΚΝΟΙΙ.Ι,, Board ol Trustees, or Rev. >, D. Richardson. in ttock. mil, DYE STUFFS, J of nnd «;ood*. It ha* brcomr enfeeble-l Ki'lne^, Bladder atJ In Chatoam. Ν. Η Jan. 12, J. I»ana Weeks, aged Guardian ol I.ydia A. Ciishtnan, an insaic Hebron, Jan. 10, 1H77. Cw ηe have all kinds Dry Faimy by ON as low as πιε i.owi sr. .«> rears, son of and Mary L. ss:- January ii, IS77. ALL : of Rutnfcrdi in said County, praying for and that we sell Glandular Dimase. Pita in tbe and yonogest Kliphalet CUMBERLAND, KINDS, 1 person, u. buTfntr Back, Loiaa Personabv 11 J Libby and made oath licence to sell and convey all the real estate of âa*CU)AK< M.vDk roOeui Anyone Wevk*». appeared 1 of Side, him is reason* iii on lor a can here it eut free tnk· UVXT'S KL V Kl»Y Grarel. Dta- la Paris, Jan. 31. Wm. Wooilbary aped that the above statement by subscribed said Ward, lor sot forth his petition matt iial garment, South ma:l rmlw Mr true to his best knowledge and belief. FOR FAMILY the Probata O/iioe Alt order* by will I>ro|««y Bri^tt'* L>i-ra*e. Incootiaence and 04 yewri. according USE, I illc in FOU.\D, charge. Before me, WM Ε OOl l.D, Ordered, lhatthe said Petitioner glvenoticc prompt attention. Intel»·, crat a-λ cured Il nul'· At loir and Of e, b) Kcinedy jjv J usiice of Peace. vcrti prirtt, to all persons interested by causing an abstract ol Dou't forget the place, J!e*t A GOOD, EASY FI1T1NG, DURABLE A few do*e» of 11 ΓΛΤ*» ItlUtliï rject. thcM yuallt.j. said petition with this order thereon to be publish- ed weeks successively in the Oxford Democrat •liaeaae» from the n «ti m Having a large slock of At moves' nun; store, TRUSS, J. A. RODICK & CO., prlntei at Pari*, that the> may appear at a Pro- Ixr^LUHLt tu audi. Fire Insur'e Co., on w'iju is [tif bfM Continental Jan2d NORWAY VILLAGE. tf ate Court to be held at Puru, iu said County Foi farther particulars, call at 2 doors S. Post Office, Lewiston, Me. υ»· SEW VURK. Miscellaneous Books the of March u« .\t at 0 o'olock A Uljrd Tuesday W. Coianx la still wilb us and favorable >ptoi U on hand, 1 «d· sell them at very low prices rather in the forenoonaud shew cause If any they have χοΐΕβ' nnrii «τόπι:, \. Ik—Mit. K. ly.—Tbe good reputa- Oapital, SΙ,ΟΟΟ,ΟΟΟ. to wait on of bit friendt that .oa of c Arrv them over. Please call and examine the same should not be granted. will be plea.eU any tirvien g iiro*cA4ui Tr^ktt tor ibe relMrf A.Hsif tM, than to why NORWAY" #3.00l>,(K'0 Α. II. WALKER, Judge. VILLAGE, wijl favor hlui with a call of at GKRRY'S Cou^ftu. Co.du, ao'i WJ·. J. nUKtLliB, Agent. : in i β I"!·'·. Tbroac £«ia«aee·. ba* ^tven Ht DOOK South Pari*. I A trueoopy—attest II. C, Davis, Register And he will fit you ffnod shape· ït Γ <>'tober '>> .i-am a DRl'Ci STORE, fill Ms of Job dons at His Office. favorable aotonety. So'Kh Pa/is, Μ·\, I>er, 5,tf Printiag from SlieiiiT'· Sale. 1 * »' * Cou ut y TrcMurer OF OX ΙΌ It 1» In Account with Γ. C. C'IMIIMAII, COrXTY Οκκοκι», 84. /. to ΙΝίί. bo »old blossoms The crocus, leas state- January 1st, 18ΪΟ Ιαiiunry hi, Α Κ KN on execution an·! will by public though *Jth of hand- It auction, ou the day February, a. I) iu is nercrthebss very one o'clock In Hie afternoon at the Pr»„t ly growth, 1ST·!. 1878. 1HTÎ, at $H4* 91 u>n Plantation. In *κί·1 «'onntv.all the some ; a of the different colors in full Ian. 1, Ily balance in Treasury, Ο nice In Mi pot Dec. 81, Te» paid Law Library, 100 CO I In winch Winalnw A Small an ι Kra«. Fee», right equity Plantation, ha I Agricultural. bloom is a reminder of early do Salaries, Attorneys tu* 1$ Small "f *»ld Milton on the Have READER,vint ri.-eu voer bel aUer a short pleasant Dot 12 from sleep, | A I) Ι«7«. at *e»en Fees, Fines an«l Cost·!, 1 lit II ot October, o'clock to tint) onr-uli suffocated with Catarrhal when their (lowers, do Commissioners Order», 30 I day nearly spring, they display entaur the } our, 11,8'fl lorenoon, when the same wai attached on matter in hend *n! :iu>vit Have If inter Flowers. Taxes collecte·! dutlojr in the your n.>*e, jrou the lir>t warm of March in the do C C Court Bills, writ, to redeem the de*crit>. noti.vd what ν inc Influer e t exerces after days the original following depae?.· do Constables Kills, «filiated In aaid Milton Plant (i. on the mind. it- facultie-, beside- etu-r- l!' there arc with cultivated the same rd IteaTE-tate bÎuitfiay any people All these require Conn'y, to wit: A certain tract or parol thebihtf u veil? How dtilieult to ri«l tbe open ground. do Jury Hiil>, in &«ld vUii( to ο winter, above. land aituated in «al l Milton Plantation,--aid head of tbi·. foul uattrr alt eau lest t'y who arc tastes, who apprécia Sf,il aud treatment detailed do Sheriff·» of ought 1 general Bille, about •eventy-ilveacrei!,toif..Uier aiUieted with (itairk. How difficult to protect be our Λακ or a land containing flowers should ricau, Three may be in live-inch do î,ftn «iei.ii>· an tw- rather New Our or three in the samo size; do Criminal lJillj, Up prevent England people. pot jonquils Krastui» IS. Binall. iuy. Il sa terrible iIiwh *n>l erie- out foi relie I', Itoad A. anil mers are warm Wo can culti- in a five-inch and six do Coinnrs IliiU, tract or lot of land aituate.t ■>■ l'» bo turd troin ib<> d.uitt'! of MitTbcatkm while enough. one narcissus pot, ANo another do Interct Aeooni.t, the t >wu of Uutni'ord, State of Maine; said lot ol Γ ν i us down: to breathe trecly, slfi'p soi.udly and vate the from almost eveij or more crocuses in the same siae. l'ut portion known a· the lot of land numl.ered thirl·, uadi-4urt>ed; to know mat ■·· poisonous, plants do roror.ers 15:11·, land I» putrid a divteioo of lot·» iu aid Utluil'oi »!» 1 tiiideruuue-i the of the in the all where can remain for few iniments. two iu the third Ί, matter ttles tbt reatli aud cy* open ground during ] them C:fti In Trenmrv, globe they contakiinx *l»out one hiindrc I .icren. ni ire or inu ; to kaow ibat the body does not, through it· a time the ! or and that and for brief' enjoy weeks buried beneath three four inches and are lit·· MM ppiui-e» thu Bnîbi aud arte· eat lin that ι» -tire to period, ft! le**, «cins les» y poi»ou $13,713 Jr. to the «.i.irWin ·.« a". is ludtni a We- iu.-. To pui ehatc iiuhsu of The! of sand or soil ; liftor which • 13,713(3 Uichanl-on, conveyed ■lesiroy, magn:tioenei tropical vegetation. light thoy Krat-tu* H Small, by hi* deed .tut. ifrow -uoh a lot»· .-lioitld bv Ibc ot Small and uily object the the >'ane, the window, whore m· h· A. 1>. lxva. and recorded lu t u rem banana, balm, sugar be taken to the and ihe «oundfd Oili, <11 afflicted. lï«:t Ibo -o L > hav e tried many may parlor 10 laine can U) healed 1*7 < November Uniment Flint lir!»t Conitill'Jll «I III» County January Isi, Ke>:i»tryof Peed*, book |.V>, i>ape τ»;ι ; ι, ediea aaU despair ct relief or cere.— the aud the tobacco cuc will a contin- whole. We km teat «lut tkeOealaar Oafofd physicians agave, }aiu, plant, with they give bonea or made to -aid deed for a mom rhey become incredulous. \\ lh -u»h, the !· n< proper will Mo. 'I'hov will not mend broken j ference Is hereby u« their w -orene*-, ot !"t.- of real e-tat· mon Ν are at until ci hi· but II extrnet Due I.aw L.brnry. deecrlption paid array of i«'-t .Ν :ro;j ou. -teili/eu-, ph.· home, delighting by ued of blossoms spring.— Can«'k»«, they Taxes "I particular «juite display in and h larger ruiurt «I due, ·!I,Oil above to a inorUt to |«ain, our·· Kiieuma'i | on <1 iminal Hill*, The premise? Uinjj »uhject mdAwWttaittnraf handsome and '"ariety Cultivator. allay i le IT.·. 0.) ι-,· foliage, adding American ill !i, bone and muscle ailmen! than any V ; COStS dut recorded in llegi'drv of Heed-, Oook Ιάό, ρ ». Order», and : but before the autumn sols- ever before discovered. Comma flvf η liv the «aid Win-low A mu*1I Kratftt», SANFORO'S RADICAL CURE every et· girden :-kill cannot jio the eiTt of Constable* Hill·), to Itrftdbury ICi< b«rd*on. Jr. of Milton -ι t'Ai --heriiT. :t* of Back, Feror àorcs WKF.risO-SlXMV#, Dtpuiy tuHn' of my reasonable per*ou that method removed i> riant and, unless some time the fol- ( itketl-llreatle, l)n>torted -Iail.·.^, ..ml Sprained Pari*, January I·"·. A. D 1877. euro i îh.· truc oue. aspect, speedily Chronicle, since, gave ··! Limbs oi U« wont kind are cared by llw I vu ] a more die hens Wklle] 'h to atmosphere, outright. directions how to nnko lay ntaur I,miment. Slirnll Btle. genial lowing l't C. CI.'*11 W.IX, SANFÛRD'S RADICAL CURE the Middle and Hxstorn secuis It will the and iii.m. wirnui λ *«l HKI'.'S Okkh π. I C. 1 ah winter, an«l the Treaaurer. irt:— lnet&nllv relieves an.l ptittue Uly ire- « .-rv hrôughoui suggestion srui all Burnt and Scaldi. It will e\ | I8T7. * OXFOKD, when in their ordiuary Paria, Jaaitary I, o:i es» ution a:i I will be lol l l«r ; ,, forui ο: l'atairh. lornt a ->in>; e.ul « old !>· the our just : of lilt···» and and the ιϊο»ι Takeu Static, of iho sting*, < gardens, tract poiaoo t'> tbe bidder, on the third d iv ulcerative with all Its worthy reproducing Il i« clllcaefon* for Κ ir- or II atp'tion highest -tage, togethet -vn»i»atheile ot and aro from Γιο/en limbs. very STATE HIVE. in t wealth bloom beauty, lespoilcd no roosters ; the hens frcdi ι·- Ie77, at the υ (Bee o| c K. Holt It: •'Keep give aclio. l'ootli -aelie, Itch and Cl r.iSKors Km | ( Com- March or Octo- *·« -At a *es*ion of ihe ounty all tnerifflit In e.,tj|ty w |ji Jim of the orn e a rit»s. OXKOKD, In aald 0<·ΐιη·5", by September meat like tniuce meat, helilm at Paris within κι it* m everything chopped up Ο .«rile* miscioner», begun and MBltli lia* to redeem the followiug ί|· i SANFORD'S RADICAL CURE as as Mr. iotiah We'lakc of Marvtville, the ber frosts, ami November, une halfan λ » anil (or I lie County aforc»aid,7·ί. Ιιν adjournment ol lot numler lit· in the thir l » is to the Iioum- I day December, alt that twenty O'i Ile.,· clu-, \rnr.i ;-i. Tu· :a--s» aer il a of the win· ! bad that I h.ive.becn unable In »tir Irom A. I> 1*7' part :aro!ey vestige anything green ounce a to each hen. from the regular Sepfiaber *e»-ion, riluatc.i <>n the <-.i-li rly »nle of th·· ciun: ni tt al» day during boule* of Centaur l.iniinent enabled ranpe, Tt inj Rin^in. the fiend, ..ad .«now The tlret three | oin hill to Alban\ aud ne ■ be seen. For five months, and I nin mend in ι: th road leadin/ l Rethi-I „· fulnc* ». long or from the time insects in m«> t> wal* without mv eiiitelics. | the Coinniit'totiei » In acror lain4··» ter, disappear : «.une uher· tin· iiij Jam»·- Saiitl, fact we ean I tiling your l.lnimct>t »implv a marvel." : l'.nfili.· Kevissd Maliit< the pienii-e» iee In only fall ti.i thev in the rapidly. Ti'tl'in c.'upteri with the buil linjc·· Ihereoii, .i». reigo tmpreme. the appear again II ll'nnHt. I lock l'raii>. Mc.mh> An'imow Ibe now live-, l>ru£i{i«t. iii. mu Ural main m uiiiiJ laftrthw J*: a part of lot S«> SANFORO'S RADICAL CURE in of seasons, a little to nell* bein r anl tit· the r*>»«l- other piece of laud, and being -i claim, the Never allow remain "Cent.mι- Liniment give· j ia»t. (fill eoaatry t the ..! pa :· a average any eg^s month of HrniteialUT m'v ιίι in the lir-t γλι.ι I tel lu I al.»rr -i jt t<*:u:-£- spring. tion of |g thr market m.'l lia^s Ol wi'uly w it1, il., !e ln'ialer, wti· ît "Γ"»] .r- of beat rati»!'!· anything ill Ilé·· towu-l.ip· Of and η non adm'rn' more than five months nM frr what are called nest e"gs. l.lniim nt has th>Be lor olh« r- | DsImmpvtltwl an estlma'e ■l«0 one other piece land, helm; part μ vegetation. in the Wh il the Gntatir I mil in κ.'ΐίιΙ r am! ha\ iujf made η f οι ι» :>ι.ΐι«· unity, ■> fir^t id ies ea (tarks^v >τ :-aî#η·! it i- tuliablc and it ! In r-o lot N«» twent;. «even in the rang·* Kethi-I Sn< h the fact how much greater th«· do not run with the it will do lor jot'. It i* li.ii.dy, of Ι'ιΐ· ιιιι··ηη( tn-edvil ty put I linn repair being When roasters do I af.rceid, with the building* thereon, both o: th·· us i< cheap. in In· « m to .111J < .m entait lor pi.bll·: travel, of to remind of thai la-t iceutioind <-« arc the aarnt .-nivey· | t·. the desire omething and no nest are left in the nest, l.iniiiicnl nunc tliat an aaai-inim-nt lor piet hens, eggs The Vcllotv renlniii' Ju.l.-o aad dttoi A. br ( lark < ^oomba til larl*a ι SANFORD'S RADICAL CURE more ,-iii Ιοί Ιόλη: Blehard Fry· summer than in eûmes favored, and not ccase after the it* in to owner* of horse* and |iur|ija<· In· di>iI« 11\ deed dated March ? \ l> I-;, ιιΐο\e ό the bai·!., the hens will laying (•worth w<*!ght gold j lor (lie Oombe th^ir Ιϊ« ' I Andover Writ >urpliM, purple 1 > < |ion »km. | ji l«>ol n·. |.,. tr >m lh m c. ο. ι.» t r. I pa»· bloom the male·. an«l recorded « uli |jp« ii. led natter up where flowers and çrea- of twelve or fifteen Si-κ MSfcl». 8ιτ«· of tfe· eouatr md lead!·* !or grow eg^s—as I'lii·» Linimenl hit cured moie ofrvpcrfaix that put the above de»crit»e,l betn* -u' r »ares.allows tho luffercr ίο bt« ithe t'rtv'r •••ni production j to t which lies In *aid Jtfl: preun»ei t r the Kven in nie·!. and ι·Λΐ.ι.?ι» I lu:» ι* in three from Andover Corner |>ton, in the tirst time CB'oy the of a full breath. ot year. thc^cool | do when roosters and nest llin£-boncd the satnr to a recorded Oxford K'tn.trv pleasure portion always -i m tt,<· in tb«· Mini ol Dollar», and mortgage, they ye u ili.in hav e «11 thr f .tirier* OOOOtT) -ιιγ|·Ιιι, Fifty it Paru in tald (,'ountv. b.>ok I' | ,i !im ite ot (!reat fïriraîn, the! ι- the entire met Heed* and humid arc continue ait· wonderful· kmc ι follows: < allowed—but laving an «il· I effect* imply I· ITpta V, mi I lame»-sui.h to it har.i A Κ rye to SANFGRD'S RADICAL CURE egjjs certitl mow, ml ·ιι|·ι>ο*«μ1 to ^iuii t! i: at.· '»» thousand to contain υ arc not without flowers, and We have :.|ioii «appooed 01. M-cuie the i v not. for s faem.it'^n ·» < οι tl e ι.ι wholly Λίν hens all winter, tin· In·, 1 s ol' David I tu Hum, $.'* paytaent Allay j gardens perpetually. lay eativ a* Mr« n;r -it the follow iuj; beoHurdb', aud ninety doilara dated Jan th. 1·; ... m It U Mm the loci. 1 ol Andover, 1- handrt.l «Ous"nieietr*nc ifce Uponac*· t«τ Mr. McNnb.tliecurator of Kotanic to one hundred in I.-r-e was lame for u e»r with a let And I·.lui Λ Fienrh appointe·! e each from eggs '•Mj ine same in one year w th intfr ι at jlit purren ui"»t «λ tl. h« ·. .ml „γ.ιν seventy ·. : I payable jireparaitoa lo cure,an ■ «un u. All n-medl tiiitily filled Axent tu aopnten kliliiipwiHtartof < η I here now due .ibont > ι« I »t. t* of has in to lioad *► anu im, which erer;i: ! t:;· -e nil'!. Kdinburgh, gathered The reason hens do him rut I I oinmenccd to arc Uu :iml in 1 give per garden succession. only why I cot· idere ι woithlei* j ndliiçto require hundred aud pevent.-tlve d >ii»rf ·. him line··!«. som. tsten in!» m·. ». » i's ar*: η 130 want animal which ••lit uro. W. 1'ht.RH, 11 A LE'N by many plants is the of food, they get for the purpose of lepalrinj; <' s( Ν. I 'surplus, the bb>od. in «i.u laitbi frw-.ι the sysirm the than or fort*·. ί Manorville- h diarie Co., V." pou''L Anilmci ar 1 less summer in abondance in the form *0 much ol ihccouiity road Irmllaii from in it the rarely thirty in the mj I hm<· tiM'.t Ce&tatir Lini- ■·! New! i>,■»*>■».· always prirent I'narrh. 411>κ silts, >our to I as 1· in i>ai«l siiipln*, ill·· -uni Something from the time of the' ι'α«Ι it tu be <>i »luc OF HOREHODHD AND TAR CoruiT |>to·, whole ·Όη·ΐ:τι.: With tu», however insects." ment in ιη> .tin 11 y, mid >;rout HONEY ir aa»es«e as Ιο low»: ( ρ· of one for the One Hundred Dollar* Stuuipn for the purp κ. I'lcaae -end ne iwo dollar* worth, FOR TMK CURE OF t > c intnin '.·«<) aci·. MonoKraiiitnie tew in earl.v No- ! irv to make I on the ciit:r·· trai l supposed so'itary chrysanthemums Another necess condition muir* and hoi m ». KILL) -HKI.L>. I.men and Stale ner·., made to ...i*r SANFORD'S RADICAL CURE H..ir*Piv Diffirul* 11,d to bo "mu·· I t y Mary P. Finery of \| trk.oc we can nothing—ravin a ion. C'lil··, lufir.n:?, Fii|'|Kinr«t t i»..v addre»i ηι»«)Λ of a three The- be»-oa· .tir aje· t inoiiT· veribcr gather hens is that shall bo in a "l'ail»8tft Wronii(Co.,Pa C:0(^hi, Charl·- \bb»iioi 1 pion, t» appointed and «Mt receipt powerful lay ν > t elu'c w I at the ea«C I*, λ .·' "f t!.i< #!(*'; and aiu/ t« ae* :t of e they kept it ΙΓ. ike? Vi lilt ! if Brcv.!..T..·. 1 II Ai." Tliro.it, to bon I cent and the ioiJo price· eonuu? the poison. tl ίΙ·>ιι matter s or until Vicent as uiori >iti I, and in required xao ktauip tew crocuses, April, rm where the -un will shine uicst whc'.hei It be M Poll 1.» 11, Κ' ηρΙκχκ that b. s, d'.r du ; vl lo ti■·· th*. at and snow-droj rwurh.*vr.'iti, Tuv< and '.', r. I M >no ame I I»» » do. ?.%c. c-l'V] ; place kind, theeflot u art I BroucbL·! Long», Itadiog as afoit-aatd. I 1.1 9 ( ! v seraieb or I. iiner,. ··! ;my uti: ,'!.J wit: e u.ii t em c to and often far into Mav. the \\ ith warm and ειιηην to : st. At:t »iJ \MK-> S. W ΙίΚίΙΙΤ, Cleik. •i d .Illc Si:ifc· la tter., ι Indriitiir of apart- the «atne. Li*· uien. | Farm Cotant.; day. r;. sta/c ropn.tort, | It c ( ments, and wheat, remedy composed I'poa c, for a few regular Il it svld en and warrant- 10 id balm/ fmm Send a I nt stamp ftan»|>U I^ttrrr ne and or eons'orva-1 Inar Linl'uuul. rywhere c f t!u· IIoi !. mi l. in chcmic.il »i> i.iucli of theci>un»y CUBE and 1-d raw IIoney phut repairing w itliin *anl ."toiili Altntila w.iiiUh! IO work iu their own loealitic· to SANFCRf^'RADICAL and meat 1 a» is fssiiy, tln^rcetthouso corn, poun bones, ed in it-< eifecls. from the Viiilovt 1 oruri to t'l'iou λ local ami eon -titm » t»· e »II-.· .un: « I th* m».ii Is i< a charmi:.·.; m I ._·· tο in >uiu of Oue Hundred and :. ; any there is little Si Uie Fifty-tiro ro« t!t" *v«!ein b* ^rtrreal e. wh !e. τ»·,<·:νοιι tory ft] dwei-1 very difficulty making / of /?. ROSE CO.. pRixril'l.i of the furcst tree .\BEis Surplus, as lotto » κ: rilAltLKH A. MKR-K\ Kn*r tboraiory I.IKE Dollar » and coûta 1» asset>ed oil «listas·», an 1 MtOtlM its ' are and al- ·' eijfluy jioutt- Ρ ι·, ·. to throw the ut these "not The sources of sr.. (ïilead. aprll tf Me. ;ng; expensive the h'-ns ■I IlF.t Nfcw YoitK. Itu same or Balin of » ini' iu-id it.»- .- dit» ; .· >a lay abundantly. C Jg < |t:e > :im ; and tho vcrand f iius am· » ■- r. jv< or par-I «upp.'y °' fb'»h for fowl- are many and no The Honey of Horchound ι» ο ! s, \iii its all irritations and inllammations, and ® SAMPS EACBAL CIÎIÎE !»r window, must take their place. Here, need 1 ·· incurred in c > Co. great expense supply- the υ ν srs and iii m the throat Owners or itnk'an r Maine under r care, be cultivated ! T.ir-lalin Steamship ·.. *11 — ν» ι. rop may with of tins' ©î f r·*πι* t. S.i'i 1 «τ, i ; ing theui ail winter pleuty and air to the Five "· passages lea·lin^ lungs. l.litf to ^evv \ nrK. imm^lt»'· b· le *t. : -· ·η m v..rietit> uf 'an*.-, but more e* SeiiH'Wcfkh its ;ny j pee- kin 1 of food. An oid horse, worthless C ASTORIA. additional the organs co< 1, lav r, w -.Λ I retail ··:·:.. ingredients keep as n. I.et no in the bu.'-ous root, such the ! an 1 cut moist, and in healthful actn pr*- 4 m w dy hya- b»r all other purposes, slaughtered If i a mit·:,:ko to M |>ro e thru <'.i torri in n< t Κ I. Morion his homei-tead farm $12 ., ·· ·· 'i 11 χι ϊ ! — kcee fr in this medi- tu» 4 ou Γ^ϊΐ Ka- pa it.ιg* e:nth, t!,.· the riure:--n«, the crocks, 1 leat for a lo per on»a»wrll a· children judice you trying great Ihipoe Robert*, ·»ΐιυ ·». li Λ I'm·, wili. i;tll drr.r:t»ii- f.-ΓΒ— tu all tulip, will furnish abundance of •dapled grow· thou- if up dm i to tncmar the Uni cine of η famous doctor who ha-, saved Λ Love- « *mm If ic· They only quitte. H-iiry " ea««·-· l'rt< -i I I : Hi t!« tnd c arc t!.·· wintor flow- " 4 00 hcj *-j lly number of hens for several weeks. ··.« bo Ibr which Ce*· 10 SCO .- cl Idrcn I mail· of lives it in his ο !i l r large compUInt sand- large private practice. joy, " " 'v; ; retail dm- ■ by 1·0 ?>0 .">ι<· < \i r\ t t": i ad 'ted—like Μ ι Μι I oi.lt', Sour stomach, tastf. or «•m eon Learned, \\ KtK·» A IOTTLK. lt« t ·ΐ: «·■ Λ fi» body. e:,-i!y grown, iaeOMhl which are worth what icir N. 15.—The tar fcalm lu no ian ·· '· ·, utr >hecp on!} \Vorm>,Ttt ·τ· l'iitillM. .il eroup, that ills llrnrjr U Dunn, i'»» 3« ^0 1 ve, juiri;,^ space, 1 will can be Cfpt-,-,.ιΐΙν rectimn.t ntUtl for lli-pj Γ. >»·λ hi, Hill I.ot Steamers tioanora and Frarconia "V Β Ο 3D Υ pelts bring, appropriated larm Ε "V" Ε Κ. a su V :i from lit eilecte are mon· certain than t χίΤυκΟΐΙ l U ilk*r, ,ΙοΙιιι Small of bin,un, same uso. mas î and rat bottie. iiiiotliy Will until ." thT n«v '■·«· le'ive I r* ki a iî.g January 1 the If : : in· lu» :il ••diKiilatiiiK taring buy th·· rein noi'ijj naid ·- Aprii —mlivening period honey. I'pon at ·> P. M., ana 1. »\. I'ler h -t I.' \-r. S-λ 'ι ·! ·. >w< lie t .ι%:οι ohm s τiiï. t η the fari.ii soil the »tomn Cure >liiii, alter dedm at. I 1 II C: Κ -1 » Λ \ at 4 au·! wirli the b'uorn and of One Coir a Mine of Wealth. "I'iKfV Touthuelu* Drops" ihe lands VΜ>Α'ι COLLINS' VOLTAIC PIASTERS. fragrance hi μ πι, e\pel worm» ai ·Ι pievi 11 f· ν· li-bnu-· l"t* above ileum bod, and lor Ρ M. ·. mm these bulbs the < u it ι» the n«"rvr«, »nd ι·ι «luces it allh—tbep, i»t in I Minute. m -aid lown-hlp referred pub- eiTii, And hya- j cow, l>uch- I .- a th ng of the shorthorn ■ The Kleanora riew*tcamcr,ja*;l>utltfoi ipiin The .·. -1 « il s< m.i.II' in MOTll ut acre», history nr 11 w ijtiiel and lie u»ei·, estimated 11,4·»> are r*:. < with it- Sold bv all roi.te, :ind both the sad the Prumala d uj. nth is the fir-t tall, w Ki.-r. Druggists. an l to be place, t .NS »; whieh was -old in 1 N'>o, at Karl valued at I'iMi nnppoacd ι■<·.··ι tor ,·. niak κ .... ic; .· v«ι uu:·· I ! .. ; <·τ. I. *.th, rid DO with line accomm pa~»ei r», j».· k-tor .. «ta :i Mil t> tu a!l tleiani and owned Cio» X Muiery, ::'1 2 "d ik-- o.' variou- colored, ! ph> N.Y. by thU themo^ieoiivenienta ! < oin:or.:lderout» : >r ] 1'ui'ic; sal -, iu to Col. Morris, nui -e- w 1 liav» : I il. :ι:ι·1 il i* h a raje.«i;y 0. N. 1 Kug'aud, tvfnjr CEITTENTON, Prop., traveler* bef iCt-en New V»rk and e. 1»··· >W. rs. « _r a delicious and ! <·ίΐΙβ It i-l'it'i'in l with jrr»·:·t eeie t Hi r· perfume, of 1'ordhain, for 7"·' or {W,t»75, lu.m-atiiirf •Uuiuer" W:lt tnu. t: it iiavei: d.i:.iii guineas, >11 r tie ri r ·if J»r. > uni· I Γι: her of V Αι, I I. a rd I. Morton of Andover Νοι,Ιι .tm Vineyard ..nu. a The | on to and :>· ai Se w tiii: nr.vr ri istlk;· in tauly ;oi;^ I<> 1* to etimm#T months their pai-xajrc jxriiMj. is Γ1 markable as showing the actual value * Iho I ϋ'ΌΓ.ιί· ry ol J. U. Ko>0 X Co., Dey 1-uiioiuti d Avilit, and r<'tuired five m f*. plu*. York. .W-.v *. t <.,*/·· i»-Ple *e ;td h\u has ; ι· η cultivated for a «reat λ \ bouil a* aforesaid one cuimul. From this ι It,Ni in State Ηο.·ιη J »·, rr.e.tl· e*t-a. of good breeding Attest.- JAMES S. WKI ο HT, Clerk. Pa«-age ι and the l>ut.-h florists Good* forwarded t » and from Philadtlph t, •rt: tn l.t I. I tbr.k they &rt -τ Γ a-l. ! any ye.rs, liavi which was e.dve J in November, 1 V.»U, iUl.ltl( V.\ ΛΛΙ» roUj:i<.\ ΙΆΤΙΛΤ!» ;v, tialiiu No. 5, Ittnge 1, f ir purpose ol Montreal, U'.ebre, st h» 'I till rt· M«i:· I T·»» ■ r· t it to at the Λ. 4 tiort tu l pon « ig ; a lalltiiorc, Smith ο., Siicet lilp- roail in -al>l thi ·.· lew iia-k; ι ι i.kwi» high perfection pre-; mere be tract.1 in descent num- repairing th·· county town-hip, êt~v<. uia) iiiiiu, llotmer X ( o. N'lntecn Dollar· acd are to •.■nd thrir ireijfiit M< 'lord. Ill ..It 11,1'- sent tïiiiO it is in in.mcnee ! out :··. a* the *te^m^r :« I. p. M on th»-\ Patenta nrocurcd In nil conntr la lllly «-t-iil·» U a»*e->-ed tollow» .'ar'y day- kie acre*· of land ::Γι iiuvl Haarlem bein·' t foi -••rviee·» until il No. Acres. Value. Tax lt»vPor:l:tnii. Kor further 'iiform.ttion apply ;·> • Lit it Wo admitted that a- a(.*,(KO. our '-'.vi c "> I»· Κ V*>rk Mnm muc.'i of th.s v.ilue a.s be valuable eent free of ittnu. S. iVl iVi Ί >1 J Κ Α Μ Κ"*. Ait*t Pier lt..Vew » may depended ptuapklel upon ηcelpt ih Walker, I.it t I V··! Γ tl I'L VI I | ; " 1*1 t·. «: 'Π r.r to ad t ai(> of the world. Thev SMI HI 4 < int. ICO M S Ti 'ket« and stale room· can al·· tuned t r; 1 anl i- not in- AddnM, UILMORE, Fie«i A y Hit ui to 1. a; \ !· r.: ΓΙλ :· t tl 1 1 on t or breeder-, \\ I·. >· f*<· ··1 ti Kxeha se -»tr.^'f. iiil\ *tf ■ »ney a-hln^ton, C. M Ic-rabard, bar· r.er i; 1 I .i : tie ···-..· :re ol th casiv-t often thev l(em> » 1*. >n> culture, yet of the boot' and milk K.inu l.ru.ill 'j"J si«> > trins-io value ti| Γ Λ Ht»! >T1 AC. hen* d not tbi iu. Μ. ,>Μ1·ΚΙΙ. pro- AUlIKMtS V, .'it· ■ lie H*i ;.»·) ia ii i:C··r« eeause the ί !· 1,11.1. e ■. >·. I lit i..d >*ιΙ·,Γ- t the 1 II< rlin Mill-1 oinpany, r.ioa :».·.·1 jiv ι-: proper one can I' '» ntly, duced : no admitting Ν W It·-α 11 il t, I· m.i m< 3et help war, or tiir.r heirt. »re in mmiy enne» entiti· I t> ahum treatment. ,e a> it is, is or m 0 .No :>(«· SIM. &00. neglected, i. $200. -iuij an cstinutei in the-.· ··.. Ctaaieut wln.-h lia* b« David M -tmirvant, $25. $59. Sid toil for il cewts. Sei that immense value, money ffom the C ι*· reli ..<■ i ? ol M.i. v.i- ..rui\.,ιιλμ A tlniglm I'. I lint, I··' 2·'·ι i Tiie '■ un : be .'iuce Writ·· lui Thomas 1 not Ts'ood. It should always fottml to be due liofil payment ·> ■> S 1J v\ 1 >ii. t, \.\v ^ k, ι ··.I ..· * has accrued to the wor. 1 from this III on k Co., XXM m Co tuel*e.' Uf( '..rat .-.i:d wa I alone, (>f service and «ta:e amount of pa\ .ml \v^·» w· calle<| t ■.· i id, ",h rue hiiioiy MM 7·*<> '.··■> linn Nom eiifhl ι·.ι^ .-kly r'|>er, in mind th;.t all bull ?, iu- to uia\ till.· tail··· itral Satn'l 9pri»r. l.v \\ I.LK^ Λ ΙΌ1 Μι, I'r··! i.i·;..,-». |>.i u hardy cow ; an I in this value liounU received, 'ile^ofAdj ιι>) |ι*·ι 4υ < \VecLi< I. ... ιλΙ Ιί· j->r", wI M-udliee ? proportion :tv Hennttt A Clis:>muti, t". >». Λ.. -Ιι·'W in.· eri ·ι:ι,Ι liuBomlde ill*eharic< ·. Wis·. Um r4nnld η to a ΐ»Ι .Ο ! I II am add It. 1 .it t·. μΓ,'β r.ti r clnding kjictitk, 1-e estimated the breeder from in ol Ιοι.|. it oil I' -t· r I'·· llliett, profit therefrom, j «lii-char^e» pro .ble e.l on ri i.hi. »J aud I·; ,ne»» topi.·» >wed to make tuere are John ·Μ< h, Το ϊ.·0 until I fora mall fee. I .·Ί-·«ο «.lamp to liilmoreACo, ά. ν it ·.*,' r. ίΜ.< any A Pianos 00 ii u rate it* rtf tin· growth animal h roducc. S contaii. Pit! I may | »enl * mi I I lu i any superior and wltb bl ink··, will bo free. uy. > ·' ·" r' 'l and the r w;.. fuil reply, Organs et.inii of ev ry l»>n!, ato« k and lecuni. The Grand Union Hotel of New Ycrlv p;,.j. ! into li ν .h La-t Dm i-loii, !(<·ο liu*i 1ι aad »II line o.' unim..- i« f»r njiiht : ν " ;· breeding H ν··ιι·λν : ΡΕΚΜΦΜ! 2*»W 'Jtum dealt In .t th* StMk Κ .·,· hutill i tc i.raiiU « eulRtl I oue of tb to is to them iu a CrOii Λ Smith. ί·'*1" •«ppo> Ικικ,>:. this, put le. il t>1i·· t«, s. Idier .nul s tilnr- w l·*. uio.t i»·; uiat uf tue New intchii ho- spreads l. or ! in the line of in the λ ir» vnv e*· -nilvr I., »k.r» of 11, u Vtikciff cjo! \\ re tor four or five weeks ed. ruptun- injure duly No. Λ Inghf.ro ai. 1 ii- Αι<·1 Ν W. lîeiiiiitt ol raid Toriidilu, ·; κ ι.·» ,»o to «.rau I place. wider wider, and ii-.ili.t l can ntnl tu.-d in'·· y lu li'ion to tels. It eontetiiently loeated the diverges year by year lute war, theri'l»/, obiainajM a·, and 1· eiperier.. will make of roots. It' t]l0ll Uiii^i I. i· appoiiit·' I A/ent aforesaid ·■ t ■ ·.■ J» brok.-rt.'·. hu-: te ». th. ν «»dl «hilare t.ney plenty un \\οη·1 «■· ul'oreaa:d. a· < η··* ri|f longer Wi ο·.ν-, .ι ! .. ir· MM nofo.li· ··!>, so'dier- lU'fUilcd termed "Privilege»," or "l'ut» a.i»," out to and thev will .·» U the air, Att. -t.— JAMES HIGH r, Clerk. ·γ :.· > ci ht"We\| t-s i.-e ii Mti'i »;·. iit:i·.:·. IVi-on- 'Γν-Ugh. light of the beneficial influence. It is in this .in ·νιΐ!··Γ·«, wi:" lia\e tit'd MhCti i!i-t l.arpe, of ne ot il,.? t ir m#tb»d« l··.· tiui* :·· ►!·. i« ·. .···<· or wouinlt and Itiurle* re- tion. T'irir vdvlee verv vains le. ar.d tl". VI J Λ»«. £ :!* \· L*row wirn and the beaut ifu: li·! coutraeteil, i; Town No. '·. Range tor th·· purj·· »e vigor, bring that lies value if animal, '-an Γρ Idp < mu the any good ·■··:» I .η th m rv ice and la line f duty, pro mad in tahl lowing ι', il» ind« in.*ople bave le for >οι» w.ll .ιοί! .\.t .r 1! *tecti i. J ie of the county TVurnshlp. fl«.'.»vrs following, gen- to con- en re ,il In···. ; t, ILM< >11E A O. repainajr M. trot·..H* wa\:'lir oj and :t is a:i unfair petition-., by he -;;in ot Or·· llnndred Kilty tun Hollars and rone·.—|N.^ tir Krai 1 I υ «o\erva.Uant s τ disparagement at obtataed. It »nu- iin.jp: eral if in-1 I eated rate· for Pmaiunen cent i« :i--ei*e 1 a> follow * rule·», followed, wilf to nr 'it u;.ori in Scxi-nty .ι ■· carefully tine it- value the of tv I .1 W outed lor .ervi is war·1 \ r \ rnnni^ m«, led by iir>t i-la-« oteV wht'c :! 'art·» of a; Weight triants |r i»wnc k. No. Acres. alne. Ta\ 1 êUTC SUVvX^s >r :·> M rob t. I-.V». 'Ilieio .r i, > warrant* <|ji »'· »· '· ate. »*iiti J tot ι. ; its car .iss, or i:- ro iuee in milk and but- |ir II llairi*. ΙΟΙ» J!>i V be t-s j > (ί. χ anted foi nice in the ! tie rebellion. 11 >*1 .*> ot οι Hennctt Λ I.eavitt, the unit.. 1. Sen..— will and ter. I he a m t *», t.'ι Geo. P. Rowell » &Co., tou, I». C'., f'»r lull MittruetbinH. mavZUi' «on m· 'uri.-U in any lijht, soil— or anima; sets in motion an whieh I. D. I.'nncll, li'i p<'od, sandy impulse ivi I .■ Tam. :h stn-ible view. Tar > .<· .n «-, htal- ex" F.A.Flint, I.' -uch a* i- found in I: ai. cnor- l1»· 11< overbid garden. in time I increase William w η irc.uore, HT Y. rare » 41 Park Ν. aaid Catarrh. 'Ine onlv netlii: spread :v) 5·ι· Row, M II 70 '·">· i i.- not a!· olut i< to in mufactim m< u- and far 1'ickett, Tit· y It IV·» tit·· -all·I i'"i >·ι Ί 'rolli'i·.' the i» l.v l!ie ..f th· "$·> —ary v, computation.— '*J u< spplieatiou uhaling TnpOTl beyond John McDonald, xict >Iti ud ■·· l< oaout a :·. s .-· articular : m| Mtdvctli*li(i latioa oi Fi.UESt ( .«.tarrh i- st, with American uiturist. Ι·> «> on»· It T\K." com; mej plant Ajri Forest The Organ: W. 11. Wilton, 4 ι·* Ion which 'i t* ovei bwn ί(ΐπ Ί, ami win Esty ·»· V'orT 1. Tar,an ! i"*> !·« I m other bur to Krt ! tli· αον better an! finer bios- A»thma, KMnryi. ■I. M. Wilson. would he baldly l'Of-iblc uty ountrjr y * jet gtte THE WORLD ! .lo-iri.i <·"·ο 7ι*· 7κ> thl*. have •.iicMClttl tn working down r LEADS Lonlitnl'iMlilt, riioj hl- in a -oil ·i~t -uited to their wants ]>cct mit Ire. ;*ϊ .'«Ο '■· \ Ιιΐι-...f-·. into -o th >ui*_ lit. a tn tti· Torest Tar ΙΜιι tin· Peter Ik-nnctt, rompit »y-lt Solution, lo.ooo tlatlr χιik- or It 1 r;irs. .sut dr|>m .-t uni in the Last l'(H Al\ittWiDoD, l^j Scu Γοηηηΐίοο ι«|···η al! topic- IntertHinft tu advert' (Uku -t· w*rk Ιη·Ι< ti rcli ΐιι< or leaves, ail ihe better: it Ati-I Albert " tt* decayed of lruit-, and Tar to Ue.—Kxtr&ct from »V. ) ■ /1 m < ». /mm 14· κ'ι, or preservation vegetables Troches, ()> to iiolnted A^ent a« aforesaid, and is required irlve MM··, does not like fresh manure, which orvor« Τ :o*·, Hoarpeoew· Tickling Couita aad .7 Stop gan from iWO $S<~> FOR A CIRCULAR cut I t>·* often, moats in the summer, that v.o farmer can I*ii tî.f· Hrcttb bond as aioresaid. SEND lluuij»tirry*« Hoincupathir *·|>*« i- if;. :ck *' " to •r V· n Forest 8s ΐδδ Allc.-I J Λ *1 Γ. 3 3. ηηιυιιι,νκιΐι μ r ι- μ α » when ti mneh is addi 7 ::;< ( «M tr «·ι κ I m r π i, luatcri lily in· ati" id to he without it. With a ice- 1>ί» lem. ■! ι. good " ·' 12." to 17Λ for the IMIIIUCT UK M Vis».. j Where there are ro Tar S, it «Γ 10 I pou Krytt :rc Academy Grant purpose éU»n,-·.: nu t mi. -:· : ·* < jure-thtir he i-an his Saivc, < > growth. well η χ» In tirant \ iu 1 r«. :· house, filed, put perisha- or lies'.n:tc InJuiciit Sorei. Ulcer*, Cm-, nurs?, of repairing the only county 11 said In Ike maXtrr of H H "i ptti shqtj't TWlf* th■ !■ * iH BJMWUrlCi Ii« τ· »r convc:iienc> of Oil. and it has t be ob- ble ii.to the home market in lir.-t thi'.iumof h'itty seven IMlura and Forty· Ave cents P. KSitflHT, I···.'· ·, t. 1 with per. th 1-. 1 V ·!*' products Forest : for SmiiliH A moi it aii ;ιιιϋ is a-ses-;cd as follows ι ΜΛΙΝΚ. S« er·». < ·'· » tained, it should be of on \U<*ut ItlSTUK OK Fr.-v.tl j'tr-iP.-i ιτ;τΐ. composed e(ual rate condition, and scii the of the Tax » top NO. AcrM· Valu·. At >"Uth lli« d o| I an 1-77. αχ<· of !iv«* — an l J il -i ttt Tar OvnCTt. Pari*, eighth ay nary. arts of loam, old mat ure, and I '' ν ■ fami- Soap, (•ιό A Co.S ι. .· 180 1 Iw #■> rt η BlU : llum· j light very narkoL Much of the material for Γforest or U*r>|.pJ llaailv Mit i.UeaiD, bkla Dlieo»·:!, Wood*· minor, f ΓΠΗΕ ι a& r»igaid h< Λ |( D aad 100 I·*»» 6 oe m < |»hrr)*' H omroj»» I lile Mnllriite that is about one-third of each. tin· 1 filet Italb. Daniel Connor, X tppolunwrt, pli barle· Β Η «oiiijiitiiy sand, fjr want lt"<» T··» 180 M9 1 -Κ· ·Λ l'W W XI \V TUBK. ly consumption inevitably spoil.- Μ. Β ( handler, di-chai^'cd, as Aa.-i^ue· of <. nitrl··· I' Knyht 01 inches in '·> 00 January :·, UCT. IV iiix»r.—Pots five di- of ice. Fruits become stale, milk .-ours, Josinti Connor, iw> ΓΌο Bethel, lu the Ouu'.y of Oxford, ami Mate ot îy Tar 1-ΊΌ 7 .'υ ameter are one Inhalers, Aueuftiia ^tllcs, ·«!<<> M .iue. « hin said DUtri-t. atij'td^ed abarkrup. for and or Icha'iu.; for Aitfcici. ··» large enough bill», meat- ate taiut'-J, butter rancid, Catarrh,Cgnimnptlon. Κ. 1«» 15t>0 !» ot° lit* creditor··, March i, li»?3, by Ν grows Jiirvi» M.iincs, upon petition C \ 'τ ».υ T< cm Rt II. \V il not fttx> .■>«) 3 u> 01 Di'iuit y Ο ay cough a six iucht* in diameter for three losses united cost much more ForestFor Sale by alt Drut/giat». I ! ιιηιιΐι n.l .tirover 4 C'rosj, the D.strict Court -aid pot and these NO S00 1S liKO. Λ. Wll.hOX, would the n. t u then Κ.Θ A.Fmntea, Aitlgtioo. with they than the labor of aud storing V. & Γ l'eabody, jan 2.! "Halo's Ilor.ey oi Tloîirehoun ! ■:· l Ta.·," gathering 1 20 ! rich masses of some of V Γ. 1 ! iîOO flowers, the bulbs the not lia: ctis that Ordway, (*> I ··,··.It ise tjnli- pure vegetable remedy, uni&nir.- 2* tin- v;in an«l ice. It infrequently j c^1 Cross A Gcrisb. loo 1·») To the Hwortblt uaprrnt » or *. . Pike's from six to cine in Place a Jolm M. Beau, Comity iir;;„'a Toothache roj··» .-ingle but the cnly opportunity securing iV S Abnrr Itennett, 15 H« RABIN yebarg nicuR'. Jan. -<■ Λ-; Η &:p 4? 1M' |t,wiliMt( iloM' I». Minn of part* unknown crock over the hole in the and fill more •>«:n'l W. l'otter, 75 ISO V j pot, December ice is H- >0 to Iibc an ! thi* supply. generally Coffin A Farevvt 11, i00 .100 1 your libelant, re»p< tiull., jrive· «\ η lull with the c ; then insert •PirifcOji V) !» Court t·· b* brohotd, thai the waa mpost and solid than that which Green A :i0 I Honorable ι nsi«ri;i Li :1· transparent LotcII, married t» lh«· Mil Ii ·.:«··· I » Flinn .t the Π iJ li ? H Ε Ε Y S1 Mills A Ma«on. loo S'i % lawfully buib, it dowu t.v^-thirJe of snow hcira, -a Oil, wrhoet 01 ·[~ "l toi 1* pressing forms later with melted W Auburn in itecOMtVOf IndrOK into in any étions : j '.-a -ant partially • Anion A. Grover. 14 loo it : sottie the to an )M1 Û.THIC SPECIFICS ot ! \ 1» to aii'l do, « hot « -oil firm within Slate Uaioe, ontbeSOtbday take, nauseate or ,fTi|»e. Kor o»- depth the surface. The short of last : J'· :· »· «- ■■ 'ars. upon crop ï fm-tvint- IMD; that *aur libelant, ainee 'it rtr latenaarriag llven· -·. < (57 a: any :iB··. ·ΐ 1 r >■ r in« h of the rim ; alter a ·· lit lia ν·* I hf 1 -»■ I a» a faithful, cUs-t·· -peflallj potting give gen- season wa<* to the of ·. r < :»·;♦''« Ihr mi)M H A FI' M· It. Chandler ot'ea'd Academy lot- a' iy« owing mainly neglect Anil Fryeborgr -.1 ». 1 D .Monta* h*. 1 a* Is re and ifftweuli wife1· ward· the lliirtH ICt'ii··, Worms and l».»or !ei· I tie but od Then t« i :i ι. 1 t'tt (irant, le Agi nt aforesaid, and g the harvest. \>! a.i appointed but that the sait! libelee. lie»· watering. place the December might as LOWEST! a* aforesaid Hum. wholly rr^ar Bv .Tels 01 C i.iliirp:. it is the m ■» PRICES as LOW the to give bond «te2· iivenmed» a e .m·* »'ii » u η >iai quired • an 1 in frame or wlsero severe i.ài.i.iil. .·reJ S. Clerk. 1 hi- marriage covenant and tlutv, Ιιίΐ «>«.·-··γΙ in pots deep pit, have been then, but Attest:- JAMES WKIUHT, exi~tea«-c. 11 i : inn'.c« .t α everybody 011 01 -re;..! le ad 1 gathered ■ neglect libelant the 3Kh day lro-t will not reaeu them, and eover the ι» i~7 :n H me. iii'itiV' ^Iiislt: Stools for 83 lo S·'». wilfully your I* cheap. was for thicker ice, which in many And it is hereby ordered by us the said Count) July, Λ l> l-M, ami ba>i ever been abnent t*r«-in waiting ..r v. Γ-tciiT.ti·". t 'try sisiirle that notice of said Assessment? libelant and h n never contribute! to tin' whole to the of lour inches with come at This was a Commissioners, your depth did not all. ■ VERS to law. libelant :n <1 that r< leucc 01 Th«>r«* ιι*»«·«Ι h r no j»am -λ place» .H- .'κ- ι> Γΐι ι,·" 1 prrirrlptlag PIANO CO tor $3 $10. be published as required by support >t-ur thf 1- η our taar 1* use loose, earth, half leaves, or, lor the icemen of but tbe libelee w holly u»know to lllielar.l ati'l l..nn&rat I. Bum* und "*c:Uds are light decayed «rood thiu,: Maine, >:i. (ΐί'.ΐκ ui i>Ii>>irl A LUION I*. GORDON, County Commit·· > sloners for that she. cannot ascertain hi- residence by reason bealc I w. hout .1 tr. in fact, if neither of these are at Γ ItENJAMIN Y. TUKLL, thl l:h< atisni. Spcai; anl anything rather for the multitude fur- CJtniJ. able the -aid Arabia· F. expesnive «' ('.'· ::··■ Ik GIDEON A. HASTINGS, 'County OfOiford. diligence:—wherefore mo". fi«*ali, bone m )>o tli·· <Λ. et to exclude t ie I. ii.f-jr.TOC William J. Kltnti right and ju-tice, and tuai -he may ailment- .ihbe haul, light ther who the Wheeler, A true pray* l»ciug south, upon V.'i ·.: i.. r. Worm SS copy. ol bet-vet u luieir cared. Τ! «τ*· are two usually depend VFerui*, Ole,. JAMES S. WKIGUT, Clerk. he divot ced from tlie 0··ηΊ·> matrimony k'ndu. The White and an evennes> of with- :·. mu < il, of » Attest;— -u; ply moisture home Farmers, wo arc to <'.·> -Colli·. Intent·,. AGEISTT, jii her ami lier »ai>! husband. ami a-, in >luty boi.n l Centaur L.nimcut .* f r uac. the \cllov supply. glad I?..»rrttfm. or Cb η ν Αι *'> AUABINL K. KLIN Ν. family out uter, until the are tilled with Over Bunk) will ever pray. for horne trial will .·αην -c know, getting Dpwnttry, Colic, or vomhl κ uie incredulous. roots, which is in four five us a to CkMcra'Atrtas OXFORD, as:—December H Ι-Τβ. dM>; 3 η usually ug ice, and tind it crop < 8". profitable ·%1ι«, Cold·, I'.r«>ïiclii::-= a the above named Arabine wcrks. When the is small as MAINE, Personally ρ pea ml quantity In the item of manufac- ·. KmralZ m, Tcx ..ι.· I irhe, S3 SOUTH PARIS, and oath to tbe tu K. Klinn an 1 snhacrlbid made gather. single » Il '«.'"i So. Pari». September 1!',876. is often the ease, and there are to con- .·il rl:i»·!·..·*. Strk Uradwt Yulti|Q, Before me, m m. 2 m it and butter, it would ï*> above ad. turing preserving 10 ll>Billo Stnicccl SKTII W. KIKE, vent noes a> above directed, be !t. I, < r I'tinfol Period SS Toall wuoaiv ûoui the they may save millions of dollars to the KuimrNM t, VMicpof Foreclosure. GREAT BAR&MNS ! JO Justice of the Peace. «nier.-ng error* aed .π country. S3 j a 14. U iltn, luo Pri iperïnl 4;· retionaoj ν ervouiw ed in box in the cellar, and covered ·. of Milton Plu· Iy île {!a .More than half the butter tent to the ι I nmv. Cou |h, Difficult Breathing, SB ΥΤΤΠΒΒΒΑδ laaa Spofford, STATE OK MA1NK. 8.Ί ίι un i >titc eay. Ιο » d iua:ibv ..Λ iu the saine or common p. »~;»iî Kl· r ta m, Et Krnptione. y\ : 11i la tbcCooatyof Oxford ·., lw.'.l -c. I a 1 way, sand, coal markets is of the lower and r «-«·ΐ|·β grades, ;·. Rfa Pain tS ol (111 on the lift h ot .Inly Α I» Ι.» To, Judb lal Court, Decern!* thai will cure large Rhtauallsm, Maine, d.ijr OXKORD,8s:—Supreme KKLK >K CHAUUE. T!i 3 ashes the if ev< 5» ·!■ ·Ι <>t « li I dale to Charles Term. Α. Ι». ΙίΓιί. answering purpose, nothing has to be sold at a discount of-j to ">0 per ! .. l'vrrnnil \:nie. Mit I r, Aijucî, convey l»y inortmgo, gr«\.t i«*mc-iy was Meredby .t lu.-siouarv in M ter. The bulbs be κ. i"!·». I or bleeding M Λ. Kiiuoall of Kuuil >rd in -.iid Γοηιιΐν, a certain ORGANS ! AltABlNK Κ. M.INN, Libelant, ve, 1IORACL I>. may cent. With a of the >i ·« .VI -ttu.lt* I lu said Μ11 ton Planta- South Ameri·· v. ii.li sel. potted any better preservation is. oplitlinlmy. un \\Y:«k Kyee, tract of real entate FUNS '..ldre*sed en\«lope 1 live time from to ·. aoite 11 chronic, lain dm, BO tion, con alnlng about one hundred and acre*, uow to « ·id tothe Rr\. J«>»ki h milk and crcani, such as ice would fur- ratxrrh, 1 WILL SELL A And it app ami ihe Bitot ·.·.·. lioop iis-l oii -ch. »!· "t cou^h*, Ml m >re or le·-. wl h Hie building* thereon, I.ib-lee i- nut auinnnbitaut ot thU State and ha- Ho·· »*, Stm York fit ο. Αιτκκ Thkatmkxt.—At (I .'*» homc-tt 1 (ami then OO if. eetl· the end of nish, and nicer methods of and ·. V»lliiiia. «.pi»r«— Βρ-ùthiinr. name licins the occupied by 5 Stop Double lteed Organ for &«·"» 110 κ naot. a„'i'iit or attorney therein and thut h·· making M Isaac <·. in •.aid Milton Planta- «Ιο ··« or ·.·.· :ar l».»rliar.çes. im|iaircd honrin.'. the «ai* Spofl'ord, fi tlo «Ιο 75 ha« do notice of the pendeu.-y of tlila lif«-l four five weeks the be taken aud to market, this im- Su Μ In Oxfud pots may storing, sending u :. MTiHti'.a, ft.lnr;'i-il iriuiiiU. cHiiit;*, tion; c»i.I mortuaire record'··! Registry ; 7 do ΙΊι_ν.-κ:.Ι Weaki.cs.*, ot I»eeds, book 1Λ3, pate to pay- ft do do ilo «5 <111 notily the »aid l.ihi b·> of tilt· thereof covering might M an I e dollar* ami sixty peudenry Pimples. ·,.Υ nnd ^ciuit\ Sim-iiou* ment ot nine Ιι·ηlCpariu^ a -:ui- ofi, green- of the -iiki:i-M« nine cents, it year from date per ΙΟ do do do 13A OO thl· order ot Court thereon to In- three ulr \ 1 I countiy.—American Agriculturist. con- pnbli-hed Wl IS l! \1 al w 1 Γ«ι And whereaa the > t· 1 M'tUove Τ VN, or (<.μμΊ cent, interest annually. hi tin· Oxford iJemoerat a r < -> house and in the w Ki*lnr).Ui«ru>r. These Instruments are in Itlaek W«1 weeks •iieeeaairrl) paj i'KI K< I ■ ndow, Heavy I'l.MJ'l ( S ar'i ilL··' ilt.·». parlor placed ν- \crviin» Vit.il \\ r they change I'rotcetinff to none made. They are tnanulactnred by three to thirty da> urc λ ought deeply ft.·. I i»i i.akoest in rili: eocsTRY. 1 pay ^il. Wooster ">1., ν ^. m 1 m their stem; ; ·". of lleart, ivtlpiir.titiii-, CIIAlîl.ES A. KIMBALL. then a in! ÉN ■ up flower water »ame for these Instrumenta as other deal that the and defendnn! tuay there nppcar in the of wild birds' S!. St. Villi-' l>:ince, 1 m RunuV 1'.'. 1*77. '.'J tw ; prices spar-j preservation eggs, I-:ullr»«ej', Si».i-ms rd, .January but will sell lor ONE-HALF ot their at said Court and *h«w rmi«e It an> lit· li.nt w!iy i ,;t the ukcrut«Ml eoro tlirnut. Ό era, prollts 'g!jr tir-t, increasing .(uantity as, from the the-e birds 31. Ilt|iliili«-ria, the prayer of -aid imeiaat -honid not be granted. judging great ;rood a.,. Cliruiiit uixl Kiuinlun.x, 5·· j To the -tew- advance and the flowers Ctiu^e>lluii» Slirriil'S Snlo. Attest : JAMKS S. W UIOIIT, t lerk. Consumptives. begin render them. I do not know of bird ! Instruments Delivered at Station on ( on. The a ■ any FAMILY CASES. any A of libel and orJt of oiirt then lvciti-vr, ItuvlBf btru | < nit 1 truecopv rmaoeDtl) to tie the stem to a neat S-. tàrand I'ruiik nt the above and « «<1 th.it open -mall, \iu!» η ml O.XPOW». Prices, AttMt: J A MM 8. WeiQHΤ, b rk dread di-.««··«, Coi.>u .ipt.. u, b> .1 le so useful to the farmer in the destruction <"«se. Λ!" wiih aliovt· :irv lartçe ·« S ou execution and will be sold pub- α live days trial given before pay· reuie«J\.. anxious 10 umke Wnjua to hi- f< !!<>w an I there will be more to dj but Manu:·! of «lirwHotiH, «ι 0.00 rpAKl by nothing their lie auition. < n >aturday. the Hold da> <>i meut I· and If not •oQ'< r·■! « tin· m«-ai>* 1 ure. To j of the I demanded, Administrator's Sale. all who dt -ire it, great enemy—the "grub''—as Ca«e Morocco,. t SO I.«'_■■■ rlihindBook, 0.00 A l> l»;7, at Ιι η ο'· lock In the Ion-noon, In he will ten.I a ·ί th«- to the beauty and of the March, satisfactory every partic- eop> ]>re-enption u*e.r or Tlie«e remedle* by ν ami blos-om-. If two three dozen bul >s are the all the in which Ira L Judge of Probate for the Count of Ox fard, u*in : tli·· .«ame. wl I have this fact over and '.ln?le liov or vial, to any |»art of in said County, right canity my expense. rfhthe) will tm I a »i rk ( 1 it 1. of 1 shall sell at Public Auction, at North Wood < tridge. proved eon m tree ot on reeeijit of F. March has or lud on the tenth day February lor ·»ν-ι \htu»\. \«nm ν, three or four be into ry, eliarye, on rcxt. Ι'.κ·»< iim-. A··. plante d, may over und it is to their interest that the day on which the s*me was stock, Thursday, the 22d dayol February Pin η tin brought urlee. ΛιΙι1«·»μ Α. I). 1Ν7Λ, being Call at residence and see the or ·ι^ pre-· ti,.ΐι· u will plea-" ..d- ι a again, to redeem the ol· my Instruments | at one o'clock P. M all tlie It-a I l- tate iirtl ail .!<·♦·■ he h^u>e at time, and a iuecessbn of 11 h m > «' lloii:eona tlile >l«*ilielne Co. attached on the original writ, Kin K. \. V1LSI 'V to do all in their to phre send for Photograph. We do not keep a Profess the 'ntMest. which K/ia Jewell, late of Amtover, the}· ought pp-rcr entl .va Broertu av, Ν«·\ν Vork. lowing described real e»t»te, situated in Sumner, .ihl 'it ; ♦ l'enii St.. Vew ^ >r^ blossoms for two or three OÂko ]><;>·>'. or at the Organ to exhibit them, in order to brin»: was fo-ief-ed of at tViiliawbunr, up months. Mile ait in to wit; Λoertaia piece or parcel in Oxford Coanty, d'ceaaeu, k^pt this df-truction of their best friends. For by llri^itM!·. ||M OtODtr, out all their and hide their stop thereon, on the good points defects;— the lime of hla deceaae, in -a;d County ofOxfird. Other bulbe than the which of laud with tlie buildings lying 1 so if you are not a yourself, bring or so much of uuic as will the sum of hyacinth, —Iioudon LiveStoelc «Journal. wreet side of the County ro« l Irom Jack· judge please produce leading TUK i»e«t on κ vol? cas <»t. r and ihcm » are beautiful winter flowers, are the voi .1 ; »i m Mid f· W give live hundrtd dollar*. Errors of Youth. uiip, non Village 8aniMr« by THOROUGH TRIAL. ; and tbc s»me J. -KiWKLL, A'lui'r. f\l\\ win crc- Iliihee'i to It;i«*kf1el«| being preiui- MilTeretl fur \ear-> liom narcissus and —An Iowa named recent- υ n W. cou- Ν II., Jan. £1,1877. iw .ν··ιτο; l> polyanthus, jonquils, judge Noble, ses c.m wye 1 to said Murch by C. Bates, Uorbam, Λι·1'ΝΠ >. I'tfMiilorf lie ι>· ai.d all lb·· eu.- ··.«. The flowers and a tainiu^ three- ourtlm ol an acre, more or less, «Λ«Π- f yoi Uiflil :. tlis· r»-l;oii w tulip early freely senten-ed man to three iu the Κ. Λ. THAYER, ALL Instruments Warranted for the til, tor III·· ly years ot a to Hiram Pulidter dated -ak···· .Vf no : -» subject mortgage nd to w ·· it.- South Puita Me. free all I and large flowers and brilliant ealors Iowa but the of the December iiKh A. I>. IsT.t, and r«-cor»led wi»h ox- hr*-.| it. t;.. itrijK ..u·: •tirvctioiis < Legislature, enormity Term of FIVE YEARS. WRITING-PAPER m.ikin< Ilie FOB book l··.', page 3Λ5, to secure the ream •ιΐηι.!*· 1· ni« ·'■ « s aie attractive. The is ford Record·, of all kinils, the or tjaire. Ksvilopiû l»y which he v, ure·!. ·,)· r· r« very narcicssis him, commuted by punishment dawning upon of fortv live dollars and twenty-live cents or wivhinjt i·· piuiit t.\ the » payment bv the «ingle bunch Uioneand at BOTTOM ». as i* the with it- come ι South GERRY'S, SoMth Pari*. jonquil, deep gclden to judgment. PC'TOberil, 187 s. ly •Tan 15,1*77, 30 "w Deputy Sheriff. Pari», September 10, 1876,
