The Oxford Democrat
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The Oxford Democrat. VOLUME 85. SOUTH PARIS, MAINE, TUESDAY, MAY 21, 1918. NUMBER 21. to make It even, four of you'll CARL S. Β BIGGS, Soccutoat Crop·. Oxford Comty's Carroat Draft LUt. Boy·' aad Oirls' Clubs. well, AMONG THE FARMERS. bar· to mack In on on· loaf." Dentist, ïvery farmer realize· that If pasture· To lb· boy· and girl· of Paris: oak ·η made a how!, Girls Wanted. were available the entire year mainte· Your government fane sent The four that got stuck MAINS. lb· for SOUTH PARIS, nanoe ooeta for all olaMee of lire·took MU WHO WILL LZAYS WXXT WKIX FOB argent appeal tbroagb ooantry bat to no avail The bread was dished tot ru>w." A. M. to 5 P. M. tb· and conservation of food. Office Hours : 9 Spe- J would be mnob lower. ▲ anoealeot raising oat Pretty soon from a far corner of to children. work, while month· CAMP DXYKJfg. W· bave been told that the •ia! attention <iveo Steady good pay roughage fed daring the winter repeatedly the billet, three Indignant Tommies ac- 145-4 | oAtoome of tbie war oo Telephone at once. enable· the feeder to provide hi· animal· depends greatly the with: learning. Apply Phone, we we costed corporal a ram- tbe eblpe build and the food o· Mate with ration olosely approaching A P ARK. write or call. Oswpmilwu· prtoOofti HilealHni do call a loaf of -.BRICK to l. mer raise. "What joa this, ·βΤι—i Hdiw all toaauMUltM to-1 pasture condition·. The la tb· Hat of men aum- Mailed ter dtMitaeat to HmT D following alone oannot food alone bread? Looks more like a sniping at La moned the Local Board for Oxford 8bips win, Attorneys Htwwnn, Editor Oxford Doe BILAOE. by oannot win, fighting alone cannot win, MIL HUNTON, J^rtoattaral to report at Sooth Paria on plate." BrraiL, be aeon red from several Oounty, bat all together will make an Invinoible answered: Silage may and entrain on Wed· The corporal K. Herrtak. KUwy C.Flrt different and la the moat satisfac- Tuesday, Hoy 28, AJdlaon crop· need the for opponent. ion't blame me, I dldnt bake Oxford feed I· ob- ay, 29tb, Camp Devens, those that baild "Well, Knitting Co., tory «acculent feed. More Therefore ships so shut 0. PAR*. Ayer, Maaa. The quota of Oxford and It; somebody's got to get It, men Must Qrow Owe Faad. tained from a given amount of land, the ibould baild with all tbeir might, Dairy under tbia call it 187. until dish out these bllnkin' ra- i Norway, Maine. ooet of le lower than for Coanty Eight those of as who live in raral districts up I j^LBIBT Auctioneer, I· a much to the bulletin, production alternate· are tbe Licensed vary point and a silo 1· the gammoned, making the shovel and the hoe tions." J. otber succulent feeds ibopld plok ap p\kjs. maims. B. Abbott, the agent of the Middlesex total 146: on the sotrra To tbe Honorable Board of Gouty Commission- moet economical type of store house. snd work with a will. Then the corporal started er· I» aad for tbe county, Mm·., farm bureau, drives borne Term* Mo^eraia. County of Oxford ta lb· Corn excels as a orop if the Order Ια 1017 Oxford finished second eut· of Mala· tbe truth that it ia now for silage Coanty Jam. profitable correct is In No. in tbe state contest of and Girls' New farmers to mort feed. variety growo. selecting Boys' "Jam, three tins—apple one, plum Tbe residents of tbe (ova England grow 270 M. Irwin K. Moorhouse undersign»! legal of the it should be remembered that Joseph Deegan, Bethel, R. F Clabs and Pari» had a small representa- tins. Six Dr. Albany ta said count? He f1 τρβ charts the tremendous variety two. Nineteen men, three respectfully represent showing corn not for Its sucoulent D. 8. tion in that and Paris tbal <lealre an or is grown contest, yet boys men for two tins, osteopath tbey alteration, change In loca- increase in tbe price of corn, oats and 548 John James Mexico. In a tin makes twelve don, of tbal of lb· eoantr war fro· alone. The more matter McNeil, and are nearly all of old New Mom··. MAINE part landing Mr. comae out properties dry girls good Hithivi} NORWAY, Albany Town la rje. Abbott flat-footed 685 Eezar seven In the remaining tin." jffat. House said Albany pant tbe the ai lag e contain· the smaller amount Ray Emery MoAllister, England stock wbicb in supposed to be Telephone >φ-ιι residence of Calvin to Bethel and saje that it will be only a matter of He around the and Cammlag· village tbat need to be furnished dry Falls. tbe acme of Amerioanlsm. Surely passed jam, ta tbe Iowa of Betbei la hU county and time at are forced through very ι "-β lying that, before dairymen 590 Frank O'Nell Bethel. was another riot Some didn't Η<ΚΓ· \ ewy day; Sand·/· between tbe : Tbere are a number of varieties Robertson, we are not to let this by there belag following pointa, limita. rli. one of unie*· turn to grains. going year go t .aient. at bueineee they 620 John Alex Romford. Beginning tbe southerly end of tbe Mllford of corn which a large amount of Lazaron, without at least trying to keep up with like apple, while others who received -< wïio Have ioet fallh In Ρ aear tbe tbe more corn, clover and other crops produoe help· bridge, no-called, opening of raiaing theae 684 Chester Reuben North towns one-half of its After a Jleace. 47tf low η fodder, but the silage from Chapman, having population were partial to apple. way teaming to tbe aald Mllford Pbelp· of higb feeding value, instead of ancb a watched one of the older men from plum ^lace, aad at tbe foot of a varieties ii in water content and Newry. of foreign element. differences were and formerly, eadlag of of low high jomposed VI. was horrified to while adjusted slight grade, or bill, a dlataaee of fifteen roda, large acreage bay feeding or 648 Alonzo Woodman not want CHAPTER another section, and low in dry matter. The illage stage Hall, Frye- The state and oounty only on. ■ore or at a «take aad atoaee, aad value. "Conditions bave and four or the Issue'went Β See & Parker, leea, reepect- changed time for ii when the burg. pour but want to you and of- see him throw into his dixie rully petition your honorable board tbat aald It no to at proper harvesting help help is longer possible buy feed 650 Leander tne "Bermuda onions, seventeen." ANU COINSELLORSJAT LAW of «aid road be no altered aad kernel· are to Un- Stone Billlnga, Water- fer inducement which will be explained "Back of Line." Ave double handfuls of mud. Then he ^TTOBNLYi part may relocated oommenoing glaze. a row that market price· and compete aucceaafully ford. town The corporal avoided by say- It may rua la a straight Baa between aald der Maine condition· a flint variety will ater and tbe business men of this Our tour In the front-line trench poured in some water, and with his pointa. with dairymen of other eectiona who want an onion, and Eumford, Maine. this of The 656 Carroll Caab, Rnmford. •ill contribute to be distributed were ing that he did not Dated at March IMS. ra- ipprosoh stage maturity. money lasted four and then we hands scoured the dixie inside and out. Albaay, Maine. 15. grow a much larger portion of the days, so H. varieties will not do this 662 Panl Tentz, Romford. η cash I said they make your breath smell, GENERAL PRACTICE. Q. ST BARNS (and il other·). tion.'* One chart abowa how larger growing prizes. relieved the brigade. [ he was taking an awful risk. interesting 668 Fred Almore Baokfield. three in by thought without one too. T. Parker m it takes them longer to mature. Pearson, We propose to have clubs I guessed I would do Oeofff 0. Bl«bec Halph back in 1S90 a ton of bay would buy down the communication Supposing the cook should have seen BlibM («Al) has shown tbat for each 670 Antonio Mandl, Rumford. Paris, the Sweet Corn Club, the Pig Going The looked his gratitude. >paulJing better than 35 buabela of corn. Since Experiment al- him! After half an hour of unsuc- corporal loljr STATE or MAINS. of matter in the 677 Lewis Auguatus Martin, West 31ub, and tbe Club. trench we were In a merry mood, two." that time the number of buabela haa pound dry present plant Canning to "Cheese, pounds, Minot. we were cold and wet, and cessful efforts I returned my dixie aowrr or oxroRD. aa. 1 it the stage, tbere will be two Mr. Austin P. Stearns will be tbe though borrowed a Board of been until in 1910 a teaseling on The corporal jackknlfe WALDO County Commissioners, December ateadily dropping, in the silk three in 678 Frank M. Tberean, Rnmford. ooal leader for tbe oorn olub. bone In our bodies ached. It the cook shack, being careful to put J. NASH, held ton of wonld 25 pounds stage, pounds every are borrowing), and Session, 1W7, by adjournment April 16, hay bay only about 685 Foreat N. to billet. (corporals always 1918: :he milk stage and four pound· at the Perley Garry, Conway, Miss Caroline Gray la the local leader a lot of difference whether you the cover, and returned the buehela corn, and will lesa mnkes sliced the cheese—each bring- UPON the today buy ob- B.