The Clinton Independent, VOL
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xne mmmt naafe, mAuiisnu^ xop ati8 oy arauiiDUVO di OO. The Clinton Independent, VOL. XXIX.—NO. ^ 8T JOHN8 t MICH.. FRIDAY MORNING, JANUARY 25. 1895. WHOLE NO.—1475. Have your Watches. Clocks and Jew —The smoke stack on the gas works —Gen. Weaver will be at the People's IICATH elry repaired at AlUaon's. the old reli was dethroned by the gale on Monday. l*nrty state convention in Greenville. A TRAUK MIDNIGHT SCENE Agaiu under my ownership and man able jeweler. — Marshal Brainani is in the field for February mb. and speak. Ua> Claimed Another One of D« Wilt's agement . will be kept in the right wujr KNACIKI) MY TWO MEN AND (INK for tin* accommodationmodation of tbe__ public. .Spectacles and Bye Classes at almost re-election to the office of village mar —A new house lias been erected on Valuable ClttsoMa — This Time ia Use MTOMAX. Meals, 2Cc. Hiuam N kmtrll *PMp. wholesale prices at Krepps. DeWitt A shal. the Daniel Holier place in Bath, by Mr. Person of New (on UrLuulh Co.'s. Byes tested free. —It is reported that raiu fell U> the Hawley, to supply tiie one distroyed by Have you ever tried Fildew A Mill depUi of G-10th of an inch on Sunday fire last summer. Mrvolvrr* awl » Jarklinllr Among tbr Newton McJahi U i died at his home in man's Eclectic Halm ' I'rodurlBf IVmpon* W‘hlrli Add. DeWitt. Wednesday . January 10, 1886, 110Hi: MATTKRS. and Monday last. If you want the Detroit Free Press Tue latest patterns and styles in taM — Eugene Shutters desires tu hold the or New Yosk World, both twice-a-week, •d furor anti kullvnirnl la I bat NttU- from the effects of a combination of dis and winter wear for gentlemen, at Gen. ease*. principal among which wa* that SntiiUM. office of highway commissioner of Bing you will find it to your advantage by •Hm. II. Judd ’s, the merchant tailor, opposite of Ibe kidney*, of long * Landing. He TheHteel. Satisfaction guaranteed. —Ex-Marshal Goo. A. Bates, is again ham township one more term. calling at Tne Independent office. ■d. Ttiumsi married Nora IIarrlng 1i»n In —Augusta, wife of Charles Contrite —We want at this office a few cords was in hi* «8lli year. A wife and one a candidate for this office. Kowlar. January 1.1 MB. Later (bay lived at non, Willi*, are tbe only surviving mem —First-class cabinet photos at areally died January 15. from the effects of of good green body beach and maple Ithaca, and for aavernl umw Uu Thomas ban We will pay tiigheat market price fa ber* of their immediate family. 'An reduced rates for January, at Stage*. hemorrliage of the lungs, at iter home wood on account, or part on account bean employed with bis team upon the aawer live poultry, furs, hides, pelts on funeral took place from tbe family resi anlkt —Senator Martin, of this district, has in llsth. and part uaali, or all cash if needs be. construction. He Is about JO and his wife 27 game. PoKRcn A D . and have two children- soli and daughter, dence on Sunday afternoon last, aud wa* introduced a bill to amend the tax law. —A pension lias lieen granted John We want tiie wood. aped respectively * and S years. On tbe mb attended by a large concourse of loving —The circuit court will probablv con Underhill, of Maple Rapids, and a re —Chick A DuBoise. of the new groc House o|opposite Union School, lias I i os lam Mr*. Thomas filed a bill In chancery tor friends Hie Rev. Charles Legal, pastor remodeltlea bv adiadding kitchen on Oral newal to Erastus H. Smith, of Hub- ery .on Walker street oast, bow their divorce and uiimony, complainiiur that her tinue to grind during the remainder of of the Universal!*! church of Lansing, floor. ■January. baniston. 1 lead* in gratitude for the liberal pat husband had treaten and otherwise misused officiated, aud the interment was made Also, farm for sate cheap five miles —In the senatorial reapportionment —George Woodruff announces him ronage they received last Saturday from her upon several occasion*. In hia defense south of Ht. Joint*. 3P acres, some wheat bill, Gratiot and Montcalm arc proposed self as a candidate for re-election to the their growing army of appreciative Thornes denies the aJIesntlons. and states that in tbe family lot in DeWitt cemetery. on the ground, inquire of office of township clerk on the Repub on tbe llth inslsot she left hint, taking all tbe Tiie grand-father of the subject of 18-W4 L. K. pATTKHaON. for district number 17. iiatrons. household egects; aud rurtber. that be is now this sketch emigrated from Ireland to —it is with regret that we learn that lican ticket. —Go and liave a good time at the Old ready to lire with and support tier. Accord this country in a verv eariv dav. Hi* We buy live poultry any week day but the little daughter of Hupt. J. G. Mon —1The old family horse of the late Fashioned social to be given by Ht. ing to Thomas' own statement be went to the youugest son. Wm. W„ was a native of Saturday. Fokkcii A Dani .t. house occupied by his wife at about II o'clock Massachusetts. Iu his early manhood roe is ill with typhoid fever. James Hubbard broke through the sta Katherine's Guild, at the residence of Monday r.tsbt and gained cuterancc to the lie wa* engaged in farming und worked ble floor one day last week . and died lllrl HsstMl, —F. C. Rogers, a young lawyer, and iiev. Frederick Ilall. Tuesday evening. silting room. A lamp was sitting on a table at hi* trade, that of a cooper. Newton, formerly of this village, has huhg out before it could be released. January 29. turned down low and be Immediately turned a sketch of whose life we now write, One able to do general housework. — —Withiu the lust four or five weeks was horn July in. 1827. while his parents Enquire of H. IIkllku . his shiugle in Maple Rapids —A donation party will be held at tt up: that Curtis ami Mrs. Thomas were occu At the Cigar Factory. —J. A. Westermeier, of Chicago, is nine deaths have occured in tbe town tue Grange Hull. Greenbush. on Thurs- pying the lUtie lad room off the silting room, were residents of Ontario county. N. Y., and that as hr- entered, she came running out, aud was eight year* old when they re in our village with the view of making ship of DeWitt, and chiefly from among day evening. January 31.1897, to which moved to this state and took up a resi The Mercantile Co. pay the farmett tiie oldest residents and liest citizen* of dressed In her night robe*, and had a revolver a lien alias of Clinton county. all are cordially invited. Proceeds for to her hand: that he pushed her aside sod dence in Leuawee county, where they more cash for Butter and Eggs than —The town was full of |*eoplc on that town. the benefit of the M. E. society. step)ted lot*' the bed-room where he found located government liuul. Newton any three concents in Clinton county. commenced his education in a log school Haturduv last. Business is looking up —Robert McClure, of Detroit, chief —At last accounts, A. G. Cameron, Curtis, undressed ami in bed. bis bead covered writn the clothing: that be turned Ibe clothing house, incident to those pioneer days—- A complete line of wool und Ice-wool and the future is full of good signs. engineer on the Ateaiuei “Cbicora." latoof ( b id. charged with illegal) tak going to school winter* and assisting Fasciuators at K endhicx ’s. —There are seven persons in Hath, wbicti went down on lake Michigan this down and found that Curtis had a revolver. his lather on the new farm summer*. — Prices always the lowest. ing clover seed from an elevator in that Iu Ibe scuSk- that ensued. Thomas stabtu-d this county, aged over 80 year a , one of week, with all on imanl, was a brother- village, anil for whose arrest a warrant When he liecame of age he began the in-law of Mrs. R.M. Shields, this village. Curtis twice in the shoulder sud unco below battle of life on his own account, tint If vou want good 11 nderwesr buy frees which has reached the ripe old age of 98. lias been issued, is still at liberty. tbe shoulder in the uack with a JsckknifeJ the a* a farm laitorer at from $12 to $13 per II. L. K kxdkick . —The 8t. Johns Manufacturing Com —Fire broke out in the brick build —Thomas Peacock, a native of Eng blade of which was about two und one-halt month, working in thi* way two Ibices always the lowest. pany have in hand over 2.8UU orders for ing occupied by ilauck ft Cotter and land. who settled in Bath township, this inches long. He then left Ibe bouse. sons, after which he became a section tables, etc. That sounds good, and Joseph Klee, at Pewumo. last week county, about fifty years ago. died Jan Alter Or. Weller had dressed the wounds hand on the latke Shore and Michigan Whips! Whips! Whips! is good. Weduesdnt . and did $1,200 worth of Curtis was taken to his home uear the fair Houthern Railroad, and iu thi* wav se Our 25 cent whips have no equal.