A Visual and Textual Re-Storying of the Diary of Susanna Catharina Smit (1799-1863)

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A Visual and Textual Re-Storying of the Diary of Susanna Catharina Smit (1799-1863) A visual and textual re-storying of the diary of Susanna Catharina Smit (1799-1863) Marlene de Beer Dissertation presented for the degree of Doctor of Visual Arts in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. The financial assistance of the National Research Foundation (NRF) towards this research is hereby acknowledged. Opinions expressed and conclusions arrived at, are those of the author and are not necessarily to be attributed to the NRF. Promotors: Prof. Lize van Robbroeck Dr Keith Dietrich December 2017 Stellenbosch University https://scholar.sun.ac.za Declaration By submitting this dissertation electronically, I declare that the entirety of the work contained therein is my own original work, that I am the sole author thereof (save to the extent explicitly stated otherwise), that reproduction and publication thereof by Stellenbosch University will not infringe any third party rights and that I have not previously in its entirety or in part submitted it for obtaining any qualification. Date: December 2017 Copyright © 2017 Stellenbosch University All rights reserved 2 Stellenbosch University https://scholar.sun.ac.za Abstract This doctoral project, which involves a thesis and a body of artworks, is a re-storying of the muted voices of three of my female ancestors: my mother, my grandmother and the Voortrekker woman Susanna Smit. I attempt to give voice, via a re-storying of their archives, to some of the more hidden aspects of their narratives. My objective is to draw attention to a ‘maternal debt’ that has been occluded by patriarchy, and to afford voices to the mute women who served as silent corporeal foils for men. I argue that sublimation, for women, occurs within prescriptive patriarchal cultural and social contexts, which invalidates the accusation that women might be consciously colluding in the maintenance of a phallocentric world order. The aim of this project is to reappraise historical interpretations and cultural ideological representations of these Afrikaner female subjects, and to demonstrate how these women’s seeming collusion with an oppressive and prescriptive patriarchy was largely due to internalisation of their own ascribed inferior positions as women in a male-dominated culture. From a phenomenological and embodied perspective, I explore the tension between objectified female subjects, in their attempt to achieve a form of agency and sublimation, and a patriarchal Western Symbolic. Three-dimensional artworks in porcelain and mixed media, and video (which includes poetry) form the principal method of re-storying my ancestors’ lived experiences. Through my artwork I attempt to create an awareness of the need for a feminine Imaginary and Divine. Opsomming Hierdie doktorale projek, wat ‘n teoretiese tesis sowel as ‘n versameling van kunswerke insluit, is ‘n herbetragting van die stilswyende stemme van drie van my vroulike voorsate, naamlik, my ma, ouma en die Voortrekker vrou Susanna Smit. Met hierdie hervertelling van hulle argiefmateriaal poog ek om die meer verskuilde oogpunte van hulle vertelkuns te verwoord. Ek beoog om die ‘moederskuld’, weggelaat vanweë universele historiese patriargale vertolkings, te beklemtoon, asook om seggenskap te verleen aan die vroue, wat as stilswyende tasbare buit vir mans gedien het. Ek is van mening dat vergeesteling, vir vroue, plaasvind binne voorskriftelike patriagale kulturele en sosiale raamwerke, en dat die aantyging dat vroue waarskynlik bewustelik deelneem aan die instandhouding van ‘n fallies-gesentreerde wêrleldorde, onwaar is. 3 Stellenbosch University https://scholar.sun.ac.za Die doel van hierdie projek is om historiese vertolkings, sowel as kulturele ideologiese oogpunte, van Afrikaner vroulike seggenskap te herwerk. Daardeur beoog ek om te wys dat hierdie vroue se oënskeinlike geesdriftige deelname aan ‘n onderdrukkende patriargale raamwerk, hoofskeinlik te wyte is aan die internalisering van toegekende en minderwaardige rolle. Ek gebruik ‘n fenomenelogiese an vergestalte perspektief om die spanning tussen geobjektiveerde vroulike subjektiwiteit, wat deel vorm van hul poging om agentskap en sublimasie te verkry, en ‘n Westerse patriargale raamwerk te ondersoek. Die driedimensionele kunswerke wat uit porselein en gemengde media bestaan, sowel as die video (wat gedigte insluit), vorm die vernaamste metode om die geleefde ervaringe van my voorstate oor te vertel. Met my kunswerke poog ek om bewustheid te skep van die noodsaaklikheid vir ‘n vroulike Verbeelding en Spiritualiteit. 4 Stellenbosch University https://scholar.sun.ac.za Acknowledgements I wish to thank my promotors Prof Lize van Robbroeck and Dr Keith Dietrich for their assistance. I am thankful for financial support provided by Durban University of Technology, the National Research Foundation and Teacher Development Grant. Lastly, I thank Chris de Beer for his support and assistance. 5 Stellenbosch University https://scholar.sun.ac.za Dedication To my mother, Petronella Isabella Boshoff (born Maritz) (1929-2007). 6 Stellenbosch University https://scholar.sun.ac.za Contents Chapter 1 1.1. Introduction to the study ................................................................................................................ 12 1.2. Problem statement .......................................................................................................................... 16 1.3. Research questions ......................................................................................................................... 17 1.4. Aims and objectives ....................................................................................................................... 17 1.5. Research Method ........................................................................................................................... 18 1.5.1. Practice-based research ........................................................................................................... 20 1.6. Structure of the dissertation ........................................................................................................... 22 Chapter 2 ............................................................................................................................................... 28 2. Female subjectivity and the production of a feminine Imaginary ..................................................... 28 2.1. Kelly Oliver ............................................................................................................................... 31 2.2. Judith Butler ............................................................................................................................... 32 2.3. Luce Irigaray .............................................................................................................................. 33 2.4. Julia Kristeva ............................................................................................................................. 34 Chapter 3 ............................................................................................................................................... 37 3. An overview of the history of the Afrikaner people (1652-1961) .................................................... 37 3.1. An overview of the genesis of the Afrikaner people (1652-1836) ............................................. 38 3.2. The Great Trek (1836-1838) ...................................................................................................... 43 3.3. The Anglo-Boer War (1899-1902) ............................................................................................ 53 3.3.1. Boer women in the Anglo-Boer War (1899-1902) ............................................................. 54 3.4. A brief overview of the post war Afrikaner (1910-1961) .......................................................... 61 Chapter 4 ............................................................................................................................................... 66 4. The volksmoeder ............................................................................................................................... 66 4.1. The National Women’s Monument (1913) ................................................................................ 67 4.2. An overview of the identity of Boer/Afrikaner woman according to Postma (1918) and Stockenström (1921) ......................................................................................................................... 70 4.3. An overview of volksmoeder ideology ...................................................................................... 73 Chapter 5 ............................................................................................................................................... 86 5. An exploration of the diaries and archives of three Afrikaner women (1799-2008). ................... 86 5.1. Biography of Susanna Catharina Smit (born Maritz) (1799-1863)............................................ 88 5.2. The diary of Susanna Catharina Smit. ....................................................................................... 94 5.3. Biography of Maria Elizabeth Maritz (born Pistorius) (1899-1972) ....................................... 101 7 Stellenbosch University https://scholar.sun.ac.za 5.4. The ‘journal’ of Maria Elizabeth Maritz .................................................................................. 104 5.5. Biography of Petronella Isabella Boshoff (born Maritz) (1929-2007) ...................................
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