Frisco System Magazine, December 1902
lttns Oo., st. mis. The "Crimped End" Fusee DECEMBER, 15 ISSITED UY THE P.\SSENGIIR DEPARTMEN1 OF THE ST. LOUIS AND SAhy FPRAhrC1SCO XAILHOAD FRISCO SYSTEM MAGAZINE. VOLUMEI. DECEMBER, 1902. NUMBER11 CONTENTS. Front Cover, desirrned and eseculed bv Mr. S. I,. Stoclclard and Miss Rhoda Chase. St. 1,ouis A Little ~ourue~&to ~rkansas-~llus<rated, fohn H. Raflerv. I I Jasmine (poem), The Great Lead and Ziuc Fields-Illustrated, The Depth of Love. Why No. 272 Did Not File-Illuslrated, . Tesas and its Poteutialities-Illustratecl, . Kamas City to Birmingllam-Illustrated, . Lullaby-(poem), . Profit 111 Angora Goats-Illustrated, A Region of Sllale, J)el~ghtfulMo~~te ~e-illustrated, : Cottoll, . l'he White Flyer, Good Things About ICa~~sas,. Mike Feared a Relapse, Holdenville, Indian Territory-Illustrated, Fort Smith, Arkansas, Norlh Arkal~sas, Lnnd of Health and \X;ea~th-'~l~uslrhted, Death to the Peach Moth, . 3Iiunette's Eyes, A Deed (poem), Realm of Hu~rtsme~~,. Cut it Out (poem), . To Heleu (poem), . Weleetka, 111tlianTerritory, . Just a 1,ine or Two, . A Little Out of the Way, . Silence, Facts About 1nd;an 'I'er;itory-lllust;ated, : A Night of Terror, Oklahon~aTown ~uildi&, The Wiuter Pool. ~int'sfor ~reaciers,. Newspaper Wit, Extracts frou~Report of the Governor of Oklahou~a, Eureka Springs as a Resort-Illustrated, . Frisco Systt-UIPointers, FRISCO SYSTEM MAGAZINE. B. P. 0'FALL ON, Mamqpr-.- The i\'IaG~zrsri is jucliciously distributed by the Passenger Departu~entof the 1:risco System, not only over its own and connecting lines, but thronghout lhe Basteru al~dXortll- western States every month.
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