LLOYD SHENEFELT University of Nebraska-Lincoln T +1 402 472 3029 | E
[email protected] Education Louisiana State University College of Art + Design, Baton Rouge, LA Master of Architecture Degree, May 2003 Student Advisory Council President, 2000-2002 University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL Bachelor of Arts (Graphic Design) May 1993 Outstanding Achievement in Fine Arts Academic Experience Auburn University, College of Architecture, Design and Construction Adjunct Professor Summer 2018 | Arch 1010 - Summer Design Studio Spring 2015 | Arch 1020 - Intro to Architecture Design 02 Fall 2014 | Arch 1010 - Intro to Architecture Design 01 Spring 2013 | Arch 1020 - Intro to Architecture Design 02 Savannah College of Art and Design | Atlanta, School of Building Arts Professor of Interior Design Winter 2018 | INDS 102 - Form, Space, and Order Fall 2017 | INDS 210 - Interior Design Studio II Spring 2017 | INDS 102 - Form, Space, and Order Winter 2017 | INDS 102 - Form, Space, and Order Fall 2016 | INDS 702 - Graduate Seminar Georgia State University, School of Art & Design Adjunct Professor Fall 2012 | ID3300 - Interior Design; Theory and Design Studio Louisiana State University, School of Architecture, 2001-2003 Teaching Assistant Spring 2003 | 3005 History of Architecture I with Michael Desmond, PhD Fall 2002 | 3006 History of Architecture II with Michael Desmond, PhD Spring 2002 | 1001 Architectural Design Studio with Eirik Heintz Academic Service Louisiana State University School of Architecture Professional Advisory Board 2016-2017 Invited Juries College of Architecture, Georgia Institute of Technology. Beginning Design _ Final Review Annie McCarthy, Spring 2018 College of Architecture, Georgia Institute of Technology. Courthouse studio _ Shape Computation Lab _ Final Reveiw; Thanos Economou, PhD, Spring 2017 1 CURRICULUM VITAE: SHENEFELT Invited Juries Cont.