Frisco System Magazine, December 1902
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lttns Oo., st. mis. The "Crimped End" Fusee DECEMBER, 15 ISSITED UY THE P.\SSENGIIR DEPARTMEN1 OF THE ST. LOUIS AND SAhy FPRAhrC1SCO XAILHOAD FRISCO SYSTEM MAGAZINE. VOLUMEI. DECEMBER, 1902. NUMBER11 CONTENTS. Front Cover, desirrned and eseculed bv Mr. S. I,. Stoclclard and Miss Rhoda Chase. St. 1,ouis A Little ~ourue~&to ~rkansas-~llus<rated, fohn H. Raflerv. I I Jasmine (poem), The Great Lead and Ziuc Fields-Illustrated, The Depth of Love. Why No. 272 Did Not File-Illuslrated, . Tesas and its Poteutialities-Illustratecl, . Kamas City to Birmingllam-Illustrated, . Lullaby-(poem), . Profit 111 Angora Goats-Illustrated, A Region of Sllale, J)el~ghtfulMo~~te ~e-illustrated, : Cottoll, . l'he White Flyer, Good Things About ICa~~sas,. Mike Feared a Relapse, Holdenville, Indian Territory-Illustrated, Fort Smith, Arkansas, Norlh Arkal~sas, Lnnd of Health and \X;ea~th-'~l~uslrhted, Death to the Peach Moth, . 3Iiunette's Eyes, A Deed (poem), Realm of Hu~rtsme~~,. Cut it Out (poem), . To Heleu (poem), . Weleetka, 111tlianTerritory, . Just a 1,ine or Two, . A Little Out of the Way, . Silence, Facts About 1nd;an 'I'er;itory-lllust;ated, : A Night of Terror, Oklahon~aTown ~uildi&, The Wiuter Pool. ~int'sfor ~reaciers,. Newspaper Wit, Extracts frou~Report of the Governor of Oklahou~a, Eureka Springs as a Resort-Illustrated, . Frisco Systt-UIPointers, FRISCO SYSTEM MAGAZINE. B. P. 0'FALL ON, Mamqpr-.- The i\'IaG~zrsri is jucliciously distributed by the Passenger Departu~entof the 1:risco System, not only over its own and connecting lines, but thronghout lhe Basteru al~dXortll- western States every month. The Mac;\zrnri, reaches tl~every best class of readers in every towu on the System, and is di~ilyread by hundreds of the traveling public on the observation and reading cars of the System. Aclvertising rates: per month, $50 per page; fractions of a page, pro rata: hack cover, $100 per mo11t11;illside cover, Si5 per n~onth. A discount of 20 per cell1 011 yearly contracts. The MAGAZIN~~will be mailed free lo any address ill thc Cnited States, Cuhx. Porto Kico. Mexico, Canadr?, Tl~ePhilippi~~e ant1 Hawaiia~~Isla~~ds, for one year for I'if other conntries add fifty cents for postage. Guaranteed Circulation, 20,000. Address all co~nn~u~~icationsto 8. I?. O'Fallon, Mauaier; publicatio~~1 , Locust Streets, St. Louis, Alo. INDEX TO ADVERTISERS, PAOE PAOE . Real Estate Agents. A. Lesclien & Sons Rope Co., l~~sidcRI. cow Adair Pr McCurry, - - - - 112 Bauer Machine Works, - - - S A. W. Ollis & Co., - - - - 113 Raldwit~1,ocomotive Works, - - 8 A. 11;. McKeand, - - - - 110 B.&O.S.-?IT. R.R., --- 9 Chas. A. Mitchell, - - - - 113 Central Coal & Coke Co., - - 119 D. H. l3eainer, - - - - - 110 Cresce~it11-011 Works, - - - 117 Eastern Kai~sasLand Co., - - 111 Chicago & Alton, - - - - 119 Frisco Systein Townsite Co., - - 112 Con. P. Ciirrau Priuting Co., - - 116 F. H. Humphrey, - Crescenl Hotel, - - - Inside Ilk. cwr IF. V. Romland 8r Co., Dr. J. Harvey Moore, Eye Specialist, 6 Hoover & Elliot Frog & Switch Co., - Ii~si~lclid. tuwr Henry 3101 P. E. Schoenberg Mfg. Co., - - O H.C.Willia Fairbanks Standard Scales, - - 114 Hnnter Re First National Bank, Kausas City, Mo., 117 J. -4.Holm Geo. Mnnson, - - - - - 6: J. V. Flen Hopewell Railroad Supply Co., Illside Id. cow J. P. Bntle: Iulaud Equipment Co., - - - 114 J. N. Groe~ Jopliu Brewing Co., - - - - 118 Jot. M. 1% John 12. Meyer & Sons, - - - 117 Joe Hess & J. 117. Freeman, Miuing Macllillery, - 8 James C. T Langei~bergBros. & Co., - - - 6 1 Jacksou & Moore Mal~~~fac~uringCo., - - 113 I I LongL. Brotl Mobile & Ohio Railroad, - B6, cow ;iul 8 1 31. B. Loci Pittsburg & Midwny Coal Miliiiig CO., 114 i Mall~ews8 Schlitz, Milwaukee Heel-, - - - 114 1 McKinney , ,,,. ,,,, Sin~pson-LaddCo., - - - - (i BIissouri Luu~ber& Laud Eschange Co.113 The Mirror, - - - - - S Neal Realty Co., - 112 The Harndell Seed Co., - - - 114 Parsons & Whitsell, - 113 The Sporting News Publishing Co., 9 Shivers & Williams, - 1J1 The Homeseeker & Investor, - Inside bk. cenr Sirni~~ons& P~rrdy, - 113 The Safety Car Heating & Lighting Co., G The Frank J. Hess Real LII~LLLLC&v., 111 The Staudard Steel Works Co., - Ci Wetzel Pc Weidenbach, The Keeley Institute, - - - 9 I W. T.: Wells Fnrgo & Co., - - - - 117 ' ! Wnllac B. Hurst 8z Co., - - - - 119 The traveliiig public and freight shippers mill please call upon or address our representatives for reliable information, rates, maps, time tables, descriptive literature, etc. Their addresses are as follows : ST. LOUIS, 10. BRYAN SNYDER.. .............................................................. Pssene Traffic Manager. ALEX. HILTON.. .............................. -1 Passenger Agent. R. T. HEED.. ............................................................................Advertising Agent. 8. A. HUQHES.. ................................................................Qeneral Immigration Agent. A. S. DODQE ......................................................................Reigl~t Traffic >Imager. J. A. JIIDDLETON.. .................................................................@enera1 Freight Agent. CHAS. HALL.. ............................................................Assistant General Freight Agent. H. Q. WILSON ........................................................... Assistant Qeneral hight Agent. ZACK JIULHA1,L.. ...............................................................General Live Stock Agent. 11. SCHULTER ................................................................. .Industrial Commissioner. ATLAX I'd. QA., Pryor and 1)ecatnr Streets. W. T. SAUNDERS.................................................. General Agent, Passenger Department. F. E CLARK.. .................................................................. .Traveling Passenger Agent. CHAS. F. AUSTIN............... ... ............& a Agent. C. 0. JACKSON .................................................................Traveling Passenger Agent. E. T. WILLCOX.. .........................................................................Commerd:11 Agent. D. F. NoDONOUGH ...............................................................Traveling Freight Abwnt. CHICAHO, ILl... 832 lerquette Building. F. C. REILLY ..................................................................................General Agent. C. H. ADOLPH ........................................................................ City Passenger Agent. J. If. JILLICH.. ..................................................................Traveling Passenger Ageut. M. W. BURNS .................................................................... .Tmreling Freight Agent. G. H. KUXXER. ................................................................. .Traveling Freight Agent. CrXCISSA'l'I, OHIO, 407 Wahlut Street. A. D. XURRAY.. .............................................................................General Agent. H. I. JlcQUIRE.. ................................................................Traveling Passenger Agent. C. C. SPALDINQ ...................................................................Traveling Freight Agent. COPES HAGER, DEKNARK. C. HANSON.. ....................................................................Foreign Immigration Agent. DALIAS, I'EX.. 239 Nain Street. C. W. STRAIX ..............................................................Sonthwestern Passenger Agent. H. W. ADAXS........................................................................... Cnmmercial Agent. ROY TERRELL .....................................................................Traveling Freight Agent. DESVER. WL.. 1106 Sererlteenlh Street. Q. W. XARTIN.. ................................................:. ................. .General Western Agent. C. M. WOODS.. ....................................................Traveling Freight and Passenger Agent. H. B. WORDEN.. ..................................................Traveling: -eight and Passenger Agent. FORT SCOTT, KAR. E. E. DIX ........................................................................................General Agent. F. 31. RICHARDSON.. ........................................................................General Agent. FOILT WORTH, TES. W. A. TULEY ................................................ General Passenger Agent, F. W. & R. Q. R'y. A. R. DKEM ..................................................City Pasaenrer Agent, Ft. W. & R. Q. R'y. E. M. WINSTEAD ...............................................Commercial Agent, Ft. W. & R. Q. R'y. HOUhTOR, TEX., Hutchias House. W. C CONNOR, JH.. ....................................................................Commercial Agent. JAB. A. QIRAUD ....................................................................T~aveliug freight Agent. JOPLIR, WO. J. C. LOVRIEN.. ..................................................................Division Passenger Agent. T. J. FRANKS ........................................................................Division Freight Agent. E. C. HOAQ.. .......................................................................Traveling Freight Agent. CONTINUED ON FOLLOWIXG PAGE. KAXSAS CITY, NO., Tliayer Bailding. JAXES DONOHUE.. ...................................................Assistant General Passenger Agent. CAL. P. JOHNSTON .................................................................City Passenger Agont. L. W. PRICE ......................................................................Traveling Passenger Agont. P. W. JOHNSTON.. .................................................................Depot P~seugerAgent. B. C. DUAIBECIL ........................................................