French Landscape and Urban Design LA 411 006 or LA 511 006, 4-5-18 Class meets April 7 – June 3, 2018, Paris Housing, check in May 19, check out June 4 Instructors: Chris Wilson, Professor of Landscape Architecture,
[email protected], 1 505 710-7169 (for use in Paris) Katya Crawford, Assoc. Prof. of Landscape Architecture,
[email protected], 1 505 379-0772 (for use in Paris) This course focuses on the interplay of landscape and urban design in the Renaissance, Baroque, Modern and, now, Globalization eras, and on how that history informs contemporary design and planning. The course commences in April and May at UNM with four class meetings, including orientation, health and safety sessions, overview lectures and reading discussion seminars. During the two plus weeks in and around Paris, we visit the landscapes, gardens, and urban ensembles that have been pivotal in the development of one of the world’s premier design cultures. Historic environments predominate during the first week, with contemporary projects scheduled primarily in the second week. Faculty field talks, discussions and time for student observation and sketching intermix with field tours led by French scholars and designers, and visits to design firms and design exhibitions. Learning Objectives: Develop a broad understanding of the social factors, theories and design techniques shaping historic and contemporary French landscape and urban design. Learn methods to record, analyze and synthesize your understanding of built spaces through visual and written notes, diagrams and photography.