File or box number Item description "Save Spain. Act!" Radio speeches by Ethel MacDonald. Published by Guy A. File 1: Sources relating to Ethel MacDonald Aldred, , 1st May 1937 (2 copies). Typed letter addressed to Guy A. Aldred from H.M. Consul General. Dated 14th July 1937. Reply to letter by Aldred of July 7th 1937. It states that Ethel MacDonald was released from prison in and her whereabouts are File 1: Sources relating to Ethel MacDonald unknown. Typed letter addressed to Guy A. Aldred from the under-secretary of State at the Foreign Office. Dated 16th July 1937. Regarding Ethel MacDonald's release File 1: Sources relating to Ethel MacDonald from prison. "Ethel MacDonald's Own Story of her Imprisonment in Spain". Newspaper File 1: Sources relating to Ethel MacDonald cutting from the Evening Times, September 27th 1937. "Why I was Arrested" by Ethel MacDonald. Newspaper cutting from the Evening File 1: Sources relating to Ethel MacDonald Times October 28th 1937. Ticket issued by the Revolutionary Socialist Party: "Ethel MacDonald of Glasgow (broadcaster from Barcelona Anarchist radio and just returned from a Spanish prison) will Speak on 'My Experience in Spain' at Picardy Place Hall on Sunday File 1: Sources relating to Ethel MacDonald 12th December 1937". "Ethel MacDonald". Photocopy of article in The Word, January 1942. Reports that Ethel MacDonald has taken a stand as a in the wake File 1: Sources relating to Ethel MacDonald of conscriptions. (2 copies). Handwritten note from Ethel MacDonald and Guy A. Aldred listing the contents File 1: Sources relating to Ethel MacDonald of their donated collection. Dated 5th June 1944. "How Ethel MacDonald's Adventures Ended in Barcelona". Photocopy of article File 1: Sources relating to Ethel MacDonald in the Sunday Mail, 26th December, 1937. Obituary. "Ethel MacDonald Tribute" in The Word Vol XXll No. 3, January 1961. File 1: Sources relating to Ethel MacDonald Photocopy of 4 page article. Image: "Selling 'News From Spain'". Liverpool, 1936. From File 1: Sources relating to Ethel MacDonald Oxford Dictionary of National Biography article: "MacDonald, Ethel Camilia (1909-1960) anti-parliamentary socialist". By John .T. Caldwell and Bob Jones. File 1: Sources relating to Ethel MacDonald From

© Mitchell Library Glasgow. You may download and/or print for your own personal use. Please do not distribute without permission. Image: " speaking on the subject of ". Hyde Park, London, File 1: Sources relating to Ethel MacDonald 1938. From http://www .uk/. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography article: "Aldred, Guy Alfred (1886- 1963) Anarchist and political propagandist". By Bob Jones. From File 1: Sources relating to Ethel MacDonald http://www.oxforddnb .com/. File 2: Newspaper, Newssheets and Bulletins Barcelona Bulletin. Published jointly by Guy A. Aldred and Wm. C. McDougall. (English) Editions: 15th May 1937. (2 copies) File 2: Newspaper, Newssheets and Bulletins Generalital de Catalunya. Barcelona Editions: 3rd June 1937 - 10th Jan 1938, (English) imp. Regeneracion! Issued by Guy Aldred on behalf of the United Socialist File 2: Newspaper, Newssheets and Bulletins Movement. Editions: 5th Aug 1936 - 7th Oct 1936 & 21st Feb 1937 (New Series (English) edited and published by Guy A. Aldred). File 2: Newspaper, Newssheets and Bulletins The Spanish : Bulletin of the Worker's Party of Marxist Unification. (English) Barcelona. Editions: 17th Feb 1937 & 3rd June 1937. File 2: Newspaper, Newssheets and Bulletins The War in Spain: a weekly summary. Edited by Charles Duff, United Editorial (English) Ltd. Editions; 22nd Jan 1938, 29th Jan 1938 & 6th Aug 1938. File 3: Newspaper, Newssheets and Bulletins (French) Ce Qu'il Faut Dire. Bruxelles. Editions: September 1936 File 3: Newspaper, Newssheets and Bulletins (French) L'Espagne Antifasciste. Barcelona. Editions: 30th Aug 1936 - 1st Sept 1937, imp. File 3: Newspaper, Newssheets and Bulletins La Lutte Ouvriere: Organe Hebdomadaire du Parti Ouvrier lnternationaliste. (French) Editions: 10th Sep 1937. File 3: Newspaper, Newssheets and Bulletins (French) Nouvel Age. Editions: 17th June 1937. File 3: Newspaper, Newssheets and Bulletins (French) Plus Loin. Editions: Oct 1936, July 1937 & Sep 1937 File 3: Newspaper, Newssheets and Bulletins Terre Libre: Organe de la Federation Anarchiste de Langue Francaise. Editions: (French) July 1937 - Apr 1938, imp. File 4: Newspaper, Newssheets and Bulletins (French) L 'Espagne Nouvelle. Editions 5th April 1937 - 15th June 1938, imp. File 5: Newspaper, Newssheets and Bulletins El Amigo del Pueblo: Portavoz de los Amigos de Durruti. Editions: Ano 1- Num. (Spanish) 1. n.d.

© Mitchell Library Glasgow. You may download and/or print for your own personal use. Please do not distribute without permission. File 5: Newspaper, Newssheets and Bulletins La Batalla: Organo central del Partido Obrero de Unificacion Marxista. (Spanish) Barcelona. Editions: 10th Jul 1937 - 21 Aug 1937, imp. File 5: Newspaper, Newssheets and Bulletins (Spanish) El Combate. Caspe. Editions: 14th Sep 1936 - 28 Sep 1936. File 5: Newspaper, Newssheets and Bulletins Castilla Libre: Organo de la Confederacion regional del Trabajo del centro. (Spanish) Editions: 12th Feb 1937 & 18th Feb 1937 File 6: Newspaper, Newssheets and Bulletins CNT- Organo de la Confederacion Nacional del Trabajo. Editions: 5th Dec 1936 - (Spanish) 16th Feb 1937, imp. File 7: Newspaper, Newssheets and Bulletins (Spanish) Esfuerzo. Barcelona. Editions: 14th Oct 1937 & 24th Oct 1937. File 7: Newspaper, Newssheets and Bulletins F.I.J.L (Federacion lberica de Juventudes Libertarias). Madrid. Editions: 11th Feb (Spanish) 1937. File 7: Newspaper, Newssheets and Bulletins El Frente- Boletin de Guerra de la Columna Durruti. Editions: 27th Aug 1936 & (Spanish) 4th Sep 1936. File 7: Newspaper, Newssheets and Bulletins Frente Libertario: Organo de las Milicias Confederates. Madrid. Editions: Jan (Spanish) 1937 & Feb 1937. File 8: Newspaper, Newssheets and Bulletins Juventud Obrera: Organo de la Juventud Comunista lberica (POUM). Barcelona. (Spanish) Editions: August 1937, Nos. 3 & 6. File 8: Newspaper, Newssheets and Bulletins (Spanish) La Noche. Barcelona. Editions: 18th May 1937. La Nouvelle Espagne Antifasciste/ Nueva Espagna Antifascista. File 8: Newspaper, Newssheets and Bulletins Editions: 28th Apr 1938. (Spanish) File 8: Newspaper, Newssheets and Bulletins (Spanish) El Liberal. Madrid. Editions: 11th Feb 1937. Organizacion Obrera: Organo de FORA adherida a la ACAT y a la AIT. Buenos File 8: Newspaper, Newssheets and Bulletins Aires. Editions: June 1937 - Nov 1938, imp. (Spanish) File 9: Newspaper, Newssheets and Bulletins (Spanish) El Sindicalista: Organo del Partido Sindicalista. Madrid. Editions: 19th Feb 1937. File 9: Newspaper, Newssheets and Bulletins Solidaridad: Organo de la Federacion Obrera regional Uruguaya. Montevideo, (Spanish) Uruguay. Editions: 1st Aug 1937 - 2nd Jul 1939, imp.

© Mitchell Library Glasgow. You may download and/or print for your own personal use. Please do not distribute without permission. File 9: Newspaper, Newssheets and Bulletins Solidaridad Obrera: Organo de la Confederacion Regional del Trabajo de (Spanish) Cataluna. Barcelona. Editions: 20th May 1937. File 9: Newspaper, Newssheets and Bulletins (Spanish) El Socialista. Madrid. Editions: 25th Jan 1938. "16 bombardments in 36 hours". 1 page flyer recording the bombing of File 10: Flyers and Newsletters (English) Mallorca. n.d. Handwritten letter dated 29th July 1936 entitled "Regeneracion! Support File 10: Flyers and Newsletters (English) Spain". Typed letter dated August 1938 from United Editorial Publishers Ltd. detailing subscription costs for The War in Spain- weekly summary and Spain at War File 10: Flyers and Newsletters (English) magazine.

File 10: Flyers and Newsletters (English) "Facts for Deans", leaflet published by the Information Distributing Bureau. n.d. "What is the Truth about Spain?" Leaflet published by Spanish Press Services File 10: Flyers and Newsletters (English) Ltd. n.d. (2 copies) "Spain: Reflector of the World". The Anti-Fascist War in Spain, Experience of the International Libertarian Movement. Typed newsletter by Migual Gonzalez File 10: Flyers and Newsletters (English) lnestal. Barcelona, 23rd March 1938.

''The Voice of the Prisons of Spain". Typed newsletter by the Committee for the File 10: Flyers and Newsletters (English) Defence of Working Class Prisoners in Spain. Paris, 12th August 1937. "El Fascismo lntenda Destruir el Museo def Prado". English language newsletter File 10: Flyers and Newsletters (English) with photos. Published by 5th Regimiento, Madrid. n.d.

"Peace?" 1 page flyer issued by Glasgow I.L.P. Guild of Youth. Proposals for File 10: Flyers and Newsletters (English) action as WWII draws near- endorsing abolition of capitalism. n.d. "¡¡Adelante con la Revolucion!!" 1 page flyer by the Oficinas de Propaganda, File 11: Flyers and Newsletters (Spanish) CNT/FAI, Barcelona. n.d. "¿¿Que es la Revolucion??" 1 page flyer by the Oficinas de Propaganda File 11: Flyers and Newsletters (Spanish) CNT/ FAI, Barcelona. n.d. "A la Mujer Campesina" 1 page flyer by the Oficinas de Propaganda CNT/FAI, File 11: Flyers and Newsletters (Spanish) Barcelona. n.d.

© Mitchell Library Glasgow. You may download and/or print for your own personal use. Please do not distribute without permission. “A la Pequena Burguesia" 1 page flyer by the Oficinas de Propaganda CNT/FAI, File 11: Flyers and Newsletters (Spanish) Barcelona. n.d. "Contra Todo Dictadura" 1 page flyer by the Comite Regional de la CNT and File 11: Flyers and Newsletters (Spanish) Comite Peninsular de la FAI. n.d. "¡¡Todos los obreros a los Sindicatos!!" 1 page flyer by the Comite regional de la File 11: Flyers and Newsletters (Spanish) CNT and the Comite Peninsular de la FAI. n.d.

"Federacion lberica de Juventudes Libertarias, Comite Peninsular- Madrid File 11: Flyers and Newsletters (Spanish) 14th December 1936" 1 page newsletter. Comision de Propaganda, Madrid. File 11: Flyers and Newsletters (Spanish) "¡A las Barricadas! Himno de la CNT" 1 page flyer. n.d. "Ante el peligro de un golpe de Estado" Flyer published by the Comite Ejecutivo del POUM and the Comite Ejectutivo de la JCI, Barcelona, 13th August 1937. File 11: Flyers and Newsletters (Spanish) “Anti la actual Trotzki- fobia y ante la alianza de la juventud revolucionaria " 1 page flyer by El Secretariado, Federacion Local de Juventudes Libertarias de File 11: Flyers and Newsletters (Spanish) Barcelona. n.d. "Buro Internacional de las Juventudes revolucionarias a la Juventud combatiente y trabajadora de Espana” 2 page flyer, published 1st July, 1937. (2 File 11: Flyers and Newsletters (Spanish) copies) “A todos los trabajadores del Mar y personal tecnico auxiliary de oficinas, asi como a los portuarios " 1 page flyer. Le Sindicato National del Transporte File 11: Flyers and Newsletters (Spanish) Maritimo, El Comite. 20th January 1937.

"La Confederacio de la lndustria del Taxi a la opinion publica. 2 page flyer. File 11: Flyers and Newsletters (Spanish) Confederacio de la lndustria del Taxi. Barcelona, 23rd August 1937.

File 11: Flyers and Newsletters (Spanish) "Nola" 1 page flyer. Grupo de Trabajadores Marxistas. November 1937. “A los Miembros de la Liga Comunista Internacionalista (Seccion Mexicana)" 1 page flyer/newsletter by Daniel Ayala, Grupo de Trabajadores Marxistas. File 11: Flyers and Newsletters (Spanish) Mexico, June 1937.

© Mitchell Library Glasgow. You may download and/or print for your own personal use. Please do not distribute without permission. "La Massacre de Barcelona: ¡Una Leccion Para los Trabajadores de Mexico!" 1 page newsletter by Grupo de Trabajadores Marxistas. Published in Mexico, May File 11: Flyers and Newsletters (Spanish) 1937.

File 11: Flyers and Newsletters (Spanish) 6 page typed bulletin by the Grupo de Trabajadores Marxistas, Mexico. n.d. File 11: Flyers and Newsletters (Spanish) "Boletin de Prensa Extranjera" 5 page typed bulletin. 31st July 1937.

File 12 "Bulletin Number 13". French Language typed bulletin, 15th October 1938. "An das weltproletariat, manifest der LAA". 2 page typed article by Das File 13 Sekretariat, IAA (Internationale Arbeiter-Assoziation). n.d.

"Boletin de lnformacion: lnformes y noticias facilitadas por la confederacion nacional de trabajo y la federacion anarquista lberica: English Language Box 1: Newspapers, Newssheets and Bulletins Edition". Barcelona. Editions: 25th December 1936 - 3rd December 1937. "Boletin de lnformacion: Edition en langue Francaise" Editions: 9th January Box 1: Newspapers, Newssheets and Bulletins 1937 - 1st January 1938. "Boletin de lnformacio " Spanish language edition. Editions: 14th September Box 1: Newspapers, Newssheets and Bulletins 1936 – 6th December 1937. "ABC: Diario Republicano de lzquierdas". Madrid. Spanish Language. Editions: Box 2: Newspapers, Newssheets and Bulletins 10th Feb 1937 - 12th Feb 1938. "Ahora: Diario de la Juventud". Spanish language newspaper supplement. Box 2: Newspapers, Newssheets and Bulletins Editions: 12th February 1937. "Le Combat: Organe official de la Confederation Generale du Travail Syndicaliste Revolutionnaire". French language newspaper. Editions: 1st Box 2: Newspapers, Newssheets and Bulletins October 1937 - 11th August 1939, imp. "Faro ", Barcelona. Spanish Language Newspaper. Editions: 12th Nov 1937 - 24 Box 2: Newspapers, Newssheets and Bulletins Dec 1937. “Mujeres Libres no 10. 19 Julio- II ano de la Revolucion". Barcelona. Spanish Box 2: Newspapers, Newssheets and Bulletins language newspaper supplement. "New From Spain", Edited and published for the USM, in support of the CNT, FAI and Youth Movement (Anarchist and POUM) by Guy A. Aldred. English Box 2: Newspapers, Newssheets and Bulletins language. Editions: 1st May 1937 (2 copies).

© Mitchell Library Glasgow. You may download and/or print for your own personal use. Please do not distribute without permission. "Ruta- Organo de las juventudes libertarias de Cataluna". Barcelona. Spanish Box 2: Newspapers, Newssheets and Bulletins language newspaper. Editions: 4th Feb 1937 - 23rd Sep 1937, imp. "Tierra y Libertad: Organo de la Federacion de Grudos Anarquistas de Cataluna". Spanish language newspaper. Editions: 3rd Jun 1937 - 24th Dec Box 2: Newspapers, Newssheets and Bulletins 1938, imp. Box 3: Posters, Photos and Pictures, File number 13 Collection of 39 photos of the . "'In Madrid' by J. H. Patrick- Glasgow Labour Councillor Menaces Transport Workers". Advertisement for edition of Regeneracion, 14th March 1937. 2 Box 3: Posters, Photos and Pictures. Posters copies.

Grafic del Moviment Faccios a Barcelona. 19 e Julio del 1936. CNT. Issued by the Generalitat de Catalunya. Commemorates the successful resistance of the city of Barcelona to the military insurgency that initiated the Spanish civil War. It shows a map of the city with a diagram of the movement of forces that Box 3: Posters, Photos and Pictures. Posters participated in the fighting. "Columna de Hierro- ¡Par Una Humanidad Libre! ¡¡Por la Anarquia!!" Anarchist propaganda poster by the Iron Column/Columna Hierro (an anarchist militia). Box 3: Posters, Photos and Pictures. Posters By the artist Bauset. n.d. Spanish language calendar for November, 1937. Ediciones Tierra y Libertad Box 3: Posters, Photos and Pictures. Posters agradece su colaboracion y deseale prospero ano Nuevo Spanish language calendar for December, 1937. Ediciones Tierra y Libertad Box 3: Posters, Photos and Pictures. Posters agradece su colaboracion y deseale prospero ano Nuevo. Poster by 5th Regimiento Acero Velazquez , 63 Madrid. Showing images of the Box 3: Posters, Photos and Pictures. Posters dead and wounded in Madrid, 16th December, 1936. Poster by 5th Regimiento Acero Velazquez, 63 Madrid. Showing images of the Box 3: Posters, Photos and Pictures. Posters dead and wounded in Madrid, 4th January 1937. Box 3: Posters, Photos and Pictures. Posters 19 de Julio!. Print by the artist Sim commemorating 19th July 1936.

© Mitchell Library Glasgow. You may download and/or print for your own personal use. Please do not distribute without permission. "Estampas de la Revolucion Espanola 19 Julio de 1936". Propaganda sketches by Sim with commentary in English, Spanish and French. Published in Barcelona by the Propaganda Offices of the National Confederation of Workers (CNT) and the Anarchist Federation of Spain (FAI). This was his first collection of battle Box 3: Posters, Photos and Pictures. Picture Book illustrations. Bardoux, Jacques . (n.d.) "Chaos in Spain ". London, Burns Oates and Box 4: Pamphlets numbered 1-43. (English) No. 4 Washbourne Ltd. Box 4: Pamphlets numbered 1-43. (English) No. Oficinas de Propaganda CNT/FAI (eds.) (1936) "19 Julio 1936 Espana" Oficinas 12 de Propaganda. (In English, Spanish, French, and German). Box 4: Pamphlets numbered 1-43. (English) No. 16 Fraser, J. A. (n.d.) "This Spanish Democracy". Published by the author. Box 4: Pamphlets numbered 1-43. (English) No. Fuller, Major-General J .F.C. (1937) "The Conquest of Red Spain". London, 17 Burns Oates and Washbourne Ltd.

Box 4: Pamphlets numbered 1-43. (English) No. Godden, G. M. (Re-printed from the Dublin Review of October 1936) 18 "Communist Operation in Spain". London, Burns Oates and Washbourne Ltd. Box 4: Pamphlets numbered 1-43. (English) No. "How the Bluffed McGovern" (n.d.) Re-printed from the Catholic Times. Printed 21 by Nuneaton Newspapers Ltd. Box 4: Pamphlets numbered 1-43. (English) No. Secretariat of the l.W.M.A (International Working Men's Association) (ed.) 22 (1938) "Internationale- A Monthly Review, No. 1, May 1938" Box 4: Pamphlets numbered 1-43. (English) No. Lunn, Arnold (n.d.) "The Unpopular Front". ( Re-printed from a series of articles 28 in The Tablet). Burns Oates and Washbourne Ltd. Box 4: Pamphlets numbered 1-43. (English) No. Paginas de Sangre No. 2, Ano 1, Cuaderno II. Publicacion Semanal de 34 lnformacion Grafica. (n.d.). In English, French and Spanish. Box 4: Pamphlets numbered 1-43. (English) No. Souchy, Augustin (1937) "The in May" Barcelona, Oficina de 39 lnformacion Exterior de la CNT y FAI. Box 4: Pamphlets numbered 1-43. (English) No. 40 "Spain, No. 7, November 13th 1937" Published by Spanish Press Services Ltd. Box 4: Pamphlets numbered 1-43. (English) No. 40 "Spain, No. 30, April 26th 1938" Published by Spanish Press Services Ltd. Box 4: Pamphlets numbered 1-43. (English) No. "Spain at War: 18th July 1936- 18th July 1937" (n.d.) London, Burns Oates and 41 Washbourne Ltd.

© Mitchell Library Glasgow. You may download and/or print for your own personal use. Please do not distribute without permission. Box 4: Pamphlets numbered 1-43. (English) No. Duff, Charles (ed.) "Spain at War (A Monthly Journal of Facts and Pictures) No. 42 5, August 1938" United Editorial Ltd. Box 4: Pamphlets numbered 1-43. (English) No. Tarradellas, Josep (1938) "The Financial Work of the Generalitat of Catalunya" 43 Barcelona. Berneri, Camillo "Guerre de Classes en Espagne". (1938). Les Cahiers de 'Terre Box 4: Pamphlets numbered 1-43. (French) No. 6 Libre', Annee III- No. 4-5 Avril-Mai 1938. "Des Phrases Non! Des Faits!". (n.d.) "Junte" Deleguee de defense de Madrid Box 4: Pamphlets numbered 1-43. (French) No. 7 delegation de presse et propagande. Box 4: Pamphlets numbered 1-43. (French) No. "En se Promenant Brochure de Propaganda". Edition de la 4re Union Regionale 11 CGTSR., AIT. Box 4: Pamphlets numbered 1-43. (French) No. Secretariat de l'AIT (ed.) (1938) "Internationale- Revue Mensuelle, No. 3-4, 22 Juillet- Aout 1938" Box 4: Pamphlets numbered 1-43. (French) No. Landau, Katia (n.d.) "Le Stalinisme en Espagne, No. 11" Bourreau de la 23 Revolution Espagnole. Box 4: Pamphlets numbered 1-43. (French) No. "L'Espagne lndomptee". (1939). L'Espagne Nouvelle, An III, Numeros 67-69, 24 1939. Box 4: Pamphlets numbered 1-43. (French) No. Comissariat de Propaganda de la Generalitat de Catalunya (ed.) (1937). "Nova 30 Iberia Janvier 1937" Box 4: Pamphlets numbered 1-43. (French) No. "Ou va L'Espagne? Octobre 1937 Annee II- Numero III". (1937). Les Cahiers de 33 Terre Libre Publication Mensuelle. Alaiz, Felipe (1937) "Por una Economia Solidaria Entre Campo y la Ciudad, Enero Box 4: Pamphlets numbered 1-43. (Spanish) No. 1 de 1937" Barcelona, Oficinas de Propaganda CNT/FAI.

Box 4: Pamphlets numbered 1-43. (Spanish) No. 2 Frigerio, Carlo (ed.) (1938) ''Almanacco Libertario pro Vittime Politiche" Ardiaca, Pere (n.d.) "6 articles a Proposit del Projecte de Resolucia Politica davant La Primera Conferencia Nacional del Partit Socialista Unificat de Box 4: Pamphlets numbered 1-43. (Spanish) No. 3 catalunya". Secretariat D'Agitacio i Propaganda del PSU.

Bauer, Augustin Souchy. (n.d.) "Entre los Campesinos de Aragon: el Comunismo Box 4: Pamphlets numbered 1-43. (Spanish) No. 5 Libertario en las Comarcas Liberadas" Barcelona, Tierra y Libertad. "Bombardeos Fascistas". (n.d.) Documentos Historicos No. 8, 5th Regimiento, Box 4: Pamphlets numbered 1-43. (Spanish) No. 8 Madrid.

© Mitchell Library Glasgow. You may download and/or print for your own personal use. Please do not distribute without permission. "Poesias de Guerra". (n.d.) Documentos Historicos No 9, 5th Regimiento, Box 4: Pamphlets numbered 1-43. (Spanish) No. 9 Madrid. Comisariado de Guerra de la Defensa de Madrid (eds.) "Discurso del Presidente Box 4: Pamphlets numbered 1-43. (Spanish) No. de las Republica, Don Manuel Azana Diaz, pronunciado en el dia 21 de 10 enero de 1937". Documentos Politicos, Madrid. "Extructuracion Organica de la Federacion Anarquista lberica". (1937) Ediciones Box 4: Pamphlets numbered 1-43. (Spanish) No. de la Seccion de Prensa y Propaganda del Comite Peninsular de la FAI, 13 Barcelona. Box 4: Pamphlets numbered 1-43. (Spanish) No. Felipe, Leon, "Poesia Revolucionaria". (1937) Ediciones de la Oficinas de 15 Propaganda CNT/FAI.

Azana, Don Manuel. (1937). "Habla el Presidente: Discurso pronunciado por S.E. Box 4: Pamphlets numbered 1-43. (Spanish) No. el Presidente de la Republica, Don Manuel Azana, en el paraninfo de la 19 Universidad de Valencia el 18 de Julio de 1937. Ediciones Espanolas." Hernandez, Jesus. (1937). "El Patrido Comunista Antes, Durante y Despues de la Crisis de la Gobierno Largo Caballero: texto integro del discurso pronunciado en Box 4: Pamphlets numbered 1-43. (Spanish) No. el cine Olympia de Valencia el 28 de Mayo de 1937". Ediciones del Partido 20 Comunisto de Espana. "Internacional: Revista Mensual de la Asociacion Internacional de los Box 4: Pamphlets numbered 1-43. (Spanish) No. Trabajadores (AIT)." (1938). Edita por el Secretariado de la AIT. No. 3-4, Julio- 22 Agosto, 1938. (2 copies) Box 4: Pamphlets numbered 1-43. (Spanish) No. "L'Experience Espagnole (La Experiencia Espanola). Faits et Documents ". 25 (1939). Paris. Leval, Gaston, "Nuestro Programa de Reconstruccion. Conferencia Pronunciada Box 4: Pamphlets numbered 1-43. (Spanish) No. en el Cine Coliseum de Barcelona, el dia 10 de Enero de 1937". Ediciones de la 26 Oficinas de Propaganda CNT/ FAI. "Concepto del Federalismo en la Guerra y en la Revolucion: Conferencia Box 4: Pamphlets numbered 1-43. (Spanish) No. Pronunciada en el Cine Coliseum de Barcelona, el dia 7 de Febrero de 1937". 27 Ediciones de la Oficinas de Propaganda CNT/ FAI. "Nuestra Bandera: Organo Teorico del Comite Central del Partido Comunista de Box 4: Pamphlets numbered 1-43. (Spanish) No. Espana (SE de la IC). Ano I, 15 Julio 1937, Num. 1". Ediciones del Partido 31 Comunista de Espana.

© Mitchell Library Glasgow. You may download and/or print for your own personal use. Please do not distribute without permission. Box 4: Pamphlets numbered 1-43. (Spanish) No. 32 "Nuestro Programa y el de la CNT" (n.d.). Ediciones del Partido Comunista. Box 4: Pamphlets numbered 1-43. (Spanish) No. "Paginas de Sangre Ano 1, Cuaderno 1. Publicacion Semanal de lnformacion 34 Grafica". (n.d.) Box 4: Pamphlets numbered 1-43. (Spanish) No. 35 Pararols, J. Serrat. (1937). "Como Piensan los Anarquistas". Barcelona. Box 4: Pamphlets numbered 1-43. (Spanish) No. Perez, Manuel. (n.d.). "Cuatro Meses de Barbarie Mallorca Baja el Terror 36 Fascista". Ediciones del Servicio de lnformacion Propaganda y Prensa. Box 4: Pamphlets numbered 1-43. (Spanish) No. Romero, Luis, "Impresiones de un Militar Republicano". (1937). Apuntes de la 37 Sublevacion Fascista. Oficinas de Propaganda CNT/FAI, Barcelona. Ruiz, H. Noja. "El Arte en la Revolucion". (1937). Conferencia Pronunciada en el Box 4: Pamphlets numbered 1-43. (Spanish) No. Cine Coliseum de Barcelona el dia 21 de Marza de 1937. Oficinas de 38 Propaganda CNT/FAI. "C.N.T., Camile Nacional A.I.T., Oficina de lnformacion y Propaganda. Fascismo". Oficina de lnformacion y Propaganda. Graficas Valencia, lntervenido, U.G.T. C.N.T. By the artist Monleon. Produced by the CNT (Confederacion Nacional del Trabajo) in conjunction with the AIT (Asociacion Internacional de los Outsize Spanish Civil War Posters: No. 1 Trabajadores). n.d. "Infants el Fixisme us Illenca. Bombes. Catalunya us Ofrena Joguines. Setmana de L'lnfant , 1 al 7 gener". Signed by Sim. (This poster announces, in Catalan, the Week of the Child, January 1-7). CNT-UGT Conselleria de Sanitat I Assistencia Social (Seccio de Propaganda). Issued by the Generalitat de Catalunya. Grafos Outsize Spanish Civil War Posters: No. 2 Colectivizada Barna. "What is ? Society civilized enough to live without government". Outsize Spanish Civil War Posters: No. 3 Home made poster. n.d.

"In Madrid by J.H. Patrick. Glasgow Labour Councillor Menaces Transport Outsize Spanish Civil War Posters: No. 4 Workers (Exclusive)". Advertisement for Regeneracion. March 14th, 1937. " Speaker Ethel MacDonald Speaks from Barcelona (Exclusive Reports)". Outsize Spanish Civil War Posters: No. 5 Advertisement. n.d. "24 horas son pocas! Trabajad todas para el Frente". Cartelistas C.N.T., Edit. Outsize Spanish Civil War Posters: No. 6 Per el SPL., CNT., Cooperativa D'Arts Grafiques.

© Mitchell Library Glasgow. You may download and/or print for your own personal use. Please do not distribute without permission. "La Revolucion y la Guerra son Inseparables". Empresa collectivizada. FAI., CNT., Outsize Spanish Civil War Posters: No. 7 FIJL. T.G. Hostench- Barna. n.d. Outsize Spanish Civil War Posters: No. 8 "Nosotros. Diario Anarquista". FAI. n.d.

Outsize Spanish Civil War Posters: No. 9 "Scots Girl Leaves Spain To-day". Advertisement for The Evening Times. n.d. "Ethel MacDonald's Own Story (Exclusive)" Advertisement for The Evening Outsize Spanish Civil War Posters: No. 10 Times. n.d. "Las Juventudes Libertarias Luchan y se Capacitan par un Mundo Nuevo". n.d. Outsize Spanish Civil War Posters: No. 11 Castilla. Sanguesa- Barna. "Que es la Anarquia? La Juventud Dinamica y Consciente es la Garantia del Outsize Spanish Civil War Posters: No. 12 Progreso". Juventudes Libertarias. n.d. Lit. J. Font Puig- Barcelona. Esfuerzo. Periodico Mural de las Juventudes Libertarias de Catalunya. March Outsize Spanish Civil War Posters: No. 13 1937, No. 2. Esfuerzo. Periodico Mural de las Juventudes Libertarias de Catalunya. May Outsize Spanish Civil War Posters: No. 14 1937, No. 8 'Allisteu-Vos per al Treball Voluntari". By Rafel. Consellaria de Treball. Sindicat de Dibuixants Professionals UGT. I.G. seix I Barral- Barcelona. Empresa col- Outsize Spanish Civil War Posters: No. 15 lectivitzada. n.d.

© Mitchell Library Glasgow. You may download and/or print for your own personal use. Please do not distribute without permission.