Freedom to Speak? Social Centre
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File Type:pdf, Size:1020Kb LO FEBRUARY 2007 Favela Rising review Svartfrosk column p a g e ^ ~ ; page 7 '. page 8 WSF: NOT FOR THE POOR I be 2® 07f^rld Social FotUin |^ v#e;hUmah^^b^^Crneq:^gediCr^fi hea^dattcism fbf pursue their thinking; its-most recent financial pluming, democratieal^ which denied access; to the poor., The Seeretidtobf® ■- p fifk ^ o xeffective adtion4;^M yearwasheld mKQSya, has been Thei^F'beg^ thisy^Dhychs^ charged widih^^^% 'bym edia ^%^ti^^toindividu Aftica fo groupsin. jhe attend'theget^dgether'wto ^in^e^\%ejy;e?q^^ International food while shhufeato jSfbS^nrte. ’. h efty e b jp ^ Theid®pbf%^ the , A rouhd ^ the;eyei% whj^ the the r^|id)lal;m ini^ Saxemmt and the teemational ; ISOrmemtoTib^^ c b n tin n i^ ^ guidelines. The which has;am0^ b f e e f • members national Tmdes^Jmon C ouncils, though ‘this was-sbmeV^hat mitigated groups, efeectivd^^t^'as thenucleus f^lftdneyrfeom the Italian government, orgamsau^-otme wdfld Social Forums takes place. Which anarchirt^oups^cOndeinned^'m Thegrowthof thelntemational COBJXC&^fa^ and a rte^dvdeal with- for tife ;toM Tortmis has Come alongside increasing^^conoerns^3c^tib.e K enp^y^d|^;had been threaten.^; accountability and-dkeption o fffae ^ e n tt tiaemselVe^mkl tife turnout this I k year is the lowest since the 'Social a n ti-to d iu s t m '^sures and .mCisjm in Locals turn out in force to support the occupation of the Vortex Social Centre in Stoke Newington, ForumsbegaiL theCbmpan^^hich, itwasalleged, m m . The V7SF calls itself “An open meetog isawwiUte. employe^ paid,more; and place wberegroups and (movements of• piom oxed, fester, crril 'Society opposed to neo-liberalism . llHo wever nd cri ticism was ma de o f . flights,'the bulk of which came from until local children took the initiative lines to-participants in another and a world dominated by capital ori$>y_ the com jto^ h’y the WSF organisers, Europe. and launched a raid. corporate tie-in) was'waived after a any'form of fcopmajjsm, but engaged, Who, happily aceep,ted2^)^l discount Thefood meanwhdeWas provided The registration fee (which Waa~also. demonstration launched by locals whe^ in buildings planetary society centred deals from t o comimy for detoateis^ by^ative-rt^hotek chargmg;$7:;;a plate initially used to-try and rent but phone page 6. column 4 FREEDOM TO SPEAK? SOCIAL CENTRE ontempt proceedings against The injunction makes the naming of under the European Convention on rdm ^3*0am'dn FridaJIINS'th l^edupled S<X:ial Centre in Kentish Rojbert Cogswell and Mel the -company building the lab, dr its Human Rights^; January, around 70 to 80 people, Town, Ex-Grandbanks in Tufhell Park, C Broughton, the co-founders of the suppliers;acrim inal offence. Theco.intrprdceedmgsare sa t oven the majority localresidents, turned Institute of Autonomy in Bloomsbury, anunalrights canjpaign$PEAK,started F SPEAK describe the purpose of the by n ^ u d g e w h o ^ his > bjStftb support the resistanceto the The Square in Bloomsbury).;, and-afeo: ’ Monday 29th January at die Royal injunctions as a clear "attempt by*. degree at Oxford; but has given threatened -eviction o f the Vortex in last years, occupation o f Francesca^ Courts o f Justice. Solicitors from Oxford University to lienee SPEAK lectures at the umversit^; The SPEAK Occupied So.eial Centre. The owner;; Cafe on Broadway Market in Hackney rsi%wbosec<mstt^^ , from tdling the truth about what goes defendants requespfor legal aid have v Richard Midda, a well known thug and Dafeton theatte in Dalstonl a'*n^^r«ojate tese&^'fac@fayfa& on a t the wtiversfey’s vivisection been denied* but the government has" and property developer* threatened to It%bOws; that radical political inter made them tbe targets of SPEAK, departments and to curtail legitimate been picjcing up the- tab for Oxford use force to-evict the occupiers if they ventions in the form of occupied social attempted to force the defendants to; protest against them.^' v University^ did not leave by 9am. centres,can resonatewith pre-exisiting provide details of the campaigns email On J^th October an article Robert Cogswell, one of the But like the saying goes “they make social' tensions; and antoganismsy' list whfchcou^ns the details of the naming the company behoved to be the defendants, speaking about the case plans we make history’’ . After seeing especially around gentrification and company that k budding the lab. general contractor for the laboratory said that: “The [court proceedings] such a response, composed of all age ‘community? issues and activate people ; University and its: un-named was p osted 6® the SPEAK website. will be a significant landmark for the ranges, and faced with no fewer than to self-organise and take some control bni$^-cbntt^^ hay^iafkm^ont a Tharsametiaysbl^ fatureof protest in the UK. In a country fifteen film and video>eamera^fhe on how theif,euvirOTmeti^and quality- h ^tfo h rt injunction under the Oxford University were granted a once acclaimed for its democratic police intervened thereby starting a of life); are shaped. Protection From Harassment A a hearing with the Mgh court behind principles; Individuals no longer have debate on the finer points of iawtvWith dosed doors and with out any - the right to protest against something the cops in the middle of this legal representation &om SPEAK present; with w hidbitto ^^Ifea^gpreci.. :Th?osse^-.i^^x]c^ debate a. dedsion ^ s . made 50; send one At this heating the uniyersity was have been systematically eroded and person bom the social centre and the granted an o r d e r s ferce SPEAK to replaced by an increasingly Jfundamental- ownen Midda, to Stoke Newington remoye thc artfcfe.and to provide to,* isbeonservatiye approach toproblem- Police stadon where independent legal Oxford Uniyecsky a n ,electronic copy soJving.^ advice is now being sort. o f SPEAK’semail list. The article was - On the 1st of February Oxford This occupation has its roots in both feiwwto the email te wa^ not. Unwcrsity dropped the complaints the trajectory of occupations fromthe No 03 j|^rbvidedv£F£AKd^ agamsrMei B r o u to ^ mid Robert Radical Dajjyi(Sfeke^ fiifr page 6. column 4 '29P2?and.the*i5^seqbent spaces^ F reed om ti 2 Home and away Welsh pipeline The protest against the construction of a 150 mile long, high pressure gas pipe line is heating up in South Wales. The proposed liquefied natural gas Around the world (LNG) pipeline is being constructed to run from Milford Haven in South Wales USA: Most people mourn death, but after a deal was reached with the the far-nght French group led by Jean- j w h s, a (MVMmaec, txssag one w w ttt kSH to Gloucestershire; if complete, this will not in Florida when Castro dies... City government. Marie Le Pen, became dse first European ] Jaribim, (oU M r Aa. “its Jasiljcfc become the UK’s largest gas pipeline. officials in Miami are planning to hold Nearly sixty people have died in 'political party to open a headquarters | fciwwy of the CWBHGHElli h » Since construction began in March 2006 a party at a sports stadium following protests since the strike was called on within Second life. already been foqgooML- St is a t to there has been constant resistance. that event. A city planning committee 10th January to demand government “The first night I arrived ax the say enough*” In November; activists squatted one has been holding meetings to discuss reforms. President Lansana Conte agreed prorest ... it was ringed on all sties by j A group ca&ag wseM SnriwJ life Irik of the main sites and have been broadly its logistics. That’s not all in that part on Friday to cede some powers to a protesters with signs to wave and Unity iscrand press releases exphumiit supported by locals who do not want of the country: earlier last month a prime minister who would head the statements to distribute,” wrote James | that at had prhm il h rin a n fe a pipeline to destroy their community. female college student reported that government. On Saturday the unions An, whose websice. New World Notes, Irina National ari aadl le There are worries about the potential she was raped; she was then arrested said the president’s concessions were reports on events is Second Life. “manning a proam there jhe£ FS be* devastating impact on the environment by Tampa police, denied contraceptive sufficient for them to end the strike. “By the second fright 1 came ... the o r are cfecaedL as the route of the pipeline goes through (a second dose of the morning-after “The union association has decided to conflict had become more literal, for we will c ra n e they jseiwo p a ct a* some of the most beautiful Welsh medicine) and kept behind bars for suspend the strike this Saturday, 27th many residents had armed themselves. cociiifK and lie to A w r ■mdfe*1. countryside and has already damaged two days. January, and invites all Guineans to Multi-coloured explosions and A few days t;, dfe Irina NaasonO part of the Brecon Beacons National If you don’t like these events? You return to work,” said Ibrahima Fofana, constant gunfire shredded the air of building had vanrilm i alMnoshes; Park fragile ecosystem. Another huge protest. But there’s a good chance that leader of the USTG union. The deal Porcupine.” Some activists threw leaving only a few pw en concern is that - despite running at an your internet activity is being watched: reached on Saturday also provided for exploding pigs.